Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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NEW YORK , July 22.
lirenta ol the week in financial circle !
we t > unusually important , BO far as re-
luted to the stock exnlunge , but not ol
special Import.inco in other directions
Money was easy throughout at 2 J@3 p ji
Foreien exchanges were firm and \nr. \
tionally higher on n email % oluma ct tm i
Government bonds were torn and liighe
for same Issues.
Hallway and niiscrjlla.noous speculalloi
w i buoyant n'most. ' thronghotit the wcoli
with n marked ndvnnce in prices. Th
improvement ranged from 14IOJ per con
nnilw.ii well distributed. Although th
greatest tiso wns tn Canada Southern
Delaware , Lackawannn k Western , Ne\
Jersey Central , Missouri Pacific , Wnbnsii
Lake Krlo & Western , Lake Shor
and Michigan Centra1 , the nctuity wa
quito general and many stocks which hnv
not figured In dealings for some time pae
were prominent at intervals ,
Money was o y throughout at 2 @ 3 pe
Exchange closed firm at 4 8G@4 89.
Closed steady.
Currency G'a 130 bi.l.
4'g coupons : 120j !
4'a registered 120 ,
4J's coupons 114J
4i's registered 114/ /
5'a continued 101J
B'a con Untied 102
Pacific railroad bonds closed as followf
Union Isle 11U@11 ( C
Land Grants 114 J7 > id
Sinking Funds 122 ® 123
Centrals 11C117
The stock market to-day opened weak a
a Blight decline , but Boon' became buoyant
and under the leadership of coal share
advanced J@4 per cent. Later on , in Del :
ware , Lackawnnna & Western , which fo
a time absorbed a largo portion of th
speculative interest shoitly after midday
there was some reactii n , but it wasquickl
recovered nnd the market became buoynn
ogam and continued BO until the clout
whou Ihe highest quotalions of Iho dn
were generally current. In the final dea
ings there was some falling off. Feature
of the dealings to-day were sharei
Louisville k Na-hville , C. C. C. & I
Lake Shore , Michigan Central and Wesl
ern Union.
The following were Iho closing bids :
Western Union. 90jj Brio 4C
Adams 139 Pieferred. . . . 8
American 91 H&StJ 8 , "
United States. . 74 J Preferred. . . . fit
Wells-Fargo 129 Kansas & Texas Si
CC&IO IG\ Lake Shore. . .31 (
C 0 C & I. . . . 8U LakeErio&W. 4 !
NYC 135 } Louis * Nosh. . 7- )
N J C 844 Morris & E..12-I
Illinois Central.138 $ Northwestern..13-J
Ohio Cen 11H Preferred..141
MichCen 98J O&W 2f
Northern Pac. . 47 $ OhioS Miss. . . 5f
Preferred . . . . 881 Preferred U
Central Pnp. . . . 92 ? Pacific Mail. . . . 4i
Union Pacific..116.1 Quicksilver. . . . . 1'
Mo. Pac 1C4J Preferred . . . . 4 (
Texas Pacific. . . 493 Reading 61
N Y Eldvated. . 105J Rock Island. . . . 13s
Met. Elevated. . 84S San Fran 4 ]
Man. Elevated. 52S Preferred. . . . 57
A&TH b4 StP&O 411
Preferred. . . . 73.V Preferred 1C
CanadaS fi4J St. Paul 11
Ones. &O 2 ( Preferred. . . . 1SS
O&A 139 Nash.&Chat. . 05
D&II 110t MLS&W. . . 50
DL&W 137 $ Wabaah 37
D &R G G'4 Preferred. . . . ( ij
CHICAGO , July 22.
Preston , Koan & Co. , bankers , report :
Money fairly active at 5@7 per cent.
Eastern exchange between city banks
weaker at 25o premium
Clearings , 37,000,000. Orders for cut
rency fair.
SJ's Extended G's 102i@102
3Vs Extended 5'u 102 @ 102
Ts Coupons 114115
4rn Coupons 120ia)121 ( )
C. & A. K's 1128
O. J { . & Q. 4'u 80j@ 0
C. M. & St. P. Dubuque O's , . . .1078
(3 &N. W. 5's. . . . , 094@93g
Wabaah5'a * 4 @ 81
Omana "Wholesale Market.
Saturday Evening , July 22. J
The tvholo3 lo trade of the city for thi
e.tnon of the year continued to bo moder
alely active on mail order account.
The wo ithor of the past week hai bo11
mora favorable nnd strengthened the gen
eral ojiiulon in ron-anl to the magnitude o
th crops , it beiug more generally appar
ent that cropa of all kinds , Including corn
color , nnd growing finely , and Ihe ( armors
nil giving it extra attention.
Dry gootU were In moderate request nr.c
quoted steady. Manufactured clothing
showed cousidorable animation , Boot )
and Hhoud are beginning to rei.eivo mon
nttentlou , while millinery fooiU were deli
in sparingly. Drug trade id reported mort
active , and piiios firm , especially in oplun
anil quinine. Groceries were active with't
good tr&do in all the btaplea at compara
tivcly steady prices. Dried nnd greer
frultd were fairly active at quotations
The produos market waa 'active through
out Iho week.
Butter remains firm under fair demami
nnd moderate supplies. E4'g receipts con1
tluue fair under light demand , and declin
Potatoes are in abundant supply , and
Bellini ; nt 50@C5c per bushel , The uami
may bo talJ of onions , quotable at 1 00g
1 25 per bnahel.
Tomntooievdpts are liberal and Boiling
at 1 00(5,125 ( per box , Lower prices an
anticipated , as home grown will soon b <
in market.
Flour was in better demand and firm ,
though the volume of sales was not large ,
Other mill stulfn wore iteady under lighl
demand. Cut meats f all kinds and lard
met with fair movement at about l.isl
week's quotations , thouph firmer , Ho
receipts about 30 cars , packers paying 7 5
for good. StrawLerrien are out of market.
Whortleberries are in largo supply , und
prices declining , selling at 1 75 per boi fur
choice stock. Blackberries , southern
slock , are in large supply and selling at
36003 percaso of 24 qtj. Black rasp <
Jerrie are in fair supply and eelliuj at
4 50@48a per case of 2J qts. Red r ap-
bettkn uio IQ food eujiply and nelliu at
2 502 75 per ewe of 2- ! , pint , , for
stock. Currants ar in fftr | Upply am1
selling t last week's quotations , 1'eachei
are in liberal supply Rnd ( oiling at 80c(3 (
100 per box. Apples in i bu. boxoi an
telling at Vj 50o per box. nnd 2 50@3 51
per barrel , M to quality , Lemons are h
Inrgtt Bu , ply nnd selling nt 0 00@7 00 pci
has , d'jtunnd being light for the tenson
'Orap.gcii are In fulr supply , de-mind limit
ed , and soiling nt 7 50(38 ( 50 par box ,
Two cars of California fruit are eipect
cd to nrrivo this morning , Prices wil
range lower than Irut week's quotation"
The mnrkct is abundantly nupplled will
maple sugar in c kea nnd bricks , nnd soil
Ing nt 12js. The local gr.Ua market is n
best quiet nnd remarkably steady ,
The only change" reported in Iho ninrkc
toJny nro ns follows :
1'ggs declined Ic.
Local Grain Ueallngt.
WHEAT. CasMNo. 2 , 1.12 ; cash No
J , 84Jc ; rejected , 62Jc.
BARLEY. Cash No. 2 , 8Sc ; No. S
KYE. Cn hC5o.
( ; OKN. No. 2. Olc.
OATH. C.inh , 50i\
STREET PlUOES-Corn , 55 5GO ; enl *
Produce and Provisions.
POTATOES-Old. out of mnrkot
Home grown plenty ; uow , 60(5(75 ( (
per bushel.
ONIONS-SI 50 per bushel ; uev
homo grown , per doz bunches , lo@20c
RADISHES Homo grown , IScdoz.
PIK PLANT Per pound , Ic.
LETTUCE Per doz head , 2D@3.-c.
NEW TOMATOES Per box , 81.005
1.25.BUTTERChoico country , 18c.
KGGS-Scarco , 18c.
MEATS Hams , 15c ; breakfnst bacon
15c ; clear bason , 13&c & ; shoulders , Oc ; drici
beef , ICc.
3 23 ; rye , Graham , 2 oOj wheat Grahaii
3 25 ; hay. G 00@C f.O per ton ; baled , 10 0 (
chopped feed , 1 CO ; chopped corn , 1 D <
bran , 1 00 per owtj straw , 4 0 ) per to :
5 00 baled.
Grocers' List.
CHEESE .full Creuui. lie ; Par
dklni. 9o.
1J1CANS Imported Germnn CO pc
vorfc'EE. Klo , fair , lie ; Rio , gooi
! c ; Rio , prime to choice , 12 u ; Old gov'
Juvn ; 2CJa2Sic ( , Mocha , 28ic ; Arbucklo't
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55
hcice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45c
5e. 5075c ; Young Ilysou , good , 3Ci
; 0c ; choice , C5c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leal
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrel. .
8900 ; do in half bbls , 5 25 ; smalls , in bbls
12 00 do , in lulfbbls , 700 ; gherkins , i
blB , 11 00 ; do , in half bbla , 7 50.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , ICi
, ) uro apple , 13c ! Prusnimi nuro anole , 1C (
SUGARS-Cut loaf , lie ; Uruahoc
lie ; Grauulatod , 10c ; Powdered , 11
Fine powdered , lie ; Standard ColFee A
9Jc ; New York Confectioner's Standar
A , D c : Good A , 9c ; Prairie Extra C. 9i
ROPE Sisal , J inch and larger , 9i
inch , lOc.
WOODENWARE Two hoop palli
1 95 ; hree hoop paila , 2 201 No. 1 tut
pioneer wnshboards , 1 85 Double Cruwi
L 90 ; Wollbucketa , 3 50.
T.EAD Bar , SI 65.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 1
( Field's ) , per case , $4 00 ; do 11I > ( Field's
[ > er coxe , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per ens
8 05. Lobsters , 1 Ibper ctozci
180. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 Ib pi
cone. 3 00 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountaii
per cauu , 310 ; Koakcd corn , 210 ; d
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , , 31 !
airing beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima bear
per case , 1 85. S'iccotanh per caso. 2 W
roae , common , nor case , 2 00 ; peaa , cholct
per case , 3 15. Blackberries , 2lb , pcrc.iR (
240 ; strawberriuB , 2 Ib , per case , 2 ( i (
raipberrles , 2 Ib , per case , 3 20. Dan :
boas , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45 , Bartlot
pcaro per case. 3 00@4 CD. Whortleberric
per caee,240. Egg plump,2 Ib percise,3 S (
o 3 Ib , cane , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 tb , po
oobO.2 75 ; do pie , G Ib , per dozen , H 50 ,
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl. 1 05 ; Aah
ton , in one ks , 3 50 ; bbla dairy 60. 5n , 3 5
HOMINY New , $5 00 per bbl.
SODA Dwlfiht'd It ) papers. $2 85 ; DC
lend do , $2 85 ; Church's , $ : . ' 85 ; Keg Bed
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibo , 16 oz , 8s
5cboxes ; 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , 6s , 15n ,
RICE Carolina , 7ic ? ; Louisiana , \
@ 8c ; fair , G@GJ.
S YItUi'.S. Hugar hon-n Mi s , 55o thn !
bis , 57ckcgs ; , 4J gallon * * 8250 ; cholo
inblo syrup , 53c ; half bbls , 55c ; kegp$2 5U
STAJJOH. Pearl , 44c ; Silver Gloas , 8.
& 82c ; Corn Str.rcb , 8J@9o ; Excoklo
Gloss. 7c : Corn , 7Jc.
SPICES. Pepper , 19 ; Allf < nice , lOc
Clov-CH , 40c ; Nutmcifs , 81002cOaasia / ;
\tnco SI 00.
MATCHES Per cnddio , 90c ; rouni
ctvteu , S7.G5 ; square cases , 85.10
SOAI'S-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 335
Kirk's satinet , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 80
Kirk's white Russian. 52. ) : Kirk'i
Eutoca. 215 Kirk'n Prairie Queen
(100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 85 ,
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis
lye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 dor.
In case , 3 35 ; Babbltt'a Ball , 2 doz. in case ,
I 90 ; Anchor Bnll 2 doz in case , 1 50.
FIELD SEED Rod clover , choice
now , ? 0 00 per bushel ; mammoth clovet
now , 87 00 ; while clover , new , 814 OOj
il nlfa clover , now , 812 50 ; nlsike , new ,
$1300. Timothy , good , new , 83 00 ,
blue grafts , extra clean , 81 50 ; blue grain ) ,
clean , $1 25 ; orchard grass $ 2 50 ; rud top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
SOc ; rnillot , Gorman , 8100 to $125 ;
HEDOKSEED-Ortago orange , 1 to
juibcls , f.r ) 00 ; onago orange , 10 buaheln 01
avnr , % i 50 ; honey locuut , per Ib. , 35c ; poi
100 Iba. , S2.00. .
KIS J Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls ,
* 5 25 ; A'o. 1 white fibh , 90 Ib hf bbls. 7 00 ]
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 110 ; family
10 Ib kits , 85c ; New Holland herring , pel
cc-g , 1 25 ; Rucslan sardinea , 76c : ( ' 'oluin.
) ia river salmon , i > er 100Ibs , 8 00 ; G'oorj)1 ; !
iank codfinh , tic ; Gen. boneless cod.'ut ; .
JAc ; boneleaH ilrih , 5ic ,
AlAOKEREIllalf bbUi mesam * kercl ,
100 Ibu , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex eh. eo do ,
100 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbls , fat family . , IOC
bu , G 00 ; mei.j . mackeiel , 12 Ib kite , 2 25 ;
NTo. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 CO : No. 1 ahore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 75c.
PKANUTS Koftsted , choice , rod Ten-
nexdeo , lOcjier Ib ; fancy white , lOJo perlb ;
ra > white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Goods.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott
FF , 8Jc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
71c ; Chlttenango A , G.c } ; Hreat Falls E ,
lie ; Hoosier , Cju ; Honest Width , 8c. In
dian Head A , HJc ; Indian Standard A ,
SJc ; Indian Orchard d. w , , 8Jc ; Lawrence
IjL , 7c ; Mystic lUver , 7ic : Pequot A , 4o ;
Jhawtnut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5ic ; Wncliiw
ett B. 7jcs do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 12Jo ; Wai-
4-1 3-J 3e Argyle 4-J , 7p
- : 7ic ; Alligator - , ; ;
Atlantio LL. 04c ; Badger State X I-1 , 7c ;
5 nmngton O 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S. I. ) , B co
'ndlan Orchartl AAU-8. 8Jc : Lacunla O
39 , 8 > c ; Lehlgh E 4-1 , ! ) Jc ; J nwlalo 1- ) .
Oc ; Peppereil N 30 , 7c ; do O H2 , 7Jc ; do R
SB. 7jc ; do E 39 , 8icj Pocanact G 1-4 , lie ;
\VaniHutta 1.4 13o
. in -4,9icBlackktoneAA ; In norialSVc ;
lo do half W eched4.4'Jcj Cabot 4-4 , bji
Fidolity4.J , OicFruit ; of thelxwm.lO-
can.bric4.4,13cdoWaterTwi ; t,10icGreat ;
( allsQ , lOJc ! Indian Headshruuk 4-i , 12c ;
xintflale. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12ic ; New
York JlilU , 12ic ; Pequot A,10c ; Pepperel
N Q Twills , 12ic ; PocnhrmtM 4-4 , 9ej
Pocrwset 4-4 , 81c ; Uticn , lie ; WanuutU
O X X , 12ic.
UuCKS ( Colored Albany K brown.
8c ; do C , drab , tie ; do X.V ilripo * And
plaids , I2jc ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plaid * , 12c ; Arlington fnncy ,
19c ; Brunswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy ,
12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fnll Rivoi
brown , extrn heavy , lljc ; Indiana A
brown IN * " Xcoonsct A brown. 16c.
TlCKliVUS rtnioaUcaB A C A 32
lOc ; do XX blue 32 , ISJo ; Arrowncra ,
9Jc ; Claremont B 11.15Jo ; Conestogn ex
trn , 17ic ; Hamilton D , UJo Lewiston .
30 , 15c ; MInnchnha 4-4 , 20cj Onieen supei
extrn 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 82. IGjo ; Put
nnm XX blue stripe , 12o ; Shctuckot S
10c ; do SS 12c ; Yeoman's blno 29 , 9 (
DENIMS. Amoskenk , blueand bronr
lOic ; Andover DD blue , 15Jc ; ArllngX
blue Scotch , 18ic ; Concord OOO , blue AW
brown. 12ic ; do AAA , do do 1.1 } ] doXXU
do do i tic ; Haymakcr'n blue ftnd brown ,
0c ; Mysllc River DD lrii > o , IGic ; Pear
lUvcr , blno nnd brown , 16c ; Uncasvlllo
blue nnd brown , 14Jc.
OAMBRlCS-Bnrnard , 5io | Eddystoni
lining. 21 Inch double face , 840 ; Gnruor A
glnzcd , 5Jc | Manhattan glove finish , 5Jc
Newport do 6c ; do glnzed.fijo ! Pequot di
5o ; Lockwood kid finish , Go.
COltSET JEANS-Amorr , 8cAndro ; ;
coggiu pattcon , SJe ; Clarendcu , GJctConoi
togn Bnttcen. , 71 c ; llnllowol , 8c ; Indi j
Orchard 7Jc ; Nnrrignnsolt , Improvedo
Petipcrlll satloon OJo ; Rockix > rt , 73 < X
PRINTS Allona , 0c : American , Gic
Arnold , ? c ; Berwick. 4c ; Cochcco , 7c
CoucsloifB. Gic ; Dunkirk , 4jc ; ; Dumipll
GJ@7c ; Eddystono. 7c : Gloucester , Gc
Harmony , Gic ! Knickerbocker , Gic ; Mor
rimao D. 7c ; Mystic , 5ic ; Spraniou , Gc
Southbridge , Gc ; do. Ginghamnn7o ; Mnrl
bore , 53c ; Oriental Gic.
GINGHAMS Amoskenp. 12ic ; Amoe
ken ? dross 9ii Argyle , 10i : Atlunllc
9e ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; Highlaml , 7ic
Kcuilworth , 8ic ; 1'lnn kott , lOJo ; Sus
COTTONADES Abbervlllo 13i
Agate , SOc ; Vmcricnn , lie ; Artlnlau , 20o
Cairo D nnd T , 13ic ; Clarion D and T ,
I7ic ; Deccnn Co.slripeaDandT , 16c ; Key
utouo , 13ic ; Nantuckct , 1'Jc ; Nonpareil
IGc ; Ocean D and T , 13jc ; Royal , 161'
Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , 12c ; Wachnsett shirt ,
ln < ? ihcckB , 12ic ; do , Nankin , 12ic ; York
plain Nankin , 12ic ; do , checks , stripes ant
fancy , 124c ; ilo , 8 oz , 20c.
SHEETINGS Aniu-oacoRirlnl0.4.274c
do 9-1 , 24c ; do S-l , 22c ; Contlnenlnl I
42 , He ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Nev
York mills98 , 35c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58 , 22ic
Pcmbroko 10-1 , 25c ; Ponuol 10-1 , 23ic ; di
7-4 , 19c ; do 49 , 10c ; Pcpperotl 3G , 20o
do 67 , 21c ; do 57 , 13o Utica Mi , 85o ; di
58 , 22icdo48 , 17o
Glcar * and Tobaccoi.
CIGAltS. Seeds , ? 15.00 ; Counocticut
f2o.OO ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Hnvnua
S50.00 ; Cloarllnvnnn , 875.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Goltlon Rule
24 Ib , GOc ; Our Rope , first quality , 62c
Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GOc ; Hornc Shoe
pounds , 2J Ib , butts , GOc ; Gilt Edge
pounds , 21 Ib , butta , GO ; Army nnd Nnvy
pounds , 55c ; Bullionpounds { , G9c ; Lori )
tanl's Climax , pounds , l > 0c.
FINE CUT In pails. Hard to Benl
75c ; Golden Throaif , 70c ; Fountain , 80i
Favorite , 65c ; Rocky Mounlnin , GO ;
Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil-
Catlins O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib G3c ; Ixir
Ward's Tiger. 65c ; Diamond Crown , GOo.
SMOIQNG All grndos Common , 251
83c. Granulated Blackwello Durham , 1
OK 51c ; Dukes Durham , 16 ozI , lie ; Seal c
North Carolina , 1G oz , 4G ; Seal of Nebrni
kn , 16 oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 < jz , linen bagi
per Ib , 81.35 ; Marburgs1 Puck , 2 oz , t !
oil , 6Bc ; DOR Tail 65c.
Paints Oils and Vnrnlchoi.
PAINTS IN Ollr-White lonl : , Omnh
P. P. , ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , Gij'
Maroallles green , 1 to G Ib cans , 2C
French zinc , jason seal , 12c ; French zini
red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish nss
' 20o ; French zince , in oil nnsv , 15c ; Ka
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw an
burnt Sienna , 13o : vandyke brown , i
refined lampblack , 12c ; coach block , l ° i
l ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussia
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrorc
green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shuttc
tp-een , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18i
Indian rod , 16c ; Venetian red , Uc ; Tusca
drt. , 22c ; American Vcrmiliod , I. &P. , 18i
chrome yellow , L. , M : . , O. & D 0. , 1S <
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 10 ; pnter.
Iryer , 8c ; rainiug colors : light oak. dnr
oa < , walnut , chestnut und % sh 15c.
Dry ° ulnt
White lead , GJo ; French xlno , lOc : Pnrl
whitelng 2tc ; whiting gildorfl , l c
vi biting com'l , lie ; lampblack Gennai
town. 14c ; Irmpblack , ordinary , lOo ; I'nu
sinn blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vnudykc
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw
icaicnna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4 <
Paris green genuine , 2. ° > c ; Paris gi-oen com
20u ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom
green K. , 12c ; vermillion , Eng , , 70c ; vei
niilHon , America , 18c ; Indian rod , lOc
roue pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson1
? c : Venetian rod Am. , IJc ; roi lead , 7i
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow
low , 1C , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , So ; ocbrt
French , 2jc ; ochre , American , 2c
Winter's minernl. 2Jc ; lehigii brown , 2Jc
Spanish brown , 240 ; Prince 8 minernl 3c
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon
114c ; _ r50 _ headlight , per _ gillon
12cj 175" headlight , per gallon , IGc
linseed , raw , per gallon , i7 ; linseed , boiled
per gallon , ( 0c ; lard , winter str'd , per al
Ion , 100 ; No. 1 , SOc ; No. 2 , 70c ; castor
XXX. per gallon , 11C ; No. 3 , 1 05 ; owed
[ ) er gallon. 85o ; tpeim , W. B. , per gallon
1 55 ; fish , W , B , , per gallon , GOc ; neatofoot
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri
eating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c
? olden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , S5c ; No
2 , 30 : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; ter
pontino , per gallon , 65o ; naptha , 74 . poi
gallon , 18c : 64' . 17c
VARNISHES Barrels per jr-tllon
Purniture , extra , ? 1 10 ; furniture , No. 1
81 ; coach , extra , 81 40 ; Coach , No. 1
$1 20 ; Damar , extra , $1 75 ; Jonas , 70caa ;
phaltum , extra , 85c ; hellac , 83 50 ; hard
oil fiuluh. 81 30
Carbolic , SOc ; Acid , Tartarlo , OOc ; Bolxan
Jopabia , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , SasoafriuJ , nei
b , 14c ; Calomel , per Ib , 76o ; Ohichonldin ,
ior oz , 81 05 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 100
Dnvur'n powders , per Ib , ? l 40 ; Kpaorx
salts , per Ib. 3fcc ; Glyuorine , pure , per lh (
38o ; Lead , Acetate , per 11) , 2lc ;
)11 , C tor , No , 1 , per tf&l , f > l 15 ]
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8100 ; Oil ,
Olive , per pal. SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50c
Opium , itM 50 ; Oninino P. It W. If U. h 8. ,
> er oz , 82 10 ; PoUiuiuin , Iodide , pjr Ib
U 75 ; Hnlacin , per o ? . , 40c ; Sulphate ol
Morphine , j > oniz , 53 8."i ; Sulphur flour ,
ier fl ) , 4c ; htrvfihnine , uor oz , 81 23.
Heavy Hardware List ,
Iron , rates , $340 ; plow steel , apodal
cast , 7c ; crucible , He ; HpeeialorUnrman.Oci
cast lool do. 16@20 wagon snokos , set ,
i. 2T3 00 ; hubs , per set , 125 ; fellooH , eawoJ
Iry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; Bnuaro nuta , per Ib , 7@llc ]
washom. per Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , nor Ib , lie ]
cell chain , per Ib , G@l2o ; nmllofblo , 8oi
ron wedges , Gc ; crowbain , Co ; harrow
teeth , 4o ; horfleshoos , | > cr keg , fi 00 ; sprlny
teel , 7@8o ; Burden's horso.ihocn , 5 50) )
iunlen'rt inuleshoes , G 50.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck ehol , 82.10 ]
Mental Powder , kego , $6.40 ; do. , hall
: cns , 23.48 : do. , nuorterlrBgs , $1.88 ; Bloat-
nj { . keca , 63 35s Fuse , i > sr 100 feet 50o.
BAHBED WIRE-In car Iots.,8 30 per
00 ; in loss than car lots. 8 55 tier 100.
Leather ,
Oak sole , 38o to 42o ; hemlock BJO ( , S3c to
So ; hemlock kip. fcOo to 100 ; runner ,
> 5o to 80c ; hemlock culf , 85o to 120 ; hem-
ock upper , 23co2Gc ( ; oak upper , 2lo :
alligator , 4 00 to B 50 ; calf kill , 32@K5o
Jreieun kid , 2 50 to 275 ; oak kip , SOo teX
( X ) ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip ,
10 to 1 55 ; French calf. 1 25 Ui 2 00 ; rin-
ettH , 5 50 to 7 50 ; Hninirn , 000 to 10 50 ;
.opplnga , 9 00 to 1050 ; B L. Morocco , BOo
, o 35c ; pebble 0 , D. Morocco , 35cj Blmon
TO to 3 00.
HARNKSS No ! star oak , 42c ; No 2
o , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 33c ; No. 2 do ,
5c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 3c ; No. 2 do , Sic ,
Hortos and Mulct.
The market it brink uud all graded nro
olllmfweU at alight advance iu piice * .
1 ho demand for good horuca exceeds the
supply conslderaoly , Prices range aa fol-
Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extra
prof t horses , 8176. to 225 , ; Common draft
homes , 8100 , to 160. ; Extra farm horse * ,
5110. to 125.5 Common to good firm homca
t90. to 8100. ; Extrn plugti , 8GO. to 75. ;
Common idugs , 820. to 840.
MULES. 16 M 15J hands ( extra ) , $125.
tolDO. ; IU to 15 Imnds , $100. to 140. ;
.4 to Mi hsuiln , 875. to 100. ; 13i to 14
hands , $60. to 75.
LI uon ,
ALCOHOL 187 .roo. 2 Ct > per nne
cnllon l extra California spirits , lt 7 proof ,
1 20 per proof gallon ; triple rolinedsplrltn.
187 proof , 1 24 per tiroof tftllon ; rctll < itillwl
wtUkies , 1001 50 ; fine blenJod , 1 i > 0 ( $
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbon1' , 200g700 ( ; Ki-n-
tuckv and Ponnsylvnulft ryes , 2 10(3 ( * W
Brt/VNIAIES Imported , G 00@1000i
domodtlo 1 40@4 00.
WINS Iirportod , 4 500 00 | domestic ,
1 40@3 00.
RUMS Imported , 4 50fflG 00 ; New
England. 2 00i t 00 ; domestic , 1 ( > 03 CO
1 75@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imfortort pur O.ISP ,
2SOO@ ? OjAtnjtljU , cane , 12 W@
OI < 'ARiTS-Pcr case , 1 K@lfi ) 00
WINES llhiiio wluo , per CIWP , 0 00 ®
20 00 ; Culawbft , per case , 4 00@7 00.
Vfo quote lumber , ntn and hnilca ! ; on >
r nt Omaha at the following price * :
under. S21 1)0 ) ; 18 ft. , 822 00.
TLMBKUS 1C ft. and under , 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 1H it. , $ 2.1 00 ;
1C ft . $ CO , S3 ft. , 827 50) ) 21 ft. , S'27 60.
FKNGINU No. 1 , 4 arc ! G In. , 2J 00 ;
No. 2 , $20 00.
Slir.HTINO No. 1 (2nd ( common
board * ) $18 50 ; No. 2 , $17 00.
STOCK BOARDS , 12-In. D , $2300 ;
12-in. C , 835 00 ; 12-in. B10 00.
PAPER Straw paper , ! Wc ; rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; rnitdU paper , lOcj
news piper. 8a.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , J > 12 ;
Morris Run Blo.mburg , $12 ; AVhitobrf nat
; ump , 80 TO ; Whllebroaat nut , f ( ! M ; lown
limp , 80 DO ; lown uut 8 f 0 ; Rock 'Jprins
? S : Anthrncitc , all alzo813 00@12 50.
NAILS Rates , 10 lo COtf , 3 6-\
LIME Per barrel , SI 1C ; bulk pa mi *
'fio Cement , bbl , 81 75. Iowa plruter ,
bbl , 82 00. Hair per bu , 33o. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs , 83 00. Straw board , $3 CO.
Merino unwas oJ , light , 14@lilc ; hoavy.o
@ 1315c ; modiuin unwashed , light , 18(8W01 (
waHhwi , choice , 32c ; fair , FOc ; tub-din u
nud w. , 28c ; hurry , bbekau-1 cotlod woo
2sCc ( , Icsa
Hldot f-urn. Eto.
HIDES ' butcher'a hide '
reen , Pi' Gii
cured 7Jc ; hldco , green unit , patt cured 7 <
hides , OJc ; dry flint , nound. 13@14c ; dn
calf and kip , 12@14o ; dry Bait hiilpa.Hounil
10@llc ; grooti calf. wt. 8 to 15 Us. , IPQllc
green calf , wt , under 8 Iba , per skin , 50o
green peltn , 50@81 25 ; green lr.mb skins
Si 25ir > 0 ; damaged hides , two-third rate
cut scored and one grub , clashed two
tiirds raUi , ) branded hidoa 10 per ocnt. oil
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3
20 , ; No. 4 , lOc. .Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2
30c ; No. 3 , ICc ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1
GOc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black
fiSc ; short Hlripo , 40o ; narrow stripe 25c
broad stripe , lOc. Tallow 7c.
o Proauno.
CmoAflo. July 22.
TJie markcti at the bonul tr ;
were all weak and lower. When commit
leo fixed the veiling price of Jiiuu feprim
wheat at 5-1 33 yesterday the mai kei ad
vaucud , and many ojiorators anticipated i
further advance to-day. Itumort ) wer
curreut this morning about a prohnbio cor
ner in July regular whoit , but tlio optioi
B ' 111 down to 81 03. Auguatsold from § 1 04
down to SI 01J. The bright weather am
weakness in had n bad iulliienca 01
corn und September option , uhich soli
yesterday at 7A $ , declined to 7i. ( /
good miny purcti.iaoa wore maile on tin
strength of bad crop prospects in Europe
Flour - Quiut and unchanged ; domain
Wheat Rod winter in good demand bu
lowjjr , owing to 'argo ' deliveries ; No 2 clo ei
1 O.'iJ for cusli ; 1 03 for July ; spriug whoa
quiet nt 1 29 ; regular No. 2 active bu
lower for radons above inuutlouud ; closoi
1 Ol fel 03 for ca h and July ; 1 01 ? fo
August ; 1 OOJt for thoyoar.
Com F.ilrlv active but weak ; No. 2
77.Ic ] for Ju y ; 70s for August ; G" | fo
the year.
Oats Weak and luwcr in sympath ;
with other gradsH , clualiig at 5Ic for July
3'Jic for August ; 33a fur the year.
Jye ! Dull and weak ; GSJc for August
Ulc ) lor September G84 for tlio year.
Unrley Weaker ; nominally ut 880.
Pork Tame ; mess , 21 10 21 20 fo ;
caf h ; 21 07iil ! 10 for Auguut ; 19 U3i (
20 OJ forthayear.
Lir.t Steady nt trille lower r.iu o
1237i@1240forcwhand futureo.
Hints Meats-Short ribs fairly active a
12 1 0@12 53 for cash.
Whisky Steady at 1 17.
liutter Weatc ; creamery , 2l@25c
dairy , 1821c. '
Eggs Unsettled at 17@17jo.
Koo is. Shlpm'li
Flour . 0,210 11,99 !
Wheat . 122,112 170,37 !
Corn . 102 , 155 IGl.Go ;
Oat-i . 42.075 4-.01 !
Now York Produce-
NEW YOIIK , July 22.
Flour Dull and heavy , shade lower It
some instances , southern Hour nnclianKPd.
Wheat Unsettled ; heavy , lla,3ic (
lower ; No. 2 red , 1 18J@1 19 ; No. 1 do.
1 21J ; No. 2 white , 1 111 ; ; tfo. 2 red July ,
118i ( < fll 21J ; do. August , 1 1GA@1 18J.
Oorn UriHettleil , und J to 2j lower ; un-
ungraded mixed , 82@83c ; No. 2 , 83J@
SUoj No. 2 mixed July , 834@8 : o ; oo.
August , 831@81go.
Oatu Cunli and July , strong but quiet ,
later months lower rtiul weak ; No. 1
white , 78c ; No. 2 white , 75c ; No. 1 mlxtd ,
GOc ; No. 2 mixed weUern , t3@GJj. (
Jtyo Dull nt 81c fur the state and Can
ada.Barluy -Quiet ; but steady.
Pork -Firm ; but quiet , new mess ,
L rd Firm ; fairly active lower , 12 77J
'orcanhj 12 75 for July.
Pottoleum Firm anJ higher : uultcd ,
Stool ; ,
CHIOAOO , July 23
Thn DrovcM1 Journal rejoit :
Hogs Rtceiptw , 65,000 , The market waj
gmiuntlly nteaily ; choice nhliiln [ | uolil
strung , with u large lot of accumulated
rough stock , for which there wan no > le.
mantj ; mlxt i , 7 30fa8 15 ; heavy , fa 15C-/I
8 05 ; light , / 50@8 20.
Oullle ReceiiilH , 2,700. , There WBH no
Ifo In the Bhlpplng innrke' ; couimon , 4 7U
@ 4 7' ; medium , GOO ; mixed lutclier.nU > ik
weak and lower ; cow * , U70tf,100 ( ; UilU ,
J 80@3 30 ; Bleers , 3 7S@4 40 ; Toxun ran-
gum dull and 15ui0o ( ) ; elf ; salci at 3 00
85 ; utotktr.201 ; ftcderd quiet , 2 85g (
. .
Sheep IleceipU , 100 Market mo lor.
alely active nnd nU ( ) y ; omiiuni , 3 UU ;
nedlum , 3 75 ® 1 25 ; t-irwlK , 4 7.\
OIHUINWATJ , July 22 ,
Poi k 2225(5,2250.
Lnrd I'rlinu uteain nominal ; 12 371
Bulk Meata-Clear liilec , 13 25 nked for
Bacon Clear tilled , 1425.
Flour -Weak ; family , 600@5 50.
Wheat-Stroua ; Nu. 2 rod , July , tinck ,
i V"J |
Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 71'J ! ' for
August on track ,
OAli No. 2 mixed , 60s.
Ryu-Sleadyut7 s.
AVhiuky I'lrin at 1 10.
EiutLilborty 1/ivo Stoclc.
UAHT LiBBiirif , Pa. , July 2 J.
Oatlle Nolliing doing ; ructlpta , 010 ;
Hogs Unchanged ; nothing doing ; re-
ctljM , 2,800 : bhlpuiunls , 2,800.
Hheep tiilr ami ttrongcr ; receipts
1,200 ; uhlpmonU , 200.
I Petroleum.
J CLEVELAND , O. , July 22.
Petrolsmft-Quiet at OJc.
Oonnoll DlnfT * Market ,
COUNCIL Btorrn , July 22 ,
Flour Oolden sheaf , 3 GO ; made from
TCXM winter u boat at Crv Ul Mill ? , 3 GO ;
Knn as flour , 3 50@3 75 ; Oraham , 3 00 ;
rye tlmr. 3 00.
Corn Mcnl 1 70 for white ; yellow , 1 GO ;
corn chop , M OJ per ton ; corn and eaU
chop. 32 00 per ton ; chop , 33 00 per ton ,
Wlienl No. I , 1 00 ; No. 2 , % e.
Corn While , C3c ; yellow , t > 9i.
Uyo . ' 0 : .
Unrloy 70i' .
FRUITS -Blackberries , IGa per Iwxi
r.spbcrrlc * , IGc per boxj npplcH , 2 fO@3 OC
per liArrcl ,
BrtH a\ Com -SJS195.
Hay I ) o o , 7 W ( < SOOOj baled , 75 poi
Wood 5 00@G 00.
Wool 16@ai.
Buller Crcatucrj' , 20c ; In rolln , wrap
i > ed , 15c : rolls not wrapped , 12Jc ; mlxw'
colow , 10@ll'ic.
Eggs 1'V.
Onions 30c per iloz.
Hvo Chickens 2 00(312 ( 10 per dozen ,
Potatoes OKI , out of mnrket ; new , SC
@ 90o.
C.ibbftgos 75c | ) cr dor.
LtVi : STOOK.Cnltlo -Extra , 300 ®
T 50 Veal Cftlvcnfi r @G 00. Ho s-
lU.O@700. Sheop-l 00.
St. ijonli -odnoe. .
Sr. LOUIH. July 22.
Flour Weak nnd lower ; XXX , 3 7.(3 (
1 83 ; family. 1 23 ® 1 10 ; choice , 5 lfi@5 30 ;
fatuiv , fi 40@5 50.
Wheat Weak and lower ; No. 2 red ,
9 ! 3o forca-th ; IKigiKi&a & for July and An.
gunt : 99 J fur thoyoar ; No. 3 roil , 9C ; No ,
I rc l , D2c.
Com Lower ; 78Jc for canh ; 79o foi
July ; 7GJ for August ; G2Jo for Iho year.
O. u Lower ; 52o for cash ; ftOo foi
July ; 36Jo for August ; ; il forlho yonr.
Ityo iN'omlunlly 70o.
Barley Nothing doiticr.
Lund Steady nt 4 85.
Buller Unchanged.
E8 ! ? - Unchanged.
Whisky Steailj- 1 1G.
Knniuin City Proilnoo.
KANHAH CITY , July 22.
Wheat -Receipts , 42.001) ) bnilioN ; weal
niiil lower ; .So. 2 red , 87io for cntlt ; M(5 ) (
! )0o for July ; SGo for August ; No. 3 , 8li
for July.
Corn Rccclpln. 1,700 luahcla. No. i
mlxnil , r > 9o for cnnhj GOic for August ; 48Ji
for the year.
Oats -3"ic for cash ; SOofor August.
St Iioui * Iilvo Stook.
ST Louis , July 22.
Uoirs Steady and unchanged ; hlppiii |
pigi , 7 107 40 ; Yorki w. 7 70@7 90 ; pack
ing , 760@800 ; butcliphu lo m'lcct , 81' '
@ 8 50 ; Rlockcr.1. ! 50@G 50.
CATTMS Receipts 500 head. Mnrko
dull nnd unchanged ; canning grides , 93 I )
( 3 40 ; gord lo choleo fnt ulcer1 , 8175Q
525 ; tmtivo COWH 83 00SH 25 ; Htockcn
835l100 ) : foediTKSl fiii)5 ( ) 00.
SIIHI.I' RccoiitN | , none ; dull nnd ur
changed ; goud to choice inuttoiiH , $3 n
Inutin.n City Ltvo Stook
KANSAS CITY , July 22.
Cilllo Itccdipt" . ltOOwcnk : and lowoi
Tu\at Bleeiv , 3 I13@3 7o ; nalivo cows , 2 5
@ 3 fiO ; no uonil natives on salo.
How RecciptH , 1,000 head ; firm and 5
higher ; bulk of mltn nt 7 9J@8 15.
Shcop HeceiptB , ISO ; quiet and ui
PIillaaolDhin Irodnoo
I'llILADELmiA. July 22.
Wheat-Film nt 1 20i@l 21 for ens
nnd .luly.
Corn Firm nt 8'JUlc for cash ; 87C
8u for July.
Oats Stonily nt 7375c for cash.
Ryo-Quiot ; old , 81c.
Bnfi'nJo Xiivo Stock.
Hoga liocelplH , 23 oirs ; BhipmontJ , 2
cars ; nothing doing ; feeling firm.
Xilvorvool Produce.
IiVKiii'OOL. July 22.
Flour American , 10AB)12d ( ) ( id.
Wheat-Winter , 9s Gd@10d 2 * ; spriu
Corn 782JJ.
Voric Uls.
Lird G3 ( .
Toledo Product ) '
TOLKDO , .Tuly 22.
Wheat Weak : No. 2 now , 1 JOJ fii
civili ; 1 09 ( for July ; 1 OtIJ for Augunl
1 05 for the yo.-ir.
Com Weak ; No. 2 , 81o for C > BI ; 79
for AugiiHt.
O.ta-Dull ; No. 2 , Mo ) for cash.
Baltimore Jfroauou.
BALTIUOIIK , Jiily 22.
Flour Steadv.
Wheat Southern firm : fultz , 1 18@t2i
longberry , 1 20@1 24 ; No. 2 rod winter
utondy ; 1 iOJ@l 21.
Corn White Kouthern oanlor at 1 0
@l 11 ; yellow nominal nt OOc.
Pool-la Jf rodnoo.
PKOIIIA , July 22.
Corn-Quiet ; high mixed , 754@70c
mixed , 75ia ,
OaU Firm and higher ; No. 2 white
Jtyo Nomiuhlf No. 2 , G5c.
Highwlnes Stsady at 1 14.
Turpoiitino Market.
WILMINGTON , N. 0. , July 22.
Rosin-Quiet ; utralntd , 1 45 ; good , 1 ( X ) ,
Spirits Dull nt 43lc.
'J nr Firm at 2 15.
W. E. Waite.of Fort Nlobrora regUter-
" ' * "
ed at thu Motniiiulilau yebtcrdny.
W. D. Wil.on and Oeo. A. Lane , of
Mo'erly , Mu. , am at ( ho Mctropolilan ,
( to , McfJIll , uf Wibhlufiloii , 1) , 0. , fa
ul the M < ( ropolllun ,
) ' . Clinton , Wernlnj , ' Water ; A. T.
Vulfiitino , orll ) 1'latlo ; R. Kloly , Nor.
elli ; 1' ) S. 1'vrry , Llncnln ; Frank Man >
jam nnd C. Chulland , Spring field , are
iiur ng tlio Nrbtujkaim at t'io Canfivlil.
L. Jj. Slwttuck nii'l 0 , II. iirown wire
utnung Ilia Council Blulf.i people \vlic
visile 1 Oiimhu juatcrtluy ,
Hon. Amim Cobb , of Lincoln , la in Hit
M rs. J. H , lUyimmd , of Chicago , It ul
the Withnt-H.
Win. Campbell , of Chicago , It a Will ) '
U'll houeo ( 'Uent.
R. W. Clark , of St. Paul , in nt the
H , B , Williiimn , of ( jlenwond , Iowa , i >
ut the Withncll.
T. W. Read , with Milton Rogers &Hon ,
with Mw. JUail and children , returnci ;
Saturday from Iowa , where they have
jeen rusticating ,
J. F. Berk , formerly with L. 0. Kne-
void hua accepted u posi'.lon with Donald
5rod , , of AtchUon , Kua ,
W. H. Morris , uf ( iroenwooil , id at the
W. H , S tret ter liuJ wife , Aurora ; ( ieo ,
) , ( iodfroy and 0. Cook , I'reinout , am at
he Crelghton.
John A. Mao Murphy , of Plattsmouth ,
vas at the Crelghtou l ut night.
Hon. A. S. Pnddock is In the city.
E , Alden , K. O , O'Donuell and J ,
: ) . Crojthwnlt , Hostlnf ! " ; Win. Hniock ,
Wm Hnil , Robert S. Ego and M. M.
llnmlin , of Nobrnekn City , are nt the
Wm. F. P.ilne , of Florence , registered
at the Millnrd lost night.
Lot Brown , of The Nebraska Cify 1'rces ,
ntthe Mil < nrd.
Bob ( inrlish , rcprcocnltiiR Nave , Me-
Jord fi llrml ' west bound
} , was A passen
ger yesterday ,
M. H. Judd , of the Union Pacific land
leparlment , returned from the west Sat
urday , nnd goes out again to-morrow.
Chan. H. IngalK U. S. A. , and Col.
Uoynll , regUleri'il nt the Millnrd ycster.
d..y. .
W. 11. Corwin , Iravcllnr ; nalcKinnn for
H. nnd 0. F. Hlckmnn , bi\s returned from
the east ,
Hon. C. A. Baldwin and wife , loft 1a l
nlghl for Denver and a lour through C > 1"
orado , Ulnh nnd Moiitanit ,
Col , E. F , Smytho returned fie n Chicago -
cage yesterday.
Hon. H. T. Clnrko and daughter , of
Bolluvue , nro in the city ,
N. B. Falconer , of Omaha , who 1ms
iicun nt tholnko for sixteen day * for ht
icaltli , returned homo to-day. Mr. Fal
coner has crossed the ocean vovcnty-thrco
tlmc.s , has traveled nil through Europe ,
traveled on Iho Rhino nud Danube , nnd
tnyx holsfreoto cimfcfm that ho 1ms Been
no placu like Minncfloln cxcrpling famed
Like .tJcuovn.-Sl. Paul Evening Jour
Mr , A. Ciulckuhnnk has gone lo Lake
Mlnnclonkn for n summer rest.
E. I' . Vining has gone to Clifton
Springs , N. Y.
CV1 , John O'Keilfe , ot Cieslon , In. , is
In lown.
Itev. John WllliiimH has returned from
( pending his vncalion in MnnxachusclU.
Mlsn Flora Young , of Mauiillon , O. , l
tinlliugnt the nwiiloncoof her uncle , ] ! ov.
0. F. Stolllm ? , on Hcwanl etrcot.
Colonel A. 0. Dawos , of St. Joe , gen
eral pnieengor ngcnt of the Kansas Cily ,
Si. Joe & Council Blulfn railway , was nt
thu Mill.inl hotel ycatcrilay.
E. K. Wlillmore , corrcrpoiulout at Liu-
coin of several eastern papers , and nl o
conncctod with Iho Tribuuo Prinling com
pany , is in Iho cily.
Absolutely Pure.
Tills [ lewder never varlca , A mnrvcl Ot p
y. btrcnutli unj wliolouomenoan. Itoro ocono
inlcnl tlun the ordinary klmlfl , and cannot l >
tolil ( n cimpatltlon with the tuuUltmlo of o <
ttmt , short weight , nliiin or pliciHph.ito ) io\vJcri
UoM only In cnna. Hoixti Uiiimii I'OWUHR Co
H Vfv fit. . Nnw Ynrl'
Investor ] of Bin 11 ami rccillum
. . amounts In Drain I'roilshin and
/ J Btntlis M fully protected as most
* ixlonnlvo ami liiflncntlil opjrutjfB
Our miccu ful , lul'y ' tried , o'd ca-
InlilN oil lln I. TllV Jr. ltcDtt ) <
wt | | ( | | ( | | . , ) inlilruotn li
ly Ncnil ut once for fjiilaniitir )
clrcu'am ami p t record , Kit UK
infill UlUduid ) | mlllurlli'limt ( tlllltcon
* wwu months nn this fund 8 < H71 1101
Hlitra , Aidrcui Ki.KMMINd &
C'nnnrrc MiulIA : ( , 141 and 143 UHallu
bJ UUli. & Htjf Chicago , 111.
fJJ'Wo want a looil a' < cnt In
every tiwn Hxu llcnt IndiicumeiHH ,
( looil pay to A ro'p iiilliFo , enter *
| ir ting : mm , Wr.tu for terms
. IB30 ,
3Uoe& Council Bluffs
Direct Line to BT. LOUIS
A : ? Tflfl RAftT
yroai On.rthaand the Wast ,
A train * loiiio Q. ft 11. Unpot , Omaha : Kelt ,
' { n chinje P | c\ra bsUo.-n Onuht. i.'id t .
nd but on OMAHA tnrl
MBW Y011K ,
Daily PassengerTraina
entire line la o ilrrxid with nl'.uiiu'i
P l c Mleonlni ; Caiii , I' bay Coachfi' , UII fi'l
Safety I'Ut'ona ami Osujitof , nil the oeilbutf >
thiiour > ' ! rml * V7A niNBAS
tf , CT. JOjfii'K i COt-MUlL U'JUWB Bill
icul , vU SI. Jiil'.i ! l tnd 'It. Loul ? .
Tlchcta lar ilo xi nJ ! oo'ipnn eirtViaalatki
West. J , I' , IIM'.NAI'.D ,
0. DAWHfl , Qou. l.ujit , IH. Juar/n / , Ua
A" Quo I'ux , mJ Tlclil Axt. , St. Joaopli , Jo.
AVUT licnDM. Ticket AWD | .
lOiO Iffcinliiui ttt tt.
W. J.UiViL-ir&m , General Ago- .
o r I > V F
Qenornl Unflortakors ,
S3 i. ES 3L - 3OC1 3E2C EB "X *
BotFarnniu uud Donijlou ,
UetallU , Wood and Cloth Covered
oiiktotilly on hand , flrdors fro-n tlio untry
iollcltol. mil iiroiinitly attondo-i " _ " llt
W. B O E H L ,
llanuticlurcr of thu
AIM done all kliuU of nmchlu'it ' uud loihbrrltli
Importml uud Domoitio-
Vitieit Solnotiuu iiiTowu.
Prices to Hull Everybody.
From Half a Dollar Down to 5o
Schroter & Becht's
\villcurc tlysjcp .iahcartburn . , mala
ria , kidney disease , liver complaint ,
and other casting diseases.
cniichcs the blood and purifies the
! > yitcm ; cures weakness , Lick of
energy , etc. Try n bottle.
is ( lie only Iron preparation that
docs not colortho teeth , nnd will not
cause headache or constipation , as
other Iron preparations will.
Ladies and all sufferers from ncu-
ralaia , hysteria , nnd kindred com
plaints , will find it vitliout an equal.
Oinnlm Saving * Bonk.
Notice is hereby i-iven that on the 20th
day of July , A. D. , 1882 , the undersigned
persons did form n body corporate and
politic , and did adopt the following arti
cles of tncorpornllon :
AiiTici.E 1. The name of this incorpor
ation ehall bo
AIIT. 2. The principal place of trans
acting UH busings shall bo Omaha , Doug
las comity , Nebraska.
ART. 3. The general nature of the
business to bo trnnsocsod by it shall bo the-
usual business transacted by a savings deposit -
posit and safely deposit bank and trust
company. It may receive moui > y on deposit -
posit , paying Interest thereon , receive
valuables for safe keeping nnd act as
ti listen and fiscal agent. It may borrow ,
loan nnd Invest money upun approved se
curity , and purchnfco unit sell property and
securities ,
AUT. I. The capital stock of the
incorporation shall be the sum of Ono
Hundred uud Fifty Thousand Dollars ,
divided into ono hundred nnd fifty
shares of One Thousand Dollars
each share. Five per centum of the stock
ehall bo payable upon signing Iho slock
subscrlpllon , fiyo per centum shall bo pay-
nblo upon the election of officers of the
corporation and the balance of the capital
stuck shall bo payable upon the call of the
board of directors.
AUT. 5. The time of commencement of
the said corporation shall bo the 20th day
of July , A , D , , 1882 , nnd Its termination ,
ahull bo the 1st day of July , A. D. , 1925.
AUT. U. The highest amount of liabil
ity or indobtednoes to which the corpora
tion is ut any time to subject itself Is the
sum of Ono Hundred Thousand Dollars ,
Dxcopt for nionloi deposited with the Bjnk
ly its patrons.
AUT. 7 , The affairs of Iho corporation
ire to bo conducted by a board of nine di
rectors to bo electnd by the stockholders so
teen as all the stock Hindi be subscribed.
l'hono directors shall elect from their own
number a Prcsldeul , Vice President and
Managing Director , who shall constitute
: heinanugiiig board , The managing board
ihall select a cashier for said bank , who
shall also act as the Secretary and Trcas-
arer of Ihe corporation. Sucli cashier need
lot bo n stockholder or director , but shall
rive ample bonds for the dlucliargo of his du-
Jos. The board of directors shall bo
ilected ntn utockhnldi-rs'mooting , held the
first Monday of each January. The board
) f dliectors shall meet nt Iho bank on the
Irtit Monday in every month at nine
> 'clock n. in. , and the managing board
ihall meet ( it the bank on the first Monday
n every week ut the nanm hour.
t ! . W. LiNiN'UKK ,
E. L. STONI : ,
( Jl'.OIlfJK O. TOWI.E ,
Oirnha , Neb. , July 20 h , 1882.
] y22 every sat 41
W taku the
UMcago &
Trains IMVU Omaha 3.10 p. m , anil 7:10 : a. m ,
'or full information ll on II. I1. PUKIII-'llc-
ut A Kent , mil atiJ 1'arnam nU. J. UKUU u , I' .
lallwiy JJ.yjt , or nt \UK3T. . OLA UK , General
I'll ( out reinoviil > l ? ! < 'illnterchiintt il J l
h-Illci' , rrii'l rl 'i ir Itut-iH'r * lint1" ! | - cllt
> ln N'riv 4lii V'lV ' V ili-m i- oil t\t
< IM X. A'uvv HulVly ncxcrvalr ,
JV Hummer IUD tlivug Stoves uru
These celebrated etovea for sale by
Mercy & Bradford , Oinuha , Neb.
lanit nu'iuDcrtnip role * ( or the antl-monpoly
tiu. containing utatoiuvnt ol prlnoliilo met *
of procedure aiiJ luatructloiui bow to organ ,
will txtsont on application to Q..U. Oale ,
Hit. Koibimtnaj ) . inti-l