Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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A Variety of Important Events
From aU Parts of tlio
Country ,
Tne Principal Peatureo of the
Immigrant Bill Passed by
A Stronis Effort In the Bormto to
Fnrthor Kottnoo thoTobrxooo
bportlng Notoa imcl Other Hvonts.
National Associated t'rcw
WASIIJNOTOX , July 22. IJou obill
giving Airs. Girliuld ono year's nalary
of her late husband , pansod.
HoBjlution ndoptod inquiring into
the expediency of the cnblo to Bor
mudn for signal service.
HouKti bill for public buildings nt
JIfttciuolto nnd Scranton , ! * , , pasaod.
Senator llalo aubmlttod n confer
ence report on Mio di'Iicloncy bill nnd
the senate by unanimous vote insisted
on its paying milong i to aonators for
special session. Conforonoo was or
dered ,
The senate took up the revenue
bill. Senator Hock offered nn amend
ment to retain the tnr ou perfumery
nnd medical preparations. .Rejectee ] ,
2J ( to 2 ! ) .
Most of the nfternocu scision was
spent in a rambling nnd almost aim
less debate on the bill , the speakers
rarely confining themaqlvcs to the
subject matter. Various propositions
were submitted , permitting producers
of loaf tobncro to sell their own pro-
dudtions without payment of tax as
dealers , Finally nn amendment wni
offered by Senator Deck , permitting
them to soil S100 worth a year.
Adopted , 23 to 24.
Just before adjournment , Senator
Mahono offered his amendment mak
ing the tax on manufactured tobacco
eight conta. This , if ndopted , would
Buporcodo Senator lieck'n ( or 12 cents ,
previously ndopted. Senator Merrill
end Sherman strenuously opposed it ,
as exhausting the limit to which thu
reduction of rovcnuo could bo car-
Senator Bock who heretofore was
only willing to reduce the tux to 12
cents , said ho would vpto for it.
Senator Bayard said ho would do
the same but for the amendment per
mitting growers to sell in small quan
tities which was sure to prove a
Horious leak in the rovonues. To
Bocuro its reconsideration and thus
strengthen Mahono'n amendment , ho
sought and obtained nt 0:15 : p. in. ,
adjournment to Monday. Should
Mnhono'a amendment carry , which is
possible , it may lead to the abandon
ment of the tariff f cut urea of the bill.
Mr. Kasson offered a bill authoriz
ing the admission free of duty foreign
mntcrial designed for usp with domes
tic material for buildinq ships for
foreign owners.
Mr. TucUor offered nn amendment
extending the snmo privilege to ship
builders and ownorH in this country.
A lively discussion followed and the
bill wont over. The vote on Mr.
Tuokor'a amendment stood 01 yeas ,
12 nays.
A bill was pasaod cauunp the for
feiture of the goods of any trader at
tempting to operate ) on the Indian
reservations without liconso.
Mr. Doustor'a bill regulating the
carriage of immigrants was passed. Its
principal provisions are as follows :
It ) n steamship carrying passengers
ether than cabin passengers the com
partments or spaces unobstructed by
cargo stores or goods shall bo of sufll-
clont dimensions to allow for each and
every passenger carried or brought
therein 100 cubic foot of tin compart
ments or spaces located on the main
dock or on the first deck next below
the main deck of the vessel , and 125
cubic fcot for each passenger carried
or brought therein if the compartment
or space is located on the second deck
below the main dock of the vessel , and
it shall not bo lawful to carry or bring
passengers on any dock ether than the
declfH above mentioned.
Children under 1 year of ago shall
not bo included , and two children between
tweon 1 and 8 years of ago shall bo
counted as ono passenger. The master -
tor of tv vessel coming to n port or
place in the United States in viola
tion of the provisions of this section
shall bo deoinod guilty of a misdemeanor
meaner and shall bo fined $50 for each
and every passenger in excess of the
proper number , and may also bo im
prisoned not exceeding six months.
In every such vessel there shall bo a
Bufliciont number of berths for the ac
commodation , ns heroin provided , of
nil such passengers. _ There shall not
bo on any dock nor in any compart
ment or space occupied by such pas
sengers more than two tiers of berths.
The berths shall bo properly con
structed and bo separated from each
IK ether by partitions , as berths ordi
narily are separated ; and each
berth shall bo at least two foot in
width and six foot In loncth , and the
interval between the floor nnd lower
part of the lowest tier of bertha and
the dock beneath thorn shall not bo
IOHS than six inches , nor the interval
between each tier of berths and the
interval between the uppermost tier
and the dock abivo it less than two
feet six inches , For any violation of
the provisions of this section the mas
ter of the vessel shall bo liable to a
fine ot $5 for each passenger carried
or brought on the vessel ,
Every such steamship or other vos-
aol shall have ndenuato provision for
affording light and air to the pusaon-
gor docks and to the compartments
and spaces occupied by such passen
gers , and with adequate means nnd
appliances for ventilating the com
partments and spaces. There are
special provisions for inuuring this ,
and the penally for any neglect to
conform tn the requirements shall not
exceed $250 ,
An allowance of good , wholesome ,
and proper food , with a _ reasonable
quantity of fresh provisions , which
food ahull bo equal in value to ono and
a half navy rations of the United
States , and of fresh water not less than
four quarts per day ahull ba furnished
' guch pataongera. Three meals shall
] iO Borred daily at regular and stated
hours , of which hours sufficient notice
shall bo given , If any such passen
gers shall , nt any time during the toy
ago , bo put on short allowance foi
food or wntcr , the master of the vesnol
shall pay to such passenger S3 of
each nnd every day the passenger may
have boon put on short nllownncet ox-
cnpt in coso cf accidents ,
where the captain is obliged
to put the passengers on short
allowances. Mothers with infants
nnd young children shall bo furnished
the necessary quantity of wholesome
milk or condensed milk for the sus
tenance of the latter. Tables and
seats shall bo provided for the use of
passengers nt regular meals , nnd for
nvory willful violation of any of the
provisions of this soition the master
of the vessel shall bo deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor , and shall bo fined
not more than $500 nnd bo imprison
ed for n term not exceeding six
months. The enforcement of this
penalty , however , shall not affect the
civil responsibility of the master and
owners of the vessel to such pis-
sengon ns may have suffered from any
negligence , breach of contract , or default -
fault on the part of such masters or
In every such steamship or ether
VCBBO ) there slinll bo properly built
and Recurcd , or divided off from other
apncsB , two compartments or spaces
to bo used exclusively as hospitals for
such passengers , ono for mon and the
otiior for women. The hospitals shal ]
ba IccUod in n space below the
deck next below the main deck of the
voted , nnd not elsewhere. The pros-
oi-co of n competent physician nnd
good care in case of sickness ore also
provided for. For a violation of the
provision ot this section the master oi
the voBsal shall bo liable to n penalty
not exceeding $250.
The master of every such ( steamship
or ether vessel is authorized to main
tain good discipline nnd such habits of
cleanliness nmong such pasaongora as
will tend to the preservation of health ;
aud some ot the methods are specified ;
any violation of the regulations to
aubjoct the master of the vosaol to n
line of not more thnn $100.
It shall not bo lawful to have on
board of any such steamship Or other
\csBolany nitroglycerine , dynamite ,
or "any other oxploaivo article or com
pound , nor any vilrlol or like acids ,
nor gunpowder , except for the ship's
use , nor any nrticlo or number of ar
ticles , whether as cargo or ballast ,
which , by reason of the n.xturo or the
quantity or mode of storage thereof ,
shall , either singly or collectively , bo
likely to endanger the health or lives
of the passengers or safety of the vcs-
eel ; and horses , cattle or ether ani
mals taken on board of or brought in
any such vessel shall not bo carried on
any dock below the dock compartment
in which papsonnorB are berthed , nor
in any adjoining compartment except
in a vessel built of iron , and of which
the compartments are divided oil' by
wator-tiht | bulkheads extending to
the upper deck. For every violation
of any of those provisions the master
of the voasoi shall bo deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor , and bo imprisoned
for n period not exceeding one year.
A number of minor bills , relating to
Indian affiiiru , passed ,
The house at 3:30 : adjourned.
National Asooclatod Prou.
OIIIUAOO , July 22. To-day was the
seventh and last day of the rarca nt
Driving park. The attendance was
small. The first race , special , $250 a
Hide , with $1,000 added by the asso
ciation , had four entrees , and was won
easily by Oroxio in three straight
heats , Abe Downing second , Over
man third ; time 2:32 : ] .
The second , a stallion race , for $250
i side , $1,000 added by the nccocia-
: ion , had only three entries , Black
Oloud winning in three straight heats ,
alter u close contest , Monoo Chief
second , Scotts Thomas third : time
2:17.1. :
In the third race 3:00 : class , purse
61,000 , five entries , Jim Bowman won
in three straight heats , Ileol second ,
Billy third ; time 2:29 : $ .
LONO BUANOH , July 22. First race ,
purse $500 , for three year olds and
upwards , ono mile , Parole first , Clara
D , second ; time , 1:43 : : } .
Second race , Camden stakes , two
fear olds , three quarters of a milo ,
liollo first , Woodllower second ; time ,
1:10 : ] ,
Third race , harvest handicap , for
ill ages , milo and a quarter , Jack of
Hearts first , GirofU second ; time ,
2:21. :
Fourth race , handicap sweepstakes ,
nile and throo-quarters , Faircount
first , Monitor second ; time , 303j. ;
Fifth race , purao $200 , for all agoa ,
; ontlomon riders , throo-quarters of a
milo , Constantine first , Sir Hugh second
end ; time , 1:10 :
Sixth race , Mallard stakes , seven
'urloiifjs , Uospudor first , Vampire second
end ; time , ltU : ) ,
Seventh race , purse $500 , milo and
a quarter , over five hurdles , Kitty
Clark first , Frank Short second ; time ,
2:22j. :
The judges' decisions in the fifth
and sixth races , when Hospador was
[ ilncod first , instead of Ynmpiro , nnd
when Sir Illicit was misplaced , caused
a universal hiss from the vast audience ,
nnd oven Mr. Hunter , who rode Hos
pador , offered to bet the judges , for
lie know ho had not won ,
NKW YOUK , July 22. First race ,
| > iirau $200 , ft-year-olds. throo-quar-
tera of a milo , llotchamio first , Medu
sa second ; time , 1:18 : ,
Second race , $250 , all ages , ono
mile , Monk first , Watchman second ;
time 1:45. :
Third race , $200 , for beaten horses ,
sovun furlongs , Kenny first , Sports
man second ; time , 1:30 : ,
Fourth race , five furlongn , Hickory
first , Qarfield second ; time , 102 ; { .
Fifth raco. $200 , steeplechase
short course , Inu'omar first , Moscow
aucondj time , 2 ; 17.
A | ) \S1I KOH $10,000.
SALT LAKE , Utah , July 22. At
Agricultural park to-day , the race be
tween Pearl Jonninija and Hod Uoy ,
for $10,000 , one mile and a quarter ,
the former won ; time , 2:11 : ,
Till ! TlirMflUiH ,
NnwYonK , July 22. Richard K.
Fox , "Tug" Wilson's backer , will not
consent to Billy Muddon'a proposition
ou behalf of Sullivan for the battle
ground , but will agree that the fight
take pluco in Mississippi or Louisiana ,
or will iiumo three places whore the
battle can bo decided. Harry Hill
will bo the final stakeholder ,
A Hard-Fonfiht Battle on the
Diamond Field ,
A Trial of Strength Between
Red Oloud and Bloom-
Tiio Mnnculivr Youth of Bloomlnn-
ttm the Victor * Tiv a Score
of 8 to 7.
"WonrofjoinguptoBloomington on
Thursday to piny n gatno of base bal
with the nine of thnt p'laco , nnd you
must not fall to bo there , " said n Hoc
Cloud ball player to a BEB reporter ,
"as ovcry one in this vicinity taken
TIIK Br.E , nnd will llko to hear how
the gatno comes out , " The acribo
made n solemn promise , and true to
his word wns present on the appointee
day. On the early mornitlg there
vroro heavy clouds and the prospect o
a rainy day , but in a fovr hours i
cleared away , just or-ough cloud remaining
maining to shndo the sun. At 1
o'clock the lied Cloud boya arrived
together with their friends and a number
bor of visitors from llivorton anc
Franklin. It was avidont from the
first that the Red Oloud nine mean
business , os they came with oil the
requisites for a good game uniforms
bats , balls and girls , The truth is they
are good boys , and when they go
away from homo , they do not believe
in leaving their sisters behind.
The Bloomington nine mot their
opponents and escorted them to the
hotel , where dinner was had. At the
close both nines repaired to the field
prepared for notion. Seats had boon
for the accommodation of the
idy visitors , wlioro they could see the
playing of their favorites. The Bloomington -
ington ladies occupied the seats re
maining. The Hold wns in' excellent
condition and presented a picturesque
appearance with the rod and blue un-
forms of the players nnd the elegant
costumes of the ladies ; oycr all iloated
the stars and stripes.
Want of sp.ico forbids our enumer
ating each play that was made , but
each and ovcry player acquitted him-
salt nobly. After the first inning the
spectators became very enthusiastic
nnd every move wns wutchud with thn
most intense interest , the friends of
cither nine cheering as their favorites
made a good play. The ladies , espec
ially , seemed to enjoy the sport , and
in their presence the boys did their
best , for who will not do his best
whan his girl is looking on ? From the
beginning to the last inning the game
was very close , the acoro bolnc n tie.
At the final inning the Bloomington
nine made n score and the game was
won by thorn , 8 to 7. The victorious
nine gave three cheers in honor of the
Rod Cloud boy ; , who returned the
compliment in n like manner. It was
pronounced by all a most successful
game and the most closely contested
of any played in the valley this sea
son. Every ono appeared satisfied and
general good fcoling prevailed on ail
sides. The Red Oloud boys have no
reason to fool ashamed of their defeat ,
for to bo beaten by a score of one at
the hinds of a nine equal to the
Bloomington nine , is a greater honor
than a victory would bo over a loss
skillful nino.
The Bloomington nine was composed -
od of the following named gontlman :
Hort , Wright , Fnllan , Mahin , Me-
Coy , Shaffer , J. Wright , Pugsloy ,
The make up of tbo Rod Oloud nine
was as follows : 0 Platt , W. Smith ,
II. Sherwood , J. Minor , A. Higby ,
M. Marsh , G. Harbor , S. Albright ,
V. Fulton. The scorers were J. 0.
Warner and E. H. Marshall. L. P.
Albright , ot Rod Oloud , acted aa um
The Rod Oloud boys say they will
not bo satisfied until the Bloomington
nine play them a game on their own
round , and it is probable that a ro-
iurn game will bo arranged before a
? roat while. Red Cloud and BloomIngton -
Ington have reason to bo proud of
their base ball nines , as it is doubtful
whether any town in the valley can
show a hotter nino. It is also doubt
ful , in the extreme , if any two towns
: an surpass these two most favored
localities in the number of pretty
girls who are interested in base ball.
A. 0. D.
What Omaha la to Suitor in tno Ap
proaching1 Fall.
There is a gathering of the clans in
Nebraska. All the short-haired
'omnlrs and long-haired males , from
the Passamaquoddy to the Golden
gate , are on their way thither to take
iart in the woman suffrage campaign.
What Iowa nnd Kansas have under
gone from the prohibition and anti-
prohibition exhorters is not n circum-
stanao to that which is in store for
Nebraska. The male nnd female
shriokors intend to go through tlia
state like a cyclone. They will com-
iiionco very soon , and premise to keep
it up through the summer nnd fall
without intermission , In September
.ho national convention of the suf
fragists will bolield at Omaha , and nil
the celebrities thoro. Life in n now
stnto is not without its drawbacks ,
after all. If no other plague is visited
upon Nebraska , this year its cup' will
bo full , [ Chicago Times.
OrnnUiv Morchanta ( Jam the Point
ABkocl For ,
The visit of tno delegation of
Omaha merchants to Chicago some
weeks ago scorns to have had a good
elfoct , as will bo soon by the following
from the Chicago Tribune :
"Tho committee of general freight
agents appointed at Wednesday's
mooting of the general mana ors of
the Missouri river roads to consider
the question of equalizing the rates
between points on tlio east side of the
Missouri river and these on the west
sldo lius completed its work nnd
ngrood to make the rates to Council
Dlutl'd the n mo as to Omaha , They
nlao agreed to make the Kansas
City rates the same as the Omaha
rates. This causes nn advance ol
from two to five cents per 100 pounds
on all classes of freight from Chicago
and St. Louis to Council Bluffs anc
Kansas City , as the Kansas City rates
heretofore were the same as these to
Council Bluffs. While the Omaha
merchants will no doubt bo satisfied
with this action , ns it gives them the
advantage over thfiir competitors at
Council Bluffs nnd Kansas City , it is
quite certain that the now arrange
ments will create n storm of indigna
tion among the merchants of Council
Bluffs and Kansas City , and some live
ly protests may bo looked for.
This action will necessitate an entire -
tire reconstruction of the Missouri
river land's , ns all the rates will bo
higher than at present , and Commis
sioner Miflloy is now engaged in pre
paring thanow tariff , nnd will have it
printed in a day or two. "
It la thoconciirniit tcstlmonyct'trto public and
thntnc-lkluM proto-floii thnt Hosteller's M'om <
ch Hitters I n modli inn v hlch ch Vfi rcsuIU
srecdlr Mt , llnrouuli and benign. llolila reel *
lilDjflhcr disorder. It lux gorites thcfcchlc , con
quers kldniy arrl bladder < oai | > .alnts , nml Inn-
tenithocriiivalOTS DCorf ilio'o icciurlnz from
enfeebling ill etuis Moreover , It li the grand
specific forfti\cr and ague.
For Data by all druggists and dealers ijcnornlly
Jl teal
" " taoS&si
St. Louh , is 8(111 ( treatIng -
Ing nil 1'lUVATi : , NKU-
VoUS , CIIltON O nd
Special Disuses , Spcrma-
tonhtca , Impoti ncy ( Sex-
iml Incapacity ) , Female
Ditcnscn , Irregular ! les ,
Difficulties , etc.
i , ten I 25 cent *
( In nUiupi ) ti v > y cxpresi
tharccs on a 4'\nlual > l <
\vork" cnlltlctl "Oisoeui
o ( \Vorren , etc. " Work
on CHRONIC DMKIHEH , one stamp
o ( Eclt-alitno or Prhato Disease , send 2 stamps
lor C'KLKDiiATKD WOBKH on NtrtciH anil rcxuil
Diseases. Consultation pmorully or Ly letter ,
FIUJE. Consu t Iho old Doctor. THOUSANDS
CL'HKO. Olllcn In quiet , uhatc , rrspcctablo
place. You tec no ono but the doctor. Dr.
> larko U the only phjeicUn In the clly whew > r-
lanti cures or no pay .VccllcliiC3 fccut c\cry
whorn. HourH. 8 A. M tn 8 p. M il&wlv
The Moat Succestful Remedy ever dlscov *
ored , as It Is certain In Its odectn nnd Jo09 not
blister. READ PROOF UK LOW. Also excellent
for human flesh.
WoahlnKtcnvllle , Ohio , June 17 , 1831. DB
D. J. KKNDALL , &Co. : Gouts Iloading your ad
vertisement In Turl , Field and Farm , of your
KcntUll's Spavin Cure , ard having a valuable
and speedy horse which had been lame from
ppavln for eighteen months , I sent to you for
bottle by express , which In six weeks removed
nil lamenris nnd enlargement and a large spl'nt '
from another horse , and both horsoa are to-aay
an Bound as colts. The ono bottle wag worth tome
mo ono hundred dollars. Respectfully
yo'iro , II. A. Dk'RTOtBTT , II. D.
Send for Illustrated circular giving positive
proof. Price ? ! . All Druintl'ta have It or can
got lynj you. Dr. 11. J. Kendall & Co' , Pro-
§ OL.t > BY".LL'DBUGGIS rs.
English rein-
oily. An un
failing euro
> for Seminal
Weakness ,
rhca , Impotency -
ency , and all
Dlecasesthat' '
lolt-AlJUHo ; OB Loot of Memory , Universal Lassl
udo , Pain In the Bock , Dlmiiosa of Vision , Premature
mature Old Ago , and many other Diseases that
ead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prcma-
uro Oravo.
t&FM particulars in oar pamohlet , which
wo desire to send f reo t v mall to every one.
iyTho SpoclQ rUedlclno Is told by all druggists
at 91 per package , or C pack\ea for 85 , or will
bo sent free by mall on rei * < Ipt'of the money , by
aldruoBlug' THEOIUY 1EDICINE CO. ,
Buffalo , N. T.
{ In any stage bV °
.em&irf ) r "
) ld Sores ,
Pimples ,
or any
Ourea When Hot Springs Fail
UAVIBN , Aua. , May . 1881
Wa ha\e c o < In onr on town who lived at
lot Spring , mill were finally cured with S. a. 8 ,
llOOAMMON fc llimOT
It luu uLiiui.ixjiuo to ou ua miur. . mt.1.
CUKE YOUR OR charge nothlntr 11 Write lot
particular ) and copy of little Uook "
in th Unfortunate Hutforlnir
Bi.dlMI itewnrtl win uo u ia la uj
heuiUt \ > lie will tin J , on analjsla 100 tottlo
i.e. 8. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide I'otu
tuni or any Mineral aubstanco.
Prlco of Small slit , f 1.00 ,
Large lto 41,76.
President. Vice FrtWI
W , S. Dmtum , Sec. and Trcxs.
Lincoln , Neb.
Uorn Plnnlois , Hrrrowa.Pnrm
HulUy Hay luvliod , Buotcoc
Wlndmllla. &o , , , , ,
nork aud uiauu'ai
We ar proptrcd to da jab
urine for other patties.
Audtai all orders
Lincoln , Nub.
Mrs .1. 0. Ilobcrtaon , Pltttouw. Pa. , writes ! "
wet suffering from general dclillln. nant of ap
petite , constipation , etc. , so that lye WM n bur
den ; after tiling Ilurdock Oldbd Itlttcru I felt bet
ter than for j cars. I cannot praise your Hitter
too much , "
Jl.Glbbs. of Buffalo , N. Y , , writes : "Your
Ilurdock Dice Bitters , In chronic dlscasca of tha
blood , liter * ! kldnc\8 , htto boon algnallv
marked with success. Ihave unoj them mjsel
with best results , for lorpidltvot tholl\er , And In
CMC of a friend of mine suffering from dropsy ,
the effect was marvelous. "
Bruce Turner , nochcitcr , N. Y.wrltea | : 'I h&vo
been subject to serious disorder of tlio kidneys
and tinnlilc to attend to business ; Ditrdock Blooi
Dlttcra relieved mo before half n bottle w as used
I feel conddcnt that they will entirely euro mo. "
Ascnlth Hall , ningharnpton , N , Y. , wrltct
"I Buffered with a dull pain thrsugh tnv cfl
lung and shoulder , I/ost tny splrita , appetite
and color , and could with illlllculty keep up all
day. Took > our Ilurdock Blood Hitlers aa di
rected , and have felt no pain since llrst week at-
ter using them. "
Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About
four jean ago I hadannttack of biliousfc\oram
never fully recovered. My dlgcstho organs
wcro weakened , and I would bo completely pros
tratcd for days. After using tw o bottles of j our
Ilurdock Blood Bitters thcl mprotcment was so
tUlblo that I was astonished. I can now. though
Cl > cars Ot ago , do a fair and loasonablo day's
C. Blackot noblneon , proprietor of The Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Forvcars
I Buffered greatly from oft-recurring hcadaclio. 1
used your Burdock Blood Bittcra with happiest
result * , nnd I now find mvsclf In better health
than for years past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! have
used Burdock Blood Bitters for ncncus and bil
ious headaches , and can recommend It to anyone
requiring a cure for bllllousncss. '
Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes
"For several years I have suUeied fttm cft-iccur
ring blllloua headaches , dyspepsia , and com
plaints peculiar to my ecx. Since using your
Burdock Blood Bittcra I am entirely rcllo\ed. "
Price. 81.00 oei Hottlo ; Trial Bottles 10 Cts
FOSTER , MILBUEN , & Co , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by Isb & McMohon nnd C. F
Goodman. Jo 27 ood-mo
Disease la an effect , not a cause. Ita origin Is
within ; its manifestations without. Uenco , to
cure the disease the CAimmust ba removed , and
In no other way can a euro ever bo effected ,
IiIVER CURE la established on jftu ; tma
prlnclplo. It reallzca tf" > f- n "
95 Per Cent.
of all diseases arize from deranged kldnoya an
liver , and It strikes at once at the root of the
difficulty. The elements ol which It la composed
act directly upon ihcaa great organs , both as a
FOOD atd iiKSTORBR , and , by placlr/g / them In a
healthy , condition , drlvo disease and pain from
the system.
For the Innumerable troub'ea caused by un
healthy Kidneys. Liver and Urinary Organs ; for
the distressing DIsordersof Women ; for Malaria.
and physical derangements generally , this great
rcm-dyhaj no equal. Itewaro of Impostors , 1m-
tatlons and concoctions said tn bo Just aa good.
or sale by all dealers.
H. H "WARNER & CO. ,
mo _ Rochester N. Y.
The Great hngiish Kem&dy
Never falls to cuio
Korvoua Debility , VI
W Exhaustion , Emls-
Seminal Woak-
klHOOD , and all the
j v 11 effects of youth-
Slful folhca and execs-
'lies. It stopa pcrnm-
Iliently all weakening.
involuntary lossts and
drains upon the ss-
Item , the Inevitable rc >
M , , , "tun of these evilnrac
; lcc3 , which are BO dcstruetlvo to mind and body
and make Ufa miserable , oltcn leading to Insani
ty and death. It strengthens the Nervca.tiraln ,
memorU DIood , Jiimclca , Dlgcetlvo and Repro *
iuctUo Organs , It restores to all the organic
unctlcns their former vigor and Utallty , ma
king life cheerful and en Jo ) able. Price , i3 a
bottle , or four times the quantity $10. Sent by
express , secure from obsen atlon. to any address.
on receipt of price. No. 0. O. D. sent , except
on receipt of $1 as a guarantee. Letters rj-
quoatlng answ era must inclose stamp.
Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills
arc tli ) best and cheapest dyspepsia and blllloua
euro lu the market. Sold by all druggists. Price
0 cents.
Cures ill klndol Kidney and bladder complain to.
gonorrhea , gleet and Icucorrhca. For Bate by all
datirglsta : $1 a bottle.
718OH\eSt. , St. Louis , Mo.
For Sale In Omaha by
Vyf Hiuuttv i / 1C jojnrjfc
mnn of lot-
juur ilutlf nvbii' ' h Bork , to ri'n
Hop Bitters , utu Hop Be
If UM&oejijt nitI "
dlkCittlon or dl fliia [ limn if"you ivi inn
rlcd or blnplc , ow or I ouutr , tuiriTliu- fret
jo rhr Hli ar iMitrului | Inif uu a t'ett rA < lcl
uvw , rrly on Hop !
Wliueicr ro r . lirjii-inas ulo * ,
njai ; > fruiu jtae
nlieuurrr jou
y tciu ; form ul K ! o n o y
tlir i jour
fiet-di cltunsinu. lor * , 1-rtlsrt.wi inat mlKlii
Inif tlniulutl
nlthoutinfpxfruli or brt mely n or < i
take Hop HcpEJltter *
O , f. O
U an eb cl-.t.
jilalm , iluoaiel nil irrcM.U ,
ol ti" i/o i < icAl HOP hla cure lot
bnmlt. Vlood.l ibkemiKii
jifri ( > rn nt i | of wjiliir }
You wlll nel U'-ttCOO , CJ"
Hop Bitter *
BoldM firn ?
UyaaireiJni- weak and ? Ma. S ij ; > , /
luv , ] ilrH < Jtr > NEVER Clrculu
Hi It may
nvoyour FAIL to.
Hit , , It hnb ,
Oiivtxl nun * H k..fe.I , I
AT route , flit.
A Cnr4 Guaranteed.
Dr. E. 0. West d Ncr\o anil llralu Treatment
AipodfloJor IljeterU , Dizziness , Convulsions.
fcrvoua Headache , Mental Depression , Losa ol
il < ! morySeiuiatoiru | < Rk.ui potency , Imoluntary
Kmlualoni 1'romaUiro Old Age caiucJ
, , by ovcr-
nertlon , lell-abune , or o > er-lndulgcnce , which
eado to tultery , dcciy and death. One uox will
euro recent cties. Ea-h box contains ono month' *
roatment. One dolkr a box , or nix boxea lor
01 e dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on recolpt ol
irlce. We guarantee elr boxes to cure any c ac.
Vltb each order received by ut ( or elx boxe * , ac-
companltd with Dvo doll r , will tend the pur.
chuer our written guarantee to return tbo
money II the treatment do > uot cQect a cure.
0. / . Goodman , Druir l t , Hole. Wholesale and
rcful Agent , , Neb. Ord < r4 by mall at
ItiU otice. dkwlv
Storage , Commission and "Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Pock & BanBhors Larfl , and Wilbor Mills Flonr
, - - -
J" . < T _ IBIRO WIEvr & OO
Boots and Shoes ,
O. IB1.
Window and Plate Glass.
2TAnyono contemplating building storebank , or any other fine will find It to their acl-
\antago to corres end with us before purchasing their Plato Glass.
OMAHA - - - NEB.
. O.
1213 Farnham St. . Omaha ,
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
1020 Farnham Street ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA KE B
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
* *
Cor. Faruam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb ,