Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1882, Image 1

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    1 OMAHA , > DAI BEE
5.OOO '
Of Omaha.
Has purchased ot the Cotll3to.M mf.actmInj
Co. , ot I'foililcncc , H. ! . , . > w\u wtd h Is irimr.
antced In writing Io b "atsnlutcly burylar
proof for v > rlod ot thirty MX hourstontlnutmt
And u disturbed a tack nlih tlio uio ot tuch
tools and nrvllcancis&sn l > urnl r ran employ , '
anil In a prncilu ly unconditional wa\ ,
This hauk d'tlrcsn thorough t6jt D ado Upla
thloalo and In cue Ot failure to niand It , tvo
bink Will bs tt lllifrly to | > urcna9o any othrr
tit and ran return this to thu nmmidtctmcn
An > | rty I * tit Ihcrty to utiJeital.o th atl c <
wlio will lurnl'h iklliractorv bond to piy nil
daimffo to the sale , In ciso It 1 < not entered In
the stipulated time. The CorlissCoraiuny n rcn
In witMi'g ' to dopraltith this bank ths turn cf
$5,000 00 , upon thn Mifi In ot nn njrcjmrnt
Dl)0\e th- raid cum to bo pnccJ nlthlo Iho
lafo nnil ti ho forlultcd to tlio p > tt > opcratlni ; In
case opened and hi content ! tab
etractod UKNIIV W.YA1K3 Cushlc.
Samuel G , Davis ft Co. ,
Washingtou A'.e. aud Hfiii St. ,
Every Corset Is warranted satis
factory to its wearer In every way ,
or the money will bo refunded by
tlio person from whom it was bought.
Tlio only Corset pronounced by our lending ? physlclani
not Injurious to tlio wearer , and endorsed V ladles aa
the "mostcomfortable and perfect fitting Cornet OTW
luiulo- "
Health Prc er Inc. $1.50. Helf-AilJuttlnc , Kl.SO
'Abdominal ( rxtrubeary ) $8.00. Nur lnc , fcl.60
llcnllh IVcicrvlna ( One coulll ) (8,00. 1'arnBon
HUrt-BupportlliB. 4 > 1.CU.
Tor nulo by leading Jlctall Dealer * everywhere *
Improved tor
Ei ory houRL'kceper feels thn want of
, t romcthiiiK Unit will cook PR * dnilj
food andavoid tliouicosaivoheat , duat ,
litter and iislicu of u coalorvvnodstove ,
DO IT , hotter , quicker nnd cheaper
than any other means. It is the ONLY
OIL STOVE made with the OIL
"buck of the atovo , awayfrora the heat :
by which arrangement ABSOLUTE
SAFE IY is secured ; aa no gua can be
generated , fully twenty pur cent more
heat ia obtained , the u icka are preserved -
served twice as long , thus having the
trouble of constant trimminu and thu
expense of now ones. EXAMINE
THE M ONI Toil and you will buy no )
other. if
Matmtaiturcil ouly by th-
Monitor Oil Stove BJ , UIovoIaMO ,
f Send tor do.n-riptivo circular or call
on M. Rogoru t Son , u untw for No-
, othi
Geneml Undertaker
? , u f
St 3. 3S a.3aXT3 . tSl O7 m
HotFarnum aud Iloutjliis. S <
MeUllk , Wood and Cloth Cohered AI
snnouDS , CRAPE , &c. m
onmmly on baud. Orden from the untrjr KO
, and promptly attended - " * ! U th
A Large Force to Be Imme
diately Dispatched to
Egypt ,
Arabi Proclaimed n Rebel and
Ordered to Sur
The French Chambers Kicking
Strongly Against War
Fnrllnmont Unanimously Tlmnli
tVo Queen forC lHng Oat
tlio Rccorroi
Another American Cardinal Decided
National Associated Prcsr.
July 20. The
porto is hastening to dispatch to
Egypt eixty-four batallions of the
first contingent , to consist of sixteen
batalliona. The sultan is preparing a
proclamation denouncing Arabi aa n
traitor and ordering Egyptians to rally
around the Turkish standard.
LONDON , July 20. The house of
commons by unanimous vote , resolved
that the queen w s entitled to the am-
uerest gratitude of the British people
for her action calling out the reserves
for permanent duty In restoring or
der in Egypt.
ALEXANDRIA , July 20 , To protect
themselves from surprise the English
luivo dug mines under the railway at
dilftjront points beyond Ramleh , and
conncctid them by'wuca with their
among Europeans at Port Said to-day
by landing of twenty five men from
the Gorman war vessel to guard the
consulate there.
BERLIN July 2(5 ( It is reported
Bismarck instructed the Gorman am
bassador at Constantinople to declare
to the conference that Germany re
gards England's intervention in Egypt
as tlio solo means of avoiding a gen
eral European conflict.
LONDON , July 27. The admiralty
has ordered gunboala to convey ships
through the Suez canal if necessary.
1'ORTS .
ALEXANDRIA , July 20. The garri
son of Rosetta , Aboukir and Damicl-
la forts offered to submit to the kho-
PARIS , July 26. Thp committee of
the chamber of dej > utJ nn the Egyp- .
tinn. credits ; "determined to report
against allowing them. The French
cabinet decided to gtand or fall by the
vote of credit.
ALEXANDRIA , July 20. Arabi is re-
tiring his cavalry from Ramleh to
Kafeol Devar , where ho has had a
stronghold since the evacuation of
Alexandria. British rcportssay Arabi
is disposed to negotiate for surrender
to the British providing ho ia guaian-
teed restoration of the status before
the bombardment.
The British force haa landed at
Port Said.
The porte'a decision to send troops
won't arreat British occupation.
LONDON , July 20. The News says
the statement that Turkey consents to
send troops into Egypt ia misleading.
The Porto haa not recognizsd the ang-
gcstions to send toopa und now pro
poses to discuss the conditions under
which they shall bo sent , a process
which , if carried out in accordance
with Turkey's notions of diplomacy
must occupy aix month ? .
ALEXANDRIA , July 20 The Mali- ,
mondich canal is refilling , and the
supposed dam constructed by Arabi
burst. The supply of water in Alox-
andiia now equula the consumption.
"PAUSirAL. "
BBULIX , July 20. VVajjnni'a now .
oporu , " , " wns produced at
Bayrcuth , yesterday , with BUG-
LONDON , July 26 , Hon. Francis
Fitzgerald , baron of exchequer of
froland , 1ms resigned , the duties im if
posed by the repression bill being un
Most Rev. Patrick A. Veban ,
ol >
irchbishop of Chicago , will bo elected hi
ardinal at the next consistory.
The Soudan prophet who , acting as
in ally of Arabi , hits produced such a
lonaternation among the Mohnmtno- an
Ian * , has arrived in Nubia , Upper pcmi
2gypt , not far to southward of Thebes , that
vhoro four thousand years ago , the thW
lifitorian tolls us , the Nile was bridged at
rom shore to shore , and 5,000,000 of
eoplo were worshipers in the tomnle
ibolak. The ease with which thia po
irophot has been able to ( .fleet the
rjrtual conquest of the Soudan , with o
to 30,000,000 of souls , is not Bur-
iriaiug when the isolation of that
Jontral African region from the par- sti .
ut government at Cairo is consider-
d. Ismail Poaha , who , with all of
tis faults , waa a shrewd sovereign ,
ised to say , when ho was told of any
iionumontal piece of rascality in the
ioudan provinces , "What can I do ? die
ly upper territory is distant from the Fr
apital a month by the swiftest means ret ;
transit , and any governor general I KHHi
lay appoint roon assumes the prero- Hi
ativea of a kin ; ; , and the Soudan Is hit
bus virtually independent. " Few of thi
the khodivo'a lieutenants at Khartoum
the real capital of Central Africa-
it Sir Samuel Baker and Col. Gordon
bo accepted , have had any other * ca
reers than that of robbers of the treas
ury , oppressors of the people , and
outivo promoters of the slave trade
and all local schemes of conquest. The
Arab tribes , whoso members are di
rect and unalloyed descendants of the
best blood of Arabia , where the stand
ard of Moslem honor and peraonal
purity is the highest in the Mohnin-
mcdan world , have been mtny times
within the past fifteen years on the
vcrgo of revolt against the E try plain
rule because of its corrupt ana ruth
less character. On ono occasion dur
ing the reign of Moontarz Paslm at
Khartoum an official who constantly
proclaimed hinieelf the disciple of
Voltaire ho wns visited by a body ot
devout and honorable shicks from the
surrounding tribes , and they protest
ed with elaborate solemnity against
Hs sacrilege. His reply was , order
ing them from thodivan , "I will shoot
your religion ! " It was not long nftor
that Moonttuz died suddenly it was
supposed from a doao of powdered
glass , which the export Oriental can
with so little difliculty introduce into
the little cup of black coffee so often
during the day a tender of courtesy.
F.vcls like this , of frequent occur
rence in the Soudan , served only to
deepen the fanaticism of the popula
tions along the Blue and White Nilca ,
where there ia little industry beyond
the gymnastics of prayer. Thus is
revealed how easy a Usk it has boon
for El Mohdi to rouse the people to
opposition to organize a crusade after
the true method of the original
Mohammed , and with the crescent to
the fore enlist the hundteds of thous
ands of well-mounted and physically
well-formed Arabs , whoso habitations
when stationary are iu * 4io fertile
oases lying between the main stream
and tlio lied sea. Nor is thia all.
The annexation of Kordofan * and
Darfour brought hnrdy warriors
ready to bo moved by _ an elo
quent sheik with flowing beard
and. a magnetic person such as this
now chieftain seems to bo. They nro
many times superior to the troops of
Lower Egypt. On every occasion of
u revolt the Central African Arabs
and the negro races annexed by con
quest have shown their utter innilToi-
ence to their adversaries from thu del
ta region. The mixed racoa of thn
Soudan , too , are also deeply inibiud
with the spirit of religious fervor
those inhabitants descended from
Arab fathers and negro mothers.
Some of these bastard races are ns
line specimens of physique as
can bo found anywhere no
tably the Dunogoloweo , who como
from the great bend of the Nile , andao
employed by the slave traders aa sol
diers on their expeditions for "black
ivory" into the interior. Their aver
age height ia over six foot. They ate
fearless in the water among crocodiles
and in the jungle among beasts of
prey : they can handle the elephant
gun and the spear , and understand
the art of strangling. This race some
"years ago endeavored , to .aatabliah-an
independent kingdom ; but , after the
usual Egyptian fashion , their chiefs
were invited to a grand and friendly
banquet at the government house , and
during the height of festivities wore
suddenly massacred by troops in am
bush j ,
With recruits like these different
races of the Soudan having the blood
of the negro , the Saracen , the Tuik
and the Egyptian , and fired by the
Moslem enthusiam El Mohdi has
had no difliculty in arousing a popular
uprioing along the line of the march ,
which haa brought him eight hun
dred miles to the northward of Khar
toum and within ono thousand miles
of Cairo. As it is now high Nile
where ho and his followers now are
that is , near the first cataract , iho
journey down the river can scarcely bo
any considerable effort , as the velocity
of the stream ia throe miles an hour.
There are always at that point
of the river many transports ,
nuggors and a Einill iloot
of steamers. fl.s oU > ci means
of transportation for hia horde
consist of the many thousand camels
and dromedaries whiah can bo driven
in from the desert , both as baggage
convoys and to mount the invading
forco. Passing through Nubia the
prophet will find a wretched country ,
peopled by wretched natives , forvrhom
fbrahitn Pasha found no better use on
Ilia pleasure journays on the Nilotlmn
l.o muku thorn the tin gut of hia fire , in [
mlur to I cat the accuracy of hia aim , : ;
with weapons presented to him by the
iovorci,7ns of Euiopo , From thefn n-
ier of Nubia , moving down the Nile , ,
.ho invaders will find abundant food ,
ibundant forage for their came < 0 , and
course , no lack of water. Nat
3ut the fellaheen who may join
hem will bo scarcely desirable allies ,
they are unarmed and un-
.ccustomed to weapons moro danger-
ua than the shophoru's crook. It
ias always been the policy of the
Syyptain government to prevent the [
ultivators of the soil from having
rms , The force on its journey to
airo will pass over fertile and highly at fk
ultivatod estates , through sugar and fr
orn plantations , by thick settlements ,
nd will indeed bo a novelty to the ov
poplo. Not slnco the days of Ethio-
ian prowess , in ancient times , haa BO thin
licro been such a barbaric incursion ,
/hat its effect may bo when arriving in
Cairo can not bo foreshadowed , but
no fact is certain , there is no hostile an
ewer that cm now bo marshalled in
Igypt to stiy the inflow of the pro-
hot and his followers. Three weeks
once and ho can plant his ensign on na
io citadel of Cairo , when the world
ill eagerly watch the result- thia
.range crueado ,
Tlio Oavondlib AKsaKdn. co
itlonnl AesocUted frvea.
NEW YOUK , July 20. A St. Thomas sic
ispatch nays the assassin of Lord th
redorick Cavendish , who was ar- US
stod at Puerto Cabello , Venezuela ,
ves his name as William Westuate.
o was arrested on the 10th inat. by or
own confession. He skipped on bu
8th of May under the name of ne
O'nrien , on the British b rk Gladstone -
stone from SwinsoU to Caracas. Thu
names of thron of his accomplices
and other details of the murder wore
taken by depositions before the Brit
ish consul. Wcstgnto says ho
was employed by n Mr. O'Connor
and other influential persona , twenty
pounds being given to each of the
assassins. 11 o Bays twenty pounds
wore worth moro to an Irishman than
the lifo of ono Englishman. It is believed -
liovod the Venezuela government will
surrender , though there is no extradi
tion treaty to cover the case.
LONDON , July 20. The foreign of-
lieu confirms the report of the arrest
at Puerto Cnbollo.
i Homo Run
N'atlonnl Acpoclntod 1'rtio.
DuiiUN , July 20.-0fllcers ho\o
bzun sent to South Amenc * to take
into custody Win. Weatgoto , who on
the lOih inst , surrendered himsrlf to
the police at Puerto Crtbollo , Ven
ezuela ,
NiUSoinl Aisochtcd Trmr.
LONDON , Julj 20. The entry of the
Hilledalo crow for the Barnes regatta ,
which takes place Saturday , luvt been
accepted. The Thames and London
clubs are entered for the same race.
PHILADELPHIA , P * . , July 2(1 ( Phil-
dolphins 0 , Metropolitans 8.
PitoviDENCK , July -Worccntors
5 , Providences G ,
Bo&TON'July 20 Bostons 5 , TroyeS.
MoNMourir , N. Y. , July 20. At
tendance moderately Rood , d y nud
track perfect.
First race , puiso SfiOO , throc-year-
olda and upwarda , rmlo and a itirlong ,
Jack of Hanrts first , Clara D , second ,
Parole third ; time 1:50 : .
Second race , optional stakes two-
year-olds , three quarters cf a mile ,
Disdain first , Folioia sownd. Gonfalm
third ; time 1:10. :
Third race , handicap BwcopMakec ,
all ngca , milo nnd n quarter , Girull i
first , By and-By next , but to the as
tonishment of all , the judges placed
Clnrn second , when she was not within
hailing distance ; time 2llJ. :
Fourth racc , Navcaink Imndicip ,
sweopatukoa , all ages , ono milo und a
half , Monitor first , Eolo second , Bar
rett third ; time 2:37 : .
Fifth race , purao'SSOO , all ogee ,
ono milo nud n furlong , M.irathon
first , Stinthsply second , Sir Hugh
third ; time 1:57 : .
Sixth race , p'urso $500 , handicap
steeple case , short course , Iiuromar
first , Iko Bonham second , Jisrnnr-
dine third ; time 3:12A. :
nosroN RACER.
BOSTON , July 20. Second diy ol
auinmur meeting at Mystic park ; 2:32 :
class , 4 starters , was won by Dick
Dainplo , Ilka second ; best time , -:34J. :
The race for gontlomou's driving
horses was won by Ail BIO P. Nod
Jtiokman accand ; best time , 2:3v : | .
OLKraiTArfD , 'I/lily 20. In. tn'o2:25 :
pacing race Joe Bowora won ; time
2:27A : , 2:18 : , 2.-19J.
Tlio 2:29 : class was won by London ;
time 2:20 : , 2:21J : , 2:23J : , 2:24j : , 2:25 : ,
2:27 : .
Free for all pacers , Mattie Hunter ,
1 , 1 , 5 ; Lucy , 2 , 2,1 ; race unfinished ;
time 2:18i : , 2:17 : , 2:23j. :
A I > raw Fight.
National Associated I'roes.
CINCINNATI , July 20. In the prize
fight last uiuht between "lied" Wilson
and J. M. Furat , nine rounds were
fought. Both men were completely
exhausted ami thn fight was declared
a draw.
Th-o Kansas City Road * .
National AuiclutuU 1'rtta.
CincAdo , July 20 All Kansas City
roada leading to Chicago have agreed
to ligidly maintain the § 1200 rate.
Thia disposes of the passenger war
question for the present.
low a Anti-Monopolists.
National Associated 1'reai.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , July 26. The
Grand Ledge of A. 0. U. W. mot
yesterday. The delegates roprcaont a
niLinborship of 10,000. They are re
solved to maintain their position aa
Thii Second Vermont.
National Attodaltxl I'raa.
MpNTi'ELiER , Vt. , July 20 Jlo-
lublicnn convention of thoaecond con-
retsionul district- , nominated Ex Con
pressman Luke P. Poland , over W.
Jrout , present incumbent , by 171 ,
o 1L'5.
BuiidlU Killed
National Atutclatcd I'reaa ,
MATAMCUAH , Toxau , July 20. In a
lesporato fight with bandits in Siorru
emajarnila , Mexico , the chief , Man-
! Gomez , was killed.
Seizure of American Flour- f
fttloriM Auuociatlon I'reif.
MONTREAL , July 20. TJio custom
uthoritios seized 1,840 barrels of
lour ( unsigned to Lord & Munn ,
rom Chicago. The charge was the
vaalon of the duty of five cents per
arrol , payable on American flour. It
iieins a number of firms have boon in y
lie habit of importing American flour
bond , for export , thus escaping the
uty , then placing it in consumption
nd substituting Canada flour there-
jr. Several other firms , suspected
similar practice , had uhipments do-
u'nod pending investigation. The scH
iuno of the Chicago ahippur was neb
acortainod. tl !
ft ]
The Tariff Cannuivalon.
ttloual Aa. ocUit l fren * . SRP
LONG BRANCH , July 20 The Tariff
iminiuion this afternoon received
jininuiiications reooinmonding revi- ua
on of tariff on dry goods , urging
mt the duty be taken off enamel
sod for Watch dials. Arguments were
mdo that corks oui > ht not to pay
lore than 10 percent , crude corks 20 , SFi
a specific duty of 25 cents per i
uahola of 34 pounds ; allowing the de
eods of the salt industry ; placing en
anylino dyes on the free list ;
another coutondod that dyes ou hl not
to bo disturbed ; favoring abolition ol
the dutyon copper ere : reducing tariff -
riff on iiickol to G cents n pound ; ask
ing considerable reduction on stool
rails ; abolishing duty on carpetwoolf ;
abolition of pound duly on other
wools and substitution of a duty t f
50 per cent advalorom. Another r-
gucd that nlloy of nickel with copper
should pay the same duly as nickel ,
30 cents n pound.
Assistant Secretary French made n
statement of the difficulties surround
ina the present tariff and showed thu
importance of ronrrangunont. Ho
arnued in fator of simplicity in clas
silioition so ns to avoid amb'guitios ' ,
Particulars of ttio Atrmr Near DoWltt
Lust Saturday.
Cotrosiionilonco ol Tlio ll i.
WILIIKU , Nob. , July 24. Yesterday
the nowscatno to this place of a most
horrible murder , committed Into Sat-
uaday evening , ubnut ten milca southeast -
east of hero in the edga of Gage coun
ty. It is a hard matter to got the true
story , but the fi'.cts ns gleaned are ns
follows :
A Gorman by the name of Hoed had
hnd some trouble with hia wife and
ahohad gone the to house of a married
daughter who lived a short distance
away. Late in the evening Heed was
aeon approaching the house with a
shot gun , nnd there boine no men
about the houao , the mother nnd
Daughter anticipated troublo. They
fattened the door , blow out the light
nnd hid themselves up ntaira. Soon
Heed came up and without waiting n
moment ho burst open the dpor nnd
rushed in ; ho ( lion lit aomo shnvingH
mid made search of the house ( which
ia a email one ) nnd finding the mother
aocroloil up ulnira , ho dolibonUoly
shot her , killing her instantly. Ilo
thun left thu houao , mid , the daught
er nearly frantic , gave tlio alnrm , and
Heed was \oiy soon captured , und la
now lodged in the Beatrice jail. Ho
neoms to have no other OXCUHO thim
tluthiH wife had dmobeyrd him in
going to too her daughter , with whom
Iljoil li.ul not upolton since luir mar-
lingc. Ilo Ecuma to laKe it voiy cool
ly and don't scorn to realise his situa
tion tit jot.
JiK Them to Stick.
H tt..M : Aixjcuteii Press.
Pirrsiiuiia , Pa. , July 25. Presi-
ntliirrott , re ] > lying to the recent
letter of thu Ckvulund sliikerr , ad-
vifed icsifitancu to all attmnptn ot thu
propcictorH of the Clevl.xnd Hulling
mill to induce them to give up mom-
burahip in the union.
Mortally 'Wounded.
Nitloual ABdoclaud Press.
MUHKOOEK , Ind. Ty. , July 2(5. ( In
a fight between a party of robbers and
the Light Ilorao guards , Oapt Scott
was mortally wounded.
Murder in the Second Degree.
National Associated frost ) .
BUOYHUS , 0. , July 26. Jno
Smith , the tramp murderer of Mar
shal Snodgraas , waa found guilty of
murder in the second degree.
Rnilroiul Rate * .
National Associated I'rcss.
CHIOAOO , July 26 , Judge Drum-
moiul , in the United States supreme
court , Bottled yesterday the caao of
the Alton A ; Terre Ilauto railroad ver-
BUS thu Indianapolis & St. Louis ,
Pit'aburp ' , Fc. Wayne & Pennsylva
nia , andC. 0. 0. & I. railroad com
panies , fixing the rental duo the form
er at 600,000.
'JCho Freight Handlon.
National AiwociKtou I'teia.
NEW YORK , July 26. There acorns
to bo no immediate prospect of ending
the ntriko of freight handlers in New
York and Jersey City. Money is
daily added to the fund of the freight
handlers union. The men maintain
almost an unbroken front. Loss
freight is received each succeeding
day. The opening of western and
southern trade about August 1st , it is
thought will bring a rush of freight ,
which , it is boliovcd , the now men
will bo unable to handlo. The proba
ble increase renders the men hopeful.
Assaults in connection with the strike
nro on the inorcato. A longshoreman
waa shot to-day , but not dangerously.
A Military Row.
National AsioUatoJ 1'rci-ia.
LKAYI WOHTH , Ks. , .lu'y ' 20Pri -
vuto John O'Neill , rf the militaiy . '
iiricon at Fort Loayon worth , ahor >
Provost Sergeant John Henry , :
through the heart in the guard ofllce
this evening. The murderer re
fuses to give his roisona for the not.
Henry was a noldior of thirty yoiu ol
service. d
Missouri Politic * . U
Uon l Associated 1'rcBS. .
CITY , Mo. , July 20. oj
rho republican convention mot at la
Ll:10a. : m , lion. Jno. F. Phillips , at
ihairmnn. Judge T. A , Sherwood ac
as nominated for supreme judge ; be
\ \V. E , Coleman , of Saline counlt ; ,
, for superintendent of public
clioola. and Gen. Jag , Harding , for
ailroau commissioner. Adjourned.
CotUUli SmnoIiB. , r
fat'ocal I'fufii Aiochtlon
GLOUCESTER , Alase. , July 20. The th or
chooncr Hestleas arrived to-day with
00,000 pounds of codfish. Two of th
ho crow , Joseph Johnson and Joseph th
ilcDonald , weru lout on the third
list. , while tending trawls. On the lapr
nmo day the Ituallnas picked up pr
'iorro Brown and Uoland 1'aiun , [
ronchmen , who had been lost in the I"
anio manner from another voascl ,
h i
Ladd'a rubber factory at Ulielnea , 3
} . i . .
Cincinnati , died of heart dluefluo. . ,
The etrlkln inlneni of Bhenandoah nro
etennlued to remain out until the In- cal
reaeo In granted , OS it I
A Tearful T ilo of Forgery and
Fraud by tlio Morions
Soliwonok ,
Ha Admits the OranspirAoy to
Impoao on Oongrees With
False Finance ,
A.nd Attejnpto to BXOUBO the
Crime on the Ground of
Political Friendship.
The Scandal Qrovs Blnokor
the Further Invostitja-
tion IB Pnehnd.
The , Revenue Reduction Bill
Qu'otly Laid in the Sena-
torinl Oravo.
The Rlvor nnd Hnrbor Bill Finally
Com prom tied and Paused
bv the HOURS.
A Miscellaneous Assortment of Cap
ital Notes.
National AmocUtoJ Vtttt.
WAHIIINOTON , July 20. In tlio alar
roulo caaoa Will mm Cook nnd It.
Grntz Brown appeared us counsel tor
Price. Several clerks identified pa-
purs from the postofllco dopartmunt.
Sonata confirmed Morrit L. Joslyn ,
-uaiatnnt secretary of tlio inturior ;
Liua Rictimotid , of llhodo Inland ,
rucrutnry of legation nnd consul-gene
ral nt Rome ; G. INI. Sabm. dmtiict
judge of Novuda.
The benne BUu-connnittoo of the
judiciary committee examined Poti r
rfohwonok , of Nubr.uiknm { relation to
Mujora * cliiim to election aa contingent
congrcHsmtm from thut elate. 11 o nd-
mittod writing the loHor to Majors
recommending the manufacture of n
bogus cartificato. lie excused it on
thu ground that Ilia friends wore in a
tight place , nnd ho gave the beat advice -
vice ho could ns to the \\i\y out.
Gospor's original cert ilcato of the
canaus of 1871 was found. It shows
the date w a plainly 187-1 nnd had
been clumsily changed to 1S72. The
ovidunco all allow persistent and con-
tinuoua endeavors to impose upon
congrcas uinco the forty-fourth con
gress. Wholhor Schwenck or Majors
forged the last certificate is atilL uodor
The vote laying aside the tax-oill J
generally regarded as killing that
measure. Senator Mori-ill referred to
his spocch as | ( ho only opportunity 1
would have to speak on the bill , now
an abandoned measure , Three of the
six republicans who voted for th
navy bill wilt not again vote to tali
up the tariff bill. The discussion on
the navy bill will likely provo long
and bitter. The fooling akin to il"
will between the two houses nnd bo
twocn individual members acoma t
incrcaao with thn riaeof the thermometer
oter nnd will prolong the session in
The commissioner of internal revenue
onuo made n report to-day to Sucre
tury Folgar , showing the entire inter
nal revenue taxes collected for tin
past year to bo 8190 < r > 20,27.j { for pas
air years , $718,831,071 , ; oxponao o
collection amounts to $27 087,300 or
3 0 10 per cent. It further states Urn
no defalcation look place within tin
period mentioned , and nil illicit manu
faoturo nnd sale of wh okyund tobacco
broken up.
The controller of curn-ncy declared
final dividend payable to the credit
ors of the First National bank of La
crosse , Wis. , making in all diyidonds
of forty per cent , and final dividend
of thirteen per cent , payable to the
urudiwors of the natumtl bank of
Vicksburj. ' , Mies. , making in all divi
dends of torty-oiglit pur o nt.
OnurdluT Knox srtja that llty-fwv ,
banks h vo nmpwcd their charters
under tlu opinion of the nttornoy
'onunil and ( ho rvclwrtur luw. All
f those except thrno organised under
huir old names , Of those fifty-two
jai ) I ; a , only three have boon organized
inder the extension not. The remain.
ng forty-nine have tr.lcon advantage
the opinion of the attorney goner-
that they could continue their ex-
stone ) without additional legislation.
Jut one national bank lias thus far
.pplied for a reduction of the amount
its deposited bond ) under the now
iiw , Mr. K.IIOX lua not anticipated
ny contraction of the currency on
ccount of this privilege given to
lanks of
National banks now have about
100,000,000 lets circulation than
hey are entitled to under the law.
Cnox does not nnticipato any consld-
rablo increaao in the circulation of
ho bulks unuYr the opcrationa of
his not. Mr. Kiipx doen not think
110 now p1 itou which will bu used for
lie now nutcH to bo issued under this
iw r/ill noceaaarily have the ell'oct to
rovent couaterfoitinij. lie in of tin
pinion t ! t the moat certain way to
rovent loss from counterfeiting is to
111 in tlio entire issue of any note
mt is counterfeit as soon ns the fact
discovered , and to issue no more
otos of the same denomination to the
irno bank.
The opinion of Attorney General
irowflter in the matter of the politi-
atmoumont law finds , in the broad-
terms , that members of congress
. nro not subject to fho penalties of
that law. The law cflicor of the pov-
ornmont , In ohcrt , finds that while
congress defines the net of political
assessments to bo a crime , punishable
with quite severe penalties , congress
took good care to provide that congressmen -
grossmon themselves might with im
punity do the net which they declare
shall bo n crimp if committed by
others. The decision of the New
Yotk judge and the opinion of At
torney General Drowator will bo valu
able companion pieces in civil service
A largo number of employe * in the
linrcau of ongrnring nnd printing will
bo thrown out of employment if the
Little tax bill becomes a law , The
engraving nnd printing of nil the nu
merous patent medicine stamp * nnd
other stamps to bo abolished by the
bill will bu discontinued. This fact io
causing n rood deal of uneasiness
mnonir the employes in that bureau.
National AmocUtoJ 1'rrm
WABIIINOTON , July 20-Senator
Halo moved to take up the naval ap
propriation bill.
On motion of Senator Laplmm a
b committee of live from the for-
j fan rotations committee waa author
ized to ait during rocesa for the pur-
poao of investigating the quoations of
lish and Holieries.
A bill regulating the carringo of pas
sengers by sea was reported from the
houao. ,
Senator Merrill apako in favor of
considering the tax bill and made a
long speech on the subject. .
The ooimto , by a vote of 254
to 26 agreed to taVo up the mi- ,
\alnppropmtionbill. Along dieoun- '
BIOII followed on the prospect of reor
ganization of the navy. Without con-
cludiiur , at 5tO ; ! the sonata wont into
executive session , and fifteen mitiu'.ea
later adjourned , ,
IIOUHI : vitooin'.niMw , *
Ilonso reconsidered ycatordny'a vofo V
and adopted the conference report on
thn river and harbor bill. ;
Iliacock presented a second report -
port , from the committee of confer-
01 ca on the deficiency bill. The
ainondmont giving aoimtors milcago
for iho Ootnbur eessinn waa not urn-
currcd in February , 65 ayes , 115 noon.
House , after disposing of the con
ference reports , dovotpd the remain
der of the d ly to consideration of mis
cellaneous billc , among them ono
charioting the Oregon Short Line
railroad company. Adjourned. !
Killed on the Rail *
Corresponilcncu of THE llnK. t
COI.UMIIUH , July 25. An accident ' ,
happened Sunday night , about two
miles east of Duncan , six miles from ;
Columbus , resulting in the death of . ; [ <
an old resident of Platte country , by j ' ji
the name of John Barn. Mr. Barn , , ' ' ' . * L
had boon at Duncan , and wns. return- , -i
ing. homo about 10:30 : p. m. Thoif ' ' - - ' |
last soon of him ho waa walking-down ' ' . i
the U. P. track. Shortly after the '
emigrant train passed going east , yen- >
torday morning , Mr. Barn was found
dead , close to the track , with both
Ings broken , and savoro bruises on hi , '
sides. It ia supposed the engine
struck him while on his feet. The
ohl gentleman was slightly deaf , and , <
there was a strong wind blowing from '
the east , which would prevent him I
hearing the approaching train. M. '
National Associated I'rrss. ' |
NEW YORK , July 26. Sailed : Sor- '
via for Liverpool , Mumo for Bremen ,
W , J. Shelton for Rotterdam , Labru- ,
dor for Havre. Arrived : Picardio , .
from Marsoilloc , Ethopia from Glaa-
? ow , General Wordor from Bremen ,
Wii'land from Hamburg ,
LONDON , July 20. Arrived : Franco
from Now York. t
QUKKNSTOWN , Jn'v ' 26 Arrived :
Arizona from Now Y rk.
LivnurooL , July 26--Arrived : Italy A .
'rom Now York. "J' ' : .
NEW YORK , July 26 Arrived ' , j
Wisconsin ifrom Liverpool , Soy thia' " % S" i '
'rom Liverpool , British Empire from . '
Pennsylvania Pollttct.
AiuocUtod fitti. '
NEW YOUK , July 20. Gav.
of Ponnsylvnnia , i in the city. Con
versing with a ninr.lxir of poliliciau
lo-iii.y ho Huid : "I have
hopi H it coii-promiAu will bu ef-
tlio independents and
O.nnerun wn > gi , HI d in tlut rvont the
hit n-puliliokim will otrry iho state by
> 0,000 majority. If the broach ia
ho republican purtv it not healed thia
year it will continue to widen , and I
car we nluill I ono the atato eventually.
Armstrong , the labor candidate , will
ioubtlcsa develop much strength ,
mt I do not anticipate great harm
from hia c.vivaas , "
A Highly Successful Ball at Standard
Hall Last Night.
List night the colored society
known as The Daughters of the
Tabernacle , gave a splendid ball in
Standard hall which was largely at
tended. Everything that could add
to the uimfort and pleasure of the
gucste was provided for and great
credit ia duo to the committee on ar-
rangomonta for the umpln provisions
they made. The committee com
prised tlio following : Solomon Brown ,
0. II , Mrs. Turni0. ) . P. , Mw.
fJoorgio Porter , Y , P. , Mrs.
Annie Brown , I. S. The ball
wna gotten up to raise
funds to pay off sonio debts the soci
ety 1ms incurred , und it is more than
probable sufficient money will bo
raised , I. M. Knapps furnished the
music for the occasion , and although
only a small band , did sotno excellent
The party broke up at early
after having a glorious time.
V :