Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Saturday Mornincr , July 22
By Carrier , - - - - - 20ccnt _ per week
By Mall , tlO.OO per Year
OOlco : No. 7 PoarlJ Street , Now
BroMlwny ,
MAYNK * . GniFFIN , lUnageu City Circula
H. W. T ) LTON , City Editor.
Sherrndcn tnal < cntliotogr&t [ > hii.
1'innnn rind orgnru to rent at J. Muel-
The water pipes were yesterday burled
on Scott utrtet nnd ncrofs the creek under
the bridge , tying on the bed of the creek.
Three to nix pieces of music for lOc , nt
J. Mueller's.
Foil SALE. A fresh milch cow with
cnlf. L. W TUI.I.EVH.
Maier Lymnn and wife happily en
tertained ft goodly number ot their friends
lost evening1. All eccmcd to enjoy the oc
casion heartily.
Store and dwelling for Rale by Her/-
LTerzman'.ls close out.
At Mueller' * you can find Chhkorlng ,
Weber , Burdett and other celebrities.
An insane man , n , German named
Myers , arrived on the Union Pacific yts-
tonliy , and wan sent on to St. Louis in
charge of two men.
G'eat bargains In all goods nt Iferz *
This nlternoon the I ) . & M. club , of
Omaha , and the Council lUtifN nine nre t < >
try their mettle on the diamond field. It
will bo an Interesting game without doubt.
Joseph Iloltor makes suits In the lat
ent styles nt 310 liroiulwny.
A well-dressed man giving the namn
of Yales was yesterday afternoon placed
in the cooler , for being on n prce , and
unable to pay his hotel hill , he having ap
parently spent his money in other ways.
Millinery goods fifty cents on tlioilol-
ar nt llcmimnV.
There will be peaching to-morrow nt
the Ilrondwny church by HOY. 1' . F. Urc-
nco , pastor. Sn jsct nt 10IiO : n. in. :
"C'ltelilntf the Solar Itndi.inco ; " nt 8 p.
m . 'The Origin of Life. " Sunday school
at 12 m. Young people' * meeting nt 7
p. in.
W. 0. MoUretnoy , recently from To-
lickn , K w. , has fully decided to cngngo in
the undertaking Inmlnosa hero , nnd hai
Bccured for his headquarters No. 17.
North Main street , where ho Is getting In
full stock to meet all dcmnndi In that
lino. The cstahlMimi-nt Is to bo complete
in every respect and \vill bo fully opened
] n n few days.
Thoi Milwaukee & St. Paul rnllway
folks are ut work putting in frogs ,
switches , etc. , in the city. The carpenters
have commenced putting up the new
freight house , which is to bo about 32x100
> feet , nnd other work is going along lively.
l i , The passenger trains will bo put on some ,
time next mouth , and In the meantime the
I1 local freight , with a coach attached , is
Several days ago complaint wa made
in Justice l'rnlnoy'8 court , charging
Michael Hnwk with jumping a board bill ,
and the warrant given to Constable Jloso-
crans. Yesterday Officer Barlylo seeing
Hawk , and knowing ho was wanted ,
showed him Into Justice I'mincy's office ,
nnd turning him over to the court atartod
down stiira. The court sent for Jlosccrans
and whllo the justice was making out some
.papers , the prinonor made a break lor the
door and disappeared ,
The experilDenla nt making Iron uliot
nt the factory hero are at an end now ,
the conclusion having b on reached that
there is no need to wait Ion cr , but to go
right nhead getting machinery ready to
manufacture , rather than experiment , the
experiment proving so tatisfactory as to
warrant going nhead. There is nleo
other work going on at the factory In the
foundry lino. A day or two njo ; one
casting wns made weighing over 1,800
pournlc , in being n part of some ruining
The aldermen do not ncem to enjoy
knving to carry nil the burden of blatno
for the bungling way In which the ordl-
nance making bualncsa han been done.
They fay the printers are the onen to
blame that the ordinance
; was correct a
passed , nnd that the blunders were miulo
by The Nonpareil force , If this in true ,
as they claim , it will show up whera the
blllacomo in for printing and reprinting
the ordinance. If thU extra expomo
nnd trouble Is canted by the printer * , the
nldermcu will hardly Imvo the i
daclty to allow The Nonpareil its bll
for work which waa worse than not done
at all.
There was n Honnitlomil account glvei
in n contemporary paper concerning u littlu
boy falling from the top of a car In the
Chicago k Northwestern yard , It belli ) .
statBd that ha wan fatally injured. This
proves to be niontly IIOUH-IIBO , The fuels
a e that the boy. n * on uf 1) . It Webster
living on Fifth avenue and Tlilrteoutl
street , wlilU playing on top of some caw
standing in that yard , fell botweeu the
care , but was not injured ner'ously ' , recolv.
ing a slight cut on the head and some
bruises , but nothing warranting the state
liient that the boy Is guini ; to die , Dr
llanchett , who attended him , Bays be Is
not seriously hurt.
Allen Itoss , the alleged ropht wa
brought before Justice Fraineyl ) eaterday
for examination , but bit attorney bclni
absent from the city a continuance wa
given until next Monday. In eocortlii ) ,
the prisoner to and from the jail Constable
Fox kept a sharp eye on him and the Iron
on his writt. There ii reason to fear Itcs
jumping. When Chief Feld took him t
the jull a time ago Itocs urged him to It
him run , and told the chief that he inlgh
fire if be wanted to If he would only aha
high. That would let the chief out of ul
the blame. Mr. Field could hardly Bee it
nd HOBS had to inarch on.
Nick Backut , of the Lower hotel , wh
was fined $25 und ootts for belling intoxl
canti , rather tired of hii spiteful resolutlo
to Jy in j il rather than pay , Borne o
bii friends found Judge Ayleiworth abou
1 o'clock Thurfllay nignt , to get Uscku
elenfied , and on thesur nco that ht
* ould appear In court yesterday nndeithfi
nle bond * fof an appeal or pay up his tint ,
he judge gave an order for Hackiis to bi
irought into coutt. Officer Typon to < .k
liiiidocument And Hackun wni tele.vcd
nit ymlerday ho failed to do a be agreed
hii cxnuno btlng that bo wanted to tall
> ver the matter with nn attorney first.
jute yesterday afternoon the court wnf
Ired of waltlni : , ami Officer Tyson fiml > m
5 ckus on the street ' "iked him up aRnln
Ic tnlkn of getting out n writ of habc >
corpus , nnd having the validity of the
ordinance and other polr ti tested ,
Clark , of The Nonpareil , In the dearth
of new/i rail R desire to fill ftpocr , framed
ind padded out n column account of at
> ld man wippoied to have l > ccn conli-
dcnccd out of $50 nt the transfer , but win
rcnlly had pa > * ed n counterfeit $100 bill off
on the shnrpciR ft nil got S'O back li >
change , In good money. Of course it wa >
an old , old story , rehcnrs d to fill space ,
Uicro being no occurrence of the
yolonel Kcntley , however , took it nil in ,
bit nt the bait , nnd rehashed it for M *
evening piper an an ncliml occurrence ,
without Investigating further. The Nun-
lareii , in turn , got caught in the very trap
t had not. It saw nn nccount In the oven-
ng paper of nn old man being confidcnccd
of $50 , nnd copied it Into Its paper. A
lie told oftrn enough Is noon believed by
the teller himself , nnd when so stuck to
jeglni to gain credence with tl.o public
lencc , by this time , Clark probably
thinks It really did happen. Of course It
did not , and Officer G'uslck is hot about
mving such yarns sot afl ml , as lie is get-
ing the transfer in rather n quiet and
mlerly condition , nnd wnntn to keep the
record ns clean as possible.
The Commit tons Who nro to Care
For the OruncI Ledge of the
of Pythias.
A largo number of our citizens are
actively intorcntcd in preparing for
the meeting of the grand ledge of tliu
Knights of Pythias of Iowa , to beheld
hold in this city October 25. It ia
expected that nt that time there will
bo hundreds of visitors in the city ,
and extcnaivo arrangements aru
being made that the event may bo
fully in keeping with the city nnd
with the order. The list of commit
tees has boon revised and corrected ,
nnd is now ns follows :
Executive committee.V. . II.
Vauglmn , president ; Chan. Barhausoii ,
vice provident ; Edwin .1. Abbot , nee
rotury ; If. L. Meyer , treasurer ; E I-
win J. Abbott. 0. Wesley , St. Album
ledge No. 17 ; W II Vauglmn , G M
Wasburn , Council BluH'aludgo No. 40 ;
F. L Mtyor , E Roaocninu , Qoothu
lodge No. 51 ; 0. Barglmuaon , .1. lloi-
tcr , Ouncordin lodge No. G2 ; VV. F
Liraway , Qlonwood ledge No. 43 ; 0
W. McQ/wrn / , Anchor ledge No. 00 ,
Missouri Vulluy.
Reception committee' . Q. M. Wash-
burn , chairman ; 0. U. Sherradan , E.
H. Odoll , G W. McCoy , D. B. Dai
ley , A. H. Gfiober , J. B. Boll , J. B.
Coon , \V. F. Dudgo , J. A. Uorold , J.
D. Nicholson , J. Lindt , F. L. Born-
hardi , L. S. Russell , M. 0. Felkor , A.
N. Jivckson , A. Hobur , F. Luchow ,
G. Scheror , L Kost , F. Grote.
Ways and means committee. E.
Rosocrann , chairman ; P. D. Mottaz ,
William Keolino , 0. Gregory , J. Hum
mer , P. Ehon ! , J. G. Tipton , S.
KotEpnstoin , F. Bookempor.
Printing nnd supplied. J. Reitor ,
chairman ; E. J Abbott , F B. Patton ,
L. 0. Brackott , II. Hoist , L. Buroham ,
A. N. Jackson , B. Grahl , A. Blum.
Hall and music. 0. Barghnuson ,
chairman ; J. W. Darnell , A. Glenn ,
W. H. Grandy , J. E. Motcalfo , W.
Pfoifor , M. Gallogor , F. Bornlmrki ,
G. Keil , N. Kuhl.
Decoration F. L. Meyer , chairman ,
E. Mottaz , L. Joneo , J. N. Btckluy.
A. B. Howe , M. 0. Folkor , E , Tog-
stad , E. Footisch , L Bookomper
Banquet nnd Ball C. Wesley , chair
man , A. L , Ayres , 0. TibbittB , E.
Fdlkinburg , A. Gilbert , W. Ffeilt'or
F. Togstad , J. Kost , 0. Fuul.
Oorroopondonco E. .1. Abbott ,
chairman , J. A. Spaulding , J. R
Stugg , 0. H. Ohamp , 0. D. Waltom ,
M Gallagher , M. Gentry , J. Lmder ,
0. Barghauson ,
Transportation-W. R. Vougliati ,
ohairman , T. II. Stowarl , W. N.
Young , 0. M. liar ) , 0. R. Mitchell ,
L. T. Graham , M. Gentry , L. Hall ,
II. Nutt.
Invitation E. J. Abbott , chairman ,
L S. Huesull , 0. Sanderson , F. W.
Spetman. L A. Bergu.nii , 0. E Tay
lor , G. D I ) until * , I' . Kittlor , 0. D.
Voorhis , E Rwcnins , F. Ui-rnbauli ,
Goo. P-.junu , l > . Lu ! ) . ; Riutn in
Inrgo , John II. ( Jour , Him n It bli 'i-
man , II. D. W.di.i.rV K. L.r , .i. ,
W. G. Murcor , JulniN I'.i.u , . , , ! , > . ,
Van Valkonliort. , K. U llil.b n , . | . , | | , .
Oamoron , Win I' S'uuli. C ( J ' U .le
E. 0. Hurlbi.i . , .1'm , S U - . '
Ha that U MII iy fr it htr.iuuir .hull
smart for it. I'm I , . nat ( , , , , , , ,1 , , j ,
bl'iUMi UIX > M > OM | . r ( nrinj { Jivfi , hi.liiuv
and complaint * . .f i. like loi.dfiiry , fhall
iie\fr be di.nnimi.tcd. 1'jl.o fO ctnto
trial bottles 10 u ni- .
0. H , KMmr if U'ootter
, , O. , uus a
ut the Obilcii > tbtuiduy.
Mrs , Thoiuas CJrillin , of Onnhs , U In
the city visiting Mrs. M. O , Griffin.
AI. Flih , of Kaclne , was again In th
city yesterday.
U , I ) . Cole , of Chicago , ngeut of th
Grand Trunk railway , wns In the city yes
day ,
Jos-ph Kihocck , editor and proprietor o
The Iowa StaaUJAuzelijcr , was among th
welcome cullers at THK UEK office yeater
Steven Griffin , Ken , . , Mi hawkn , Ind.
Is in the city on a to Mr. and Mrs
John Lindt , the latter being big daughter
The old gentleman is in his clghty-elghtl
year and is still quite vigorous , except li
the matter of lie-aiin ? , he not having heard
a word for fifty yean.
Buokhn'H Arnica Halve ,
'lie Hm SALVK In the aorld for CuU
BrulBMi , Sore * , Ulcers , Lalt Ilbeum. Fe
ver Sores , Tetter. Chaijpcd Hands , Chi
bla ns , Corns , and all iikiu eruptions , ani ?
positively cures piles. It is guaranteed tt
Kite ti factfon or money refunded
I rice , 25 cents per box , For MltHby 10
r f
The Plan for n City Bnll nnd Market
House Not Given Up.
Yesterday morning the mayor and
imat of the mem' or * of the city coun
ul mnt an a cornn.itt-o of the whole to
jonfcr with Peter Buchtolo in regard
'o the property owned by him on
Bryant street , opposite Dolmny'a opcr
inuse , this conference being in accord-
D ca with tiiO action of the council
tikon at a lalo meeting. The mayor
ind nldormoti paid a viait in person to
ho ground to eeo how it would do for
i mnrkot house and city hall. Some
imo ago u plan waa talked over for
laving the same built by a stock com-
jany , the city to have certain interests
n it and to have oflico room for its
various department. It ia under
stood that there is some prospect of
tlita plan being put into practical
effect. Air. Bathtelo ofFers a bonus
jf $1,000 if the same is located on his
nnd , the ground tt > bo bought at its
market value simply. Tlioro arc
ittiurn who are willing to put
money into a mnrkot place
clioino if it ia rightly planned. The
irobability ia that auinu plan will bo
lit upon which can bo successfully
worked , and which will prove of ad
vantage to thp city.
The grounds looked at have boon
used some time aa a market place for
my , wood , otc , nnd the city nculen
lave bcon looitod there until changed
o the interaoction of Alain nnd Pearl
treets. Lola have boon secured south
of the court house for teams to stand
on , but the old habit ia so strong that
armers are still driving their loads to
ho old market place and the newly
cased lots near where the city scales
nro now are left almost unnoticed and
unused. Complaint has been made
or the police to make the hay and
wood inon to go to the lot now ready
or thorn nnd k-avo the old grounds.
L'liuro scorns to bo no legal way now
, o make them do so , and the police ,
horofore , are waiting for the council
o pass soiao ordinat.CD or take some
action giving thorn the right before
.hoy attempt to enforce a change.
A Runaway Horeu Causes Injuries to
Two LiUdioa ana a Child.
Yesterday afternoon Mra. Coy , the
wife of the proprietor of the Coy
lorso , started in a buggy with her Jit-
la daughter and her agad mother , for
a drive into the country. They had n
roung , green horao. and In going up
Broadway , n dog sprang at him ,
'rightonui'j him into a run. The
lorso turned completely around , but
'ortunatoly Mra. Coy EO reined him
, liat ho did not overturn the bupgy ,
jut started back on Broadway , still at
running gait , until ho reached
bho corner of Alain street , where
lie made a sharp , quick turn
again , and completely overturned the
carriage , throwing the occupants out ,
and smashing the rig badly. The
ladies and child were thought by those
who saw the accident to bo at leaal
very seriously , if not fatally injured ,
and they were hurriedly placed in t
carriage and taken homo. A moro
careful examination of the injuries
showed that none of the party had
broken bones , or any apparently seri
ous hurts. Mrs. Ooy struck on her
head nnd shoulder , but the chief hurt
seemed to bo a cut upon the head ,
and a very lanio shoulder. She had
some bruises besides. Her mother ,
Mrs. Quick , also had a cut upon tht
licad nnd aomo bruises , while the child
escaped with a moro scratch on the
'Worthy ot Praloe.
As n rule wo cto not recommend Patent
Medicines , but when wo know of one that
really Is a public benefactor , nnd docs
positively cure , then wo consider it our
luty to impart that information to nil.
Clectrio Bitters nre truly n most valuable
nedlclne , nnd will mirely cure Billou3ne n.
'o er nnd Ague , Stomach , Liver and
iCidnoy Complaints , cv. n were nil other
remedies fall. Wo kuow weioof we speak ,
i nd cnu f i eely recommend them to nil.
Uxcb. Sold nt fifty cents u bottle , by
D. F. Goodman ,
i '
The Clarissa 0. Cook Homo for In-
gent Females nt Davenport is com
Ottumwa ia figuring on n fine school
building to cost in the near proximity
of § 20,000.
Frod. Bontlcy , ngrd 13 , of Sidney ,
joes to the reform school for attacking
liis mother with it halulii't
Tht > vrn > million > < P.diiton nnd
I'atna > < iiiitiftf Mil li. hi 1,1 , nt Mullo
I'lutllii mi I lltl ( till ill ( I "ill of SH [ ) i > | ) i
It U "i.iii i lint tiu ) H. it S nilnmi'
is II nd K'ii'iiaiidiiii | dn. m.icliMir
i- jii CIT $ W , Ol ) nutl 15 iuTf ol
> nd
Corn : t * kin ; in 1 mi , mid ilut i-
gutid svuitiiu n aiii tor thu i M.
il.illysprakiiig. .
Wi.viiij Hoiijb , I
The 11w.i GiKiul L"ilvii. f dm AM
cicnt Orlor ut Uiuud .
moot in . lUpidn 1)113 ) LTjtli to insider :
sidor the condition < , f thu uiMir ii
this state.
Among the participants in u roun
ion of the lead mine region of Du
bucjuo vas Col. Peter Parkinson , the
only Riirvivor of ( ho battle of Pcci
tonica. , fought in 1832 ,
The Catholics of Dubuque turned
out in force on Sunday with n procea
sion , banners nnd music , to witnea
the laying of the corner-stono of the
ohapol for the cathedral.
Near Cedar Ilupids on the 17th , a
farmer namml Burnett fell fromn loai
of Iny and waa followed by n pitch
fork , the tinea of which struck him 01
the back of the head , causing death
Complete returns from the ninety
counties in the state on ( ho prohibi
tion amendment to the constitutiot
Miow that seventy-four g vo majori
tiea for the amendment , twenty-four
against it , and ono Van Huron gave
n tie vote.
A woman named Dora Leonard o
the east aide , Dea Aloinea , is uuppose <
to have committed suicide by drown
ing in the DOB Aloiucs river , She ia
also Bupposod to have drowned her
little baby. About a week ago the
olothiutr of n woman was found on the
banks of the river , nnd it was nur
miflcd that a woman had been drowned
tnd search of the rivnr h a been made ,
fit nobody has been found yot.
At Clinton on the 17th , Erank Il y
vrhil" Intoxicated was struck by atra < n
> uid killed , Ho was about CO years
of ago , and ro far * ns is known had no
family. HP made t.'io third man who
had been killed by the cars in Clinton
within a week. The other two were
W. 0. Yancy and FYrtnk Jlobcrtson.
tiho Understood.
A woman with a mnrkot basket on
isr nrm nnd a big bouquet of flowers
n her hand , wns waiting nt the ferry
lock when n man of pleasant address
approached her and said :
"AIndam , that is a very fine nose-
gay. "
"Yes , sir. "
"I think it io the finest ono 1 over
saw , nnd I have bcon in twenty-seven
liflorontstnlcs. "
"Yes , sir. "
"There is the pansy hiding itself
joliind the rose. According to the
angungo of flowers , the pansy stands
or : 'Darling , I cannot live without
rou. ' I likewise observe the rosobud.
flio langungo of the rosebud is : 'I'm
ooking for n husband. ' Madam , do
vou undentand the language of
loworn ? " '
"Yea air. "
"What is the language of the tulip ? "
"Tho tulip says , sir , if you don't
tump along with your brazen impu-
Ictico I'll have you walked into the
cooler ! " was her firm reply. Ho
Biuoirr'a DISEASK of the Kidneys ,
Diabetes and other Diseases of the
Sidneys and Liver , which you nro be-
ng so frightened about , Hop Bitters
a the only thing that will surely and
icrmanontly prevent and cure. All
other pretended cures only relieve fern
n time and then make you many times
Paid a Bill.
A Detroit lawyer took in n now boy
.ho other day , and as ho had suffered
to aomo extent from the depredations
of the former ono , ho decided to try
: ho now lad's honesty at onco. Do
then fore placed 815 in bills under a
weight on his desk and walked with
out a word. Upon his return , half nn
liour later , the bills were pouo and
seventy five cents in silver had liken
their place.
"Boy ! when I slopped out to got n
diaft on London I loft § 15 under thin
weight ! "
"Yes , tir. "
"And now I find only eovciily-fivo
cents ! "
"Ye * , sir , but you see you hadn't
been gone five minutes when a man
came in with a bill againHt you i f
$14.25 , and I paid it. I guess the
change is correct. "
"You you paid a bill ? "
"Yes , sir there it ia , all receipted.
The man aaid it had slipped your
mind for the last four yoara , and
Ho didn't got any further before ho
was ruahod for the stairs , und ho isn't
in the law business any moro ,
Certifioat o-
"I have used liuunoci ; Bt-oon BITTEIIH
with great benefit fur itnligpxtion and con
stipation of the bowels. " Price SI.
july7dlw "Hamilton. Ont. "
NOT10K. Special advertisements , euc as
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Itcnt ,
Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thle
co'umn at the low rate ol TEN CUNTS FEU
LINK ( or the drat Insertion and FIVE CENTS
PICK LINE ( or each subsequent insertion
Leave adv ettlscmcuts at our office , No. 7
Pearl Strovt , near Broadway.
. Ws mint an cnorcu le male or
WANTKD. crv towiili p In low * and
> o. r to. to tale oidc for new juibl cation- .
The | > ui 'cations ' are B andarl , and soli at tl Iit
Our crinH are liberal ann tgi n'v make f re til $3
to J10 | > crd y. Fcr olrci > lirsaii < t teimH tvlclioia
WcHttrn liooV Comjiany , Council lliilTs lima
_ _ IvlOtf
A ! { 0od liorso , for funeral purl -
WANTE1J wclnht about 000. lL < | Uire Lt A ,
II. llano & Co.'J , 34 1'tarl street. Julil t
) A first-lias * biiber I mediately.
W Ami ! ) to J. J , ( icoJ , Com vil Dlu a , la.
ju > Ulf
Everv liody In Council llluffn Ii
WANTED Tin film , 20 conU pur v.tck , do
Ilvercd by tarrlorc , OIHio , No 7 P ( rl Street
near Broadway.
To buy 100 tons hrootu corn
WANTED oddrcna Council BluB >
Droom Factory , Council Ulufli , Ion a efiS-SBtt
For Snle and Rant
SALE At a l ri : ln , a rxktiurant and
bakery , nkcly furni > zicd , nnd 1m ui a Rood
l > ylnf | patronagv. Aduiej , box bu\ontT , Km-
ersou , Iowa. jylR-flt'
BALK A red Ir th settordrir , 1 year old ,
FOH ' jard b.kin. will Bull cheap.
Aililrciu H. 1' . O. b x 1042 , 0. II. Iowa.
J ul j 8-Im _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
171011 KENT. Unfurnished rooms , fill -Main
JJ Stro.t. ] 2Mm
SALE Beautiful rculdento lots , f60
FOR ; nothing down , and fi | r > ontli only ,
I r . "i OIHT & BMOTHKHB , Council Bluff *
II MM Ili4.ah uxjrcua. Oriltm left at Boston
i - . i lu. Mala ktr ct. Comic I I Info , or J . O.
.1 I > r. , JSIO Fariitin ttriet , Omnhalll rn-eUa
IK nipt at'.ent on. Jj'lS-
iucce 8 , Cull and see
new ccc89oris ami vKclmrna | of ] < lcturc9
taverili the re Uli'c ' gclatli o broil Ida ji
at the KxctUlor ( ialltry 10j Jlaln etriut.
. W. L. PATTON 1'hj slclan and Oculiet.
DK. cure any ctuii f xoro cj 01. It U enl >
a matter of time , and can curu generally in
from three tc fl\e vstckn It tiiakui no differ'
once how long dUea.ii'd. Will etral litcn crots
eyes , ciwrato and rci o\c I'tjrru'lniiiii , etc. , and
lD > i-rtarUOclalces frK | < .la ] attention to re-
nioiclnj : tadeworins , a ) > 5-tf
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
A ! o agcuU for the following line ol
Steamship Companies :
Cuuard , Anchor , Oulon , American , ncd State
Steauuhlp Com ) aulc .
30 OECfiOE"3l7 S
For gale on the Koyal Vank of Ireland and Bank
of Ireland , Uubllu. Ihoso wl o Intend to end for
frkndjj to any part of Europe will find It to their
nU'mt to ( all bii
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
343 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Ia ,
Boston Tea Co's ' Store ,
16 Main St , nnd 15 Pearl St. ,
Council Bluffs ,
Office and Works , Main Street ,
Wo glvo special attention to
Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces ,
trill receive prompt attention. A general as
sortment of
Brass Goods , Bolting , Pining ,
Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Coal ,
All Shippers nnd Travelers will find
( rood accommodation and reasonable
Council Bluffs , - - Iowa ,
"EuBber Hose , Iron and Lead
Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and
Trimmings , at
Bixby & Wood's ,
On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ]
The Star Bakery ,
227 MAIN ST ,
Employ the best Dread Raker In the Wcet ; also
a choice hind for Cakeu and 1'ii'f.
Ilrtail dclUcred to all parts ot the ( Ity.
Rich Out Gland , Fine French China ,
Silver Ware &c. ,
MRS , U , J , tilL/IUtv , M , D. ,
222 Prondirnv Connoil Bluff * .
N , Andenon , - - Proprietor ,
732 Lower Broadway.
Table Hupullcd n 1th the beet the market af
fords , Tcruie } 3.60and Jl.OO per week , Tranalen
tl.00 per day
Council Bluffs , la ,
Established , - - 1866
Dciliru In Konliri. and Do'utetlc Exchange
and home ecurltk . _ _ . _ _ _
T.J.OIDY.ED.J.S . , ,
( late Veterinary Surgeon D , S. A. )
The Only Veterinary Surgeon
in the Oity ,
REFEllKNOES : fbji'claualn Council Hint ! * and
imrroundlu country.
81J South Main Street , Council BluOi.
Kew houao and newly fitted up In tint claw
t\lo. Moalikt all hour * . lo crtain and Itmo-
a1c e cry evenlug. Fruit * kud cootectloncrU
Broadway , and fourth Street ,
Counci.1 Bluffs , Irwa
u. Hi U jJji JLiJuJEv
Burdette and Western Co-
tage Organs. Prices reason
able ; terms to suit all. LJ
Importer and Dealer fn
of all kinds. Sheet Music one- LJI . .
third off. Agents wanted. I
a Correspondence solicited.
a ma
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and ffillow Sreets , Doracil Bluffs ,
Mirrors. Upholsterj. Fepairing , Etc. . Wood arid Metallic Coffins.
No.130 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but first-claaa Bakora
employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &o. , delivered to any part of the city. Our
Wagons run all day.
P. AYRES , Proprietor.
Haa For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands
and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska.
Office with "W. S. MAYNB , over Savings Bank , - OOU VOIL BLUPB
Trade Letter.
Brockton , Mass. , July 13 , 1882.
Z. T. Lindsey & Oo , , Council Bluffs , la. :
Dear Sirs : Keptying to your esteemed favor of the
5th inst. , will say that it is afaot that the advance in the price
of Oalf Skins , Sole Leather , and most every kind of bhoe
Stock , taken in connection w th the advace for labor we
have been oblised to concede to workmen , has increase. !
in no tmall degree tha cost of manufacturing. Notwith
standing which fact we are pleased to say your o der ,
given us early in 'he season , will be fi led at the old prices ;
and we hopei by being diligent'y alive to the rcquireme ts
of the demand for a really first-class article , to supply you
with a BE ITER line of coeds than we have ever given you
heretofore. Our purchase of both French and domestic
Calf Skinsi as well as a large supply of 0 k-tanned Sole
Leather , were made very early in the season which , being
boueht at former prices , relieves us in a great decree of
the increased cost of production that many manufacturer
are obliged to sustain in filling their orders takan early.
Your whrle order for the coming fall season is well in
hand , and will be shipped at an early date , Wo des re
to call the attention of those who use our goo fs , through
the medi-imof - your house , to our new styles in both Hand
and Maoh no Sewed work. Our French , Medium French
and Loi-don Too goo's are all made on entirely new lasts
and new patterns , which we feel sure will meet with a
just appreciation and the approb itioti of your customers.
With the improvement wo have made we expect to furnish
a moro nearly pe feet fitting shoe than ever before , Wo as
sure you , gentlemen , that we will endeavor to give all your
order our pr impt and careful attention , and with these
assurances wo trust to merit the continuance of the manv
favors you have been pleased to" bestow upon us , and ,
awaiting your further commands , we are
Respectfully yours ,
0. A. I3EKDE , W. KUNVAN ,
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
VVholesalo end He tall Dealers In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,