Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1882, Image 1

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H. H
The Object of Much Anxiety
and Adoration in the East ,
The Powers Vie With Each
Other in Armed De-
* votion.
and Italy Urged to
Join the Pilgrimage of
I The Enemy Outlawed axtd Tliroat-
' onodVith Death on
The Diplomatic Love Foaat Outllvoa
Its Usolulnces.
Nation M Attoclatcd l'rcs .
LONDON , July 20. It is reportet
that Italy is willing to join in pro
tooting the Suez eanal. Austria rec
omuiends that the English government
mont accept the co-operation of the
July 25. The khediVe
diVe is preparing a proclamatioi
granting immunity to ordinary rebels
and permitting military and civil elli
corn who shall tender their allegiance
I to him within a period , to retain their
, rank and privilege ! " . Arabi , the ring
leader of the army und members o
the rebel government , are exceptcd.
, Pasha , Turkish prime minister , has
prepared a report modifying the con
ditions upon when Turkish troops are
to bo dispatched to Efjypt. It will bu
oubmitted to the conturencu to-iuor
row. Lord Dufltirin , Uritiah ; milua
Bador , has been instructed to itioin
upon the terms cf this identicil
bo'ni ; e.xuiid out.
( PAIUS , July 25. In the French
chambbr of deputies this eveiiitu ; , the
iBrat war credit of coven million frui.ei
Was ps ° sod.
LONDON , July 20. Thu Indian con-
indent , of 5,500 men is mobeliKing
ARAIII'H swessoit.
ALEXANDIAY , July 25. Ttto Khcd
ive liAa itppointed Omen Supt min
ister of war , vice-Arabi Boy.
ALFXANDHIA , July 25.-r-Inspictor
of TaieTon deposes that the inu-sacre
ot the Europeans began July 13 ; bi
widday ho counted not lesj than
fjghty-fivo corpses carried past. The
procession waa headed by two women
carrying each a bludgeon , to which
dilembored arm * and logs were tied
thm-followed otluT women surround
ing the bodies ; v liich were draggec
atoSt by ropes tied to the legs unti"
-AJy became dismembered ; then the
fo waa shifted to other legs. Tht
'oob , with bludgeons beat the bodies
intil they wore flattened and 'after
rards they caught up the vie cam with
tacks and throw thorn against windows
.dhouses enhabitod byEuropeans. The
bdies were previously robbed.
, 'Smot Bey with twenty Bedouins
aved thu Jews quarter. Shukl
.avodja number of other persons.
j ALEXANDRIA , July 25 Thu Khe
dive has summoned Ctienf 1'aaha to
[ orm a now miutstry.
CAIRO , July 25. Details of the
a > merti of by the natives
, it Tuition show that thu atrocities
wt ra niiire terrible tlinn st first re
[ pnribC. Ic is ascertained eifihty-
| h. v , n Chriutiuns were killed. They
HUC ttubjectud to frightful barbarities ,
and atiur they were dead their bodies
iv rt ) mutilated and dismembered.They
ot ilu mob gloried in parading the
streets carrying and brandishing arms ,
legs or heads ot their victims. Others
drugged the mutilated trunks through
the streets for the spectators to jump
on and trample the corpses. Some oi
the oadiea were trampled into pulp.
Women and childion took part in the
LONDON , July 25 English reserves
have been called out by a message
fron * ! the q iron read in the house
of commons this evening. The mes
sage will bo the subject of special
action to-morrow. All olliccrs of the
resolves are ordered to their regi
m nt for duty in the meantime.
ALEXANDRIA , July 25 , It has been
fcund that the position of Arabi is
such as to be practically unapproachable -
able by the British troops , as the cut-
ling of thn Mahmoudiuh canal by
Arabi has Hooded the land about the
nioio accessible sides of hio position
and made its passage by troops inad-
viiablo under an enemy's tire , Gen.
Allison , who had ordered an advance
early this morning , for thu above roa-
tons had it discontinued and had the
troops moyed back. Since ho has do-
ci'lod to attack Arabi'a wotks , artil
lery guns are now being drawn to the
ground from the leot.
OONS ANTINOl'LE , July 25. TllO
porto has informed the conference
and through ambassadors the poweia
that Turkey consc tits to tiund troops
to Egypt under ho conditions of the note.
National . uocUtcd l'f-43. -
NEW/YORK , July 25. A cablofrom
St , Thmas cays'pqo of the assassins
of Lord Frederick Cavendish and
Undo/ Secretary Burke has been arrester
resterin Puerto Cabellb , South
America. Ho hat revealed the names
of hid accomplices and has been taken
tofi racas.
Ho Won't JJo It
Nttlt nal Associated I'reu.
w ALBANY , End. , July 25. J ,
Bundy , charged with aiding the cs
CADO of Morley , murderer of Archer ,
was hanged by a mob nt Baden
Springs , and the body thrown into the
Wlf * Murder Near Do Witt.
Special Dispatch to The lice.
BEATRICE , Nob. , July 25. William
II , Reed , a fanner , living near Do
Witt , battered down the door of the
houeo of his son-in-law , mot his
( Reed's ) wife nnd with n rifle shot lior
through the forehead , killing her in
A Fatal Dlnonio.
Ntlloiiil As-Delated I'ttet ,
SHENANDOAH , Pa. , July , -
Scurvy prevails among Hungarian
hero , many caeca nro reported , < some
very bad. llocovory is impossible.
Tlio TnrifT Commission , C Associated 1'rOM. I
LONO BRANCH , July 25.r-Tp.dny
Alexander 8. Jones , ot Philadelphia
appearedto present the viown of man
ufacturing chemists , contending tha
chemicals are entitled to protection
Ho spoke particularly in behalf o
quinine manufacturers , urging res to
ration of the duty. The commissioi
adopted rules regulating admission o :
Strilio of Minors.
National Aiwiilatcu 1'rcsr. J
Sur.NANtoAH , July 25 A striljoai
Kulley'a Run colliery for § 2,25 bqgan
to-day , 'ilio demand was refused ,
Capture of n Train ClTrtokoj
Katlonxi A-woUiti-d Press. *
SARATOGA , July 25. Olms. Sweat ,
ngod 14 , ot Now York , made an iin
successful attempt to wreck a passen
ger train near Stony Creek , on the
Adirondack r.vilway t3-day. Ho wai
arrested by a Saratoga detective am
ia now locked up hero.
Vj.tl1r.ti ! Klrf t.l
NKW YORK , Juiy 24. Arrived , Bal
tic , from Liverpool ; Denmark , Irom
Lnndoi ) ; Borgcnland , from Antwerp
Ilekla , from Copenhagen ; sailed ,
Abypsenia , for Liverpool ; Lydiar
Monarch , for London.
HAMBUKOJuyl 25. Arrived ,
Hm-dor , from Now Yosk.
NEW YOIIK. July 25. The roportec
collision tif tlio steamers Elm City anc
Sylvan Stream , at Hunters Point , this
p. in. , turned out to boa mistake.
Advising Thorn to Stiolr.
National AMOCintmi i'rceo.
PiTTsnuna , Pa. , July 25. Pros !
dent Jarrett , replying to the reccm
letter of the Cleveland striker * , ad
viaed resistance to all attempts of th <
proprietors of tha Clcvland Rolling
mill to induce them to give up membership
borship in the union.
A Very Good. Idea.
f/MIOBi ) AawcUtod Ptem.
LYNN , Mass. , July 25. "Kotne
Bros. , shoo manufacturers , have con
ceded to pay union prices and , work is
resumed. *
_ AV.BnfordChri Harif <
National Aftsoclft'Ud Press.
CWCACJO , July 25. Gen. Abe Bu
ford , the converted Kentucky turf
man , will deliver his new lecture on
"Church and Turf > r for the first time
in this city this evening.
Collision of Boats.
National As oclatcd t rest
NEW YOIIK , July 25. The steam
boat Elm Oity collided with the liar
lem ferry boat in East river off Hunt-
or'u point. The boats wcra greatly
donmued. None were hurt.
Immense Pile of Lumber Burned
Niuiunal Associated Fristr.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , July 25.
Three million feet of lumber , owneiJ
by the Minneapolis Mill company ,
burned last night. Gas from the
works in the vicinity was turned into
the river to pruvont an explosion , and
the city was in darkness all night.
Loss , § 70,000.
Bonatlol Badgers.
> /.tlorM Ahbociatfd I'teru.
CHICAGO , July 25. A story of un
paralleled becatiuhty comes up from
Kunosha , Wis. A married woman
from Evanston , whoso only fault is
to crave liquor , visited Noosha and
was made drunk , taken to the woods ,
kept there night and day , and con
stantly plied with liquor , and out
raged by twenty different men.
The last ol' the Hamilton * .
National Awoi.Utml ITOM <
LONU RJUNLH , N. J , July 25
Jno 0. Jliiiiultoi'i , l.xar surviving son
of Alexander Hamilton , died this
morning , t > grd ninety. lie vtas au
thor of the .ife of liia lather , and his
tory of the United States.
Xho 13 til Ohio.
National Arucciated Press.
LANOABTKR , O. , July 25---Tho 13th
district congressional republican con
tention to-day runomumtcd Goo , L.
.Concert on Capitol Hill.
This evening , from 0 to 7
o'clock , Thiele'u Bavarian band will
render the following programme on
Capitol Hill ;
1. Overture Frolmlmi. , . . Herbert
2. Vienna S > DRS Walu ! 1'ahrhach
1. Selectlon-Norma Bellini
4. Mockingbird Hosi
i. Selection I ! Tiovatore . . Verdi
) , Quicksteii- Montrose Unwell
Women that have been bedridden
'or years have boon completely cured
jy the use of Lydia E , Pinkhum's
Vegetable Compound.
A ppecial m > oting of Mio Central
Jand Lea uo will be held to-morrow
light in Kuonoy's Hull , for the pur
> ese of expressing appropriate sonti-
nontB of condolence and regret at the
death Miss Fanny Punic ! ! .
Mr. M. Poland of Louisville , Ky. ,
vlll , doubtless accept an invitation to
IB present. The members are partic
ularly requested to ba in attendance ,
friends are invited.
The Advance in Freight Rates
to Missouri .River
Points ,
Enrninginr tbo Pennsylvania Cen
new tariff , to go into effect Au
1 , is now being issued by the
Southwestern railway atsociatton. It
fixes rates on busiuesi destined to Mis
eouri river points. Owing to the ac
tion of the Missouri river roads in
making rates to all Missouri river
points the taino as the Omaha rates ,
there is an advance on all articles to
the above points from 2 to 5 cents per
100 puuudn. The new schedule o !
rates from Chicago nnd points com
men thereto to St , Joseph , Atohison ,
Loavonworth and Kansas City will
bo as follons : First clasr , ! )0 )
cents per 100 pounds ; second ,
75j third , 50 ; fourth , 82 ; special , 28 ;
claea A , 7i ; class B , 32 ; class C and
nails , 2i ! ; html coal 20 ; ale , beer , and
porter , 30 ; lime , staves , heading mid
cooperage , 25 ; oak ( boards or timboi )
and yellow pine , 23. Lumber rates
to the above points are listed as fol
lows : Detroit or Toledo , 28 cents ;
Chicago or Milwaukee , 23 ; Moline ,
Rock Island or Davenport , 17i ; Mas-
catlno , Burlington , Fort Madison or
Montrose , la. , 17 ; Kookuk , 1G& ;
Quincy , Hannibal , Louisiana , Alton ,
St. Louis or East St. Louis , 1GJL On
all-rail buainrss from the seaboard the
following arbitrariis to Missouri river
points will bo charged :
Fr ill- 1st. 2.1 3d. 4lh. Spec.
Detroit . 09 CO CO 41 87
Toledo . D5 70 67 SO 35
Cnlcigo . i > l OS 43 31 58
K. 41 . nnd riser pta..70 D. 40 20 22
On all business from the scabord
via lake and rail the following arbitra-
rica will bo charged :
From Ut ! il 3d. 4th. Spec.
Vctrolt and Toledo to
Ill's nrlihor . 07 81 & 5 3d 32
Chi ago and Mo. rh or 05 75 6J 33 23
These rates , the association announce
nounco will govern on the business
described , regardless of the ratca ap
plied to busine.'ia carried all rail to
destination. The association also announce
nounco a now west bound tariff to go
into effect on aatmulato , Aug. 1 , which
advances wheat and grain rates from
Missouri river points to Mississippi
river points , Chicago , Milwaukee , To
ledo and Detroit , 2k cents per one
hundred pounds.
National Araocmted 1'rwia
PiiiLDELi'iiiA , July 25 The gross
earnings of the Pennsylvania road ,
all lines east of Pittsburg and Erie ,
for June shows an increase of $280-
301 ; increase expenses 8240,523. The
first six months of 1882 compared
witu samo. period of 188L , show nn
increase in gross earnings of $1,007-
010 ; increase of expense , $190,404.10 ;
decrease in net earnings , $807,031
Lines west of Pittsburg show a largo
deficiency for the first six montos ol
the year.
i \ .
A New Llgntnlmr Bxpreea Train
The Threatened Strike.
The Times , Kansas City , says : "Mat
tors around the Wabash freight yards
yesterday wore unchanged. So far
the abortive attempt of the brakemen
to organize a strike of Mobolry ,
Wednesday night , has created little
excitement here , and these few who
acknowledge knowing anything at all
of the affair say it was badly organiz-jd
and could not have proved effective
under any circumstances. A number
of brakemen were discharged , but just
how many no one seems to know.
The men in all departments are grum
bling considerably over the holding
back of their pay , and
several emphatically stated yesterday
that there wouM havii to bo
a reform in this particular roon or the
men in all departments would unite in
a strike , Most ot the men , txcapt the
brakpmon , seem to b satisfied with
the amount of pay they receive , and
their only cause of complaint is the
holding back of their pay. The ofli
cials hero are very reticent , and profess
foss to look upon the recent trouble as
the work of a few now hands , nil of
whom were laid off. "
The Wabush road will aouii put on
another lightning oxprcen traitto bo
used exclusively for the fast mail ser
vice , It will iraku but three stops be
tween Toledo and the Indiana and
Illinois state lines , and atop only at
county seats in Illinoin , which the
state law obliges them to do.
O. A. R.
General Order No. 1 from the New
OMAHA , Juno 21,1882. f
1. The National Encampment ,
Grand Army of the Republic , held
at .Baltimore , Md. , Juno 21 , 22 and
23 , having elected mo commander-in-
chief , I hereby assume the duties of the
ofllco. I gratefully thank my com
rades for the high honor bestowed
upon mo , and I trust that myself and
other oflicers of the National En
campment , will receive the cordi * !
mpport and encouragement that has
leretoforo been extended to these fill-
i > H these positions.
I realize the great responsibility ,
and I earnestly call upon every com
rade to assist mo in making my official
erm a grand success. The coming
rcur can bu the most prospurous over
tad in the hibtory of the order.
Lut us work and recruit. Lat every
> est leave no effort untried in indue-
ng every old soldier to bo mustered
nto the grand urmy.
ComradeH , to the front ! Dopart-
nent commanders will require of each
post the nnmo of the comrade bring
ing the highest number of recruits
into the post ; requirinp ; Ihoso roporta
at each quarter , the end of the
year send to the adjutant general ,
who will compare reports from departments
partmonts , and report the nnmo of
the comrade- bringing the highest num
ber of recruits into the order , to the
Muttering ofllcora to the front.
Each department will keep a record of
the number of posts organized , and
by whom , and report the name of the
comrade organizing the highest num
ber , to the coinniandcr-iii'Cliiof at the
end of the year.
Let this contest commence on the
receipt of this order. Comrades ,
march , Listen to the bugle call ; the
drum brat ; sing the old songs- , march
to the music of the Union beneath the
old fl i .
II Headquarters are hereby cstab >
linhi'd at Omaha , Neb ,
III. Comrade John Taylor is here
by appointed quartermaster general.
Comrade J W. Burst is hereby ap
pointed inspector general.
Comrade J , 11 Oarnahan is hereby
appointed judge advocate general ,
Additional appointments will bo an
nounced in future orders.
Hon. Iman CUrk , of Alb ! .n , is in the
W. Stcell , of Lincoln , is a AVitlmoll
house guest ,
William Boyd. of Ashlnnil , returned
last night.
II. M. G mil , of Norfolk , Va. , it tt the
Crcightou ,
Gee AV. ScdRwick. of Kansas City , is
at the Millanl.
J. W. Keller , of Mt. Ayr , Iowa , is at
the Metropolitan.
lion , Pnmk P. Ireland , of Nebraska
City , is in town , <
Hon. E. T. AVnricn , of Nebraska City ,
Is nt thu Witlmcll.
W. II. Stiydor , of Davenport , ia at the
Croi hton housa.
Miscs Lizito and Klla Grovcr , of Dos
ton , nro at the Mlllard ,
Richard S. llym , of Kuierald Isle , is a
guebt ot the Milhrd.
J. il.-Shaflacr and wife , of ( ilcnwocd ,
Toivj , nro at the Cnnfield.
Mrs. J. Wigging of Kcd Cloud , it a
guoac of miuo host Donovan.
ULai. G. Winthrop , of Kansas City , is
a gucat at the Creighton.
N. 8. Mitchell , of Cheyenne , U in tlin
city , registered at the Orelghtoa ,
Mr. J. II , Irvine and daughter , of
Koaruoy , are at the Creighlou.
George A , Jtidgewixy , of Shawneatuwn ,
Ilia. , ia ii Rucat of the Metropolitan.
D. II. Cftmpboll and wife , of Platts
mouth , ara registered at the Witbuoll ,
D. Brock , of St. Louis , master of traun.
portation of the Mieiouri Pacific , Is in the
Mrs. Seeley and Mrs. and Miss Came , ol
Iowa City , registered at the Canfiold last
A. C. Banks and Bert Browne , of Chi-
cagu. are enjoying the hoipltalltiea of the
Metropolitan ,
J. P. Hensloy , of Grand Island , P. O.
Butts , of Lincoln , and A. Pardo , of Ulyh-
sea , are among the Nebraakann at the
II. II. Bishop , of Sidney ; J. II , B
Otto , of Fremont ; Homy Hudson , ofVa -
lion ; Gen K. Atwatcr , of Docntiir ; Geo.
Warren and W. Apperaon , of Fremont ; < T.
M. Cruickxhank , of Noith Piatte ; John
1'ctora , ] of Albion ; Ben Reynolds and
Geo. A. Bang , of Wymoroj D. A.
For yth and Mrj , M. A. I'orayth , of 33xe-
ter , are amoni ; the representative Ne-
brankans at the Milliard last night ,
JRH II. Jlillnnl has ictumcd from the
II. L. Hellcn , of the Hampton Journal ,
is ia town.
Misi Mollie Brownnon returned roni the
west yeuU'rday.
Samuel 11. Johneon , of Stecle , Jolmton &
Co. , lefc for Ogderi" yesterday ,
Clias. Snunders hai been appilnted a
deputy United States marshal ,
MrH. Andrew Bevlnn has returned homo
&f ter an absence of two months on a visit
to her relative ) .
MUi Fannia Metu If , ansisttmt caahier
of the Lancaster County Bank , of Lincoln ,
Neb. , in UsHIiij ; her brother , Mr. George
C , MeU'alf , of Hie auditor's ollice , Pacific
Kxpreas , this city.
Mrn. Annie Friend , of Iowa City , wife
of Mr. A. N. Friend , traveling ngent of
the Western Union telegraph company , in
the gue t of her Bluter-in-law , MrH. Stan-
dlah. of this city.
Key W. Rhone , K j. , editor and pro.
prletor of tbe Republican City Knterprhp ,
called at TUB BEK sanctum last evening.
Mr , P.hono Is an old typo , and the original
publisher of tbe PlaiDdoaler-Telegraph ,
He given a good account of his county
where the promleo of the crops will repair
the lo.'sea of the past two years. The
Kntorprlsu la a live , indepoodent , vigorous
journal , gays what it thinks and thinks
what It please i ,
Col. Michael Boland , of LouiBville , Ky , ,
arrlml in the olty yesterday and li
stopping at the Mlllard , Col , Boland In
chairman of the committee of HOYOU ap
pointed by the convention of Irlchmen re
cently held at Chicago , iloxldos bclug one
of Urn most prominent Irishmen in the
United .Stato ? , Col , Bjlaud ranks among
.ho flrut member * of the Kentucky bar ,
Ifo Is ( i brilliant orator and u profounl
scholar. The Colontl will remain in the
city until Fiiday mornhu ; , during which
line ho will be a guest of the Kmmet
Monument Asjociallon.
Horif'ord M Aoid Plioupbate
s beneficial in inebriety and in many
diseases where the nervous system a
unstrung , " jul2od&w-lw
Rioinsroftho Apnohee at tbo
San Carlos Agency ,
Settlor. JDlignntfHl With th Gov
ernment' * Treatment of the
Indian Question.
au > iiKCiTV , Arizona , July 15 The
telegraph has long since given you tlio
news of the uprising of the Apaches
at the San Carlos agency , and as this
is iho third time they have been on
the tm-piith within the last year , and
as heretofore no correct account was
published in regard to the causes
which led to these outbreaks , 1 am
enabled to Rlyo you the facts and par
ticulars in this case , as I got my in
formation from a reliable source.
Sumo few weeks since , the chief of
scouts , n Mr , Colvig , found it nocccs *
sary to arrest an Indian for aomo
crinw committed at the time of the
Indiunjoutbroak last October , llo ,
accompanied by his asaistant , repair
ed to' the camp where the
Indian was supposed to be concealed ,
and entered a 'jwickiup , ' and there
found an Indian concealed under
some blankets , and ordered him to
throw up liia hands and surrender.
This the Indian refused to do , and
inatenilieommonood firing on the scout ,
when Ifco latter returned the fire , and
the rcMJlt was that two squaws nnd
the Indian under the blankets were
liilledtho squaws attempting to shield
the Indian concealed in the wickiup.
Tlio Italian killed was not the one
wanted , but it turned out that he
was a prominent participant in tlio
Cibicu affair last October a bad In-
diau nnd Well deserving his fate. The
man wanted was not there , or if there
ojcavpdin the moleo.
This affair created wild excitement
in this toivn nnd throughout the entire
tire mining country , and doubtless
found its\wiiy \ to the east at the time
of its occurrence.
List Thursday was a "count day"
at the reservation , as Vrid.iy ! H iosue
day. The chief of scouts , in company
with hie usual assistant , topuired to u
point aomo ton miles from thu agency
buildiu rte count and iesuo ration
tiokota to Vuoh Indians as uouiJly assemble -
somblo atithia point for thu purpose
named.While in the act of counting
them andisauinc ; ! tickets , three dilier-
otit charges of powder and ball enter
ed ins body , and killed him on the
spot. Hi i tndinn companion waa also
killed. Ibis killing was done by the
White Mountain tribe , and doubtless
in retaliation for the killing of the In
dian and squaws a short time before
by this same scout.
Thin news rapidly spread through
out the country. Tlio wildest excite
ment took place. The church bell
was tolled , drums were beaten , and
the whole town notified of another
outbreak of the Indians Immedi
ately Bomb forty of our most promi
ucmt citizens' armed themselves and ,
mounted , repaired toward Ban Carlos.
When abjjit twelve miles on the way
they wofe liws-fr ? I , * ! thft tnno ? ht > r-
actor of the outbreak , and that the
Indiana had gone on the warpath
toward the Cibicu country , their old
hunting grounds , How strong they
are is not known , as reports nro con
flicting. The agonoy at San Carlos
reports only twenty-five or thirty
missing , but this must bo n mistake.
It is said that a party of the San Car
los tribe has gone with them , and if
this is correct they must numberaomo
two or three hundred. The last hoard
from thorn was yesterday when the
attempted to take the mining camp of
McMillan , some twenty miles from
hero. The people thuro had boon
warned in time of their dangur , and
the women and children were placed
in the tunnel of Stonewall Jackson's
miuo for safety , and the men fortified
themselves in the hotel , and had a few
allots at them. One Indioti was aeon
to "double up , " and several others
made a hasty retreat , but it is not
known that there were any killed ,
One white man , a clerk In the store ,
had a wound in the arm , nnd a loud
call in thu shape of a bullet mark in
the back of his nock. They have also
killed a miner named ilonry Mercer ,
at the Champion mill , according to
late reports. This , however , needs
confirmation , The Indians have gene
north , and in a few days wo
expect to hoar of further
depredations'of which you will doubt
less bo advised by telegraphshould any
occur. Last evening and this morn-
inf some twenty well-armed men have
gone north in search of iho Indiiuio ,
and hope to encounter them. The In
dians nro known to Imvu their poniio
and Eiiuawa with them , and it is MIJ > -
posed are utmblo to inaku ru.ul
marches , Instead of aiming for Mexico
ice , (13 they usually do , the late recep
tion thu Mexican * gave them by kill
ing Loco and his band , has doteired
them from goiiu ; ; in that direction , nnd
an Uncle Sam is not uo dangeruua ,
they will doubtless operate in the
mountains of Arizona and Now Mex
ico. Those Indian outbreaks are be
coming decidedly monotonous , and
have u very depressing clfect on the
business of the country. Every man
that has a dollar in his possession
holds on to it , not knowing but ho
may need it to got out of the country ,
or require it for subsistence in
camp. This San Carlos reserva
tion occupies u very important po-
nitioii in regard to the commerce
of this part of Arizona , the import
ance of which ia not generally reali
zed , on the contrary , is regarded of
no consequence. Lying , as it dims ,
on the only feasible route for u wagon
road between this plaro and the rail
road , Homo 1150 iriltB distant from
hero , H commands the line of I rave !
between the east and tlio bordi r set
tlements. ThJroad is almost con-
Btantly lined with agons conveying
merchandho , coke , and mill und fur
nace Bupppliea. The importai co of
our industries may be partially undm-
slood when it in known that wo have
ui ht gold and silver mills and thruo
thirty-ton copper furnaces in the dis
trict , and othera in process of erection.
Wo now produce over $ DO,000 month
ly of silver bullion , and the two cop
per futnncoa now In opera *
tion have within the last
month produced over two hundred
tons of copper bullion , ono-half
of which now remains nt the furnaces
for want of transportation to market
nnd through ftar of the Indians on
the reservation. The copper furnaces
will bo obliged to draw their fires , ns
they cannot procure eoko or other sup
plies from the railroad , nnd hence
hundreds of Intiest , hard-working
minors will die ,
This state of things cnnnot last
much longer without nt least an clFort
being made to remedy the samo. This
is the third outbreak within the past
yearot the "nation's wardp , " and 10
far no effective means have been
adopted to check further outrages. If
the government cannot successfully
meet this question and solve it , the
settlers will have to do it Uienuolvoi ,
nnd , if compelled to resort to this ,
they will do it in such n manner as to
otartlo the whole civilized world. Al
ready aocrotorgnnizations nroboing dis
cussed heronnu nt Clif tonLordsburgli ,
Wilcox , Silver Oity , El Paso ( Tex. , )
Tucson , Doming , nnd other places ,
which has for its object the ooncon-
tratioii of forces , at n given time , nt
the San Carlos reservation. The pro-
posit ion is to organize companies nil
over this part of the territory , nnd
make n rally on the reservation that
will moan business. Shocking and
revolting as such an undertaking
would be , yet strong men seriously
are discussing it. They say the government -
ornment cinuot interfere with organi
zations of this kind until some overt
act has boon committed , nnd it could
not interfere while simply prepara
tions nro being nmdo in this direction.
They express no fear of juries or
courts martial , especially if the un
dertaking is successful nnd the work
well done , as the entire country In
to rented would npplnud the net. These
men argue that the question now is
whether this miserable band of sav-
ngcs of thu white settlers are to hnvo
; )0isesslon of this young and growing
country. J. II.
25 A tlNpitoh by courrior from
Chovelons fork , dated July P. ) , gives
tbo result of the battle with the In
dians 611 the 17th as follows : Four
teen dead Indians found. The num
ber of wounded cannot be estimated ,
but blood on the rncka and ground
shows n great many wounded. Two
dead Indians have boon recogni/od as
ronegrado scouts. Six women and chil
dren were taken prisoners , and their
provisions , blankets , camp 'lulfit , nnd
a largo amount of ammunition cap
tureu. Over n hundred bond of ani
mals wore captured. Where the hostiles -
tiles took their stand is a succession
of very deep wooded gorges with al
most perpendicular sides. The char
acter of the country permitted the es
cape of few Indians during the night.
The casualties of our side are : Pri
vate Lornon , 6th cavalry , killed ;
Charles , n scout , killed ; Lieut. Con
verse , 3d cavalry , wounded in tlio right
eye , slight ; Liout. Morgan , M cavalry ,
fracture uf left arm and rib broken ;
First Sergeant Taylor , company D ,
cavalry , rmlit arm ; Borgt. D. Canp ,
lith 'cavalry , shot in the neck : L'rivato
Foley , company K , Cth cavalry , shot
through the nook ; Private Millico ,
same troop , shot through the right
lung ; Private Will , same troop , shot
in right breast , both dangerous. The
Indians have split into small parties.
The pursuit continues , the entire
country being thoroughly scouted.
Wtmt tbo Extra Session Cost tlio
The statement of the auditor of pub
lie accounts , showing the appropria
tions made and the moneys expended
by the Seventeenth nossion of the Ne
braska legislature , convened May
10th and adjourned May 25th , is pub
lishod. The total appropriations for
the session amount to $30uT)0.00 ,
and payable from thu following funds ,
viz :
State sinking fund. . . . $19,500 00
Payment of ofllccrx
nnd inomborB . 1C , 000 00
Payment In-Jdeiitula 3,000 00
Payment of litwu and
journaU . 1.C0003
General fund . 11,05010
recent riots Omaha 11,050 10
Tot'l nppropriat'd 830,650 10
The following ban
hceii expended
fnnn a'o\o ' lun't ,
vlt :
Pi ) munt uf olljcerH and
ineinlierH . 810,012 50
Pnym'nt of itciiknUlti UW , ! ! 8
Omaha ilut , . . 11,01(101 (
Total expended 23.I051'J
Bal'ncooxnomi'a S 7,0.1101
Commissions to ton notaries publio
in the state were sent out yesterday ,
S200.0Q BEWABD t
Will bo paid for the detection and con
viction of any person Belling or deal
ing in any bonus , counterfeit or imita
tion IIoi * UITTKUH , especially Litters
or preparations with the word Hoi1 or
IIoi-K in their name or connected
therewith , that is intended to mislead
and cheat the public , or any prepara
tion put in any form , pretending to bo
the same an Hoi * BITTKHB. The gen
uine have a cluster of GUKKN Horn
( notice thin ) printed on the white
label , and are tlu purest and best
medicine on earth , especially for Kid
ney , Liver nnd Nervous Diseiuiea. Ju" !
ware of all others , and of all pretended
formulas or rccipea of ilor liirrr.n.s
published in papers or for tulo , ai
they are frauds and swindles. Win-
over duals in any but the genuine will
bo prosecuted ,
Uoi' lirrrais MKO. Co. ,
jy22.ini Jtooheater , N. Y.
iTTi. u. R. O.
liuy the Rich Hill lied ilusty Coal
for cooking. Jell' . W. Bedford agent ,
ollico on 14th between Furnam and
Douglas. 15-tf
Political Assessments Elevated
to tlio Love1 of Oharoh
Contributions ,
Put Up Your Pennies For the
Party if You Like ; "You
Don't Have To. "
Dlnino Requests Tnnt His Peru
vian Policy be Judged
Impartially ,
The CompromUo on iho River and
Hnrbor Bill Rr jootecl bv
the Homo.
Iho aonntoStl'l ' Dlaciifl'Ing tbo Rer-
onuo mil.
National A iocllcit l're < .
WASIUNOTO.V , D. C.July 25. Hon.
lames G. Dlaino , in transmitting
IVcscott's letter to the chairman of
Iho' foreign affairs committee , says :
"AJl I ask , and have n riaht to ask ,
a this , that the foreign policy of the
government when I was at the head
if the department of ataio , shall bo
judged bv ollicial rcords. I ask that
Lho true Fiistory of thcso ' great ques
tions shall not bo determined by way
side talk or hearsay evidence of inter
ested parties , errors of memory ,
shreds , patches , idle gonsip , misrepre
sentation of the malignant , or by mis
apprehension of the ignorant. "
In transmitting the attorney gene
ral's opinion on political assosempiits
to subordinates of the treasury , Secretary -
rotary Folgor says , "every man who
believes in the soundness of the prin
ciples of the republic in party , will pay
what ho can , just as ho would pay a
elulrch contribution. If ho doesn't
want to pay , ho need fear no govern
ment molestation.
The cabinet mooting to-day was
long. Urowstor'a opinion on politi
cal assessments was adoptod. The
president , giving his views on the
matter , said : "No person in the ex
ecutive departments declining to con
tribute shall bo Hubjeet | to discharge
or criticism , and no attempt to injure
him on this ground will bo counte
nanced or tolerated. "
Tlio StarlRonto Trial * .
National Associated 1'rcu.
WAHHINOTON , D. 0. , JuI/25. Ex-
Attorney General MoVongh , on the
the stand on the atar route cases , tes
tified regarding conversations with
Rorodoll , in which Rorodoll said the.
plan of combination was' to pay Brady '
40 per cent , and got.routea at low
figures uiid havuis'acm oxpaditcd. Ho
never * expected to perform more than-
throe or four months service.
Ex-Postmaster General James * tes
timony , in substance , was the same as
MaovoaRh'a. After stating that Ror-
doll paid Dorsoy and a took contract ,
Ingersoll asked :
"Did any one toll you Rordoll waa
putting up a job ? "
Janes- " Yes sir. "
Ingorsoll "Who ? "
James "You ao advised me. " -
Ex Senator Powell M. Clayton wasr
then called and testified to interviews
which brought about Ilordoll's so-
called confession.
National Aisoclatod I'rcan
WAHHINOTON , July 25 The report
of the conference committee on the
river and harbor appropriation bills ,
was submitted to bplti houses uf con
gress with a roducti i.i for the Dela
ware canal , Honnopin canal and Potomac
mac Hats. The total appropriation
roaches $18,74:1,8713 : which is $1,370-
000 more than originally fixed by the
the bill allowing drawback or mater
ial for repairs of foreign ahips came
up , Mr. Tucker again moved to re
commit with insttuntions to report
bill including both fornica and domes-
tin ships , List , 81 to 05
Much time Hpfiiiinditcussionof the
n port of tin ) confttri'iiod ciiminitleo
on thu river and h irbur bill. It waa
rojuutvil , 82 to ! ) l ! 1'nndiiij , ' the mo
tion to lay on thu cable the motion to
reconsider , house adjourned.
The eonato refiucd to adopt the
nolarascopo test for sugar by a vote
of 'if to 25 , After a gen oral discus
sion of the protective tariff system
brought about by the substitute offer
ed by Senator Harris , sonata adjourn
ed without reaching a voto.
U. P. Band Picnic.
OMAHA , July 22 , 1882.
Attention Picnickers and Excursionist * :
The old reliable Union Pacific band
gives its annual picnic and excursion
to Wahoo on August tha 12th. The
greatest attraction of the Reason. The.
biggest preparation for a grand time ,
There will bo all sorts of games to
suit everybody. Tnoro will bo also a
largo platforn for dancing.
of the U. J' . Hand.
The popular and progressive house
of Gruickslmnk & Cu. still continue
to close each evening utJiiUO and Sat
urdays at U o'clock.
Wo call the attention of our road-
era to thu oird of Prof. 11. Haubeiig ,
Gorman teacher. There is an increas
ing desire on the part of our American
people for the study of the German
language , and Prof , Ilaubons boa had
years of experience as u teacher , and
is well qualified as an instructor.
Jlefers by permission to Dr. Stone , .
Dr. Merriam and l > r , Qrossinann.
18-22 25