Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
S \turdav Mornins July 22 ,
\Venthor Knport ,
( llie follow ing obcervntion * Arctnkcn A
thr came moment of time at nil the utatlon
The mercury ii nlowly cllmlilng up.
The Mlffouri 1'nclGc ! i now manned
by the nowii n entH of Unrkalow Brothcm
of thin city ,
The July noiiortionmont of the State
school money for this city IB $7,085.03 , a
grent In ireiwo over 1881.
Jacob Knufrrmn will have nn opening
at hit new saloon to-day on IGth street
between California and Webster.
The SnrblrKn Union Sunday Sohoo
gives it next concert on the first Sunday
In Anfjuit , Jluhearaal to-day , Satur
day , evening ,
A. H. Sunders' building on the cor
ner nf Cumin ; und Saundcrn etrecU , will
ba completed shortly. It ! an ornament
to Ginning > tieot ,
Mnry ICvarnay Is lodged in jail on the
charge f aKBaulting ] ) oni licrimrd with nn
nxe. liotli i in i ties nre from the old den of
filth and Iniquity , the "Helleviio Koii e. "
The many friends of Mr , llcrtram
Hanttcn will regret to lenrn that ho ha
been ciinfii eil to his room for the past ten
day i. by illncfiIIu in In the handa of Dr.
GroHaman and is Komowhat Letter yester
Tlio Illinois edit' r , about seventy-five
nf them , will arrive in Omaha next Wed-
ncfdny en iMite vest fnr an extended ex-
ctirRinn. 'J hey will go direct to Halt Lake ,
in which vlcmily they will incutl three
The U. H M. Iwo ball club will play a
rttui u game with the Council BUilF * club
to-day nt p. in. on the laUcr'u
I h ground. A good gnme In expected on the
lilulfH have ttrtnglht tied their nlnu conidd-
crablv flnee the gamen with the U. & M ,
Jld. U. P'B.
Thu Democrntio State Cf ntral Com
mittee meets in Omaha next week lo ar
range n cull for the State convention ,
which will ho held at lioyil'x opera house
uomo time in October , Omalin will bo
pretty lively this fall if theno honors con
tinue to crowd upon us ,
TJio gftlno to-day afternoon be
tween the Union Pacifies and the Kansas
City Stan * , at the nsBociiithn grounds ,
promiot's to bo ono of unusual interest. In
the game played in Kansas City on the
Fourth Jot July the 8tarn defeated the
II Loavenworlh Jtedsby the remarkable Hcoro
of 2 to 1 ten innings.
i Marshal Angell linn received cliculars
offering $800 reward for the recovery of
property stolen from Hamliii & lUce ,
lieloif , Wis. , on the night nf June 'JOth ,
and the nrrcnt of the thlcvec. 1 he proper
ty consisted of an ! mmen o amount of jew
elry , w.itchoa and diamond rings mul n lot
of repair worli.
There will Ion meeting of property
owners on Douglas street held at thu Millard -
lard Hotel ill ! o'clock nliarp Saturday , the
J2nd , to a k the city council to pave Dou
glas street und decldo wn the kind of muter.
ial ( lobiiod for the same. It in proposal to
pu h this matter ntonoo and liuvo Douglas
street In good Hhaio | ,
The attention of our readers both
citizen * and HtriingcrH-ia called to the fact
that the Y , M , 0 , A. reading room is the
only place In the city of the kind that is
open from 8 o'clock in the morning to 930
in the evening. Their roouin , Varnom and
Tenth , ore tupplled with daily and weekly
papers from many states , immy of the
leading railroad journal * , and much read
ing matter of mttcollaiiooiiH character.
Writing material with convenience * lor
writing con bo had at any time. We rpeak
of this place becuu-o it has become one of
the beneficent inntituUoiiii of the city ,
A quiet wediliug took place Thursday
a few relatives and friends lining the only
wltnettcH , ut tlm rtnldence of Clark Wood.
man , of the llimced oil works , The con.
trading paitksers Ilov , J.Q. A , Vlehar-
ty. of Madlsor , Neb. , nnd MUs Helm A ,
Woodman , ultter of Clark and 1) . W.
Woodman , ol this city , Tno ceremony
was performed by a brother ( if the groom ,
He ? . J , J. yjtlinity , of Fullcrtou , Neb , ,
usslhted by lUvn. Shunk und 1'reuum. The
happy couple Itft for Madison on the unon
tr In ,
. ' .
.MIasM'lHeMi.thleion pave a very
pleatant card party at her hoiiiu on South
llth street Wedneeduyevvnlnv , which wns
Attended by quite a number of her friends
A delightful evening was paused during
which an tit-gent hitch w .n nerved ,
Among those present were : Mr. Charley
IHeudorffj Mr , 0 , W. Tousley amlMlaj
Jennie 1'atrlck ; Mr , Louts 1'urtell am
Mies Emma 1'urtell ; Mr , Ixiula LUtlofitk
and Mies Mollle Monroe , and Mary John
The examination of S. 0 , Hollander
the man accuml of telling fire to Turner
Hull , in wlilch his res'Duraut located
was concluded late Tifuniday and lie was
held over iu the Mitnof $1,000 bonds whlcl
ho could not give and consequently wen
to jail. The i > n , tcutlouwus conducted by
by N. J. Jlnrnum , U q , , abslntod by Juilg
Tlimetou eud the defense by Judge ISM i
win cud K , M , liurtlett. There were eom
Bttong prcof4 agaluat the prisoner but hi
counsel think they ran clear him when i
comes to trial In the DUtrict Court.
Skinny MOIJ.
"Wells' Health llunowor" restore
health and vigor , euros Dytpcpaia
Impotence , Bexuol Debility. $1 ,
Tlio Eloping Couple of Dos
Moines Oomo Out Vic
torious ,
They Return to Omaha to
Dwell in Peace.
The case or the nllogod runaWHj
lovers , Osborn and Mrs , Ilartwoll , o
DOB Moincs , has boon pretty thor
oughly nircd in all tha papora of thin
city find the closing act in the inolo
drama loft the entire party bathed in
tcura and ipooding homo by the oh
reliable Hock Island rend , in clmrgo
> f Marshal Smith , It was euppoaot
that there would bo n reconciliation
and that Osborn would bo adopted as
a mumbor of the family , either in the
role of the long lost fnthor or the
irodifjal son.
There was universal surprise yes-
ordny that the incoming train hut
> ronght among its pnssongors Oaborn ,
Mrs. Ilartwoll and the child , who proceeded -
coedod to the hotel and again located
hcmsolvcs an if nothing had hap *
> i'ticd ,
From The Das Moines Register it
a learned that the case was called
Thursday , Hint it was believed that the
defendants would bo discharged , ashore
here was no witness by either the
) rosecution or defense but Dr. Ilart-
rell , and by his testimony it acorns as
f ho had meditated soroowhat upon
ho action to bo taken in court and
ran very mum on all loading quon-
"Hio city solicitor asked Dr. Hart-
well if ho _ had over seen anything
vrong or improper in the action of
ia wife while in company with
Daborn , and upon his part either ,
ml inasmuch an ho did not provo by
is testimony the first charge of adul-
ory , Judge Hillis ruled that in
10 absence of any proof to
itablinh the clmrpo ho would dis-
lisi the case , discharge the do
ondnnts and tax the coats to tha
nunty. Thereupon Mr. Oaborn
look Mra. Heart well's right
and , while she extended her
uft hand to ht-r husband. When
10 parties wore gonu tlm city solicitor
eniitrkod that if the ntrt vit possible
ircutnbtiintiiil ovidencu frTght provo
dultory in this case , in the future ho
ould not prosecute the case for Hart-
veil for S3 , 000 , in view of the manner
u went hack on him on the witness
, iuid. Indeed , there was aomtithing
inpiring at Ilartwoll'a assumed ig-
oranco of improper conduct on tliu
urt of his WHO and Onburu , and in
low of the fact that Hartwt-11 had
a ted to him that ho could provo the
liargo without diflicully. This action
f las tended to chagrin the city
elicitor , "
The Ilegistor chronicler called upon
Irs. Ilurtwell at the Morgan house
tit evening , and naked her a few
cading questions. Ho Grst asked her ,
vhat is generally asked now widows ,
a to what she intended to do in the
uturo. She replied that the question
if what she would do in the present '
lad so much involved her time that
bo had entirely ignored the future.
'he Bftmo question about the future
was aakod the doctor , who , by the
ray , was present , and ho remarked
hat ho RiiotBod ho would go to the
evil if his wife left him. She laughed
t him for this , and implied by her
ook that that was no place to go to ,
o enjoy life. She said that eho mar-
ud the doctor in Geneva , N. Y. , six
earn ago. The marriage was upon
10 pormatont desire of parents , and
ot upon the dictate of her aflVctions.
'hey came direct to DCS Moincs , and
or the most of the time lived happily
ogethcr. This last statement was
lure urged by the husband than the
vifo. When naked about the custody
t the child , Mrs Ilnrtwoll said uho
anted it , and the doctor said ho
ranted it , and the chronicler intur-
tinted then opportunely to give his
pinions as to who should bo the
uardiun ; but neither of them ai'oiuod
o coincide with him because
o did not commit himself on
ithor aide. IIo forgot to remark that
laybo Osborn would bo pluanod to
iko the child. Mrs. Hoartwoll leaves
o-day for the West. The doctor
eaves soon for the east , and they will
ioth of thorn visit together nt Mrs.
loartwell'a Ristoi's in Michigan , and
here they will talk about the future ,
moko the pipe of peace , and lot the
vents of the past puss away in the
tluo uuHilco of fwrgtt fulness. Mra.
luartwoU loquuHts it stated that the
) maha poop'u wrro friendly and kind
o her , that M.trslwl ttmith v.-ui cmliy
f improper conduct , while tluiv ; f'.v )
or husband Invru her HUTU ill in s'lc
oos him ; that t > hu inirnciK to km-p
he child , and that life IB iiol u'.l
dronm , "
on ll.v.n "
Clears out r.i'f , ndi.o , triii-l II
ants , bed \n\tr \ \ , > 1 , 'iik.s , o'u ,
; oplieru. 10c U
COLVIH In tlr.i city , -lujy lUt. ! ; 7u.
in , , Kohnrt. f , i-iri of itr. mul Air' .
Itobeit 8. I'nhiii , UK id nine mouthamiil
fifteen dajM ,
1'uuoral tii.ilny t 10 n , in , from tlia
reslJoucc , iS'.h mul Ducntur meets. All
'rleuiia invited ,
WANTKD , A good t > rcond-hand
Mcyclo. Address box X , Contra !
City , Nob. 10 t
The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex-
> olsior Iloof Paint , " was patented May
Mtli , 1881 , and letters patent nuiii-
jer 241 , 8011. Any person found or
jnown to tamper with the iniinu.
facluro of said paint will bo punish
ed to the full extent of law , No per
son hau any authority whatever to sell
receipts. HAWTHORN & 13no , ,
Luncaater , I'a.
Which Will Furnish Building Mater
ial 1'or the BUito ,
Omaha mon are never satisQod un
ions they liavo the world by the caw ,
and after making a success of his
hotel and railroad building , Mr. Geo.
Oanfiold has gone into the atone quar
rying business.
On Saturday last ho purchased
trfonty-two acres of land nea
Louisville , on the B. ASI. . , andonl ;
a quarter of a milo from the track
The tract covers a fine quarry ot th <
best lima stnno for building and pav
ing purposes in the stnto , being likt
that quarried by Contractor Stout , o
Lincoln. Twenty thousand cai
loads could bo taken out and novel
, | Missed , and Mr. Canfield proposes tc
imko it a valuable thing for the citizens
zons of Omaha.
A Now and Improved Institution It
this City.
Articles of incorporation of the Oma
ha Savings bank wcro filed in counti
clerk's oflico at 3 p. m. yesterday.
The incorporators are James E.
Boyd , L. M. Bennett , GuyO. Barton ,
S. 11. H. Clark , 0. H. Dewey , , T. W
Gannntt , O. W. Linnigor , Chou. F.
Mandoraon , Max Moycr , John L. Me-
Caguo , W. A. Paxton , Henry Pundt ,
E. L. Stone , Goo. 0. Towlo and L.
B. Williams.
The business transacted will bo thai
usual to a savings deposit and safety
deposit bank and trust company.
The capital stock is $160,000 , in
shares of $1,000 each , 5 per cent pay
able on signing the stock Btipscription ,
and the balance upon call ,
The existence of the company dates
from July 20th , 1882 , and terminates
the first day of July , 1925.
Thu highest indebtedness allowed atone
ono time is $100,000 , except for mon
eys deposited by its patrons.
There will bo a board of nine direc
tors , a president , vice president and
managing director , the latter consti
tuting the managing bonrd. They
select a cashier , who acts also as ace
rotary and treasurer , and ho need not
bo n stockholder or director.
No building will bo erected at once ,
though ono is contemplated in the
parly future , and in connection with
it will bo built a "regular "Safety De
posit Vault. "
The company is looking for a suit
able ro om and will begin business at
A Happy Combination.
A practicable plan has been hit upon
) y W.V. . Cole , the popular show-
nan , whereby a great number of' nets
lortaimng to the stage are presented
jndor canvas and in concert with ncta
in the circus ring. 'Ihia happy LfTuct
is brouuht about by erecting a poi -
able stage oufliciently largo to pern it
of producing upuctacular , dashing , a > d
diflhult perform at : ccs such as could
not potmibly b prcnonted in the ordi
nary circus. Cole has u host of nov
elties which ho pioposes to , and will
"Buchupulba. "
Quick , complete cure , all annoying
Cidnoy , Bladder , and Urinary Dis
eases. $1. Druggisto.
3n tbo Trail of the Lose William AuBt
The announcement of the finding
) f William Aust , the Omaha man
ffhoso flight during a fit of aberration ,
rom the Deadwood stage is so sad an
ifTair for his family , was a mistako. A
lespatch has been received to the ef-
oct that his tracks wore found , and
.hat ho was going in an easterly di-
ection , but , although scouts sent out
rom Sidney have made diligent search
t has up to the last accounts bcon un
successful. The only hopa of ever
inding him alive Is that ho has been
akon in by the men living on some of
ho many hay ranches in that locality ,
> ut had this boon done the uows
vould undoubtedly have boon sent in
ere this.
The reports received late last nigh *
aa to the fat 6 of William Aust , who
umped from the Deadwood etayol at
LInHwty Hollow and disappeared.
wcru cot. Hiding and iinrclmnlo A
mcssauo was received by William
Harris , of Jlurriii & Fisher , say
ing : "William Aunt's body found near
Sidney. " It is baliuved the disjwtch
was written "not found" ana thn
word "not ' wns omiUtd by the trans
nutting operator. Other duipatches
indicated that ho had bron traced
sixty miles from the place whom he
juinprd off the utago , in the direction
jf Sidney , but if the body had
Deen so near as that the
Sidney operator would bitvo known
something of it , mid ho Kent word
; lmt ho kncnv nothini ; T' . w < mld
s-H'in lik"ly Imvrcvo that n > I OIK > r > ? -
maiiiK liu tliti wilt ilunntx in , . . ) , a < i
Lho ( Leui'Vor.V of h' i rmu-ins nillo : ! . !
bo H iin.tti'r of t jiiif.
Mr. Atiit Itilt Oiiuh'i > YCI k * ; ; o
touv tor Djjil\v-/oJ , n t'i ' ii"i ! l' >
C'ttli o , Miuaiui u , ' to § 1 ( i'i ' ) ) in-
§ 1 8"0 , b.i K i-iu " > < onii > l
U"uVci'3 H'l I bfonn tiikou to fit
llu went in Chi yuiiui u-d - . " . "
sh'.it o'ay uiid tlun letiiiiifi ] lo 8i tl
nriy , iinl tuiiU Ilin iiti'4" ; ' ( | < ua.
llttlf way llollir.Y is atv , ty Uvt' 'M'lu '
ouf , end had ho nndrod btcl ; > aly
miles it would liixvo bi iiiil | lum'O
near Sidney that hia discovoiy tvou'd
foon bo knoffiitlioni. On tlm Htfuiiglh
of the Harris diapatoh , the Knights i f
I'ythias , of which ho iu a member ,
met last night , and detoiminod to
jsend an escort out to bring the remain -
main ? homo , but at lust concluded to
wait for additional confirma
tion of his finding Mr.
Aust 'a family consisted of his
wife and two little girls , aged
throe- and five year * . He was but 157
years of ago , of medium height and
very fleshy , and the rttiificd atmos
phere on the frontier probably had
moro or less intluoncH in bringing the
unloijunate attack upon him ,
A Brilliant Trout In btoro for Lovera
of i-Jwoot Not OB.
It will bo a welcoinu aMiouncomont
to all lovers of instrumental und vocal
inusto in Omitha to hear thnt Prof ,
Aug Walthers lus nrraugod a grand
concert for Thursday citing next , at
Masonio hall.
The professor will bo assisted by
his most brilliant pupils hi this city ,
and has also secured the services o
Mies Fannie Arnold , the brilliant
soprano and Mr. llaff , an ac
complished tenor. The concor
will certainly bo of a supeno
order including the _ _ rendering
of selections from Bellini , Flotow
Weber , Beethoven , Mozart , Litr.t , Ab
and others familiar to I ho musica
Tickets have been placed at the low
figure of fifty ccntr , and can bo pro
cured at Hnspo's music pulora , and at
Kdholm & Erickson's , corner of Dodgt
and Fifteenth streets. Two grant
pianos will bo used on the occasion
ono of the Emerson and the other o
tha Haltet it Davis make , and will bo
furnished by Mr. IIospc.
Undoubtedly thpro will bo a largo
attendance of our best citizens who
appreciate fine concert entertain
Two Men Dlsputo the Right of Way
and blffh for War.
Quito a lively diacussion occurret
Thursday on Mercer avcnuo just weal
of the city lino. Indeed it looked atone
ono lima as if the boundary between
"town and gown" would bo marked in
blood. The particulars , according to
hearsay evidence , am that ono Mr.
Uubbard , of Irvington , and a man
named King , who drives a team for
the waterworks company , met on the
road aforesaid. The former , whoao
wagon was empty , refused , it is said
to make room for the latter
who was driving a team at
tached to a heavily loaded wagon ,
Some words ensued and as King at-
: empted to pass ho alleges that Hub-
jard struck his horaea across the
loads with a whip. King retaliated
jy striking Hubbard with a whip ,
which caused the blood to ( low.
Then the witnesses of the mooting
of the roadaterd say that Hubbard
drew a kuifo and threatened to muken
mince pie out of King. It looked like
war and had there boon no knife
drawn in all probability a slugging en
counter after \Vilaon-Snllivau
nicotine * would have resulted. As it
was , however , some hard words passed
vith throats of hostilities in the future
and the warriors
Their Petition for an Equalization of
Kutetf Up for Consideration ,
A muetiiifr of thi1 general managers
iid freight ngentsof the roads
ending to Oaudu and other Missouri
> oints .vaa held Wednesday , in Ciiica-
o , for the purpose of considering
rates to points east and west of the
\li8souri \ river. Heretofore the rates
o Omaha were higher than to Council
Huffs , on account of the bridge toll
> oing added. Since the completion of
ho Missouri Pacific road to Omaha
ho latter has made the Kamo rates to
Omaha as the roads running to Conn-
il Blufl'a made to the latter point ,
'liia , of course , caused much com-
ilaint on the part of Omaha shippers
yho did business with the Chicago
inca. They Hairned that they wore
lot able ti " " " 'compete with Council
ilufia shippers on west-bound bnei-
ions. To settle this matter and nlno
uko action regarding the proposition
o make Kansas City rates the same
s the rates to Omaha was the princi-
ial topic ot discussion.
The following roads were ropro-
ontod at the meeting : Northwcst-
rn , Hurlington , Altou , Itock Taland ,
Missouri Pacific and Wabash. None
of thoao present seemed to bo well
> osted regarding the actual state of
iHVurs. It was claimed that the
) aialia bridge company had lately
rsued a schedule of new rates , but no
uitice had been given to any of the
roadu of such a change. There was u
( Onurnl ft'olirig that the mcrchunta of
Juuncil Blulfi r.iid other points on thu
nat ftiiio of the lUieaouri river uhnuld
> a placed on the snmo basis : is those
u the cities on the went , side , and
hey alito thought that thu K.iusaa City
mid Omulrv uitea ahould bo miiJo
xlilio. But siittloieiit. facts upon which
, o baao delinito action were not on
mnd , and it wu thrrofore agn-i-d to
ofor the matter to thoyonornl freight
agents of the various ronus for further
conoiderition , itnd an aJjouniment
ran then had ,
During the nftcriionn the general
reijht ; agcntu mot and had a long dis-
ciiBjLon regarding the Bubjoats referred
o them , but no definite mult was
HFDDINQ'H ll'issi * S-ilvu. family
-live in t o vvdihl , anil > \ < ulleut fur slablo
uta , 3 ct * .
Union Otvtbulio Librniy.
Au intorcsiing meutiug of the man-
ig-Kiof the apsooialiou Was hold at
thu rooms of the library hat evening ,
Mr. O'O msjhuo , the dry goods mcr-
ilju : t - ' . iinauimoutly ol , > otod troaa-
iir-t . /i .fioe'iMioii , Mr , John Rush
.1- . i -'i.oil the uflisc.
( ' < vj mtt'Bt for ilui prize painting ,
Il'iruit by ex 1'ntMlent ( Jlbbun to the
' ( y who tt'UiirpJ the Margctt lint of
H'.r moiutiffrs vii'lclnso ' next , Wodnos-
lay uvoniiit , ' , f r winch cyt'iit a churni
ng eocitil pru rammu i * being pro-
The rooms of lhi > nbrnry have been
rendered very ottrfto'.ivo by fucont
ooutributiniiH of nil paiiiiiitg < aiid&tui. > l
t'iiRravini ; from gdjcriiiis mouibdrH.
Among the Utter H : v iaim"o-t\t , , pia
; uro of St , Patrick' ' . * .r.-i- ! ' * , in New
Vork , the grandt'Rt chinch uuildiug on
the continont. Mr. Villiam Bu hniAii
was the donor. ' Anotlu-r Imudsomi'
ougraviiu' , "Tho Return , " trts donated
> y McO.irthy A Hurko Suvvral
qually olygaiit j/lotur. s ara hi'iui ;
'rained , and vih the wullti by
Wednesday ? .
Tlio Enrly Olodtntr Question
The is a very earnest auirj on the
part of the lady cleika in the dry
; ooda Btori's to h vo tlmir tiuployors
close thtir places of bunine a t 0:30 :
o'clock in the evening. It I * cottaiuly
an unreasonable burden to keep these
clerks on their foot from 7 or 8 ii'o'ook
in the morning until 0 or 10 at night ,
with hardly oparo time in which to
take their midday meal nd ajpyor.
Many of them are of dclioato consti
tutions and the terriblefltrain is has
tening them to premature graves
TVolvo hours of incessant labor at the
desk , or on their feet behind the
counter , is at least four hours tnorr
than any woman can long endure am
maintain her health.
Let the public understand that these
stores are to bo closed at G:30 o'clock
and they could just as well have their
trading all done before that hour , and
no doubt would gladly accommodate
homaclves to thatconditionof things
Ono BBJH ho will close if the others
vil ) , and the others Bay the pamo.
Now wouldn't it bo well for somt
charitable and humane firm to set the
example , ns experiment. The others
would certainly do likowiao. Give
the girls n lo rest after supper ,
that their nervous systems may bo it
condition to refreshing slumber
when the hour cornea. Wo have n so
ciety for the prevention of cruelty to
animals , but don't this como a little
nearer home ? JUSTICK.
The Omaha Protective Labor union
will hold an open meeting on Tuesday
evening next at Kuony'n hall , which will I e
made interesting by nddrcttses from good
speakers. The publluia invited to ot-
tend ,
The bo < ml of education held an ad
journed BGB ien nt D p. m. yesterday and
opened the bi a for the conatructiou cf the
three now wclioul buildings. They then
adjourned until 5 p. m , of Wednesday
next ,
Among the freight poising through
Omnlm lately wtro two S. P. of A. engines
west on No. 1 , July 550th ; two earn of
loraes on No. 5 yesterday far Norfolk ,
STeb. , mid ecven cars of stock in from the
west yesterday , all by the U. P.
It ia le ported that the dogs killed the
deer in llanscom park a few days ngo. If
there : ire urdinnnces to protect tbo ani
mals there and forbidding the admittance
of dogs , they t-houkl be enforced , and if
here la no ordinance , one should bo made.
A young woman was lust ovenihg reported -
ported to have attempted miicido by the
mcft-pliino route at her boarding hnus * , on
Tnckson cttect , between Thirteenth and
Tourtfcnth. Her name i Mtn. Binckley.
she M about 28 yenra old and quite peed
ooking. The people of the house denied
hat there vas any attempt to tuicide , but
claimed that .she hid taken an overdo e of
> i la ir n her by a physician , but the
tory i worth doubting. She had kept
louse f > r the proprietor of one of the road
lousei in Saratoga , and ia said to have
) -cu discouraged and depress d in spirits
or BOino time.
J. W. Jacobs , thu well known turf
man , arrived at homo yesterday , from
Lexington , Kentucky , end Indianapo
is , Iidiaiui , where h's ' stable of run
ning horBes were entered against the
lyera of the blue grass regions. Ho
nforins us that ho got a largo slice of
ho pic in each place. Orickett Still ,
a sixtypn year old litsa , who rode Re-
umption and Rucvott in the ton milo
auo at both places , took lirst money.
lesumption aldo took first money in
jtixmgton , iu n milo and repeat race ,
and Kowett first mouoy in a two milo
ace at Indianapolis. Ho informs ua
hat the two horses are entered for
races in Minnesota , and that they are
n fine trim , and will make very fast
line. State
Circular lesued by the North
American Turners' Union.
Mr. Philip Andres , president of the
Omaha Turners' Society , hands us the
ollowinc communication for publica-
iou , which will explain itself :
"Any attempt of the restriction of
loreonal liberty is an encroachment
ipon thoao doctrines whereupon the
Declaration of Independence of our
republic is founded , and a direct vio-
ation of the principled embodied m
.ho platform of our North American
humors' Union. Th contest now
vagfd by narrow-minded hypocrites
n many uectioiiH of this country
ro cannot but consider a more
evival of the coi.lhct brought
m Bomo thirty jeara BIIICO
lirough nativistic prejudice against
laturalized citizens , in which conflict
Jio Turners took a decisive and munly
tand against the attempted curtuii-
nont of individual liboity , carrying
their convictions by a pledge and sec-
rilica u their own liven. Kvery BO-
c tiled morality created by foico of
Humptuury laws muat and will lead to
demoralization of man , and theii-
bto the North American Turners'
Jnion , by and through its tenth diun-
lial naiiiinal convention , pronounces
every attack upon the personal right
uid liberty of an American citizen as
tot only unwise , but unrnpub-
lean and to the last degree
langeroua mid degrading to our
'orm of government , and they hereby
nipoBO upon every member of this
union the duty of opposing by word
and deed every machination of hypo
crites and temperance faimlica , and ,
irrespective of political party , to labor
and to vote ngatnat any candidate for
lublio ( Hi 1.1 wlmau character in itself
s not a bullicient guaranty that ho will
at all times advocate and labor for the
retention of the most unrcttricted per-
boiml liberty ,
By order of the national executive
cnminittoa of the North American
Tumors' union ,
H. M. SrAinu.iiyy , Chairman.
Fri Ut
To worry about any Liver , Kidney
or Urinary Trouble , especially Bright's
Disuaso or Diabetes , as Hop Bitters
never fails cf a euro whore a euro is
[ ) o iblo. Wo know this.
iMndo from the wild flowers of th
U is thu moat fr < < j.'rant ot perfumes.
Manufactured by II. B , Sloven , Sun
Frunohco , For * lo in Oumha by W.
J Whituhouso and Kennaiu Bros , ,
& Co ,
To Lo n , Kor , B l !
I/Oft , Found , TTiniN DoMilIng ; , * c. , will be la.
f rtod In thew coltJan once for TEN CENTS
PCT line ; * wJj subnequ * it Insertion , riVRCENTS
fKi Itn * . Thf ral ltt.xittlon never lew thto
TO r.OA'W 0 ll At L w . im n nf I )
MONCT , . H" nS Crolibton U ' > - *
. f > ye
tircjt In tnm/\o / ( J2.BOOniJ
nrils , lor 8 to S yearn , on nrnl clira city
i.rty. tc ! ! IUA1 , KHUTJ nJ
th uid t.lttirll "llH
WAN1ED-A fli | .cl M bnrbtr. ( white ) ot
trorhlewo Pnrb r h > p tt Uo'uinbtm ,
Neb ForparttcularsInuulrH kt tie Iti-oortcc.
No work sunofty. lltNRY WOOD1 ,
851-21 I'roprlotor.
WANTRD A womnn to co o t must ho
all o lo c OK , w.i h fciid Ir n wasrtu xool ,
nn I rcferenoj irqul cd Ami1mm dlafelv nt
, al)0iol9th. 851-21 *
W AKTED OnoJ t tiy conk , manorwciian
Apply at thu Cannel hou < e. 866-221
WANT J' A innn to work In K rd' ' ' tiy the
dijInqilreatmy ouw , i < GO Sherman
nvnne. ( > C 2l ) ) A. J. I'Ml'l'l EION ,
W ANTKD-A Klfl nt 1418 Dcdgo a reel.
\VJ NitU A dining-room girl at the Croh ! | <
ton Homo. 833'2i
"VTrANTEtl Irrmod ately a gltl 'or Rfncral
YV h iiMwrh , Btn rthwist rn r ot Ham
; tin and 1'itr struet , hlnu' addltl . 830-t
WANTKD A girl Irr gcncrul h , usework ,
Apply nt So , 314 17lh street , Let. nvn-
poit nnd ( . .filcngo 820-tf
ANTHD ire tinaif" carpou'cra Apply to
W n. JLinuwolltr , llth s.rooi , nrari'irnaai
Five hundred laborer * for ork
WANTKD ' Jl.Nau ou A St. I'aul K. K.
Steady work all s on. U'Jges ? ' ,50 per day.
Apply at Eiulncor'a olUcr , room 6. hvcnt o'
b ock , Council UnifTa. E. O. MiUKSK riiildcnt
ciiKli.eer. Junc2S-ll
Two or tl.reo rooms cu t Wp fo
WANTED 8 oUco. ! / ddrtis Dr. Krv
Hoe ollice. g < Mf
len tcaniH to work on r'lorcnc
Cut-0T. ( Wages 3 TO t r d y
377-tf MI 'nii VIVORNT.
l/i/\ : tKN WANT D At Fertile Cut-On ,
I UU niuo ruilca r rth rf 0 'ha.Vafo ?
ei.7B per day. MirCHKLL VINOHNT.
WANTRD By a ycuuf : > nai pf elly honest
a d Ir htAorthy , HBitutt'diInMIUB ' whole-
ale or roimli-loi h nisa. Wiltoi a jwiJ i.
Acdroj C' . J W. , winai a , Neb. t33at
WANTKD Position us c pyltt n > > ckrt > , by
n yourg , ady Tmttiiion'ali o , o il
haracter niven. Aililnst lou box ) , In or ,
iiwa. bil-29
MlCELLA E , l. U
O To buy ono ilczcn lion ! Ir .
T lioros , yniUir fjwli
ohnT. tieo I'llico '
TA 7 ANTrill A unml homo for a coed 12 J-OIH
VV rM hoy. Inquire tt 1UO 1 ar am i-'r.ut ,
III rare F. O 8i' 2. *
HAMJ nnd IM ) men nte-t to work on
200 the Uruonlio < t I mo Ii'qul'cof
11. M NNWK I W.
W0-C4f H'h'tro t , nearF.irrom
ANTHD To inform Ho piilillo that t Inve
taken t'o mn'y IppS b MM
Wymin , 110 w uth 13th street , and -will ta < in
liomlcra bj the clay owe k , ale funMicd
rooniH o'ent. itoarj porw oi S4.00.
S63-:2t 1IHS. U. C. DATIS.
P EI'S'WAL * p ofcesioniil ( jentt c vn 53 , rf
corr ctandhomo l.tvl-jr h bits , do lr s to
cnrreepond wlih a 'a'y ' of culture from 30 to 46
l o u'll bo willlntr to nPsumo tbo dutks of A
in trortot wtit chlHri'n rgwl 6 and 7 , hey
nd lr > AcJdtojr Ii.dijo Jonc- . Lne-'ln , Neb.
TEAM3 WANTED To wpilc on the Ore-
goa hhort Lino. Wjireg ? 5.00 per d y.
7i.l-tf : HMri-et. nearFarnam.
"ITTASTKD fOO pnvy vau.t , MukB * nd csa
VV poulc tocloan with banllary Vuult and
Rlalt Cleauor , the beat In use. A. livans t& Co. ,
rrIAenr < i IKV Dmlfp srriwt. Oninhn.
T710U IlKnT Cr.ttago nearly n w , nrar street
Jf cars , rent modcrU * , to small faml y.
341-27 O. H. HA l.OU , room 6. Hlok
KENT- Two ( "ealrablu unfurnlahcd rooms
con fnlcnttobuain sj. Flrtt boune north
of tro M itht.cH house. 844 * 4 *
FOR KENT -One plcasint rooa > , with bnnid
if desired 117 south 17th street. 8J4-tf
1 AAT.OT firloasoBtSZS.OO per annum c ch
\J\t 1 f 'r a term o' jous. at 'Orancn Grove
I'.ul " adj inlnc Hanscom P rk on the wo t ,
[ lvnmlnutos- frnnia rret cara Money ran
bo obtained to build wlih , l > y rcrsons ItasliiR
tlio.o lots at rr .ilur r.t > x.
240-tf On premises , otllce 1C15 Fttruam btrcot.
11HN" TBO i-onvenlfiitly fnrn'slio ]
rfoma lor housukoi-plng , also nfio' > fun Mi-
ed front room , dcwn stairs , for t o gcntUnmn.
Inquire ai 1001 Uojgo ttruet. 818-Bt
riT ) HHNT A largn well farnlth-il front room ,
J , attrcnorth-west cormr ff 1 th acd Div-
FOH IIBNT Nlctly furul hod fr nt room ,
first floor , 8'0 ' 00 per rarntli. 1407 Howard
I'Ctwco 1 14th o d Ifilh itrtct. .
17011 KENT A hou o with good cflhr , cintern
I1 and veil betweu , 14th nd IDthom tiogo
Apply corner 16t" and Ch'ejgo. 631 21 *
O RUNT fet'ao rori cr 10h ! and Cunttr
F for an nil family Apply . , : J. Kedlleld , 12th
and Uoiigo. 836-21
1IKN A row cotlago of flvo roomi 'ur- '
POH he ! or unlurnlihrilnu 23d t ono h'ock
bcutli of Hi. Mar1 's tve. / pp y at A. U. tlubur-
nmnnV jewelry btotu cor I ) uglai andlD'hbU.
tiiO-1 W. C. BUltNflAM.
IMNT Two new dwellings ana two r thor
FOU ( lutl4 ] | | ; In deilrablo ice lity , uy McKcon ,
ho. 1614 Douglas strert 817-tt
FOR RENT New die r/om house ,
HOUiK - i7th uuJ CIar& utrtct Apply 1104
MI. nn navo. Ull-22 *
. / UKNT Now cottage , elx rooms , rear
F.l/t ) nine , head Ht. JIaiavenue. .
17OB KENT Three furnl hid roimn lor hcu'e-
I1 ko ping. 113 n 13th.Mrs. A. Hall 7t22i >
\ RKNT Two small neatly fun ishfd roe ns
r7\OH 1 per uion'h , oicli lit 1107 cbwird , bo
tnecn lUhatid Uth street. 707-lf
1J10U UKNt llaardln ? liatU' well tnrolsli-rt.
L1 Inqulro 103 lOthsacotaNt > 3 rooms attho
corner ol ISth and Vouglaii ttruoi. Inquire on
prcml o. . 01S-U
FOR RENT Enqitlio at M. W. Ken
HOOSB ) ' Dtore , 13ih Iciwtuu Farnam and
llainoy. 769-tt
HKVT Vuroihe < room with board ;
FOR TII In pr > vcru iiU , n low table to Mers
tai bo afconuiuxtatodat 1718 LOdge btrett.
HOUSE ! FOR RENT 5mill and large ,
NINE to twelve roe s each ; one or two new
onoa with a'l modern conveniences One of 14
rooms , suitable lor hoarding and room renting ,
17tn and Douglu it * . 1IKJJI3 , Asent , _ 16th and
OR RKNT Two i.lcely furnlshwl south rccms
F rca-o- able prlefB. 201H Can. t' t.
I7IOR IthNT A 1 ronm house nd 4 stall
1 > .Ubleou Com nt str ct , ucar St , Marj t
aienuc. Kent fsl.CO | vr uicath , Enquire o
iU VvT llro licm , ; > < olllct. Cua-tf
I/OR RENT -A nicely furnished loom ; 161S
L' Chica.'oi-t. ( M-il
rfWO n RMSUEII somn room tor rent. a.
J. Wcorno.-l th -
'OR RLNTFurnl t d front room with Ixnrd.
COJ North 17th tU t3HI
REST JfurcUhod room , 1723 noug
rR . _ 434-tt
BENV. 10 now clfjant liouiej. In
quire ut F tur on' < Clothlui : s oie , near U ,
P. Dtp it. 602-tf
inOR UENT On JuljTst , bricU More , with 01
U vrtthout cellar , Irquirc tt Dtvif feioreor
1 ic < Vth rd Douglas sti , &V.O-U
"TJTOB RENT 1 farnlBhod loomf ortf Ht
J ? chanH' Kich CceN.K. ( COJ. 16th nd Dodr
"T71.C I OH t EKT Mcely tarnished roooj wltn ,1
.C wli ho at board. R aeen bla pilcwt. 208
ina K
( . "OR a ALB t > c < lrablo home In Jinacs and
r OrlfTcn'aad IHm. In g od repair , lot we I
stocked wi h fruit t-rm rtn-orablo
8IZ-27 Attorney , room B , Union Clock.
FOR SAT , ? Kntiro praccrvitocV and fixture ,
throefliRht cxprera tetins and wagons. c\ci
n renol l nJ with houj--la'ti nn other In ptore-
rno < ts. Four lo s n cjin r 10th ami liancrott
street. Inulrc N. J SMITH ,
E40-II Corner 10th and Lcari-mrcrth ,
POR SAI.K-Hotiss and lull lot ID iro'd lot * .
J.1 ' 'on , only $1,200. DcOAOUR.
B3S- ' ' Opposite P. O.
J7 ° ? "ALK-llou o and earner lot. at $1,060 ,
JL1 btrjjaln UcCAilUK.rppo Itel1.0. f34U
POIJ Ate B ' 00 sheep three nnd fouryrar *
old , good 'Mtlrrs. n I , tj < to nultpurck-s M.
Apply Mclvnn U.i . In Un U > ob hlU-26 ?
FOU BAI.K L t ami two new house , 8
Hreit t tiblve > fi ou h or t. yari-s. %
ring * rent S40.00 will tc 1 ( or $3,80" , h 1 tu :
liaUnce Kt 8 | fr cent int. ro-t. Inqulro j . Me
tcnron , Ullor th.p , 216 South 16lu ktreil.
111011 SALE A ( foci stock of ronoral nxrcha
JL1 dlzo , ulth cr without bU'ldlnff In a Rood II
rallrotd town , Bto k worth about $4,000. Ci
on or Inquire of 0. K. lloAO ,
jal > wl > t niii" Rrrlngii Oa > e county , > '
- > liv Fuiiiltu uni dllxtt < reso'thollrl
I cmnnrk , worth { COO wilt be 8 Id at Ic
ihan half pdco Good opi-ortunlty for ntartli. ,
In hi tel bu Iniss Urct JSt.Oi p r month , a *
njtimoilail tin lor th'rlv ' btattfcrd. Hnqulreonl
prcml P9 , lit ! ( t , near LcnveLwoith. b28-20M
FINK WOCK FOR SALK I harcsoino twclrj
or nrteen fli o pii'o blooded Polind-Ohlm
Boar I'lifs-all In excillrnt c ndltlnn weighing ,
ubout761h cacn , nhich I w I lln byrxprcsjtoj
anypirt of tn etnto , pioinld , , for $1000 per ) Satisfaction RUarau ced I'.Dfcrcnco ;
Na'lonal IlanV , this city. Addrcsj , at n p , IIJ
K Mcttcr , Red O lc , la. In trory ewe monoij
' ny the order. t07 d2twlt
Full SAL -A half Interest In two store * < jn |
ft general Total' ' J''Kord ( and RF ctry , tbl
othi r hnrawarc ; will veil 0110 or both ; reason fol
pe'liKff , II liciith AUdrtas . O ( .r.le.CIcal
DiQU'i , Mo. _ _ _ 80fl.2t
story bul'illnj ; for ale at n bnrpiln. L
TWO atni > ith-caa corner of 17th KtreJ
a > id Tniiltol avo. Mmt t u.ovcrt on or bcfof
August 7th proximo. Df.MK' I
770-tt Agent. Uth and Uonglaa.
I OR SALE -Saw mill. 7. Murray. C7I-
QIX liKAUTlFUL ( .Oia-SOxICO feet each
LJ Btttiscoru lieeon etrostcir line. Best I
In wliolo addition on very tn.v ttrms and &
Lircat luirtfalu. IJr.Mia' a cnt , 15th and Doug
jtrtTts Jl51
SALE A cot I afT" ot throp rooms
FOR ot UlchoUi bUwtcn 15th n d 10i
Inqul o within. (4 ( 2.lf ) DAVID QEKTl
Sl'Mi'NUlU , one lar o brlcli bouse , and q
la e frareo house , with full In 3 i Oa s near ! '
tro t. Fh o o' .ncu for inv -tnicat. rent f r
per in nth. Cull f.r fuil iiartr.cnlntH , on
C03-tf , Apcnt , IBth a 'd Douifl .B sts1
FOR SALK. The AtHngton Hon
HOTEG o ass ; all furnished TK : only lie
ti tjv.-n. Tito clicaw.t ) piotiu'ty In the hta
Ur.a.Vl th'i travelliiRiu n. Wl 1 batoldcbiap
.or H to cult. Knqiilre of B. Fn lo , proptloti
\rllnjfton , Washlnift' n county , Kob 603 tl
. SAI.B The 1'OfULAR tlOTEL , hnot
U M /JOYS'HOME. . Tnli house Is l
tally Iccattnlliae br.i h and cast Iront , and
irrrounJcd w th flno i-htido trcos ; contdnsthij
. i cpinc rooms , hnn IOB houi-o. laundry , simj
oeita , ds. Han anorld w do replication and
ictter patron-go than many houacs ol twice I
opacity. I'rico ? 5.rcn Kor noftlculars n
Ircso. A. A. SAWJDEr.Red Cloud , noh. I
JTtOR SALE Or iMll uxcha go for Omaha pttx-
iperty , ta Improved aea on of IMH ! adjcln-
ug a elation on U. P. K. K. M. DirauAit , i n
rhrunsin St. , Ooulu. Y ( lRr > ' '
r > KlClf JOB CALf.
Al.r.D HAT At A. H. Banier1 fee d Ht , . , - . -
1013 Ilarnov St. eltf-t j K-lv
JT'STRAY A light rein ) ory , Srom Fos
li ) Oray'd Yaid. Fiiulor tultably r.
rT AilMOOES At the 09c store.
A 1C. JETr lh cirpet , houw and oflJce
CX * cleaner. Luave orders at Republican office ;
: iOKAu'jT , 4SS Toni'i Street ,
ud.UAiunv. Will , \nth tls rJit of
plilla. nl'Uln f or wiy ono i'l.r.r at tc } .i.
, nd pr ent , .n 1 01 , 'e *
O" ) . OOi-ti l"1 hny . )
' 'i < A on FUJI J
Absolutely Pure. ,
Thl" pawdor never varliw , A marvel of /
ly , struiigtb and liolc 3iiuuc& . ilcro occ o
nlcul than tliu ordinary kiiUi , and c tincj b
.old In competition with th multitude cl ov
est , short w l'ht. aluin or | luv jihaU puwdtri ,
Sold only In cans. Horit , DAKINO I'OWOKS CO.
n \Vf R * VPW Vnrlr
Base Ball Club.
Kai sas City Club , JAJV ! 2. .
LeavtMiwortli Club , Juljr v9.
II , A M. Uuh , August 6
Dubuqiiu Club , August 12.
Xmportod and Domi 4lo , k- '
Fluent Solootiun. iuTow kt %
Price * to Suit Everybody. t ]
From Half ( iDc.llcjr y'
Schroter & . Becht's
General Undertakfirs ,
3 3 d H , * &t * TT 3 3 ! S& "Ctf
MotFaruaxi nnd Dongliva ,
Metallic , H'co.1 and Cloib Covered * v
SHROUDS , OIlArE , &c.
onitantly on kauO. Order * from thu uutry
lolidted , nd promptly attondw' -tlU'
; B O E H L ,
Manuf.cturerof tha
AIM < JM ill kludi ot wichlu'lt ' and Utkyrlth