Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JULY 18 1882. . 'r
The Beer Manufaoturors of Milwaukee
waukoe Stopping Trade
with Merchants.
Fear * of n Prohibitory Amondmon
to the Constitution the Cnnno
Jlllwaultec Special to the Globe Democrat.
Whixt proinisea to culminate in on
of the moat decided socinl , politica
and coinmorciftl nonsntions knpw
hero in tunny months dovclopod her
to-day in the notion of the browcra o
this city , who have unanimosly nnc
emphatically decided to refuse to p t
ronizo or dcnl with nny of the loca
merchants or tradesmen who fnvo ;
oven indirectly the onforcnmont o
the Sunday law. Some time ago one
or two clergy mu i of the city uuccuodcc
in Bocuring Uiu M.UIIOB of n largo lin
of our mo t prominotit merchants am
businoas men generally to a letter nd-
droaacd to the managers of the loca
theaters , asking them to refrain from
giving theatrical entertainments on
To the general public the matter
had but little interest , and it was evident
dent that the letter would have no
effect , but for some roaaon the Ger
mans of this city hnvo boon led to believe
liovo that the attempt to influence the
theatrical managers was the
intended to end in the cloning of nl
Sunday amuaemontn , the shutting up
of the German boor gardens , the
stopping of Buudny parades nnd excursions
cursions , and finally in the passage o
a prohibitory amendment to the state
constitution. The Gorman popula
tion hero moves slowly on public
questions , but it moves with a great
deal of certainty , and the pres
cnt condition of fooling is sumo
thing unprecedented in connoo
tion in such matters. To-day it is
announced that the members of the
Brewing association , including all the
brewers , kavo dojided to have no fur
ther dealing with the business men
whoso names wore attached to the letter -
tor in regard to Sunday theatrical on
tortainmonts. One of the loading
brewers , who had ordered a largo
bill of goods from a heavy furniture
ojtiibliflhtnont has now countermanded
his order , the name of the firm being
found on the list of the signers of tin
letter. This is but the beginning of
a systematic course of what the merchants
chants affected call nn aggravated
course of boycotting. Every man
whooo name is attached to the letter
in question is marked by the brewers ,
and the latter will refuse to buy any
goods of those whom they believe to
bo interested in a movemontultimato-
ly destined nnd intended to injure the
brewing business.
Your correspondent interviewed the
loading brewers of the city to-day nnd
found them
In their protestations of a determina
tion to abide by the decision mndo in
regard to the course to bo pursued
toward the merchants who signed the
letter. Captain Pabst , the manager
of the Philip Dost Brewing company ,
is regarded as the loading roproaonta-
tivo of the brewing interest in this
section of the north irost. lip ia a
man universally respected , has * great
influence in social , political nnd bual
ness circles and is the possessor of
great wealth. The captain told
your correspondent this after
noon that , whl'o ' the brewers
ors have no real { oar of an
tagonistic political influences or
work , or of opposing legislative action ,
still they wore bound to protect their >
interests from the very start when any
movement was started that threatened
those interests. In the present case
ho said the brewers made no sort of
secret of their plans and intentions.
They were fully resolved nnd deter
mined to extend no patronage or busi
noas favors to the men who had un
dertaken to load in n movement which
was calculated to interfere with the
beer interest. The prohibitory move
ment , bo eaid , was growing , but the
boor movement was growing , too , nnd
the people of this section have too
much ot the spirit of enterprise to
to dictate n policy that would bo ruin
ous to cno of the largest business
interests in the community. At the
same time the b/owera would lose no
opportunity to mote out to their op
ponents such treatment ns would
I- teach the latter that the representa
tives of the beer interests will not Hub-
mit to any movement that jeopardizes
their property or their prospects. In
buying their furniture , their dry
goods , or anything elao itt this city ,
the broworu would cU'iil only with lib-
cral-mii'ded men. Said he : "Wo ,
the broworn , have come hero for lib
erty , nnd wo propose to have liberty
In holding to that proposition wo pro
pose to withdraw all custom nnd pit-
ronago from narrow-minded mon who
interfere with our interests. "
The brewers constitute one of the
most wealthy nnd most influential
class in this community. Their action
in the present cuao has caused a wide
spread excitement ; nnd the whole
question is likely to find its way into
politics in connection wilh the approaching
preaching election of n congressman
from the district mid the choice of
county oflicors. The result will prob
ably bo beneficial to the democrat * ,
since nearly all the signers of the pretest -
test against Sunday amusements are
republicans , nnd the brtwora will
to carry their end. It is reported to
night that the brewers will start a now
daily paper devoid to their interests ,
One of the clergymen who wore in-
* etrumental in securing signatures to
the anti-Sunday amusement was the
< t * Ilov- Henry T. Rose , pastor of the
Plymouth church , ono of the most
popular clergymen in the city. Last
Sunday ho announced to his church
his resignation of thu pulpit , which ho
had occupied with great success for the [
past seven tronths. No roaaon was
assigned which could fully account for
his action , but it is now reported that
his resignation wan caused by the uu-
noyanco and unpleasantness resulting
from his action in this matter , Ye
ha\o very etrincont Sunday laws , but
they huvo never been unforced , and so
long as they have remained a dead let
ter the brewers have made no opposi
tion to them , but in the present case
they propose to malto unrelenting wa
on their opponents.
MILWAUKEE , July 16. The brewers
ors arc taking extraordinary stops i
boycotting the morchanta who recently
contly signed a protest against Snnda
theatrical porforniancos. The latcs
phnze is the entire withdrawal of th
patronage formally extended to nn
insurance agntioy , The premiums 01
policies withdrawn foot up over $50 ,
Mr. Kn , < sf > n'rt congressional tllstrlct 1
Iowa gnre 7,402 majirity for tlio prohlbl
tlnn iitncmlmTit.
Hciresontatlva | John Hill In spoken o
as the republican camlldateforKovernor In
New Jersey next year.
The friends of Mr , Luke 1 * . 1'oland pro
poKe to bring him forward as n innclidati
for o ngro's In tlio Second Vermont dls
Gencrtl Dudley , tlio present cotnm ! *
sioncr of pensions at WashltiRton , Is believed >
lioved to no ambitious to becmno governor
of Indiana.
The Fifth Illinois congressional district
Is republican by 11,000 majority. Htuhci
Klwood , the republican candidate , nldet
in organizing the party in the Frcmon
campaign ,
IteprcBtntatlvo HotikV ronomlnatlon in
the Second Tcnncssoo district seems Im-
prnbablo. Ho tdkn of running at nn Indtr
pondenl candiilnte if tlio regular conven
tion rejects him.
There ls n probability of still another
state ticket hi Pennsylvania. A conven
tion of ivll the trade and labor organisa
tions in tlio state Is to bo held at Philadel
phia on Monday , August I8 ! , to comlder
tht qiicFtinn of nominating a labor ticket ,
The greenback ticket , it in thought , will
not bo endorsed.
While the Pennsylvania republicans nro
wasting valuable lima In trying to Imr-
inonl/o , tlio democrats are qulutly at worl
organizing for the campaign. 'Ihoy wll !
not heglti a formal canvass , however , untif
they nee whether there will be one or twc
enemies to tight ,
Ex-Governor Ilendrickp , of Indiana ,
presided at the democratic county conven
tion In Indianapolis last week , and inmlo a
spcbch declaring his ballet that "If the
democrats carry Marlon county , they may
tarry Indiana ; nnd If they carry Indiana ,
they may carry tlio United State" .
General Stoadman , the o'd ' democratic
war-horse , of Toledo , Ohio , ha viilnns eli
i party in that state thU fall JIo
nedlcuii majority for the democracy of
1,000 in tlio 1'ciitli congressional district
L'hlM Is the district in which Frank Html
cxpocti to gut tlio democratic nomination ,
mil test the popularity of thu free trade
The prohibitionists nro urging Governor
Hierman to call uu extra session of tlio
own IcgUlnttiro ( or the purpose of passing
IIWH to enforce tlio amendment recently
adopted. lint thcro U much doubt
whether ho will comply with the request ,
nn ho fnyn bo desirua to do nothing mult.
L'ho temperance people will probably have
o wait until the legislature convenes ii :
egulur HCRHion.
The democrat * nro alarmed about North
Carolina , The ClnrlGxton News HayH Urn
he seriousness of the mtuntion had bettor
) o understood , nud IK Ids : "Tho fear in
hat the Borclioadx nnd ropnl > lcnnn ! may
: arry the state Dockoy , tneir cnndidnto
or conarossman-nt-largo , being already in
ho fltld , a jndlcioui rcdlstrictin < would
ipHHt him entirely nnd mnko the congros-
ional delegation nt least much mifer for
ho democrntfl.
Tlio possession of the Illinois legislature
Will bo the main < bjcct fur which the
omocratH of that state will fiiht. { Their
nly hope of winning U throuuh the ays-
em of minority representation , which
> luccB the republicans at some dlsadvant-
tgo. But oven with this In their fnvor
heir prospect * arc very dubious. Two-
lilrds of the senators that hold over arc
opubllcans , which gives that purty a good
Ponnls Kearney and the sand lota have
loclarod In favor of General rftonemau ,
ho democratic nominee for governor of
Oalifornlii. At a mooting held a week
go I&K Sunday , It wa * resolved "That
wo , the workingmeii and nnti-mouooli ( tH ,
n niasn meeting nsscmbli d. representing
iva wo do the pcntiinclit- i f the honest ] ) o .
lo of thN state , do now Indorse and ratify
he nomination of George 13 , Stoneinsu
or governor of the xtata of Cnlifornia
Ana that wo request nnd urge upon DenIs -
Is Kcnrnoy to tuko the stump for General
touomnu nnd the principles ho represents ,
tul all nntl-mononolUtH
wo nppeul to - a
long tlio line of hla route to tender liim a
icarty wclome. Wo would like to nee
) enuis Kearney mnko tin name Uriel of n
ampaign for the election ot George Stone-
nan that ho made for tlio adoption of n
ew constitution. \
The Grand Island council baa ndclod a
vnrd to that city , unking three ,
The organization of Gnrfield lode of
iluBoiiH nt O'Neil City WUH completed on
ho Uth.
The Journal says a bank Is to bo started
t Hampton , Hamilton county , by thuUox
The Btonn of the llth did immoiiBu dnm-
igo In .lellorunii county , particularly t
tcolo Oily.
Schuyler hna orgnnlzed n stock com ] any
1th a capital of $1'J,000 to btart n pork
licking establlsbuiout.
The railroad company la building n tank
L Harvard to glvo thu town an abundant
ipply of water for tire purposes.
Dr. D A. Vance , of Kcnruuy , a dentist
well known In Central Nebraska , died ln > t
vet'k of ungestion of the bowels.
Tlio Mndlsou county jail ha < t recehed a
lumber of Iron cages In which tn con line
In crlmlunls. Kucb oago weighs H/JfiO
The Ulnlr nfllroM nro wagiiig unrelent-
ng war < > u the d < ig of the placennd
urbCH loiul anil deep nro hoard from the
wners if the unfortunate outlines ,
A 11 , ISciumm , of Lockwood , baa been
mfottimato Iteccutly ten incinberu of
lU family have been down with scarlet
over , but by good troatmout noue of them
Clayton Hetwor , ngoil 23 , sou of Plntts
mouth's llorlut , nttemptvd enlcldo on the
Stb , but wits "lixed" in time to prevent >
ntal olftct. The young man U of u de-
Hindont nature. ,
Mrs , Thomiis Grimes , of Wisner , while
lading a cow to water last week , was
irowu down by the unruly animal ami
rugged a lung dutanco , BUtterlngcouaider-
blo injury ,
A Urge party of Uormans from Dawn-
ort. lowu , arrived here last Thursday ,
'hey were laud buyers , nnd they secured
iverul sections of our valuable soil , Most
' them who bought will be notual settlers ,
[ Albion Newn.
Years ago Judge T. L. Griffey , of Da-
cotu City , ami G cargo Cliamberlain pre-
upted a nuartvr sectiou adjoining Sioux
ity , which , after holding a abort time ,
vos taken away under the pretense of be-
ng i > art of laud grant , The railroad
ompauy had po8 e ion over since , but
mdo no liiiproveincnts niU dtunosed of
one of it. Judge Grilfey fought for the
and anil n thort time ego a decree was
veil in Ills fuvor. The ground la now
cry > nluable nnd ita poaaeuslon U n for
me to the owners , although they bad to
Ivomore than half of it to the law ) era
vho won tlio cis-- .
Wo learn that a probable murder wan
committed in Norfolk on Friday oenlng
nst , tbe victim belujf n Mr. Mnrquardt ,
ml the aitna tin a railroad laborer who In
nknown. Maiquardt , who had boeu
rinklug , had purclmscd a keg of bcor ,
mi was drlnkiug from the name whouiome
ailroadvni came along , and nuked them to
artaku of the eauie , which tlmy did , but
the ono gloss w i not enough , and the ;
took the keg wftv from Its owner nnd i ;
the tqunbble that ensued for Its posse'slo
Marnuardt wo-l stabl > ed , from the tffecti
of which he In lying.very low. Wayn
A report WM brought to town l t Mon
day to the effect tbnt one of the Ketchum
boys had shot and killed I , P. Olive , th
fthootln ? , according to ihe report , h vln
occurred on the Ilunning Water. Inquir
ies have fnllsd to confirm the report ,
it Is not generally believed to be true.
particulars. Plum Croo * Pioneer.
This afternoon when the south-boun
trnln on the St , ' . & U. rood carne alnn
i > Mtthe freight depoton that rend , Lou
Hester , nine-year old son of A. Hester
was sitting on tha depot platform with on
leg banging over. | Thocnr < struck thlslc
nnd mangled It fearfully , and broke th
bjno. 13lnlr Pilot
Chariot Durfee last week sold nil hi
cattle nnil horses on hla range on the Mit
die Loup , Cutter county , to D , llankin
whose range is on the same Ktrentn nboii
76 tnilen went. The stock cousi ted of 82
Inn J of cuttle , 19 bulls and -18 horses , fo
which Mr. Diirfro received 820,100. Mr
I ) , continues in UiecaUle business , and wll
locate in Now Mexico , Phil DufrnndwII
probably nccotnpiny him ns foreman ,
jPJum Creek Pioneer ,
Senator llamlln tins nut asked Spain to
please flop her hull-fighting. Itnther np
[ > ears to like it ,
There Is a postmaster In Louisiana namoc
Takeaway , but ho only tnkoa away a sala
ry of 325 per year.
Horr's twin brother his very counter
[ tart in firm , feature and facctlonsness
nominated for congress. This is too much.
Mrs. Taylor , xvldow of the tenth prcal
dent , is described asfa plump nud well-pie-
served woman , with pleasant blue eye , a
smooth nnd plaoid countenance , and sll
very hair.
Oscar Gocdwln , cashier of a National
bank at LoftHnsport , I ml. , who so myster
iously disappeared from his post , has been
seen at Hot Springs , Ark. Probably Os
car contracted rheumatism trying to bal
nnca hl § books.
Gen , Howard has been relieved from the
command of West Point , nnd sent out on
the plains , Indians who have been derl-
ioct anout reading their Sunday school
hooka recently should prepare to move out.
Chicago Tribune.
An Impudent scoundrel has been person
atlng Mark Twain in Cork , and in spite of
the telegram sent by the hutnorl-it to the
London Times exposing the fraud , the ras
cal Is dill trnvcling about Ireland deceiv
lug the people ,
The Prince of Wales lately received a
diverting reply from the mayoress of amid
land county town , whom ho offered to escort
cert to the refreshment loom. "Thank
yuur I Ugliness , " said the lady , "but I'm
n couple i of ladies , and I do
not like to leave them. "
The Now York correspondent of a Bos
ton paper has discovered that Peter Coop.
er built thu first locomotive e\er construe
ted in America. It in n < ticeable that the
man who built the first bicycle is careful
not to show up.
Gen. Sherman says ho oats bean soup
ovary day when at home , if ho can get it.
The general is supposed to be smoothing
the way for a Ktatne of hinifeclt in Boston.
Louisvi lo Courier-Journal.
Mr. Trt'scott , of the Stnto department ,
in Ht'oiiding the summer with his family in
Maine. Mr Trescott ia thegentlemm who
traveled all the way to Chili nt govern
ment expense in order to discover that tha
Chllhni were not so talkative ns they
might bo ,
William Robinson , n young man belong' '
ing to one of the best families of Balti
more , has been nr ret ted for bigamy , and
four women whom ho married have been
found. It is supposed that the defense
will be insanity.
A misorlv beggar named Hheiberg ap
plied ut a Pennsylvania almshnusu for food
and lodging. When t < Id that h must
submit to a scrubbing , lit ) produced from
the inner recesses of his tattered attire gold ,
silver , and stcutities valued nt 821,00) ) .
The next day ho was taken s ck , probably
from the bath ho had t.tken , and two days
nftenwird bo was u corpse.
The Now York Tribune says th.t "an
interesting sight nt Long Branch in Gen ,
Grant riding on Ocein avenue enveloped
in n duster nnd wearing a high white hat ,
Ho drives a dark sorrel horsa to a light
road wagon. " This is indeed a thrilling
picture , nud nothing could exceed its aim
plo beauty unless Homebody was to discov
er ilarkttorrel hoiso diiving Gen. Grant
to a linen duster.
Juy Hubbell ia a native of Michigan nnd
largo owner of tlio celebrated Calumet
copper mine in the Like Superior region ,
from whi h ho itenvis nn inc > im > of S20-
000 a year. Hu is a meduin-nUed ! , thick
set , strong-necked man , with n full beard ,
which in generally neatly clipptd , and a
\ery quiet manner. Hu Is not a man who
wastes words. Like many of the strong
Westerners , ho imiokfs most of the time ,
Ho lives In fairly good style , and keeps hh
own carriage in Washington ,
Some spiteful American who ran across
Bret Hurte in London writes about him as
follows : ' 'One of thu most intense nnd un
speakable KuglUbmon I have neon sinto I
struck London is 'Mr. ' Bret Harto. His
hair Is white , and his face rod enough to
cnrago the Umest bull In the world , lie
wears a section of a window-pane In ono
eye , and talks with a la-do-da uccent that
would inlinitly amuse the friend * of the
liartn wo used to know. This -119 trains
with My Lord This and the Karl That ,
and talks Hg thitu's of magazines ho U
going to start. "
Washington lotUr : "Mr. Hobeuon ,
pleasantly called 'tint rotua I'In one of the
heaviest men in the House. His width of
beam is almost as much as his bight. On
the other hand , MrVhitthorne is nno of
the smal'est ' mon in the Houco. Mr , Hobo-
son's voice Is ponderous , while that of Mr.
Wnltthorno Is Htnall ami piplng. hough
when one listens to him awhile he is easily
urderstoo 1 His pronunciation is very
distinct , while th t of Mr. K ibesouls bois
terous and rumbling The difference iu
sire between tlio two legislators suggested
the use of the names of David and
Goliath. "
Millions Given Away.
Million * of Bottles of Dr. KingVNew
discovery for Consumption , Coughs and
'olds , have been given uway as Trial
iottles of the large size. ThU enormous
utlay would bo disastrous to the pro-
rlotora. wore it uot for the rare merits
rasneaed by this wonderful medicine. Call
t 0. F. GocKlmnii'ii Drug Store , and get
Trial Bottle fret , nud. .try for yourself.
Murray & Lanman's
R8818DA WATER. d
Corner South and Locuit Streets.
J. H HURST. - - tProp ,
looms , 75o , $1.00 nnd $1,50 IVr Day
An vlrgaut HetUunnt U fonnwUxl with thli
iou e , u bore mcali are xrt od at roatonablr price/
HIOU d y and nb/ht , tulO-m
Itli Ihoconcurrcnt testimony of the publlcam
thomcllclnnl jro'nslonthU Ilwtettcr's Stomach
ach Ilittfrsl medicine t hlch chlc\c i results
iiccillr felt , thorough and benign Uctl to net
f } Ing lUer disorder. It Invigorates thcfcble , con
qucra kidn < } nn' ' bladder rompialnts , and Inn
tern i thocitnalciccnceof Ihoso ucovcrlnglrom
enfeebling dl'ctucsMoreover , It It the grant
specific forever and anno.
For Bale by all druggl'tsand dealers generally
jl teal
English rcm *
edy. Anun-
falling euro
for Seminal
Weakness ,
rhca , Impot-
cncy , and all
" *
swiSrnc" 0 AFTER TAKINO.
Self-Abuse : M Loss of Memory , Universal Laaal
tude , Pain In the Hack , Dimness of Vision , I're
mature Old Age , and many other Diseases that
end to. Insanity or Coniumptloyi and a Prema
ture Grave. .
CVFulI particulars In oar ptniDhlet , which
we desire to Bond free Ivmnll to e\ cry one.
< &Tho SpeclB ( Medicine Is ( old by all druggists
at $1 per package , or 6 pack tics for 85 , or will
be sent free by mall on rocIpt'of the money , by
Buffalo. N. 7.
"ho Most Successful Ramedy ever illscov
rod , aa It la certain in Its effects and doca not
illster. READ I'HOOF BELOW. Also eiccllent
or human Gosh
Washlngtcnvllle , Ohio. Juno 17 , 1881. Du
It. J. KKNUALL , & Co. : Gouts Heading your ad
ertlscnjtmt In Turf , Field and Farm , of jour
iondall'a Spavin Cure , ard having a valuable
nd speedy horse which had been lame from
pavln for eighteen months , I sent to jou for
bottle try express , which In six weoka removed
all lamonris and enlargement and a large Bpl'nt '
rom another horse , and both horsoa are to cay
astound as colts. The one bottle was worth tome
mo one hundred dollars. Respectfully
O'irs , II. A. Ik RTOLKTT , M. D.
Bond for Illustrated circular giving positive
iroof. Price $1. All Druggists have It or can
; ctltfor you. Dr. R.J. Kendall & Co. , Pro-
irletors , Enosburgh Falls , Vt
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
Ill In n positive euro for SJpcrmatoirhoo , Semlna
Voolnooo. Impotaucy , and all dbcuHco reoultltip
rcm Self-Abuse , as Menfe.1 Anxlet } , Lossi
ilrtaory , Pallia In the Back or Side , and diseases
v"- ' " that lead to
insanity au
early grart
e SpcclOc
Medlelne Is
being mod
wlto wonder
ful success.
ont free to ell W rile for them and get full par-
Price , Speclfli. , CI.CU pel package , or six pack
ages for 85.00. A'ldrera ' all orders to
Nos. 10t and 109 Main St Buflato , N. Y.
SoM In Omaha by 0. 1' . Ooodmr.n , J. W. Bell ,
. K. Ish. and all drticjlstflovorywhere.
< .rl * .
NpCnrelE8TAgULIIED ! 1851 > 811
No Pnyl ) f Iioonit St
St. Louli. in still treatIng -
Ing all I'HIVATE. NEK-
Special Diseases , .Spcrma-
trrihooa Impotincy ( Sox-
iml Incapacity ) , Fcumlo
Ifonsf" , Irregular ! lea.
Ullllcult'cs , ttc ,
/2T Ladles , send 25 cent ?
( In Httmps ) to p > y cxprcs/
cHrgen on a "valuablu
JTwork" entitled "Dlioitoi
OXJTRB. ' Women , etc. " Wcrk
f Self-abuse or 1'rhato Ulecaso , send 2 stamps
or UFLKDRATKU NORKH fn Nmouj and * txu l
lUonscs. Ooiisultfttloii personally or by letter ,
'HEB Consu t the old Doctor. THOUSANDS
L'UKD. Otlici ) In iiulct , irhato , respectable
lnce. You xco no one buv the doctor. Dr.
l.uko Is tlie only plijslchn In the cltj uhanar-
a'it < euros or no pay itedltlnes neut e\ery
where. Hour , 8 A M. to 8 p. u. d&wly
in any atago
Old Sores ,
lores When Hot Springs Fail
MiriRM , ARK. , May S 1881
We hue oases in onr own town who lived at
Hot Springs , ( id wera finally cured with S. S. 8
f YOU doulJt , coine to toe us andK WILL
UltK YOUK OR charge nothlue I I Write for
wrtlcuUra and copy of llttlo Booi
th < > Unfortunate siiffarinv
J 1.OOO will be | > * l < l to nj
icmfit who will uud , on n ljl l 100 boltlt
. S , 8. , ono particle ol Uercury , lodldo PoUt
urn or any Mineral tubatuice.
Price of Small ilif , 11.00.
Large Blio 81.76.
Boldly KKNNAUD DUOS. * 00
DnifKlili Oeoerkllv
It jiUlu row 1-.3 ol * ) > Inch to
Kith ID the raueoot telts or finest el kl
It doet M kind * end > t ) leu ol | MHng la nM ,
No Udy that does her own ilrcat uuklnx c t
Qcil lo do without cue M nice pUltlng Ii
\er out of iwhlon , II Ktn It rolli lucll , roi
trhlnrf , Clrcultie or A rent' * termi ftddrni
118 AdAmiSt. Oblioco
Mrs J. O. Koljcrtfion , PltUburs. Tn , writes : '
ai suffering from Kcntrnt debility , want of ftp
petite , constipation , etc. , so that file was a Imr
den ; alter using Hurdock Illotxl Hitters I felt lict
tcr than for jcarn. I cannot pralsa jour Hitter
too much , "
H. Olbbs. of nuDdo , N. T. , n rites : "Vou
Bur dock IIIc < ( Utters , In chronic dlncmes of the
blood , liter it , . . ! kldncvs , hue been sleimlh
marked with BUCCCSS. I have u < ed them injucf
with best results , for torpidity of the liver , and It
cascof a friend of mine suffering fromdroisy |
the effect via marvelous. "
Druco Turner , Hocheettr , K. Yn | rites : 'I huic
liccn subject to serious disorder of the kldiicjij
and unable to attend to biislneas ; linrdocl. Illooi
Hitters rclloicil mo 1 > eforo half n bottle w.ii used
[ feel conQdcnt that they will entirely cui'o me , "
Aecnlth Hall , Illnifhamrton , N. Y. , wrltcc
" 1 slide rod with n dull piln tlir iiKh mv ell
UMK and shoulder. Last mr spirits , appetite
and color , nnd could u 1th dltllculty keep up el
da > . Took jour Burdock Dlood Hitters aa dl
reeled , and hio felt no ] < aln aluco Drat u ook at
; cr uslnv them. "
Mr. Noah Hates , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About
four } earn ago I had an attack of bilious fcicr , am
never fully rcco\crcd , Jly illgcsthe oriran
were weakenedand I would DO completely pros
trated for d.tjs. After using two bottles ol jour
Durdock Blood Hitters the ! mproicment was so
vUlllo that I was nstonlahdd. I can now. though
01 years of ago , do a fair and reasonable day's
work ,
C. Blackct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada
Prcshjtcrlan , Toronto , Ont , , writes : "Forvcars
I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I
used your Hurdock Blood Bitters ulth happiest
results and I now flnd mrsclt In bettor health
ian for years past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ! have
used Burdock Blood Bitters for ncrvcus and bil
ious hcouVhcs , and can recommen J It to anyone
requiring a curs for billlouuncsa. '
Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes
'For several j CATS I hate tufleicd fictn eft iccur-
ring bllllous headaches , djspcpsla , and com-
ilalnU peculiar to my BOX. Slnco using your
Durdock Blood Bitters I om entirely relieved. "
'rice ' , 81.00 cei Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 OU
FOSTER , MILBURN , & Co , , Props ,
, N. Y.
Sold ai wholesale by Ish & McMahon and 0. F.
Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo
Disease Is an effect , not a cause. Ita origin Is
within ; Its manifestations witnovt. hcnco , to
: uro the disease the CAuaiimuat ba removed , and
n no other way can a cure ever I e effected.
IiIV R CURE Is established on junt this
irlnclplo. It realizes that
95 Per , Cent.
of all diseases arize from deranged kidneys an
her , audit strikes at once at the root of the
difficulty. The elements of which It is composed
act directly upon ineso great organs , both as a
OOD ar d RRSTOBBB , and , by placing them In a
loalthj' , condition , drive dlscaso and pain from
ho sjstem.
For the Innumerable ! troub'ca caused by un-
icalthy Kidnojs , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for
ho d'stro < Bijg Disorders of Women ; lor Malaria ,
and pliyslcil derangements generally , this greai
Tom dy has .10 equal. Hcwaro of Impostors , 1m-
tatlona and coni-octlonasalil tn be just as good.
or sale by all dealora.
H. \VARNER & CO. ,
Pin _ RoohoHtor N. Y
The Great Lngiish Komedy
! . .
Never falls ts cuie
Nervous Debility. Vi
tal Exhaustion , Kmis-
ilons , Seminal Woalc-
HOOD , and all the
vtilcfficts of youth
ful follies nnd cxces-
. It stops perrua
ncntly all weakening.
Involuntary IOBSI a and
drains upon the sjs-
tcm , the Inevitable re-
_ suit of those oulpmc-
Ices , which arose dcstruetlvo to mind and body
mil make 11 ( o miserable , often leading to Ineanl-
y and death It strengthens the Ken ea-Ilraln ,
mcmor > ( Blood , Muscles , DlKCfctlto and Itepro-
luctUo Ork'uis , It restores to all the organic
unctions their former vigor and vitality , ma-
Ing llfo cheerful and cnjovable , 1'ricc , JJa
Settle , or four times the quantity $10. Sent by
xprosa , secure from observation , to any address ,
on receipt of prlcu. No. C. O. D. aont , except
on receipt of 91 as a guarantee. Letters re
questing answers must Inclose stamp.
Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills
ro tr ) best and cheapest dj spcpala and bllllous
uru lu tbe market. Sold by all druggists. Price
M ) cents.
Cures 1 11 Undo ! Kidney and bladder complalnto.
onorrhea , gleet and leucorrhea. For ealo iiy all
uyglbU : vlahottlo.
71SOII\eSt. , at. LouU , Mo.
For Sale In Omaha by
0 , r. GOOPMAN ,
* Vf
lf If jnimru * mariV
x oft > u > liiiwcul. . 1 niuii ot lev i
nitd hy lliokvruinor tii'tollluinTtri > i
Tour Uutloi ovoli * nlKhl ivnilc , to re
1'nmljntiaid vj toir brain nenPMirf
Hop Blttero. wisl. Uib HOP Br
If Tou are joujitnd { suuerlJirf tiomauy u
dltcit-tlon or dl Hlia ( tluu i If you nn unr
rlcd orl Bl . old or I oiuur.
ueso , rflr o Ho pi | mtteM.
A\horer yonorn. J lirjmna * 019 .
vbinarrr you fill , rrjalii from aumr
that your ejrttui I form of C ! une >
nrod * ckumlDt ; . ted ilUcite that mliclif
or ttuiuumui ; , hare been pretculart
Ly tlinolr uwcr
takn Hop v Hcptittort
O , | . O
i rur'nururuiM
U au ibacluU
fvahii , in cA > 6
nd trre l t
Of 6t > iir t ( H > . TdlltuM Vlouil. , HOP Mo curt /o.
Kuruinmwl drunUvuu-Hi
U8 < 3 Of wpiUkJ ,
Vou will be totacoo , cs
CUn dtf50UWK a j colic * .
Hop Bitter *
ltyoa r lm Sold br drug
rr w < tk Mid flita. EiQjfoi
( owiylriUd.trjr NEVER Clrculur
It I It may HOIBrrru *
* nve your FAIL
life..It hae
Biwed riun-
drede. it T-toilc , Oct.
A Cam Gnarniitood.
Or , K. 0. > N tafft Herri ) and Ilialu Troatmrnt
ipeclflo for llvstorli , Dlzilntea , Convulilona.
enoui Headache , Mental Depression , Loajo !
: craorjBpenn > torrhuiaImpotency , ImolucUry
iiuUdlooi , Premature Old Age , caused by ovcr-
xertlon , eolf abuse , or over-Indulgence , which
cadi to misery , decay and death. One box will
me recent QUOD. Ka h box conUlni one month's
rcatiuent. One dollar a box , or nix boxe * for
ve dollar * , tent by mall prepaid on receipt of
trice. Wo guarantee tlx boic * to cure any case.
Vlth each order recelud by u * for six boxes , ao-
couipanled with live dollars , will eend the pur.
huer our written ni/traatce to return the
inonev If the treatment do act caVct a curt ,
C. f. Ooodmm , Uiuiri'liit , Sole. Wholefiale and
egul Agent , Omaha , Nob. Old-in by mall at
tilt orlco. dllwl >
Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Pock & Bathers Lard , and Wilber Mills Flour
OMAHA , - - - NEB
cr. cr. BEO risr & o o
Boots and Shoes.
o. IF. o-ooDMA.Nr ,
Window and Plate Glass.
tarAnyono contemplating bulletin ? store , bank , or any other flno will flnd It to their ad
vantage to corrts end with us before purchasing their 1'lato dlaes.
1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha.
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
i o o
1020 Farnham Street ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot. - - OMAHA NBB
-OL33OTE ei3C3sa-.5ai-2c.3E3 .
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Gor. Faruam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.