Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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NEW VOHK , July 29
The events of the week In finnncial clr >
clcs were not to important M those of the
previous week.
Money wns eniy , with mo t of the Im 1-
ness ht3@3J percent.
Kxclmnge wns steady throughout.
Governments were } @i per cent lower.
Hallway and miscellaneous speculation
was buojant nt the opening , when ptjics
advAnced 1@3J per cent. Subsequently
there was n decline of l@fij per cent and
the market becnmo irregular , closing gen
erally loner.
Money closed nt 2J per cent.
Kichauge closed nt 4 6C@t 89
Closed firm.
Currency G'g . 130 bid
4'scoupons . . . .120 bid
i J's coupons . 11 U bid
5's continued . 101 3 bid
C's loullnued . 101 } bid
Pacific railroad bonds closed ns follows
Unionist . 11CV@117
Land Grants . -.11 1 J hi. I
SinklnRFund . 122 * lid
Centrals . 11C > | @ 117
The stock market to-day was dull mid
irregular , but in the main strong , closing
generally at a fractional Advance for the
dny , Louiillo & N.ishvillo was the lead *
ing feature in the dealing ? , advancing in
eariy dealings from 7-l7G § , subsequently
losli B n portion of the advance , and clos
ing at 7"i. Kansas & Texa , Texas P.v
cilic , Western Union , Omalin , Erie , and
Laku Shore ucro also prominent in the
Tne following werotho closing bids :
Western Union. 0 Erie . 10j >
Adams . 139 Preferred .
American . 94 H&StJ. . . . 83
United St .tes. . 71 Preferred . . . . 03 J
Wells-Fargo . 128 Kansas it Texas -111
OC&IU . liij Lake Shore. . . . 115J
C n O & I. . . . ! > . ) < LnkeKrie&W. 41
NYC . 13 S LOUIP& Nash. . 7f < §
NJ C . 87 ? Moirisfc E..123 13SJ North wes > teiu..l37i
Ohio Cen . 10J Preferred. . . . 100
MicbCen . 99 O&W . 305
Northern Pac. . S9 ? Ohio & Miss. . fi'Jl
Preferred . . . . ( " 51 Preferred . . . .10 ( > i
Central Pac. . . . G" } Pacific Mail. . . . 40J
Union Pacific. . 113i Quicksilver . 11
JNIo. Pnc . 107i Preferred. . . . 17
Texas Pacific . . 541 Heading . GljJ
N Y Hie vatud. . 1 03 Hock Itlaud. . . . 133
Met. lllevatul. . KAj San Fran . 53J
Man. U le vated . 39 Preferred . . . . 10 1
AS Til . 3i StP&O . 60J
Preferred. . . . 75 Preferred . WJ
Canada S . 09 St. Paul . .120
Che , ) . &U . 20 Preferred. . . . 123 J
O&A . 138 Kash. & Chat. . 04 $
D&II . 110 } MLS&W. . . 5IJ
DL&W . 138 Wnbnsh . 37
D &H G . C3J Preferred. . . . 08
St tn0Te ; nejse CV , mixed , 57 j.
CHICAGO , July 29
Preston , Kean & Co. , bankers , report :
* 5Ioney in f lir miscellaneous ueiuaud at
unchanged rates.
Listcrn exchange between city btnk ,
HOj discount.
t'leiringa ' of the associated bank , 80-
SVa Extended G'a . 10 2@102
S Extended 5's
Coupons . 1143@115 |
Coupons . 120120J ; }
Chicago & Alton G's . 112 }
C. B. & Q. 4'd . SGl@ 60 ;
C. M. & St. P. Dubuqi-.e Os..l07j@10S
o &N w. D'S . nife
Wnbai-h 5'a . SIJ@ SI ]
Oointiu Wholesale Market
Saturday EveniiiR , July-9. I
The wholesale tnde of the city generally
hasnot ban o\e-acthe dining the week ,
it being a neaion of the year that very ac
tive business is nat looked for and perhapa
the continued rains throughout the week
have exerted n 01 a or less inlluencoon bus
iness in EOIIIO lines. The crops continuu to
leak well , and while they are gttling more
rain than H necessary , they lu\e not leen
damaged up to this date.
Dry good ? , carpets , clothing , boots und
shoe" , hats and cap , millinery and dings
continue slack , ( inly a few bin era are to be
soeii and the orders by mail nro mostly
confined to such amounts as are actually
needed for the persuance of cuirent
trade , though jobbers in these lines are
laying in heavy stocks in anticipation of a
large fall business. Values in the above
lines continue remarkably steady though
firm , and there In a general inclination to
advance all cotton goods. Deninn havu
advanced loimd grain biRS lie , No im
portant crwngeu have taken place in tl o
grocery butineas. Tra ! e continues KOI d
and the volume of brsinesH increasing , tl.e
tone ot the ma-ket remains healthy.
The prjduco market wa < fairly active in
receipts a .d bhipments. The changes that
occurred in prices were 'cw and in most
linen former figures were well maintained.
Tne buttei movement has been bl ivv , > !
ply goo 1. Eggs are in good demand and
are selling freely at 10@17c. Cheese is
firm though movement light , 1'olatoea
are in large supply and deiliuing , slow ul
Wo per bubhel. Poultry market is well
supplied though demat d is good and quo
tations well maintained Green fruits
were only in fair supply owing to the con
tinued vet weather and cold readily al
former quotations * . Two cam of
assorted California frutt arrived during
the week and three cars now
due sold readily at the following nrices
Pears 40c per IS boxes S3 75 ; plums 20o
per Ib , boxes 5273 ; apricots 2'perlb '
boxes f 2 50 ; grape * 20c per Ib , boxes S3 00
Flour is quiet , prices unchanged. Urai
has declined S3 00 per ton , chopped feei
remains unchanged. Cut meats of all kind ;
were quite active at quotations. Lord 1
alow and declining , worth to-day ? 12 05
though packers aie holding in anticipation
of an advance.
Hogs receipts for the wee't were ligh
only 15 cais reperted , packers paying 7 G
for good , in advance of lOo over las
The local grain market is quiet an
weik with the exception of the decline o
No. 2 wheat tha fore part nf the week
which was 30o in f oily-eight hourit
remarkably steady.
, The only changes reported in market to
day are aa follows :
Pdatoe * declined lOc.
Local drain Pealing ! .
WHKAT , Cash No. 2 , 85c ; ca > h No
8. feOc ; rejected , fiOa.
Ani.Jiy.-lruh No. 2 , 8Scj No , 3
RYK.-CMh , 53c.
CORN.-Xo. 2 , Clc.
OATS.-CAcb , 50r.
STftrfKT PlUCES-Corn , 5$00 ( ; o.\t ,
Produce and Provltloni.
I'OTATOKS 103 per bushel.
OX1ONS SI 00 per Linhel : new
OTIO Rrovvrj. per doz bunches 15@20c.
HAliISHKS Home grown , 15cdoz.
PIB PLANT - Per pound , le.
LKTTUCn-Per do/ head , 25@3' c.
NI1W TOSIATOKd-Ptr box , Sl.CO ®
BUTTJJK Cholcn country , ISc.
KtUS-So ! rce , 10@17c.
MEATS Hams lf > c , breakfast bacon ,
5c ; clear bason , 13jc ; shoulder' , 9c ; dried
cef , Ifie
linnesotn patents , 4 70 ; .Tack Frost , 4 75 ;
haw nee fancy , 3 75 ; California "Pioneer , "
73 ; Triumph , spring , 3 25 ; rye flour
2i ; rje , Graham , 260 ; wheat Graham
25 ; hay. 6 OOgO tO per ton ; baled , 10 00
hopped feed , 1 00 ; chopped corn , 1 f > 0
ran , 1 00 per en t ; straw , I OJ per ton
oose ; 5 00 b-ilod.
Grocers' List.
CUE E3E Full Cr . ii , , 12j ; Pnrt
klm. KJjo.
DEANS Imported German CO per
noKlTCE. Ute , lair , lie ; lllo. good
! c ; Itlo. piimu to choice , 12e ; Old go't
n\a ; 2Sj@2 > > lc , Mocha , VSJe ; Arhuckla'g ,
i'lJAS .Gunpowder , good , 450)53 ) ;
: hclce , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@15c ;
* --iw S0i/j75c ( ; Young Hyson , good , 30 ®
Oc ; choice , uT.ttsSl . 00 ; .Tapan Nat Leaf ,
oc ; Japan , choice , 675c ) ; Oolong , good ,
© 10 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
ood. aVBUOc : choico. 3. > ffl45c.
NEW PICKLES-Medlum , In barrels ,
900 ; do In half bbls , G 25 ; smalls , In bbls ,
100 do , in half bbls , 700 ; gherkin * , iu
oh , 13 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 OD.
WOODEN AKK-Two hoop pallf ,
95 ; three hoop pnil , 2 'JO. Tiib , No.
, jl BO , No. 2 , 8 50 , No 3 , 7 50. Pio.
eer washboards , 185 boublo Cruwn ,
SO ; Wollbucketo , 3 JO ,
LEAD Bar , SI 05.
VINEGAH 1'uro npplo extra , IGe :
ure npplo , 13c ; Prussine uura nuule , IGc.
dUUARS-Out lonf. Ilo ; brushed
Ic ; Gr.inulnted , lOJc ; Powdered , 11 ;
' 'ine powdeied , lie ; Standard Colfeo A.
Jo : New York Confectioner's Standard
V , OiJc ; Good A , 9ic $ : Prairie Extra (1. 9e.
HOPE Sisal , J inch nnd larger , lOJc ;
inch , Hit.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib
Field's ) , per case , ? 4 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) ,
or case , 2 75 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case ,
75. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen ,
SO. Toinntoex , 2 30 ; do 3 lb per
.iV e. 3 00 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
> cr case , H10 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do
lb ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 315 ;
tring beans , per case , 2 10 ; Linm banns
> er case , 1 85. Succotash per case. 2 00.
'ens , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
ier case , 3 15. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per caie ,
40 ; strawberries , 2 It ) , per case , 2 GO ;
nupberries , 2 To , per cuee , 3 20. Dam
sons , 2 It , per case , 2 45. Bartlett
> ears per case , 3 00@4 CO. Whortleberries
ier case , 240. Kgg plunm,2 lb pereijse75 ;
\roen g.igei,2 lb per c.ise , 2 75 ; do choice , "
1) per cuss 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per cane ,
00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per case , 3 10 :
lo 3 lb , case , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per
usc.250 ; do pie , 6 lb , per doron. 3 50.
{ SALT. Dray loads , per hhl. 1 Cj ; Ashen
on , in HOC l.-o , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60. 5s , 3 CO
HOMINY New , § 5 00 per bbl.
SfODA Dwif-ht's Ibpaoon. 82 85 ; De
end do , § 2 S ) ; Church's , § . ' 85 ; Keg eoda
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Ifi oz , 8s
rictoxe ; 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , Ga , 15o.
RICE Carolina , 7i@8c ; Louidinna , ,
@Sc ; fair , G@GJ.
SYKUJ'S. bursar house , bb s , 55o : haf _ !
bis , 3"c ; kegs , 4J gallon ? $250 ; choice
; nble syrup , 53c ; half bblo , 55c ; kcgaS2 50.
STARCH. Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 8i
gtS c ; Com Starch , tJi@9c ; Eicoluior
iltciR. 7c : Corn , 7Jc.
SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , 20c ;
" "lot en , lOc ; Nutmetjs , 81002ScOas3in ; ,
Mnco SI 00.
MATCHES Per caddie , OOc ; round
cases , 87.05 ; square cases , S5.10
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 335
Kirk's satinet , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard. 3 SO
Kirk's white Russian , 525 : Kirk's
Kutoca , 215 Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
100 cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 35.
LYE Amoiican , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
je , 4 GO ; Jon el I lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cam , 4 doz , ,
n case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in ,
' JO ; Anchor Bill 2 doin case , 1 0.
FIELD SEED Red clover , choice
jew , SO 00 per bunhel ; mammoth clover
new , 87 00 ; white clover , new , 81100 ;
1 nlfa clover , new , 312 50 ; alsike , new ,
1300. Timothy , good , now , 3 00 ,
iluo gripe , extra clein , 81 50 ; blue graa ? ,
kau , SI 25 ; orchard grass 82 50 ; red toj ) ,
hoice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
> 0c ; millet , Germnu , 3100 to 3125 ; , 80c.
HEDOKSK15D Osarje orange , 1 to 5
mshels , 55 00 ; osagc orange , 10 buaheh or
ver , § 4 50 ; houoy locust , per lb. , 35c ; per
00 Ibs. , ? 25 CO.
F1S I Family white fish , ! ! 0 lb hf
1 25 ; No , 1 white fish , 90 lb hf bbln , 7 00 ;
\ro. 1 white fieh , in 10 lb kits , 110 ; family
0 lb kits , 85c ; New Holland herring , per
.eg , 1 85 ; Hu sian sardines. 75c : Colui"-
> ia river wilmoii , per 100 Ibs , 8 00 ; GeorgVi
3ank codfish , Go ; Gen. bouclesH nodij. .
Jc ; bouelees dsb , 5Jc.
MACKERI3L Hnlfbb'uinipssrrjackerel ,
00 Ibs , 512 50 ; hfbbl No. 1 ex chore do.
OD Ibfe , 8 60 ; lif bbls , fat family do , 100
JH , G 00 ; me-fs iiiacherol , 12 lb feits , 2 25 ;
o. 1 ex shoie , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
2 lb do. 1 00 : fnt family , 10 lb do 7Cc.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , rod Ten-
.essee , lOoper lb ; fancy white , lOJo porlb ;
, \ v white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Good * .
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc ;
\ppleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Be ; Boott
" F , Sic ; Buckeye LL. J-I , 7c ; Cnbot W ,
} c ; CliltteiianK-o A , Gic ; Uroat Fnlla E ,
3c ; Hoosler , GJc ; Honest Width , 8c. } In
dian Head A , Hie ; Indian Standard A ,
3Jc ; ; Indian Orchard d. w. , S cj Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7io ; Pequot A , 8Jc ;
Shnwmnt I/L , 7c ; Utica 0 , 5ic ; Wachua
ett 1 ! , 7io ; do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 12io ; Wai
colt BB. 8a
4-4 ; 74o ; Alligator 3.4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7io ;
Atlantic LL. CJc ; Badger State X 4-1 , 7c ;
Bennington 0 4-1 , Gjc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , Gnco
'ndiiin Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc ; Laconin O
S'J , 8Jc ; I ehlgh E 4-1 , 9Jc ; Lonsdnlo 4-4 ,
lOc ; i'epperell N 30 , 7o ; do O 32 , 7io ; do H
36. 7Sc ; do E 39 , 8Jc ; Pocasset 0 4-1 , 7So ;
Wamsutla4-4 13o
win L 4-4.9JcBlackstonoAA ; IrrperialSSc ;
do do half bleached 4-4,9e ; Cabot 4-lSj ;
? idellty4-l , "
. .
JjUii&'JUllIl AUU | UU'l U M | | AA'Q I * Wf1
York JlillB. 12Jc ; TcriuotV,10oj Pepperel
N G Twills , 12Jc ; Pocahontaa 4-1 , 9Jc ;
Pocasset 4-1 , 31c ; Utica , lie ; Wanuutta
O X X. 12ic.
iluCKS ( Colored ) Albnny K browii.
8c ; do O , ilrni ' ! do XX btripes nuc
plaids , I2icj do XXX brown and drab ,
itripoa and plaldd , i24cj Arlington fancy ,
19o ; Brunswick brown , 81oj Chariot fancy ,
12Jo ; do extra heavy , 20cj VM Kivei
brown , extra heavy , lljo ; Indiana A
brnwn ! Sc Veuonset A brown. 15c.
TlUKUMUh rtmoHkeag A O A SlOe
lOo ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowanco
- ' " " " " -
Lewi tou . '
lT2b'oTi'earruYver" 82 , Tofcj'l'St
oam XX blue striiie , 12oi Hhetucket t
I0\c \ ; do SS 12cj Yeoman's blua 20 , U
iJENIM . Amoikeak , hluoand bronn
lOJcj Ai dover DD blue , ICJci Arliiifc'X
blue Scotch , 18JCj [ Concord 000 , blun a\v
Itlver/DlueVnil brown , luc ; Uhcaavillc ,
blue and brown , l-JJc.
OAMUHIC8 Uarnard , 54cj Kddyatoa.
lining. 24 inch double face , 80 ; Garner A
glared , 61o ; Manhattan glo\e finish , CJc ;
Newport do Ccj do ijlazed , fici ! | 1'enuot do
6c ; Lockwood kid fmiah , Gc.
COHSKT JKANS Auiory , 8oj AndroB
coggin aatteeu. Sjc ; Clarendon , 6ScConea ;
toga satteens , 7lc ; Hallowel , 8c ; Indi J
Orchard 7io ; NftrrAgan < eltmprovedo !
* epix > rill pattoon 9Jnj Kockx > rt , 7Jo.
rJa NTS-Aliens , CJej American , Gjc ;
Vrnold , "c ; Berwick. 4Jc ; Cochcco , 7c ;
/onestoin. ; CJc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunncll ,
> J@7c ; Kddystono. 7c : Obucoster , Co ;
iftrmony , BJcj Knickerbocker , OJcj Mcr-
imac 1) . 7c ; Mystic , SJc ; Sprames. 6c ;
jotithbrldge , Gc ; do. Gingham * , 7o ; Jlarl-
> or < > , 5c ; Oriental CJc.
GINGHAMS Aincskeng , 12Jc ; Amo ( .
te i ? dress DJj Atvylo , 10c : Atlantic ,
cj Cumliorlftml , ? ic ( lllghlana , 7Jc ;
venilworth , 8Jc ; 1'lun kett , lOJc ; Sus-
ex. 8c
COTTONADKS Abbervillo 13ic
Vg.ite , "Oc ; American , llcj Artisian , 20 < s ;
3 > ire D nnd T , ISJc ; Clarion T ) mid T ,
7c ; Dcccau Co.stripcs DnndT. IGc ; Key-
tone , ISJc ; Nantucket , 19c ; Nonnaroil.
Cc ; Ocean 1) and T , 13jc ; lloynl , 1CJ i
I'.HSCX , 12o ; TioRa. 12jc ; Wacliuctt shirt-
n < ( shock * . 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12ic : York ,
ilnin Nnnkin , I'J c ; do , cheeky nt ripen ntui
ancy , 12Ac ; do , 8 oz , 20c.
811K1JTINU8 Andro8coceliil0,27jc !
.0 8-4 , ! 2lc ; do ,1-4 , 22c ; Contineutnl O
2 , lie ; I'mlt of the l oem 10-4. 2VJ ; New
Vork mills J'S ' , 33c ; do 78 , SOo ; do 5S , 2Jic ;
'cmbroko 10-1 We Penuot 10-4 tlo
- , ; - , 2840 ;
4 , 19c ; do JO , lUc ; rcnpercll 30 , 29c ;
In 67 , ale ; do 67 , ISoUtlcA 9(1. ( 3c ; do
S , 22io ! do IS , 17o
ClRart and Tobacco * .
CIGAliH. Soads § 15.00 ; Connoctlcut ,
< .2. ,00 ; Mixed , $35.00 : Seed Havana ,
' 50.00' Clrnrltnvann , $75.00.
TOBACCO PliUG. Golden Uule ,
J Ib , GOc ; Our Hop1 , i'rst ' quality , Ii2c ;
tnr , poniuia , 21 Ib , butts.tJOcj Howe Shoe ,
i * , 21 Ib , bntts , tiOc ; Gilt Kdge ,
lounds , 21 lb , butts , l > 0 ; Army nnd Nnvy ,
HMinds. 55c ; Bulllon.Jnouudi ) , C9c ; Loril.
ani's ( limax , pounds , GOc ,
FINE CUT In pntk Hmi to Boat ,
5c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Founlnin , 80c ;
na\orito , 05c ; Rocky Mountain , OOcs
'nncy ' , 55c ; Daisy , 50o. In tin foil
Jatlins 0. S. , 5 lb bines , per lb G3c ; Lori
Hard's Tiger , G5c ; Dlimoml Cniwn , 660.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
Wo. Grnnulntod Blackwolls Durham , 10
37 51c ; Dukes Durham , IB or , Hie ; Seal of
forth Carolinn , 10 or , IG ; Scl l of Nobrns.
c , 10 oz , SSc ; Lone .Tuck , t oz , linen bags
Hr ) lb , 31.35 ; Mnrburpu' Puck 2 oz , tin
.11 . , 55c ; DJR T nil 65c.
Palntn Oils and Varnlthet.
PAINTS IN OIL White lonil , Omnhn
? . P. , fi.Jc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , Ityi ;
trarsaUles green , 1 to 5 Iti cnnn , 20e
branch zinc , giMti seal. 12c ; French zino ,
red seal , He ; French iinc , \arnish east ,
20c ; French zince , In oil asii , 15c ; Raw
and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; raw nnd
burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 8 , ,
efmed lampblack , 12c ; coach blnck , l c ;
ory black , IGe ; drop blnck , IGc ; Prussian
blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
jreen , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind nnd shutter
green , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Pnrls green. 18o
Indian red , 15c ; Venetian rod , 9c ; Tuscnn
ttv , 22c ; American Vcnniliod , I. &P. , 18c
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18c
, -ollow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
Iryor , 8c ; graining colors : light onk. dark
"V * , wnlnut. chestnut nnd ash 15c
Dry ° lnt
White load , GJc ; Freneli line. lOc : Pnrla
whitoing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , Ijc
u biting convl , lie ; lampblack Germantown
town , lie ; Irmpblack , ordinary , lOc ; Pms
sian blue , 5r > c ; nltramaiine , 18c ; vnndyko
brown , 8c ; umber , hunit , 4c ; umber , raw
Icjaienna , burn t , 4c ; nieniw , raw , Ic
Paris green genuine , 2"c ; Paris green com'
20o ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20c ; chrom
green K.,12c ; verniillion , Eng. , 70c ; ver
million , America , 18c ; Indian rod. lOc
ro o pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cooknon'
2Sc : Venetian red Ain. , IJc ; rod lend , 7Jc
cnromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre
French , 2Jc ; oohro , American , 2c
Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehigti brown. 2ic
Spanish bro vn , 24c ; Prince's mineral 3c
OILS 110" cirbon , per gallon
llic ; 150 headlight , per pllon
12c ; 175' headlight , per gallon , IGc
linseed , raw , per gallon , > 7j linseed , boiled
per gallon , GOo ; lani , winter str'd , per gal
Ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 83c ; No. 2 , 75e ; castor
XXX , ppr gallon , 110 ; No. 3 , 1 00 ; sweet
per gallon , 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon
1 5 ; fish , W. B. . per gallon , GOc ; ncatsfoot
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 65c ; lubri
eating , zero , per gallon , 80c ; summer , 15e
golden .machine , No. 1 , per gallon , SSc ; No
2 , SO ; sponn , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tor
pcntino , per gallon , C5c ; naptha , 71' , po
gallon , 18c : 6T. 17c
VARNISinS Barrels per gallon
Furniture , extra , ? 1 10 ; furniture , No. 1
SI ; conch , extra , 31 40 ; each , No. 1
81 20 ; Damar , extrn , 81 75 ; npan , 70cns ;
pbaltum , extra , 85c ; shellnc , 5350 ; ban
oil finish. 31 30
Drur t.
Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , GOc ; Bali-an
Copubia. porlb , 70c ; Bark , SftBHaftns , po
lb , lie ; Calomel , jier Ib , 75c ; Cinchouidin
per oz , SI 05 ; Chloroform , per lb , 100
Dover'u po\vdirfi , per lb , SI 40 ; Epscn :
< alta , per lb. Jiic ; Glycerine , pure , per lb
SSc ; Lead , Acetate , per lb , 24c
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , par b'nl , PI 15
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , $100 ; Oil
Bl 7 f Salacm , per olOe ; Sulphatu o ;
Morphinu , per oz , § 3 85 ; Sulpnur iluur ,
per lb , 4c ; Htrvnhnino. nor or. SI 25 ,
Heavy Hardware Lift.
Iron , rates , § 310 ; plow steel , special
cast , 7c ; crucible,8c ; special or GermanGo ;
cant tool do. 15@20 wagon spukos , eot.
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per not , 125 ; felloes , Hawed
dry , 1 10 ; tongues , oath , 70@85o ; axles ,
each , 75c ; onuare nuts , per lb , 7@llo
washers , per lb , 8@18c ; rivets , per lb , lie
coil chain , per lb , ( i@12o ; malleable , 8c
iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Go ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; hoisesboes , per keg , 5 00 ; apring
steel , 7@8c ; Burden'ii liorHCshoen , 5 50 ;
Burden's muleshocs , G 50.
SHOT , Shot , 81.85 } Buck ehot , 82.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kegu , 50.JO : do , , hall
kegs , 33.48 ; do. , miurtar kfijs , 31.88 ; Blast
Ing , ket'H. S3 35 : Fuse , ner 100 feet 50o.
BAI.BHD WIRK In car Iots,8 3' ) po
100 ; in lesa than car lots. 8 55 uor 100.
Oak sole , 3Hc to I2c ; hemlock so'.e , 28o to
350 ; hemlock kip. SOo to 100 ; runner ,
G'o to 80c ; hemlock calf , 8 ! > c to 1 20 ; IIPIJI
loci ; upper , 23oto2ic ( ; oak upper , 2lo ;
alligator. 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid , 32@35o ;
Grtisen kid , 2 f,0 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o tc
1 00 ; oak calf. 1 20 to 1 3D ; French kip ,
110 to ] 55 ; French calf , 1 23 to 2 00 ; run
Hotts , G 50 to 7 M ) ; JiningB , G 00 to 10 50
lopi.ings , 9 00 to 1050 ; B , L , Morocco , 30 (
to 35c ; pebble O , D , Morocco , 35c ; Hlmon
2 TO to H 00.
1IAUNJJSS No 1 star oak , 42c ; No i
do , 39o ; No. 1 Ohio oak , SSc ; No. 2 do ,
35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37cNo. 2 do , 31o ,
Hone * and Mulct.
Tiie market is brisk and all gradea are
selling well at n slight advance in pi Ices
The demand for good horsea exceeds thi
supply coiuideraoly. Prices range aa fol
Iowa :
Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Kxtri
draft horses , 8176. to 225 , ; Common draii
horsea , 8100. to 150. ; Kxtra farm horses ,
8110 , to 125. ; Common to good farm horses
890. to 8100. ; Kxtro plugfi , SCO. to 75.
Common plugs , 820. to $10.
MULKH. 15 to 15J handa ( extra ) , 8125
to 150. ; Hi to 15 hands , 8100. to 140 ,
14 to III > nnds , 876. to 100. ; 13J to 1-
bandn , f # ) . to 75LI
LI uor * .
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 20 per win
gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
1 2G per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
187 proof , 124 per proof gallon ; re-distiller ,
wtlilden , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 50 ®
260 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Ken
tuckv snd Pennsylvania ryes , 2tO@7 00
BftANMKB ImiHirtod , 88 00@1G ( Xi
domestic 1 404 00 ,
GINS Ircported , 4 50 ( 600 ; domestli
1 103 00.
HUMS Imported , 4 fXJfijG 00 ; New
Kmrland. 2 00il ( ) 00 ; domestic. 1 50 ( 3 Cu
1 7S@4 00.
CHAMPAGNKS Irarorted per CBHO ,
2 00@3J OjAmat'jia ' , ewe , 1200 i5
OLAIlKTS-Per case , 4 60@10 00
WINKS llhino wine , per case , 6 DO ®
20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00.
Wo quota lumber , atn and iibinglea on :
ra at Omaha at the following prlceu ;
under , 821 00 ; 18 ft. , 822 00.
TIMBKUH-1G ft. and under , 822 00 ,
TIMBKU AND JOIST-18 ft. , $230(1 ( ;
1C ft . 824 CO , 2S ft. , 827 60 : 24 ft. , 827 50.
PKNCING No , 1 , 4 u 1 G in. , 22 00 :
No. 2 , 820 00.
SHKKTINtt No. 1 (2nd ( common
board * ) S18 50 ; No , 2 , 817 00.
STOCK D , 82300 ;
12-in. C , 835 00 ; 12-in. B , § 10 CO.
PAl'HK Straw paper , 8jc ? ; rag paper ,
4c ; dry gonxls paper , 7o ; manlla pajior , lOc ;
new iiijier. Re.
COAICumbcrlanil blackimlth , 812 ;
Morris Ktin Blostburg , 812 ; Whltobrcast
lump , 80 f > 0 ; Wbitebroast nut , SO 50 ; Iowa
lump , 80 50 : Iowa nut 8G50 ; Rock Snring
$8 : Anthracite , all Me * * . 812 00@12 50.
NAILS-llat s , 10 to G0t , 3 liO.
MM K Per barrel. 81 IK ; bulk po nut.
85o Cement , bbl , 81 75. Iowa planter ,
bbl , 82 00. Hair per bu. J o. Tarred
felt 100 lb , 83 00. Straw board , $ J CC.
Merino unwAi c < l , light , 14 ( < 91tic ; heavyo
© 1315o ; niodinm unwaahed , light , KSJniOl
wastml , choice , 32c ; fair , SOo ; tulkding
and w , , 2t > o ; bnrry , blackond ootted woo
2@Gc lest
Hldot M < r . Etc
HIDKS 'trccn ' butcher's hide , OCf6\f
cured 7Jc ; hides , green nail. p rt enrol 7c
hides , tiic ; dry flint , sound. 13@1 Ic ; dry
calf and kip , 12@l Ic ; dr > * fw hldp , sinnul ,
10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 tol.MlM. . 10rgllc ) ;
green call , wt , under 8 llw , pet skin , 50o-
green jwlU , 50@8l 25 : given lamb nkln ,
81 ' . ! o150 : damaged hidcit , txvo-third rate ,
cut scored and ono grub , cliwuid two-
tLinls rate , ) brandeil hldrs 10 per c nt. 'ill. '
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 ,
20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 ,
SOc ; No. 3,15c : No. 4 , 6c. Fox , No. 1 ,
GOc ; No. 2,2oo. Skunk , No. 1 , bhck ,
65c ; short BtrijH ) , 40o ; narrow strlpo 'i5c ;
stripe , lOo. Tnllow "c.
Council Blnfls Marbnt.
Flour Golden sheaf. 3 GO ; made from
Tex w u inter wheat nt Cn Ht il Mills , . ' 11 < 0 ;
Knn M flour , 3 50@3 73 ; Grah.un , 300 ;
rye fluur , 3 00.
Corn Meal 1 70 for white ; yellow , 1 GO ;
cornch p , 2800 per ton ; corn nmt o.iU
chop , 32 00 per ton ; chop. 33 00 per ton ,
Wheat No. I , 1 00 , No. 2 , 95o.
Corn While , ( ! ) c ; jellow , GOo.
Rye 50j.
llnrloy 70'
FRUITS-Blackberries 20o per box ;
raspberries , 20o per boappks ; , 2 C0@3 00
per bairel.
Broom Corn 3i@9c.
liny Loose , 7 00@l 00 ; baled , 75 cr
Wood 5 00@G 00.
Wool 1B@25.
Butter Creamery , 20o ; la rolls , wrap
tied , IGc ; rolls 1101 wrapped , 12Jc ; mixed
colors , 10@12Jo.
Eggs ISu ,
OnioiiH SOo per doz.
Lho Chickens 2 00@2 2. ) per dozen.
Potatoes Old , out of maiket ; now. .
Onblmgei 10(5)50c ( ) per dor.
TiirniiiH 40@50o per bushol.
LIVE STOoK. rnttlo-Extrn , 300 ®
350 Vcnl Calves - 5 501 00. Hogs
G50&700. Sheep I LO.
Ghlonco Produce.
CHICAGO. July 2 ! ) .
Speculation on change to-day ,
panic. Largo crops of fine grain , line
weather , nnd dally receipt * doubled dro\o
prices down. Ceroalti firm nt IJo lower
tlmn jualretlny , August wheat l.fc drop
Wheat receipt * , 531 car londe , uxtinoitii'
nnry for this season , Shorts nro trying ti
sell No. winter instead of No. 2 sprint ,
wheat The corner in July has diver
the pilco up to 5G , 20c higher than An
guit. § 3,000,00) ) uro the accrued profits ,
through the busted wheat corner.
Flour Qiiiet nnd dull ; spring , 175@G 75
Miuno-uit if , 5 0"7 2A ; patents , 7 5 igi8 75
winter wheat brands , ( i 00@7 00.
Wheat Winter active and irresulnr
No. 2 , 90@)9Jc ! ) for cash ; 93J@9 e for
.Tilly ; spring 111 some request ami higher
130 for cash ; 133(5)1 ( ) Si for Ju y ; J.-JS (
97ic for August ; regular No. 2 active nut
uusett'ed ' within lower range prices ; No ' -
closed nt 9Sl@9S.fc for July ; 9Gc for An
gust ; 9i > lo for September ; 93io for tin
year.Corn In active demand , but weak anil
a trifle lower ; No. 2 closed nt77.Jo for July
75jjc for August ; 744@71u for Septem
bur ; 6 ( > 4c for the year.
O ts In good demand nnd firm , closing
nt59c for July ; 35@38Jo for August ; 3lj {
@ 31 Jo for Iho year.
Rye Slightly iuipruv d but still quiet
No. 2 , GGo.
I'arley Dullnud unchanged nt 82c.
Pork Active nnd prices very irregular
mess closed nt 20 20i < i 20 2"i for cah ; 20 IT
© 20 I7J for August ; 20 32i@A)3. ) for th
year.Linl Active and cloctd Bteady at 1201 D
@ 1202i for cahh and Auumt ; 1215 ®
12174 for Soptembtr ; 12 01 for the year
Bulk Meuls-Shortribs quid ; 1220 ®
12 i'5 for cash ; 12 07 } for Angusl.
WhiHky-Sle.i iy at 1 17.
Butler Dull and lowei ; creamery , 21(5 (
21c dairy , 18fe2Ic.
Reo'ts. Shlpm't
Flour 5.711 10,0.27
Wheat 2J2.030 57,000
Corn 222177 112,53 !
Oata 01,830 51,051
Now Vorli Cotton BlnrUot-
NKW YOHK , July 2' )
Spot cotton dull ; midilllngs , 1'J.Jc
futitren ilnll1 ; Augtmt J-.80c ; Septum
ber , 12.52012.53u. _
Toledo JPrortnoc.
ToLEno , July 29.
Wheat Weak ; old 1 12 for cash ; new
1 01 § .for cauli and July ; 1 OCj for Augitxt
Corn Weak ; No. 2 , 79io for cash ; TJa
for Jul > ; ( il'/c / tcir tlio year.
0 its CJiiiut ; No. 2 , : ij ! ) for Aii3unl ; 'WJo
for the year.
Milwaukee Prodnoo.
Mil.WAI KIM : , July29 ,
Wheat Unsettled nmt lower ; No.
chard , 1,11 f..r July ; i.'llfoi August
n. 3 , SOo.
Corn Tame ; No 2 , 77J rejected
OatH Firm ; choice white , Glc ; reject
ud Glc ,
Rye-Dull ; No. 1 , Glc ; No. 2 , 03o
Barley Unsettled No , V , 70\o. \
Ponrln froduoo.
PKOUIA , July 29 ,
Torn Dull nnd lower ; high mixed
75@761c ; mixed , 71'r"'tt75o ' ,
OaU Dull and lower ; No , 2 white
@ 57Jo.
Rye Dull nnd lower No. 2 , Orjj(5Co | ( ,
lllghwlncs LTu.hangod nt 114 ,
Liverpool Prodnoo.
I iVKiii'OOi , , July 29 ,
Flour American , 104@12 lid ,
Wheat Winter , 9u 4d@10d ; Hpriiij
'Jt @ 9rt 7d.
Corn TH 2i I.
Pork Ulfi ( til.
Lard WJiGJ.
Ci-m-LAN-i ) , 0 , , July t ! )
Petroleum ( jutot ) GJo.
Chlonu | Llr , tooh.
CiiiOAno , July 29 ,
Tha Dro\iTH * Journal reports ;
llog lUctipU , 7,000. Market voi
weak nnd entirely nominal ; all grade
lowfr ; mixed , 7 10oH ( 15 ; heavy , 8 20s (
875 ; llght,750@82"i.
aatlo-ReceiplH , 13,000. Very Ilttl
doirg ; low giadta demurnll : d ; ( ill grade
weak nnd dull ; many imeolil ; coiiimon to
fair bhippliig , 1 dOOr 25 ; mull.iui . , 5 I0@
&V \ KoiKl , n50Gi575 ; COWH , 200 ( 365 ;
bulls 200ii3GO ( ; uti-OM , 3iOSI ( 00 ; Texan
ranuerx , 3 I0f r > 12J.
Sheep KetciptH , 200. Market cl.
and undiiiiigud ; common , 3)7i ! ) ; K ' cl.J
Now York Produce-
NKW YOHK , July 29.
Flour Heavy and lower ; Boitthern
flour weak ; common to choice , B C0uj7 ( 7 >
Wheat Irrecuiar nnd lower ; No. 2 red ,
1WM111J ; No. 1 do , 113 ; No. 2 rt-d
July. 1 lif@l ( I'Jjj ; do. August , 1 ll < &
1 l J.
Strong and higher ; ungiadett
mixed , SI@jGJc ; Nn V , do.
Xo. 2 mixed Julv , 83 ? < 3fSlj.
Oat Strom ; and ht hir ; N"o 1 white ,
7Gc : No. 1 mixed 7ic ; No , 2 mixed Jnl ) ,
74 < > ' 75 ,
Kyo Nominal.
llarlryNominal. .
Pork Quiet : ne v me" ' , 22 CO.
liinl Sirong i ml higher ; 12 57J foi
ch : 12R0@12f.2i f..r Au u t.
WhMy-N'oml nl
Sug r Unchanged.
Hutter Uiicliniiprd.
KgRS UnchangCHl.
St. Jbonln IToilnoo.
ST. Louis , July ! ? .i.
rtour About lOc lower ,
\Vh' " t liKwcr nnd unruled ; N'p. 2
roiltitjtll3c : for cash : ! M ifnr Anguutt
OI9o fortlin joar ; No. 3ml , } Tliil ( < 8cj No
Corn Iriin-rr and slow nt 7lfift7IJc for
ca h ; 7Uc for August ; 73 © 7 ; c for
September ; Oljo fur the year ,
OUw Liuir nlMM50.1ii forcxsli ; oOp |
for . Inly ; 3IJii for \\igiist ; Ailjo for Scp-
tombvi ; 33iJ for the je r.
Kjo Dull , f.0jbil. ,
P.arloy No iinr't't.
Lonil-niet. ) 1 81
Butter Unchanged.
1'gVK Unrhinuud ,
Whiaky-.Siondy nt 1 111.
Vn jsf uis Voiy dull and louer ; onJj
job trade ning.
Hojs None otrercd ; nnikct entirely
nominal ,
O A I f Siu iiionoi nml onlor mlt illri'ct from
OML I uoshlp prompt ! ) li ) mil at thn
o iM pOHnllilo mill iirlro lo all uptltrii polii's.
Ifl in-liu TYI.KIt HAI.ruO. . biirlinw CIH.MIth
The "Hnwlhorn Ooiitoiinial Ex-
lfior Hoof Paint , " wns jntontuil Mny
'J4th , 1881 , nnd lotturn jntont num
ber 241 , SOU. Any person found or
known to tnmpor with the iinuiu-
fncturu of fluid puint will bo piiniah-
od to the full extent of Inw. No prr-
eoa has any authority whntovur to sell
rccoipts. HAWTHOUN t Hun. ,
Lnncnstor , l'n.
\Vfintbcr liidlontiouii.
WASIU.NUTON , July 150. 1 r. M , In
dications tor uppur UisBtBBippi ) nnd
Missouri Vnllcys , purtly cloudy weath
er with local ruins ; winds moatly
Bouthoastorly , st.itioiuxry or liighor
tumpcrnturu , 'gonorly lower prosauro.
The nvora runmiti nonrly stixtionitry.
Senator 11111 of CJeorgin h is grown con-
eidcrablo ucuker nnd his conilition is mure
critical tlun ever bnfiiru. Ills doilh will
probably occur teen from e\h umlion.
The New York Huliruw L iniiraiit < so
ciety reports ImviiK o.irtd foi hti'O Jcwlsli
iminiKr.inta since Doci'iuber ln-t , of whicli
GI70 have IJCGII placed on farms or in col
The lorn crop in northern Te\nn will
yield from hfty to fevenljliiiHhi'ls ] > er
acre. Thuro uill ba n hugo binplux ( or u\-
port. Corn is in splendid condition.
A meeting of reptu < ontati\cs of freight
line ? , luunini ; oait out of St. Louis , met at
Comiris.slonerFmk'c ollicoin Now York on
Saturday. No mini uucumcnt will bu made
for two or throe d iyn.
The prcsidei.t of the Cincinnati Cotton
exchange nnd nlxo the prvxidont of the
New Orlt-ni.H cotton lAchnnge , tulcgr.iih.d ] 1
to Piusident Atlhur , petitiuning him to
sign thu hhrbjr und riiurLill iu lUorigin.d
foi in.
Mrs. Pnrnell nceivol a dispatch from
Dublin on Sntuidiiy , xtatiiu that Annie
Paruull was much heller. Thu announce
ment of Mi > s Fnnnio'ii sudden death proa-
trated her , canning n mild attack uf brain
fever. She is now out of danger.
Surgeon John Swiubourno successfully
perfoimed an operation of llthiilomey on
1'Mward C. ICeytor at Albany , N Y. , nged
eighteen. The btiiuo weighud 8U ( ! | grninn ,
measure ! * 12J incliO" in largest dinmutur by
11J. It watt shaped like n hon'rf egi ; ,
The mortality inNuw York for the week
eliding at noon Saturday reached the ap
palling fi urp of 1217 , thu largoft nuinhur
of any week in ten years. Thera vrsro 218
ilcatlm on S.itnrd.iy ngainst 181 on Friday ,
nnd 191 on Thurnl y. Over one-third of
the \ictinm were iufnntH , who died from
Will bo paid for the dotoctiun nnd con
viction cf any poraon soiling or donl-
ing in any boi > us , counterfoil or imita
tion Iloi' MITTIMUS , uapucinlly Hitters
or preparations with the word llor or
HOPS in thmr nitinu or connected
thurouitli , ! H intended to mislead
aii'l client thu public , or any prcp.vra-
tion put in any form , protondinf , ' tubu
the Biiino us Hoi * Dm Kits. The ( jon-
uitiu liavo IL chntor of CIUK.I..N IJors
( noticu this ) printed on the wluto
luhdl , : ind nro the purusr , nnd luat
intilicinii on oartli , oBpccinlly for Kid-
nuy. Livi.'r and Nervous DieonauflBo . -
win o ot ullothurH , and of nil protonilud
fiiniiulurt or rouippR of Hoi' Uirruits
publinhud iu papora or for Biilo , as
they are frtiudH antl swindles. Who-
OVIT donlf ) in any but the yoiiniiio will
Hoi1 ] 3n-iiiiH ! MKO. Co. ,
jyUU-lin Koclieatur , N. Y.
Tbo FroIjjUt Haiidlor >
Ni.w YOHK , July ! JO Iho freight
hauilluri ) ' orgnnization , tliiough thuir
primidinl , to-day ntntt'H I lint Col. 11.
C , Jngurmill and Oen liciijaniin I'1. '
Uutlor iiuvn aroud ; to lecture on the
Btriko for Iho bmitsfit of the atriknra
" "hf SUREST CURB for
DOOM Inmo bock or n disordered urine
Indicate .liat you ni o a vlcttraV TllKlI DO
ouoodruiiUtaiooomu > oiidit ) and Itwlll
speedily 3vcrooma tlioillboiuioaudrcetorc
5 ui alUiy Botlon to all the orcnnu ,
tj I > ar1ioe > ] > 'oraoiuiilatnt poeullar
. IHNBTf.WOUTUuiuiur.
t ! p < u3odoa Itwlll not promptly and wifely.
ltucr Her. Inooiillnonco , rclolltion ol
urine , brick dint or ropy deponlU , onddull
dragsliiK paltie , all ipwdlly yield to IU our.
alive power. ( " )
) - K" " ! iiraUltal yirptnUr. Ap
WAN1M- north o ( ttuui Uinulry ,
lllhhtntt , 8JJ-8UI
TirANTKU \ llr t- < I B A-Irl inn t lo fowl
> Y wiok , wilier iinil//iuiitr. VV | { i * * 1 < i
p r uoik. 1. 'iiliiv ut I'll , Piled ACu , or u
.tu . lllo -t'
> A fjinll ) cf i'0 fa < 1I K tn
WANJH i liuiu 01 u ilnlJ t. n 01 tti old
llio mother In djlni. In 'ho lic | I'al lniiiiio |
( or lutriluilunatthu 1'aiUli illnU ir. 48th li. . -
tuo nJlurc > ami ilaaou , ittut ii'ilo. ' IU7-SS' (
.TAATJ'AM8 WANIKD-To HorknnthoOra-
) .
. .
II itrciil , miir Karimin
\TfTANTKD-COO | irny vnu.m , Hiiku tnil CII-B
W l ol lotlLun with BunlUry Vnu t rd
SluL Cleaner , the liout III so. A. Kvai a Go. ,
retlduuco 1208 Doil B utrtict. Oimha.
11KST lioaril , Auguit Ut. firoo
FOH y furnUh-J room ; private ( uiily ,
Kalrvuw nv-nuc (2 ( Hi ) utrcit , muoud 1 emu
north ol Ut. Mart a A\v Otr Lluo. 0 2-iUt
fllO HKNT Nkelv furnl hc < ! room , cornfr ISIh
1 inl I rncm > ortttrect , rctthw torjmer ,
.UIR UK.S T A lar c picn ant luinl-hecl m.uih
I ' roam , lih clo ct , xooil lie > nl ntx * iloor
Api1j 13U Cftm s.rcct. 91" It
UKNT A nlroh fiirinnhc-il front room
Apply W7J N. ITIImtntt DJ23K
1 < liK tlin , nroom * , up
Vnipilr * John Joiinun , > K cor-
Tor. oni inj jUli D3l-tr
1J10H HKX F Olio rJ in , u tt > lo lor an o'lhn
L V. W . corner ISih i d Ilnriiuy tri'ptj <
O'OH KKST fore rjMii , with tioanlcir tit.lo
boaril chcn , isos CMItornu Merit.
18 U
IjlOU HKNT A ( t'cwitit fiunUhnl room tin
I tli < tlr t llnar , ODD Wo < V from Direct cnr. at
l3 Iconic } 8ir ct. Oin II
IJtOll KENT Kcur raom rotttgr , Urxc lot ,
> nutli Utli , AUClKt 1ft. .1 UihlmtH ,
\M Karimm Mri-ct U'fllf
ljMiiUKNT-Nr hot-l , 2J roo. , r , nt Stein ,
L1 N h , o > MlMourl IMoillo II. II. At.plj to
OU-J < ) Jims W. L'LAlik Strlln , Sill
If 0HiNT \ HOIK. ) w I'll ' I line room" ml I rgo
liwintnt ! 1 miiuli I7ili Mr ct. lv l
| 16U ) | > cr month. Ajiplj on i.rciiilm. C07 tl
B AHXTO Itr.NTS. . i : . lorrcr lOlli ami
tni'ort po
17WH KKN"1 Hiiro nlio loiiiin m I'Milo for
; nllln > > . S.J-ioln Uolhlnittri > , 1120 K tin -
in street.
71011 HKNT-A Kplenillil front ntnco , eoincr
1 llth niul 1'iMniii
, vuljhtoir * tlnllillnir , v\lu
bo hv toil liy Mtniii In wui'rr liiiiiilrv of
V , 0. KK T > lit : ft SO.V
1011 HUNT tnrrfolnnliic'M rnmn , S , K cor
B lior Kill nil K.iiimin , niconltlior. I nulro
of ( MI3-JH ) K. 0. til TNKIlliSLiN.
FOH HKST PurnUncil IIOIMO < f coven room ,
tonnnil fvmliv. ro < io , loii An u.t lut Ait-
ilrcs'f "Furulilitil" Ilco ulllco. S > 34-tJ
JJTIOU ItKNT-Ilrlck Here Irqulro at Pruir
JJ Hioto , couior lOtli mill DoiiKUii Bid. MO-tf
I.10U UKNT Hou o of 0 rooms , ncnly plnii-
I' uriil niul p In ml. { 1500 per month.
.Viithol Iflth mnvt ml luo on 15 h utrett. Con-
\tinlunt to t > h IPS Ajylv vomor 1'Jth and lion
niilntrii.1 , > > u i > * | .er Union 887 II
FURNISH room for Kontlenmn with refer *
C.IICP , lUliloilchtrool ! bituucn 13tli niul
Mth. fc77-lf
171O t HUNT lloiKi ) nit room . Applj to
J ; A. II nLAD l'OMi.
870 tf ISOjKiitl 131Uloiiitaaiilrci.t. |
FOH 11K.S" I1 Now li IIHO w Itli llo rojii , anil
nil u oilorn linproMinonlH , lull lot. Inquire
on 17lli strict licluorn Mclu.'aj ' niul I'nul om >
ami uno-l n f ulacdH doin street ca-llno , bUS 20
FOH IIIIST Homo 0x10 , nllli IHSIMI out.
( iikulilo fjr uroicry Klorc , i-jmir l'iurci
nmllUlli KHK.ti .Munui. ,
SH7 JD Corner llllmml Knrnam.
FOIt HKS'T ThnoKool rooms , unfurniflieil.
Corner -Jtli anil I'oURlrid- ' oho ip Apply uir
1)74 ! iU |
1AOU HhNl til IH.-IICHI room ai IDIU K
} tuo' .
ITtOlt ItKN r Ono planuit rooT , wltli lioan
1 If ilmlrnl 117 ouli KlliBtnet , BM t
il.OTb f .r loiiKO til S25.1K ) per niiiiuin , ini.1
I for ft term of joira , at "Orftinro Oro\i
> ' mlj Inlnir llnnitoin 1' rk on Ihoot
ll\ii nilnutounlv from rut inri. Jlo. cy rat
ho ol.tnlnuil . to Inn il tilth , h } | ernoiiH lia' '
tliOAU lotH at regular mtpN.
t f On iirniulHM , olllcj IQlfl Karnam alroet
710H UlCNT luo law lUvillliiL-n anJ tno othi
JLJ IIWUJIIII ( Q lii iloBlr.itilo lee llty , by JIcKoon
1 elricl
TTIJll HKNT .NuntotUga , ! room-
JL1 1 OUM.- , lira I at. Maij 'B at cmio
I I OUHK FOH HCSr-CnquIro nt JI. W. Ken
jj , iu > ' utoru , 13. li liuinuun haiimn nn <
iiamcy. 700 tl
UKN1 Furulahol room with board
modem Improiemoiits , n fuw tolilo hotrilon
can Im nccommuilatoilat 1718 uoitgo struct.
NINi : UOUSr.i KOll UCNT-Snull and largo
two lo tnolvo roo.i each ; one or IMO no
UIICH with nil moilcrii coincnlontui. Ono ol ]
rooms , unllnlilo lor hoar ill 111 ; anil room runtlii ) , '
17tli nun OoiiKliaotn. lli.MIrf : , Auont ,
Ju23-if lEthanil Uoiulas Xta.
1710K HKNI llourillnK IIOIIHU wull fiirnlahti
Jj IiKinlro 1UJ lOtlimrcet.nlioU rooma attli
lornorol Utli anil Douglas utrom. Inijulroo
prrml . 1118 tl
HKNT I wo i.liol ) InnafsliiMl noiith rco
POIt > -oiinllu ptlom. aiia Cftin tnct. 3-
W. corner lUtli nnJ Davenport. ! IOO tf
IT'Olt HKNT A 7 room lioimo mill I tnl
i ; tUbluon Coin cut utrrtt , mnr HI. ilnrj i
avunuo. llcnt . ! I.GO | ur month Ilnqulro a
llaikir Ilrolhcra , traiotllco. 003 tf
r < 0ll UKNT Kurnliiioil front room with honrd
L ) UJ North I7th t. (131 tt
FOH HiST fun lolied room , 17W
Btroot. J9I-U
HUNT. Two now litigant housu" . In
17011 al Pctuiuon'a ClolliliiK' B on , , inur II ,
P Dcp t.
5/Ulll ItKNT a IIUIHC.I1JU .uuu
K oiltf' ' Kxrh ni { , N. K jn ; ICIl
HKNT Nlcoly furnished rooms o
. . . without . hoard. Iteationiblii j.rlcfr. JOr
.i Jf * it
Caw MS.
OIt HU.K Homo mil lot 33x300 foot o-i Pnl
P IfornliBtiuet , inbtoltJauul Huart Convtnt
O JltOMItlf ,
1)30 tj 0i | | > 08ltnlio Uilllto
and lot for nalu , fNo. 1)2 ) Muntnin
HOUHK , mar Omul. g. Iiniilru | Clg r utoru ,
corner lOthand JiicUnon htrtcti. HH5-a'25
171 UK HAI.K A ( 'jcil Jiaylng xroury ' ' I
L1 bit lUth htrvut. Katiifaittiry rcnMin fa
nulling. At\inm"0' \ . II. , " 2443 IMvcnpcrf
Hlr-tt. tSI-tl
ITlOlt H IJJ loim ofhllu tirrhgu ho'Bes
' well nmt h il and ntrfict y iiuntlu. ( Jin l
ilrUun li > ii'ii lad . AIHO plnalon and winri |
IKJX hiigiry , l i'h In gooJ order mid for aliicliiQ |
IMI .Iro N , K u rntr iiodtuanil Hh t.iuala.
H7-2I ! ! ) *
> fiAlj * Fntlrugrou-ryitoik and fixtures
thrui'lit'lit vxpri-nit IOINIH und wagon ) Until
n r > .Hiif land with honorImrn un icllitr in proic
inui m 1'uirlo B on ujiner 10th and llnmru
btreut , In ilru N.J HMITII ,
HIO-tf C'ornor lOlh and lAftMiiwcrll :
i.lOll SALK-Hou.0 anil cirntr lot. at Jl.PW
h liirviilii MoUAUUKoiiOiluI' | | { . O. (311
\ Hlnrv hui'dlng ' for > ale at a hirgaln. I.o
rated at noith oas corner of 17Ui ntreit
anil Capitol ate. Mutt l n.o > ud on or hcfor
Aliguat 7tli proximo. II nil 13'
770.11 Agent 16th Mil Douglas.
C1IX llKAUl'IfUIj i.olH-DiJilM feet each I
I j IlaiiHcoiu I'laco on ttritt car line , Heat lot
In whole nddltlcn un very u.ty Uninandati bargain. UKMIH' a unt , 16th and Douglv
' . ' ' KOll
lUtuiiK , nnu lor o hrUk houie , and enlarge
largo fumu hoime , with full bl o i Caw Hour Ifii
> tro t. Hooih HID for nivtment , rent f Tfl
iicnnmih , U.llf r fuil part tulara , on
Itl-MH ,
A ont , ICtlia d
| 1 OTKI. KOll HALK. Iho Arllnslon House
Klrst o'kim ' ; all furnlahixl Iho only liottl
n. 'Ihu ihuipuit proiierty In the Btntu
Iliuialltliii travulliiK ui'ii. Will ho kohl chf ap on
turn . . . . H to tnlt. Kniiulro of K , KilUo , proprluto ,
1 WmmlriKfciiiiiourity , Noli MS tt
- HOTKL , Uuoxo
i ? M tin UOVfl1 HOilK. Thin hoiiBB la co
11 ally loujt ml , hid BOU u ( nil i-ibt front , und d
Hurrouiulcil w th line thMlo trcon ; ( .out In ' '
uicqilijrrioum , tia ILU home. launJr > ,
room , tie , lla * n world wulo rtpuutlon nna
htttur pat row L'u than many houtcj ,1 twicii Iu
Ciiiiiulty. 1'rlc'o b,000 tnr iurtioiilir a.
Uruoo , A. A , HAWI > KYIteil Uluiia , Mib.
TpOH SALIC Oc will uzchi % tor Oiuula p.
Jj 1'dicy , an luiuruvud * ec oa of Unit nljoli
U.K oUtiorj on U. I1. It. 11. U. L'UHHAil , It )
f aruhftai lit. , Otualu , Jto 9n
1UOK KOll EAI.I. .
B ALU1 > HAY At A. II. BmJtV Fo J Ut
1018 IHrnev Bl. ll9-t
"WINE Uh OAUPUI" iiisikiid roy
i and cluur
Fcr Drliltro Conntmctinn.
Renlcd tirupouli will I > e hythe un-
ilmUml u til aliuiUj , the lth day of An *
t'lut , 18-2. 13 ( . 'clock no m , for lln conitrnctloi
of n liriilffa ncri" ' .North Omaha treoW , ncir
Cuml iron .Sivumlcrs n'rod ncci'illns t ) rlins
nn i ) rcllle tlon en ( IloIn tlicofflco of lh llonril
o' I'M 1'c ' \\ot K. lld < lo ho mcompsnleJ hy
the r\g \ < Blnrct ct t'tcpo el mretlca ho In Ilia
ncnt f thonn nil g of the con'r ct , will en
ter Into Imnili lth the city of Onahn In the turn
ol S OOifor tnof\lilifnl fxociilton of the work
nl rtwjihl < ioc > nl ! pcontraH.
Th" onrd of I'inllo Works rcsoncstho right
to i f oct ny nl M'l
ChMrin.ii lio\rd l I'ubllo > Vork .
l'FCKT , AflKM for Kobrmka K ( n nJ
bl'C n I to roi rotont the INUU-lTllIAli
\ , < fK ASiUC'ATION rf ImllannnolK ImlUns ,
wli ch li i utooil the lo t of llmi , p nil los oj
In full , 'fronifl ) InilniMil ( IT Iho host liiniir * co
Milhorl io ! tloroiiii Iy cstAtill hfd rfulljr
uorluil , niul I' not 01 the cooptrnthn or ol > l
llnolin. | UliorM contract * mmlo with tncr-
trrilo n orN i t a coniKiitloti of from two
thoiifiti I tothrco thoimtvl ilo.hru per jiar.
.NO. 70 K ft .Market direct , ItidlnnirolK Ind.
\\/ll\ / ilottietcrylioil nl the White
\ > Mitchlni ) IlctftiisodU li Iho host , cho > i < -
i8l , nniscul r , ncicr gcti out of order , and lll
1-nt longer than nnv other miiUilne made. A
tr M Mill coil eo you. A ttoek of ncoclo for
all ncnlnjf niiehlncj t'litlnntly on html. Call
and no m 121 N. Ititti ttrret , Jiciln II nek.
124 nt JNO ? ! Kiiuuxo ,
TO NONB-lMIs now a-i Mndl'putoJ
SKOONU the White ncunnr Mixohlna I ni
tl.oorhl. . IIH > nlts nru B in ply ejionnotu Mid
IniTouiliifr , ami Iho cTyfrntnc\ci.v < | fif tcrlsKlvo
ii4 ihoKKm ) for IhoVnlie , for It J * the only
michlno wixnn cell tint K\m petfect vatlafv *
lion Call on or mliircM JN /.BIlllU.NO ,
nholriiilo ami riUil dealer , 121 N. 16th utroct ,
Omaha , Noli. J24-61
TIONALIhT , tBSTcnlh Street , between F rn m
anil llainov. Will , ntth the kid of Ruardlin
pplrlta. obtain ( or any ono * ( ilnnce at the pill
niul | > rpwnt , anil nn coruln ccnillttoni In tti la >
ttirc. Urtile ami Sheen mule tt nlor "
A. No. 1. nmn wanted to sell In Colorado , Utah ,
Wyoming , hnneuis , iViniuli , nnil the untlro went.
A comiikto lint nf Knit Goods , connUtlns In part
of Mfii'uSockn , tallies' , MlntcV and rhlldron'fl
I ociliiRS nnil Biocklngx , l.nlles nnil ( Icntlcmi n'a
Doilblo Mill HiDRlo Htci ) , Mhso ) ' nuil Clill *
ilron'H .Mlttena , CnrJIgan Jackets , Scarfs and
Oil pi , alHO
Adilroi ntntliiK n c , eiperlencenml ro'crcteo to
] iifl-U m.Vn Ditiolt. Ulcli.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies A marvo ] ot p
> ' , atronKth and wholoaominesn. lloro ocono
nilcxl tlun the ordinary kinds , nnd cannot b
told In compotlllon with the multitude of o
tuit , short weight , alum or pho phato powders
donly In tana. IloriL IUKINII POWDIR Co. ,
flVi Ht. , NnwVork
OtJLL aPt'J ! W.-A c > J.
r .
- * a UV1 f . .i n b 11. vt
-r 11 i
, fcVpt 'V , . > KlJt | \ ' t'l > 1"1 't U
viii * " ' RV " ' ' ' ' "
r"i' ' ' ' iJr.
' " ' '
L.6' . .
lnint n-miivnh'pn-il'nirr'f'iii'i > 'n''l ! . ' <
Orllli'i * , r n i-l iir Im " ! I n"-H
till tV < - OutV't J t if. < > N"O
Km V. ? i > Mil t > ' " > I'
V' Siunmor iiw i' ' 1 '
Tlicbo rclelirntod stoves for Bnlo by
1'iorcy & llrndford , Oinuhn , Nob.
Of Omaha.
Has purchased of the CorlloSafOjtlinufacturlnff
Co. , of 1'iovldenco , K ,\fo wnl Ills guar
anteed In writing to h "abaoluttlu ( wryfar
jiiwior a period ol th rty-tlx hour * continuous
and u difctuihcd a'tack ' with tha u o of aucli
tooliand apnllcanccsaa a burglar ran employ , '
and In a firaitlca ly uncoiidliloiial way ,
'Ihlabank dMrma thoroufli leit iraJo u | > on
IhU tafu. and In ciea of lalluru la stand It , tbo
htnk will be nt lllHny to purcnaxa any other
bat and may return Dilo to the manufacturer ) .
An ) pariyUat 1'ieity ' totinlertiko thoatt o <
who will tiirnUh u. Iifaitory lioud to piy al
damige to thu BUIU , In iaao It It not onUroJ In
thu vtlpulattd time. InoCorlljwUoaipiny agree
In willing to dop'blt with thU bank the gum of
85,000.00. upon the algulu/ an a ruauient
nljovo tin raid Bain to ho paced vtlthln tha
lalo and to ho forfeited to the jnrty oiwratlng In
taau It la foniuly opened and In contentu rab
Htractod IIKNItV . YAlKd Cashlp.
rf GUI II and u odium
a uouuti In drain i'ro\lilmi anil
$20 at > tk * a fully protttttil cj uioit
ixtvu l\u and innuunth ! cporitjra.
Our uiucu bful , fully irlcu , od tn-
WHEAT tatilU ixl plan , TUTT. . Krpirti
iciii utobly , illvid linn pild Douih-
I ) tiund at oaco for tx ] > liiiatory
clrtuaiu and v t record yn KB.
$50 lliJondt palddurlni ; lust thlitu n
mouths 014 Iliis fund 8J .71 per
th.rt AuliiKj FubUMINU &
STOCKS UUtOtlAU , Ul and H3 [ * &tld
tit , Chtca.'O , 111.
am a 1 o\l auit in
$100 O tOrtil E\o llcnt lmluu.'iucii ,
f d | u > to a 10 p n lbl , untor *
, Wrtodr terai ,