Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1882, Image 2

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    THE BAIL * BEE : SATURDAY , JULY 22 1882.
Kmbroidere.1 crcno 1 nmoiiR the
ttc < for mourning clresc.
rink cnwbrlo dro C8 trimmed with lace
nrc cry fitsliionable.
Xow 1'rcnrli capote iHinncts uro covered
with whUo elder blossoms.
C'nra ' Jnno Piy ( lie dotes oa hot
weather. It mnVca ice cresm ta te K )
Fftl'oholr comes from Asia , tind i boiled
In nitric ncld to suit the northern cow
Clusters of largo strawberries on n cream
ground Is one of the latest designs for
painted inu lin.
A man nt DCS Moines ki f cd Ms hired
girl by mhtfAe nnd had to pay SfiOO to
settle It. It was the mistake which hurt
her feeling- ! . I
Long , pointed finger nails nrc fa-hlonv' '
We amoae women , Init they w II never l.c
popular with married itjcn.-H.iNow i one
Almond-tlntcd cushmcre , adorned with
embroider ! of red carnalious nnd ox-ercd
dnlslcc , forms me of a number of elegant
French tea gnwns just Impoctcd.
Chatelaine bags ate ngahi very gener
ally w tn , oflcn hanging from the nun ,
from which they nro Hiinpomled by o colored -
ored tlbbon tied In n bow wt the top.
A I'MlaifclnhU girl has dlmbtefi four
mallet this season -
young mot ! with n croquet
' down to busIncBS
son , and hasn't really got
yet. The fool-killer will be jealous If she
keeps It up ,
An Indiana woman has taken fcho job of
counting oil the hcrn-ls of wheat In a
Imshcl , nnd KB soon as fho has finished it
she Is lotonvo n now calico dies * nnd n Ilir-
tation fan.
The ftmnlo rival of Tanner Ir. Wabasb ,
Tnd. . has now fasted for sixty-eight day ,
and iBiiU hungry yet. The doctors s.iy
she Is liable to break her fast upm ce
lestial manna on the other here nt any
time ,
An Town editor adycrtlscd'liver pads to
the amount of S'JSO and took it all out In
wads. Then ho wna mad because his hired
girl wouldn't take twenty-eight of them for
two monlhs'services
Largo square neckcrchicfa ot fine silk
muslin , wrought in delicate uprays ; of up.
plo and hawthorn blocsoms , htnull hlush
veins of honeysuckle
ro eK , or trailing
blossoms , nru wi.rn over sprigged or white
muiihi drcs oa with charming tfleot.
Tlie long , graccfully-drft rd rcdlngote ,
buttoned to the throat with frogs nnd i-lli.
cnrdfl , nnd p-irting midway of tlm front
breadths over -Itlrt of a o ntrafltlng ma-
terhl , Is a tavorlto style In tlio fo-mation
of travt-ling dreaaoa of the vo y latest Im
The -nost baooini'ig and oloiatit head-
jcivorinjs for full drc * occ < sinn or for
church xvear thin sultry scaRun aio the nlry
little prlnooico bonnets covered comiiletoly
with white or tinted flower * , n d fastened
under th din with IHCB bn-Ie'8 or cewl
Hiring * . Many of these IHtle cap bonnets
have the small dellcati blossomi partly
rveilod with iioadod BpiniMh blonde.
"Jjfi India or French miiKllns in fprifigf-d de-
Tslgns nro ngain being worn by youthful
women. A prettier.f hl < m never existed :
n floe iniHliti. graceful y made nnd lace-
tiimaied , witii n l co bertha wora over the
boutoe , aid brightnietl here and thereby
knots of ribbon , give * a lady n really more
attractive .iimear nco th.tii all the heavy
velvets and lirucailos can over do.
Tlio pretty Alsatian peasar thn'H are very
much worn by young vlrla. Somotlmes
tlw flat. Velvet-lined bilm is caught up
lightly nt ono Idi % but It is generally worn
in genuine pcnmnt htjle , niul the xueatha
of iloweru on the ouUiilo are made to
match the tolor of the linings. A sweet
little hat in this ntylo is of dark green
atraw , faced with pale pink surah , nnd
trimmed outsldo with n. wreath of pink
oleander bloxBoms caught together at the
hack with n bow and long cnda of dark
green satin ribbon.
Yellow is a color that soeuw 'to be growIng -
Ing In favor , especially in the domain of
ictilincry , yellow apanlsh blonde and pale
yellow eatin ribbon being much employed
as n trimming. Antngled with small j " -
. .
trimmed with niclica nud plaque * o
yellow lacf , nud d'iffodlla , W4ll.j1ower
nnrl other LiluBsoma of that tint are lined ii
conjunction , Mimy of the bonnets nre
llnod with black velvet , making them very
becoming to the wtnrer , aildlug brilliancy
to a clear nud improvement to a dull cou.-
At a Socialist meeting at Geneva a
1'renchman wug dhcouralug on the rlgbln
f men , the infamy of kings and prlcuts ,
and the nacrcii duty of resUUncD to tyran
ny , when n fern tie voice ahriekcd nut
"Get down nnd tome here ! " Dead illcnco.
The dfiinayed orator hcsltatod , and the
summons wna repeated. "Jo not Inter
rupt him ! " naM the president. "Nut Interrupt -
terrupt html" cried the citovrnno. "Ho la
rny husband. I was dying in L'nrh ; I tel
graphed for him ; ho never came. I had
to come to Geneva to look for him ; uud
here 1m in. I < et htm come down and come
litre. " The champion of liberty meekly
succumbed , and was walked away by his
lawful possessor.
Uvery well regulated parnwol now dis
plays IU col ru by a bow of ribbon tied
near the lmndleor u brunch of roues or oth
er flowcn * bet near ! U top. Heavy silver
baiulloH beautifully cnrvtd itro in high
vogue , r.B nio nlio those of inothcr-of-po rl
and onyx , with the handles in the slupn of
nxhopherd'tt crook or u Chinese croin , The
meet expen ivu of nil , however , are thovo
of pearl or gllvnr set with gems , matchlni ;
in line the dllforent tolletei with which
they are worn for example , n white satin
parasol lined with pale blue has the handle
of silver with the owner' * monogram net
in pearls nnd turqiwUo utmies , ThU U to
ha carried with a toilet of cream white
foulard with tunlo ami bodice of the same ,
brocaded with pale blue forget-me-nots ,
Morning nt MulntlToy vile : The tremulous
bougliH of the wuvliu trees were raiulug
down uhadowB that fell cool and fuir upuu
Lurline Perkins * bountiful face nsshubtooil
silent nnd alone near the wuodnhol. Tlio
uiurmuroits slghlug of the summer breeze
waa buruo to her I'y the trunced elr , anil
ever and anon there came up from tbo
meadow g the sound of the farmer's ax a * ho
felled thestuuly anparagus that was noon
to delight the rich people in the city who
couU pay for it. Awuy to the eastward ,
mirroring back the uzuro dome of the sky ,
Uy the , lak , nnd the Buell uf its llvcr
foam but served to make the tdlouco morn
deep ,
The girl stood for BOX oral intnutoa u If
entranced by the si'cue. Then , ttirniiig
sadly away , pbe exrlaimod lu low , bitter
tone * : "I tmppoee I shall have to milk that
dratted cow , and the sooner I got nt U tlio
better. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
One hundred antl eighty-one applicant *
for ndmlwdou to the Itoihman cla a at
Harvard have pasted the examinations.
Of the fifteen members of the Chicago
( cbool board ten are foreign born , tix
are Unman Catholics , and eleven are dem
ocrat ! .
The increasing immticr of technical
schools In linglaud marks the decline of
the apprenticeship tyuteiu. One of theue
schools hks just been opencil nt llradlord ,
and another will khortly be erected an I
fitted at Drittol at a coat of $200,000.
The elective system Ins jtut been ndop-
il ted by the university of South Carolina.
The instltutlun will furnish two literary
and three bcleutlfia couieer , together wltli
special couiee * In DgrJrultuie , uiechanlca
and Mirveyinp , and partly in Knyli h
studies. It will also prvneutly urinigou
normal course for teachriv.
The lectures mi ancient hlitory , ou
Greek llttraturo and on ] 2ngli h hiitory
areuow thrown opt-n to female ntnddiiu nt
Oxfurd. And the nkleo have nut fallen.
Thoeo who think that it would not hutm
Columbia cuilwe to follow O furd'D ex.
ample mutt reflect that an ancient and
uulvfrtlty can affurd to be
At the ineetlo ? last week of the I'enn.
sylvunln teachers WM Irani the ever-en
couraging deiimmi Tor more thorough
teaching ; in the ( vrlniftry 'chools. On
speaker carunrtly protested agninit wie
practice of puU < nt ( mere girls In charpjs ol
thece schools while another declared that
the best leruhing does not always mean
that given by the in" t learne 1 pcr-ons , whl n best pnthcrs uphi h * moan-
lug punctuality , energy , entlitmiMm , t ct ,
love and whoever gives cfficitncy In the
pchool room.
A cheerful view of the education of the
future is taken by the Boston Advertiser
"Tho object-teaching , " it rajs , ' which IP
bcw.ning a feature ot porno school * , HIP
familiarity wilh things and Ideas rather
than Viilh thtlr prlntedconvetitlonal PULP ,
which Is taught , lll have an effect upon
Ihe mental habits ol ones entire life. In
the cominif gcncrati > n , sui u result of this
new teachliu' , thorn may bo txpecteil n
readier cuiiiprehcnshii of new Idean
more Ihely nilrlt < rf Intiuiry nnd public
ill ciisfioiii a keener perception of wlut l
lionest andnolld , n IcsscharllaMc tulera Ion
of wortia which do not clothe Mean , a de-
created dcmnnd for glitloiln : ; generalities ,
ntrda quicker perccr < tlon of the vulnerable
0 ilnts of any ueh' ' nib t r doctrine , whether
it relate to popular govonment , social
Hcleiice or household economy. '
A eotnmltteo of Iho Wlecon in State
Tt'uchcrH1 Ar-wclallon has recommended
the establishment of nchool saving * hank * .
At tl.e. recent iiipcting of the association
Superintendent C. V Vicbalm of Water-
town rend nni-xcclhnt paper c iticislng the
faultn of the graded system and advocating
the making of tests of capability otht r
than thnt of examination. He declared
that the < lefectn In the system tended to
make the chool n machine in which thing *
are not valued ncC'irdlng to their wotlh ,
but itcuordiiig to the facbi'in in wl Ich thoj
will fit ns | > .irts of It. Ho complained thnt
in tlio disregard of individuality which the
Rstcin enforces upon the teacher , the mom
advmiood pupil * 1-i'e interest in ixpinna-
tlons reUlrcd ) for iho bac ward members
of the class , and Iho latter wcro dull when
subjects foreign to tholr understanding being discussed with their intellectual
A Wnltz QuiKlrtllo.
The band was playing a wnP ? quadril'o '
I-felt nn light as a wind-Mown feather ,
As wo floated nway at the c llnr'a will
'Ihrough the inlticato noi-.y d.inco to-
r.iko a mimic army our linen wero'mooting ,
Slowly advancing , and then letrcnting ,
All decked in tholr bright array ,
And back nnd forth to tbo music's rhyme
Wo meted together , nnd all the time
il knew you wcro going away.
The fold of your xtrong arm nont n thrill
From heait to brain t-s wo gently glided
Like loa\04 on the waves ot that waltz
ctiuhil | e ,
.I'.irtPil , mot , anil ngaln divided ,
You drifting ono w y nuil I another.
Then suildo ly tuiniui ; nud facing each
o'h r ,
Then < If in thn blilho chawc ,
Then nlrly back to our pi iocs swaying
\ \ Idle every beat of the music teemed
That ycu were going nway.
1 said to my heart , "Let us take our fill
Of uilrth and plcasuic , and love nud
hiiighlcr ,
For it all mml end wilh this waltz qua-
ilillle ,
And life will bo novcr the same life after ,
01 that the caller might go on calling
01 that the muilo illicit goon fulling
Like A shower of silver spray
While wo whirled on t < > the vast forever ,
Where no hearts brunk and no tics sever ,
And no ono goes away , "
A o'amor ' a crafih , and Iho I mud was still ,
'Twas the eml of iho dream nud the end
of the measure.
The last low notes of that wnltz quu-lrlllo
Seemed like n dirge over the itonth of
pleasure ,
You said good .night , and the spell was
Too warm for a friend and too cold for n
Th'ro W H nothing more to Bay ;
But the lights looked dim , nnd the dancer
weary ,
And tile muslo was Bad , and the hall wa
Charles N. Ahxtron , n Swede , write
from Stockholm that bo proposes to brlti ) ,
to America Hwedenborg's littln summer
house , the only thin * connected with thn
theologian remaining in Sweden ,
The General Assembly of the Presby
torian church in Irelund ban forbiiMen Its
congregations to uae inatruinentnl musl
liyu vote of 800 to HIS.
A proposition to divide the Protcstnn
Kpiscopal 1)1 COEO of Western I'ennsylva
niu wai settled by an nxroement to elec
an unslstaut bUhop. Sever > 1 molfiictual
ballots followed , and the election flnnlly
goes over to the October session of the con
It has been decided to build a cathedral
at Spires in UavarU , in n memorial of the
Diet held there in 162 ! ) , in which won pro
mulgated the famous "protest" iiguinxt the
papal d > ctrlnos , whence nroso tin numo
1 i'rolonlant. " Tne King uf Urvvaria
though himself it Catholic , remembering
ivhat Idi country jwus to I'rotcstnutlsui ,
IKIJ given n large donation towards it.
Six Armenian Christiana landed at Civ.
le Guillen lait week , One of them had a
-tier of Introduction fn > m n mia.tiiumry In
Vrmenln , and on July M\ three Arabs ar *
rived bearing a letter ilgned by thu Archbishop -
bishop of Tiluoli , Syria , n questing the
clmrltably incllnud to contrlhute money
or the purp'mo of tMiUrglng the church of
it. George thu Martyr , JJjra , Syria , ntid
o cata'jlibhu ' echpol.
The General Asiiciiihly of the Cumber-
nnd 1'rjBliyteriiinoliiireli , at Its recent sen-
Ion In HuntHvllle , Alu. , rnvlsod their Con.
eisiou of Faith , and sent It iluwn to the
'resbyterios for adoption or rejuctlou , An
t WHS uuanliuously ndnpti-d hy the Gen.
eral Anscmbly , it will , no doubt , bo iidopt-
ed by the IVestiytcrlcs , The Creed ol the
.hiircli U cloiily Btato.l lu terms freer
rom niul ijulty than U generally found in
uch d. diluent * ! but then it ought to be ,
or It cavers no IS.B than one humlicd and
fifteen paragraphs.
According to the recent census of the
Jumiiiioii. the following Is the strength i f
ho several denominations In Nova Siotlai
resbyterlatiK , 11U.417 ; Uotiun Catb llci- ,
17.-IH7 ; Kplncopali.uis , OO.'J'iC ; MethoJUU.
> 0 7U8 ; mnU ta , 7 ,1UI ; Krce Uaptlnts , 10 ! , .
Hi. , The IncrtMuo of Iho Methodlata dur.
ng the pant dec-ado las boon 1M per cent. ;
he It man CttthoIIfH , " * > jier runt : thn
iapti&Uand Free ll.iptli > tu , t > ach if per
flit. ! the JipUcopuUanii , 9 per cent. , and
hu I'rfBljyturlmii ) , 8 percent.
Moody and S.inkcy are In great demand
n the other eido of the water. Mr ,
Moody recently held a con'orence with
bout a hundred gentlein n In London to
onfer as to future plans. There were
) ronent representatives from many towns
n the Kingdom aa well as from London ,
Mr. Moody sal.l that ho had In hand mill ,
lent imititloni to keep him hard at work
n Great Urltaln for the remainder of hU
Ife , nud ho wiw urged to return to Chicago
timjo. He propo o.l , however , moving
bout hcntlnnd for n short time , and then
lulling Tarla for a fortnight. After that
10 hoped toprcaih In a imtnlemf towm
n the south uud enulliwiut of Ihiglaud
Ivrrpool might urobably be reached next
prliig nnd Lon < ou lu tof nil , where along
lay wa * IIUCIH ry. U wa dccIiU-d that
til filtuio arrangKiiifnUi fhoyld bo left in
he hands of th Loinliln committee.
Givea Away.
We o myit help iiotlclugthellhwal oifer
mwls to all ItivjlhU ami nuir rtM by lr
wins' . AewDuofitvry for oumimption.
V mar iwiin Ud tu cell at O. F Good.
unnVi Drugstore , and t a Tilal Dottle
fnc v/ cost , If you are tmllerin , ' Mtlt | 0. , , , .
HUinpt on. Severe CouKliH. ColdAsthmn ,
llroucliitU , Jiay Fever , IANU ! , f Voice
Ioamene s , or eiiv alfeHlon of the Throat
cr Luiue ; , It will positively cure you.
Chicagi claims to use a barrel cf ink
wl ere boston wes a bolt c. Hoston folkf
color their wines wilh logwood , probably.
A hotel clerk nt Grnnd Ilanidn has
eloped with the cook. A ir.ati way have
thrt most goifceotiB diamond and ullll have
woaunewi for iite.-Lotil [ vlrfl ! Courier-
The Aikannaw Traveler's aged colored
pcrB n w y : "Mv luea of de better worl
is whar dar Is a election golii' ( .n nil de
time , case den do whlto folks is allers per-
I ght. "
The American Poultry Adviser is the
name of n now that comes to tis
this week. We hojie it will advise the
p nltry In this vicinity to lay fresher eggs.
-L.woll Citizen ,
The mi st Ihi.tightftil man has been dii *
coveted in Aew .ferwjy. .lust before he
died bo fn-d to the uudertakcr : "When
you put mo on Ice do not woato a1 y on
my feet ; they have nhoady been f ozen. "
When n Wlecomln man attached n clr-
cus lion on n debt , the | > roptioior of the
nhow tuined the be.-vit loose and told thw
creditor to tnka him nlom : , without fin-
ther ado. The cieditor was la-t pfen
brerkitig for a pleco of Wt-wls kin miles
All the bailers In St , 1'nul nro negroes.
Ono of thtm was r fused n drink at n fash *
ionablo bar on vccount of his color , Thu
next lime the rnmcellcr went to n barter
dliop he Wrfn infoimcdthat noncgro In thnt
city would fill ivo him until he abolished
thu color line Hi his lur. Ho is growing n
full bcatd in continence.
" 'aUiut-
Genuine advertlocment : -
ncsH College and I'hotioxtaphic Institute.
Un on Sfjuarc , New York , October 25 ,
1881. Dre. . : I have now been
using your compound oxygen homo troit-
mentahout lx weeks , lor iv troublesome
itnil very disagreeable catarrh , which was
fastened on me liy sleeping for years In n
cold room w th my feet out of ono window
and my head out of the other. "
IU O. N. , M mplils , T.-nu. ? "C n you
suggest some plun that will enable mo to
keep boys from K' ' "t'tf ' i"to my ore-hard
without my permission and stealing fruit at
id hi ! "
Yts ; give them permission to go In and
help themselves. It 1 < true that the bn
will not enjny the fruit us much that way
aa If you iiliowed them to Rteul , but it wjll
liojunt HH likely to niako them sick.
[ Texas '
Can n mnn bo n fool and go to heaven ?
Yes , < > r clso it'a going to be powerful lone-
mo there.
How to quiet n mule : Arknnsas has n
mulr that will slop k eking if iho L ird'e
prayer is recited to him. Ii > o nmaztB
him to bear nn Arkansas man pray that ho
f. rgets all about kicking.
At Altun , 111. , a preacher asked all Sun
day sihool children to stand up who inten
ded to visit the wicked , suul-destroylng
circus. All but a lame girl stood up. In-
M.inon conn'y ' , Gonrgia , is dumbfound
ed over a prchcr askiiiK for his back sal
nry for three uars. He lind been pilil S 5
and thnt was thought to be enough to run
him soveinl years yet.
A clergyman of S t. Joseph , Mo. , tell
H people that he would as noon see then
pluj Ing poker us base-ball. Ho cays tha
riaUn keeps the Bcore. This a fearful di't
at the reporter * .
The colored population of Xfnla ,
ex ittd ovcrn suand 1 involving bnrhe
nnd the culoied pattoi's wife , which culmi
nated in the baibcr'a wife "going W th
paeon's wife with a brickbat.
Ex Jtev. I "Adirondack" Murray ha
written a letter denying that ho ia leadiu
n Muful life in poverty in Texas Ho say
he is making money on a sheen ranch , ant
is "walking uprightly beforeGod. "
A Michigan revivalUt goes out thla Bca
son with what he advertises ns "the mos
cumpleto camp-meeting outfit ever invent
ed , consisting of n handsome pavlllioi
fplendldly palnt'd , and portable slant
yet there is amjilo time for the side show
lioforo the big show begins.
The Into Bishop Scott , of tlio Mothodis
Episcopal church , was n great lover of t >
bucuii. While presiding over the Phil tde
phia conference a resolution against th
enormity of tobncco was introduced as us
ual every year. lilhop Scott pulled th
Kpl t n toward him , ami , having tot rid o
n thumplm ; qui , said in his lutid pipin
tones : ' lirethren what action will yo
take on the resolution ? '
A full term of three years had nearly
oxpiird , and they weio diticu'w-ing at th
breakfaet table the certainty thnt they
mii-t move , and the uiicurtalnty as t
whore , v hen the young mif-s of the | arson
t6 drevv n heavy lgh. "Oh , I was think
Ing what a mistake mother and I mad
wnen we married a Methodist preacher , "
The Archbishop of Bopuucon , France
lias by decree annulled all the mas eswhicl
have been raid in lin ) dii.ccsp in which a
HI urloiiK hubatltute for the fn it of th vine
lias been u ud. He does not say anything ,
liowever. ulniTit returning the foes to the
rohtiyca of the departed. The latter wll
mvo to go back to purgatory until frcel
feea nre paid hy devoted rel'illvcs.
Thomas Kueno It about to undertake a
.our In Aimtralla.
Clara Louise Kellrgg will spend the
nonth of Au uat at Stratoga.
Saiahli rtihardt will breln H profoisinn-
il tour of Kngland , Irelund and Scotland
lext month ,
Di'in ' liouolcault will bou'In his nextrca-
on in thU country nt MoVickor'd theatre ,
Chicago , on the 8 h of O tuber ,
It is understood that the Chicago Church
yliolr coniuny | will st.irt next week on a
hort tour throng the northwestern cities.
"Tho World" will begin thonext Feason ,
vlth new mc.'li'UilLMl ' ctf cti' , on Sej torn.
) rl8 , attho Grnnd oper.v house , New
Almo ? will appear in the Fifth Avenue
lieatro on tlu 18th of September. She
will bring a complete French company
with her.
One scone in "The Hotnany llye , " the
ouudering of a sti-amship , in very costly ,
n I i < said t < > bo the mont Intricate setting
ver seen on the stage.
Mr. Henry Irving celebrated the one
uiulredth pertorinnn.o of "Homto and
ullet" In the Lyceum theatre , London , by
a midnight feast upon the stage.
John T , liymomi ! : ia to open the rom-
nu ncoBon with hit new play. "For Con.
reson " Aug. 28 , at Lexington , Ky. A
athcr einjjuhir uulectton for an iipeuiug
The Union Square Theatre company
eave New York lor Sau Francisco on the
5th iuut. They play In that city for nix
weeks , ono week fa Salt Lake City , two
neuks In Denver , thre.i ntghta iu Kt
Toueph , three nights in Kiinx's C.ty , und
lien go to Chicngu for four week * .
Thv audlriiceutto diuglhepcrformnnces
f Kdwin Do > th In Ixmaoii nio nut very
argo n \crytemarkuble circumstance
onsidering Ihe time of the year but the
rtUtlo succeta of th actor ia marked ,
ni'l ' Iho critic * both of the daily nud week ,
y prcuB pruIbB bU work veiy warmly , and
ay that ho bus improved grvirly n'nco
ait year. This U graceful , but probably
Mr K Drooka , the Amcrloin tenor ,
vho la Klngiug in Lnu < iun , U teriuc I the
Ameilcan Oaponl by the Tendon corre-
Miudoii of tlio 1'urU Figaro , whu nayu lu
Inga with equlslte taste and pos e .cojn
ouug and froah voli e , for which he doe
lot strain either on the top ( if hU head or
n the hcolaot hU r > ooU. He is nn aitiht
f great future. Hiid it la well to bear his
am in mind from thU out.
Alficd II. 1'oabe , the inueiclau who wni
nder coutritt to nccompnuy Mile. NiUson
n her American tour , and who baa been
nyslerlouily miuiug for tome time , baa
> efu found in theSt , I < out ] morgue.Vkit
ky was his worr.t enemy and it encompass-
cd bis ruin end lerminated ft brilliant
career He was n phenomenally skill-
'ul pianist i > .nd his death It a decided loss
to his profession.
Tbo coming > e on at Booth' * theatre ,
NiwYorlr , will bo nicned with "Tho
K'imsny Hye , " Sept. IP , Instead of Oct. 2 ,
M heretofore announced.
H. F. McCarthy. drug ! sr. Ottnwn.
Ont. , states that he was aflllctcd with
chronlo bronchitis for some jcars , nnJ wag
complotfly cured by the use of THOMAS
' On , I" ' 17-1"
11 Mho concurrent totlmonyol the public nc
tlioirollrlnnl fio'cmlou tint llo tcitcr > H'om
ch Hitters I nmedlilno hich ell cvts results
si O'Mv fo't ' , tlnrousli and licnlftn Ilc l In rtct
ljliitll\crillBO'clcr ( , It Inv goratcsthcfccblf , con
quirsk.ilniyai'l l > l iWi-r < omp. lnt t nnd his
un thoc' rvnicsorncoff ho-o icc crinfffron
cnfcplilliiR ill c scs MoriKjver , It la tlio grand
snccifla ( or ( over ami a ue.
For snlo by all ilnigulsts an J dealers generally
jl teal
oily. An un
failing euro
for Seminal
rhea , Impot-
cncy. 4"
Solf-Aliii c : us Loss of Memory , UnUcrsil Loail
ti'uo , Pain In the Hick , Dimness of Vision , Premature
mature Old Ago , and many other Dl ca > en that
load to Insanity or Consumption and ft E'roma
jUTFnll particulars In our pamnhlcl , which
wo dcilro to ecnd trca Ivinall to ei cry ono.
tarTho Spcc'.fl ( Modlclno le Bold by all drugK'l&tt
at ? 1 per pacUaKe , orOpackxroa for 85 , or will
l > o Hoiit free by mall on re * hit of the money , by
Duflalo , N. Y.
To Nervous Sutterers
Or. J. B. Simpoon'a . Specific
It la potjilvocuru for ttpiruiituirhu * , Scmlok
iVc kcetw. lpii itn-jcy , anil nil diseases rcuultlni
rcm Hoii-Aluaij , u Uvntal Anxiety , IASSI
ilcmcry , Ptlnu lu the Bock or Side , and dlueaect
iw < . .tu. ' Oiatloail tt
, > > -v J f rt
< x4 U , 3 jfW8& . insanity an
a 3 $ ir
- 7ifa - "
> with wonder
lul UUCC083.
? ut iruu ttt WrILa tor them and get fall par
Price , SraciAc , VI.OO pet package , or lx pack ,
tgeo for < .M. Aildrrva all orders to
No . 101 and 108 llaln 8t. Buffalo , N. Y.
Sol'l In Omaha by 0. F. Qoodmar , J. W. Bell ,
J , K. I h. and all ifrnerl t eTorywhw c.I .
I . > {
Ourea When- Hot Springs Fail
MV1RN , AUK. , May , 1831
Wo have canoi lu unr own town who lived at
nd were finally cured with 8. S. S ,
IP YOU doubt , coaio to eoous andK WILL
CUHU YOUIl Oil charge nothing 11 Write (01
turtlculars and copy of little Book
o the Unfortunate
C1OUO Rnwnrd 1" bo paid to an ;
chemist who will find , on analysis 100 l-ottle
I. S. S. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide Volts
turn or any Mlnrnl tmbstanco.
BWin' SPKC'inO CO. l'ror ;
Price of Smtll elrc , tl.OO.
Lirije elca < 1.76.
Sold by KKHNAUD BROS , ft 00
IBM. } . 0811
j. st
St. Louli , is still treat
ing all 1'IilVATK. NKIt-
VuUH. GIIltON 0 Mid
) > . clal I ) seises , S-crma. |
tonhica luiiiottncy ( Sox.
nal Incat4cit ) } , Kea'ab
I.eo8fl-i , irrcgulirl let.
Oilllculticf , itc..Mn
. \Z5cei\H \ \
t > p yexpri-si
on a ' 'tahubU
cnlitlud "Ul > e tet
of , etc. " Wcrk
n L'uitOMi ) DitKisrs , ono utiiup. JiTVktlms
( Ecll-abuia or I'rhatu UUeaso , send 2 slainps
or UKLKBUATKUVoHKSon | r ru and > exuil
Hsonu. Ooimultatlan personally or by letter ,
IIKI' Con.utlho old Doctor. THOUSANDS
l-'HKD. OIIIco In < | Ulct , irUftte , reepoitablo
> lac . You MO no ono but the doctor , Ur ,
lirko I * thu only physician in the city uhowir-
ait < euro or no pay I'cdklncu icut e\cry
here. Houn , 8 A. u. to B r. u.
he Most Siiccotiful Remedy over dUcov.
r J , ai It bcoitalnlu lUeOecti and daca not
lifter. I'.KA * 1'UOOK UKUMV. Also excellent
r h u nun Hojh.
WashluKtcnrllle , Ohio. June IT , 1881 , la
1. J. KRNDALL , A Co : uent * Heading jour ad
I'rtlsouuut lu Turf , Field and Firm , of your
ionJll'savavlu | Cure , a d tuvin ) : a valuable
id , cidt ) horao which had been lame from
savin for el Ltooa tuontht , I tent to you for
ittla lyeiprem , uhlchlu six ue ks reuio\ed
1 Umcnuw and calar emint and a Urtfo eplint
rom anotlior liorto , and both honvtaio to-a )
Muouud u cot4. ! The ono bottle was worth to
me one LunJruJ dollars. Ite ptt > tfully
U'lTI , II. A. B. KTOLBTT , U. D.
Si-nd for Illustrated circular Klvlu ; positUe
roof. I'rlcofl. All Druir Uts have It or can
ft It for you. Dr. 13. J. Kendall A Co , i'ro-
> rletar * . Enonburjh Fall * , Vt.
Mrs J. 0. HobcrtBon , ? . Pa. , writes"I :
wai mDcriru troin Kcncral dclilllty , ant of ap
petite , constlpitlori , etc , , no that ( lie not a bur.
den ; after tisltiK Murdoch Blood Hitters I felt bet'
ter than for years. I cannot praise jour Hilton
too much. "
n. Olbbo. of Buffalo , K. Y. , writes : "Vour
Burdock Illoc Hitters , In chronic dhcuicBof the
blood , liver a..J klrtncjp , hue been Anally
marked withmieccss. I hate usud them mjtelf
ltli best results , for torpidity of thollicr , and In
awe of a friend of mine unDirliitf from drupsy ,
the tdect waa manelouu. "
Uruco Turner , Kochcstcr , N. Y. , wrlten : ' ! ha o
been Bubjcct to norions disorder of the kidneys ,
and unalile to attend to builncsa ; Durdock lllooj
Illttun rrllotod mo before half n bottle was used
I feel confident that thor will entirely cure mo. "
Ascnlth Hall , BInghampton , N , Y. , wrltct :
"t Buffered with a dull pain through my elt
lung nml shoulder. I-ost my spirits , appetite
and color , and could ulth dllllculty keep up nil
day. Took jour Burdock Dlood Hitters as di
rected , and have felt no | > aln since first neck af
ter using them. "
Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About
fourjcarsago I had an attack of blliousfo\crarid
nc\cr fully rcccncrutl. My dlKmtho organs
wcro ncakcnod , and I would be completely pros
trated for ( U > e. After iisliiR t o liottlcs of your
Burdock Blood Bitters the ! mprovcmcnt was so
U iblothatl was astonished. I can now. though
01 years of age , do a fair and icosonablo day's
0. Hhckct lloblnson , proprietor of The Canada
Proflbjtcrlan , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Forvcars
I Buffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I
uiecl jour Burdock Blood Bitters nlth happiest
rcsultK , and I now find mvpclf In better health
than for years past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! have
used Burdock Blood Bitters for nervous and bil
ious headaches , and can recommend it to anyone
requiring a cure for billlousncss. '
Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
"For 80\eral years I have suQeitd frcm cft-iecur-
ring billions headaches , dyspepsia , and com
plaints peculiar to my ncx. Since using jour
Burdock Blood Bitters I m entirely relieved. "
Price. 01.00 oei Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Ctl
FOSTER , MILB1M , & Co , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by Isb 1 McMahon and 0. F.
Goodman. (3 ( 37 cnd-tne
Disease la an f fleet , not a causa Its origin l
ithin ; Its manifestations without , licnco , to
cure the disease the CAUSR roust bo rcmo\cd , and
In no other way can a cure ever ' o cffe.'ti'd.
IiIVER CURE l established on Juot inia
orinclnlo. It ruallrns that
95 Per Cent.
of all diseases arlzo from deranged kidneys an
liver , and It strikes at once t the root of the
difficulty. The olcino ts of which It is compoeod
act dlrcctlv upon ihcao croat organs , both us a
roopa ajiKsTOHKn , and by placing them In a
l.oalthy , condition , drive dlacano and pain from
For the Innumerabln troub'es caTiaed by un-
hralthy Kldnojo Liver and Urinary Organs : for
the di'.tre-'flnp ' uitorderjof Women ; for Malant ,
an. physic il derangements generally , this great
rein dj hai no equal. B ware of impoatora , Im-
itatlo'B and concoctions salrt fci be Just as good.
For Diabetes , at \VARNi R'S SAFE
I-or sale by all dealers.
H. H. WARNER & CO. .
" ° Rochester W. Y-
The Great Lngiish Komedy
HNevor falls ta cine
INcnoua Debility , VI-
Ital Exhaustion , Emla-
lalons , Seminal Weak-
ilHOOD , and all the
J \ 11 effects of youth-
Ijful follies nnd oxcoa
1KB. It stops pcrma
Itiently all weakening
liruoluntary losa earn
llrahis upon the BJB
Item , the Inevitable re
. . . . ' ult of theuo evilnrao
tlces , which uroso dcatruetlro to mind and body
and make life miserable , oltcu leading to Insani
ty and death U strengthens the Ncrvcu.Uraln
( memor ) ( Dlood , tluaclea , DlKwllvo and Itepro
diicthoUrcung , H restores ti all the organic
functions their former vigor and vitality , ma
* Ing Ufa cheerful' and cnjojablo. I'rice , $3 a
Mottle , or four times the quantity J10. Bent by
oxproHS. Bocuro from obavriatlon. to anyadilrcsa
on receipt of price. No. 0. O. D. sent , exccpi
on receipt of 81 as a fruara itce. Letters n-
qucHtlnc answers must Incloso Btamp.
Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills
are tr > best and cheapest dyepcpala and blllloua
euro lu tbo market. Sold by all druggists. I'rlce
CO cents.
Da MINTII'S Kiu.inT RBUBDT , NiFRrnouu ,
Cureaill klndol Kidney ami bladdtrcomplalnte ,
eoiiorrbea , gleet and Icucorrhea. For eafe i > y all
Jaucifletn : ; la bottle.
718 Olive St. , St. Loula , Mo.
For Sale In Omaha by
. ' -
- TP-J nr *
uian of IPI
cneili'jr tlior > ln or trrstoillntrurftr
jour duties avoiii nluht llmk , tu m
tott-brain iif i ve ACC
Hop Ditteroi f t usu Hop Q.
| iiinrrtnilroinaui 11
.llicHtlou ur d ! { tluui K you nro i
ruvrhealtburUiiKU 11 UK on n t > t < l ' itci
jeu , ril7 a Hop Oittunn ,
Whoarer you are. 1 hr.itinc. ] die tl.
wLrncTfr juu Itel , .laal.i from e mv
thai your rjrteru furiu ot Y ) o n e \
needi cliwiuiiiiri to& discei that tuUM
lr.if or fetiuiulntlntr ,
1 Ur timely 'isoc ;
t Uo Hop S. HcpCittcirt
Bllto' * .
. * . . t , , , "
ptf > 'a , Milnry
plalni , Ulsea *
baiiYlt. Moort.
di rcrn ni l
You will be
ciirvdlf juuu"
Hop Bitter *
plr wrak and
It i It may
t ; tvo your
life. It hue
euved liun
Dr. E. onVuPii Ncrv S"f ffraiiTreatment
Ispecifiofor lljitcrla , Dlizlnesa , Convuldloui ,
ervouj Ileoduhe , Mental Deprus&lon , lost of
emorj-Kiwrui torrlicoalmpaU'ncjY Involuntary
tulodlouc , i'rein&turo Old Ace , caused by ovcr-
xertlon , self abuse , or 01 er-lndult'cnce. hlch
oads to mlicry , decay and death. Ono box u 111
uro recent caaca. Ea h box contains cue month's
rcatment. Ono dollar a box , or etx boxes for
\ dollar * ; § n by mall prepaid on receipt of
rlc . Wo KUirante * eix boxua to cure any case.
Vlth each order received ty ua for six boxes , ac *
ompanled with flvodolUw , vill tend the pur.
baser our written guarantee to return the
uoniT if the treitmeot dot not eft ct a cure.
0. t. Ooodmau , DriarUt , Sole , Wbclciule and
ejrul Agent , Omaha , Nob. OrJ ri by mall at
UlUorlcj. dJkwlr
Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Pock & Baushers Lard , and Wilber Mills Flour
, - - -
Boots and Shoes
Window and Plate Glass.
t2TAnyono contemplating building store , bank , or any other fine tvlll find It to their ad'
vantage to corns end with us bcforo purchasing their PI : '
IF1. O-
1213 Farnhem St. . Omaha.
On Elver Bank. Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , ,
Fire and Burglar Proo U
1020 Farnham Street ,
- - - 3Sr.Ba5.--3. _ . <
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
V JbLl
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA NE B
? j
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Faniam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.