Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1882, Image 8
L * * r MEYER ii We make a specialty of the following Cigars , Cigarettes and Smoking Tobacco. Prices furnished on application. Retailing at 5 cents , M. M. & Co.'s ' Retailing ntlO cents , M. M. & Co.'s cc Eetailinej from 15 to 25 cants. : L.A- 33 Reina Victoria , Frontier Nip and Tuck M M. Co'aA No.l Solon Shingle West HAVANA CIGAR" , OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION. JUST IN- El CcTiicrico Golden Legend Now Stock Comfort Key Cigars Li PATIIIA , U. qut'ts i IIEN11Y CLAY , Romeo and Julicti Dcnd Heat Photos Sultan West Boautys Komaictoria. . KegChica I Conchas Conchas Especiales Silver Plum Ornaments From all the principal factories Daily News Honeymoon I'lorCubann Conchas I llpgalia Commo 'il ' f nt Brith . Omaha Olub in Key West. Now Light. I . Nos. 11 nnd 12 Petit Bouquets. Cigarettes , Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco , Plug Tobacco , Smoking Tobacco. Vanity Fair Old Judge 'M. ' M. & Go's Hard to Boat Mild and Strong Golden Thread Our Hope Horse Shoo Star Our Rd M. M. it Co'a Killikinick , Mporchnum , Old Style , U. S. , D. G. , Black- Corporals Opera Puffs Fountain Charm of the West Sledge Hammer , Lorillard Black well Durham , Duke Durham , Seal of North Carolina , Seal of Nebraska , Boulevard Unicum Gem'M. Dahy J/avorito Fancy Climax Bullion Army Navy Dog 1ml , PiL Tnil , Lno Jack , Three Kings , Vanity Fair , Old Judge , Puck , Laurel Wreaths Between the Acts Rocky Mountain Old Style 1 rr f . , Durham Golden Rule , Mdroso , Grand Mogul , Jdchmond , Periquo. Fny's Fnmous Richmond Gem Golden Thread jTmfo11' No. 1. Corner Stone No. 7-1 BASE BALLS , BATS , INDIAN CLUBS , HAMMOCKS , CROQUETS , TENTS , FISHING TACKLE , SEIZES & NETS & A FULL LINE OF WALKING STICKS , BhEECTI AND MUZZLE-LOADING SHOT-CUDS , RIFLES , PISTOLS AHD AMMUNITION. The Daily Bee. IE Monrfav Mornint ? July 17. Weather Koport. ( i'he following observation * are token at the BBtno moment of time nt all the stations named , ) WAU DKPAHTMENT , U. 8. SIONALSKR- 1 VICE , OMAHA , July 10 , 1882. ( l:4Gp.m. : I Hlvor 12 dot Q Inches ixbcno low water moil : at Omaha , and 7 fcctO Inches at Yankton. LOO s Li BREVITIES. Peter Klsasser Is the happy father of a nine pound boy , Two trains of Block parsed through the city yesterday from tlio west. The Missouri 1'Acific railway ticket office has been opened up In the 1'nxton. The city jail win wholly empty last night , and Deputy Marshal McClure wan taking it eauy. For nnle , cheap , n small safe at F. C. Featner & Son's , corner Klovcnthand Far nam. The night-blooming ccrcoiu exhibited at ErfllngB Friday night has been placed In alcohol nt HoedcrV. The monthly social reception of the Young Men's Clirlatlnn association takes place at the ntsociatlon rooms this ovciilne. A couplo'of Gorman Immigrants were swindled out of 810 by by the "cxprcsa package" game last week. The dance ut Cedar Park , announced for Saturday evening , wan postponed until to-night on account of the weather. In tlio police department but two nr- rettU wuro made yexterday , one for Intoxi cation and ono 'for disturbance of the peace. Both were bailed out during the day , The inembetH of lluth Itebekah lodge of Omaha will visit Kebekah loriga of Council Bluir * , Monday evening , July 17. A special train will leave the depot at 7 p. m. sharp. Mr. Llndemann and Mist liusch- mnnn , both well known actors at the Ger man Theutro , were married oa Saturday - evening , the fire having hastened the con summation of their plans a few days , The I'Oftnl of trade committee on paving , of which Mr. Guy liarton U chairman , Ima been Investigating the merits of Nebraska ntoiio and other stone for pavements and aha tlie qunUtlca of the various asphalt" . They will meet to-day to make reporta. The Omaha l'6st-T legraph ID going to loom up in fine fctylo shortly. They will , it ia understood , remove their head quarters in n tow da ) H , either , to the tec- end floor of the Dn Hchvnrdi building , on Farnam street , or to the largo frame building north of the City Laundry , whore they would tiaj a raom thirty-two liy sixty-six feet 'In Ue. They hayo also hired a first-class book-binder tfroni St , Louis and purchased a ( | uantty ( of new machinery which U nov on the road , They v 111 branch out in all directions under the new management. I The Academy of Muilo band , under the leadership of 1'rof. Yager , went down to the U. 1 * . tram from the west yester day afternoon to meet nnd serenade Mr , Harry Montague , manager of the Bella Union theatre , Han Francisco , who ac companied by 111 * wife and ulitcr-In-law were en route east. Mr. Montague telegraphed - k * graphed Manager Nugent frqui Sidney , fc and the latter took the occasion to give him a royul reception , Montague ta an old variety actor and ono of the most suc cessful managers In the country. ITe is also quite mi author uu'l very popular with the profession. Tie was extremely pleased at the neat compliment paid him by Mail' ager Nugent , The State Journal Saturday says : "J , J , Nelluli , suierlnteiideut | of the Western detective agency , with headquarters nt Omaha , In In the city for tie purpote o | Interviewing the supieme court in regard to granting a man taken to the penlteu. tlary yesterday a new trial. " The man referred to i * probably Sidney Smith , the ox-ngcnt of the Wheeler & Wilson com- pany. The river la nt a ntnndatlll. Thcro will bo n grand picnic by the Omaba Mivnnerchor at Itedmau's park , Sunday , July 30th. This afternoon the Union 1'aclfic and Council Binds nines meet on the new grounds of the latter nine , George Thrall will furnish nqnarc mcala for the visitors to the Grand Island reunion of tlio G. A. 11. Gen , Sherman Ima recommended that n light artillery company of 120 men bo stationed nt Fort Omaha. A Hpcclal meeting of the Brcklayern' union will bo held on Tucstlny evening next to transact Important biiMucas. The monthly reception of the Young McnV Christian asRocIatlnn taken ilaco at the nnsoclntiun rooms this even- ni ? . The advertising car of W. W. Colo'n nine xlmwH , was run into at I'l.-Utsmouth and telescoped by a box car through the carelcBsnoHH of a brakcmati , It Is reported that a train 1,11 the He- puVlicnu Valley branch uf the U. & M. , ran Into a herd of c.ittlo last Tuesday. The engineer nnd flrcumn it is paid were seriously injured. L' . A. Brown , of Tecumseh , has been appointed ndntant | general of the com- mnndcr-ln-clicf ! of the G. A , H. , with headquarters in this city , ills oflico will bo In 1'axton hotel. Mr. John G. Willis' borne , which was run into by Messrs 1'omy & Segolko's soda water wagon on last Monday I ? not expected to livo. Billy was a fine carriage horse and n great favorite. Major Case baa htm In charge. During the storm Saturday the house of Capt. George Cragor , In Shlnn's addition , was struck by lightning. The electricity played smash all over the house , but none of the inmates were in jured , although all were much frightened. A largely attended meeting of Catho lic ladles and gentleman , In sympathy with the Union Catholic library associa tion , was held in tlio library rooms Friday evening. The result was a handsome addition to the membership of the library , On Thursday oveniug last n few of the friends of Miss Dohrlty , of North Omaha , assembled at her parents' residence to aid In celebrating her sixteenth birthday. A pleasant time was enjoyed by all , nnd n fine lunch , prepared by the young lady herself , partaken of with zest. The hours were passed In the usual social enjoyments until about midnight. Tlioru were five cnrld.uls of Glouwood excursionists ITrldayAand the picnic Is voted by all to have been n gigantic suc cess. The Bavarian b nd accompanied the excursionist * , and. furnished , the most delightful mush going and coming nnd at the picnic. A game of baao hall was played between the Plattsmouth nnd G leu wood clubs , resulting In favor of the firmer by a score of 10 to 7. Among the many other ntlrastlona WOK vnfnl rnuelc , with organ accompaniment , all the excur- sloniita taking part In the uluging. , The excursionists returned at 7 o'cluck i'rlday evening , The Chicago Tlmoa of Friday s ys : "A rumor WBH current yesterday that the government postal authorities , iiuthlnc daunted by their failure to secure the co operation of the Chicago roads In cstnb- lUliIng a fait mall service between New York and Omaha , have nbout concluded a new combination on a southerly route , taking In Pittiburt ; , Cincinnati , St. Louts nnd Kansas City. It Is reported that the combination Is comprised of the Pennsyl vania Central , 'Tan Handle , " Ohio & Mississippi , and the Missouri Pacific's Omaha line. In the opinion of railway oUielala Iu this htltude this route Is not a practicable one fora fast mull Bervl.o. It may , however , bo biilllclently fast to make Chicago feel flck. " Army Ortloru. The following are the latest orders issued from the department of the .Platto : "Until other initructionanro issued , General orders No , DJ c , a. will be re garded aa governing in all cases of tarcotpractico where apparent conflicts with other previous oidcrs or with Luidloy's rifle practice seem to exist. " SLAVEN'S YOSEM1TJJ COLOGNE Made from the wild flowers of th KAJI KAMKU YOSEMITE VALLEY , it is the most fragrant ot perfumua. Manufactured by II. J ) . Slavon , Sin Francisco. For u&lo in Omaha by W. J , Whltehouio und Kounaio lro ) . , & 0o. THE GLARES CLOISTERED. Novel Muptials in Which the Olmroh ia Briflogroom , A Religious Reception at the Convent in North Omaha. Three Younp Ladies Abandon the "World Forever Ana DUoartl tlio Wreath of Kosos For n Crown of Thorn * . Scones In a Sacred Sanc- tuaiy. No notice had been published in the papcrn that the Franciscan Sisters of St. Clarp , oai ihuy are more familiarly known , the Sisters of Poor Olaro , were on Friday to bo enclosed. Neither had it boon announced that a reception of postulants wus to take place in the Poor Cl.iro convent. Dcspito thuao facts , however , the knowledge of both occurrences had traversed the cily , and , na a consequence quence , the convent on the hill north west of Croighton college was on that afternoon crowded by both curious and interested people to witness both of the novel coromonicH. "iiEOEi'iioNs IN HEUQION" are not of iroquont occurrence in Omaha. That of Friday was the first , and most widely known for several years. As a rule Catholics are pretty familiar both with the moaning and the importance of a religious recep tion. To these who are not of that belief , the term has a vague and in definite meaning. TVir the informa tion of the latter , it may bo necessary to state that a reception in religion , in n convent , is the ceremonial whereby young ladies are admitted to the probationary state called the nevi tiate. Before the ceremony of recep tion , a preparatory state must bo passed through by the candidate , the duration of which ranges from two to twelve months. During this period thu candidate is known as A 1'OSTULANT. The ceremony of the reception is performed by the bishop , or a priest delegated by him , nnd consists in blessing thu religious dross or habit and investing the postulant therein , appropriate prayers the while being - ing said by the officiating clergy. The cloistering of nuns is still more rare in this country. It consists in the withdrawing , entirely and forever from the world , of the sisters who become - como inclosed with the Franciscan Sisters ol Poor Clare , the order with which this nrticlo deals , this with drawal means the closing in behind the wnllH of the convent , removed oven from the dearest relative or friend of the ladies who compose the urdor. They never leave the convent unless it bo to labor in the garden ; they KKVKU OA/.K Ul'ON THK PAUK OPMOHTAIi outside the convent enclosure , and never moot , unless in cases of import ance , and then the conversation must bo carried on with the suitor behind n curtained lattice , through which facial recognition is itnpotsiblo. The atton- unt clergyman of the convent never sees the faces of the members of the community. When thu latter approach communion , they receive the Blessed Sauramont through an aperture in a curtained lattioo on ono aide of the chapel , It is not necessary to go further into details as regards the pu- cular atricknosa of the order , both as regards IIIHUII'LINH ANU BK'JLUSION. To do BO would transcend the limits of a newspaper article. Sufficient has boon said to explain one of the princi pal exactions of the community , The reception and cloistering took place in the little chapel of the con vent. The chapel is properly intended for a community of about fif'oon people. Ton times that number were , durini > the ceremonlcr , of Friday , con tained within it and the adjoining rooms. Of the visitors , a largo num ber were of protostunt denominations , drawn thither by a respectful cur iosity. The ceremony must have boon particularly interesting because nearly every looVor-on remained throughout. At four o'clock Bishop O'Connor , attended by Fathers Oolanori , Shatlbl , McCarthy and Martin , entered the sanctuary. The three postulants oc cupied convenient positions before the communion rail. On the Bishop's turning to the postulants , the lattoi rose , approached THE FOOT Ol' THK ALTAH , kncolcd , prostrated slightly , and rose Then followed a number of prayora from the ritual , read by the Bishop nnd attendant clergy. These was fol lowed by the blessing of the habit , which in turn was succeeded by other prayers , the "Veni Creator , " and an other short prayer , by the Bishop. The last prayer said the Bishop , ad dressing one of the postulants , naked : "Daughter , what dost thou ask ? " The postulant , rising amid the sur rounding and eager witnesses and listeners , and drcssnd in white satin , with flowing veil and wrtalh of flow ers upon her head , oven as a bride , in n firm tone answered and said : "My Lord , I ask the grace and mercy of God to consecrate myself in the order of the eeraphic Father of St. Franch and of thu glorious mother St. Clare. " So answering , she returned to her KNEnLINO POSITION. The eamo question was asked of the second and third postulant , each of whom , apparelled like the first , rising in turn , made answer as above. The answers over , the postulants were abkcd to bo seated. The bishop then addressed them upon the naturu and impottanco of the step they were about to take and concluded with Homo very u'overly spoken sentences of advice and nicely framed requests for prayer for themselves , their order , the pope , the city , their friends , the vicariate and th'u church. .Rising nt the conscloaion of his re marks , the bishop , addressing the postulants , each in turn , asked : "My daughter , do you still persevere in the request you hayo made ? " The postulants ntanding , each in turn answered , "My Lord , I only sigh after THE HAPPY MOMENT which shall separate mo forever from the .world. " The bishop then said , ' 'God grant you this grace , " to which nil the at tendant clergy answered "Amen. " The postulants then took n kneeling position iu the middle of the sanctu ary , and from the head of each the at tendant Sisters removed thu wreath of flowers , substituting therefor n wreath of thorns , , the placing of which upon the tender heads produced a chill in the sympathetic heart of maay a looker-on. Thu blessing of the dark brown dross of the order , the capo and veil , the rosary and cincture followed , each article in turn being bestowed upon the several postulants in the or der mentioned , nnd nnoEiVEO WITH A KISS. In the hands of the three ladies was then placed a lighted taper , and with these in their hands the postu lants , as also the attendant sisters , withdrew. During the absence of both sisters and postulants the clergy road a number of psalms for the ceremonial , at the conclusion of which both sisters and novices appeared behind the grating which separates the chnpel from the sisters' auditory , on the west side of the building. Kneeling ISKI'OltU THK OHATK each lady received her nnmo in re ligion , The first lady , Miss Lucy D. Tucker , of West Troy , received Sis ter Mary uf St. Antoni ; the second lady , Miss T. Brady , of Jersey City , received Sister Mary of St Clare , and the third , Miss 0 Birmingham , of Louisville , Ky. , Mary of St. Agnes. The bishop addressed the ladies again in encouraging words , and fol lowed by giving each postulant a c > py of the rule of the order , saying : "Take , my daughter , this holy rule and observe it in ouch way , that you may seine day deserve thu reward promised to a faithful soul. " The mistress of novices was re- quoatod to receive the postulants , und to so direct thorn that they might soon ncquiru the virtues that ought to dis tinguish daughters of St. Olure. The "To Down1' was then read by the elergy , and followed by a few prayers , and then it was ALL OVEll. The clergy withdrew from the chape ) , followed by the people who had witnessed - nossod the symbolic and edifying cere monials. A last view of the sanctuary com prehended a few wazon tapers shed ding a fitful light upon the deserted scene , nnd the recumbent forms of both noviots and sisters in prayer behind - hind the lattico. There was a holy calm and'quiot in the BCOIIO that filled the departing beholder with mingled feelings of reverence and awo. * Lydia E. PiukMnn'a Vegetable Compound cures all ferns to complaints by removing the cause. RUSSIAN REFUGEES. Interviewing the Persecuted He brew Community from Kieff. Sickening Story of the Atro cities of the Czar's Sol- diers. Plans for the Futnro ia. Free America. The Russian Jewish emigrants , men tioned in Saturday's ' BEE as having just arrived in this city , haVe been well caved for by nicmbora of the llo- brow Benevolent society and several kind hearted citizens , and they are all now safely housed awaiting the completion of final arrangement : ! for distributing them In various pnrta of the state , a few , however , will remain in Omaha. A BHE reported early Sunday morning paid them a visit and interviewed them through the medium of the German language , and elicted SOME HKART UCNDINO FACTS in reference to theee persecuted pee ple. Through the kindness of Sir. J. Harris , who has found room for thirty-hvo of them , the reporter was enabled to see them in their temporary ary homo at the corner of Tenth and Farnam. On communicating his er rand the Bcribu was received in a very gracious manner , and the men showed themselves very willing to toll what they know. There are 151 persons in the party and among them are representatives of a great many trades and callings of every description. When asked as to whether the accounts published in the papers wore exaggerated or not they replied with great warmth that the real state of affairs was much worse than had been represented here. In the city of KiefT , where they came from EVEUY CONCEIVABLE AT110II1TY had been committed on the nnfortun- iuo people without regard to DCS or aero. Some of these atrocities are BO horrible in their nature that they are totally unfit for publication. Shortly before they loft Koiff a largo body of Cossacks , armed to the teeth , took the Jowiah quarter by storm , pillaging and burning the houses by wholesale , violating the women and killing and torturing the men. Tears came into the eyes of ono intelligent looking middle-aged man when ho re lated the narrow escape his wife and children had from a violent death. It appears that a party of Cossacks took it into their heads ono day to go round the streets armed with scythes , intending to SCYTHE OFF THE HEAD of every Jew they came across , and it was only by falling on her knees and implorini ; them for the sake of her lit tle children not to kill her that they relented and left her , contenting themselves with slaughtering the men. The police , although well disposed to- waids the people , are powerless from iiuqiulity of numbers , and , nero on ono occasion prevented f ram executing their duties , because the barbarous Cossacks were headed by n son of the governor general of the place. The private soldiers sympathized with them , but they acted under orders , and the officers wore either unfavora bly disposed towtfrdi'ihein or were in different. At oho1 "time , when the slaughter and outrages had boon worao than usual , the police marshal stowed a lot of the unfortunates away in a cellar , but the place was so damp and the air so foul that MAKY OK THEM DIED from the evil effects. As a body they are very intelligent , and several of thorn could speak t o or throe other languages in addition to their native tongue. Jlost of the younger women are really . .guile handsome and when the news gatherer popped in they were on deshabille butat once endeavored to fix themselves up by the aid of a small piece of looking glass. Most of the men arc pretty well off in a money point of view , not a few of them hav ing owned largo stores which were buwiod to ashes by their persecutors. They seem very hopeful of doing well and express a desire to become GOOD AMEKIOAN CITIZENS , They are also extremely grateful for any little kindness shown them , and express their gratitude in a very atleoting manner. Employment has already boon found for about seventy- five of them , fifty being engaged by a contractor through the efforts of the tupjrintendont of the Missouri Pa citic , and the others Gliding omploj mont in the city. Among those wlu deserve especial mention for comin ; to the front nd helping the refugeei ara Messrs. Schlank , Gottheimor , llosenfiold and Harris , who have either taken them in their places 01 found shelter for them. They have also taken great earn to provide them with food , of which they appeared in great need. List , but by no means least , ono of the women gave birth teA A llUbSIAN-AMUHICAN HOY on Saturday morning. In connection with this subject it might bo interest ing to give a brief description of Kieff , which is variously sp lvd Kiev and Kiow. The city , whioh js strongly forti- find , is situated in the part European Hqesia , oa the right bank qf Duiepor. It interests urn very varied , and it liau a number of manufactories of every description , and also possessor quite a laiga num ber of fine buildings. Tta importance is somewhat increased by the fact that the governor general has his pal ace hero. It also has OllEAT UISTOItlUAL INTEREST irnm the fact that in this ancient city Christianity was first introduced into Russia emong the barbarous hordes of 'ho steppes oE Russia , and as hav ing beer , for n long time the recog nized capital of till Russia. The population now is about 250,000 , of ivhich about 40,000 are Jews ; that is , before the revolt took plttco. At the present time there are 15,000 of these refugees laying in New York and about 4.000 in Philadelphia. A PRINTER'S PRIDE. The Monumental Success of the New Establishment in Crei hton Hall. The Great Improvements an Increase of Business with P. C. Fest- ner & Son. There has not in the past ten years been n case of more rapid and re markable growth of business and greater enterprise in the way of putting iu now improvements and adding to the facilities for prompt and first-class work on jobs for patrons than that furnished by F. 0. Festnor & Son , the job printers , who have recently taken up tjieir head quarters on Eleventh and Far- nam streets , in the splendid hall formerly known as Oreighton Hall. Since the removal the business of the house has already doubled itself , and where ton hands wore worked , twenty have boon constantly em ployed this week , and two additional muii will bo put on Monday next. The firm is still putting in improvements , buth in < ilico fixtures and machineiy. To the latest improved Potter cylin der pres < i another will bo added , i'8 by 42 , in a ohuit timo. A full hiio of German und Danish job typo has boon IJUG in , und Mr. Jacob Solzle , the old-timo foreman of the Omaha Post will take charge of the German department. Thn now ruling machine has arrived and been running to its lull capacity every day since. Carpenters tire busy enclos ing the space to be used as an otlico , with a massive railing of black wal nut ; inside this square will bo "aid a Brussels carpet , and it will bo fitted with handsome and convenient furni. turo. A telephone hangs in reach of the junior partner's desk and Ju lius will answer all calls for ' ' 200" in short order. It is proposed before the summer is over to light the whole establishment with the electric light , which will bo a very attract1 ! e as well as useful improvement. A new safe is put in to hold the duetts , and the ollico is complete in every respect. To-day Mr. Albert Hointzo , ono of the best pressmen in the city , will take charge of the press-room for the Festnors , and every part of the institution will bo manned by expert workmen and artists. Notion. The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex celsior Roof Paint , " was patented May 24th , 1881 , and letters patent num ber 241 , 803. Any person found or known to tamper with the manu facture of said paint will be punish ed to the full extent of law. No per son has any authority whatever to sell receipts. HAWTUOIUT & Bno. , Lancaster , Pa. ADMIRALTY PRACTICE , The Steamer Wyoming "Libeled" at TMs Port , The Funds Pub Up in Cash and the Craft Bet Frte. The Biggest Boat on tlio River on Her Down Trjp. The steamer Wyoming , which is the largest steamboat that ever came up the Missiouri river arrived in Omaha Saturday af ternoon about five o'clock , bound for St. Louis , She came in sight early in the afternoon but stntnded on a sand bar just above the band , break ing her wheel and requiring consider able delay before It could bo repaired so as to go on to the levee at the fxot of Farnam street , where she finally landed. It appears that the captain did not intend to land in Omaha until ho was notified in some way by Troxoll it Co. their agents there , that there would prob > bly bo a shipment of mules from Omaha to Kansas City , and according ly they rounded to to take this freight landing in the midst of a heavy etorm of wind and rain. Instead of being boarded by a couple of hun dred mules , the vessel was boarded by Duputy United States Marsha ] E. A. Allen , who served pa pers upon Capt. Coulson in an ad miralty case , brought by Mr. Mar \ shall 0. Hamilton , living on Sixteenth street , the amount of whose claim was $180. The Wyoming wont up the river on the 12th of May last , and ac cording to the reports , took wood ' amouuting'2'0 the sum named , from the bank up near Calhoun , this wood belonging to Mr. Hamilton , and either through neglect , or from some other cause , the officers of the boat neg lected to leave the customary notifica tion which is a cird , having the - amount of wood taken , and which is sent to St. Louia and paid at that point. Learning from THE BEE that the Wyoming was going down the river on Sunday. Mr. Hamilton con sulted Colonel Smythn , and the result was that the necessary papers were filed in the United States court , which ulono has jurisdiction in admiralty matters. Colonel Smytho procured the services of a well known live stockman .f this city , who wintto Trcxoll & Co. and made a dicker with them for the shipment of two hundred mules to Kansas City , and upon this representation the boat was stopped. The captain was considerably vexed at this interruption of hia voyage , and expressed his opinion in language more forcible than polito. Alter rust ling round for some time , he finally put up the amount in cash , and the boat was allowed to proceed. In the meantime Hamilton , who had imendod to intercept the boat at Oulhoun and then ride on horseback to Omaha , by which method ho could arrive aheaa of the boat and notify the at torneys , had cone up to watch for her passage at the bend and at last ac counts was still watching tor her , she having arrived a day ahead of the time fixed , so that it is hard to toll whether the joke is on the captain or the plaintiff in the case , The Wyoming was built at Pitta- burg in 1879. Her length is 200 feet , and her breadth 50 feet , and she draws 20 inches light , Her cost was nearly $05,000. Her officers are : W. . W. Ooulson , captain ; S. S. Coulson , clerk ; M. M. Coulson , second clerk ; John Ooonco , pilot ; John Gill and David Best , tngineers ; A. A. Wort- man , mate , and eho ia manned by a crew of thirty men , Etrly Sunday morning the stacks and spars were lowered , and the hugo steamer passed gracefully between the piers of the Union Pacific bridge , and shot away towards St , Louis. She will run between St. Louis ard Kan sas City the rest of the season in the "People's Line. " DIED. SEIAKKKY In this city , July 15th , at a. m. , Lizzie Sharkey , aged 124 years. Funeral toek place from the resi dence , corner of Dod0'e ami Twenty-eighth street at 2 ( > , m , , July 17th , i'rlendti are Invited to attend. \ MILLKRCarry , daughter of Silgo and John Miller , July Htb , aged 10 day a. S Funeral will take place from 22nd and Mercy streets , Sunday , July.1C th , at 2 P. in ,