Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1882, Image 1

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A iE.
& SON ,
Corlltli&FaTiiamSt. . ,
OMAHA , NlfiB.
Magazines of { all kinds
Send for REOUCED
price-list of Job Print
Q T < M
JT . O B : VJ
Importer of , and Dealer in
Zitlior String and Music ,
IO2 Farnam Sf Om'ahar
Every Corset Is warranted oatla-
Tootory to Its wearer in every way ,
or the irtonoy will lie rotundecl liy
the person from -whom It was bought.
The only Corset pronounced by our leadlnf physician *
not In1urlou to thawoarcr , and cnclon < cU by ladles BI
tlio "mo tcomfortalilo and pvrfcct IHtlug Cornet ercr
PIIICES , by Moll , 1'o.teBO Pttld I
Health PrcMrrlne , 1.GO. 8elr.AdJu.llnc , 1.BO
Abdominal ( cztru bcavy ) $9.00. Hunting , $1.BO
Ilcaltb. I'rewrvlnB ( Ino coutll ) $8,00. 1'aruaon
HUlrl-Huijporlliiir , 1.CI.
For ole by lending Kctull Diulcru every where.
C11ICAGO COllSi : ! CO , , Ctilcaeo , IU.
Samuel 0 , Davis & Co , ,
Washington Avo. and Fifth St. , IIhi
ST. LOUIS , MO. vtHI to
COLLEGE Thrco COUMCI ; opsn to bo.h an
BCiei th
tbo tixtot trai'i. . fo
FBRKY HAl.Ij-Hs'iiir.ary . ' for fount ; t'o
lullfi. Unaurpatsuil lo buiiily and Iioal hlu - 80
ncgi nf ltu > tli , m J In txleut of mhantaxo * 80mi
oBoml n < l thoronshbOM ol tralnln ; l\en. On mi
Jjilo Jlkliiiran. ca
Vear bo fns Sept'mW 13 , 1882. Apjil ; to fin
PBEST. aRtiaoBY , t-aKo Foreat , l\\ \ .
Jl'lSod ui
Through 7/hioli / a Eightfnl Representative -
resentativo of South Carolina
lina Was Pnllefl ,
The Speaker's Deoidiug Vote
Kaiaea a Tremendous
Howl Among Demo
crat ? .
Randall Paralyzed With a Pre
cedent of His Own
The Eonato Fixes the Tax on
Tobacco at Twelyo
Cents n Pound.
The Railroad Pirate % Lobbying
For an Everlasting
M uopoly , I
Senator Kollogc Sncooisfally Bnll-
dozes the Star Route Jary.
The Adyanco in the Price or Beef JSx-
AeaociMid I'rewt
July 19. Senator
Sowell pruficnted the inoinorial of the
Fifth army corpa , asking reinstatement -
ment of Fitz John Porturt
The revenue reduction bill was
taken up. Senator Bcck'o Amend
ment iv.duchig the tax on inanufao
tured tobacco to 1'2 cents was carried
ye.w 29 , iwys 25 , a atnet party vote ,
except tjunatots Jones ( Nev ) voted
ayu , and Ingalla did nut yotu.
The ainenduient tikin the tax
from checks under $100 was rejected
19 to J ! ) .
Senator George ofl'orcd an amend
ment striking out tlio clause removing
the tax on bank capital , deposits ,
checks , eic.
Senator Allison called up the reso
lution extending llio appropriations
for the expenses of the government to
July ! 31st. Agreed to. Adjouanod.
IIouso resumed consider.\tion of the
Smalls-Tilliuan contested caso. Mr.
Tillman spoke an hour in hia own be
The previous question then ordered.
A vote was taken on the resolution
that Tillmun was not elected , and the
result announced as 145 yeas , 1 nay
just a quorum.
The next vote was on the resolution ,
that Smalls was entitled to a seat.
This was carried by the same vote.
The speaker stated thutj .by error of
the clerk the vote on the first resolu
tion WOB jncQmctly. annau'iced and
' *
EoTho as speakerwtinTd uovr vote to'
make a quorum. '
The democrats objected , but the
speaker insisted there was a precedent
for it.
Mr. lliindal ! , whoso rulings were al
luded toinBistedthoro was no precedent
and added , "This 11 the stcond time
the gentleman has misquoted my rul
ings. "
The speaker caused an extract from
The Record to bo road , which showed
that Randall , when speaker in 1876 ,
rated the day after the vote had boon
: ast in the house.
Confusion and excitement occurred
uid the churgo was openly made by
Mr. Blackburn that the clerks wilfully
jhanged the vote. >
Small was then sworn in.
The case of Smith vs. Shelly was
taken up.
A resolution of investigation was
) llerud but no action taken because of , ,
.ho fact that Mr. BUckburn wan not
> reaont , having withdrawn in the
rational Ajntictateil 1'ram.
WASHINGTON , July 19. The prcsi-
tent has nominated William Halo , of
bwa , governor of Wyoming ; J S.Cros-
iy , New York , governor 01 Montana ;
Vilson W. Hoover , California , asso-
iate justice of the supreme court of
i argument in favor of the motion
0 quash thu indictmenta in the star
oute cusfti closes to-morrow. The
rosccntum reply Friday , and ask an
djournment over Sunday. It is bo-
ovod the court will grant the motion. Bil
The conference committtoo on the bi
iver and harbor bill disagree on the bir r ;
lennepin and Maryland cannls and
'otomao ' Hits amendment to the Mis ce
ssippl appropriation , The report P
ill bo made to-morrorr , in
The conference committee on the tli
3iioral deficiency bill agreed on all ur
Dints oxcopc the mileage of sonatora inpc
ir the extra session in October , 1881. pc
ho committee did not alter the in
nount of Gufiold'a funeral expenses la
1 agreed upon by the donate. ur
WASHINGTON , July 19 , Senator Btl
ollogg is a very adroit politician , tote
o has boon in many tight corners in to
a life. He has had probably a moro
irsaiilo career than any man in public ca
'e. Those who know his past his- ha
ry did not believe ho would go down
ider the statement of Mr , Walsh , an
is learned to-night how the J , I ) . asl
rice case was so summarily dropped , ox
id how the jury eamo to report to CO I
o court that there was no warrant ye ;
r indictment. There has boon a me
od deal said in the newspapers for ace
voral days about the possible indict- in
jut of Senator Kellogg , and ho be- ott
me very much irritated at it. He str
ially decided upon a decided course , of
j took a carriage , wont to the white am
house and had a confldontial talk with
the president. Ho said : "I want
this thing stopped right now. If you
propose to let that man Bliss go ahead
and indict mo on the tontimony of
that d d scoundrel Walsh , I will re
sign in the United States sonata
quicker thanalhsh nnd that will Icnvo
your oenato in the hands of the demo
crats , " Mr. Kellogg wbnt on to say
that life was too short for him to bo
bothered with such troubles. Ho hud
a fortune , nnd ho had been through
too much sinoko and slander to bo
put on the gridiron nunin at
the mercy of such a man as Waleh ,
Ho explained to the president
his connection with W.ilsh , and said
that it was perfectly legitimate. Ho
hnd borrowed money of him us n
broker and their relations were such
as any public mm : would bo justified
in holding with broker. "Now , "
said Kellogp , "I did not crmio 'iphcr.i
to threaten on anything of that sort.
I merely shoivyou the position I tiiko
If this thing uoes any further I re
sign " This is given ns ono of the ex
planations for the nuddon dropping of
thu case.
WASHINOTON , July 19.-Tho bill
authorizing the consolidation of rail-
roiuln in the territories , which was reported -
ported back und rrcumm nded to the
houao by the Pacific rnilro.ul committee -
too , has cntiotl uiifuvornbly comment ,
This bill provides for the consolidation
of continuous ami connecting lines nf
roads , and forbids the consolidation
of parallel and competing lines. Thu
Capitol , of this city , in n long article
maintains that the bill is a job in the
interest of Gould , Huntington & Co. ,
and eajs its title should read , "A bill
to confer upon Jay Gould , 0. P ,
Iluntiiigton and their confederates an
everlasting monopoly of trans
portation across the continent. "
The writer adds : "Congress
is asked to allow Huntington to
consolidate his California , Ar
izona and and Now Mexico charters
under a United States charter that m
null , but by the agreement already
mrmo with Gould , anterior to the time
when hla laud ur.uit expired the 22d
of last May. The consolidated road
13 consolidated with the Texas Pacific ,
and takes possession of its land grxnt ,
claiming that the entire road was
completed within the prescribed time. "
The bill provides in the first section
that parallel roads shall not bo con
solidated , but it virtually consolidates
three p rallol roads across the conti
nent , and the C ! juld-riuutinuton
agreement prevents the build
ing of other competing parallel
roads in Texas , Louisiana and
Arkansas The letter of Score-
taiy Kirktvood , houao executive doc
ument No. 141 , Forty-seventh oon-
groaa , fitst session , 011 pagea 44 and
45 , shows the number of acres of land
urantod to the Texas Pacifio to bo 14- ,
309,700 ucron , winch , valued at the
lowest government price for railroad
land , $2 50 per aero , is worth $35-
774,400. The length of the road
through the land grant is : New Mexico -
ice , IGQ milesj.-Arizonn , 378 milua ;
C.ilfornia , 150 miles ; total , CG8 miles ;
and the coat OB shown by the agree
ment of Gould and Huntington , was
820,000 per mile , or a total of $13 , .
7CO,000-but a little more than
one-third of the value of the
land grant at the minimum
valuation. The charter of the
iYxus Pacific required it to commence
building at each end of the line , but
it did not , and there is no question na
; o its complete fotfeituro of the land
granted to it. No ono sunpectu or
loubts but this seemingly innocent
jill revives that grant and divests the
Jmted States of its title to land worth
iver § 33,000,000 for the benefit of
wo of the most unscrupulous of the
ailroad jobbers of the country. To
libtrapt attention from the effects of
his bill and prevent its true character
rom beingknownanother bill has been
ntroduced IIouso Regular , No.
1,202 with nine whoreoses , the
ighth of which rites tlio agreement
lotwaon the Trx-n P < ilb and the
luntington roatiw , and ul.ums that by
his agreement the l.uid grant was
oved to the cuinpany. This bill
penly does what the ono which it is
ropoaodto paas accomplishes covortly. '
If course , it was not expected to pass
lie open grant , and it was only in-
jndod to draw attention from the .
ther bill (5,219) ( ) , which accomplishes
II that ia usked for in bill No. 0,202.
WASHINGTON , July 19. The com-
lisaionur of agriculture , in his last. cc
> port just published , givoa some in- fn
( resting information regarding the fnH
Ivuncu in the price of hooves. lie
CO .
A comparison of Chicago prices of COwl
jevea of different grades for six wlPI
jars past shows a constant decline
om 1870 to 1879amoantiag to 20 per
nit for choice hooves during this
iriod. Then commenced a rise which
three years exceeded 40 per cent ,
,0 , advance moving slowly in 1879 BP
id 1880 , but much moro rapidly dur- 01
g 1881 , the increase being fully $1 pr
ir hundred of live weight dur- to
g the year. But einco the ha
t of Ju'y ' the advance has boon
iprecadontod , the range being from
i 85 to 88 35 in January , 1882 , and Nt
DIU $8.00 to $8 90 in Juno , or moro
an15 per cent advance upon the rai
ices of six months ago. In butchers'
jok , thu range has been from 82 75 coi
S-t.25 in January , und from git 50 ho
80 00 in Juno , the latter rate being ho
reduction on May prices. The tie
use of this great advance , which
a occasioned aomo surprise among
oducers and great consternation
long consumers , has boon often
< od of late. There ate several. The
portation of extra hooves , which mi 0X1
nmencod in 1877 and increased miP
ir by year , both as live and dead P ]
ifct , is an element , but does not hu
fount for the spasmodic jumps
the rate of recent months. An- trj
icr cause of equal or superior
ia the great destruction Kit
cattle on the plains , in the parks
1 valleys of the Itocky mountains in prc
the winter of 1880 81 , by ccld am
starvation , amid the drifts and never
hies of the unusual season. Whil
this cause tended to stiffen prices it
1881 , it is not continually operative
as the past winter was very favorable
and the numbers are. now it creasing
rather than diminishing. The thin
cnuso , acting in conjunction with the
two preceding , with a cumuhtivo of
feet , is the failure ) of the last con
crop , the high price of feeding ma , altogether producing an excitement
mont in the market thai partakes o
the nature of panic , tuoh as exists in
all markets lo-iloy and threatens an
other era of loss of confidence , lioatil-
iug and stagnation. Thorp are
assumed cauacn asigned by uninfoim-
ed writers which nrn bixsnless or with
out api-reciablo weight , such as the
recent dronwning of c.\ttlo in the Mis-
aiaaippi. It ia true there wna some
local loss in numbers but not in the
prospective bocf supply of the great
markets , or appreciable In the homo
supply , ns beef is soirooly a proditot
of cotton plantations. What of the
future prices ? It is clear that n not-
son of ubundnnt crops , ami
especially n good corn crop ,
would cituuo an immense decline. IF
another short crop ia gathered priced
will continue to bo hign. Already
the effect is soon in rnduoed consump
tion , tending to the increiise of supply
and reduction of rates. While prices
cannot continue to increase and can
not bo permanently maintained under
full harvests , it is probable that the
low rates of a few years n o will not
aoon prevail , if over. The general
tonionoy throughout the world is to
ward a high rule of moat compared
with grain and other annual products.
a ho Sto-m In the Black Hilts 4-
OOO Acres of Orops Entli olv
Wiped Out.
Telegram to the St. Paul Tlonorr Press.
DiiAunoou , D. T. , July 17. A
nu'esengor sent out to make a tour of
the devastated district has just re
turned and corroborates previous re
ports. The storm first uppearod at 9
o clock Friday availing at iho head of
Sand creel ; , nnd moved in an easterly
direction across tlio most fertile and
extensively cultivated portion of township -
ship 7 north , range 2 east , fullo-.ving
the llodwator valley a distance of
twenty miles- , and cutting across
the Spearfish Fall'a bottom , Hay
creek , Crow creek and Chicken
crook vallojs , The crops were well
advanced , fully headed and pave pro-
mine of a prodigious yield. The
track of the storm wan four miles
wide. Nothing in the form of crops
remuins , oven potatoes being washed
away. Hail and very high wind cut
grain stalks in two , as though done by
a roapor. The Rodwater roao fifteen
feet , and hail fell to the depth nf eigh
teen incho : . At the least calculation
farms visited two-
soyenty-fivo wore , -
thirds of which sustain a total loss of
crops. It is estimated that at least
4,000 , acres of grain ihjVwouldhave
been harvested the rfext , two weeks
ivoro entirely wipad out , on'tailing a loss
rariounly catenated at frorit 'JIDO.OOO '
; o $200,000. No buildings , of any
und were destroyed nor porsonalxin-
urios sustained. No moro word has
jcon received from rho cattle ranges ,
nit it is not believed that any lots ot
took occurred The farmers are not
liscouragod , butussieted by merchants
ind others nf this city will , as a rule ,
ontinuo improving and cultivating
ocations. A very largo area of culti-
ated land , including the major por-
ion of the Spoarfiish , the lower por-
lon of the Redwator , the upper por-
ion of the False Bottom , Belie
i'ourche , Ojiitonniiil and Whitewood
alloys and all Ponnington county os <
aped , and unless other disasters oc-
ur will , within two weeks , yield
irgoly in oats , wheat , barley and
MrsLliicolii's Fanoral.
atlonil AisocUtuI 1'rcaii.
Si'iiiNai'iELD , Ills , , July 19. The
moral of Mrs. Lincoln took place
ins morning. There was n large
ttondanco. The remains wore do-
ositcd beside her husband.
The cervices wore brief , consisting
f pruyer by Ilov S. II 0. Post and
. A , Parker , sermon by ll.iv. . - J. A.
leid. Thu pall bearers wore : Qov.
ullom , Judge S. H. Fresh , Gon. J.
. McOIormond , Hon. Milton Hay ,
ol. John Williams , Hon. 8. U.
ones , lion , J. 0 , Oonkling and Cap-
liri J. S , Bradford.
Boa Hill's Limit of Llfo
itloim ) Ass 'clnti > d 1'rcHh , n
ATLANTA , Qa , July 19. Bon Ilill'a 1u
mdition ia unoh.inged. Ho takes 1tl
od naturally , but in a fluid form , tlBI :
o is greatly wasted away and cannot BI
icak The cancer is slowly but uurely sia
.tiiig its way towird vital parts , siT
liich it may reach at any moment. T
liysiclaiiB plaoo his limit of life at in
ro to three months. t (
Cuttlne Down Exponeof. fl |
Ulonal AsHcclateil 1'rond. ,
B (
OIIIOAOO , July 19A Bloornington vi
onial eays the extensive ahops of thu
licago & Alton road there have been
actically stopped on a general order N
reduce expenses. All now work
a been stopped. re
d Baited Insurance Company. fo
tlontl AnOCUUd l'rci 3.
Oou'MiuJs , July 19 , State Insu-
: ice Superintendent Moore has no- Nt
ied ofllcors of the Homo insurance
inpany , Columbus , to direct stock-
Iders to pay 129 per cant , of stock nile
Id ton days ; assets $77,829 ; liabili- lobt
s , including capital stock which IB th
,200,000 $335,000.
, , , , Bt
A Villuco Simmition. Is
tlonil AiMcuilia f ( CM. dc
. , July 19. There ia much P'
Jitomont at St. Julia , a village UO'J IK
los away , over thu mysterious dis- ca
pearanoo last Sunday of two young tu
ildron of Cyrillo Hplangor. Five
ndrod men are scouring the coun-
' . Foul play in Kuspectod.
Auolont Templun , Bt
IsBoeUttxl i'roH * . dt
JiiiOAdo , 111 , , Juno 19 The BII- II !
inio temple of the United Order of th
Ancient Templars adjourned to-day
after two days BO'aion. Dologate.i
were present from Kentucky , Illinois ,
Mmouri , Indiann , Toxag , Knimos ami
Oregon The constiluiion was changed
sons to admit reprosontativesf rom sub-
temples. Tlio general status of the
order was reported.
A llow In Georgia Uotwoon Whites
nnd Blnck8-Ono Wblto Man
nnd n Noirro Killed nnd
MX Colored Mot )
l ) . | i\tch to tlio chlcno Tilbtinr.
ATLANTA , Gt. , July 17. Two
men who were compelled to leave
Polk county on account of the passage -
sago of the "option law , " established
i saloon at Iho mouth of the tunnel
being constructed on the Macon it
Brunswick extension railroad , Paultl-
ing county , Thu rnilroad niuhorities
liavo used every endeavor to got rid nf
the great annoyance , but to no
purpose. Those who have gonor-
lly frcquontcd this place have
boon white men and desperate
characters. A abort time ago I lagan ,
employed in getting timber , went
.hero to got ohoeso and crackers ,
when John Hicks got into a quarrel
with him and shot him. Wednesday
ust the proprietor of the saloon went
o c.unp and into the commissary with
vvo revolvers , searching for one of the
lands , whom ho found and shot at ,
Hiving this man hid informed revenue
ollioora agalimt him. A few daya ago
some of thcso men went into thu
camp armed with revolvers and shot-
tuns , ostensibly to soil peaches.
Whilst trading they accused ono of
ho'nogroei of stealing aomo of thtir
leaches , and pointed a gun at
lim , aa they said , to make
lim disgorge. Their conduct caused
a crowd to gather , when they loft. A
short distance off ono of them turned
and fired at thu crowd , when thu fire
van returned , and the running lire
vas kept up botneen the ncerovn nnd
ho pouch fiollerj , in which Home fifty
shots were fired. Frul'iy mornii'g
hckn , the diispuratlo , went lo camp
irmud with two revolvers and with a
> ox of cjtridgea in his pocket. Sat
urday ( p.iy day ) John Hicks again
o.ime to t'i ' camp armed , and attempt
ed to disarm thu negroes , many of
vlioin had armed themselves for self-
irotcction. flicks uucccoded in
lisarming Homo four or live of
, ho nogrooa , ho was re-
istod by ono man , und a light QII-
tied. This wa ? at the mouth of the
unnel whi ro the saloon is located ,
n the fight llicltHivud one negro wore
cilled and hix negroes wore wound eel ,
licka receiving night tmll.i in his
> ody. Tim negroes nuccoedod in driv-
ng the whites from the s.Uoon , of
which they remained in possession un-
il jeUorday noon. On Saturday
if lit th nherifT of Paulding county
van notified and assembled a posse ,
nd went immediately to the tunnel ,
where the iiherilf of Polk county also
assembled his posse. The negroes
first refused to surrender , but after
wards submitted to the arrest of those
engaged in the disturbance , and the
roinaiuder''qiiety''tlisporfled/- * " - - > . / >
Ohio Democrat-
National Afwoclated 1'rcee.
COI.UMBDH , 0. , July 19. From all
tppcaruncus there will bo a large at
tendance at the democratic state con
tention The contest centers on sec
retary of state , .lames W. Newman ,
John Grieves and John G. Dnvun ,
rVill make a strong fight for it. Tlio
ihairmansliip of tliostatocommitco lies
sotweon John II. Farley , ropreaont-
ng the young ( kmooracy , against
lolin G. Thompson. Thu latter'a
ihanco are favorable. Theru is excitu-
nont over tlio attempt to involve
. 'ayno , Pendloton and Thurman.
Gooriln Ilnmoorats
I'atlonal AasociituJ 1'resy.
ATLANTA , July 19. The stale dom-
icratio convention has adopted the
mjority rule by u majority of 31 in a
rote of , ' (50. ( Alexander LI. Stephens
nd A. 0. Bacon were placed in noni-
nation nnd a vote will be taken to-
icrrow. A hard contest is probable ,
fo bolt is oxpectoU. It is believed
lacon will withdraw and Stephens
rill lie nominated.
Tbo TarllT Coiumiiiion.
'atlonil 1'rcia Aiwociatloii. '
LONO BUANOII , Ju'y 19. President
Inyua , ot the turill'conimittaion , who
rrived this nfter.ioon , called a Nciul ] (
luuting at 9 o'clpck thi < i rvening
'do ' proceedings were BI crut , but it in
ndorfttood a geiioral discussion ot
ie pending tanlf amendment in thu
junto took place. All the coinmin-
oners , with the exception of Mr.
arland , of Illinois , are now hero
ho meeting in the morning will bo
lainly to arrange preliminaries , and
t decide in what order the various in
ns trial and commercial interests
mil be taken up. All the member * !
icm anxious to prosecute the work
gorously ,
The Third Minnonotu.
atlonal AnKOcIatod 1'roHi.
ST , PAUL , Minn. , July 10. The
publican convention of the Third
strict nominated W. B.tWashburn
r congress by acclamation ,
Illlnoti Liquor Mon.
, tlon l An.ocuti'd '
OIIIUAOO , July 19. The third an-
lal convention of the Liquor Dea
rs' Protective association , of Illinoiu ,
igan this morning. The object of
e mooting is to elect delegates to H :
ate convention to bo livid ut > Rock
land. ItoRolutions were adopted
claring that , rcgardleta of furiuor
ilitical aasociatloua they will Mipport
i ono for ofllco who is not unetjuivo
lly opposed to prohibition or uump-
ary legislation ,
tlonol i'tcuw AtacUtlon , m
, July 19. The Civil BO
irvieu Reform association in an mi in
ess to the people of thu state , daya ;
I'ho statement in Hubbell'a circular
at contributions will not bo objected ru
to in any oflicial quarter , is intended
to reflect on President Arthur's per
sonal and political integrity , and that
if ho is content to rest under this view
of hia character , well and good. "
An lowtx Qreonlmokor.
NnUonM Aftoc'n'otl I'ro * .
DES MOINKS , July 19E. . H Gillett -
lott was nominated for congress by the
greenback era in this district.
NM'ouil ' Amoclfttcd Prc .
L'lXDflN ' , July 19 In the shootinu
at Wimbledon to-day for the Ivulnpnro
cup , distancu 500 yards , the follow ing
woo the ncoros : England -101 , Can
ada 880 , Jersey . ' 508 , Guernsey : )57. )
rincino iiAcr.H.
CIIICACO , July 19. Almost tci
tlioupund pcoplo witnessed the races a
the Driving p-irk to-day. The firs *
r.ico , 2:27 : class , for a purse of § 2,000 ,
with six entries , was won by Jerome
Eddy in four heats , Mattie Grahan
ocooiul , Aldiiiu third ; time 2:21. :
The second was for a tpccm
purne of $1,000 , Ohas. lliynloiHl's
Phil TlunnpiDii agal 8 % time , to beai
in three heats his tt > uordof 2:19j : ; boat
time made was 2:23 : } .
The third r.icouis 2:21 : cliias , for a
purao of $2,500 , with BIX untrioa ,
$500 extra to winner of the heal il
trotted in bettor than 2:17 ] . The
race vriia a clean ono in four hcatn ,
Uliick Cloud winning in 2:1' : ) } , W II.
2d , Scott Thuma , IU1 ; fastest lime ,
was matlo by William 11. in the BOO
end heat 2:18 : $
ATLANTIC , N. J. , July 19. Atlantic
Citys 2 , St. Louis II.
NEW Yoinc , July 19. Worccotors
12 , Metropolitans 0.
NEW YOUK July 19. First race ,
sivoopstiilus , 3-year olds , milo and a
quarter , U.ilicock first , Hilarity sec-
Vulusin third ; time , 2liA. : !
Second race , midsummer handicap ,
ono mile , Jack of HinrU fiwt , Con-
atnntinn and Yorkshire , dead heat , for
uoonnd place ; time , l-UIJ. :
Third race , led bxnk stakes , thiiio-
quarterq of a mile , Pizzinilirat , Incon- Hi'cjnd , Renegade third ; time ,
Fourth raoi' , handicap rwocpntakcn ,
one and a half mile , ( Monitor first ,
Eulo second , Baton Hoago third ;
time , 2-12. ;
Fifth race , purno $500 , BOVOII fur
longs , Stra'hnpry lirat , Cotmtuitina
second , llospulor third ; time ,
1:29j. : The winner wan bought for
Sixth race , steeple chase , purse
$700 , Felix first , Ike Bonhani aecond ,
Joe Hunt third ; time , 5:15 :
N'ntlon U A(8oilatpd I'rcfn ,
CHICAGO , July 19. Having received
no instructions , the Swedish minister
at Washington has ordered the release
of the two Swedes , Holding and Robertson -
ortson , who were being hold for con
fessing to Iho murder of Sophia Dahl-
berg , of Stockholm , in 1875.
outrageous assault was made on a
colored gtrl , 8 years of age , at Rock
Creek , by three white youths , a week
ago. The child is in n critical condi
NE\V YOIIK , July 19. All persona
irrcatrd in connection with the mur
Jer of L mis W. Gutturmiith were
JiBclmrged to-day by the coroner. It
n's addrcao to the jury the coroner
n fleeted severely on the deficiency o
ho detective nyatem , and jury o.illoc
ittention to the laxity of the police
lorvico. _ _ _
Troubles of a QJIUB WorJii.
' ( ktlaiini Ardoci toJ 1'rcaa '
luly 19. A Stroator (111. ( )
ipecial says : For some inyHtenouH
oaaon the American Window Glass
Dloworn' union refuse to permit the
Uroator glass works to start up work
rho works were burned down last
Vpril , but were rebuilt at great ox
lonso on agreement with the union
hat work would bo resumed at the
nehont time.
Kioliod to Ilonth.
'atlon l Anoclitod 1'ruia.
OHIOAOO , July 19. A quarrel took
livco lust night between John Carter
nd Tliotim MuLauu'hlin , both mo-
lianics , ovnr a trilling board bill ,
loljiiuglilm knocked Carter down ,
imped' n his ijrontrato body , und
iikud h ni iinhl lifo u-nu extinct.
allen l jlM
NKW YOHK , July 19. Arrived , Do-
oniu from GlaHgow , Llyriu'n from
iverpool , Arohimcdo from Viola ,
ydian Monarch from London , Abys-
nia from Liverpool ; sailed , Gallia
ir Liverpool , Maas for Rotterdam ,
ranee for Liverpool , Pietro Da-
oninck for Antwerp.
QUKKNSTOWN , Ju y 19. Arrived ,
atavia from Boston , Indiana from
'hiludolphia. '
LiVKiu-ooi. , July 19. Arrived ,
luytiun from Now Orleans , Montreal
'om Montreal ,
GLASGOW , July 19. Arrived ,
itiana from Montreal.
Flro ,
Ulonal AMoclattd I'rcu
MILWAUKKB , July 19. A fire tony -
ny in the Cream City brass works
ustroyed stock and building. Loss ,
30,000 ; partly iiiiiirod ,
I A JOclaUd I'M * .
NEW YOUK , July 19. There wor
000 men in tbo freight handler1
> r do 11 day. A mu * met ing K
ild at Union iqutre. SeTcnpe ohM
ere made , generally advocating in-
jp nd nt politic * ! action by catlirig
lote from the old putlta. The rela
tions dtnouaco the r Uro d mo-
) pply nd the legiilttlve ution of
saion , and uk relief from the com-
g legliUtnro.
iloBi oo Oonkling made the oloting
icoch in the court to-day ior the n <
IIroads. The decision was reserved.
A "Holy War" Preached Through
out the Laud by irabi's '
Public Prnyera O Tered in the
Mosques of India For
The Sultau Believed Germany
Will Become Hia Pri nd
the Powers.
Hence Turkey Need Not bo Ex
pected to Interfere on Behalf -
half of England.
An Infernal Maahiuo Man in
Philadelphia Negotiat
ing With Arab ! .
The French Minister * liana 111
Their Ronlimtlous. | .
tfationalAii ocialod Press.
ALKXANMUA , July 10. Dervish
? .isha , special minister of Turkey , ro-
utim to ConiitaiitlHlo ! | to-day. Ilia
loparturo at the present crisis ia
docniul extraordinary. Tlio English
xttompl to make it appear that Dor-
ish returns because his presence is
10 longer necessary , owing to TuiKiah
ntiafiiotion with British occupation.
t is understood , however , Dorvia was
umnmrily ordered homo by the sultan
jocauso his active co-operation with
lie khedive WAS niiaini ; indignation
mong tlio excited Mohammedans at
uapocted connivance to turn E jypt
over to thu chriatiiMiB , r.nd is uiuiulo
o resist thcBu protests. It is
illtgqd , iil&n , that tliu sultan under-
tnnila that Germany does not favor
anything liku an oflicial ondornanioat
jy Turkey of either n purely English
> r joint English niul French occupa-
ion of Egypt. The position of the
> orlo ia critical in thu extreme. The
mtl Christian fouling is bi coming
arouacd nctivoly nil over TurKey ,
Vrabia , Egjpk and the interior of Afri-
a , and is to-day on such a liurcu utid
nonacing attitude that the sultnndaro
lot move in the direction of an ally of
England. On the other hand ho realizes
hat Germany could bo his most use-
ul friend among thu powers and on
, hot mount fecla constrained to stay
> ut of any combination which includes
Roporto arrive of a terrible confU-
ration raginu in Smyrna.
PIIILAUKLVIIIA , Pa. , July 17. Goo.
lolgato of this city , an infernal ma-
ohitio manufacturer , says ho is in no-
[ otiation with a representative of
rabi Hey to- furnish torpedoes that
uez canal from its foundations.
The report of an interview with
rant relative to the Egyptian quua-
on is not truo. No such article is
published hero.
ALEXANDRIA , July 19. It is believed -
lioved Arabi'n ' army is increasing rap
idly. England's blunder in not push
ing the war and hur present delay , is
greatly aiding Arnbi in recruiting.
I ho wounded nru being paraded in
[ Jairo to excite the indignation of the
nilives. AH Europeans have left
Jairooxcopt twunty Germans.
mmc-ULTiKS op coim sroNDENTS.
LONDON , July 10. Correspondents
ire Rending from Alexandria narratives
> f puraonal prowcnn. It is difficult to
; ot news on account of the country
joing thickly infoutod with bands of
mttvo troops and nmr.tudors , that oven
joyinour does not consider himself
troii enough to send out scouts. A
lorrospondcnt of The Telegraph claims
lu rod ( i out nine miles and found the
oad thick with cot-pica of soldiers and
kulotoiiHof horaoa , wrecks of carriages
nd swarming with starving women I
nd children who told him the Bedouins
lad followed and attacked Arabi's
rmy duriii ) ; ittt nureat to nib thutn of
Loir boot ) .
ALKXANIIUIA , July 10 Admiral
iiymour , after Dervish I'anna left foe
loiistaumioplo , received dispatches
Iiioli prompcd him to send his fleet-
itt boat nftur him to bring him bixuk.
lo suspects a secret understanding
ud communication between Arabi and
10 Khedive.
ALEXANDRIA , Juno 19 Arabi Boy
miains at Kafrodawur. Ho threat-
us llimloh. Ho has sent emissaries
> Tripoli , Tunis uud Seria , to preach.
holy war ,
LONDON , Juno 19 Public prayers
era oil'ered in the mosques of India
> r the BUCCCS of Arabi.
PAHIB , July 10. The French chain.
er voted the Egyptian credit 310 to
0. M. BUuchero , radical , brought
irward an interp IUtloii in f yor of
110 creation of the central nuyoralty
i Parli.
M. Gamble , minister of the inttrlor ,
ppo ed and mord the order of the
iy. Rejected , 28 < o 12. All
linUUn tht n roie kiid left the houso.
C. Vreyolntt aad oolltunet placed
belr rcclxuHoDf ia the hands of
'resident Ore y , who ha wfuwd to
eo pt thvm. i.rrage > uiuts will prob-
bly b made by wllloh the dlilerencea
111 b adjuiUd.
LONDOV , Jely 19. A confl gratloQ
t Smyrna dlt tored 1,400 houaoaj
,000 , penona houiiltaa.