Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
I 'uh'Juh ttl every mornin , etc * pi 8and j
nn.f ' Aloriu y Morning < lAlly ,
One Vsar . $10.00 I Three Month * . (8.0
Biz Month * o.OO | Ono 1.0
THE WEKrtLY BKB , publlnhed ei
rjWeduesday. .
Ono Year. $2.00 I ThrooMonth * . , 6
BlxMnth * . . . . 1.001 One k . . ' 2
or Newsdealers in thoTTnited States ,
OfMUKSruNDENOE All Commnnl
I ii nmn relntlntj to New < and Editorial mat
ar * "ImuH bo ( vldrewnd to the KwrOB 01
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to tm and Remittances fliould lie rwl
itemed to Tun OMAHA PtmuBHtwa COM.
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The BEE PUBLfsHING 00 , .Props .
Ei RO3F.WATEK. Editor.
Republican Atato Convention.
The republican ficctors of the slixto pf
Ncbrwkn ra hereby called lo nenil dele
gate * from the several counties to meet in
tale convention nt Omalmnn Wednraday ,
September 21th , A. D , 1882 , nt 7 o'clock
p. m. , for thopurpoit f plncing in nomi
nation ca'dldatca for the following unmcd
offlcc , viz :
Governor , lleutcnant-Kovcrnor , secretary
of Rtntc , auditor , treasurer , attorney-gen
eral , commissioner of public Un'ls and
bulldingr , superintendent of public innlnic-
And to trnnHAct imch other Intnines * ns
m v properly come In fore the convention.
The several con titles are entitled to reo-
IcxentativeB in the etato convention as
'oliowe ' , bared upon the vote cnt for Isaac
Poweii > , Jr. , in 1881 , for regent of the etato
university : Qiviagoncf ) dclcgato to each
ono hundred nnd tilty (150) ( ) voted , and ono
delegate for the fraction of teventy-fivo
75) ) votc.i or over ; alun t ne delegate at
largo for each organized county.
Tnu Herald has a Icaior on the
"dog days. " Don't got mad , doctor.
VALKNTINK , Majors , Sohwonok ,
Hawcs and Alexander 1 Now who
was J.iphotB father )
TUB wheat crop in Illinois and the
tobacco crop in Virginia are abundant.
The maikot promises to uhow a decline -
cline in consequence.
Tin : Ute lands in Colorado will
soon bo opened < ip under Bolford's '
bill which has paused the house. TJioy
arc said to contain rich mineral de
THK Boason shows an unusual
harvest of mundur , robbery , rape and
all the crimes in the catalogue. The
devil Buoins to bo on a regular jumbo-
A SVNDIDATB of wealthy Englishmen -
men ia about to buy 400,000 acres of
land in southern Minnesota , near the
line of the Chicago , MilUaukoo & St.
Paul railway , with the view of planting -
ing a colony.
, IF Arabi' Pasha wanta to secure
sympathy all ho has to do is to adopt
the Mahono policy with regard to the
Egyptian dibt of ? 450,000,000-let
him ecilo it at 50 per cunt on the del
HON. A. II STEPIIKNH has received
the demo ratio nomination for gov
ernor of Florida a good nomination ,
and eminently a proper ono to make.
Ltivtnvorih Tunet
Aleck Stephens as governor of
Florida ia good , though it is hard to
, ay where Aleck would turn up any
time these eeventy-fivo years.
TUB official report of Oio bombard-
merit of Alexandria which Arabi pub'
lishod to his army it u ti'ao sample of
amateur lying and would compare fa
vorably with the best oilorts of Eng-
Heh or American diplomacy , If ho
fights as hard as ho lies , Sir Qarnot
Wnlaoloy will have business on his
hands. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ENGLAND and Franco are abundant
ly able to protect the > Suez canul and
aubduo Egypt , Arabi and Elmohadi
included , whether Turkey lends thorn
her sanction or not ; but the danger in
aa to .the consent of the European
powers and how far the Eastern trou
ble will disturb the balance of power
in the West. Ilusaia'a headstrong pol
icy ia towards Constantinople and will
tttko 110 Block in any movement that
.may interrupt her hopoa iiTtliaFdiroc-
ipu. \ V-
Wo have been requested by uovort
patrons who take , an octivo interest i
the woman suffrage agitation to prc
sent our views and the reasons wh
THE BKE , which favors all iraportan
reforms , opposes woman's suffrage
Wo can do no bettor than reproduc
the following editorial which appoaroi
in our daily edition of February 21st
The right to vote is not inhoront-
likc life and liberty but it in a priv
ilcgo conferred under certain condi
tiona to which woman cannot conform
The first of these conditions iaindivid
ual independence. Under our aya
tern of government the voter , in hit
primary capacity , is a sovereign whosi
action ia controlled by his own will.
A majority of women are depend
cut , and their political nets woult
not express their individual will. It
Utah , whore women have thu right tc
vote , the wivca and daughters ol
Mormona vote the licketa which thcii
husbands and fathers put in thoii
hands. The woman who would vote
contrary to the advice and wish ol
her husband anywhere would bo the
exception , because a womanly woman
concurs with the man to whom she
looks for counsel , ndvico and support.
Thu right of voting carries with it
certain dutiea to which women can
not fulfill. The right to vote carries
with it the right to hold oflico and the
duty to sit on juries. Women in
their married state cannot discharge
the duties of oflico when they
are hearing or roaring children
mid women , whether married or sin
gle , are nearly t t all times unfit for
jury duty.
Very few respectable women would
tit on juries with half a dozen or
nero men of all grades and conditions
) f life , oven if they could endure bo
ng locked up ir jury rooms for days
aid weeks , now many of the women
hat clamor for suffrage would have
teed the ordeal of the Guiteau jury ?
The right to vote includes the ahil-
ty to support the verdict of the billet -
ot box. If the voters that oxorcUo
ho privilege of electing our prosi-
lents wore not able to sustain their
locision by the power of arms in case
if revolt or insurrection this govorn-
nont would fall to pieces.
Women being unable to defend or
iphold the government by the power
if arms cannot consistently control
ho oliHico ( if those who must do the
i htini ; . Women are barred from
; orvico in the army and navy by phy-
ical disabilities , and being unable to
hare with men the hardships of war ,
lannot justly demand a anrrender by
non of the privilege of voting for men
op measures that may plunge the
iountry into war.
Before men can consent to a change.
) f the organic law of the land they
aavo a tight to demand mtno valid
reasons , coupled with proof that the
ohange will innroaso the sum of human
happiness. It behoovea the champions
} f woman suffrage to show
that the proposed change of our or
ganic laws will give us bettor govern
ment or at least improve the condi
tion of woman. This they have ut
terly failed to do. They fail to shuw
irhy the husbands , brothers , sons and
Fathers of women should not bo trust-
ad with the conduct of the political uf-
fuira of thu sUtu. They fail to show u hat
advantage the state would derive from
adding to its fill in total of votera a now
class that is no better morally , as a
whole , than nro their own fathera ,
husbands , brothers and sons. Until
women can change the laws of nature
mid abolish the disabilities of their nor
they should bo content to leave to
men the duties and responsibilities
imposed by the riuht to voto.
JIu. TUEHUOTT writes a letter to
Mr. Blnino in which ho tolls the
American people , that it is "no such
thing" that Mr. Blaine was opposed
to the Oochot claim and only wanted
the Landrean claim to have u fair hear
ing before the proper tribunal. IIo
says thut his miesion was one , not ot
intorfcienco nor bearing nn mined
threat ; but of peace and as a sort of
prologue to the projected peace con-
grojs of the American republics. Ho
wamod to save the autonomy ct 1'oru
and to insure a prosperous and peace
ful future to all the South American
atatea under the protection of the
American system , to bring all the
American republics together to pro
vide for there future against the in
fluence or inteiferenco of Europe.
That was the burden of Mr. Blaino'a
ONE of the soata in the United
States sonata from Georgia will BOOH
bo vacant. Stophona who has been
the living ghoat of American politics
for half a century outlives all hispoora
and wheels his chair into the govern
ors oflioo , while Dill , devoured by
cancer , turns uneasily on his bed to
watch the lengthening nlmdowa on the
wal [ .
Tii English statistics show that
suicide ia Steadily on the increase ,
and that there are ton timea as immy
between the ages of forty-five and
fifty.fivo as between ton and twenty
years of ago. 1 his mode of departure
ia twice ai popular with men as with
women , and the meana generally uaod
by them ia the tight ropo. If eternal
order ruloa the system of creation ,
then the suicide commits the unpar
donable crime of breaking in upon it
and if eternal justice asserts itsulf ,
tlioroinust , bonoplnco forthoBolf-mur
doror in the next world and ho is condemned
domnod to roam about loose until h
can find some way of getting thcro b ;
the regular route. How ho ia goin |
to get back and how can ho stay wher
ho is ? Ilia only solace must bo plcnt ;
of company.
JOURNALISM ia in ita transition atati
from the style of cultivated sent !
mentality to that of practical individ
uality. The high-toned period , witl
its classical collegiate finish and clab
orate parade of rhetoric , has giver
way to the plain , pithy sentence , ir
which the idea , however big , is ex
pressed in as few words as possible ,
Then the newspaper has become more
or less the mirror of public thought ,
with a strong rcilection of the individ
imlity of the editor , while as to the
dutail of facts , it is the brief reporter
of the events of each day in which the
telegraph ia the phonogrophy of the
press. Lifo is too ahort in those atir
rini ( times for the philosophical treatise
of the last century , or oven * , ho clean
cut argument of the ante-bellum
days. The goniuo of the press , like
Puck , has put its girdle about the
earth in forty minutes and gathers in
, l.o news from every quarter. Wo
can find no opaco to give more than
ho 1 > are fact , leaving the circutn-
tnncos to the imagination of the
reader. A competent daily journal
a really the map of the whole busy
world , formerly it was only the local
oracle , now it covers the whole
ango of buainoaa and pleasure of
cion.ce , literature , art , religion , poli-
ics , the moral , physical , social and
ivil sphere of human life. Formerly ,
> uforo electricity , steam and in a
vord science had subdued time and
pace , the newspaper was confined to
ta vicinage and there was room for a
ig speech , a studied lecture or ser
mon and a dashing sounding loader ,
> ut wo have changed all that. Look
own the odttoral column and you sea
couple of dozen aon'encos , followed
) y a otick or two of punpcnt comment
r sharp opinion in which the per-
onol of the editor is not disguised or
t best thinly protootod by the im-
orsonol of the journal And yet the
iress graft B in nnmber , power and
wealth until another generation will
ompei some other change.
ervtowed about his being ousted of
10 command of the Eayption army
y the influence uf Consul Butler.
lo says that in 1800 , while ic Lon-
on , ho was offered the command of
lie Roumanian army , now an indo-
ondont kingdom of 5,000,000 souls ,
> ut ho doclinod. Ho fur-
lor says that ho was also
ifored the command of the Egyptian
rray by the khedive in the same year
n Now York and refused that also ,
s ho did not wish to leave the peopln
with whom ho had fought. That
tain in 1870 the khedive offered him
' 10 full u < imnand and the choice of
us own mili'ury staff. Ho to : > k time
o consider this last proposition , but
oforo ho undo up his mind it was
withdrawn , and ho never gave himself
ny concern about it. That is all ho
cnon-s of the matter , and is too busy
with his book to know any more.
Tor/ ; Times denounces
bvcaUry Ohandlor , of the navy do-
xutme&it & , for his outrageous conduct
n baaing a circular requiring the age ,
erm , state and eoforth of ovary om-
loyo under him. The object of the
ircular is simply to acara them into
ay Hubboll's voluntary contribution ,
nd to pay up or leave. The argu
ment of the Times scorns reasona
ble , and shows clearly that ihia is the
nly possible aignllieinco and purpose
f the circular. If BO , it ia certainly
undignified and illegal , The Times
alia the attention of the presfdont to
t in thcso worda :
The circular from the lioad of the
mvy department practically snggeats
o every employe who rociivo it , that
ho influence by which ho received his
ppointnuMit may control his roton-
ion in oflico , and the employes know
nly too wall that that ii > financeia
auditioned on the prompt and yon-
rous compliance with such demands
s that of the congressional commit ,
ee. The connection thus established
> otwoen the- responsible head of a
reat executive department and the
tction of the congressional committee
s ono of which , as wo have already
uggested , the president may very
properlp take notice.
TUB Ltavenworth Times is growing
warm on the demand for public build-
uga- whack at the spoils aa well aa
lie other cities. It says editorially :
"Tho Time * ia not engaged in abus-
ng United States Senators. We are
king them to give us public build-
ngs. We need them aa friends. "
The idea of needing publio buildings
'aa frionda" ia rofrcahitigly now.
There is ono thing that can bo said for
public buildings" strictly as friends
tiat does not characterize the frionda
TO ordinarily havo. They will stand
y you as long as you stand by them ,
ain or ehino.
TIIOSK Yanktou county bonds stand
n the way of Dakota's admission.
'Loro ) are other counties with a com-
lenient of fraudulent bonds that are
roubleaomo also , A nnw way to get
ich is to go woat , organize a now
ounty in a territory on a false poti-
ion , iaauo half a million of bonds , sell
horn to third parties without notice ,
ivido thu awag , go on farther west
and orgnnizo some more.
We called public attention to the
outrageous swindle in which the rail
road kings had induced congress t
giro Gould , Iluntington & Co. , o
rather the Texas Pacific railroad com
piny public lands amounting to a fre
gift of 875,000,000. Wo denouncei
it as a public crime to rob the pee
people of thtir homes in order to en
rich those who had made millions ou
of the people already. Wo said tlm
donbtlees another "Amos' little book1
would show how it was done.
And now comes No wall , who say
that ho has a book with the names o
three senators and thirty members o
the house who were bought to pus
this land grant steal , Ho says tha
ho has a list of witnesaos to prove it
and thnt the swng , divided among thi
thlovos , amounted to millions Tin
judiciary committee of the homo IIPI
decided to investigate , and disclosure *
more startling than the credit Mobi
Her rascality are promised
There will bo fun on the Potomiu
if thcso dark things are uncovered.
AMONU the results of the Ku Klus
and others disorder. ! of the south was
the negro exodus , which has located
about 50,000 colored people in Kan
sas. The sufferings of thcao emigrants
were severe and exceptional , but they
have generally been overcome and the
people of the state are making every
c ffurt to educate them into a good
grade of citizenship. The negro has
had a perfect training in the school of
physical labor , hardship and adver
sity , but his mental vision has been
studiously obscured. His capacity for
education has boon fully tested , and
Kansas will soon find an intelligent
and reliable set of agricultural labor
n thcso southern refugees.
To the Farmers.
From th9 Humbolt ( Neb. ) Farmers' AJvocnl ? .
A. glorious and bountiful harvest has
nat boon reaped. A great many of
fou who a few days ago were soino-
ivhat depressed in spirits on the ac-
jount of the appour.uico of a failure ,
jan now with the abundance of your
loarta thank a divine providence that
four expectancy has been more than
calizcd. And a splendid oats crop all
> vor the State ia about ready for the
larvestors. The prospects for corn
md nil kinds of vegetables is indeed
ijghly flittering , and from present m-
Hcatious wo judge there will bo plon-
y for our own consumption and some
o spare. Indeed it ia very seldom
hat we have just reaaona to complain.
Should there bo in our section a blight
ailure , our country with ita vast ru-
ources , its varied climate and fertile
oil , brings forth more than enough to
ustatn our population , and has a aur-
jlus for other nations that ruvoled in
usury while this beautiful land of
jure was an untrodden wilderness. It
11 not bo long before the hum of the
hreshor will bo hoard in our
nidst , and the golden grain will
eon bo ready for the market. As a
osult of hard toil and great exertion
m your part , your { ( ranuriva will ba
well filled , and you ought to recivo a
air remuniration for the same. But
his you cannot obtain , because you
yill bo compelled to share largely with
ho railroad companies and trwir era-
nissaries. A i-reat deal has been said
ibout monopoly , and yet some of you
nay not know what it moans. "It is
he exclusive right to govern and con-
rol a certain line of business at ono
) r more places. " In order that you
nay bo able to receive a juatromuner-
ition for your grain , there muat bo a
air competition. This cannot bo so
eng aa the right to buy and ship is
; ontrollod by a monopoly. Wo would
lot have it understood that wo are
jpl'.oaod to capital , and its legitimate
ise ; but opposed to the combination
) f it for the purpose of curtailing the
ights of the people. If capital is
ightly employed nnd distributed it i.s
mo of the most powerful and bonifi
sent of all agencies for the civilization
md amelioration of mankind.
ll.tilroad corporations are created by
aw for : the nolo purpgso of trarupur-
ation , But leaving their own ItgUi-
uato sphere , they have usurped lights
ind privileges which if not checked
vill soon destroy the freedom of the
> ooplo. By discrimination between
ndividutls they reward political fa-
rora and claim for themselves the con-
rol of priyato interests. In every
lopartment of our government , both
tate and national , the influence are
nero or less felt. They enter our po-
itical conventions and seek to control
he nominations. Should they fail in
his , than they rely on buying them
lither before or after election. With
uch an amount of money and men
inder the ir control they can accom
plish most anything that they may do-
ire. It is the aim of those corpora-
ions to destroy the influence of all
) oraens who undertake to oppose
hem. In order to blacken their good
lames and characters they will circu-
ate false and malicious reports about
hem. And the more popular and in-
luontial the man the more bitterly
rill they persecute him. Should you
loubt it come out manfully and oppose
.hem in their nefarious schemes , end
t will not bo long , ( should the people
joliovo what those monopolists say ) ,
> efore they would think you was ono of
he biggest rascals in the country. To
ACiliUlo and assist them in this work
hey have subsidized ovtr two-thirds
if the press of the country. They
lave invaded the naored sanctum of
nany of our district coin IB. And
hould you seek any redress of griev
ances there , they will boat you aa
hey have their paid hirelings tboro to
iwear to whatever they may need. If
hey fail to swear you out of tha
; ourts or swamp you with their
noney , they will then appeal to your
judges and give them a gentle re-
ninder uf pist favora. It is a very
liiticult matter to convince a judge so
.hat ho will decide against ttie rail
road companies , when ho has his
sockets full of free passes over their
inoa for himself and friends. By
free passes , discriminating in freight
rates . "and other fuvora , they have
influenced a certain number in each
town and county to represent and
isaist them. They prefer men where
> ro deemed respectable because their
influence will b'o greater , aud will also
tend to make their business appeal
respectable and honest. These mon
understand that they must use every
means possible to crush out all the
enemies of these combinations , It hac
become almost an impossibility to win
a suit , bo it over so meritorious ,
against the [ railroad companies or
their friends on the account of their
influence , their money and special
favors granted or promised , Most
likely if you succeed in obtaining a
judgment the judge will immediately
set it aaido without any notice of a
motion to sot aside whatever , is was
done only a short time ugo and that at
the dead hour of night. That they
do have a cprtain number of tools to
assist them in their chlcincry and
trickery is an established fact. If not
why would twenty-five or thirty at
the time of the meeting of our district
cDiirln , to the neglect of their own
private bu&inoea , congregate at
our county seats. If you waste
to nak one of them to assist
you in some honest employment ho
would tell you ho. had not the time.
Ilenco if ho will do this for the rail
road companies , they must indeed p.xy
him moat liberally If they oinnot
boat their adversaries in any other
way , they in conjunction with our
various prosecuting attorneys , who are
more the attorneys for the railroad
companies than the State , will trump
up some false and malicious charge
aud have them arrested and lined , af
ter going through with a pretended
trial , when probably the decision of
the judge has been made known to
those railroad pimps ei ht or ten hours
before ho had delivered it in court ,
and they during this time was out-
heralding it over the county , tolling
the people that the law had been vin
dicated when in fact , to the shame and
disgrace of a civilized country , it had
simply been trampled under foot to
satisfy the promptings of a desperate
monopoly. A man , for his opposition
to the railroad companies , their allies
and other monopolists' ' combinations
in a a few yeara more if this matter ia
not checked , will bo arrested aud fined
for contempt of court. Such really is
the intent at present , but under a dif
ferent guise to deceive the people.
When riding on their lines take notice -
tico and you will soon ascertain that
about one-third of the passengers have
free passes.
Now , _ for what are so many free
paaees given ? They muat have some
object in view. It is not because they
are ao liberal or like the people BO
well. They are simply given for their
influence and aid in cheating and
swindling you.
After your grain ia ready for the
market you can then go and ask the
railroad companies or their toola what
they intend to allow you for it. The
urica oucrht to depend upon the do-
luand. But this , ; is you will readily
ucertain , if jou have not already ,
will not bo the case. IlUherhowmany
free pasacs have the railroad compan
ies issued silica last harvest , amount
paid to bribe leRialaturemen , United
States , state , county and town officers ,
Lawyers , juries , witnesses , prosecuting
Utornejs , judges and pimps in every
jounty , city , town , village and hamlet
within this atate , us well as many oth
er states. Whenever a man ia very
particular to uphold the railroad com
panies , if you will investigate you
will find that ho is riding on free
passes and perhaps has reaped
many Bother favors for his influ
ence. That he1 is simply performing
the service for which he has' been em
ployed. Farmers , if there was a fair
competition there would bo three or
four grain buyers in every railroad
town. Your merchants would then
buy your wheat , not expecting to
make very much on it , but to hold
your trade and receive the profits of
it in their stores. Whether their
business engages all their time or not ,
they muit bo there , bunco they would
loae no time in competing for your
grain. In every railroad town in the
cast you will find plenty of grain
buyers. There the railroid companies
build and o.wn their elevators , and
hire a man to attend to them , who
charges the buyers from u half cent tea
a cent and o half per bushel for eleva
ting. There aa many as desire can
buy ( rraiu without uny discriminating
in freight rates. Yep , but wo fancy
the i ail road companies will tell you
"that as many as deoirocan buy bore. "
But this , wo believe , you know is not
true. They will not allow it. They
will not ship any grain except it
mpses through fhe elevators on their
lines , and in order io comply with
this you must sell to 'their agents
who own the elevators.
When Mayor Hrannen , of Foils
City , a few years ago desired to ship
corn , the B. & M company informed
him "that it must pasa through their
elevators at that placa. " Ho then
said ho would build an elevator , but
they would not allow him to build it
on their ground , and informed him
"that they did not want any more
elevators built. " Now what objec
tion could they poaaibly have to Mr.
Branncn building an elevator with
hia own monej ? The only reason that
can bo given ia that it would mnke
competition , the very thing they were
seeking to avoid , Grain buyers ought
to bo the agents of the people ; but in
this etato they are not. They are the
agents of the railroad companies. And
i hero ia no doubt but that the railroad
companies receive a certain per cent
nn all grain bought by those agents.
If not why do they so zealously guard
nd protect them , and not allow any
ijmpolition. If you desire you could
not buy and ship grain at uny station
QII the B. & M. railroad. A little
experience u ill teach you a lesson as
it has others in the pas' , that you
would long remember. You miuht
pay the aiiK ) ihtt their uuenta did ,
liiid in a short time you would break
up and they would make plenty of
money. They would charge you ex
orbitant rates and swindle you in every
conceivably way , Thu wrecks of other
men who have undertaken to com
pete with them and pave the way so
that farmers could obtain what their
grain and stock is really worth are strewn
by the waside as a warning to others
not to embark in the same hazardous
undertaking. It is a fact that certain
parties owu and control the exclusive
right to buy and ship your grain and
etoek and not only these but the lum
ber , coal and lime at certain stations
of the railroad. It is reported and
not disputed that the lieutenant gov
ernor of thia atato has said right at
quite a number of stations on the U.
1' . R , n. If thia U a fact ia it not
probable that certain partita control
this right at quite a number of the
stations oh the A , &N , division cf the
A. it N. division of the B. & M. I
any paying basinets where compel
tion is allowed there is always plent
of competitors. That the buunct
pays them nn enormous profit is pro ;
en from the fact , that parties wh
commenced the business only a fo\ \
years ago' with not more than fiv
hundred dollars , boast that to-du
they are worth over a $100,000 , and o
course the railroad companies made i
like amount in the samolongth of time
Now while you have been honestl ;
laboring and toiling both early am
late to keep that grim tnons'.e
"want" from your doors , and sonwo
you without hardly sufficient clothiii )
to protect you from the storms' blast
they have been amassing princely for
tunes , and are to-day reveling in luxuries
urios on the money which you obtained
tainod by hard toil and many priva
tions. In every town any Bi'ze yoi
will find throe or more drug stores
dry goods stores , grocery stores , hurd
ware stores , and in fact though profit :
are small and it takes a great num
ber of years to accumulate a frm
thousand dollars , there is a fttronj
competition in every branch of tin
mercantile business. Why ia it not si
in the grain business in which the ;
could make a fortune in a few years
That it ia not so , io certainly sufficlei 1
proof that competition is not allowed.
If in the approaching rleolion the
companies desire to use fifty or a hun
dred thousand dollars to secure > hu
election of some of their mon , they
simply charge yoi ? a little morn
freight or charge that suffering
family a little more for thu
coal they buy. During the winter
loason what untold suffering befalls
the poor , the distressed widow and
nrphan children , how many cold and
ilreary days they paes without suffi-
: ient fire to keep them warm on ac
count of the high price of coal. Coal
that wo ought to receive hero for $4 a
: on costs us § 7. This difference ia
: akon from the pockets of the toiling
naasos and given to a f w rich ana
leartless monopolists. Passenger
atcs in the East are from a cent and
k half to throe cents per mile. Hero
hey are from four to ten cents , and
reight is more than double. Farmers ,
? ou are the ones that suffer moat by
: his. They pay you less for your
; rain and stock and charge you more
or your merchandise. If passenger
, nd freight rates -were put down to
fhat they should bo , there would boa
uflhiont saving in ono year to pay
our taxes for eight or ten years. If
his does not concern you I know not
rtiat would. You should thoroughly
nvestigato this matter , you need for
our grain and stock all it is worth ,
nd ore long by a proper endeavor on
our part , you will obtain it.
Give those monopolist hirelings to
now that you are acquainted with
heir nefarious schemes , and that you
rill not be swindled by them any
anger ; that you are determined to
ave your just dues. Watch them and
; will not be long until you catch
hem endeavoring to swindle you. If
ou shut your eyes and linaupinoly on
our back and lot them tie you hand
nd foot you ought to bo slaves. We
rarn you that at fho present state ot
regress , in ten years more their pow-
r will bo beyond your control , and
ours would then bo Ireland's fate ,
lad she taken warning in time she
ould have averted a great deal of her
uffering. Act the part of prudence
nd take warning in timo. See
hat tried and true men are
lOininuted and elected to rep-
esent you. And if you find ono
aporine to the railroad companies
purn him with the utmost contempt
o that others in the future may take
rarning and not follow in his foot-
tops. You have some powerful and
iangorous combinations with which
o contend , and in order to bring them
inder subjection , it will bo necessary
or you to thoroughly organize against
hem , as organization is the only means
f giving force to your views. These
monopolies have grown to bo such a
iant of evil , tlwt either they or civil
iborty must go down. There ia no
ossibility of av < iding ft. They are
ho common robber of the peo-
lo andby the people they must
o put down.
* # * "Every truth has two sides
3ok at both boforn committing your
flf to ihhor. " Kidney-Wort chal-
mges the closest scrutiny of its in-
redients and its grand results. It
, as nothing to fear from truth. Doc-
urs may disagree as to the bust meth-
ds and remedies , for the euro of con-
tipation and disordered liver and kid-
eys. But those that have uaud Kid-
ey-Wort , agree that it is by far the
eat medicine known. Its action is
rompt , thorough and lasting.
pen . . . jjm jjo
Aailis far all the painful dliouci of tha
I tolcameatlio By torn of the acrid poison
that causes tha dreadful suffering which
only the victims of rheumatism can realize.
of tha wont forma of thia Unibla dlBCue
have been quickly relieved , and la short
mine it , ijqno cr oar , SOLO bf HUICGISTS.
(51) ) Dry can b < mtby mill ,
IVKLIfl , lllCUAltDSON A CO. , Ilurllngrton.Vt
880. SHORT Um. (8BG ( ,
Ul 1114 OSM
direct Liue to ST , LOUIS
/ " , T-'T
From On f i he Woat.
A train * leave u * . ; . OijxH , Omaha : heh , .
n chtngc o ! I'Ari between Crratm tij f i.
tad but OIM butftoiu OMAHA , i. . < i
1 = 3330 : _
Daily Passers j-r r t rains
CUAlUlLil mil IH AJVAiiCft C
cctlitt line H
' 0 ) fcleej'iaic Cars' , Put va f > a' f o who * , . ' \ '
tVty k'Uvoroi xul ' Cojur ! , M ihi
C-iTSso tint your Uckel Wfcii Vlt
Il\f \ , M1. JOBKl'H ( . OOUKCJL BlilT/irS ft , ! '
M , ? la Sk. Joseph od S4. houla.
Ilckdti lor U it U cctipn
Ktit. J. F. iU
a JAWE 3. QJU. t. jyj. , at. Jo t-v , uo
, ( inn 1'ta. and TUiok At. , St. Icaefa , Hu.
Ak.1V liOUDBX , TlCSllt AlftlU * .
IfiQ 1'krnhim stur\
MT. J.DWKTCBT , * l Ajent
0 P. lu >
[ From th Boston CWx-,1
Xeisrt. EAHon .
The boTols Rood likeness of Mrs. T.j-dl E. rink-
ham , of Lynn , Ma < s.nhnaboTC&llotl > cr human belnfi
m r bo truthfully called tlic "Dc r Friend of Womui , "
Msome of her corres | > onrlenU lore to call her. She
tl e&o < nly derotal to her work , which Is the outcome
ot a. llfo-stuJy , onil Is obliged to keep ! T l dy
MnnU , to help her ftnswcr th large correspondence
which dally pours In upon her , rach tearing Its special
burden of tufTctlnp , or Joy at release from It. tl r
VrRetablo Compound h a medicine for peed and not
orll purposci. 1 hsrn personally Investigated It and
am satisfied of the truth of thK ,
On account of Its proven merlin. It Ii recommended
and prescribed by thebost phr lclan In the country.
One snyst "It works like a charm nnd Faves much
pain. It will euro entirely the worrt form ot falllnc
of the uterus , I/Mieorrhoea , Invgulnr and luilnful
ilenstruatlonnllOrarlinTrou'jlc I Inflammation and
VJlcrratlon , Flooding , nil Displacement ! an j the con-
requentrplnalncaknesatnnd la especially adapted to
the Chance of Ufa. "
It permeates every portion of the system , andfrlros
new life and t Igor. It rcmorcs falntncs * , flatulency ,
destroys all cravlnR for ttlimilnnt.i , and relieve * weik-
HP'S of the stomach. It cures Bloating , Headaches ,
Nervous Prostration , Ooncral Debility , Sleeplessness ,
Depression and Indlgcsllon. That feeling of bearing
down , causing pain , weight and backache , Is always
permanently cured by Its use. It will at all times , and
und rall circumstanced , act in harmony with the law
that KOcrni the female system.
It costs only $1. per bottle or sis for 63 , and Is sold by
drupglsti. Any advice required as to special ciuwn , and
the names of many who hno been rc torod to perfect
health by the use of the Vcgetatlo Compound , canb
obtained by addressing Mrs. I' . , with ttampfor reply ,
at her homo In Lynn , Mass.
For Kidney Complaint of cither sex this compound Is
( nsurpaa-ted as abundant testimonial i show.
"Mrs. rinklmm's Liver Pills , " Buys ono writer , "aro
ttiebat { it tin trorM for the euro of Constipation ,
Biliousness and Torpidity of the liver. Her Blood
Purifier works w enders In Its special line and bids fair
to equal the Compound In Hi popularity.
All must respect her 03 an Angel of Mercy wlto solo
ambition Is to do good to ot hen.
Philadelphia. I'a (2) Mrs A. M. D.
Dan Be Handled By a Boy.
rho box lived never bo taken o3 the wajron and
all the. helled
3-rain and Grass Seed Is Save
It o-stsleaj tlnu the old Btylo caclR. Ever )
itandard w agon U told with our rick couiple
Or buy the attach.Tentf - apply thuiu to
four old wagon 1)0 ) * . for sale , i NU > ra.ika by
J. C. CLARK , L iiy-oln.
MAXNISU & IlRss , 0 i-ali.i.
FRKD KDIIK , Grand 'Isarnl.
lUaaLKTT &Onnrv ; , hist'iiss. '
SrANOOLr.ft KU.SK , Itcd Cloud. t
C. II. CRAKB & Co. , Ucd Oak , Iowa.
L. W. UusdKL , Glomvoo' ' , low.
And every tlrst tla-a dealer in the < v wt. A H.
: hcm for doscrlptlxo circular or send dlroc * .
; o lid.
I , MoOallum Bros. Hanuf'g Co. ,
Oflico , 24 West LVe Stree' , Chicago.
They f urpa u all other .1 ( or rldlnir. style
, "d durability ,
They arc for silo by all Loading Car-
iago Buildurs and Dealers throughout
; ho country.
For sac by
Henry Tim ken ,
Patentee and Uulldcr of Fine Carrlag B ,
iOTCTZS , - - 2&3CO.
) l.Cm
Are acknowledged to be the
best by all who have put them
to a praotioU test.
Piercy & Bradford ,
sou : AGKXTS rou OMAH.V.