Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1882, Image 4

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    . . ,
PnV.lahedlavcrj1 morning , oxexpt Bnnday
Who only Monday morning dnllf ,
One YRAT $10.00 I Three Months. J3.0C
BU Months. o.OO | One . . tOC
rOB WEEKLY BEE. pnbllshod ev.
rjr Woduesdny.
Ono Year $2,00 I Throe Months. . 5C
BliMcflths. . . . 1.001 One v 2C
or Newsdealers In the * Tnlteu States.
rations rclatlnq to News und Kdltorinl mat-
era iiliouM bo ( uldrcwod to tbe KuiTOB O
Vex UFF.
BUS1VB83 LKTTEH8 All Btwlneiw
KoUiM ami IlomitUnrcs Bhoald bo *
drcs cd to Tun OMAHA 1'nnLisniNO COM
Ainr , OMAHA. Draft * , Check * nd l
.ffico Ordera to bo made imynblo to th
tdcr of the Company
Ropoblloan Mnto Convention
The republican electors of the ntato o
Nebraska are hereby called to Bend ilelo
paten from the novornl cmmtlcn to meet . .
ntato convention nt Oraaliann Wednwiday ,
September 2dth , A. U. , 1882 , nt 7 o'clock
p. in. , for the purpose of placing in nomi
nation cnndldntca for the following named
offices , vl
Governor , lleutonnnt-Rovernor , secretary
of Btatc , auditor , treasurer , nttnrnovgen
ernl , commissioner of public lan-.ln nm
buildings , nuperiutcndent of public Inntnic
( on ,
And to trammel such otlirr hunineim . . .
may properly como bifora iho enuventlon.
The fevcrnl counties nro entitled to ten-
tCfentattvea in the utato convention tu
1 ollowr , bared upon the vote cant for Inaat
Power * , Jr. , In 1681 , for regent of the state
university : Giving one ( ' ) delegate to cacl
ono hundred and fifty (150) ( ) voter , and on
delegate for the fraction of ncvcnty.fivi
75) ) votes or overj also ono delegate a
limn for mob organised county.
, r
It la recommended :
First. That no proxiea bo admitted to
the convention , except such OH nro held by
persona residing in the countICH from
which the proxies are given.
Second. That no delegate slinll represent
on absent member of liln delegation , unless
lie bo clotlii'd with authority from the
county convention , or in in possession of
proxleH from regularly elected dclcgatca
thereof. JAMEHf. . DAWEH ,
JOHN STKK.V , Secretary.
LINCOLN , Neb. , July u , 1882.
' THE BUCCOOS of the now lylrogcn
g&B engine hoa infuaod now lifo into
the Omaha Republican. That concern
has a largo supply of hydrogen gas in
atoro in ita editorial rooms.
THE corporation editors have a good
deal of ndvico to lavish upon the
alliance and anti-monopoly
It in nlwayn uafo in politics
to discard the advioo of your onomica.
TUB houao of representatives hoa Itbt
virtually decided in favor of admitting ca
Oaboll and Rood from Virginia and dcR
Maine and Smalls and Leo from
South Carolina. That will end the
various contested clootion cases.
THE judtro advocate general , Swuiin , sowl
has decided that the proceedings of the wlVi
Mason court t martini wore irregular Vi
and illegal. This , wo suppose , will go
liberate the old sergeant who is cov RO
ered with wounds received in the nor- of
vice of the country.
Tun reason that the old soldier , 1"
who fought through the rebellion , or lie
the poor native laborer or the hardy wl
emigrant has to go hundreds of miles Co
away for a homestead is because all 01
the land not already pre-empted or 01mi
homostoftded has boon gobbled by the ik
\ ikr
land grant monopolies , ur
Tim government auditor of railroad
accounts , Mr. Armstrong , ia about to
make his oflicial tour of inspection of mo
the land grant roads , and forthwith 01Mi
-j the railroad companies put at his
disposal a special car , fully stocked iiit
with cooks , porters and champagne , itXI
which ho accepts , including his allow XI
ance for traveling expenses. Is this
bribery , or what is it ?
YALKNTJNK'H dork says that his the .
patron saint , Yallentino , haa a reputa IK
tion among his colleagues for frankness - po
ness , manliness , bravery and ability , me
Valentino's Nebraska collpaijues , 01
Sounders and Van Wyok , have found bo
him to be treacherous , untruthful , : > 0Ul
dishonest and destitute of every attribute has
tribute of a manly man. the
TIIK citizens oi Denver have boon clu
fighting the Union Pacific for years ni
with all their might and main. Now ile
the Union PaciQo conns forward with p
a donation of $10,000 toward the ors
Denver exposition. Omaha has stood the
by the Union Pacific and treated that rVS
great corporation with princely liber 01Nc
ality , but the oldest inhabitant does Now
not remoinber when the Union Pa of
cific over subscrlbad oven $0,000 tors
toward any exhibition in Oiuulm. totnt
* . . * * >
Hie campaign plan of the corpora'
lion managers is beginning to develop
They know the people opposed to the
rule of monopolies are largely in the
majority in Nobmkaj hence they
propone lo overcome the people by
dividing them. They propose to
divert attention from the rital issue
ot the campaign by forcing to the
front aide iesuon that will distract the
people andjj uivo thc | monopolies an
easy victory. Eighteen months ngo ,
when the legislature was in session ,
they resorlcd to the same tactics.
They gave silent but active support to
the woman's suffrage agitators , and
brought about n desperate and eicit
ing struggle ever prohibition and
high license , which was kept up
to < the end of the session , and
crowded back and shelved railroad
legislation. Church Howe , the chief
cupper of the Union Pacific , introduced
duced the prohibition amendment , and
Slocumb , a B. & M , attorney , bo
catno : the champion of the high li
cense ( bill. While thcao two measures
were pending , John M. Thurston and
other railroad politicians kept up their
trade and barter with Finch & Co.
on ono aide and the distillers and
brewers on the other until it became
too late for any railroad legislation.
T/io / name programme ia to bo carried
out in the present campaign with va
riations. Down at Lincoln the rail
road strikers are working up a prohi
bition boom. Up in Omaha Dr. Miller
through the Union Pacific democratic
organ is trying to reuse the liquor
dealcra , browora and distillers into n
counter attack. That cunning and
crafty capper of the monopolies , J.
Sterling Morton , was in Omaha not
many days back setting the pins for
the diversion for which prohibition in
Iowa has furnished the plausible pre
text. Thus the various forces of the
railway monopolies are operating in
conjunction to force side issues upon |
the people , while they are preparing
toh capture another lease of power for
the next four years. But these cor
porate minions are not likely to suc
ceed. The people of this stnta will
not bo diverted by uido icsuos during
the present campaign ,
They are resolved to deal with the
railroad issue now. They propose to
take the government of Nebraska out
of the hands of the monopolies , and
tan charge of it themselves. Tnoy
inaiab that the railroads shall no
longer bo cxornpt from their share of
taxation , They demand discrimina
tion and extortion shall bo prohibited
by law , and they know that they
cannot secure such Inws if they divide
on any other issuo. "Whatever their
individual views may bo on woman's
autirago , the liquor traffic or other
questions , they do not propose at this
time to allow themselves to bo dis
tracted from the main iseuo. When
th main issue has boon fought out ,
an the state redeemed from the misrule -
rule of imbeciles , jobbers and corpora
tion attorneys , it will bo time enough
toke grapple with other questions.
It will bo safe for every Nebroa-
kan who desires to overthrow the
domination of the monopolies to fight
shy of all side issues.
Tni'.iiE is a certain opposition to
the renomination of Judge Valentino ,
but it is not indigenous to his district.
sprinus from the febrile but active
brain of that element of the republi oani
can party which is loaat capable , least nihe
deserving and most contemptible. he
lltpullican. it
Mr. Valentino's clerk has a good In
deal more time than wo have to rum- fr
mngo in the dictionaries for high frCi
sounding words. Wo do not know is
whether those who refuse to indorse th
Val. for a third term uro indi tli
genous , hetorogonous or homo is
genous , There are a good many to
them , however , to the tom
square mile , and they are , perhaps , th
fully as capable , deserving and ro- AV '
spootablo oa the crowd of corporation AVmi
henchmen and political barnacles for if
whom Val'a clerk is n mouth pioco. ifdc
Could there bo anything inoro con la
temptible in this wide world than the he
miserable wretch who barters away ox
convictions and principles for place til
pelf/ / Could there bo anything tw
more ) infamous and debasing than the th
uhurlatuu who hires out to a corporate ro
monopoly to write rogues up and romi
lionest men down at their bidding ? in
Any man with a spark of manhood in 01
would rather clean sewers or cart afi
night soil than loud himself to such
Bxocrablo works.
IT is now almost certain that this nil
session of congress will last , through th
whole month. It has by no tu
moans boon n barren session for cor tumi
porations and jobbers. Among the tic
many measures enacted during this or
long session there has on the whole an
boon very little law making for the vice
pooplo. Nearly every important issue viim
been met with studied ovosion or the
< creation of a commission , Most Fo
the time has boon given to private wl
claims and huge jobs , Millions upon sir
millions have boon
squan peen
dered while the country at largo Is on
ground down with taxation and clam inj
for epeedy relief , The temper of ob
members seems to grow worse obWi
with the heat. Mr , liutterworth , of Jay
Ohio , in B dispute with Mr. Cox , of ill1
York , managed to roach a depth HH
which loaves boi
greatness all competi nnd
out of sight. And ypt the house , nave
instead of expelling him , Accepted a BOI
ue'A nuogy'nnd ; it is alleged I
that his conduct will not in-J
jure him with hia constituents.
If this is true , Buttorworth repre
sents a constituency that ia princi
pally made up from the Blums. It is
becoming apparent that the nations
constitution must bo amended in
many important particulars to relieve
congress from much of its work and
put a stop to the ( system of jobber ;
that is now so prevalent.Vu mus
relegate all private claims to tin
courts , atop omnibus legislation and
empower the president to veto any
single item in on appropriation bil
which ho deems contrary to the pub
lie interest. As it is now nearly nl
the appropriation bills are held
back until the last days o :
the session , and the moat vil
lainous jobs are attached to thcsi
appropriation bills , The prcsidon
has no option. IJo must either ap
prove the bill just os it haa passed
with all its iniquities or cripple the
government by vetoing bills that appropriate
propriato money to maintain the army
nnd navy or the civil branches of the
public service , The result is that the
president is compelled to sanction the
most gigantic robberies , and there is
no remedy until omnibus legislation ia
forbidden by constitutional amend
Congress and the postofQco depart
ment uro wrottling with the problem
of expediting the Pacific mails , Iho
problem : is to shorten time between
Washington and San Francisco ono
day , Now , if this is their honest
object , there ia already n route
whereby the dc&irod saving of time
can bo effected without increasing the
cost of mail carriage to the govern
ment. The time tables of the trunk
lines between Washington and Omaha
by the way of Chicago , ao compared
with the time table of the line be
tween Washington and Omaha by the
way of the Ohio & Mississippi and
Wabash system , chows a difference of
twenty-four houin in favor of the lat
tor. In other worcs , without expe
diting the speed of any trainer
or adding any trains to the
existing system of transportation , the
Washjngton , Baltimore and Philadelphia
phia mails can bo laid down at San
Francisco by way of Cincinnati , St.
Louis and Omaha in six days , whereas
it takes seven days to transport the
mails from Washington to San Fran <
cisco by the trunk lines that center
in Chicago. These who handle the
Pacific coast mails , as now transported , '
are well aware that it takes six : hours C
longer to deliver these mails at the
Missouri river by way of Chicago ,
than it does to lay thorn down at the
same point by the way of Cincinnati
and Bt. Louis ever the Wabash. The ]
delay of six hours breaks the con
nection with the overland mail train
and thus detains the mail eighteen
hours at the Missouri river , while the
other train by the way of the Wabash
system makes close connection , and
therefore makes a round saving of
twenty-four hours.
On , the ether hand , the Pacific
CO mail going east roaches Omaha
at 3:30 : p. m. , lays at the Missouri IIn
river ' transfer two hours , roaches Chi I (
cage the next afternoon , and is de 'tJi
livered at Washington by no train 8
earlier than after nine p. m. the next
night , which is literally after deliverycc
hours , and makes is no batter than if
roaohod there the following morn-
Ing. By the Wabash system the mail he
from the Missouri river will roach \
Cincinnati in twenty-five hours , and Jc
landed at Washington at ono p. m.
the following day , which gives ample
time for its delivery in the city , and
a saving equivalent almost to oigh'
teen hours or a business day. It is t
matter of fact also that the bulk of
the overland mail originates at
'Washington , Philadelphia , Balti <
mnro and Cincinnati , and could
the postmaster general would
designate the proper route be by
landed , at San Francisco twenty-four
hours sooner that it is now , without
expediting any mail , by simply put in
ting the postal service on the line between - . in
twoon Omaha and St. Louis. But if
the object of expediting or * 'star
routing" for which such a clamor is
made is simply to increase the earn
ings , of the trunk lines that run into
Chicago , then , of course , the search
after a fast mail train is undoubtedly | w
legitimate. Wo take H , however , that
congress has no such design , and that lai an
Postmaster General Howe simply de
sires to give the most olHoiont service
that can bo had for the leant expendi o
ture. In such a schema localities BOth
must bo loft entirely out of the ques ago
tion. Whether Chicago derives great
benefit or whether St. Louis gets
adrantago is immaterial , DO the ser the
ia performed by the BO
most expeditious route for tei
' money already appropriated. 103
our part wo cannot comprehend
congress should appropriate vast
sinus in addition to the present ex Oi
penditure , when , by an ordinary ox- , Ni „
eroiao of business tact with the exist-1
service , the same results can be
obtained. While wo know that the Mi
Wabash route or system belongs to PJ
Gould , and this paper is not inclined
clined to further Gould a interest , wo
willing that Jay Gouldshall have the
benefit of his route if it is the shortest [
if by its use the government can e\
money and improve the postal wil
service , lie
The bill incongress toconsolidato the
Pacific roads has startled Uio country.
The manner in which it was intro- .
duccd , under the disguise and cover
of another innocent measure , has ex
cited the public suspicion and opened
the eyes of the people to the ceaseless
ambition of the great railroad kings ,
Gould , Iluntington & Co , want nl
they can get above and below here
and want it about 4,000 miles long
from Now York to Mexico , taking in
the whole country from sea to sea on
both sides of anywhere.
Just stick a pin on this fact , to-wit
the government gives to th
Texas Pacific 14,309,700 acres of land
such as the Union Pacific sells at six
dollars per aero. Now the road
through Now Mexico , Arizona nnd
California is COS miles long , and , at a
big estimate , will cost not more than
$20,000 per mile , or 813,760,000.
In other words , the govornmon
takes the Lnd which belongs to th
people , and gives it to these million
aires to build a road , and then give
them the road and over $72,000,000
for doing the work. In the name o :
justice and right , ffhcro will this end
Why don't the government build the
road itacli and save the $72,000,000 to
pay the debt and reduce the taxes , or
why does congress not lot the job oul
by contract to the best bidder ? Bui
to take land that actually does not belong
long to it nnd give it to men who are
richer than kings already , to furnish
them the means to build n rail
road and then pay them $72-
000,000 for the work , when
those same men would have been glad
to build the road for the right of way
and other privileges , as an investment
of surplus cash which they had no use
for , is simply public robbery. If mil
lionaires can go into congress and buy
$85,000,000 worth of land , besides
such a charter , with another little book
like Amos , the irrepressible con
flict that Carl Schurz predicts in the
dim future is much nearer than hoover
ever dreamed of.
A Will ot His Own ,
Senator Van Wyck has a will of his
own , and wo are pleased to note the
fact that ho has never been afraid to
express his opinion upon nny measure
since his election to the United States
senate. Grand Island Independent.
liOOl B Llko Business ,
Wo learn that there is to bo a con
fercnco of the members of the Anti-
Monopolists and Farmers' Alliance , of
this Congressional district , at Norfolk ,
August ICth , This begins to look like
business , and will make old political
"Hacks" look sour. Noligh llopubli'
An Imposition.
H. C. Strykor had a horse shipped
him from Iowa this week. Arriving
nt Council Bluffs the U. P. Co. refused -
ed to receive him until Mr. Btrykor
had sicnod n paper , releasing them
from all liabilities. As it could not
bo done hero , Strykcr boarded the
morning train for Omaha , but swears
that ho will ride the horse down from
Omaha and thus cheat the company
out of the anticipated $20 for freight
down < to thin station. Rising ; Inde
pendent. '
A Conundrum
1 believe the Chronicle is not in the
habit of publishing a puzzle depart
ment , but I would like to propound
ono conundrum : If it takes "our Val' '
and Fred Nye four months to convince is
the Interior department that Peter
Schwenk < is honest , how long will it
take M. S. Bartlett and 0. Selch to
convince F. F. Rhyn , John Nelson
and a host of others , who were obliged
od to pay seven dollars for their certificates
tificatos when they proved up on their
homesteads , of the same great central is
truth ? Answers solicited from the
West Point Republican and Norfolk
Journal , Madison Chronicle.
I fa
They are Remembered.
lion. Church Howe , of Nomoha ,
Windham , of Casa , and Moore and
Parry , of Otoo , stood firmly with the
rural and western counties in the late
apportionment , without whom it would
have boon impossible to pass the bill.
For their assistance they should be re it
membered by our people. Franklin
Echo ,
Yea , and they will bo remembered
the people of the first district in a
way they will not fancy. Falls City
And other greedy monopoly agents
the second district will bo treated tic
like manner when the people put
their little slip of paper in the ballot SI
box , Hampton Journal. ,
1 far
Bulletin for Juno , 1082.
The weather for Juno was warm and
wot. <
The number of rainy days and the I'll
amount of rainfall were unusually
largo ,
lUINl'ALL. bo
The average by sections was as fol-
lows : southeast 4.73 ; northeast 8.09 ; ro
southwest 3.7-1 ; northwest 3 71 ; aver- otl
for entire state 5,29.
Average of all noon observations m
was 70. The moan temperature of USi
air was 71.89 , The following are 121
seine of maximum and miunimuui
temperatures : Omaha , maximum at'
10 ; minimum 45.7 ; North Platte , luhi
83.3-38. the
Max. Mln , Mean. tram
Omaha 40 69 0
; 87 3 and
North I'lutto. . . . 87 Cl 0 71 8 amj
DeSoto 88 5 OU 78
WIND. her
Prevailing direction , from southeast. 901
Miles traveled ; Omaha , 0,747 ; North : ioi
PJatto , 7,109.
Highest velocity pur hour , at Omaha , uu
miles ; at North Platte , 53. am there
gOn I the 25th of Juno occurred a
severe storm of about thirty minutes , ,
severe thunder and lightning and v. ,
heavy ; rain. At Sutton half the crops '
were destroyed by hail , but It extend
odonly over a limited area ,
Stations reporting temperature from
three observations.
Atex.'I'olUk , , 71. 12,05
North PiMie. . . . . E. F. Brcftdy. 71.C7.I 4.M
Do Bo o. . . , dim. Set i. , 7e. 7.31
Mllfod . I'.J , Hooker. 09 4.
Table Dock . J. n. I'epoan. 74 8.5
Pownce City. . . . , > ref Oowdy.
Onto . , E b Child/ . 70.S 38
| J T. Trunun. 74 , 4.0.
0. Treat. 70.6 3C3
P , ru M. McKenz'e. ' 70. S4 (
Stations reporting only noon observations
sorvations :
Mlmlon Creek. M. K. WMkir.
C. Crlpp-n. . a IP
P. QtlswolJ. . . 35)
Crete K. K. tcntun. . . 357 ,
Neb. City. J II. I'aroilee. J8.7 13.S !
Button . Or. M. Clui. . 81 4.35
H pci lor . . J. II. Hunt. . . . 73.01 3.m
Fremont I. E. Dfnt.,11. . 70. 70
InarAlc. . 0. W. Knlifht. . 81. 0.71
Stockliatn N. M rko/ . . . . ,1-0.1 , 4.30
llltnlcn Joclllull. . . . 8.1. 2 35
( leaver Creek. Smith 77. 3.17
Ketrncy \V. F. I'lercy . . . . 2.4
Mtrquctti . . . John K'llj. ' . . . . 76.33 J r ,
T It. Dosiri. , . 8.30
De Witt W. F. W re. . . O.&E
Urnck IV. F. Wrldit . fl.
Kid Wllbw F. K.lluck. . . . fl.2fS
R. S. THOMPSON , Director.
Citizens of Rod Cloud Pay for Pollcloi
but Ilecoivo Nona.
UED CLOUD , Nob. , July 19.
To the Ktlltor ot The Dee :
During the month of March a man
giving the name of S. W. Johnson
and repreaonting himself aa the agon
of the Northwestern & Milwaukee insurance
suranco company , put in an an appearance
poaranco at Hod Cloud , Nob. lie
said that ho was from Lincoln , and
had been in the employ of the com
pany for seine time. Ho talked lifo
insurance to the business men of Bed
Cloud , and succeeded in making a few
converts. In April ho made another
visit to the town and took a number
of applications for policies. The
policies were to bo delivered within
fifteen days. Some of the parties
agreeing to take out policies , made the
first payment at once , while others
gave their notes for the amount , pay
able in thirty days from date , that is
fifteen days after the time sot for the
delivery of the policies. Johnson
disposed of as many of these notes as :
he was able , selling them to parties in
th vicinity. Bo also paid expenses
in by him while in the town
with these notes , saying that ho had
not received any money , and was a
little short for the time beine. After
completing his work ho loft the town
and nothing has been hoard from him
since that time. After waiting a roa- u
sonublo period for the policies and not
receiving any parties interested ,
wrote to the insurance com
pany regarding the matter
The company replied that they had ur
turned the matter over to Mr. Moffer ,
the state ngont of Nebraska , and that ,
is the last that has been heard of it.
Parties havu written to Johnson at in
Lincoln but have received no reply ,
As return envelopes were issued it is
plain that seine ono received the let
ters , as some of them have been re
turned. The notes , as many as were
sold in the vicinity have been presented
sented and paid by the parties giving
them , The notes taken away by
Johnson have not boon presented.
Altogether Johnson must have taken
about $150 from the town of Bed
Cloud. .
From the facts given , ono of two
things is certain , either Mr. Johnson 1m
ia doing business in a very careless and in
unbusinesslike manner , or else he is a
fraud of the worst character. If ho bu
the authorized agent of an insurance an
company lot him como forward and Sa
deliver the policies or refund the
money paid for them ; or at least let bu
him write and explain the the cause of thi ca
the delay. He has had two months in
which to deliver the policies ho prom ng'
ised within 15 days. If Mr. Johnson
a fraud and swindler
a , let the facts
bo made public and have detectives at we
put on bin track.
I take it that THE BEE is not in an
favor of keeping such transactions ing
quiet and allowing swindlers and con
fidonca men to escape only to practice
the same thing on other parties , nor
should TUB BUB refrain from censur
ing agents or companies that do busi tlo
ness in such a loose manner and naHI
and failed HI
to fulfill promises , oven if
ia dune in a legitimate manner. fee
St. Luke' * , at Fort Collins , think of
bulletin ) ; a large church.
Abont August 20th , the Leadvillo mil !
will go into encampment.
Telephoulo connection between Hico end
SllverUm is now an aenared fact.
Not n single case of sunitroko baa thus
occurred in Colorado thin Bummer.
Frank II , Crank , n Pueblo cripple , was
robbed of 91,145 while asleep one eight last
A mining camp an the summit of KncI- ;
ueer mountain rejoin ia the appropriate
name of Blue 151.izea.
Mr , 8. Green way , living on the Divide ,
1'oao county , haa raised thin year 1'JOU
lambs from L',200 ewea.
The nevf masonlo temple at Denver will
CO by 100 feet in < lituendnni' , with four
gxiriesatul a basement.
S. I ) . Stewnrt'a tie room of 45,000 rail
road : tlea will be banbed at Laporto. An
other of 30,000 U expected.
Dautel Harrington , n LomlvilU miner ,
killed on tha 13th by a cuve in ( he
mluo ! when ) he was at work.
Two Central City hoodlums , Indicted for
assault on a Chinaman , wore tried on the
12th and will probably go to the pen ,
John Sullivan , at work In thechatn gang
GumiUon , Attacked a policeman with a
bliovel on the 13th and was shot dead by
After being in existence about one year
fulling to defray expense * , the Pueblo
street ar company Ins pulled up ita track
gone out of builnesj.
At Central City , on the ICth , Mr. Os-
boroo tried to iblaw up hia daughter and
husband , Stephen Hosklnp , with giant
pon-der , hi't only took off a corner of their Fl
house , Family dltlicultles ,
Dm Dunmiro , brother of the man who
married Mr a. Ouitoau , lives In I eadvllle
has had luck ever since he went
a immtli ago Three of hia chll-
have died , oue by one , aud to cap the
Bllaiax hia house burned down on the 10th ,
Involving a l ° 3l ° f § 1 , 00. .tiler
Max DIckmtui , J. W. Williams and O. .nJ
Wilnon , tnauagers of tha KniuhU of uri
L'ythfas ball , recently held at Bahiia , have a
been Biicd by a Mies Lillian Browne wh
attended the tall , and was ejected on th
ground that she wni not A decent and re
portable person. Lillie 1ms brought Rui
for 520.000 , and earn * ho will be nble U
prove that she ia a bilglit and shining Ilghl
of respectability.
A the Denver and Rio Grande pawn
c r train from Lendvllle was passing Car
lyle , 18 miles from Pueblo , on the 10th , il
ran Into a large boulder on the track
throning the engine and baggage car dowi
nn embankment into the Arkansas river
fortunately tlieso curs be > amo dctncheil 01
the whole trnln would have been dltchec.
and the result more dhastrcuft. As it was
the engineer , named Glecny , was killed ,
From three to four thousand men nt
engaged in the salmon fist cry along the
Sacramento ilvcr and the adjacent bays
A boy at Di.iira Me.vlows th * other da ;
started tn get a big haul of fi h by stun
ning them with n dytmtnito cartridge , llu1
the cartridge exploded before It I.I ( hi
band , and his funeral followed ,
A land slide occurred lost week about a
n.lie beyond 1'alieade , at n place ulier
there ia n email cut about two hundred am
filty feet long. The earth from the moim
tnin above CJJMO down and compktely filled
the cut , maklni ; it necessary tn ill , , ' the en
tire tnnga out bcfoiotralns could pasi ,
A Merce 1 paper says that cx-Scnatoi
Sharon has purch ifed large tracts of land
in Merced county and will attempt the re
clatnnilon of many thousand acres ol
swnmp and ovoi ( lowed land Included in hi
purch RC. Sharon proposes to irrigate
something ever thirty thousand acres o
George Huoff , Hvin ? at Plymouth , rc <
cently tried to ralto a eick liorfco that liar
madn its bed besitlo the homo , After
coaxing the animal porno time , ho tried to
force It to riio. Instead of getting up the
horte raised its foot and kicked Air.
Huoir In the abdomen , from the effect of
which be died In a few hours ,
Glenn's wheatfields in Colus.t county
cover nn area of twelve equaru miles. To
protect his fields from wild geese he em
ploys forty men armed with repeating
rifles , who patrol his acres aud send bul
lets after every flock of wild geese that ap
pears. In foggy weather when the guards
cannot sco iho cceso have the advantage
and do damage in proportion to its dura
tion. The cost of keeping the guards S
$11,000 year.
Gov , Neil is making a tour through the
northern part of his domain.
The territorial republic ! n convention
will convene at Boise City , August 22 ,
liellevuo had a wholesale jail delivery
on the 7tb , but all the prisoners wore soou
recaptured. (
Lake Pen d'Orcillo , forty-five miles long
ann nine miles wide , raised eighteen inches
in twenty-four houra recently.
Nearly n half million railroad tics have
been < cut above Hailey , and arc piled along
tin river bank ready to 'lent down for the
Oregon Shoit Line. .
The SVmon rivsr sn olter , owned by
dipt. C. 13. It us tin ni d otier Omaha
parties , located at Klnmkimc , has been
idle for A long time , but they expect to
start up August 1st for a sixty days' run ,
Bnllionvillo had a foot race by lamp
light last week :
The Reno Journal says there are 2,000
goats within six miles of that town.
The insane wards of tbfl state have been
removed from Stockton , lleno , at
cost of 51,800.
There is a water war in Witinctnticca
between : the water company and the town
authorities , in consequence of which the
water has been turned oil from the court
house , and the trees and grass on the lawn
are < withering for want of water.
Lee and Graham , two cinvicta confined
the Oregon penitentiary , made a break
fin liberty on the 10th. They were obsmed
by the guard , who ordered them to hall.
No attention being paid to the demand ho
tired at Graham , killing him. The other
was caught ,
The i work on the middle channel of the
Columbia river bar is progressing favorably
and a depth of eighteen feet hm been ob
tained ; nnd'it ia intended to increase it to
twenty-four feet. The eouth channel is
tilled up.
Anew evening paper is to established at
Salt Lake.
One i sheep owner in Utah has lost two to
hundred Iambs this xpriog by eagles carry
ing ( them off. J
The I Denver & Rio Grande road is now
building at the rate of two miles a day ,
and will close the gap between Denver and
Salt Lake in December.
A twelvs-month-old child of Mr. Woodbury -
bury , of Salt Lake , dipped a stick of
candy ; in a can of concentrated lye , and
then ate of It. Immediately afterward
ehi was taken eick , and died in grea
Dgony ' the following day.
At Salt Lake , on the 10th , while a
stranger named 11. C. Kino wan riding in
carriage in the lower part of the city , he
was halted by a robber , who shot him in
the breast , inflictinc a dangerous wound ,
and was then relieved of a purse contain
$300. _ _
Never Give Up.
If you are Buffering with low and de.
reased spirits , loss of appetite , genera
cbility , disordered blood , weak constitu ama
tion , hoidichc : , or any disease of a bilioiu
nature , by all means procure a bottle of
Klcctrlo UiUers. You will bo surprised to
the rapid improvement that will follow ;
you will bo inspired with now life ; SJ
strength and activity will return ; pain and
misery ! will cease , and henceforth you will
rejoice In the of Klectrio Hitters. (
Sold at fifty coats a.hottle , by C. F. Good-
for all diaensoa of the Kidneys and (
It linaopcclflo action on thlarnoatlmportant
orcan , enabling It to throw oil torpidity and I
Inaction , etlmulatlag the healthy secretion ;
of tha Dllo , and by keeping the bowcla in free
condition , clfoetiug ita regular dischargro.
BUl al at''i IfyouaronuUerlngfrom
IWIdlciricli malarialiavothochUlfl/
are bllloaa , ilyspcptlc , or constipated , KidJ J
ncy 'WortwillBurclyrcliavo&a.ulcldy euro. ]
In thl Ecacon to clcanio tbo System , every
ono should toke a thorough course oflt. ( SI )
Embody now 1882 lml'r temen'i. More
practical tovur ; Coat loss t ? kcip In E
; Uiulosn fuel ; m vuu moro teat
a larger volums of pure air ' 'uu any
uruaco madu. '
Sold by WEnCEY & UlUDFOnD.Oiiulia.Neb.
Is n I'o ltlvo Cnro
Far nit Ou 1'nlnful ComrlnlnUnnJ WenVnes > C4
no common to our bc t female population.
A Mpdlcluo for Woman. Intcn til br n Woman.
I'rcparcd l > r n Woman.
Tto flrrfttpil 8rdral ! DUtarrrj Store tb ! > of lUftltry.
WH rcrlrcs the drooplnfr plrU , Invigorates ani )
lurmonlics the onranlc functions , elves elasticity * n < ]
flrmneis to the step , restores tlio natural 1 astro to tbf
cj-e , and phnta on the pnlo check of wamin the trcslj
rows ot life's spring and curly summer timo. >
| 57 Physlclans Use It and Prescribe It Frccly.ld
It removes fatntncss , flatulency , destroys all cmtlng
for stimulant , and relieves we knru of tha ntomaeh.
That feeling ot bearing down , causing pain , weigh )
and backache , Is nltrars pcrmitipntlj- cured by Its ute ,
For the cnroof Klilncy Complaint * of cither ici
tliU Compound I * uuturpamcd. |
will eradicate every veslliro of Humors from thi
Blood , nnd Rive tonu and Btrcncrth to the system , ot
in&n woman or child. Insist on having It , I
Doth the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepared
ntSMandSVJ Western Avenue , Lynn , Masi. ftlcoo !
cIthcrtL Sii bottles for $3 , Sent by mall tn the form
of pills , or of lozenges , on receipt of prjcc , 91 per boi
for cither. Mrs. Plnkham freely answers all letters ol
Inquiry. Enclose Set stamp. Scndforpamphlct ,
No fnmllr-hould bo without LTDIA E. rrtKHABTl
LIVKtt. I'lUJ. Ther euro constitution , Llliousnesa
nnd torpidity of the liver. 8 } cents per box.
lil by all I > rugnlMs.- 0)
Can Be Handled By a Boy.
The box need never bu tilten oil the wagon and
all thofhulled
Grain and Grass Seed Is
It c stnleii than the old ufyle racks. I'icry
standard wagotl Is fold with our 7-iuk cotiiplo i *
Or buy the attachments a" npplv thorn to
jour old waijon bos. f'or silt 1 i\Vorui > a by
J. C. CLACK , T/ncoln.
llANNiKa& UK.SS , Oaiahi.
FRED tfKDDit , Orurid Island.
lUaaLKrr & CHURN , llastiniw.
CilARLMi VcimoDEKn , Columbia. *
SrANoaiK& KU.NK , Hod Cloud.
C. II. CRANE & Co. , Hed Oak , Iowa.
L. W. IlUBsBL' , aionwoo\ low .
And every ( Irst ola dealer In the west. Ask
them ( or descriptive circular or send direct
, McCallum Bros. Haimfg Co. ,
Office , 21 West Lake Street , Chicago.
1 . - . „ . -.paisallothers lor oisy rldlnir. etyle
and durability.
They nro for sale by all Leading Car
riage Builders and Deal era throughout
the country.
For ealo by
Henry Timken ,
Patentee andBulldrr of Flno CarrUc g ,
Are acknowledged to be the
best by all who have put them
a practical test ,
MANU\CTJlii ( ! : > BY
Piercy & Bradford ,