THE DAILY BEE OMAHA TUESDAY. JULY 18. 1882. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. Ntw YOBK , July 17. HO.NET. Money closed e.wy at 2J@3 per cent. Exchange closed firm at 4 8fl@4 M > . OOVKIINMENT BOND- . Closed firm. Currency G's 3 30 4's coupon * . . . .lifi 4'n rtgistcreJ 1 lyj 4Vs coupons 114J 4j's recivemi 114 On con tinned 101 fl's continued 102 RAILtlOAU BONDS. Pacific railroad bonds closed tvs follows : Unionist ? 118 @ 11SJ Land Grants 114Jbld Union Sinking Funds oH'dni. 135 CentraU IIOJ ® ! ! " STOCKC. The stick market ti-dny was nctive , and inlces advanced throughout the entire - tire list under Rood buying on long and short account. There wero. however , n few peril ds of Moakncsa nnd some reac tion , but the declines were n'l subse. quetitly entirely ucovered , the market clo lng ktronir at or near the highest point of the dny , except for Louisv Die i Nash' ville and Dtnnr & Kin Grand- , which closed nt n reaction uf 1J@13 per cent , n.- sp c ivcly , from the highest point. The following were the clojing bids : WesternUuiou. 883 Erie -101 Adam * 130 Preferred American ! Ml 11 & St .T 85 US 73 Preferred. . . . 89. Wclla Fargo 12GJ Kansas k Texas 38 , CC&1U l.Vtf Lake Shore . . .113 C C O & I. . . . 801 Lake Krio & W. NYC 134 ? Louis & Nash. . 72 N J C Ill Morris & K. . . .121 I. C 138 Northwestern..133 } Ohio Con 1C ? Preferred..147 * Midi Ceil X > i O&W 28 $ N P < 8 OhiinS Miss. . . 30 | Preferred. . . . St'fi Preferred . . . . 110 CeutPae 033 PM 4U8 UP 1103 Quicksilver. . . . . 0 } Mo. Pac ll)7 ) { | Preferred . . . . 4CS T Pacific 40 Heading 001 NYKlevated..U4 11 1 13 | Met.EI 4 } SanFrau 40 Man Kiev . . 52J 1'icferred. . . . 511 A&TH sa StP&O 41H Preferred. . . . 70 Preferred lOGg CanadaS fi'Jl St. Paul . . . .110) Chos. O 25i Preferred..133 $ O&A 130 Nash. & Chat. . 03 .D&H 1131 MLS&W. . . f > 3l UL&W I'M WnboHh Sot D ft 11 G Gl | Preferred. . . . Oig STAIK BONDS. NegleeteJ. OHIOAQO MONKT. CHICAGO , July 17. Preston , Kean & Co. , bankers , report : Mouny dull but plentiful nt 4J@5 per cent. Cleariugaof associated banks , $8,144 000. Choice municipal bonds of western states are in growing demand , UNITED STATUS BONDS. 3J's Extended G's 100J@101 3i's Extended 5's 10I @ 102J 4S's Coupons 1114@114d 4rn Coupons 118l@110i 1UIUVAY BONDS. C. 11. & Q. Iowadiv4'a S ! > © 80t C. M. & St. P. Dubuniie G's. . . .1074 O &N W. sinking'funds1 * . . . . ! ) y1@100 WabashS's SOj © 80 $ COMMERCIAJL. O mana Wholesale Market OFFICE or THE OMAHA BKF , I Monday Evening , July 17. I The only changes reported in the market to-day are as follows : Wheat No. 2 , declined SJc. / Bye declined 4&c. , Corn declined Ic , Local Grain Deallnj i WHEAT. Cash'No. 2 , 1.10 ; cash Ni . S , 84ic : rejected , 52Jo. UAIILEY. Cash No. 2. 8Sc ; No. 3 , CO : . KYE. Cash , 5Gc. COltN. No. 2 , Clc. OA'l'-S. Cash , COr. ST11KBT IMUOES-Corn , 55gGO ( ; onto , 50c. Produce and Provisions. POTATOES Old , out of market. Home grown plenty ; new , Gj@70c ptr buthel. ONIONS-SI 50 per bushel ; now home grown , per doz bunches , 15@i0c. ! IIAD1SHKS Homo grown , 15udoz. PIK PLANT Per pound , Ic. LETTUCE Per do * head , 25@3oc. NEW TOAIATOES Ptr box , Sl.CO ® 1.25. JiUTTEU Cholco country , 18.- . KC5OS Scarce , 17c. aiEATS Hams , ] 5n ; breakfast bacon. 15c ; clear bajon , 13Jc ; shoulders , 3c ; dried beef , IGc. FLOUK - JOBBING PRICE Best 3 25 ; hay. G 00@G f.O per ton ; baled , 10 00 chopped feed , 1 GO ; chopped corn , 150 bran , 1 00 per cwt ; straw , 4 01) ) per ton loose ; 5 00 baled. baled.Grocers' Grocers' List. ' CHEESE Kutl Dream , I2o ; Port Skim. lOc. BEANS Imported German GO per bushel , UUKFEK. Hio , ialr , lie ; Rio. good 2c ; Rio , prime to choice , 12Jo ; Old govft J va ; 204 < J281c , Mocha , 284c ; Arbuckle's , 4Zc. gjTEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ; Obrice , COS175c ( ; Imperial , good , 40&45c ; ChrJte , 60@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 3G@ 50c ; choice , 65c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , 35c : Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@10 ; Oolong , , 40@55 ; Souchong , Rood. SC@40c : choice. 3545o. NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels , $000 ; do in half bbls , 5 25 ; smalls , in btilx , 12 00 do , in halfbbla , 700 ; gherkins , in bin , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 50. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , lOc pure upple , 13c : Prusslna uure annle , IGe , dUGARS-Cut loaf , lie ; Crushed lie ; Granulated , lOlc ; Powdered , 11 ; Fine powdered , lie ; Standard Coffee A. OJo ; New York Confectioner's Standarc A , OJe : Good A , OJc ; Prairie Extra C , Oc. PvOPE Sisal , i inch and larger , Oc WOODENWARE Two hoop pall , 1 05 ; hree hoop palls , 2 20 ! No. 1 tubs pioneer wtshboaros , 1 85 Double Crawn , I 00 ; WellbuckeU , 3 0 , LEAD Bar , ? l 65. CANNED GOODS-Oystera , 2 ib ( Field's ) , per case , 54 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) per case , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case 3 05. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 2 SO ; do 3 Ib per case. 300 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain case , D10 ; soaked corn , 210 ; ale rr Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 815 string beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beans per case , 1 85. Succotash per case , 2 00 Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice per case , 3 15. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case 240 ; strawberritM , 2 Ib , per case , 2 0n raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 20. Dam sons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45. Bartletf peaw per case , 3 00@4 CO , Whortleberrle per case , 240. Egg plums,2 Ib peruke,3 30 Grflen gagea,2 Ib per case , 3 SO ; do choice , ' tb per case I 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case 4 00ffl5 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case. 8 10 o 3 Ib. case , 4 60@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , pe oabe.275 ; do pie , 6 tb , per dozen , U r > 0. BALT , Dray load , per bbJ , I Ib ; Ash ton , in Eao be , 3 50 ; bbla dairy GO , 5 , 3 f f bbls dairy. 100. 8s. 376. , V DRIED FRUITS-Choleo hn K peucheti , 7c : Halt Lake lie ; vap orated 501b boxes , ISJcj Sllchlgan. 7cj New Vork apple * , 7ic ; Prunes , old , Gic ; new 8)c : Currants , 6g@7c ; BUckberrles , new 14e , HOMINY New , 85 00 per bbU SODA Dwlaht's tbp per < . ? 2 fiDe ! - > nd do , $2 85 ; Church , $ . ' 83 ; K g toda 21c. 21c.CANDLES CANDLES Boxen , 40 Ibs , Ifi ni , 8 * , 5cboxrs ; 40 Iba. , 10 OR. , 6 , 16a RICE Carolina , 7J@8o ; LonlslnnA , 7 < i8c ; fair , G@CJ. SYRUPS. Sugar hon e , bblfi , 55o ! hnf ! 1 , 57c ; kcci , 4) gallons , $2 50 ; choice able syrup , 53c ; half bbls , 5 , * > c ; kegs , $2 50. STAiK'H. 1'enrl , 4icj Silver Ulons , 8J Corn Starch , 89e ; Excelsior rliw > . 7c : Corn , 74o. SPICES. Pepper , 19 ; Allspice , lOc ; Jloves , 40c ; Nutmcijs , $1 002ficCissin ; , Uco * t 00. MATCHES Per caddie , 90c ; round ( ire * , $7.05 ; squnro cases , $ , j,10 SOAPS Kirk1 * Savon Imperial , 3 33 ; < irk'a satinet , 3 GO ; Ktrk'g standard. 3 W\ \ Cirk's whlta Russian. 625 : KlrkV : utoc , 2 15 Kirk1 * Prairie Queen , 100 cakes ) , JO ; Klrk'g maiftiolta , 4 , " > . LYE American , 3 10 ; Giceuwicii. 10 : Vestern , 2 7" > ; North Star , 2 5Gj Lewis' ye. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 27ft. POTASH Pennsylvania cntu , 4 doz. , n case , 3 35j Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In case , CO : Anchor Ball 2 dor In case. 1 50. FIELD SEED Rod clover , choice ew , SG 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover ew , g ? 00 ; white clover , now. 514 OC ; 1 nlfa clover , new , § 12 50 ; nlsike , nuw , 1300. Timothy , good , now , $3 00 , lue grass , extra clean , 81 fit ) ; blue grass , lean , $1 25 ; orchard grass § 2 60 ; red top , liolco , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , Oc ; millet , German , $1 00 to 81 2o ; Bulgarian. SOc. HKDOKSKED Osngo orange , 1 to f > ujhcls , ? 5 ( Xj ) osage orange , 10 bushels or ver , $4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , ; lT c ( per 001bs.,52.-iOO. FI3 .1 Family while fish , 00 Ib hf bbls , 5 2T > ! A'o. 1 white fish , 00 Ib hf bbls. 7 00 ; o. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 10 ; family 0 Ib kits , Sfic ; New Holland hetring. per c ; , 1 35 ; Russian sardines. 75c : Coluin- la river salmon , per lOOIbs , 8 00 ; Gooiy ' ' ' iauk codfish , Gc ; Gen. boneless cod.v * . , ; boneless fish , 5Jc. VOKERErj II alfbb'is moss mackerel , 00 Ibs , $12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do , 00 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 bi , G 00 ; mesa mackerel , 12 Ib hits , 2 25 ; Vo. 1 ox shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 2 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do 75o. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , rod Ten. essco , IDopor Ib ; fancy white , lOJc porlh ; a-v whlta Virginia raw , lOo ; roasted , Ac. DryQoodi. BROWN COTTONS Atlantio A , Sjc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; Boott p , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 4-1 , 7e ; Cabot W , ic ; Chlttcimngo A , G.Jp ; Uroat Tails E , Ic ; Hoosier , GJc ; Honest Width , 8s. In- Han Head A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard A , ijc ; Indian Orchanl d. w. , 8 0 ! Lawrence _ .L , 7c ; Mystic River , 7ic ; Pequot A , Bjc ; Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5c ; Wachus- tt B , 7ic ; do A , 8Je ; do E 48 , 12ic ; Wal- wtt BB. 84c. FINE BROWN COTTONS Allendale 1.4 : 7Jc ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Sc ; Ulantic LL. GJc ; Badger State X 4-1 , 7e ; Jennington C 4-1 , Gjc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJco udiau Orchard AA 0-8. SJc ; Laconia O i'J ' , 8Je ; Leliigh E 4-4 , 0 < c ; Ix/nsdalo 4-4. lOc ; Pepperell N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7Jc ; do R SG , 73c ; do E 30 , Sic ; Pocasset O 4-1 , 7i'c ; WatnsutU 4. i 13o BLEACHED COTTONS Androncog gin L l-4OicBlackstoneAA ; in porialSJc ; do do half bleached 4-4 , Oc ; Cabot 4-4,83 ; juuvuuu , IOc ; do cambric 37. 12\c ; New York Mills. 12jc ; Pcquot A,10c ; Pepperel > T G Twills , 124c ; Pocahontas 4-4 , 9Jc ; ? oco8Rct 4-4 , 8Jc ; Utica , lie ; Watnautta OXX. 12Jc. lJuCKS ( Colored ) Albany K brown. 8c ; do C , drab. lie : do XA stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and drab , stripes nnd plaida , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy , .2ic ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River irown , extra heavy , llic ; Indiana A irown 1U" ! Veoonset A brown. IGc. T1UK1A lib fimoskeag A U A 32 19c ; do XX blue 32 , 18ic ; , 94c ; Claremont B B. ISJc ; Conestoga ex ; rn , 17ic ; Hamilton D , HJo Lewtston .v. 30 , 15c ; Minnehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl lliver 32 , lGc ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetucket S lOJc : do S3 12c ; Yeoman'a blue 29 , 9c DENIMS. Amoskeok , blue and bronn LGJc ; Andover DD blue , 154e ; ArlingX jlue Scotch , 18Jc ; Concord OOO , blue aw brown , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 134 ; do XXto do do 14ic ; Haymaker's blue nnd brown , Oio ; Mystic River DD stripe , IGJc ; Pearl Mver , blue and brown , ltc ! ; Uncasville , ilue and brown , 14 Jc. CAMBRICS Barnard , 5Jc ; Eddystono ining , 24 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A ; Iazed , 5Jc ; Manhattan glove finish , CJc ; Newport do Cc ; do glazed , 5c ; Pcquot do 5c ; Lockwood kid finish , Gc. CORSET JEANS Amorv , 8cAndroB ; coggin satteen , Ejc ; Clarendc n , Cijc ; Cones oga ratteens , 71e ; Hallowel , 8c ; Indi 4 Drchard 7Jc ; Narr > sansettimprove"lc Pepperill sattecn Oio ; Rockport , 72o. PJUNTS Aliens , Oic ; American , Gic ; Vrnold , "c ; Berwick 'c ; Cocheco , 7c ; Jonestnga. Gic ; DunVirk , 4 c ; Dunnell , ii@7c ; Kddyutone , 7o ; Gbucestor , Gc , Jnrmony , 5ic ; Knickorbocker , GJc ; Mer- rimao D. 7c ; Mystic , 5ic ; Sprainies , Gc ; Southbridgo , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marl- joni , 5jc ; Oriental Gic. GINGHAMS Amoskeug , 124c ; Anio.- . keai ; dress ! ) J | ArgyJo , lOJc ; Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 74c ; Highland , 7ic ; Cenllworth , 81c ; Pltm kett , lOJc ; Sus sex. 8c. COTTONADES Abborvillo UJo Acate , 20c ; American , lie ; Artisian , 20c ; Cairo D and T , 13ic ; Clarion D and T , 17Jc ; Deccan Co. stripes D and T , IGc ; Key stone , 13Jc ; Nantuckot. 19c ; Nonpareil , Gc ; Ocean D nnd T , 13Jc ; Royal , 1GJ i Suflsei , 12c ; Tioga , 12c ; Wachusett shirt- n f shccks. 12ic ; do , Nankin , 121c ; York , plain Nankin. 12Jc ; do , checks , etripcu and ancy , 12c ; do , 8 oz , 20c. SHEETINGS Androscogsin 10-4,274c ! do 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental 0 42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 274 ; New York mills J8 , 35c ; do 78 , SOo ; do 58 , 224c ; Pembroke 10-4 , :5e : ; ; Pequot 10. , 28jc ; do 7-1 , 19c ; do 4'J , IGc ; Penperull 30 , 20c ; do 67 , 21c | do 57 , ISc' Utica 90 , 35c ; do B8 , 22ic ; do 48 , 17o Clears and Tobaccoa , CIGARS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut , 825.00 ; Mixed , 835,00 ; Seed Havana , 850.00 ; Cloarllavana , S75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 2 $ Ib , GOo ; Our Rope , first quality , C2c ; Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butts.OOc ; Horse Shoe , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GOc ; Glt ! Edge , pounds , 2 Ib , butts , 00 ; Army nnd Nnvy , pounds. 65c ; BuUlouJpounda , SOc ; Lorll- lard's Climax , pounds , GOc. FINE CUT In pails. Hard to Beat , 75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c Favorite , 05c ; Rocky Mountain , GOo Fancy , B5c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil Cntlins O. 8 , , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib 03c ; Lori Ulard's Tiger. 05c ; Diamond Crown , 60o. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 83c. Granulated Blackwolla Durham , If oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 4Gc ; Seal o North Carolina , 10 oz. 46 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 16 oz , 880 ; Lone Jack. 4 cz , linen bag perlb , 81.35 ; Mai-burps' Puck , 2 or , tin oil , 6fic ; DOR Tall G5c. Paint * Old * nd Varnlihei PAINTS IN OIL White leaiJ , Omaha P. P. , Gic ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , GJ-T Marseilles green , 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20o French zinc , gJMn seal. 12c ; French zinc red seal , He ; French zinc , In varnish asst 20c ; French zlnce , In | oil osst , 15c ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c : raw i burnt Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. M. & D , , 14c ; blind and ehutte green , L. M. & D. , ICc ; Paris green. 18o 'ndian red , 15c ; Venetian red , Oc ; IMscan , lrt. , 22c ; American A'erndllod , I , &P. , 18c chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18c yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 11 ; paten Jryer , 8e ; Draining colors : light oak , doi1 oa t. walnut , chestnut and a b 15o Dry ° alnt Wlilto lead , Gic ; Krench tiuv. lOo : ParU whlteing 2ic ; whiting Kilders , IJt vhltlng coraM , lie ; lampblack German town , 14o ; If mpblack , ortilnary , lOo ; Pnw sian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke brown , Be ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw lejslenna , burnt , 4c ; glcnna , raw , 4o Paris green genuine , 25c ; Paris green com 20o ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20c ; chrom ( green K. , 12c ; vennilllon , Eng. , 70c ; ver million , America , 18c ; Indian rod , IOc , we pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookcon's "c : Venetian red Am , , Ijc ; roi lead , 74C ! rome yellow , genuine , COcs chrome yclM ow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , So ; ochre , 'rcnch ' , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c ; VinterB mineral. Sta ; lehigh brown , 24o : mulsh brown , 2Jc ; Prince' * mineral Sc ; OILS 110" carbon , per gallon , licj 160 headlight , per gallon , 240 } 175 * headlight , per gallon , IOc ; nseed. raw. per gallon , > 7 ( linseed , bollel , cr gallon , Wic ; Urd , winter strM , per Rftl- > n , 1 00 : No. 1 , SOc ; No. 2 , 70o : castor , < XX. per gallon , 115 ; No. 3 , 1 05 ; sweet , er gallon. 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon , 55 ; fish , W. B. , per givllrm , GOo ; neatsfoot , xtrn , per gallon , 7oc ; No. 1 , 0 , > c ; lubribi ating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ; olden mnclilne , No. 1 , per gallon , H."c | No. , SO : sperm , , i > cr gallon , SOc ; tor- online , per gallon , 05c ; nnpthiv , 74 , per nllon , 18ct Cl , 17c VARNISHES Barrels per rf. "on. furniture , extra , 01 10 ; fu > nt\tro ! , No. 1 , 1 ; conch , extra , SI 40 ; Coach , No. 1 , I 20 ; Dnmar , extra , $1 75 ; Jnimn , 70ciw- ; hnltum , extra , 8."c ; shellne , $3 50 ; hard II finish , $1 30 Orup- . DRU S AND CHBMIOAIAcid Inrbiillc , 50c ; Acid , Tnrtnrlc. 'iOc ; Balsam Jopablo , per Ib , 70cj Bark , Sa i aftasper > , 14c ; ( 'alnmt'l , per Ib , 75c ; Clnchoniitm , > er oz , SI Oo : Chlorofonn , per Ib. 1 00 : Jover'a twwders , nor Ib , 81 10 ; Kpsorr \lts , per Ib. 3ic ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib , Wo ; Ix-ad , Acetate , IMT Ib , 21c ; Jll , Cantor , No. 1 , per gnl , ? 1 15 ; )11 , Castor , No. 3 , per g.O , $100 ; Oil , Olh o , per pal. SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50e Iplutn , 81 fiOs Ouinlno P. k W. tt R & S. , > cr or , 82 10 ; Potassium , Iodide , per 1 * ' 1 75 ; Salacin , per or. , IOc ; Sulphatti of Jorphlno , per oz , $3 85 ; Sulphur Hour , icr Ib , 4c ; Htrvchniuo. nor or , 81 20 rloavy Hardwnta tut. Iron , ratcx , $3 40 ; plow steel , special iut , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; npcciali-rv ormanV ( ; jvst tool do. 15@20 waeou spokes , sot. 23 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 2i ; felloes , nwod iry , 1 10 ; tongue * , each , 70A > c ; rvcles , ach , 75c ; square uut3 , per lt > , 7@llc ; vnshern. per Ib. 8@lCe ; rivets , npr Ib , lie ; oil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; mallenMp , So ; rou wedges , Oc ; crowbars , Go ; harrow eoth , 4c ; horseshoes , per ktg , 5 00 ; spring tcul , 7@8c ; Burden's horseshoes , 5 50 ; Burden's mulcahocs , G 50. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , S2.10 : Oriental Powder , kegs , $0.40 : do. , halt ccfs. 83.48 ; do. , quarter keen , SI.88 ; Blast- in u , keifs. 83 351 Fuse , vtr 100 feet 50o. BAhBED WIUE In cur lots,8 30 per .00 ; in less than car lots. 8 55 tier 100 , Leather. Oak sole , 3Sc to 12c ; hemlock solo , 23a to 5c ; hemlock kip. SOo to 100 ; runner , 5c to 80c ; hemlock cnlf , 8/ic / to 120 ; hem- ock upper , 23cto2Gc ; oak upper , 21u ; lligator. 4 00 to fi 50 ; calf kid , 32@35o ; ireisen kid , 2 50 to 2 75) ) oak kip , SOo to 00 ; oak cnlf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; run- etts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50 ; , op oings , ! ) 00 to 10 50 ; B , L. Morocco , 30c , o 3"ic ; pebble O. 1) . Morocco , 35c ; siinon rO to 3 00. HARNESS-NO : star oak , 420 ; NO 2 lo , 30c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do , lie ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2 do , 31c. Horaea nnrl Mulct. Tin ) market is brisk and all grades nrc oiling well nt r > slight advance in pi ices , 'ho demand for good horses exceeds the apply consideraoly. Priceu range ua fol- ows : Fine single driver * , 5150. to 300. ; Extra Tnft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common dr it lorses , $100. to 150. ; Extra fnnn homes , 110. to 125. ; Common to good fnnn hot-sen ; 90. to 8100. ; Extra plugii , SCO. to 75. ; "Common 'nlugs ' , $20. to # 10. MULES. 15 to 1DJ hands ( extra ) , S12T > . ol50. ; 14 } to 15 hands , 8100 , to 110. ; .4 to 144 hands , $75. to 100. ; 134 to 14 bauds , 660. to 75. LI uora. * . . 187 proof , 220 per wlua ; ajlon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof , proof gallon ; triple refined Hpirita. _ . . . . if , 124 per proof gallon ; re-distilled wtiskies , 100@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 60 ® 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Ken- uckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 C0@7 00 BRANDIES Imported , 80 00@10 00 ; domestic 140@4 00. GINS la ported , 4 150(3)0 ( ) 00 ; domestic , 40@3 00. RUMS Iraixjrted , 4 B00 ( 00 ; New England. 2 00e)4 ( ) 00 ; domestic , 1 nO@3 50 PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY 175@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per cano , 2 00@31 0Arc3rb ; a , case , 1200 ® 1000 , OLAHETS Per case. 4 50@1G 00 \VINES-Hhine wino , per case , G 00@ . ' 0 00 ; Catiwb.i , per CRBO" , 4 00@7 00. Lumber. We quote lumber , ntn and shingles on ; FH at Omaha nt the following priced : JOIST AND SOANTLINCi-10 ft. nnd inder , $21 00 ; 18 ft. , $22 00. TIMBERS 1(5 ( ft. and under , 822 00. TIMBER AND JOIST-18 ft. , 82300 ; C ft 824 CO , 22 ft. , 827 50 ; 21 ft. , S27 50. BliE01NT No. 1 , 4 acd 0 in. , 822 00 ; No. 2. S20 (10. ( SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) 818 50 ; No. 2 , 81700. STOCK BOARDS-12-in. D , $2300 ; 12-in. O , 835 00 ; 12-in. B , § 10 00. PAPER Straw paper , 8 c ; rag paper , Ic ; dry goods paper , 7c ; mamla paper , IOc ; news paper. 8c. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; Morris Run Blossburg , 812 ; Whltobreast ump , 80 0 ; Whitobreast nut , CG f.O ; lown limp. 80 50 : Iowa nut 0 50 ; Rock Spring 88 : Anthracite , all xizc , * , 812 00 ® 12 50. NAILS RatcB , 10 to CO It , 3 00. LIME Per barrel , 8115 ; bulk pe OUH. )5o ) Cement , bbl , 81 70. Iowa plaster , ) bl. 82 00. Hair per bu , 35o. Tarred " 100 lb , 83 00. Straw board , 83'CC1. Wool , Herlno unwashed , light , 14@lGo ; heavy , o @ 1315c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@2 0 washed , choice , 32o ; fair , SOc ; tub-ding and w. , 28c ; hurry , blackand cotted wool 2@Go less Hide * r-ura , Etc. HIDES 'jroen butcher's hide , GfflO'c rurod 74c ; hides , green Halt , part cured 7c ildes , tile ; dry flint , sound. 13@Mc ; dry calf nnd Kip , 12@14c ; dry salt hidesRound , 10@llc ; green cnlf. wt. 8 to 15 Iba. . 10@llc ; ; reeu calf , wt , under 8 IDs , per skin , 50oi jroen polls , 60 ® ? ! 25 ; green lamb ekins , U 25150 ; damaged bides , two-third rate , ; ut Bcorou and one grub , classed two- .Urdu rate , ) branded hides 10 per eent. off , Coon Hkins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOo ; No. 3 , 20 , ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , BOo ; No. 2. SOo ; No. S , 15o ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , No. 1 , 30c ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , black , j.Sc ; abort stripe , 40oj narrow stripe 25c ; brood stripe , IOc , Tallow 7c. Proaao * . CinoAao , July 17. Flour Quiet and generally easy , choice family brands steadily held , quotations unchanged. Wheat Wlntnr lower , No. 2 red , clos ing on call at 110 ; cash , 1 094 ; J 'yi ' 1 05 ! * ! * spring quiet and lower ; 1 20 tor July ; 1 27 for August ; regular No. 2 active and unchanged with wide fluctuations , last qu' tall , n on call were 1 09j for July ; 1 01 @ 1 Olj for August ; 1 034 for September ; \ 01 i tor the year. Com Weak , easier and unnoltled , fluctuating | wildly within wide range ; clos ing at 754a for July ; 74Jc for Auguat and September ; 7&4C ' "r the year. idr Oats Unsettled and lower ; 51 c for July ; 3So for August ; Sljc for the year. Rve Weak and l@2c off ; closing at 09c for July ; 50o for August and the year , Barley No market. Pork Active and so freely offered prices broke 2f30f ; mess closed at 20 25(320 ( 874 for cosh ; 20 85 for August ; 21 O.'i for Sep 1 tember ; 111 05 for the year. Lard-Active nnd higher * nt 1 ? 25 y 1235 for caah12 ; 124 for Auguat ; 1255 for September. .Bulk MeatK Short libn firmer and steady ; 12 20C < < il22."i for caiib and Auyiut ' ; 10 55 for the year. Whisky-Quiet at 1 I'l. Butter-Quiet ; creamery , 21@25c ; dairy , 18@lic. ) Eggs Slow at 17c , Reo'tB. Shlpu'ta Flour 5,371 3.C41 Wheat 87108 2(51,773 ( l.'orn „ . . . . , 232.887 201,0771 I ' . . . 00,013 C2,5iy' Oaanoll BlafTi Mnrhnt. COUNCIL Unrrrs , July 17. Flour Made from 1'twinter wheat M t Crvntol Mill * , 3 00 ; Konsiw rtnur , 3 GO ® fl "fi ; GrahArn , 3 00 ; ryn flour , 3 00. Corn Mesl 1 70 for hlte ; yellow. 1 00 ; corn ch | > , 28 00 per ton ; corn nnd out * chop , 32 00 per ton ; chop , 33 00 per ton. \Vhc t No. I , 1 OOj No. 2 , tC e , Corn White , OSc ; yellow , 60s. Kye-COj. Harlny tir. Kte per box : r.ispberrlec , ICe per boupplcx , 3 25 per Hroom Corn Hay Inx > e , 7 UOfe'J 00 ; baled , 7f > bale. bale.Wood Wood fi 00@C 00. Wool 1C@'J5. Butler Creamery , COujln roll , wrap. tx > d , IBc ; nilN not wr.Appoil , ISJc ; colors , 10@121o. Onlonn SOo per doz. Live Chlcknn 2 2.V. r > 0 per dozen. Potatoes Old , out of mnrkot : new , ! Ko ) @ 100. Uoblinpoi 7i"c per doz. MVB SFOJK.I'attleKxtrn , 300 ® 360 V al C Ucr > r.O@6 00. llo-js ( I r > 07 00. Sheep I 00. Now Yorli Proclnoo. NKW YOHK , July 17. Flour Dull nnd grades nbo\o li 00 heavy nnd 10@li"c louprjMlnnenotae'xtrn , 5 OOfeO f"0 { city n 111 extra , fi 7r > ( c8 50 ; ROiithem ( lour dull ; c < intn n lu choice , 5 Wheat ITuiiRoltled nnd depressed , tlio decllno rnnging from l ( < r IJ per cent : de- mnnil light ; No. 3 rod , 1 ' m 23 ; No. 2 Mil , t 21 ; No. 1 white , I 24l - ' * > : No. . red , July , 1 2J1 ido. ! | ; . August , 1 111 @ 1 2 . Corn Heavy , unsettled and lower ; mi. graded mixed , S SHjc ; No. 2 , 831@81i-j No. 2 mixed July , S3o ; i o , Auguat , 83 © 8I\ Oats Unsettled for ci\sh ; higher nnd stronger foroptioiw ; opened higher , clon ing with moro Htrengih ; Mo , 1 white , CiOc ; No. 2 do. , ( MfJiUii ( Ni1 mixed , C3c ; No. 2 mixed. UUjQO''lc : mixed at : > te , Olc , Ityo Dull at S' ' S''Jc. IJarlojSteady. . Pork * Quet nnd stnlig ; now mesa , Laid Strong , active and hi.her ; 12 83 for cash ; 1222J for July. Whisky Nominal. Petroleum Firm ; uuitcd , . ' 7jic St. .Lionm jfrodnoo. ST. Iiouin , July 17. Flour Lower ; XXX , 3 HO © I 00 ; fuini- ly , 4 85@o 00 ; choice , 5 50@5 GO ; fancy , S 7 ' @ 5 80 , Wheat Lower and unrottled ; No. 2 red , 1 02g@l 03 for cvh ; 1 03 } for July ; 1 01ft for August : 1 002 for the year ; No. 3 red , 1)9(5)1 ) ( ) OOJ cash. Oats Iitwo'i cadi , Ole ; 51i@61Jo ! for July ; 373 for Augu-t3."iji ; for the year. Coin Lower ; Ole for cnsh ; 50 } for July ; 33ja ! for the car. Rye Kltm nt OSc. Barley Load Firm nt 4 80. Butter Unchanged , ! 'KK - Unchanged. Whisky Steady > .t 1 15. Pork-Quiet at 21 Id. Lard Nominal ; 12 2. . Recclt.ts. Slnp'U. Flour 7,000 U.OOO Whent 329,000 2li 1,000 Corn 48,000 4,0 0 OatH 13,000 Chicago JUivn took. CIIIOAQO , July 17. Th Drover * ' Journal repoitx ; Hogs llecelpts , 13,000 Market gen erally steady but mmtisfnctory ; ( juality very poor ; rough stock nccumulated ; mixed , 7 35@8 00 ; heavy 8 OD@8 ( JO ; light , 7 25@8 10. Cattle Ileceipts , 8,000. Gond stock BO tree ; low and medium gradoa neglected and low , with a heavy run on range cattle ; butchers nnd stocUcra weak ; common shipping , 4 03 0 00 ; medium to good , O2.r.n)700 . ( ) ; cows , 2M@I 00 ; bulls , 4 00 © 4 30 , Texan ranges , 3 (10 ( ® 1 85 ; stockcm , 3 00@340 ; fetdcre , 4nO@f > 25. g Sheep Keceipts , 2.00J. Alarkct sluggish - gish but about Btcady ; coiumon , 30iy ( a 40 ; nudlum , 3 02i@J 00. Now Yorlt Dry Goods Mnrliot. NEW YOHK , July 17. lu the dry gooda niitrkut to-day there has been only n mode rate amount < < f now bueineHS , many buycrn for out of town ' markets being still absent at water ing , ' plucen , etc. , in vicinity of tlu city. There is , however , a very cheerful fcelimr In tradeand iiniic.uiona point to a renewal of activity within n comparatively Khort period , the outlook for a geol , healthy fall business being very promiiing. Cinoinuatl Produce * . UINOINNATI , July 17. Pork Jobbing , 22 23@22 r,0 , Lard PrimoBteam nominal , 12 37 asked. Hulk MonlH Clear widen , 13 CO. liacoli Clear cideo , 11 7J. Flour Winter faudlv , steady at 5 8.1 ® 0 10. 10.Wheat Wheat Demand largely for new ; rod , 1 100112. O. > ti-Quiol ; No. 2 mixed , fi'Jc. Kye-Uiill and quiet ; > 'o. 2 , 72Jc. Whisky-1 J I. Philadelphia Prodnoo. I'HiLADk-i.riiiA , July 17. Flour Unchanged. Wheat-Steady at 122@l22i for caiih and July : I li ! ) for AUKUBI. Corn Firm at 88u)8'Jo ( ) for cash ; 81J@ BOo for July. Oats Steady at 70@71o for cash ; 05 @G7c for July. Uyo Nominal. East Liberty Ailvo Stock. KABT LHIBIITT , Po. . July 17. Cattle IJull ; extra , 7 00@7 75 ; good , 1 logs-Dull ; recelpta , 40,000 ; shipments , 12,000. I'hi'adelphiag ' , 8 70@8 85 ; Haiti. mores , 8 30@8 00. .Sheep Slow ; recolptH , 0,00 ; ehipmonts , 1,800 ; txtra , 1 7D@5 00. Toledo Procluao- TOLKDO , July 17. Whe-xt F.rm ; No. 2. 1 10 for caBli ; old , 1 ZT caBh ; 1 13J for July ; 1 08J for August ; 1. 00 j for the year. Corn Firmer ; No. 2 , 784 < J for cish ; 78o for July ; 70 o for August ; liljc for the year. Oats Unchanged ; No. 2 , 39 ! < j for Aug ust. Turpentine Market- WiLMiNaioN , N , 0. , July 17. Itosin Quiet ; Btraintd at 1 50 ; good 100. Spirits-Dull ut42io. 'J or Firm at 1 05. Baltimore Proauou. BALTIMOIIK. July 17 , Flour-Quirt. Wheat Southern active ; fultz , I 22 longberry , 1 21 ; No. 2 rod winter , steady : 1 22@1 S24 for cash ; 1 20J@1 21 for July , Corn White southern firm nt 1 0. @ 1 07 ; yellow southern steady nt 02c , Peoriu frodaofi. , I'KOIUA , July 17. Corn Active but lower ; high mixed , 7C4fe77c ; mixed , 7i' ( < e704c. Oats in ctive ; No. 2 white. 50t@.7c. Rye Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 , 71C < D72c. Hlghwineii Unchanged at 1 13. * Liverpool I'rodaoe. liVKiii'Ooi/ , July 17 , " Flour American Hour. 10ifel2a Od , Wheat-Winter , Od Od@10d j ; upring Corn 7s 3d. Pork-91n. Potroloum- CLEVELAND , 0. , July 17. Petroleum Un hauged ; standard white , 1'j'llO teet , 04c. Trolicht & Bunker , TAIN GOODS ST. 3LOTJIS , Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices and Invite In spection to their Uusurpassable Selection. BuiTnln JLiivo Stock. EAST BurrAi.o , July 17. Dull ; receipt * , SO ens ; ship. mpnt , 30. Market steady ; Yorkers , 7 f > 0 © 7 vSOj go.-d . , M 2S > M ) . KiitiAiiN City IvAS'HAS ClTV , July lo. Wheat -Weak and lower ; No. 2 ml , tUto for cash. ! > > c ( or July ! ! > 3Jo for August ; No io , O.'Jj. Corn tjniet : N'o.2 mixed , " | for caih ; 73Je for .luly ; 73jo for Au 'U t Oats-No. 2 mixed , SSo fur July ; SOc for August. St. JLouli Iilrn Stooli. ST. Louis , July 15. -llecclpt * filO ; market wonk , slow nnd eittlrolv without change ; shipping pig * . 7 f > 0@8 i 10 ; packln7 50@ S 15 ; tin rhctn to solt'Ct , HlO@870 ; stockcrs , 5 ( > 00 50. KnuHiiN Cliy Jjlvo Stoolc KASHAS CITY , July 15. Cittlo ltccelitr | , ! 5UH ; ( ) ; weak , nctlxo and a plindf lower ; bulk of supply Texans at 2 75 © 100 ; no extra shipping Texans and mtrket weak. PHI T * Saa inoiiny nmt onlcrsilt direct frnm OML I n , wu lili | promptlyby rail at thu lowmtiioiiioci'liprlcoto nil wmlcrn polnis. Jtf-in-lni TV1.KII HAI.TCO. , Snithiaw Clty.Mlch THE NATIONAL CAPITAL A Prolonged Effort to Compromise tlio DifforaiiGos on Appro priation Bills , The River and Harbor nnd Sundry - dry Bills Before the Joint Committees. The Sonnto Rnpidly TlnwlniUni-on the Rovonno lloclnotloii Bill. Tlio Slur nouto Oaaoa Slowly Fizzling. CAPITAL NOTES. Nutlonal Ajsoclatcd I'rons. nisruTKi ) uir.Ls WASIIINOTOK , July 17. Tlio oon- foroncu coiiiniittco ant nil day nnd liiti ) to-night on the river nnd liurbor bill. There in no doubt but the bill will bo reported by Wudnoadny nt the lutost. Notwithstanding joatordny waa Sun- Jny I ho aundry civil bill conference sat nil day , bub it is hardly po.saiblu tlio bill can bo reported in two dayn. A 1IOUNOK. Secretary Folger demanded the roaignation of Supurviaini ; Stonniboul Inspector Quo. B. N , Tower , Soopnd diatrict , on account of insubordina tion. Toivor is the iiiHpoolor who hits almost continuously , during hia term of ollioi ) , nmdo issue on iniiny points with the inspector general , who in thus vindicated by the eecrutary. Till ! HI'All UUIITIi OAHKH. One ImU the time of each day of the ntar route ennun is conoumed in tilts of counsel. The judj'o complains of the nlow progress , conceding that thus far no testimony has been ad duced to prove conspiracy. Elian is i-aid to have charged the failure to in- diet Kellogg lo political roaBona. The foreman of tlio j > r "d jury hau written Blisi , who has not yet answered , lilisa mud to u reporter to-night ho had no idea of rolhcting on the grand jury. lie supposed it gave the senator the benefit of the doubt. _ _ _ _ _ CONGRESS National Associated I'rum KI'.NATK I'JIOCKKDINOH. WAHIIINOION , July 17. The tarill' bill waa taken up and Senator George addroesod the aenato in favor of the amendment removing the duty on ma chinery for manufacturing cotton , wool , Hiv , hemp or manllla. Senator Heck called up the amend ment making the tax on manufactured tobacco ten cent ? , preferring that to total abolition , as othoriviflo the rev enue would not allow rulief to other industries. Senator Johnston advocated n tax of eight cents aa the figure , where ic could rest without injury to thu trade by agitation until it was wholly re moved. Senator Sherman advocated adher ence to the bill as reported , which would bo a relief as far ua prudence would permit. At 5:30 : the senate went into into executive soasion , where a protracted and undecided struggle over the Mo bile postoflice was held. Adjourned. JIOUflB rUOUKKUINUH. The house initiated on non-concur rence in the senate amendments to the river and harbor bill , and Messrs. : Page , Kobinson ( Ohio ) and Hoagan wore appointed a conference com mitteu. A bill authorizing tlio sale of the old pjatollico eitu in Nuw Vork was passed120 to 'JO. Adjourned at 0 p. in , _ _ _ _ _ Killed uy tbo Cars. National 1'ronij Amociatlon , OrrAWA , 111 , July 17. K J * . man , n well known young man , full under thu wheels and was killed this morning while trying to board a Hock Island train. _ A Houoviitiji ) ; Romcdy In to ho fi mid lu DUIIDUUK lii.0011 HIT TKlts. Aa an null lota for ukk headache female weaklier , liilloumioiB , indlgoetlon constipation , it'id cither diauasea ol a Mil tired natiirt ) , thexu blttorH art ) Invaluable 1'rlco 81 , Julyl7dlw BroKor. It is now aaaortod that Oliuro ) , Howe will be n candidate for lieutou- ant governor , Mr. Cams liuviiig demonstrated that there u a prott- able brokerage business atticheo ! to the ollico. 11LAIR BRIEFS. The Oiipturo of the Pny Oi\r Conaplrn- tors Uullillntciitul Crop Notos. Corrcfiomlcnco | of Tin HUN UI.UH , July 17 This usually quiet little burg was thrown into a furore of excitement on Saturday morning , by the report thai four train robbers had boon arrested in n box car in ( he S. 0. & 1' . U U yard the night bo- fore. It noeiiis that there 1ms been a plot going on for some time to wreck mid rob the S. 0. fc P. pay car while coining through thu deep cut just cast of this place. Detectives employed by the company got wind of it , nnd have been on the tr.tok of tlio parties engaged in thu plot , no tlmt when four of the gang came over to Blair from Missouri Valley they wore followed by officers. There necma to liuvo been seven in ( he gang , and thu inten tion wuo , as near an can be learned , for four of them to come over here and prepare to attack the train while the other throe went through the pay car. Those that were arreutod broke into the tool shop of the eomp.iny here and had liken therefrom tools milliciont to throw a train oil' the track Those in rested wore taken back to Iowa , on the ehurgo of conspiring to rob the . , piy : car. liluir'n building boom in the bride line him hcou nui-puiidisd for the hint two WiUil > a on uccuunt of fcarctty of ntiiluiial. Work will be nvunniMl this \voi k. Never hns any town undo morn r.ipid ntridca in growth mid general iinuuivement than has lilair this season. The dog ordinance in being viuor- ously enforced here , nnd thu result is n terrible howl among dor ; ownero. There is considerable Hickncas hero al proacnt. W , 11. F.inmworth is junt reviving from a three weeks' seiue of it , Lust Thursday as the train from the Tekumoh on the Chicago , St. Paul & Minneapolis railroad was going by the freight depot n little 9-year old son of A. lloster was pitting on the platform , and as the train pasied alone the stops caught his legs and crushed them ter ribly , tearing the flush off and breaking - ing the bones. The boy has since died from the injury. J. J. Smith & Bro , , formerly of Omaha , have junl opened oul a slock of dry goods and groceries Logan Uros. Imvo a largo atoro building nearly completed , and will carry the came line of goods. The crop prospects in thin vicinity nro fiplondid never bettor. Harvest. ing will commence this noek. llix , Truth. 1 [ o that is Hiirety for n Rtrangor , shall mart for It. Hut ho tlmt trualuth in I'lilNd BLOSSOM for curing Hvor , kidney ml coinpluliiU of a llku tendency , xhall over ho dlxapiiolntcd , 1'rlco r,0 contH , rinl bottlca 10 centH. jiilyl"dlw D. M. WELTY , ( SnouosKor to D. T > Mount , ) Manufacturer and Deilcr In Saddlesi Harness , Whips , FANCY I30KSK CLOTHING Roliog , DustorB and Tarf Ooods of ALL OKSCKIl'TIONS. CONCORD HARNESS "Tho Boat in The World. " 3E'-A.TE ! : sac1. Onion PollcUod. OMAHA , NEB ma Iv QRATJEFDL-COMFORTINa. EPPS'S GOGOA. BREAKFAST. "Hyatlior kntwlo'Jgo cf the natural UWF which Kuiurri the ( iperallons of tlfu | tlon and iiiiirltlon.nrut by a cuuful apillcaticn | of the One nropcrt'iu of wo.l u lee nl Cocoa , ilr Ki p < batpiotidvd our Lrutkfmt tall. a with A delicately 11 t ored beveraijo Hh'ch iray ia\i > ua munjr heat y doctom * hills It U liy llie judlcl ua of auch aitldia of diet Dial a ciiiibtltutlori may lie K d > ially built up until troiu enough to rtHl t i > tendonur ti clluaso. lltiadrcclj ol Kubtlo niiUdleiaro lloatlnt' nrninil in renJy to utUck nhcrottr there In a Weak point. We may ucaiio inai.yafiUl iihatt by kcoplnit oui. ( Lhea wil lortlllul \ > llli puru blood and a prup- erly nourlihed frame. " c'h II Her\lco Oa/ettu JUuu tlinjily with liulllni ; water or milk Sold lu thu unit ti-lhandlb ) , Jabilnl JAMES BPPS Si oo , UomBopitttilo OUeiniHts , a u ex at-wiy _ Loiiuon , ijiiiffintid. _ MCCARTHY & BUKKE , Qonoml Undertakers , HotFuruuiu nuil Douglni , , Uutalllc , Wooa and t loth Covered GASKETS , OOETINS , BOBES , 8UKOUDS , Oil APIS , Ao. nnatantly on hand , Orden from thu ountiy eollclUxJ , and prouipUyftUcudod n. u > tllt > INCREASE $10 YOtm CAPITAL. Invn'orJ cl itm 11 and medium ft'iiounti In Drain l' nl < hns nnd Hf 'ck * M fully tirot ctd ni mo t \tonUo AM'I ' limuctitUI Oiiritjr9 | , Our mi < ra sful , t il'y ' tried , old c - lixhlli cil iiK i. Tur IT Keprtf mill wcckly.dMd n s jitld nionth- ly Send at once ff > r rxpUnntory clrcu'A' nnd p < st treord pililililrlnif iiaai ; thirteen montlu on this fund S3I.71 per Mi.rp. A < lrr * I'f.KM.MINO & MKfltlAM , 141 ami 143 I.aStkilo St. , Chlcairo , 111. Vo - lee l In /t-5T nt a asent every tjttn K\o llcnt lmliieomcn' % Ooml piy to .1 nvpsmllilo , enter- pr etiirf linn , U'r t f.r terms , Murray teen forks , Burlington Iowa. Soml Portable fig Euginos , FOR tv ORBAMKUIES , MILLS , Printine Kte. , Spooialty. The Largest Iron Working Establiah- inon t in thu Stnto. MANUrACTt'KKIlSOK Steam Engines , AND GENERAL MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Out-Off Steam Engine , H ill for circular. circular.OOO I AND THE Of Omaha. Has purcliaioilof the Gorilla Safe Innufucturlng Co. , of I'rovlilonco , It. I. , o s fo whl-h Is giuu- autooil In urltlnK to In "abtolutelj burijtar JIMKI/ for n period o ( tlilrty-elx liaura continuous Mid u distiitljcJ a1 lock with tlio u o of auch tools unit appllcnnccs as o burglar can employ , " and In a ] imcUca ly uncondltlonal way. Tlilalmuk ilitlnua thorough test umilo upon tliUmfo. nnil In ciso of failure to stand It , the liank will bo nt llbnrty to purchase any other oaf.1 and limy return tills to the manufacturers. Any ] rty In nt liberty to iinJortako the attack ulio will fnrnlili mtljf.ictiry lioml to pay all ihiiUKu to tba Halo , In COHO U li not entered In I lie nllnulatcil time. TnoCorllsiCompiny ajroo In wrlUTij , ' to dopnelt with thin bank the eum of $5,000.00. upon the sltfiilnj ; of an nxrcoment an aliovo llu cald sum to bo pauod within the lafe nnil to bo forfeited Lo thu pirty operating In eano It la ford'ly ' opened and hi contents rau ctmctod liKNUY W.YAtKS Caahlf. _ _ mn , V i ' 1 li I'lonwil iiliiiilyViiihM ' wfl LS'E t-ftji j iti i Hia it. . - ! ias . . _ iliw < l till- Out Of I1iilciitrpniovn1ilon-dlnlcrcriiiii iilil ttl' l Orlllc" , 1'i'iul rl > 'ir luiroi-ri li liln Hew < > iin V'tt"HurMr on IH'II tUoi ) Sew Hafcty Kiiirrvolr . tiuiniuur uao theno fituyua aru ThoBo eolebrato'l ntovoa for sale by 1'leroy & Bradford , Olnulm , Nob. 29 1m 1880. SK3RT LINE. KAlTSASCia'Y , 3t , Joe & Council Bluffs U fUI OHLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AMD THK EAST From Omaha and the West , A Iralat leave II. k U. Depot , Omaha ; Nob. No CBADKB of can between Omab * and ei. ixiolf , and bat one between OUAIIA and NEW YORK. SX3K Daily Passenger-Trains itmina ALL KIIN AMD WKHTK11H OlTlKa nith miAUQKS and IN ADVANOK oUF OT1IKH LlHltt- enllrt line li equippea with obiutn'l Fall 01 Hleeplnf Cart , faUce IJ y CoarbM , Ull er'i Safety Platform and Couplvi , and tbec irbtil d V/cstlngnouso Air-brake. that your tlikel roiila VIA Oltt. bT. JOSKI'H 6 COUNCIL BLUIfjra Ha II road , via 81. Jcunph acd Bt , Loula. Tlcksts ( ci Htlo at all ccujion t tlomlDlh W 6t. J , F. BAKMAUD , O. DAWKS , Oou. Bupt. , fit. Joairh , Ua | A O o 1'in. nd Ttckft Agt. , St. Jo i-phJ < o , iVHDY Coui > > n , Ticktt Agent , 1WO Famhtoi fctuol , W. J.UAV firour , UKUcial Agent , * -ITIT _ „ < . „ . ' ] Agents for the Llfu Timeu uid YV II11 LOU Trcacboron h"e WIFtJOSSQJaiDBS Written by ) ? tbi unly llfti uuthoilicd by her , und which will not bo a "llload and ThunJcr" etory , auch as baa been iinJw 111 'ID imblUhcil , but a truu Life by the only p rtwu v. ho Is la poiiejtlou of the f act * ahlnlulMid duvotod wife. Tiuth It more lutcrutiUK' tlmn fiction , Agcata ulioulJ pply for territory at nnu. Bond 75 cti. far 9 m- ple Oook. J. U. Chamber * & Co. , iw.uMl-Atw- " St l > iil . ( no.