Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Thursday Morning , July 20.
By Carrier , - - - - - SO ccnt ; per
By 1111 , 910 00 per Year.
Office : No. 7 Pearl Street , Nonr
UAYMC & OniFFIK , Uaiujrett City Circula
H. W. T ) LTON , City Editor.
Sliorrndcn rrmkc * i > liotcgrfti > nB.
I'innos nml organs to rent at J. Mud
Tlitco to nix pieces of tntitlo for lOc , nt
, T , Muflller'g.
Fo SALK. A frcfh tnllcli cow with
calf. L. W TULU.TH.
Store and dwelling for nalo by
Invitations nro out for ft lawn putty
nt Ir. anil Mrs. Macrae's thfo evening.
Itcrzman in bound to clroo out ,
Mnrslml Key it making BimJry tin
I > ro\etnenU to hi ! tcglcletice.
Any person finding n bunch of key *
nlll plcaso leave the unmo at THE HEP
Or cut bnrgnlns In nil goods at Horz
lid. Ilcrmoswai ) complained of you-
terdny for misusing his wife while ho vv/m
tl runic ,
Joseph Ilcltcr makes suttn In the lot1
t styles At BIO Bromlwny.
The ball pnmo between the Union
1'nclGo and Council Bluff * clubs has been
indefinitely postponed.
Kino Una .of incns' , boys and side
noddles nt SlicrmnnV , 121 S Main.
The examination of Copeland , clmrgci
with pocket picking , has been long de
layed , but piomitci now to take place
Millinery goods fifty cents on thodol
ar at Hcrzinnn'a.
Water mains arc being laid on 1'lghtl
The brick work on lr , Pinnoy'ri new
office is bclug piiBhid along lively.
The court calender IH being prepared ,
nnd will bo prlulud by August -Uh , an the
term opens on the IfHh.
TheB. A M. club , of Omahn , nnd the
Council Bluff's nlnu expect to meet on the
laltor'H grounds hero next Saturday after
Architect Driecoll , of Oinnlin , claims
3500 for services as architect of the now
school bulldioK in Jiall'H addition , and for
damagci for appropriating lila pinna.
Bert A. Palmer , and Mlna Mary .T.
Ikcchley , of Mt. Vonion , visited till * city ,
got the nccoBBary permit , nnd had Hev.
Mr. Lemon tie the knot which makes thorn
The new sidewalk around the Bloomer
school building is to be of brick , Its early
completion Is quite necessary as the l.ito
rains make travel on loot about that cor
ner almost Impossible.
The walks in Bayllss1 park arc nadly
mellowed by the rains , and are In places
unfit for travel. The park comrulttoo has
ordered aovrral loaila of gravel to bo
bauleJ on to patch with.
Qeorgo Wolf , stableman , with Pater
Bechtole , feels relieved. Squlro Biggs has
succeeded in removing from him a tapeworm -
worm measuring about fifty feet In length.
The sheds of the coal yard between
Shugart's now block and the postoffico are
being removed to nmko ready for the startIng -
Ing of thn now block to bo built by Mrs ,
McMnhon , to correspond with the Shugart
The Infant daughter of J. S. and Su-
eetta McCalllsler , tiled Tuesday evening at
the Western house , of moaalor. The fu
neral services will bo held tlioro this after
noon at 2 o'clock , and friends of the family
are invited ti attend without further no-
The sensational Jlosa case is booked
for Fralnoy's court to-morrow , but it is
doubtful whether it will fall through or
not , there being much uncertainty about
the witnesses appearing , especially the
stop-daughter , who claims lo Imvo been
outraged by lloss.
Last evening a largo and happy golh-
erlng of friends enjoyed the hospitality
offered &t J , T. Stewarl'a house , the occa-
* Ion taking the form of a lawn party. The
arrangements were elaborate and Iho hos-
pitallty bountiful , BO that all sunned as
joyous as though there was not a care In
the world. It was In fact ono of the meat
noteworthy social events of the season.
Buj erlntendent Jfarnbam' * report of
attendance during the pist school year ,
rfiows total number registered , 2,410 ; aver
age attendance , 1C99 ; averaje number be
longing 1&B8 ; average dally attendance ,
1378. He also reports that there are in
the city C.501 children of school age , of
whom 2,410 , have not ollended the schools
ny porlion of the year.
The Nonpareil has at last hoisted the
mine of MaJ. A. K. Anderson to the head
of 1U editorial columns as a candidate for
congress. It has been a long time coming
to this. Maj. Anderson was in the city
day before yesterday , and the following
morning the flag was at last run up. It Is
A llttli Btrauge , however , that the title of
"colonel" Is not given his
name a It ap
pears at the head of the column in which
be has of late been so frequently promoted
from major to colonel , by all means.
The Garryowenn object to the way
their last Sunday's game of base ball was
reported in some of the papers , by which
it was made out that their defeat was Iguo
inlntous , when the frets are that they di
not ha > e their regular nine , four or five ol
their be t players being abtcnt , and Ihclr
plactu filled by tmUtituteu. Their oppo
nents , the Swamp Angela , had nearly al
their regular nine , and a few of the best
players out of the Chumps. JJveu then
the Girryowens , In ten Innings , were de
feated only by 20 to IB. It is thought
that another game will be arranged for
next Sunday.
A gold modal coaling $50 , will bo
given to too winner of uu amateur
foot race at the county fair in Burling
ion next September.
It Brings n , Number of witnesses nnd
uthoro From There Into the
Superior Court.
A few tlnjs ngo a man named Vol-
ncr made formal complaint in the BU-
pcrior court , charging Jacob Kninpf
nud others , of Avocn , with iwuault
with intent to kill The trouble oc
curred on the fourth of last month ,
It being n rovr at Kntnpf 's beer garden ,
in which Volner was badly bontcn , as
ho claims , without nny juot cause , nnd
suffered a cut on the hcnd , n smashed
iae , blackened eyes , with sundry
internal injuries cau od by kicks and
thumps , Volner claims that tlmt ho
was conflnod to his bed for nomotimo ,
and then moved with his family to
this city , where ho isslill in bad health ,
being urmblo to go about very much
nnd hia lunps particularly troubling
him byhctnoirhago
Warrant warn issued for Jacob
Kampf , I' ] , llorat and John
Mnneon , nnd tboy appeared in
court with tlioir attorneys , Clum
bers , of Avocn , nnd John Luidt ,
of this city. George Holmes , Esq. ,
appeared for the prosecution. Among
the witiic8s ° s who wcro in nttcndanco
wore several from Avoca.
Thn story of the dcfcnto scorns to bo
that Volnor was in Kampf's employ ,
and had boon on n protracted sprco ,
and that ho picked up n row himself ,
in which ho received sorno kicks nnd
thumps , but that ho was the aggressive
sivo party , and altogether to blame.
It is claimed further that his injuries
are not no sovcro as ho hag represent
od. Only n few of the witnesses were
examined ytmtorday , there being
others yet to bring in.
A now slock of fronoh Gream Gonfcc
tionnrr just received at the fashionable
ice cream , fruit and confectionery
emporium of Smith & McCuon , BUC-
cossors to Erb it Duquette , 4011road !
The Gornmn'u Indignation.
An editorial which appeared in yea *
terday'o Nonpareil , has caused many
oxpresaionu of indignation among
Gorman circles particularly , nnd
circles in general. The Nonpareil bu
fore the election on the amendment
was strongly allied with the unti-pro
hibitionista , nnd its editorials were all
of that tinge. Now that the amend
ment has carried it lias taken ono ol
its usual Hippily-flopo , "Now you BOO
it , and now you don't , " and in this
rditorinl tries to got on the other si '
of the fence BO aa to bo with the nm <
jorily. This is disgusting to members
ovpn of the majority. After a buttlo
it is a poor tinio for n defeated ono to
cnmo in nnd hurrah with Iho victors.
This is not the only cuuso of indigna
tion , however.
The Nonpareil in substnnco enys to
the Germans that the republican party
can got along without them , nnd that
if they don't like the way certain re
publicans have voted on this question
they can go. It speaks flippantly of
thorn and attacks the Gorman press
savagely as pursuing a disreputable
course , speaking well of only boor and
free lunches. It is not merely poor
policy to thus scorn the Germans , but
it i * unjust. 1 ho Germans are not to
bo ignored or told to go if they fool
like it , as though no ono oarod. They
nro entitled to arguments pro and
con , to a full and respectful hearing ,
and when presented with facts are as
well capable of passing judgment upon
them as those who so disdainfully
speak of foreigners as u peculiar nice
of nnimah whoso presence has to bo
endured but is not relished.
There are othora besides Germans
who tool the sting of such an editorial ,
claiming to bo republican. To vir
tually tell all foreigners that the re
publican party is not ono for thorn ,
but that they naturally belong in the
democratic camp and ought to slay
[ hero , is parlicnlnrly offensive when
in the same columns democrats nro so
Frequently pictured ns being the only
onui guilty of nil .the crimes in the
catalogue. Fortunately , however ,
this utterance against Germans and
ether foreigners is not authoritative
as the sentiment of the republican
Gospel Trnth.
Ho that is surety for n stranger , shall
smart for It. lint bo that trustotli in
3i'iilNO UI.OHHOM fer curing liver , kidney
and complaints of a like tendency , shall
never bo disappointed. Price 50 cents ,
trial bottles 10 cents. Julyl7dlw
Simon Calm , of Ohlogo , was at the Ogden -
den yestcrjay.
Mrs , Dr. Avcry , of Denver , was in the
city yesterday.
J. T , Karen , ox-marshal of Avoca , was
in the city yesterday.
J. II. Lee , the Sao City attorney , was
in the city yesterday.
John Limit has returned homo and Is
again busy with the law.
A. 0 , Fish , the ICaciue wagon manufac
turer , dined at the Ogden yesterday , '
Mr. and Mrs. D , 0. Bloomer have start
ed for Colorado for n recreation trip.
J. 1' , Conklin , of Minneapolis , was
among the arrivals at the CMon yesterday.
II. J. Chambers , of Avoca , won In the
city yesterday , attending lo cases lu court
In which ho is attorney ,
Dr. P. D , Walters , the well-known
physician , of Avoca , was In the rlty yesterday
torday as a wittiest In the superior courl.
Kov. C. Compton Ihirnttt , the well
known anti-amenduieut lecturer , U just
reco > orlng from a severe run of rheumatio
fever ,
L. 0. James is the father of a big boy.
Mother and child both doing well , and
papa as well as could reasonably be ex
llev , 0. S. tfackenthall , the ntslsUnt
rector in St. ' '
1'aul'n Kpiecopal church in
thU city , left last evening for New York
elate on important busiueir.
Frank Shepley , ono of the prominent
farmers of Knox township , was here yes
terday as n witness In Iho case of Iho state
vs. Kampf and other * .
Conrad Dechtele , a former resident of
thU city , bul now * f Avoca , spent yetler
day in the city , and interested hlmiell
giving testimony lu the case from Avoca ,
on trial in the superior court ,
Dos Moincs' city expenses nro87)000
? or month.
Lo Mars ha dcc'dcd ' lo buy a ctcam
"iro otigine.
SovttnUtn now bulldingH are going
up in Orange City.
Mnneon has fwenty-two widows and
elvu old maids ,
Burlington has ordered the erection
r f a free bathing house ,
By n majority of 57 Audubon has
voted to Imvo water works ,
A soldiers' reunion will bo hold nt
Chmwa on the Oth nnd 7th of Septem
JMarahalltown ban twenty-nine en-
loons and has licensed them for the
fall campaign.
The best time made nt the ! Manori
City races was 2:29j : by Loafer , which
beat httlo Sioux.
The artesian well on Capt. U. Moro-
ton's ' farm , LoMars , is now down
MO feet. The water is slowly rising.
The gilding of the dome of the netr
state-house will cost § 0,000. The lo-
lal amount expended on the building
up to July 1st , is 81,977,489.07. , ,
Congrctsnmn John A. Kansoit has
secured an appropriation from con
gress of $15,000 , with which to enlarge
the poatollioa nt DCS Monies.
The town of What Cheer has not
yet made a single lUflOHjinmit for tax
purposes. Thu liconacs of the saloons
have proved Bufliciont to meet all the
city rxpmisca.
August 8 Webster Oily will vole on
the question of issuing $10,000 in
bonds tor the purpose of furnlnhitig
the piano with thu Batavia hystutn of
water works.
Jacob Roichurt , while in a drunken
fitupor , sat down and fell asleep on
the rnilroad truck near Burlington ,
and was run over by n freight , receiv
ing injuries from which ho cannot
possibly recoTcr.
Among the oxpcctcd nmusomenU at
Dus Moincs is v. rat killing match a
terrier is to kill iivo hundred rodents
in thco houts , ono hundred lo bo
turned into the pen nt onco.
Webster City Freeman : "A divorce -
vorco caao in pending in n certain
county in lowii where the husband
charges the wife with adultery. The
woman admits the 'soft impeachment ,
and says she commuted the act at the
instigation of the aforesaid husband ,
who received n money consideration
for her dobauchment. "
Ohnrloy Lyon , ft Bon of D. E. Lyon
of Dubuque , recently deserted from
West I'oint , whuro ho was in attend
ance ns a cadet , ntid posilively ro-
funon to roturn. The young man
Btntod that the rules of the military
ucadumy woto too rigid nnd flovoru for
him to bear ; that the "hny.imj ' impo
sition HUB practiced n v. < u , it wna in
Wlnttnkur'a time ; that ho was com
pelled to oat tallow candles and chow
tarred rope , tricks imposed upon
freshmen , which ho could withstand
no longer , nnd ho ran nway , reaching
Ohicngo last week. Ilia father , learn
ing that ho was there , went over to
induce him to return , but without
avail. Go back ho would not , nnd ca
a lust resource hn was procured a situ
ation in that city.
As Others boo Us.
The following from The Washington
Press of this state , is being reproduced
in ether papers , as showing how the
contest in the Ninth district is viewed
from afar :
"At this distance it appears that
Major A. R. Anderson ought to take
liimsolf pfF the republican congres
sional ticket in the Ninth district.
IIo got the nomination by only ono
majority. To secure the votoa delegate
In the convention , Hon. 0. II. Scott ,
charged that Major A. , gave his bond
( it is published ) for $1,000 to secure
the appointment of S. 0. McKittick
as postmaster in Randolph , Fremont
county , within GO days. It looks likes
a bargain nnd Bale , and if the charge
bo true it ought to send the major to
grans , Further The Marshall Times
quotes the report that Mujor A. also
dickered with his railroad comtnis-
flionorahip to lion. John Y. Stone ,
who is to bo appointed in A.'s stead ,
Stone being a congressional rival.
Wo hope these stories may turn out to
bo campaign lies , but if they be true ,
the republicans of the Ninth district
have but ono duty to perform , and
that is to mnko a now ticket. Wo
don't want any 'Kansas politics in
Iowa. "
Olimoso Stock Farming.
An interesting account of the estab
lishment of a stock farm by. the vice
roy of the province of Ohihlo , in
China , has boon given by the Ameri
can consul general at Shanghai. In
one of his previous reports ho had
pointed out that the Mongolian herds
could bo greatly Increased in value by
the establishment of a farm at some
convenient locality , at which tine
stock horaes , cattle and sheep could bo
bred , This report came under Iho
oognizanca of bin excellency Li , wilii
the result that an interview between
the consul general , a breeder from
Now York and Li was brought about.
The NOW York breeder urged the ad
vantages of a peed stock farm very
strongly , and his excellency took up
the matter warmly , Through his
active interest and influence Mr ,
Tang King Sing , an active
and progressive mandarin , ' was con
vinced of the superiority of western
ideas , and at once declared his willingness -
ingnoss to give them a trial. His
farm consists of about 5,000 acres
near the Kalping coal mines , now be
ing opened by foreign engineers under
his superintendence , situated about
eighty miles to the north of jTientsin ,
IIo has obtained some United States
cattle , which will bo used with the
native stock for the purpose of testing
the practicability of the suggestions
which have boon made. Mr. Tang
King Sing announces that in the promotion -
motion of this enterprise his object is
to afford his countrymen an opportu
nity to become possessed of at least a
Eortion of the liionco already attained
y western _ nations in the improve *
ment of their breeds of cattle. The
result of this movement will be
watched with no little interest.
I Ion ford' Ac-Id
* - Pliosphnto ns a
Bratu Toulo-
DR. E. W. ROBERTSON , Cleveland -
land , 0. , says : "From my experience
cati cordially recommend it as a brain
and nerve tonic , especially in nervous
debility , nervous dyspepsia , etc. , etc , "
The Poll Tax Collector After the
Transfer Boys with n Sharp
David Mottax , Iho poll tax collector ,
has had a great dual of trouble with
the employes of the transfer , and has
already complained several times to
the council and oily authorities that
they will not pay their poll tax nt
least , moat of them refuse BO to do
IIo says they not only rcfuao to pay
but put him oil'with excuses that they
live in Omaha , and not hero , and refuse -
fuse to show Omaha poll tax icccipls.
Homo of thorn refuse to toll their
names , nnd , in fact , hin vexations are
many. Ha does not pi oposo to stand
it nny longer , if ho can help , and BO
has succeeded in securing enough
names to commcnco on , has served
notices , nnd proposes to commence
g'lits and ooo what the courts will do
vith them , if they do not coino to
time before.
Mr. blioldon'fl Good Bhot.
Bint ) Fa New .
II. J. Sheldon left his camp nt
Cooper City , on the Pccos , loot Satur
day afternoon , in search of game.
About 4 o'clock in the nftornoon the
burro , which had wandered ahead ,
came running back , apparently in
great terror , oars and tail erect , eyes
glaring , making thnt peculiar , mourn
ful sound lor which its species nro
noted , nnd refusing to bo caught or
comforted. Not being nblo to make
out from the report of the confused
burro just what had happened , Mr.
Sheldon cocked his gun and advanced
slowly and cnutiously upon the un
known enemy. Cruwhiu ; along on
his hands and knees for about n quar
ter of n mile , ho nt Icntjth doubled n
bond in the river , und there , standing
in the meadow and not more than n
hundred and fifty yards nway , ho saw
a huge grizzly bear with thrco cubs ,
nnd just beyond the bear and in direct
range with her , an animal that ho
nt once recognized as the long
eought-for elk. Neither of the beasts
was aware of his approach , so , quietly
rising upon ono knee and resting his
rifle across the other , which is Mr S.'u
favorite position in shooting , ha took
deliberate aim. Dnng wont the gun ,
away sped the bullet , and down fell
two animals in fact , three the bear ,
the oik , and Mr. S. himself. The
bullet had cut thu backbone of the
bear completely in two , and , passing
on through , had lodged in the heart of
the elk , and the extraordinary tnsk to
which the riilu had been tubjectcd
produced , such a violent recoil thactho
hunter himself was stretched upon the
ground. Recovering himself speedily ,
Mr. S advanced upon the prey , hunt
ing knife in hand , but life was extinct
in both nnimulu. The little cub' , on
Iho report of the gun , fled ; but , being
only n few weeks old , were speedily
captured , tied in bags , nud fastened
en the back of the ho we.
HKDDIKO'S llussia Salve , best f.iniilv
ealvo in the world , and excellent ,
llfcS. 25 Ct3.
NOTlCB. Spcclal advottlscmontD , cue as
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent ,
Wants , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In thU
column at the low rate of TEN CUNTS FER
LINK for the drat Insertion and FIVE CENTS
I'EH LINE for each subsequent Insertion.
Leave adv ertUoments at our office , No. 7
Pearl Street , near Itroadnay.
. We wint an cncrotic mile or
fcnule agfntlunvcrr tovmh p | i > Tnw and
Nohrft'la. to t. o ciilcrs for new jiubl ( atlon-
The puli 'cations ' or. ' B andar.l , and sell at Bight.
Our lermii are liberal , ani agent * make from $3
to 810 peril v , Fcr clrd.hisnncl tern * . ncJdresa
Wcitcru Dock CompanyCouncil I ) utta. Inua.
_ jv-lfltt
\\fANTKU A' coid horse , for general pur-
VV poses , \tclimt about 000. Inquire at A.
11. Jlajiio & Co. ' * , 311'carl street. julU t
ANTED A flrtt-clann liatbor Immediately.
W Appl ) to J. J. Good. C'ouicll Hints , la.
- In Council Bluffs lo
WANTKD-Eicryhody ccnta per week , do
Ilvtred by carriers. Office , No 7 Pearl Strcoi
near llronduay.
To buy 100 tona broom corn
WANTED address Council Bluffi
liroora Factory , Council Bluffa , IOWA. 6S8-29U
For Balo-and. Rent
FOK SALE At a bargain , a rcsUurent and
bakery , nicely furnUhcd , and hating a good
paying patrjnago. Addion , box seventy , Km-
BISOII , Iowa. Jyl6-6t *
"TTIOIl SALE A red Ir'sh setter dre , 1 } car old ,
.L thoroughly yard li'ikcn. will soil cheap.
Address 8. 1' . 0. b.x 1042 , 0. D. Iowa.
OK IlENT.-UnJurnlshed rooms. 611 Main
F Stre t. , jo2Mra
170U BALK Bea-itiful residence lots , (0(1 (
E each ; nothing down , and J3per"onth only ,
k SMOTHERS , Counrll IllulTs
and Omaha cx | rcsi. Oiders let ( at tioa on
let store , Msln etr ct , Council l'liiT ' ( , or J 0
Elliot' , liOfi Kiriuni treot , Ouulia , will receive
prompt attenton , ] > ! ' t'
/ - ' . fill and see
ST1LL/UKAP-Orcattucce'B. of pictures
taken li Iho reliable gelatine bron Ido j > rocu ,
at the Kxcelifor Gallery lOJMatn street.
. W , L. PATION Pbjslclan and Oculist ,
Can cure any cas of sore eye * . It U enl >
a matter of time , and can cure generally in
from three tc flvo weeks-It makes no differ-
cncu how long dlseasud. Will ttralghtvn crons
eyes , operate and rtmoMi I'cyrrgmmii , etc. , and
Insert artlnclal eos. Special attention to re-
niovelngtadevtorms. ap5-tf
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ;
Orookory , Glnsswnro ,
Al o igeuts for the following Hues of
Steamship Companies :
Cunard , Anchor , Oulon , American , and StUo
Stramuhlp Couiianlia.
OOOECei. . OET rr $3
For sale on the llojal Bank of Ireland and Hank
ol Ireland , Dublin. These w o Intend to s < > n4 for
lilcnd to any part of Kuropa will find U to their
Interett to call on
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
343 Broadway , Council Bluffs , In ,
Boston Teci Oo's ' Store ,
16 Main Bt , and 16 Pearl St. ,
Council Bluffs ,
Office end Works , Main Street ,
\Vo fUe epoch ) attention to
Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces ,
will rocuho prompt attention. A general as
sortment of
Brass Goods , Bolting , Pining ,
Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Ooal ,
All Shippers ami Travelers will find
good accommodation and reasonnbla
Council Bluffs , - - Iowa.
Kubber Hose , Iron and Lead
Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and
Trimmings , at
Bixby & Wood's ,
On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. )
1 he Star Bakery ,
227 MAIN ST ,
Employ the best lirenl Baker In the West ; also
a choice hind for Cakes and Pies ,
tlrcad delivered to all parta of the city.
Blob Out Glass , Fine French China ,
Silver Ware &c. ,
MRS. M. J. dlL.1'Ott , M , D. ,
222 Broadway Council Blag * .
M. Anderson , - - Proprietor ,
732 Lower Broadway ,
Table nuppt'cd with Iho best the market af-
fcrds Terms tS.60 anil ? 4 00 j cr week. Tiantlent
* 1.00 pf r div
Tiios. orriiEK w n M iistr
Council Bluffs , la ,
Established , - - 1856
Dealers In Forclgti and Domestic Exchange
and homo securities.
T.JCiDTIDJ.S , , ,
( Late Veterinary Surgeon U , S. A. )
The Only Veterinary Surgeon
in the Oity.
All cf the bst l'h ) CMMI ! tu council Ulufo and
surroucdlu country.
81S South Ualu Etrett , Council Bluffi.
New house and newly fitted up la first class
ttvle. Meals at all hours. Ice cream and lemo-
? * 1o every vvonlnjr , Fruits aid coulectloncrls
ESS , OiiCUTT & CO. ,
Broadway , and Fourth Street ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
, * & & , *
Burdette and Western Cot
tage Organs. Prices reason
able ; terms to suit all.
Importer and Dealer in
of all kinds. Sheet Music one-
third off. Agents wanted.
Oorrespondenos solicited ,
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
fluff and lillow greets , Council Bluffs.
Mirrors , Upholstery , 1 c-pairing , Etc. . Wood rind Metallic Coffins ,
No. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Blulla , Iowa.
'JHB BEST BREAD IN THE OI1Y None but firat-clnfs Bakora
employed. Bread , Cake , Pioa , ito. , delivered to any part of the city. Our
Wagons all .
run day. i
P. YRES , Proprietor.
Has For Sale , Town Loth , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands
nnd a number or Well Improved Farms , both in lown nnd Nebraska.
Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - COUVOIL BLUFS
Brockton , Mass. , July 13 , 1882 ,
Z. T. Lindsey & do. , Council Bluffs , la. :
Dear Sirs : Replying to your esteemed favor of the
5th in&t.will say that it is afaot that the advance in theprioe
of Onlf Skins , Sole Leather , nnd nsost every kind of Nhoe
Stock , taken in connection w th the adva 03 for labor we
have been obliged to concede to vrorkmon , has increase !
in no email degree the cost of manufacturing. Notwith
standing which fact we itra pleased to say your o.'der ,
given us early in the season , w.H bo fi led at the old prices ;
and we hopei by being diligent y alive to the requirements
of thedemai d for a really first-class article , to supply you
with a BE ITER line of eoods than we have ever given you
hereto'oreOur purchase of boih French and domestic
Calf Sk'nsi ' as well rs a largo supply of 0 k-tanned Sole
Leather , were mai e very early in the season which , being
bouchtat foimer prices , relieves us in a great doaroo of
the increased ooit of production that many manufacturer
are obliged to sustain in filling their orders taken early.
Your whole order for the coming fall season is well in
bund , and will be shipped at an early date. We desire
to call the attention of those who use our goo is , through
the medium of your house , to our new styles in both Hand
and Machine Sewed work. Our French , Medium French
and London Toe goods are all made on entirely new lasts
and'new patterns , which wo feel sure will meet with a
just appreciation and the approbation of your customers.
With the improvement wo have made we expect ? to firnish
a more nearly pe feet fitting shoo than ever before , We as
sure you , gentlemen , that wo will endeavor to give all your
order our prompt and careful attention , and with these
assurances we trust to merit the'oontinuanoo of the manv
favors you have boon pleased to bestow upon us , and ,
awaiting your further commands , we are
Respectfully yours ,
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale and Kettll Dealers In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.