Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1882, Page 6, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Tuesday Morning , July 18.
Br Carrier , - - - - SO cents p r k ,
By Mall , . . . . . . f 10.00 per Your
OOlco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near
MAYNE & tiUIFFIN , t n pcu City Circula
H. W. Tl t/TON , City Editor.
Shcrrftden mnkc iil
Fen SALE. A frcfli milch cow with
c&lf. Ii. W Tui.u.r8.
The water pipes were l > clng IftlJ nlong
Seventeenth utivit jcstcrdny.
A new lot nf baby cnrrrfugcH nt J
Mucllcr'd. Prices low.
Store nnil duelling for wilohy Jterz-
Herrmnn is hound to clnto out.
Any jiercon finillnp n hunch of keys
will plc.vo leave the snino nt THK HRK
The ilntightcni nf Kebeccn , of Omnlm ,
visited the lixlfjo hero tblD evening to join
in the inatnllntion of olliccm ,
( " cnt bnrgnlnsin nil goods at llvrz *
inau'fl ,
Joicpli Itcltcr tnnkcfl Riiiti In the Int-
0 it styles nt .110 iJrondwny.
Permit to enter the ntnto of matri
mony WIM ycatcrdny Klvon to Dr. J. K.
JlusBoll , of tith city , and MI Hnltlo W.
Webster , of Oiniihn.
Tom llyan nnd Frnnk Wllllainc , Sun-
Jay ( liiinliFvcro ycstcrdny dieiosed ] of
by .TudK'e Aylesworth with the nsunl fiiio
of S7.CO.
Fine line of mcns' , hoya fnml eiclo
Baddies nt Slierinin'0 , 121 S Main.
Milllniry gooda fifty cents on thcdol-
nr nt Ileiztnnn'fl.
The heavy rains continue to w.iOi out
roads and sidewalk gradcc. Kvcry dny in-
croascn the number anil mcc.wlty of im
provements and ropaira.
W. II , Howctl , of Mai ion , Town ,
whoflo death by drowning' Kiven in
yesterday's BhU , was In this city for 11 d y
previous to croHtim ; to Onnlia , where Lo
mot with death ,
Ono worthy colored h anxious
ly hunting for the whorrabouw of a fourteen -
teen year old daughter , who is to wayward
as to bo qmrtnred somowhcro in the city
with fcomo "low white trash. "
The Inmates of Slolla Long'd li\dim' '
' boarding honio were yesterday brought
into court and fined SI ! ) each. The land
lady claimed to bo to-j ill to appear.
An will bo seen by anuthor column ,
SullUan & Fitzgerald are ngontt for n
number of ntcamslii | > companleB , nnd those
planning ti cro s the wutvr or Bend for
friends should consult them ,
Col Orr wan In the city ycdterday niu
sold 181 hogs , receiving therefor the snug
Httlo sum of 81,000 , the price bolni' S7.C5
The hogs nvcrogcd very heavy , na the fig
tires show.
' 55. T. Lindsoy & Co. , the wlde-awnko
shoo men , are giving the public HOIIIU o
the benefit of their correapondence. A
letter published in another column will b
found decidedly intcrcntliit ; ami ohould b
road by all.
The Bound of the Uluo J y'n voice i
bushed nnd the doom of the cogo hnv
been closed by execution. It la under
Blood that other parties are preparing to
open it about tbo first of next month. I
BO it la to bo hoped that there wl" bo i
change In favor of decency md order , a
well as a change in owners.
A three-year-old named .Tlmmlo Jack
eon yesterday caused n big Bsaro In the
family by getting hold of n bottle of bflla
ilnmm pills nnd dosing himself , Th
prompt giving of remedies prevented any
serious renulta from the supi oiod poll
It is arranged thnt the chnngo in th
pOHtollice here will talto plnca next Bundny
morning , Phil Armour , the iwwly up
pointed postmaster , then going Into olllc
and Mrs. linldwiii retiring , It is under
Blood thnt Oharlca Xlmmor , of the preacu
cleilcal force , will be made nHHistnul po-it
inns ert ,
The Infant son of Joeeph O. am
AllcoM. Jumes died yesterday morning o
r.holora Infiintum , The funeral services
will bo held this afternoon nt 12 o'clock a
tlio family resMeiice , corner of Nfinl
Btrcct and Sixteenth nvcmte.
Another caee of small pox wns re
ported ye terday on lower Urondway nnd
removal to the pent bonne. The disoas
Ima been \crycureleHHly handled hero bj
the authorities , and the policy pursuct
promUcsto keep thu disease hanging on t
the community nil summer , with th
prospect of galheilng lu n big harvest nex
winter , Tlio quarantines hnvo been very
loose , nud the precautions asninst nHpreat
of the dlueaso have amounted to little.
Those who ride tometlmeii net n i
pedentrlaiu hud no rights which they wcr
bound to respect , nnd especially durln
wet weather , A fair Instance occurrec
Sunday near the postoilico , wben a lady
neutty arrayed and en rou'.o for churcl
had her dreainbout
ruluo'l by R man carelessly -
lessly driving hU borao
into n big inn
puddle , ( plnshlnu dirty water all over her
The lady twnej nbout
dUgm-toil and
started for home again to repair damages
Two boy. , ragged nnd unkempt , BIU
notovertweheor thirteen years of uge
were yesterday brought to ihla city In
OffloerTom Hardln , of Avoca , and lodge ,
In jail preparatory to being sent to th
reform nchool. The boys have been haug
lag about Avoca for about six weeks paj
of the time In jail ami
, part of the tlm
* U-allng an-J LegBluR ll\lug. The boj
claim to be orphan * , and give aver
inlxed-up account of their comlugs mi
folngs , They were turns ! in among th
older boys nt the J.H , wj.o had much ION
riment with the youthful * during the af
teraoon. Tliey gave their names a * Au
Suit Uernice nndjohn Artz
A geutlfinan from Knnaan is lu th
city looking about for a location In wlilc
to op n an undertaking e.tablUlmjfn
-"Cayote Hill , " the Ipgeulous prUcne
ftt the jail who bu U himself with brule1
Ing bridle , ha. Jutt put a tneolintn of h
work In Sherman' * harnew store , where
ttracti uttentlun by iu novelty and in an
Here in October.
The committees of the Knights of
'ythifis are making extensive and
careful arrangements for the mooting
of thcrgrand ledge in October , expect-
ng to make it the most enjoynbloanil
successful gatherings over hold in this
city. At the last mooting of the
committee the following invitation
tras decided upon , and It will soon
> o scattered among the lodges of the
state :
TO the Officers and ilc-nbtrja'id Ornnil Ixxlrfo
ItciirtvntAilioct the K. cf 1.ol Iowa.
HHO , KNIOHTH ; The ptnnd ledge
of our order will convent ) in this city
n the fourth Wednesday in October ,
882 , nnd it in tarur.stly hoped that
ro shall hnvo the undivided efforts ol
very member of the ordorin the state
o mnko it a grand SIICCCM. The four
edges hero St. AlbansNo. 17 , Coun-
11 lilutis No. 40 , Coo thu No. 01 and
'oncordia ' No. CQ hnvoQ united in
loir ofTorts to make ttni nIT.iir intor-
sting to tlio grand ledge nfllcors and
oprcsontativoB , and to all knights
die may visit us during the seesion.
It will bu soon by referring to the
iat of committees that no pains will
) o cpnrcd by us to recoivoand on tor-
aln our knightly guests. Ilotol no-
ommpdiktions are amplu.
tcilities are superior to any part of
10 slate , connecting with and run-
ing directly into all purta of our
tate and our country at largo , and
educed rnteH of faro will bo ob-
aincd from both r.iil roads and
Our city has npicndid parks nnd
rives , the torminua of Iho Union Pa-
fie and all lo'Viv roadscenteringhuru.
Vo have various other points of in-
crest , the atatn deaf and dumb iimti-
ute , largo Union elevator , stock
ards , paesonger depot at tratiDfor ,
tc. Wo are also but three miles Irom
imaha , for which point traino leave
very hour.
Wo shall bo ploiscd to receive any
ugcostions that roproacntativcs and
tliers limy BOO lit to oiler which may
end to mnko our success sure. Hop
ig at ) many divisions of the uniform
auk as can , will como and participatu
n the parade , and alee that all mom-
bora will try and bo with us on the
cc.iaion A full and complete
irogminmo , otc. , will bo forwarded a-j
0011 an compiled.
All communications may bo ltd
rcejiud to Edwin .1. Abbott , Sccro-
nry Executive Committco , Council
Jluila , Iowa , which will rcooivu
irompt attuntinn. And wo request
.hat each lodguncknowledgo receipt of.
his circular , and that all divisions of
Jniform Knighta who antieipito com-
ng will inform UH , no that arrange-
Hunt a can bo undo.
With best wiohra for the prosperity
> f our beloved Order all over the
ntato , wo Brothers of the weetorn
slope lender you a Knightly Greeting
'n P. 0. and B , KIMVIN J. AUIIOTT ,
W. 11. VAUOHAN , Si-crotary.
Pren. Ex. Oonnnitteo.
A Froo-For-AH FiRht Which Rosulced
lu Uronon Ilondunna
Among these wlio were at the beoi
garden Sunday night was a companj
of S\7odos , who got very mellow , and
about midnight got inspired ton light
ing point. The row opened at the
garden , and wns continued along
Broadway , un .ll it ripened into a sort
of freo-for-all , iu which thiro were
lively and tolling blonn. The details
of tlio ailair are rnlutcd in very con
tradictory ways by tlio oovcral par
ticipants who were in a condition lu
render thorn very ill-fitted to mnko
careful observations of the event , but
the record was kept in the form of
bruiaou and cuts. Jasper Hanson waa
onoof the worao punished of the party ,
ho having the worao pair of oyca
over introduced in the police court.
Both peepers were completely closed ,
and the nose pulled up , face battered
and bruised , while collar a : d shirt-
aleovo have still further proof of tlio
bloody conllict. W. Lantrop , known
as "Sivodo Bill , " was another partici
pant , ho having been hit over the
head with a pop-bottlo , making some
ugly gushus , from which the blood
( lowed freely. 0. Ohriatianson and
JM. llouacn wpro nlio in the row , and
the quartet will have a hearing to-day ,
if they are able to appear.
J , A. Hamilton , a prominent gram
do. lcr nt Avoca , epont Sunday iu this otty ,
Jacob Wllllnnm , of Omaha , waa greet
Ing bin old friends on tha ! sldu ycHtnnlny ,
MBHBertha ! 0. Mueller utarts tills morn
f for l.oadvllle , Colorado , ' to visit hei
uunt , Mm. S. J. lluntin. Mr. Hnnna
who in well known bore , ID u land receive !
in Colorado ,
Col , Datlcy baa gone to Dakota for i
lew weeks to look after Iwided Interest
Robert Newcomb , Kaij. , of Now York
waa yesterday registered at the Ogdon.
A. Q , Session" , of Chicago , was niuon ,
the arrivals nt the Ogden yesterday.
George W. Ladd , of Shenaudoah , wa
in the city yesterday ,
Wlnay War.
The I'lalndcttlor , of Hastings , Iowa
has thin little paragraph , whiol
seems to have incited the hot ire o
J. 0. Morgan ;
Ho ( Anderson ) waa put lorwnrd bj
The Nonpareil outfit as n railroad can
didato , and ho fills the measure o
their utmost demands. And now Tin
Nonpareil crowd iiro laying the pipoi
t ° n ° n > "ja " J. 0 , Morgan , the edito ]
of The Glebe , ( John Oliapman'a othei
paper ) on the democratic ticket. Mor
gaii is servile to railroads , as muol
so as Anderson. H0 bolonnto / tin
same league and ring. j
Mr. Morgan in reply o jiies thi
allegation and defies the alloglStpr , bu
does not deny aspiring to nomiaUoii
Ho is very careful , too , how holenioi
being eervilo to railroads , uyinfl- " ]
wn Borvilo to railroads
just so llr ni
legitiiuuto advortwing contract an
concerned for which I receive pay. "
Mr. Morgan really froths at the
mouth at the above paragraph , and
calls the editor ' 'a liar , n poltroon
and craven coward , a nincompoop and
turn-coat " Oh , doarl is it possible )
there is Ruing to bo a duel so early in
the campaign ! If n Httlo thing like
this sots Morgan BO wild , whnt would
ho do in a campaign after mud-throw
ing began in earnest ? There is no
prospect of his being nominated , however
over , unless it should bo for the pur
poae of slaughter , and hence ho isn't
so much to blame fof improving the
only clmnco ofTo'cd him for taking an
nctivo personal part in the campaign.
jho fury into which Morgan lashes
himself nnd his open loiter aoem
mostly to bo for the purpose of telling
the public that ho wants _ the demo
cratlc nomination. The idea of his
bolng nominated is about as ludi
crous as his way of getting his desire
to bo before the public.
A Poet Iloueo to Bo Built nnd Indian
Crook Improved The li
cense Ordinance Ilnll-
wny Crossing ? .
At a meeting of the council last
night the resolution of the county
board for building a peat house waa
concurred in , the cost to bo $1,000 ,
the county to pay two-thirds and city
Tlio city engineer reported a plan
for improving Indian Creek , the cost
to bo about ? 5,000.
An amendment wno passed eo
amending the ordfnanco in regard to
various licenses as to correct the er
rors so fur discovered in the original.
The city attorney was instructed to
draft ordinances requiring railways to
keep flagmen at the crossings and not
to obstruct utroot crossings by cars
standing detached from an engine.
town , Institution for the Feeble
Carrriponilcncc ot Tin i > im.
Yesterday , July 14th inat. , was a
gala day for five carloads of picnick
ers from Omaha to Glenwood. They
assembled in a beautiful grove belong
ing to thu above uuylum where all
wuro happily engaged in various
musomento for suvoral hours. The
ttractions on the hill above them
drew the attention ) * of tiotno of the
inquiring minda of the amuto.noiit
coktra and led them to visit the in-
, Dr. P. M. Powell , the courteous and
attentive miporintondont , received
thorn.kindly and ahowpd I hem through
the institution , oxpluiiiing their plane
and manner of procedure to the great
satisfaction of all who accompanied
him. While ho wan thus engaged hm
cotiiimhlo and ntlablo wife would con
duct othcru through the various do-
mpartments and explain the many
complicated conditions attending their
arduous labors.
When they could not accommodate
the rapid accumulation of callers thoil
assistants were called into requiaitior
to allow the visitors through , and al
appeared to leave well satisfied tha
they had been highly entertained
Thuro are classes and grades of fcoblo
minded males and females in constan
attendance ) to the number of ever tn'r
hundred with an estimate of abou
four hundred in the stato.
The building originally occupied a
tha soldiers' homo is not sufliciuntlj
commodious to accommodate all the
applicants , and piano have been adopt
pd for un exten&ivo enlargement , aiu
the erection of workshops , in which tc
give employment to the able bodict
children , many of whom uro now cm
ployed on the farms and otherwise
There ia connected with the inatitu
tion , ono hundred nnd ii fly-five acre
of land , composed of farm and grove
Tlio edifice 13 located south of Glen
wood , on a beautiful oloviition o
ground , with a magnificent landscnpi
in the BurroundingH.
The institution IH now being sup
ported by the state except the cloth
t ; , winch linn to bo supplied by the
parents or the county in which they
resided. Dr. Ponull has been ii
chnrgo us superintendent for about sis
yours , and has everything very oloanl ;
and in excellent condition.
The children Include what is tormcu
the feeblo-mindod , and are an inter
mediate class between the aound
minded and thoao hopelessly insiini'
to which the lower grades very noarl ;
The windows and many of the door
were open and a largo number of th
children appeared to bo amusing thorn
solves on the outside very harmoni
ously. They appear to bo porfectl ;
under control , and without vicioti
Tiio manual oxerciseei , singing
waltzing , etc. , all clone after the soum
of piano music ulono , was well executed
cutod , nnd exhibited u considorabl
dogrco of intelliconco , which wnuh
load to the thought that they woul
BOOH bo sufficiently reclaimed to bo released
leased from the aaylum and BOH
homo , whilst there uro otherb who ar
so mentally cfll'ctod that there can b
but Httlo anticipations for their ro
covory. VI ITOU.
Mr. Klol ColobnUOrt IIU Uirtbday b
the Aid of Hla Friends.
Sunday last being the birthday an
mversary of Mr , Jacob Kiel , it wa
observed in a very happy manner b
a inorry gathering of friends who mo
at Kiel's hotel in the evening , an
kept up the jolly doings until an onrl
hour in the morning. The compnn
numbered about fifty , nnd the allai
was urr.tnj.Md iu nn almost imprompt
manner , it not being decided upo
until a late hour in the afternoon. I
WM none the less enjoyable , and the *
was no lack in the hospitality asahowi
in providing for the guests. A. boun
tiful repast was spread , and Olkor'
orchestra furnished musio for thos
who delighted in thu dance. Mr
Kiel was the recipient of HOIUQ beautiful
ful end appropriate reminders of th
esteem of friends , among them bciiif
an elegant gold headed CMIO and
valuable gold pen , pencil and telo
scoplo holder as a useful watch charm
All the incidents of the occasion wort
f the happy sort , which will cause all
10 participants to long remember it.
ASchomoJor the Upper Missouri.
The Helena Independent states thnt
or some time- past Mr. John H.
Walora , n gentleman of ample
means , has been greatly interested in
10 navigation of the upper Missouri
Ivor , above the falls. Ho reached
Stubbs' ferry last Thursday and came
to Helena to make arrangements by
mail to have his boat transported
aronnd the falls. In his opinion it
nly requires the expenditure of a few
lousand dollars to make it navigable
or small packets the greater part of
very season. While in Helena he
auscd telegrams to bo sent to Hon.
tlartm Mnginnis by influential par
es In this city , strongly urging
lim to accur < 3 an appropriation
F 825,000 for the improvement
F the upper nvor. Mr | , Waters is
ireparcd to put two boats upon the
vor at cnco , if any reasonable assur-
nco can bo had thnt this improve
ment will bo made and other arrange-
nonts consummated in reference to
10 building of a railroad around the
* lls. Already some $20,000 has been
xpondnd by the government in im-
iroving Iho river between Stubbs'
orry and the falls , and Major Magin-
is has repeatedly nsaiired us that this
ppropriation would bo expendeel an-
tally upon the upper river if only ono
) oat waa placed upon it. Mr. Waters
iroposes to obligate himself to expend
510,000 iu the construction of two
> londid packets , provided a company
an bo oiginizcd to build
It is estimated that such a railroad
vould not exceed twenty milca in
length. At a cost of $8,000 per mile ,
which is n liberal estimate , the entire
xpenso of construction would not ox-
red $100,000. If our friends in
3onton , however , desire to remain the
oad of navigation on the lower river ,
Key will doubtless contribute liber-
lly to the extension of this rend from
ho mouth of Sun river to Bcnton , in-
toad of having it terminate ) below
ho falls. This would make the road
Httlo over forty miles in length. It
, vould run through a section that will
ooti bo crowded with population , and
would bo arnyingroad at all seasons of
ho year. Goods have been laid down
it Hontoti thin Hanson from St. Louis
itt $1 40 per 100. There is no doubt
nit that with such a rnnd completed ,
"lolcna merchants would reccivo their
'reitfht ' from Bentnn at10 cents per
.00 , or from $1 80 to ? 2.00 pur 100
romSt. Louis or Chicago. If a small
railroad is built between Helena and
tubbs * ferry , it would soon bo the
: asu nftor the onttrpri ? o had started ,
cars loaded at Bcnton would be run to
Sun river and there placed upon pack-
its nnd barges and transported to
Jttibbs' ferry , from whence they would
10 dsawn to Heiona without breaking
b ilk.
A now stock of french Cream Confec
tionary just received at the fashionable
ice cream , fruit and confectionery
emporium of Smith & McCuen , suc
cessors to Erb & Duquette , 404 Broad
desire to call attention to a large lot
of very desirable Dress Goods , which
they are closing at 12& and 20c. per
NOTICE. Special advertisement * , sue ft !
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Bale , To Rent ,
Wants , Hoarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thlt
column at tut low rate of TEN CENTS PEll
LINE ( or the flnt Insertion and FIVE CENTO
PER LINK for each subsequent Inecttlnn ,
fyonvo nilv crtlacmcnta at our omen , No. 3
Paul Street , near Uroadnay.
WANTED A good jtlrl to do R ner l hou <
wurk In a mmll family. Eujnlre at Dot
0,1'w. JylS It
! ) A io-il liors ? , Tor Kencrnl purposes
poses , ucleht ntiout 000. hquiro nt A
11. Mttjiio & Co.'d , 311'carl street , jullt t'
A nrkt-chss barber Immediately ,
WAITED to J. J. ( Icol. Com c'l ' llluCn. la.
J illy 1 IK
Everybody In Council BluBs In
to takoTiiH Unit , 20 cento per wec'c ' , du
llvorcJ liy carrlora. OlHco , No 7 1'oarl Htrcot
nour Ilrottd ay.
To bay 100 tons broom cora
WANTED addreai Council Ultild
Rrooni Kuctnry , Cpunrll lIliUTa , Iowa. CS-Wt (
For Sale and Rent
: ) K SAI.K At a Inrpaln , a rpstiurant aiu
lufcory , nicely luriiithcil , and Juvinif u gooi
pitrumgo. Addiuji , Lot eovuntr. Km
uman , Jovvi. ] v Mil'
TnOIt 8ALrA red Ir'fch tcttcrdru , l yiarold
JJ thorciii.'hlr joril b'tkrti. "Ill ton ilicnji
AildtCM.S. P. 0. U x 1042. C. U. Iowa
KENT. Unurn ( ! hcl rooms 6'.l Mali
FOR t. Ju2Miu
UALK lloa'itiful residence lot , 861
each ; nolhlnic down , and SJrcr > nnlh only
It SMOTIIEU9 , Council IMnll
HAUCOURT uxfrcsa. Orderi left at I'CMV i
Tc'i toro , llilfi otr ct , Cotliu 1 MnOs , or J. 0
Klllat' . 1 OI > Kuriinn .trtut , Oiuiln , will rrcclM
prompt afcnton j'U * t
QTlLljAHKAU Great Biiccoos , C ll nl BO. .
IO onr accKsorli'B and | Hclmrn8 ol picture
taMMib ilio ru'Uljio ' uelatluu bruii.ldo
at tbo Hicdfor ( ialk-ry lOjlIalnetric' .
. \V. U PATfON IMiynlclan ami Oculist
DU. euro any cano o ( oroejo . It U enl ]
i matter ol time , aud can euro generally Ii
from tluco tc lUo uceLi-lt inalmu nodlfter
uco liow long dUcasul. Will utralghtcn crofi
eyes , operate and remove I't ) rrirltimx , etc. , nni
insert artlllcliit eyes Fixsclil attention to re
apS-t (
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
A'sj Kdil8 lor the follow lug lines of
Steamship Companies :
Cunatd , Anchor , Gulau , Ao-erlcin , ar.U Btiti
tituia-ttilp Com ) anlo3.
" "S ? S
S3 OR. jftc 3E"
Kor sal on Ilia Key l L'ank o ( Ireland and llanl
of Ireland , Dublin. Tliosw w o Intend to miH lo :
( rlcndt to any pitt ol Kurop J will flnd It to llal
lutiTfit to ( all en
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
343 Broadway , OounoilBluBs , la
Boston Tea Go's ' Store ,
16 Main St. and 15 Pearl St. ,
Council Bluffs ,
Make loney , '
f ®
Ofllco and Works , Main Street ,
Wo glvo special attention to
Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces ,
will rocclro prompt attention. A general us
aortmeut ot
Brass Goods , Bolting , Pining ,
Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Goal ,
All Shippers and Travelera will fine
peed accommodation and reasonabl
Council Bluffs , - - Iowa
Kubber Hose , Iron and Leai
Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and
Trimmings , at
Bixby & Wood's
On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets.
1 he Star Bakery ,
227 MAIN ST ,
Employ the best Uroid Bnkcr In the West ; OH
a choice bind for Cakes nnd Pico.
Hre l il llven-il to all parts ot the tIty.
Rich Out Gloss , Flno French China ,
Silver Ware &c. ,
MES , id. J. HlL'l'UW , M , DM
222 Bi'cmdwnv Council Blnffa.
N. Anderion - - Proprietor ,
Ti'i ' .owcr Itrwilnay
Table HUJIJI o'l ntth he licfct thu market al
( crdi 'fru.ufS.t.Oiii'l ' $ i UOwrui V Trninloi
6'.00 pfr ilv _
TIIOH. omcKit n si
Oouncil Bluffs , la ,
Established , - - 1866
Dealer * In Forelf aid Pom-stlc Exciting
anil Imno Bocuiltlus. _ " _
, . , , , , ,
( Ute Ytttilnary Surgeon ( . ' . 8. A. )
The Only Veterinary Surgeon
in the Oity ,
All c ( the b.Bt J'by * clans In Council Blufli and
surroundln country.
813 South Muln BUcel , Council Blufli.
New hou e ud newly fitted up loflritclu *
? \l \ Ue li t all hour * Ice creain and Ifmo-
Qiie every evening FrulU od conlcctionnUi
Broadway , or Fourth Street , ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Burdttte and Western Cot
tage Organs. Prices reason
able ; terms to suit all.
Importer and Dealer in
of all kinds. Sheet Music one-
third off. Agents wanted.
Correspondence solicited
Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2,00
Bluff aM fillow Sreets , Oouncil Bluffs.
Tf | > TSH
U Jl& Jbki
Mirrors , Upholstery , Repairing , Etc. , Wood < .i rl Metallic Coffins.
. No. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
'i HE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY None but first class Bakers
employed. Bread , Cake , Pica , itc. , delivered to any part of the city. Out
Wa ons run all day.
P. AYREP , Proprietor ,
Has For Sale , Town Lotf > , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Laudu
and a number 01 Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska.
Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Saving Bank , - COD VOIL BLUFS
Brookton , Mass. , July 13 , 1882 ,
Z. T. Lindsoy & Co. , Council Bluffs , la. :
Dear Sirs : Replying to your esteemed favor of. the
5thimtMwillsay that it isafaotthatthe advance in theprice
of Calf Skins , So'e Len'hpr , nud most every kind of Shoo
Stock , taken in conncc'ton ' w th the ailva os for labor we
have been olliaed to comedo to uoikmen , has increased
in no small degree the cost mfinuf-ioturing. . Ivotwith-
stauding which fact wo ; .re pleased to say your order ,
given us ear'y in the sen son. w 11 be fi led v too old prices ;
aud wo hope , by being diligent'y alive to tbe requirements
of 1 ho deraa d for a renllv first-ola B article , to supply you
with a BE .TER line of eoodsthanwe have r-vor given you
heieto oreOur purchase of bo h French and domestic
Calf Skins , as vjo'l ' ! s a large supply of 0 k-tanned Sole
Leather , were mai o very early in ihe season which , being
boueht at foimer prices , relieves us in a great decree of
the inoroared o. t of production that many manulaotureis
are obliged to sustain in filling their orders taken early.
.Your whdo order for the coming fall season is well in
'hand , and will be shipped at an early date. We desire
to call the attention of those who use our goo's , through
the medium of your house , to our new styles in both Hand
and Machine Sewed work. Our French , Medium French
and London Toe goods are all maae on entirely nowjasts
and now patterns , which we feel sure will meet with a
just appreciation and the approbation of your customers ,
With the improvement wo have made we expect to furnish
a more nearly pe feet fitting shoe than ever btfoie , We as
sure you , gentlemen , that we will endeavor to giveallyour
order our pr.unnt aud o ireful attention , and with these
assurances wo trust to merit the continuance of ihe many
favors you have been pleased to bestow upon us , and ,
awaiting your further commands , wo are
Respectfully yours ,
0. A. BEEBE & CO. , . .
WhoUiule and Itetall Dealers In v
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.