Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1882, Image 10

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Max Meyer & Bro. 9 ax Meyer & Bra ,
Alive to the necessities and wants of a growir metropolitan , H
community are continually striving to retain thou' establishment , Wo have lately added to mr line of 'PIANOS , the
at the head of the list for Fine Goods and fair dealing , They
are daily receiving by express from the loading trade centers of this1 OIHIiaiKIIEPIRXIISrGi-
country , packages of now. and desirable goods , consisting of now and ; ,
rare designs in Sleeve Button" , Laps Pins , duff/ / ; Pins , Sapphire Sets , which together with the
Pearl Sots , Etrucan "Roman Gold" Sots , Combination Diamond Sots ,
Pins and Earrings , Combination Cats Eye , and Diamond Lace Pins STEOTAY
Silvo , Pilligroo from Genoa , Italy. Combination interchangeable1 ,
Sots , which can bo worn as Lace , Hair or Shawl Pin , and Fmgoi
. Makes our selection of fine instruments UNRIVALLED. The old reliable
Loose Stones mounted in rings of any design or still in the lead.
setting in two and a half hours , ; Pianos and Organs for rent. Pianos and Organs tuned
and repaired. Pianos and Organs sold on installments
FINE WATCHES without interest. Call and examine ,
Sheet Music and Music Book Department ,
, Our trade in this department has far exceeded our
expectations , in order to reduce our stock preparatory
FINE WATCHES 1022 & 1024 Farnam Street to remodeling and increasing our facilities for handling
, music , we will until further notice give a discount be
Consisting of a full line of every ntnndard and reliable watch manufactured. Wo handle no low all competition. Large full size music 5c
. and other fine , percopy ,
Watches which cannot bo sold nndor our full guirantoo. Ghronomotur watches re
paired and adjusted correctly. I sheet music 2c per copy.
The Daily Bee.
Mornincr July 24.
Weather Koport.
( i'lio following ohscrvntionsi are taken at
the eamo moment of time at all the ntalluns
Hlver 10 foot 0 Incho iibovo low water mirk nt
0 a&ba , and 0 foot 1 Inchon M Yankton.
The Board of Trade meets thU evening.
The city council will meet again to
morrow night.
No news yet of Iho missing man ,
William Aunt.
" The nowlsavlnga bank will bo opsn
within a month's time.
There were three arrests Saturday
night tot drunk and dhordorly conduct.
Yotterday WBB a qulot day , the major
ity of our citizens going to the park.
Four extra trains of Block and one of
silk came in on the U. P. yesterday.
The Christian church began work on
tholr new house of worship last week.
Telegraph money ordera aa high ns
8500 may now bo Bent by the Western
Two cars of fruit came In onU , P.
train No.1 yesterday , and were sent cast
over the Northwestern.
Trinity cathedral Sunday school nnd
the mlssionn will have their picnic on
Thursday at Hanscom park.
The Board of Public Work * held their
tirst meeting , an unimportant one , Satur
day evening , at the olllco of the city
MFB. WioBoner , living on South Thir
teenth street , complained at the police
court yesterday tlmt her husband bad de
serted her and left for parts unknown.
A fire on Sherman avenue , early
Saturday morning , burned the roof oil of
a small , unoccupied dwelling house. Dam
age about S1BO.
Mini Hardenborg , having secured ono
of the St. Barnabas tichool rooms , will
open her euminer school of elocution ,
physical exercises and writing this morn
ing at 'J o'clock.
Omaha Lodire No. HI , I. O. O. T. ,
will give a urand plc-nto at Ifunscom
park , Tuesday , July 23,1882. Tickets are
put down to the low prlco of twenty-live
cents each , Including nipper.
Several prominent farmers of this
county hold a meeting In this city Satur
day to take steps to organize a farmcra *
association for the Insurance of cattle and
horses , Anitlior meeting will ho held at
I. Mtllanl. August fith ,
On Saturday evening a boy lumed
Ituby was arrested while tr > ing to pell two
ellver napkin rings , ono marked N , W.
M. , and the other M. J. M. , Loth of
which were taken from the boy by n
policeman , lluby is now In the county
jail on the charge of petit larceny ,
- It is reported tlmt the eruit bound ex'
press train ou the Denver extension of the
II , & AT , , was ditched near Culbertson ,
Saturday night. The engine , haggavo
car and three coaches left the track , the
sleeper only remaining on , The engineer
and fireman were Injured but how scrl *
outly la not known.
The Grand Cential tiloou and billiard
lull waa elated Saturday afternoon by
Sheriff Miller on an attachment Unued In
favor of Will Knig , the brewer , Tluns 's
also a mortgage for 81'JCO ou tll ° allu :
property. The probability U that the cm-
harassment iu merely temiwary ami thnt
the ualon and variety theatre will he
opened at the time announced , August
1Uh.A very pleasant and informal recep
tion was given Friday ou'iilug at the resi
dence of Hon. O. W. Ambrose , to Ml s
Falrfield , of Lincoln. Among thiwe pie .
sent were Missed Ambrose , Hoed , Wag
goner , Taft , Whltmore. Mullen , Maggie
Wilson , Calderwood , the Misses Touralln ,
MctHfR. Lootnis , Kavinlus , Kitzpntrick ,
Hoyt , Nattlnt'cr , LuJdinglon , V , Dar
ling , Katrfiold , Tousoy , Coombs nnd , The time was spent with music
and dancing , nnd norno of the laiilcn
favored the company with n number of
beautiful vocal selections.
Sorno weeks ngo a man named Sheri
dan was nrroated In thin city for the theft
of n pair of tailor's shears nt Weeping
Water. Ho waa subsequently nrrealcil fur
disturbing Iho pcaco at the Y. M. G. A.
rooms ntid again , ou Homo charge nppe-ired
In the Council BluIN police court. On
attmlay ho waa arrested for ttcaliug a
silk tilstor from Dick WHdo'n place , the
garment having the ownorj name ou it.
lie inn hard citizen , and (3 ( now in Iho
county jail on Ilia charge of prtlt larceny.
The river in still falling nnd now only
10 feet fi incite * nbovs low water mark.
Thirty-six cara of ten came in on
the U , ] ' . yesterday nnd go cant via the
' Q. "
Wo think sheet music at CO per cent
off price Is getting down pretty line , nml
music at ono cent Is finer. A. lloupo is
doing It.
During the past year the railway mall
department handled 470,010,400 letters ,
265,890,050 papers , nud 1,118,011 registered
letters and packages ,
Temporary quarters for the Board of
Public Works have been secured In Crolgh-
ton block , where the Boardmot Saturday
evening and organized.
The Omaha 1'rotoctlvo Labor union
will hold nn open meeting on Tuesday
evening next at Kuony's hall.whlch'will to
made interesting by addresses from good
rpoakcnr. The publlo ia invited to at
tend ,
Among the freight passing through
Omaha lately wcro two 8 , P. of A. engines
west ou No. 7 , July 20th ; two cara of
horses on No. 5 Friday for Norfolk
Nob. , and eoven cara of stock in from the *
west Friday , all by tha U. P.
It ia reported that the < logn killed n
deer in Hnnscom park n few days ngo. If
there itro ordinances to protect the ani
mals thcro nml forbidding the admittance
of dogs , they should bo enforced , nnd if
there la no ordinance , ono should bo made.
Mrs. A. 1 * . Fiench , Teacher in Vocal
and Instrumental Music , cor , Humidors
and Chnrlod streets.
All tbo committees of the St. George
Society plonlo will meet to-night ut
the resiilenco uf Thou. Banner , southeast
corner of Mth nnd Davenport itreetH ,
A couple of the 1'ullman I'ncifiu Com-
pany'd boat sleopora have been xout to Chi-
i ngo ( or General Sheridan and party , who
pass thrpugh Omaha to-morrow en routu
to the Yellowstone.
Two c rs of household goo-Is and ono
of stock , the | ersoual property of Supt. J.
T. Clark , uf th Milwaukee- road , were
Hent vor the bridge Friday cud wfnt
oait Saturday. '
The chief of thu Jj. & M. laud depart
ment is now amiding ciroul.ini to hi .1 , eutx
In the various to'A'in uf the ttUto to pro
cure samples f the wheat , oatrv \ , bin-
loy , potatocp , cto , fur cxhl'Mini utthe
NebiMDka i nil Col < ra'o ettte ful > a.
The M. K. Ulu r b , co n r -f V. jjii.
tcouth ami Wulntfr , will lay their' nruir
atone August 1. .MnyiT lloyd nud ox-
Mayor Chtvae promiao tu bo prcauut and to
doll or udi'rM0i ! > , An enteituiument will
be given at ul ht in Muionlo hall.
A pnity of tililo.aU from Don Molnea ,
Including ihii County Auditor , Supervisor ,
Architect aid another , wuro In the city
Frl lay fur the purpose of oxnmlnln ?
our now county jnll. It Ia Intended to
build u similar Institution over there and
they wanted to gain what valuable hluU
our jail could f mulsh.
A little "mill" occurred at the ( Inv
eminent corral the other day between a
porter and a teamster , the bona of conteii-
tl i\\ being a basket of commissaries. A
regular fight after the approved rules of
the prlz i ring took place. First round was
won by the porter ; second round , a draw ;
third round teamster on top. In the fourth
and last round the combatants were sepa
rated ,
The ne\va of the wounding of Lieut.
Morgan , of the Third Cavalry , in an engagement -
gagement with the Apaches in confirmed
but hU injuries were not BO uovere an at
flnt repotted , HU left nnn and several
rib * weri ) tlmttercd but the ball did not
penetrate the lungs. An ambulance hns
been vent nut from the fort to the ecetie ol
the engagement , ICO miles away , to oriug
in the wounded officer ,
A. Fatal Runaway on the Bellevue -
vue Road.
A .Lively Daeli Dawn the
Struct Hill ,
A fearful accident , which will prob
ably rooult fatally to ono of the suf
ferers , occurred yeatcrday afternoon
at 2 o'clock , on the Bellevue road ,
near the farm of Mr. E. P. Storrs ,
some eight milcE oouth of this city.
It appears that Mr. J. Vickonbonr ,
lioad jeweler for the firm of Edholm
& Erickson , had gone out with his
family and a few friends for a drive.
There were in the party , baside thu
[ gentlemen , two or throe ladies and
Bovoral children , occupying a spring
wagon. When near the scone of the
accident , the horses wcro driven up tea
a foiioo corner , while the inon wont
into the field to look at soinn colts.
VVhilo they were fjono the horses took
fright at something and ran away ,
taking u course down hill. Every ono
in thb wagon was thrown out , but
none badly injured except Mro. Vick-
onborg and n little child of Mr. Aug.
Nelson. The former was ontunglod
in Dorao way in the lines , dragged a
considerable distance , and finally left
insensible at the roadside. The team
ran about a quarter of a mile before
they were stopped , and smashed the
ffagon all to pieces. Mrs. Y. was
picked up in an unconscious
state and carried to a house near
by , whore a physician was summoned
from Bollovuo. All efforts to restore
her to consciousness were unavailing
and she was brought into this city
about 5 o'clock and local medical aid
secured. It is foarodihather injuries ,
which are mostly internal , will provo
fatal as aho had not been resuscitated
up to the latest accounts last night.
The injuries to the child are not
thought to bo very serious.
About four o'clock it ) the afternoon ,
yesterday , a horse driven by Mr. P.
P. Shelby , ran away from the vicinity
of the jail on Hiirnoy street. Ho
came out on Farnam on the north side
of the enclosure and ran down the
Farnam street hill nt the top of his
speed , narrowly missing the destruc
tion of a small boy who was on the
route taken. At Fourteenth street
the horse turned to the south and
drew in at the door of tlio McShano
barn on llarnoy street , where ho was
secured. No damage was done ex
cept the breaking of the bridle worn
by the nnimnl.
Ftvvinfir Polntj.
The "flheof asphalt proposed to bo
put down hero is the same old reliable
continuoDn surface "Tiiwdiid
, as
phalt , " that lias stood thu teat of ton
yoant of continuous heavy tnilio ; that
never has failed , though a fnw of th
early specimens warj UM toj hwl
and became brittle ; ( hut win solci ted
by Iho special committee ordered by
congrojs for paving Pennsylvania
avenue , Washington , in 1870 ; tbnthia
stood summer hunt and winter ould
from Boston to W.mln g-on ; that
a fur butter rfcord than iviy known
pavement ; that IB potbelly impervious
to water ; that hiw stood a loiulcd
truck of twenty-four tone without
even a mark ; that is gritty as snud-
paper and not slippery ; that is the
standard for Washington , adopted by
the moat scientific exports ; that
stands , and invites the closest scrutiny -
iny ; that is the cheapest in the lonu
run and short run ; that will bo la-'d
hero by the man who has laid it in
Washington since 1878 ; that will bo a
pavement to bo proud of ; that will bo
a perfect covering , and thoruforo
healthy ; that can bo most easily
cleaned of dust and mud brought on
it ; that produces no dust or mud ;
that can bo cut and repaired us good
as now. This famous pavement is
composed of a six inch base of hydraulic
cement cjnoroto , nono-Hulf iuohciHh *
ion of nearly pure asphalt , and finally
a two inch layer of trinidad asphalt ,
limestone powder and titjhty per cent
sharp sand. It becomes more
compact by tradio and better -
that on Pennsylvania nvonuo BO f.vv
showing "no "
appreciable wearing.
This can bo commenced herd within
thirty days after a contract is eivned ,
laid rapidly , and will bo kept ih re
pair for five years and turned over in
Kuod condition at that timo.
Gimoral Overall , who put down that
on Pennsylvania avenue in 1870 , saye :
' Nothing can bo said in favor of
itcphult block pavement that cannot bo
Riid of the sheet asphalt , nnd bosidoa
Iho latter possesses the advantages of
greater smoothness , durability , impor-
viousncsn to water , &c. "
The Washington authorities have
put down a little of Iho block pave
ment each year sinca 1878 aa im "ex-
pi-rimunt" and the last annunl report
s-nya , "Lack of certainty as to the
durability of this pavement having
pr-venterijitn UBOIJI larger quantities. "
Thus the inon of fallout experience
still reg.ird block asphalt an "experi
mental. ' "
If such n. paviiment bo preferred to
ono of established reputation , and ono
without a eitiglo norious failure , wall
and good. Wo can "pay rmr ninnoy
and take our choico. " It. L. M.
The Union Pacific Nine Gts
& way With the Kansas
City Club ,
The Finest Game of the Season
Dog Turns tlio Tldo-
The Kansas City Stars came , they
saw , but they did not conquer. The
most exciting game of base ball of
the season , thus far , and in fact the
most closely contested game over
played in Omaha , was played on Sat
urday between the Union Pacific's and
the Stars of , Kansas City. It haying
been rumored in base ball circles for
several days past that the Stars were
"a way up" club , every ono was on
the "qui vivo" to witness the aamo.
There were about ton hundred per
sons on the grounds. The grand
stand was filled to its utmost capaci
ty , besides a long line of carriages on
the north and west sides of the
The Stars arrived on the ground
shortly after two o'clock and preiont-
ed a fine appearance in white flannel
suits with red stockings and bolts.
Tlio game was called at three o'clock
with the U. P.'s to b. t Burt Dorr ,
who pitches the "grapo vino" for the
U. P.'s , sucooodedin making the firat
run for the Union Pacific's. The
Stars thou took tholr plnco at the
block witli the avowed intention "to
do or dye , " and succeeded in doing to
the amount of ono score , msdo by Mr.
Hutchineon , the gentlemanly pitcher
of the Kansas City club. In the sue *
ceoding two innings the U. P. boys
got in two moro aores , while the K.
C. failed to get thcro. Ono of the
Ecores of the U , P. , niado in the second
end inning by Dwyer , was given him
by a very intelligent U. P. dotr who
seized the ball in his mouth ( after it
had been thrown wild fro-n second to
first base ) and made a dual ) for the
carriage gate Thu first baiumnn ,
however , overtook him and recaptured
th < bull.
In tin ) fourth innings Diryor an'd
Holland went out on baau.i , and Hart
on ti i\f \ ,
In the fifth inning Dorr inadu an
other run , which was the lust score
imdo by the U. P.'s , the gnrao now
standing to 1 in favor ot Omaha.
It continued so until the last half of
the ninth innings , when llouso madii
a long fly into left field , nnd succeeded
in bringing Hog era aa well as himself
to the home phito. The enthusiasm
was now at fever heat , us the core
stood U. P. 4 and 1C 0. U , with but
ono nun out ( Hutohinson having gone
out on a foul )
At this stage of the game Air. Dorr ,
the U. P. pitcher , showed himiolf to
the best advantage , for the two sue
cooding batters , Furlong and Ken
nedy sawed out at the bat , this gave
the Union Pacifies the game by the
small score of 4 to 3. A great deal of
dissatisfaction was expressed at
the umpiring of J. J. Philbin , and
in the caseof Dvryor running to 1st ,
Mr , Philbin decided that ho was safu
on 1st , while the crowd shouti'd
"oull" "outl" "out ! " from all parts
of the grand Htand , Mr. llutchiuson
gained the sympathy of the on tire an-
dianoo , by motioning them to bo quiet
andllotthe Umpire's decision stand. _
Tlio reporter called on the captain
of the Stars at thu Canfiold llouno
where they were stopping for the
purpose of ascertaining now they felt
toward the rulings of Mr. Philbin , In
the conversation Mr. llutchinaon said
that while ho thought the rulings
were wrong on several occasions , yet
ho thought that Mr. Philbln'a inten
tion wiis to do both aides justice.
The ruportcr stated on behalf
of the U. P.'rf nine that it was to bo
rcgruttcd that any dissatisfaction
should bo felt by the Kansas City
men. Mr. Uu'chinspu n-iaurod him
that there was no dissatisfaction on
their part , whatever , but said that
thuy were a little unfortunate first by
the dog running oft" with the ball and
next by ono or two decisions of the
umpire which ( although against thnm )
ho though woio given as Mr. Philbin
thought wore just.
The following is the score :
usiox PACIFIC.
n. AH. In. J'o. A. i : .
Bnmlle , s.s 0 4 0 0 1 0
] > , rr , ti 2 3 1 0 20 0
Whitney , 21 b I 4 2 fi 0 1
Tnillley , o 0 3 1 17 ' . ' 0
Nftuii , l.f 0 4 0 0 U 1
FunUhn'iser , o f..O 4 0 0 0 0
Lhvytr , 3J b 1 4 0 0 0 0
Ho'lnnii. lat.b. . . .0 4 0 4 0 0
lL rtr. f 0 4 33 1 27 23 3
It. AU. 111. I'O , A. K.
Elliclc , c 0 4 0 12 3 0
Hutchinson , p 1 3 0 3 11 0
HOUHB , c. f 1
Kogerc , 21 b
FuiloiiB , 1st b 0
Kennuly , 3d b 0
Nobles , B. c 0
McGill , r , f 0 3 0 0 0 0
Kersinfjer , 1. f 0 3 0 0 0 0
Totals 3 32 3 27 18 4
Innimr 1 23456780
Union 1'ttcihc 1 1101000 0-4
Kansas City 100000002-3
llunn earned KansM City 2.
Two huso hits House.
Home runs lingers.
Ball * culled D rr 05 , Hutchinson C8.
Strikes called U. 1 > 67. KsnasaCityGZ
Struck out U. I' . 11 , Kansas City 19.
Pawed tallB-Traffl y3 , Elllck 4.
Wild pitch Hutchinson.
Lost on bases U. P. 4 , Kansas City 2.
At Philadelphia St. Louis 8 , Ath
letics 9 , Philadelphias 3 , Bostons C.
At Chicago Chicagos C , Clove-
lands 3.
At Detroit Datroits 0 , Buffalos 2.
At Providence Providences 10 ,
Worcostors G ,
An onrichcr of the blood and puri
fier of the system ; cures lasaitudo and
lock of energy ; ouch is Brown's Iron
Bitters. 2ld&wlw
SWEENEY In this city , July 23d. nt
2:30 : n. m. , Juitin , aon .f Daniel and
> Toh.tnnah Swovnoy , aged 21 ye.ira.
Funeral will take plnco from the nisi-
denoe , corner Seventeenth and Clark
streets , at 2 p. m. , July 21 th. All friemla
are invited to attend.
The death of Justin Sweeney ,
though expected for some time , will
thrill with sorrow the many friends
and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs.
Sweeney. The relentless hand of
death has now secured the third vic
tim from the family. In the two
former , that of Johnny and Mary , as
in thu instance , the children had
reached the threshold of mauhoodand
womanhood. Their character and
lives were so good nnd true that a
earner of honor and usefulness in th"ir
hutublu spheres Doomed certain , and
.their paronta' hearts were filled with
naught but happiness. But heaven
willed otherwise. Mary was first
chosen , to bo followed at an interval
of loss than three years by Johnny ,
who was beloved oy nil acquaintances.
This was about a year ago. The
doubly boi oft parotitu were then crazed
with grief , from which they had
scaicoly recovered when Justin wai
called. This last alllictiou can add
little to the gloom already surround
ing the family heaithstonu , which the
hope of reunion 'in the Great Euro-
after alone can penetrate. The sym
pathy of all will go out to thorn in
tbeir terrible aflliation.
Kani < a , on l''riilay , July 14th , 1882 ,
by liev. M. Casley , Horace G. Pickett.
junior o < l it or of the Klrwln Chief , and
Slisa MagiIa ; Heiidemon , of Omaha , Ne
Useless Fright.
To worry about any Liver , Kidney
or Urinary Trouble , ospeciallyBright's
Disease or Diabetes , as Hop Bitters
never fails of a cure where u cure is
possible. Wo know this.
, o i i
Mode from the wild flowers of th
it IB the most frayrant ot perfumes.
Manufactured by U. B , Slavon , San
Francisco. For sale in Omaha by W.
J , Wlutuhouao and Konnaio Brua , .
A Youug Swiss Boy Loses His
Life in Cut-off Lake.
Another Coroucr'n Inquest ou tlio
River Bottom.
Each day of late has brought its
quota of death and disaster and yes
terday was no exception. The victim
on this occasion Anton Hauvor , a
native of Switzerland , who has been in
America about a month and in Omana
about two weeks. Ho was about 21
years of ago and had neither kith nor
kin in this country , although his fam
ily are said to bo quite well to do.
Hauver had found employment at
the smelting works , and was working
this week on the night shift. Ho
boarded at the corner of Ninth and
Capitol avenue , and his effects , left
there , are said to include quito a tine
Yesterday ho wont with two com
panions for a nwiui in ono ot the small
lakes on the river bottom , about three-
quarters of a milo north of the pump
house. The throe went in the water ,
Hauror being rather a poor swimmer ,
and had been in about twenty minutes
when Hauver cried out to his com
panions , who saw that ho was ubout
to sink , and ono of thorn went to his
rescue. Ho grasped him by the hair
of his head as ho was going down , and
Hauvor , as is usual with drowning
men , seized his would-be rescuer by
the wrist , both sinking together. Thu
latter succeeded in freeing himself
and ame to the surface and made his
escape to land , but the unfortunate
SWIB * had aunk to rise no moro.
Corner Jacobs was notified by tele
phone and went down to the scene of
the occurrence about 5 o'clock. Ho
found a crowd gathered and a search
for the body going on. A man
known as "Indian Jack" was out on
the surface of the lake with his wife
in a dug-put , fooling with his pole for
the remains. At length ho was suc
cessful , and plunging into the lake
brought the body to the surface.
A jury was impanollod on the spot
and brought in a verdict in pccordanco
with the facts. The body was taken
to the coroner's rooms and will pro
bably bo buried at the county'u es
The la o referred to is very small
and the boys say that the water a lit
tle ways below the surface is cold as
ice , it being probably fed by springs
It in probable that young Hauvor got
the cramps and was unable to help
himself at all , as he was found a few
feet from the shore , arid might other
wise have helped himself out by walk
ing on the bottom or in seine way.
An invaluable strengthener for the
nerves , muscles , and digestive organs ,
producing strength and appetite , is
Brown's Iron Bitters. 21d&wlw
WANTED , A good second-hand
bicycle. Addrces box X , Central
City , Neb. lO-Sc
The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex
celsior Roof Paint , " was patented May
24th , 1881 , and letters patent num
ber 241 , 803. Any person found or
known to tamper with the manu
facture of said paint will bo punish
ed to the full extent of law. No per
son has any authority whatever to sell
receipts. UAWTHOUK & Bito. ,
Lancaster , Pa.
A Rumored Strike on the Wnbasu ,
Donlod by the Olilclnls.
The Chicago Times says ; "It has
been romored in railroad circles for
some days past that a strike was im
minent all along the line of the Wabash -
bash road among the running hands.
The following from a Kansas City pa
per of the 20th inst. , referring to the
matter , will bo read with interest :
'Ever since the now management
took hold of the Wabash a npirit uf
economy bus prevailed , and various
Bchoinos have been adopted in all the
departments for the purpose of cut
ting down expenses. While no open
meeting haa resulted Imretoforo ,
thuro has been a heap of prumblmg ,
which has been liable to break out
into op en warfare at any time. For
some sis months past the road bus
been holding back more and more of
Hie men's wages , until the last pay
day , | July eleventh , two months ,
and eleven days was retained , the
men recaiving only their April pay.
Another cause of dissatisfaction among
the running hands was the change of
system of paying them. Formerly
they wcro paid by the month , but this
has been changed to the mileage sys
tem , whereby the men receive pay
only for the actual number of miles
run. A reporter started out , yester
day , to run the rumor down , but found
the Wabash employes very reticent on
tlio subject. They either did not
know or did not want to tell anything
about tlio rumor. Finally , however , a
brakomrm wai found who talked on
the subject. Ho naid ho had just com o
from a star chamber session of run
ning hands , where it was decided
that the men should strike this morn
ing at ( i o'clock for back pay nnd a re
turn to the old per diem system of re
muneration. Ho claimed that men
who formerly made from $45 to SCO
per month could , under the now sys
tem only realize from § 24 to S30. Ho
further said that similar meetings had
boon hold all along the line by men of
other divisions , and that they would
work in unison with the men here ,
whereby a general strike all along the
Wabash rood would begin Saturday
morning. Ho was very anxious that
nothing should should leak out on the
subject , aa the men had kept
the matter secret from the
managers , intending to spring
it. upon thorn cuddenly. Ho
stated that freights were moving
lively just now , and as the fall freights
are beginning to come in , the road
cannot afford to Ho idle oven for a
day , wherefore the men are so nan-
guino of success if they act in concert.
With another caution to keep mum ,
he wound up th.9 interview by assort
ing that after G o'clock this morning
not a train would bo running on the
entire length of the Wabash road
until the management came to terms. "
"An official of the Wabash , now m
Chicago , whcso attention was called
to the above , gave an unqualified de
nial to the rumor. The running
hands on the line were paid , ho said ,
at a rate entirely satisfactory to thctn'j 1
Ho thought th t if any movement
such as referred to , had been on foot ,
the officers of the road , himself
among the others , would have been
advised of the fact ore now.
Skinny Men.
"Wells' Health Ronewor" restores
health and vigor , cures Dyspepsia ,
Impotence , Sexual Debility. § 1.
From the Antipodea
S.i ) Fr ncleco Daily A1U.
W. W. Colo's ' Now Mammoth circus
made a grand parade through the
streets yesterday a more picturesque
display than when the establishment
visited us at the first. Its calliope
sent its steam music everywhere Last
night it opened at the corner of Mis
sion and Seventh streets , with ( to
quote the words of the advertisement )
"a perfect flood of majestic marvels. "
The attendance was a crusher , 1 hero
is no more popular amusement in the
United States than the circus , and
a good ono is always sure of a
crush and coin. There are a great
many now features that Cole has been
fimart enough to acquire during his
visit to the nntipodi-u , nud those have
freshened the ordinary programme to
such an extent that a second or third
viowim ; has all the charms of nov
Among the moro notable foal urea is
the female lerial byciclist. Mile. Addio
d'Atalie , whose puifonnanceaaro mar
velous. The menatioiio has been reinforced - *
inforced by the addition of a white
Buffalo and some Australian Kangaroos
rees , rare Birds , n troop of South Sea
Savages and Mauri war dancers , who
appeared in Uieir primitive costumes ,
its real Arabian uthletes and a thou
sand other new attractions , Cole
will pitch his tent in Omaha. July 31.
BKIGHT'S DISEASE of the Kidneys ,
Diabetes and other Diseases of the
Kidneys and Liver , which you are be
ing so frightened about , Hop Bittera
is the only thing that will surely and
permanently prevent and cure. All
other pretended cures only relieve for
a time and then make you many times
v orso.
Julius Thieloof the TivoliGardens ,
haa engaged the Bavarian Band for
the summer season , and is authorized
to take engagements for Concerts ,
Picnics , Parades , Serenades , etc. So. f
cietits and Parties who wish to en\ , | j
gage tiood Music for their entertain- *
iiionts and amusements will do well to V
give them a trial. All communicationa
and encasements can be made with
Julius Thielo , Tivoli Garden * ,
of Ninth and Fanwm etrceu.