THE DA11A' J3EE : SATURDAY , JULY 29 1882. HOMEY FOR THE LADIES A ruche of l ce is the new trimming fo parasols. Wftcred Irish poplins are achlevinp great sncceM. White dromm are worn everywhere , 1 town and country. An enameled ( told liow is the new ornn incnt for fastening bonnet striugs A young girl was nlxluetcd from Du bnque last week by on organ grinder. Velvet bodices are worn with brocaded grenadine skirts of tha color of the velvet New collars of linen arc cut in b it'e ment rqnares and cdjed ( with narrow Valenciennei I.iee. Htize c bb go rce are worn upon tli bonnet , nt the t p < f the parasol , nnd n c > rage ( lowers. Broad riblxin na hes nra worn bj' th milllun , irom the child of ono jear to th infttniii of sixty , 1'alc blue or pale pink muslin ilr 'c dlmiutn the majority with ni > rijged am polka-dotted patterns , Chenille dittiil t'nc tulle \eil nrn the latest French cn | M > o ami are becoming t < very few complexions. CloFC > nttng ! jackets of Inw-y red o blue cl < th nre worn wllh drtrk woolen n silk R Virus nt the pcaslde. Klbow lee\cs of evening drc ? cs nir made very ctopo fitting , no that tha long gloves may bcdrann up ovcrtbem , Embroidered mull Is the , popular ttiin- mlng fur the black nnil vililtc rough-aml ready ntiaw hntn worn in llio country , White ncarfu of crinkled Mile .lapancfl crape Ate worn around the neck Inslcad o of the while Spanish lace ii'cd ' last ftum nicr. nicr.A Georgia woman ommiti Rit'clde ' , nn ( nlong with tlio two knivoi found beside hrr lit n mirror. Jluliog passion , strong It death , The email pclrtlno that hai ono Ochi cud caught up to the left shoul 'cr an- fai'cned ' there by a bow is in great favor with mimmer dressca , Tan-cnlorcd slipperp , oniamoutcd will tiny bucklec , nro made to match the tun colored Sue lo gloves that nro worn will dretBci. A young woman in Mansfield , Mo. , Inn hair cevcn feet long. Sntrio diy i-lio'l tangle herself up in It , arid then what'JI become come of her , hlmlra 1'ree I'ton' . Ylovrem are not worn ni hold dreises this Botson. The hnir IH left entirely with out omiincnt or cho it hax n nitiul aUrcttJdf featherH o , the left tide. Lunch-uloth , whercwltli to maki1 Bright nnd picturesfiuo n lawn pirty , ii in the bow , elegant Khndo of cardinal , with gnU brocaded bordcriug ) and deep tringo of the same > cllo\v hue. A board.'nir school is n pi ice whern the iiinn.ierrt relieve you of Ihu aniioyanco of he irkg | il tie practice unil htaln > ; i.lf oh- jectlonabln lovers for about § 2,000 per gill. Jiiwtou l'o t , An old gentleman finding n rouplo > f hit niecuA luncing with broom tickx Hitid : ' 'Come. OIMO my iloir ) , that kiud of ac complishment will not help von in getting hinbandn. " "I Know it , uncle , " refunded one of the l'rl ! > , a nho gnvo a Inline , "lint it will belli " ' to keep our hutbnuda in order when wo hnvo got "oiii. " A asks "How nhall contemporary : wo men carry their puree to fruntrato thf > thieves ? " Why , carry thorn empty. Nothing fruatratex n thief moru than to mutch H woninri H purte , ofter following her half n m lo nnd thin liuds that it con tains nothing but a rcolpo for apced peachcn nud n fnded pholouraph ot her grand iinthtr. A L ndon nurgeon tny * that only ono fnshloimljly dn'Hird wninun in flvo hundred can driw n full liroiith with her lotin ! on' but ho nnwt admit that it wouldn't lotik well for n faahlonabla woman todisrube in the ft reel , In order to draw H full breath , At the opera or a French ball , however , it different , and slionhould have t.o . dilll- cully In drawing a full breath. Noirls- town ilvrald. A ladioi' journal nnnouncot that n mnrk- d uhango will take plaeo ltd * fill in thu fashion of arranging ladlot' hair , Wo nn * given no bint m to the character of tlio innovation , but OB It IB suspected that in- etoad of hanging the htdr over the back of a R'inir ' at iil ht , upon retiring , it will le Biin | > ended from a nail in thoccll'n. ; . Nor- r Is town Hotnld , Small cbcckul Bilks nromailoupln many fanciful ftylc ? , and always In combination with other fnbrica , plain nnd marvolllcux being the ususl cholco. A vlilrt ot dark royal blue nnd wnito chocked Mlk IH cover ed with wid < ) pluited ilimnoea , each hca ud with n narrow plaiting ( 'f ' royal blue mir- ah , The corsage and Wuttoau nveraklrt are of the plain blue maturlnl , with cuir , pickets , and peloilim of thu chocked ulltc , Wil'o or black dreiscH are frciitiently ndornnl with mu 'l-unlored ribbon * , bo p- , nnd long Htrcanitrm , or ja1 ou in mixtures of coloru olive , gray an < l pink or | uloliluo cardmtl und tona-cottf rlmtauct > , being conjoined IMrarose , bronze broun , nivi crimson form another fashi ! > nablo combin ation , but the HllghtCBt error in tint ICH- troyHull the good i > lfeut. Well blended , till * bltntile tilnimiiiK Bulll'-lontly brlifhteiu thu Bombrost toilet. Ittbbou of every cliado , dcnign , nnd width forms nn Important part in the cot. tumen of the day , The old-fatihlt.iit > d Hlill bnw In heldom teen , the modern arrange mentu buing designated nu rascadcf , iht > < , plaques , clioux , or | > oinpoiis ; and a dressy itreH < , or even n simple morning toilet , now 1 , oka incomplete and cxpreusionlem until 8omo adorutnnt of itbboii hsHbeen added , t pou foino of the most fatblonalld cos- IUIUDH ure Ufrd ribboun by thu dozen y.mli upon the skirt nlnno ; and corrtagcn nnd wraps nro frequently covered wlthloopn uf rilibon , mingled wltli waves of lace , i' Casbiiuinn , iKlonal6es. redlngote , nnd coraHges d panlerH will all bo in favor thla nud the romlng autumn , Drawn hojicen are nlso much WITH with diaphanous fab- rlcs ; the number of nlilriH on ibo'i' , how ever , nru greatlv diminished Thecomges "mademoiselle , " wlthdeep points , tiroiiulte the Isndlrg style for very rich materKU , Btich ' B lirooaifo [ moire , Umpaaiiiulthulilp. Thu Jeannu d'Aro ' coraRgo H A novelty , ho- Ii g opened nt one tide , und laced up wllb elite or silver cord * . ThU and the o > ir lu'H laced unclrr tha arniB will be much worn duilng th bummer buadon , iicoump.inlui by a gulmpe nud f leovoi of Oriental gauze , orn curmivetto Hnsxo of white ulllc India muslin , cinljrol.iered in the colors of the EDUCATION A L NOTES , Women ure to bo admitted tn the Cam > bridge ( Knglund ) examlcntiotiH for inimical degrees nn the mme conditions an men. A worklnRinnu'H college U ti be estab- lliliM at Mflltonrne , the worklngmeu ttiemarhes having eagerly taken un th scheme and engaged t collect half Ilia neo-sunry irom-v Thl other half f the contributton nf Mr. Ormtmd , wl.o . i ulrr-ady thu founder of one on let"- . Th fenulo tencher. ! tle , publo ] sobooU of Rochester , N. Y. , lmye asked for en Increase of their salaries. They aw now receiving nums ranging from S'W to 84W only th HO who have taught for several yearn getting the larger num. Day laborers Ret better pay than this. Toe June examinations fur tjle 1'reali- loan claw of Vnlo college lu both the academic department and oheiiield scion , tlflo echool show liu following icnulU : Oaudidales for Krechman cla a , academy 109 ; candidates for IVeohnmn cl fji. vlcn. titie. 8lj total , 283. The September exam. Inations will , ot course , swell the number , Kxamlnm rejmrt n hk-ber gr&d of iirrpa. ration thau umial In udJition th-ru weru 70 candidates for the lutliiulnury examination for admisilon to the iio&demla d'jiartmeut , nd 21 to the Sfiefllold dol'n. titic tchool , inaking 10'J ' in all AUo .lx candidates for advanced etandlng , Ponte- rim-ntly there were 88'J candldaleu for the undergraduate cour.w examined Ju all at the June examined n * . i iTbenl'T" ' ' " ' " " . ' * Bt J"in } Ho | > . klni will bo enriched next term by in. created facilltlee for work nt the lubora- tcry , Arrangemt-nU are to be made for work In Aptilic 1 cheml try , s. fur cxntn pie , incUllurKVi anJ the chemistry of < lye itiifTi" , M > il , fertilizer ! ' , etc. The blolox I il C'lurse provides for five lectures nut recitations weekly with work In the labor n or.v. The department of rmtory nn politic il ffllcnce , conducted by I ) . II , 1 Aflnuifi , will trmt of the sources of l"n Klluli constllullonal , American Instlti tlonal and comparative constitutional hie tory , with sitclal | rfferenci- tlio exist logo nilllutlons < f European Btatis. Ir II. T. Kir Kill lecture on finance , wit special reference to civil eervlce problem and municipal reform , and the history o French and German cociali m. Sing a Boag of UotVn AdurtliT. Slnj ? a soi - ' " ' Iteyl't. 1'otket i ( I f IwtidM Four and twenty lik RUBS With Mii-H thus , corresponds. Whe-i tlio fire tvai opened The flirts wt re kn eked away ; Wasn't that a pretty mom For l'rt ha Ambit 1'l.c . Kliedive W H out In lUtnleli HhakltiK in liU * ln MS 1'ho bti I pi were In the harbor Wnltlnft fur ttiu Arnbl retjeato'l And Kit the conquered l < > vn , In caniu llio Itnlonltm And burned the cllydown. 'J hero mo 108,0:0 : IJunknrds in tlio Uni ted .Slatt p. ChlcaRO hai two German Congregational crunches. Tlio general minutes of the Methodist lpl ! copil church toports lfi3.HO ) ! full ineinberr , nidl08,7 < ! l probationer * , total , 'J'he AuhuiRhnjiof Canterbury hnshead- cd with ii llhcinl nmiiunt the hubscrlilltm list fur the purpose of nn exlcnnlvu block of i nlldings In London for the lisa of the Salvation nrmy. C.irdinal de LavlKoric , the ncweit mem ber of the Sacio 1 college , Is going to Malta , wliuru ho owns it largo pulace , there to IH- tibliidi an miniiiury for the Induing nud i.culImnU/ation ot youiitf priests destined to become u.isi < lunnifea iu Africa. A religion * congrtsi for the purpose f f dlBCurnlug ruciul Mid mural topics relating to chinch work will liu held In Brooklyn , N. Y. , on Novuulcr II , 15 nud 10 , In the Firnt lluptlnt obuicli of that city. It will bo conducted < m ihu plnn of the i'rotchtant 'I'lio d' iitli of H shot ) Scott in ( Icon Mat thew Hiinpnm ihu Henior blxhop of tha chinch , with Willhiri L , Han if , elected but ten yo.irn n o , i.ext ui thu list. Ot Ihu other bii-hopa J''ocs und Kirn tor nud Bow man h > VH recently been at tha point of death , uhilo Wiley , Merrill , Feck , An- die > H , V\nrien iiniJ Hurrt are doing the woilc of thu chui ch in nil purtd of thu world , Tlio llt-v. Oo ) , O. llirnc" , the ICentucliy uvenjoliHt , is pronchlrif , ' miccesafully at Uay- ton , Ohio. Hlrt tnelhod of piencldn waa deumud iath ° r foibiildlng nt lirrtt , but Iti now Hdcil , Tliore have beensouio "convcr- Blons. " Several person ? biiiroring from din. oaHu have prcneiitud theinuulvcH to bo heal ed , Mr. J5aniLM hua stated thai for four teen mouths IKIIIO of hid family lm used medicine ; "if any new disoanc or hlckno-H occiirri-d , the oil nnd prayer , trtihtln in JH > < UH Christ as the bolo iihynloiun , W\H all- Millldent. " Mr. Huechcr nayi he rtnen not , believe in a hell. Ic look * in though Hmry wtin rylng 10 hedge HOIIIU of lilrf earlier De'H. ' Noah Purkf , a col red pi c.iclier of Win- chestvi county , .Mlst o.ilpiil , mupected ol tMuliiiK ouni , win itruni ; up by a mob und eft for deud , but Irionds took hl'ji down und fldved liii life , T o New Yoik Observer sa > n : "Mr. ililn , tha CldcaKo preacher who 'dropped vorylhini ; religluiiibayn : 'J hli.ill com- nence the lifoot 11 trncdian ( ; next iiutumn , und expect to orange my leisure liourn in editorial work. IK thU a crime ? ' That de- ) end Homewhat on the way ho works. iVe have road that on the frontier they ) t n notice in KOU o ot the churches to , UI edict , 'L'loaso do unt uliout at the or nnUt ; lie ilocu IH ( bo.t. ' " ' YeH1,11 naid ths afctor to the clorgymai > s they met after HSivioe , "I wao in fionl Ma innruln , linelnrsi good , im't iii iVhy , you must IMC Imd font teen him- Irccl people in the lioutu ; all the boul , Heats lllcd it g ( > d many tinder * . 1 cill it J. buBlno H f jr tin's Boaioii , nnd vutli attrnctloiid against you. You've on In this to n and no mintnlce. " Aivl the actor walked away , oonvinctilthiit 10 Imd sui i the liiuiiltomo thing to thu Boston 1'uMt. I'liuadiaii whi.kyot ( such u hold upon Slndr , the Splrinirlit , in Dellovillc , On- uri , on the ni ht of the ( itii iimt , that he reatml II'H ' midleuco to u humorou . lo wax too hooiy ti woik with cloitu I mud , and hU nlatvritin ? triok-j bowtd that liu could not make n utraiKht mark. After the peifornunco Hindu cot hllarlmu undconlMed HoveialHrcroU of IH calling to moro tober pcraona winh him. The next morning 1m ullpped out of JSode- vllle , breaking en uKeminlH fortix "nuiii- ftHtntioiH. " ItixBuld that n mmibor of youiiK men plied him with the li < iu > ir in inter to oxpoae the triclcn , The tucceu of Mr. Mountain Kvaufjollnt liarnes in nocnrlnR converts by the whole Hale In not uxtraordlnary when ono rcgardi , ho rharucter of hid uttcrancoa. Jdo ro ornuitioii of life I * ncco aiy to come into ho kingdom on ho prenelie.-i it. It would > e n cold day lu Kentucky or any other vickcd region when under the limplrntloii of Kuch u preuchur thoumudii of hU lieiiruru lould not get up faith onouuh to bo saved by hid formula. S.imu of hit ) ntteraacet ei'in totully dupru\ , niul noiiu of them Hpnr conducive to improved moral * un- eHi faith work , \ mlraclu In that dlii'ctlon. dr , ltnrui > ii criei out , as the rep itixhow : ' ( i i > d don't cull a thief n ulmier. ( ! od lon't cull u Il.irii tinner. God ilor't evil n Inmkurd a blmier Go I don't call n mur. Inm u blunei. God don't call n whore- nohijtr UK'.IUKT ' , Notntittl. A innn can coufcHj Ji'ous bolter v\henho ladiimlc than hen he 1 Hobcr , for he can jiut come an > throw blun ol1 limber , ikuinntf , iuto the mm of JIBUS. Suppoao u in in comeo lioro Imber drunk nnd ooufm 01 Christ , nnd hen oo tout and put4 i.nothcr ( mail of vldtkv under Mi belt , und , Ki > iuc hqiuo , 10 fulls i If hia borne nn I breaks bin neck , hat nun will no straight to lu > a\cn , in ure in God IH G H ) : und if ho don't I would > e willing to K to hell for him. " OQNNUBIALiriH3. Fox , who > uea Mr , Low , of Now Or- eat a , for breaking bis promlro to nmrry i < r , place * her ilutiuiKOa at ? l. There u I'Mlouht thstllilnt , iio pettlni ; on a gold liultlinoie papeiH uio making h'r < iat Una over the fact tint a youuilady ol lil h onial position in that city ban married a ullccnmn. lialtliniiro women arc tut the nly OUCH anxioui to xecuro hu band who will never oxpoaa thoniBelvca to danger , Maimie lliley , of Hcllelontaine , Ind. , uwl Uavid Harriugton for if 5,000 by roa- onof seduction under Promina o' marriage. lurrliiytoii'a defence waa biuiplo and ef- cctud , being that the inrtiea were llrkt 'juiiln' , and consequently could not marry , n Misa lliley know. A mau of 80 yearn applied for ainnuingo cento in Kingston , Ontario , last Tiinn * ay , but when ankod the tiumu of thrf wo- iin ho would make hU bride , said ho had ; it yet edcctti I hfcr. He went nwuy much liuippoliite.1 that he could uot get the Iccuie as a preliminary , A cewiia of the marriageable prlnceH of , ur | ie oppcar * to l\\\0 btun taken. The KB for uiurrlago of a pi luce la from tvien- y.fimr to forty ; ror u priucew , from clgh. -irii to twenty-oUht. There are thirty. l ht inarmseblo pi incus and only twenty. our marriageable prlncstmen. Germany [ uruUheu the chief nupply , 'J'here are twenty German prince * now In the market IncIndiriK Kin I.udwlR of liavaria , tin moat eligible bachelor in Europe. In MontanA , on a day fixed for i wed dint' , the bridegroom < 1M not coma to time He wn wied for breach of promise , nil showed that all the bourn of the day spccl fied he was treed by n bear. The defen'i wan decrntd valid , he wan forgiven , flm that night there wan n merry wedding. A German at fit. IViul , Minn. . gemlo r letter to the emigration commlnslonera al ( . "Mtle Grd n , directing them to select r Hcandlnrxvinn t'lrl not mole than 25 yean nf ngc for n wife , nnd forward her to him , Ho fluted that among her requirement ! nho "must hnf n litel money , and also drew and hootx and mantel , because clothing' are very dear in Minnesota. " PEPPftKMINT DROPS. A plgn on ft Jlllwaukco itoro 'Uuriea ' by the kwnrt. " JJut It U a ro. cut'u and not an tmdertal < cr' shop. "Pinafore" ii to be tcndetcd in J'enn- Rylvanla Dutch nt Allentoii. Kx , Votl ticfeil Veil Boinct'ImcH vonco In a little Oille. Norrittown HcraM. "In It injurlotiB to cat bcforo iroing to ( lecji ? " anV n iorrcci)3iident. Why , no.1 not fatally Injurious but ynu just try eating after you RO to sleep , if you want to RCO n circus. Burlington Ifawkcye. The New Orleoin Picayune philosopher , who Is n connois < our in matters pcrtniDintt to country ciicimeg , came out 'if n tent the other day , ueiriiy wiped off bin chin and rcniDrkcd : "Tho excellence of n cir- cutcannul be told by the color of ita lemo nade. " "NVallor , " ho united , after vainly stnig- in uitli knife and fork for fully ten minutes on an alleged spring chicken. " \Vtdtcr , linnn mo n chilled uteol wedge and u heavy hammer , for I'm interested now , nnJ BUI determined to foe of what , material tills thing ! * made.-Hotel Mall. A lightning rod peddler , travnling uotth of Sterling , took refuge under a tree in a late florin. The lightning ( truck the tree , rending it nminclcr , and ran ncroas bis cheek. The peddler smiled nt the mistake of the lightning and placidly resumed Ida journey. A Michigan man nho was pursued by a bull ucapod a probable terrible death by saitting tdlncco juice in the animal's eves. On theflrcngthof this The Detroit Viee 1'rcBi advises. "Don't let anybody make you believe tobacco ia unhealthy" uppar- sntly forgetting that it was very unhealthy tor the bull. New York brewers have resolved to sell no more hour on Sunday by the keg. A ; rcat deal of milfcring may follow this dc- uinlon , but the inoit inveterate drinker ought to be nblo to worry along ono day in .ho week with ktw than u keg of the bov- er.ige. Nurri town Herald. "Uy jingo , " uxclaiincd lirown , "did yt.u roiuHlim lieroic act of a gunner on the In vincible who picked up a lighted hcll and nit out the burning fuao ? "Jooh ! " re- tiled June n , ' I saw that feat nt the Boston boiler list winter ; give us something reiih. " Hoston Globe. A Ninart Warsaw man who wanted to intaHlop to bis cow's Hwitching her tail vhile ho wax milking tied thut appendage o the picket fouco. The bovine became rigbtuncd , and the man suysho would uot nind rrptlring the fence , an it would bo a utt judgment on him for being a fool , but 10 does think It pretty rough that Blie ihould drag a ten-foot section of it through in garden nnd tear up nbnut every grow- tig thing there. Boston L'ont , An American wnlkinir through a town u Wwlcs s.iw a proecKston with Hags Hying , trumpets 1 lowing , und a uan hoisted hnu iltr ht ; li , nnd aikccl , "What is all hi ! ubout ! " "Why , tlint in the pig man , " vn * thu toply. A little while and he met a p.imiiur jin cession , and another iran up- ifU'd. ' U'hit is up , now ? " "Oh , that U he uuti-pig man. " There was an election ight over the question bother Fome pi- tyea wore to bo removed. The styeH car- led the div. Acitir.Dix of Newman , Ga. , has schod- ilod all lit ! > tnxablo property an follows : ilerclmndiioTrading old clothes for muklebenivii and blackberries. Stocks .nd . bouiU Ono breach-of-promiae no'e. lcwolry- ) uo earrins nnd n brass watch. . .He titnk and poultry Onn cat , four lens aild n r oater. Library il hreo dime iov l < . Tools of trude jV jgoker and irooiii. 1\n nlturo and boueeiuiicl goods NVashpnn and a three-leeged wtool. Ve- liclosi of nil kinds Wheelbarrow. Pro- luce of nil l.inda nnd provisions Jiinncu vced nnd dog.fennel , Ail other property - Ono lioviitid two girls and one prospec ivr H.m in.iaw ; Tlio Biiilingtou Ilnwkeye is always cady for nn emergency. A Missouri > iior liu\lng fiercely inquired : "Who un cndnro being hawked at with the black ) cnlv if ovj ? " The Huwkojo comes up miiingly with thin jo'pouse : "No one , ii ! No man cxn tamely uubmit to such itb'iiAudifeer any iniin hnwku at n \iKh the black bonk pf envy , we'll lite him with a dog if the livid talons of ctiil.U'.ioii htuito us vith tlio red bolt of eiigcnnio from the dripping jaws of the loud of hate the nuxt minute. Yes , air : ve'd do it. " MTJ510AL AND DRAMATIC. Hose Coghlau is ut the Thounaml Islands or the bummer. Theodore Thomas will give ( oven con certs ut Cleveland , beginning Auputst 7th , Aimco will probably open her Bea on at ho Fifth Avenue Theatre with "Divor- cons.1' Miss ( ienovleva Ward Is to act Lay On iliicbetb next autumn at Liverpool and Uimclicster. "Tho World" b gius to revolve onaln on ioptcnibor 18 , at the Grand Opera liouso , s'ew York. MrK. Ltui'tiy is to receive $500 a night , and nil expenses of herself nnd maid , for 00 nights in America , John ] \cOnlloiib has left the Hot Springs In the best of health nnd h of ! for a trip to the Yellowstone. Wilielmj'n tour of Australia has been n finnneUI failure , nnd the great \Icllnitt is u his way I ack to Kurjpo. MtigUo Mitchell will oprn her Reason Sep ocibor 4 , nt the Park Theater , in her ew ploy , "Alua,1 n translation from the After tour in Holland , Geimatiy nnd \uxtila , Maurice Deagruoiont , the young iiilinlat , bus returned to Paris , where ho vill thu ; 6omo concerts. It U Mid that after th "P.irslfal" per- ormanccs nt liayrontb , WIIRIIOP will re- urn in October to Venice. The fiwt edi- lou of the vocal score of "Parsifal" was xhaustod within n few weeks of publica- ion in spite of its exorbitant price. A ecomi edition la In preparation in which ho enow of the first will bo corrected. The King of Uavarla has pgaln been mimov biiimflf by mouopo'iziou the luvtilUpcra II > nsa f.r pirfor IIOIIO'H to Wlll.'ll . 110 1 110 ll ) 0 W B Alu tlvl , TJlH nrkH rhiMtn were Gluck's Aiinlda , " vaiiiiei'j "Taunhausfr. " "Lohengiln , " AIel tei > In3cr" nnd "Dor ( Jenius dea tulimeu. " The Ijondon World sums up the Amerl- an nctorn who have been seen la Knglund ud iironouuces Jefferbon most admirable , IcCullougb rouKh-aud-ready , Hootli con- eutionol o'd ' school , Kloreuco n conven. bual low comedian , nndJInmey Villlams cijnvcntioual Poddy-whuck and blutfed , Ick Irlahinan. Of Cicnovleve Ward , he linkij , her country may well be proud. O.irlini in writing a now opera for Sig. era Nevada ( aiiM Wlxontho ) new prium nnna tiio-ngcd by Mr. Uje for Co\eut -mlen. Uupj > 3 is fmi liiug "Kin Afrika- teiuender" to bo jiroduced lute In the utiuiin at the Vienna ' ) huatro an der Vion , and Qoiuioii In Bald to bo writing leiumioof an opera to lie called "Lei uouochutt ) * , " Carl lloua' * ojiora troupa Ii to bo reor- anUed for next eoieun , Marie Iloze lua een secured for the boisoa , uiul AUviua V ll rla for certain reprrHentatlont weekly id tha Miitei ( iavhrd and Yorke ami 'ackard vccode. lilt last annouucemeat ii the production of Beethoven' * ' . , with Mine , Marie IIore at Leonora , And Mr. Barton MtGuckin ns Florcitan , Mr. Kosa will uio the Kndlth version prepared bv Alfred Bunn for Mallbren. Saint-Saenr , who o "Satmon" wa pro nounced by Von Billow , "the best German opera produced during the last quarter of a century , nnd altogether the most important - ant of the po t-W gnerIan music-fir 'moo ' , " fc 8 fini-hed his ncwopera , "Henry VIII , " which will be produced nt the Parii Opota Hou'o next > of.r. M. L-cocfi lias just signed an njreement with M. Gauthler , the nrw director of the I'olles-Dramhtl- ntien , blndlnc hlm elf to wrl'e the miiflu for nn operetto In three nets , entitled "Li PrlnccRce ( lea P nnrc . " the hi 10 to eing supplied by MM. Chivot nnd Dnni. "Montalbo" will 'n the title of Mnswnet's new opera. Tin HSretto has hpen written by MM. d'llnnt-ry and Lms fillet. Six table nix will It piinle-1 for the work , rrp- re entiiiff H > > e and Its environ" . The ut is laid In 'lie ventcenth cedlnty. "Promptly nncl Zntlroly. " UUTLEKVILLK , Ind. , Juno 14 , 1881. H. TI. WAUNKU A Oo : Sim Your Safe Kidney : > d Liver Cure relieved mo promptly und rtiliroly from povcrc diso/isoi / of the Lidneya nnd liver. .Ttn.tTH His thocoicurrrnt tcstlmonyof the public and thnrcoJlrinnl ] > ro C'tlou that Hosteller's atom ach Hitters i n meillclnn v hlch ch'CMM results upceillf felt , thnrouKli anil licnlu'ii Be * IJo rcct- liinglUerdlsofdrr. It Inv'jjoratet Ihoft'elik , con- iUtrs | kidney an 1 bhddcr ro-npialiil" , and Ills- tem the corn xle'isi'iico r f Oio-o rfc crlns from cnfeclillni ; ill'eiscs Morca\cr , It 1 < tha graud si.ccino for foicr and agua. Koi' Bain by tit dni'i tH and tlcalora gcnurallj' _ jl teal _ TRABE MARK ITje Orc.tVJf an En l'sn rtui- c ly. An iin- flina curu for Seminal Hpormator rhta , luipot y.HflV& v oicy' an" M > r - WMCJxTTO. WreycatlmfSSJij follow as n ' .influence of AFTER TARIF1Q. Sclt-Almio : an . > f of Memory , Unlvcml Linsi tuda , I'nln In Dm Uuiu , IHmneii o ! Vision , Pro nmtunOld A-.JC , and many other Ol'iaerfl th t lead to In aultj' or CousuiupHon nnd & Prema ture Grove. ISTFull parllcn ! rt in our iiruuuslct , which wo desire to said free Irraall to everyone. /fcVTho Speclfl tltcdlclno Ii Mid by all dru slcU at. $ lvr ) vj.c < ae , crdpnc'riirttt lor iffj , or will he sent frr.ii liy mall on rc < - ipt of the money , hy Buffalo. I , ' . Y KENDALL'13 UPAVIN CURE : . The Mont Quco sful Rimudy evti dlscov- orcd , as it la cortaln In Its c(7cct ( nnil d ; oa not blletor. HK\D I'KQOF IJF.LUW. Alto ciccllent fcrhnmau llcnh. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. \VMhlnetcnvlllo , Ohm. JUDO 17 , 1B81. DR D. J. KENDALL , ft Co. : iiouU Reidlnyyourad vcrtlacmuut hi Turt , Fluid and Kiriu ot your KcndiU's Bpivin Cure , a d having a valuable and npccdy horde which lu > l been lame from tpaxln tor eighteen month' , I tout to you lor bottle ty exprotw , 'vbloh 11 six wmjks removed I1 limcnfis and utavnt and a larga ipl'nt ' ttpm another homo , aud noth hones are to-aay u ound ai colta. The one hottlo wu worth to mi ono bunJrod dollare. Hcspoctfully yonrs , II. A. IJ.'urotBiT , Jli n. Qenit for llla.trat 1 circulir Klvln ? poiltiye proof. PrlcoSl. AH BtiiirfUta have It or can gctltfor you. Dr. U. J. Kendall t , Co' , Pro prietors , KncwliurKh VMs , Vt. ; 50Lt ) 3Y ALL , DRUGGISTS. l.w-lv NEHVOUS DEBILITY , A Oni't ftnnrnnt erl. Dr. K. 0. \ > 'M'i Kcrvc uid Hralii Trcnt.mont A ept'ClGe [ or HyHterla , IrludnfM , Convulsions , r.'ervoas IlrixlAclin , lloiiti ! l.V'rrcenlou , Lou3 of ZJruior Bpoimnliirrbcw.fuipotency , Involimtary Krulcuiont , Pictnature Old Age , ciunod by ovcr- exuitloii , colt-abu5u , or avcr-lnJulijuncc , which loaijd to misery , decay and ( loath , Ono box will cure rccsnt cases. Hi-h hoi coiiUlmionn month's troatmcnt. One dollar n box , or fix boxcii for flvo dollaTD ; cnt by mull prtyiRid on receipt of rrlcc. We ( ( uiirintof olx boxes to euro nny caeo. with each oi'lcr ' racclvcj by us ( cr clx li.nta , & : companled with llvo dollan , tvlH tend tbo pur. cboior our ivrlt' n r'Mrantoii to return thj uontiy U llio trc : > ; avjit do * net ctt. ct a euro , 0. F. aooilmon , Vriu"t ) , .Sol , Whnlixialu and Agent , Orouh * . ffoh. by n'allpi OOMS When Hot Springs FfiiJ ItAvnui , ASK. , iluy . :88l Wo hive TIIM In onr own town who llvuJ at [ lot Sjirlaiff , tuil were Dually turoJ with S. H. 8 ItUBP.T. ll' tl iiniitii icmt to * oc us aca \ h Wil.1 JfcUR yOtKOH ciur uoUdtii ; I ! > Vrltf (01 ai ticulam aad cn y ol little Ucpk a the | liinrtun&r Hiittnilnv 81.UUO Kuword will ho Fald to ny ihcmfit who will UnJ , on ualy la HO Intllp J. 8. B. , ono ( article ol Mercury , lodlJ * Voln itum ortny llincral ( iibuLanco. SWIFT BPEC'mO CO. traps. AlUcI Price ot Baii.ll elt , f 1.00. o Uio 01.76. CoM hy UKNKAHD BUOH. ft TO 11/1 r l > THE KENDALL PLAIOTG IACHIIE DBESS-PKBRS' OOHFAHIOH , It I'lalH rota 1-.3 ol n Inch to . -IJth In tha com t telt4 cr HuvU si ka It UOM all kinds ud Dtylw ot I laltlntr lo UM. Ho lidy tU l ilom borowD droM-u&klDit e o . 'Jorj to do without ont M nlco pl&IUog Ii mxrrout ol fajhlon , If tnmll nella ttwlt. rci i | riil ! ' , ClrenUjfl or Af nVi ternm * Mr CONOAR * 00 USCONOAR U yon suOcr from Dyspepsia , Ma BURDOCn 'LOODCHTERS II you are anlcttJ with Wllouincs , use nuiiDocK ntooi ) BUTKHS It yon &ro prostrated with sick Ilcatlnche , tnko nuncooK I vonr Dow cli are disordered , reirulato them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If > ur Blood Is rnpuro , purify It with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you hi o Indlgoitlon , jou will hnd nn r.ntldoU In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If tou Are troubled nlth Sprlni Complaints , cr- adlcalo them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If your Urcrls torpM , restore It to healthy action with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If jour LUor Is affected , ) ou will nnd a euro ro- sloratueln BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If jou have any species of Humor or Pimple , fall not to tike BURDOCK BLOOD I11TTKRS. If you he wiy symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curative remedy will bo found lu BURDOCK BLOOD BITTnitS. For Imparting strength and vitality to the sys tem , nothing can cquil BURDOCK BLOOD BITTnilS. ror Nervous and General Debility , tone up the PJ stem with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , cl.OO ooi Dottle ; Trial Bottle * 10 Cto FOSTER , MDMBH , 6 Do , , Props , 331TFFAI,0. J | . Y. Bold at wholesale by leh k McMahon and 0. K. fioodman. | 27 ood-mo Dlsoosu Is an effect , not a cause. Its origin lj within ; Its nmnlfost tloin without. iJenco , to euro the < 1 iso.180 the CAL'sntcuat bo rcmoxcd , nm In no other way can n euro or > c effected. WARNETt'S SATE KXDNDY AND HVKR CORK in established on ju t this principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. of all diseases nrlzo from deranged kldnoya nn llxcr , mid It strikes nt once nt the root of the difficulty. The elements of n hlch U Is composed act directly upon these great organs , both ns a KOOD aid BBSTORBB , and , by placing thtui In a healthy , coudltlcn , drlvo disease and pain from I bo system. For the Innumerable troub'es caused by un healthy Kidneys , Liver and Urinary Organs : for the di6tre slnft Dlsorderof Women ; for Malaria , and physical derangements generally , this grcal romidy hai no equal , lit ware of Impostors , hn- ttatlons and concoctions slid to be lust as p-ood. For ealo by all rierucrs. H. -WARNER & CO. . PIB _ Roohohtop N. Y- ' 1 he Great Lngiish Eemedy tNcvor falls ta cuio | .V rvoiu Debility , VI. tnl Exhaustion , Emls- Seminal Wcaii- HOOD , and all the BV ii clfccts of youth ful follies and CXCOH- ic3. It stops perma- s iicntly nil weakening. Involuntary leasts and drains upon the BJS- tcni , theintvltablo re- suit of those evil prac tices , which are so destructive to mind and body and make Ufa miserable , oltcn leading to Insani ty and death. It strengthens lha Ncrvcs.Uraln , ( momnryf Blood , llusclca , Dlceatlvo und Repro ductive Organs , It rostoroa to all the ortrnnlc functions their former vigor and vitality , ma- link' life cheerful and cnjojablo. Price , $3 n 'iQttle , or four times the quantity 810. Sent by express. Hvcuro from observation , to any address , on receipt of price. No. C. O. 1) . sent , except on receipt nf 81 as a guarantee. Letters ri < rnioiitliiif answers must inclose sUmp , Dr. Minima's DundHhon Piile are It > licit and cheapest djupopsla and bllllnno euro In thomarkft. Sold by all druggists , Price fiO cents. IB , MINTIK'H KII > NBT RKMHDT , N'SPRITICDM , Cures 111 kind of Kidney and bladder complaints , gonorrhea , uloot and Icucorrhea. for ealo ny nil lUiii'trnta : gl n bottle. tNOLlSII MEDIOAI , INSTITUTE , 718 Olive St. , 8t , Lout * , Mo. For Sale in Omaha by 0. K. OOODMAN. Jaii2flv > rl < llul nUU1ll Moi ) . , Uiu Hop O [ f } t i urn itffln Iron. AI..I . < l civtlun tlun , If ynu art ! > . ! * > oui , , niiTirlrK ' " rli-i ! or ; UK on n t > ! > 3 ! < - rslr Bitter * . \\t\utrtt \ 1 3 lirjitvj. . ) vut t thenoYcr J e njul ! > from tH'd form at I'Jjriov lint > nu > rjfdm uvtAt cleaiisiEK , tuu Ulsoum chat nilKli Lav inen ' ? nto IKtr in tt o I'M t nltliout ( by tin | > l.v nv t ft u i Hopi O , i. O i rHMnurycoi' * ' N an ttaclat laln > , Ultcate nd Irrenlstf of t."i > oi < icA bio en r i It Imirtlt. lilaort , drubkennooe Hl'tr ot ntnit I u e o' uplua. Ton v tit lie t' ' uccu , v eurtdlf iniiute turratlo. Hop Dltter * lyaa re lm jly wreskMnd Cirvulur [ ovffHlrlUil.try It i It may tuvoyour to. lfe. | it has , anvod hun- To Nervous t > uderers THt QM6A7 tUROPCAM IIEWEDV. Dr. J. B. fiimpson'H Specific It It i p73tlvecuru | for Sp < rmitoirhe , Benin * YeobDcvi. Iiuj > ftr.tcy , and all dl'wsog reuultlcf roui tio/-Abiv ! , as UonUil Ar.xioty , lam idmnry - , I' . . l _ - In th HicV. or RUe , Mid dlse * ) j c.'aniumptlnn iEiaulty in. . pncldc no h hclnf a'jiid with wonder ful tuccua , _ . _ _ _ k'nt frtxi tn til > Yito ! for ttieta Mid fri ( u.l pM I'llco , Bl'wICo , * 1.W ytt fActiiT , 01 clx pc\ . i/od for iC.OQ. Addr ill ordcra to 1) , SIJ1EO.SJJEDICINK ( X > . Nos. 101 and ICO MMn Kt. iiutttlo , N. T SoH In Om ha by ( t. F. Ocodnun , if IKU , I , K. Uh , and all /rnvflitiuvcfynherr. I . ! > _ :7BLACfs.HAUGHT" : cnrea i'lj HH > I > l' l " s.jiiiii "mill In urjbuni. WB. MILLARD. K . JOHNSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commissioji and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED Agents for Pock & Banshors Lard , and Wilber Mills Flour OMAHA NEB , - - - REFEBENOES ! OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL A CO. &oo iloes * OSV1AHA , NEB. O. IF1. G-OOI31VC-A.2sr3 vsr3acox < aQ& : abl.zi.ji r 3ci 3c < 3Ei ) u. Tcnxr DB-UGS , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plats Glass. tarAnyoce contemplating bulliilnf store , bank , or nny other fine wilt CnJlt tJthelr ftJ- vantage to corns end with ui before purchasing tliolr Plato Olais. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA NEB. IF1O. . 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , -WHOLESALE- "Bwrainti A On Eiver Bank , Bet. Farnham aud Douglas Sts. , DEALERS Fire and BurgSar Proo 1020 Farnham Street , AND JOBBERS IN E.TB f r Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of QI&AES AND IAMFACTUEED TOBACCO , Agents for BENWDDD NAILS AHD LAFLIN & BAND POWDER CO. JOBBER OF AND WIHDOW SKA EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA Jet . AHI > ULTAIL DEALER Lath , Shinglbb , Pickets , SASH , IK r. , BUNDS , aiOLUiHeiS , LIME , GEMEH > } UII.WAUKEB CEMXtlT Near Union Pacific Battot. - JPOWH3 AHD HAND | . ykS Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , HALLADAyWllD- , ? GHUR6H AHD SCHOOL BELLS Cor , Fanjam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. '