THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL ELIJFES , IOWA WBD ESDAJ , JULY 26 188) ) The Daily Bee. COU CiL BLUFFS. Wednesday Morning , July 26. Bf Currier , 20ctntfixt week By Ukll - $10.00 per Yc r. Office : No. 7 Pearl Street , Nonr Brotvdway. Jl. 0. GKtFFI.V , UM | terCUr Clr.tiUtlon. H. W. TJLTON , City Editor. . M1WOH MENTIONS. Shcrroden rnnlwn p Foit SALE. Ayfrceh milch cnw with calf. TJ. W TUI.UTS. There have been 233 tn trl KO license * issuedelnco tht tSrst of .Tmw ry. There nre ow jail , seven of whom nro from other conn- tfes howerce , HerimniiJIs bound to COBO out. A nfeeHno of nun Mid garden hats nt JHlM * . A qro'et Htllo wedd'ng ' occnred l st zoning , in which Fritz Frjgnior nnd Mis * Truflier were made coo. J tt received , ft nfco line of min nnd garden'hata nt llllsa' . K , Hcrzman has wldhh real cstnto in- tcrcffts In Council HlufTs to Hon-o & Hon. , nnd intends move' to New York lu the course of two weeks. t-A. largo Invoioel of Indies' neckwear jtiot opened nt IJlisi * . Furniture n paired. How B k So.V. 211 .Broadway. The teachers Ini > tlluto in prioress nt the Lloomcr school building seems to be 'cccting ! much interest. A combination musician , embodying fire grand aggregation of shows in one , playing two drums , nn accordeon , cym- boln , etc. , paraded the streets yesterday mot forgetting the collection of nicklea. On account of having tlispoHod of my real Cfltato in this city with Iho viuw of .removing to Now York , I request nil per- SOHH having bills ngninsl mo to prc cnt them , and those owing wo to settle with. A very desirable- t > ieco of property for sale , on smith' side Sixth street , in the block 0111)01110 the now Opera House , on Broadnuy. Front twenty feet. 1'ricu three thousand dollars. Enquire nt L5iu : ofllco. There Is much complaint about n body of water which is allowed to stand near .Highlit street nmllKlovHitli nvcnuo. It H understood that the promise WAS Ion ) ; * inco innda that it should bn removed hut still It Simula , breeding dlscn'O and n ttonch , Th ro will be n socinblo at the resi dence of Ifev. J. G. Lemon , the second house north of the northeast corner of Fourth street and Ninth nyenuo to-morrow evening , to which nil nra Invited. Hc- frephimnts will bo served nnd h good time promised nil who attend. Leave to wed was yesterday given to "William Henry Urlce , of L'gansport nnd Ittary Arabella .Hasting , of Council Blntf * ; to J. W. Solo nnd l mnm Lake , otVIn - den ; nnd toiF. Ji" . Duhlfrg mid Aupuita Dittinan , -Council Uluffd. John Hammer wan > esterd y giyen tlio contract for buildtni ; the MvMnhon block between Bbugarl'u block nnd the postaffice. It Is to'bo three utorlcs , nnd madeuniform with the Bhugart building. Justice Abbott tied two matrimonial inots lait evening. One of the bride grooms insisted onnot hnving bis name published , lest lie dhould lose hia Job on the railroad. 'Why that thuuld incemAr- tly follow is difficult to BC-O. Leonard , the milk innn , had i ne of hia wagons nnasbud yostenlav. The team woo allowed to stand In nn alleyway while lie wan attending to ixiino cubtoinoru , and improvt d the olmuco to run the length cf the block , causing much cnift milk and a "badly wagoiil > It , JlKH7.ilAir , The market reports ns received dally l > y telegram by.f. Y , Fuller , nro placed upon the blackboard in thu board of tr.ido rooms so tint nil InteimUxi can have the advantage of thun , This tfoiuH to bu np- prccii > tcd by innjiy , and the number of callers nt the rocmm ia on thn Increase. The oi'inmltteo appointed by the pro- hlbltlonUts to go to DCH Slolnea to ntti'nd ' tbo convention next Thursday will bo changed eomirwlmt. Itov. Georco 1'er- kins , of A\ocn , is to go iu place of L. K , "Worth , who In unable to attend. J. F. liarke , of this city , will serve aa a substi tute for Hon. n. F. 01 > yton. John P. L'urke , of Wulnut , also writes that ho will , not tw able to leave ills bualn-BH , and Mr , Jamen Crow , of Mlnd n , will probably oorve lu fain plaoo , Our well-known citizen , John Ilnua- mer , bad a rather exciting experience on Sunday lut. He drove out to bin old friend Blynuter' * , and ( Ur n vhlt thcro wai prettntod with JIDUO fine ilsh which he put in bin buggy , and vtarled on for u further drive , Ilia hnppy meditation ever the prospect of a big fea > t of fish , wim suddenly broken into by seeing tent . - * r > clofce to him , and A sign 'Vinall por. " Ha wheeled about his buggy aa Boon aa possi o > ble nnd nturted away from the field of pea- tilcnce , and yet hia misfortunes were not ndcd. In mailing god bin esoipe the Imguy tipped over , nnd in the conf Ufiots ao he lout Lit tUh , iml did not tubs It until is lie bed letuined hU journey an i yet some distance on the rood , A meeting of tbo Young Mien' * Chris tian iisa > cintion win held Monday night In KytrttVt block , A few UBW member * were received. It wiu decided to rent two rooms In DeVul's nen block on North Main street , the rooms chosen being the to middle front room * on the second floor. Now that rouiiiH ere decided uix > n , thu next iiiovu slmuld bo to necuro dome till- cleut and practical mull who u cxperlrnctMi in the vork , and h < > will bopuld aualary for attending to the butlnest. Otherwlto the orgaiiUatlou pruu.Uea to do hut little , - Ijeyond ktepi g up , ptihaia prnyei to met'tlng for church folks who would Attend prayer meetlnif in their own place * of is wonhl [ ) anyway. To worry about uuy lavur , JCidnoy or Urinary Trouble ' , especially Un/jlit'ii / Disuaso or Diabetes , na Hop JJittera can never faila of a euro where a euro ia Wo know tl ii. true PLUGGED AND PLUCKED A Rurnllet Whllo Boozed KnocUoa Down and nobbed. A rrmtt mmod J. Newton , ! ! livrs a few nuloj out , in the country , VTM lioro Monday ni ht , nnd succeed .n . golUtiR pretty well under the in- ucnco of thn iVhilo in this condition , and proceed- along Eighlli atrctit , ncnr A. W. Street's residence , claims that ho wat iut upon by two fellows , who knoikod iiiin down nnd robbed him of about . LUo in the night n young mm , mmod Jamee Hondcrahott was nr- ooted ns ono of the nianilants. Then only 8 ( " > found upon him , but Trt-on Boomed auro ho wna ono ol ho mt'ti who iiHuauliL'd him. Both Newton and Ilondoraliott were locked up , the furnii-r nn n witncai and to BO bor up. Yesterday the cnao wna called , but continued until this afternoon , Newton boini ; roluascd , nnd Hondor- ihott being taken to jail , A PECK OF TROUBLE. Two of Hla Sona Charged With Unv- Killed a Playmate at School. Yesterday the examination of the 'cck boys began before JuHtlco Ab bott. The charge ayainat thorn is a nest oerious ono , it being that of mur Jur. Both of thorn are mcro boys , the ildcst 14 perhaps , and both sons of n ( -spooled and prominotit citizen of Walnut. P. M. Dotwilor , \Vuhiut , nd Muj. Lyman , of tlli city , ap peared aa attorneys for the prosccu- ion , while for the defendants ap learcd IMesnrs. John Baldwin , of this ity , and RI , B , Darnell , of Walnut. The cauuo of tluiprcHont utly { cliargu being brought was the death of n littln "ellow named Charles Bartlett , aged iboui 7 yt'ixra. It IB claimed by the prosecution that on the lltli of last May this B.irtlott boy , whilu from Bchool , was sot upon by HIP Ptck boyaandsovoroly thumped , thoafl'.iirbo- thought at the tinio , howovortobu only n ouhoolbojinli row. This W.LH on Thurrtdiiy. The follcr.vinu' day ho win ublo to uttiMiii flchool. On Satur day hu WJH ailing , and was in bed purt of the tiinu , but hi n iuiurifs wtru thought , to bo flcrimis by the old hidy hm gnindmotlu'r , with whom lie livi-d Tueoday morning oho examined his injuries , but that day ho ivunt t < ecitool , After that , however , ho wai confined to hin bed , and liii uroc mong until the llth of June , when In died , it is claimed from the injurie received ut the hundii of the Puck boyH.Tho The exntnination WUB only fairlj started on jtstordiy ; , and will linrdl\ bo completed to-Uy , au every foot o the way in the progieaa of the c.isn i being contented closely. Thcro hu Buomud to bo quito n diflureiico oiinion [ among the rondonte ofVul nut , who uro familiar with the details nnd it was expected that wlun ti ooioncr held tlio inquest euro decision would bo reached , but thu verdict o the jury there was rather unaatinfue tcry , it being "about half aud half in it finding. The cano 1ms nine been brought , and the full factu wil probably now bo brought out. Inauranoo for atock. There was a muutiug of gentleman in thin city thin week in the fnterea of a now outnrpriBO tlut has lately lo catcd in Council Blull' < , nnd ono tha has n brilliant future , if ono ma judge by ita success thus far. Wo re for to the Iowa Stock Insurance com-1 puny , thu firat and ouly company ii thifl utato that insures live ntock uf al kinds against accidental lues I'roin theft , dinoaso , or any other 01' unity whatever. Mr , A. Booty , the former neciotary , who IIM boon connected with thu com pany niiuo ita oi anization , beinj ; called on important business to Ohio , wna reluctantly compelled to reeit > the olllco ho has lillod with tmtlefactloi to all parties interested , The oflicom mid directors consisting of B , M Crook , of Glaridn , president ; .T. K. Beery , of Council Bluffy P. M. Gait , of Council Bluffs , N. U. Eaaton , of Shonandouh , la. , F. F. Eaaton , of Coin , Ia. , and K , A. Pence , of Siion- audoah , olucted N. 1J. E ston , nearo- tury , in place of Air. Beery reaignod. Wo ere assured by the ( jcntleinon connectud with this institution that it is the intention to push it with energy , nnd tlmt the com pany 1ms the ability and integrity to deal eijuarely with every nierabor , nnd with nil who may herosfter become mombors. The depository of tha company in the Citizens' bank , of thin city , ono of the first lu financial stand ing of any iit this part of the etato , Another Flop The Nonpareil in commenting upon the recent ohniigo of freight rates , Haul : "Aa will bo aeon by a glance the now stnto of ull'aira in roforronco to r.-iti'a ttill not prove detrimental to Council lilull'tf , but will prove A bun- ITi. " lu its very next iaauu it Bays ; "It ii a direct stub nt our common ciul ititercsts , It is a diecrimination palpably unjust that ThoNonparuil coiiatrained to believe that it will never ho allowed to go into effect. " Why duth The Ifonpuroil ao sud donly Hop ? Its first position was ( a knn in order to please the railways , of nhichit is a muek servant. Then comes a delegation of responsible p. Council Bluffs citizens , who told The Nonpareil uditor that if that paper waa support this change of ratus , which they deemed so unjust to Council DluUa , they would muko open war on the iwper u well ua the railways. The Nonpiireil wcukened and promised to retruot. Ilenco the Hop. Now that they have tclicu both tidca of the mutter , no onoiihould complain. The j-Nonpureil will show its lirat editorial ' iu railway botses , und the second oditoriul to the indignant puoplo It hard not to bo able to hold to ono opinion for two isiius of n pjpor , but buch Bc'i-ma to bo the case with The Nonpareil , ty Diamond Dyes any lady yet aa Kood results as the bc&t practical dyer. Every dye w runted to name and sample. I BEFORE THE B 111 , WhO Attracted Attention in the SHtttt'.lbr Court Yesterday. There the pfomisn r > T a lively \ny \ in the uuperior court yesterday , Ihero bung n nunbcr uJ casen book ed , but the bottom teemed to fall cut 'rom under thorn nw after another , cnving a few unaciiKntionnl events. Marshal Jackson let two out of the calaboose to go up stairs and bo Mod , Hi * attention was culled by another .irieoncr , and tlio two prisoners occu > pkd tlte selvcs with talking to the chief nnd others who wcrd standing in the olllco. When Jackson gm ready | to go up stairs witli the prisoners ho found only ono of them there , the ether ono , .James McCarthy , charged with being drunk , having marched off right biforo the olllcora * faces , and skipped beyond reach. The other ono wna Frank Mitchell , n colored porter at the Ogden , who had been em n lit- spree. Ho faced the mime , pleaded guilty , and wna fined § 7 til ) . Vt-ateiday nnrning the notorious d < iikoy known aa "Texan , " was hang- 'ng lib 'lit the police headquarters , n Ittlo full , and very loud in his la'k. ' Lie tired the ciliccr * cut , and J.vckson lint him up in the hick room lo gel him out of the way. Ho was soon found fast asleep , standing up 11 thu corner where the marshal hud ot him. Fred liarklmrt , arrested for stealing a $2 CO saw Rico & McMillan , w.m before the court. Ilo is ncarpen- 'ur by tradp and worked for the com plaining witnesses , who have been Hissing tools before. They at last . fouiid.tlmt B.irkhart had taken away a aaw , nnd had him arrested. Ilo did not deny taking the saw , but explained liis motive by saying that it was lo.'t with aonio other tools at dinner time , where oomo work was being done , and seeing u colored fellow hangiim about there , and having a UHpicioim look at the saw , feared ho was bent , on stealing it. To prevent this ho took the saw himself , intending tj bring it back whim ho returned , but ho stopped into several places to drink , and must have laid the saw down and forgotten it. Ilia head wns not very clear , owing to u suiiBirnko ho received u few jears ago , The fellow's atato niont eix'incd rather gauzy , nnd ho wns taken from before the bar to bu hind the bar. Ella iiurriB , who has been lying in jail on account of a shooting scrape atio got into nt Strcotsvillo , has been released by Judge Ayleeworth on her own rtcognizinct.1 , on recommenda tion of the protocuting attorney. She smiled frco nir with great Apparent lolish. When fir-ff c ! . > m > nitted she Boomed perfectly wil ing to go to jui tor w hut Hlio had done , but now aho nuriiud Mill moro willing to got out , evidently hud enough of it to the nud out of her. E J. linrrjnuton was arrested for Iho Western lum.e out of § 7 world of board. Ho and the landlord pitched tin ) case up. .1. O'Biiett waa complained of by Ohiuh-fl Lindman for assault. The complaint was dropped , it becoming upparent thut if pressed both might bo qunly ! uhnu > ed with disturbing the peace , the difficulty being a mu tual one. There was n slight row at a saloon on jower Broadway Monday , and com plaint won made against Charles P. Dohnrty , 'John A. Smith and George Qorspccher for disturbing the peace. Thu matter was examined into yestor day by Judge Ayleiwortl , and while the nviiienco showed there wna a row , it failed to chow that Dohcrty or Smith were i-npuged in it , and they were disohargodi The otiier ono had Ma cjfo contii.ucd until to day. A Btockmun was nriosU-d yesterday nft ( > rnoon by Ollijt-r Brooks , charged with nrutik. Thti fellow whoi : afkcd for his name , said : "None of your business , " nnd wna booked under mat name. Ilo was placed in the where numerous persons , including Odorgo F.iirmau , Constable rtiid John Brown , were call id in to identify him None of then hia countonineti. Ilo will bo kept on ice until this morning , Hugh Colloy wu * umonir these who did not puy tbo $25 license for keep ing n siloon , claiming that ho was going out of the husinesn. It is now charged that ho has boon Rolling right along and a complaint has boon entered - torod against him. Constabla Wnlter Mol''adden bai re turned from his trio , but threatcnn to take another soon. Her , 1) . P. MoMenouiy Ii in Davenport on official business. He spent the past week at Colfni SprinK" . Ilia health Im proved HO much while there , that he Ia tends vinltlnK them ogaia to stay the com ing week , after which ho will return homo. Occasionally stray copy of The U r aid , published nt Albuquerque , K , M , , reaches thU city , and In passed nbout among the frlenda of its editor , W. Ilurke , son of Auditor Burke. Many here of know the editor well , he haying lived here oug , and being tha starter of The Daily Nonpareil. A uattle wltu Desperadoes. Albuiucniue | , N. U. , Hjicclal Ul pitch. Arizona vigilantu are again ut work , and lust week Bill Mulcuhy , Jack Kingsbury and Kovadiv Jim , who killed tno Mexicans and mortally wounded Americana at Calabasas , were purtued by an organized party of fifteen. The pursuit was kept up with vigor during Monday , and at 4 . ui. the fleeing niurdorerawarosight ed in the distance , the animals they rodu being nearly fagged out , headinc for a precipitous peak. With a yell the pursuers spurred their horses on ward ] The doomed dcaporadooa auo- citeded by a superhuman effort in reaching the goal of tlK'irhopas ' , where they dismounted and Bought refuge in the rocessea of ita rooky tides. Aa the puiBiiora approached they were re- C'-ived witli u volley from the Win- ohestora with which the fugitives wo'o armed , and ono of their number , named Ilonnetsy , was wounded in Iho Bbouldur , The ayengora then withdrew and huld has consultation , determining to kill or capture the villamu ut all hazards. Thu puty dismounted and cautiously advanced , keeping as much asposiible under cover , until the base of the rocky elevation was reached , when , peoo with A about of defiance and A volley from their nix-shooters , a rush waa mado. With the coolness of dcspora * tion the murderers awaited the onset , and once moro the Winchesters were brought into requisition , The battle lasted but a few niiiiulrn. The am- huahod cut throntn fought with the fury born of despair. Two of , were quickly killed , n' . the third , Nevada Jim , wna , nrMight down by a ahot Ihroii a tlio thighs. The vigi- " ' .ei tpirod his life till a rope could bode procured to hang him. Ho sud denly sitz d a revolver belonging to ono of hia dead cainr.itlns , which waa ying \ near , and fired at Fallony , who ell , pierced through the lungs , Lauch- ing derisively , he then sent a bullet 11 eraRhing | through his own brain. The 'itizona generally oj prove of the vigi- courBe. Honforcl'H Aotd Phospbnto na n Brain Tonic. Dtt. E. W. ROBERTSON , Cleveland - land , O. , says : "From my experience can cordially rccomnu nd it an a brain and ncrvo tonic , especially in nervous debility , nervous dysrjopsin , otc. , etc " julyl7difc lw _ Rights of ewflp5per Roportera , A case involring the rights of newt- paper reporters in befoio thn Ohio BUpicmo court. Tim Cincinnati board of education having decided to go into BTca-t session , two roporiot i were txoluJed from the room. They , how ever , mounted a ladder , and from thereof roof wore enabled to hear the pro ccodin. B , which did not reflect credit upon the board , In consequence a resolution was passed excluding the two reportora from all future meetings of the board , and at a subsequent meeting ono of them in hia attempts to enter was forcibly ejected by the Borgcant-at-arniB. The latter waslri rrosccutod for assault , and found I guilty in the police court. The CBBO was then taken to the supreme court , where it is not jet decided. n f oat. Mrs. W. J. Lnng , Uethnny , Ont , states that for fifteen months rho was troubled with a disease in the ear , causing entire denfnees. In ten minu'cs after ui-ing THOMAS' I'ci.TCTiuo OIL , i-hu found relief , and in a short tune oho was entirely cured and her hearing restored jvSrtlw COUNCIL BLUFFS SPHG8AL T10ES , . ahertlfcnicnto , sue u. < Found , To t.oixn , For Sals , To Keni , Wants , Borvtlnf ( , etc. , will bo Inserted In thlp noluran at the low rate of TEN CENT3 PEH LINK for the flrst In'crtlon anil FIVE cnNTl FEH LINK for each ml'eoquont iunertinu Leave i iv crtlscmcnta at our oflico , Na. 7 I'narl Street , near llrnnduny. Wants. WAN ED A od , o.mjetuit plrl none other tccd nt ply lot gen ra h.tutuoru Mrs. T. K. Ua\In 42J j u.hstc Jid ttren : W f'ANTED , Wo\vn > an ci.o' o Ic iin.Io o. , , fom.I' mfeLtiii'MTy to t > li p In ' vanil voi ra 1-n , to ta'o oidcr"or ( ] w ] > ubl > a1lon Tlio | iul ) fcatloiK an maiidarj and bo at tlnh . Our 'crm nrcaleral nil" I'frin H make frtm t3 to$10Kiril ] r. lircir > hieann t > > addtc Westtra link CcmracyCouncil liuffn la. . L' A go-J horai1 , for tcncral pur poacs , welilit al'Oiit 000. liquiro i > tA , ll.Ua _ ) lie & CO.'B , 3iVcarl _ street. Julit t "ANTED Everybody In Council Bluffs tote to take TUB Ilii , 20 cents per week , do llvcrod by carriers. Ortlco , No 7 Pearl Street nor Broadway. To buy 100 tons broom corn WANTED ! address Council Dluffi llrnoin Factory. Council TOnO . Iow . AC8-29tf For Sale and Rent SALE Two cUlmB ia Nvbra.k * , cheap byOdelltDay. JyZMw FOR SALE M a Mrpaln , a rcntiurant am bakery , nlctly furniihod , and having agooi paying patrcnagu , Aduio * < , box eereiitv , Em I'lsoi. , Jowa. ] yl6-Ct' PI OU SALE A red I r 6h tetter drr | , 1 year old , J ? ynrd b > < ktn , will sell cheap. Address S. 1' . 0 , b x 1012 , C. B. Iowa. Ju3-lni ) SALE Beautiful rcsldiucu lou , SOC FOIl ; nothing down , and W per month only by KX-MAYOK VAUQHAN nplS-tf . & HilOTIlKHf , Cciliroll niulTi HAKCOUR.T and Omaha express. Ordcre Iclt at CoaUM Ic i utorc , Atilo etr-et , ConnLilian ! , or J 0. Klllntr , 1 ( C K.iriu m ttrcct , Ouikhi , will rrcclt [ iroinpt tticut on j > li-'t QTIM , AIIKAD Cnut euccr-B. Cill and O "iw icccmrrlrB and sptclmcni of pictures ta-cnti tliu le ialie b'datino Lrou Ida procesc at the End imor Guile ry JO.ilIiln street. . W. L. I'ATl'ON Phjelclaii and Oculist. Dn. Can euro any caw of xoro eye * . It If ouly a matter of time , and can euro generally In from three tc flve vceks-lt inaVui no difference enco how long discard. Will trul-hUiu croei eyes , optrato and rouio > Ptyrdrlrin.i. , etc. , and Insert nrtinrlnl ejes. Special attvntlon to ro nin\einv tadowormn. itnS-tf Sullivan & Fitzgerald , DEALERS IX GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Crockery , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOES , ET6 A' 3 ( gouts Inr the followlt | f llnta of Steamship Companies : Cunatd , Anchor , Oulon , American , kitu Stcannhlp Comjotilcj X > XC * * . 3E" " 3C1 XS For vale on tlio Koyal Tank of Ir 'nirl ' and I'nuk Ireland , Dublin. These wi to ii < 'tr frlvndi to any part of turopo will Una it to ilicl- ntcrc'tto ( al in Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AOKNTS , 343 Broadway , Counoil Bluffs , Ia .gERFIJMi. jfJurray & Lanmans Best P > r TOILET. BATH i .ARDKEHCHIEF. EUROPEAN HOTEL , Coruor South and Locust Street * . J.H. HURST. - - iProp. Rooms , 7Co , § 1.00 and 51.60 Per I , An Bloguit HwUuraot U connectoJ with thl > . buuto , here mnli ar orvod at rcMOnabla iirlcw llv day aatl n ht , tulu-m at Facts forth Knowing A new crop GaWen Otfl iii Japan Tea ( very fine ) * 75o 'ino ' Japan Ton , equal to that of- fcrcd at 7Gc COo Very Fine Young Iljson , equal to that offered nt § 1.00 Too Wo Mean Juf t Wh-it Wo Say. l by , 16 Main Stand 15 Pearl St. onncil Blnffs , Iowa , COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORK MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo give epoclal attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces StB HOISTEUS AND GENERAL ] MILL MAOHINEBY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general pertinent of Brass Goods , Bolting , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooke , Onal , OHAS , HEHDUIb , President STREET ' -AND - All Shipporn and Travelers will Gnd good accommodation and reasouabli charges. SOUTH MAIN STREET OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , | Council Bluffs , - - lo a. HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietors. Rubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pine , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth streets- ) J. M. PALMKK , DKAtEK IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COtTNCIL BI/PFFS. IOWA. fhe Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 827 MAIN ST , Employ the bent llriad Baker In tha Wo4t ; aim a choice hknd for Cakcn and Pies , llrcad ilcllvercd to ill partu ot the city. MAURHR & ORAJQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Gut Gloss , Fine French China , Silver Wore < fcc. , 540 BlUAUWAi. . COUNCIL Hl.UKKH , 10IVA MRS. n , J. J.u Mi'U , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , B luflii . TIIOD. orFicmi OFPIOlfi & PUSH , Council Bluffs , la , Established , - - 1856 Dealers m Fori'lif aid Domeitlo Kxchjnge and houio ( ccurltlei , _ _ INFIRMARY ! T.JCiDT1MD.J.S. , ctrilnary Surgeon i , H. A. ) The Only Voterin'.ry Surgeon in the 0ty ; , OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , UPPER BrtOAJJWAY. REFERT5KOES : Allofthobist fh ) > ltuvlu Couucil VluOs and lurrounjlii _ country. _ MRS , J , P. BILLUPS , 0. PROPRIETOR OF UKSTAUBANT& EATINB HOUSE , 813 South Main Strcd , Couucil lilufft. New house aud newly fitted up In first cl * * vie. Uval < at all hour * . Ice cream and lemo- tle every eveututf. frulti acd condctlonerie S3I Broadway , and Fourth Street , , Council Bluffs , Iowa DICKERING AND WEBER PIANO , Burdette and Western Cot IM ; tage Organs. Prices reason able ; terms to suit all. Importer and Dealer in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE .A. of all kinds. Sheet Music one- . . third ofF. Agents wanted. .A.O O Correspoudenoa solicited , J. MUELLER , GOU308l ? BLUFFS , IOWA , Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 ffluff anci ffiltow greets , Council Bluffs. Mirrors ] , Upholstery , Impairing , Etc. , Wood find Metallic Coffins , No. 43i ( Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Blull'a , Iowa UNION BAKERY , 517 S8UTH MAIN STREET , THE BEST BREAD IN" THB CITY None but first-clasn Bakore employed. Bread , Cake , Pics , &c. , delivered lo any part of the city. Our Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. Has For Sale , Town Loth , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Laude and a number ot Well Improved Parma , both in Iowa and N biaska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , ever Savings Bank , - COUNfOlli BLTJPS Brockton , Mass , , July 13 , 1882. Z. T. Lindsey & Co. , Council Bluffs , Ja. : Dear Sirs : Replying to your esteemed favor of the 5th in&tvwill say that it isafaot that theadvance in theprioe of Calf Skins , Sole Leather , nnd most tvery kind of Shoe Stock , taken in connection w th the advacs for labor we have been obliced to concede to workmen , has increase. ! in no small degree the cost of manufacturing. .Notwith standing which fact wo are pleased to say your order , given us early in the . ' wll be se. sou , filled at the old jjnoes ; and we hopp , by being diligent'y alive to the requirements of i ho dc-ma d for a really first-class artiole , to supply you with a BE TER line of eoods than we have ever given you heieto'ore. Our purchase of both Fraiich and domestic Calf Skins , as we'l ' i s a large supply of 0 k-tannod Sole Leather , were mu ? e very early in ibe season which , being bcueht at foimer prices , relieves us in a great degree of the inoroared OvV.t of production that many manulao'tureis areobliatd to sustain in filling their orders taken early. Your whrle order for the coming fall season M well in hfind , aud will be shipped at an early date. We des'ro ' to call the attention of those who use our goo's , through the mrdiuniof your house , to our new styles in both Hand and Machine Sewed work. Our French , Medium French and Lei don Too goods are all made on entirely new lasts and new patterns , which we feel sure will meet wfth a just appreciation and the approbation of your customers. With the improvement we have made we expect to finish a more nearly pe feet fitting shoe than ever before. We as sure you , gentlemen , that we will endeavor to give all your order our prmpt - and careful attention , and with these assurances we trust to merit the continuance of the manv favors you have been "pleased to bestow upon ug , and , awaiting your further commands , we are Respectfully yours , STACY , ADAMS & CO. A. JJEEBE , \V. UNYAN , W. BEEDE C. A. BEEBE & GO. , Wholesale and Uttall Deiltsru in FURNITURE AND CROCKERY Nos , 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.