THE DAILY BEE OMAHA SATURDAY , JULY 20 , FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. NEW YORK , July 28 UO.VET. Money close j nt 3 per cent. Exchange closed nt 4 SG@4 S3. UdVtnjMlENT BOSLK. dwcil firm. G'a continued 101 ? hid 5's continued 101J bid 4' coupon8 120J bid 4J'a coupons lUtf Hd Currency U'a. 130 but IIAILEOAX KINDS. ISjIhr vnKlus > d bu'jds Closed atfollowu : Unionist ? . . . . lTli116j } Land Grants UUJ@li ? Sinking Fund I'JS (3,12.1 ( Centrals 1UJ11UJ ! ! BTOCK3. Tte stock market to-day was not to net- IVP , aud the comte of prices \cry irregular thuriRbctit , market cloiing nt hlight ad vance from the lowest point. Piincipal dealing' were in Like Slioie , Tcxhs Pa cific , Kaiiitits & Texas , Northern 1'acltr , Ouinlin , Ij uisvlllo A : Nashville mid Den * ver & Ulu Grande. Tne following were the closin ? hid * : Western Union. MJJ Erie tOJ Adams 13 ! ) Preferred American n u ' United ? t.tea. I'rofcncd. . . ! U - Kuiisns & Tex < .a 0-4' OC&IC ! ir.j Like ijlioic Ill's C ' O & 1. . . . 47 NYC iiai i Louis & . 74 N J 0 Mori is & E. . ,1'Jl Norlhweitetrj .ItOj Ohio Ceu U't ' Preferred. . .150J Mich Cen 9'JJ ' O&W . 304 Northern I'ac. . -lilt OhioK Mtsa. . 6 ! > i Preferred. . . . 'JO Prafcrrcd . . , io : > Ccntial I'ftB. . . . % \ Pacific Mail. . ( J licksllvL'r. . . W Mt" . 11C. . . . . . . Preferred . . Ttx.-H Pacific . N Y Ki.'vatnd. HI ! llock Island. . . . 13'i Met. E'evuttd. Snul'rnu o3 Man. Kltvattd. 33 J'ref erred. . . . IGO AST li c-IJ St P& O rOJ Preferred. . . . 78 Preferred Hit CanadaS 81. . St. Paul ' ' " Preferred. . . . O&A. . . . ! ! . 130 Nash , & Chat , . D&JI 1101 M L KV. . . . Dltic W 138 \Vnbatli D &K G O''I Prtieiiad. . . . BTAIK no.sua. boutU a'e'vdy ; Tetiiioite 0V , mixed , 57. ClIIOAdO MOSKT. UltlCAOO , July 23. Preston , Keaii & Co. , banker * , report : Mioney iu tetter demand and firmer at 5@7 per cent. Eu'ern exchange batwaon city bank. " , ateaely at fi'Jc discount. i . ' of associated banlc- 'learlngs the - 87- 400.000. Orders for currency f iir. UNIVKI ) Bl'ATKd UONDS. SJ's Extended G's 10 bi'u hxtewted 6' 10 4i's Coup un 11 4'j COUIIOIM UAII.WAY UONDS. Chieig.1 , t Alton b' 112.J C. 13. ri CJ. 4'ri bOI tOJ C , M. iS : St. P. Dubuq. : GH. . . 81 OryioE or THE OMAHA BKM , I Jfiiday Evening , July 28. J Tr.e only change * reported iu tlio n arkut tn-day me as follows : 1't'ga and green caugo nlumba declined 23n c. ' e Pie peaches declined 2oc per case. coca I Grain Dsallnifi. UEA.T. Caah No. 2. Sic ; cnsn NJ. 3. & 0c : rejected , GOc. i tviiLKY. ( Josh No. 2 , SSc : No. S , CC . i-tYJi. Cnah , C3'j. CUliK. Xo. 1 ! . Glc. < ATS. Gush. 5 r. STUJ''ilT ' I'llCCES-Coru , 5JGU ; oata , 50o. rroduce and Provisions. 1'OTATOKS Old , out of innrbpt. Rnirie grown plenty ; ue\v , 003.G'ii ; li-r Imf-hel. o\'JUKS 31 00 per bushel ; new ' do bnnclies. l. ? 0c. h-v'ie urott'i ) , per < ! ) ( JlAlJlSHKS Ilonio grown , I5cdoz. I'll : PLANT Perpouud , Ic. LliTTUCU Pcrdo/s head , 'J3r ( ? : ) < 5. .NKl\r T.JM V'L'OKrj P.T box , & 1.U ) ! ; ! 1.2S 1.2SDUTT.'JRChoicn iwintry , 18.- . < jGb ric.iice , KiC'17u. MKATSILaiiM , 15c , brcnkfait baupn. 15c : clear bison , lHJc ; huuliler , ilcj dritd beef , H'.j FJ.UURJOBBING PKICi : Uest llinntntu pateutc1 70 ; .luck Frost , 4 7- > ; Hhuwnee fnncy , .M 76 ; California ' ' 1'ioncui , ' 3 7 ; Tiiuniph , Bpring , 8 25 ; rye lluitr S 2' ! rje , Grahiini , 60 ; wheat Graham 8 2'hay. ; . G OOfeti . - ( ) per ton ; baled , 10 IN ) chopped feed , 1 ( ! 0 ; chopped coin , 1 DO bran , 1 00 | , er cwt ; straw , 4 OJ ptr ton Uo ( > ; fjOJ ) baled. Orocera1 List , CHEESK JfuU 1'ie.uu , 12 : ; Part Sklin. H ic. KAtitJ Imported German GO per xUJ ; TEE. Kio , lair , He ; llio , ReedIt It ! lllo , iirimo to cboico , Vj\\i \ ; Old gov't Javnj 2f > i@28Ac , Mochn , 2dic ; AilnickJe'H , 15c. 15c.i'KAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ; Choice , < )0u376cj ( Impariul , good , ! 0 ( < 4f > c ; C5:4 00@75c ; Young Hyson , oed , ti@ 60c ; choice , t c ( < 5l 00 ; Japuu Sat Leaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , W<e ; Oolorij ; , K ° " > 35(0,40 ( ; Oolouj , ' , , . | 0@55 ; SDueliou , , good. 35(240c ( : choice. : ir > rt45c. NEW PICJUiKS Medium , In bnrrelh , ; .rW ; do in halt bhla , 5 25amnlU ; , in hhle , llliUJo , in half bhls , 7 CO ; gherkins , Iu 1)jla , 1l ! 00 ; do , ir half hbls , 7 OJ. WOODENWAltK Two U. > . < i 1 U5 ; three hoop palln. 2 20. Tub' No. j , iitO , No. 2 , 8r-0 , No 3 , 7 BO. Pio. neer wushboaidh , 16ft buublo ' 2 uni Well buckets , 310 JAU liar , SI 06. VINKGAK Pure apple extra , 16o ; pure apple , 13c ; Prusflinir nure ancle , lOc. slHiAHS-Cut lout , lie ; Uruuheit lie ; Granulated , lOlc ; Powdered , 11 ; Tine powdered , lie ; .Standard Coffee A. 'Jjc , New York Confectioner's Standard A , t ! e ; Goorl A , O o ; Prairie Extra ( \ 9c. , 4 Inch und larger , 10j.o ; 11 inch. lllc. CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Hi ( Field'B ) , per case , 34 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field'a ' ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case , a 75 , Lobsters , 1 tt > per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 280 ; do 3 lb per rae. 300 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain ) per ease , 310 ; eoaked corn , 210 ; do 2 lb jynnnouth ) , per cane , 315 } string beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beans per case , 1 85 , Succotash per case. 2 00 , Pens , commonper _ case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , 3 15. Blackberries , 2 lb , per case , 240 ; atrawberrieo , 2 lb , per case , 2 CO ; raspberries , 2 tl > , per case , 3 20. Damson - son * , 2 lb , per case , 2 45. Uartlott pears per case , 3 00@4 CD. Whortleberries per cate,240. Egg plumeS lb i > ercise,2 75i Green B ge3,2 lb per case , 2 75 ; do choice , 1 lb per ease 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per caae , 4 WAa 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 10 : do 3"lb , cane , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , pet ctoe.250 ; do pie , 0 Ib , per do ea , 8 BO. dAf/T , l > rny loaU. per bbl , 1 05j Ath lon , In ew > ks , 8 60 ; bhla dairy fiO , 6s , tC HOMINY New , t'5 00 per bbl. SO D A D Wight's Ibpancw. < f2 85 : Pa on J do , $ . ! 81 ; Church's. ? i 85 ; Ktg oia 25c. CANDLES Uoxea , 40 Ibj , 1H HZ , Ha 15 boxes 40 lla. , IU oz. , Ga , 15o. 1UOE Carolina , 74 ® ? LonUIana , 5 @Sc : fair. C@CJ. SVHir/'N. / Sugar hnasa , lib i , oio ! bul ! lil , 07ck- ; . tf callon J 50 ; choici iu i syup , 53cj brJf bbls , 55c ; kegn,82 60 , STARCH. Pewl , IJc ; Silver < ; iov , PJ - N'aco ' 1 00. MATCHES Per taddle , IrOc } round o sci , ? " .G3 ; square caies , 85.10 SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imticrial , 335 ; Kirk's s.xttnct , 3 GO ; Kirk'g standard. 3 SO ; Kirk's white Ktwian , S So : Kirk's Eutosa. 2 13 Kirk's Prftirio Queen , (100 ( rnkfo ) , ' ,0 ! Kirk's magnolia , 4 in. LYE American , 3 40 ; Urccuwicit , 840 ! Weatmi , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 60 ; Uwis' lye , UO ; Jewell lye , 27f > . rOTASIl Pennsylvania can * , 4 dec. . , in c.-uto , 5 : ' "ij Uabbitt'ft Ball , 2 doz. In C.VKC , 1 ! > 0 : Anchor JJall 2 doz In case. 1 50. r'lKLl ) SEED lied clover , choice new , < > 00 per binhel ; mnmmoth clover new , 87 00 ; v hito clover , new. $14 00 ; % l nlf alover , new , 812 oO ; alsike , now , f-lIIOO. Timothy , s "di now. W CO , blue grrw , extra clean , Sl ? 0 ; blue ur set clean , ? 1 2o ; orchatxl ijrnss $2 BO ; red tuv , choice , 1 03 ; millet , conunon or Missouri , e0c ! ; millet , Garman , SI 00 In 51 S.'i ) Tlnmtaiian. SOc. HrUitESEED-OsAge orange , I to 5 buihcl * , ? 5 00 ; osags orange , 10 mmhel" or .ivor , $1 (50 ( ; honey locust , par Ib. , J'MI ; per 100ibi-2500. Via t Fnjnily white fitn , 5K ) Ib hi hi l , .3 t'o ; A'o , 1 white fisli , ! )0 ) Ib hf hb ! * . 7 00 ; No. 1 white tish.jn 10 Ib UiU , 1 10 ; family 10 Hi kits , S.'c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 Ji.'i ; 1iu ian midinc * . 75c : Colut'-- bU river almon , per 100 Ibs , 8 00 ; Geortf"1 : Bank codfish , Gc ; Gen , bonclcis cod. ii , O cj bender fish , fijc. MACKEllKli llnlf bbUIUIM mackoral , 100 Iba , S12 50 : hf bbl No. 1 ct shore do , 300 ) ! < , S 00 ; hf hbli , fat fasnilv do , 100 Ibs , li Olj ni6.w mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 75c. "PEANUTS Koaatect , chotce , red Ten- uea'ico , f'cper lb ; fancy white , lOJc prrlh ; raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; Dry Qoodi. BHOWN COTTONS Atlantic1 A , 8jc ; Applcton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , So ; 13oott FF , Sic ; Buclvoyc LL , I1 1 , 7c : Cubot W , 74c ; Chittenanijo A , ( He ; tlreat Vails E , 8Ac ; Hoosicr , 0 c ; Honest Width , 8c. In- ( .11.111 Hem ! A , SJc ; Indian Standnrd A , 8c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8 0 ; Lnwrciico IJj , 7c ; Mystic Iliver , 7jc ; Pcquot A , 8Jo ; Shawmnt LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5 o ; AVnclitw ott li , 7ic ; do A , Sic ; do K 48 , 12io ; Wai- cott mi. 8Jo FINE BUOWN COTTONS Allcudalo 4-4 3-4 So Argyle 4-4 , 7ic ( - ; 7Jc ; Alligator - , ; ; Atlantic LL , ( He ; Badger SU > to X 4-4 , 7c ; 8jc ; Lehlch E 4-1 , Jlc ; Unsdale 4-4. lOc ! PeppercU N 30 , 7c ; ifo O 32 , 7ic ; do H M , 7ic [ ; do E 3 ! ) , 8Jc ; I'ocajsct 0 4-4 , 7Jo ; WaniHutta 4-4 13c BLEACHED COTTONS AndroKCog Kin -1-4,34c ; BlackatoneAA in perinl SJc ; do do half bleached 4-4Uc ; Cnbot 4-4 , J ; Fidelity 4-4 , 9icVmit ; of tlioLoom , 10 ; 110 can .brio 4-1,13c ; do AVater Twist , 10 Jc ; Great FnllaQ.lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 1'Je : Lonsdale , lOc ; do cnmbric 37 , 12Jc ; Xew York Mills , 12.1c : Pcntiot A.lOc ; Vupporel N G TwllV , i2ic : Posahoutns M , 9jc ; Pocaa1" t 4-4 , 81c ; Utica , He ; Wamsuttn O X X , 12tc. JJL/OKH ( Colored ) Albtny K brown. 3c ; dn C , ilraV flc : doA etripea imcl plaids , liijc ; do XXX brown und drab. btriCB [ ) nud , i2Jc ; Arlington fancy , We ; Uruuswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy , 12ic ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Foil Kiver brown , extra heavy , Hie ; Indiana A brown iHr * Xpuonset A brown , loc ? TiUKliNun a.rnoskc.ig A U A 32 19c ; do XX blue 32 , 18iu ; Arrowai-ca , 9Ac ; ( Jlaremout B B. 151c ; Coneatoga ex tfa , 174c ; Hnmilton D , ll c Lewictou \ . 50 , 15c ; Mmnehaha4-l , 20c ; Omera super extra 1-1 , ' 'So ; Pearl Hiver 82 , lo'lc ; 1'ut- nam XX blue striiie , 12c ; Shetucket S lOJc : do SS 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 9o DENIMS. Amoakeak , blueand bronn ICJc ; Andover DD blue , ISJc ; ArlingX liluo Scotch , Ib.Jc ; Concord OOO , blue nw brown , 121c : do AAA , do do 13i ; doXXtu do do 14 Jc ; llaymaker's blue and brown , 9ic ; Mystic Kiver DD stripe , IGJc ; Pe.irl Kivcr , blue and brown , Itic ; Uucasvillo , blue and brown , 134c. " CAMBRICS Barnard , 5ic ; Eddystone lining , 21 inch double face , 8&c ; Garner A glazed , 5Jc ; Manhattan glove finish , 5Jc ; Newport do Gc ; do glazed , 5Jc ; Pequot do 5c ; Loukwood kid finisli , Gc. CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndroa ; cogpin satteen , SJsjClarendcn , GJciCones toga eatteens , 7p ; Hallowel , So ; Indi J Orchard 7ic ; Nnrr > gan3ettimprovefJc L'cpperill sattppn 9io ; Rockport , 7ijc. 1'UINTS Aliens , Gic ; American , GJc ; Arnold , 7c ; Benvick , 4Sc ; Cocheco , 7c ; Conestoifa. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnell , GJ@7c ; Eddystone. 7c ; Gloucester , Gc , liarmony , CJc ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Mer- timac D , 7c ; M yttic , 5Jc ; Sprai'ues , Gc ; Southbndge , Gc ; do. GinghaniB , 7c ; Marlboro bore , 5Jc : Oriental Gic. GINGHAMS Amoekeag , 12lc ; Amof. ! cea ? dresa 9J' Argj'Je , lujc ; Atlantic , ! ) c ; Cumberland , 7 c ; Highland , 74o ; Keiiilworth , 8Jc ; Plun kett , lOJc ; Sus sex. 8c COTTONADES . . ' 1-ervillo Ufa Agate. ' 'Uc ; American , ! ' - ; Arti hin , 2fc ; 3airo D and 'J' , liSJo ; ( Marion D and T , I7jc ; Deccan C"o.slripe DundT , IGc ; Key stone , 13Jc ; Nantuoket , 19c ; Nonpaieil , IGo ; Ocean D and T , 13Jc ; Uoyol , KiJ i Sussex , 12c ; Tinga , 12Jc ; Wachusett shirt- nif jbecks. 12ic ; do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York , [ ilain Nankin , 12Jc ; do , checks , Btripea imd fancy , 12ic ; do , 8 oz , 20c. .SHEETINGS AndroecoKsIn 10-1.274o ! do 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C 42 , He ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 27J ; New York mills 98 , 35c ; do 78 , 30o ; do 58 , 224c ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Peouot 10-4 , 2840 ; do 7-1 , 19c ; do 49 , IGc ; Pepperell 30 , 29n ; do 07 , 21c ; do 57 , 18o- Utica 9S , 35c ; do 58 , 22Jc ; do 48 , 17o Clean and Tobaccos. CIGARS. Seeds , ? 15.00 ; Connecticut , ? 25.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Havana , S50.00 ; Cloarllavana , $75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 24 lb , GOc ; Our Rope , first quality , G2c ; Star , pounds , 24 lb , butts , 60o ; Horse Shoe , pounds , 24 lb , butU , GUc ; Glt ! Edge , [ raunds , 2i lb , butts , CO ; Army and Navy , ponmU , 55c ; Bull ion , [ pounds , 59c ; Loril- ni'a Climax , ixmnds , OOc , FINE CUT In pails. Hard to Beat , 75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80o ; favorite , G5c ; Rocky Mountain , ( Xc ) ; Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , ftdc , In tin foil CatlbiH O. 8. , 5 lb boxes , per lbG3c ; Ixiri- illard'e Tiger , G5c ; Diamond Crown , CGo. SMOKING All grudea Common , 25to d3o. Granulated Blackwolla Durham , 1G oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 1G oz , 4Go ; Seal of North Carolina. 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebraa. ka , 1G oz , SSc ; Lone Jack. 4 oz , linen bags perlb , $1.35 ; Marburgs'Pack , 2 oz , tin oil , 55c ; Do * Tail G5c. Palnti Oil * and Varnlthei. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. , Gjc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , GJ-i ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20o French zinc , ws'sn seal. 12c ; French zinc , red seal , He ; French zinc , in varnish assi , 20c : French zinco , In oil aasi , 15c ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; raw and burnt Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown , 3w refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c ; l"ory black , 10o ; drop black , iCe ; Prussian blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. M. & I ) . , 14c ; blind and shutter green , L. M. & D. , IGo ; Paris green , 18o Indian red , 15c : Venetian red , Uo ; Tuscan dn , , 22c ; American Vermiliod , I. & P. , 18o ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , 0 , & D O , , IBq yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IR ; patent dryer , 8c ; Draining colors : light oak , dark oaV , walnut , chestnut and ash 15c , Dry ° alnti White load , 040 ; French rinc , lOc : Paris whlteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJc ; v lilting com'l , lie ; lamjiblaek German , town. 14c ; If inpblcck , ordinary , lOc ; Prus. sian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18cj Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , row , lojsienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , lo Pariu preen genuine , 2. " > c ; Paris green com' ViOo ; chromo green , N , Y. ' 20c ; chrom- green K. , 12c ; vennilllon , Eng. , 70o ; ver. million , America , 18o ; Indian red. lOc roxo pink , He ; Venetian read , Cooknon's 5ijc : Venetian red Am. , lc ; red lead , 74c chrome yellow , genuine , 20o : chrome yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre , French , 2c ; ochre , American , 2c ] Winter's mineral , 24c ; lehlgh brown. 2Joi Bpaclsh brown , 24c ; Prince's mineral So' ' OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 11402 160 b kdlight , per gillon , 12ic ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , 10c ; linseed , raw , per gallon , " 5 Ihnecd , boiled , per gallon , GOc ; lanl , winter utr'd , per cal- Ion , 1 00 : No. 1 , 85c : No. 2 , 75c ; castor , XXX. p r gallon , 110 ; No. 3 , 1 00 ; sweet , per gallon , 85c ; upotm , W , U. , per gallon , 1 55 : fi h , W , U.per gallon , ( too : neaUfoot , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No , 1 , fioc ; lubri * eating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15c ; soldon machine , No. 1 , per gallon , IGc ; No , 2 , SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80cj tcr- pcntino , per gallon , fl5e ; ntiptha , " 4 , jior gallon. IPc : fir. 17c VA11NISHES Barrel * per gallon. Furniture , extra , 51 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI : coach , extra , $1 40 : each , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Daniar , extra , $1 75 ; npnn , 70cas- phaltum , ex'r.i Soc : nhellno. fit SO ; Iirvrd oil fin Mi. $1 30 Orupi. DHU S AND OHEM1OAU3 AcM Carbolic , fiOc | Acid , Tnrinric , OOo : Balsam Copabia , per 11) , "fo ; Hark , Si > unfrriK , jior Hi , 14c ; Onlmnol , per lb , 75c ; Plnchonmio , per oz , 51 0 , " > : Chloroform , par lb , 100 ; Dover's powders , pci Ib , 61 10 ; Ep > oic < alti > , pur lb , SJo : ( Slyc'Simi , pnr , pf r lb , ' 38c ; lAad ) , Acetate , lb , 2lc ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , pur gM , * 1 15 ; Oil , Castor , No. S , per i ; * } , SI 00 ; Oil , 01\o. ! per pal. il"iO : Oil , Oriirauum , ftOt Opium , ? l M ) : CHiinlnn P. At W. & K. & S. , per o , ' , S22 fij Potasiimn , Iodide , per 11 31 75j SMnnn , pi r olOo ; Sulphate ol Morphine , fer us , $3 M ; Sulpnur Hour , per lb , 4i' ! Mtrvchtiine. nor 07. , ? 1 25. Heavy Hardware Ui t Iron , rate * , $3 ' 10 ; plow steel , spicial suit , 7e ; ciruclip.Sc ! ! : ( .pedal i > rirrmanG2 ; cast tool do , IGCg'JO wuirou spokox , set. 2 2T > @ 3 IHI ; huts , par not , 1 I'D : felloct , sawed dry. 140 ; tongues , carh , 70@85c ; axles , each , V5c ; square nut , per Hi , ' © lie ; washers , perltt. 8(3 ( > Ue. ; rivuts , i er lb , lie ; coil chain , per lb , t'il'-'oj ( malleable , Sc ; iron wedges , tic : crowbars , t'o ; h.urow teeth , 4c ; horaeihoe.i , per Ur ; ; . 500iijiiiiir : ctcel , © < c ; Burden's hnriiOiliouH , f 50 ; Burden's mulrshoen , G GO. SHOT. Shot , 31.t > ri ; Buck shot , BlUt' ' ; Oriental Powder , kegs. $ < UO : Jo. , half kegs. ! ? 3.18j do. , quarter Uftga , SI.1W | IJKst- luir. koes. 83 851 Fuse , uer 100 fcpt " > 0c. UA'.UUl ) WIUK In car lot , .a 30 per 100 ; in lo-s than car lolH. 8 55 uer IQi ) . Leather. Oak Hole , 38c to 42c ; hemlocV su.o , 28c to 35c ; hoinlcck kip , 80c lo 100 ; runner , r"o to 80c ; heinlocfc O'tlf , 85c to 120 ; hem. loci : upper , 23e to 20c ; oak unper , 24u ; alligator , 4 00 to C 50 ; calf kid , : t2@3. " c ; GrcV-n kid , 2 50 to 275 ; oak kip , Wto to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 3D ; French kip , 110 to 1 55 ; Kicuch calf , I 25 to 2 00 ; nw- Kelts , 5 50 to 7 50 ; lininns , G 00 to 10 50 ; ropuings , ! ) ( ' 0 to 1060 ; H , L. Morocco , 30c to 3.c ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; siuiou 2 " 0 to 3 00. HAUNiSS-Nol ctar oak , 42c ; No 2 do , 31)c ) ; No. 1 Ohij oak , 38c ; No. 2 do , 3oc ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2dJ , 'Mr , Horiei nud Mulct. The market b brisk and nil gractos arc lolling well nt n ilicht advance in p < ices. The demand for good horeo ? oxcuedti the supply conHideraoly. Prices range ni fel lows : i'inu iiingle driverB , 5150. to SCO , ; Eitin draft horea , iU"6. to 225. ; Common dra.'t horneti , ! J100. to 150. : E\trv : farm hcraoj , 3110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horuen 500. to $100. ; Kxtio plugi' ' , ? CO , to 75. ; Common nlugs , § 20. to $10. MULES. 15 to 15 } hands ( extra ) , 81i . to 150. ; llj to 15 hinds , 6100. to 140. ; 14 to 11J hnucLs , 87P. lo 100. ; 18 $ to 14 hand ? , SCO. to 75 LI uors. ALCOHOL 187 pioof , 220 p r v/ino gallon ; extra California spirit1' , 18/ proof , 1 20 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits. 187 proof , 121per proof gallon ; re-distilled vtisUies , lOOfel 50 ; fine blended , 150 ® 2 50 : Kentucky bouibon. * , ' . ! 00@700 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvaniaryon , 2 L0@7 00 UKAJs'lHES Iiniwrl * " . ! , * U 001(3 ( 00 ; domestic J 404 00. GINS In-ported , 4 oti li 00 ; ilouio.itie , 1 40@3 00. RUMS Ituporlod , 4 uOi2 > (5 ( 00 ; Now Kneland. 2 00ft4 } 00 ; dome tc , 1 'Mfdfi 60 PEACH /\A'L > APl'LK BHANlJV 1 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imrortad pnr case , 2SOO@3I OjAm3rtja , case , 1200 © 1C 00 , CLAHETS Per case. 4 CO@1C 00 WINES Khinowine , per case , 0 00 ® 20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00 , r Lumber. WIIOLK.SALE. Wo quote lumber , atn nnd shingles on : rd at Omaha at the following prices ; JOIST AND SCANTLING - 10 ft. and under , S21 00 ; 18 ft. , 522 00. TIMBKHB IB ft. and under , $22 00. TFMHKU AND JOIST-18 ft. , 823 00 ; 1C ft S24 CC , 22 ft. , § 27 50 ; 21 ft. , 827 50. Jb'LMJING No. 1 , 4 acd fi in. , t < 22 00 ; No. 2 , 820 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common board * ) . -518 50 ; No. 2 , 317 00. STOCK HOARDS , 12-in. D , 82300 ; U-iu. 0 , § 35 00 ; 12-in. 15 , S40 00. PAPEH Sti aw paper , 3fc ; rag paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manila pivper , lOc ; uows piper. 8c. COAL Cumberland biuckflmith , 312 ; Morris llun BloR&buri ; , 512 ; 'SVhitcbreast lump , 80 f.O ; Whitohreast nut , 6G 50 : Iowa lump , 30 50 ; Iowa nut $650 ; Kock Spring J8 : Anthracite , all BizeB. S12 00(3112 ( 50. NAILS Kates , 10 to 60j' | , 3 00. LliNlK Per barrel , 8116 ; bulk pa oim- 35o Cttment , bbl , SI 75. Iowa plaster , bhl , 32 Ol ) . Hair per bu , SSc. Tarred felt 100 Ibs , 33 00 , Strr.w board , 83 CO. Wool. Aleriuo uuwaa cd , light , M@lGc ; heavyc @ 1315c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20I washed , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; tub-ding nnd w. , 2Bc ; hurry , blackand coiled woo l@0o leas Hldei hurt. Etc. HIDES Oreen butcher's hide , OfttOio : ured 7c ; hides , green salt , part cured 7- ildoH , Ulc ; dry flint , Bound , 13@14c ; dr > calf nnd kip , 12@14c ; dry salt bides , Bound , 10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 llw. . lO llc ; green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , pei skin , 50o : reen pelts , 50@$1 25 ; green lamb skins , il 25150 : damaged hides , two-third rate , cut scored and one grub , classed two- Urdu rate , ) branded hldos 10 per cent. off. Coon skins , No. 1. 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , . * ) . ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 60c ; No. 2 , 30o ; No. S , 15c ; No. 4 , oc. Fox , No. I/ 60c ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , black , J5c ; short Htripe , 40nj narrow stripe 25c ; broad stripe , lOo. Tallow 7c. Council BlulTs Mnrliot. COUNCIL BLurrH , July 28 , Flour Golden sheaf , 3 CO ; made from TUXJS winter wheat at Crvtil Mills , 3 ( X ) ; Kansas Hour. 3 50@3 75 ; Graham , 300 ; rye ll'tur , 3 00. Corn Meal 1 70 for white ; yellow , 1 00 ; corn ch p , 28 00 per ton ; corn nnd oats chop. 32 00 per ton ; chop , 33 00 per ton , Wheat No. I , 1 00 ; No. 2 , 03e. Corn White , 0 > e ; yellow , OUj. Rye 503. Barlny 70 FUUITS-Hlackberrles , 20o per box ; raspberries , 20o per box ; appleu , 2 50@3 00 per barrel. Broom Corn 3i@9c. . Hay Loose , 7 W0 ) 00 ; baled , 75 er bale. bale.Wood Wood 5 00@G 00. Wool 15@25. Butter Creamery , 20o ; In rolls , wrap , ned , IGc : rolls not wrapped , 12 i ; mixed coiow , 10@12io. Eggs 1 > i % Ouionx 30o per doz. Live Chickens 2 00 ® ' . ' 25 per dozen. Potatoes Old , out of market ; new , 50c. Cabbages 10@f,0c per doz. Turnips 4U@50o per bushel , LIVE STOUC. Cattlo-Extia , 300 ® 350 Veal Calves-5 { , Qr 00. Jlogs 050@700 , Sheep-1 (0 , Chicago Froaaoo. CIUOAQO. July 28. Flour Quiet and unchunced ; spring , 47S < & < ! 75 ; Mlnnen-.tic , 50. 7 25 ; win ter brands , 0 00@7 00. Wheat lied winter unsettled and low er nt l 013 ; No. 3 , DS'crDSic ; spring quiet ; 1 31@1 8H for July ; 08J tor Auguetj 'J3@ 'JOJ for the year ; regular No , 2 active and lower , closing on call t OUJf for July ; U7J for Augu < t ; l'i ' ( for the year , Corn Steady early in the day but weakened and closed lower on call , after wide fluctuations , at 77Jc for July ; 75o } for Angus1 ; 71 Jo for September ; 05o for the year. Oats Irregular , but firmly held ; No. 2 o1o cd nt fi'c for July } 87Jc for Auguitj 3ljjo lor September ; 3440 for the year. Ivo ! Quletjdcinfind limtedXo ! ; , 2 , lidjc for Auguit. Parley Nothing < iolng ; Nn. 2 , 82. ' , Pork Weak ; mesi closed at Vii 45@ 20f.5 for ca h:20 374 f" August ; 20'7J for Seit mbe ; 18 824 for the yoir. Lirl Actlvn but lower , cloiinp nt 1200 or AusiHti 12 12i for Septeinlir r : 12 OJ or the jear. Hulk Meats Khort rlb weak And quiet ; .1 ! l.i for AuRiist ; 10 2 , < > for HIM year. Whinky Stca y at 1 17. Buttrr-Ste.ioy ; creamcrj2l@2tc ; Inlry , IStf.itc. Eggs-Inegularat lS@10c. iCco'td. Shipm'ts Flnur . H,31l ! 7.0.VJ Wheat . 238,174 IIG.OOO I'oru . SiflUri 'J( ) Ata . G2.273 37.5GO Tolotlo TOLEDO , July 28 , Wheat Wenkcr ; No. 2nd , I 0 1. J cash mil July : 1 03 August and yo.r. Corn Inactive ; No. 2 , 77c } Augu < t ; KijU your. Oils LTnclmnged ; SOio Auii ' . ! M\s \ car. St. Ziotiis Llvo Storh. Sr Loi'iH , July 2H. Hoi's Qnlet ; sliiiuilug ) ii ! ,7 l. " > ( ( i"50 ; \orkeii- , i G'feS 20 , butcbert' ti fnncy letwy , Sa'diJS 7.'i ; culls , 1 oO ii l.M ) . Ro- cclpl.a , 1,100 ; shUmentfi , noin\ Milwnnhoo Priiiliico- MlMVAl'KIK , ,1 uly 28. Wheat EiHBltlod and IIUVIT ; .Vo. 2 hard t 1 1 ! ) f , r July : HUJc for AiitU't ( ) No. 3 , Roc. C irnV.ik ; No 2 , 774 ! rej cled , 72Jc.Oats Oats Firm ; choioj white , 7 liuject ; - cd OL'o. Rye -Weak ; No J , Oulc : No. 2 , Olc. Bsrloy ; No. I' , 7L'c. Xjlvo CiiioAau , July 28 Th Druvers' Journal ropoit > : lloga R.i'tlptp , 11,000. Market dull and 5o locrj mixed hoes , 7 11)4825 ) ; icavy , 8 30@8 75 ; light. GjfuHin. C.tttlo Recalpts , 5,500 Fat ( aitli > s'eady ; ( i ior grades weak nnd dull ; ciim- mm Milpping , 4 3"45 37J : inviliiim , G til © B 3.'i ; goncl , G 40 ( iu 70 ; mixed butcher * , inlt't ami lower ; cows. 2 GO * 3 50 ; l.ulln JOOJ32hteoK . ; , it ! )0 ) ( < i ) I SI ; HtockMis 27.J@IMO ; fcedir. ' , : 50tti5i ( ! : raugi-rs b > w and drau'gln , ' ; 'IVx'ins , 3 Tijill Ifi. Sheep lii'ceipls. GOO. Market itcner- Uly Hi. w , ranging from 2 85@4 VJ. l < tvurpuol Prodnno. 1 IVKIU'OOI , July 28. Flour American , 10sU"12s ( ! GI. Wheat -Winter , Ot 4dftN ( ! 10d ; spring 81 10d@ ! > s 7d. Corn 7a 2 1. Vork 02 * G I Larii ON. Petrol onm- CLUVULANII , 0. , July 28. Petroleum Gic. Pourln Pin HA , July i'8. ' C'orn ( Juiet and fte.idy ; luVh 'mi.Ntd , "G ( ff 77c ; mixed , 75470c. ! Oiti Aclivo urn ! tuundi ; N'o. " white , ' . 'Jiftr. ! ; IB. It ) u Steady : No 2 , G7o liighxvines Uu luiig < , i nt 1 II. Now Yorli Proiluoo. NEW YOHK , July i8. ! Flour Heavy and lowir ; Minnesota extra , 4 C0@ ! ) 00 ; Houthern tloiir ijuiet ; OJiniiion to choice extra , 5 0 < G"5 75. Wheat Un ettled and de ufced ; Nn. 2 rud , 1 134@1 14 ; No. " white , 108 ; No. 2 red July , 1 13551 15J ; do. AugH.t , 1 13 © 1 15. } . Coin Cash quiet : options lower ; un- traded mixed , 84@K5c ; No l' , do. 81 J © 1'ijc ; No. ' mixed August , 8l @ 85c ; Uo. September , 85@85o. $ | Oats Cash hitilur ; options lower ; No. 1 white , 7Gc ; No. 1 do , 74@5c ; No. 1 ulxcd , G7c. ] lye Nominal Barley -Nominal. PorlcDull and uuclningul. Lard Weak nnd low. r | 12 524 f ° r cash and Autjuet. Whirtky-Noml al. Petroleum - Lower ; uriited , 51'Jc. Sugar Nominal. Butter Nominal. lijfiju Nouiiiuil. Turpotitiuu WIUIINOTOX , July 28. Turpentine Steady atIlio. . St. x < oniN oniNST. . Louis , July 23. Fleur Q uict and , urnk. Wheat Opened hivhcr. advanced , tiicn iroka nnd became ) excired but cloned i mer ; No. 2 red , 0 : > lS.'M\o for cash ; ' .IGu or July ; Uu o lor Augiint ; ! IGJu for thu year. year.Corn Lower at 7 < i@7"c for cash ; 753o Jil for August ; 714u for September ; ( i24o for the year. Oats Liwur at 51g52a ( for cash ; 3"o : or August ; 33jc for thu yei.r. Rye Nominal. Barlny Nominul. Load 1 fc5. 15utter Unchanged. EggH - Unchangeil. Whisky Steady at 1 10. Provisions Veiy quiet ; only t-mall job Lrado nt weak prices. Kanunn City Produoo. K/NrtAH CITY. July 28. Wheat Weak ; Nn. I ciwh , 85go ; .No. 2 , 834@83Vc : No , 3. 7t J@60c. Corn ( Juiet ; No. 2 mixed cni > h , G7o bid , G3c asked the year ; talca at 48 © 4'Jj. Onts-No. ? , cash , 3'io bid , 3Gu asked. Rye No , 2 cisb , 4Uc bid , 5'Jc asked , Kansas City Llvo Slooli. KANHAS Crrv , July 28 Cittlo IteccijitK , ! ! ,772hc&d ; shipments , 1,58S head. Market lO15o lower ; native steern averaging 1,018 to 1.351 Ibs , , H , Id at 410@585 ; COWH , 2 50W3 20 ; Texas steers averaging DUG to 1,031 Ibs , 3 li'2.J @ 38n. Hous Receipts , 1.010 head ; no > > hlp- ment . Market weak nd unsettlml und 5jlOc ( lower ; gales large at 0 85(5(8 ( 50 ; bulk , 7 00@8 15. QAI T Save money and onlor ultillroct from OML I iuwo8lilp | > ro'nptly liy roll at tlio owcitt posslblo caili price to all western points , in-lni TYLUIt SALT CO. , Bavlnaw Clty.tllcli. 8J20D.DD REWARD ! Will bo paid for the detection and con viction t'f any person Dolling or dual- ing in any boi us , counterfeit or iinitn- tion Hop HITTKIW , impuninlly Hittora or preparations with thu word Hop or II o I'M in thuir immo or connt-clcd therewith , tliut ia intended to mislead and cheat the public , cr any propara. tion put in any form , pretending to bo the naino us Hop UITTKKS. The gun. uino have a c hi stir of GKKKN Jlopn ( notice thin ) printud on the white label , and nro iliu purest , nnd bent nicdicino on tiarlh , cvpt'cially for ] Cid- rioy , Liver nud Norvnim D eaeus. JJe- wuru of till othum , u d of ull protoiided formulas or nsoipi'd of Hoi- published an paperd or for they are fruudit und nivindleB , over deitld in any but the genuine will bo profcooutcd. Hoi1 UITIKIIH MKJ , Co. , jy22-lm Hoohcator , N. Y. STJIA.Y12D. A rfd mjwliltc cow. Two tl l't ' > In Iff ) car , Ttruo ciriurtil WHIO tpr.t III fnreluail uiw v\ ttt feJ 'V t"vivw < 4f More on 1 fUliIl olurn t1 tknry Clay auij icotlvi rowarJ , lUtb street , i cir Lo nl woiki , jjl/i ) ox * ST. LOTJIS , Guarantee Manufacturers' Pr.ces and Invite In spection to their Uusurpassable Selection. A CARNIVAL OF A Scamla in b'au F/anoico / ? So ciety Circles , Attempted Wif'o-Mvirdur by n Leading try Ooods Million u' ' . 'JL'vrn Kotortoua Iovu Tnhou In With Tholr I'ltitulor. Tlio Urninl Vuriotv of Bloody Doorti" , Itobborloa , Etc. Sun Krnniljoo S | < ccnl. A tragedy in hiiih Hfo on Van Nos.i nveiinu occurred in thin city when iiiiivl Sitche , ono of the millioimiru dry goods litni of Saohc , llulleVit Co. , allot his wife , who iii n daughter of ex- Collector of i ho Tort Shannon. Tlio wound is not ncjeostmriiy ihxrgeroua , but it tuny remit ialully from tlio ix- cited condition in whim hui wife lrtn been for aoiuo timo. From nil accounts it appears thnt S.ioha , who ha buon very jealous of his wife , \initudliia hoiteo tins noon inn cartiago nnd thuro found hia wife , und accused her 01 * curtain infidoliticti , nnd on her donning the chiivjio ho drown pistol upon the woman , who How through the hail Bcreiutiiiig for hulp. Quickly pursuing her the maddened huHhutid ditohargod t < ro nhotu at hii victim , but ono of which took i ll'oct. On Mir falHiir ! in n fmiilinj ; condition from flight ivnd loa of hood , Sachs dodged out : it the from door and on- lerinjj the Iniclc waa rapidly driven oil' . The police ivrrivod too la'.o to bo of liny uoaiHtiuicn , but proceeded tor.eaich for the aemiilunr. IHre. Shannon , who wan stopping with h r daughter , t thu time , dtap.itched. u moosongor for ft Mirguoti , und httd hot' daughter placed upon her bed nud 0:1 : rod for. Thu origin of thu trouble la OI.OUDKII IN MV.STKKY but from all nouir.i'a the following history - tory of the trouble * which resulted eo dmahousiy have huon gleaned. The luiab.wid , 811111110 ! Sachs , who is a llo- Imw , married MIRB Shannon , whew w a young nnd conaidorod u , bullo and a beauty. Tlio marriage- , owing > , o the dill'ei-cnco iu roligiouB faith , oxcitcd great coininetit nt the time nnd wna not approved of by thu parents , nnd in order to unite thu couple found ttiut an elopement was n-jceasary. After a time the paronto became recon ciled , nnd the father of the groom , who ia very wciilthy , fitted up an olo- rcsidunco in which the couple lived. They hao two children , a boy and n girl. I''or pomo time past Sacha han received uovurul anony- iiioua Icttora ini.irniiug him of alleged euanrlaloua doings of hii ) vifo. Jnciteil by thcno , Saoha , it ifcuid , lun repeatedly intorrogiitoilliin v.-ifu , wlio luia domed all ( loliimulory atonuH. During thcuo utormy BCUIICH , Siichi him no fur forgotten himHolf na to beat und kick hm wife in a mont brutal manner. Lust S.itnrdiiy Sichn having heard moro reports of hia wifo'a uctionu went , home inarngo , andngain sccusing hia wife of thcno actimm , which were agnin denied us b.ito nlan- ( km , struck her in tlio fjuu , knocking her to the lloor nnd then kicked the proatrnto woman in the ubdomon , Since thia ali'nir Mrs. .Sichs him boon CONl'INHl ) TO HKIt 1IKH nnd han p.iHswl from ono Iiyatorical fit to another , Her inolhur und eevernl lady friondu liuvo bcun with hur ninco then , endeavoring to ijuiut the unfor- tunuto lady. At the time of the as- tiault ( Saturday ) oliicora on the beat ontured thu liouno , nlarnit'il at Mrs. Sach'o uhrieks , but owing to a doaini of till inturo ted to kuop the matter quiet , no arriBta wuro made , nor waa uiuro any publicity given to the af- lair. Thonms Shannon , tlio wifo'a father , waa tclugraphed for on Saturday and ia expected to arrive hurt next Mon day , when it ia buliovcd that an adju dication of the iroubloH ot the un happy fumily will bo hud.Vhilo it known that Sachn haa been insanely jualouH of hia wifu , it ia the tiolief of fnonda familiar with the factH that nonu of the ocaiuhdoUB atatumunla ciroulatod by onumiua pus- BH a purticlo of truth. Jioth uctora in i liia domestic broil are young , the huaband being about 27 und the wife about lie The huaband ia ono of two Hone only , and ia proupectivo heir to a f/ro'tt fortuno. Tno father and mother - or of the husband rusido in thia city in a palatial residence. lioth are ovcrwholmud with grief at the mi- forluimto Kilair , and luivn ined every mi-uiiu to hcoj ) tno iimtloi' from the public. GfiNERAXLY. Hpvclal lJ6 ] tcii to TUB linn. AIUiST ( : Of UIIUOLAIIH. WKOT SIDE , iown , July 28 Con- Btablu Ooo. JJurgau and oflicors ol thia town , to-day arroatud two hard customer ) ) wlio broke open and rob bed thu poul-oftico and hard warn titoru of II. Bulliii , tit Wull Like , Iowa , Jaut night , Thu titolen guoda and burglar touh were found on thuir peraona Great credit U duu theau ollioera. Sir. Allort'd losi in probibly not aur- touii , but thu amount of inonoy takun from rogiaturod lottora ia not yut known. LKXINOTOK , Ivy. , July 28. Iko Turner , ( colored , ) wa-i lianged to-day for the ni'ird- of Abe U y , In Juat' , 1881. The hnnuiii' ' c. privtlu. Onn tilot n Dcfmiltor. Nnllmnl Awiclivlftl l'tc' i. Ciiicvoo , July 28--.lnhn llapor , for f ovurnl yuan kook-keopur for JJcit- jamin Allen & C. > . , jew l M , has nb- ncondcd , having rmhrs-xlcd Slt.OQO by abstracting citli fiom ihn bank book and Kiibstitutini ; luvdvptisit tioVot , CittOAiio , July L'H John IJ pur , boukltoopor for Uonjiniii Alit-ii A Co. , iowulurt * , in thin city , haa absconded with about SHO,000. On the 18th inst , , ho took thu fast e.x- prrfa for Now \ork. llu lui.i disap peared , but I'inkpiton'rt dntectiven think him otill in HIM country. Ho has rolntivea in Leeds , Kngl.uul , There in a profound surprisu nt Unpur's oiime. 11 in reputation was high. A Short T llnr C N > Afi > ocl to < l l'ti'- < . Umioir , July 'J8.II. . Frank Uico- Inw , tormerly teller of tholUnl : of the lli'publio at Waahingtun , nhort S2B , 000 , has bcon brought from Sarnia , wluiro ho "an arrested. UI.IUOIT , Jlich. , Jaly 28 15. Frank HiKulo < v , fiirmerly roci'ivimj tcllorof tlio National Bunk of the K. public , Wiiflhinjjton , wna arroa'od ' thin moi'MM > B ftf 1'ort HUIMII. Ho ub- rcniirtfd Jnmi i 3d with S25.COO , and 81 000 reward \vnri ollitrcd for Ins cif > - turo. Ho was in Canada and virtual ly num'iidpred , haying ho WOT tired uf lu'itig hunted from plnco to placu. Arro'itcd lit IJnjivor. . s rtneOi'i.ilwl l'rn < < 4. Onii'AO" , July 28 A Uenvor spe cial i-.u. < Ounrleu Miinmvay , of n ijotij ; uf lraii : vvii'ol.ura , who form- ' opornlid in IHtnoio , Io . \ and Mi n > uri , nnd wh > two yt'iirn ago Ti > ckod llu > puj1 or of thn Chicago it Xnrfll i'ustui'11 > ' > wi . 'id ' H"unvi > ( l ix lurgn amount of money , Jiau boon arreatod at thr.t placu , luiliiiii Elnolion Row. NotloniM Ahuooiiurn IT , in. LITTM : HOOK , Ark , July L S. A rpuctiil Irom thn Indtun lurritory a ay a tlio racu between B , P. Kinaliwond and Oov. Ovurion to hi chinf of the uhojtaw nmii'ii ia urentim , ' intentu recling , and may lead to blnodahud before the Auguat election. Ovorton , \H the railroad candidate , and Small- wood , anti-rnilroad , have both n largo following. THE STATE FAIR. Ilio Irnprovomonta Fund Nourly Rdluod. The chairman of the committeeup - pointed by the board of trndu to raise the amount nocesiary for putting tlio grounds of the Omaha Driving Asso ciation in Biitiafnctory slmpo report that thfiy have m'cured rub.'critiona ] ) to the amount of between $11,200 and ? ! 1,300 , which with other sums ail good an paid in will Bwell it to 5ifiOD ! at least. The estimated coat of thu im- [ U'ovomonts required is § 1,000 , so that inly about ? 1,000remains to bo raised. It ia to bo hoped that the citizenx will not bang back any longer but will eomu to thu front and male i thu unler- priau ilium which KO nitiuh dcpunda an immediati ) HiiccuaR. When dollars aa well ns thu niputatinn of the city aru in ( { uuation theru should bo no further duluy. Free of Coat. All | ornoiiH wlrhli ) ( , ' to tout the merlin of a jji-ait remedy une that will piwltlvoly c'iro ( Jiiiieuinptlon , C'ou'h ( , Uold , Ahth' ma. JSronchltit , or nay nlfucthm of throat .Hid lutiJiH nro recjiieHlnd t' > cnll at 0. P. ( tooilmnii'ri Drui ; Htoro and get n trial bottlu of Dr. KlnK * * Now JJIfiuoverv fur Ciinnmnptliiii , KHII : : w COST , which will nli'iw you whut a rcgubir dolliir-Hhe boitlu will iln , OOO AND THE Of Omaha. HIM | iurrhinei | ol tlio ( orlln'laoMonul ( ctiirlin ; On , , ot I'ruvMdiicu , It I , n Afo wnl li m vuar. nntuuil In wr.tlnto b "altmilutely bnrylar jirutilor a purlO'l ol th rly.blx liuur liinllnuuin anil u illetuiliul attAck wllli tlia IHO ol uuch tools anil aiiCinfc | ] | tua l.iir/lar can employ , ' aiiillnapractlcA ly unuiiiilHloiial way. 'Hila hauk il lrma thorouyli toit u ft'Jo upio tMimlu. aniliiiowo ol ( uiluru to dtari'i It , the lank will Iu at llbnriy to piirciiauu any other tut and may return tills lo the tnariufauturvr * . Any party IK at Iboity to tni.lciUl.o thuatuc < wlio will Airnlah sitlifittory lionil to piy ul < l.iinvsu to tno Kilo , In emu U i < not enttroJ in Ilia BlIimlatLiI tiuiu. TliuOorlUiCouiiutiy a roa In uildut ; to ilt'pMjIt with this nanlt tlio cum ul * 5,000.0u , iip-iii iho eUi I'll ; ol nn a < rue i'iit aljovo--liu will miui ti Lo pacoJ vitliln Inn iati und t > lu ( orfi'lti-il to thu pirty o | > ur&tlntlii caio Ills for'lIf opun.'il aiul li c.ntgnU ta'j ' .iractul 11KNKY W. VA1KS / - < IVIL.EOH NIOAL AND MIMINQ ENl - \l QINEERr | < aat tlio Rentsolaer Polytecli. nlc liutltutc , Troy , N. Y. TliuolJcjt uniflnucr. In/Hiliool Iu Ai cn > ! tfost term Vi-jjlns Fvn tuubur Htli , 'lluro < I , -i tor li-,4 uxittlun a lUtiil tliut-'rajii-nm for thu pn tMjtaru , ulll tbulr poul'h. ' . . ; alau curt if tuJy , riiiultu muni * , ixpu'itca. etc.dlreiB , , DAVID M. GHEEriE , l"il a iU" ! ! ! ! nirrxitor. "WINE OF OAHDUI" inaki-8 uud clear HEAT YOUR HOUSES FURNACES IN THE WORLD. SI AIIK 11V BIOHARDSDN.BOYNTON&OO CHICAGO , ILLS. Kinlmily no\\r 1882 Imt'f vomon's. Mor. nrnoticnl f k uron ; Ctmt Insi W kcoi | In uiiior ; U < ulo < fuolt win uio moro heat ixiid a lu r volumuot pure air thin ixny invio , SoMliyrtKUCRVAllltADFOlUl.Onmlm.Nol ) . 1NRCEASE YOUR CAPITAL , . $10 tnvus'orj of KIM II anil medium ; * l ck * M Intly prot'-ct'il 11 most xtu i-l\o nml irill.ic'itIM opirit.irti. Our mii-oj still , ( . .Pjiricii , oM c - talilli K < \ pin i. Tnr Jr. Itcporti : uoctdyUlvlil n < ri p M tronlh- tv Komi at onou for uxplvmtsry ilrcnintH nml ptst icconl. FIIKR. lilMili'inls iLilililiuliis ; ms' thirteen months on this tiinil 8(11.71 ( per Muro. Auln i ri.tM\tl.V ( ) A MI UIAM , Ul ami 143 taS.V.lo . ot. , I'hlcniro , III. wrxtir n \ ncftrcnt \ III l&lflfl ti\\n K\o Ik'nt Iniliiceniciri" , U > lUU paj to a ni'imnllilo , uutor- pr > inn mull , tut tunu , > BREAKFAST. "Ity u tlior uh ltiivloiKo ! o ( the natural Uwx uliloh KOM'rn tlio upvrallotis ot i l o tiati and IMI rlilan , nml l > v n orutul npiillrolicn ol the line report c nt uulHlcoul Uncoi , Mr Cipi liii p orial mr lrc.Vtfs > ta > > l n with doliuit ly IIivorcit Ifjrnjfo ultlc'i uny vo nunr li \v JoctorN'-ci la It l < by tlu Jullcl in \no uf mirh artlclra of itlot that n c M.-t t it'on may Ha irjil ially 1 > Hit ill ) until ntrjiK onoujli to rcmlnt i.\ tendoaur to illjcnjo. tlui4ri'ds ot nulitlo niil ( lloi nro Ibatln nrninil IH ready- to utUck nhcrcv r thuro In a Wink paint. Wo mty cHCipu in.tny a f itnl slmtt by koupiiiT our- ichi-ani'li fortlllfdlili pure blood nml n prop- crlv tiourl'hi'il frame. " Ul\ll Hcrvlco Uazotto. il'Mio Dimply ulth liollliiR witor or milk. Sold In till ) onlylb ( } nrnl Ib ) , labclnl JAMBS BPPS & CO. Uomojopntnlo CtiomiHta , LionUon , Bntfluud. Samuel 0 , Davis & Co , , DRY GOODS Washington Avo. and Fifch St. , ST. LOUIS , MO. Murray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa. Soml Portnblo Engines , FOR iiaui , Printinn Offices' Etc. , Specialty. The Largest Iron Working Eatabliah- mont in the Htato. MAM'rACTUIIERN OX Steam Engines , AND GENERAL MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Cut-Off torn Engine. Strut l-r c luulr 21-Im Hrtt - < . - i ,4 rf i ' / t r. I rf'-i-'S . l i i- i j i . " f .1 1 , U iltl I , - . I l.lllr > .n . IV H. 'Hi rxinoniiiM ii1 rl' ilv' iilV"Ki4 ' .OHI\ V t l""fii vo.i ( \ > . IV , V'r sumiuvr WM ti t to bioru. IIU'.UT > * IUI.I These celebrated stoves for sole by 1'ieroy & liradford , Oumha , Is'oh , 291m ANV1.MONOPOLY lliaiin nikiiiii > urunip roiw ( or the oiiti-moupoly Ua < uu , ixinUlnlu,1 Htatoiuont ol principle met- lu.d ol priKurtura aim tnnructloui lie < v to orno- lie will Vebout on BpplKatlou to 0. U. ualot Mclroy , Nib. Knrliwoitimp , n\U-l