Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1882, Image 1

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A Conflicting Variety of Ron
Concerning Affairs in
Egy&t ,
A Water Famine Threatens t
Depopulate Alex
Arabi Strongly Bntrenobed
-Short Distance From
the City.
The Porto Again Urged to Send
Strong Force to Egypt.
-v ,
The Urltlsh Expedition to Consist c
20,000 Mon.
Nntton.ilAnn ciated Preis.
ALEXANDRIA , July 20. Arabi's out
posts are approaching Alexandria.
The British troops are recounoitoring ,
It is not known whether Arabi moan !
to attack the city. This approacli
creates much excitement , as Admiral
Seymour ia not well prepared for anv
vigorous attack.
July 20. The
porto has answered the identical note
of the ambassadors of the powers. Ilo
proposes a now conference.
HOME , July 20. Tlio government
ot Italy is restless over English occu
pation of Eyypt. I ho prcsa unanimously
declares intervention
ously Anglo-French
tion iu Egypt a moral injury to
MADRID , July 20. The govern
ment is jealously watchimj England's
action in Egypt , and has determined
to place a gunboat ; it each end of the
Suez canal ,
LONDON , July 20. The panic among
Christians in Tripoli is increasing.
ALEXANDRIA , July 20. Admiral
Seymour has been notified by Do
Losaupj , who arrived yesterday , that
the guaranteed neutrality of the Saoz
canal precludes the passage of any
gunboats , and that any attempt to
pass any would bo resented aa a
every day. The natives interpret En
gland's delay as inability to right on
land. Arabi'a Eeaute already surround
Rpmleh , seven miles out of the city.
Excitement is occasioned by news
from Constantinople of the sudden en
ergy of the Spanish government. Or
ders first came to the ambassador to
station ono'Spanish iron-clad at each
end of the Suez canal for the purpose
of escorting Spanish mails each way.
A later order changed to place three
iron-clads at each end for the same
LONDON , July 20. Despite Glad-
htono'ti formal statements to the house
of commons that ho had no knowledge
of any invitation to Indian troopa to
assist in the occupation of Egypt , it is
learned to-day at the war office that
the government ib active at Bombay
securing transportation to E ypt of
men and mules.
Dilko stated to tlio house o.f com
mons that the conference decided
Jiiifcland was free to taKu what steps
she thouuht necessary to protect the
neutrality of the canal , us that had
mi heaving on the Egyptian qnoxtion.
poiiu agrees to join a conference upon
tlio iindui-iitandini ; hia doing so won't
change the policy of the western
iin'Attra toward the porto.
JjONDON , July 20 , A special mooring -
ing of the cabinet is called for 2 p. m.
It ia understood it is for considering
npfccial advice from Constantinople
and discussing warlike preparations.
Hurried orders have been sent to
Woolwich for a million of coatridgp.a
and atmy trains are reaching Wool
wich for transportation to E'ypt. ;
LONDON , July 21 A dispatch from
Cairo soya : At a meeting of Pashm ,
* r Ulomas and notables. Ar.tbi Bey pro
posed the deposition of the khedive ,
and Sheik Hassan proposed a holy
war. Both propositions were rejected ,
and a deputation w,3 appointed to
wait on the khcdivo and obtain bin
views in regard to the situation of
ALEXANDRIA , July 29. There is at
present only ten days supply of watvr ,
with little prospects of obtaining
more. The governor of Cairo threat
ens to cut the fresh water canal
which supplies thu luhumua of Suez.
LONDON , July 20. ThoJJoabinot de
cided that the Enghnh expedition to
Egypt shall numbar 20,000 and to bo
commanded by Wolsoloy. U
CAIRO , July 20. It is reported aim
Arabi is preparing to cut the Nile at
dykes , and the greatest floods over BU
vitnessod will take place about August Wi
/7th. The inundation of the entire th
country is feared. th
English government has instructed
Lord Duflerin , British ambassador , to
inform the other members of the
conference that the porto's answer to
the identical note regarding Egyptian nana
affairs is unsatisfactory , and in the
ovoin of that government failing to na
intervene by promptly Bonding a strong
Turkish military force to reatoro order
in Egypt , English forces would ba Ni
LONDON , July 20 , In the house
of commons to-day Gladsti.10 * U thr
though the porto had joined thn coi
fcronce , the sultan was silent t. ' r <
gixrds sending troops toE yph Glad
stone also announced ho would
demand a credit to strengthen th
forces on the Mediterranean.
ALEXANDRIA , July 20. A recon
nassanco by order of Seymour , ro
suHod in the discovery that Arabi'i
position is strong. Arabi's army hai
already diverted the waters of Ma
homondioh canal into Maruit lake ,
As this canal supplied Alexandria
with water , the city must depend
upon cisterns. Those were recently
filled , but it is believed most of them
wor destroyed or rendered inacccBai <
blo 'during the bombardment. The
excitement is increasing. A council
of war has just been hold horo.
n imminent. The old lloman wolfs
> r cisterns cannot bo cleaned and
filled for weeks to como , and the ships
in the harbor can only condense
enough water for the use of the crews
and troops. Ni thing remains for the
populacj but flight to thn Suez valley.
Porto , in joining the conference to
day , did so understanding that such
action would not change the relations
of western powers to the Porto.
A Cairo letter to The London
Times nays : I was glad to see how
much of the banks are now cased
with stono. Trees jrrow with diffi
culty in the sand , and their roots suf
fer from the salt water. A sandy
bank is carried by the wash of thu
steamers in the deep water channel.
But this fltono casing resists the wash ,
ind when it is complete the company
tvill bo able to increase without dan-
jor their regulation speed. Wo mot
ivith no obataclu for two hours. In
; hia great highway of nations wo saw
10 life save the wild marsh birds , and
; ho waatu of water stretching away to
; ho yellow deseat. There are
; area or passing places every
'ow miles , where the deep water
way is widened from twonty-four
iO fifty yards and sometimes more ,
ind a signalman system stops or allows
o pass the ships according ai the next
un ia free or occupied. Wo passed
ho first garo successfully , but at the
ccond the ball was hointed above the
lag , whiuh , in canal language , means
'go into the Biding. " Nothing came
iy before sunset , when all traffic
eases , and wo lay in the quiet moon-
ight with every intention to proceed
t sunrise. Uut when I came up next
lornint ; to see the start I found a
ept of great ships , each with its
oisy little tug and yellow flag at the
laslhoad , ( .lipping along in single file.
t was a grand way of realizing the
ork ot the canal. Nineteen vessels
ont by , averaging , our captain told
10 , 1 , COO tons burden. All save two
irried the British flag. Three were
rammed with pilgrims , forecastle ,
tain deck , and quarter deck , ono
lass of life. Even the boats were
ill of them , and from under a canvas
vninc pooped the veiled faces of
omon. Ono lot wera Russial pil-
ims from the Caucasus savage-
eking fellows in fur caps and black
oaks ; the others were Algerians and
'oors in turbans and bunous. The
at of the ships were cargo-laden ,
ronty-two and twenty-throe foot in
o wator. All went by safely until
o seventeenth , the Scotch Grays ,
me. She wont a yard or two out
her course , and at ouca was
round. She had passed us , but
hers had otill to cotno , and there
is nothing for it but to wait till the
etch Grays got free. Hawsers
: ro made fast to stern and bow on
her bank , and , afrer an hour's
outing , and steaming , and wincing ,
0 big ship swunc Into place again.
10 rest came by without disaster , and
1 got under way at 11 o'clock.
The canal is not big enough for the
Dsont traffic. Shipping to the exit -
it of over 3,000,000 tons passes lore
rough every year , and it is steadily row
the incrcaso. Ships have to wait robi
iir turn , and much valuable time is bi
sted at either end and in the pass- inP'
) . The accommodation may bo in- P'
aaed in two ways. The whole lie
gth of the canal may bo widened
aa to allow of ships passing each
icr everywhere. Such a work would Btl
; not bo difficult , but it would bo th
y costly. The deep water passage PI
uld have bo than 16 ]
to more double in
Ith , as the alow speed makes ateer-
difficult , and ships in pasiiug
uld require plenty of soaroom to mi
iid accidents. Tlio present width
wonty-fivo yards would to bo raised dii
iixty , but it would not bo necessary fol
ncroauo the width of aur/aco of the oh
, onvay , which is already 100 yards Iu
inbaiik to bank. The second mode of IuCi
rt-aaing the faciltios of paas go is of
ro feasible , and has much to ro- Nt
intend it. It consists in a consid- Oi
lo iucroaso in the number of gares It.
wssing plasos , and in the length- of
ng of these already in existence. to- -
> ro are at present thirteen , and trc
Y might easily bo increased to da ,
nty. The same precautions now Tli
diced would be still enforced in tot
passing of ships. The block sys-
, would bu carried out from fare to
3. The buoying of the passage is Nat
ady excellent , and there- would bo
increase in the danger of fouling wil
jamming. Tlio consequence of na
i accidents in so narrow a water-
' as the canal are ao serious that I Nat
ik , on the whole tha increase of
garea ia most tn bo recommended , Of
ono or the other improvement ia
joasary. on
General Foreign Now-
nal Associated Vitas.
ARIS , July 20. Froycinet'a rcsig- Nkl
on will not bo accepted by Grovy.
ruvy has accepted Goblot' resig- 5M. 5
on , M.
onal AfBoclated 1'reua ,
URO , 111. , July 20 A slight shock Nat
irthquaU was felt this morning , 1
ng u quarter of a minute. COI
fl. Loud and Ludicrous HOT
by the Bjrarlwns of Ohio.
The Liquor and LabY > rlnS Me
Tickled With n
hogany Stick.
The Monopoly TBBUG a Sid
Show to the Main
Political AsaoMmonti nnd
Ballots HnrrovrB Up
Their Soali.
Political Points From Other Places
Ohio Democrats-
NatlonM Associated I'rou.
GOLUMHUS , 0. , July 20. The dom-
ncratia atato convention elected John
Q. Follott , of Cincinnati , temporary
: hairman. Soimtor Goo. II. Pondle-
ton was made permanent chairman ;
W. J. Gleason , of Cuyahoga , secre
tary , with 0110 assistant from each dis-
; rict.
John W. Oakley , of Franklin , win
onominatod judge of the supreme
iourt by acclamation.
James W. Newman woo nominated
or secretary of atato on the third
Henry Woiblo was nominated for
riombor of the board of public works.
doptcd are as follows :
The democratic party of Ohio , in
anvcution assembled , rcaiUnua the principles which are the founda-
on of free government , among
Inch aro'equal rights to all , special
rlvilVges to none ; protection of the
oak against the encroachment of the
.rongj equal taxation , frco speech ,
uo press , frco schools , and , first
c all , a free and uncorrupted ballot.
llcsolved. That stability in the value
! money in a primary question to the
industrial and commercial pros-
jrity ; this can only bo secured by
aintaining bolli gold and silver us
oney , us provided by the constitu-
nn , and subjecting llio issue and
gulation of paper money to ostab-
shed principles , which will prevent
ictuaUons in the value of the cur-
Resolved , That the growMi of mon-
lolies is such as to seriously lesson
0 rights of individuals and public
jlfaro , and ought to bo provided
ainst by proper legislation.
jRcsoh-cd That favor honest
, wo ro-
rm in the civil service and denounce ,
e extortion of money frorn'Tim'co-
Idors to corrupt the ballot and con-
)1 elections as the most threatening
it is the most insidious danger that
sets a free government , and the
imelcss resort to such methods by
1 party in power to carry its ends
idonccs thn utter abandonment of
nciplo for place and spoils under
js rule.
Resolved , That wo denounce the
iklesa extravagance and profligacy
the republican party m the appro
ation of public treasure , which
mid bo applied to the extinction of
i national debt , and wo believe the
10 has como when by honest and
nomical administration of the gov-
mont the burden of a war tax
ich the people have so long borne
I whioh in the end fells upon labor ,
y and ought to bo reduced , but wo
lounco the attempt of the ropubli-
congress to reduce taxoj on those
ch's which inure to the benefit
the rich.
lisolved , That it is the duty of the
eminent to protect its citizens ,
ivo born and naturalized , at homo
abroad , and wo demagod a search
inquiry into the alleged outrages
imltted against our people in Iru-
1 , Ilussia and Mexico.
lesolved , That wo favor a tariff ,
cd to meet the actual needs for
mui ) , and so adjusted in its details
i a view to equality in the public
Jens , aa to encourage productive ,
mtries and afford labor juut com-
sation with out creating monopo-
'csolved ' , That the democratic par-
has over maintained , and still
dfastly adheres to the doctrine of
largest liberty consistent with the
lie welfare , and is opposed to log-
ton merely sumptuary.
lie demccratiu state central com- atd
eo to-night elected Clarlc Irvon , of d (
Vernon chairmen YJlan- in
, ; 0. N -
; ham , of D.ijton , uecrotury. The in
iwing executive committee was
un- John G. Thompson , of Co-
bus , chairmen ; John A. Jlulo , of Nn
sinnati , set-rotary ; J. A. Ilodumcr ,
: ontori ; Alixunder II. Brown , of
Phikdolpwa ; . T. Bishop , of
linnati ; Jacob Monaor , of Gallon ;
\ . Jones , of Toledo ; J. W. Hall ,
jima ; T. D. Thomas , of Wings , Ni
i ; Jacob Iloinhard , of Ooltimbiis ,
uirur. The contest duriiig thu 11 :
was against Pendloton and
but reaulted in a victory on
Governor Alook. Ni
nal Associated Prcna.
rLANTA , Ga. , July 20. Bacon has fn
drawn , and Stephens was iioini- sii
il .for governor by acclamation.
° r
The Sixteenth Illinois. hil
la ) A 8 < xi t < xJ f lean.
.NEV , 111. , July 20 , Aaron Shaw ,
Hnoy , formerly member of con-
i , was nominated this afternoon
10 358th ballot by the Sixteenth
iet democrats ,
The Thirteenth Illinois-
lit Awoclatod
" "
111. , Juno 20. Win.
Springer was to-day nominated
ongroia by the democrats of the
tounth district.
The TarlU1 Oouimiialou. tal
aM Prow .
Awociatlon. cu
NO BIUNCII , July 20. Tlio tariff cuMi
illusion assembled this morning , Su
all llio members being present.
sub-comtnitteo was appointed on tl
order of butvncss and route of trari
Executive r.cssions will bo hold dail
At the Afternoon session preside !
Hayes nppolutcdj.0llvor , Ivonnnar |
I'ortor n committee on the order i
business and route of travel. Tl
secretary was instructed to inform tl
Metropolitan industrial league th ,
representatives could bo heard to-mo
row afternoon. It Is doubtful whotlu
Hloy mil V ° ] lprcbjr time tilno , bt
the commission decided to hear an
ono , i\t the nftornoon soaa.nns ! < '
nirous of testifying as to the dillVrei !
intorosts. llonry Bowen , of 1'liilr
dolphin , is to appear before them Sal
urday , representing the chemical in
( crests of the United States.
Dfltnnorncy nnd Prohibition.
Ndtlonal Afl oc ! toJ 1'rt s.
NASiiviLLr , Tonn. , July 20. Th
state prohibition convontton to-da ;
endorsed Bolitig , democratic candidat
for governor.
Political rContrlbntions in Court
Nttlooal Anoclktctl Proas.
NEW Ynni : , July 20. In tin
United States circuit cnart , crlmiim
branch , in the case of General Newton <
ton M. Curtis , treasurer of the republican <
publican state central committee ,
indicted and found guilty of violation
of the federal statute in collecting
sontributions from federal ollico-
liolders iu this city during last fall's
jlcotion , the judRo decided that the
itatuto was co stitutional and denied
; ho motion for a now trial. The
lentonco of the court fines Curtis
? 500 on each of the two counts of
vhich ho was fotfnd guilty ,
fatlonil Associated Trua.
NEW YOHK , July 20. James F.
Valsh will bo oxccutod in .Brooklyn
3-morrow for the murder of hie
tvcothcnrt , Barbara Groenthall.
HELD ron FonoKKY.
NEW Youic , July 20. llobort M.
conard , said to boa son of the
out of the First national bank of
llegheny City , was urraitrnud in the
alice court to-day , charged with
ir ing the name of Joseph F. Cook ,
: Brooklyn. Ilovas hold for trial.
HTAnnin TO TUK iinAiir.
NASIIVILLK , Juhr 20. Thomas
uling , son of the recorder of the
ty , was killed to-night in a ( lulu
ith Charles Blackmoro. Ho was
abbod to the heart. Blackmore es-
COLUMBUH , 0July 20. J. B.
all , president , and H. N. Hondor-
n , secretary of the Homo insurance
mpany , were nrpjatod to-day for
irjury in making falft'j , returns on
Mavita-toiStnto lusurfoco Suporin-
ndent Moore.
Good Boy.
tlcotl AesociAted Prow.
AiBnQUEr.QUE , N. M. , July 20.
l"oria Coma , residing near Socorro ,
jw Mexico , on arriving homo labt
jht , found Torxian Pachocco in bed
th his wifo. Ho drew a pistol , and
at Pachecoo througli the hoartwhilo
Wife Murderer.
lonul Agsociatod Press. |
VlcKsuona , Miss. , July 20. A.
icas , who was found tied in a sack
1 his wife dead , in a burning house ,
Few days inco , now says ho mur-
od his wife and also murdered a
jro drayman a few months since.
Tpzaa Murderers
loiul Asfloclatocl Press
JANTA FE , N. M. , July 20.---Gov-
or Sheldon to-day received the
vs of an ntrccious murder commit-
in Lincoln county. Three Mexi-
a were herding 9,000 sheep near
Tanagah Mountains in Lincoln
nty. On the evening of the day
nlioned a man , .fuck Crow by
no , hailinc from Texas , and a dos-
ado , and a companiun , rode up to
camp and wanted to stay there.
> y all had supper and then
it to sleep. During the night
w and his companion got
secured the Winchester rilles
ho Mexicans and then commenced n :
i upon the sleeping men. Two btl
ipcd up and made their escape in tlti
darkncsH , ono of them being ti
indod. The third man , Jose in
, rles y Pine , was shot three limes tr
killed. Crow and hit man tlion w
bed the camp and rode olT. The tl
Mexicans made their way into tli
ito Oak arid reported the matter at
a shoriira pease started at onoo tl !
r the murderers , Governor Shel- Ol
to-day issued a proclamation oll'er- 111
11 reward of 8500 for each of the til
dorors , who are reported an going Yi
ard Texan. in
Died of Old ABO
) nal A-noclatfil I'rcm.
Ohio , July 20 M. A. an
: ngor , aged 108 , died to-day of old
Killed liy UH niuo. |
anal Anothteil I'ntn.
ibc-iNhATJ , July 20. Oathorino
[ { ins , aged 25 , while driving a.
10 from the track , wau killed by anne Tl
no , Btl
Pi toln , ur
onal Associated I'ron8. of
IIICAQO , July 20 , Fifteen deaths of
i lockjaw have occurred hero ofwi
a the Fourth , caused by injuries an
Ivod from toy pistols. The coron- tci
jury recommends legislation pro- tciTJ
ling their sale. ca
Fatal Collision. if
aU AococlUeu Prune. ifco
HIE , PH. , July 20. Conductor coH :
os McGibnoy was instantly killed , de
Brakeman Thomas Gray fatally tei
red , in a collUion of the Philadol- tu
& Krio road ut Wurron , Pa. , this
Senator Htll'a Condition.
nal Auoclated fi w. Ml
PLANTA , Ga. , July 20. Senator
is weaker than yesterday. Ilo an
s nourishment with great difli * seth
r , Ho dictated his will to-day ,
y boliero ho will not survive until thHi
lay , Hi
How the Struggle of Ireland
Right Agaiiiit England's
Might Progresses ,
The Dynamite Triumvirate pr ,
oBlow Up the
Repression Bill.
Plot to' Cawturo Princes *
and Expcotod Arrival of the
New York Fpcclnl to Chicago Tlmoj ,
The London Times of the fth mat ,
contains seine curioua disclosures concerning >
corning the operations and plain ) ol
what is called tlio dynamite section ol
the Fenian party in this city , which
there is good eoini-oflicial police reason
for saying ore , in the main , correct.
The correspondent appears to have
been coimniBsicncd lo ferret out all
thu facts of thu case from sources that
were likely to bo well informed , and
the result of his inquiries may bo sum
marized thus : "Though the headquarters -
quarters of the organization are in
this city , yut men are engaged in for
warding it in every largo city in tlio
United States , though outaido of Now
1'ork their chief abiding place is Chi-
: .igo. While O'Donovan Rossa was
it ono time thu projector nnd condtic-
or of the party , ho is not now , nor
ins he been for seine time in any posi-
ion to control it , or to oven learn of
ts s"crot doings. In fact , thoinjh
inccio in hia views
or thu conspirators to trust him ; and
hile hia United Irishman's ' society
irectory were the general managers
f the business , they used him only as
figure head. They directed opera-
Ions generally without his knowledge ,
nd on this account Jlossa junt now is
i a somewhat dissatisfied condition
F mind. Thu chief managers aru a
iumviratu composed of Dr. Shine ,
poarman and Byrne , with HO mo leaser
ghlK ; but the lender in Dr. Shine ,
i some respects an influential .Now
ork Irish domocritic politician , who
ia hold some < Hi 301 an I was a phyai-
Mi of ronu Thu funds are eon-
elli ti b ! > j.i rjtm , , uid these hiivo
i liini/i. in Minted to f xn § 20,000 to
! 0,000 Hatred of 15 igland is thu
ainapring of the movement , and
3 chief object is to harusa the
ivornment at uvory vulnerable point ,
* destroy the lives of pflicialo that
ere moat instrumental in oppressing
eland , and to show the English gen-
villy , by the dostructi n of property
id public building.that ) it , ia for
oir interest to make peace with"1
eland on the beat terms and to lot
ir go aa an independent nation.
10 dynamite party , wu are further
formed , has permeated the Land
iague , and has been aided by many
i both sides of the ocean who wuro
L'h in that body. They have a rog-
system of cipher cable correa
ndonco with friends in Iroh'.nd ,
igland and Franca , so conducted
at it is impossible to find thorn out ,
10 discovery by the British detectives v
the infernnl machines that wcro , ,
it over last summer , packed in bars -
s of cement , led to n radical change
their plans. A scheme was laid in
) vest to
0 was expected to accompany the
rquis of Lorno on his recent trip
Manitoba. The conspirators formed
1 project of swooping down upon
and keeping her as a hostage until
i Irish suspects should bo released ; 8 |
us thn princess did not come out
Ortiwda the plot failed , because the
Lctives had wormed it out , none
ir a warning , and she prudently
mined in England , Last autumn
y planned an expedition to Bur-
dn , and selected men to go , with
iow of blowing up the govern-
nt floating dock there. The IIhi
arrived out ando hi
'i ' all safely ,
oautioua to in
o proceeding by ntops
cute their mission , when , the Bur- frat
da authoritioa acting aa if some- at
y hud informed thoin what was in a.of
to return of
wind , they were obliged
'iow ' York , Auonts of the society so
Canada visited Mon 01
t wont to ,
ti , Quebec and Halifax , and finally til
it to St. Johns , N. B. At Halfax Olm
ru wuro war vessels , but none of m
n weiu in position to bo vulnerable ,
bu to undertake ID
no ono oould got IDh
task. At St. John they found an h
aloop-pf-war in charge of u watch- fnTl
i and it was determined to blow
up. They wont back to New bi
k to gut thu material , discovered thmi
few days from seine developments miwl
t. John that
tin * too WHI abandoned. Accord- . . ,
to The Times correspondent , how- tin Wi
, the society in persevering in its on
inc. Last winter they opened a
n < ]
munito school" in the city , and
a man with a Russian name to de- .
looturos and give instruction
11 the rnarufacturo of explosives ,
school was opened in Chambers
to :
at , but the pupils were mostly th
ight over from Ireland , The loot- thwl
wont on until it became a subject wlWf
remark , from the regularity
ttondance , when another place of
got on the outskirts of Brooklyn , IK !
instruction given at irregular in- 01
ills , so as to disarm nuspiclon , 111 !
pupils are all bound by oaths to Ot
y out the ordera of masters whom til
' do not know and will never sue ,
10 orders are communicated in a gri
nin way , indicating their author- hope
The writer gnus on in detail to
ribo the various patterns of in- peNa
ul machines this suhuul nro IIIMV
ting , The equipment of tmrn Na
ilars , ho Bays , in now the chief
ness of thu coiibpinitora. It is
U | )
intimated that the
Mil. 1IUUKK lw
Dxpoctod by the Now York junta HHCJ
i to arrive here by way of Franco. CJW
iqutry to-day rovoala the fact that W (
instructor in dynamite with the liv
oiaii name in ono Prof , Hczorofr , | he
who c.imo hero ft year ago. Ho is a
ablochunmt. Dr. Shine denies thr
ho is in any way concerned with th
dynamite buaincxn. Mossrs. Spoai
man anil LJyruo , who are refcirod t
in The L mrlou Timen letter , are sup
posed to bo George Spearman , n shit
maker doing business in Third avenue
and 1'Mwnrd IJyrno , a plumber , botl
well known Irishmen ,
6'Donov.iu llossa said to n Worli
ropotlor to-day of The London Time
article : "The greater pitt of tha
story is true ; but I don't ' care to aa ;
what parts of it are true , and wha
parts are false. Wo have a chemicn
nchool in operation , and our pupil
A o soleolod with care , Many of then
como over from Ireland. "
OHIO * ao >
to The
saysTltf .canvass of the strikiiij
' nmo"B * " ° Diisines
to U8llil
iXfund8 * (
men of the ty
their cause hn not .ho ° " very Bllr
* ! . ' < " < , of
ful. Mr. DMin
linn of Packai-o1 .t Jixrao - nn ,
member of the trpocial com
freight grievances on the ! . „ , . .
board of trade and tratuportflv , ° "i
laid ho had been cU.'od upon toffou *
.ributo , and had talkird with the men.
ind ho did not think the striken ! had
> POII as ouccossfnl aa they nnticipatod.
iVhon asked what the cauao waa ot the
ailuro to respond , Mi\ James said
hat it waa due in n great meaiairo , in
lit ) opinion , to
rho did not wish to put thomoalvoa
r the firms they represented in a
osition of antagonism to the railroads
; nt their interests should auller by
njiut dincrimination. Ono could
: arcoly comprehend , ho added , how
morons 11111117 business men are in
'gnrd to giving ollunao to the corpo-
xtiona. The uonimUtou of the
oard of trade and tninsp'jrta.
on , after consulting with conn-
; 1 , had tsauml a circular ou'uring to
ndoitako the redreas of grievances
insed by the failure of tlio corpor.i-
on to recoivu and forward freight
ithin llio last fuw weeks in accord
ice with their implied contract as
iminon carriers. But allhouyh thu
) ard promised to bear all the expense
id take all tlio trouble of prononiitinu
eir claima , and thu complainants , <
rnished by thu committee , very fuw
aponsca liad , relatively spuaUing ,
en received. Shippers were afraid
at if they gave inonuy to sustain the
rikcs , or put their names to any sub-
ription on their buhalf , they would
'conio marked men , and would bo
nlod privilctoa by thu railroads that
> ro essential to the transaction of
eir business.
suiting from" the block'iido , BIr. F.
Thurbor said that the indirect
mages were greater than the direct ,
is firm is in receipt of letters from
puts saying that orders are now
ing by thu acoro to Philadelphia
d Boston that formerly came to
) w York , and old customers write
it if goods cannot bo shipped from
iw York in a reasonable period they
ist elsewhere , "Of "
buy course , ] (
d Mr. Thurbor , "most of this trade
II como back to Now York when the
nation is Bottled , but meanwhile
maands of dollars have gene else-
ere that ahould have swelled thu
furs of Now York houses. " b
nsaa Vlaltod by a Devastating
atorm HOUBOS Unroofed Crops ai
: lal Dlsjatcli to tlio Ololio-Dcniocrat.
'OPEKA , Kansas , July. 18. Pnrtio- oi
rs of the tornado in llico comity
iday morning were received here oifn
lay , the atorm about the center of fn
reka township moving almost due fnwi
k. It untoppod a few wheat stocks BU
Moaes Nowla ; picked up a board
ig in Morehead's yard , and whirl-
it around hit that gentleman in the SI
d , cutting a gush about two inches SISI
length ; gathering up the steps ca
n the porch of his houeo lei
carried them off , then
pt through the open door u i
hU houao and turned things th
owhat topsy-turvy ; then it passed
gathiirim ; power , till it reached
Evingor place , one milo south and
eaat of Kansas Centre , and nine
m north and ono milo west of Fu
us. Here it fell upon the build- 01 :
i and implements and inndo sad InOl
30. Thu houao was a substantial Ol
10 , lined with concrete and rock , no
roof WUB lifted and carried away , I1K
probably owing to the concrete , in
real seemed too heavy , and it > vaa sin
lied in upon ilaulf into the collar , pn
; h in this cibo would have been a hoi
h trap for any who might have
; ht refuge. Fortunately the IIOUBO Nat
unoccupied , The burn , a subatan-
framu building 20x1)2 ) , was swept
rely away , not a single board Lc
sliver being left to mark the spot for
At this the SU
ro it fitood. point
in turned northeast , toward thn for
lenco of Thomas Lindaey , but , (
g a little to the west or his house , w :
down his granary. It then passed
ugh a corner of the corn field and LB
> nod it to pieces ] then on north- ]
of oat Blacks domol- bit
1 to a couple , -
ig them , nnd alio three largo ricks
heat. About 100 yards to thu Nat
li four moro ricks were taken ,
k Lindaey , in thu same neighbor. me
1 , loat hia entire crop of wheat , Hal
fanners auHorod heavy losses
ar , at
iiir thr siting the com liolda with atbn
Thu loss will
t fury. iimotint bn
iftiiy th 1'isanda ' of dollars , and falls So
ily upon our farmorB , who are du-
lent upon thu j car's crops.
\7tiiyplnu Hostile * .
nal AuuuutuU 1'ioir , mi
Arizona , July 20. An afi
tgoment between Major OliHlluo , eh
mandiiiK troops of the Third and ul ;
h cavalry and n band of fluoini ; oh
ilcs from Sail Carlos is reported toi
aving tukun place near Fort Yurdo , in ;
Hue's loss is two killed and BOVOII in
uded , Thu Indians loit twenty' o\
bucks , bvsidoa a largo number of oho
08 , ( pu
Tlio Farcical Trial of tne Star
Route Casoa Nearly ( Hosed ,
The President of Guatemala
Doiner the City in
Great Stylo.
The Northern Fnolflolinnd Grunt
Tlio Burnhirj of the
The Hovonuo bill nnd Election Casoa
Occupy tlio Time of Congress ,
Nutlonul AstecU
WASHINOTON , July 20. Iu the
route cases to day Col. 1'igorsoll , Joro
Wilson and Oon. lloakio made orgu- J
incuts for the defense on the motion
to quash the indictments , followed by
Mr. Merrick for the government.
Attorney General Browster waa pros-
out , seated at the government table.
1'lir.HMIKNr 11AU1UOS ,
, f uatomala , paid an ofilcial visit to
Ito sU 9 department at 11 o'clock to-
lay. fv"0 wna roooivcd by the socro-
ary , ni.'ii w'wvn ' around the city. The
abinot ? * > unbiud tt the white houao
1 1 o'clock , ' to bo present n't Ills ro-
iption by President Arthur , but
lirough a nitflundorstanding Barrios
id not come. At 2:110 : thu cabinet
dicers left. Tim visitor's failure to-
iop his appointment has given rise
i Bonio feeling in orernmont circle ? .
i Is understood to-night Uarrios nnd
lito will bo received to-morrow.
The report prepared by the minor-
7 of the house committee on judi-
try , declaring the forfeiture of lands
nnted to the Northern Pacific rail-
ly company , and not o.yuod under
isting actti , nnd declaring it should
the policy of the government to-
thhold any further patents of lands ,
U Lu submit tec ? to the houno as seem
it is conoidorod by two of the ab-
nt luoinbara of thu committoo. Five
the fifteen members have already
[ nod ii ,
The naval court of intyiiry to inves-
; ate thu burning of tha atuamur'
idgors in St. Luwronco-bay , Siberia , ,
wombor SO , 1881 , submitted a ro-
rt , in which thu court states thab it ?
, s unable to discover tha origin of
u fire , but bolfovcs it wai-causad by
gntanpqaa combust ion. ZJTo blaniufjU
attached to the commanding officer" *
crow. All hands are commended
: their exertions to save the ship.
10 court believes further inquiry un-
Fwo hand grenades have boon found
thu yard of the district jail. It in
iovcd they were intended to do-
liah thu prison and blow up Gui-
u. For Homo reason they were ol-
ed to rust and corrode.
onal Associated 1'rcsn
VASHINGTON , July 20. The sonata
a vote of 35 to 21) ) voted to take up
revenue bill , after which efforts
o made to take up the naval ap-
priation bill instead. After a peal -
: al tilt between Senators Voorheos
, Harris , a desultory debate on the
rlts of the b 11 followed until 5:30 ,
m a vote was taken on the pond-
ainundmont to strike out the tax
milk capital , deposits , chocks , &o.
t-1C to 41.
ho first committee amendment ,
ig the tax on tobacco nt 12 cunts , ,
adopted , 39 to 0. At C p. in. the <
ito adjourned.
ho houau voted on thu Smith-
Hey case at 5 u'c'ook ' , declaring
lley nut oloitod , and thu snat va-
; by reason of thu death of Smith ,
lly elected to the placo.
fter an unsuccessful effort to gat
lorum to tuku up thu new rules ,
house at 5:55 : adjourned.
Death of Fanny IPUrnolI.
nal Associated Presu.
fitiKNrowN , N. J. , July 20.
uy L'lirnoll , second oistor of lion.
lea Stuwart Parnell , loader of the
i land league , dietj suddenly at
Ironaidus at 2 o'clock ' thia aftor-
i. She took a carriage ride this
ling , and , returning apparently
ir usual health , woo seized with a
ing opoll and diud. Physicians
ounce thu malady paralysis of vho
ml Associated Prem.
jw YOUK , July 20. Arrived ,
ruder from Iluvr ; nailed , Canada
London , A dratic for Liverpool ,
i of Nevada for Glasgow ; Gollorb
lumburg ,
lEENSi-owN , July 20. Arrived ,
ming from Now York.
jtMiiuuo July 20. Arrivud ,
ing from Now York.
INDON , July 20. Arrived , AI-
na from Now York.
Free Uiillvory Syntoiu-
nal ABooclatcd 1'iees.
ABUINOTOK , July 20. The post.
; or general has ordered the eatab-
nent of the free delivery syatom ,
anton , Ohio ; OoJar ! Upid0 , Iowa ;
itnaisoo , Michigan ; Linciln , No-
ku and Kucino , Wistjoiuin , from ,
.ember lat. _
Rlyor Sijuals-
mal A toclatuJ 1're * .
irrsuuita , July ' ' 20 , A large
ting of river men was hold thui
rnoon to diecua questioim of
iges in bigniils. The opinion waa
: > at umuimuus that tluiy ahould bo
tged back. "Thu Scioto dlsas-
' said Captain Michaels , "was , ia
opinion , duo to thu rouent ohango
ynala aa much aa to any other
ie. Tlio nuw law revised timo-
ared things , and it ought to be ro'-
od. "