Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Grand Forks Is overrun with tramp" .
The Presbyterian church at Huron wi
be dedicated , ltily 23rd.
The First Mcthndlit church of Wntc
town was dedicated on llio Oth.
AtThydall , ftRood hotel icnn will t
offeicd extraordinary inducements.
Lumber for a new Methodist church i
North\illeSpink county , Is on UIP ground
A company with < ucr 876,000 cnplt
wil If tart a straw board factory at Fnrg
Over SItOO wai icco'vcd ' by tlic L
mice county treasurer for liquor llcuiit
JulV let.
A mifgd wr'sliing sivenlecn clnlla :
was recently taktu oat ( it V tsto crce
It iH ! i > orlrd that tbc JxorUiwefclerii wl
build their line Irniii Calliope to lltiru
via Sioux 1'nllf.
The now Daptint chnt ch M , Slr.ux V.\\ \
proml-es to Vo the most unique ami ham
toino uiibiit town.
St K ( > coailie * 'n ronlo to J'lciru fret
thi ) Hill * are tun v iioms behind time ow
ing to llio Mvtl iv da.
One jiarty near Deswlwooil IdelennJnB
oniivc'ngeol ? 3C03 per week ft out In
placer tll ltiKi ,
Twenty-two dollnrn to ihc pan wer
M en out by Alien & Thotiip-wn , Ccntr.i
City , n few'days ago.
The people of Jr.ytoB , 1'embiim cotiu
ty , nro biiildln ? a rhurch that will cost
when cimii > ictoil$2riOO.
Acrordini ; to The D.ik ta Sun , Uio Im
provemontH nt Ito ilfld fir the jcar end
Ing .luno HO , foot u > SMOf 0.
A ton olay \ sold in Sp-at fish lately fo
totunlollnrs , the lowo-t liuuro at whicl
hay wm t\cr cold In the Hlllx.
Prof Horell. ptinciimlot the Deidwooc
academy , IIAB liceii coRascd tt > Ulw charg
uf the Loiil City puultc Hilioou.
i'ollceman Froil Alderman was shot n
killed ut l-'urgo on the niglitot .Inly 5th
by a woman uho mlitook him for a tramp
A gas well hna ' cen discovered abou
twelve miles from For o. which If propcri ;
utilized It h thought will light the olty.
An oaMern Rtnt'eman hns pledged tin
1'ieabj terlan church ul Huron dotiatloi
of a set of pulpit furnitiiro worth 8100.
The Prcftbvteiinu chuitli of Parker ha
juit iccelvo I un ck'U'ant communion Htt , i
gift of a I'.oabytcrian churthinNew York
Hon. John Liwlar , bw-ldon giving i
1 lock fiir the Catholic church ( it Ale uu
drla , p.vtd the freight on ouu cur of hint
her.Col. . J. I' . MoKennn , formerly rccel\ci
of the Unitpd Stalei lr.nJ oillco at Dead
wood , N $3,700 short In his account imi
hat skipped.
' A fivr-yenr-old son of .Ti.lm Lunil'roig ,
of Jlivcruido , Clay county , while rUnnr
itigX from dchool , concluded to ta' ' < a n
bath In the Vtrinilllon river and wa
Volley City lioants of tlio finest < ourl
bouno lu the territory , cost § 35,000 ; r
handsome lilghsclinol liullillDg , cost 87.DOI )
mi opvrn house , cost $10,000 iiiul tlio Filtl
Axcnuo hotel , now nearly coniiitcil ) , co l
Lclghton , of Dcadwood , uentwccd to 1 o
hung , whoto ( a > o nag carried to the tu
promo court on n writ of error , will coma
up before Judge Muoilv for u new Ben <
teno at thujioxttcrm of tl > e United SUxtci
c urt.
IJravoT3ar , the Sioux Indian , who wan
tolmvu been liiiugat Ynuktouon the20th ,
him been repilcvtd by llio presldsnt for Cl
duyp , imcl it i now ic-garcltil .w doubtful
that the HdiUnco in hi * ca o will over be
Work mill ho icsuntml oa the O.itholiu
church , at MUdiel ) , during the month and
tbo huildluK will ho completed early in llio
fall. It will i o the finest church bulldlnc
in the city. Rov. Father Hu nnesoy IIIH
boon located there.
John F. Bet ? , brewer , of this cily , has
DurclinscJ n township ot 23,000 ncro of
land near Bismarck , Dakotn , with the in
tention of raiting barley , maltim- there ,
nnd th-n chipping it to Philadelphia. Ills
brewery hoto fins a capacity of 31/0,000 bar-
rein annually , and tbrio other cdtabllnh-
ineDti In New York , with which ho is con
nected , can turn out 200,000 bairel * . He
expects to ra no r 00,00 > ) buthela of \rloy
per annum on his Ulsmarck Utul , and In-
tccdi bulldluc , ' there a largo elevator , ex-
tebfJve firm bnlldlnpc , oto. Mr , Uetz will
Biiaiid 8100,000 in the enterprise , beside * '
the purchute mono- for the land , intlda of
a > enr. Hutz U worth over five millions.
Philadelphia ( Pa. ) Itecord.
Chci emiahad > i froat on the ! Hh.
Cheyenne wan dieted 05 per cent for her
S7fiOJ ( water bondo.
The Episcopalians of Jjvauston are iU >
termined to build n ( t > na eh tpol.
John Grots him hcioti protnotul to the
forenmnshtp of the Kvauut n car eliops.
.Gratu IB abunduut lu the wehtorn portion
of the ten Itoiy , nnd cattle uud slioeparo
gilnlng finely.
Seven "elegant fitono and brick bualngn
buildings" are being cioctod within a ru-
Ulus of a block in Gnoyenne.
Sumo of tbn ranchmen nro talking of n
"stuck uliow , " or fair , to bo bold IhU foil
citlier at Larauiie or Oheyenno. The Idon
Is a goud iino.
Jell. McDermott , the old Uluik ililler ,
bun done wall in thu mines near Lirainlo.
He hub Btrnck u copper mine for which ho
has been ottered 810,0 0.
John lieiiHon wan coolly murdered by
Wm. Scott at Green River on the 13th.
JJoth weio ruilroad cinliloyej. It la mild
there won no puwocfttiun.
1'lsh Conunibblonor ll.irl.wcll II.IM made
ariabgeuientu for supplying lakei Mlnne-
halm and MapaluUli with uutho 1i li.
] 5uBir , buuGnl ) , carp , \vhttclUh and other
Varieties will be pluoad in tl.uie luLca ,
Wyoming is to have nnnlhor lady post
master. The pontmnetcr general ban ordur
cd the appolntuivnt ol Aliiu L\\\lu \ \ \ llendrr-
son a * tii tiuu8ter ut JMiimuoth Hut
Spring' , National Park reservation ,
A rhejenuo b y tied a lantern to a klto
one niflit , luutctc. . Tha inhabltautH
thought It wat iv i.oiv planet , and morn
ing pnpcr weut Into u thorough descrip
tion of the i ecullarltltu of the suppoeed
The Stank Gruwcrh'bunk , of Cheyenne ,
biw applied to Washington 1 or authority to
umltu it a goveniment depotitnry , At
prtfeent mo t of the United Stateu dibbuts.
ing olHcera are banking at the First Na
tional of Oumha. '
The only genuine kaolin bed in America ,
BO fir us heard from , Is tltiuleJ a , fowmlloi
nouth of Laramlo City , uud in Ilia vicinity
of MM. Blin rcn'i ranch , Kiolln , un
everyone kuow/1 , U the hartleuoil , clayey
rock from whhh the bujutlfiil warekuuwti
aa ci Jna N mad * HoojneMtig.
Mr William K. L f , uf 1'iemoiit , Ke.
brrifla , airlvod fruui thu i-o t cu laut '
nltshi'd tral.i. Ho couieu here to niout a
large stock drive which la expected to ar-
rlvj the latter part of the week. It in the
largPBt drive ot the teoaou , comprising 700
head of houei ) , 40.000 owes ThU ttock
was all purch.ued in O.orir ; , Laramlo
A cwa of nmall pox lmn appeared in
Butt * .
The Chinese nro lu'ldiof a now "Josb"
house iu Bnt'o.
The grwu rccgts i f Montana aio Letter
this seatou than ut my iluio Illctl ' 05.
Majnr Afagiunta ban introduced a Mil in
congress jiroviilinj ; for a laud ofllce nt
Uutts builders uio 75.CO ) bilck every
day , and the supply in mill unequal to thu
dtiiiaud ,
A toll rcod in btitiu' built from Fort
Jlfginnln tM Ji'cn , a dUtanco uf four
iU ( , it being trom 'J5 , o 30 inllea pver the
present route. "
It la ktated that Harry DeVue , of Glen-
dire , deputy ihtrill , has i kipped out , leav
ing Jil family and creditors in dctlllut
circum tance .
Jimmy' 13ar , 1 elow Bannock , th
f tjotM rich bar on Grasshopper creek , ha
been mined for nearly twenty jcara and
is not played out yet.
A lariro Ixidy of the Very best of fin
coal IK i cpurted ni having I cen found I
the mine ( .f the Deep Creek Coal com
puny in the vicinity of Bent > n.
ThD po tm * ler at Utlca recently foun
a Miinll box , containing lud'onous powder
in tbo mall flick , and In handling itgotth
flesh of liU hands teiiou lj puUoned.
The Intcr-Minintftlii ot the 8th
Hiilto will not lu repteaeiited at the Den
\cr * Xo | ) itionery much to the regret o
the milling and Uualnoai Him of the dli
trio : .
The Mcagher cnunty untirt lionfc hare
ro ched tli'i ti p < .f the lit fib utory hud th
tnixoiH have had 10 Mirpetid woik o
account of the timber for lointa not bciu
on hand ,
A. Wollc , forievnal JOIH ruttaUurgi *
of tlio Algonquin cnmpiuy , has been en
plojud by J'Ailndc pliia tf.pltu.HRts tn mak
it thorough cx.iu lu.tti u of the Clark
Fork tnlticp.
The ferry boat at ( ilcndho ui iet whll
cioij ug two hutitcN with their her cn an
a coutKiriLl.ta lart w-ok. Thu hone
wure ilrowntd iiiul thu gunr , etc. , liu
Ixf abont fcl.IKO.
Ranch hninln arr nowdcmttndinifand r <
coirlng fr < in SIO to $50 per month. ' Jlxlr
flood ones receive ( ifthl.ih tut SCO pur month
Thia in an avcra o uf $10 per tnoiith eve
pritoH ranging lant year.
llcglnlur Moc , of the Hileiia land olflce
lion bien requested by Secretary Teller t
tutaltt his position until tnu anlvnl of hi
tiuccefedoi , Geo. W Fricdly , of Indian <
who declined the governorship ofV > om
It ie repotted that the Western Union
telegraph company couteiuplaUs build mi
unothcr between Deer J > oJs'o and Hel
cna to cuiiuvct with thu wlio thitt wil
reach Wotr I/clgO with the Utah & Noith
rn ,
Clifford Bnrch , a promliiliig young nun
n ioldciit / if Bedford , Jelforson county
icctivi'd u wound by the accident il ( .tin
cliargo ol ; i pistol in the liHiuls t f oiia ol
his friend * , tlut will probably itenllin hi
The barn nnd onthonjwiit the rusidcnci
of Albert Klo nsclmiiut , llclunn , wcrodc
Htroycd by lire the oVHiln , ? ot the 'Hh , h iv
ing been Ignited by liiew rks. A cunlagu
and a cotiHiderabla amount of elii'op ill |
stored n the b.irii Here dentioyed , bring
ing the IOHH up to $ ' 2,000. No insurance.
Two nifii , imnul roopc-ctivi-ly , Fcrdi
nnnil lealo f.nd .lolin tjtreightca , livin ,
ibniit two miles from Butte , whlln cole
natliij the 1th , were hint inly killed by
, hu t icinatiire cxuloslon if tlireu sticks o :
giant p'nulor , The mifortuuato met
w et o mutilated Almost beyond recognition ,
Kl 1'iipn ] IIH a military company libeled
the ijtoiirwull Grejs ,
Mitii I' ' nulal ) . Porter has bo.n
ii mod ) iiHttniiitrees of JJ1 P.vo ,
] it-all Sc I'onn have purchased the Socor-
ro AHncr from U. A , Beckwiih.
The Itcd riser country 11 drying up ,
L'he rlo la dryer tn.m it has been for yoarc.
KinclieH are Belling at high liguroH , but
ha demand docj not lesson , despite tin
ilgh figures demandcil.
J. 11. Lattlmcr , wounded in the Katni :
racket , will not recover. Ho will bo thu
sixth man on thu denj list.
L. B. Nail has rold his half-circlo catll
0 Mr. Fleck , of Colcumn's ranch , al
1 0.50 per head , nil around.
Gallstoo Is without n ji'stlcoof the pcaio
or any olllcer to assunio uuthoiity iinii
nalutaln the dignity of the law ,
J. H Hunt has been appointed justice
f the peace of Kitou , vice Harvey Moul-
uii , killed in the recent rickoc.
The Halon Guard has been mircha < cd
y the Kev. O. P , Mo.Malns , the warrior
gainst the Maxwell land grant.
Hiram Alton , a boarding house keeper at
Vinslow , was uliot tbrjugh the nock and
Died by his uistrosp , Josie Kills.
AB soon at Tom Hughes is qualified
ostmuster at Albuquerque , ft branch ollico
vlll bo ostnbllahod iu thu wont on'l. '
A part of tbo spring wool clip of the Mo
Liubronlo Armljn , of Ucrnallllo county ,
5,000 pound ? , ha * been shipped from
Libtiquorquo to St. Louis.
George Peace , the. Las Vegas railroad
nan who killed n woman at Hunta Fc , la
: ! ! ! in jail , butcaunot ha convicted , 0.1 all
i wltiiBsses Invvo Hkipped.
Mm. W. K. 'llpton lias sold hoc ranch
n 1 2 5CO head of cattla on the Canadian
tr 550,000 ; Uramlt Brothers were the pur- ,
iiusorB. Mm. T. still retains her Cue
aiich In Cherry Valley.
Major W. II. II. Llewellyn h n been
onliimad ngent of the ftleoncr ! < ] Indiuu
jcnoy f > r another term. Ho deserved to
o thus rewarded , na ho has uiatle a moat
xcallcnt agent Katnn NOWH & I'rent.
The milltaiy telegraph botwo nKlPaso
nd Mosllla Is ntiandouml nnd the wire )
akou down , The civermneiit finds ii
hcapor to in < the Western Union lines
vherover prnclicablo than to own and ope- /
ate DUO.
T. W. Mo II vane , of Wollacp , bus gone
ito the rtoton oil business. Ho gave n
use to John Kennedy , an old bum , and
early Ullul him , Rlcllvalii wes arrested
ud bound o > or In the Hum of ( COO to an-
wor bofnto the ntnt dlsttlct court hold In :
ternidlllo county.
Th ro was iv lively raw at t'.io ' meeting
f tno board of medical examiners Iu HinU
' 'o last week. Two members left iu ola-
list and ouu tendered his resignation to
he governor , who refused to accept It.
"he plnco of meeting wan changed from
A.lbuqiioiquo to Santa Fo und the date
rom July 20th to the 25th.
Bi-uBKlst'B Tnatlmony.
H. P. McUarthy. dniggl t. Ottawa ,
3iu , , Htatcs that ho was allllctod with
hronlu bronchitis for entiio yoarv , iiiui WAS
iimpKely cured by the USD of TIIOMAH"
A Talking Cnnury.
Ij5iidoii Ijes'ator ,
The last numbur f the Mrdical
'rc a contaitia u ouriouti ncouunt of
yhat it cills a "phonunicnal cannry"
a ouriouj vulgarism of our medical
ontomnorary , who atiruly niivor up.
10 cd thivt any ono could duccribo a
amuy that w a not phenomenal , that
a the noumuml canary by wliioh ho
Bvidontly ineana aji extraordinary
nuury. This uxtraordinnry canary
'at present in the poaaession of Dr , .1.
Inollrigor Croft , " pan tnlk. The edi-
or Bays that ho vioitod rho canary , nnd
timid that it could pronounce a uood
lumber of Eentcnccc , "clearly imita-
ire of thu vnjco of the lady who 1ms
ml euro of it MDCO ita early youth. "
The ull'oct , " luldd our contompdiury , [
'produced by vho clear , Bw otly-
ttured nontcncca pronounced by the
ird is nlinoat wuird at first ; but the
ecllng of wonder thus created quickly |
ivca rise tn A aonaation of oxqubito
iloasure , which ia deepened aa thu
ttlu cruaturo auddonly. at thu end of
Buntunoo , rushes oil into nn ecatucy
f uonu' . " We do not know why moro
irds should not have the aame power ,
ndcod , wo butpcct that it ia the want
f imitative impulao rather than the
ant of moclmnical apparatus which
uv limits to parrots and paroquotB ,
avons , jack-daw * , mid u few other
irda the power of human speech. Wo
aspect that if all birds were imitative
re should find all birds ublo to talk. '
u the meantime , wo have reason to
o th nkful that more birds are not
mltntivo , ainco if they wore wo should
ese a great many of the songa wo love
nd have a great deal of empty clmttor
Inch we do not love at nil.
The Rapid Growth of Diller ,
Jeffdrcon County
Goad Ouportunitton For Fnrmcm
nnd Bnlnoss Men Alike *
Coircftpondcnta of The flee.
Dillor cornea forward and demands
a phco among the young and growing
towuu of Nebraska. Located on the
15. & M. railroad in Jefferson county ,
it possesses mntiy natural advantages
which , nddod to the push and enter-
piiso of ita oitizQiiB , will keep in the
front rank. Like many of the west-
nrn towns , it has grown up with won
derful rapidity , and ita business
intores Imvo developed no
less npidily. The crops in the
vicinity look as wall ua any in
the utato and there is a promise of an
abundant harvcat. Small grain 1ms
never boon known to look any bolter.
The yittld of winter grain , as much an
haa been harvested , is very heavy.
F.irniois cutimato the yield of oata an
high aa sixty bmhols per aero. Corn
is growing very rapidly.
Diller is the center of a very wealthy
farming community that aupply the
merchanta with an excellent tratio.
There is a grain house located
in the town find there has
been tnlk of an elevator. The bus
iness men arn quite anxious that some
one should start a grain elevator , and
have offered to aimist any grain buyer
who will locate there. It would cer
tainly bo n good locution for any grain
dtaler. The bushiest ! men of the town
arc very enterprising , nnd arc push
ing forwaid in every avenue. THK
DAILY BEK is taken by every buaincas
man , and when it became known that
a. representative of that paper was in
town they wore not long in showing
him about and requesting that certain
fnleo statements bu corrected. Parties
interested ulaowhoro have taken it
upon themselves to represent Dillor
in the worst liyht possible and
the citizciiH regard it as unjust. * The
morclmntn nil cany a stock of general
merchandise , and what may bo aatd of
one will apply to all. The stores are
all well stocked with n fine line of
roods , nnd the pcoplo liyini ; in the
clctnity and travelers can find any-
ihing they want without looking far
ther. The following named firmo
carry n stock of general merchandise :
Wry As Urownell , Loock & Fandora ,
Kelley & Adams , and Price Bros.
Kulley & Adams have also a
stock of d.niiB. ; Thorp is still consid-
orabla land in the vicinity of Dillor
that can bo purchased for a very
reasonable price ' , and parties con torn-
[ tliiting the purchase of farms
would do well to examine the oppor-
nilioa in that vicinity. Those n ho own
farm ? near there are doing well on ac
count of the ready market for their
produce , and the case with which all
lecesaary supplies can be obtained.
Diller has boon built to stay and if
urties looking for good openings do
lot take up with the advantages of-
'orcd , it will be their own fault.
A. 0. D.
Buoklm'w Arnica Halve.
The BUST SALVE in tbo world for Cuts
QrulbOB , Sores , TJlcors , i.alt Rheum , Va
ver Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Ohil
ilnino , Corns , ana all ekta eruptions , nut'
loniUvely euros -.lilen , It is guaranteed to
live oatisfactfon or money refunded ,
'rlco , 25 conta per box. For * ale .by .0.
3" . Goodman
A Novel Balloon.
/ A now otoerablo-balloon , tho'invon-
ion of Ilerr Bauuigarton and Dr.
Walforr , was recently tried at Ohar-
ottenburg. It is of huge size , hav-
ng a. capacity of about 473 cubic
-ardp , and is ellipsoid in torin , the
ongor diameter being about fifty-
ight foot. It differs in principle from
11 other ncoratats in that , although
nflated with hydrogen , it has no as-
unsionnl force. Its total weight is
bout 215 pounds above that of the
lir it displaces. The means of dis
placement in the horizontal or the vcrti-
nl direction are u helical system of
/nnea actuated by machinery in the
ars. Hence , in making land , the | >
oalloon does not require to bo partly L
emptied , nnd on reaching the ground
t baa nearly the sumo quantity of gas
is when it rose. Another novelty
onnista in the mode of connection of
ho r.\r. This irf rigid. Thus the dan-
ifurnua bounds and joiko to which
ho ordinary balloon car is liable in < !
Hiding ara to some extent avoided.
The car , being usually aus-
pendod by ropes , the system is sud
denly relieved of its weight when it
ouches the ground , BO , that the bal-
non Miooto up again , giving n series
of violent shocks. With a ligid con-
icction the total wci Ut cannot bo
hua tamporarily diminished. The
ncohiuiism 1ms a double action , one
lolix of vanes or ncrow propeller ,
Iriven in ono direction or the opposite ,
iroducoa aacont or descent , while a
joiiplo of ccroAs fiivo horizontal pro-
minion ; in a pretty calm nt osphoro
ho houzmtul direction may bo
nodified by working one of the
3ouplo alone. The first experiments ,
t apponrs , were quite successful. The
wither was exceptionally calm. In a
ocond trial a. slight accident ruptured
he envelope of the balloon , and the
ar mechanism was also injured. The
xperimonta are soon to be resumed.
' 1m motor , it may bo mentioned , has
foroo of four-horse power , and Q
voigha eighty pounds. The cost of
harming each time the balloon is filled
now is about $100.
A RouoviitlxiK Remedy
ltn le f mid In HunnooK I f.ooiUiT -
rmtH. A nn uittilote for kk headache , le
enmle weaknos * , billauennra , Indigestion ,
loustlpatton , uud other diseases of a kin-
Ireii 1-1--B nature > , tliese bitters are Invaluable. I.
- - -
Nature's Sparkling Cpocinc fjr ImllffOitlon
nd lllllousnoei , the n iter of the Umotu boltzor
'a , li dupllcitod lu a mcment "I'll ' a ipoonful
TiKUiMs BKLTIKK Af KICNT , whlcli ont4i
tery ttluiblo clement of tlio Oeruun
irlng. The Kioitctt pbyilvlini o | Kuroix ) pro-
ouuco that fruo gilt of 1'roilJonc the uiou pint -
nt if 'l ' kuoAii altrratlto * , and I faa tiiiiilf ,
tali and lUtulug lino- placed within tbo rv.h i
crtry lo\allj lu th uvutiru world.
Hla lhocr > ciirrrnt festlii.onycf tl c public am
\rrc'lHiiiM ' I ro ( "don tint llcf > lcttcr'9 Moil
nit lliltml n ni-icll In Itich ch cvti tttults
Riccillc fn't , tlnrouiilt and benign He-1 In net
f > lngIHfrdleordcr , It < M gcnlw Ihcfeoble , con
qtltrs k dnty an ! bhddrr ompialnln , and Ins
Un * thoci tivalci nce'f ho o ltc"\crlnif from
enfeebling dl osts Moreover , It Is the grand
Bpcclfl ] for four and a tto.
For sain by all iln glsts and dealers generally
jl to al
TfADl !
cdy. An tin.
falling euro
for Seminal
Weakness ,
rnra > Inipot-
B FIi8ETAKIHQ. < ! quenc0 of AFTER TARIRD.
Self-Abuio : ( is I.OMI of Memory , UnUnreal Lais
tilde , Fuln In the Itack , Phntiem of Vlilon , 1'te
niaturo Old Ag , and many othei Dltcasci th t
lead to Inennlty of Consumption and a Prcma
turo Grave.
farFnll parttculare la our pamnblot , which
wo doiiro to send fret ) I v mull to every ono.
tarrha SpccIO tMtdlclno Is eold by all druggist1
at $1 per package , or Opacities for ? 5 , or wil
bo sent free by mall on roc Ipt'of the money , by
BuCfalo , N. Y.
The Most Oucccuful nemedy over dlscov
crotl , M 1thcertain in Its effects and docn iiol
lillitt-r. i ItHAU 1'UOOF DKLOW. Also oiccllont
( or human Hi li.
Wuhlngtcnvlllo , Ohio. Juno 17 , 1881. Da
D. J. KKNDALL , i Co : Ucnts lloadlnifyourad
vcrtlscmcnt In Turl , Field and Farm , ot your
KondAll'a8Mln ] Cure , ad having \Muablc
anil scrd ? luir o which had been latno ( rora
( pavhi for eighteen month ? , t sent to > ou ( or
bottle ty oijircR. ' , which In six wcoka romovci ]
all lamcntsa and onlarfcaont and a lirgo epl'nt '
from anotlirr horse , and both horuci nro to-daj
astound 09 colts. Tlioono liottlo YM north tome
mo onu hunilrod cloHato. Knspcctftil
yo'irs , II. A. G RTOLTTT , M. D.
Send for lllustra'o'l circular ftlvlnt ; pcslthc
proof. Price $1. All Uru l-iU have It qr tan
iict It for ) on. Dr. H. J. Kond H It Oo , Pro-
jirlctora. Enoeborch Falle , Vt
s o IMervoos Su erers
. J. H. GLupe ou'a SpecLUc
H is ft pOil\eciiru ; ! for yparn. tnuhc , liecvlni
\to.not \ ) > , li ii-ntiwy , asu nil dlaoafea rttaliluy
fKin BoH-Ab'jLi , iks ilcnirj Anxiety , I.csai
Hi iiicry , ? am i In tbo ilMlr cr fllf'.o , anJ tilacuwti
f L- , -J , in tH t load to
, . , Cinaun-f ton !
. * <
< n n >
ne t :
with v-oodtr-
fill surtcoc1.
SJUt ( reo W til V > i ! ' 'ci them nd get full
1'tko , , HMr pick e , 01 vlx ( uck
tgoo for Vft M. Adiiri'u iM orders to
Noa. 104 and IDA Main t. Budalo , H. 7.
Sol'l In Omabit Vy 0 , F. Goodman , J. W. licit
J. K. lull , and all I'lUcvl.-JfDvnrv'Wuon.
K t . ? *
St. Lonli , Is still treat.
Ing all PRIVATE , NKK.
VoUS , CIIIION 0 tnd
pcclal Dlsoiecs , Srcnua.
ton hcca Impoti ncy ( Pox-
nal Incapacity ) , Foa ole
Ditrnynx , Irreguhrl Ics ,
Dltl'cult'cs , etc.
frJT l.adlts , stn J 25 cent I
( In ttiraps ) ta p iy exprrsa
chaigcs on a "valuable
work" entitled "i > l e > toi
of Woircn , etc. " Work
on Clinosic Ui KAMrH , ono stamp .TiTVIctlma
of Sell-alin-o or I'rlvato Disease , Bond 2 s'anips
for CKiKiiitUKB WonHHon Mrvoui ami ftxtiil
Plscneca. Consultation porecnilly or by letter ,
PUKK Consu t Iho old Doctor. THOUSANDS
OUUKD. Oillco In ( [ tilot , vrlvate , rcnoitablo
lace. You no no ono but the doctor. Dr.
Urko U the only phjslclan In the clly whovvar-
latits cur.'H or no piy J'cdlclneu teut tvtry
where. Ilonra , 8 A. M. to 8 r. u. cKVwly
ii- * , * 7 V 'T" - ' , " ivj."VCMI
" -f ' \ > TC4
i4i : , \ . . to * * * wrto w M <
Tf < yL Ai. \ . if ( .1. ii y&x ,
.T * *
$ 2z
Old So'os ,
Pimples ,
or any
3uroa When Hot Springa Fail
UJLVIEK , ARK. , May . 1831
We hacaiei In onr own town who lived at
tnd wore finally cured with B. S. 8.
llnOAiiuoti 4 lluaur.
? YOU < JouLiu > uieiOHc un uaK WILL
lUUB YflUH Oil rhargi. ootbliig I IVtlte I lo.
rttcuUn nnd copy of llttlo IVvak 'V ) . t.j
the Unfortunate Mnnorln < '
Ol.HM ) Rnward will ba paid to try
heiolit who will Un3 , on antlyili 100 Vottlo
H. 8.oim imrticlaof Mercury , loclIJa PnU
louiorsny Mineral mibsUnco.
nwirr apEcino co. vrops.
Pilco of Smill tUu , 91.00
Large ulio 11,76.
OriiirtUt * U ncull >
plalU toji L.Jof i D Ineii to
ildth In thu conraitat ( elU or ( Incut * l kj
It daea all klndu nnd utybj ot rliltlnj- tee.
No Udy that doai her ova droiu 1jlDif
Uord to do wltlioul ono ai nice t > laltlo g li
\rroui cf fuhlon , II syeu It eIU ltj lf , foi
, ciicultif cr Ayent'd tcrma ult'ren
OONQA34 & CO. ,
Mrs J. O. Jtfjli rt 'jti , Pitttbun , ' , I'a. , wrlloi. "
M kullorin from ftcntral debility , n-.nt of ap
pUltc , lomup.iilon , ito. , vi that flfo was a bur
den ; after tnlnir Ilurdock Iloo ! < l IHttcrs I felt l > t
tor than for jcurs. I cannot praise jour Bitter
too much. "
K. Olbtw. nt nuOntti , N. Y. , n rites : "Vou
nunlnc5 ( Illct , fitters , In chronic dl easoof th
bloo3. Ihcr < i..J Mdncys , hi c been Bltfiiall
marked with nuctcss , Ihavo mcd thrra raysol
with lie-it rcsuUi , for torpUity oftliclhor. andli
c&eoof a friend of tnlno milcrln- ; from ilri'i ; j-
the cUcct wi > inanelosig. "
BrucoTnrncr , llochest r , V Y. rlliv : 'I ' hm
been subject to Birlotia disorder of thu kid leje
and unable to attend to business ; Uurdock tllooc
Illttcra relieved mo bcforo bill aliottlo was iisei
I feel confident that thov will ttitlrcly euro inc. '
Ascnlth Hall , nlnghimpton , N. Y. , writec
I BUlTerod with a dull pain through my rl
\ung \ nnd ehouldcr , I < est HIT fplrlts , appctlt
and color , and conM with tlllbculty keep tip nl
d-\y. Took jour Burdock Illood Uttters ai < 11
reeled , and have felt no pita since first with at
tcr ualni ; them. "
Mr. Noah Dates , Elmlrn , N. Y. . wiltes : "Abou
four yearn ago I hid nn attack cf bilious fci cr , am
never fully recovered. Jly tlli cstUo organ
n ere cakcntd , and I x. ould bo coinplctclj' pros for dajs. After lining tno bottles cf you
Ilurdock Wood Illttcra thci mprovement w.\s so
\Utblothatl uataetonUlu'd. 1 con now. thotiR
01 J cars of age , do a fair end icasonablo dav
viorl : .
C. Uhckct Hoblnson , proprietor of The Canada
Preslijtcrian , Toronto , Out.rltei : "Forvcar
I suffered greatly from oft-rcctirrltifr hcadachr.
ued ) our Ilurdock Dlood Hitters with hippies
results , and I now find mi oclf In better health
than for J ears past. "
Mm. Wallace , liuHalo , N. Y , writes : ' 'Ihaxi
used Ilurdock Wood IJltters for ncnctia and bll
lous headaches , and can rocomcicaJ It toanyoni
ro < | ulrlnK n euro for bllllousnem. '
lire. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes
'Tor Bo\oral jears 1 ha\c eu3cietl frtra eft ucur
rlnir blllloua headaches , depep < > la , and com
nlalnta peculiar to my BOX. Slnco unltii ? you
Uurdoek lilood Dltteral onientliolv rolle\od. "
Price. OI.OO psi Mottle ; Trial Bottlco 10 Cts
FOSTER , 30LBUEH , & Oo , , Props
Sold at wholesale by Ish it Me Mahon and C. F
Ooodnmn. lo 27 cod DIP
Disease Is an effect , not a cause. Its origin U
within ; Its manifestations wlthoi't. hence , to
cure the disease the wusumust ba removed , and
n no other way can a euro ever to effected.
liIVER CURE is established on Jutt this
nnclplo. It realizes that
95 Per Cent.
of all diseases arlzo from deranged kidneys an
Ivor , audit ctilkcsat once ( .t the root of the
dllllculty. The clemorts of uhlch It U compoeec
act directly upon those great organs , botn as a
'OOD nid RESTORER , and , bj' placing them In a
.calthy , condition , drh c disease and pain from
ho system.
For the Innumerable troub'cs caused by un-
tcalthy Kldnojfl , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for
ho dt tro 8lng Dliordersof Women ; for Malaria ,
and physleil dera'igcnicnts generally , thta grcai
rom dy ha * no equal , lie ware cf impostors , Im-
tatlons nnd concoctions nalrt tn be Just as good.
For Diabetes ns for'WARNER'S SAFE
ior ealo by all dcalora.
mo Moofinntar W. Y
The U-roat Jbngiish
Kovor falls fa cuio
Nerious Iloblllty , VI-
Ul Kxhattsllon , Erali-
xlons , ScmlnMVoak -
HOOD , and all the
cvllellccts ol jouth-
ful follies and exec-
to.i. It stops perma
iciitly all weakening ,
involuntary loss. B and
Iralnu upon tbo sjs-
; cin , tholnc\ltablo re-
„ , „ _ jult of thesooMlnrao-
Ices , whlcli aroeo dcstruo'lvo toiulud and body
mil tnalco llfo lulsorable , oltcn leading to ineanl-
y and death It Btren thonn the Ntnca.Draln ,
mcmorjf Ulood , Jltiwlod , Plgcttlio and Itepro-
luctlva Urtrtna , It rwturoa f ) all the organic
unitlons their fonnor vigor and vitality , ma-
.In ; ; Ufa cheerful and en Joj able. 1'rico , 3 a
lOttle , or four times the quan'lty ? 10 , Sent by
xprcss. secure from otairxatlon. to any nddrcts ,
on receipt of price. No. 0. 0. D. sent , oxc-ept
on receipt of jl aa a guarantee. Ijettura rj-
! UC ! > tliig answers muetlnclaeo stamp.
Dr. Mintio's Dandohon Pills
re tl > best and chcapcvt djspopsla and bllllous
U'O In the marKU. bold by all druggiaU. 1'ricc
0 cents.
I a HiNTit'b Kia-m IlmmnT , NJI-RBTICUM ,
Curi'bJll kind of Kidney and bladder tompktntc ,
onorrlica , gleet and kucorrhca. For ealo ty all
MlKglBts : fir. bottle.
71SlUoat. , St. Louis , 110.
Tor Stxloiu Ouiahnby
roiir tlutli work t
illiuulnntiilil ut rjiuiivivttA
Hop artterc u.t Hop U
It ) uu r > ouxf * nn fimerlry liomfii. " t
.SIKUlluu or ili < ilia | Hunt u jiHinn.ui.t
ll ! or tint-It ; , old u.r . nuBerlrv * ft I
IIK tut : ou A t * > o * .vj
ou M o p
' 1 linii nu J iiui
thtuever ul.'v from
Iliit your jst lorm ot tbat C !
UtIH Of u
You will bo t' tjfiOO J.
n ltd If you ? c
Hop Dinar *
If you r *
ly weak Mill
- -
it ii may
* av eyour
lire. , it m\
hun * Kck ! tX I
iT"njaw , Out
A Cure Gaarantnoil.
Dr , G. 0. U'cU B Ucrve and llrolu Trcatiiicnt-
siiodEc for ! I3torla , DlulncM , Convultlons.
on oua Htvlaclio , Umtil Dojircittlon , Low ol
,8p ruutorrhDa ( , Impctoaoy , oluntirr
, 1'rcmnture Old Ago , caused by ovcr-
uiertlon , e lf abu e , cr orcr-ludulgence. which
eada to inlsjry , decay and death. One box will
cure recent canea. Ka b box lantalniono month's
roaUnent , One dollar a box , or ttxbosetfor
MJ dollar j ; oi-Dt by mall prepaid cu n-celpt ol
irlce. Wo guarantee six boxen to euro any ituo.
Vlth rich order received by ua for ( Jr boxe , ao-
campiutcd with live dcllarr , will i od the pur-
chawt our written cuarantco to return the
money K the tro&ticcni dot net cfltct scuir.
0. f , UocKlm n , Druifl.t , Sole. Wliol
ugul Afout , Oaiurt , Net ) . Ord > n bj
Storage , Oommission and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Peck & Banshera Lard , and Wilber Mills Flour
, - - -
STEEIJi .1011NSON & CO. ,
. O" . < Sc OO
if !
Window and Plate Glass.
jtarAnyoce . contemplating bulletin ? store , Innk. ornny other flno lll flnd It to their ad
vantage to corn.9 end with in bcforo purchaBlnj , ' their riatodlastp.
IE1O. .
I23 ! Farnhsm St. . Omaha.
On Eiver Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , ,
Fire and Burglar Pro3
j *
1020 Farnham Street ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
J. A.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Union Pacific Bewot. - OMAHA iJB ?
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Faroam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb ,