Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1882, Image 1

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    H EE
A Bold and Bravo DofousB of
the Egyptian Eising ,
The Struggle for Country Jue-
tlflad by Bp.cred and
filoral Law.
A Junction With tbo Pr6phet
Blrnebdi Moniontarily
Meanwhile Arab ! Continues
Throwing Up Earthworks
to Distract the
Turkey Not Bending Any
Troops to Aid the Eng
lish Invaders.
Gambotta Angrily Opposes the
Intervention of
It Being Snid the Sultan in Secretly
nt Worlc With . / * rnlii-
The Folluro of Irish Crops In-
oronsos the liliKories of
the Pooplo.
National Associated Press.
LONDON , July 18. In the debate
on the vote of credit in the French
chambers to-da.y , M. do Freycmet ,
minister of foreign atfairs , eaid that if
Turkey refused to intervene , France
would accept the European mandate
on well doPined conditions. An un
derstanding has buc-n concluded with
the Englisn cabinet for H joint protec
torate over , the Suozcanul. GsmbotUv
made n vehement spcpch against Tur
kish intervention , llo s.ii'l that to
lfnint > Turks to the fout of iha pyra-
luiB-\vould ( ] ; ho to Lot fi.-o to North
Africa aim ( jbolish French conquests
fd the l st lill ' vo < .ra. Ho favored
Anglo 1'Vonch o cup.J C'1I'hu debate
was adjourned. v >
AM.X.VNDKIA , July 17It JB r > s-
p rted Arabi Pasha is retreating'on
Cairo , and that ho still issues orders
in the khedivo'a name. IIo has writ
ten to the porto maintaining that the
bombardment of Alexandria was hos
tile to the rights of the sultan , and ho
hold.s himself justified in his course
by law as well as by the decision of
the council of miniateis. His reply
{ S'th'e firoof the ironclads hcconsidurs
was his duty under international as
well as sacred law . < rid contends Unit
ho merely acted in doienso of the
country. IJo boluly assorts that the
khedive in accepting nn English
guard , showed ho considered the
Egyptians his enemies.
ALEXANDKIA , July 18. Arabi con
tinues to throw up earthworks in all
directions , making the country a per
fect network of snares. Ho evidently
moans to contest every foot of ground.
The British ivo no evidence of inten
tion to advance upon Arabi. The
Khedive is makum puromtont efforts
to negotialo with cVrabt. but the latter
is not rcBuonding. Kunujcans are
ahumod find are luavinu Eiypt. ;
LONDON , .July 18 Tlio papora
pr.ubcd the g ? > od eennt' , Loolnenp , por-
feet ( Haciplini ) and ollectivuncaa 'n all
kinds of work of the Aminc'in mar-
at Al 2andria , and coi-'rnst tlmir
and valor to nroBcrvt ) order
v ith the French and Italians.
ALKXANDUIA , July 18. Fears of a
pi 'ivo ' outbreak at C.kiro are incrcau
ii.j ; . The Egyptian soldiorw have con
vinced the people of Cairo the city
will bo cackod und its foreign popilla-
lion massacred. The Suez cinal has
not yet boon attacked at any point.
LONDON , July 18 FruiKhta huvo
fallen on the stronpth nf the report
that the Indian troops will not bo re
quired in E ypt.
WAirJNfl FOll TUB I'JtOrilKT.
PAUIR , July 18. Arcbi'a object ia
eaid to bo to delay operations us long
as possible and avoid a conlliut until
the arrival of the prophet Elmchdi ,
who is supposed to bo marching north
ward in the direction of O.n'ro , The
Arabs will continue on the defensive
und distract the enemy until the ar
rival of the prophet , who is swelling
his ranks by thousands. The position
of Turkey is considered no longer an
enigma , and the Sultan is stated to bj
a party to the understanding between
Arabi aud the prophet ,
eultan still refuses to umid Turkish
troops to Ei'ypt. Uo allows it to bo
understood , however , without com
mitting himself to any statement ,
that ho is becoming laoro favorably
disposed toward temporary British oc
cupation of Egypt ,
The Crisis in Ireland.
National AfBoclatcd I'rcsa ,
NEW YOUK , July 18. Special advices -
vices state a crisis is approaching in
Ireland. Heavy rains are threatening
the destruction of crops ; this , in
connection with the unsettled condi
tion of political affairs , excites grave
fears of an outbreak at an early day.
Arrested for
NitlonM AesocUtcd j'reea.
PllOVIDENCE , R. I. , July 18.
Sliara M. Among , a .member of the
church choir , has been arrested for
forgery. Bl
Sequel to a Game of Poker.
National Asaociatod
CHICAGO , July 18 , A sensational
sequel to a game of draw poker played
in Newburg , N. Y. , come two raonthi
ago , haa been enacted here in the
levying npnn thrco trolling horses ,
Novelty , Strono nnd J. 1 * . Thomas ,
owned by 31. M. Hodges and William
Scott , to satisfy claims cf Francis
Weca. th" Ri'iitlomMi who was dona
out of 8500,000 by the Nowburgh
i > nmo Judge Fullcrtoiijof Now York ,
Weod'j attorney , swore out attach
ment papers. Scott was nlso arrested
on a requisition from the governor of
Now York and will bo taken east as
soon ns he is able to travil , being now
very sick.
Flro nt St. Paul , Neb ,
SpcclM Dl-lutch to The Ucc.
Sr. PAUL , Nob. , July 18. On Mon
day morning about 3 o'clock , a 11 ro
broke out in 11. 0. Mctcalt's store ,
the center of th Freeman block. The
whole block was aoon in ashes , and
the following are the lessors :
Frcemnn , loss $5,000 ; insurance
Abby , loss , 81,000 ; insurance , $4GO.
Knipplo , heavy loss ; insurance ,
Motcalf , loss , 87,000 ; no insurance.
Besbim ; , loss , § 200 ; no insurances.
Black Charlie , loss , 8300 ; insur
ance , $000.
Dr. Cooper , loss , $150 ; no insur
National A&oclatcd Press.
LEXINGTON , Ky. , July 18. John
Bush , Heiitunccd to bo hanged July
28th , obtained' writ of error. The
execution is deferred.
MONTREAL , July 18. The 2-yoar-
old child of Melvin Smith , a wealthy
citizen , was abducted last night. A
note wai found on the child's pillow
demanding § 50,000 in gold m ransom ,
threatening to kill the child in case of
YOUK , July -Daniel E.
Kemblo , saluamau of N. M. Shepard ,
jevrcler , 200 Broadway , has disap
pointed with § 20,000 worth of jewelry.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , July 18 The
nine year old daughter of F. G. Ehlo ,
tinsmith , was criminally assaulted by
Leonard Soudman. She auccoeded in
iehtiug him off. Ho Hod to Canada
He hos been guilty of similar crimo.
HAUTTOKD , Conu..Tuly 18A thir
teen-year-old boy wua fiuud this after
noon at Dutch Point , tied with ropes
to a heavy log , in a atato of beastly
intoxication. The man who sold him
the liquor ia known and will bo arrested -
rested and prosecuted.
NF.W YOUK , July 18 Henry Athorn ,
examiner of customs , Samuel Xienor
and Henry /loner , importers of arti
ficial llowern , wera.a a rjat'jd this aflor-
iioon charged with dgutipiring to defraud -
fraud the government by false classifi
cation of goods. Bail was fixed at
83,000 each.
NEW YOUK , July 18. W. H.
Burns , a young man , was found in
Prospect park , Brooklyn , this evening ,
with a bullet wound in the head. It
is supposed to bo an attempt at
suicide. When his father hoard of
the shooting ho said ho hoped his son
was dead. Ho had boon robbing him
for years , and said ho would not bury
him under any circumstances. Burns
will die.
A Match lu n Minutr.
National Aesocintctl Proas.
NEW YOHK , July 18. Farmer Mil
ler , of Gormanloivn , I'onna. , necking
help , went to Castle Garden and
asked for a married couple , i il'jring
§ 2. a month and board. Tiioro was
no married couple there , but Adarn
Homer , 25 , and Kosiiia Hauffnor , 19 ,
strangers to each other from Wen-
theim , Germany , as-roed to take the
offer and were married , Miller paying
the expenses.
National ABsoclatod Prcsa.
NEW YOHK , July 18. Sailed , Ari
zona for Liverpool , Utopia for Lou-
MOUVILLE , July 18. Arrived , Fur.
loaaia from Now York for Glasgow.
QUEENHIOWN , July 18. Arrived ,
Nevada from Now York.
Montreal Item * .
National Associated 1'rcea.
MONTUKAL , July 18. The large aoiz-
ire of tea by Montreal customs of-
icors , reported m Toronto papers , is
vithout foundation , T/io / tea win on-
orod for consumption in Now York ,
nstead in bond , an error by the
irokore , and w.isi not bui/.cil. It , is
nuroly it technical point.
It is rumored on the London stock
ixohaiigo that the Grand Trunk rail-
oud hat succeeded in forming valu-
bio alliances , urul a direct roulo to
ow Yoik.
Ltiat evening an entrance was
fft-cted to the dwelling of Mr. Smith
n Mountain street , at 7 o'clock , by a
idder ugaimii the houso. A man on-
urtd the window , and seizing it three-
ear old child , named Arthur , carried
im off. A letter wad found demand-
ng 810,000 for the return of the n
hild , and threatening to put him out
f the way if an attempt was made to
ecovor by force , It uleo stated the
idnappors were prepared to murder
ho child and murder other members
f the family. To-night the child-was
jund on a door-step three streets
way , the kidnappers having become
larmed. The case was given to the
Texas Cattle ,
atlonal Associated 1'rcsd.
CIIICAUO , July 18. An Indian tiir-
tory special eaya 50,000 head of cat-
H are on the trail passing north
irough the territory. So far this
sason 185,000 have passed up.
Gospel Truth.
He that In surety for a stranger , ( hall
lart for it. liut he that trustoth lu II
-nlNU ULOHSOU f r curing liver , kidney
id complaintu of a like tendency , tliiill Bl )
i\er Ije dliapjxilnted. Price 50 cents , GTi
lal bottlen 10 cents. JulyUdlw Ti
Cntnoron'a Oomtuitteo Pnil to
Entrap the Inde
A Declaration ofWtvr to the Bitter
Pouturlvnnin Republicans.
N tlon l Awoclatoil l'n > B. .
PlllLADELl'HIA , July 18. TllO O.X-
ocutivo committee of the regular re
publican orgatiizition , appointed to
adjust differences in the party , finally
resolved it could not treat with the
independents on the latlor's present
basis. The decision was arrived at
this evening , after a session of closed
doors , lasting two hours. General
Negloy , of Pittsburg , presided , and
presented a letter from Beaver , in re
ply to the proposal of the indepen
dents , that both gentlemen decline to
bo candidates before the now conven
tion ,
The letter stated that the proposi
tion thus made n imply begged the
oucstion and they have no deairo to
discuss it further than to Bay that
they being candidates , are unreserv
edly iu the hands of the republicans
of the etute ; nlso emphatically dig-
claim any personal antagonism to the
independents. The reply was adopt
ed unanimously. Leaders of the in
dependents any to-night , they will
make no further ovoituros , and that
the result of to-day'a conference may
bo considered as n declaration war to
the bitter and.
The Now York .Labor X'arty-
National Associated Prcs > i.
ALIJANY , N. Y. , July 18. The state
convention of the national labor party
mot at Music hall to-day. George 0.
Jones , of Now York , called the moot
ing to order and made a brief speech.
llo asserted they should not combine
with cutsido onjanizutions. James
Graham , of Rochester , temporary
chairman , urged Hie party to keep
clear of entangling political alliances.
J. Schaslcll , of Now York , and L. Y.
McParlaii. were olcctod temporary
eecrotariea. Two hundred delegates
an1 present.
A collection for the strikers at Co-
liooa wis taken up. Rev. Uriel
Graves , of Albany , nnd llobest Bles-
sert , of Now York , delivered ad
dresses. Mrs. Lillie DuvoroiuxBluko
delivered an address. Committees on
rcoolutious and organizations were
appointed. The permanent officers
elected were : President , James Gra
ham ; secretary , J. J. Schasloll ; as-
sistante , L. G. McUarlau and Dr.
Kacks wiser.
Ohio Democrats. '
National Associated Prcin.
COLUMBUS , Ohio , July 18. The
democratic atato central committee to
night effected a temporary organiza
tion for the state convention to be
hold on Thursday , ns follows : Chair
man , John F. F. Ellott , of Cincin
nati ; secretary , Davis S. Fisher ; as
sistants , J. N. Runyan , Warren J.
Sullivan , of Franklin ; John E. Gormly ,
Perry S. Solsor , of Ouyalioga , and 0.
P. IlatfiolU , of Portage.
The Utah Commission
.National Associate ! I'rciBe.
CHICAGO , July 18. Hon. Alox.
Ramsey , ex-secretary of wur and ox-
United States senator * rom Minnesota
seta ; Hon. G. F. Godfrey , of Ohio ;
Hon. Ambrose Oarltoii , of Indiana ,
md Hon. Jas. R. Chittigrow , of Ar
kansas , members of the Utah com
mission , mot and formally organized
it 10 o'clock this morning. The ws
lions of tha conference hero will be
urivato and probably last several days
Mr. llaniKoy says they must wait until
: engross has disposed ot nome pond-
ng legislation regarding the commiR-
lion before ho can toll just what to do.
1'hoy expect to go to Utah , make a
low registration of voters and organ-
KO the rmehinpry for the election of
i now territorial legislature and of
lolegato to conprcca.
CHICAGO , July 18. The five mom-
> era of the recently appointed
Jtah commission hold n public moot-
ng at the Grand Pacific hotel thia
.flernom Ex-Senator Ramsey , choir-
nan of the commisiion , stated they
rould soon leave for Utah.
The Tariff Camtniatioti
rational Associated I'teu ,
LONO BHAMJII , July 18 A majori-
y of the tariff commissioners are nl-
oady hero , others are expected tomor-
ow when , the first acsion will bo hold ,
Jo dofniito programo has boon dccid-
d upon. _ The viewa of ropreaunta-
ives of industries interested in the
avialon of the tariff will bo heard in
few duya , A number of persons are
urn to enlighten the coinmiasionora
n special interests.
The Sixth Illinois
FHEEI-OUT 111. 18 The
, , July ro-
ublicuijs of the Sixth Congressional
in convention to-day norni-
Hon. R. R. Hitt , ot Ogle
> unty.
Coiiipromlso auTouPor Unnt ,
ntluual Ahioclated 1'rcHH.
CINCINNATI , July 18. The boiler
* kors have compromised uu ten per
: iu advance.
Common Carriers iu Court.
itlonal AuiotlateJ 1'ittu
NEW YOHK , July 18 The ciao of
10 people vs. railroad companies for
it fulfilling contracts aa common
, rriora owing to the atnko of the
eight handlera , came up in the au- Ki
omo court to-day. The nltonioy
ineral and Col. Edward 0 , Jamea
ipearcd for the atato ; Roscoe Conk- ai
ig und others for the raUroada.
lie day waa occupied in argument , foS
liich waa not concluded when thu S <
> urt adjourned. Further hearing le
morrow ,
Lawyer' * Fooi.
tlonxl AwocUted I'rcu.
NEW YOHK , July 18. Jamea to
ickoy , a lawyer , asks to revive the Of
it for $023,000 agaitmt the estate of Ofof
irdner G. Yevlin , before Judge hini ofhi
uax , for eervicoa of counsel. One ni
clmrgo h for 811)078 for writing 8'J ,
JloO Icttors.
CIIICAQO , July 18. The racoa al
the dttvinp park to-dny were Inrgolj
attomlod ; tlio weather wan perfect and
the track in good condition. The mi-
fiuislied race of yesterday was won by
Clara Cleveland , Hardwood second ;
time , 2'j : ; > .
The eccc nd woo was for a purse of
? 2GOO in the 2:25 : class , and \\ii ; won
by Rosa Wllkoa in three straight
heata ; time , 2:18 : { .
Third race , open to nil pacera , for a
purse of 82,500 , waa won by Hay
Billy , ] 5uff , lo Girl accond , Maltio
Hunter third ; time 2:18. :
Fourth race was the 2:150 : class , for
: i purse of § 2,000 was won by Mnttio
Graham , Bliss second , Ida G third ;
time 2:2U. :
lUSi : BALL ,
READINO , PA. , July 18 Atlantic !
8 , Actives 2.
PitiLAUELi'iiiA , July 18 , St. Louia
G , Athletics 2.
BOSTON , Maaa. , July 18. Ltoacon
park , Beaten , Mystic park , Medford ,
and Hampdon park , Bpringfiuld , have
formpd a circuit for the fall trolling
meeting. The purses aggregate § 2-1 ,
100. The races uro to begin nt 1 ] amp-
den park September Gth , and continue
until the 8th ; at Mystic park Sep
tember llth to 15th ; and at Beacon
park September 10th to 22d. Sperin !
puroca will bo offered for apocial races.
NEW YOHK , July 18 , First race ,
purao § 250 , for all ngoa , catch woighto ,
ono milo , Marohionesa won , Topsy
second , Aleck Amont third ; time ,
1:42. :
Second rncu , purse $200 , soiling
allowances , ono nnd n quarter mile ,
Monk ( irnt , Ida B. second , Dadotto
third ; time , 2:12. :
Third race , handicap , all ngcs , ono
milo and a half , Governor llampton
won , tilunmoro accond , } > allaat third ;
time 2U9. :
Fourth race , S200 , all UKCB , ono
mile , Marchioness won , Ilulfilmi
end , Belle of the North third ; 1 ;
Fifth race , hurdle , § 250 , ono mile
and a quarter , five hurdles , Jim Van-
dover won , lugomar aocond , Eva
third ; time 2:19. :
Sullivan and Wilson.
Natioiul AawclatcH Vrcas.
NEW YOUK , July 18. Madden
claims that Sullivan was not iu condi
tion last night. Ho offers to bet
§ 1,000 that Sullivan can Icnock Wil
son out in four rounds. The receipts
laat night were $15,000 not.
NEW YOHK , July 18. The total receipts -
coipts of the Sullivan-Wilson fifjtt
were § 10,000 ; total expenses , § 1,000.
The inonoy waa divided in four equal
parts , Sullivan Wilson , Chambers
nnd Madden , ! ct'.ng ? 4,500 each ;
\Viljcn got $ lil,0 additional and § 200
on a bet of § 700 to 5500 , which Cham-
bars made with Madden. SuIHvan'u
total receipts were § 5,700 ,
Madden saya Sullivan won't nccapt
the § 2.500 challenge. Ho will not
light for less than § 5,000. Ho will not
pay any attention to the challenge un
less Wilson takes out his naturaliza
tion papers nnd sands for his family ,
Richard K , Fox drew a check for § 1- ,
000 to-day , but no representative of
Sulliran appeared and ho drew it
back. Wilson went to Philadelphia
to-night , and Sullivan to Rhode
[ aland.
Jehu Hughes , the pedestrian , elm !
ongod Sullivan or Wilson to a rouiu
if 12 minutes duration , for § 500
Now OrlounN Notes
/ntlcnil Aturidatoii Picua
NUN OHLEANH , July 18. The ro
lort that Louis Ticchdor diad of yollov
'oyer is untruu. The prrsidont Of tin
joard of health snyrf ho d eJ of yel'ow '
Folger & Co. , wholsalo hurdwan
norchants , assigned ; adaets , § 80,000
iabilitlea , § 1)1,000. ) Creditors nn
neatly Now York and Boaton.
Garrison's \ViIl.
National Aiuociatoil 1'rces.
NEW YOHK , July 18. The will of
iVillinm R. Garrlaon , killed in the ru
lent Lon ; ; Branch railroad accident ,
ma filed nt the eurrogato'n oflioo to-
lay. It disposes of aovoral milliot :
lollara. Most of the proparty in lofl
11 trust to John Morris White ami
ilortimor Ward , oxccutora. Al
nniial iiicono to ho paid to his wife
intil the youngest child in of ago. In
vent of death of the widow , the in-
omo to bo divided equally among four
Indication * .
ttloiml ActodataJ I'tnoi ,
WAHIIINOTON , ! ) . 0 , , July 19 , 1 n. in.
For the Upper MiaaidBippi valley ,
nrtly cloudy weather , poabibly occa-
ional rain , variable winds , Htationary
r higher tnmporaturo.
For the Miesouri vnlley , warmer ,
iirtly obudy weather , occaioinal rain
iuda mostly uouthuuaturly , aLationary
p lower jireseuro.
Fought With FUtola
ttlonal Awocmttd 1'reui.
SiiKKVEi-ojir , La , , July 18. At
loyd , yoatorduy , David J , Norwood
id T , J , Polk , prominent planter * ,
lUght with piatola in the courthouse ,
oik waa shot dead , and Norwood
idly wounded.
The National Board of Health.
.tloual Atuochttd 1'ftua.
LITTLE ItocK , July 18. The mein-
ira of the cotton oxohungn mot to-day
id paaaed rcaolutiona urging con-
ess to continue the appropriation
r the national board of health ,
mater Garland upoko at considerable
ngth in favor of the resolutions.
A Chicago Pioneer.
, tlon l Aasoditod 1'itM.
OHIOAOO , July 18. Phil Carpon-
r , ono of the oldoat Bottlers in Chic-
o , celebrated the 50th anniversary
his arrival in thia city to-day , and
ild a reception at his house this eve-
Ho Who Turns tbo Grnuk ol
Gould's Olllcinl Orgmi ,
A Fromnutor's Comulltunuti to the
FHKMONT , July 18
To the Killtor of Tim HKR :
The jtivenilo nkull nnd crossbones
who drawn n yearly stipend from Jay
Gould for steering one of thu bundles
to that wind scavenger The Omaha
Republican and whoso only recom
mendations for thia honorablojl ( ) posi
tion were n lack of principle nnd nn
overwhelming n'.nount of cheek , hna
diacovorod something very alnrlling
in the declaration of principles of the
Fremont anti-monopoly league. Now
ns thcso principles nro the snmo nn
ndoptod by the ntiti-monopoly con von-
, ion hold nt Lincoln laat Juno , it is
lomowhnt surprising that wo hnvo not
lionrd from this corporation "toad
atnbbor" before in regard to these
> rinciploa. He hna probably just ro-
coivecl word trom iny Gould to open
lia mouth , and in his endeavor to do
in hia master bid him , ho has opened
't ao vide that ho has jammed hia fool ,
'lap ' into it. llo Rnya thu Fremont
eaguo ia compoaod "of n dozen demo
crats mid n couple of Roaowalora. " To
commence with , thia ia n contemptible
io , nnd there ia no question but tlmt
10 know ho was lying when ho penned
hone words. But ho iu paid for doing
this dirty work , nnd wo really expect
nothing better from him.
Thia nrticla of little over n column
in length rotda so much like the nrtl
cloa that Mr. Vitring used to write to
the Fremont Tribune in reply to
Thoron Nye ( the paternal nnuestor of
thia rooator ) that ono cinnot doubt
but that they nro Mio "co-dcacondnnte
of a common progenitor. " The nrti-
clen to which f refer were written nnd
published several yeara ago. Mr.
Nye complained very bitterly of the
diHcriminulion tigninai buninena men
of Fremont by the Union Pacific rail
way company. Tlui uincttBsioii got to
bo very hot , J : Nyu rmlerating hia
charges ( if i , tion , , nd diaorimiua-
lion AD- ' i fining H plying with all
tlio v.'u.i a possible fur n 111,111 in his
position. Does this I- . . 1 of Jay Gould
renumber Ijioao nrlioluH ? Did ho
thiiik then and doen ho think now
that hiH father wan n "political conun
drum" for defending himself ngamst
thia robbing institution !
Again , ho uaya Chut Fremont haa
not Buffered nt the hands of railway
cpmpimicB , and again ha known ho
lies. Every farmer nud every dealer
iu merchandise that fillips a loaded
car ncrona the bridge nt Omaha aud
pnya that toll of from five to ton dol-
Jnra , suffers at the hands < jf railway
companies. In Council Bluffs , Town ,
coal ia being retailed at § 3 50 per ton.
Wo pay for the snmo article hero in
Fremont § 0 per ton. Of courao thia
extra _ § 2 50 per ton dooa not tend to
our disadvantage. On the contrary ,
tins ia probably what gives to Fremont
"tho position of un important interior
city , with n splendid market and
Inigo business performance. " "OhI
consistency , 'thou nrl n jowol. "
Again ho saya : "However , if n
U'unnitio republican should happen to
become imbued with anti-monopoly
principles , it would bo a good thing
tor him to remember tlmt hia party
is composed of honest men , &o.
About the beat thing for n citizen
of Nebraska to remember is that ho
IH n presented in congress by a no-
lorionuly dishonest and corrupt third
[ ilas1 } pettifogger , and whose rjnmo IB
Vu'untini ' ) , In connection with ( hia
it would be quite aa well to remember
ilso that The Omaha Republican
lias used and la using every menus
whether honorable jor dishonorable ,
to wlntowaim thia political cancer ,
Hid thim has the brazen impudence
, o [ wnulo itii filthy carcas before in-
Diligent people aa an honest paper
Unquestionably there are honest
nen in the republican party , aa there
rf in the democratic party , nnd these
ire the very men who are bccoin-
tig in 'inbeni of the anti-monopoly
uagui'B nnd farmer ' ulliaiices. They
ire men who hnvu not graced the iron
; ols ! of the Dixlgo county jail , They
luvo novur Hold themselves body and
loul to corrupt corporations. They
ire honest men , earning their living
> y the Bweat of their brow. They
ire men vrho have boon plundered of
heir hard-earned money by corpora-
ion kings and their 'ools. And ,
urthormore , they far outnumber "a
demociuts andu couple of Rose
iratora , " aa Valentino and Fred. Nye u
rill learn to their Borrow before the c
, campaign m over , j
' :
Very truly yours ,
AN'ii'MoNoroLV ,
Anti-Prohibition. AxuocIaloJ I'rotm ,
ST. LOUIH , July 18 , The national
xecutiyo committee of the North
iinoricanTurner hank held a meeting
t which was adopted an address
gainst prohibition , to boannt to every
: iciety in the United States , It do-
larea any uttemptect restriction of
ersonal liberty ua encroachment upon
iio doctrines embodied in the Docla-
ition of Independence , and IH in di-
3ct violation of the principles em-
odlod in the platform of the Turner's
. Meeting to Consider tlio Ola Paving
The committee on paving , of the
jurd of trade , mot yubterday after-
uon , Guy Barton chairman. Max
Foyer , P. E. Her , W. J. Broatch und
homus Gibaon were prcuent. 1'reai-
ml Clark , of the board , alao at-
indod ,
The committee first adopted recoin-
endatiorii to the city council in re-
ird to meaaurea provontivu o ( tear-
ing up the atrootfi when paved , and
then conaidcrinj ; the utility of n
thorough foundation before paving ,
aa one of the most important stops
toward the permanency of pavements.
Alter having fairly entered upon
their work the committee adjourned
until to-dny.
The recommendation to the city
council win tlmt nn oidinnnco should
bo parsed requiring owners of lota to
lay service pipm , gas , etc. , on nil
atreota that nro to bo paved , wlmrover
the tuvi'ig is decided upon , nnd before
the laying of pnvemout boginn.
lu respect to foundation tliocoilunit-
tcu reported that whatever form of
pavement should bo adopted the
foundation should bo composed of
broken stone ami antid or concrete ,
Northern Paolllc HnllroEUl Lund
rhllAilolplilft Keconl.
A bnro majority of the ( iftcon mem
bers of tlio judiciary committee of the
houta reported in ellect that the laiula
of the Northern Pixrilio railroad com-
jinny were mm-forfeitablo. Seven
members of the cnmmittep , under the
lead of Proctor Knott , dissent from
thia conclusion , As given by The
Now York Sun correspondent , the
minoiity report arts forth that the
Northern Pacific was chartered by net
of congress approved Juno 4 , 18GI , in
which n conditional grant of hind
was made , estimated by the auditor of
railroad accountant52l)20,003norus ) or
90,000 squiiro miles. In 1870 congress
authorized the company to isauo
bonds to nid in constructing and
equipping the road , the bonds to bo
secured by mortgage on Us rights nnd
property of all kinds. Under this au
thority the company isauod in the fol
lowing July § : H,000,000 of bonds , to
run thirty yeara , nt 7 3-10 pur cent.
interest. The report intimntea that
the crash of 18711 wna brought on by
HID ability of those intarvsled in the
Northern Pncilio to keep it longer
iillunt. The real value of its bonds
wna disclosed then , nnd they con-
timied to decline until April , 1875 ,
whim tlui foreclosure proecudinga were
begun in Now Yoik.Underdi'crooof the
court the properly and fiixnclimcHtoro
Kold , nnd pin chimed by a committou
for the bomlholdera. The bonds had
gone down before the nuit wan brought
to 20 ci'iiM on the dollar , nud buforo
the deoreo to 14 conta. The roporl
infcrd , therefore , that nt the time of
the tialo the largest part of the bonds
were in the hands of capitalists , who
had bought thorn up at thuao low fig-
urea , So far no the atock of thu com
pany in concerned , no quotaliona up-
pour from the time of thu failure of
Jay Cooke & Co. , but thu report unya
it , was a notorious tact that the atock
waa held at merely a nominal value.1 ,
\ that largo blucka were oold at
from 5 to 10 eenln on the dollar.
On September . ' ! 0 , 1875- the com
pany having boon roorgunizcd on n
plan by which the bondholdera were
to bo reimburaod for the principal and
interest on their bonds up to July 1 ,
1878 , iu preferred 'stock at par , enti-
Ued-toiBjw cent , interest beforo. any
ikhor dividends were paid , thcao bonds
lo bo convertible into certain bonds
jolonging to the company preferred
itock to the amount of § 51,000,000
vas hauod to tlio holders of common
itock iu the old company , filiuro for
ihnre , to the amount of § 19,000,000.
if the legality of thcao proceeding * )
jo admitted , says the report , the
ilockholdcra obtained § 100,000,000 in
ireferrud und common stock , with the
ranohisos and property of the com-
taiiy , includint ; the right to 90,000
( junro miles of land , nt n probable
lutluy of twelve millions or less. The
neat prodigal gonoroaity could only
, llow thu company a fmfliciont amount
if land to enable it to finish its road
rco of cost. Eleven hundred and
lighty miles of the road are now com-
iletcd , or 500 moro than when tlio
.uditor'ii laat report wua mado. This
; ivoB the road 27,800,000 oiirned aorca.
riio average price the land heretofore
old haa brought has boon § 3 ! ( !
,11 , acre. The lands already earned
.mount to § 18.'i,400,000. The auditor
stimates thu average cost per milo ut
< 28,000 , and aa there remain UOO miles
0 bo built , the cost will bo § 19,8)0- )
00. If this Bum bo deducted from
ho ? 8,400,000 : ) , the oatimatod worth
f the land already earned , the report
rguea that the company hart already
creived enough to onublo it to build
, H ramaining line frco of coat , besides
oiling § . ' { 3,500,000 over and above.
Again , the auditor reports that thu
rholo number of miles upon which
10 company is entitled over atibaidy
1 2,450 , or 000 moro than the com-
ntteo I'litimatca the length of the
min line to be. Thu additional ( JOO
tiles , ut $28,000 u milo , would cost
18,700,000 over and iibovo thu coat
f all the subsidized litioa , main und
.em , The auditor eatimutes tlio coat
f the entire ayalem of roada of the
jmpany nt § 75,000,000. This aub-
acted from the value of the
iiid ulrrady uarnod loaves a § 110-
30 , which the report culls a gift
> the company over nnd ubovo the
jat of building the road. The report VI
lakes another estimate on the basis VIw
F § 2 50 an acre , and ligurea gift to w
10 company of § 900,000 over and
bovo the cost , of construction on land
ready earned , The report suggests
mt "this Is enough to B.itisfy thu cu-
idtty of the company , " and this it
3ta beyond poraUventuro. But if
lero bo applied to auditor's
itimates to the grant , earned
id unearned , the result ia that
10 land figured at § 2 50 an aero is
orth § 144,800,000. The estimated
ital coat of thu untiro road ia 874 ,
balance of § 70U70-
II , whioh , the report says , is donated
i this company in addition to the on-
ro coat of thu road. For thia colos-
1 gift it is suggested that the United
: utes IB never to receive one penny
return , In view of thoau facts , the
port very naturally recommends
at all lands remaining unearned on
inunry 1 , 1882 , bo forfeited to the
nited States.
_ 1)Ci
A Ronovutiiii ; Uniucdy 1) ) '
| to bo fuund lu liuitnouK DI.OOD 15 IT- ot
UH. A un untlilnto for tick headache , otP'
male weaknoxu. billuuaiKuu , IndlKeatlon , P'
null put Ion , and other dl oaso4 ol a kin- P'ut
od imturu , tlicso tilttera are Invulualilo , utui
ice 81 , JulyUdlw ui
Rsvonun Roiliictiou and Elec
tion Oases Ocoupy tlio Tlino
of Congress ,
The Proaocution in the Star
Kouto Trinl Prncticftlly
How Brady "LJxpodited" His
Debts nt Public
Iiittlo I'onr of Conviction Eutor
tnlnoiliu the XiobbioR.
Facts nnd Important
Prom Our Agonta Abrond.
Nttlonal Amoclitoil 1'rwi.
WABHINOTON , July 18. The aonato
confirmed Goo. D. Androwa , profoaaor
of modern langungea , United Stnton
Military ncndomy ; poatmnstora , llobt.
0 ui'tahnnk ' S.xlom , N. Y. ; I. N
Snudekor , Hnmpated , N. Y. ; I. M.
Wnro , Rovorswood , N. Y. ; Alvoy A.
Dee , third assist nut secretary of state.
Iu the star route trial to-day , the
prosecution practically closed the cnso.
Walah teatilled Uiut un interview at
George Sheridnn'a olllce , December
28 , 1880 , ho had loaned Brady con-
Btdornblo money , nnd Brady anul the
indebtcdiiean would bo paid by the
expedition of Walsh's mail contract.
Wylio Bald on nuch testimony
hinged conspiracy being proven , and
ho waa not willing to mini it it. The
defense nro confident of nn acquittal.
William Willhmaon , formerly chief
clerk of the department of justice , is
under arrest for aleiiling autograph
letters from the nichivvs and selling *
them. The documents include letters
from thirteen prcsidonta ,
From the monthly consular reports
to the atuto dqmrtmunt it ia learned
that the St. Domingo sugar crop-
promiaca an unusually Inrgu yield ,
iiRgrcguting 25,000,000 to 40,000,000
IHHinda. All will bo shipped to the
United States. American products
moot a ready anlu there.
In Nuw Zealand , American hard
ware ia in great domund.
The discrimination ngainat Amori-
: an hama hna boon withdrawn in
After investigation of complaints , a
lyotom of American exchange at Sin-
japoro ia couaidorcd necessary by the
Consul Priaher , at lUieimn , writes ,
hut ho believes tlio foothilla of east - _ „ , _ '
irn Tennessee , aoutheastorn Virginia
.nd . North Carolina might become- the
meat wino producing uountrioa in the
rorld if the inhabitants properly nt-
ended to that industry. On the
iland of Monte Oriato , which Italy
epended on to replace the vines
amnged by phylloxera , nil vines were
catroyed by that peat.
ntlonr.l A 8oclatcd I'romi
WAHIIINOTON , July 18. The aon-
lo on oaaembling wont into executive |
Qsaion. Moat of the acaaion was pc- i
upied in debate over the nomination \
f Slaughter to bo poatmnator nt Mo- f
ilo , and Lanning to bo postmaster at /
'oun Ynn. '
Senator Morgan opposed Slaughter ,
icnutor Pugh favored ; Senator Miller
ppoacd , and Senator Lapham advo-
utod the cpnlirmution of Lunnlng.
lis nomination was rojectcd.
After the doors opened discussion
f the revenue bill \vnn resumed. A
umber of telegrams from tobacco
mnufiicturers were read , urging al-
iwnnco of rebate in ciao of reduction
F the tax on tobacco , us they had
urchaaad largo stocks on thu assur-
nco of the republican caucus that
tore would bo no change in the tax.
enato adjourned nt 5I)0 ; ) without
A joint resolution was passed ox-
iiidini ; lo July I ! 1st the provisions of
10 resolution of Juno 31 , providing
unporarily for thu expenses of the
The ways and moans committee
ore ordered to ait duiing rocona ,
A resolution wua adopted declaring
cod ( Muiuo ) and Coboll ( Va. ) on-
tied to aoutt ) .
At 5 o'clock a resolution was carried
take up thu contested election case
Small vs. Tillman , from South Curo-
in.Mr. . Wait Bpoku half an hour in fa
ir of Beating Small ,
filt. Cnlkiim' gava notice that ho
3uld move the previous question at 1
slock to-morrow ,
llouso adjourned-
E 'ho Missouri Pacific Railway is i
iw open for business nt the corner of .
irnhum and 14th streets , in the
* xton hotel , where tickets via this ,
inular route may bo obtained to all * * * " i
nuts East , South and Southwest ,
i-aiiia loavu U P. depot at 7:10 : n. in. ,
id 055 ; p. m. , Omaha timo. Pull- ( .
an flleepera on night trains. For t
: kota and sleeping car berths apply i
Ticket Agent. J
T. W. CHOWE , Passenger Agent.
Millions Given Away. >
MIlHoiuof Holllosof Dr. King' * < New |
scovery for Consumption , Coughs uud I HI
Ma , have been given away as Trial , 91
ittlon of the large size. ThU enormouu | |
tluy would bo cUaautroua to the pro- n\ \
lutoru. were it not for the rare merits . Jjl
woued by this wonderful medicine. Call jl
0. F. ( iooiman' Drug Store , aud get Bl
I'rlal Uotlle frte , nndtry for yourself. 91
ver ( alia to euro. l