Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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New YOBR , Jnly 23.
Money closed at 3@3J per cent.
Kichfingo clo od firm ftt 4 8G@4 fc ) ,
( t/losod heavy.
Onrrenoy G's. . . . . 150 bid.
V4'gcouton . . . .1205 bid.
4's. registered. . UO ;
, r > ' contlnuotl . . . 101
> O'l continued . 101
4i' coupons. . , . . . . .11- )
ta lUIUtOAU 110ND3.
{ feaciEc railroad bonclfl cloned M follows
Unionists . , . 116117
. Land UrnntH . 11 14 did.
SlnWtiR Fund * . 1'Ji'i bid
Gen train . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 J@ 1 1 "
KTOcmr ,
The stock market to-day wai nctivc , but
regular In tone , frequently changing from
Criiincm to deprosflon , finally closing at
'decline for the day of } to 3J per co-it.
led by tlio Jersey Central , Denver , Texas
' Pacific , Western Union , Delaware , Lick-
awaua & Western , Louisville & Nashville -
ville , Northern Pacific , OmxliH , Cen
tral Pacific , and Missouri Pacific. These
wore alto the most nctively dealt in. The
decline to-diy was mainly duo to A preH-
sure to tell iu or 'or to renllza i > rcfits of
the lats upward movements.
The following were the cloiim ; bills :
Western Union. K9jf Erie
Adam * . 131) ) Preferred. .
American . 01 } H&StJ 85
UniUttStites. . 74J Preferred. . . . 88
Weln-Kar , o . l Kansas & Texas 39 !
OO&I 0 . Like Shore . . .110
C C C & I. . . . Like Erie &W. 4'J
N YO . Louis & Nash. . 73 ;
N J C . Morris & E..124 Northwestern. . 130
Ohio Ceu . Preferred. . . . 144 ;
MicUUcn . O&W ! s'J :
Northern Pnc O1.IM& . Miss. . r > 8
Preferred. . . . 118
Central 1'ao. . . . Pacific Mail . . . 47'L
Union Pucific..UCt Qiicksllver 174
Mo. I'ac . 1U5 ; Preferred , , , . 1'Jjf
Texas Pacific . . 1 ; Heading O'J
NY Kldvatcd..UO Hock Wand. . . . 1311
Met. Elevated. . i San Fran 431
Man. Elevated. 33 Preferred. . . . fiS
A&TU . tO stp& o r.8i
Preferred. . . . TOfc Preferred llil' '
Canada S . IJ.ft St. Paul 100 ,
Chea.&O . 20 Preferred. . . . 120s
O&A . 139 Nosh. & Chut. . C4 :
D&H . 117i Al LS & W. . . 53
Lk W . i : < 8 WauaMi 34 *
D &H G . 021 Preferred. . . . C7i
- Bull.
CHICAGO , July 23.
Preston , Kean & Co. , bankers , report :
Mouey iu fair uiticellaneoua demand at
57 par cent.
exchange between city banks ,
Clearings of the associated bank-- , § " , -
Orders for curn'ti-'y increasing mainly
from the wheat district.
< tyrtan OF TUB OMAHA Her , i
Tuesday Evening , July 25. I
The only changes reported in the n arket
to-d. y are as follows :
Wheat , No. 2. declined lljc ; No. 3 de-
clinud 4J ; rejected declined ijc.
Cueese advm ed IJc.
Arliuckles coffee advanced jjc.
It > pe advanced ljc.
Cove oystera advanced 10s per case.
Iv PapiMr advanoodilo. <
Alapice advanced Ic.
Onions declined BOc per bushel.
Eggs declined Ic ,
Local Uraln Dealings.
WHEAT. Cash No. 2. 1 00 ; cash No.
B , EOc : rejected , BOc.
: * AilLKY. Unih No. 2. 8Sc ; No. 3 ,
j'.YE. dub , TiSj.
C'DJtN. No. a , Olc.
. ' .A.1'S. Coali , 5'lc. '
STRK'OT PJllOKS Corn , BS OU ; ooti ,
Produce and Provlilons.
POTATOES Old , out uf imirVet.
Homo giown pltnty ; now , G l@75u
XKT bushel.
ONIONS SI 00 per bushel ; tiew
home grownur | doz 15@2Uc.
K.VlJiSIIES jr > iin grown , IBcdoz.
Pil , PLANT Per pound , Ic.
LETTUOK P rdo/5 hc.ul , 23@35c ,
> 'E\V TOMATOEd P T box , 81.00 ®
JJUTTEU Choice rountry , 18 : .
15 ( ( W Scarce , 10@17c.
MEATS UumH , 16iv , breakfast bacon.
IBc ; clear bison , 13Jc ; shoulders , flc ; dried
beei. IGo.
.Minnesota p.iteuln , 4 70 ; Jack Kroat , 4 70 ;
Shawntefancy , S 7B ; Culiforiila ' 'Pioneer , '
3 75 ; Triumph , f pring , 3 25 ; rye flour
3 2 > ; rye , Gialihin , 'i 50 ; wheat Graham
3 25 ; hay. 0 00@(1 ( f 0 per ton ; baled , 10 00
chopi ed feed , 1 00 ; chopped corn , 1 50
bran , 1 00 per c t ; straw , 4 OJ per ton
IOO P ; B 00 baled.
Grocore1 List.
OIIEESE Full CreJtro , 12o ; Part
Skim. lOic.
UEA1SS Imported German CO per
oui < FEE. Uio , fair , lie ; Mo. good
2c ; Bio. prime to choice , 12jc ; Old fov'l
Jb . \ \ Et-iiJi-Hic , Wofhn , 28sc ; Ailiuc .le' ,
| r I
TEAS .Gunpowder .good , _ 45@55
SBc ; Japan , choice , Ct'7Sc ' ; , uo > d ,
3ort4U ; Ooloiig , cho.ce , 40(355 ( ; t.ouchons ,
eood. B < a40c : choice. MCattbo.
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barruli ,
. 900 ; do in hall bbls , .5 25 ; smalls , In bbla ,
12 00 do , in hnlfbhls , 700 ; gherkins , iu
bin , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 BO.
VINKGAK Pure apple extra , ICes
pure apple , 13c ; Prussintr pure anole , IGc.
oUGAUS-Uut louf. lie ; Urushect
llu ; Granulated. lOlc ; Powdered , 11
Fiuo powdered , lie ; btandard Coffee A.
9c ; New York ( Jonfectloner's Standard
A , 93c : Good A , 9jc ; Prairie Extra O. 9c.
110PE Sisal , J inch and larger , lOJci
liinch , lljc.
VVOODhNWAllE Two hoop pall ? ,
1 95 ; hree hoop palls. 2 20 ! No. 1 tubs
pioneer waahboards , 1 85 Double Cr wn
190 ; Well bucketti , 3 60
LEAD Bar , 1 65.
CANNED GOODS Oyaters , 2 H
( Field's ) , r > ercase , $1 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field'a )
per case , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 G ) . Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen
180. Tomatoes , 2 SO ; do 8 ft pei
. 3 00 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain
case , H 10 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; dc
r Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 3 IB
atring beans , per ca e , 2 10 ; Lima beam
per case , 1 85. Succotash per case. 2 00
Peas , common , per cane , 2 00 ; peas , choice
per case , 3 IB. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case
240 ; Btrawborrien , 2 Ib , per case , 2 GO
rasplienies , 2 tb , per case , 3 20. Dam
aous , 2 Iper case , 2 45. Bartletl
pears per case , S 00@4 M. Whortloberrie ,
ixsr cane , 240. Egg piuins,2 tb percu e,3 80
Union gage3,2 Ib per case , 3 30 ; do choice , '
Ib ixir case 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case
4 OOroTi 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 10
o 3"lli. case , 4 B0@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 It > , pci
cafce.275 ; do pie , 0 tt > , per dozen , 3 BO. crh
UALT. IJMJ' loaua. per lib ! , I Oj ; hto
lor in f uc ks , 3 50 } bbls daii-y fiO , 5s , 3 to
JIOMIN Y New , * 5 W per bbl.
HODA D eight's Ib papers , $2 85 ; Ue
lend do , SJ 85 ; Church's , $1 83 ; Keg toSs
6'VNDLES Boies , 40 lb , 10 or , 8s
10 Ibs. , 10 uz. , Gd , 16o.
UICE Carolina , 7l@8c ; LonWun * , 7
fair , f@GJ.
SVUUl'H. HUM hon c. bb , 85o ihftif
bin , i7c ; kegs , < J irftllon f C250 ; cholco
table symp , 53c ; hftif bbls,65c ; fceg8$2 60.
8TA11U11. Pearl , 4Jc : Silver Ulona , 81
@ 8c ! Corn SUrch , 8J@9c ; Excelrior
OJ . "P : Corn , 7io.
SPICES. Pepper , 19 : AlUplce , 13cj
O.ove , 40c ; Nutmeijs , 1 002r cCaMit ; ,
Maoo SI 00.
MATCHES Per cmtdie , 90cj round
awps , $7.05 ; square ease , C5.10
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 335 ;
Kirk's natinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standarrt , 3 0 ;
Kirk'n white Kussian , 525 : Kirk'a
Kutocn , 2 IS Kirk'd Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( cnkcs ) , 10 ; Kirk's ma nollis 4 85.
LYE American , 3 40 : Greenwich , 340 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
lyo. 4 GO : Jewell lye , 276.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doi. ,
in coco , 3 35 ; Babbitt's 13nll , 2 doz. in rose ,
I 90 : Anchor Ball 2 dor. in case , 1 JX ) .
FIELD SEED Ked clover , choice
new , $0 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new , 57 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00 ;
il alfa clover , now , 812 GO ; alslke , now ,
81300. Timothy , good , new , 63 00 ,
blue grans , extra clean , 31 60 ; blue
unznrian. SOc.
IIEDOESEED Oo.ige orwmte , 1 to 5
builiols , § 5 00 ; osnga orange , 10 bushels or
ivcr , 5150 ; honey locust , par Ib. , 35c ; per
100 Ibs. , $25 00.
F13 J. Fauiily white finh , 90 Ib hf bbls ,
3' 23 ; No. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls. 7 00 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kite. 110 ; family
10 Ib kite , 85c ; Now Holland herring , per
keg , 1 85 ; Husalan sardine * . 75c : Colum
bia river nalmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; OcoiyV
Bank codfish , Uc ; Gen. boneless OOJ.IA. ,
9c ; boneless fish , lUc.
MAClCEUErllalf libla iriera maclterol ,
100 Ibs , S12 60 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
100 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbh , fat family do , 100
Ibn , G OH ; mesa mackerel , 12 Ib kite , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 160 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 75c.
PEANUl'S Hoiwtcil , choice , red Ten.
nossoe , lOopcr Ib ; fancy white , lOJo porlb ;
raw whttn Virginia raw , lOc ; rorwtnd ,
Dry Qoocli.
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Uoott
FF , BJc ; Bnclccyo LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
71c ; Chlttenango A , U.c ; Ureat Falls E ,
8Jc ; Hoosicr. OJc ; Honest Width , 8ic. In-
dfan Head A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard A ,
8Jc ; Indian Orchani d. w. , SJc ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7ic : Pequot A , BJc ;
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica 0 , 5Jc ; Wachus-
ett B , 7Jc ; do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 12ic ; Wai
cott B13. 8Jc.
17Jc ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 72o ;
Atlantic LL. CJc ; Badger State X 4-1 , 7c ;
Bennington C 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , CJco
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc : Laconia O
39 , 8Jc ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9c ; Lonsdalo 4-4 ,
lOc ; PeppereU N 80 , 7c : do O 32 , 71c ; do it
30. 7c ; do E 39 , 8Jc ; Pocassut 0 4-4 , 7Jc ;
SVamstitta 4-4 13c
Kin L 4-4fl4cBlaekatonoAA " ; in perial 8Jc ;
do do half "bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,83 ;
Fidelity4-4 , 9Jc ; Fruit of th- Loom , 10 ; do
can.hric 4-J,13c ; do Water Twist , lOJc ; Great
FalluQ , 10 jo ; Indian Head shrank 4-1 , 12e :
Loiudale , 10s ; do cambric 37 , 12ic ; New
York Mill12Jc ; Pequot A,10c ; Pepperel
N G Twills , i2Jc ; Pocahontaa 4-4 , 9jc ;
Pocasst-t 4-4 , 81c ; Utica , Uc ; Watnsulta
O X X , 12\c.
stripcn und plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancyt
19c ; Brunswick brown , 8c ; Chariot fancy ,
12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Rlvor
brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A
brown iScVooonset A brown. 15c.
TlUKliNUa .moskeag A t ? A 82
19c ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowanca ,
OJc ; Claremont B B , 15ic : Concstoga i
tra , 17Jc : Hamilton D , lljo Lawiston A
- 30 , 15c ; Minneiiaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super
extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32 , IGJo ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12o ; Shetucket S
lOJc ; do S3 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 9c
DENIMS. Amoskeak , blue and bronn
lOJc ; Andover DD blue , 15Jo ; Ailing X
blue Scotch , 18Jc ; Concord OOO , blue aw
brown , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXto
do do 14Jc : Haymaker's blue and brown ,
9 c ; Mystic River DD Btripe , 16Jc ; Pearl
River , blue and brown , Ib'c ; Uncosville ,
blue and brown , 14Jc ,
CAMBRICS Barnard , 5Jc ; Eddystone
lining , 24 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A
glazed , BJc ; Manhattan glove finish , BJc
Newport do Co ; do glazed , 5Jc ; Pequot do
fie : Lockwood kid finish , 6c.
CORSET JEANS Amory , Be ; Andros
coggin Battoeri , J ? ; Clarendco , GJc ; Cones
toga Batteena , 71c ; ITallowel , 8c ; Indi )
Orchard 7Jo ; NarrjgansottImproypdc
Pcpperill satti-en 9ic ; Hockport , 73c.
PRINTS Alleno , GJc ; American , GJc
Arnold , ? c ; Berwick , 4 c ; Cochecn , 7c ;
Conestnija. OJc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnell ,
( jj@7c ; Eddystono. 7o ; Gloucester , Oc
JJarmony , 5Jc ; ICmckerbocker , GJc ; Mcr
rimac D. 7c ; Mystic , BJc ; Spraenes , Co
Southbridge , Cc ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; tlarl-
bjiu. 53c ; Oriental 6 c.
C5JNUHAMS AiiH-nea/j / , 12ic ; Amot.
! teis { ( Ireb 9 > ' Argyii. , lnic ; Atlantic ,
9c ; Cumberland , 7'jC ; Ilighlana , 7Jc
Kenilworth , 8Jc ; Pluu kett , lOJc ; Sus-
KUX. Sc.
COTTONADES Abbervillo Idjo
Agate. ' .Oc ; American , Ho ; Artulr.n , 20c-
Cairo D and T , 13Jc ; Clarion D and T ,
174c ; Deccan Co. stripes D and T.lOc ; Key-
stoiae , 13lc ; Nantuckct , lOc ; Nonpareil ,
ICe ; Ocean D and T , 13Jc ; Royal , 1GJ )
Susaex , 12o ; Tioga. 12ic ; WachuBect ahirt-
In ? jhocks. 12c ; ( to , Nankin , 124c ; York ,
plain Nankin. 12Jc ; do , checks , stripes am ;
t&ncy , 12Ac ; do , 8 oz , 20c.
H11EETING S AcdroHcogeln 10-4.27 Jc
do 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4. 22c ; Continental O
42 , He ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New
York mills 98 , 35c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58 , 22Jo
Pembroke 10-4 , 23c ; Pequot 10-4 , 28jc ; do
7J , 19c ; do 40 , lOo ; Pepperoll 30 , 29c
do G7 , 21c ; do 57 , ISc ? Utica 90 , 85o ; do
58 , 22Jo ; do 48 , 17o
Olcart and Tobacco * .
OIGAHS. Seodfl , 515.00 ; Connecticut
S25.00 ; Mixed , 835,00 ; Seed Havana
550.00 ; GlearH&vana. ! * 75.00 ,
24 Ib , GOc ; Our Kopo , first quality , 02c
Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butls,60c ; Hortiu Shoe ,
poundn , 24 Ib , butts , GOo ; Glt ! Edge ,
poimds , 24 Ib , butts , CO ; Army and Navy ,
pounds , B5o ; Bullion , { pound * , 59c ; Lorll.
inrd'a Climax , pounds , GOc ,
FINE OUT In pails. Hard to Bent ,
75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ;
Favorite , C5c ; Rocky Mountain , GOo ;
Fancy , B5o ; Daisy , 5Uo , In tin foil
Catllns O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib 03c ; Lori-
lllard'a Tiger. 05c ; Diomonil Crown , GOo.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
33c. Granulated Blackwclls Durham , 16
oz51c ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , 4Gc ; Seal of
North Carolina , 10 oz , 46 ; Seal of Nebras.
ka , 10 oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bags
perlb , 81.35 ; Marbunrs'Puck , 2 oz , tin
oil , 55c ; DOR T oil 65c.
Paints Olli and Varnlthez.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
P. P. , 6 , c ) white lead , St. Loub , pure , fijn ;
Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o
French zinc , gissn Heal. 12c ; French zinc ,
red seal , llCj French zino , In varnish asm. ,
20o : French ziuce , in oil aiat , 15c ; Haw
, and burnt nmbflr , 1 V > cans 12o ; raw and
burnt Sienna , 13oi von-iyka brown , 3
refined lampblack. 12c ; coach black , lRc ;
ivory block , IGo ; drop black , lOc ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , IBc ; chrome
green , L. M , & D. , 14c ; blind and shutter
; green , L. M. & D. , ICc ; Paris green. I8o
Indian red , IBc : Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan
. ilrt , 22c ; American Vermillod , I. & ! . , I8c ;
, chrome yellow , L. , M. , 0. & D O. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 16 } patent
dryer , 8c ; Draining colors ! light oak , dark
oat , walnut , chestnut and aib IBs
Dry ° alnti
White lead , 6Jc ; Krencti line , We : ParJn
whilelng 2jcj whiting ijllderrt , IJc , ;
v.hltlug comTl , lie ; lampblack Ucnnan-
town , 14c ; Irmpbluck , ordinary , lOc ; Prtw-
: bian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 13 ; Vandyke ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , Ic ; umber , raw ,
lc ; leuna , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , to
- Paris green genuine , 23c ; Paris green com'l
2fk ; chrome green , N , Y.1 SOc ; chrom-
green 1C. , 12c ; vermilHon , Kng. , 70c ; vur <
million , America , 18c ; Indian rod. lOc ,
roao pink , 14c ; Venetian rea < l , Cookitou'u
V/Jo : Venetian red Am. , IJc ; rei lead , 7 c
, chrome yellow , genuine , 20c : chrome yel
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3cj ocfire ,
rench , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c ;
iVintert ralncrM. 2\cj \ lelilsh brown1. 2Jo !
panlth brown , 2jcj rriuco s mineral So'
OII < S 110 * carbon , i > e gallon
Hcj I'M ho/idlight , l > er g llonf
2lc ; 17V headlight , per gollcm , IGc.
'nsecd , raw , | > er gallon , > ? ! lirnocd , boile'i ;
cr pnllon , GOc ; lard , winter t M , ] f r RR ! ,
in , 1 00 : No. 1 , 80c ; No. 2 , 70o : cwtot-
\ X.r pullon , 1 lf > ; No. 3 , 1 05 ; aweet ,
XT gallon , 85c ; spotm , W , B. , twr gallon ,
' . 55 ; fish , W. It. , per gallon , 60o ; neaUfoot ,
ixtra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5o ; lubri-
ntlng , rero , per gallon , SOc ; nummpr , 15c ;
olden mRchlno , No , 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No.
, SO : sperm , Rlpml , per gallon , 80c : ter-
cntlnp , per gallon , 65c ; nupthn , 74 , per
allen , ISci fit * . 17c
VA11NISIIES BarreU per wllon.
"urnlturc , extra , $1 10) ) furniture , No. 1 ,
1 ; co.ich , extra , 91 40 : Conch , No , 1 ,
1 20 ; Damnr , extra , PI 75 ; Japan , "OcjRa-
ihaltum , extra , Mn ; ibellnc , S3 50 ; hard
finish. 81 SO
tarlmlic , 60c ; Acid , Tartaric , ( Kc ) ; Balsam
Jnpabia , twr Ib , 70c ; Bark , Sansnfrao , per
j , 14c ; Cnlnmcl , per Ib , 75c ; ClnchonldiA ,
t-r or , $105 : Chlorofonu , per Ib , 100 ;
ovpr' powdt-ni , tier Ib , ? l 40 ; Kiv oir
lta , per Ib , SJc ; Glyerhie , pure , per Ib ,
ic ( l/cad , AceUU1 , ppr Ib , 21cj
II , Castor , No. 1 , per h'.il , al 1B >
ill , Cnstor , No. 3 , per gal , $100 ; Oil ,
live , per pal. SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50c
phun , ? 4 f.O ; Quinine P. & W. & U. & S. ,
> cr oz , $2 10 ; Potnualmn , Iodide , per II
'i 75 ; Sftlncin , per oz , 10c' Sulphnto of
lortihlno , nor oz , $3 8J ; Sullinur tlour ,
ior lo , Ic ! Ntrvcrmlne.iet oz. Rl 25 ,
Heavy Hardware ) Lilt.
Iron , rntcs , $3 40 ; plow fltcel , special
t , 7c ; crucible , Be ; spcclnl ( irOerraixn.Oc ;
< t tool do. 1K20 n-aeon npokoi , stt.
233 00hubs ; , per not , 1 25 ; follocs , nawwl
iry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85e ; axles ,
nch , 76c ; Hntinro nuts , per tb , 7@llc ;
bora , per Ib , 8@18c ! rtvctH , per Ih , lie ;
chain , per Ib , 6W12c ( ; malleable , 80 ;
rim wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Go ; harrow
eoth , 4e ; norsoshocn , per keg , B 00 ; spring
tccl , 7@8c ; Burden's horseshoes , .6 50 ;
lurdon's mulechoes , G CO.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 ;
Jrioutal Powilor , kegs , $0.10 ; do. , half
cgs. $3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 91.88 ; Blant-
ln . koirs. 53.35 ! Fuse , ocr 100 feet 50o.
BAl.BED WIIIK In car lots,8 3'l per
00 ; in loss than car lots. 8 5B nor 109.
Oak solo , 38c to 42c ; hemlock sole , 28c to
5c ; hoiMlock kip , 80c to 100 ; runner ,
So to SOc ; hemlock cnlf , 85o to 120 ; hem-
ocl : upper , 23o to 2fic ; oak u < per , 24c ;
lllgator , 4 00 to E 50 ; calf kid , 32@3. > c ;
Jreisenkld , 250 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 8lo ( to
00 ; oak culf , 1 20 to 1 311 ; Trench kip ,
10 to 1 55 ; F.ench . c lf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rua-
etts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 10 50 ;
opi > ing8 , 9 ( X ) to 1050 ; B. L. Morocco , 30o
o 35c ; pebble 0 , D. Morocco , 35c ; nimon
rO to 3 00.
HARNESS-NO : star o-vk , 420 ; NO 2
[ o. 39o ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do ,
5c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2 do , 3lc.
Horces and Mulct.
The market is brisk and all gradeH are
ailing well at a alight advance In p icos.
'ho demand for Rood homes exceeds the
apply considernaly. Prices range as fol
ows :
Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extra
.raft horses , 8175. to 225. ; Common draft
lorscs , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm hereto ,
110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses
90. to § 100. ; Extra plug ! . , $50. to 75. ;
Jommon nlugB , 820. to $40.
MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 8125.
olBO. ; 144 to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ;
4 to 14J hands , 875. to 100. ; 134 to U
hands , 860. to 75
LI uort
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 2C per wine
'ullon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
' . 2G per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits.
87 proof , 124 per proof gallon ; re-distilled
v-tiskies , 100@15u ; fine blended , 150 ®
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Ken-
uckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 L0@7 00
BRANDIES Imported , 80 00@10 00 ;
domestic 140@4 00.
GINS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; domestic ,
40@3 00.
RUMS Imported , 4 60(8JO ( 00 ; Now
England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 B0@3 50
1 75@4 00.
OHAMPAGNESImrortad per case.
2 00@St OjAmsrlwi , cose , 1200 ®
CLARETS Per case , 4 60@16 00
WINES Rhine wine , per case , 6 00 ®
MW ; Catawba , per cose , 4 00@7 00.
We qnoto lumber , ntri and shingles on :
T3 at Omaha at the following prices :
under , $21 00 ; 18 ft. , § 22 00.
TIMBKRS 16 ft. an.l . under , $22 00.
THUnijRAKD JOIST 18 ft. , 823 00 ;
C ft. 824 CC , 22 ft. , 827 50 ; 21 ft , 827 50.
I'liiiClNG ' No. 1 , 4 ocd 0 in. , 822 00 ;
No. 2 , S20 110.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
board * ) 818 50 ; No. 2 , $17 00.
STOCK BOARDS , 12-in. D , 82300 ;
U'.iii. C , 835 00 ; 12-in. B , $40 00.
PAPER Stiaw paper , 3 < fc ; rag paper ,
ic ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manlla paper , lOc ;
news paper. 8c
COA1.I Cumberland blacksmith , 12 ;
tlorris Run Bloasburg , 312 ; Whitobroast
ump , 60 f,0 ; Whitebieast nut , 80 50 ; Iowa
ump , $050 ; Iowa nut 050 ; Rock SpringS
\S : Anthracite , nil sizem. 812 00@12 50.
NAILS Rates , 10 to Cllljl , 3 00.
LIMB Per barrel , SI 15 ; bulk po OUH-
! 5o Cement , bbl , 81 75. Iowa plaster ,
bbl , 82 00. Hair per bu. 35c , Tarred
"elt 100 Ibs , $3 00. Straw board , 83 CD.
ilerlnounwas ed , light , 14@10o ; heavy.o
@ 1315c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@2" '
washed , cholco , 32c ; fair , SOc ; tub-din
will w. , 28c ; hurry , blaokand cotted woo
2@6c lew
Hldei I-art , Etc.
HIDES < jreon butcher's hide , GfSiGie
cured 7Jc ; hides , green Bait , part cured 7o
ildds , OJc ; dry flint , aound. 1314c ; dry
calf and kip , 12@14c ; dry Bait hides , Houna ,
10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 Ibs , . 10 ( 11 o ;
green calf , wt , under 8 li > s , per skin , 50c ;
rcenjelte , 50@81 25 ; green lamb skins ,
$1 25150 ; damaged bides , two-third rate ,
nit scored and one grub , classed two-
Urdu rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent. nil.
Coon skins. No. 1 , 4Bc ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 ,
.JO , ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 50o ; No. 2 ,
30o ; No. 8 , 15c ; No. 4 , So. For , No. 1 ,
COc ; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. I , black !
* 1c ; short xtrine , 40o ; narrow stripe 25cj
broad stripe. lOo. Tallow 7c ,
Now York Dry Goods Mnrliot.
NEW YOIIK , July 21.
The dry goods market , in uplte of the
absence of many huvors at watering
| i aces , etc. , and the warmth of the weather
to-day , ba * been of very fair proportions
and active movement * during the remain
der of the week are confidently exacted ,
Local jobbers are buying spirlngly an yet ,
hut western , Kouthwettern and southern
buyers are taking hold wl h considerable
freedom under the Influence of satlifactory
rep'irts regarding uropfi in most Bee-
lions of the country , There U not ,
however , the Invt tenlencv towinls
sueculatloK und he deman'l it of a healthy
nnd strictly legitimate cburucttr.
New York Produce.
NEW YoitK , July 25.
Flour If eavy , lower , demand moderate ;
southern flour demand fair , prices in f.ivor
of buyer ; common to choice extra , 5 10 ®
Wheat -Uniettled and feverlHh , clotinu
lower ; N i. 2 red , HBi@l 10J ; mixed
winter. 1 ll@l 15 ; No. ' rei July , t 15
@ 1 17Ji do. Aiigiut , 1 Wl'stl m.
Ojrn Oiih lotu higher ; optloiu Irre u-
lir ; ungraded mixed , 83fu ; No. 2 , 81 ©
SljcjNo. 2 mixed July , fO'o : < lo All
b'u.t , 83@81B ; doS-ptember , 81@85c.
OaiK Quiet aud firm for ouh uud .fuly
latter ouii mi lower imd hoivy ; No , 1
white , 78c ; No , 2 white , 75o ; No , 2mlx tl
July , G8o.
Hyo Dull at 80o for the Btato and Cau.
JlarlcyNominal ,
l'or < Quiet ; new mean , 22 00 ,
L.ird Weik , unsett'ed and lower al
12 75 ; ca h 12 77i ; August IU 80.
i WhUky-Nouu al.
Sugir Unchanged.
Hiitter Quiet ; state , 182 " c.
KsiHtrong ; state , l" * .
CfiWAOO. July 25.
Flour-Quiet ; not much doing ; oommnn
to tnncy Minnesota uprinff extra , 5 OOfn1
7 23 ; wpntprn ilo , 4 00@7 00 ; Minnesota
p tentd , 7 2.VS.8 25.
Wheat Winter qulot nmJ lower. No 2
for Jtilj j regular No. U nctlro but un-
nottled. clo-lng on call nt 1 03J for July ;
nOSe for August ; SiO c for September ;
0'Jo for the ye r.
Corn Firm nt n lower ranpp. No. 2
clo tm : on call nt 77o or July ; 7037fi3o |
for Auirus ; 70JB for September ; Gfie for
the year.
Outs In fair demand nnd atradv , cl < w
intr nt ' 4Jo for Jul > ; 38jo for Angiut )
.Tljo for the year.
Jyo ! Firmer nt GSo for July ; C7c for
August nnd the year.
1'ivrley Weaker nn t lower nt 83c.
Bulk Meat- Firmer ; short rib' , 12 371
for \tigu t : 11 7ii for the year.
Pork Steady nt n lower rnnpp , IVKVH
closing ntVl tO'-21 15 forcMt | 21 05 for
AuRtiit ; 2130 f r September ; 111 72 $ for
the year.
LiH Tnment 1225 for July ; 12274
for Attgu t nnd the ycnr.
Whisky- Steady nt 1 17.
Butter Easier ; croamcry,21@2lc ; dairy ,
Koo'tn. Shlptn'tR
Flour . 8.7GO H'.lir.
Wlioat . 239,888 IGl.SSl
Corn . 2o2 , : < 09 li'SI.SdS
Oata . . . 4ii,3CG 70,017
Cotuioll Bluff * MurkoU
COUNCIL BLvrifs , July 2.1 , .
Flour Golden slu-af , 3 CO ; made from
Tex -R winter wheat nt Crvpt il Mill ? , 3 1.0 ;
Kannas Hour , 3500376 ; Graham , 300 ;
rye 11 mr , 3 00 ,
Corn Meal 1 70 for white ; yellow , 1 C.O ;
corn ch p , 23 00 per ton ; corn nnd oats
chop , 32 00 pur ton ; chop , 33 00 per ton ,
Wheat No. I , 1 00 ; No. 'J , 3 * .
Corn White , (55c ( ; yellow , G'Jj. '
Rye 50- .
Barley 70o.
FilUlTS-niackberries , 20o tier box ;
raspberries , 20o per box ; npplca , 2 fiO@300
per bairol.
Broom Corn 3if ? )9c. )
Hay Looao , 7 WKs 9 00 ; baloil , 75 per
Wood 6 OOfolG 00.
Wool 15@25.
Butter Creamery , 20a ; In rolls , wrap.
nod , IGc : rolls not wrapped , 12&c ; mixed
colors , 10@12io.
Egga IPO.
Onions SOc per doz.
Live Chickens 2 00@2 23 per dozen.
Potatoes Old , out of market ; new ,
50c.Cnbbngea 10(3ir,0o ( per doz.
Turnius 4Ufe50o per bushel.
LIVE STO K. Cattle -Extrn.'S 00 ®
350 Veal Calves -5 50@8 00. Ho a
G 50@7 00. Sheep I 00.
Jdlvo Stuok.
CHIOAUO , July 21.
Th'i Drnvern'.Tournnl rcjiorts :
HogM Receipt * , 0000 , General market
quiet good olferingf , all htrongcr ami
higher , othern entier ; mixed , 7.50 ( 8.25 ;
heavy , 8 30@8 85 ; light , C ' ( d 8 2.5.
Cuttle Hecelpts , C.OOO Good cittle
scarce and Hto'idy ; pour and medium
grades neglected and lowci ; ranger * in
3 00 ; bulls , 2 70(5,3 ( 50 : ranger * 3 15 ® J 00.
Sheep licccipU , COO Finner ; com
mon , 3 40@3 D : > ; medium , 3 85@ 4 00.
ST. Louis , July 23.
Flour Unchanged.
Wheat Weak und lower ; Nc. 2 red ,
07jjcJ fur cash ; HG o for July ; UGio for Au
gust , 093o fur the year ; No.Sion , iMfttOGc.
Corn Higher and fairly active : 7i@
781c for cath ; 77Jo for July ; 7G@7GJo tor
August ; Gljf ] for the year.
Oats Better ; 50@50jc for cash ; 50JC for
July ; 33Jc for the year.
Rye Nominal.
Barley Nominal.
Butter Unchanged ,
-Unchanged. .
Whisky Steady at 1 10. ' .
Provisions Nothing doing ,
Baltimore Proanou.
Flour Steady.
Wheat Southern sloidy ; fultz , 112@
11C ; longberry , I 1G@1 1 ! ) ; No. 2 rod
winter , steady at 1 10 } tor cn h" and July
Corn White southern firm at 110
@l 12 ; mixed western , dull at 83c for
Oinoinnurl Prodauo.
OINOINNATI , July 25 ,
Pork-Quiet at 22 0022 25.
Lard Quiet ; prime steuin , 1212aakod ; } ;
kettle , 1300.
Cut Meuts Steady ; chort clears , 13 14is
ehort ribs , 12 12j.
Hogs Steady ; receipts , 309prlcei ; range
frjm 6 00g,8 ( 8l .
Whisky Finn nt 110.
Enstlilliei-ty lAvn Stock.
. HAST LIBKIITV. PR. , July 25 ,
Cattle Dull ; prime , 7 00@7 50 ; good.
5 SO'egG SO : receipts .117 shipment * , 2,210.
Ilogrt Finn ; rectipts , 2,0 0 ; BhipineiiiH ,
2,200 ; Philadelphia ! ! , 8 G08 ( 80 ; Baltimore -
moro S 40@8 CO.
Sheep Active ; nricej rang from 4 50
@ 4 GO ; recelptB , 4,8 > 0 ; uhipmonta , f'/JOO.
bllaaolnhia Hroouou.
L'HILADKLI'lllA , July 25 ,
Wheat-Steady at 1 17 for cash and
Corn Steady at 87@80o for cash ; 851. ®
8u for July.
Oatd-Firm at 75@7Go for cash ; 74
@ 78o for July.
Ryo-Djll ; old , 91o.
Peoria Jfrodaoe.
L'KOIIIA , July 2/i.
Torn Firmer and hlehor ; hlRh mixed
7G@7Go ; mixed , 75'Jfe7GB.
O..H-Firm ; No. 2 white , 5 < Jl@69io.
Rye-Dull ; No 2. GGo.
HlghwineH Steady at 1 14.
Liverpool Frodaoa.
I ivKiirooi , . July 25.
Flour American , IQi&ilV * Gi.
Whuat-Wiuter , Qi lldgilOd 2jj spriuf ,
j9H 8d.
Corn 7 2JJ.
P.rk-9U. ,
Lard < 5U < Cd.
Tarpontlno Markot.
WILMINOTON , N. 0 , , July 25.
Tur < . entitle Firm ut 43c.
Rosin - Dull ; etralned , 1 45 ; ( 'jod , 1 GO.
Spirits Firm t 43a.
'i ar Finn ! at 2 20.
Toledo JProanoe.
TnMino. July 25 ,
Whe-\t Steady ; Nri. 2 , 1 07 for cash ;
I 03 for July ; 1 038 ' r Augu-t ; ! 03J for
thu yoT.
Corn Quiet air ! ftvady ; , Vo. 2. fiSJo for
caah ; 7GAu for Augiut ; iU7j for the je.r ,
Oita-Fftlr ; N. . . 2 , b9Ju.
Knumis City 1,1 vo Ktook >
KANHAB Cur , July 25 ,
C ttle Receipt- , / , " ' - ' head ; ship
ments , 1,870 liead Market Bteudy ;
tteeru , avrra in 9 0 to 981 llu , mild at
4 05 ; native Meer * , averaging 1,262 tn
1,379 Ibs , 5 70@(5 ( 23 ,
llouu lUcuiptf , 1,031 heud ; no i > hlp <
inputs. Market linn , uctiui and 5&lic )
higtiHr ; HI | < H ranged [ torn It 50 ( < & 8 3' ) ; bulk
at 7 S'i&S 15 ,
ICutibui City I'roiluoa ,
KANHAH Crrr , July 2 * > .
Wheat-Finn ; Nn. 1 oa h tales at 85 cj
> No. 2 , 838iJc ; No , 3 , 79ja bid , SUJt
Corn Weaker ; No. ii mixed , at fiSc
the year , 47o blil ; 4Uo askrd ; mc4 at 35o .
Jtye No. 2 , 40o bill , 52o asked ,
St Xiouiililva Stack-
8f 1.0UIH , July 22.
Ho 'g In fair demau I ; only 2 cars of
foied ; not enough done to make a market
DnrTnlo Live Btoob ,
EAST BurrALo , July 25.
Hogs SfMdy ; > ceipt , 22 car * : Mp.
merit * , 7cirn ; light lo fair York weights ,
-00@825 ,
Cl.XVRI.AND , O , , July 25.
Petroleum Quiet at flic.
J Al * 1f Sac money inl onler Ktlt direct from
wML I inTmhl | > promptly by mil nt the
o rt Kxn'lilo ' m.h tirli-o to Ml wcVrrn jioln n.
0 ii-lm TYLKII dAI.FCO. . Fvtltivr Clty.Mlch
n miicAiH ) , H ! . riuu , M KHiimui IMD
OMAtlX mlt.HO D.
tr No. t , t > : * 0 . ro. Ac.
iitinmhMon No. 4 , l.
ltvt | .Jtii.i ! I'i/acr tt Ho , 1,1:10 : I' , m.
e -r 'Minn Nn. ! , inr.SOiv m
tux n" n i K n oirrn wvrrr ,
J , , b it. , . S3 ] . . . ini 5. p. u. { ; . p. tin.
C. .t .V "TV. , 4 . .0 B. ni. S , < 0 p. iu
1 , , H. I. * I. , 7iO : . m _ SI : ! " " u. .
K. . ! . , Ht. ,1. h 0. H.lrtTM atB:2& : . m. i > dTir :
iw Atrlvu.tR r/iiiiUHt ruuoi , m. > iKl ( : . ' , V
it > ' . , lMvr- < * < K. m. mil RWii. :
nt. UuiH t tt:40 : it. m. Mid 7t : <
* nt OH
t. u , rt. in o < "s , Ictioiivn KiiriHH,8AO : ft.
' . . M U. ( .mm-,1 ! KH..MW < . 'ili , > , in.
T * . "xtNTu ! Ki ) > ( * - , MM p. ni.
o t II , V. for UIIKI'II ' , ll-t . in.
i \ l > V. lor C'H.foU , klKOa. ni ,
I " siifht 'ft. I , Min . u. .
i' ' f ' rol 'it Nu10 ft. in.
f. limvlil .So. IS , 8 > H' . > .
U i . ( ml ) , f.t Na. 7 , illu : p. IIM
. . I * Viixtr xi r . * , 7.V ; > p. ui.
. c ii. . ifht NO a , uao : i m.
"i. ' . . 8 K | i ni.0 CO i ii. 7iOi. : ] ni
0 < J M. W. , v.45 . . tn. ' . , . 01
a a. I. Mi'.l > : W u. m. w6 p. nu
. it Jcr AC ! ) . . ; : > ,5 t , n . PilOp. ni
I1M Till
Y. ttnm ( .liiviiii l , ) i | i. ir.
j' " M. Ir. N. > „ Through ixiin * lII ! Vl < r ,
< h M. Lincoln i\ix : il:4li : m.
U , P. ( HMiwf n&viiHi. 7Mb n. tu.
„ . 'f. r'M'j.M No. H J-0 : i > . u.
J. I * . Ho. 0 R-.0 . nu Kinlir nl
J. V. ( teiht | ! No. U , IK-IP. | i , tn.
J. t' . So. : p. iu
' . . I' . l 'u , IS-lir > * , a.
,1.1' . Donvrr tr lwli , tIO : k , in.
X A H. V. inlniiO. i > t. ' . ; ; > p. ( n .
UDMHT riAiKK Acrwimi imtiu IKI
tmiiN(4i , nitirn > .
b > o o.tikhk i < ii : > i , H.M. , IOW ud 11:00 :
a. . | 1.0 MO , li-CO , < ti\ : > \ nib:0ll \ : p. n > .
tc % < Cfinrrl. lllnf M 4:3' : , UV.k. : 10lA ! Ai < d
.nu * > n Tim ditninif lewia Oin li M B.tW
.id U'Xi K. iu , ; lr,3 : , 4:1X3 : nul 5' C p , in. L rr
fannl ihi ; * tt 4U : MH ) n-SB . n ; . ; 8St : , i:5J :
cil hi.s : P. m.
luriuKh Ktia iin'.i : | i ntiiKnr lt lii between
U'niuau.j ' Co.iutll lltoflt. CH.HVO Omili < llf : > ,
Hi , "linn , m. , 3 4" . 5 IktV \ : > p. in. Arrlv *
inh7:40. : . llU , lltic . n. . . ; 6 : n. 7tir. : , 7:11 ,
Missouri Pacific trains will depart
und arrive na follows , Omahix time ;
Arrive. Depart * .
Express 7:15 : a. in. 0:55 : p. in ,
Mull 7(20 ( p. m. 7:10 a.m.
Trams leaving (5:55 ( : p. in. nnd arriving
at 7:45 : a. in. will liavo Pullman
O.'t.N. OLOSt.
. n. . ) > iii. ni. p. m.
. , . > v . ) .00 fM I'.W ! :10
Ne-o.U I.i i'.iil'n HfO O.On B..IO .2:10 :
o , U. i. I ? . . . . . 11-Vt ( * M 6S'J : S : D
I'I ' . ltw : 6:80 : S : f'
c l\ > . \f I'wlil.i 'Ju3 S0 : 8 ; . 0
P i-tl\3 . 4:0.1 ll40 !
tttll. V . iM : U:40 :
. * ! . IRNJII . 103 3:10 :
IminnU o..i i-r < .U ) . . . . 6:00 : 7:30 :
1. . . M. tlnu.Hi . ir.O : ! : l *
J , ? . Lnii-oln , Miniuv. > :30 11:0 ! )
} . C. P.MHII * F.Kf . U * l C'-M >
> . , ntwi Diij a St. P. 3oii : i:4C :
Ln il mulli for fl : 'i at low l v hut onp
Uf , vlt : rtP : o.i , m ,
OTIcr mian Hun Hv * tiinn IV m. tn 1 1 > . m.
u > IU
InvojtorJ of urn 11 nd medium
amounts In drain I'rovlslma and
JKyl ] Sticks na fully protoctid as most
* " * * * i xtonslvo ami nilluuntUl onor t > r .
Our nupcij Bful , f jl'y ' iriou , o'd ' c -
tablU odnlai. TRT IT. Kopjrtx
root weeklydU'ld nda p\ld tiionih-
ly Bond at ont-o far uxilanatr >
_ _ _ clrcu'ars and pjt iccord. mmi.
Rnll Ulrldond9pulildurlnipaB6tlilitcan
9W months on thl § fund 901.71 per A dr < * Ki.KMUINO &
oaionrTQ MBKHIAM , 141 and US LaSallo
STOCKS utii cidcaifo , 111.
jtdT > Vo wanr a tool aVcnt In
( Ttlnn every trail Exc llcnt liidiiccmcH'H ,
\DlUU O 'Oil ' l y to a top ntllili ) , uutor-
mm , Wr.tofjrtorms ,
D. M. VLTY \ ( ,
( SnoooHtor to II. T. Monut )
Unnufacturor and Dealer III
Saddles , Harness , Whips ,
Eoljos , Dusters anil Turf Goods
A | ( < < ntfor Jua. II. Hill to Cn ' <
'The Boat in 1 ho World. "
Or > lcr < i-ollcltod. OMAHA , NEB
no lv
lvI. p
Ac , nil kinds of Jobuork done.
* . * i..1.11. . . . ( .rotted. 1'liti aud tjMji
tlorn furnlilied
1410 Harn-jy - st. bet , 14th & 15th
Oornico ? ! &o , Manufactured
13th St. , 410 , Omahn. Neb ;
General Undertakers ,
ss a. as a. < fc je acst < s a ?
But Fin num. und Dou-jlui.
XotallU , Woo-J and ( . 'lotliCotrcrvd
onitanlly on land. Orduru from tha untr
nllcltuil , nd prmnvtlv att iiii | l . "tin
The l > * t la the uiuutryj fur tbv money ,
M. A. McNamara ,
No. 2KB. Fourteenth Street Omoli
Business Directory ,
Abttntct nd Ke > hiUte.
L. UcOAOUR , orpo lta Test Offio .
TV E BABTT.KTT > 17 honlh Uih Btr .
loom 14 Cielfhtan Block.
A. t. tAUHB Jr. . Boom i. Ot > .lgh . > < in
fHVINK k CO. ,
fln Dooti ftntl Bliooo. A ( rood Morttiieal
tome Mstlt en h > n < t , .xr.irr litht I tl Iltrnev
nira KIUCKSON , p. K. cor. loth n.t Douri >
JOHN ronruNATUs ,
M lOtn street , n iu ( ctiifr W nH r ( road w rk
II" tl prine * .
T.AtmtKK ManufMtiirrr. 1MT
uook * , rtowi m1 Utntlonery.
I. rnl'KHAlIF 1016 r mh m Btf
Duttrr cnri EUU .
U < inUANKA8rttKOniKll ) , Uii > oM < t D. ttid K
uw In K > > ra k iKUblWuxUsTfl Omihi.
Ot rrlnjrni itnct Rend Wn on .
. ItAllIUA will pav hltflui'tCash price tnr tecood
tnil flothlnr. OornotHOth anil Ksnihun.
riitm Kkiiiti ma UUk
"i rti e ) te , Vim > Vno UaoJp , Oot. Utn
" . Jl. WniyKHOtI K , Wl10lc liift Riull , l th M.
C , FIKI.I ) , iWJ NorUi Hiilu Ourilnff
H.MIK , "rirki't.ur \ nrt llnntrj Strtsttn
Uundkk * .
ft. I'AUL.VIIIUiu . tilucn Oot. 1Mb * io.u.
'Olvll Ennlneer * nd Ourvoyora ,
ANDRKW IlOSKWATltlL , Crcl blon Black ,
awn turn ryt , UrMle ttnl llowor t.'o Sjitouu
notion * , fcto.
JOHN It. r. LRltUANK it CO. ,
-w Torn Dry Hoods Sfctu , 181Q nd 181S f Mil
MW 1.1 I * .
Illli TumhMn Plrwl.
ONPIRLD IIOUSK , Qoa. CtnnoMtth h F rnhim
OIUK DOUBK , P II. Cnrj- , BIB K rnh m HI
( If.AVKN'H IIOTKL , P. Rlivon , 10th SI.
uathuru Hotel Out. ll mil Oth & Lvcnworlh
S. A. RYAN ,
lli f Itiunl lor DIB Monuy ,
) > y ItiQ D y , Wi-oK or Month.
Gooit Tamil for Ciah.
il Hnnma Huppllovl.
iuDooonil Hunil ruraltnro
it titnun. 1114 PonctM. UtKhoit wall price
.U lur Mf iml hand (0009. .
nv ju i o UtnrU Hi Fine nnd * o.
* f rco WorUfc.
y\aion \ co.
niBH&ino/m. , Imprdre
< r si LO , Iirr ud Wood Foncofl. Offlco
rilf'n ? lrc f n-1 W | no >
. . > tNrKM > IDih bt. . bet Par. A-HH
Rotrlcorator * , O nflold'a Patent.
1th Ht l > ot F rn. A
Olftan and Tobacco.
* KST & nUTSCIlEll , mauufacturera Of Clirart ,
.1 \Vliolt , ali' Dcalortl n Tobaccos , 1306 Douglas.
V WIKNKKV mnnulnrturer 1416 F.irnliam
DOMNVU 1HO r > ou'-lai street. OcoJ line.
U. BKltTIIOM ) . Rae and M t l
LumDer Lima and Oamant.
OSTHR Jk nn corner 8th and DoogUi Bti.
Lamp * ana Uiaa w r .
isnn Donzln Ht. Onod Variety
Merchant Tailor * .
Inn of oar moil popular Merchant Tallort U n-
riving the latent Uo lft" for Spring and Summer
1oodi for ( tontlomon wear , lltvllali , durable ,
nl nrlron low a * nvnr 1 06 F&rniun utrct.
MRS. O. A. KINU1EK , Wholowle and Ilotall , Pan-
v Gooiii In great variety. Zephyrs , Oaril Boards ,
lonlory , GlovM , Ooruato , 4c. Cheaprnt IIouso In
hn Vfoet. I'lirchasor * mv W per cert. Onlor
' UM. lift FKtaonth ntroet
Clour and Frud.
3KAHAOITV UlLW , 8lh and Bli. ,
ch 'i K' " i. , urO'irlctorit.
: . UTCVKNH , Slet bctwncu Oiimlntf c.wtiar \
r. A. Ma'IHANE , Corn Md and Cumlnif Htrocts.
Hnrdwnie , Iron end Otoel.
OLAN A. U.VNOWOKTUV , Wholosala , 116
) a Uth at/aot
A. n01AlCfl corne Kith anil Calllornlfc
Harneai , 8addlo > , txc.
SO 18th Ht. bet F rnHarnay. .
. I nlDignbb , ulanta , cut llov/uru , aowln ,
ntc. I < . W. ( or. Ifilli Hiici Dnni-l.Ti Blrcotu
00 To GUAHi'li
Orein House 17th and Wclwtcr ntrcct , for
I'lnnlfl , lloiuiuetii , Flowera , Klocal l > ciilgiiit lie.
Oornlco Workn.
fftmaiu Oornlco V/orkc / , Utiutlicirjruri Iniu
Onmlro , Tin , Iron and rilrtu llootllii/j. / Ordn/ro /
mm any locality promptly mounted In the best
ounner. Kutory and Oll'cu 1213 Ilarnoy St
0. Ul'KtiUT , 1'ioprlutor.
Oalvanltod IrOD Oo.ulcoH , Window Capx , uto. ,
I'loiiutactnred and put up In any pert of tli
couutrv. T. HINIIOU ) 4lB Thlrtcuntb utruet
Uommltilon Merchitnti.
JOHN ( I. WIL L10.HH DoilRc Htlerl
t ) D. UK.KMIill , For dutailrt we larRU advorthe
monfc In Dally c.ndVoel.Ly. .
end Furnishing Goo'
( JKO , II. riCTI'-JlBON. Ale data , Capo ,
f hniiB Nrtlon * nnd Cutlery , fcOt H. ICth Ktrtel ,
rflow Gaud f * MUIinnorr. ,
0. J. oflUDK
n uii Oualri in > M atlidl
CK o. llpikht CB > , < l' . , I'd 17 C'a < Kt.
KUANH I. . UKUKAIU > , proprietor Omaba
ir > ( U < i nii.iiut'.Li.ciiy , bib rXluth ICtli Btrout ,
I.oivuuworth fcncl Maircy. All
ovei ana mwurtt.
A. 11UHMK--TI1K ,
Dealer In Ktovco and Tinware , and Manatactu
of Tin Hoofs and all kinds nl UulMlQK Worl
Odd Fellowt1 Ulock.
J. BONNEB. 1809 Louitlas St oed and Cheap.
tiixd * .
J. KVANU , Wholooale and Ketall Beud O aad
Cultivators Odrt K * ( Hull
Orarul Ceutral Oallery ,
212 Sixteenth ftrc.m.
near UkKJiilo llill. rimt-cla > iiw.v mil Prompt
nofli ( fiiaratitiHiii
Plumblnir , Uai and Btoarn I'lttlnc.
P. W. TAHPY & CO , . Zlflli Bt. , Del. farntiam
iod DoURlM. Wf.rK prnDip yalU. > nlmt to
1) , mZfATUlUK , .ouiduoBtiect ,
Oho Otoroi.
Phillip tan 1120 Varnhau ot Iwi 18th & litti
Phytlc'rni ' and 6urK"on .
W. n , Ginilb , M. P. , Koctn .No a , Oreli'htou
Ulock , Ulli Utrui.
V. U. T-SICKKHUH ) , * I. I ) . Ma ci.lo Jllort.
0. li. IIAUT , M , D. , lyj r.j Kut ip. | itoKtaUlkc
Ult. I. . II.OKAOnV. i..l . ' .urU.h. W IMIi anrl Kun&aai tit
mlntlnic an uper nilnr ! ,
Ueconil HvnU Hloro.
PKitiUMU tt LKAIt , 1410 OougUaHt. . riuw an-
Ebconcl llAnd 1'urnltuift , Uousn f uriiler.lng Oooils
He. , bought aud iwld ca tiiriow uuri-lni.
Undurta cn ,
i id ( fiTni < . - > ! > lat * . t nn ;
UU tlont fitorc * .
, o , UAOKUs Vainnuiu t. f ko'.v Uoou
t'DUV in tllll ) L > fMIVCll " HLAti
HAUO' ' * " Uiu bi\i , ilv ifc
5OOO f
Of Omaha.
HM imrchfiwl of tSn CorllmSioM ( nu ( ctirlnjf
Uo. , of P > o Idonco , II. ln ii'vfn wnl hla ffii
antrpd In ritln * to ti "abtnlnlrt/t tnirjlar
> > n"/ ) for ftpctlo'l nf Ih'rO-ilxhiurat'ontlciitojt
nnd U ill inliod aitntK wllhtho utio c ( filch
( noli ami ai < pllranccnn < rn burglar cnn cmpljy , '
mi In R | ir otH'.i Iv uniumltilnnal way. ,
Kiln bank irvlrm n tlotmiit'h tot tnaifo upon
il-rfilo ntiil'ln ewe of ( Allure to ntarrl It , the ?
Innk will Iu at 111'Tty tn | uircli o .my othrr
C nnd nuv return thin to the manufacturer' * .
Anv i r'yl nt Iheilv to undertiko Ihiattiox
who lil lurlih Kl 'ftrtin' bond to ; vy all
lUini.-e to tliocMf , In cnsa It h not uuturfi ) In
Ilif tolimlntul time. TiiACfltirwComuinva < ; r < i
In wtttlnjf to ilj.K-iiit with this imnk thnrun rf
91,000.00 , up in tint ieng \ < \ of nil a icjm-lrt
liaxi llu unlil mini to ho pared within the
nfo Mid M bn forfcitM titlio ptrty npcratlnirln
aaa It in forcluly openml and hi content * rab
tractoil UKKI'.Y W. YATKS Ca lili %
Kmhoily now 1882 Impr vomcn'j ) . Mor.
prnotlonl toiiif. . ; Cost low to kotp In
xtdor ; Uxulnna fuolj * m tnu nioro n t
and a laroer voliuiio" ' iiuro nlr'tlun any
furnace majo ,
Sold b ) 1'IKKCKY * lilt ADKOUt Oiiiiha , Neb.
Improved tor
- . ' , . < J
Every Jiounokoopor fools the wantof
aoinothitiK that will cook the daily
food nndavoid thooxcossivohcat , dust ,
litter and nshos of a coalnr woodutovo.
DO IT , better , quicker and cheaper
than any other means. It ia the ONLY
OIL STOVE made with the OIL
back of the otovo , a way from the heat :
by which arrangement ABSOLUTE
SAFE I'Y is Hucurod ; as no gas can bo
generated , fully twenty nor cent moro
' .eat 13 obtained , the widen are pro-
orvod twice na long , tlmn oaving the
rouble of coaatanc trimming anil the
GiiBo of now ones. EXAMINE
THE MONITOR and you will buy no
ManuUcturod only liy th
Monitor Oil Stove On , Uluvolaud 0 ,
Bond lor duucriptiyo circular or call
m M. Rogers & Son , agents for No-
K .
atir *
! . I J.
\in * .elf
IMI 1 1.1,11. ' >
j i r " i MU -
Orluc > * , f"inl i'l I'M ' ! * * ! " rjM
IH Neiv linn Vil 1 "ft r > i tw i
tint < . ftVw Hiif'fy Tin - ilr-
> v Suniiicr lido tl , u Hinn. .
ThoBo culobratel iriH 'if
L'iurcy & Hrailfunl , Om ihi , T ) i
20 U
The Story of the Sowing Machine ,
A hindiome lltllo ptuiphltt , blue uid KOU
cove with nuincroue unifrarlDKi , IH b *
to ny kuult pttraon calllOK for It , l tnr biknch
or BUlH-oIIlce ol Tbu Sinter MinuUctnrlDifOom-
piny , or will be tent by m&ll , poet paid , lo
my penoQ living At k dliUnco from our offlooi
The Singer Manufacturing no , ,
Principal Oflicu , U4 Unlou Hqoare ,
VI co I'l * * ' I
v , 8. hoc. and Trtjai.
Lincoln , Neb.
Oorn Plun > oie , Hrrrrwu.Purm Rollera
Huluy Hay 1'iiUod , flucuot , Kiovattug
Winuiinilt' , tic
uro jireu rud ti Ui job work
- ior other I M | , ,
Aud m ail or ird
lilnioln , Null
or icr xvr zx : s * xr < o xc > EL.
Th M ho t prim | nlJ Iu cath , far Jiags. Uo | > -
iior. llr m , Zluc. U' J , Kubbcr IVpor , O d lieu ,
nJ to out ! liaml I'l thlni ; . AlU-orili ic.'t Irooj
Uio coiritry will bjjir.nii'tly pxld fjr b teturrt
trill E. MOTZ & GO. ,
1119 DouglaifBtreet ,
llctwoca Utb nJ UthbUi , Ouu'aJN l >