Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Fiiday Morning , July 21.
By Carrier , - - - - - ! 0 cent * per week.
By Mull , - - - - - - (10.00 p r YCM.
Offlce : No. 7 PoarlJ Street , Nonr
UAYNE JkOniFFIN' , Man frct City Circa ! * .
U. W. Tlt/TON , City Editor.
Mueller's Music Hall Is the finest
store in town. RTn
Slierrndcn mnkcn photograph ) ) .
I'lAnos and orgnni to rent nt J. Muel
The county teachers' Institute li to
meet liero next Monday ,
Water-pipes were being laid yesterday
nloiitf Sixth street , and along Filth nvo-
Tl o police foico must ba shtvcrcrn , A
coal fire li.ii been kept up in the chief's of >
Cce for about two dayn piwt.
Three to > ! x pieces of music for lOc , at
J. MuellcrV ,
Foil SALE. A frceh milch cow with
calf. L. W TULLKTH.
Lcavo to wed was yesterday plvcn to
John W. Frame , of Alexander , Nob. , and
Nellie ) Carpenter , of Hlllsdale , Mich.
Dr. nud Mr * . Maotao gave an enjoy
able party lait evening1 , in which a largo
number of tlieir friends participated. All
.seemed nappy , and hospitality appeared to
have no bounds ,
Store and dwelling for Bale by JTorz-
man ,
Herzman is bound to close out.
Great bargains in all goods at Ilorz-
-A boy who had escaped from the in
dtitution for the feeble-minded , wan found
in the northern part of the county , mid
brought to thin city yesterday , mid started
in charge of an officer last ctcnlag for
Joseph Heller makes nulls in the Inl-
est fltylcn nt 310 Broadway.
Millinery goods filty cents on tlioclol-
ar at llcizuian'e.
It is now expected that 1'hil Aimnnr
will take poMoaelon of the postofHco next
Sunday , and that the establishing of n de
livery system by carriers will bo imiugu *
rated Immediately upon his stepping into
Thoman fiwohe , of the transfer , settled
hit poll-tax yesterday. JFu has told the
collector , i ccordlng to the lattrr'x state
ment , that ho lived in Ouinhn , but HHCOIIIH
that he lias cnncludcd to pay up rather
than to bo sued , as "Dory" threatened to
Deputy Sheriff Petty carne to this
city Wednesday night after a well known
crook called "Dutchy , " whoso real name
is Shelter. Ho fortunately dropped on his
man on the Btieot and after keeping him
in jail over night started back with him
yesterday for. Sioux City , where lie li
' wanted.
Col. A , Cochran has gone to his ranch
J. II. LOP , of Sao City , the well known
attorney of that place , was among the
.callers at TUB Bun ollica yesterday.
.Miss Yates , of Omaha , was among the
IfntslH who enjoyed the happy lawn party
given uy Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart.
A. It. Houghtou , who represents Molt
& Winter , the Hock Island liquor dealers ,
is taking a brief rest at Ilia homo in this
city , and nuning n sprained ankle , but ex
pects to start out on the road again in n
few days.
Miss Faunla Clark , a niece of Oapt.
Clarke , U , S. A. , who lias been spending
some time with friends in Missouri Valley ,
is in the city violtlng Mr. and Mra.Thoinas
Motc&lf and other friends.
Messrs. Hays and Hart , who have been
in the west looking after the interests of
the Consolidated Mining company , have
returned. They report the property as
rich , nnd they bring many glad tidings to
the stockholders. While at the mines
they laid out the work for tunneling.
MUs Molllo Larimer , who him just com
pleted a course in the Chicago tomlnary , a
niece of Judge A. V. Larimer , is In the
city a guest of Mr. and Mrs , J. J. Drown ,
Hon. W. F. Sapp left last uiglitfor In-
dlana on business , which will necessitate
bis absence for a short time.
The City Reaping the Results of the
Caroloaa Handling of Hnmll PCX.
Yesterday four moro cuaus ofmull
pox wore reported , they buing in the
family named Cole , living near the
St. Joe depot. The flig was hung
out , and the place quarantined. The
cireleBsnoas with which aniall pux hits
been t routed here u causing the din-
tmu to linger along during these sum
mer months , with casoa count untly on
hand , BO that there is seed for a fur.
thor harvest next winter , unless
more effectual steps are takoii to
fltamp it out than have been taken in
the post. The quarantines established
at different places have boon
moro in form than in tact.
There has been
slowness in re
porting and caring for CMOS , and
caroloBBnosaln watching those wliolmv *
been placed in quarantine or the posl
house. The small-pox patient , W , W.
Wort , who waa lotoly removed to the
post house , is said to have partially
exposed a number , ho having got far
along with the disease before he was
reported and taken away from Iiis
boarding house , It is said ho waa
coining down with the disease while it
Ogden , and ho was compelled to leave
there and after corning hero waa it
ono boarding house for a titno before
going to the ono from which ho wn
removed , and that all of this time ho
out-lit to have been in quarantine
tlt ia expected that some other cases
will arise from this exposure.
Nick Backus , of the JUowor Hotel , Bo-
fuece to Pny Licenses Under n
Prohibitory Ordinance.
Complaint was Domolimo ago filed
ngainst Kick Uackus , of the Lower
lutol , for selling whisky and beer in
violation of the stringent prohibitory
irdinanco lately passed by the coun
cil. The other saloon men who have
) oen complained of under thin ord'-
mncp , have nil inarched up , ono after
another and deposited $25 for their
ippoaranco , and when their cases have
icon called for trial have failed to ap >
icar , the $25 deposit ban boon forfeit *
d and gene into the city treasury.
t being understood that this waa to
) c a license for Boiling , the rate to bo
(25 ( per month. In tn's way the city
IBS secured for this month's licenses
eoa $25 a month for nearly oixty-iivo
men. Air. Backus failing to appear
is notified , and refusing to como with
lin $25 was brought in yesterday on
bench warrant. Ho pleaded not
uilty , and two witnesses were put
on the aland , Oflicor Tyson and
a man named John Burns. Tyson
nut clear enough in his swearing , but
3urns did not know beer from
whisky or ginger nlo. The defense
claimed that the council had no right
o pass a prohibitory ordinance for the
real purpose of licensing , but the
court intimated that this was a fact
which would have to ba proved first
and considered afterwards Backus
was found guilty and was fined $25
and coats , the latter amounting to
$10 $ 70. IIo was quito indignant at
his finding and refused to pay , nnd
was sent to jail for twenty-four days.
lo had locked up the house before
wining into court , and as ho wended
lie way to Shunt/ ' quarters at the
court house , ho sent word not to have
, ho house opened or boardora ndtnit-
ed until ho was released. IIo will
) robably , on further reflection ; con-
iludo it better to submit and pay the
TranBforlnff Titles.
The following transfers of titles are
reported na taken from the county
records by J. W. Squire & Go. , ab
stractors of title , real estate and loan
.gontn . , Council Bluffs :
J. Garlilo to J. Carlilo. so j of no K
J4 , 7G , 42 ; $1,000.
J. Carlilo to T. Scott , w ft of no ] of
10 1 , : U , 70 , 42 ; 8150.
J. M. Palmer to J. N. Casady , out
ot 4 in Mill add , city ; $1.
J. N. N. Casody to L. Wells , lot 18
nnd ID in block 17 , and part of out lot
1 in Mill odd , city ; § 1,000.
W. II. Leo to G. G. Knapp , uo j of
BC | , 14 , 74 , 43 ; § 800.
13. llnrcourt to J. Dilard , part ot
ne.f of so 1 , 17,74. 30 ; $25.
) . W. Oalcr to U. llarcourt , part of
10 4 of BC ] , 17 , 74. 39 ; 8140.
J. Oiilhuian to T. McMurry , so . [ of
10 j34 , and no , j of so j , 34 , 70 , 41 ;
A Woman's Uomplnlnt.
To the Editor of TUN HEM :
Live and learn has always bson our
notto , but how much bolter for UB if
wo could not loam some things.
While sitting in the savings bank a
ow mornings since , camoa man walk-
.ng pompously in ; nonot a man , ono
of the lords of creation , but about 200
pounds of meat and bones with a soul
that would take a thousand to fill a
mosquito's bladder , or a microscope to
discover ono on the point of a fine
noodlo. His business was to devise
moans to keep "sho" from having
access to the family fund during hia
absence. "She" had given to charity
and the griovious charge was that
areachors could make "sho" believe
anything to got her money.
Would wo have believed it of the
ministers of this city ) Wo thought
after their participation In favor of
the prohibitory amendment they
would certainly steer clear of good
works that would cost money. Wo
almost despised oursolvus as n woman
when compelled to listen to such com
pliments from a husband about his
Oh , man ! How low hast thou
Fallen. Paul sayo , "Thy twain shall
bo ono flush , " and the secular law says
that one-third shall bo set aside for
the wife. A WOMAN.
Tuoso Who Hnvo Hnd Occasion to
Da Introduced at Court.
Yustordny morning Edward Ilormis
an old rebidunt of the city , whoso
liomo is on thu bottom , wna tioforo
Judge AyJcaworth , churned with nm'.c
ing throata to kill. Thu < * riJoiiue
showed n deplorable luck nf Inmiioiiy
in the family life. It uppt-iired thai
the old gontliu.nn is uci nirtu mill
hot-tempered , < nal .vheii m drink if.
pcclally uly I.IK ! bisiv. ) . I In jnic
est son is a paiti mur olij < jt ol rpru.
whoa his anger u i.r , iM ( [ tUu
boy in turn ia 1.0 % h.ivk * , tri' in tilling
the old gontlenuu to go huro there *
is loss rain unit im-ru , nnd other-
wioo show * diiuiprut for his father.
The old laily air us with the children
and from tim ! onuiplinitiuu haa grown
up some curious qiiurrolo. On ono
occasion the family took the old man
by force , because ho hud boon drink
ing and became abusive ; and they tied
his legs and arms and took htm to the
barn , laying him out there to cool
down. The other
availing a row oc
curred in which the old woman aoomod
on the defensive , using a whip-stock
with much effect on thu old man.
while ho in turn got a pitchfork and
made a gallant charge , gaining
possession of the houso. IIo
threatened to kill them , smashed
dishes , kicked about furni
ture and raised trouble generally.
The old lady says that on another
occasion ho entered the room whore
eho and htr daughter were sleeping
and was about to strike her with a
hoc , when the daughter awoke and
grabbed that weapon. After all the
family troubles had been washed and
hung up on the judiciol clothes lice
the judfjo looked them over aim gave
the old lady a talking to about herself
atm the children recognising the old
mans peculiarities and keeping aa
Ml and respectful as possible. As to ,
iho old gentleman , ho was made to
tzivo n bond in the sum nf $100 to
keep the piece unbroken.
Another section of the notorious
llosa family has agiin got into court ,
it being this time Mrs. Nancy lloss.
Slio is charred with assaulting some
children , Mm. McKlroy being the
complainant. Mrs. HOBS hnrBolf ap-
pcnrs as complaining witness in
mother case , she claiming that W. M.
\ntcholl not only struck her but
> ulled a revolver and threatened to
ioot her. A warrant wni issued by
nttico Frainny for hi * arrest and lhi
rei will have a hearing next Satur-
d y. To day the masculine member
of the ROBS family linn his examina
tion before Justice Frainoy on a
charge of outraging his stop-daughter
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson n
colored couple , are greatly worried
about the way their 14-year-old
daughter has boon conducting her
self , They claim she haa been asso
ciating suspiciously with "lowvhito
rash , " and as she keeps away from
lonio they think she is going to the
bad at too lively n gait. They have ,
after a hunt of novoral days , suc
ceeded in finding the girl , and nha has
been placed in custody to await such
disposition as Justice Abbott may
make of her casp.
The examination of the Avocn trio ,
[ Camp et al. , for assaulting a man
named Vainer , was concluded ycater-
daymorning. The prosecution , as
represented by Mr. Holmes as
attorney , desired a continuance
until next Tuesday to secure
iho presence of some desired witnesses ,
nit the continuance being refused , ho
asked the case to bo dismissed ; so the
defendants were discharged. It is
indorstood that the matter will not
jo allowed to drop there , but that now
informations will bo filed. Vainer is
nlno to commence suit to recover dam-
ngt'8 , ha claiming that ho ia still apit-
ting blood from injuries caused to the
IUHHS by being kicked , and that his
health is badly broken down.
Harry Innian pleaded guilty to dis
turbing the pence on the 14th inst. ,
and paid his $5 nnd costs into the
strong box of the superior court.
Gospel Truth.
IIo that IB surety for a stranger , pliall
mnart for it. Itut ho that truatoth in
SrulNfl UI.O.SKOM f r curing liver , kidney
and complaints of a like tendency , shall
never bo disappointed. I'/ico fiO cents ,
trial bottleslOcrnts. julyl7dlw
Two boys died in Davenport on the
14th from lock-jaw , caused by wounds
in the hands , from toy pistols.
Mr. McDugli , a Norr Yorker , was
robbed of § 150 by two colored roust-
thouts on the nteamcr Minneapolis , nt
Clinton , on her last trip up.
Partner Coflin of Wobntor county is
being urged for railway commis-
ionor , to succeed James Wilson of
Tama county , who is going to con
The thirteenth annual fair of the
Jackson County Agricultural society
will begin at Maqnokota September
5th , and close on the 8th. Purses mid
premiums are open to the world.
Sir Oharlcs Hedges having loft a
largo estate in England nt his death ,
there is to bo a mooting nf all the
Hedges in Iowa at Des Moincs , July
20 , to sec what can be done to secure
said ostato.
A few evenings since in Dallas
county , ns Wm. Oarrett was hitching
up his mules , an 18 months' little boy
came playing around , was kicked in
the forehead by ono of the mules and
fatally injured.
A Chicago drummer , who pave the
name of Smith , was captured in
Oltumwa the other day in company
with a woman , and the mayor thought
$10 each was about the proper thing
Smith paid both fines.
According to the experience of an
Iowa editor , the meanest woman in
that state is hia prospective mother-in-
law , who entered the parlor where he
was sitting with her daughter , and
handed him a basket of egg and asked
him to hatch them out for her. Ho
lit out.
Corn is aaid to bo bettor in North
ern tlnn Southern Iowa. In the
former the crop is thirty per cent below
low the average , with n proopcct of n
still greater loss If the rains continue.
Chances are particularly poor in the
southeast pa'rt of the state , whore
thousands of arcrcs are ruined com
Some twenty years ago Daniel Coo ,
of Durham , Now Yi.rk , gave $1,500
for the purpose of Presbyterian edu
cation in Iowa. One thousand dollars
of this was used in the purchase of
eighty acres near the village of Cedar
Rapids. It is worth now some $80-
000 , and on it has boon put up a build
ing which cost $20,000. From a
small bcginmt'x ' bii : growi up Ooo
* It Is iliM 0'iniiiiuii ohgiTvuiion time
1 10 Btni'ilHid of ni.turul health ru.i
IP mini uclivity , > mong Anuirieuii v -
111. n , io , Jou-c.roil by tliu liilln-'t uc
f.ilno nli ( .s 1.1 , it halntH of lifo , en-
i'ii < Jt v d ' -y Ivuliiniiftblo ignoruio *
ftnij. JtiMiii'iiis HviriL' . It. is n t nppy
uitcnui'itniiud Una 31 M. l.jd.uli ; I'.n
Ilillll IliM UlllllO III tllllf ( Hit ( > l IllhlfJCV
and euro the t-ullWor * ot lit-r tux.
The Manner In Which ft Texas Dcepur-
ivdo Died ,
Lateilo Cor. Ban Antonio Jvxpress.
"California Jim , " as ho was knowu
in Laredo , was a young man of aboul
twonty.fivo or twenty-six , but who
had been noted criminal for years ,
I was informed this morning by n man
who who had known him for a long
time , that Jim was for some time c
gambler and rough in Now Mexico
and Arizona. At Santa Fo , Now
Mexico , ho waa considered one of the
moat dangerous and desperate char
acters in the territory , and was known
as "Six-shooter Smith. " In Tomb-
atone , Arizona , ho gave his name
James W. Smith , but ho waa known
as "Six-shooter , " and ho also figured
in Gainesville , Texas , under the name
> a i.e.
He was -working at a restaurant in
Laredo , and on last Saturday had a
quarrel with hia employer. Ho im
mediately seized his pistol and fired
at the proprietor. Marshal Johnson
came up to arrest him , when ho fired
at him , and mortally wounded him.
He then left and started up the track
ot the International railroad , evidently
uiakinc for San Antonio. A reward
waa offered for hia capture , and thu
wholo"country wss up in arms. Ho
worked his way carefully along the
line of the railroad , carefully avoiding
ranches and persons , until ho reached
the station housa A' Cactus , for hunger
had driven him to desperation. Ho
un'cred the station house and
nt the point of his pistol fon-cd the
keeper to give him his breakfast , and
nome clothing. Sheriff W. A. Tomp-
kinp , of this county , who had been
notified of the murder of Marshal
Johnson , immediately started toward
Laredo , hoping to intercept him. This
ftido of Webb Station ho found traces
the criminal , and for thrpo days ho
trailed him through brusftliko an In
dian , coming so close to him that Jim
says ho saw him on four occasions.
When Sheriff Tompkina reached this
ilaco Thursday ho found that Jim had
akcn broakfnst at the fttation house
and paused on , Several parties started
out at once to attempt his capture.
About 2 p. m. Thursday , Charley
Smith and Wesley Do Spain , two
iroung men from near this place , who
md gone out to hunt horses , nnd also
to look for Jim , wcro at the Cholo
station. While sitting nt the camp of
John Ycnger rusting , they aaw a man
[ > asainir along the top nf the brushy
ridge near the depot. They at once
mounted nnd started toward him ,
When they came up within speaking
distance Charley Smith says ho inten
ded to engage him in conversation un
til ho was satisfied that ho was the
right mau. But "California Jim"
was too desperate to take any
chances , and when Smith and Do
Spain were within thirty yards of htm
ho drew his revolver , turned and bon -
n firing on them. At the first or
30"ond tire Do Spain was struck in the
aide , the ball pasning out near the
npino , nnd his horao throw him.
Charlie Smith dismounted and drew
LUII ; and returned the fire , shooting
three times. Ono allot struck Jim at
the joint of the hip , crushing the bone ,
passing on through his bo aoranii -
ing up , and lodging against the akin
on the other aide. Jim foil , but rose
to n sitting position nnd fired again at
Charlie , who was stooping with his
gun drawn. This shot struck Charlie
just below the knee , ranging up
through the Hcahy part ot tno log , and
entering his breast By this time
Jim had stopped firing nnd was down.
Charlie then started for the station
house. On his way ho met the Mosi
cnn hand ? , who helped him to roach
the house , "California Jim" lingered
in great agony until 3 o'clock in the
morning , and was game to the last.
No pain seemed to move him , nnd ,
when told ho was dying , ho Raid that
it was "all right , " During the night
ho often spoke tenderly of "Molly , "
and the lust words wo heard htm say
wore : "Wall , Molly , it's all over
now. "
Jim stated before hu died that his
real name was John Henry Hawkins ,
end that ho had n brorher living in
Neosho , Mo Ho nlso said that there
wan a reward of $1',000 offered for his
capture in Arizona , nnd that ho was
wanted in New Mexico. Two or throe
times he attempted to make a full con
fcsaion to Sheriff Tompkins , but ho
ivris so weak that ho could r.ot talk.
Ho said that lie waa sorry that ho shot
Charlie Smith , for ho was n bravo
man , but that ho never intended to bo
caught , and would have killed anybody
who cnmo on him.
NOTICE. bpccial advertisements , auc as
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent
Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted lo thli
column At the lavr rate o ( TEX CKNT3 FEU
LINS for the first Insertion anj FIVE CENTS
PKK LINE ( or each subsequent Insertion.
Leave ajv ertlscmenta at our otfico , Mo , ' ,
1'carl Street , near liroadway.
. W wan * an enereollc male or
WANTED. [ lu t-very towi'ih ' p In townni
vo ra da. to tavo otdcrx for new vmbl cation * .
The pub { cations am tnandarJ , and sell at fight ,
Our icnns are liberal , an < i jen' mslio from f3
to $10 per d y. Fcr circuits and ter 111 , address
Western Bock CompanyCouncil II uHa.lowa.
WANTED A ( food horse , for general pur-
posuH , weight nliout 000. It.qulro at A ,
11. Ma ) no & Co.'a , 34 1'carl street. JulM t
A Orel-class liubor Immediately.
WAITED to J. J. Qcod , CouLCll llluCu , IB.
\TTANTED-Evoryliody In Council llluflo lo
VY t ° take Tim IJim , iO ccnU per \vcck , da
llrcrod t > y carrlurn. Office , No 7 1'carl htreat
near Broadway.
"tTtrANTED To buy 100 tons broom corn
VY For particulars addrcm Council liluffs
Uroora Factory , Council Bin da , Iowa. 6 ( > S-9tf
For Sale and Kent
I 1011 SAIiE At n l rr' ! n , a roxtiurrmt and
bakery , nicely furnUlicd , and li \ < i > f a good
| m } lug patronage. Addict , box uouMitv , Km-
cisoj.Jowa. Jyl5-0t *
77011 SALE A rod Ir'th Bcttcrdr , , ' , l year old ,
.L1 tboroUKlilv } ard liken. . will neil cheap.
Addresd K , 1' . O. b.x 1042 , C. U. Iowa.
11K.NT. Unfurnished rooms , til Main
FOU . . JoSMru
BALI : llcn-ltiful rcnUenoo lota , ECO
FOR : uotliliitf down , and JSiitr < nntli only ,
. ' & 8MOTI1KU3 , Co\mcll Illufli
HAl.lOU ' "liii ux | ntui. Orileru lelt at Hodtan
| j "tm , ' .lilit etr ct , Coun"11 UluHs , or 1. 0
H'i't , i is ttrcct , Omiba , will rrcche
pr. in.'t'unt on , J)16-
O'lILliAHEAD Oreattucce 8 , Cell ftnd sea
O now ftcccssorifs and specimen * ot pictures
ra en 1 > the re Ia1 > lc gelatlnu broil Ide procua )
ut the lUcclblor Gallery JO.ilIiln street.
. W. L. PATTON I'hyklelkii aud Oculist.
DIl. euro any COK of iioro cye . U la only
a nmttvr of time , and can euro generally It
from three to UMtcoktilt inakcn no difference
enco how long dUeased. Will straighten crou
oyi-s , oiwroto nd remote I'lyrcBlnnu , itc. , and
Insert urtlUclal eyos. EjwcUl attention to re-
mo-.wni ; tajowonr.8. ap5-tf
Sullivan & Fitzgerald
Crockery , Glassware ,
Also otrenta for the following lines of
Steamship Companies :
Cunard , Anchor , Oulou , American , and SUtc
Steamship Coinr-uli'8.
30 3EC - * & . 3E"3 ? S
For sale on the Moy-1 Tank of IreUml and Pank
ol Ireland , Publln. Those wi a Intend to Bend for
IrlcMiJ * to any part of Kuropa will Hud It to their
Merest to call on
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
343 Broadway , Council Bluffs , In ,
Boston Tea Go's ' Store ,
16 Main St , nud 16 Pearl St. ,
Council Bluffs ,
OHlca and Works , Main Street ,
Wo glvo epoch ) attention to
Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces ,
will rccelvo prompt attention. A as
sortment of
Brass Goods Belting , Pining ,
Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooke , Goal ,
All Shippers and Travelers will find
good accommodation and reasonable
Council Bluffs , - - Iowa.
Eubber Hose , Iron and Lead
Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and
Trimmings , at
Bixby & Wood's ,
On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets- )
1 he Star Bakery ,
227 MAINST ,
Employ the best Dread Baker In the Woat ; also
* choice hind for Cakcu and Pies.
Bread dtllvered to all part ot the city.
Rich Cut Glass , Fine French China ,
Silver Ware &a ,
MES , Ji. J , biL'rOft , M , D. ,
222 Broadway Council Bluff *
N , Andenon , - - Proprietor ,
732 I-ovcr Ilroadway.
Table supplied with the best the market af
fords , Terms f3.50and gl.OOpcrucck. Transient
* 1.00 per day
TIIO * . orriCKR. w. u. M. ITB I
3B.33J2HC3E1 ECS ,
Council Bluffs , Ia ,
Established , - - 1866
Dealer * In Foreign aud Uomohtlo Exchange
and " homo ti'curltli'H. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
T.J.OADT.IJ.J.S. . ,
( Ute Veterinary Sur.con 0. 8. A. )
The Only Veterinary Surgeon
in the Oity ,
All of the b < it 1'hjVcUiip lu Council Bluff a nd
lurroundln country.
81S South M ln Stre , Council Bluffi.
New house and newly fitted up In first dm
li > In. MeMi t all hours. Ic cre-m and lemo-
iIt cvuy evening. FrulU > d conleetloucne
Broadway , and Fourtli Street , ,
Council Bluffs , Irwj
X ,
Burdette and Western Cot
tage Organs. Prices reason
able ; terms to suit all.
Importer and Dealer in
of all kinds. Sheet Music one-
third off. Agents wanted.
Correspondence solicited ,
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
_ _ -
B- EHj 9 EX
Bluff and ffiflow greets , Council Bluffs ,
Mirrors , Upholstery , Bepairiucr , Etc. , Wood ai'd ' Metallic Coffina.
No. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
THE BEST BREAD IN THE OIl'Y. Nona but first-class Bakora
employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &c. . , delivered to any part of the city. Oar
Wagons run all day.
P. AYRES , Proprietor.
H5ii fm n
SlZ a , QL
Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands
and a number or Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and N braska.
Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - OOUNTOILi BLUPS
Trade Letter.
Brookton , Mass , , July ] 3 , 1882 ,
Z. T. Lindsey & Co , , Council Bluffs , Ia. :
Dear Sirs : Eeplying to your esteemed favor of tae
5th inst.\vill say that it is afiiot that the advauoe in theprice
of Calf Skins , Sole Leather , and most every kind of Shoe
Stock , taken in connection with the advance for labor we
have been obliged to concede to workmen , has increased
in no fcmall degree the cost of manufacturing. Notwith
standing which fact we are pleased to say your order ,
given us early in the season , will bo filled at the old prices ;
and we hopei by being diligent'y ' alive to the requirements
of the demand for a renlly first-class article , to supply you
with a BE LTER line of coeds than we have ever given you
heretofore. Our purchase of both French and domestic
Calf Skinsi as well ns a large supply of 0ik-tanned Sole
Leather , were made very early in the season , which , being
boueht at former prices , relieves us in a great degree of
the increased cost of production that many manufacturer
are obliged to sustain in filling their orders taken early.
Your whole order for the coming fall season is well m
Imnd , and will bo shipped at an early dato. We desire
to call the attention of those who use our goods , through
the medium of your house , to our new styles in both Hand
and Machine Sowed work. Our French , Medium French
and London Toe goods are all made on entirely new lasts
and new patterns , which wo feel sure will moot with a
just appreciation and the approbation of .your customers ,
With the improvement we have made wo expect to furnish
a more nearly perfect fitting shoo than everbefore , Wo as-
euro you , gentlemen , that we will endeavor to give all your
order our prompt and careful attention , and with these
assurances wo trust to merit the continuance of the many
favors you have boon pleased to bestow upon us , and ,
awaiting your further commands , we are
Respectfully your ? ,
C. A. BEEBE & 00. ,
Wholesale aud lUtall Dealer ! In
Nos , 207 & 209 Bioad7/ay , Council Bluffs7