Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
BattmlHV Moruincr Tuly 20
Wcnther Ilcport.
( i'ie ) follcwinR olirerratlon * taken
thr fame moment of tlmo at Ml the * lnlir
Darned. )
vice , OMAHA , July 28,1882. ( ,
S'atoof S'ato ofWeather Weather
Renter , , . . Sfl.58 NW Fair
Chenre. HE Uaht Cloinly
nss ! K ) Fresh CIoui y
' : o b7 70 K
Omar a , , , , . 80.04 7fl | S Mglit l.t i all
Van ) ton . 29 DO 70 'Clm ' C lrn louitv
80 01 SI Y. light 0 oudy
,3D , CO 82 SB Frtsh Cloudy
fit. Vml. . . . 'so ' or , 73 .V
St. Lonlfl , . 20.97 no w Fresh 1 tin III
Moorhead. . 30 05 73 t Fresh r ir
Vincent an.m ' lr
29 02 70 R
' ' '
Iliiford . . 20 B7 73 > NE 'rc h Ittnt )
Cutter IU 63 T , .V r sn
Dca < i ocd. . '
Aii < lnlboll.c. 7S W irhc Uloir
litter 9 feet f > Inches above low * tcr maix '
Offikh.t , 5 feet D Indies at Yanlitot. ; .Ml il sl | . ]
G feet 11 Inchetat ti Croiss , and foctO Inchi
" .
Tlie SUto fair i > Mlcrs aroimt.
The Iowa cilltoro go to Colorado Al ;
guot ICth.
The ] ) enver exposition begini nex
There WAS not n uln le nrrcit by th
police TlniKilay nnd the jail wns ciiiil ] ;
yesterday ,
There will bo a private mnonllgli
naity next WednesJay t\ciiliig : nt Hani
com park ,
Mm , A. P. Trench , teacher In yoca
nml Instrumental imuic , cor. ( , f Saundcr
and Charlca streets.
Another rntn no'.iti ' ilurlng tlieforcnoni
yesterthy , though not lie-ivy , wns mtlli
clent to mnke wallIng veryunplcnannt.
An uxtcimlvo bnsincBfl block will bt
put tip on Kith ixiul Durt , the ground bc-inj
leasoil of llobcrt Jlnrrls fiir 10 yenra.
The tour of Secretary of War Lincolr
and General Sherklnn tu the YcllowBtom
national park has been postponed until tlu
adjournment of congrcsi.
Mr , John Edgar , brother of Mm O ,
N. Katnfey , of thi city , tiled ye t rd j
at Clifton Springe , N. Y. Ho will b (
buried at Washington , I'.i.
The ( inuounccinvnt of thonppoinlinoul
of Bctlng-Mnjor llcrnmn UK city paHKcngei
agent of the Union I'.iclfio in confirmed b >
the ollicial order nnil will tuku elfect An.
gust 1.
Mr. GeorjO 1'ntcrson , eecrctniy of tin
Omahn bycielo club , ling jiibt iccclved i
hnndeoino tricycle from thn factory a' '
Coventry , Knglnnd. Thia ia thu ( inly tri
cycle In tliii pnrt of the country.
The picked niuo of the bricklayers
union chnllent'o n picked niuo of the pins-
tereiH1 union to pin } ' a gnmo of bauo b ill or
tfaturday , August lUth , nt I'd ess lake , foi
a puree of from two to five hundred del
Si b Inrs ,
The thermometer nt Max Meyer R
Bra , , tho.lewelcru nnd Opticlanr , froin
12 in. Thursday until 12m. yesterday , indi
cated the following ; 12 rn , , 70 ° ; 2 p. m , ,
78"j 7 p. m. , 72 ° ; 9 p.m. , 70 ° ; 7a.m. ,
° 10 . . 70 ° 12 . 70 ° 2 .
70 ; ft. m. , ; w. , ; p.
m.78 ° .
The firm of Wells & Newman , of the
Schuyltr flouring mills , art ) making ar-
rnngcmentR for the establishment of a
wholesale flour depot In Omaha , which is
to be made the distributing point for the
various brands of flour manufactured by
them. Ground will probably bo secured
from the Union 1'adlio for the erection ot
a large warehouse.
The emancipation day cxcunton ad
vertised for August 1 , has been postponed
n account of the corner Htonu being laid
to the now colored church on the unme
clato. The committee , therefoic , acceded
to the ilcalro to keep nil hero to nttend tc
their relluIouH duties. A grand ball will
bo given on Thursday next , nt Stundarv !
Hall , and there are prospect * ) of n large at
The laying of the comer stone of tlit
A , M. 13. church will take place on Au
u t 1 , nnd will bo an Interesting nluvlr ti
our colored dtlzeun , The procession nil
form at Mosonlo hull nt 1 ! p. m , , hcndot
by the Excelsior baud , and will movenortl
on Sixteenth street to Webster , nnd wcs
on Webaterto the church- The ceremony
will be condncteu by the Hough Aside ;
lodge A. 1. & A. M. The Key. Johi
Turner , of Knnias City , Mnyor Uoyd ex
Mayor Chase , ami other distinguished gen
tleman , will be present nucl deliver nd
drisaea. Vocal inuslo will bo furnished bj
the membera of the Golden Link lltcrar ;
association. 0
The Oienhn wnter wuiks company 1
At work on the fettling basins on the rive
bottom ami the cnntrnctoiaI11 brgti
work on the rceor\olru soon , This Is th
cauee of the present cloudy condition o
the water an It Is drawn from the pipes
The works are , however , in good condlttoi
otherwise to supply wnter for fire nnd general
oral purposes , and upon the completion o
their present work , which will bo In thre
or four wcekn , there will le no furthe
cause for complaint. In the meantime th
water Is healthier , II anything , for drink
log purposes than If clear. Sand Is goo ,
/or onu' * "crnw. "
The following army orders were pro
imilgated at Washington , 1) , 0. , July 20
"The superintendent of the mounted re
crultlng service will cause fifty recruits ti
bo prepared nnd forwarded under prope
charge to the Fort at Omaha , Neb , , for us
ulgnuient to the Cth cavalry. * '
On Tuttday night lout Kioderlik Bach
tt young German , ubout 28 yeais of age
wan united In marriage to Mies Annu Mn
ria mltb , about the same vgo nml also i
German. Yesterday the groom nji
peared before Jw'go Henekoaml asked fo
udvke , AS ho claimed that hU wifu wa
hermaphrodite. TJie Judge told htm thu
If true tliUwBa ngood ground upon whlc
to me for dlvoiu1 , but lie replied that h
hml no money to IintltjU mcli procewl
ings. It I * the fintcase [ of the kind brough
up in thin city for yearn , if indeed ever be
Owing to the fact that the l.eavni
worth lleds went bick on their contrau
to play with the Union 1'acinVn to-day , i
roupleof picked nines of the Union Pnclfi
will piny At the n nclntlnn prniind * , 1
nctlon of the Itcdc , nt present imexplft
cd , looks very dincreilitable to n y i
The MMtouri IVclfio offlsc , In I
Pnxlonh tcl , \t \ "ndM < y."Tho new pa ]
Is rich find nttrncthc , nnd the turtol
bcnring ttic sign of the cfllce , ftre ng c
gnnt us the mo t fmlidloiii could desire ,
It U fttntc'l ' that the Witlmcll hoi
will close its ( Icon to guc tn on and nfl
Monday next , nnd Iho emploje * talto
Iny-oll to awnlt the opening of the I'ftxtn
The phitcrcn hereby accept the clu
lengo cf Iho Urlcklnyers to play a game
bate ball nt Trice * ' I nke. Auuet lOt
nnd would propose Th. . B. Call&ii , of t !
Treraont house , for umi ire.
Mr. Ira Wll'on , the popular tnndlo
of the Metropolitan , ii SJiM to lut\o m
out hit Interest in tint welt cotidiicti
house to Mr. Joirctyn , the proprietor
the St. Chnrlei hotel , on H.irnoy strcc
whn will tn ) < o potseH ion about Septemb
1st ,
'Ilia most plrgnnt plcco cf furnltn
peen lulcly is Iho new Iiutcl ndvcrtiVIi
dcxk in the Mlllnrd , It ccxera the etili ;
width of thu gonU writing room , Ii i
heavy blnck walnut < intU''renchcneer
with largo mlnora nnd n rcmarknb'y HID
ni\onml handsome timepiece. Itcnntnlt
Ihe c.ird of the leading men <
Omaha ,
The cafe of the city of Omnha v
Pannio Itcntou , 1' Hall , Jcnn :
Dlckcnson. and others , charged with lice ]
Ing house * of 111 fnir.o on Tuclflh strci
find vicinity , wns continued fur Ihlrt
lnjn to Bccuro the nttrndnnco of wicncesi
rtluiKc , testimony , it is nllcgoi ) , to bo mi
; er'nl ' to the result of the caee. The di
icndants claim thnt nt the tlmo ntated I
.ho complaint they had closed their hnuc <
n pursuance with the Dtllono resolulioi
I'ho prorccutlon threntcn to bring n ne1
iult , nnd the ikfendnnts nay If they d
hey , too , will begin i roccedlogft ngalni
heir proBCcutotn.
A colored mnn who wns employed by
fell-known physician of tlilo city , blei
ils thumb ell on Iho "glorious Fourth ,
nd wns ncnt to St. Joseph's ho3.iUl t
ecupcrnte. Whllo there ho refused t
iboy the ruica of the Institution , nud yes
erdn- , persisting In peeking in during ;
urgical operation on ono of the pnticntp
10 was ordcrcil nwny neven tliiieK , nnd fin
.llyt'ld . to leo the hoime. Ho thci
, 'ent to tliu doctor ulluMl to ami snid h
wi fccnt nwny bccauso ho Imd no money
nd the doctor , thereupon , gave him a let
cr of commendation with which ho wa
round soliciting money. It is n great in
ustic.0 to the sisterx to suppose them en
inblo of such n deed , and tha pliyuiciai
tun ccitninly too ha. < ly in endonting th
olorcd man's story. An investigation wil
how thnt it wns the patient' * inmbordlnn
ion thnt caused hia discharge.
An nccident occurred In the vlclnit ;
if St. Miiry'u avenu-j nud ICIghlcenti
trcet last evening , which cnmo near ro
tilting very seriously , A couple of yoiini
lion from North Omahn , named Conno
.nd lienton , wore out drlvin- , ' with onu o
lomnn'd teams , having n couple of younj
ndles with them. They attempted ti
Irivo ncros-i the Konu 7.0 grade , fron
larnoy to St. Mary's nvenue , and
ho space being very narrow , the car
ingo overturned , the horses falling 01
op of the vehicle. Ono of thu young
idles was badly squeezed and it wai
t first feared that aha was seriously
urt , .but , fortunately such proved tc
o not the case. The team behavot
oblyand oil In all , the party oecapet
ory luckily , nobody being groatlj
amazed ,
Iio Laying of tha Corner Stoni
of Tnoir Now EOiflce ,
'reeont Condition and Outlook
of tan Oauroh.
The laying of the corner stone o
ho Swodiah Lutheran Church , nevi
n course of erection on the corner o
Jass and Nineteenth Btrcots , will taki
ilaco on the 8th of AuRunt. Speaker
rom abroad , including a largo num
) or of Lutheran clergy , have boon in
ritod to participate in the ceremony
rominont among thcso are Rev. Ii )
3arlaaon , president of the Synod , am
? rof. T. N. Hassolquist , preaidont o
Vugustana college , Bock Island. Ai
iddross in the English language wile
) o delivered by I'rof. E.V. . Eysto
> f the same institution ,
The now building in point ol sizi
ind architecture will boa credit to tin
: ity. It will bo Demi-Qothio in styl
jf urchitooturn , 80 foot wide by 01
'cot dt-ep are the dinu-nsiona , ti
which is added ti projection in tlu
rear of fivu foot for the ultar , and i
[ nijootioii on Oaas street for u toivor
if BIX feet. The basement will bo i :
: eot high , making a very spacious lee
turo room. This will bo unclosed bj
iho 1st of October. The auditorium
with gallorius on three sides , will sea
tbout ono thousand ,
The old frame church adjoining
ivhich was built in 1839 , hue loii |
ieen iiuufllciontly lar o to accounuo
late the congrogntioii , which ha
itoadily increased in numbers
itrongth and unity especially undo
ho carncut labor of its present pastor
IS. A. Fogolstrom. Tlio old church i
low every Bibbnth crowded to lia ut
nest capacity.
The subicriptioua to tin , buildin
'uud have boon very iincouraitinu
Mrcady over § 5,000 Imvo boun raised
ind the present outlook bespeaks fo
ho enterprise a genuine success. / '
ioniuilltoo of betv/eon forty and fift
a to bo organized for the purpose c !
solicUiujj uonlributioim for the com
Motion of the building.
The laying of the norner stone \ > il
aaun occAuion cf lojoicuig und eon
jriiUiiution , wpecinlly by Iho man ;
Swedes who have been and are cori
tinuilly making their homos in thi
: ity , and dotiro .0 huvo in this churcl
i common spiritual homu.
Buoblm'H Arnica ( Salve.
The llKbT HALVK In the acrid for Cut
llrulseg , Borca , Ukew , tail Hheum , 1'
ver Bores , Totter. Chapped Hands , thi
llnlD , Corns , Mid all ekln eruptions , an
[ ipultiveJy cures ; iile , It Is guaranteed t
five natlsiactfou or money reiuudid
'rice , 25 ceuU per box. For le by LC
P. Ooodinan
The Secrets and Uncertainty
Weather Predictions ,
Sergeant Dey Irjurc-d by Ligh
ning at Fiko'n Peak.
TboKow Qnnrtorn of iho Wcittci
Union , Etc.
"Put thy trust in no man" it
gospel adage worthy of attonti (
altroyn , nnd which may bo applied
regard to Vcnnor , whoso weather pr
dictioim have hitherto attracted su <
universal attention. In olden day
when almanacs pretended to forotc
the state ot the weather for n who
ynar in advance , a smart follow i
Now York act to work nnd mndo n
almanac of hlR own , in which 1
nimply revorocd the predictions of tl :
other fallow and by to doing secure
a wide fnmo as a weather prophet.
So also if any ono hud gone to tl ;
trouble of reversing Vennor's "ind
cations , " probably in thia tcetion c
the country ho would have struc
more nearly the truth aud gained
greater reputation than the Cunndia
weather prophet liiinpolf. But it i
not always udvisablu to dabble i
weather predictions.
The telegraph last month roportc
thnt thu station nt Piko'n Peak , i
Colorado , had been struck by lighl
ning and the observer , with otio of hi
nefdstantB , seriously injured. Th
observer Imppons to bo Mr. b. J\1 \
Doy , lately in charge of the oignr
oflicu in this city and who , at his owi
request , was transferred thence. Mr
Dey id a i > rtut htudcnt , or what i
commonly called n "book-worm , " am
ho wanted a that would alloi
no interference with the perusal o
his favorite booku. Ho could not Imv
Cotton a moro suitable place thai
Piko'a Puak , which i over 15,001
Tout nbovo sea level and the higlies
inhabited point in the world.
English magazines arc full of tour
iota' ' reports as to the grandeur of th
surrounding country. Clouds oftei
form below and overhead of the ata
tion and snotr remains on the groum
ill the year round. But the clo < < i
proximity of the lightning must bo ai
an comfortable experience.
Speaking of electricity , it ia agree
xblo to chronicle- that thu Weston
Union telegiaph ollico is slowly preparing -
paring to move into its new quartern ,
LIO ! Omaha National bjink , where i
will occupy the fifth story as an opor
vting room , and an office below. An
} lovator will inuko connection mucl
nero convenient , r.'id the wholi
irrangomont certainly moro comfort
iblo than the r.ickoty old conccn
nrluch the ollico now occupies.
Gen. O O. IIo\rardarrived in Oma
in on u abort and informal visit Thurs
lay , to return in the full for a per
HAiient settlement. Howard ia :
sompnrativoly young man yet , bcinf
n the army only eighteen years , nm
is ho will bring his wire out west wit !
urn , will no doubt bo a great acquisi
ion to Omalm Society.
Don't Ole In the Houso.
' 'Rough on Rata. " Clears out rats
nice , roaches , bed bugs , flies , anta
nolea , chipmunks , gophers. 15c.
WANTED A good aecond-hanc
ncyclo. Address box X , Centra
3ity , Neb l(5-3t (
? 7hat the Late Sewer Inspector Hoi
to Bay About His Removal.
ro Iho Kditur of TIIK KKK :
Allow me through your columns t <
nako an official statement. On UK
td of May I w M appointed sewer in.
ipcctor , nnd the appointment wns con
irinod on the Uth. I continued t <
litichnrgo the duties of my oflleo will
aithfulness , except onu week it
vhich I wan called to Town. On Tuos'
lay evening laot I waa relieved of tlu
loaitiou without a word of warning 01
i chance to explain or to defend my.
elf from the charges trumped up bj
ho chairman of the board of public
vorks and the city engineer. 1 wat
iondomncd without a hearing , and
lismissed for no legitiinato cause
ithor than spite , malignity , 01
: , ivoritism for some ono olso.
The mayor in his communication te
: ho council Hays : "I admitted that in
many rospcc'a the work has not boon
done as it should have been. " When
[ made this admission I referred to
.ho work that had boon done in my
tbsonco and over which I had no eu-
uervision whatever. The day I ro.
lurnod from my trip east the chair-
nan of the board of public works in.
ipi-cted the sewer for the first time ,
Ho has since admitted that ha only in <
ipectml about twvnty or thirty fout eli
i , , whorcas ovur fifty , feet Imd boon
aid during my absence under the eu.
irrvifuon of thu iiflsintmit city engi'
luor , conseiiuontly ho had not in-
jpoctcd my work nt all , nnd was nol
.n n position to pronounce on what he
! msn t Bcon. He came next niorninj
ind said of my work then progress
ng : "That'u the right kind of work :
; io\v , that's good work , I know yoi
joulddpitif jou wanted to , " oto
And this is the only jiieoo of my work
10 inspected.
In Ida report to the mayor , the
ahairman of the board of public wotki
lays : It would bo useless for tin
mayor to notify mo of the charger ,
whurcns ho himself admitted of n do
sided improvement nftiT the firs !
objection to iho work , Why should
it bo useless to give mo a fair chance
to defend myself and have the mattei
properly investigated and the blnim
put where it rightfully belonged ;
llns is all I would n k : Fair play ami
no favor ; nnd the city engineer , boarc :
of public works and council did nol
sarn to lot mo havn it.
I nm willing to have n committee ol
three unbiased , unprejudiced btick.
layers or seivur builders inspect am'
pronounce on the work done under mj
uiporviaion and inspection , and I an
willing to etnko my icputntion nne
skill on their decision.
No matter what the private nnimui
of the city ongincer , his inefficient ua
sistant , or the chairman of the bo r < ]
of public works may linvo in log roll
iu nio out of the position , I cannot
liolp thinking they have had sinUtui
motives in my removal that may nol
rebound to their credit.
I nsk not for reinstatement , but
justice demands that the prop
authorities investigate the nuttc
nnd I am confident of the result ,
know that the stain upon my reput
tion at th ( i last council meeting won
bo removed , and the shoulders of _ tl
person who is the cause of the inju
tico to myaelf be made to carry tl
burden , Truly , etc. ,
Frank I ) rda1 , North Hetinttt feet ,
Uuffalo , nays : "I ha\e tried your Snn :
ULOSSOM as a family medicine and ha
never cotne across nnythii.K to do nn inui
good In ni short a lime In case * of Indict
tion , ( lynjicpsia and derangement of tl
Btonmub ; I strongly n-cornniend it. " Fri
CO cent * : trial bottles 10 cents.
_ jy2o-dlw
The "Uan thorn Centennial E :
colfior Iloof Paint , " was patented Mn
24th , 1881 , and letters pitcnt nun
ber 241 , 8UIJ. Any pewon found c
known to tamper with the mam
facluro of fi.iid paint will bo punisl
cd to the full extent of law. Kb pci
son has any authority whatever to su
receipts. UAWTHOHN & Bno , ,
Lancaster , Pa.
TJin iindursiQtKd tenders horcwit
hio thanks to DC. Hoot , of Exeter , f < :
hia careful attention to myvounde
boy , and recaiuinnil him to all noec
ing ourgical or aid , aj an uc
complisticd , c.trtful and uoncciuntiuu
ph > Bicitni. FKUD SLUKA/
Nob. . July 27 , 1884.
Deaf ns n Post.
MM. W. J. Lang , Bethany , Ont. , state
that for fifteen inontlia the WAS trouble
with a disease In the car , causing entir
clcafnctB. In ten minutes after utin
THOMAS' KCLECTIUO OIL , the found rebel
aud iu n short Unit ; * he was entirely cure
and licr hearing restored. jyiS-illw
H. Manuweiler.tholntelligenci
Office Manager , in
Crowd Sarronndi Hia Fine
"With 'Ibroats of
A crowd numbering soventy-fivo ii
) iio hundred , nsstmbled about the in
telligouco ofiloo run by II. Mannweiler
) ti llth street List evening nnd clam
jred forgoro. The proprietor was , for
; unitsly for himself , nbsont , or other
iviao the threats of lynching uttorei
ay the indignanb crowd might havi
3oen carried into effect und a first
: laes item furnished for the p.ipCTd.
It oecma that Mannweiler has bcoi
idvortiaing for "no hundred men to
; o outto work on thoOrogon Short Lit <
ind in response to the notice , botwc i
ifty and ono hundred persons ha <
tpplied and paid n fco of three dollar :
snch , in return for which they wen
.o recuivo frco transportation nnt
ork on their arrival in the west
The party was to have left yu *
; erday , but for some roa
ion the transportation was not
orthcomiug at noon and they were
jromised an opportunity to leave a
J o'clock p. rn. , which promise , lik
, ho first , was broken.
Ac 4 a'clcck they assembled , or
nasse , about the intelligence office tc
loniand their righto , but Mann' '
Toiler had prudently skipped out. Il
was Bubeequently learned thai
10 had a roo.n at the Oma
ia house , approachable only bj
v system of knocks and passwords.
\ . warrant was sworn out for hia ar
est on the charge of obtaining monoj
inder false pretences , and about 7
> 'clock ho was arrested by Officon
Tacobson and O'Donohue and lodged
or the ni ht in the county jail.
Mannweiler claims thnt he was air
horized to employ 100 men but when
ho contractor arrived he brought
rnnsp'jrtation for but fifty , aud thai
he contractor , and not himself , is re-
ponsiblo for the trouble.
"For n od men , women , w nk and
ickly children , without a rival. Will
lot caueo headache. Brown's Iron
"ho Bogus Check and Freight
Charges Game Again Buc-
cessiul ,
A young man ot good but unso-
ihisticatod pppearanco wont to the
csturaut kept by Mr. Morritt on
3ast Farnam street , yesterday ,
hewed $70 in cosh and said ho was
[ oing west. Ho ordered a 5 lunch ,
nd said ho had a friend who was go
ng with him and that they were gong -
ng this evening. Ho loft the store to
oook up hin friend , nnd not Ions nftei
eturiitil mid countermanded thu or-
lor for grub , saying that he could not
Ind bio partner nnd could not ynt
i way to-day.
HonUtedthatho had been with him
, short time heforntund that the friend
rns obliged to make up § 150 to pay
might charges on some valuable goo'U ,
laving nothing but n check for § i)0 ( ]
in had requested the loan of thu § 70
o help him make up the i-um , until he-
fluid get the chock tushed. Thia
uodi'et M quest was granted mid since
hut tune the friend had been consjiic-
lous only for hia absence.
Mr. Merritt dropped on the game at
nice and informed his would-be CUB-
omer that he had probably seen the
aat of both hia $70 nnd his friend. Of
1m the victim could not bo convi ced
ml wi.h the utmost faith was still
raiting about for a fellow traveller at
nst accounts.
fortuuos or farmers and Mo-
Thoiuanih of dollars can be saved by
iBing proper judgment In taking care of
lie health of yourself null family. If you
re bilious , have Hallow ccmiNloxIot ) , poor
'lU'sthe ' ' , low and dupro'ned cpirlts , uiul
vnerally dchilitatod , do nut delay n mo-
nont , Init gu nt once ; ami procure a hot-
leof thobB wonderful Kloctrio Hitters ,
uilch ne\er fr > il to cure , anil that for tb <
rilling nun of fifty cents. [ Tribuuu.
iold byO. lGoodnmu. .
30LLINS DnUy Colllup , aged 3 months ,
died July 27th , 1882.
Funeral at 2 i > . "i. to-day ,
A true aaelstant to nature in restor-
n % the system to perfect health , thut
niabling it to resist disease , ia Brown'i
ron Bitters.
The B , & M , Boys Organize
Athletic Association ,
The Council Bluffa Qame D
feated by the
Bait ) .
BIMO Ball News nnd Not *
Articles of incorporation of the Bu
lint/ton and Missouri Athletic nwuci
tion wore filed iu the oflicu of il
county clerk Thursday , the object
said association being the promotic
and advancement of athletic sports an
exorcises generally and especially tl
national game of base ball ,
The capital stock of the nssociatio
is I'txed nt $1,000 , divided into t
hundred shares of $5 each , which im
bo increased if deemed doairAblu , in
dcr certain conditions provided for i
the articles ,
The incorporation dates from Jul
20 , 1882 , to August 1 , 1892 mid bus
HUSH h to befriu when lifty tihnrea sha
bo nubscribcd and twenty-live per cot
of that amount paid up , with the ba
unco subject to call
The highcut indebtedness to bo 11
curred is SCOO ,
The nfTairs of the association wi !
bo managed by n board of five direc
tots and the oHicevs will consist of
president , vice president nnd secretar
and treasurer.
The incorporates are \V. Foreman
Arthur W. Saxo , Paul Keinrich , W
Handall and R. M. Taylor.
The clerk of the weather dt
featnd the design of the Council Blufl
ball club , who undertook to got th
start of the Union PiiciGca in the con
test with the Loavcnworth Kcds. Th
latter club engaged the Loavotiwort !
team two weeks ago for a uim < 3 htr
an the 29th of July , ofl'ering then
very liberal terms as an inducement t
coma , and the oflbr was accepted Th
manaRor of the Bluffa team though
that hu would flhovr a brilliant strok
at managerial ability by inducing then
to conic u tlay earlier , and got a gam
in ahead of the Union Pacifies , Vu
Lho snap was civon away , und t'li
inaiugomunt thought they wouli
nip the scheme in the bud hi
withholding transportnti > u fri'iu ' tLi
Li'iivenworibs until the List mompiit
With a stroke of enterprise thu Blufl'
management printed posters and hand
bills to the effect thut by great expense
ponso they had secured the Leaven
worth Huds , the best b o bill club ii
KijiiHai for a game of b.iso ball , ant
; ho Council Bluffs paperd echoed tin
strain , adding thut the energy : vm
jntorpriao of the club would doubtlea :
DO rowarded.
On Thursday night the Loaven.
vortha tolcgrat.hod that they won
itmblo to start for the reason that the
Onion Pacifies had not yi-t furniahci
.horn . transportation. After the great
expense of printing handbills thi
nanager could not afford to disappoint
ho sport-loving public of the Bluffs
10 it was decided to furnish the Leav
mworths with transportation , whicl
vaa done. The Hods were on hand
resterday for the game , but tin
ain prevented it. Thus the scheme
) f the Blufftt ball-tossers was out c :
Yesterday's Nonpariel sarcasti
: slly says :
"Tho little dodge of the U. P. nine ,
t seems , didn't win. Council Bluffi
vill have the first contest with the
ieda. "
The little dodge of the C. B. nine ,
t seorna doesn't win.
Supposing that by some accident the
lB.'s ; should have beaten the Rode
Friday , it would have entirely para
yzod the gate receipts for to-day's
; amo with the U. P.'s , for who would
: are to pay twonty-fivo cents to BBC
ho latter go to battle with a nine that
lad juat the day previous been do ,
eatod by another club of le ? s reput -
ion for success.
In the extension of the U. P. grand
tand will bo a gallery for the ladies.
The B. & M. base ball club will
> lay the Atlantics a return game to-
lay at Atlantic.
The grand stand at the association
; rounds will now accommodate double
ho number of people that it would
Nines selected from the nraployes
'f ' the Western Newspaper Union and
Jowoy & Stone's furniture establish-
mint will play a match gnmo of base
nil next Sunday afternoon
Tiumm * Ft'ctmi , liruiifiinl , I.i , write * !
'I eiuliixii inure Mr Sl'IlIM ) KlXtoSitM , lit
Bitd 1v. . iild it il curccin u MyijBiep1
t'l l\ b Vni.Ith-ll , Ult.'l ftll llH d.MllptlllllS
it my ihiuiliH Iliull I ) nevti t t ) without it
lit iho HO. " PrJLvfiO cHits trlil but-
lu >
ildilu from din wild ll.iwcra of III
i in tlu < moot fragrant ot rierfimiui ,
iluntif cturvd by II. B. Sluvt-n , Sin
fruncieco. For sale in Omutia by W.
. Wlutrhouse and Konnaio Bros , ,
_ _ _
attention , Lovers or Innocent. Amuse
The old Oilman saloon , NOB. IU
nd 110 South Twelfth , between
> ouglas and Dodge , has passed intc
ho hands of thnt veteran and popu
ir caterer to the wants of the thirsty
lublio , Ilarry Lucus. With the
hange of proprietors comes a complete
omoddling of the saloon , no that newt
t ia one of the bust fitted institutions
f the kind in Omaha. Brilliant wall
lapering , unique ceiling frescoing , ox-
lenaivu carpeting , with the addition of
ino oil painting * , a costly bar v/ith
11 modern fixtures und iuiprovemontt ) ,
nd what ia best of all a complete
took of the finest beverage neecd-
ariea and cu-ars the market ( lords ,
uakes a visit io , Harry's new plaoa a
[ onuino pleasure. No objectionable
eatures whatever will bo permitted
mdor the now proprietorship , The
aloon will bo kept strictly as u resort
or gentlemen only. To entertain
hoao who wish to tary a while a
plondid grand piano has been pur-
hosed by Mr. Lucas , over which Prof.
R. L. Robinson will preside nnd Prc
Oco. Oilluito a violinist , of note , w
add to the frco musical entortninine
as the wish of the auditors mny u
gest. _ Special preparations for love
of leisure and innocent amuseme
hive but t made
If Nearly Dead
after taking aomo highly puffol t
stuff , with long testimonials , turn '
Hop Bitters nnd hmo no fear of ar
Kidney and Urinary troubles , Bright
Disofxao , Diabetes or Liver Oumplaiu
Thoao dise.iaes cannot resist the cur
tivo power of Hop Bitters ; besidi
it is the best family medicine t
A couple rt lads from the count y n
traded considerable Attention last eve
Mig about 5 o'closk by their progress i
Fft'tiam street , one of them , evidently
minors being much ( ntoxlotcd
A. No. 1. man \\acted to till 1 1 Color.v'o , Jn !
Wjomlnjf , * rnsas , J o\nOa , nnJ Ihccntlto nc
A coin.lcc Iliiinl Knit ( Jo an , cmi lstlnir In ] H
of .VIU'H BOUKS , Laillts' , Misses' ftnil ClillJrcn
l.e , Inifs and a o Irps , I.nllcand Orntlcim ti
l oul : c nil Single Ittchp , Jll'sei' ntd Chi
nreuVi Jllttcns , c r > 'lKn Jockttj , Siftrls ai
Addicss statltiK njc , csi crlcnce and ro'crerca I
Iil20-lw mk llttiolt. 'ilcli.
.lUHUt Auvcrtict'uieni in i/ouu , lor , HA
Lei > t , found , Wautn Uoaidlnr , tc. , w 111 ball
lertci In these columna once lor TEN CKI > " 1
l > nr line ; ouch eubacquent Insertion , FlVhCUfn
iwr line. The Unit Inecrtlcu nexei loa ; th *
| ONJiV 1O LOAN Ui . al l , w ufnca of T
I Ti.7k.rovi KOIT * virliWi Block
HS'/KA fW\Aly l * * * > At 8 pet teatlt
E' < J.OvUV.I tcr'-- : in ina-9.oi 82,603 n
aj-Vcrdi , ( cr B to 5 yciron liiit-tlaee cltjan
i-ri prorctty. tliM'ji I.IAI , ! ! irJ Let
i - >
WAN'l D An cxpcr.entcd girl to do pou
c'ftl liouso vork In mall family. Utfer
oieci ui | Ir il Illjh \ . ffsBUen. Uill nt 11
ou i lKtiSt ! , ci' : ' . 010-tf
\\7ANTED A con potent cirl for h
V > Hmill ( auilly. 15.0 Jones. ' < -n I5r !
ind 10th i at-
t"i IiirncdiaW } b secoii i girl to as
Vt slstw.thababy. Iu a uiinlilo gltl vw
! 4 p. r week. Ajip'y a * 0 1. M. T t' trick's
Jauiiiicrs strfet , nuir On co 01" 31 }
WANTUb At OMCJ , a first ( .l.-its tnrria :
blacksmith. Steady wor < nnd ifio
njts A idre s , F. J. Snouric- , Atlantic , Ia.
I'D men to work 01 the
W Slier. Line , hhin end j Jiilv 31. S
9i3-31 * llth street , noirFnrnam
. / Good nar.Wi-rnakfr. and car
WAMi.1/ trimmer Sttnly ork. Go c
Nages. AAllO.s UKAlTi' ,
l'02-l Aurori. JX'eb.
WANTED A ( | irl lor gencnil Inusework
Aiiply at No. 314 17th stiect , lit. Haven
10 t and i ulcngo. 8-0 tf
N TKI ) T o or three roims HI tablf fc
WA phydcia. s ctluc. Aildr.ud Dr. I'ertr
3ee office.
ANTDli Ten teams to work on florcnc
Cut-OIf. Wages S3 60 per day
877-tt _ MIHUfKI.I VIVflFKT.
I A MEN WANTkD At I'.orence Cut-Off
1UU nlco miles tu rth ct On aha. Wage ;
' 1.75 per day MITCHELL VINCENT.
S3l-tf _
WAN'IED-A family ft o stnndlrg U
take charge ol a child six months old
[ he mother la dying In Iho hospital Inquln
or pir'lnularsottho I oilsh Jllnl * tr. 18th bc-
woun llari'y and Uaeoii , cast Bldu. F07-28'
> I TEAMS WANTED-To work on tic Oregon
00 gen Short Line. ' Wares 85.00 per day ,
735-1 ( 11 fctrro' . near Fnrram.
nTTANTED--Eio vinvjr ivj.t * . eluUs and CCEI
V > poolii tocluvu wllh aaultary Vault arc1
! lnlOlcanor , the best ! n ( we. A. Kvars i Co. ,
rtENT hOUfltb AMO LAND ,
171011 RKNT One ri'ti'lo ' for an office
I ? V. V. , < orner JS.haud Uarney streets.
FOR liEST Wllh boird , August 1st. three
i owiy furnished roonu ; prhato family ,
alr\'cw o\enue (2Vth ) utrcet , ore block north
if Bt. Marv's A\o. C r Lino. 022-20f
HOR KENT Large r > rm. lth board or tiblt
I ? board glvcti , 1ROS Collfoiula etcrct.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
POU IlKKT A p'eapant furnUhtd room or
th < first ( liar , onebkc'c from street tar. al
1(3 Uarney strtci. Olfi-tf
POK KENT Four room cottage , Itr.-e lot ,
eolith 17th , August Int. J. L. WnU' an ,
f'O Farnam street. _ OTS-tf
ipoil RENT New hitel , 2 < ) rooire , at 8to'I ,
L1 Nob. , o \ Missouri Pacific II. K. Apply tc
OU-2Yt JOHN W. CLJUIK , Ktei'u ' , M-b
IIKNT Ilous9 with three rooms 01 d Urge
P0 linMusiit. 811 aoulh 17th street. ro' I
16.CO per month. Apply on prdnl'cs. (07-tf
UEST N. E. corcor 16th and Dar-
inrcrl ( ot-1
nO't UK1) " Tinea nice -mna ft 1 o'lta ' ful
I' olll u . 13. J.ioln 11 Iilni ; < t < rc , 1120 FHI.
in d-roi I fOt-29
. 'uii Ith.M A | > Ioidicl lirnr oiHue. cjinu
I IM'i mi'i 1" r am , r.'l/i ton' Pui'dliu , will
10 hu t b ) M < c.mi K n cr Inqi/ruif
a -2T r , o. if a 'i i-.n SON
ITirn | t .NT I arc IniiiniKi r < " "v. S. R. cor-
II her I'th nd K'.iiiani , H co dtl .or t quire
f ( OI-.U ) r1. U. r TMU4 SUN.
7MIJI HENT FuriUnfdlmiHo < f fe\cnroonn ,
[ ' 1 -mall fiinln , I'CH < II alou August 1st. Ad'
Ircsi "h 11 n lbln d1' Feu c IIIcu. 8-4-tf
RENT Erlrk ttorc. Iiqulro at Prut
FOR , tumor 10'ii ut.d Douglas sta. 520-tl
[ 70H KKST lieu o ol 0 roem , newly plas-
L' tend p Inted. flSUO per munth.
I'ortliof ICIli street bridge on 15 hutrctt. < 'on-
enlent to thapB Apnlf corner l-'h a. d How-
rdbtrctt , Newspaper Union fc'S ; if
' ! ) room for irenlleman with refer.
FUllNIdll1' IKdjO street bcUcen 1 3th and
1th. t7Mf
[ 7101 RENT House lx roinrf. Apply to
L1 A. U GIiAlliTuM ! .
670 tf 1 0) ndlSlUi.ou la9Mrict
J710H RENT New h \ \ < with lira roj B , and
L' nil u.oilcru linirt | eiiu"t : , lull lot. Inquire
n 17th street lutMntu 'ikl"i. | ana Paul on"
ml onc-Uilf liloci f < ooi ati vtt earllnc ,
[ 70K HUNT HCUUJ Qs < 0 , tilth basement.
L" Buitable fur trocory ti re , corner Fisrce
ndlDtli. FKK1) JIOIILB ,
b07 29 Cornir 111 hand Farnim.
HKNT Tnrco irood rooms , uufurnithed
I ; Ccr Jer 2Jth ard UoujUwcbe.p Apply oil
b74- 20f
i.iou uh-Nl'-ru nuhed r-iuui u , luiui-.rnam
j BtlCQi. 60J-tt
I710R REST One plcaiint rooir , with board
L1 If desired. 117 uoulh 17th trtot b54-tf
| AAl.OTd for lctao tl25.0'J psr annum , rech
[ \l\l far a term of ) cttg , at "firaoco Gro\o
hiu" adjclulnir Uaiiicoui 1'urk/on the wtnt
vn minute * w lk from ii'riet can Uorey ran
eoluliied to build with , by pvreODt leasing
liese lots at regular rates. I
13-tf On prcmlief , offic t lilt Farntm ctrcel.
T7IOR RENT Nlctly ( urnt'hed frcnt ro rn ,
JD first floor , 810,00 per month. 1107 Howard
between 14th and 1Mb itrccts. S30-tf
RKNT Two new dwellings and two other
dwelling ) Inde lraMe ice llty , ly Jlc-Uon ,
No. 1B1I Douvla * street H7-U
FJR RENT New cotl ? f , MX rccm > , rear
houic , lical St. MaijV atcnn .
6C9-tf WAl.MtOlNDIUll.
FOR REXT-Enqnlto at M. W. Ken-
HOUSE ' store , 13th between f arnm and
llainey. _ rug tf
1IBST Furnlshe.1 room with board ;
; modem Improtcm nt . a tow table tjo.rdr.ra
can be ntvoinmoUatcd , at 1718 Lodge street ,
- FOR RENT Small and large ,
two to tftcli'o room each ; onoor t to new
ones with all modern con\crlcnrci. One of 12
rooms , snltable for boarding and room renting.
17th unrl UoiijiUs Sts. DHM13. Ascnt ,
Je23-tf 15th and
_ _
RKNI Uoarrtlng h 01113 well furnished.
FOR 103 10th street , alvj 3 rooms r.ttho
corner of 12th and Douglas strooi. Inquire on
pt ml n.
FOR RKNT Two nicely furnUhedfouthrcoira
rfio > able prlci-K , 201 Cnt ttp t. 332-t
IV UM.SIIF.lJ soutn roomi for lent. S.
TWO . corner 10th and IMvcniort. Sffi.tS.
17 011 11ENT A 7 room house tin ! 4 stall
X1 Ubloon Convait street , mar M. Xluya
axcnur , Icnt.CO per month Enquire o
L'aiktr Droihurs , iraiollltc. 6(16-11 (
RF.NT rurnlshed front roon. w itb bo > rd.
COS North 17th St. 631 U
K10U KENT furnished room , 1723 Doutrlai
I ? Btn-ot. 4 l-tf
KENT. Two now decant homes. In
quire nt Peterson's Clothing store , near IT.
1' Depot. _
| , MJH Hj'ni inn * t > iv r lie
< is.h 'ti .K. V. cor. Iflth inl De.dc
s o-u
I'r Xlcy'ly tunilihcA foena w'th nr
' ' riJ. K vjonc.lilo xvlcet. CTS
HOUSH and lot for oile , No. 02S Montana
street , rear Cumlig. Inqultc Cigar store ,
earner 10th nnd Jackson htrccte. S85-a25
FOR SALK A peed pa\nit ! grocery Iu mess
rn loth street. Satisfactory reasons for
fe'llng. Address " 01J. . , " 2443 Ia\enpcrt
" _ 681-tl
I10H S LK Team of while earrligo ho-scs ,
well inatclud and perfittyircntlo. Can bo
driven by any lad' . Also phiicton and pquaro
liox buuiry , both In good order nod far silecluap.
Inquire N. E corntr Uodioand ilth ! sticets.
SALE Kntlro grocery i took nndfixturen
FOll | cxprpps toxins and ucirm . i. ctcn
i rcaof lend with hous-barn on i other I" ppo e
menta. Four lo'a n c iintr 10th wH I'anerolt
street. Inquire N. ,1 SMITH ,
840-tf Corner lOlli and I.cnicnnor.h.
170R SALEHOISS a d fu'l lot In irocd loca-
L1 Hon. onli $1,200. WoOAOUB.
83D-II Opposite P.O.
SALE llou u and o > rni r lot. it 3i ( SO.
b rga'n. MrCA-.l'U , oppotv \ 1 > . 0 Sltf
TWO story building for inlo at a bargain. Lo-
tatul at iiLiith-cis corner of 17th street ,
ir.d Cajiltolnto. Wustbo ILOXC. ) on or licforo
Migust 7th proxltm. II-MI '
770-tf /ecnt , ISthrii ) limj-n.
rtlX UL'AU'llFUL , J.oiaWiw reel muun
O Iltiucom ' 'lace on street cir line. Best lota
n whole addltlni on xcry er. v t , rmeandnta
; rfit bargain. UKMIS' aent , 16lli aud Douglaa
'Ucets is-tf
" PLr.xrjTD ' ; rbTiuT v roit sALfc At a
BAKUIV. ino lute br ! > house , end ono
ar o frame house , with full ! i on iieir 16lh
troit. Fiuoih < ncofor linp > tiiicnt , rent f r70
cr nunth. C.dl f < r full part uulars , on
FOR h ALE. The Arlington Tlcuso"
aOTFL c'ass ; all furnished Tlia only hotel
iwn. The cheapest property in the state.
lap nil the traveling m n. Will be told clif ap on
em s to suit. Enquire of E. Tulle , proprietor ,
Irllagtrm , Wainiugton county , Noli. 6i"3 tf
C as thp BOYS' IlOiilt. Thia houcc la cen-
rally located , has eou-h and test front , and la
urroundod w th fine rtinde trees ; co-it ilnithlity
lecplng room , has Ice bouse , laundry , cample
com , &c. Ha a w orld wd replication and R
ictter patronngo than many houwa of twlca Its
apacity. Prlco 83.CCO Tor particular.- .
iresa , A. A. SAWDEY.Red Cloud , Wob. \
EM-tf .
B ros-tt E3TABHOOK
IIAT At A. H. P DI > I' Tee. . tt ?
WlSnaioevSt. -Jt
A NYpcrsin wishing to fell a good lecind-
hnnd pUuo c n flnl a ea h tu.tnmerby
ddrcMlng F , care DISK offlc3. PH-28
1PKCIAL AGENTS for Nebn la Kani8 and
3 Mls utl to represent the l.VlU TRIAL
i FH ASSOCIATION cf IndlanapolN , Indiana ,
Dfch haastcod the test of tlm , pits all losses
i full ; strongly Indorsed by the I o t lunar. . ' co
uthorlllcs ; ttorougi ly establUhcd easily
orUcd , and Ii not 01 Hie ooperatho or old
no plan. Liberal contiacto mvd ulih inciv
uilj acnts nt a compoi.satioii of from tuo.
lioiifand to three thousand do'lars ' per \car
, ddrcs < 1NDU TU Ai , 11FK ASSOCIATION ,
lo. TO East Market 6lrct , Jiidlanapoils , Ind.
july2S-lmc > .
f7 EVERETT Carpenter and builder , re-
VV moved to llth * tro t , b'tweon Farnam
nd Douxla ? , next door to stemn laundrj' . J Ianu-
icturcr of all kinds of wlndrw and door scr enx.
[ * \ingh d a number ot vearj experience in ai
ding and rerulrln bulldlnga , 1 um p'epirt a to
lake the \\ork ttHf'epialty , ulo-isf
iiV1 d.-'i8c\er > b dy want thn Whllo Spwlng
vy Slaihlni ? I'o au-ea It U the boit , i heip-
? t , runs e < t.l > r , r.ocr getj oU of or er , and nil !
t lonirrr than nnv other maehln < - na'le. A
rial will coiixlrce you. A ttack of nccailtn for
II sowing niBchmej cr.imatitlv on hand Call
nd see us 121 N. IBth street , Jacibs U ce' * .
J21 Ot JNO
TO NONE It'll now an virdl mited
3 fact that the Whllo sewing Machl e Itada
Lo world. Its lalis are s inply yjnpnius and
icroitlng , and the cry Item cvei\riVgivrU give
sthongcn yforths WLlte , fcirVFsl5 the only
itchlnowo can fdl hat t ; > ea reifcft tatlsfac-
: ou ( all on or addrifcs JN ' . /.c.IlitU'.Q ,
thuisa ! and rti. i dealer , 121 . ' . 16th street ,
lAUIiK-Mt OF fALZVft'irjJY AKi > (70NDI
ION/UJI ; 'i , tv.1 . j .i.jtai , x-irfita Amnm
nij IfuiTDov. "NVi I , wli > j thf M ol j > irrrt n
3lnti > , cbt'.lri ( ot ny fee nlauc4 ( ; > t tin rrll
nil t jf rat , nail i vnl t n wn Ittton Su t. r fo
i'S O'cWinttfi . w n-f e ti ) rjo < I' ir
Absolutely Pure.
fhlj powder never v rle . A mantl ot p
. itrength anil wholesomcnoss. More ccono
oil thin the ordln ry kinds , and cv cot ba
? 'Sn ' f "I1'1' " } w h tna intiUitud. ol ow
st , Bbort wclKht. alum or pko pki U lowden
/ i