Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1882, Image 2

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City Engineer's Explanations I
In Reply to County Surveyor
Smith's Criticisms.
The following , in reply to ti com
munication of County Surveyor Smith
criticising the North Omaha eowor
plans , was presented by City Engineer
ilosowalor to the con.mittco on water
works and sewerage , and embodied in
their report at Tuesday's session
of the council.
To the Honorable Committee el tt'ntcfworln
nnd Sewerage !
GENTLEMEN : In deference to your
request , I submit the following in re
sponse to the criticisms and sugges
tions of Mr. Gco. Smith relating to
the North Omaha sewer pinna no\
under construction :
First of all these plans were not de
, signed in a star chamber nor kept hidden
don from the public as ono wouh
suppose from the communication o
Mr. Smith. On the contrary , when
they were completed they were sub
milled to the city council , together
with the figures embodying n complete
ploto and thorough analysis of the
question , and after duo consideration
in council , I was instructed , together
with a npccial committee of the conn
oil , to meat the citizens of Nortl
Omaha and submit the plans for the !
consideration. Two meetings won
hold. On both occasions Mr. Smitl
was present. The details wcro explained
plained and maps were exhibited am
the members of the council who were
present , and citizens of North Omaha
will bear mo witness that Mr. Smitl
offered no objection or suggestions
touching nny change of plans and it
fact wan ono ot a committee , as the
records will show , who drafted roeo
lution which was presented to your
body to carry out that plan , with the
addition of mi extension from the
Lluffr , our present terminal point ,
cast to the east line of 15th street.
In view of thono facts ia it not
rather late for him to como with criti
cisma and suggestions for changes
after the contracts are lot and work
has boon begun ? Dut it is duo to you ,
to myself and the public , that the
points raised by Mr. Smith bo proper
ly answered , that the public may
know how utterly groundless they
III arc. I will answer them in the order
they are made.
1. "Dry digging. " By this Mr.
Smith intiirm'cBiind has circulated the
otatoinonla among people on street
corners that by constructing the sewer
on Nicholas ntroot no water would bo
mot to contend with in construction.
Although thia is immaterial to thocity on
the contractor has to take care of tlrb
water , this statement is wholly incor
rect. I have taken the height ol
water , only last Saturday , in a well
upon Nicholas street , east of Six
teenth , and find it to bo three feet
above the level of our sewer , proving
conclusively that there is no drier
digging ono block north than where
wo aro. The only difference there
would bo' is that instead of flowing
from the couth , it would come from
the north , side of the sower. The
fact in relation to water is thai
the recent rains have thoroughly satu
rated the ground everywhere ant
springs nro flowing now that at the
same timu last season were dry. As
evidence , I cite you to the collars an
IGth street , which have had standing
water in them for ton days despite all
attempts to pump it out. This water ,
it is known , does not como from the
streets , but from springs in the bottoms
toms of the collars.
1. "A natural and secure founation ,
upon which , only stability depends.
By this Mr. Smith intimates the newur
has no good foundation , another plain
error , for no bettor foundation than
the hard blue clay , upon which wo are
building can bo found , and every
mechanic in the city win examines
the work will say so ,
Dinr rou BACK-FILL.
3. "Dirt for backfill. " By this
Mr. Smith intimates wo will need
dirt for backfill on the plans being
carried out. The fact is wo have an
excess. Mr. Smith ia evidently labor
ing under the delusion that wo have
contracted for a sewer on the river
bottom , Whereas personal inspoo
tion or an examination of the coiv
tract and plans which ho assumes to
criticise would show the contrary to
bo the case and inoro than this in all
my recommendations I have advocated
a sewer along the blull'a by way of
Chicago street , taking , in a measure ,
the line of the old creek ( the natural
drainage line ) to the river who ruby
the bottom can bo crossed and the
river reached with only 700 foot 'of
artificial foundation and nil that part
of Omaha north of Parnani and west
of Ninth street bo drained thereby , as
it was formerly boforu the crook WHS
cut through at Izard Htreot. .
3. "About 300,000 brick saved , "
etc. Another error ; even if admitting
that 381 f eot , as referred to by Mr.
Smith , is caved in distance , it would
bo Nearer 200,000 brick , liul the fact
is that , taking the plan in its entirety
from the head of the sewer to the
river , there is no losa whatever ; but
even estimating the distance to the
foot of the blulls east of Sixteenth , it
is 180 feet further by the Nicholas
etroot line than the leard strcot line ,
a fact that Mr. Smith very strangely
G , "Throo hundred and eighty foot
of 81 feet sewer unnecessary. " In
this objection Mr , Smith naturally
would lead us to infer that the sewer
is designed simply to discharge on the
bottom , without regard to ultimate
outfall. This certainly is not a very
professional method of designing BOW-
erago systems. While it is true the
ditch upon the bottom 1ms boon
adopted as on expedient to tempo
rarily carry the north crook to the
river , it never was recommended nor
endorsed as a part of nny sewonrgo
plan by myself , but on the contrary I
have designed the flower line to
extend nlong the bluff on
the upper bench west of the
Bt. Paul tracks , whereby the section
of th city formerly drained by the
old crook before It was cut off ut Izitrd
street may bo relieved of storm
waters. But assuming for a moment
that the bottoms are only designed to
bo reached , has it not occurred to Mr.
IX Bmith that from the east line of Six
teenth street to the foot of the bluffs
an Nicholas street it u 270 foot ,
whcrowi by the way of Izard street I
is only 8 ! ) feet , u saving of ever 18 (
fcotby the route adopted over the on
ho suggests.
5. "Two elbows. " That is a term
that may do for an unsophisticatoi
laborer , but considering tha
the curve to which ho applies tha
term has n radius of 100 feet , no prac
tlcal engineer will consider the fric
Uonal resistance duo to this curvatur
of such grave consequence as Mr
Smith would indicate. Perhaps Mr
Julius Adams , for many years chic
cnpinoer of seworngo of Brooklyn
and now editor of the Now Yorl
Engineering News , is equally as goo <
authority as Mr. Smith upon thia sub
joct. Ho says in his work on sewerage
ago , speaking of sewers having
velocity in excess of two and ono-fml
foot per second , "No special pro
vision is needed to moot the retards
tion on the curves of the sewer i
properly built and with sufficient ra
dius , which latter should always bo as
largo as possible and never less that
twenty feet. " In view of the fact tha
wo have on the lower section of sowc
nearly eight inches per ono hundroc
foot and henro a resultant velocity o
ever ton foot per second , and our curvature
vaturo on a radius of ono liundroi
foot , five times the minimum size ro
forrcd by the authority , Mr. Smith's
objections to elbows , as ho terms
them , seems rather far fetched.
Mr. Smith adds Hint ho is satisfied
there nro many other objections ,
which can bo found upon duo investl
gation. This , considering the un-
tonabiiily of every objection actually
cited and unreliability of allegations ,
la certainly a remarkable piece
of advice , especially in view
r\3 already stated of ita being made
after work had been begun , and in
; ho face of the fact that work was ad
vertised before the letting of contracts
nearly six weeks upon the prcson
ilnns , of which ho had as much occa
lion to know then as ho has now.
while Mr. Smith Ciiagoraton the
imount of brick in a section 381 fool
eng to the extent of 90,000 brick or
12 per cent in excess ot what it really
s ( a very strange oatimato for an on
; ineor to tnuko ) , ho takes occasion to
luigmotit thia extraordinary exagara-
ion by naying ho also saves 384 fool
of sewer that is , ho estimates the
Driok in the newer counto that as so
nuoh oaved and then saves the ROWO :
tsolf , a sort of double discount no
lomprohonsivo to the ordinary mind
Trusting this to bo sufficiently ox
[ ) lioit , I am very respectfully ,
> City Engineer.
DrncRlt'i Testimony-
II. V. McCarthy , dnigctist , Ottawa
Out. , stales that lie WOH aflllctcd with
clironlo bronchitis for anine years , nnJ wni
completely cured by the use of TIIOUAH
ELKOTIIIO On. . july7dlw
Elommleconcoo of the Career of a
Great Politician and Party
From an Interview by Oath.
Returning to Qoorgo M. Edmunds
"yon did not say anything abou
" remarked "although
Edmunds , I ,
fou began on him. "
"Well , Judge Edmunds is a pecul
ar Ynnkoo product. If ho had gene
west twenty-five yoara ago ho woulc
mve bson a braider man , though ho
could hardly linvo bcon a bettor law
yer. IIo is a liberal-minded Yankee ,
ilayn his game of poker , takes his ted ,
md draws a good deal ot his inspira-
ions from the state of Now York ,
vhich is just opposite his homo at
Jurlington. lie is the only Now
St'gland senator who has had much to
lo.with railroad law. IIo has boon
ho lawyer for the Vermont Central
md other modernized corporations ,
ind has boon brought into connections
ivilh worldly inon , and consequently
10 is much less of a Yankee at present
him ho wua ton years ago. Even
hen ho rather protested against the
narrow line laid .down for the
republican party by Sumnor.
loaaw that the old republican elo-
nont in the sonata was joaloua ol
3rant , and determined to break dawn
ho administration if possible , and
horoforo Edmunds represented the
founder Generation of Yormoni boys
those who wont to the war and
vent to Grant's support , Ho was
rory unjust , I may say. to Sumner ,
nd spent unnecessary tlmo in merely
xasporating that dogmatic , but kind-
latured , man. Edmunds did not
are much about the tastes and rover ,
ncos of Sumnor. You sou Sumner ,
rhllo an abolitionist , was n very or.
hodox follow , IIo drew all hia ox-
mplos from [ the British parliament
nd British constitution , and from our
arly revolutionary history. Sumner
ad no business with railroads or
chomore , and was not a monoy.Kook-
ig lawyer. His field and bed wcro
mdo in public life and ho carried the
annor of the north on his crusade.
IdnumJs was attached to the ropub-
can purty , but had no part or lot
rith the abolitionists in it. Ho
: iought Sumner waa a bore , and
ticorod at his long , verbose orations ,
'ho reason Massachusetts would not
omo hoartUy into the support of
Idmunds at the Chicago con *
ontion , wlion it Boomed at ono
mo possible to nominate him , was
lat ho had nnggcd Mr , Sumner too
ard in Sumuor'a old ago , when ho waa
icurablo , and suffered very much
rom opposition , Edmunds was a poor
oy , brought up In the back part of a
arm liouso in the neighborhood of
urlington , and ho got his education
rith Bomo difficulty , and ho never
amo to Washington until 1800 , after
10 close of the war , Ho was , thoro-
uro , a now quantity , and had been
pared the exhibition of the avarice
nd rapacity of the contractors , the
nmodeaty of generals , and the bitter
rranglitiKB of the political leadore.
lo was appointed to thq senate by the
ovornorof the stuto , and waa so con-
orvntivo that ho wont with General
Jcliuuck and others to the Johnson
onvontlon in 1800 , which mot at Phil-
delphia , and was designed to crowd
adicallsm out of the republican party ,
nd ex-rebela como in where radicals
md been , The revulsion against thut
onvcntion among voters of the party
vas so immediate that Edmunds has-
oncd to slip back , and therefore lio'
oted for the conviction of Andrew
loliiisoii on the articles of impeach-
tent , which I never believed was a
uir vote on hii part , and ought to ro-
urn to plague him yot.
Ho wrote out his view , and it ro-
wins on record , and la the aamo post-
tion that Conkling assumed thirtcei
years later , when ho fought Oarfieli
on the removal of Itobortnon ,
"Hero is a eontenco , " said m ;
friend , picking up the impeachmen
trial in my library.
" 'Tho caao , ' said Mr. Edmunds , 'i
the removal of a faithful officer
neither accused nor suspected of an
other wrong than ndhoroncn to th
duty the law imposed upon him , because
cause of that faithfulness and adhcr
once to duty by n President of th
United Stated , who determined there
by to counteract and defeat the law
because ho bpliovod , or professed t
bolicvo in a different policy of hiaown
In my opinion , no higher crime no
graver violation of constitutional duty
no not moro dangerous to law or to tin
liberties of the nation can bo fount
within the reach of the Executive. '
After reading this my ncquaintanc
then turned to Edmunds' doscriptioi
of cho senate of the United States , n
the cloao of his opinion saying : "An
gust , benignant and supreme upoi
the complaints of tha people's repru
sontatives , it brings to ita judgmcn
seat judycs and presidents and all the
ministers of the law , no station too
lofty or powerful for ita reach , none
too low to escape ita notice , and sub
jocta them alike to the serene ant
steadfast justice of the law. The
mechanism of government can do no
inoro for society than this. Thoao
great powers , at once the emblem , the
ideal and the realization of that orderly
dorly justice which is the law , wo
must this day exorcise without fear
And so acting there can follow no
possible reproach and no dotorimon
to the republic. "
"Those words , ' resumed my friend ,
"uttered by Senator Edmunds enl ]
the second year alter ho entered the
senate , are a test , it seoma to mo , o
his conservatism. The removal o
President Johnson under the articles
of impeachment would have inaugur
ated a system of revolution comparcc
to which the electoral count squabbles
were n small matter. I cannot sub
scribe to the idem that ho is a g'roal
lawyer if ho gave that opinion as n
lawyer , and if ho only gave it as a
partisan ho used the words of hypoc
risy. His record in the sonata con
lists first in his vote for President
Johnson's ccnvlctinn ; second , of hia
support of Grant in every aggressive
measure ho took , oren toward his fal
low senators ; and , third , the genera
services of Mr. Edmunds , which have
boon on the whole meritorious. I
scorns to mo that ho haa learned since
ho came to the senate , and there are
nome Indications that ho has loarnec
too much , for ho i * nowlnrdly a load
ing quantity in the ei-nnto , and i
would aeom that the presidential fever
had got into his bones. "
The Philosophy of Gloves.
"It's a curious thing about gloves , '
said the proprietor of a glove cleaning
establishment to a Washington Star
rcportor-a few days ago , "but they
will toll you a great many things
about the character and habits o
their wearers. Now , I have boon it
the business aomo time and handled a
largo number of gloves , and there is
no doubt in iny mind , from a pretty
wide observation , that they become in
certain respects like the wearers. For
instance , 1 can toll the disposition of a
person from looking at a pair of gloves
that have boon worn. "
"Why , how in the world can you
do that ? " asked the reporter , curi
ous to loam this now art of reading
"Well , look at this glove , " said the
philosophical cloauor. "You observe
that the fingers nro straight and ex
tended , indicating that the hand is
: arriod in an easy opor manner.
Nbw _ takoa look at these gloves , " ho
continued , producing a pair of gen-
demon's kid . "Hero
glovou. you pro-
ooivo the fingers retain the bent ,
crooked shape in which the hand is
usually carried. You can , of course ,
find ladies' gloves showing both these
shapes , but I merely selected these as
[ happen to know the owners. "
"But what does the habit of hold-
ng the hand indicate about the character -
actor ? " asked the roportor.
"Simply this , " was the reply. "Tho
open extended hand is an indication
of a generous disposition , while the
cramped , closed hand is a mark of an
avaricious , parsimonious nature , Now ,
f you know the owners of these
gloves you would agree with mo that
.hoy were truthful interpreters of the
real characters. I hnvo observed thoao
differences in the shapes of gloves
'rom handling such a largo number ,
and they seldom mislead mo. "
"But do all gloves differ in this par-
ticulart" questioned the roportor.
"Far.from it , " was the reply "Tho
glove is the only key to humon char-
actor. They are bettor than the so-
called science of palmistry and phro-
lology , and can toll you moro than
ho boat spiritualistic medium , "Hero
s a glove , " continued the expounder
of the now science , "that Is pulled
nd stretched out of shape. The
awnor is impetuous and impulsive by
inturo , and docs things with a rush
nd dash. Such a person never sits
own to take off gloves , but jerks
liom off in a hurry , impatient to bo
oinp something. This glove , how-
vcr , " taking out another , "belongs
o a methodical , easy going sort of a
orson , and conscquontly it ia not out
f ahapo and has a rather pampered
ppoaranco. Then this other glove
s bunched out and ia strained at the
utton , a sign that it is a size and
lore too * small , That glove to mo
ooks as vain as a peacock. "
"I should think that the delicacy
f the color of a glove might bo an in-
lication of the refinement of the
roarer , " ventured the roportor.
"To a certain extent it is. But
lowadays the color and shade of a
love is governed entirely by the cos-
umo. Still , you can toll a good deal
bout the physical condition of a per-
on from the glove worn. "
"You can , " eiaculatod the reporter ;
'well , I would like to know how ? "
"Itis ust In this way. Wo fro-
luontly find gloves of this color stained
with black streaks , and by oxamina *
ion of the cause of the discoloration
t is found that it is occasioned by
ron coining from the blood through
ho perspiration. Then wo find light
trenks In the gloves , and that is an
ndication that there is a good deal of
imo in the system. In the sarao way
A great many other facts about the
ihyeical condition of people can bo
ibtalnod. A person m the laundry
msiness can always know the oharao-
or , habits aid : physical condition of
tis customers , " concludod'tho philoso-
her , aa ho turned to wait on a CUB-
-omor ,
His Ihoconciirrtnt tcatlmonyof.tbc public am
thomedlclnil fro'cftlon that ilottcttcr's Hiom
cli Hitters I a medicine hlch ichloui rtiulta
speed/ ! felt , thorough and benign. Dctlile net
fjlnplhcr disorder. It Iliv'tfontcs the feeble , con
quern kidney nrH hUdJcr rompmlnla , and hia
ten ! the corn ftlcsccnco r > f Ihoto iecn\crlnR fron
enfeebling dl'eucfl Moreover , It Is the gram
ipcclflc for fever and ague.
For gala by all dnigirUti and dealers generally
_ jl teal
TflADB MARK 0 , . 0tcfttTIU.Dn - WABX
cdy. An un
failing euro
for Seminal
Weakness ,
rbcn , Impot-
cncy , and all
Solt'Alm o : M Lews ol Memory , Uniterm ! LM
tude , Pain In the n&ck , Dimness of Vision , Pro
matura Old ARO , and many other Dlrcaece tha
lead to Irmnlty or Consumption and a Prema
tuio Grave.
OrFnll partlcnlara In our pamchlet , wblch
wo dcslro to Bond free I ? mnll to every ono
2TTho Bpoclfl cUcdlelno la ( old by all druggist
at $1 per package , or 0 pack igcs for 8D , or wll
be sent free by mall on ro * Ipt'of the money , b'
ajdroaelng ] TUKQRAY UED1CINE CO. ,
Buffalo , N. T.
To Nervous Sufferers
Or , J. B , Simpson's Specific
It ! B a ] X > 9Ui | o cure ( cr Hr ermatoirhcM , Somlci
WcoLaow. Impotnncy , and all dlocisc.s rcroltlrjt
Irom BclI-Abu , 11 HcnUl Anility , Looi
Uiniory , Palm in tt c Hack or blJe , itntl dluci\6r
/r ? , rti H x- Insanity n
M 3 ff The Specific
" Modlcbe la
2s 8 fe J ? being with vtondor unm
Cut Kuccrea.
oont frtu to ell. Writs for tticm aoJ pet Full p > :
Price , SpoctSo , til.CO per p ctttge , or tlK pic *
ages for t'.W , Address all order * fi
U. 8IU.10N 1IP.D 0 NE CO.
Nos. 104 and 100 Miln Ht. llutfslc , N. T.
Bold In Omaha by 0. ? . tiondman , J. W. Boll
J. K. lab. and all drncrteUmrnry where.
r In'any stage
Catarrh ,
Old Sores ,
Pimples ,
or any
Oures When Hot Springs Pai ]
Mivum , ASK/ , May S. 1881
Wo have cason In onr own town who lived at
Hot Springs , in J were finally cured with S. S. 8.
MMfiM fc MrmitT.
IF YOU doubt , como to aoe ua nud XKWILL
OURE TOUR Oil charge nothing I I Write foi
lartlailars and copy of tittle Book ' 'Meuago
o the Unfortunate Sutferln ?
81.UUO Rnward will bo paid to aoy
chuml > t who will find , on analyils 100 tattle
B. S. 8. , ono particle of Mercury , Iodide Fotai
lum or any Mineral substance.
BWIFI BPE01KIO 00. Props ,
Price of HmaU eiie , 11.00.
Largo size 91.76.
Sold by K1LVNAED BHOS. k 00
d DrazuMt Gonertllv
8so , mmi urn.
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
From Omcihaund the Weat *
A trains leave 0. & M. Depot , Omahu : Nub.
o oH nje ot carl biitrecn Onutw tuid ti.
and but one between OUAHA md
tnilra llnu U cuiuiipod with allman'i
alia ) Sloculr.t Ctrl , Ptlioo lf Coacbw , Jdll ri'4
afoty rittlorm ind Coupler , and thu
/caunirnouoc Alr-bnko.
X.VSW that your tick it re d VIA
oad , vh Si. Jotvph tn < i Qt , Loulr.
Tickvu ! or sale ftl tit ooupnu ctitloci In lit
Vf . J , r. I1ABNAUU ,
0. DAWtB. Oeu. Uupl. , Ht. Jdxuh.U ( .
Q to tua. and Ticket Aft. . St. Joseph , Ml
AJDT BOKCUI , Ticket Agiut
1W3 Varohaia ttnit
W. J.UlTUFOBT , Ucueisl AgtiuL
O . i IHJ K
1'realdent. Vice I'rw'l.
W. S. DiiiU a , 8oc. andTroag.
Lincoln ,
Jorn Pltintoru , Hrrrowa.Fttrm Rollera
Hulky Htiy HrtllOd , CUCROC KlOyatlUff
Wlndmllltf , &o
Wo are prepired to do job work and mauufao
urine for other [ uirtloJ ,
AJatm all orders
Lincoln , Neb.
Iliuuc mcuiD ruup role * ( or the aotl-moupoly
jairue. oouUlulo ; itaUiuvnt of prlnclplo uict-
od > ol procedure &nd Instructions bow to organ-
ewlUb out on ptillcatloo to 0.H. Otlt ,
jrMi > . Union it mp. mU-1
Mrs J. O Robertson , Pltttiurp ; , Pa , writ " 1
& 4 snfferlnzfromKcticral debility , want of ap
petite , confttfpatlon , etc. , so that life was a bur
den ; after using Uurdock Blood Hitters I fcUbct
tor than for 3 cars. I cannot praise your Dlttcr
too much. "
U.OIbba. nf Duffalo , N. Y. , writes ! "Vour
Hurdock Illci. Vlttcrs , In chronic diseased of the
blood , lUcr a J kldncis , lii\o been signally
mirkcd with euccess. Iht\c u < ed them mjBcl
Hh best results , for torpidity of the liter , and In
CASOO ! n friend of mine suffering from dropsy
the effect was marvelous. "
Bruce Turner , Itochcstcr , N. Y. , ) rites : ' 1 have
been subject to tcrious disorder of the kldncjs
and unable to attend to business ; Hurdock Blooi
Hitters relieved mo before half a bottle was used
I feel confident that they will entirely cure me. "
> Ancnlth Hall , nlnghimpton , N. Y , , wrltec
"I suffered with a dull lain through my ct
lung and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appetite
and color , and could with dlillculty keep up nl
day. Took j our liurdock Illood Hitters as dl
reeled , and hao felt no pain since first n cck at
tcr using them. "
Mr. Noah Uatoa , F.lmlra , N. Y. . writes : "Abou
four } ear * ago Ihvlanattivck of bilious fever , am
nc < cr fully rccoxcred. My dlgcsthe organ
were weakened , and I vould be completely pros
tratcd for iln ) s. After using tw o bottles of you
Hurdock Illood Hitters thel mprovcment as BO
> lslblo that I wan rutonlsh.'d. I can now. though
01 jcaraof age , donfalr and loosonablo day's
0. Blivckct Koblnoon , proprietor of The Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto , Cnt. , nritcs : "Forbears
I Buffered greatly from oft-recurring headache ,
used j our Burdock Hlood Hitters with happier
resulto , and I now find mmolf In better health
than for j tars post , "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo. N. Y , writes : ' -I hav
used Hurdock Blood Hitters for ncncua and bll
lous headaches , and cnn recommend It taanyon
requiring n c r for bllllousnoss. '
Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , nrltes
"For several } ears I hmo tufleialfrcm clt ircur
ring bllllouH headaches , dyspepsia , and com
Glalnta peculiar to my sex. since using jou
urdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. "
Price , el.00 oei Rattle ; Trial Dottles 10 Ctt
FOSTER , MILBDBN , & ( Jo , , Prop
Sold at wholesale by Ish tt McMahon and C. F
Ocodman. Je 27 cod-mo
Dlsoaso Is an effect , not a cause. Its origin I
within ; Its manifestations without. ' Hence , to
cure the disease the CAUBK must bo removed , am
In no other way can n cure over to clleUcd
LIVER CURE is established on Just thli
prmclplo. It realizes that
95 Per Cent.
of all diseases arize from deranged kidneys an
liver , and it striken at once at the root of the
difficulty. The elements of which it is composed
act directly upon these great organs , both as a
FOOD aod RE8TOHKB , and , by placing them In a
healthy , condition , drive dlacaso and pain from
the system.
For the Innumerable troubles caused by un
healthy Kldnc8 , Lher and Urinary Organs ; for
the distressing Disorders of Women ; for Malaria
anil physical derangements generally , this grea
romi dy ha no equal. Beware of Impostors , Im
Itatlons and concoctions said to bo just as good
For Diabetes , as for WARNER'S SAFE
For sale by all dealers.
mo Roohoator W. Y
The Great Lngiish Kemedy
Never falls to cuie
iNcrvous Debility , VI-
Ital Exhaustion , Kmls
Batons , Seminal Weak-
ilHOOD , and all the
Jlsvll effects of youth-
llful follies and oxcca-
'lies. It stops perma <
Incntlyall weakening ,
| oluntary lossi s and
Idralns upon the SJB-
Item , the Inevitable re-
m. . . "suit of these evil prac
tices , which are so destructive to mind and liody
and make life miserable , often leading to Insani
ty and death. It strengthens the Nen cs.Iiraln ,
[ mcmorHlood ( , Muscles , Digestive and Kepro-
ducth o ureans , It restores w all the organic
lunctlrns their former vigor and vitality , ma
king life Cheerful and enjojablo. I'rlce , $3 a
bottle , or four times the quantity $10. Sent by
express , secure from observation , to any address ,
on receipt of price. No. 0 , O. D. sent , except
on receipt of tl as a guarantee. Letters 11
questing answers must Inclose stamp.
Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills
are tb ) beet and cheapest dspepsla and bllllous
euro lu the market. Bold by all druggtits. I'rlce
60 cento.
Da MnrriK'H KIUNIT UXMIDY , NsruniciTM ,
vuresill kind of Kidney and bladder complalnte ,
gonorrhea , gleet and leucorrhca. Tor sale by all
dauggltU : $1 a bottle.
VISOIhoSt , , St. Louis , Mo.
For Sale In Omaha by
if iuu ra n n lit Toanroi.
of bU-ino-tnv\tau ( ' IDIID of U'V
loflln ni
.tour Uutlei iiTOic * 1 work , tt rci
tort * brain ncrrpantf
Hop Qittera. | nu < t > Uku Hop O.
It you tire yonnit aim I 1 Mittcrlni ; fi-oui any Ji.
illtoutlim or ill klia | | liuiii iryouartjn r
rieil or iliiKlo , old orl , 'ouaneulfcrlnp ( rctz.
l > otr > * f aKI or languish I iluu nit A txxl el * ic
iieta. rely un Hop ! 1 Blttera.
Wiw er yonani.
wL nercr you Ucl | , n jail/ from ti > mc
llial your U'liu I ) rorni ot K I u n e >
iif ixi clu > ii5m ( { . tou. 1 um ( hat ruiKlU
, ' \
, nwjbfeui're\tnttic
! uym tlmoly tuoot
take Hop Hoptltteri
, 0,1. O
. > narucom-
If an bocui-
tiiafni , lUteutv
and IrrLiiUt-
* -
ot ti < * rumucA.
HOP Lla c u r e ( ui
hautt * . Hootl , druuLonnon ,
UHU O u4U | D ,
You will tie
cuttdlflou * ee
Hop Bitter *
fls ! . . Buxltoi
wenk ud
r > l
JoH - Hlrltcdtrj NEVER Circular.
Hi It may
nvo your FAIL
ili'o. It hne co. ,
juved hun- .A.t
areUs. A T' route. Oct.
roji l-.Jol * D Inch to
width la the ctunwit li > lU or Bno t il ll
II doiM all Lludt nJ btylci ot | l&ltlog In tua.
No Udjr that Jo i her own druu nuklce un
ittorJ to do wltbuui ODD u olco plMtlo ; It
Docrootot Uitaloo , Ititocnlt cclln lb ll , For
Uicblnre , Circului or Agcofi Urmi tJdrew
CONOAR & 00 , ,
US AdoiuiBt. Cbicaco
\VB. Jf , li. JOHNSON
Storage , Commissioji and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Peck & Bausliers Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour
, - - -
Boots and Shoes ,
O. IB\
Window and Plate Glass.
taTAnyono contemplating bullulni ? store , bank , or anyothcr fine will find It to tbctr ad
vantage to corns ontl with ua before purchasing their Plato ( lla s.
. O. ZMZCmG-.A-ST ! : ! ,
1213 Farnhem St. . Omaha.
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
j-BTx-J V
> CS 3EEI , &S CS
1020 Farnham Street ,
& CO. ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
" A
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
SASH , DCC S , BUNDS , N10LDIKGS , lim , GEM ?
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA J3B B
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor , Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.