Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Saturday Morninp , July 2G.
Dy Carrier. - - - - - M writpr week.
ByW ! l - - - - - - (10 00 prr Year.
Office : No. 7 Ponrl Street , Near
M. 0. GKIFF1P , Manager City Circulation.
n. W. T1L.TON , City Editor. ! !
Slierraelfn mnlicn iili
The circuit court opens on the 1 Ith.
A No. 1 iilano cheap , for onlo fit
A new lot of Imhy carringcn nt re
duced price" , ( it Mueller' * music hall.
Foil SALE. A fresh milt h cow with
calf. J > . W TUM.MH.
Ytstcrdny waiono of the ( | iilet tmlcr
in jKilIco circles.
llerzinan h liouniilo close out.
Houpchold turnituro and carpets chcn ] >
at JIcr/mnn'H.
Tlieoutgoine train eastward HUH after
noon h over the Chicago ft Uock Island.
Counter ? , shelves and * how case * cheap
at llerznmnV ,
Kemeinbcr the game between the
Iicavenw ortl ) Iteds nnd the Council llttilf *
nine bcfliiH at 3 o'clock thin afternoon.
Ii. 15. Cousins lias n car load of colm
for calo liy the wagon load. Address him
nt T. O. box 78'J.
Over forty dogs have now taken nit
lifo Insurance , their owners paying the
necessary llccnso feu to tlio city clerk.
A number of fineplnuoi nnd organs
to rent at Mucllvr'ti I'alnco Mnnlc Hall.
City Clerk Sorncool lias rented the
houfo lately owned by Mr. ] foreman and
will proceed to occupy It as a residence.
William Iiinthrop yoUcrday appealed
in the superior court and ) leaded guilty
to fast nnd rccklcsa driving. Ho \ > M
A very de irablo piece cif property for
Rale , on notitl ) sulo Sixth street , In the
block oiocito ] ] the now Opera I tonne , on
IJnmlwny , Front twenty foot. 1'rico
tlirco thousand dollars , Kmuro | ! at HI.K
The remains of I'd. Kappffl arrived
yestoiday morning over the Chicago A
Northwestern , and weio interred Ju Fair-
mount cemetery.
At the Congregational church to
morrow evening the pastor , Itov. Mr.
llnmlin , will give another of ! IH ! neiica of
dUcournca on the ten coininnniliiiontH.
On account of having disposed ( if my
real otnlo In this city with thu view of
removing to Now York , I request nil per
tons having bills against inu to pictfcn
them , and thoie owing mo to settle forth
with. * 11 ,
Thcro promises to bo Homo Kcratnbliiii :
for the republican nomination for clerk of
the courts. Air. Street , tlio present In
cumbent , Arthur Pyckman and J. W.
Laird , nro already in the field. 'Squire
Burke is said to be having an eye on the
recorder's oflico.
The friends of the two boys Sprlnk
and Brookr , who stole a watch at Wick-
ham's brick yard , have concluded that they
7 can take care of the youngsters , hereafter ,
A- thus avoiding [ the necessity of Mending
- them to the reform ecbool. The Sprink
i *
boy la to be Bent to some relatives in 111 !
nols , to as to break up his evil associa
tions ,
Complaint was yesterday lodged
against John Brannnn for disturbing the
peace , but the officer failed to find John ,
and hence the case was not adjusted. It
IB claimed that ho wnu drunk and fighting
nil of Thursday afternoon , and using loud
and profane language In the vicinity of the
3 lock Island depot. At night Ollicer
Tyson tried to arrest him , hut ho resisted
It nnd got away. Afterwards ho and Ollicer
Brooks joined In a hunt for htm , hut fall
ed to get him.
Sunday School Workora ,
All Sabbath school workers in this
city , both ladies nnd gontlomun , uro
urgently requested to moot nt the
chapel of the Uaptiat church on Sun
day , July 30th , nt 4:30 : o'clock for the
purpose of doviaiii measuroa for in
creasing the efllcionoy of , and intoresl
in the Sabbnth school work in this
city. W. B. MAYH ,
Vice-president of Pottnwnttamio Go.
S , H. ABS'II. in and for Kane twp ,
Tbo Daughter of n Woulthy Misaour
Mun la Coiner Looked For
About n yenr ngo two young ladies
daughters of one of thu wealthiest. nm
most respected citizens of Jaspo :
county , MisBouri , ran awny from thel
homo apparently preferring to BOO tin
world for themselves , and tasta semi
of its forbidden fruit. Tlio prominence
once of the family , their social rank
and the fact that the daughters had
every comfort at homo , caused the ea
capadu to bo widely heralded , nnd th
aoarch of friends finally was brokci
by the revelation of the fact that botl
were in this city , but uno of them
alas , had been taken ill and died. Th
heart-broken friends came hero , urn
took back thu living and the dond together
gethor , For some time they watohei
over the daughter who was loft them
and tried to keep her within Ihi
sacred precincts of homo life
but it waa ill vuiu
Shu was determined i < > go , nnd lately
iiucceeded in eludh.g ll > o vigilance o
friends , and again run uwuy. Tin
frieiula huvu gained some Inioca b ;
which they huvu concluded that th
L'irl must bo Bomowhuro in Una eily
uud parties woru hero yesterday hunt
iujr for Iter. The search ia made mot
dnicult ; from the fnot tlmt aho ia 1111
dt-r un assumed nnine , but it will b
continued until her whereabouts ur
learned , without regard to time , trou
bio or expense. _
Hertford u Aoid
ia beneficial in inebriety and in many
diseases where the nervous system i
HUB t rung. " ju2Cd&w.lvr !
Mayor Anderson Will Needs
Oivo Some Ptirthor Ex
Chorged With Drawing Pay
Twice , With Getting
Drunk and Abusing
His Wlfo.
D ocnmcndi "Which Mtut Ho Mot ia
the ConfiroMilonnl Cam-
Those who oppose Mnj. Andoraon
, a n c.mdidata for congressional honora
ecm to have plenty of valid charged ,
hiof ntnoiiK which ia that ho is more
ntorcatcd in the railroads and inn-
lopolien than in thu people. Hut
wide from thin , thcro nro charges
nado openly and above board against
lis personal character. The charge
hat lie tavo ; it bond of $1,000 to do-
ivor n certain poatollico to a certain
person for Bomn time wis treated with
lilonco on hin part , until public indig-
lation neccBaitatcd uomo sort of mi
explanation , nnd n lengthy , gauzy onu
van given at laat , in which he did not
leny fiiving the bond , but simply de
clared it wan not for imy political p ar
There are now some other dncu-
uotita which nro brought to light , mid
vliich will be used ngainat him in the
campaign. Whether ho will tnMt
'Ro , too , with silent contempt , or
vlothirho | will GlIcrD'jmo explanation ,
remaina to bo necn. Thoau who are
xpcctod to nupport him are cartainly
entitled to BOIIIQ reasonable oxplana-
ion bpforo caatintr , their votcn. The
ollowing nro the documentBwhicharo
heir own comment :
UNITKII STATES 211" District. Court
I for the Listiict
j of lown , May
Yl.HKHTK , AXDKIISON , / Torn ) , 1871.
The irnitcd Slates comes by.Toincs T.
< unc. United Htttui dintrict attorney for
ho dlatrict of Iowa , and claims of dc- , Albert Jt. Anderson , the mini of
St < 7.Ci ( , with intere t. thiTCDti at fix per
orit. from Nov. 1. 18fil , ivhlch It H nllpijrd
KJuntly duo the Uniiiiil HtatPM from said
Now , lor C.1U80 of such claim , Beaten that
Icfunilant WUH captidti In tliu I ouith Imvu
11 fan try , in the porvico of thu United
5tut-H In the yuarlSlil , and twice I'row
ii pay IIH captain for the month of March ,
8G1 , piid to liitu by AHU Holt , Jr. , i > ay-
irnntor , on Atil ( TO , 180) ) , and on Nov. J ,
Eli I , thu amount HO received by defendant
mil paid to liini twicn fur sanio nurvii es
ting the Rumof 81ii" . < ' 0i us will more fully
ppcur from the tr.inxcript of tlio account
it defendant from the lioukn and rcconiq
of the treasury department , hciuto at-
lachcd us an exhibit anil made .1 p.irt
hereof , 'J'hat nn purt of uaid Bum linn
) ton repaid to the United .States , nnd nl-
liiiugh often rccpiested thereto , nid dr.-
cndnnt neglects and rclusci to pny tlio
Wherefore , plaintiff prays judgment for
aid mini , with interehtand r tH.
U. S. Atty for District of Iowa.
January 15 , 1U74.
I hereby certify tlmt it appears from the
ocorda nf thla ofiice , of which I nin the
egal custodian , that the following trnn-
cript of the account ot Albert 11. Andor-
on , late captain of Fourth Kcgiinent
[ owa Infantry Veils. , ii a trno copy of the
original account on file in this ollice :
"Albort II. Anderson , cnptaln fourth
leglmont Iowa Infantry Yols , . in account
vitii the United Statcx , debtor appropria-
ion. Pay of two anil three yearn volun *
COIN Amount of pay twice drawn fur
tiarch , 1801. from I'oatmastor Asa Holt ,
Jr. , on April 30 , J8GI , vouiher 4,200 ; uud
again on Nov. 1 1801 voucher 8,050. Set-
tlmncnt It51 : , § 13000. LOPB internal revenue -
venue tax , 82.40. li.ilanco duo United
States. § 127.00. Ledger 214. Journal ,
oi , : " i : u. KIIKNOH ,
Second Auditor U. S. Treasury ,
BUMMONH U , H. , I ) . C ,
To the Marshal of ] ) lhtrict of Iowa :
In thu name of the president of the
United HtatfH , you are commanded to Rum-
iiion Albert ] { . AmlciHon , acitl/enof lown ,
to appear hcfoiu tlio honorable district
court of the United Stated for Iowa , at
tlio city of ] ) o < < Mollies , on tha cecond
Tuesday of May , 1871 , thorn and then to
answer unto the United States of Amur-
lea in a plea of debt for nalary paid twice
ax captiln in Fourth regiment of'Iowa In.
fantry voluntourx , for thu monthof March ,
1801 , in thoHum of $127.UO , to the damage
of plaintiff in said emu. Hereof fall not
and have you then and Uicro thla writ.
Witness , Jamoa M. Love , judge of the
district court of the United Staten for
Iowa , at DCH Molnos , thla i7th ! day ol
February , 1871.H.
H. K. LOVE , Clerk.
Thla writ came into my hands for sor-
\icoontho27th day of February , 1871 ,
and I vervad the name on the withli
named Albert 11. Andorion , March 10th ,
IfMll , by offering to read the fame to Jdm ,
which Iin waived , and by delivering a true
copy to him at Kidi.ov , in thu county ol
Fiumont nnd rtatu of Iowa.
i'j.TKii MKLKIIY , U. S ,
MOIKIAN , Special Deputy.
M r ' hnll'ri feof , mllnagH 210 inllon $12 CO
$ > 00
In the ilUtrlct court of tlio United Statei
for thu district of Iowa.
The United States ) Monday , May 2.\
VB. } . 1871 , No. 18.
Albert H , Andereonj Law ,
Thin cauic , coming on thin dav to be
heard , pi In till ujipeara by JamcH T , l < i nr
district attorney , but defemiant comes not
but makes default. And It appearing to
the court that Albert 11 , Anderson ) ia >
been duly and Irgally summonul , and h
fnllwi to i\pnear ami answer to pUintilf
petitlvin , It in ordered that a default bo am
in heii'hv entered aguliut defendant ,
Tim United SUtos ) )
v * . Vl'liumilay , May , 28
Albeit U Anderson1874. .
Tliln cmuo come uo on this day to IK
heard on tha default heretofore enlerei
lu'ifin , Then cmuo a jury of good am
lawful men who \\ero duly ouipanneln
and HH-oni to well and truly try the iatu
in tbia cise , and they lmliihcnnl / the
ntnta of the cut' , the uvidenro ami charge
of Hit ) court , return Into oprii court tiie
following Miullot , to-wlts
" \Vf. the jury , lind lor the plaintiff uud
nvn > n tlio da uagfii nt S''OO.fil/ '
Jt is therefore uontlilered and aiijudgci
that plvintllf huvo and recover of und fron
ileleudant mill urn i f two Irmdrod um
initf nii'l I'fty onu hundredth dolialf , mu
thu e it nf tlih biilt , titxed ut S , um
thatcxcution IHH thciefor ,
In the dlstiict court of the Tnlted State
for tlio dlittiet of Iowa
1 , H. K , l/jvi1 , clerk of the court for
'alddlttiict , do hereby ceitlfy that the
forogolng tr&nvciipt contiiiim a full am
i omplete cony of the petition , Bummoni > ,
muoid and judgment entry In a certali
c JUKI adjudicated in laid court , whereli
the United State * of America in plaintiff
A'ld Albert It. Audenon is defendant , M
4 Jinplete an the original of the same now
riuaiu : on file and of record lu my ollice
further certify Ihat wid judgment is
vlmlly unsntliKed ,
In Unllmony whereof I hereunto nib-
crlba my mtun and affix theneal cif mid
outt , nt niVf flircln Pea Mohies , thii llth
lav of , 1 7. ' ' .
Clerk TUrici Court. District of Iowa.
15v Kl ) . It. MAHOX , Dpjmiy.
State nf Iowa } liefore A t * Gap
vs. > ncMn .Tmtice t f
\lbort It. Andmon.J UelVace. Inf'n.
The defendant fa acciwi of Intoxicitinn
. ml dlnorderly conduct. For that on the
th dny of February , 1K74 In the town of
Sidney , 1'remont county , Iowa , did get in-
oxicated and bolitcrom- , and maVe great
\n\tr \ \ , to the annoyance of Sarah Jane An *
erson , and there used violence tit. on the
> enon nf MM. Sarah Jane Anderson , anil
hat nalil defendant did have n weapon , to-
wit : A Dalr of rhears in hla hand In a
hrcalening manner , and did break the
lour latch of the hoiwe.
I , Sarah Jane Anderion , having read
lie abovn information , do folcmnly swear
hat the matters and thing * therein are
\re Iruc , us I verily ln-Hetc , rt help mo
Stib crlbed and sworn to before mo by
, aid Sarah Jane Andeison , and In my pres
ence , ihh 7th day nf February , 1871.
H. F GAIINI m.v , J. 1' .
The elate of Iowa ,
To any olliccr of Iho xt'to :
Information njxm o. th having ihh dv
jiea laid 1 eforo mo by Small Jane Aniler.
linn , acc.i ing A. K. Andnrfnn of the < rime
> f intoxication : md dulardly conduct , ymi
nro inmiimnded 'n the mmn and by the
litbority nf the State < ! I"wa , forthwith
. .i arrest the nb'ivo named A. It. Altlei-
sou nnd I ling him before me nt my office
n Sidney , or In ease of my abs'iico r loa
> lllty to act , before the nearott magistrate
n tlio C'mntv.
Jtnto nt SHney , this 7th ( by of tobru-
xry , 1871.
li. F. GAONKIIIN , Justica of the Peace.
Ktidorsed as follows :
This warrant , eimo to l-and I'Vbruarj *
7th , 1874 , and I rertlfy I personally Borved
ho r.nino liy arrrntln ; thu within Albert
I. Anderson anil taking him IntD my tun-
] 5nne in Fremont ciiunly , loxvn. I cbru-
nry 7th , 1871. It. T. MANFOHD ,
Jcrvicei 8 7"i
Takh < gpiim ierto juil 200
AHiictnnce , F. Bartholomew 'J OJ
A Baker'a Dozen Ohoaen to
Attend 1 ho State Conven
tion at Don M'oinos.
Tlio Uotmlft of Iho DoiDBH of the
Cuuuty Ci.iivontlon-
Tn aceoroanco with the call the re-
I'lblicatiH of the coutity ti Boinbltd iu
cunvontton at the court IIOURO yester
day afternoon. It waa niaiouiiccd
; hnt the convention wai to meet at 1
o'clock Hharp , it being the hope of the
chairman of the committee that the
could then > : n i-insnctud iu
, imu to allow him und ctne.r burt ) ball
enlhtiBinsIn to i 'ond the ( 'ame ar
ranged for the afternoon. The rain
loured down , however , apoiling nil
irof > pccm for base ball nnd hence thu
ch.mniiui wua not in any hurry , ana
tlio dulogutcn canio hi slowly. Those
vho hiin ' about ia the hall
way wuitinz , umuaed thumsolvea
iy using their umbrellas as
Btylograplnp pens , nnd drawing
loetiiig pictures upon the floor ,
mo n H the cuts moat admired being
ono of the chairman in the attitude of
doing some frno curve pitching.
There was no particular issue to excite -
cite interest , and thu delegates were
slow incoming in , and when the con
vention was called , it was found that
many delegates were absent and some
township unrepresented by any ono.
The convention was called to order
jy John W , Buird , who road the call
as published.
On motion , J. 0. Adam * , of Avoca ,
was chosen chairman and N. B. lirown ,
of Council Blull'i , secretary.
A committee of fivu was appointed
on credentials in accordance with a
motion matio by Mr. Benjamin , of
ICiiox township , Said committee con
sisted of John \V. Jiiird. of Council
Liluga , F. Benjamin , ( if Kuox , J W.
Itodefer , of Council Blulls , Isaac
J/irtor , of Viilloy tonnbhip and A. C.
Beigman , of Pleasant township.
After u recoba of almost fifteen min
utes the comiuittcio reported through
its chairman , J. W. Rodofer , thu fol
lowing delegates :
First Ward Jacob Sims , 0. C.
Bump , Geo. Carson , W McFaddon ,
M U. Brown , K. J. Abbott.
Second Ward F. A. Burke , 0. S.
Clark , G. M. Hnrl , 0. F. Ilubbard ,
JohnV. . Baird , John Fox , Joe
Third WardThos. . Tostevin , GeoL
Fuirman , T , A. Kirkland , F. 0. Gloa-
non , D. Malthy , J. W. llodefor , J. W.
Fourth Ward H. W. Hart , E.
Oiuoy , P. Tholl , Henry Hutohins , J.
Morgan , G. S. Lawson , \V. Ljvvis\V.
B. Muyu , P , Armour.
Crctcunt- . Swnnson.
Garner-G. li. Willtams , IT. M.
Knox John Ladwick , E , A Cou >
signey , J , 0 , Adiims , F. Benjamin ,
Jos. Uunnoll. J. . Hhxko , 0. B. Nel
son , \V. 11. Van Brunt.
Lewis H. 0. lluymond , A. Rogers.
Macedoniu E. K. Clayton. L. E.
S. Mitchell , Chan. Kcuhlor , Jr.
Pleasant-A. 0. Bergman , J. E.
Friun , F. M. Kinney
Valley Win. Convomo , I , G , Car
ter , John Pope , S. Williams.
The committee reported the other
townships as pot represented ,
On motion < -f Mr. Abbott , A. Mo-
Donald and H. McOinnm were given
seats ns roprt-nontntives of Hnzel Doll.
The following were , on motion ,
named to represent the * uvonil townships -
ships as follows : Eli Clayton ,
Writ-lit ; Mr. Grissmun , Washington ]
P. Elhercs , Mmdon ; J , 0 , Pontius ,
Silver Creek.
The report of the committee w
tbuu adopted aa a whulo.
On motion thu following committee
was appointed by the chairman , ono
for t-uisli uard and township to nomi
nate delegates to the etnto convention :
Council Ulutfo First ward , Jau < ih
Snna ; Second ward , J. W , Baird :
Third ward. T. A. Kirkland , Fourth
wardV , B. Mayos ; Orccent , .N.
Swanaon ; Garner , G. 11 , Williams ;
KnoxF. Benjamin ; Lewis , A. Rogers ]
Macedonia , Chas. Koehler ; Pleasant ,
A. 0. Bergman ; Valley , John Pope ;
Wright , Eli Clayton , Washington ,
Chrismunj Minden , P. Elheres ; Sil
ver Creek , J. 0. Pontius ; llazol Dall ,
II. McGinniss.
The committee , after another rocees
on the part of the convention , report
ed through their secretary , J. Sims ,
tlio following delegates to the state
convention :
O. T. Wright. W. F. Sapp , J , II.
Heed , D. B. Dailey. B. T. Clayton ,
I. T. Baldwin , Georco Cnraori , Spen
car Smith , Rev. A. Ropers , Eli Clay
ton , J. 0 Adams , E. A. Coriaignoy ,
Leonard Everett.
On motion of Mr. Abbott Iho dele
gates nero instructed to cast their bal
lots in the state convontinn for Capt
B. U. W. Hicht for court reporter ,
and to itso all honorable mentis to so-
euro his nomination.
On motion of Mr. Clayton , the del
egates wcto empowered to the full
vote of the county.
The convention then adjourned.
N. P. Drown , of t.o telegraph office ,
ia n very siek child.
Kx-Mayor Maughpn'd lltl'o Etldio la
o ill.
D.ivld Slubb , nsslstact cashier of the
Dunlnp bank , nn old Council Blulfi ) boj ,
was In the city ) e = terduy to look after the
mse ball game.
Crushing Out Clrcuseu.
The city council in its patchini ; up
of the liconsu nrditmnce hau ruijul
, ho circus liceti'i- 8150 ntid 825 ad-
ditioinl for cici iidebhow. Bcforo
the raieo luclioler ! ; ! it Dorr'a Inter-
Ocean circus had written here , nnd
finding the license to bu $75 concluded
bo conio here , nnd GO arranged their
route , their printing , etc. , to
iioro on tro 17th ot Auguot , Ycster-
lay Samuel P. Cox , the agent for the
company , was hero and discovered
that the licciiBO has been raised , S3
that the company nill hnvo to pay
S17i > , for its sideshow and all. If it
had 1 not been too late to change ho
says the show would give Council
Bluffd the go-by.
Tlio ordinance has been so bunglingly -
lingly worded that if a circus com
uany shows hero without getting n li
cense they nre subject to a fine not
lens thun the amount of the license
required5150 , but the suponor
court canngt impose ti finohicher than
8100. With this atnto of utfnirs the
citcus could really shorr hero und defy
tl the t council , na thu court could impose
no penalty. The matter will probably
bo adjusted in HOIIIO way in fixing it
up again , the council might ; ta well
lower j the licoi.fu 10 : i reasonable
It ia n poor policy to tlrivo any sort
if legitimate amusement or buaine
away from the city , : md there is such
thing as killing the goose thnt Jnys n
ilun ogg. A oiicurt ii onu of the
nlllictioiiB which every city ia sup
posed to have 1.1 the season of it If
it taken money out of the town i
also leaves money here. It draws
inoro or lees in from the country. It
stirs up the blood , giyoi u little more
lifo , nnd a city shut in by itself for
fpar some ono will got beyond the
limits "ith n dollar , ia pursuing a aort
of old fogy policy.
Base Ball.
The garno between the Loavenworth
Reds nnd Council Bluff * nine prom
ised for ycstorday was not pluycd on
account of the rain. The Reds ar
rived in good time , and were quartered
od at the Pacific. As the club had
arranged to play in Omaha to-day ,
there was some difficulty in perfect
ing arrangements for a postponed
game , hut it has been finally arranged
so that this afternoon the game wil
take place. The Council Bluff nine
have shown much enterprise m secur
ing the presence of the RoJs , and
equally so in retaining them for the
gtuno this afternoon. Tlio game will
bo called at 3 o'clock this afternoon
and will bo well worth a largo attend
ance. In making arrangements for
thu game to day the Reds will not be
able to piny in Omaha nt all , hut wil !
return homo irom hero.
K'OTIOK. Sjucial ) acHortUcmcnts , euc oa
Lost , Found , To Loan , Tor Sale , To Kent
Wonts , BoarJInjr , ttc , , Kill bo Inecrttd In this
column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PUi
LINE for the drat Ineortloa and FIVK CENTS
PER LING for each subsequent luserttnn ,
Leave adv ertlsemouts at our offlco , No. i
Piorl Street , near llroadway.
WANTM ) A ire dUI ( for ytnertl liiuao
work. JIust uDdomtiuid oo-ikiii ; . Apply
t ) Jits. Ca'o llaidwln , & 30 Mi low At o
WAN IKD A'nian bar'ne i thorouuh hi o l
OI'KU of flro liisuiftti'H ' biulncss. Addn M I *
0. U x an , Council llluflj , Iowa. Jiti > : 'U
WANTKU A good , c mjotoit irlrl mwa
other icvil Hiplj forgsn r lifm.twm *
Mm. T K , Cm In , 42J suitl ! ate.nil ttro-1.
. W AH ino' u'lo in lu o
WANTED. < itini\rr * lOHi'h p l ' " ' " ait
ru'iu to tft1 noiiln for Mpulil it'iui
The | i\ih 'cation' . nr B'ur.dnr.i ' , aiiil tu'i ' r > ' < rUhr
Our U'troifreul ernl nn I fgin't inaKo ( rein * :
toSlOjicrd v. rir clr'il naim tornm , million
Wo tirn JJock CcmjtryCouncil Huff * . )
K\LrUioily In Council lllufti
WANTKH IIKK , CO centn l r weul. , tl < >
ll\orti < bj carrier ! . Oltlco , No 7 1'carl Stn < t
near l'roaj n- .
' To liny 100 tonj brort i .via
WANl'KU addreea CounJ ) IiiulJ. .
llroom KwUrv , Council liluna , Iowa , tlM-i&tl
Kor Sale nnd Rent
tJ.M.F 'Ihce capc t liaise nrd lot In
; town. AHy ; to II. llowo , Ko. VH Broad
FOH -Two cUlu-,8 la Nibra-kn , tlioip
BALE A rid Irsh tetter ilfg , I l" > r old
FOH hlanl lotLiii. will sell thcap
/.ihlicu tl. 1' . 0. b x 1012 , C. D.Iowa.
Julys-lm _
7\01t BALE llca-itlful rrildcuctf lota , (00
} 1 oaih ; nothliiK down , nnd KJpcrn'ontli 0"l'i
HAHCOURT k HllOTHKltS , Ctuncll Illufli
and Oirtha ckirisi. Oidir * lift at COD : n
lo iitore , Jblii tlr it ( V.uu I UlutlJ , or J 0.
tlllof. UU6 Karr. in ttritt , Ouiaba , will ruelio
prompt afcnton jUt
] ' ) - . ( ( i. Ctllont se <
luw i\nci.vrr c ami npuimciw of pictures
tv ; eul'lhc ri'Ubio telatli.u Lrou.Ua proem * ,
ut thu KxctlH'or ( ialltry JOjMalnitrict.
. \V. L , PATTXIN PhjelcUa wid Oculist.
Can euro any cauoof oree > c . U U oiil )
a watier of tUiui , and can cure genrrally lu
from three tc ( he wcel-.i-lt make * no dlBer-
vuc how loiif dttoax-d. Will > tratgbt u cra.i
eyui , operate and rcuio\o Ptyrculnits , ta , uud
ln rt rUflclaltuj. ! Sjwdal attention to re
* pi-t (
Facts forth Knowing
A new crop Garden Grown Japan
Tea ( very fine ) 75o
Fine Japan Tea , equal to that of
fered at Toe GOc
Very Fine Young Hyson , equal
to that offered nt § 1.00 7Cc
Wo Mean Ju&t "What We Say ,
16 Main Et , and 15 Pearl St. ,
Council Ms , Iowa ,
Oltlca and Works , Mutn Street ,
Wo give special attention to
Stamp Mils , Smelting Furnaces ,
will rccolic prompt attention A general As
sortment ol
ifrass Roods , Belting , Pining ,
Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Coal ,
a a D
All Shippers and Travolora will find
peed accommodation and reasonable
Council Bluffs , - - Iowa.
Rubber Hose , ] ron and Lead
Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and
Trimmings , at
Bixby & Wood's ,
On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets- )
J. M. PALM&K ,
1 he Star Bakery ,
227 MAIN ST ,
Employ the best Ire ! J Uakor In the Went ; also
a choice hind ( or Cnkca and Pica.
Uread delivered to oil parts of the city.
Klcb Out Olaes , Fine French China ,
Silver Ware &c. ,
840 llBOAPWAr. COI1NCH. lir.UKF.S. IO > VA
MBS. h. J. 1 -J ( A ] . U.
_ 2 ! ? 2
TIIOH"urriCMi w , II M
Oouncil Bluffs , Ia ,
Established , - - 1866
PealiM In Korelgo &Dd Domestic Exchar
anil home securities.
T.J.MDY.M.D.J.S . , ,
( Ute Vitfilnary Surgeon ' . 8. A. )
The Only Votorinury Surgeon
in the City.
All ol the but I'lijs cUu > < council IllulTa and
urromidln u
818 South Main Btrctt , Council DluQ .
New home and newly fitted up lu first dm
U > lc. Meali at all bourn. Ice rream and Icmo-
t Je every evening. Frultt acd coafectloneit *
Broadway , and Fourth Street , ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
B " a I ) T TSTn CS ?
&J Vs"3 ] JL J Ja J J y88 .O Ar K8
Burdette and Western Oot-
lage Organs. Prices reason
able ; terms to suit all. CJ
Importer and Dealer fn
of all kinds. Sheet Music one- S
. . third ofF.
Agents wanted.
.A.G X
.A.ES CoiTOspondeuoD solicited ,
B Hi a
Guarantees the Best $1.50. $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and ffilluw Sreets , Council Bluffs.
irrors , Upholstery , Pepairine1 , Etc , . Wood PM\ \ Metallic Coffins ,
No. 430 Broadway. Cor. Bryant St. , Council liluflb , lo\\-n.
THE BEST BREAD INT THE OI'IY None but iirst-clasa Bakers.
employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , ( fro. , delivered to any part oi the csty. Our
Wagons run all duy.
_ _ . _ P. AYRES , Proprietor.
Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands
and a number ot Well Improved Farmn , both in Iowa and Nebraska.
Oflico with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - GOUNXJIL BLTJPS
Brockton , Mass , , July 13 , 1882 ,
Z. T , Lindsey & Co. , Council Bluffs , Ta. :
Dear Sirs : Keplying to your esteemed favor of the
5thintt.will say that it isafaot that the advance in theprice
of Or.lf Skins , Sole Leather , r.nd most every kind of Fhoe
Stock , taken in connection w th the adva co for labor wo
have been obliaed to comedo to workmen , has inoreaseJ
in no small degree the cost of manufacturing1. Notwith
standing which fact we pleased to say your order ,
given us early in i he sen SOD , will be filled at tv e nld prices ;
and we hope , by being diligently alive to the requirements
of 1 he demai d for a really first-ola'SB ' article , to supply you
M uh a BE ' 1E R line ( .f . coeds than we have ever given you
hp'eto'oro. fur purohr.&o of-both French and domestic
< af ! fck ns ( as ve 1 s a large supply of 0 k-tanned Solo
Until r were ui. o very early in the season wiiioh , being
bcufcbt at foimcr pncoa , relieves us in a givnt degree of
the inoronred o vt of production that many raanulaotureis
areoblijd to sustain in filling their orders taken early.
Your wlvlo rrder for the coming fall season H well in
hand , and wll be shipped at an early date. Wfl des're '
to oail the attention of those wha use our goo s , through
the medium of your house , to our new styles in both Hand
and Machine Sewed work. Our French , Medium French
and London Too goods are all nme on entirely now lasts
and new patterns , which wo feel sure will meet with a
just appreciation and the approbation of your customers ,
With the improvement wo have made we expsot to furnish
a more nearly pe feet fitting shoo than over before. Wo as
sure you , gentlemen , that wo will endeavor to give all your
order our pnrciit and otireful attention , and with these
assurances we trust to merit the continuance of the rnanv
favors you have been pleased to bobtow upon us , and ,
awaiting your further commands , wo are
Respectfully yours ,
O. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
WbolculeanJ Uotali Dealers In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,