Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1882, Image 2

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    THE DAILY J3J5K : MONDAY , JULY 31 1882.
There is a well In 1'latte county 193 fee
Two elevators are being built at Waco
York county.
A hook and ladder company was form *
at York on the 2th.
Central City organized a female guflragi
association on the 25th.
The grccnbacV ttato convention will bi
held at Lincoln September 0.
Hitchcock county votes on August 29tl
on a proposition to Issue S1OOJ bridgi
bends ,
York hold a public meeting on the 2ll
to discuss the subject of a supply of watc
for the town.
The Menick county republican conven
lion will bo held at Central City on Scp
The eleventh annual fair of Metric !
county will bo held on the Cth , ? lh atu
Sth of Stpptembi r ,
K. tt. Acorn , of Cottage Hill , bought *
fast trotter from .T. O. Lucid , of JJentricc ,
last week , paying 050.
It li caid by the local papers thai lirjuoi
is sold nt lialf a dorcn plncc * in Uerttricp ,
dc'pito n prohibitory oullnaneo.
riattumouth is dlscus lnR the feasibility
of taxing the cost of public linproxcment
hereafter up to the abutting property
Blue Sptings wanb t > coimollihlo with
AVymote , if a new name can be selected ,
and that town li willing and slights
"Ymoro. "
The Stmmsbu'g Kcpubllcnn man has a
piece of the ncallold that Capt. .Tack , the
Mcdoc , wai hatiged upon , ectit him by a
brother in Oregon.
The farmers of Lancaster nnd Seward
counties lime formed "The Seward and
Lancaster Couaty Vigilance Committee. "
for protection against horse thieves. The
society nun , hers about fnrtyaud will make
It warm for the horse thiif who Rets away
with an animal in their juris 1 lion.
Warren Jirown , rf Oak Grove , informs a
Sewjrd paper that Mrs. .1. D. Main had a
narrow escape from drowning one day last
week. Oak creek runs close to Judge
Main's house , nnd Mrs , Mnln. who is quite
feeble , in BOUIO way fell off the hank mtu
the water , and had not BptoJy anslstanco
been rendered , oho would ha\o lost her life.
Several accidents < ro iccorded during
the past week , A boy nnmed Saundcrn ,
living In town , fell from -wagon and dli-
seated an arm. A man named Deirdorlf ,
living ten miles cast , wits seriously injured
by a piece of lirnkcn machinery striking
him m the face. Ilia nose wan broken and
his face nlheru iso badly bruited Anthcr
man whoso name wo have been unable to
learn , living nortliof-Bt of ] J atrlco , wan
thrown from n mule , and In thufall had In *
collar bone broken. Ucatrico ] SxJiiBi. |
Tlio residence of L ) . M. Swlcher. postmaster -
master at i'lalrio Homo , wto totally do-
stroycd by fire a few d y > ti.ce. The
lady of the house wan baking , nnd had a
very hot stove , hut no damper in the move
pipe to keep the llimcs down. The plpa
went through the comb of the roof instead
ot n chimney , and before the inmitteH of
the house were nware , the oiitlro upper
story wan one nheut of flume. The house
was entirely consumed and everything in
the upper story , lieddlng , furniture and
family i clic * where nwept away as with
the besom of destruction.
On Saturday , the 2Uth lust. , the univer
sity dormitory will bo sold at auction by
the sheriff , under a foreclosure nf mort
gage , at ii o'clock p , m. , nt the front entrance -
trance to the county court roonn on Kiev-
) . cnth street. The sale in brought to Bnti.sfy
the demands of a mortgage of idiout $100 ,
hchlliy Jilm Uooliltlu. Thoto iu niiothcr
mortgugo of § 2COO on the property held
by Isaac U.ihn , of .St. Joe , and other in-
debt * ducat ngniniit the institution , the
whole nmouutiog to between § ) , SO'J ' nnJ
S-l,9Ut > . The dormitory has evir been n
failure , and it is now liupcd that it ' ill
pass into hinds that will utilize the struc
ture. Lincoln Democrat.
Alma has arranged for n telephone ex-
Harvy Seaman died from the e fleets of
tbn accident at North 1'latto.
The old HcttlciH of llanlan county will
organize ut Alma on August 12th.
A new town la to bo laid out on the 13 ,
& M , , a fuw mllci west cf Sultan ,
Kx-Govornor rurnas is endeavoring t > i
get tip n largo Ncmaha county display for
the Denver exposition.
Mr. L , D. Saundere , formerly of ttoo
county , was killed by lightning In Ante-
ctunty en the 20tb.
A , L. Claypool lias invested § . " 0,000 in
real estate in Gage county arid vicinity nnd
expects to run it up tu $100,003 bcforo ho
At Hastings , K. Stout's little girl fell
out of n awing and in some manner the
rope twisted about her neck ami the nar
rowly escaped choking to death ,
There have been shipped from this point
the present Beaten , 127,733 pounds of wool ,
n majority of which has bent sent to the
] ) onton market. 1'lum Creek 1'ioucor.
Every man or woman who will make
improvements on a lot in Iloak us the now
town on the St. 1'uul roaJ , nine miles
east of Norfolk , will receive n deed of the
On the 23d , Martin KruUon. n farmer
li\iog twelve miles northeast of lilair , ac-
cidcntly thot himself in the oyca and fore
head while hunting and will probably dio.
Button received UH first car of Colorado
coal on tlni 21th. The Register says : "It
burn freely , with little or no dun , in free
from soot , and is destined to become a fa
vorite. "
A tr&mn was stealing n ri.Jc on the east
bound train this morning on the 11. V ,
road , by riding on the cow-catcher. The
train ran Into some cuttle , Hay , Col.
orado , und the man was knocked ugainst
the boll r with tuch force us t'i break In
Ida skull. Hastings Guzett > Journal ,
Churches nnd Mtnlstetru.
TheM. E. Sunday ichool nt i'ntrhcld
has 110 scholar * nnd 13 tu.cheiv.
The Congregational church nt Genoa has
been completed. It cost 2,000 ,
Steps nro being taken for the erection of
n I'roabyteriHn church nt Auburn at tmce.
Uhe Cathiilioi of Loun City have decid
ed to build n church nbeut the first Sep
tember ,
liutltr county Methodl.ts will hold n
camp meeting in n grove on the IJluo , near
Shelby , next month ,
The Congregational church nt Monroe
has cost S'.GOO. and U oil paid for , countIng -
Ing $100 that has been pledged.
llev. S. 0. Dickey , of Hillsboro , III. ,
will be called to the Auburn Presbyterian
chinch ni teen as a building is erected ,
The Catholic parsonage ut Auburn that
has been su long In au uufiui.bed condi
tion is now receiving its liulrhltij ? touches.
The Methodists tf Lincoln district will
hold a enmp mtetiug t Greenwood , be-
pini.ini ; July Slat ami clodugun die 7kh of
The young people of Shtlby intend pie-
Biutiug the M. L. church with n new
organ , which will be in position nt the
time of dedication ,
The ' . ' 3d was the second anniversary of
the pastorate of llev. T. II. Ayrci , of the
Kearney Cougre < atloual church , and he
pieached an appropriate sermon ,
The Congregational society of Albion
will dedicate ihclr new church building
nnd celebrate the tenth anniversary of the
organization of the church September 2
nud3 ,
Dr. W&cBonuhoig ttopplng In Schujler
temporarily. futertnlucd a cougregittlou nt
the Mtthull t church on Sunday evening
with an account of li n tmu'U iu t'alejtlne ,
Schuyler Bun.
On Sunday , the IGth Just. , the Metlio-
dint Lpltcopal church of I calrlcondmittcd
filty.tbiee persons Into full meinberthlp ,
Uurlna o pastorate of lea * tlinu wie jcai
llev , Davli hut taken over cue hundred
pel tiona into the church ,
The Interior of the Preabyterlon church
at Uia\er City h icceutly beta mm
% ut J and refitted la n neat and tallyman.
ncr , nnd R new carpet laid nltogethe
nddin ? greatly to the appearance of tha
temple of worchlp.
Them was n wholesale chtlsteninf ? o
babies at the Methodlut church Sundn ;
evening , The Intcrestwi parties were thj
youngest memlxra of thehouseholdi of Is
11. 1'en-lnRcr , llev. Wood , Mr. Curtis , li
C. McIJrlde , and Albert Miller , respec
lively. Ilov. T. B. Lernon performed thi
ceremony. Central City Courier.
The church-going people of Midland ,
Mcrrlck county , have determined to have
n place of worship In their own neighbor
lined , and have extrciicd irorniich zenl in
the work that them haibctnalready about
St. ( 0 stdfcribed , The church , n Methodist
Kphaopul , will be located M near
In the txnct ccnUr of tha precinct ni
po IMc , nnd work will begin on It soon
after harvest , Courier.
HohoolBrvnd Sohoolmo'Bma.
1 la-liners college will open September
ICth.Mllford broke ground for n $3,00 tchool
house l.i > t week ,
Unndllla's now B liool house will bo rea
dy by November 1.
The l-'rcmonl ma'ams had thtlr plcnlo
in the city park on tha 20th ,
A § 1COO fchool house is to bo erected nt
Davenpart right nwny.
Cutler county will probably ho'.d n
teachers' Institute in October.
The Hall county institute bcgini nt
"ir.ind Island on the lltliprov.
The Caci county teachers' Institute will
lehoid at I'lattstnouth , August 1.
Auburn held an election on the 2Sth to
vote (1)1)3 ) bonds for school purposes
Henry Gibbon him been made director nf
the Kearney tchoolc , vice Dr.
We are glad to note that Mrs. K. AV.
Lewis has liccn employed to leach In our
public schools. Iterim't experience nnd
tine ( | uallli. ntions well fit her for thedutics
of this p 'kition ' , and her reaction will
doubtless prove of great value to our
schools. rnirfield He-raid.
AtClarl.\lile , July 22. by Itov. Jo eph
liuckloy , ChnrJcs A. Illrd and Jennie Mar
tin , botli of Clarks ,
At Silver Creek , July 23 , by Ilov. Joseph
Huckluy , Win. W , 1'flgo nnd Linda A.
PotiTH , both of Silver Crook.
At the M. K. parson 130 in Syracuse ,
July 15. by Ilov. A , L , Folden , Joseph
W. Smith and Laura A. Shelley.
Arthur Hnle , of the Ulysses Citato bank ,
was married on the 12th inst , , at Albany ,
N. Y. , to Miss Martha Mather.
At the residence of Geo. S. Tremalne ,
hrothur-Indaw of the bride , in Llnlr , by
Iluv. Mr , Warren , on Wednesday. July
1'Jth , Mr. Alucrt 1' . KHncel , of Uluir , to
MitR liullo At. Jlagan , of Froinout.
On Saturday ovcrdng 1 'tt Miss Ada
Stevdiii nnd Air. Maurice Hammond were
wedded together in the I'oinls of bliss , nt
tin residence of the bride's father , Orren
Stevens , Mr. Hammond is nn intelligent
nud indunlriotis ynung man , nnd worthy
the hand oi nny lady. Beatrice- Demo
A young gcnt'cman from Tairbury
pasneil thiougb town on hU way to Stcele
City , rno day tliU week , nftcr his girl.
Ho came bnck alune , .the reason being
that ono of the Kndlcott boys went after
the sarna girl the day previous and
brought her to Kmlicjtt. Kndicatt Cal
liope ,
Albert 11. Purjons , of the firm of P.xr-
Kinn & Airlrus of Lincoln , led to the altnr
on the 2ith , MUs Ijillio i ! . Andrii * , sister
of lib partner , The marriage ceremony
was performed In the preoscnco of u few
Iriimln , by the llcv. Ciiurles Clark Harris.
After u A'eddirm breakfast the rowly mar-
ilcd couple left for ( Joluradu , where they
will ppcnd n tew wcekb.
At Fremont , July 23 , by llev. J. "tVnr-
ner , Charles P. JUsley , of New Alexico , to
Aunio MojJroom , of Hooper. Mr. Hat-ley
his been in the government survey employ
for cevornl years with Henry McUroorn ,
nnd it a gentleman of very line presence.
Mrs. Eiudoy nro Me Broom is n daughter of
ono of the earliest settlers of Dodge county ,
and is n lady of unimpeachable character
und largti generous soul , Herald.
At the residence of the brldo'n parents
In Ulysses , ou Sunday , July 23 , ut3 p in. ,
Mr. Me. D. Towntr and MUs Florence
May Wlmberly. llev. S. 1) . llobortH , of
David City , olliciuting. The groom is
widely known through this n.ctlou aa ono
of our well-to-do merchants , Mid n man
win ) command * the rojp ot. i f the entire
community for hii sterling qualities , wjdlo
the bride I ) the bandsomn and accomplish
ed only daughter ( f Mr. V. M. Wimuorly.
At the residence of the bride's mother ,
on the 13th day of July , by the Hou. O.
W. Dunning , justice of the peace , Mv.
George Fr zier nnd Miss Lizzie Wallace ,
bot'i from Salem township , this cjunty
and ttato. It was n very happy ofcasiou.
Although unexpected , it gnvo general tat-
isfaetlon , mid the frieiul.i niui neighbors
wish thu hnppy couplu all iho enjojmeut
to which human nature li heir , ami a pros
perous life. Humboldt Sentinel ,
Mr , Waliaco Folsom and Miss Hattie
Soldo uvro mnrrlod nt the court house on
the 10th inst. , llev. Gco , Loblngier per
forming the ceremony. We wrre re
quested to lefrain from mentioning the
matter last week ai they wi-bed to esc.i ] > o
that horrible music usually produced by
rounding on tin pans and various other
llkj instruments , But , boyg , It Is not too
late yet.--Hobion Journal ,
On Monday night about 10 o'clock the
people < f this usuttliy quiet town were stir-
prlto.'i to hear the report of n gun , fol
lowed up by a racket of cow bells and
other instruments utually found in the
hands ot eorenniler ? , Alex. Schulte , the
down-town druggUt , nnd Miss Kevlno had
gone to Yanktou during the day , where
they uero quietly married nud returned
homo in the evening to receive the con-
uiatulatiuns of their friend' . This tins
been expected for sumo time , nnd it was
not long until the drug htoro was filled
with men nud boys who kept Alex , busy
banding out cigars until all were sat'sfied
to go home , St. Helena Nonpareil ,
At thu of C , 0. Stanley , iu
Ilrop'T , on Tuesday evening , July 18th ,
Mr. CliarliH 11 Mor to Mits Magglo Till-
man , daughter of F. M. Tillman. The
ceremony \vas performed by Justice A. M.
Spooner , nud it Ii umieo aary to Hay that
it was conducted iu good style and to the
Ball-faction of nil concerned. It It report-
o.l ilmt Iu the natural excitement of the
occ.ibion of tits first marriage ho started to
read the ceremony out of a market report ,
but discovered his error before too late ,
and that ho nt lint actually signed the cer-
tliicata "A. M. Spooner & Co. , " having
the details in bis mind of his exteuslvu
shipping budnem. We don tknow wheth
er he was attired In the cuctonmry lung
robe and gown , but we'll guarantee that
the ceremony was put through promptly ,
an Is his cutto'ii , "Murray" won't be back
ward in pnnid 113 that dress , and uo hope
that ho may luive nuny mure of the happy
ku > H to tie. Wo congratulate the young
couple on behalf cf their many frioiuU.
Fremont Herald ,
"Promptly nud Entirely. "
IJDTLEUVILLK/ . , JllllO 14 , 1881.
II. II. WAR.NEU&OO. : Snu Your
Sato Kidney nnd Liver Cure relieved
mo promptly and entirely from severe
diseases of the kidneys and liver.
Guitoau' . Will.
Kitlonkl Auoct&tud I roaa.
WAKIIINOTON , D. 0 , , July 29. Dr.
llicka IIUH received a letter from Air.
Bcovillo announcing his intention to
coino hero and contuot Guiteau'eii \ \ .
Bradford , Fn.
Tlioniai Fltclian , Brailfonl , Pa. , writes :
"I enclohe money for Si'iiixa 15u > ssoM , iia
I enld I wi uld If it cured inc. My dyer-op-
bin has vanished , with nil its symptoms.
Many thanks. I tlmll never bo without it
in the house. " Price DO cents ; trial bottles
tles 10 ceiita. jjl5-illw !
One by Llghtnlbg nnd Ono b :
COLUMUUS , July 28. Last nighl
about 12 o'clock , daring ono of tlu
most eovoro thunder and rain atormt
( hat has visited thia part of the state
for a long time , liphtning struck the
dwelling of Mr. Win. Smith , wholivea
about ton miles wcstct this place , and
instantly killed his oldest daughter , n
young lady of about eighteen , and EC-
rioualy shocked her sister who was in
bed with her. Dr. lioncstcol of this
city was at once telegraphed for. Uo
reported the second young lady as
able to speak when loft , and ho
thinks she will recover. Two young
children , sleeping in the rmmo room ,
were turned completely around by the
shock , nnd stunned so they could not
speak for Roino time. Ono entire end
was torn out of the IIOUEO and broken
into splinters. The wonder is , that
the whole family were- not killed.
Miss Smith was universally loved and
respected by heir friends for her uni
form kindness to all , and will bo fol
lowed to her last resting place by n
largo concourse of turrounding neigh
bors.At the same time that the nbovo was
told the startling report was circula
ted that Mrs , John Tnmuhill had been
found drowned in her cistern. And
further investigation showed it was
too truo.
Last night about 12 o'clock when
the storm started , Mr. Tannahill getup
up to close the windows , nnd his wife )
was then asleep , when ho got up thia
morning she wne gone ; ho did not pay
much attention to that , supposing she
had gene down stnira to help the girl
get breakfast ; but when ho went down
and she had not been soon there ho in
stituted a search , assisted by the hired
man nnd girl.
After searching all round the prem
ises and failing to find her some ono
noticed that thu cwvor from
the kitchen cistern. A rope was
procured and she was drawn up
from the bottom of the cistern , cold
and stiff in death , The only explana
tion that can bo oll'ored of the oad
accident ; is that she dreamed some of
the children had fallen in the cistern ,
nnd she roao while yet asleep reached
down for her children , and fell in
head first. The mouth of the cistern
ia so small she could she could hardly
have gotten in any other way , and she
has told n good inanyiiiincs of dream
ing that the children had fallen into
the cistern and drowned. Mr. Tnnna-
hill was nn old settler of Butter
county , whcro lie was married eovon
or eight years ago ; about four years
ago ho moved to Columbus , where ho
started in the nursery nnd gardening
business. IIo la at present commander
of the post of the G. A. 11. of , this
city , and ono of the most respected
citizona in Columbus. The sympathies
of ttie entire community arc- extended
to Mr. Tannahill and his four little
motherless children. M.
A PrJzo Pucuaso Swindler.
Special li the i'lonccr-l'rcss.
OuiOAQOj'July 25. Win. Pickolt ,
who has been at the head of "The
Importers' Tea Company , " has gene
to Sc. P.iul and Minneapolis for the
purpose of distributing watches cud
jewelry among the gophers , Some of
liio clerk n who claim that ho owes
them back salary are getting even by
telling where the money comes in.
These parties say that a person would
enter the store and purchase n can of
tea or codco , .selecting it from ono of
the shelves. There was nothing in
the cans but a piece of very snide
jewelry. All the cans that contained
watchua , diamond studs and gold
piccua nera under the counter. There
was no cp.rthly show for n man to got
anything worth moro than 0 or 10
cents by picking out a can. SVhon ho
had pponc ? 3 or § 1 nnd became dis
gusted , they slipped ono of
the cans from under the coun
ter onto the shelf , and then
showed him what waa inside to reas
sure him. Some men of influence
wore given a valuable ptiza for adver
tising purposes to get them to "cip"
for the concern. It was the biggest
kind of n fraud and the newspapers
broke it up as they had done wherever -
over Pickctt opened n store. lie
opened out in the city in grand style
and during his brief career is believed
to have made § 7,000 or § 8,000 not.
His expenses wcro very small , but his
profits were immense , Ono cheat of
good black tea , two chests of very
poor tea. and ono chest of bush loaves
wore turned into "long mow chop" by
mixing them on the floor with a
.shovel. A can complete cost about
20 cents , and it was sold for $1 or
§ 1 50 if n " ; .ucker" took n second
chance to draw "ft lucky prize. " If
the newspipera in the northwest do
their duty this follow ( Picketl ) will bo
driven out of the country.
The Tariff Commission.
National Associated I'ross ,
LONG BuANcir , N , Y. , July 29.
The tariff commission held n short
open session. The only testimony
taken was in regard to the duty ou
foreign novrspnperp , periodicals and
magazines. 0. M. Badeo and Judge.
Armour , of New York , urged its re
moval in the interests of importers
and dealers. Communications wore
received concerning changes iu the
duties on copper works and atllls.
Sulllynu'a Finos.
K tlon l AtwoclHoJ I'row.
BOSTON , July 29 , - John L. fiulli-
van , the champion pugilist , surren
dered himself to the oilicors last night ,
and was bailed. This morning at the
municipal court ho pleaded guilty to
charges of profane language to otlicers
and drunkenness ou Juno 10 , and
paid a fine of $10 for tha former , and
$1 und costs for thu latter offense ,
and left the court. There was no ex
citement and but little interest ,
The Size of His Pllo.
National AesocUtod I'rem.
Cmcnao , July 29. Fuller investi
gation places the dofelcation of Robert -
ort F , llichards , late clerk iu the
treasurer's oillco of the Rock Island
road at § 27,000. It is claimed the
First National bank will become n
large loser.
Death of the Qipiy Quoou.
National As.ocUUxl Trcm ,
NEWAKK , Ohio , July 29. Mrs.
Emma Young , queen of the gipsies ,
died last nieht and -will bo buried
hero with great gypsy ceremonies.
Bucklm'a Arnica Halve.
The BEST SALVE In the world for CnU
Bruise * , Sores , Ulcers , Lalt llhcum , Fe
ver Sores , Tetter. Chapped Hnndc , Chll
bUlns , Corni , and all * kin eruption * , nnd
positively cures liles. It Is guaranteed to
t'ivo natlsfnctfon or money refunded ,
Price , 25 cent * per box , For dale bf jO.
V. Onodman
No Whiskey ,
is one of the very few tonic
medicines that arc not com
posed mostly of alcohol or
whiskey , thus becoming a
fruitful source of intemper
ance by promoting a desire
for rum.
is guaranteed to be a non-
intoxicating stimulant , and
it will , in nearly every case ,
take the place of all liquor ,
and at the same time abso
lutely kill the desire for
whiskey and other intoxi
cating beverages.
Rev. G.W. RICE , editor of
the American Christian Rc-
vinu , says of Brown's Iron
Bitters :
Cin.O.Nov. 16,1881.
Gents : The foolish wast
ing of vital force in business ,
pleasure , and vicious indul
gence of our people , makes
your preparation a necessity ;
and if applied , will save hun
dreds who resort to saloons
forlcmporary recuperation.
has been thoroughly tested
for dyspepsia , indigestion ,
biliousness , weakness , debil
ity , overwork , rheumatism ,
neuralgia , consumption ,
liver complaints , kidney
troubles , &c. , and it never
fails to render speedy and
permanent relief.
cdy. Annn-
failing euro
( or Seminal
Weakness ,
rhea , Impot-
encJ' an < ' a"
follow aa a
ScU-Alnixc ; aa Louaol Maaiory , Utilvcml Lassl
tude , PMn In the Uicfc , Dimness ot VMon , Premature
mature Old Age , and cuny other Diseases that
lead to Intanlty or Coneuuiptlon and a Prema
ture Grave.
jerKull particulars In oni parnnhlet , which
wo desire to eentl ( roe t v mall to every one ,
CSTTho Spoclfl eMetliclna IB told by all druggists
at 81 per pickaxe , or 6 packtzes for { 5 , or will
he sent free by mnll on ren-lnt'ol the money , by
i Buffalo , N. T.
The Moit Successful Remedy ever ilhcov-
trod , as It Is cortula In Its effect * and doca not
blister. HEAD PROOF 11ELO1V. Also excellent
for human flesh.
Washlngtcnrllle , Ohio , June 17 , 1831. DB
B. J. KSNDALL , liCo. : Oeuts Reading your ad-
vcrtiscmunt In Turf , Field and Farm ot your
Kendall's Spavin Cure , aod bavin ; a valuable
anil sjeeiiy borso uhlch had been lame from
epavhi for eighteen mouths , I Bout to you for
bottle ty ciprcHS , which in six weeks removed
all larnenria and enlargement and a l.irga splint
( rom another horse , and both horses are to-ur.y
M sound 09 colta. The ono bottle was uorthto
me ono husdrei doll-vra. Respectfully
yo-irs , II. A. B..IITOLBTT , M. D.
Send for lllu trr.t d circular jrh lag positive
proof. 1'rlcojl. All Irnlsta have it or can
get It for you. Dr. B. J. Kcndi'.l & Co. , Pro
prietors , Enosburjh PallD , Vt.
A Cure Guarnntootl-
Dr. E. C. Wcat'8 Ncrva and llrala Treatment
A specific for Hysteria , IMzzlnces , Convulsion * ) .
Nervous Headache , Mental Dcprcnuloti , Lota of
Memory .Sjiormatorrhcoa.Impotenoy , Imoluutory
Emissions , Premature Old AKC , ciu = ed by ovcr-
oicrtlon , cll-abueo , or o\cr-i Jal enco. which
leads to misery , decay Mid death. One boc will
euro recent cases. En.h box contains one mouth's
treatment , Ono dollar a box , or elx boxc3 for
flvo dollars ; sent by null prepaid on receipt of
price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any use.
With each order received by us for six boxes , ac-
compdnlod with tlvo dollars , will send the pur
chaser our written guarantee to return the
money It the treatment do' net tttrct a cure ,
0. f. Goodman , Druf'rtt Sole. NYholeoalo and
rogul Agent , Omnba , Neb. Ord'ri by mall at
Aln.nuy stage
Oruarrtt ,
Old Sores ,
PitnploB ,
ur d.u/
Diseases }
Cures When Hot Springs Fftil
1UV3R.N , AUK. , Mky I. IS l
\Vehavocaseslnourowntown who lived at
Hot Spring , ind were Dually lurcj with 8 , S. a ,
IF VOL ucubt.toiuuIoiCBUa ana \ h
CUHK VOUK Oil charge notbltip 11 Write foi
particulars Mid copy of Ilttla Boo * - '
to the Unfortuiuta SufUflna ;
"Tit.OltO UawHra will M uui to ay
chvuilst who will und , on uualy lj lX ( ) Vottla
S. B. 3. , ono particle of Mercury , lodMs I'otus
iluui criuy Mineral substance.
awirropBoiFio co. i > iop ,
Prlco ol Small tlie , 11.09.
Luge tire 81.76. '
It yon suffer from Dytpcp ia , ma
If you are afTllctsJ with Iilloiunc ! % USD
If you are prostrated with tick Headache , Uilto
f your lion els are Ulsorclercil , retaliate them with
If v ur Blood Is mpure , purify It with
tt you hac Indigestion , you will hnd an antidote
If you are troubled with Spring Complaints , er
adicate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.
II your Ll'-crlg torpttl , restore ttto healthy action
II your LUcr Is arfcctcil , 5ou ulll find a euro re-
storatuoln BURDOCK BLOOD ntTTF.RS.
If jou have nny ppcclcs of Humor or Plinple , fall
If jou hate any symptoms ot Ulcers or Scrofulous
Sores , a curatlxe remedy will bo found In
For Imptrtlng strength and vitality to the sys
tem , nothing can equal
For Nervoui and General Debility , tone up the
Prlco , 81,00 Dei Bottle ; Trla Dottloi 10 Ctt
FOSTER , MILBUM , & Do , , 1'rops ' ,
Sold at wholesale by Ish b UcMahon and 0. F.
Ooodman. | o 27 cod-me
DUcxiso la an effect , not n cause. Its origin Is
within ; its manifestations without. Hence , to
euro the disease the CAUSRmust bo removed , and
In no other way can a euro ever tc effected.
LIVER CURE la established on Just this
principle. U realizes that
95 Per Cent.
of all diseases orlzo from deranged kidncya an
liver , and It strikes at once at the root of the
illlllculty. The elements of whlchlt Is composed
ict directly upon these great organs , both as a
FOOD and RESTORER , and , by placing them In a
Wealthy , condition , drive disease and pain from
Iho syetcin.
For the Innumerable troub'es caused by un
healthy Kleinc > s , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for
the dietre 8lDg Disordcriof Women : for Malaria ,
inrt physical derangements generally , this great
remsdy has no equal. Beware of Impostors , Im
itations and concoctions nald to bo Just as good.
KorDlabetci , as for-WARNER'S SAFE
tor sale by all dealers.
H- "WARNER & CO , ,
tne Rochester N. Y.
The Great tngiish Remedy
BP. '
Never falls ts cuie
l-Vervoua Debility , VI- Exhaustion , Emis
sions , Seminal Wcak-
| ncssc3LOSTMAN
HOOD , and all thee
e11 cHccta of youth
ful follies and exces
ses. It ttopi perma
nently all w cakcnlng ,
Involuntary losses and
drains upon the sys
tem , the Snc\ liable re-
. . . . 'eult ' of these evil prac
tices , which orb so destructive to mind and body
and inako Ufa miserable , often leading to intanl-
ty and death It strengthens the Xerves.Braln ,
( mcmorjf Blood , iluscles , Digestive and Repro
ductive Organs , It restores to nil the organic
functlcni their former Ugor and \ltallty , ma
king life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , $3 a
'lottlc , or four times the quantity ! 10. Sent by
express , secure from observation , to any address ,
on receipt of price. No. C. O. D. sent , except
on receipt of 11 as a guarantee. Letters re
questing armcrs inuet Inclose utamp.
Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills
are trs best and cheapest djbpcp U and blllious
cure lu the marktt. Sold by all druggists. Price
50 cents.
Cures 1 11 kind of Kidney and bladder complalnto.
gonorrhea , gleet and leucorrhea. For ealo ty all
dauggleU : 81 a bottle.
718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
For Sale in Omaha by
If you irv
iHrtu-iii. " " * K V-F ]
rutd i > r the evnun oty "iiirw. iMI
r mr ilutlci svoli' t .IIKM nork f * ron
< \nmlarnairt ui onbrjiti ut i K A
Hop Bluer * , ustv u > ' . Hop C
If juunrsj-ounKana ! mi'lorlw Iroui AI. . ' '
iliientlon or Jujija ( lull , tf > 01l 'T.ln4
rise or l , : Ie , old .or 1 ouw. , rjfffi Inn 'ro
nu -Hhorlft" iliiK on hou iv >
UMO , ifly on H o | ) ; iern
- . 1 hrjise.uu > UM U
Wl.oorer yoonri-
from t ti
fi-el rrjil ! >
whuicTcr jou
w tem form lit V ! a n e >
uewJi'ltaiulr.B.tuu- that your itis.'tfce [ tut miKli *
have Irt'fiiprtt eut a
tr r or
. tlmul ' ! > '
fltllOUtl ( iW(0.llflll/ . Uy }
tftlcr Hop HcpSIttort
, I. O
U * n < .ti olnU
liani , i nd irreilitfc
ot til tfOMiacn , HOP hie core /oi
t > mr < l . Mo oil , clniiikeiinbc *
lntrvtnenitl u o or upluc ,
You will be tr-'jicoo , <
eunxllf jouust
Hop Bitter *
If jouarefllm
, w f.lrlutltr ) ' NEVER
. -i It mny
nvo your FAIL
I lift , u tint
eixved hun-
arauHyjiji . . ,
'B tarF iiat ; fggg m
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B , Simpson's Speciflo
II li * i < Etlvccuro | tor tiperuatoiibea , Semlni
tVcoxnres , ImpcUncy , and all diseases rceultlaj
( rcru Eolf.Abutii , u tlental Anxiety , Looti
Ikrocry. Puln In the lUtk rr Sldf. and dlseties
( that load to
Insanity an.
early grars
J > .B Specific
Mcdltlno la
being ustd
with woudsr-
ful OUCCC03 ,
_ _ _ _ . _ . Paraphlsti
ont trtd to all , T/iita Jar tuera sod set full p r-
Vrlc , Hrx-clfic , It. 00 prr ptckifc , ci tlx rci.
tgcs for $5.00 , Addiuu all ordrn to
KOI. 101 and 1M Mala St. DuUJJo , N. Y.
SoM In Omaha by 0. F. OoodniAo , ) , W. EoU ,
I , K. lib , and oil cmctUUdvcryvihcrr ,
I ( *
Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Pock & Bansliers Larfl , and Wilbur Mills Flour
, - - -
cr. or. co
Window and Plate Glass.
OTAnyonc contemplating building store , bank , or any other flno ivlll Had It to their nd *
vantage to coma end with ui bcforo purchasing their PlatoOlaes ,
. O.
1213 Farnham St. . Omaha ,
p $
On Eiver Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts , ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
1020 Farnham Street ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
A ! ! Grocery' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot. - OMA HANB
m *
t paas
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , V
Cor. Farnara and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb ,