Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1882, Image 1

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    , , - , - , - , TTITV 94 1888.
6 T1S1
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willcure ( lysncpsinlicariburn , mala
ria , kidney disease , liver complaint ,
and other uastmg diseases ,
enriches the blood nnd purifies the
system ; cures weakness , lack of
energy , etc. Try a bottle.
is the only Iron preparation that
docs not colortlic teeth , and will not
cause headache or constipation , as
other Iron preparations will ,
Ladies and all Miffbri'rs from neu
ralgia , hyiti'ria , and kindred com
plaint * , \ \ ill find it without an ( . < ] tial.
Every Corsnt IB warranted satis
factory to its wearer In every way ,
or the money will be refundnd by
tbo person from whom it wan bought.
The only Corset pronounced by our Icndincr ptiynMuK
not Injurious to thowcunr , untl umlorecHl l v liullfg a
the " moat ( -onifortablo anil ptrleut filling C'on.i over
EUiO. ' '
l4 Mull , I'oiluRol'iildi
Ucaltb Prowl-vine , # 1.0O. Hcir.AOJuntlnir , 1.RO
Abdominal ( eilrn tieavf ) $11.00. NurvluK , 91.CO
llrullU I'rewrrlnc ( One cvutll ) $2.00. 1'aruKon
Hklrt-HupnorllnK , > 1.50.
For tulo by IcuJlnif Jtclutl IlouU'rn etcr/wlienh
CUICAUO COltSKX CO. , Chicago , 111.
Fa , Davis & Co , ,
Washington Avo- and Fiftn St. ,
OOLJjEQE Thrcu rounca ; open to both
AOADEMCla lc 1 and Knidlsti. 01 >
tbo lo. t of trai . .n < tir co li ga or bin i o .
PBItKY Iial.Ii < rl < iiunarx for V uru
Ladles. Uimurjiis'iwl In lio.n'j mil htul lifiil
ness ol ) , nml In tx B tt e < l\a ta ot
offered and thoroiijluiC9 * o ! Ira iilngtlun On
Lalo HklitKii' .
Year li'/lim Sort mlicr 13 , lbt > 2 Apply to
PBBST , OREGoRY. liaise Ferret , IIS.
JVl ? OL > "
fains Jtowaraott
on ,
The Story of tlio Sowing Kachino ,
A hialioai * little tk.e tu : ) 40' t
cove .ltu nuircut' , wl ! | be
to ny tvinli , . ' . uhr. , , lor U , man j braoci
' . . - * . d'nxtr ,
CI BUIl-Oj.i 1.i il-iufctunii O < jUi'
paujor il ' M vj null , p-m " * - , tf
iiy ptr SD li-l i ac dUU.u * Irojiour nfin *
The Singer Oo , ,
Principal Oific < . < ! Onion
An Important Event in tliu
History of the Date
01 y ,
The Magnificent New Hotel
Thrown Open For
A Description of tuo Prottiott
Structure in Omnlin.
No event of greater local impor
tance haa occurred in Omaha for four
years than that which took place on
Thursday last , when the doors of the
new and magnificent Millard hotel
were thrown open to the public. Since
the fire of September f , 1878 , Omaha
haa not once known what it wns to
have sufliciont hotel accommodations
for visitors , and it lias been a draw
back to the city and a source of untold
annoyance to travelers generally.
The opening of the beautiful nnd
commodious structure on the north-
oast'corner of Douglna and Thirteenth
streets changes all thia , imd although
unattended with nny flourish of trum
pets , it is as great a step toward met
ropolitan rank and importance aa the
opening of the Opera II > uao or the
acqisitioii ot a now railroad.
The undertaking , thus practically
accomplished , waa begun August 15th ,
1881 , and pushed with skill , energy
nndjdotornnnation , aided by the un
usually favorable winter weather to
timlly and appropriate completion.
While the ring of the hammer is still
heoifd it ia but the addition of the
lulling touchfs to one of the finest
and ? boat arranged hotela in the coun
try , ' of which Omaha may well bo
f the Millard fiom the outaiu > is ox-
inniely attrac'ive. Its ample dimen
sions , 154 by 132 feet , nro rendereu
moro imposing by its height , the cor
nice crowning the five a < ories beim :
seventy-fivo foot above tlio level
of the oidewalk. The style
that now adopted in Now
York , being patterned after the
New Albany hotel on Broadway.
It is handsome , airy looking and not
exceeded in the degree in which it en-
'laucca the appeaiauco of the street
by iny building in the city. It ia of
brick from the b.ioemcnt foundations
up , over three million being uned in
ta construction. The baEo is five foot
hick and tapcis from that to twenty-
two inches in the next otory , eighteen
in the third nnd twelve in the fourth
and fifth. The columns surrounding
: t on the firat floor , which are of iron ,
; ho porches and balconies , the carved
itono work'and other .features add to
ho Rood effect ,0 ! the first.sight , ana
lui. Jj&iiu JV made colaJortnola ajjd
olid by a very broad walk of patent
tone extending the full length of
both the Douglas and Thirteenth
( roots fronts.
The main entrance is on Douglas
itreet , thongh there id a side entrance
if the aamo BJZO on 13th , and a ladies
iiitranco also on the wcat Aide. The
wo first lead through a broad hall
way to the office , a daintily ducoratcd
nnd beautiful room , 40x48 feet in nizu
and lighted by u rotunda roof of
leavy ijlasa , twenty-sex on feet above
ho floor. From the cantor depends
n twelve light chundolior ,
leavy with glass pendants and rich in
, 'od ! und enamelling. The oflico and
mlla are tiled with black and white
imrb'e , diamond shaped , while the
eiliug ia as exquisite a design in fresco
, a ran bo found anywhere. The clerk'i
desk 13 on the north side and
'aces thn Douglas street entrance ,
commanding a full view also of thu
mher entrance , of the main stairway
nd the elevator , and giving the offi
ciating clerk full command of tlio situ
ation without any elfoit on his part.
Srtfo , deskn , telephone , bolls and the
lectrio annunciator , nro all within
easy reach , and it is the remark of all
hat it is the moat completely con-
'unit'iit oflioo in the country. A broad
tuirn'.iy , with m89ivo newel posts
Hti < ] trimmings , all of aohd rod oak ,
ends to the parlor llunr from the right
it the clurk'a desk. Thu oak is finely
carved in
* nd is a numcl of beauty. To the
right of the Btairwny is the gents writ-
ut ; room perficily equipped and
jrrtainly meriting the npprocmtinn of
vnry tiavoler. Next to thia is thu
* Jiu8 entrniK'o leading to the foot of
A [ stairway , the dour of thoele-
it.r , u d within quiut call of the of.
icu , to that either may be reached
ivitout observation if duaircd. Thu
i ohisr room nnd placu for bull buys IB
boiwuoii this nnd ilio oflice. On the
orth bide of the Indfca entrunco ia the
i.irber Bliop , and next to HIM the bar
,10111 , and bnliarJ a ill , a very largo
nd h.iijdtHJino aput uient. Throe bil-
ii.i tublfs and a noel table of thu II.
W. Oiiltiider it GJ , , make are Jure ,
and tin' rac' 8 .uvd CUPS are tfio finest
o bit f.'und , Tup bar occupies the
ki t end of the hall and ia aa convon-
tut dt
: .n niuVo i' ' , It ia 27 fiet : long , and
hum nuig boutd dtid nil Accoutre-
iH.itu iuo complete. An imineriso
! tea in a frnmu of walnut and venpora
, | 'v.ini'nts the cast wall , the ice box
i-id refrncritor for table wino iatvtthe
loithond jf the bar , and a dumb
waiter at the other end goes up into
ha dinninu' room , BO that wines or
iquois ordered always go to thu
; ui'Hta right ofl the ioo. This depart -
ucut will bo ruled over by Mr Joe
lii'BB , a Cincinnati man , who ia said
o bd an expert in the profusion , as
i' ( II us very much of a gentleman.
11 fiuniiiif to the oflico , Iho manager's
\vto ro m iu tound av thu east of
th * rlrkrt di.ok , ni.d iLU lavatory and
an ol.w.itb on the further aide , mur-
Blu being the principle fuaturo in both
the latter divisions. Passing up the
brond stairway
Is reached , and thu visitor in brought
in sight of the patlors and dining
room , nn either side of thu landing.
U ore ho ia also impies od with ono of
the fini-at foaturea of the building
the broad hall-ways-which run tin
full length of the homo on thro
aides , and nro of the same size urn'
width in the four upper storicn. Al
nru ten feet wide , the lloora oiled nnd
laid with munificent mats , separated
ut the tire walla by wood carpeting o *
rich mosaic pattern , nnd nt night nn
brilliantly illuminated by the numer
oua chandelicra seen everywhere.
Leaving the landing at the head of
uinin staircase nnd following the hul"
to the south front , the first room nr
rived nt , ia the ladies1 reception room
and adjoining it on the right , and oc-
cupyintt the entire southwest corner
of the building , the ladies' parlors , all
of which are furnished in a style ot
moro than
On the floors , carpeted with Axmins
tors , the foot-fall makes no Bound
the equaro bay windows command a
full view of both streets in all direc
tions ; ebony nnd gold rods , lambru
quins of the finest silk plush in car
dinal and old gold , nnd heavy cur
tains of You efinn point Itco , mellow
the light na it falls upon the magnifi
cent furniture , carved black walnut
und ohvo Bilk plush , the marble man
tcl-pioco with antique painted designs
signs , and a firo-plnce with chining
brnao andirons , or "liro dosra , " that
gleam like gold. A side door lends
from the parlors to a princely unite of
rooms , furnished in the aiuuo style and
dt'greo of olegancc. In u niche
across the hall from thoao rouma
masflivo carved nnd mirrored
bracket ia placed which will nlwuys bu
supplied with ice water for the guosts.
At the opposite end of the hall and
occupying the northwest corner of
the building is the
dining room , forty feet in width by
seventy-five in length , with nn ordi
nary , or room for into breakfasts , etc. ,
thirty-three by twenty feet in * tzn
Thu latter room Is carpeted with solid
Brussels , has a handsome mnrblc man
tel and flro place nnd , pleasant oat
feat ut o of all , opens out upon u broad
verandah twenty by forty felt , which
will bo n delightful place to sit and
read the morning papeu < . Tint din
ing-room floor la laid with the most
carefully aelected Georgia pine ,
upon which are placed heavy
Melton rugs between the tablee ,
which are equaro , of black walnut nnd
will nccommodaio eight persons o.ich.
Another square bay window is in thu
west end of tbo room and nine largo
windows , with stained glass arches ,
from throe nidea , north , south and
west. Side boards of walnut nnd
veneers , and elegant led nnd cold
band china boating the name "Mil
lard" on every piece add to the at
tractions of the room , while two largo
lU.virr ' . .t i , .ntlr e , -r 'Kolii
each complete tbo equipment of ono
of the moat beautiful rooms in the
The Millard contains in all ono hun
dred nnd fifteen Bleeping apartments ,
twenty-nine of which are on the parlor
floor , forty each on the third and
fourth floor ; there will bo forty on the
fifth when it is completed nnd there
are twenty-five for servants in the
wing on the northeast , which is
entirely separated from all communi
cation with the gucsU' apartments.
The entire number of finished rooms ,
including oflice , atoro rsoai ? , etc. , in
the building is over 200
are all tqually well finished. Solid
btuBaols ia used throughout the build
ing , while every window has inside
Minds and curtains of gui pure loco ,
The furniture is of the nowetylo called
"landscape , " whicli has become so
popular in the east aa to have nlmoat
uiHiruly supplanted the high etylo ao
much in vogue a year ago. The
chamber oeta differ in Ihn manorial
only , which is alternately black
walnut , oak , cherry , etc. The chairs ,
3ofnn , tables nnd so on are all elegant ,
and in harmony with the rust ut the
elegant furnituro. There uro many
special features to bo noted , but ono
or two will suflice. On tlio parlor
floor m a email lavatory nnd
closets for ladies who are not cuosta ;
a dust , flue , through which all dust
and Hweopirigb ara carried to th collar
and rise again through a chimney to
the roof ; a doi n rooms , provided
each with bath , wash Bland and water
clpautH in apartmviitr ; also
with ventilation direct to Uu-iu ( ; ilu-
chambermaid < rooms' roomn are on
thu fourth lloor mid separated from
the guests' chambers entirely.
is not inapprrijiriatu , nnd thu kitchen ,
with its great rnngcs , the ncullory , icu-
box , dish pantry , toro rooms , baking
ruouiH , laundry , and all the varioua
departments BO important to be well
conducted , are beyond criticism in
uimtiu'Ba ' and convoniunco of arrange
ment , ui.d are all on thu ground flour.
Dm fit r/nuts' rooms and ucrvonta'
dinii g hall uro in a wing apart
from the main building , An ice houae
mid Htablo will bo elected adjoining
thij wing in the fall. From the boiler
room the entire house ia heated by
steam and furnished with hot and cold
water , The cold storage rooma , store
room nnd wine room , in thu basement ,
all resemble a wholesale ) urocu-ry otoro
and are conducted on aa methodical a
bahia. There uro four largo well
fitted rooms for
to show aampltB in , wluro the baggage -
gage is too heavy to be taken up in thu
elevator. The portnr'a room in nt the
ontranca tothene , und ia provided with
a sidewalk elevator , all baguugo paesing
through hit handa ia this batemunt
room and up above by means of
ono of M. E , Hale Jk Oo.'s best and
handnornm hydraulic elevators , which
has a baggage elevator attached. Hub-
bur tired btgguge trucka are used and
as all thu fl-jora are deafened there is
but little noico pouaiblu. The vegeta
ble collar and rough storage room
completes the basement capacity ,
which ia very largo indeed and with it
Tin : UKK reporter complotea his tour
of the liouie.
The Millard was designed by Mr.
8. Shears , n practical hotel man , and
his plans worked up by Dufrcne and
Mendelssohn. It wna named after
the popular ami widely known Millard
Bros. , and hns already cost ? Uift 000 ,
besidta the grounds , which a
low uitimato would place at $ .10 ,
000 and the cost of furnishing
many thousand moro. The brick
work was done by Bailey it Oloaon ,
the carpenter work waa nil done under
the personal supervision of Messrs.
Shears . .ml GinconimL the plastering
by .7. C. llronniui , the plumbing by
Thomna II. Price , the painting by
Wlndheim anu the frescoing by Leh
man.Mr. . Shears will bo the general
manager of the Millard , assisted by
Gtiorgo II. Kibboy aa book-koopor ,
Frank Wilson M room clerk , nnd with
a force of fifty servants nnd attached
Messrs. Kibbay and Wilson nro both
well known m this city , ilKciunt ,
tioouliir , ami just the men to take
hold of so line an establishment as the
took place July 20th , and was quiet ,
the house mnroly being pronounced
roitd to receive transient gui'sU , Those
ho roL'tatercd on the firat day were
A. J. H-tiifcom. wife and daughttr ;
M r. F. D. Brown , Mra. P. D. Brown
nnd Miss Mabel Brown.
l rr .
CiucAoo , July 21. The sixth day
of thu oummcr trotting mueting wan
altemlod with perfect weather , and
10,000 apectntors. In both rncea the
favorites won easily in three straight
First rnco. for a purao of 2fiOO , , nil
stulliuna , 225 ohin , isith five eattiim ;
it waa won by Fred Douglny , Corbiti'a
Bashiin second , Little Billy third :
time 2 20 | .
S c ) nd rsct' , 2:17 c.'aa ; ' , for a purao
01 $2500) only threu i-nttie.1' , wna u
walk avray tor IS'hvin ThnrniKa'.o
Spruguo Bi'cond , "So So" third ; fastest
time , 2li. : ( )
SMIACUSK , July 21 In iho ton
nulo running rrco here this afternoon ,
Miss Lizzie Pinnco , of Coloivido , de-
featisd Miss Myrtiu Peck , n Michigan
girl. Misa Piunuo had eight clmnt'os
lioraes , and just baruly woii in 23:10. :
The race waa on a half mils track.
NEW YOUK July 21. First race ,
purse ? 200 , for nil ages , three-quarters
uf a mile , Flower of Kildara and
Gahorhinzio had n dead heat ; time ,
1:17- : Flower of Kildaro won thu
final heat in 1:19. : .
Second nco , purao $200 , selling al
lowance , tevcn furlongs , Lord Ed
ward won , Faith , Booond ; time , 1:30J. :
Third raco.-'niirao $250 , for all ages ,
mile aniL ji fUrlopg , Ballast first , Do-
flrt tf-aftw" „ ; ; 3 if i
.fourth race , pui .x < tuuu , tut . . . .
igcn , ono nulo , Ida B. won , Lagloriu
lecond ; time , 1:44. :
Fifth , hurdle race , \nirsa \ $250 , mile
ind a quarter , five hnrdloa , Jim Van-
iorver won , Virgil second ; time , 2:20. :
PuiLAnKLriiiA , July 21. Athlciica
3. St. Louia 3 ; Bontona 4 , Philutlel-
pliiaa 1.
WAVURLKV , N. J. , July 21. A prize
lii > ht took place near hero last night
between Bryan Rourko , a mnsaivu
Erishman from Newark , nd 0'on
Toonoy , also culled ' Kennedy. " The
pair fought with hard gloves , They :
had won battles in tlio ring before. [
The stalcen amounted to $1,000. Nine ;
rounds were fought , Toonoy giving
under in rnoat of them , but ho won
the fight in the last bout by strikiiii'
Rourko a terrible blow under the loft
ear , Both weru badly punished but
Bay they will meet in the ring again ,
NEW YORK , July 2L Sullivan
chnllengoa Wilson to n prize fi ht.
Billy Madden in.n card saya
will fight for $5,000 , five hundred
miles from Kariaan City in eight weeks
after signing the articles. Ho in ready
for another glpvo fight. They will .
moot Monday night to arrange mattera. ;
Railroad Halos- .
NUInnnl Awomtou frani ) .
NEW YORK , July 21. After a long
delay tlio report of Thurmaii , AVaah
burnu and Cooley on the dillerontial
rates by railroads between the west
und seaboard has boon completed.
Alter giving the vinws uigud before I i
llioin by Now York , I'hiludiiiphia and
Baltimore parties , the coininisBioncrfl ;
Day that no uvidencit huv buun ofTorod ,
to dhow that the exiating diflorunllala
uro unjust , or that they opurato to
the prejudice of thu Atlantic uoaporl
cities. Therefore it cannot advmu
their being disturbed , but do not a -
aumo thu rutoa which uro just to-day
will bo just indefinitely ,
OIJICAGO , July 21 , The general
passenger agents of the roada inter
ustc'd in Kaunas City bubinesa have
held a stormy meeting hero investigat
ing charges that the Rock Inland ia
cutting east bound ratea. Nothing
waa learned except that scalpers throve
the bulk of their business to the Hock
Inland road , It wai agreed to lower
other rates to moot those made by the
Bcalpurs. Another paaaunger war is :
Not being able to abolish the ticket
uommiuiiion altogether , thu general
pasaengcr arid ticket agents have done
the next best thing , and agreed on a
uniform rate of commission from Chicago
cage to points woet and trom Kanaaa
City , Leavonworth , Atchiaon , St. Joe ,
Council Blufla , Ornaha and Bt. Louia
to points uaet. Tlio comininjion varies
from $1 to $3 ,
The Southwobtcrn aMiicciation has
rescinded its recent advance o [ live
cpnta on wheat ratea from Missouri
riror points and decided on an ad-
vunco of only two and one-half centa ,
The Declaration of War Against
Englaiul by Arabi'a '
Oonfatloraoy ,
The Chiefs Con i-oRato ftt Oniro
nod Solemnly Depoeo
thu Khodivo.
Turkey DooJilm to Senil FivoThoiu
and Moil to Keep tlio
ItnJy Arnilnpr For tlio
NntlonalAitiixIntod 1'rcsa.
LOMION , July 21. A oommunica
tion has been received by E rl Qran
villo jrom M. Froyciuot , propoa
ing to invite Italy to join the expedi
tion to Egypt if the English cabinet
CoNSTANTiNOi-LK , July 21.Poroign
nmbataadora have requested the porto
to appoint a delegate to moot the con
ference to-day.
AI.KXtNiwtA , July 22. lloporta re
ceived hero from C.iiro atato that
Aribi Biiy convened the chamber of no
t blii , and the chamber pnaaud roao
lutioiia declaring the khedive n tnittor
and ( IcpoRud him , nnd jiroclaimod war
agninnt England ,
LOMION , July 22. In the house of
commons hint evening the nrreara of
rent bill wiva read a third time and
passed by a vote of 285 to 187.
A diapatch from Constantinople
nays the tiorto ofTorod the conference
to eoud 5,000 mim to Egypt to main
tain the khedive in power nod displace
thu miliUry party. The powera are
dinporod to accept the oiler , limiting
Anglo-Frqneh intervention to proteo-
tion of the Suez canal.
Italy is mobilizing 40,000 men.
to the adcnir1luluntn the ICgyptinua
fought i lictoini'i.jitiun nnd
binnrj , j Diving tothICiiglinh hoayy
juna until duciin.itcd.
ARAlll'.S hTltl UTlI.
ALKXANDRIA , July 20.A recon
iiassiinco by order of Seymour , ro-
mltod in the discovery that Arabi'a
wmiion ia strong. Anbi'a army haa
ilrendy diverted the waters of M.i-
lomondioh canol into Muruit lake ,
this canal supplied Aluxandriii
water , the city must depend
.ipon cieturne. Thosu wuro recently
llled , but it in believed moat of them
vcro destroyed or rcndorod inacceaai-
jlo during the bombardment. The
ixcitomont is increasing. A council
) f war haa just been hold * horo.
8 " " " ' < - - - 2U , , , i
> r cisterns cannot bo cleaned mm
illod for weeks to como , and the ships
n the harbor can only condense
snough water for the mo of the crows
md troops. Nothing remains for the
jypnlncu but flight to the Suez valley.
CiiNHrA.NTiNorLis , July 20. The
1'orto , in joining the conferoncp to-
lay , did so understanding that aiich
iction would not change the relations
jf western powora to the Porto.
A FIOUT rnoiiAui.i : .
ALEXANDRIA , July 21. British
T < H pa noit out this morning with ux-
ilohivta lor the purpoHiiof blowing up
he ( ilmtructiona oructud l > y Aialu for
iivision of tfiu w.itora of thu .M.ilinion-
lull from Alexandria. Anxbi'a
loldiora v/ill defend the obatruction
md a fight ia probaUIe.
Arnbi haa issued a proclamation ,
uul it ia being preached throughout
I' ' ypt. It denouticoa the khedive aa
i traitor to Egypt nnd to the religion
, f Moliammed , and uccuacs him of
niving duserted to the Chrintiana for
tlio purpose of securing them nil entry
mo .md a ptrmanont occupation of
.ho l.uid uf I'i ; } [ > t. It calls on the na-
ivi > a to runouncu the khedive and all
who remain attached to him , to join
.he urtiiy of tlio faithful , and to fight
in til I'vc.ry foreigner ia expelled from
ho land ,
CAIRO , July 21 jlofu oes report
Arati'sBoldii'rtnnHHSttcred two hundred
I'Juropeans last Monday. The report
a ( liacrcdited. Anxiety about the
5uez canal ia increasing , owing to the
ontinuMico of its unguarded condi-
LONDON , July 21. Earl Granyillo ,
tocrutary of stale for foreign nll'jira ,
3arly thia morning Rent an oflicial din
patch 10 Lord Dufl'orin , ambiusBAdor nt
Uonstantiiu pie , containing the British
government n declaration in reply tb
tlio porto'a answer to the identical
note of the powers , In
this declaration Great Britain
pronounces the bombardment at Alox-
xndria by Admiral Seymour it legiti
mate act of Hulf defenao against war
like operations of the native military
3htof , who waa overtly defying the
: onatitutional authority for wnoau sup
port and protection the government of
L2roat Britain was pledged. This part
if the declaration ia'mudo against that
portion of the nult8n'a note
in which ho nxplninn tliat
Ilia refusal to intervi no with
Lroopa in Kgypt was butod on the fau ,
that the UBO of thotroopa was avoulu-
bio. Continuing , the decimation aa > a
that England now veus no aUeiimtivu
but to UHU forcu to end the intohn.tblo
condition of iill'uirs now oxistimj in
Exynt , nnd brought about by the dia-
loyal action of iho military party.
England would much pref r tlut the
Egyptian disorder Blmuld bu aup-
pressed by Boldiurh of the porto nlono ,
but the disorder Oiimot bo allowed to
continue , and i ! the porto finda It im
practicable to Turkey to eond troops
in Egypt , then England must devise
some other measures for the purpose o
restoring order in Egypt. In regan
to the canal , the declaration assort
that England desires that the cnna
ahnll remain open nnd unrestricted
this can only bo possible when Etiyp
is quietly governed nnd abiohitol ]
free from the predominating infill
pncin of any ono power. In concln
Mon , thu declaration n.iaorts tiia
British interest ! in Egypt roqtiin
that pel feet order ahall exist in thn
country , and that thin order shall b >
maintained , by which nil powora cai
ni rco and which no ono power ahal
PARIS , July 21. Franco is Bonding
15,000 , troops , under Gen. Thomnsaon
to co-opcrnto with the British in mil !
tnry occupation of the Suez canal ,
Obsequies of the Late Mrs ,
Abraham Lincoln.
A Iinr-go Concourao of Sorrowinc
Frlendi An Etoauont Bar-
mou-Hauiliamo Floral
The ItonmlnB Plucod by tbo SHlo of
tbo Mivrtyroil Proaiaont.
St. Ijouin Ulolio-Ucnincrnt ,
Si'itiN < u-iit.i : ) , 111 , July 19. On
every aide in thia city to-day wcro
exhibited tokuua of respect to the
memory of Mrs. Abraham Lincoln.
It being the day of her , busi-
noaa wnao.irly Btiepciided and buai-
IIOBR houoca closed. Over the state
house dome and the government
buildings were suspended the national '
colors at half must.
Saul uno , "How is this ? Tan'tlmlf
must a msrlc of reaped only to pur-
sons deuiiiiued who occupied tu their
lives atato and national plr.osuThe /
reply came ( ( inck and emphatic , "Itu-
membcr , my friend , that uoman waq
the wife of Abraham Lticolu. "
Her early dealro waa to BCO him
president ot thu . ivpu ) > lic ,
autl it may bo said now , ufU r a I
tlieap yours , that thu thought of the
nossibillty of the promduncy tor Abia
him Lincoln first entered the hre.iit
of M'ary Todil Lincoln. The object
uf her ambition was reached. Tliun
odiuo n tragedy , trial and ouirering
known to but few women of thia
liontury. Shu ia at real now. Thu
xreat momnnmit covers her remains
Inird by the dust of her
The funeral took place thia morning :
it 10 o'clock from thu Firat Proaby-
terian church. Eirly the spaciotia
ludienco room and the galleries were ,
lilled with an nfl'cctionato nnd tearful
people , nnd patiently they waited for
Lho arrival of the funeral cortege from
the realdonoo of Uon. Vivian W. Ed-
warda. It ptased up Capital avenue
between two immenco lines of people ,
who had como to do honor to the wife
oftho , marly r0i } Llncqliio. Arriving at
elaborate in nmlair ( fia'vvr ' | " '
Into the church and up to the
iltar. The pall-biurera were Gov.
3. W. Cullum , Gen. John A. Mo-
Ulernand , lion Jacob Biinn , Hon. J.
D. Conkling , Juduo ; S II. Treat , Col.
John Willtama and Capt. J. S. BradFord -
Ford , nil old-timo fiittnda nnd contem
poraries of Lincoln. Judge Treat and
Col. Willi Hs led thu way , und the
casket wu3 " \ > or < 5 up the aisle , with
Governor Cullnm' and General Me-
Olernand in a uwce , whilu the organ
pealud forth tir funeral march , 'J'hu
uhoir then aang in an improanivo nuui-
iior , "God m n Spirit. "
Thu uurvici'B ' were opened by the >
reading of smplurnl aolcctiona by
lluv. It. 0 Pout , of the Congrega .
tional chiiroh , who ul o led in prayer.
The chuir then sang , ' 'Nearer , My
God , to Time , " after which the
by Ilflv J. A. Jleud. D. 1) , pastor of
thu ohureli whtio MM. Lincoln first
nvowuil her Christian taith. The text
waa taknn from 2il S.iiniiiil. xiv. clinp-
ternnd 14lh veriu : ' 'For wo muat
noedn iliitd nnd nro aa water npilt on
the ground , whicli cannot bo
up again ; neither doth God
uny porHon ; yet doth He duviau
that 11 m hiiimhod bu not oxpailud
From Him. "
Tlie spoiiker ( .aid : "These worda
wore uttarud by it pnnculv vfiuuan und
may well bti yjipliod to Mra Lincoln ,
who in her hfo wna the wife of a
princely man in tlio republican aenso.
A. vhilo ago 1 remembur uueii g , wlulo '
rumbling among the Allegheny moun
tains , two pinea winch Beimiurt to
Imvo grown togothur from the nnmu
roots. The tnl or nnd atrongur oi.u
liad died , and 1 observed th.n thu
weaker ono und bhorter was also
lying. Glowing and Btrui/gling to-
Bother , one could not live witli < mt the
ulhur. YOUTH auo Abraham Lincoln
luul placed upon the tingur of Mi > 'y
Todd n ring buaring thu inscription :
'A. L to Mary. L-JVO m eternal,1 ,
Bide by aide thuy walked until thu
iluinon of trijt'dy ( aoparated thiun.
When the nation wn uo ulnxikcd over
that ead and dire event , how much
much moro muat it
who had yvuru buforu como to bo a :
part of hia life. It can not bo any
disrespect to her memory to B.vy ,
vttien Lincoln died nho ulao died. At
loaat it iiny bo tuid that ehu wat u
dyimr woinin durini ; all the > uara
that havu come und gone uinco the aa-'u bullet ipud on its way and
Hunt her husband from earth to
heaven. "
The sermon wai a woll-timod one ,
and premmi.'d inn Hplcndid lig > t Uiu
virtucf > f jui.d in Alra. Lincoin'd Hfo
and Llmraoier.
IVjyi'r wan then ollured by llav T.
\ I'nrkor , of the Fuut M. E. Oliiu li ,
after whicli thu choir rani ; , "I know
that my ILdoumur livuth. " The re
nuiiis were then berne to the hfarae ,
where thuy were coimignod to thu
plaoj long ago pn-pured fur them.
The funeral prouehsion wan a laryt |
ono , and contuinoil many of tlio etato'a j
most distinguished citizens. The floral
dll'eringn from Springfield citir.ons
were tlio moat olabnrato nnd beautiful
ever before acen in the city. They
constated of a "cross and anchor ,
"galea nJAr , " "A lariro pillow , " and an
"open Bible. " The tributes , aa voiced
in those floral designs , wcro both
On the doorway leading to the crypt
Iho name "Lincoln" appeared in
llowcra , and the walla on the interior
were completely lined with living
green , interspersed with flower em
blems , while resting ngainst the sarco
phagus wns n lyre , and on it a largo
cross composed of beautiful blossoms.
The inscription on the silver plate-
ot the casket wna : "Mary , wife of
Abraham Lincoln. " _ Aa the rotnainn
were borne to their last resting1
place , followed by the only surviving
member of the family , Robert T.
Lincoln , secretary of war , nnd art
army of sympathizing friends , the
song nnd prayer , "Rest , Spirit ,
Rest , " waa sung by the choir. The
Lincoln Guard of Honor , a load or
ganization composed of old soldiers ,
led the way to the door of the crypt ,
into which wan pajsod the casket ,
and placed by the aide of the inrcoph-
itgiia in which repose thu remains of
her illustrious husband , laid there
aovonteen ycara ago.
There wcro no special services nt
the tomb. Whilu thouannda of the
boat citizens of Springfield , Sangnmon
coun'.y und Illinois uncovered their
heads within the ohadow of the great
monument , the crypt wna filled with
Lho perfume of flowers , nnd to-night
Mary Todd Lincoln sleeps within n
kvildcrnoBB of nature's richest yield.
\ftor viowinp- the acono nnd the tears
) f n loving people , old friends of his
'athor nnd mother , und old soldiers ' -I
iVhuii thu former waa commnndor-in-
thlof of the national forces , the mod eaten
on , tlio present wnr minister of the
'optiblic , Robert Todd Lihcoln , turned
.way from the reminders of and mi'in-
irioa. The mnntle of the immortal
irn hao fallen upon worthy shoulders ,
nd the prediction ia that ho will bear
he inheritance with at ill moro honor
o himself nnd thocomitry.
Jjimt , tu tlio Wornls.
latcil l'rt'83.
III. , July 21. A Detroit
p cial aitjit Mra. Wilson , with two
, 0 and 7 years old left homo ,
nmr Hurry Btation , to visit n neighbor.
I. ling through it belt of timber they
; ot lout. Mra. Wilson nnd one child
lied of I'xposuro nnd at.irvntion ; the
it her child waa found alive , sitting
Hiaitlo the dead bodion.
National Araotlatod I'rcn.
NKW YORK , July 21 , W. J. Vil-
ox .t Co. , tlio largest lard refining
inn in the city , biiapondod to-day.
\lr. \ Boll thn partner , anid it was duo
o heavy expenditures hist year in the
lirection of now buildings , purchase
> f now machinery and absolute atngna-
ion of trade with a heavy stock on
land. It ia thought the aaaota are
luflioiont to pay nil claima. No doubt
ho firm will rcaumo in a few days.
There were 131 failures in t'
United States reported toUradatre ,
' r m' ttini w f.yrtifo lr-ji r n > .Jtn7foVlLi , _
'orty-riiiio'irioro tliaii tn1i"'corros7ii H ?
ng week loat your.
Tlio Frolubt Mon.
Catloual Aiuoclatud 1'rcu.
NEW YORK , July 21. There is no >
ihungo in the situation of the freight
iiindlera' strike. Money ia still sent
o Btrikera. The railroads claim that
ho bottom ia out of the atnko.
Do truotlvo Storia. Aneodatod I'tevs.
AusriN , Texas , July 21. Latoyos-
cul.iy ntternoon n terrible ntoimof
find nnd hail oassed ton milej north
f thia city , prostrating grain , and un-
ooling houaea and barna. All cotton
.nil corn in the track of the Htorm is
itterly doalroyod.
rational Asuoclatoil frond.
NKW YORK , July 21. Arrived ,
'ily of BrunanlH trom Liverpool ,
ilaino from Bremen , Anayria trom
iilasgow , Strasaburg from Ilamburg.
ijtoniaiont Collision-
iatinnal Auaocl itml 1'ruw.
NEW YOI.K , July 21. Ono of the
rou Htitiiiiihoiits running ta Coney
ikud ciino iii colliaion with a ateam- h.iving an iuj bitrgu in tow this
. Tliu port aidu of the iron
WM bidly wrecked abaft the
and other dnm.igo . dono. The
> urge hud COO pitjuungers on board ,
md the greaiudt uxoitcment pro-
'iiih'd. Naithur pisauiigera nor b.irgo
voro injured. _
I'olittoal ioaaouiy.
I'at'cinal 1'riH H V 3d i tion.
Nr.w YORK , July 21 United States
) ! a'nct Attorney Woodford stated
ii d.iy ho had no commonis to make
ipon the action of the attorney gon-
iral in ordering reduction of the num-
J.Mof a tiutanta in the Now \ork
Illoo. Auunij thoao removed is a
ioiluivv | of bx-Soiutor Conkling nnd a
on of ox Poainiantor General Junies.
A 'I'oiixiiu nt P.mlo.
National A wiciutial l'fi..c.
NKW YORK , July 21. A lire in the
ear of n tunumunt on Washington
leur Rtictor mmet thid morning
ruatud u panic. Women clambered
mt of thu third ntory window und
f/ \\i only nuvid : trom | > lunging to the
tti'i-et b/ the honk and litidor men
uid polioi'iiioi ) . M .uiy childicn were
5dru > d , out by tlio pdioo nearly
iiiiVooattcl. Tlio firi-iiif u eavod acorea
by puitaitig t'Kin ' donu thu laddord.
No ouu vfA'i uunoiiHly injured. Loss
im thu
National Asiotlatrd I'uei.
ST , L.uis , July 21 The railway
Biipjly ( eatubhahmunt ot M. M. Buck
& Co. , buriiod this morning. The loss
13 henry. _
Ex < ilotloii of u Powder Train.
DKUUIA , 'l' ua * . July 21 , A M exi-
c n uwim truiu k/tukd with 180 ke s
i f powder uxpliHliiil. Two men and
four mules \vt-ro bloVu to ntoma ,
! '