THE DAILYBEB--OMAHA SATUEDAY , JULY -19 , The Omaha Bee I'm V hed every morning , Yif on.f JVlonufly mornlcg AMy , MAIL- One Ysftr . $10.00 I Three Monthii. 13.0 Dh Months , o.OO | One . . LO Hilt WKBKIiY BEE , published e ? ty Wednesday. TEUMS POST PAID. OneYf r . $2.00 I ThreeMonths. . 5 /i. . . . 1.00 1 Ono i . . 2 AiinniCA.v NKWS COMPANY , Sole Agent "nited St&te.i , or Newsdealers In the & OO"Hr,8PUXl > KNCE All Commnnl I ill' , fl.-vtin to Newit nnd Editorial mnt en ' iH bo ftdJrcrrpil to the EutTon 01 ffnz ' z. MU 1VKS3 LETl'EHS All Btnlnoi ! Xiettt And llemlltanccs ehonld bo nd die- to TUB OMAHA I'tmLisiiiNO COM I-AST. OMAHA. Drafts , Checks end 1'or.t fl'cc ' 'rdem lo bo mode payable to 'h < ider ii the Ccmipanyl The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , .Props . Ji ItOSCWATER. Editor Rupubltouu Miitn Convention. The republican nlectnrfl nf the Htnto of Nobrnakn nre heroliy culled to rntl dele gate * floin the fifcvenil counties In meet iu talc cnnvcntiim nt OiimliAon Wcdnmilny , September 2 ith , A. U. , 1882 , at 7 o'clock p. in , , fortnopurjMH * of | > l.iclnff In nnml * nation candidates for tlio following- named Offirp'i / ! Governor , lietitonanl-Korernor , nccreUry of rtalc , nuclilor , treasurer , nttorncv-gon- era ) , comuiiHitoncr ( if puljllo lurls and bnlhliogi , superintendent of public iiutruc- on. on.Acd to trnnanct nuch other business ns may properly come In fora tha c nvcntion , The several counties nro entitled to iou- i ei-cntativcB in tha htato convention n 'oliowe , limed upon the vote cast for Isaac Poweii * , Jr. , in 1881 , for regent of thontnto university : Giving one ( ) delegate to cnch one hundred t-nd tilty (150) ( ) vote * , nnd otic ieleBftte for the traction of neveDty-fivo 7" ) votes or over ; nlro nno delegate nt Unrn forrnch nrynnizc'l pnunly. U is recommended : ] ' 'irnt , Tliat no proxtcH bo ruliniltod to the convention , except mich DH mo held by psrBoiis residing In the counties from which the nroxiiBnro ( 'Ivon. Second , That nodcleguto Hliall represent n absent member of hln dc If Ration , nuIo > < H he bi c.'iithnl with otithurity from thn county convention , r la in notBCsnlon nf prnxleH from regularly elected delegates thereof JASIEB W. DAWKS , Chairman. JOHN STKKN , Secretary. LINCOLN , Nph. . July 0,1882. OAUDINAL red eooma to bo all the rape at Chicago oiuco the onblo din- pat jh from Luiiilou announced the se lection of Archbishop Fouluiu into thu collugu of curdinnls. I - QMS of the new profuasora of the State university w\a ; rccomtnondud by Laynrd Taylor , and the other by Gnr- fiold. Wiio v.'us thu medium tlmt elli c'mtcd for Vlio rc onti in coinmunicv ting with thu npirit Inn J. TIIK Nebraska oonsus frauds are de veloping into ii robust uciUiJal , < SV. J'uttl I'ioneer PTMS , And this robust scandal , which roakos every rcapuotablo Nobrnakan blush for his state , never would hnvo i i occurred had Nebraska boon rupro- i , aontcd in congrosa by u high minded honorable man , Ouu Val. plutnos liinnolf on olove * tint ; H rioultur' ' . Vol. is like the man who thought the lamp-post was get ting vary unsteady. Instead of agri culture being olovatcd by Val , , our I'ovial lopreaentative lias often been olovatud by the product of agriculture. Corn juice , rock and rye , and distill ed barley are powerful olovittor ; . GUN. TiiAvnu writes to the Oacoola Jlecord that he will vote for woman sudVagu , The general could nuver think of deserting the mothers who rained the babies to bo kitted. He- jmMicun. Thu gallant general is wasting his sweetness on the desert air , Most of the women who clamor for suffrage have never had any babies to kiss , nnd are not likely to have any. NKIIIUBKA has more national bank ers tlun Kansas , and it would there fore he eminently in uooord with the eternal fitness of Ultima for Nebraska to h ve one of our national bailers sent 10 the national soimto. It only remains for the national bankers to pool their issues , and agree upon their man , OIUKULKU seems bent upon making a record for himself aa the great American sea dog. Ho has ordered the American monitors upon the high teas , although Admiral Porter ter who ought to know more about our navy than Mr , Ohandler regards the experiment as very risky , The ofliojM and men detailed for the mon itors MoiUauck arid Nantuokot ordered - ed on a trial cruise , will not bo much encouraged by the fate cf the Dutch j iron clad Adder , which lately wont away to eea and never returned , This vessel wnn one of the ten second class irci dads built by the Dutch govornmen for coast defense. Her armor wa five and one-half inches in thickness she carried two twelve ton guns n her turret , had engines of four hun drcd horse power and a displacomcn of ono thousand six hundred and fifh tons nnd a maximum apccc of BOVOH knots an hour , ilov the accident occurred will novel bo known , as all on board perished but the Adder has been found cap sized Shuvenengen , and it is sup posed wan knockiu > < vur in as < | iiall , at was the British iron-clad Captain in the Dny of Biscay some years ngo , The Montauk nnd Nnntnckot nro sin- glo-turret vcisols of abjtit COO tonr dlBplacomont , nnd if they can stand an ordinary gale H-ithout being in im minent danger of following the Cnp- tain and Adder to the bottom they will dieappoin1 thoao who know them bent. AB Admiral Porter hnu declared thnt monitors cannot go to ar.a with out being towed it is to bo presumed tlmt escorts will bo provided f. > r the pair , which will not only do the towing but bo on hand to rescue the people in event of storm. Tim value for active naval service of vessels that cannot bo trusted alone out of sight of land may well bo doubted , and aa ox-Secretary llobcson profeasea the utmost faith in the seaworthy qiulitien of the moni tors ho ought to take the proposed cruise and report his experience if ho over yets hack. The ofllcora and men who are compelled to tent the corrco'ncss of his theories nro not to bo envied. But Mr. Cbnndlur cares nothing ibout the lives of thurio men. Ho is bound to show that ha knows more xbont monitors than Admiral Porter , fn duo time ho may discover that ho s nn excellent naval wrecker. IT must bo very gratifying for ricnds of the university to learn hrough the only religious paper in ) muha , that Pi of. Urubp , who lua uot been elected lo the cbair of nodorn languages in the Nebraska inivorsity , ' bolongo to the reformed hurch , " Reform is noconaavy ivj Mr. lilden had it in 1870 , mid a rofcaaor hat belongs to the reformed church , bo qualified to teach moat any anguago from Sanscrit to Hottentot. OTHER LANDS THAN OURS. All ejea nro Hlill turned toward Syypt. Up to the prcstnt the out- ook ia not very oncoiirnging for an larly close of thu war , or UH the English call it the rebellion. So fur ho advantage is still with tiio rebels , mdor Arubi Boy , and they are gath- iring foroo from day to day. England n ado a setious blunder in going lo rar before she wits ready. Had she raited a few woi.ks her army and navy : ould have made blow follow blow [ "lick enough to have crushed Arabi it short notice instead of giving him , imo to gather strength and power for csislanco. ! 3y"tho time the British army of 25 - ) DO are landed in Egypt iud : properly > ut in motion they will able to dis- > erao Arabi'a forces if ho will give hem a clianco for light in the i-pon told. Egypt will , hewer , bo a very lillerunt battle-ground from India , vhero there nro dense masaoa of pop ilation nnd wherj auppliua of food for m invading army cun alwa/a be ae- mred. With thu lower Nile basin jnder water , us it will bu iu August ind September , the commissariat vtill present unusual difHcultieH , and the English rogiiuentu will readily fall n [ ) roy lo disease. If Iheir foea wisely jonciudo to fight like the Arau or Moor rutlier than to moot thorn iu the Held where artillery will decide every buttle , the campaign may bu indofi- ntely prolonged. But whatever may 30 the hazards and difficulties of the York which lies before England , the ssuo has been joined. I for forcoa are n motion ; her honor is pledged ; and ho ia bound to fiuht it > ut est what it may. I'Jiuro ia , however , another aspect to ho so called Egyptian revolt. As the ovoroit < n cf E.-ypt , the Turkish aul- an , is boi'nd 10 cxort his power to re- tore order. A cabinet council hold , t CoiiBtantinoplo hni decided to cum- ily with the request of Great Britain , .ackod by the European powon , lhat ho sultan shall send a sulllciont force o Egypt to put down the robollion. ronclada and Invnsporta uro already 11 motion , and a largo body of Mv lommodan troops will soon bo on the /ay to the sent of war. It remains lee > o seen , however , whether these 'urkish troops will light the rebellious Egyptians and Arabs , who nro of their * w faith and kindred , or rhothur they will go over to Arobi iey in a body and join in a holy \\iir t the Moslem against the infidel , luch a turn of ail'aira is by no means inprobablo. Arubi BHy has enacted n intense feeling of religious fanota- isin , nnd ho ia personally so popular .mong . all Turkish troops thai it would tot bo n very dillioult matter for him o create a stampede , or bring about . iiro in the rear on HioBritish lorcea. The discovery of secret corroepou- lenco between the IVnch agitators , tnl the Eyyptiau robolawill natur- illy urouao u fooling of distrust ) otweon the English nnd the French , tnd will make their otroctual co-oper- ilion in Iho Egyplian campaign very [ ucationablo. There is no doubt lhat Irnbi Boy has received some en couragement for his course from ace tiona of Europe that Are jealous of th poirtr of Great Britain and anxious t force her into a costly contest. The parliamentary explanation ) which were made on Monday in Pari and London were explicit and ealin factory. The French government ha virtually decided to allow England t < act alone. It nicy rend n force o marines lo protect Iho line nf thi Suez canal , but its operations will bi purely defensive. M. do Froycinc stated that the French marines woult not take any measures to aoeuro th < safety of the Sweetsvator canal fron thu Nile. This ia the fresh wutei supply not only of Ismailirt but ol Port Slid , nnd if a.ny operations on the line of the Suez canal are to be tifectivc , they must include n complete ploto defcnao of this channel from the Nile. It la probable thnt thu marine * will bo kept on board of ship , and that the vole of credit for which the ministry hai asked will bo applied ulmoat exclusively to naval expenditures. Thu premier may not understand Iho lompcr of the French people , but ho apparently hnstho sup port of the legislature. Ho has ehoaen the cautious but inglorious part of in action. The defence of the Sue/ canal by the marines will bo nominal , but not efl'ective. England is expected to do all the Berioin work. This result will bo hailed with satisfaction in Lon don , where the riska and embarrass- menU of a joint expedition are fully appreciated. For military as well ns diplomatic reasons ; ono agent is bettor than two in work of this sort. The isolation of Franco may not bo credit- ublo to her government , but it is a au1 t.iiitinl gain so far M European in- toroita uro concerned. The letter written by Arabi Pasha to Mr. Gladstone a few daya before the bombardment of Alexandria is not the sort of letter which would bi written by an ignorant military adven turer. While Arabi professes .a do- airo to romaui friendly with England nnd to "keep her road t > India , " ho claims the right to wngo a defensive war in case it ia forced upon him , IIu assorts that if England fires the first gun the Egyptian will bo absolved From nil treaty obligations toward her mi assertion the truth of which no ono can deny and without boasting of hio ability to fight the English sue- jcsufully ho azures them that the Egyptians are determined to die for their country , The letter ia in all ra ipucts dis mfiud and patriotic , and hac it boon u/fictun by n Boor or an Af L'han during Lord Boaconsfiold's rule Mr. Gladstone would have found it a manly and noble document. Contrasted with Mr. Gladstone's speech on Monday night , Arabi'a let ter acorns nil the more creditable to its author. Mr. Gladstone defended the government ; from the charge o not haviim Inndjd a force to suppress disorder i i Alexandria immodmtoly iftor the bombardment of the city on the ground tlim such ection "woulc liavo been gruaily disloyal to the voice jf Europe and the conference. " Ap parently it waa not disloyal to the voice of E arope imd the conference to knock Alexandria to pieces and sot it an Iiro witli thu nholls of the English lluot , but why it would have boon dis loyul to extinguish the lire nud lo put .i stop tu pilijigo and massacre ia obvi- : nn only to Mr. Gladstone. There is avidoutiy u distinction between bom Warding u city and protecting it from Iiro and riot , but , curiously enough , Mr. Gladstone holds that it ia the bombardment which in permissible and the protection which ia grossly im proper. Thomas Guard ia , who has presided jvor the deatmies of the republic of 3oatn Hica for nearly 12 years , died an the 7th inst. His death has been iicen expected for aomo months. Thos , 3uvrdia wa , in many roapcota , n re- narkablo man. Ho liad u strong will > f his own , and since fortune first > laced in hia liando the reins of power 10 hiis ruled the country with a rod of ron. It may bo remembered that ho ittainod power by the celebrated rev- ilutiou of April , 1870. Personally ho iras un ignorant , unlettered jnan , rhoso idea , so fur aa society was con- erned , was to present the greatest liipby possible. Ho was no polili- iuu , und through his whole career in ho republic gave no evidence of hia kill in tlmt regard , except by a few locreps , which will die with him. Ho iad thu crudest ideas of finance , nnd ilunpod his country into nn abyss of lobt , from which it will not recover or many ycnra. Ho wished o usaocUto hia name with omo gioal national work , nd the hk'ii of un inter-oceanic rail- oad caplivatcd his iniagindtion. Ho ommoncod it , bul began the work of rading and track laying in the center f Iho country inslend of on Iho lioro. As may bo supposed suoh u ailroad coat a fortune , nnd two loco- lotives , which wore imported to be- in the work , cost for land transpor- ition alone over § 30,000 each , Such xtravaganco nuturally brought with ; a result which everybody expected , 'ho millions which thu bondholders urnishod were dissipated ; spent with * ut reason or purpose , until nothing omainud. But still Guardia clung to lie idea of n railroad , and for five oars spent every cent of revenue he ould divert to the purpose to the prolongation of the railroad. To-da ; Costa Ilica is ruined in credit , am every resource is pledged in ono wa ; or another to the ideas of the lat president. The millions Guardia spen have simply given the country ft fet milts of railroad , divided into thrc sections , and which will never bo o positive benefit unlil Mioy arc con ncctrd. It i not unlikely tha.t when Eng land inllicU her protectorate ovt : Egypt , to secure which she will strengthen the French alliance , sin will ivbroginto those articles in tin truatioa made with eastern states technically called capitulations bj which it wai provided , that all . ot fonnoj committed by persona of nnj nationnlity almll bu tried before thi consul general f f that nation. Thi experience of Frai cc in Africa will b < n fcu gention which will readily bo in- ken by England. There it WAS founi imposiibla to convict anybody for any offense oven mu rdcr before hia owt consul , nnd atirely England would tiardly suflor an Egyptian , who mur- di-rod ono of her subjectn under hci ovrn protectorate to bo tried by n naive > : ivo consul or elsewhere than in an English tribunal , The destruction of the ancient city qf Smyrna by fire , and the burning of 1,400 houses nnd turning of 0,000 people ple out of doors is melancholy nows. [ t wua for centuries the moat import- int city of Central Asia , and the mart for the tradu of thu Levant. Its an- mal imports amount to about fourteen nillions of dollars , and its exports to twenty-throo millions. The fltaple ex- lorto consist of raising , figs , opium , sponges , cotton , carpets , tobacco , nnd grain , while the chief imports are made up of velvets , silks , timber , naila , copper , rico collee , augar , pe- roloum , and various manufactured products. The city has a safe harbor , nnd the port , whirh ia surrounded by a stone wall , is capable of giving ac- commodalion to some three thousand esaala. The etiejts of Smyrna nre narrow and wretchedly paved , no im- nrovements hnving been made for liiito n contury. The houses nro nostly built of wood , and rarely ex- eed ono and n half stories in height. t has two railways , the Smyrna & Aden and the Smyrna & Liasaba , ho ono baing cighty-ono miles in ongth and the other a little more than no hundred miles. The inhabitants ro mainly Orientals , and number omowhero in the ni.bborhood of ono hundred und sixty five thousand. The anniversary of the death of the Prince Imperial afforded an occasion for oven many who are not Bonapart- Isls lo attend the memorial mass out Df sympathy at his trngio end. The Dccaaion wna also ncizod to re-start two Imperialist newspapers that had suspended , owing to the bad times. Iho credo of the resurrectionists is , Prince Jerome's eon aa Napoleon V. , mrrounded with Iho legend of moil mdc , having in hia veins the blood of kho kingj of Wurtomburg and Italy , with all that is good in conservative Jemocracy. Man ia thus oven a con- iradiction. It is on the Orleanists , iiowover , that the republicans are iceopiug on argua watch , and rightly io , for of late they are coming to the "ront. The Duo d'Anmnlo is accused ) f holding at Chantilly next to royal receptions , intended to nap the trinity ) f liberty ; equality nnd fraternity. Dho republicans ought to read , mark , earn and inwardly digest the late dis- : ourso of the homo minister , who re- uinded Ihom that in their taclics of liacuBsiug and attacking individuals , ixamining men inttead of measures , liny were injuring the republic. An American rebellion lias broken mt in China. The American consul .t Shanghi is reported as iu open anna > gainat John llussell Young , the new American minister , nud there ia much ommotion among American residents horoat. Slmnghi , it will bo remom lorod , was convulsed over a similar obollion aomo years ago , when an minont Omaha statesman , Col. Five- lent Myers , waa conaul nt the aauip ilaco , and George F. Sewnrd hap- lenod to be the American minister in Jhiua. _ Now Xjaland ia ono of the best coal- : ig stations of the English navy and lerclmntmon in that section of the rorld and is utterly unprotected. In iso of a war breaking out between England and nny foreign power , noth- ig would bo easier than the soizuroof : > in colony , although doubtloaa the biquitous English would bo some- hero in the neighborhood and make warm for any invaJor. The success uf Arabi Boy'a troops in riving the English with considerable IBS from Ramleh scores the first vic- iry oa land for the Mohammedan. 'ho ' ofToct of this success on the Egyp- ians will not easily bo reckoned es- ocially as Arabi hus dbclarod a holy 'ar under the standard of Iho prophet , hicli bimply moans lhat nny Mus- ilman who dies on Iho field of battle ill win eternal lifo at once in thu arden of the Houris , und in the BUV- nth heaven of Mohamet. The Dublin Jf-Ycewcw liargca that the government cncour- goa the use of bloodhounda in hunt * ig down those who commit agrarian utrago * , and that a pack of trained ogs of that breed have already been obtained , nnd will soon bo shipped t Ireland to be used in support of th police authorities. This scorns to atrocious to bo true , though Englift tyranny has no limit. The dispute nbout the boundir lines between Mexico nnd Guntomal which has threatened to delupo thoa countries in blood ia likely to h ; ami cably r > cttlod by arbitration Prcsi dent Arthur has betn invitid to ac m arbitrator between the \rould b belligerents. Crounso for Congress. Fremont Tilbune , Wo plnco nt the hend ot our cditn rial columns the name of .Imlt ; CrousCjOtFf. ( JalhounHB the Tribune' ' choice as ctndidnto for conpresa fron this dinlnut. In thu muttui' of nomi nation ami election of the coining rep rtsontativo this piper has no ax ti grind It owes nothing to nnv < .f tin nspirantt noxv soukitig the cfllco anci t'xpect.s nothing in the wuy 01 reinu neration for its nupport. 1 places before the rnpublicai voters of the Third diatrict i man whom wo positively balicvo wil como nearer representing the fcenti ments of the people of this portion o Nobraaka than nny other now in th < field. Judge Crounao is a man wht hna n record that nny stntcbinan nia\ feel proud of. No connection with anj land ollico , census , or any other variotj of fraud , can bo imputid to him. He has long been n resident of Nobraskc nnd la thoroughly nnd completely in formed on every measure pertaining tc our past , present nud future develop ment. He hna served ono term in congress ns representative from this ntnto nnd it is but ju t to say thatNt ! < hraska never had nn nblpr man in the lower house than Judge Crounae. Ut ia at present revenue collector at Om aha nnd is an otUcient official. In pre senting our candidnto wo do so with the conviction thnt ho in decidedly the nbleat nnd best man in the race and wo commend him as ono in every way worthy of the support of every true end honest republican in Dodge county and North Nebraska. Sp ce forbids extended remarks , bat wo ahnll hnvo much more to say hero- after. Government Rr.llroud ownership Sanl'ianciecn Chronicle. In all counttica wharo railways do moat of the land transportation public opinion is tending strongly in the direction of government control and ownership , It has been stated in theao columns that the colony ot Now South W le has constructed nnd owns nil its railways. The money the colony had to borrow for thia purpose constitutes the greatest part of its debt. But this debt ia no burden nn the taxpayers , because the net pnfits of operating the roada arc devoted to the payment cf the interest nnd prin cipal of the railway bonds. The colony pf New South W.Ues had no difficulty in borrowing all the money required for railway construction at 4 and li per cent. Hur untiro railway ey * torn realized a nut profit of DJ per cent in 1881 ; some of the roads ns high as 8 to t ) per cent. This 5J per cent pays the interest on the railway debt and leaves a margin of more than ono per cent to go to n sinking fund for the ultimate redemp tion of the bond ? . And yet , by the statement of the controller of rail ways , the rates of transportation are reasonable , and incomparably more favorable to the public than the rates charged by railway corporations in the Pacific states nnd territories of Amer ica , This bhowa that government proprietorship is better for thu people than corporation ovrnorship and con trol. trol.Tho The late Senator Thomaa H. Benton - ton , of Missouri , if not the falher of the idea of n tranaconlinontal railway , ilid more than any other public man towards its consummation. It was Ilia constant thought that the road should bo built , owned and rontrolled by the government ; and ho pointed aut ns among the objections to corpo ration ownership that auch corpora tion would in this become n power 3an orous to the country and defiant if the government. Time has vindi- : ated the onriro correctness of thia k'iow. The men who now control the Central nnd Union Pacific nnd their system also control the legislation of ; ho states and the territories in which heir roada liuund , manage congress as ttuch as they plotse. They laugh t ailway commissions , boards for the qualiz ition of taxes , and easily do- eat nil measures for Iho correction ot ibuscs in transportation charges. In ipito of the law they shirk their just axes and snap their fingers contempt icusly in the face of the decisions of ho courts. The railway corporation ? if this state alone nro taxed on thirty nillions lets than thu actual vnluu of heir land and other properties. The single objection to Government iroprietorship of the railways Hut is rorthy n serious thought is this ; that t might davsorously enlarge thu lowers of the federal government nnd end to gross official corruption. Wo iavo considered this objection with tie gravity , nnd the conclusion cached is that it is not at all an over- lowering one. Certainly it would uiltiply the adonis and employes of ho government , giving the political arty in power n great advantage of ho party out of power. But whim- ver the party in power became cor- upt and oppressive in the management f ita trust , the party out would oppose lie corruption and tyranny , and the ieoplo would , from their great inter- at in i ho mutter , inauntly demand n tuugu of iidmiuHiration. Wo fhould ave one-half the country conattuitly atching the other half to detect , ex- oao and punish wrong-doera. Under lie existing system of corporalion wnerahip and control , we BOO Iho orporationfl corrupting all political odi''s and defiant of nil departments f government. Detection and cx- osure bring no punishment ; hardly tia blush of shame to the brazen faces f the tools employed by the corpora- iona to do their dirty work. Drlght'd Diseaao , Dlubetos. Beware of the atuU lhat pretends lo uro these diseases or other serious adnoy , Urinury nr Liver Diseases , as s they only relieve for a time and lakua you ton times worsu afterwards , ut rely solely on Hop Bitters , the uly remedy that will surely nud per- mnenlly euro you , II destroys and jinovea thu cauatt of Ihe disease BO ( factually lhat it never returns. acsr 'JfCkC * f Lands 33- SfMENTH AND BQUGLiS SIS , Boiutllul building Bites on Sherman avcnu 10th street ) south of Popplcton'a and J. J Brown's rcslucniti the tract belonging to Sonn tor Paddock for BO many yearn bolnj 85 3 fco : west IrontairA on the hvcnue by frJin 3GO to 50 feet In depth running eastward to the Omaha & St. Paul U , R Will sell In strips of 60 feet or more frontage or the luemioMkh full depth to the railroad , wil tell the above on about any terms that purchase may deslro. To parties ho will agrcoto bulli hoiiBea costing W2GO and uptrard ) will sell with cut anv payment down for one year , and 6 to 11 tqual annual i j men ta thereafter at 7 per con tiitmst. To parties whcdo not Intend ImprovIng immediately will sell for cno sixth down am 6 equal asnual payments thereafter at 7 per ecu Interest. Choice. 4 acre block In Smith's addition at wcg end of Finwm street will pho any length o time required at 7 per cent Interest. AUo a splendH 10 aero block In Smith's add ) tlou on came liberal tcr no forcjri [ tig. No. 305 , Half loon near 20h $700.No No 30 , Lot on ISih strost ni-ar Paal , S12CO. No 202 , Lot ZO\2 Q feet on 16th street , neat MchoUs. No 299 , One quarter acre Dart street , ncai Ijtton 500. No 297 , TnroloU on Elondo near Irene street , $2fO and $300 each. No 29(5 ( , Two lota on Ocorcla near Michigan Sjrcct. S1200. No 205 , Twelve choice residence Iota on Ilamll gn street In Shlnu'a addition , fine and elghtlv CO to S5uO each. No 204 , Beautiful half lot on St. Mary's av cnue , 30x180 feet , ucar Bishop Clatkson'8 and * 0th strtct , 81600. No 182 , five choice lota on Park avenue , 60s 160 each , on street railway , 8SOO eich. No 291 , Six loti In Milliard & Caiihicli's addition on dhmiuu A\enuo near 1'opplctou'B , tfKOto 8160 each. No 2s9 , Choice lots on ' 'ark avenue and street ar line on to Park , 4f 0 to S1000 each JNO 285 , Eleven lots on Deca'ur and Irene btrccts , near Saundera street , # 376 to S150 each. No ! ! 82 , Lot on Iflth near Paul street , S760. No 281 , Lot 65x140 feet near St. Man 'a avenue , ami 20th street , 81600. No 279 , Lot on Decatur near Irene street , 8326. No 278 , Four lots on Caluwtll , near Saumters street , 8500 each. Mo 270 , Lotou Clinton street , near shot tower , No 27r > , Four lots on McLollan street , ncai Blonde , Uagan's addition , SZ26 Oich. No 274 , Tnree lots near race course : make offi-ro. No 268 , Beautiful corner acre lot on California street , opposite and adjoining Sacred Heart Con- \ont grounds , $1000. No 20o , Lot onMascn , near 16th street , ? 1,360 300 ois In "Credit Fonder" and "Grand View' additions , Just r/uth-cast of U. P and B. A. 11. i ailroad i , cpotti , ranging from { IBo toloOOeacS andon easy terun. Beautiful Itealdcnco Lots at a bargain very handy to shops > 100 to c250 each , 6 per ecu t ilou n nil U per cent rcr month. Ca.l and get plat and ull particulars. No 258 , Fuil corner lot on Jones , Ne'xr 16th street. S3.COO. No 25J , 't wo lota on Center street , near Cum- Irij struct , 8900 for both orSSOO each. No 2.11 J , Lot on Seward , near Klnjr strict , $350. 243 , Hall lot on Dodge , near 11 h str'oo , * * No 217 , Four beautiful residence lota nou Crplithtou Collojo ( or will separate ) 83,000. No 218 , Two lots on Center , near Cumins Bt'cct , 8400 each. No 310J , Lit on Idaho , near Ctirumc etrout , Ipo2nNo No 245 , Boiutllul corner acre lot on Cumlnc , near Duttun street , iitar now Content of Kucred tuuit , 81,600 No. 244 , Lot on Farnam , near ISth etroct , N.760. No 243 , Lot CO by 1 on Co lego struct , ucarfct. Mar/a avenue , 8700. No 241 , Lot on Farnam , near 26th street ' Jl.OOO. No 2 10 , Lot 00 by 09 feet on South avenue , near Mason utrcot. $650. No 23) , Corner lot on Hurt , near " 2d street , oNo No 233. 120x132 feet o 1 Ilarney. near 24th , Itreot ( ivtll cut It upg2,400. ) No 234 , Lot on Douglas street , near 25tli * "o I N 232 , Lot on Pier street , near Eeward O.N'o 227 , Two lots on Decatur , near Irene ttreo1 , h 00 each. No * 2d , Lot 143 by 441 feet on Sherman avo- mo ( lUth Btieet ) . nea Grace , $2,400 , will divide , No 2iO , Lot 23xfiret ori Dodgo. near 13tb itrett ; make n offer. No2t7 , Lot on 23rd near Chr' , 8600. No21U , Lot on IHtUlioii near King , $10) . No 2oU , Lot un 16th street , near * > 00. . . ' < rtvo Iot ) on atresr , il,600 , NoCOl , Beautiful reslJcnco lot on Division trcet , near Gaining , 3 oo No 19/J Uta on 16th 6tr et , near Pierce , COO. COO.No No 10J , Lota on Sauudore street , no/r bcw. Til ? vOO. oltflj , Two btaon 22J , near Grace street , No 192J , T o lota en 17th street , naar white oadorks , $1,050. N 188) ) ; One full block ten lots , near the arracks , 4400 , No 191 , Lota on Parker , etreet , near Irene No 183' Two lots on C w , near 21st street { lit edguj , # fl,00o. No IbO , Lot on Pier near Seward , 8050. No I/O , lai on Paclflc street , near llth ; mike I'JfU8,8' 1 * . 01 * D Ka'nftmi ne f 2Hh street , * uu M vjti50 each No 103 , Full Mock on 25th itrrecl , near r ca jurse , and three lota In Ol.eS aidltlon , uear mndero and Cauius streets , 82,000 , ° n lbtft * tlott > UMr whl'a lead lSS , IS3s 2ort (2 ( lota ) on 18th street. e r I'oppUtonV < l.BOo. ' well . ad'lltions ui Sheroiau avenue , Spring and rut > ga utrccts , near the end of irjeea etreet ir track , S50 to 1.800 each. i o'ln ' un Cb'cwo ' , near 22d eticct , Li8t)0 ) , N ° 83 | Lot on CaldA t .t , . „ ( , , „ " aUn' e.Uce,87oo. ' JN ) x75i < ; Ui"i2foetonPa5lllc , uear Btn iireet No BO , Ighteeu lotj nu 2Ijt , 22d , 231 and No B , One fourth block (180x135 ( feet ) , nea do Convent ofl oor Claire , on Hamilton iticot ea he nd of the red mreet car track. 81,050 B > C" U"C ) ' * " ' * ' ccu 9 th > - > 00 IEAL ESTATE AGEHGV I6th and Douglas Street , THE leCALLUM 11 WEIGHT ONLY 100 IBS /FT. WAGON 1 K BOX , Can Bo TJaiicl ed By a Boy. The box ncfiincvcr bo \1ioi otT the tvagoii aid nil ii ! > ) hello 1 Grain and Gross. oni 1 av.-- It c-atnlc * tlivi Iho nlil fHle nc > n. i\orj- : fltnocluil wagon Ii uld with our rick romplc e BUY NONE WITH3UT IT , Or buy thu attachments n" pp'v th"in 'o your n'd najfin bat. tur > ulo i .N'clinn1. i In ' , C. CLAKK , ri > K-oln. FRKUFBDit , Ornnd Is and. llAaoM-m & QIIKKV , iia < tiii9. CiiAnu H MmnoDKBR , Co'unibus. ' KPANOOLKA I-UNR , ltc-1 Cmiid. C. 11 , CHAN P. & , Co. , Kuil Oik , I L , \V. UvBsrb , G'onwoo ' , In v i And ( ! cry llr t eh 8 cloili'r 1n th * wr-nt. A k them for 'Iciic.ip-ho circuhr cir "oil > ! lrvcl to iu. J , MoUaUum Bros , ffiannfg Go. , . Oillce , 21Vu t Lt'soStioa' , Chicago. 100,000 TOKEN-SPRING VEHICLES O W IN USE. They futpj aallotner- ) for e 1,7 ftylo a < ] darabillt They nro for ai'o ' ' v ftll Loading iago Jjuildera nt.d Dealers throughout the countrv. SPBIflGS , GrlAE-l & BODIES For sale by Henry Tim ken , Patcnkoond Builder of Fine Carrlas ; s , - - OMCO. jl-Orn Every Corset la warranted satis factory to Its -wearer la every way , or the money -will bo refunded by the person from -whom It was bought. The only Corset pronounced by our lendlnp i > liy lclan not Injurloud to the wearer , ondcmlorfrcdliy ladles as the " most comfortable and perfect llttlne Corset ever tuado. ' ' PRICES , by JInll , PoBlauo Paid I Ilrnlth Prr cr\lne , # 1.5O. Scir.AdJuitlnc , 1.DO Abdominal ( cxtru heavy ) < lC.OO. Nurslnir , * 1.50 llcolth I'reicrvlnic ( flna roiitll ) 1)18,00. ) 1'urucoa SLIrt-fupportliiK. # 1.00 , For mlo by Icadlnu JErtull Dcnlorn everywhere. CUIOA.GO COHSHi ; CO , , Chicago , HI. u2eod&co.vly Are ajknowledged to be the best by all who have put them toapra't.c'l test , ADAPTED TO E4BD&80ITOOAL , COKE OR WOOD. JIANUFACTUIIEI ) 6V 'O O o o Kol/l1 LOUIS. Piercy & Bradford , SOLE AGENTS FOR OMAHA. ' Only Dyspepsia , Doctor , " s U a jiatlcnt to llctnetUy. "WliutwouM iuu haru 'uid the reatsurKoor. "the | > Uu | ; r UidleuttionU tfce ourco or coanlli * inonal licas Cl cck It rly HbTAKKAM's BBITZKR AI-BR'KM anJ i - > ] ) ! oitMiei triwin ug nlDiunl tmiuobitla JQ cijuouces , If iiugUctuJ. BUI.U 11\ All , UllUGOIjT- . JuUl-6m L