Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Monday Morninp , July 24.
Br Carrier , - - - - - 20 cents p r week
D/UMI , . . - - - - flO.OO per Year
Ofllco : No. 7 Pearl Btroot , Nemi
Brc wiwi\y.
M. 0. GRIFFIN , " lUnaRcr City Circulation.
H. W. T1LTON , City Editor.
Mr. 0.15. Mnyno , who hixs been the
odicicnt business mnnngor of the
Council Bluffs department of TiiRDr.f
having become interested in othoi
business demanding his tlmo nnd at
tonlion , has retired from this cilice
and has been succeeded by Mr. M. Q
Griflin , who is so well known to thi
residents of this city as to need no in
troduction. Mr. II. W. Tilton vil
continue in charge of the editorial ant
news department , and the changi
made will in no ways affect the permanence
manonco and growth of THE BBB ii
Council Bluffs. It is hero to stay am
to grow , nnd stay and grow it will.
Shcrradcn irmkcfllpholographs.
rianoa and organs to rent at J. Mitel
The Mannertlior club held an cnjojn
lilo picnic yesterday.
Work in progressing lively on Join
Dennett's block on Bancroft direct.
Foil SALE. A frciili'milch cow will
calf. L. W TLII.IF.TB.
Store [ and [ dwelling for aule by Horz
man ,
The greenback labor jwrty hold the !
congrcKnlonal convention In thin clt ;
Auijuit 2d. bound'to close out ,
At Mucller'd you can find Cliltkeilng
Weber , Uurdett anil other celebrities.
( J'cat bargains in nil goods at Ilerz
man'e ,
There were no cervices at the Kpisco
pal church ycntcrday , the rector and a *
Blatant both bo'ng ' abiicnt ,
, Tihn White WOH arrested by Olllro
Edgar Saturday foi fant driving sud run
nlag into n buggy.
Joseph Kcitcr makes' hints In the lal
tst etylcH at 310 Hroadway.
Millinery goods fifty cents on the do !
cr at. Jlcizman's.1 ]
Hannah Green entaitained a goodl
number of her colored friends by a part
in Kadofrr'fl hall last Fiidny night.
Nick Uackus has co deluded to tmrre
der , and Saturday paid the fines and GOBI
for YlolaUng Clio prohibitory ordinance.
Another exciting bane ball contest
promised for next Friday , it being b
twccn the Loavonworth llcda and Count
Bluffs nine.
A nice line of nun and garden hats i
Bliss' . july24-2t
Just received , n nice line of nun ar
garden hats at Bliss' . july2-i-2t
Judge Aylesworth has decided in fi
vt r of Mrs. Benson , in the ease of allege
nuisance , in which Mr. Wells Cook wi
the complaining witness ,
"The Celebrated Case" is on tl
boards to-day at Justice Fralnoy' * , Ho
appearing In the leading role. HIIID
bays and bald-headed men are to be barn
A. large invoice of ladies' ncckwei
Just opened at Bliss' . ] uly2I-2t
Buy your furniture and househo
goods at Howe & Son's , 214 Broadway.
George Blaxlm's now building i
Main street had a narrow escape fro
burning , the tinners having carclcsaly Ic
their soldering stove where it started
. little blaze.
1 Do not purchase furniture before vl
Itlcg Howe & bou's store , if you desire
save money. July 2 -It 1
Some of the aldetmen have looki
over tb proposed road change at tl
driving park , and seem favorable to tl
change , by which the park will have mo
JtiHtlco Fralnoy on Saturday issued
warrcnt for the arrest of N. WiuchesU
charging him with stealing a revolver fro
Byron Williams , It shouldmoro proper
bo called n Winchester rifle.
A man stopping at the Kock Islai
house died yesterday afternoon after o
day's illness. His relatives , who lire
sbort distance fioin the city , 1m. o be
notified , and are expected to arrive to-dn
It npjwars that Judge Aylesworth i
cidod that Harry Inmau was not at nil
blame for the trouble whi h occurred I
tueen him and Smith on the Mill Ins
and that Smith WOH the one fined , Insto
of Inman.
l rof. Bciry la o elated with the su
ce n which hjm uUened bU t
of the boys' bind'thbt lie Is preparing
drill annther etjf\ lifiiliniiKll-lRi _
which rmiydevtlop Into another band.
The commisbloners appointed to Bjli
the Ito for the government building
Council Blutfd consist of Hon. John
. Buirows , of Clmrrido ; Hon. W. M. VI
son , of Osceola , and Hou. James ]
1'iercc , of Belford.
The work of excavating for the u
opera house It going along. The rear of I
lot Ima been washed Into by the creek am
Is probable that arrangements will bo mi
by the city so ( hat. some pile- driving n
bo done and filling thrown in to make
more euro protection to the probity ,
When the deid are ull burlei in
ninth district it will be an interest
iunera ) , but The Globe editor is not Ilk
to die in actual battle , us it looks
though he had already strained himself
death kicking , ; einut the wind. Corn
Officer dough found Dennis A ;
badly otf. lie teemed to be A cripple , i
was trying to carry a heavy load of b
b lde , The officer gulled him to
Hold de Fields , and locked him '
When hi * turn came for trial Mar
Jtckuon Jet him out , und told him to go
flairs. .Dennis teemed hurdly nble l <
walk , but on getting outside , and noticing
that Jockiton's back was turned , he ud
dcnly galnod Ufjor , and made n dash ti |
Glen avenue. Officer Barbyto followei
quickly and found him hiding nmonf
some weeds. Ho was brought bacV , am
nsfCBsed the untml fine , for which ho WAI
again put unrier lock tnd key.
The republican county convention i1
to bo held at the couit house noxtFrlda )
afternoon at 1 o'chok to pelcct delegate'
to attend the stale convention in ] )
Moinef , AtiRUst 2. " * . The townahlp ] > i
mnrles , unloni otherwise ordered by town
ship committccmcn , will be held Tuesday
The directors of the Young Men'i
Chrintlnn association having made partln
arrangcmcntq for sccurlnpr rooms , desire i
full nttandanco ut all members this even
Ing at 8 o'clock ( U No. 10 Kvcrett'H block
It I trusted that memborB will not allov
the interest excited by the Initial fitcpH o
the movement to die out , but will rally ir
full numbers for this ImporUtit conference
W. W. Northway , who has b cn un
der the treatment of Dr. F. 1' . Bollingo
for deafrie > , is gaining wonderfully , tli
doctor having shown much skill in tin
case , as evidenced by the rapid improve
incut in Mr , Norlhway's hearing powcro
The doctor has recently removed his oliic
to North Main street , and is meeting will
increased patronage as nn ocoulist am
The Macedonia Tribune draws It ver ;
mild In saying concerning Major Andor
Ron : "All that can bo brought up againb
him seems to bo a little social scandal ii
which ho became entangled novcral year
ugn , and there is no direct proof that h
wan criminally at fault In that ; it is prin
cipnlly goHsip , Every man has faults , am
Mr. AndirHon forms no exception to Urn
rulu. "
H. 0. Ayroi , of The Hastings Plain
dealer , gcti back tit J. C , Morgan as foi
IOWH : "Nor do wo presume that Morgan
of The Globe , will deny that ho auproachei
a candidate for the legislature in thi
county lint fall , inquiring if havn
friendly' to a certain railroad and HUB
gosling tlmt if so , he could procure vain
abb aid for him from a prominent railroa
manager , "
One of the now street cars lion alreod
et with a break , the pole ot a hciw
nick having been ruu through one side b
The man Yatcn , who has boon entree
tree hare was fined Saturday for bcin
runic , and Is still locked up , being unnbl
o pay. It Is not determined yet whcthc
io will bo further prosecuted for his ur
mid bill at the Ogden houso.
Olllcer Sterling picked up on "ur
nown" drunk with § 2.75 Saturday nigh1
A fnr'm hand who has been in the en
iloy of Mr. Everett , complained to tl
lice yesterday morning that ho had bee
ebbed of over ? < JO. Ho claimed that 1
ettlod up with Mr. Everett Saturda
light , intending to go to Avoca yciterda ;
Vfter getting his money ho played poi
with some acquaintance ! ) until a late hou
and then crawled Into a Swede boardir
house whore ho was put to bed with
itrnngor. Yesterday morning on awakir
he found hia pocket book and money gen
ut where and by whom bo could not sa
Tlnmbfally Acknowledged.
DBNVEV , Col. , Juno 0 , 1881.
IT. 11. WAKNKU & Co. : Sim
la vo been troubled with kidney con
jlain'ii lor four yearn. I am now
well man , thanks to your Bafo Kit
noy and Liver Curo.F.
ulylTdlw Clerk American Ilouao.
The Dluffa Win a Victory Oyor the
Si M's. of Onmtm.
There waa much interest created I
ho game played yesterday aftcrnoc
n this city between the Count
Bluffs nine and the Burlington
.Missouri's of Oinuhn. The groum
wcro in excellent condition , the di
was a perfect ono , the clubs in fn
ihapo , and the crowd expectant , go <
naturca and of goodly numbers. Tl
Council Bluffs nine won by a score
4 to 2. There was fine playing <
both sides , nnd the game was an eKing
King , which kept thu intcrc
of the crowd ut high pitch , vfhilo tl
numerous creditable plays called for
.veil . merited applause. In the socoi
lining n dispute nroso as to the dot
siou of the umpire , U. Uriswold ,
Omaha , and tlmt gentleman gn
plnoo to Olmrlcn Stonart , of this oit
Thu following ia thu ecoro in full ;
1) ) , AND M'rt
lt.ll , r. i'o , A ,
Monroe , 3d b 1 122
Kills , B. s 0 041
Miller , r. 1 100
Kortman , 2d b 0 022
Jameson , 1st b 0 170
Bent , o. f 1000
Crelghton , 1. f 0 000
Durkoc , b 0 0 1 1
Brardt , o 0 n 12 I
Totals 'i 2 27 111
II 11. 11. I'D. A
Strock , o 0 052
Hart.Ud b 0 215
Mack , p 1 a 5 10
Clinton , M h 1 0 12 0
Brown , H , H , 0 0 1 1
Doherty , . i 0 010
Brov.ii , M. , r.f 1 001
Smith , ad b 1 020
Clausen , ! , f 1 000
Total * 5 4 27 1 !
B. nndM..0 11000000
Council Bl'bO 00200020
Two base hi to , Mack 1 , Monroe 1.
Left un buBos B , and M'a , 3 ; Cour
Bluffs , C.
First base on balls B , and M'e ,
Council Bluffs , 4.
Earned runs-Nona.
Struck out B. and M's , 7 ; Conn
Blull'i , 11.
UmpIre-O.T. Stewart.
Scorers J , N , Bowman nnd Goo
Sterusitorir ,
Worthy ot Proiso.
As n rule wo do not recommend Pali
Medicine * , but when wo know of one tl
really U a publlo benefactor , and d
positively cure , then wo consider it <
luty to impart that information to i
Electric Bitten are truly u moat valua
medicine , and will surely cure Blllouum
Fever and Ague , Stomach , Liver t
Kidney Complaints ovtii were nil ot
remedies fall. Wo know wercof weipe
aud can freely recommend them to all
Kxuh , Sold at fifty cents a bottle ,
C. V Goodmiku.
An Attempted Explanation oi
Anderson's ' Postofllce Bond ,
He Admits Giving it Bui
Denies That it was for Poli
tical Purposes.
Clarlc nnd Moltitriok Fat Tliam-
nolvcR in n Halo to Help the
Mnjor Out
TUB BEK has given publicity to the
open charge mndo ngainst Major An
elerson that lie has sought to stride or
to power by promising a certain post'
olllco to n certain person , and that lu
has given a bond of $1,000 to fulfil
the promise , The charge was made
iu open convention by ono of thi
delegates , vtlio offered to produce thi
bond and the proof then and there i
anyone denied the charge. Silonct
reigned. It was understood tha
when Major Anderson made hii
pooch of acceptance ) ho would donj
lie charge , but ho did not. Thi
coks liava rolled by. and not oven :
hisporint ; of nn explanation , thougl
ho bond was published ill papers al
vor the lund. At last a paper in tin
astern end of the state cent out at
xplanation to the uffuct that it wai
lore Webster that gave the bund
: id Major Andoraem only went so'
urity for him. The Nonpariel , ai
is organ , fathoroel this and gave ii
its readers , who on lookinc
, 'ain at the bond and noticiii }
tat it begun , "I , A. If. Anderson
, s principal' , " laughed at the thinnesi
f this explanation , and it dropped
ow another , a longer , amore tanglee
id complicated uxplaimtion come :
om The Sidney Union , and is givei
place in Anderson's organ and on
orscd aa the right explanation. Tin
! KI : believes in giving the public tin
[ ill benefit of ull tha light that can bi
irown on the matter , for it is tin
ieoplo who aru to judge and to declari
heir verdict In very practical am
mportant manner ut the polls. Tin
allowing is a synopsis of cxplanatioi
. 2 :
"A prominent business man" o
landolph told Mnjor Anderson tha
io removal of D. McKitrick as post
laster waa to be asked on the grouni
iut intoxicating liquors wcro beini
old contrary to law , and in violation
f the postofiico regulations , and re
nested Anderson to write Congrosa
urn Hepburn that in case of a chtvng
ho appointment of W. P. Dorrunce
Anderson's brother-in-law , ) would b
latisfiictory. The oxplnnation doe
lot state who "who the prominon
lUsmoss man" was , or whom the ar.
ointment would satisfy , but Audor
on wrote as requested , aud Dorronc
was appointed. Dr. McKitrick , tli
ild postmaster , and M. W. Clark , hi
riond , then told Anderson that n
thargoa wore to bo preferred , and tht
Dorronco's appointment was unsatii
'nctory to the people. Anderson fine
: ng such to bo the case requested Dot
'onco not' to accept , and Dorronc
to decline the appointmon
Anderson then told McKitrick an
Clark that everything waa arrange
Mr. Dorronco was , however , pri
ailed upon by others to accept tl
flico and remove it , and did so durir
Major Anderson's ' absonco. On h
return ho was assailed by McKitric
and Clark with charges of havln
ictod in bad faith , and that ho kno
all about what was going on. Ando
son denied the charges , but Clark an
McKHrick declared that nothing she
f a bond would satisfy them that Ai
dorson had not been willfully docoi'
ng and cheating them. The follov
ng bond was then given them :
STATE or IOWA , ) „
1'llEUONT COUKTV. J " " '
T , A. It. Aiulersun , an principal , nr
Jlero Webster , as surety , hereby acknon
tdfio oiHBelvcfl justly Indebted to M , V
Clark in the Bum of $1,000 , to bo wull m
truly paid in lawful money of the Unite
States. Nevertheless , to be void on tl
condition that S. C. McKitrick tlmll I
duly appointed and commissioned pee
maHtor at Itandnlph , Fremont count ;
Iowa , within a period of sixty days fro
this date.
Witness our hands this 31st day of Ma'
882. A. It. Ann HUSO * ,
The explanation further states tin
there was no agreement entered inl
that placed Clark and McKitrinck ui
der any kind of obligations to suj
port Anderson. McKitrick an
lark in fact kept up hostilitii
against Andornon , and used this voi
bond against Anderson , The o :
planation also includes the followii
card purporting to bo signed by Clai
and MclCitrick :
Inasmuch as it has been sought I
njui'o nnd prejudice the interest >
Major A H Anderson in bin c'ind
docy 'for the republican cangrcasion
inminaMnn in this , thu Ninth distric
tiy makir'ir ' ueo of wlrnt hue beou callt
the pmUllico bond in connection wil
tla < iUndi'ji ] ! poet lli"c , nntl inn
tuioh us our luimoii 1-nvo been r
ni i ud to in cr.iie.'Uiii < n I hero with , v
henib > frcrly * nd ohooifullj state tli. .
t Uu HHitomunt and impiossionh
gonu out caiiCiiinini ! tlioramo. Ai
wo take the ulvasuru in aeserting th
there was no political Bigiiificanco i
what has been known as the "pos
oflico bond , ' signed by Major Ando
sou and Mere Wobstcrj that
was without any political consider
tion , and none was intended ; th
said writing was given by Major Ai
dorsou on our suugcetiun ns a wltne
simply that a certain person romovt
from said Randolph postofllco , wou
bo reinstated , it having been made i
appear to the major that eald romov
was distasteful to a largo majority i
the patrons of said oflico. The Rai
dolph postoQico' ' trouble began befo ;
Major Anderson's candidacy and \v ,
in no way connected thorotvitl
Major Anderson and wo did not agn
to carry the township or any otln
for the major , it being distinctly ui
derstood that it was simply the o
jcct of Major Anderson to use his i :
lluonco to restore poatofHco matters ;
Randolph as they had boon prior
said removal. And wo further sta
in corrob'jration of the foregoing , th
said township did send delegat
against Major Anderson , and wo , 1
\V. Clark and Dr. S. 0. M. McK
rick , wore delegates to the coun
convention in opposition to Maj
Audonon , We further state that M
jor Anderson's whole ) conduct in con
nection with this Randolph trouble
has been entirely honorable , open and
frank. M. W. CLARK ,
Witnesses , S. 0. McKtiniCK.
A. D. KINO ,
This places Clark and McKitrick in
a rather awkward position. They ad
mit that during the campaign they
used this bond agaiust Andcrsou and
that they then claimed it waa given
for corrupt purposes. Now they say
it was given for no such purpose.
When men innko two such contradic
tory statements concerning the saint
thing , it is evident that ono or the
other must bo false , and false in ono ,
false in nil. Under those circum
stances their curd amounts to nothing ,
and it is impossible to determine
which is true their statements when
they used the bond against Anderson ,
or their present statements when they
have tried to get on the other side of
the fen co.
The explanation settles only one
point conclusively. It does away
with all doubt about the bond being
genuine , or correctly published.
Now that it is admitted that the bond
waa given , the public has only to decide -
cido after reading it carefully , whether
a man would naturally give such n
bond for any other than corupt pi < r-
purposes. If it was only a piece ol
foolishness , n lack of judgment , ie
a mind so weak not liable to make
still graver mistakes in handling
national matters ? If it was given cor
ruptly , will not tha same dishonesty
ahortr itself in larger and more impor
tant matters if entrusted to him'
The explanation is given for whal
it is worth , though tardy in beinp
presented by Mr. Anderson.
John Doty , of this city , hai been
a visit to his brother-in-law , J. C. Baruff
at Macedonia.
Col. D. U , Daily Ima returned from Da
kotn , where he baa been loca'.ing land foi
himself aid other old soldiers ,
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence , and their daugh
ter , Mrs. MorreU , expect to sail for Eu
rope in n few dayn , the doctor preceedini
them to New York.
A. W. Butler , of the paymaster's de
inrttnont , U. S. A. , at Omnha , wa
imong the welcome callers at TUB Bii :
Ifico hero on Saturday.
Dr. McKuno haa returned from ChicJgi
'hero ' he attended the racen , and talkei
'ith prominent horsemen in the interest
if the fall meeting here. His mission wa
tot In vain.
J. W. HavcnH , who was lately the lend
ing editorial writer on The Nonpariel i
low one of the editors of The Corning Ga
; etto , whose columns bear evidence of th
ibllity with which he wields the pen.
Herbert K. Field , who travels for 1'hil
lip , wna homo yesterday , and in compan ;
ith a Mr. Field who travels from Ceda
KnpMa , held a conference with Chie
Field aa to the genealogy of the tribe , bu
no tiea of consanguinity could be discover
id in the trio.
On Tuesday we had a. pleasant call fror
S. D. Street , county clerk. Mr. Stret
haa proven a good and efficient officer , hai
Ing placed that office in better shape tha
it eyer waa before. He haa institute
iomo important improvements , ard tli
voters of this county cinnot do better tha
return him this fall.
Charles II. Hendrlcks , of Ontaba , spi
clal correspondent of the New York Dn
matio Nawa , Mercury and Chicago Work
waa among those who upent Saturday i
Council Bluffs , and dropped in to gh
THH BKB n friendly nrceting nnd word <
A. B. Howe , for * long time one of tli
most active firemen of our city , and wb
has been for years with ex-Mayor Vnu h
in the real estate business , haa gone ml
the furniture business with hia fathe
'Bruce" Howe , ia In every way n Connc
Bluffs boy , nnd THK BBE wishes thei
success in their new enterprise.
John Murphy , of Council Bluffs , hi
been engaged in F. B. Oroaswait's me
cantile eetnbllshment and will a on mo ;
itre. He has had n largo experience i
line and will prove a material advai
age to that establishment , A few yoai
since he waa voted a handsome prize i
being tl)0 ) popular salesman in Coui
cil Bluffs , Ilaniaon County News.
NOTICE. Special advertlscminto , uuc i
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Ren
iV.ints , Hoarding , etc. , will bo Insetted In th
tolumn at the low rate of TEN CENTS PE
iINE ( or the flrat Insertion and FIVE CEN1
PER LINE ( or each subecqucnf Insertln
Leave adv crtltcmcnU at our olllco , No.
Pearl Strobt , near llrcadvvay.
"VTTANTED. Wti want nn cnen o'.lo nulo
VY ( cmule agent Inn cry towrili'p In Iowa at
Mehrmka. to tal-o oiJcrs for new jiutl'catloc
The ] Hih ( cations are mandarJ , and cll at elgl
Our ormsarollberal , mnl iguitti maKe ( rcm
tnltOjierd y. 1'cr dtvibiBmm termaJclri
\Vejtcr lirck ConipDiiyCouncil It'uds , Iowa.
yrANT2l ) A L'ood liorse , ( or general in
V > pOhNelfhtabout WO. Inquire at ,
I ) , Ma ) no & Co.'a. 84 1'carl ' trcct. julU tl
A Hrtt-chsa hailer Immediate !
WANTED ! to J , J. OcoJ. Com cil IlluCX la.
Ju'jllK '
- In Council Bluffs
WANTED-Everybody cents per week , d
Ihered by carriers. Olflco , No 7 Pearl Btrei
near Ilroadway.
To buy ICO tons broom cor
WANTED addrcaa Council Dlu
llroorn Factory , Council Hinds , Iowa. 68-20t (
For Sale and Rent
SALE At a M > rrai ! | , a restaurant ai
bakery , nicely ( iirnirlicd. And hating a go
paying patrouago. Aduicit , box voveotv , Ei
CIBOII , lov > a. Jyl6-0t *
i.OR ( SALE A red Ir'fch ' setterdoir , 1 jcnr ol
.L' thoroughly yard broken , will sell chca
Address 8 , P. O. b.x 1012 , 0. Ii. Iowa.
* "
RENT. Unfurnished rooms , 6'U Ma
FOR . je2Mm
T7IOII SALE Ileautllul retldence lota , f
I * each ; nothing down , and ? 3pcr > routh on )
& 8MOTUEH8 , Council lllu
HAKCOURT exrrciu. Orders left at iost : <
Te utoro. Main str vt , COUIHI I I'luUs , or J.
Elliott , uOS Karniiu ttrcet , Omaha , will recel
prompt attcnton. J)15-'it'
riTILLAIIEAD-arcatiuccces , Call and I
Q new accc 8orles and > ixclmcns ol pietui
latcnbv the reliable gelatine bromide proeo
at the KxceUlor Uallery 100 Main Btrcot.
. W. L. PATTON-Pbyslclan and Ocull
DR. cure any case ol sere cjcu. It Ii oi
a matter ol time , and can cure generally
Iroui three tc fire week -It inakt * no dm
eiico how long diseased. Will etralgbtcn cr
ye > , operatu auj remote 1'tjrtk'lnmn , etc. ,
Insert artificial eyes , Bpcclal attention to
tuo * el ng todeu onus , ap6-t
Boston Tea Go's ' Store ,
16 Main Stand 15 Pearl St. ,
Council Bluffs ,
OHlco and Works , Main Street ,
Wo give special attention to
Stump Mills , Smelting Furnaces
will receive prompt Attention. A general as
aortmont ot
Brass Goods , Belting , Pining
Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Coal
_ President.
All Shippers and Travelers will fin <
oed accommodation and roasonabl
ouncil Bluffs , - - Iowa
Rubber Hose , Iron and Leai
Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings am
Trimmings , at
Bixby & Wood's
On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets.
7 he Star Bakery ,
227 MAIN ST ,
Imploy the best Dread Baker In the West ; alt
choice hind ( or Cakoa and Pics.
Ilroid delivered to all parta ol the city.
Rich Out QUvaa , Fine French China ,
Silver Ware &o. ,
MKS , H , J , bILTOfl , M , D. ,
222 Brondwnv Council Bluffg.
H. Anderson , - - Proprietor ,
732 Lower Broadway.
Table nuppllcd with Ihe beat the market al
lords , Terms J3.DOaud Jl.OOporweek. Tranalei
11,00 per ilav.
TI108. OFflCKH. W. H. M. IT8
Oouncil Bluffs , Ia ,
Established , - - 1861
Dcaleri In Forclgt. aid Domestic Kxclun ;
and home securities. _
, , . ,
( Late Veterinary Surgeon D. S. A. )
The Only Veterinary Surgeo :
in the Oity ,
All ot the best 1'liys'clai In Council UlurTa ai
surroundlu country.
BIS South Mala Street , Courcll Bluffs.
New house and newly fitted up In first c !
Ityle , Meals at all hours. Ice cream and lem
tt U every treeing. Frultt acd contectloncrl
Broadway , and Fourth Street. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Burdette and Western Cot
tage Organs. Prices reason
able ; terms to suit all. TJ
Importer and Dealer in
of all kinds. Sheet Music one-
, jT"\ _ third off. Agents wanted.
jT"O Correspondence solicited , I
. .
u2lL.a3i3OK5.3EI ESS
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and Ifflnw Sreets , Council Bluffs ,
! ! MO"08E !
Mirrors , Upholstery , Eepairing'Etc. , Wood and Metallic Coffins ,
Uo. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Oouncil Bluffa , Iowa.
THH BEST BREAD IW THE OI'l'Y. Nones hut first-class Bakora
employed. .Bread , Cake , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our
Wagons run all day. *
P. AYRES , Proprietor.
Haa For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , alao , Railroad Landa
and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska.
Office with \V. S. MAYITE , over Savings Bank , - OOTJ VOIL BLUFS
Trade Letter.
Brockton , Mass , , July ] 3 , 1882.
Z. T , Lindsey & Co , , Council Bluffs , la. :
Ddar Sirs : Replying to your esieemed favor of Me
5th intt."will say that it is af .tot that the adYauce in the price
of ( Mf Skins , Sole Leather , and most every kind of Shoe
Stock , taken in connection with the adva'.ce for lahor we
have been obliced to concede to workmen , has increased
in no email degree the cost of manufacturing. R otwith-
etanding which fact we are pleased to say your order ,
given us ear'y in ihe season , will be filled at the old prices ;
and we hope , by being diligently alive to the requirements
of the demand for a really first-class article , to supply you
with a BELTER line of.coodsthan we have fever given you
heretofore- Our purchase of both French and domostio
Calf Skins , as well &s a large supply of Ofk-tannod Sole
Leather , were made very early in the season which , being
bcueht at former prices , relieves us in a great degree of
the increased cost of production that many manufacturer
are obliged to sustain in filling their orders taken early.
Your whole order for the coming fall season is well in
hnnd , and will be shipped at an early date , Wa desire
to call the attention of those who use our goo is , through
the medium oi your house , to our new styles in both Hand
and Machine Sowed work. Our French , Medium French
and Lordon Too goo's are all made on entirely now lasts
and new patterns , which wo feel sure will meet with a
just appreciation and the approbation of your customers ,
vhh \ the improvement we have made we expect to furnish
a more nearly pe feet fitting shoe than ever before. We as
sure you , gentlemen , that we will endeavor to give all your
order our prompt and careful attention , and with these
assurances we trust to merit the continuance of the manv
favors you have been pleased to bestow upon us , and ,
awaiting your further commands , we are
Refpectfully yours ,
rA llt'FUK
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale and He tall Dealers In
Nos , 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,