Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE DA1L * JBEE : WEDNESDAY , JULY 19 1882. .
Too many carpenters have gene to M
According to this yenr'a census , Ouati
county HIM 2,039 people.
ImtUnoltv fs enileiworlnj ? to organic
building jiRsocIatlcn.
A national bank has been organised i
Falls City anil will begin Inulnesn Augu
Int.The B. k M. * afo at Ulysses was blow
oi > en by burglars on the 14th and robbed i
skw.A .
A man arrived at Niobrnra , the oth <
Hey , in n skllf , having come from IJismarc
in ten days.
An elevntor Is to be built nl Superior I
nccomnicxlate the immense amount uf grai
railed around there.
Hogs nro worth 88.25 doivn in Otn
county , but they ha\e to bo very > ; ooi
one * for that money.
A herd of antelope dcainpering just out
nldo of town WM a ulitht at Urokcn How
Ouster county , lant week.
Kmran Trout ) , a Columbus young Iftdy ,
nnncarcd on the streets in innlo ftttlro am
wm nrrcitcd and fined $10 and costs.
The Nance county agricultural foclctj
was organized at Kullerton on the 112th ,
The capital slock Is'.SlO.OOO In 810 shares.
A sucking colt drew a gam ? plow at the
4th of July celebration at Alma. It drew
it because it was the bent ono on the
grounds ,
The old suldlera living in the eastern
part lof Polk county , Jnot at Shelby n
short time since and organlrcd n G. A. II.
post.A. . S. Donaldson and his hired man
killed n mountain lion near his residence ,
at Ford postolfico , Anlelo | > o county , lat
The east-bound B. & M. express from
Denver struck n horse between IndlanoU
and Cambridge on the lUth , and not a
sign of the animal has hlnco been neon.
A Kansas man came over the line on
the 9th to attend church at Superior. A
bridge being down , ho left Ills mule team
tied on the other bank , and when ho re
turned ono of the animals was choked to
death by the rope.
B. Walters , of 1'ortcr precinct , Hlchard-
Fen county , while sleeping on tlio floor on
the lOth.tho llnmlioUrt Sentinel says"was
Htruck by lightning./ charge of elcc-
tilclty passed entirely around his body ,
injuring him HO badly It ii thought ho can
not recover. "
Why a Pretty Wixltor Girl Fainted
MluslngJowolry. .
Philadelphia Time *
A very romantic Eccno took plixco
Inat week at n boarding house situated
in North Twelfth struct , this city. In
the early part of luat month Mrs.
Crane , u boarding houuo keeper , WJIB
in need of extra foinalo help to wait
nt tablo. Shu wont to mi iutalligonca
oflico , and there nliu saw n vary hand-
ooinu blonde , n girl nbout 18 yours of
ago. Her appearance waa oo quint
and modest that alio tirndo n most
favornblo iiiiproaflion upon Mra. 0.
After ix few preliminaries , the now
servant , who gave horiianio aa Qortiu ,
waa engaged. The girl gave her em
ployer every satisfaction. Unlike the
average run of servant girls , Miss
Gertie never wished to go out at night.
As soon aa lior day's work was over ,
she would repair to her own private
room and never aasociato with her fol
low servants.
Titno and again , however , the mis-
trcas sought to obtain the confidence
of the servant , and each time that
Mra. Crane would nay "Como , Qortiu ,
toll mo about your poet life , " the girl
would cry , and bog her employer not
to broach a subject which would
neither give pleasure nor information
to cither party. Last Tuesday night ,
when the boarders assembled in the
dining-room for supper , it was stated
that "a now chum had como among
them. Gertie , as usual , waa at her
waiting-place. She waa told to go to
the now boarder and take his order.
She advanced , unconscious of the
surprise in store for her. Only the
words "What will you" had passed
her lips , when , with a shriek , nho ex
claimed : "Good God , it'fl Williol" and
before an arm could catch her aho had
When Gortlo was revived , she beck
oned Willie to her and whispered
aomothing in his oar. Then turning
to the astonished boarders she , In a
faltering voice , said : "This man is my
brother. I was born in Ballarat , Aus
tralia. I am now 18 years old. Four
years sinoo I ran away from my fath
er's roof and married , I did not live
with my husband long ho was so jeal
ous of mo. I made up my mind to
leave him. Whore to go was the ques
tion which troubled mo moat , My
parents had not spoken to mo since
ray marriage. I saw an advortisomon
in The Melbourne Argus that a widov
lady who was traveling to Europ
would give a companion her pasang
in exchange for her company. I ap
plied for and got the position. I lof
Europe seven months ago , and sine
landing hero have boon employed as i
book-keeper in a down-town store ,
which position I was forced to loavi
through no fault of mine. My nor
situation was as a waitress ; that was ii
this house. You know all that lias
happened since I have been hero to the
meeting of my brother. "
Mrs. Crane accepted the explana
tion , and requested the girl to remain
with her. Uertio , however , rnfused ,
Shu Insisted on leaving , as aha said
thatsho "could not look the boarders
ill the face again she would bo
ashamed. " Late on Tuesday night
the girl and her brother loft the house ,
and all inquiries about them proved
fruitless. With the romantic couple ,
who it is now thought are man and
wife , departed a great quantity of
clothing and jewelry belonging to the
boarders of the house , who are anxi
ous to again see the handsome Aus
tralian blonde who BO successfully
Jloecod them.
r-4- II. V , McCarthy , druggist , Ottawa ,
Out , , states that ho was ntillcted with
chronic bronchitis for gome yearn , and was
completely cured by the use of TIIOUAH'
ELKCTHIO OIL. julyl7dlw
i , '
Arabl Bey.
"Yes ; I saw Arabi Pasha twice dur
ing my last visit to Egypt , " uaid Dr ,
Henry M Pield , as ho sat in his pri
vate room in the oflico of the Now
York Evangalist to a representative of
the Horald. "Tho first time I saw him
but a moment , but the second time I
was in his society for awholo evening
It was hut February Consul Gener
al Wolf , with Gen. Stone , ( ho chief of
staff to the khedive , and seine Ameri
cans passing the winter at Cairo
thought it would bo pleasant to cele
brate Washington's birthday with a
tcrand dinner , which was given at the
hotel where I was stopping , It brought
together a dislinguUhcd company , nl.
though it is not common for Arabs an
Europeans to mingle , and all the khi
divo'a ministers wcro present. Thoi
was the greatest curiosity to sco Aral
Hey , and I was placed opposite him t
the tablo.
"Ho is a man of largo physique an
rather heavy features ; but hia oj
looked aa if it might ilaah fire wore h
aroused. Ho had committed a grot
act of insubordination in leading tli
army against the government , fo
which , had lamnil Pasha been sti
khcdivo , ho would undoubtedly hav
been shot. I felt that ho might h
destined to supreme power or death
and I observed him closely. His man
ncr was very quiet , nnd Although i
was a mony party and Americans am
Europeans on all sides were gayl ;
drinking wino ho waa very grave , nn <
I noticed that ho did not oven raia
the cup to his lips. Ho spoke Arabic
but through the interpreter ho toh
me that ho had como out that evening
although not feeling well , to do lionoi
to the memory of a man who hat
freed his country from a for
uigii yoko. I felt that ho was think
ing that what Washington had done
for America he might do for Egypt. '
"Do you consider him a groal
man ? "
"Ho is now to prove whether ho ii
a great man , " replied Dr. Field ,
"Hut I was not impressed with hit
greatness. Ho is unquestionably r
very bravo man , for ho took his life
in his hand when he revolted ngainsl
tlio government , but his looks do nol
indicate greatness. A most oxcollonl
portrait of him was given in The Lon <
don Illustrated News three or foui
weokn ago. Ilia heavy jaws shows c
strong will , and his eye indicates craft ,
but if ho proven himself n great mar
ho will disappoint moat people whc
liavo studied ilia face , probably. "
"Do consider him sincere
you a pa
triot and a devout Moslem , or merelj
mi ambitious and unscrupulous in
triguer , eager to imitate the great Mo-
hornet Ah ? "
"Ho is a Moslem above all things.
A gentleman who know him intimate
ly J.old mo that ho ia very devoted in
private. He was educated at the
great University of Cairo , where the
instruction relates chiclly to thokoran
and the matters embraced in . the
Moslem system. Undoubtedly ho is
thoroughly established in the faith oi
Mohammed , lie is also considered
by thoao who know him well a sincere
patriot that is , ho doslrea to elevate
Egypt nnd make hia country groat.
Hut undoubtedly nclfioh ambition ie
mingled with hia devotion to Kigypt
and Mohammed , and ho would like to
make himself a monarch.
No Hiimijuculnc the Amorlcnu
Von cau't humbug the American people
when they find n remedy that milts them ;
Lhoy USD It nnd recommend it to their
Friends. Just exactly tha cauo with SrniNa
DI.OSSOM which Im.s become a lioiiuohuld
, vord all over the United States. I'ricn CO
louta , trial bottles 10 cents. jnly7dlw
The Inflexible.
The Inflexible , when she was
launched in 1870 , was regarded as tho' '
most formidable engine of naval war
fare in the world , though she can not
now bo compared with the great Ital
ian iron-clads. She is turn-sorow
turret ship , 320 foot long between per-
londiculara , and 75 foot in breadth at
, ho widest part , being literally n roe-
angular armored castlo. All the vtil-
icrablo parts of the ship are inclosed
u the central citadel ; the remaining
icctions are simply designed to float
t. This "box , " 110 by 75 , is armored
1 foot 5 inches above the water-lino ,
mil 9 foot 7 inches below it. The
ilatlii' varies in thickness , but at the
nest vital point consists of 21 inches
> f solid iron , in two coats , each
itrongthonod by girders , backed by
: oak packing 17 inches thick , making
v wall -11 inches thick. The turrets
vro placed on either side of the ship
an echelon within the citadel walls ,
the foro-turrot on the port side , BO
that all four guns can bo discharged
limultanooualy in the sarao direction.
Tlio guns can also bo depressed BO aa
to fire down on the duck of an enemy
Uongsido. The turrets , of 28 feet in
ternal diameter , nro formed of a sin-
; lo thickness of armor 18 inches thick ,
jacked with OH much wood and an
iinor iron akin , The Inflexible has a
trow of about 350 muu , but two men
: an work each of the guns. She haa
t epood of 14 knots , but is not a very
mndy vessel In n aoaway. Her first
sost was about $3,000,000. The In.
loxiblo'fl 81-ton guns nro designed to
hrow a projectile weighing 1,700
lounds , with a 350-pound charge of
mwdor , and the voasel carries 120
oundtt per gun. The caliber is 10
nchos. In the the trials at Shoo
mrynoss with a full charge of 415
lounda and a l,7iO-pound ( projectile
mo of those guns gave n volocoity n
ho inuExlo of 1C57 foot per second
hewing that the gan is equal to the
losiruotlon of n ship with 32 inches
rnior. Its raiiKo is ton miles ,
Thuiilifully Aolmowloilijcil.
DKNVKU , Ool. , Juno 0 , 1881.
II. 11 WAUNEK & Co. : Sin ]
ave been troubled with kidney com
laint lor four yoara. I am now i
roll man , thanks to your Safe Kid
oy and Liver Ouro.F.
aly7dlw Olerk American House ,
Tlio Hydro-Bon Qua Loooraotivo.
The Now York , Lake Erie & West-
rn railroad has successfully put Into
tactical UBO a now locomotive which
i driven wholly by hydrogen gas.
ho engine waa constructed at the
Irani works in Peterson , N. J. , and
i the invention of Dr. Oharloa Uol-
ind. The principle of the apparatus
i the decomposition of water at a
igh heat by mingling It with a small
roportion of oil , without air , in iron
jtorts ; the hydrogen sot free being
wtantly burned , and all the heat ot
oth unions the carbon with the
ater oxygen , and the hydrogen with
10 air oxygen being confined and
tiazod in the boiler making steam ,
ho gas-making retorts uro four in
umber , of massive wrought iron ,
iini-cylindrical or dome-shaped , the
20 and nlmpo boiny nearly that of
* lf a peck measure , with the convex
do up. They are not near the door
the furnace , a little above the level
the burners , which latter
iver u apace of about three
ot by eight foot in extent.
lie burners are about like pin-
> len in ono inch iron pipes. Theeo
POB cover the floor of the lire chain-
r , and are connected with the con-
tral gas main , which is fuippllod 1 ;
pipes attached to the top of the re
torts. The minute burner holes are B
arranged that they meet in pairs in ni
oblique manner , and mingle in com
buatlon with jots of air which com
up through ono-and-a-quartor ind
holes in the floor of the fire box
There are 518 of these jots in all. Th
air holes are opened or closed wholl
or partially at will by undcrslidos con
trolled by lovers from the engineer'
cab. Under the whole ia constructe
an nlrchest , open forward , tOSecur
a prceauro ot air throuiih the air-hole
during rapid motion , and alsojto warr
the draft and thus save the ! great lieu
radiated downward from the fire. Tin
bailer ia of ordinary pattern , and froti
ono hundred to ono hundred and thir
ty pounds of steam can bo raised ii
twenty minutes or oven less time. Tin
stack omits no smoke but simply snov
white clouds of vapor. The now en
gina weighs fort-eight tons , and ii
supplied with five foot drivim
wheels and cylinders seventeen
by twenty-four inches. The engine
was first put to work with a hoavj
freight train and performed most sat
isfactorily. On Tuesday It was at
tached to an eastbound passenger
train , consisting of four heavy passen
ger cars well loaded , and made tlio
run between Patoraon and Jersey City ,
a distance of twenty miles , in ono and
a half minutes less than the
schedule time. A largo number of
scientific gentlemen and capitalists
were on the train and expressed satis
faction with the performance of the
engine , aa well aa with its economy.
It ia claimed for this now hydrogen-
burning cngino that it is perfectly safe
as respects firo. The oil is confined
in a tank as strong as the boiler itself ,
and is led to the retorts in streams not
thicker than an ordinary thread of
sowing cotton. The whole fire ia ex
tinguished aa instantaneously na a gas
jot , and in the aamo manner , by sim
ply shutting oft both oil and steam at
once. Whether the now cngino will
coma into general use will greatly depend -
pond on its economy. The coat of oil
for the trip between Pateraon and Jef
ferson City amounted to § 2.10. This
is at the rate of 10.5 cents per mile ,
the distance ) being twenty miles , but
it is claimed that oven a greater econ
omy can bo reached.
Important Advance In Telegraphy.
Iloaton Herald.
It has remained for Albert L. Par-
cello , a skilled mechanic and talented
inventor , to produce a mechanism by
which the barriers to rapid and cheap
telegraphy are awopt down , and
which , by wimple applications of known
principles , promises to entirely revo
lutionize the telegraphy oE the world.
His system Is called "Harmonic Auto
matic Telegraphy , " and differs from
that in use by the Rapid Telegraph
company in two important points.
The first is an improved and abbre
viated construction of the alphabet ,
in which position is used to the great
saving of characters and consequent
saving of time in preparing the copy
in the perforator. The second is the
employment of'a system of sympa
thetic resonance by which , with the
use ot a single wire and unskilled
operatives , the same amount of work
which is now done by ton wires and
skilled labor can bo accomplished.
Thus for the first time in the history
of telegraphy , the Morap alphabet and
syatern are done away with , OB are also
blip translating anil transcribing by ro-
Instead of requiring the ordinary
liandling and delay , the message , bo
it long or short , is rapidly prepared in
a perforating machine , fed into the
transmitter , and Is instantly repro
duced in clear Homan letters on shoots
af paper ready to bo sent by messen
ger to the party addressed. The ac
tual number of words sent , on an
jvorago , by the American llapid is
"rom 000 to 700 per minute , while the
lowest computations , made from ro-
lults obtained from an instrument
jnly partially completed , show a speed
by the now method of 5,000 words
> or minute. A great advantage , too
is that , being sent over n single wire
the matter comes consecutively an
Is , therefore , free from liability t
jrror , as ia often the case where BOV
sral wires are used for the Bonding o
* single dispatch. For press work th
now method will prove of inestimable
raluo , as by the use of this device ono
; olumn of The Herald can bo pefor
ted , sent over the wire , and
jivon to a messenger at tin
ithpr end of the line foi
delivery , and all ready for the typesetter
setter in thrco and n half minutes. .
3f course , in order to attain thisspoei
; ho copy is originally cut up ink
takes" and distributed to several
joys or girls , who transcribe the mater
or by moans of the perforating ma
shines , after which the several piocot
ire pasted together in ono continuous
trip. The atrip runs through the
nstrumont at great speed ; and it will
hus bo seen that the celerity will
vhioh a despatch is transmitted do <
tends principally upon the number of
torforatora employed , It will thus
10 understood that , from beginning
o end , the system demands only un-
killed labor , by reason of the high
[ ogroo of automatic perfection attain-
d , and herein lies the great secret of
hoapnoas. The speed is another valu-
bio consideration ; and when both
lemonts are combined , the result
ooiHB to bo , indeed , the long-sough * ;
The above briot outline of the do-
olopinont of Professor Parcollo's sys
am was gathered from a report pro
anted yesterday afternoon by Ilobort
plco , H , S. , professor of Analytical
[ homistry and Physics of the Cello
iato and Polytechnic Institute , in
irooklyn , N. Y. , at a Bpocial mooting
f the stockholders of the Merchants'
'nion ' telegraph machine company , in
10 company's oflico in Mason build-
if. Among those present were a
umber of well-known capitalists of
: this city , Now York , and Chicago ,
Dsides gentlemen representing the
rinoipal telegraph companies of the
mntry , whoso interest in the now do-
irtnro ia openly manifest. It waa
iparont that the principles underly-
g the now system , and the methods
r obtaining similar results at the
idinary rate of speed were familiar to
10 latter gentleman , whoso admira-
an for the skill which ( produced the
nired mechanical combinations , in
Inch lay the grand success of the
hovement , was freely expressed.
"I ha\e used liiuuocK HLOOU DiTraw
th ureat benefit for IiiJigtmtiou aud cou-
Ipatiou of the bowel ) . " 1'rlce $1.
, , , 0. L. KASTON ,
| uly7dlw "Hamilton , Out , "
HlBlhociycutrcnt tctttmonyof the public MI
thomoJIcliml jiro'cwlon t'nt i I oe teller's .Sinn
rich Hitters 1a medicine v hlch i cliious rtsnl
spccdlir felt , thorough anil benign. Hctl la rcc
fjlni ; mcrdiaordcr. it ImlROrntcs the ( coble , coi
quern kidney and Lliddf r rompiixlnu , and In
tens the convalescence rf tlioeo ( cornering fro
enfeebling ill c sc8 Moreo > cr , It It tha gran
specific forfo\cr and ague.
For fuvlo by all druggists anil dealers gencrall ;
jl to nl
_ _ _ _ _
English ran-
cily. Anun-
falling curs
> for ScmlnM
Weakness ,
S per mat or-
rhca , Inipot-
cncy , and all
Solf-Abu'c ; aa IX > M of Memory , Uultrmt Lasi
tudo , fain In the l ) cl : , Ulmnctu of Vlnlon , Pr
mature Old Ago , and many other Dlpcasci the
lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Promt
jtJTKull particulars In our pimchlet , whlc
wo ilcslro to eend frco 1 r mall to every one
CTTThc Bpccin cllcJIctno In Bold by all drugglel
it 91 per package , or 0 packtcca for 85 , or nl
bo sent frco by mill on tcf Ipt'of the money , b
itddreiiolngj THKO1UY XKDICINK CO. ,
Buffalo , N. Y.
rho Most Succeiiful Remedy over dlscox
: red , at It la certain In It * effects raid does nc
blister. READ 1'IIOOK 1IELOW. Also cxccllec
for human flesh.
Washlngtcnvlllo , Ohio , Juno 17 , 1891. Di
D. J. KRNDALL , &Co. : Gents Heading jour ad
rcrtlscment In Turf , Field and Farm , of yon
Kendall's SpaID Cure , and having a taluabl
ind speedy liorso which had been lame fron
spavin for eighteen months , I sent to you for
bottle by express , which In six nco ! < 9 romorei
ill lamcnesa nnd enlargement and a largo spl'n '
[ rom another horse , and both horses are to-d.i
! ) sound aa colts. The ono bottle \vaa worth t
010 ono hundred dollars. Respectful ! '
fO'irs , II , A. BK nioiRTT , M. D.
Send for Illustrated circular giving posltlv
proof. Price ? ! . All Druggists have it or cat
{ otltfor you. Dr. n. J. Kendall ft Co' , Pro
prlctoro , L'nobburgh Falls , Vt.
d-w-ly _
To Nervous Sutterers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Spscitii
II la positive cura fcr Kpcnaatoirlioa , Deiunc !
I7cokn < "jc , IrapotaDcy , aud all dlnaaeca rcaultlcj
rcta Bclf-Ahuao , ta Mental Anxiety , Loci
ilctoory. Pnlna In tbo Koc'tor ' Side. nd disease
1 - r that load rx
Consiunptlo ;
Ir.eanlty am
io SpoclB
Mcdletao I
being usui
with wondei
wnt It ee to fell. "Wr'.ls lot then and get full yu
1'rlco , tpocir.c , 51.00 | xit package , cr ill pack
iges for Ifi.W. AddreiH til orJcrp to
Koa. 101 and lOfl 11 tin St. Buffalo , N. T.
SoM In Omaha by 0. F , Goodman , J. W. lieU
I. K. Ish , and all arujflttsavorywhoro.
St. Louis , la still treat
Ing all I'UIVATK , NEK
VoUS , CIIUON 0 ni !
Special Diseases , Spcrma
tonluca , Impotcncy ( Sox'
iml Incapacity ) , Fomalf
Ditcnses , Irrcgubrl lea ,
DIUlcultlcB , etc.
jrLndleaEcnd 25 cent !
( In etaiups ) to p > y exjircs-
charges on a "valuable
work" entitled "Olncisoi
o ( Women , etc. " Work
in CIIIIO.MD DISKIHKS , one stamp.
if Sell-abuse or 1'rivnto Disease , send 2 stamps
or CKLKBIIATRD WOBKH on NcrvoiH and fexuil
llsoascs. Consultation personally or by letter ,
"IlKE. Consult the old Doctor , THOUBANDa
IUHKD. Clllco In quiet , private , respectable
'lace. ' You sco no ono but the doctor. Dr.
lirkc la the only physician In the city wlionar-
> nts cures or no pay Medicines eeut every
i hero. Ileum , 8 A. u. to 8 r. M. d&wly
In any eta"o Q
Ontavrh ,
lid Sores ,
Piniploa ,
301 LS ,
or any
urea When Hot Springs Fnil
UiVBair , ARK. , May . 1BS1
We have caao'j ' In onr own town who lived at
it Spring , nd wore finally cured with 8. 8 , B.
UnfUuxon k UDBBT.
' YOU uoubt.coma toioous andK WILL
IRK YOUU Oil charge nothlug 11 Write foi
rtlcularg and copy of little ( look '
the Unfortunate Suffering
l.OOO Rnvrnrd will be paid to any
cmut who will UnJ7 On analyst * 100 tattle
8. 8. , one particle of VIcrcury , Iodide FoUl
im or any Mineral cubstancc.
Atlont *
Price of Small slco , 01.00.
Luge situ $1.76.
Bold by KKHNARD EROS. * 00
It plaits roji ! . ? ot a a Inch to
1th In tha coarsest felts or finest f I ki
t does all kind * and itvlei of jWtlojr In tot.
io lady that dovii hir own dn-i-ni klnit cm
3rd to do without ono aa nice plaltlap la
terout o ! fuhlon , II wca It Mill Itself. Pet
, Circulars or Ayent'i term * uldrcan
US Aduni 8t , Obicaco
Mrs J. 0 Ilobcrtson , I'ltfcourir , Pa. , wrltts : '
\vai miUcrlntf f rom general debility , want of a |
petite , conciliation , etc. , so that llfo wns a bu
den ; after using Ilurdock llloo.l Hitters 1 felt be
tcr than forcars. I cannot praise jour IJIttei
too much. "
It. Glblrt of Duflnlo , N. Y. , wilted "Tot
nurdoik HIM Blttcro , In chronic disease ) of tti
blood , liver M.1 kldncvs , have been slgnMI
marked with success. Ihnvo t cd them mjee
with best results , for torpidity of the liver , and I
c.Moof a friend of mlno suffering fromuropsj
the effect was marvclohs. "
Bruce Turner , Rochester , N. Y.jiwrltes : ' ' ! hav
been subject to fcrloua disorder of the kldnc ) ;
and unable to attend to business ; Ilurdock liloo
Hitters relieved mo before half aiottlo was noei
I feel confident that they will entirely euro mo. "
> Asenlth Hall , Illnghampton , N. Y. , write !
"I suffered w Ith a dull pain tlirnntth mv cl
lung and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appctlt
and color , and could with dllllculty keep up a !
day. Took } our Ilurdock Wood Hitters as dl
reefed , and hav o felt no piln since first week al
tcr uslnt ; them. "
Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. , writes : "Abou
fourjcarsngo I had an attack of bilious fever , an
never fully recovered. Jly digestive organ
were weakened , and I would bo completely pro <
tratcd for dajii. After using two bottles of you
Burdock Blood Hitters thcl mprovcment was B
vl.lblo that I was astonished. I can now. thoug
01 j ears of ago , do a fair and jcasonablo da ) '
C. Blacket Robinson , proprietor of TlioCanad
Presbjtcrlan , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "For\cai
I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache.
used > our Burdock Blood Bitters with hopples
results , and I now find mi nclf In bettor healt !
than for years past"
Mrs. Wallace , BuffaloN. Y , writes : ' -Ihav
used Burdock Blood Bitters for nervous nnd bll
lous headaches , and can tccomrncnd It toanyon
requiring a cur for bllllousncsu. '
Mrs. Ira llullnolland , Albany , N. Y , wrltet
'For several jcars 1 have euflcied frtm cft-ircui
ring bllllous headaches , djepciisb , and com
plaints peculiar to mj sex. Sirico using jou
Burdock Blood Bitters I nm entirely rcllevcU. "
rice , 81.00 pei Bottle ; Trial Bottloi 10 Cti
FOSTER , MILBURN , & Co , , Props
Sold at wholesale by Ish Ii McMabon and C. I
Goodman. Jo 27 ood-me
Disease Is an effect , not a causa Its origin Ii
within ; Its manifestations without. Hence , tc
euro the disease tha CADBB muBt bo rcmo > cd , am
In no other nay can a cure ever l > o effected
liIVER CURE is cstablUhed on Just thli
principle. It realizes that
95 Per Cent.
of all diseases arlzo from deranged kldnejs an
ll\cr , and It strikes at once at the root of the
dllllculty. The elements of w hlch It Is composed
act directly upon these great organs , both as t
KOODacd limoRKH , and , by placing them In i
healthy , condition , drive disease and pain from
the sjBtcin.
For the Innumerable troub'cs ' caused by un
healthy KWncju , Liver and Urinary Organs ; foi
the dtetro Blng liisordcrsof Women ; for Jlalana ,
and physical derangements generally , this greal
rcintdy haj no equal. Beware of Impostors , Im.
Itatlons and concoctions said to bo just as good.
For Diabetes , as forWARNER'S SAFE
For sale by all dealers.
K. H. WARNER & CO. ,
° " > RoohoBter N. Y.
The Great tngiish .Remedy
vNcvcr falls ts cuio
SNervous Debility , VI-
jIUl Kxhaustlon , Emls-
Dslons , Seminal Wcak-
\1HOOD \ , and all the
jk-Ul effects of youth-
Jjlul follies and exccs-
'jses. ' It stops pcrma-
lucntly alt weakening ,
linvoluntary lossisand
Idralns upon the sjs-
Item , the Inevitable re-
. , pli "ault of thcso evil prac
tices , which are BO destructive to mind and body
nnd make llfo miserable , often leading to Insani
ty aud death. It strengthens the Nervcs.llraln ,
( raemorjf Blood , Muscles , Dlgcetlto and Itepro-
ductho Orgins , It restores to all the organic
functions their former % lgor and vitality , ma
king Ufa cheerful and enjoyable. Price , 83 a
'lottle , or four times the quantity 910. Sent by
express , secure from observation , to anyaddrcss ,
on receipt of price. No , 0. O , D , sent , except
on receipt of jl as a guarantee. Letters re
questing answers mutt Inclose stamp ,
Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pilla
ire tr l > est tnd chcaiwat dspepsla and hllllous
: uru lu the market. Hold by all druggists , Frlco
50 cents.
DR MINTIR'S KIUNIT llRMitDr , KRi-nrncuv ,
Curesill kind of Kidney and bladder compUlnte.
( Oncrrhea , uleet and leucorrhea. For sale by all
lauirglgta : 81 a bottlo.
71BOII\uSt , St. Louis , Mo.
For Sale In Omaha b }
If joui.roni n
of fiUJ-llli rf.vtuk.
lour tlutlvs avol * * it nort , tit rtt
ittniulfliilHmd u luif. train nervtMJi *
Hop Bittern. u > Hop O <
It } ou ro young nc > . . , nir Jroui HUT U
dlecisllou ur tllnjl | > 'tlun. If you on Map
rlPd or lnpK old ur ne , 8Uirirlnn frctn
poerl altU or luiKuUU ua a 1 > 00 * wjW
UCMI , r lr uu Hop
n > xna j 010 * r.
Whuetcf you ,
h > Ke
nheuirrr you
rormuf Kl
nycttu unej
that your
mtdv ilwinpliid. ioi > dl ou4 dial . mUht
llltf til
, Ur timely -uoof
taUn Hop k HcpSItton
O. I. O
cruMiHirurom II it kn Uclutv
, dUfite .
filalnt nil Irrt'bbt *
of ti" uomurt , bl
HOP cure fai
liiu-dt. Hood ,
/i rornim J
You wlil De tfctmcco ,
cun-Jlf joa e Ururoctlu.
Hop Bitter *
aud ' " '
w * ) < lrlt < dtrj NEVER |
i It may [ | HUH birr ii *
enve your FAIL
llfo. It hni
saved him- f.S.I
roc u , Oil.
Dr. E. 0. Wciivt Nerve and DraTu Trcatmeat
. ipoclflofot HvstcrU , DUilncss , Contulslont.
'ervous Headache , Ueutal Depretulon , Low of
lemorySpcnuatorrhoDaIiri potency , Involuntary
taltflons , Promaturi ) Old Ago , uus d by orcr-
icrtlcn , self abuse , or over-Indulgence , which
iadi to uiUory , decay and death. Ons box will
ire recent casrj , Ka h box contains ono month's
: t > atment. One dollar a box , or tlx boxed for
re dollars , ' tent by mall prepaid fin receipt of
rice. We guarantee itx boics to cura any case ,
i lth each order rccelv od by us for nix boxes , ac-
; mpink-d with flve dollars , will send the pur-
liucr our written guarantee to return the
icucy If the treatment dot not elect a cure.
0. t. dcoduiin , lra2"Nt , Sole , Wholculs and
ful Agent , OaiuL * , rfco , Ordrs by null at
ki.v urlce ,
, . .
Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits
Agents for Peck & Bausliors Lard , and Wilber Mills Flour
Boots and Shoes.
O. IF.
Window and Plate Glass.
t2TAnyono contemplating bulldlnpr storebank , or any other flno will ( Ind It to their advantage -
vantage to corns end with us before purchasing their Plato Glow.
IEC. .
1213 Farnham St. . Omaha ,
H !
On Eiver Bank , Bet. Farnham ancH ouglas Sts. ,
i and Burglar Proo
1020 Farnham Street ,
- = IST3EI
& CO. ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies ,
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
1118 FARM AM ST. - - OMAHA
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Tear Union Pacific Deuot. - - OMAHA WE B V
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor , Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb ,
v .