Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Mornine July 21.
Wonthor Itoport.
( I'ho following obficrvnllon * nro taken ;
the 8 mo moment of time at nil Iho nlntiot
. ) . , . , . ,
.Inly M , 1S82. ( ll.-p.ui. !
River 11 feet 0 Inches abo\o low water mark at
, and 0 feet 0 Inches at Yank ton ,
A commercial tmtnphlct of the ntatls-
tics and Industries of Omaha and Council
llulT > , is being compiled by John K , Land
ft Co.
A Ramo of ball between the Close Cuts
nnd the Ilcsolutcs was played Wednesday
afternoon which resulted in favor of the
former by n rcoro of 19 to 21 ,
A detachment of six soldiers arrived
Wednesday day from Fort Nlohrara to
take part in n sheri > - < hootirg content at
Fort Omnha ,
/ The remains of Kx-Senalor Lat'unm ,
of California , were tnkcn west yesterday , for
interment. MM , Latham and her brother ,
Mr , Thurlow MoMcllon , accompanied the
Judge Northrop lit engaged for Bomo
days away from his Inw ofllce. Any mat
ter left at bin office , lloom 3 over Bush
man's store , or with District Attorney
llnrnham , will receive his prompt atten
The forest tree planter , Mr. James T.
Allen , who won Injured iic other day by
an accident nt North 1'latto , held a policy
in nn accident InMiramo company , BO that
his period of convalcccnc3 will not bo al
together lost limo if It is irksome ,
The telegraph announces that the
strainer Wyoming , which left this point on
Saturday last for St. Louis , had drifted
0rain > t the bridge at Kancns City , knock
ing a hole in hr.r Hide , and that her condi
tion WAS critical ,
.7. G. Woodbury , superintendent of
the fish businctm in California , went went
wilh four hundred striped bass from
New York , to bo put in San Francisco
bay. Tlio imh are about a year old and
owing to bad water over in Iowa a nuin-
lor of thorn died en route ,
The thermometer at Mnx Meyer &
Bro. , the Jewelers and Opliciann , from
12m. Wednesday until 12 in. ycHtcrdav.indl-
rated the fallowing ; 12in. . , 70 ° ; 2 p. m , ,
70 ° ; 7 p. m. , 01 ° j 9 p.m. , 52 ° ; 7a.m. ;
08 ° ; 10 a. m. , 70 ° ; 12 in. , ? 2 ° ; 2 p.
m. 74 ° .
The committee ou paving , of the
Board of Trade , recommend Rrauito or
ntouo blocks for paving Tenth street bo-
twee n the south line of llnrnoy and the
depot. For paving Farnam , Hartley aud
Douglas streets , they rocummendei
asphalt. The estimated cost per Bquan
reported is about $2.80 for asphalt blocks.
Qranito blocks will cost about ? 3iO ( , ex
cluelvo of the
E Up to 8 p. in. yesterday no additional
news had beet ) received from Sidney concerning
corning Mr. William Aust , who Is lost in
the Snake Creek Valley ,
It was the Missouri Pacific and no *
the Denver train which was two bourn late
Wednesday but the Denver train was twi
hours late yesterday which makes thing !
M. II. Judd , ( raveling ngcnt for the
Union 1'aclfic , left yesterday for Grand Is
land , Kearney and Plum Creek , to mak
arrangements for their fttnto fair exhibit ,
A rural artist at Gibbon ban rent to
Jlmmlo Davis uoina pcclmenn of his pen
ell work for Bule , offering to furnish eitni
lar pictures at $3 per thousand. They are
decidedly novel but th artiit should turn
his attention to landscape sketches and not
try to rival Kosa Honheur.
Mr , Chas. G. Hunt , who controls the
city sales of Hawthorne's Centennial Ex
celsior Hoof Paint is doing an immense
business. No wonder. There never was
such another article or one so strongly rec
ommended. He is kept busy at all times
and Ecoros cf roofs test his practical skill
and the value of the paint. His headquar
ters are at W. J. Whltchoune's Kith street
drug store. Wcd&Sal-lf
The man arrested on 12th fctroct Wed1
ncsday for Insulting girls pro\ml to ho a
martyr to otllclal nrdor. IIo merely said
"good evening" to n cotiplo of "tho glrU"
who turned upos him wilh vile language
and then a friend knocked him donn. At
this juncture ho wan arreatcd by a vpcclul
policeman. Ho does not drink nnd is n
p-jaceaWe citizen. Ho had about S2iO on
his person in gold , which was deposited In
i'eter Goon * nafo over night and returned
when Judge IJeueke diaclmrKed him.
The amount of imnoy needed to put
tlio utate fair ground ! and ImiMlugg In Kord
condition for the fair in September , Is
8I.COO. Mr. H. G. Clark , the prculdcut of
the hoaid of trade , and Mr. MtCord huvo
been canvassing for the labt four or five
days , and although they hate worked hard
they have succeeded In raising only 91,800 ,
This is not u it ( should be. The invest
ment will como back to the donors in bun-
dreds of dollars for each dollar given. IU
a nice time to throw off ou the fair now
that there are too big new hotels opening
up to accommodate the visitor
Deputy Marsh ul McClure had a bad
night of it Wednesday with "Salt Lake
Nell , " Mollie Ktrnau and their uialo com-
pinions , l.'tll yelled llko a demon , after
the was put in jail and declared that the
had left h < r boy at homo with the lamp
buiniug nnd wan afraid something would
happen Mm , An ofllcer was eeut and
Irouxht the toy up to her , v lieu ulie re
turned the disturbance until threatened
with confinement in the dungeon. Thou
the ehileki weie changed to muging , the
And Mollie going it until tired when the
refrain won taken up by the men , iti an <
oUitr cell. Yufeterday the proof was
Insufficient to hold them in the charge
made and the wbole party wan net free ,
: -
Tlio 7 ar Between Nebraska Line
Still a Possible Thing ,
Tbo B. .t M.'a New Short Ou
to Denver.
Prooarlnp for tlio Dxlilbltnt the Dei
vor Exposition.
On Saturday last General Mnimgor
31ark of the Union Pacific ; Potter , o
ho 0. , B. & Q , nnd Wheeler , of tin
Mchlson , Topckn and Santa Vo roads
mot in Chicago and tlio dispatclica announced
nouncod that an agreement for pooliitf
the Colorado trnfiio had been made
On the return of General Manage
Olnrk it wan stated to Omaha report
era that the arrangement was not yo
definitely fixed. , The Chicago Times
in fipoaking of the matter , Bays :
"Thoro are rumora , not unworlhj
of crodotico , that the arrangement
between the Union Pacific , Atchison ,
Topeka & Santo Fa , and Chicago ,
Hurlingtoh & Quincy , for pooling the
Colorado traflio haa boon rescinded ,
and that a war of rates ia not improba
ble. Only laat Saturday the agree
ment was ratified. The result wat
reached at a meeting between Mann-
Cera Wheeler , Potter and Clark , at
the Grand Pacific hotel , and the fol
lowing day the agreed percentages of
the Colorado traflio wore given ex
clusively in the Times , The porcon-
tngoa were fll per cent for the Union
Pacific's two lines , 30 per cent for the
Darlington , and 10 per cent for the
Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo. The
report now is that the agreement it
canceled , and , moreover , that the
fooling between the lines is anything
but pacific. It is said
that the liurlington'u rcfufal
Lo ngroo not to build any now lines
into the territory now tributary to the
Union Pacific is made the ground or
: oncoling the pooling contract en
: orcd into laot Saturday. Th
UurlingtoH , it is reported , Vjra
villing to obligate itself not to inter
'oro with tha existing local traffic o
, ho Union Pacific , but that was no
latisfnctory. The Union Pacific do
lirod a covenant that it would no
indertako to control the Denver
Llio Grande or construct new line
joyond the Burlington's presou
.orminus in Colnrudo. It was under
itood yesterday that thu arrangomon
md failed to receive the approval o
hu presidents of the companies in
.created . , and that the dissolution ol
ho pool is owing to their intcrfor
incu. Another inptor in .ho failun
> f the compact , it is said , was th
> ropoaal of the Burlington company
o ruu through .sleoninu cars between
Chicago and Denver , Whether fight
ng between the lines will bo th
lext thing in order , or vhothor th
upturo will bo healed and a nov
igroemont formulated , will bo dovel
> pod in a very short limo. "
The survoyora recently sent out by
ho managers of the Chicago , Burling-
on & Quinoy to locate a line from
lomo point between Hastings an <
Kearney to Arapahoe , Nob. , in ordo
; o shorten its lines to Denver , us th
jroacnt line from Hastings to Hoc
3loud forces the road to make a consld
irablo detour to the southward , hav
iomplctod their work and report ii :
aver of a short cut from Konesaw , on
hu Kcarnoy Branch , to Arrapahoc ,
Pho now link will bo eighty inilei
eng , and will shorten thodistanco bo
ween Chicago and Denver twenty
ivo miloa. With the completion o ;
his now line the Burlington will havi
ho ohortest line to Denver from Chi
ago by about thirty miloa. Construe
ion on the now cut-oft will commence
text spring , it being too Into in the
oason to commence work now.
The earnings of the Chicago , Mil
raukoo & St. i'aul railway for the
irst half of July amount to $002,000 ,
. decrease of about $00,000 over
hoao of laat season during the same
oriod ,
"J. 0. Bonnoll , assistant land com
liasionor of the Burlington itMisanur
md department , loft yesterday for
tenvor , where ho goes to take inoaa-
rementa of the space hlottod to the
iurling ton & Missouri in the Expo ion i-
on building in that city , and arrange
10 epuco with a view of exhibiting n
ury Juuul-.oino collection of cereals
rowing in thic htiito. IJo informo us
iat the duplny mndn in the conlon-
ial will bt o.\hibiied in D.I vor-- "
tate Journal.
Midnight RxtJCdltlon by tbo
OltH ) ' . ) Ub
At t ) o'olovk \i'iiCBd.ij ' | li - iic > >
: rs fif the OiuO a t-ll'O dub i. . a
10 oflico of the ( iiuniy clrik 'iir-
ley muatercd I' hiutt eUuiij/ , the
itiro active men buitliip it the clul > .
The object to sm-nndo a few
thvir fiUiutH , ni.d for thia purpose
oy took u Jltd Jino Btu-ct car na far
irth us Oitining stuct , intending to
ark back toward the city. On the
ly up the iiHisio in their aouls bub-
ild forth in the shape of a few softly
ng phmtation melodies , which so
ptivatcdtho lady passengers thut they
ducod the club by their smiles of
iproval to go two blookp out of their
ny to pluaso them ,
Before going out on Iho trip the
ub passed a unanimous resolution
) t to accept nny invitation in at
10 houses serenaded , but at the very
st place , the residence of Mr. Wells ,
10 U. P , freight contractor , they for-
inately allowed their scruples to bo
rercomo nnd were most handsomely
uertaiucd. After an elegant lunch
o party lighted fresh cigars , nnd
ter Binning at thu residences of
ofcsrs. Yost and Merriam , arrived at
anural Manderson's rcside'nco , where
o wily warrior captured them at the
3so of the first song and took them
out of the night air. They were
iterUinod hero in royal style and
, vo Boinu of their best selections.
General Cowin's residence was next
mtvd and again they fell a prey to
the strategic work of a votoran. Got
eral and Mr a , Cowin gave them
warm reception , and when they lei
they had only time to serenade Di
Miller and Mnyor Boyd , when tli
midnight hr.tit arrived , after whicl :
nccordlng to the rules of the order th
club is not allowed to sing.
Their lanterns were bum
ing low by this time an
the guitarist , Mr. Willdns , complainci
that his instrument would bo spoilei
by the dew if they stayed out an ;
longer , so the party dispersed. It wa
ono of the tn'jit delightful soronadinj
parties ever given in the city.
Timouoit IONS.
On Sunday next the Missouri P < i
cific will change its time out of Kan
ens City , BO that parties Icavinj
Omaha for the Indian Territory wil
make direct connections for the south
The road is now virtually a singli
line , but thia will arrange matters si
that thcro will bo no delay whatever
A special train arrived in this citj
last evening , convoying several Mie
Bouri Pacific officials , including Mr ,
C L. Dunham , the division snporin
tcndont of the road , who succeed !
Mr. iloiiBO , heretofore the acting
superintendent of this division. Thif
will bo a change that will bo agreeable
to every friend of the road ,
Mr. Dunham is a resident of Kan
sas City , who has boon in this
section of the country for the
past fifteen years. Ho was foi
a long time a passenger conductor ol
the St. Louis , Kansas City & North
ern Shorl line , in which ho was subse
quently a division superintendent ,
lie is a great big , whole-souled man ,
a number ono gontlonun , and no
"Jim crow" man , hko some of the
temporary managers of railroads at
this point. Bo is ono of whom all
can tie to , and who will bo a credita
ble representation of this great road
at Omaha.
Enthusiastic Moetlnrr Wednesday
Evonlng Which Aboundodln
< ratorlal Wealth.
O/io of the most instructive and in *
; orosting meetings hold by the Omaha
IJand League oinco its organizition oc-
surred Wednesday. An unusually
argo number were present poihaps ,
itlractod by the rumor that sonio ho
ratorical shot was going to bo firet
nto English forts by wtiy of harmon
zing the strain of " 'Wo are dying
Sgypt dying , " BOW being played b ;
ho Seymour band in the slmdo
'ompoy'a pillar.
Reports were received from th
lifl'orcnt committees having in cnarni
ho 4th of July picnio and favorabl ;
icted on. The showing wus ver
[ ratifying , and in all probability ovo'
? 500 will bo realized of ter all expense !
ire paid.
Mr. Shelley , formerly of Davon
tort , but now of this city , entortainoi
he league with a description of th
Fork Iowa Irishmen were doing fo :
ho cauno , and throw out some valu
) le hints as to the manner in whicl
igitation on behalf of the goo
ild ctiuso could bo kept booming.
lion. John Hush then followed with
mo ot his thoroughly practical dis
soursoa on tlio Irish question on which
10 handled the Egyptian question with
> ut gloves. Ho showed by historical
irquinontahon that the burly gour.
nandizing English lion was only paw
ng around Alexaudaia for aggrandize
nont and doing now as It has'dono it :
ill cases of its acquired territory noth
ng but acts of highway robbery.
The manner in which all England
rars in the past Imvo boon carried or
ras shown by Mr. Rush , and , ol
oursu , the speaker did not hesi
ate to show up the shameful
ido of England's acts in bold promi
lonco. Mr. Rush's remarks were on
hugiastically received.
The question of tlio proposed con
odoration of Irish sonioties in nl
ountries of the world was then dis
usscd , and the Omaha leapuo wae
nanimous in its opinion that tho'con-
Ldoratiou would bo most boucfieia'
a Irish interests.
Koal Eatato Tranufers.
John L. McCaguo , real estoto agon
nd conveyancer , reports that the fol
miner deeds were received tor record
t the county clerk's oflico on Friday
nd Saturday , July IT udlS :
James G. Mogoath to Frances Tu
ica , lot 18 , Burr Oak , § 300.
Joseph Barker to Mury A. BlrkotK
itO , bh.ckSIO.
Lida Bartlett to Welcome L. Fel
ons , part of aw ] of nw | of section
3 , township 15 , range 13 , $2.500.
T. B. Lowe to Emerson it Shrovon ,
it 12 , block M , L'UM.'fl liiht. nddition.
E. I5i bsijkio to Uurx \ < i Mulvoight ,
10 w. J ot MI. .1 . .t no , L' ; ) . lo 'n li ( ,
' ! ) : - i.
U. P , ] jti , l Dcpaitnienl to C T
ii , lot ) , block 48 , P iti Vul
II. B. Sii.iih toK XJ ) > iskilh
ndimlrii J of tr. A of to. . } .f etc. 2J ) ,
w i lit ruu v { ) ( .r t J ? ! ) l ) .
\V. W IJjrJuttto . .Lit'I' , Roeom ,
\'L lot -I , Ii .nlv 2U , Knifei co- { it ( > ,
Gulteati , the Atsasclu
A life-liko wax status of ( Juiieau ,
10 nutorjoiu asauesiu , has liui.'tt uxt <
ited and is now on exhibition in W.
' , Colo's great show , whioh , umong
any other interesting things contains
> extensive gallery of wax statuary ,
tits and portraits of all the presi-
Mita of the United Statts , from
'ushiuglon down to President Ar-
ur. All thu financial kings , popu-
r politicians , and noted men of the
, y are also included in the list. Jay
ould , NV , 1J. Vanderbilt , Blaine ,
> nkllng , and many of the crowned
iads of Europe are represented in
0 list , Thoto who have seen this
st collectioii of prominent ponplo as
cy appear in wax , pronounce the
jduls perfect counterp4\rts of the
iginals. Every feature , peculiarity
dreaa uudioraon buing vividly ro-
oducud , The groupings are limn-
nus and it is doubtful if n moro por-
it assemblage of notable people
uld bo seen In any of the foreign art
lluriea It is , perhaps , well unough
mention the fact that Colo's now
no great shows , consolidated , are to
hibit hero , nt which time and place
thu ubovo will bo seen.
WANTED. A g6od second-hand
jyelo. Address box X , Central
ty , Neb. 1G-JU
An Interesting Mooting of tbo He
brew Benevolent Society
Last Evening' .
The Hebrew Benevolent Society o
this city hold a mooting laat night t <
enquire into the financial Etanding o
the 161 Russian refugees concerning
whom an article appeared in Tuesday'i
issue of THE BEE It appears tha'
vor one hundred of them an
entirely without means am
as the majority have been farming ir
Russia , andcxprers a desire to con
tinuo the same business in this coun <
try and wish to coloni ? ? , a commit
tee haa been formed to render them
all the assistance they can give to
gain thcso ends. The committee
is composed of the following
well known gentlemen : Messrs.
P. II. Gothoimor , Julius Meyer ,
M. Ilollitmn , A , Holler and 0 ,
Schlank. These gentlemen have al
ready made every effort to secure em
ployment for the unfortunate pooplc
in the city , but have only succeeded
in a few cises , Should any of our
citizens want any male orfomalo help ,
the committee will bo very
much obliged by application being
made to them without delay when
no doubt they will bo able to suit
thorn as the refugees are most anxious
to got to work as soon as possible.
Contributions in either money , clothes
or farming implements will bo thank
fully received by the committee , who
have to raise a considerable sum to
purchase lands for the now colony.
Plonoors Union Pacific Hallway Com
The first regular meeting of Iho
Pioneers will bo hold this evening -
ing , 21st inst. , at 7:30 : o'clock , at the
oflico of the general freight depart
ment. Union Pacific headquarters
building. A full attendance of mem
bers isnquefikd. T. J. STALKY ,
Herbert Thiyer , of Wyoming , is at the
HOD. Goo. II. Jewett , of Sidney , is at
, ho WHhnoll.
Geo. E , Stevens , of the Great Western ,
vas In the city yesterday.
Geo. F. Sharp , the Idaho cattle man
vas nt the Wlthuell last night.
S. I ) . Hathaway , of New York , was
uost of the Withnoll yesterday.
James Quinlan , of the Eric & Chicag
ine , was in Omaha yesterday on business
0. E. Weao tt , of Plaltsmouth ; ! ' . Fo
er , Schuylor ; H. T. Clarke , Ucllevuej A
V. Hill , Lincoln ; Arthur ft. Patten , Ne
raska City , and W. D. Bndgcr , Arling
3n , are the Nebraska at tha Whbnell
Ilov. T. II. Miles , S. J. , president o
Ireighton University , left last evening fo
t. Mftry's Mission , Oaago county , Kansas ,
rhcro ho will conduct n spiritual retreat
le will Ito absent for about two weeks.
M" . WilcoT , tbo accomplished manage :
f the Hotspur Dramatic club of this city ,
nd an old actor , both of experience anc
bllity , loaves to-day for St , Joseph , Mete
to will stay there for about u week
oJng thanco to Chicago. Mr. Wilco
'ill bo long and favorably remembered in
nis city for his recant fine performances
f the leading character in "The Ole
ruard , " and Peter Probity in "ThoChlm
oy Corner. "
Jinny Orders-
Recruit Kranz Sauer , enlisted at
'ort D. A. Russell , Wyo. , is assigned
a company D , Fourth infantry.
Upon the recommendation of his
roop commander , approved by the
est commander , six weeks of th
oriod of confinement awarded Priyat ,
'red Heidler , troop G , Fifth cavalry
y sentence of a general court martial ,
romulgated in general martial orders
To. 10 , current aeries from thcso
eadquartere , is remitted.
Stock Notes.
M. 0. Keith , of North Platte , says
iat of 20,000 head of cattle at Ogal
Jo , all are sold but ono herd ,
Slurgis & Co. have purchased Shiod-
y's c-ittle , paying for them $335,000.
The Pratt & Ferris Cattle company
us ordered twenty cars to accommo-
Uo a shipment of cnttlo from Pine
lufl'i , on the 20th inst.
The present season stands without
loccdontin tha history of the cattle
isinoes for the largo number of trans-
ra of largo herds with surprisingly
rgo considerations. Louder.
A. U , Reel bus completed the sale
' his herd to Mr. Mitchell , of the
, , S. P. it M. railroad , the consider-
ion being reported at § 220,000. Mr.
eel will continue in the business.
Southern etockinen are more largely rep-
kcutcd ut the cattle centres thin teaaon
an on Conner yean.
1 ! > 'cl S. ] )3orn have started their sheep ,
" -"i.'j ft' out 5,000 head , f r NubraBka ,
I cr > 11 y ivi ] | | jo cither grozed or sold ,
itn > ri'io riun
Mftt Ityan , thecattlo king , pnrsedweet
it ni tht to meet a cnttlo iliive , number-
K 112,000 liend , now tn route cast from
eguii BooiuerauR ,
The freight pool between tbe lines into
iloigo proved to be a detriment anil a
eat annoyance to the cattle ehipt ers who
u > have heretofore- asked favora iu the
no of those who expert to receive them ,
10 case ia different uow aud the railroads
a as "utilf" as any monopoly may be and
sees aa scarce as ' 'hen's teeth. " Le..der
Lively Qamo Between tbo Junlata
anU Haetlntra Nines.
rcsiwndencu of The llco.
Ono of the finest games over played
western Nebraska was played bo-
eon thu Juniata mno and the
islings nine at Junlata hist Wodnes-
y afternoon , The ganio was called
3:15 : , with Juniata to bat. White-
ih succeeded whitewash up to the
rd innings , when the Reds wont to
t , and with three elnglo base hits
d Walker's throwing the ball to
iond in plaoo of homo , gave theme
o runs. In the seventh inning
> y again got to the front with four
glo base hits and got two runs , the
iiio standing at the end of the ninth
ling 4 to 0 , In the sixth in-
ig Stino , catcher of the Reds , had
his finger split , but wont through th
game without an error. Only two mei
of the Juniata nine reached first base
ono on called balls , and the other on i
short hit to right field , whcro the ;
both wcro left. Taken a'l ' in nil , i
was the beat game over played in tin'
part of the state , The score is as fol
lows :
TB. R. In. I' . O. A , E
lillafti > 1 0 1 2 in (
Gourley , 3d b..J 0 1 2 0 (
McDonald , Istbl 0 0 10 0 (
Wintersc. f..4 0 (
Hdverly , r. f.l 0 0 0 0 (
Mlnec , I. f t 0 (
Crosthwaite , 2b4 2 (
8'lne. ' c 4 0 2 12 5 (
Hvnnn , n. s 1 1 1 2 2 -t
TH. n. In , P.O. A. K ,
L'ght ' , o 1 0 0 4 S S
Walker , c. f..4 0 0 0 0 t
Uartlo , lstb..3 00 ! ) 01
Gray.Sdb 3 30
Partridge , r. f. .3 0 0 1 0 E
Oottle , p 3 0 0 5 2 C
Kellogg. R. s..3
Vivian 2.1 b..3 2 2
Norris , 1. f 3
Hastings 0 0020020 0 Total , 4.
JnniaU 000000000- .
Time of came , 1.33 ,
Karned Runs Hajtingn 2.
First Base on Errors Hastings 4 ,
First IHso on Caliod Balls Dallas 1 ,
Gettle 1.
Left on Bases Hastings 8 , Junlata 2 ,
Passed Dalls-Light 1.
Ptruck Out Juninta 15.
Umpire K. A. Hoallcb ,
Scorer J. A. Cliue.
A Baba Narrowly Escapes Doatb at
Correspondence of THE UEE.
HOOPKII Nob. , July 19. As the wes
tern bound train on the S. 0. & P.
II. R. was nearing Hooper , rho cylin
der of the engine struck Henry Han
son , aged four years , son of uohn J ,
Hanson , on the right side of the fora-
lioad , inflicting sorioua injuries. The
littla fellow was playing about the
liouso , and unknown to his parents
itartod to BOO the train. His parents
supposed him to bo around the house
when the train whistled for
Hooper , but the boy had cone to sao
: ho engine. Ho made his way
Torn the house , which is about five
"ods trom the track , through the
ivccds , not coming iu sight of the on-
; ineer until ho appeared out of thu
vecds near the track , when the on-
jinoer uavo the signal "on brakes"
md lessoned the speed of the
uigine , but not soon enough to
escape the boy , the engine
triking him in the forehead.
lis father , standing on the depot
ilatform and seeing his son's hat fly ing
n the air , was the first ono to his aa-
istanco , fearing ho would have to
ick np a dead son , but to his surprise
id relief , ho was only badly hurt and
sared. The father carried him to the
.ouso , followed by many oxcitcd in-
uircrs. Dr. Van Buron was soon by
is side and pronounced him not dan-
erous as yet , but badly bruised. Dr.
Lbbott , froni Fremont , the company's
hyaician , came up on the train to-day
nd pronounced the boy doing finely ,
nd loaves him to the care oi Dr Vau
mron. X. X.
* # * "Littlo thanks are duo to him
rho only gives away what is of nose
so to himself. " The thanks of inva-
da the world over are being showered
a the inventor of Kidnoy-Wort ,
ir it is giving health to all. Kidnoy-
Vort moves the bowels regularly ,
leansos the blood , and radically cures
idney disease , gravel , piles , bilious
oadacho and pains which are caused
y disordered liver and kidneys ,
'housands ' have been cured why
lould you not try it.
if Mio Missouri Pacific Railway 1 ;
ow open for business at the corner o
'urnham ' and 14th streets , in th
'axton ' hotel , where tickets via this
opular route may bo obtained to al
oints Etot , South and Southwest
rains leave U P. depot at 7:10 : a. m
id 0:55 : p. m. , Omaha time. Pull
tan sleepers on night trains. For
ckets and sleeping car berths apply
i G. H. FOOTK ,
Ticket Agent.
T. W. CnowK , Passenger Agent.
The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex-
leior Roof Point , " was patented May
> th , 1881 , and letters patent num-
: r 241 , 803 , Any person found or
lown to tamper with the manu
cluro of said paint will bo punish
I to the full extent of law. No per
n has any authority whatever to sell
coipts. HAWTHORN & Biio. ,
Lancaster , Pa ,
ode from the wild flowers of th
is thu most fragrant ot perfumes ,
anufiictured by II , 15 , Slaven , San
anciaco. For Halo in Omaha by W.
WJutehouBo nnd Kennaio Bros , ,
Bas'e.Ball Club.
V3. .
\aimClty club , Ji ly 22.
.menworthCliil ) , July xO
t. & M. v.lub , August &
) ubuque Club , rt cu < t la.
Imported and Domdstio.
i'iuoat Soloctiuu in Town
Prloei to Suit Evorybody.
From Haifa Dollar Do-urn to 5c ,
ichroter & . Becht's
[ cOARTHY & BUitKE ,
General Undertakers ,
HotFaruum and Donijliu.
Metallic , Wood aud Cloth Courcd
1SKETS , , ,
atanlly on hand. Order * from the untry
cited , and promptly atUu Jo- ' > i U
.ttorney at Law.
JiOTICE Adrertlscracnt Ta Loan , For , Eal
lAtt , Fonnd , Want * Bcardlm , Ac. , will belt
i.crtcd In thKio colntnns cncc for TEN GKKT ,
{ rllncj cwh subseqasntln'trtlon , FIVECEINT !
PCT lino. Tlin tint lo'ortlcn neror Icna thai
V70NK7 TO I.rMTf C lls : t w Otef o ! D
n At a per cenllB
i aumf.hf fJ.PCO and
upir > rd < i , tor 8 So S ycuf , on Crct-cluu city
farm pioiKitty. Br.Miii lU fi ZiAtu bed Lois
ASJ.VCT. ICth and Dauchs SH.
WAMED / pin fvf cncrnl hou cwrrk.
Apply at Dr. II dc'sotflce , corner 13ih nnd
oiichs street , bctnccn the hours of 1 and
deck , to morrow 633-201
- girl at 1413 Dcdgo street.
& 83f f
w AN rr.D A dlnlnj-room girl nt the Crclgh-
ton Ilmuc. g311
"TtrANTED IromoJ dtcly o girl for general
TT housework , ntn4tthwc t crntr ol Ham-
l.ton and 1'lcr gtroot , fhlnn'g addition. 830-tt
WANTED A Rlrl lor general housework.
Aiijilv at Ko. 21117th street , let. i a\en-
pot and Chicago. 63MI
WANTED -oapprcnllcosirln Apply Dav
inpirt ftrcot , 10th and 17 h ,
south sMi' , third boast from corner , SH-20 (
WANTED ICO triair. ! carpciitors. Apply to
tl. Mannneller , llth s.rcet , near tarnaiti
Five hundred laborers for work
WANTED ' Milnauhoo &St. 1'nul K. R.
Steady work all Bumon. Wages $1,50 per day.
Apply at Engineer's office , room 6 , Evcretts *
Itlock , Council llufls. E. O. hOUHSK , resident
engineer. june28-14c
Two or three rooms fiTrvuaio
WANTED office. Addrtga Dr. ITrV
Dee ofllce. 699-tf
Ten tcami to work onlorcnc
WANTK1J . Wages tJ 60 per day
377-tf Ml rmiEM. VIVHRNT.
MEN WANTED At Fiorvncu Cut-On ,
100 nine mlloa r < > rth rl Oimhx Wa oa
! 1.76perday. MITCHELL VLNCENT.
WANTED 1'osltlon as copyht or clerk , by
n youcg Imly. Testimonials o ( LO d
iharnctcr given. Addnes loc * box 2'labor ,
owt. 821-29
VTTANTEn-Ta buy for cash smi 1 house rind
IT lot or lot without house , ronvenicntto
trcctcar line , mu t bo < heap. Address IVIIIL' |
ir ce , A. L. U. , Boi ollice. 818-20 *
fTrANTBO SCO yards of earth for cradlnff at
VV 18th and Oalifornl-v streets.
810-20 McCAdUE , opposite P , 0.
fTTANTED. A BrBt-chssbirrer Immcdiatclr.
VV Apply or address to C. A. Klrd. M rth
'latto ' , eb. 7a'J-20"
lA ATKAMS WANTED-To work on the Orc-
\J\J gen Short Lino. Wajjcs 85.00 per daj- .
i M-ii 11 htne' , nearKarnam.
TANTKD COO privy vau.tJ , elaka and ccsa
V JXol8 to clean with Sanitary Vault and
Ink Cleiner. the boat In use. A. Kvuus ti Co. ,
iiidf ncii 1 CC Dndgfl utrcot. elnwln.
[ 10 RENT A.large well furnlsh'd front room ,
L at tro nirtli-west corner cf 1 th and D.\-
iports.rcct. t32-22f
T10H UHNT Nicely furnl hod fr nt ruoin ,
1 first floor , 810 00 per month. ll071Ioward
: Ucon 14th n d 15th utrect ; . 830-tf
ou e w tfoo cclri cbe
and well , bitwce i 14tli ind 15thon hlciR
( iply corucr lEth and Chicago. 831 21 *
710-t KENT Cottage corner lOlh and Center
! for sanll family Apyly I. a. ilcdfleld , 12th
id L'oi ' Be. 835-21'
71011 HENl A new cottage of flvo rooms fur-
} nl hel or unfLrnUheil en 2Jd tt line b'otk
uth of St. Man's avc. Apply at A. B. llubcr-
annV Jewelry store cor. D uslai andlS'htts.
8i9-.l W. C. DUtlNaAM.
K < NT Two new dwelllnsa and two ether
ilvfellirRS in desirable Icc.llty , by JIcKoon ,
i. 1D14 Dcu'la street. 817-tf
r-Collate of flvo tooran , cbsit & : .
IStbi-treiit bttweoj t. Mirj'jaienuo a d
lavenw rth. Itqulro at 713 , o ; pMite 812-20 (
IOUSE FOR RENT Niw Rva room house ,
cirncr i7th and Clark street apply 14C1
Sll-22 *
1J11 RENT XeiT cottage , six rooms , rear
! J-onee , head Bt. llaiy'n avcnuo.
809-tf W
I > OH UKN I UouiOUi ( l use well turmstud.
1 Inquire 103 10th street , also 3 rooms nt the
rnor of 12th and Douglas street. Irjcjulro on
tml-ii ) .
1011 RP.NT Two small neatly furnished rooms
? 8 CO per mon'h , eaeh at 1407 licward. be
oen Hth and Uth street. 707-1 f
10U RKJfr Three furnl'hcd roomi for hou e-
113 n 13th , Mrs. A. Hull 7 2-2 f
TOUSE FOR RENT Enquire at it. W. Ken
JL rejj'd store , 13-.h lct ccn Farnam and
uney. 7e9 tl
10U RENT To Bnonll lou < c. , and fuur
roonn In n d'ublohomo. ' Inqulraat 1112
ith 13th street , b.Uccn t'ailflc aud I'ierco.
77B-20" L. DUQ'JAN.
l-lt HEN1 A naitly furnlsned irom wltn
two windows and ciouot , fjr 83.00 , forKC'i-
mononly. I81t Wcbatcr Btreet. 7C8-20t
IOR KENT Furclsl room with board ;
modern Improvements a few table ooirders
i bo aceommoJatoJ.ftt 1718 Lodge Bireet.
I ElIOUaE FOR RENT 3niill und larjre ,
tvt o to t elvo nxi > B each ; ono or tno new
: alth all modern cnnvooluacoi. Ono of 12
mis , niilrablo for boarding and room renting ,
h and Douglas at * . I1KMIS , At-out ,
u23-tf Uth and Uouulas ttts.
IOR RENT Two nicely furr.lshed south rccms
rc.T > oi able prlefs , 201S Cam at > eet. 3i2- ' .
OIUUC.NT A 7 room IIOUBO tnd 4 n'all
stiblo on Convrnt strttt , near Kt , llary'n
nue. Kent 321.CO pr month Emiulra o
ikurllro hera , KM ollice. 603-11
OH nF.NT A nicely furnlthed loom ; ] B15
CMira.-oht , (120I
WO miNiailEUBoutn rooms for rent. H.
W. corner 10th and Dareniort. 308-tf
OR HK.NT Kurnlahcd front room with board.
C03 North 1 7th Bt. Cil-tf
OR KENT Furrtshed roog , 1723
Btreet. 491-tf
OR REST. Two now elegant houjes. In
quire at I'cteraon'd Cothlnx ! a ore , near 17.
Dcprt. 63i-tf
OR It KM' On July 1st , lirk'k ttoru , v.lth 01
without cellar. Ii ijulru at l > ruHa.ore , cor
10th nd Dciuglns sts. din-tf
.i. . on > i
OU UHNT Nicely tuknlihed rmms ! lb ni
without \t $ . Heisiniblo prlicK. 2011
J ht. IhQ M
[ ) R SALE lloust and full lot In erocd loca
tion , only 91,200. V'cOAGUG.
bS5-lf Opposite P. O.
3R BALE Hou'o and corner lot. at { 1,060.
birgaln , JlcC.\UUBoi > | > oite 1' . O. (31U
} R SALE One good family hone can b v.1
driven by any lady , lor pri c. AJ $5Fr
> Lille liroj. , driver No. 32 , i/milu , Nnb. Fr
822-20) )
3R SALK Onoiecond-liacdDodcricIc Hay
Ualer , with capacity ol twelve to twenty
i p day , In good err er me ehcjp for ra-h.
lu llros. , droner 72Omaha Kt'b. b".3 0 (
) R > ALrl 6(00 sheep three and fdurjcars cf
oldgood feeders , lu IU to bull purclut ri. CO !
ly McLv n Una. IngUncU .Not ) blU-21 ( Of
) R BALE L't aud two no * liM.fce' , Sth 11'l '
ttrtct , t-oblocVi ou'li ol bt. tfurvia e. . .
gi reut 810.00 , will fcell lor J3,800. hili cah ,
.nee . kt 8 p r cent , lutiie.t. Ilqulru . Jlir- " "
.ou , Ullor tlup , 2ia Eoulh Uth
) R HALE A good stock cf gJDeral lucrehui-
dlce , with cr without buddiug In good lite
id tow a , Stock worth about * IOJO. Call 71
r Inquire cf 0. K , 11'iAO ,
iltultf IHue Sprlngn , Oijec-juuiy , ' b
FOR SALE KiirnltnrcMidfixttiresoMhetlotel
L cnmark , worth tCOO I1I bo Id M hss
thin half price CJood ci > rortunlty for starting
In he tel bulnt s. Rtnt tSB.oo j > r n.ontti . , c-
eiiiinoJailwifcr Ihlrlr > a dirt lniulioon
preml c , nth st , near Leartcworlh , 8 > 2-28t : )
F1..S KTOCK FOR SALK-I riavesstuo Uflto
or Hfteen flue piiro blooded I'olind-Lhlna
Hoar rigs-all in excellent c ndttlon nclglln ?
about 7i Ihs cacti , which 1 w , I ship by rxi-rcs ) to
Fput ol tn stale , prepaid , for tlOOO pjr
. . . -d. SUIefacllon ftuaran ced Itctcrcnco
JjailcnM UanV. this city. Addresi , at . n c. M.
K , Metier , IKil Oik , la. In ctcry CIPO moner
mint a camp ny the order. 107 dStwlt
r.OR ! SALB A hill interest In twj8toro < ore
L1 aprneral retail dry cocci * and cr-c.ry , the
otmr hnrJ are ; will fell ono or both ; reason lor
Se'llnp , IU health. Address W.O. tnlif , Clear-
moun . MQ. ' 80024
"T7IOU SALE Anord in Ich cow. thrcoycarsoU
L1 Apply Ann. WlUc , Shinn's 2nd addition
near llaml.ton street. 704-lHf
TjlOR BALE Cheap , a hcr-e , harnosa and
JJ sprlnir-wasrin. lime will bo given on part
pajmcnt. Inquire Slthsnd Ct.ic tro > trcct.
803-20 MliS. llAtUbiT. '
rr\WO story building for falo at & barjiln Lo-
JL ( atodatnortli-ca corner ol 17tb t-fct ,
and Capitol ai-e , Mint bo uoved on or hcljre
August 7th proximo. UhMIV
770-tf Agent , Itth nnd Donglas.
POH SALE A tpan ol light hones both
sound , > ouiiRand n ell broke , so that Hdy
or chllil can drl\o them , cither single or double.
Will sell ihcrn bolh or pcparato. FUliabloforphac-
lon or laoy's ead. lo hotso. Address II. F D. this
office. 741-tf
"TjlOR SALE Saw mill. T. Murray. 671-tf
ffOtt 8ALK Fine bUBry and harness cheap.
JL A. IlO'po , 1519 DoJijc. m29t (
QIX llKAUTlFUli LIIB 60x160 loot each In
O Hanscom Place on street cir lino. Best lota
In whole addition on very caiy ttrms and at a
great bargain. BEMIS' ajtont , 15th and Douglaa
streets jlStl
FOR SALE A cottsgo of Ihrco rooms north
Udool Nicholas hctwicn IBth a-.d Ifllh.
Inqul o within. (402-tf ( ) DAVID OENTHY.
SPLENDID , ono lar o brick house , and ono
argo frame house , with full lot on Cats near 15th
itroi-t. Fine clnnce for Inveotmcnt , rent fcr $70
tcr month. Cill for full particulars , on
I1EHI9 ,
609 tt Acent , IBth nrd Douglas sta.
FOR SALE. The Arlington iiouso"
First o ass ; all furnished. Th ? only hotel
u town. Tlio cheapest property In the state ,
las all the traveling men. Will bo sold cheap on
enrstofutt. Enquire ol E. Fulle , proprietor ,
Irllngtarj , Was&lngton county , Nob. 6B3 tl
na tlio HOYS' HOME. Tills house Is con-
rally located , has gou'h and east Iront , and Is
urroundod n th fine flm-Jc trees ; contdnthirty
leeplng roomj , has Ice house , laundry , eatnuja
oem , &c. Una a world Wide reputation and a
letter patronage than many houses ol twlco Us
apaclty. Price SS.OOO. For particulars ftd-
JOBS , A. A. SA\VDEY , Red Cloud , Web.
_ . EEMt
[ 710K SALK Or will oxcha go for Omaha prc-
L psrty , ILU improved noc ca ol land adjoin-
-.K o station on U. P. R. U. 11. DURHAM , 3 < 17
ftrnhanifit. , Omaha. 20 Jli
3 203-tf _ E3y.\B.ooa : . cog.
UAT-At A. H. Etndei1 Fetd St
3ALED . el-t
HAKEN UP Black horso. Inquire at Jt. liar-
[ ker , near fcaundtri street bridge. fc37-io : |
.TAMUGCfcS-At the OOo store.
O5T Ono rod ar.d nhlto cow. with sore on
Jt left idc behind torn shoulder. Henry Clay ,
niier 19th and b05-20t
I K. JETT Iho carpet , house and ofllce
X' cleaner. Lca\ orders at Republican office.
ONAL1ST , < 38 Tenth Street , between F IUME
idUamcT. Will , with the kid of rpanbn !
Itlta , obtV.n for any OLC a gUneo ui too pat
; d prurent , arid en ccrtnla ccndlSIcoa In tbo u "
re. Bccta and SUoM made to srdor. PtTltt k > *
' ' > c'on ruiraotced nr.SC.1n
his powder never varies. A man el of p
strength nnd wlioleaouu 110.11. Sloru econo
1 than the ordinary kinds , and cannot he
1 In competition with the multitude of ow
: , short weight , alum or phoeplmte powder'
old only In cans. KOVAU IURINO POWDBE ( o.
W Kt. Nmv Yorlf
laiiparters of the Literati ,
hu Cheated ! , Laroest and choicest cull tlon
In tlio NV eat.
3nsh paid for Socond-IIand Booke
uxclian&ud for now.
Hi > 22.1v PHOl'RIETOR
\ . Bt
mor 9tli and Farnam Strooti ,
unnlngnbtcr experienced teacher coolest
u In the city ( lie ot bailn , 6bxS5 depth ol
; r , 0 feet and 3 } feet , 1'rlces beasan ticket
0 ; five latin , (1,00 ; flnglo bath * . 25 cents ,
i tow tt'e , batlilui ; trunks and drtuaiai , ' rooms.
1IEOKMAN A WITTK , 1'rop'i.
ikon upas in cutray by ttiu ubcribcr , out
lie M moml Hirer , at r'loronce , in Donglai
ity , aud ttatc i f ub aska , on the 22nd d < y
une ) Bs2 , ono sorrel mare | > onj , ibout diht
uold , whlta hmd leg ) , and left frout loot
0 atd while face ; uo brind 1) . J , on left
a'so i ad le and irldli.wbcli I lutcni to
1 ippraUed aeoordlni ; th statue in iu.h ca c.
uaud prctlded.
tied tlio 18 h day of July 182.
IJ10 Iw ocw JOHyII. | tEWIN.
red and white cow , Iwotl'ta ' In left ear.
in centred blltt rpct In f < iebtad. Sere
ft tide , 1 { .turn to lltnry lUy acd leictlvu
LIJ , WlUmett , ( .ear Le J work * , Jjl9-it