FHEUMAHA - - UMAHA TWELFTH YEAR. OMAHA , ffER. MONDAY MORNING , JULY 24 , SO. b BIFTHIC 0 THE ROCKS , llio British Nation EesotVith \ Difficulties of the Host Dan gerous Kind , The Public Mind Agitated by the Probability of n Geuor.nl European War. Visibly Irritated by the Prospect of Bnj'lieh Con trol in Egypt. The Fo'Bibiltty of o Kictt From the Bear Increases the Distruat , While Biemarok'a Silence ia Considered an Omen of Evil. To Cup the Climnz of Four , the Ton inns Have Stolen the Keys of 'Windsor Cnntlo. Tbo Kocord of Affairs In Alexandria. LONDON CI/DB TALK. Kntlonul Arjoclitcd troeii. THE EXI'COITION TO KOYl'T. NEW YOUK , July 23. A London cable sayt : The decision of the government ornmont to ound an expedition to Egypt is understood to bo due , firstly , to the energetic representations of Admiral Soyuiour ; secondly , to the private assurances from Constantinople plo that the hultan refused to solid troops to Egypt ; thirdly , to thn sudden don change of front of the French ministry , M. do Freycinet adopting Qambotta'a policy , coupled with declarations that other European powers will assent in the joint occu pation. Tho'otuadily increasing ] res sum of English public opinion counts for something. The conservatives are making headwuy with tbo charges of u want of foresight and protected delay in accepting the inevitable duty to re store order in Euypf , and the nttucks of the radicals uro incessant. Arabi , as chief of the national party , is broken down. Everybody nowr re gards him as A DKSl'KKATK who sees Egypt in the hands of puiely military chiefs. Arabi's procluma tions , though received since the expedition dition was resolved on , silence his few English partisans , oven thosu who defend fond his barbarities. It is not now believed any European force will roach Alexandria under a fortnight. Diplo mat io difficulties are completely smoothed away , but the military is still unready. Gen. Garnet Wolsoloy'a rionds say that tie accepts the com mand of the Ej-'j plain expedition with reluctance , desiring to reserve himself for European warfare. Bo considers the most favorable moment for crush ing Arabi was lost from , the troops nol aintj ready after the bombardment. " . 4The' continued delay in dispatching troop-ships are not from want of men but from want of at ores. SFCII A6TOUNDIKO BLU.XUEUS. , as shipping marines without ammunitions , and artillery with out horscn oxttspurates the pub lie , which bcginu to driud a repetition of the Crimean blunders. Gladstone's admimatiu'ion is only at the begin ning of the ditliculttcs. Our military authorities do not lilic- the prospects in Egypt , it bhii'g tl ousht the torco wo : u-o sending oct entirely inade- rjuato for the wurk i' will huvo to perform. It is anticipated that compli cations in Europe will ( { tcutly inuici'.so the rusponaibilitics of the En cabinet. Ruenia is displijint ; JIOUE ANB 3IOIIK IKKITATIOK tit the course pursued by Englttnd und it is li.clarcd by those who ought to know that it io by no means certain Bibinurck approves of that courao. Thus opinion continues to gain ground that a big war , the outcome of which no man can predict , is inevitable and that the country is powerless , but must drift upon the wild currents into which it has been drawn. THE FENIANS appear to bo preparing to attack Windsor ser cistlo , where a fresh discovery iv.ts made this week. They keys were stolen from all the most important locks. A supply of over 809 new locks throughout the entire building was ordered. GENERAL NEWS. i omtecl IVeua. A IIA1TU3 AT.EXANIHUA , July 22. The British infantry and cavalry which went out of the city yesterday morning wilh explosives to blow up Arabi's obstruc tions in the Mohmondioh canal are this morning approaching Arabi's entrench ments , and a Imttlo is expected to-day. THE EUUOl'EANS MUST GO. OAIHO , July 22 - Anarchry throughout - to out the surrounding country is in creasing. The natives are up and in arms and to-day assail all foreigners and are attacking the railways. All Europeans have loft Cairo , 8TEAMKHH C1IAUTEHED IV ) ENGLAND. LONDON , July 22. The govern ment has chartered two Allan line steamers to carry troops to Ejypt. 8TILI , EXPECTING A 1IATTLE. ALEXANDUIA , July 22. The num ber of British troops now rcconnoitfir- ing near the encampment of Arabi amounts to nearly n battalion. A battle - tlo io expected to-day , on OOIXG TO FlflHT , Major General Allijon at 9:20 : n. in. Icfc the city with two full regiments of infantry and a mounted squad to assist the British advance in forcing an attack on Arabi'u obstruction in the Mohmondieh canal , A KKIIIMISH. The British tioops came Into col- lieion with detachments of Arabi'd soldiers at Ufalaha on the railway to Cairo , eipht milcnout from Alc.xnndrm. The native troops were engaged in destroying the railroad nt thut point. British reports say the natives were driven away after losing ninny wounded Arabi is throwing up earthworks six miles from Port Said , A panic prevails at that port. All foreign con suls hnvo naked the commanders of war vessels in the hnrbor to take measures to protect the canal and the porto to land n suHicieut force to prevent - vent an uprising of the notivus , SAID TAHHA. CojJSTA TiNorLi : , July 22. Said Pasha , prime minister of Turkey , has been appointed on the delegation to the conference in addition to Assim Pasha. WITHIN HANOI. . AI.EXANDIUA , July 22. The news at 2:30 : this afternoon is that troops under Gen. Allison , have approached with a long rnngo of Arabi's outposts. CUTTING A OANAL. Arabi has readied Mooz canal at Baiadoh nnd is now cutting it. LANDING TROOl'S. Troops are now being landed from the British transport , Aronti. SEALED OUDEllH. LONDON , July 22. Two full regi ments ombirked for Egypt to-day in the Euphrates. The captaln'a orders were under seal. TUB hOYl'HTIANS. ALEXANDRIA , July 23 British troops have occupied Abankir. Arabi Bey levied a war tax of ton paras per fcddau. Many deserters from his command nro coining into Alexandria. They report ho has plenty of muni tions of war within the camp. The British hnvo appointed Achmot Kifnst governor of Alexandria. His duties will bo mainly nominal , but his iiso as a figure head will enable au thority to bo exercised without wound ing the native susceptibilities. Arabi Pasha has no intention of ad vancing on the city. The natives are leaving the city in crowds in obedience - once to his summons. AFFAIRS AT TORI SAID. At a meeting of the foreign consuls at I'oit Said , it was agreed to call on the ndmirals and captains of the men- of-war in thu harbor to ask what stops would bo taken for the security of the Europeans on shorn in the event of an outbreak. Fresh earthworks have boon thrown up by the Egyptians at Fort Guomiol , six n > iles from here. Thu Arabs und lamaila are murder ing Copts Every European has left Cairo. FRENCH MARINES. PARIS , July 23. Five thousand marines for the French expedition are about to embark at Toulon for Egypt. The French war credit will bo 40,000- 000 francs. THE ENGLISH EXPEDITION. LONDON , July 23. The Duke of Counoaught will bo second in com mand of the English troops , in Egypt , under command of Sir Gurnet Wolo- ley , and will embark with the lattejr and etaff , early next woek. JV. GERMANY 8 CONDITION. BERLIN , July 23 The Prussian Crown Gazette in an article on the policy of Germany buys : The main tunanco of the policy1 dt the former gtato of things is impossible since Egypt has practically fallen under the dominion of England. It is impossi ble to prognosticate the work of the future as no power has disclosed its plans. England has not reckoned up the consequences of her course. There is no necessity , therefore , for Ger many to prematurely take aides. Bis marck , in deciding upon the attitude to bo taken , will not prove fulao to tradition. THE SAVIOR OF ISLAM. ALEXANDRIA , July 23. The decla ration of Arabi Boy to the porto Bays that ho is aching to save Islam from infidels , and asks the sultan not to send troops to act with unbelievers , and if they are sent ho will fight thorn. It is reported that famine and pos- tilei.ca prevail at Cairo. Eighty thousand persons are homeless and " starving. "A majority of them are camping in the suburbs. A largo force of French marines have landed at Port Said. HEAT AND DROUTH. ALEXANDRIA , July 23. The Mah- inondieh canal has fallen about four inches since Saturday morning. The heat is terrible and water very ccirco. The natives show signs of returning hostility towardu Euiopoans. Arabi's at army is being rapidly recruited under the bclinf that the English uro afraid to advance. Ic is reported that ho has 30,000 men , many of whom nro very badly armed CORONATION OK TUB C/AR. Sr. PETEKSIJUKO , July 23. Prepa rations for the coronation of the czar are actively pushed forward. The lic rercmonies will positively take placein - . August. Sovereigns will only bo rep resented by envoys extraordinary , NOT m .S LONDON , July 23. In the commons yertorday , Ghildura , secretary of state of for war , stated the amount proposed vote for credit for the Egyptian ex for pedition would bo 2,300,000. Ho mid ho also would ask a supplement of ary vote of 10,000 men for the army. In the lords the arrears bill wan read for the first time. The troop ship Euphrates left Ports tel mouth yesterday. She took 1,700 men. The captain received sealed or- lors , and it is presumed her destina tion is Alexandria and not Malta. A Berlin dispatch says that Russia appears from the language of the ac [ la credited organ of the government to demand that England , before acting the assumption that the porto haa virtually declined to send troops to Egypt , shall come to an agreement with the ether powers. The Dutch man of war Adder , tvhoao probable Joes was announced last week , has boon diecoverod near don 3hevoningon _ , _ capsized. of The Freight Handler * , Nttton l Anocl U > cl NEW YORK , July 23. The freight handlers' union of Now York nut Jersey City h&vo issued appeals for ho'pto ' enable them to hold outngiuiisl the railroad companies. The treasurer of the Jersey City freight handlers' union , at n meeting yesterday , reported $2,78(5 ( on hand. Delegates were appointed to attend the meetings of the trdes unions' executive - ocutivo committee in No\v York every Sunday affornoon. THE HONORED DEAD , PropnrattonH for tbo Funeral of the Late Miss Fnnny PnrnolJ. A DifttiiianUhoilVorhor iu Irc- Inml'n Canso Removed tiy Xonth. Full oral of Fanny Pnmolli X ttonl Ajwoclittril 1'rcnt. BORDENTOWN. N , J. , July S ! . " . The funeral of the late Miss Fanny Par- neil , will bo hold at the family man sion , residence of the late Admiral Stuart , her grandfather , at 11 o'clock to-uiorrow. The following gentlemen , representing the Land League , have boon invited to act ns pall-bearors. Land League of America James J. Mooney , Buffalo , president ; Rev. Liwrcnco Walsh , Waterbury , Conn. , treasurer ; John G. lliuos Bull lo , secretary j Pjuncll Land League , M D. Gallagher , Now York , president ; Irish National Land League. Wn. : B. Wallace , M. D. , Now York , president. Also , the following friends of the family. T. J. R. Moikloham , great grandson of Thomas Jofforaon ; Francis Fisher , great grandson of Arthur Middloton , of tiouth Carolina , signer ot the Declaration of Independence ; Thoa. Hopkinson , great grandson of Judge Ilopkinson , signer of the Do- cLiration of Independence- ; Nathan Applet CD , Captain Goo. B. Raymond , Bunting Ilawkins , Albert H. Living stone , Robert Murphy , Altrcd Clay- polo , Liout. Wheeler , General P. A. Collins , * formerly president of the Land League of America ; Hugh Hastings , Professor Janin , Jamoi Redpath , Ohaa. A. Dana , Hon. S. S. Cox. Mr. Sundison , editor of The Now York Star ; Wendell Phillips and Ernest Longfellow. The fnner.xl will bo private , but will bo attended by committees from the Land Leagues who were appointed at the meeting last evening and to-day. The remains will bo temporarily de posited in the receiving vault In the cemetery at Trenton , N. J. NEW YORK , July 23. Unmistako- able gloom , sadness and sorrow char acterized the proceedings of the moot ing : of the various branches of the land 1 league hold in this city this toro- noon and evening when compared with the meetings of a weak since. There wan no music , no patriotic songs , nor was the usual demand for assistance for the cause. When the speakers addressed the gatherings there was a perceptible faltering in their tone of voice , all out of rev- orouce for the loved and revered Miss Fanny Parnell , who lies dead at Bor- dontown , N. J. At every mooting resolutions sympathizing with the be reaved family were adopted , and ad dresses highly eulogistic of the char acter and labors of the late Miss Par- neil in the cause of her down-trodden countrymen and women were do- livorod. BORDENTOWN , N. J. , July 23. The body of Miss Fanny Parnoll waa placed iu a white oak cttkot at 5:30 : this afternoon. Tfacro were a num ber of visitors to the house , but none were allowed to look at the remains. To-morrow the deceased will bo soon only by those who uro invited to the funeral. Extra cars will carry the funeral attendants to Tronton. Sev eral very beautiful floral offerings have already been sent to the home , j A.Caroloss Sootiou Foreman. National Associated 1'icss. LONG BRANCH , July 22. Alexander > andor Kiors , section foreman , accused of causing the Parker's crook disaster ar on Juno 30 , was brought before Justice Scuddor who fixed his bail at $10,000. If not furnished by Tuesday , ho will bo committed for trial on the charge of manslaughter. Delaware R pablicann NttlonftI AMOc ; ted Vtmo WILMINGTON , Del. , July 23. The result of the republican delegate election tion throughout the state yesterday seem to insure the nomination of Al bert II. Curry , stalwart , for governor , the convention to bo huld at Dover jn next Thurddaj. lat latSt St Arttnnins DtmocuitH. MttlonM Aeso"uiti 1 I'rcfin. "U LITTLE ROI-K , Ark. , July 22. The H democratic stitte central committee de met yesterday io discuss pinna for the coining campaign. Jnmes Denton , nominated lor superintendent of pub instruct ! ma , withdraws from the of t-.ckot to prunoto harmon . or QIarlno. tlatwl A'M ltteil I'ttiiv Nr.w YORK , Juiy 22. Swilotl , City Berlin for Liverpool , England fjr Liverpool , Anchor for Glasgow , Mosel ing Uramon , Siloxia for Hamburg , Rhhioland for Antwerp ; arrived , City Brussolls from Liverpool. ai ANTWERP , July 22. Arrived , Noth- [ > ' crland from Now York. nc BRISTOL , July 22. Arrived , Bris 1C from Now York , a LONDON , Tuly 22. Arrived , Egyp- si tain Monurok from New York. set QUEENHTOWN , July 22. Sailed , 01 City of Homo for Now York. 01hi HAVRE , July 22. Sailed , WeBtpha- on for Now \'ork. ona QuEENbTOW.v , July 22. Arrived , nil Parthia from Now York. UOS-ION 23. The , July oteamor ou William Crane , of the Baltimore and ouli Boston line , arrived to-day with Cap In tain Mucombor und , of crow the mo schooner Alexander , of Halifax , Nova inn Scotia , who had been forced to aban )0 the vessel in a sinking condition , )0I1 Juno 22 , about forty miles southeast 10 Baregul. 10 NEW YORK , July 23. Arrived , The Zealand from Antwerp , Germanic Tlin from Liverpool. the cWAN'S ' SUBALTERNS , i ftirnior Bidding for Promotion in the Lower Regions , Ho Coolly Murdoro His Wife m the House of Her Daughter , A Torch of Door Splinters Illu mines HIB Pathway Holl- ward. The Vigilnntoo Vigorously at Work in the No v South west , Wlillo the ApnoUon Contlnuo Planting Agonta nnO. Snl- flth Hntlor * . Other Dooda of Blood and Peculations RIMINAL NEWS Hpeclnl l % > atch to THE UCK. COLD MLOODEW MURDER. DEWirr , Nob. , July 23. William U. Reid , living about four miles south of Do Witt , in Gngo county , shot and instantly killed hia wife , Catherine Reid , last night between the hours of 10 and 11. It seems tliero had boon trouble in the family and by evidence before the coroner's jury ho had threatened be fore to kill hor. On the day of the 21st Reid ordered her from the house and she wont to her daughter's , Mrs John Placknott , who resided about a milo from Reid's place. During the evening Reid loaded his large rillo and at the time stated proceeded to the place whcro his wife had taken refuge , the only persons in the house being Mrs , Reid and her daughter , who had retired for the night , Mr. Placknott being at a neighbor's har vesting. Reid approached thu house and obkcd for admittance , which waa refused. Ho then used his rillo to batter the door down nnd took the splinters to light him in his hell ish dood. In the upper story ho discovered hia wife and taking deliberate aim at her heart fired , the ball entering her lott breast , passing through her body and lodging in her spine. After committing the crime ho returned to hi * home , called his children around him , and give each lomo money and told thorn what ho had done. He waa arrested this morning , and is now in jail at Beatricp. Mrs. Rood waa a very worthy wo man , and loaves several children and friend * who deeply motjjuhcr terrible death. Recd was * an enterprising kind of a farmer , but had but tow friends among his neighbors. National Ansocioted Press , THE MURDERER OP MRS. 11ULT , . BOSTON , July 23. The Glebe pub lishes to day two columns of exclusive report , tr.-iciug the murderer of Al . Bull , killed last March , and giving reasons why n certain party , whoso name ia not mentioned , roust be the assassin. The detectives are con vinced ho is the man. No arrests have yet been made. CHICAGO , July 23. An Indianapolis lie special says Oecir M. Goodwin , charged with embezzling 015,000 from - the Louansport National bank , wns arrested at Atlanta , Ga. , Friday , and : brought to Indianadolis and lodged in jail. : A I'UMMiaiNd TEDAOOOUK. MARLBORO , Mass. , July 23. Felix Fobo , aged 8 , died last night , from disease of the head , caused by a box ing from a school teacher , two months ago. The boy had boon sick over since. ) HUIUIDE. CHICAGO , July 23. Jeremiah filu- hony , formerly principal of the Wash ? ington school , suicided nt a late hour last night by taking laudanum at 4fi South Curtis street. The cause is ? supposed to have been despondency. Ho leaves a wife und five children in destitute circumstanced. A IIROKEN HANK. sk JoNEenoRO , 111. , Julv 23.--Groat a the failure of K A. Willord , bankJ. . , for about 300,000. The failure . cd'ects almost everybody , including the county oflicors , farmers business men , widows and orphans. The failure in said to have been caused by ( speculat in wheat , corn and cotton options. ' A KII1HT WITH Al'AUHEH. SANTA FE , July 20. The particu- ara of an Indian fight which took place on the 17th inst , in the Apache nountains have just boon received ) icro. Captain Auna B. Chalice , with command of two companies of the Sixth : and Third cavalry , has been scouting in these mountains looking hostilos. Ho struck a band under ho renegade Cibicu chief Mantiasho , the ovoniug of the 17th , and at tacked < them. Tlio fnht lasted all tight. The result was Lieutenant Morgan , of the Sixth cavalry , seri ously wounded ; Lieutenant Converse lightly wounded , ono soldier and ono Indian scout killed , five soldiers and of Indian scout wounded. Six dead Indians were found and others itru olioved to have been killed. Thruo quaws and children , thirty-two lorsos and mules and the camp of the lostilcs were captured by thu troopn. out remaining Indians , about twenty ull number , escaped during the night , country being very rough and mountainous , ami their trails were fnlhmnl next morning at daylrclit The wounded olllcorn nnd soldiers have been gent to Camp Verde fo trealmenl. VICTIMS or INDIANA AuiKuup.ttp.m : , July 20-Kdwart Eastman , son of Galen Eastman ngont of the Nnvajn Indians , is thought . * tn have been killed . _ . by reds _ , - - - with a cnmpinion named John Wil liams. The two wont out hunting six weeks ago , and nothing liai beoi honrd of them since. Navajo Indians hnvo been SOPH wearing their clothes Agent Kastman has sent out n scare ! parly. nt WorJc. S'ntlonal Awocutcd I'rpm. PRESCOTT , Arizona , July 21. Vigilantes - lantos nro at work again. Bill Mill'a cahy , Jack Kingsbury and "Nevada Bill , " who last week killed two Moxi- cam and wounded two Americans nt Calabazas , were pursued forty-oiebj hours by a party af fifteen men ant the two first limited shot down , "Nevada Bill" shot himself. \Vn hlnjton Aptointnieutii < National AmoclAtotl Vrt * * . WAHHINOTON , July 2'2. Walker Blaine , son of James 0. Blaine , has boon ' appointed assistant United States ooonsel before the commisalon on Alabama claims. Judge Decker , of Colorado , will bo , ippointcd assistant secretary of [ the interior. KtUod a Poildlor- Nitlorrol AsoocliktoJ l'ri > fu. HAVFRHILL , Mass , July 22. A pic- .uro puddlor , name unknown , wns knocked oil * the railway bridge by n DO .motivo into the river .mil killed. STntioiml Associated l'ro > w. POTTHTOWN , Pa. , July 22. Ex- State Senator John 0. Smith , ono of the wealthiest citizens , is dead. Army Worm in the National Aiwociatcd I'roai. NORWICH , Conn. , July 22. The army worm ia ravaging lawns nnd meadows , in vast numbers , and de struction of crops ia threatened. A Coon Cni'vor. Nalloinl Artodititl 1'rti . Ivy. , July 22. Iko Leo , ii ii tn , ijunrrollod with his Bweotl'i in. Gluul'V Tuylor inter for 100 mid Atabbud L ( ) to death. Ho waa arruatud. Sonllora. Associated 1'ruaa. SAUATOOA , N. Y. , July 23. A pro foasioual niuglo acull race , entrance fee , for n purse of $1,100 , of which $100 goes to the second , three miles with n turn , to take place on Sara , oga lake August 25th ; the entries to close ono the lth ! ) , tlireo to start erne no race , is regularly announced. A Cbanoo for Tag. National AnooclatoJ 1 rcni MILWAUKKK , Wis , July 23. A well Lnown sporting man of this city has jublishod u shallongo , oflerlng to jack John Donaldson , of this city , to Ifiht any man in America , barring John Sullivan , with or without gloves , for 81,000. The challenge is specially directed to Tup ; Wilson , who recently National Aaroclatcil 1'rcs.i. WAHUINOTON , D. 0. July 24 , 1 a. m. For the Mississippi valley , warmer , fair weather , southerly winds , lower For the Missouri valley , warmer , partly cloudy weather , local rains , southerly winds , stationary or lower pressure. The rivers will remain nearly nla tionnry. $ Jonoy 'Wants Water. National AuaocUtud Proas. OAMDKN , N. J. , July 23. All crops -hrouuliout the south and west of Jer sey are in a serious condition , owing o the continuance of hot , dry weath er. Vt go tables , vines , berries and ruits are all withering. The ground s parched to the depth of eight $ FIRES. l Awioclatod 1'rou. July 23. A fire this afternoon destroyed an unoccu- iod tank factory , Front and Beach itreet.i , owned by Powers & Tato. Also seven small dwellings , valued at 1,000 ouch , and Henry llushton'a umber yard at Front and Brow n streets. The entire loss will exceed 50,000 , fully covered in each case by nsiiranco. tlio HAMMONTON , N. J. , July 23. An extensive lire ia raging on the out- 20 kirta of the town and smoke and cin- ea lors are settling heavily over the vil- and ago. ] It haa already burned over a district ' over eighteen miles long , do- troylng thnusands of dollars worth of valuable timber. ? BKOOKI.VM , Suly 23 A lire in the du oar of Jamca llogun's grocery , Court city trout , to-day , caused a loss of ill,000 , partly covered by insurance , ble 'as. Connelly , while aiding tenants to but escape was overcome by heat and of moko and was unable to teach the /o idewnlk. JIo was rescued by Fore nc man Samuel Dully and was found to but o ( juito seriously burned , TI A fire early this morning in the col or of Froelich Broa. distillery , Wil- iamsburg , caused a loss of $20,000 ; usurod , Oustavo Kohlmun , who vau in the cellar when the tlamos jroko out , was seriously burned. in The Tni-iir Commlssiou. bo fatlonul Amtoclatud 1'reen. the LONO BUANUH , July 23t the opor. session Saturday afternoon a let- or was road from Uoneral Warner , too the Tflcumsoh iron works , Alabama , u irglng that Iho duty on pig iron bu eft untouched , Henry Heavers , of MiiUdelphia , gave his views as to the F. revision of the tariff in connection with chemical industry Ho pointed the ramification * of chemistry in branches of manufacture , Ho nuggoatod that in the revision of the tariff articles should bo divided into clftssis ' like the animal , vegetable an m. crnl kingdoms , Ho would plnci crtjft , ' ' articlte nmnu'aolnrod in thi wiuntr , " on the free list and after warda di\ thorn according to tlioir ad vnncemonf in vnluo through the dif forent ntngeii of mnmifiicturo. Then wore jorernl nrliclcs now on tin free f list which should bo token oft foi the aifcquato protection of the chemical cal _ interests , and others now paying duties , spices especially , with the exception ception ( of mustard , which might bo placed ' upon it , Ho wns not proparot with a schedule arranged on hia cyj torn , but stated that such n schedule would bo presented in the course of t short time The coinmiasioii agrcoc on the formula to accompany the cir cular of invitation to bo sent 10 per sons desirous of giving testimony. It is ' so fr.imod as to elicit the views ol witnesses as to the necessary changes in the tarill' before they appear for ox nminntion. 'll NOTES. A fito hi the Mutual ( H.iss coin ImlldliiK , llnrclny Btrect , N. Y , , Sutimlny ovcnliik' , CAimed n Ions of $30,000. Kully liiMiroJ. Mlclmol Ackormnn , njrol twenty-six vcnrc , tllod In Chlcngn Salunlny , ( rota lockjaw , the ellact of n nllclit wonnil in tlio tlilfili by n toy plitol on the llh of Jtily , The hilling mill of South Wnrclmm Nnil cnnipiny , nt Siiutli Wnrplmtn , Usn , , Imtncd Anttmlny night , IIOBJ , sovcrnl thnunnii'l ' dollnrx , and throwing ono Inin * drcd men outof work. Tbo mill will bo ro'nillt ' nt. onco. Joint II. H , Ijitrolio , Jr. , n young Inw yor , win of John II. 11. Iiatrolio , a lending member of tlio Itnltlmoro Imr , wnn dnnvn- nl nt llio ferry bar , iicnr D.iltlinoro , Satur- ditywhllo Imtlilng. Ho was taken with rrmiUM. llowiw a linitlirr of ox-Mayor Lntriihe. Ills ngo Mas thirty-six yours. liithuHiiIt of Henry .Stcdnkpr njninnt IlcuryO. Honiivril , Hrnry 1C. T ft , mid Tlipmloro Mert , to toco\er the vnltui of n STi.lMK ) check , ulxcn by llrnmrd to Stcdo- kor , tociivcr ln iCH iilnjIiigpoLcr in Hid- ttnioro , Jtulga Vim Htxen , i f Now York , .five juilKomcut for Stoilckrr , Tlio niitiontil convention of iron mould- cm , which Imn IH'CII in Krw-ion in lininklvn the p.iKttwo wooku , wouiiilup il8 Hnlii'day ntnl dolepatoH to tlm number of 100 left for their hoinw. KtMtloimvor < her with dined duorf , Business WAS principally routine. Nothing of special interest ! trammeled. KenliiMi Allllor , a Mormon Bishop , nnd niio of the oUloiit MorimiiH of the clinro' , died of nariilveU m Salt hilco City , Kutiir- day. llo was n wealthy utiil ] ir unlnoiit member nf tlio cuniimttilcv , and wan pop ularly known aw " .Bogus lltlghnm , " on ao- count of hi * HUlking rusomhliutco to 13rig- hntn Youni ; . dipt. Mullock , of tlio Hailing Hchnonor ' 'Abigail , " teU'urnplietl ( roiu N. H. , llmltlin vcn ol founilorml iu the Hay of Kinidy I'Vidny ' nlsht. The Hchooncr hnil nut boon honnl from in novornl weoka nml the CIWMOIM recuived liiformiitloii Unit tlio Cnplniit had been nt Dlgby , N. 3. Helling the CixrL'o. It in believed ho pur- poHoly kcuttloa the vcsnel. MEETING AT THE MILLARD Tito Paving : Question Affltatod by Douglas Strool Property Ownora , A mooting of the property owners on Douglas street was held at four o'clock in the afternoon Saturday , at the Billiard hotel , to take stops to have Douglas street paved nt once , under the provisions of the charter amendment. lion Clinton Brigga was chosen chairman and C. E. Yost secretary. President Clark , of the board of tnido , road the report of their committee - mittoo on paving. Sioux Falls stone , with sand fonnm dation , could bo put down at $3,00 per yard. O. C. Campbell moved to proceed to pave Douglas struct. Carried unani mously. The following telegram was road : WASHINGTON , D. 0. , July 12. . H. I , . Mny : Will lay 25,000 yardu or moro for $2,7(3 ( per square yard , including grading 8k " inches G inches hydraulic concrete "and 2i inches of nsphali complete accorofing to Washington flpocilicatlons , guaranteed for five years , kept in good repair , and turned ; over in good order nt end of timo. A. L. BARIIER. Mr. 0. E. Squires , representing as phalt block pavement , proposed to put down that pavement complete , on concrete foundation of live inches , at $2.80 par yard , und guarantee all re > pairs tor five years. . ' R. L. May , representing shoot as phalt pavement , presented two letters ) showing the value , durability , otc , of his pavement. In reply to an inquiry of Mr. P. J , Vo/.op , president of the Baltimore city council , asking the pricp of asphalt block pivcmont in that city and dur ability of the same , Liout. Greene , assistant - sistant tingineerof that district , makes following statement : Asphalt blocks 12x4 and 5 require to the yard ; they now cost 5 cunts each < in Providence , 1 cent for freight , ni 21 cents per yard for laying , making the coat complete per square yard $1.80. The price has varied in past year , and has rcachod as high us 237i ; per square yard. As to its durability , the oldest piece in this was laid thrco yours ago ; under heavy travel it now shows considera wear on tlio edges of the blocks , it ia not as rough as a pavement granite blocks. For streets of a very : light travel this class of pave ment may endure for several years , U it is not equal in durability to granite blocks or smooth asphalt. On motion of 0 , C. Campbell it waa resolved that no matter what the sur face bo , that in any event wo have hydraulic concrete foundation not loss than four nor mare than eight inches thicVnf as , An Dr. Mercer moved that the atirfoco > aaphaltum block , provided cost bo not over $2,80 per Bquaro yard.H . H , G. Clark moved that a commit- of thruo bo appointed to present petition to order Douglax fctrout paved ; curried. The chair uppointod Mr. Falconer , John McCroury and J. . Sheeloy. Adjourned to 4 p. in. Monday. pa-Faded articles of all kinds re stored to their original beauty by Diamond mend Dyes. Perfect und simple. K cents at all druggista , ] THE SEETHING SESSION. A Vast Amon&l ; bMmportanfc Work Tot Dotes Congress , Three Appropriation Bills in the Senate nnd Three in Conference , . The Opposition to the Harbor Bill in the Cabinet Severely Condemned. Tbo XnvoRtlRAtinn of the ! Nu6rn ] n Ccnim * SonndnlNonrly FlnlnticO. Stnto Offlolnla Implicated intho Fraud. CAPITA ! . NOTES. National Associated Press. HltW IN CONFERENCE. WAMUINOTON , July 23. The flecoad' ' ionforonco on the legislative bill wan- lold yesterday and nil but two or- .hreooC tlio nmcndmonta agreed to , Hid the report closing up this bill \ritt 30 submitted to-morrow. The deficiency bill is still in con- crcnco , the amendment giving sona- ors mileage for the special sessions boini ; the only point of difference. The couforonco committee on the river and hnrbor bill failed to agree yesterday and adjourned till Tuesday , 'hero is inuoh comment in congros- ionnl circles on the action of the proa- dent ntid his cabinet regardiog the ivor nntl harbor bill. A special mooting was hold ytatortlay for that purpose , i'lio frioiuh of the bill regard it na lomuwhat ronmrkablo that it ahould w given out olllcially that the cabinet s considering the question whether5 ho president should vote n bill which iaa not yet boun passed by conprcas , iid Unit this nhould occur nt a time vlion the bill is before a conference ommittiio. It ia intinmtod by the riendn of the meaiuro that thia courao > f the president and his cabinet lus been taken to frighten congress nto cutting down the appropriations , flio only nppr < priations rfhich can bo ouched by congress nro the ituma in- ortod by the Donate. The most 1m- > ortnnt of tlieso itomanro nn uddition- ,1 appropriation of ยง 877,000 for the Mississippi below Cairo , ? 100,000 for ho survey of the Ilotmopin canal and. 8500,000 for the reclaiming of the 1'otomaa lints. The prospect is that all tlioso amendments will bo stricken out , although the friends of each will uako a hard fight. T1IK WOllK AA1CAD. The senate has atill the revenue , mvnl and sundry civil appropriation billa to dispose of , besides three ap propriation bills in conference , ono of .vliich the houses differ widoly. The loiiflo will have leisure to consider the revenue bill unless it prefers to take up some businosa on the ailander , which comprisua upwards of a thous and bills. The District of Columbia committco will not insist on its rights andor the rules to the floor of the house to-morrow. Partism hostility to Mahono will probably defeat hia eight cent tobacco amendment in the senate , but it may be put on in the house. Sugar and Boasimor Stool amendments arc likely to bo the only material amendments to the bill. About ono hundred amendments to the : sundry civil bill are awaiting ita appearance in the senate. The fooling for early adjournment a { rowing rapidly. Fifty representa tives have directed the postmaster of .ho house to aond mails to their state osldoncos. It will bo diiliault to < eop a quorum together beyond the > reaent wook. MRIIKIUK ,1. JORI.YN , of Illinois , has been tendered and au- ceptod the position of assistant socro- ary of the interior. Ilia iwino will o to the Hoimto to-morrow. It la undoratood ether ohaiigoa will follow oon. THIS NERRAbKA SCANDAL. The Bub-coiumittoo of the house udiciary commit too has nearly com peted the investigation of the No- raska contingent member schomo. 'ho report , which will bo made bo- ere adjournment , implicates several rominont ofliciala of that state for at tempting to impose falsa census re- tirna upon congress. Killed by lightning. atlonal Awochtoil I'teea. OIUUAOO , July 23. A dispatch iays : During a shower' yesterday ightning struck the planing mill of tlcl'ltoo & McGinty , knocking down dozen employees. J. B. Joanot , god 05 , wasinstantly killed by the liock. _ _ Victims of Pokor. atlonal AnHOClattd l'ro . GiiiiMuo , July 23. In the attach- lent suit against M. M. Hedges and Vm. Scott by V. P. Weed , tlio great tfowborg poker player , to recover 5105,000 , the shun It has seized the tay stallion J. B. Thomas , the pacer , Jay Billy , the mare , Novelty , and a lorao named St. Homo , Weeks , the river of the horses , commenced ro- ilevinsuit yesterday to recover the iroporty , claiming that ho owned a lalf interest in the animals , Rated to the , Rivor. atioiiil AniocLited 1'rcaa. CniUAOo , July 23. The southwcat- rn railway association has published now tariff on business on Missouri ivor points , to tuko effect August 1. advance of from two to five cents cr 100 pounds is noted. The I7oujlas E tute. National Annoclatoil Vte OiuoAdo , July 211. Hobt. M. and Stephen A Douglas have filled a bill in the United Statesdistiiotcourt against iho University of Chicago and Union Uutunl Life Insurance Go. to declare Toid the waranty dood'givon by Sena tor Douglas to the trustees of the uni versity adn set aside the mortgage of Insurance Co. , claiming that the orig inal contract provided the title of the property should foreyer remain in tlia university. f- v.