f ' * , < THE DAILY BEE COUNOIL BLUFFS. IOWA TUESDAY. JULY 25 The Daily Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tuesday Morning , July 25. SUBSCRIPTION UATE8 : Dr Ctrrlcr , . . . . - 20 nt per week , ByMiJl , . . . - - - | 10 00 per Y r Offlco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. U. 0. GHIFF1N , ItMMcrer Cltf Circulation , H. W. TltYTON , City Editor. CHANGE IN MANAGERS. Mr. 0. E. Mayno , who has been the ofllcicnt business manager of the Council Bluffs department of THE BEE having become Interested in other business demanding his time and at tention , has retired from this oflico and has boon succeeded by Mr. M. G Griflin , who is so well known to the residents of thia city as to need no in troduction. Mr. H. W. Tilton will continue in charge pf the editorial anc ! news department. MINOR MENTIONS , Shcrradcn make * photographs. - The County Teachers' Institute oponec yesterday , and will continue to-day. The store jatoly occupied by Judion'i dry goods stock la being finely fittoil uj ( or Seaman , the book man. The plans for the now county jail are placed In the wall In the auditor' * office where they can bo Inspected by the public Foil SALE. A frcshjnllch cow with calf. L. W TULLKTB. Store and { dwelling for sale by Horz man. D. W. Hoywood and Suslo M. Kol y , of Wcaton , and John It. King an Annlo E. Wright , of Avoca , wcro given leave to wed yesterday , llerzmnn.is bound to close out , A wagon loaded with butter-tuba wa whirled alonjf Uroadway at a lively gal yesterday liy n runaway team. Some o tbo firktnu were ( scattered about , but n serious harm dona. A nice line of sun and garden hats a BUBS' . A very do Irablo piece of property fo Bale , on south aide Sixth street , in th block opposite the new Opera House , on Broadway. Front twenty feet. 1'rlc tbrco thousand dollars. Lnquiro at I office. office.Tho The long drawn out Hess case , wa again before Justice Fralnoy yesterday hut Col. Scott , for the pro < ccutlon wat ro purled as absent from the city , and a continuance tinuanco wan ntrafn had until next Wed nosdoy morning. Just received , a nlco line of sun am garden hats at Bliss' . Young Copeland , has for some tlm been lying in jail on a charge of pocket picking at tbo transfer , yesterday appeared od in the superior court and pleaded guilt ] to petit larceny. Judge Ayleaworth son tenccd him to thirty d ys in jail. A largo involco'jof ladles' neckwca : just opened at BlLis' . While citizens are expressing Indigna tion at tbo raise of freight rates to tbli point , The Nonpareil , with its usua timidity about saying anything that may oiFend ita railroad masters , endorses the raise , and says : "As will bo seen by a glance the new state of alfalra in reference to ratcH will not prnvo dctcnnontal to Council Bluffs , but will really prove a benefit. benefit.Buy Buy your furniture and household goods nt IIowo & Son's , 214 Broadway. II you go to S. V. iloskln's stcom coffee - fee mills , located at 305 Broadway , you can get on n few moments notice , nice fresh roaHted nnd ground coffee to order. They do a largo wholesale business , Fain Hies are also extensively patronizing them , It fills u want long felt in Council Bin Its. The roaHtlng capacity la ono ton per day. Furniture repaired. HOWE k SON. 214 Broadway. Prof. S. S. Buck , of Iowa college spent Sunday In this city nnd preached iu the Congregational church in the morning , speaking In behalf of the college , the building having been destroyed by the ter rible cyclone which swept through ( Jrlu- tidl. Ills own house was also totally wrecked , and ho and his family had a nar row escape from death. He Is remaining in the city for a day or two securing sub scriptions for the college. Ho has some stereoscopic \lowu of the college before and after the storm , ns well as other view * , which giro ono aery vivid idea of what desolation and ruin was caused to property - ty In that locality , Thomas Linden , the hotel man , was before Justice Abbott on a . „ - of BKsaultlng and battering Patrick O llmoroTmd Joluj Ucynolds. Patrick and John ser\cd ns thalr own attorueyu to prosecute the case. ' 1'Jio evidence allowed tl'at they were rather druuk and used abueivo language at the clinlni ; table. Mr. Lluden ordered thtm to desist , and they lelt for the bar-room , u hero they ordered mora drinks. On bclug refused , they caught hold of Mr. Linden nnd toro lilt Hhlrt , whereupon the latter pushed them away rather energetically , n would be natural under Uio circumstances. They then had him arrested for assault and bat. tery. Of course he wo * discharged. P. West , who bun been at work on Mr. Kverett'H f rra , was paid oil Salur- day , nnd , with over SCO In his pocket , Indulged - dulged In pool playing until a late hour , when he sought a bed at Nels Andenon's boarding home. He slept Iu a room with two others , nnd when he awoke Sunday morning his pocket-book was gone. Yes terday he caused Anderson and two board ew , A. N. Anderson and Charles Helen- burgh , to be arrested and brought before Justice Abbott , but there was no evidence ag inst them , and they were discharged. "Went claimed that some of his money u as marked , and that he expected come of it would to found on the prisoner ) , but there was none. Mr. Anderson hat cot the reputation of keeping a crooked houie , and there eeema to have been no just rea nun in having him and his boarders ar reeled. Yesterday afternoon there was a live ly row near the gas house in which three men were concerned , John Bruce , J , 0. Smith nnd James Growler. Crowlcy eems to hm o cot the worst of It , ho hav- ng n b dly swollen jw , and havinic re ceived n blow on the head which canned not only nn ugly cut , but a slight splinter- PR of the slctill , nccoisHatlrig treatment by Dr. Hart. Tlio trio were bronght before Tmtico Abbott , who c.iu ed all three to bo locked up In jail for a hearing to-morrow afternoon. Uruco TIM charged with nt- sault with Intent to commit great bodily liarm , ho being the ono who struck Crow- Icy such ft terrible bloiv. Hi" ball was fixed at ? 30J , which ho was unable to fur. clsh. Crowleynnd Smith were charged with taking part In the affray , their bail WAS fixed at $250 , and they went to jail. KHSONAU It. W. UrbgB , of Carson , was in the city yesterday. Major A , 11 , Anderson was hero looking after hia interests yesterday. Mayor Beach , of Hamburg , was among these who called at THE BEE office yestor day. His wife and child have been vliit < Ing here for n week pant , J , licaty , I' q.nn attorney In Iowa City , wat In Council Uluffs yesterday , and took a run down to Kock Island last evening with the Irrepressible Dick Ucaty , con ductor on that road. Honford * AoM Phosphate la bonoflcial in inebriety nnd in many diseases where the nervous system is unstrung. " ju2Gd&w-lw ! THEY DON'T LIKE IT , The Raining of Freight Rates Raises a Storm of Indig nation. The Citizoni Object to the Unfair Trcntmont of Connoil Blnffu The action of the pool lines in mak ing the freight rates to Council Blufft the Bamo aa to Omaha has caused no little stir among the merchants nut aliippors of this city. Thia waa to bo oxpoctod. Heretofore the ratoa k Kansoa City and to Council Blufft were the saino , while to Omaha it was from two to five cents per hundroc more. This arrangement makoa the rates to all three places the oamo , therefore causing a raise of from two to five cents per hundred pounds on all goods received in this city. Not only ia this raise a cause of protest or the part of merchants here , but in < diguation is also expressed aTthe nd < vantage which it gives Omaha over Council Bluffs. Under this now ar rangement goods shipped to Omaha , though having to bo carried further than when shipped to this city , are carried just aa cheap , and these doing business in this city have to pay as much freight as though their goods wttro carried across the rher , The business men of this city fool that it is neither just nor fair. They mot yesterday morning in goodly numbers at the board of trade rooms , and talked over the situation. There waa no ono present able to explain why it should bo worth aa much to lay down freight here aa to carry it across the river and lay it down there. Mayor Thomas Bowman was made chairman and E , H. Odoll secretary. Mr. E. L. Shugart stated the object of the mooting to bo the consideration of the matter of railroad rates to and from Chicago , in view of the fact that rates to this point had boon advanced five rents per hundred , nnd no raise in freight made west of thia point. A number of'business men gave their opinions of the matter , all dooming it unjust , and as tending to cripple the business of this city. After some discussion , Mr. Shugart offered the following resolution , which waa adopted : llcsolved , That a committee consist ing of J. T. Stuart , John Schoontgon , T. Wolla and A. J. Crittondon bo ap pointed to investigate the matter of Freight advances , and that they bo empowered to correspond by telegrapher or otherwise with pool lines , nnd that if they doom it necessary they proceed it. once to Chicago and enter our pro- .eat against such advance ; that this mooting pledge thomselvoa to pay all espouses incurred by them , and that the committee bo increased if thought iccessary. Adjournment was taken until such ime as the committee shall issue a call , TW1WS OF A KINJJ. They Join In atrvbbinfr n Grip and Divide Its Oontontu. Oftlcor Edgar nrruicd u mined John Mann , for latceny , tnd 'esturdoy attornon ) jo li id KIM i SIMM- nation before . 'Jdco AjlcsTonh It ppoars MAC Julm MJIUJ hubi'in ii. ho of J. Mcl'lurs employ m > d .n Sunday his twin hrnih.r of 0m .Jin amoovor hereto v Jit l.im Ti.oy ook just nliko jxcnpt that hib > rothor has a near on hi i fuco , und bo ng so much nliko they took a drink ogothor , nt.d tlmi another , until both vas alike di unk. The Omaha Mann loticing a gripsack in the house picked t up , and asked to whom it belonged , : Jis brothnr told him it belonged to 3eorgo Hendrix , n boarder in the louBO. IIo suggested stealing it , and as it wouldn't do for twin brothers to disagree about n little thing like steal- ng a grip , ho consented , They took he valise up into the blutls and .hero divided the spoils , which con sisted of a now suit of clothes , a watch , $22 in ca h nnd other property , valued in all at about § 70. When .ho Council BlulTs Mann was oauj > ht , lie had part of the clothes upon him , ml ho owned up to the transaction , ivying one-half the blame , however , on the Omaha twin , who ia still at largo. Ho was hold iu bonds of $500 for the action of the grand jury , and not uoing nblo to give aocurity , was locked up , Doufui u Po t. u If' . - ; . ' "fc ,1J thany , Out. , ttatei " ! irtiorhftcen mouths the was troubled with a disease In the ear , causing entire deiliicsa. In { cu mhmtea after using TIIOMAB' KCUOTJUO Oa , the found relief au I iu a short time the wan entirely cured and her hearing restored. jyZO-dlw THROflBH THEIR TROUBLE , The Parents of the Babe Born on the rain .Renew Their Journey , Their Kurd Experience While Laying Over in Council BlnfFi. About two weeks ago , as narrated in THE BEE nt the time , a babe was born on an incoming from the west. The father , Mr. John Kcndrickj Vas on his waa from San Francisco to New lork with his wife and two children , when this addition waa unexpectedly made to his family. The condition ol hia wife was such that ho wan obliged to atop hero until she gained strength enough to renew her journey. Ilia stay here was not a very pleasant ono in many respects. Ho was not prepared pared , financially , for any such emergency goncy , nnd ho and his placed rmoiif strangers in this condition were sub' ' jocteu to the treatment which inighl naturally bo expected , Ho was in THE 11 EF oflico yesterday , to say good' ' by before proceeding on hia journey and to proffer a request that Tun BEF express the thanks of himaolf ant family to the Knights of Pythias , who rallied BO promptly and generously to hia assistance : to thole ladies vfht showed such kindly sympathy anc practical help ; to Conductor Mor cpy Cowan , in charge of thi train on which the child tvai born , and to others who hat placed him under lasting obligation : by the kindness. Having promisee to see that hia expression ot gratitude to thosa was duly made public , THE 13KU asked him about the moro shad ] and loss pleasant side of thia experiences onces , it having been undorntopd that while ho had occasion of gratitude to aome , ho had equal occasion for remembering momboring others in not so pleasant a way. way.Mr. . Kendrick waa quite free to atato the facts. Ho said that Con dnctor Morcey Cowan , of the Union Pacific train , on which the babe waa born was very kind , and did all in hia power , arranging oven for a physician , and carrying the doctor over ono hun dred and liftymilos , and arranging for the doctor's return home. "When the car reached Omaha ho had to parl with thia good friend , who in return for the kindness ho had shown the family requested that the babe should bo called after him , and thia has been done , the babe being named Morcoy Cowan Kondrick. The conductor told him to stay in the car , no matter who should order him out. On reaching thia side of the river , about 2 o'clock in the morning , a man whom ho learned afterward was named Gilbert , and who was an attache of the emigrant house came through the cars , swinging his lantern , and ordering all to cot out of course hia wife could not bo moved , nnd ho told Gilbert so , but Gilbert waa very abusive. Ho went out , however , and another man soon came in , whom ho learned afterwards waa Charles Sprague , the night clerk of the Emigrant house. On learning the situation he kindly told them they could remain In the car. Gilbert came back and tore around a good deal , insisting on their getting out , but Sprague took up their side of the contestand told Gilbert to attend to hia own business and lot them alone. As a result they re mained in the car until morning , and ho then moved hia wife into tbo hotel. hotel.Mr. Mr. Kendrick says they were put into a meanly furnished and unkempt room , in which there waa ono bed for hia sick wife , hia now born , babe , his two little children and himaolf , and was told that the price would bo $3 a day. Ho remained there five days , and found that ho could not himself stand the faro , much less his poor wifo. Ho claims that during this time the only kindly treatment ho re ceived from any of the employes waa from the night clerk , Mr. Spra ue , who aa an exception to the .rule , seemed oven over-anxious to do all in his power for him and his. In the meantime Mr. Kondriuk made his situation known to the Knights of Pythias , of which order ho ia a member - bor , and they promptly came to his " relief. The proprietor of the Emi grant house received § 15 for allowing them to occupy one room there five lays , the amount of food eaten iomg almost aa nothing , Mrs. Ivendrick being unable to oat hardly anything , and her dunband taking meals elsewhere. Hia jrothor knighta secured him a place in Jr. Way's hem , r.nd there the family ma been very kindly cirfd for until IOTV , the mother being able to move > ti , _ thuvhoKi family start ayain joping thin time to roach Now York vritlmut fiirthur trouble. Mr KmidrLli liua been neivinion ; ln mlico force in San ( Franoiso i for i1 u.iil nr oi ywirs , and tiring of that > fn lui-i-dj to settle down in Now Y < i k n > i i , and resume his tratle , lit It < > f UllMlutll. Jill JH U | Jhl ) { { t.ftful i ml ui < l to tin to Ituvo ni kind ! ) und d.orcu ) } } ns tint id liiuiuud his , and ftuJs iijually bittur to thouo who have ahuvui , in hia ju Jf at muni , BO little of the milk i.t human dndnoss. Some of thosu with whom lie has come in contact uccmccl to him a to euro little about the emigrants who [ > .iss through here , treating them as though they wore cattle. Ho says that emigrants are often misled on arriving here , about the time when the trains go out , so lhat they remain hero a day when they might as have boon continuing their journey , and that the apparent object of such deceit iu to get patron age tor the emigrant houso. If such [ hiiigs are true , they ought surely to bo remedied , and that right quickly. The city authorities have taken one move in the right direction by placing Officer Ouaick there , ono of the city's old police force , and if any one pass , ing through the city has any griev ance , it should bo reported to him , that it may bo adjusted at onco. It ia thought that the presence of an officer not in the employ of the Union Paci- Qo Company will tend ureatly to do / orcase the causes of complaint , and it cems to have worked bo this far. OBITUARY ; I'lIILLllHTAMIUOK. . On Saturday last Phillip Stambaok deputed this life at his homo in this city , No. 313 Pierce street , aged 68 jean. Ilia death hnd boon expected sbmo time , as ho had bnen a BufJToror for many months. Although kind Frienda were using all means possible f Tor | his restoration the disease pro * grossed rapidly. For a time ho had an ardent desire to recover , but yet amid all his suffering ho allowed not n murmur to escape his lips , and ho submitted to the inevitable with calm ness and resignation , His death ia n end blow to his -wife and daughters , but they have the sympathy of many fripnds , and the consolation that the sufferer is now nt rest. The remains wore yesterday taken to Knoivillo , la. , his former borne , where many friends joined in paying their laat tribute , as ho was laid ut rent. A CAT-FISH STORY , A. Uoat Capalzod with Tbroo Boys , Wno Have o Narrow Eacapo from Drowning. Three boys , Lee Gray , Louie Bany and Ohatlio Harmon were out boat- riding last Sunday on Dig Lako. Ono of thorn , who was rowing , claims thtt a catch-fish of mammoth size struck ono of the oars and caused him to let go his hold and the oar was lost. Tl e boys got quite excited , and in their endeavors to regain possession of the oar , accidentally capsized the boat , and all three wont tumbling into the water. It was nearly half a tnilo from shore , but Gray and Barry struck oul boldly , with their clothes on impeding their progress greatly. Gray rcachec land in safety , but much exhausted and badly frightened. Barry struck a Band-bar on the way , and there rested - od long enough to take off his clothes and tie them on hia back , and then struck out for the shore. 0. Harmon was chased by tto mammoth cat-fish or eoa monster , or whatever it was , but succeeded in reaching the oppo site side of the lakofrom his comrades , and then had to walk about two miles through the marah and weeds before reaching solid land. John McDonald , the owner and manager of the boats on Big Lake , succeeded in righting the boat , and towed it to land , and the trouble caused by the cat-fish caino to tin ond. Council BlniTa Hnrliot. COUNCIL Bttnrrs , July 24. Flour Golden sheaf. 3 CO ; made from Texas winter wheat at Crvstil Mills , 3 GO ; Kansas flour , 350 ( ! 37G ; Grnham , 300 ; rye flour , 3 00. Corn Meal 1 70 for white ; yellow , 1 CO ; corn chop , 23 00 per ton ; corn and oata chop , 32 00 per ton ; chop , 33 00 per ton. Wheat No. I , 1 00 ; No. 2 , 95e. Corn Write , G3e ; yellow , COj. Bye DOc. Barley 70u. FKUITS-Blackberries. ICe per box ; raspberries , ICe per box ; apples , 2 C0@3 00 per barrel. Broom Corn 3J@9c. Hay Loose , 7 00@9 00 ; baled , 75 per bale. bale.Wood Wood 5 00@C 00. Wool 15@25. Butter Creamery , 20o ; in rolls , wrap , nod , 15c ; rolls not wrapped , 12Jc ; mixed colors , 10@12io. Eggs Inc. ions 30c per doz. Live Chickens 2 00@2 10 per dozen , Potatoes Old , out of market ; new , SO @ 90e. Cabbages 7Sc per doz. LIVE STOCK.-Cattle-Extra , 3 00 ® 350 Veal Calvea-5 506 00. Hogs 050@700. Bheep-400. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , sue M Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Boarding1 , etc. , will bo inserted In thli column at the low rate ol TEN CENTS PER LINE for the Bret Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINK for each subsequent insertion. Leave tulv crtlsemcnts at our office , No. 7 [ 'carl Strotet , near Broadway. Wanta. . We want an cnortettii male or WANTED. fenikle azentlnotery towiii h p In Iowa and Nehra-Vo. to taVo oidcrn for new publ'catlont. The publications are standard , and sell at eight. Our i onne are liberal , an agen'ii make from SJ to 910 per d y. Tor circulate and tomis , address Wcstcru VooL. Companj , Council li iiHa , low a. _ Jy-19 tf WANTED A socd borso , for general pur- posci ) , weight about 1K > 0. Itnuiro ot A , II. Mayne & Co/a , 34 Pearl street. julU f tTTANTED ETcryhody In Council Bluffs lo YY to take TIIK BIB. 20 cents per week , do Ivercd by carriers. Oillce , No 7 1'earl Street lear Ilroadftay. "T"17"ANTED To buy 100 tons broom corn YY For particulars address Council t11' Jit Broom Factory. Council BluBd. i-7 . 658-29tf vCJie and Beat OJl S'ALE Two claims la Nebraska , cheap , by Odell i Day. Jy2lw SALE At a bargain , a reeUurant and FOR , nicely furnbbcd , and having a good paying patronage. Addiem , box ee\cntv , Em- nson , Iowa. Jjl6-0t * rion SALE A red Ir'frh setter drg , 1 year old , C thoroughly ynrd biken. will sell cheap. Address 8. 1 * . O. b x 1042 , C. 1) . Iowa. Julyjl-Im OH SAhE Bcautidil residence lots , $60 IV i.A-ilAlUU VAUUIIAW. a.13-t | ( Miscellaneous. IV & HMOTI1EIIS , Council Blurts HAllfOO nha express. Orders left at Boston lu stcrc , Miln utr ct Counn 1 I'luds , or J C , Hit t , 1516 Kami iu itrcet , Omaha , will receho inrt t mt on. 1 > Ut < TlLli AHEAD Orcat luccofs. Call nii'l see ID new accessories and pprtlmcns ol pictures 4 oil In' ( he relab11) ) gelatine bromide procct > , tbo Kxcelmor Uallur ) INMalnstrcct . W. L. TATTON Phjslclan and Oculist. Dll. euro any case of nero ejc . It U only matter ot time , and can euro Ki'ncmll } In roiu three tc flve weeks-It linked no dlfler- enco how long diseased , \\lll straighten cro s eyes , opcrato and rcuio\o I't > rrirlnnu , ( tc. , and neert artificial ejes 8 | > oclal attention to rene - no vein ? tidowornis. ap5 II Sullivan & Fitzgerald , DEALEH3 IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Orookory , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC A'so ' sgonts for the follow log Hues ol Steamship Companies : Cunard. Anchor , Ouloii , A merit an , and Btate StuaiEslilp Com ) anlos. 3D 3E6 * V2E * "J. S For sale on the llojal Dnnk ol Ireland and Cank Ireland. Dublin. Ihoso wi o Intend to s nd lor f/Icuds to nj I rtol tuiopa ll | flud It to their utmtttorailon Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTS , 343 Broadwcay. Oounoil Blufia , In. "WINE oTOARDUl" four tlmea 11 | 7'makes u hapjiy household. i Facts fortli Knowing A now crop Garden Grown Japan Tea ( very fine ) 75c Fine Japan Tea , equal to that of fered at 7oc GOo Very Pine Young Hyson , equal to that offered at $1.00. 7Gc Wo Mean Jubfc What We Say. 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , Council Eluffs , Iowa , COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Offlco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wa gtvo special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces HOISTERS AND GENERAL HILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will reecho prompt attention. A general M eortmcnt of Brass Goods , ' * Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Coal , OHAS , HENDRIE , President MAIN STREET AND SALE STABLE. All Shippers and Travelers will fine good accommodation nnd reasonable charges. SOUTH MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. HOLLAND & MILLER , Propriotora. Kubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) J. M. PALMEE , DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. 7 he Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN SX , Employ the best Broad Baker In tbo West ; also a choice hind for Cakes and Plea. Bread dclhcrcd to all tarts ot the city. MAURBR & ORAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Bleb Out Glass , Fine French China , Silver Ware &c. , 840 BROiPWAT. . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. MBS , H , J , blLTOW , M , D. , PHYSICIAN I AND SURGEON , 222 Broadway Connoil Bluff * . TI10H. OWICKH W. II. M , 1U8XT OFIGEE & PUSET , 3EC.3VIC3E3 ECS , Council Bluffs , Ia , Established , - - 1856 Dealers Iu Korclifi. ar.il Domestic Exchange and homo becurltks. INFIRMARY I TJ.Q1DYMDU , . , , , , , ( Late Yttrlnary Burgeon U , 8. A. ) The Only Veterinary Surgeon in the City , OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , UPPER BROADWAY , HEFEHteNOES : All ot tbo lnet ihjsulan } ) In Council Bluffs and eurroundlu country. MRS. J. P. BILLUPS , PROPB1ETOK OF RESTAURANT & EATING HOUSE , 813 Soutb Main Street , Council UluHi. Now house ud newly fitted up In first cltsi ltvl < > . Mcalj it all hours. Ice cream nJ Icmo- Joe\crj mouluf. Krults and conlcctlonerle HARKNESS , ORGUTT & CO. , DRY GOOD Broadway , and Fourth Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa mar-2-3m - - J. MUELLER'S CHICKERING AND WEBER PIANO , Burdette and Western Cot IM : tage Organs. Prices reason able ; terms to suit all. TJ Importer and Dealer in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of all kinds. Sheet Music one- s third off. Agents wanted. i o Correspondence solicited , IE J. MUELLER , o COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. F. F. FORD Guarantees the Best $1.50S $1.75 and $2,00 Bluff and Mow Sreets , Council Bluffs , Mirrors , Upholstery , Repairing , Etc. , Wood nnd Metallic Coffins , No. J36 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH BSAIN STREET , THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but first-class Bakers employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Oflico with W. S. MAYJTC , over Savinga Bank , - COUNCIL BLUPS Trade Letter. Brockton , Mass , , July 13 , 1882 , Z. T , Lindsoy & Oo , , Council Bluffs , la , : Dear Sirs : Eeplying to your esteemed favor of the 5th intt. , will say that it is afuot that the advance in the price of Calf Skins , Sole Leather , and most every kind of Shoe Stock , taken in connection with the advace for labor we have been obliged to concede to workmen , has increased in no small degree the cost of manufacturing. jKotwith- standing which fact we are pleased to say your order , given us early in the season , will be filled at the old prices ; and wo hopei by being diligently alive to the requirements of the demand for a really first-class article , to supply you with a BE ITEB line of coodsthan we have ever given you heretofore. Our purchase of both French and domestic Calf Skinsi as well as a large supply of Onk-tanned Sole Leather , wore made very early in the season which , being bought at former prices , relieves us in a great degree of the increased cost of production that many manufacturer - are obliged to sustain in filling their orders taken early. Your whole order for the coming fall season is well in hand , and will be shipped at an early date. We desire to call the attention of those who use our goo-is , through the medium of your house , to our now styles in both Hand and Machine Sewed work- Our French , Medium French and London Toe goods are all made on entirely new last ? and new patterns , which we feel sure will meet with a just appreciation and the approbation of your customers , With the improvement we have made we expect to furnish a more nearly peifeot fitting shoe than ever before , Weas- Bure you , gentlemen , that we will endeavor to give all your order our prompt and careful attention , and with these assurances we trust to merit the continuance of the many favors you have been pleased to bestow upon us , and , awaiting your further commands , we are Respectfully yours , STACY , ADAMS & CO , 0. A. BEF.BE , W. UUNYAN , W. DEEDS C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and lletall Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,