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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1882)
o. o , aoooac oo. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Council Bludi , lena , WHOLESALE FLO UK HOUSE , General Ajcnts lor the Celebrated Mills ol 11. t ) . Huih& Co. . Ooldcn Eagle Flout , Learcnwoith KAtms , ftnd Queen Boo Mill * . Sioux Fall , DaVotx Pcference , Smith & Crlitiulfn , Council nint ! , lit. HI. IE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLTJFF3 , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F F I C E. Jf. "V5T. * s Ci TCT UC 3EC 33 Sc O O. Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS " " - OWA. 15 Worth Main Street. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Rciidr-IUtcil uppcra , In call nktn ami kin. Oak and Hemlock bOLK LKATUER , and nl oodi appertaining tothosnoo trvle. On d < gold m cheap M In the Ka t. 'PERIS' ' ' MI MILLINERY STORE FOR STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY. PATTERN 130NNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. . Council Bluffs la. That never require crimping , nt Mrs. J , J. Good's Hair Store , nt prices net or before touched by liny other hair dealer. Also n mil line ol switches , etc. , otvreatlj reduced prices. Also gold , elhcr and colored nets.Vncs mude from Ivllcs' own hair. Do not fall to call before purchasing elsewhere. All goods warranted as represented. Mils. J. J. GOOD , 29 Main street , Council Ululls , Iowa. ethesda At Bryant's Spring , Cor , Broadway and Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Plain , Medicated , Vapor , Electric , i'lunge , Douch , Shower , Hot and Cold Uaths. Com petent n nlo and fcmnlo nur ei and attendants nluays on hand , and the best of raioand atten tion it'vcn ' patrons. Special attention Kit en to bottling children. estimation aud patronage solicited DR. A. H STDDLEY & Co. , 106 Lppor 15roadway. Dr. Studtey : Treatment of chronic diseases REMOVED without the draw hi ) ; ol blood or use ol knllc. Cures lunp diseases , A vn rvi'iiiM ? Fits , Scrofula , Liter Com- -V , . * * , i.l i P'alnt ' , Dropsy , Uhcuma- T LI S\fl \ fl R S t'81" ' . t cr and Mercur- I U III U II U 1M 60ro9 | Erysipelas , Salt Khcuin , Scald Head , Citairh , , inflamed nnd granulated Ejcs , "crofulous Ulcers nnd Kc- nmlo Disease ol nil kinds. Alw Kidney and Vcncrial diseases. Hemorrhoids or Piles cured money refunded. All diseases treated upon thoprinclploof ( - oblo reform , without the uao of mercurial pois ons or the knlfu. Electro Vnpor or Medicated Baths , furnished c\\ho desire them. llernli or Kupturo radically cured by the use the Elastic belt Truss and Waster , which baa euperlor In thu world. CONSULTATION FREE- CALL ON OH ADDRESS Drs , E , Rice anfl F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ia. LIVERY , M and Sale StaWes , 18 North Pit at Street , Bouquet B old stand. Council D uttt , Ion a. WILLAKD SMITH. I'rop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting Physician and Surgeon , Office nnd residence 015 Willow n\cnuc , Comi- cl Uluffs , loua. loua.W. W. K. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , Oounoil Bluffs. Extracting and filling n specialty. First-class work guaranteed , DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , Ko , 14 Pearl Street. Houn , 0 a. m. to 2. , and 2 p. in. , to 5 p , m. Residence , 120 Bancroft ntrcet. Telephonic connection with Central otllce. F. T. SEYBERT M. D. . . , . . , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA. Office No. B , Eyorott Block , Broad- wuy , over A. Louiu'a lleataurant. lerckntsEestaurant J. A. EOSS , Proprietor. Corner Broadway and Fourth Sheets. Good accommodations , good faro and cour- tcous treatment. S. E. MAXON , Office over savings bank. OOUNOIli BLUFFS , Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W , 0. Jaraca , In conncctlor with bis law and collection business buya and Belli real estate. Persons wishing to buy cr eell city property oil kt his office , our Busbueir book store , Pearl etreet. etreet.EDWIN EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice ot the Peace and Notary Public , 4l6Broadway , Council Bluffs Teedi undmortgagci drawn and acknowl ged WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. \Vuvos Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and .Price o Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs ; - - - Iowa J , HARDING- , , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Elcctrojnthlc Institution , Phila delphia , Pcnnu. Office Cor , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all diseases and pnlnful dlf- flcultloa peculiar to fcmalca a specialty. J. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , Olllco o\at First National Hank , Council niuOa. Iowa. Will practice In the btato and federal courts f Game and Poultry , Canalfaysbe found a B. DANEHY'W , 130 Upper Hroadway JNO.JAYFRAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 314 DROADWAY , Oounoil Bluffs , - - Iowa. W. B. MAYES , Loans andEealEstate , Proprietor of abstracts of Pottawattamlo county. Olllco corner of Broadway and Main aireoU , Council Illulfa , long. JOHN STEINER , M. D , , ( Deutschcr Arzt. ) ROOM 5 , EVERETT'S ' BLOCK , Council Bluffs. i/aeasea of women and children a apoclalty. P , J , MONTGOMERY , M , D , , FllEB DlfU'KNHAllY EVEKY SATJJKDAY. Office In Ercrctt'i block , Pearl troct. Heel ] dence 623 Fourth street. Olllco hours from 0 to 2 a. in. , 2 to 4 aod 7 08 p. in , Council lutti F. C. CURKT PRACTICAL DENTIST. Pearl opposite the poatofflco. One of the oldest practltlonera In Council DluCfu. Batli tsfactlon iruaranteed In all cues DR , F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH IH. CHAULES DKETKKN. Olflco ovir Uru/store , ill Broadway , Council IJlulfg , Iowa , At dUuaicu of the 010 and tar trvatud under the most approved mUhod and all curm Kuar.-uitocd. ' ' ATTORNEY'-'AT-lAW , Will practice In all * Elite and Ui Itcd State ) Court * . Speak i German Langmje. FROM WHITE TO BbAOK. Tbo Rornarkfibla Case of 8. H. Robl- son of Oroonvlllo , OUlo. Cinclnna I Inquirer , Ono of the most romnrknblo cnsoa over known to the tnodicnl profoaaion is Hint of S. II , Ho bison of Groou- Mile , Ohio , who , since November last , naa changed in color until ho is as darkaa ft natiro of Africa. The pecu liar and very rare disease known na mnlanosls , with which Robiaon is ntllictud , has brought him into promi nence , so that physicians are going from nil parts of the country to see him , lu null , the Now York museum man , has made him an offer , which his declining health will not permit him to accept. A dispatch from Greenville in the Enquirer n few days ngo cnvo only a brief account of this wonderful caao , Among the numerous physicians of prominence to ivo attention to the case is Dr. W. 11. Falls of this city , who returned from Greenville yester day , and was seen in the evening by an Enquirer reporter. "It is certainly one of the most sin gular and romatkablocases on record , " said the doctor , when first approached. "Can you give the Enquirer a brief description of the case1' ? asked the re porter. "Certainly ; but I intend to write n full history of it'.Iour- nal. " Dr. Palls , after showing the report er a number of photogr.ipha of the unttent taken recently , proceeded to describe the case from the beginning. S. 11 llobison was born in ( reenvillo , August 81 , 18ii 1 , of white patents , be ing the eldest soil of 11. Luther and Liviim llobison , Ho is , na was his father , a carpenter by trade , lie is married and has one young child. Last November the sight of his loft eye became impaired , and about the 1st of March his right eye became entirely blind. On the 10th of March ho c.tmo to Cincinnati to bo treated by Drs. Williams and Ayres. About that time small lumps about the size of a millet seed began to de velop on vaiioua parta of hia body , and lie mentioned hia condition to the physicians , In April , while in this city , ho commenced to change in color , assuming an ashen hue. The lumpa on his body ( 'row larger and more numeroua. lie was then at tended by Dr. Falls , who , after a careful oxnmination , pronounced his disc.-m to bo melanosia. This diseaao is very rare , especially in thia country , and Dr. Falls c.ui recall but one other case , which was in New York in 187C , and attended by Dr. L. D. Bulkloy. Melanesia consists of aiaall tumors or cancers of a black substance all over the body. It ia a fatal disease , but generally does not atl'cct the appearance - anco of the body like the case in ques tion. Several cases are reported from abroad similar to that of Robiaon , Ono worthy of special mention came under the attention of the famous Dr. Lawrence , of St. Bartholomew's hos pital , London , in ISO I , Ono of the lumps on llobiaon was removed by Drs. Falla and Mussoy and examined by 1'rof. Echhorz of the Miami Medi cal college , who found it to bo posi tively melanoais , or black cancer , Robison , who was n fine looking fol low , with skin and complexion as light as the whitest man , continued to change in color , and now ho Is as black as coal , Drs. Williams and Ayres Hiiid ho auiTorod from detach ment of the retina , duo to the deposit of the black cancora or nodules in smaller form within the coats of the oyc , After the case had been thoroughly studied the physi cians pronounced llobison hopelessly blind. Drs. Carson , Clendonin and others have spent much ttmo with llobiaon , and like all others , they pronounce it a most remarkable case. Returning to hia homo , Robison continued to grow worse. The nodulea on his body now number about soyon hundred , and am about the size of a bean. The sight of Ins right eye is entirely gone. Just re cently every portion of the nun's body that was red han turned black. The inside of his lips and tongue are black. Bis urine is black aa ink , and what he spits from liia mouth is of the same color. It was intended to bring llobison to this city last week to be exhibited at one of the medical colleges - logos , but ho became very sick and had two convulsions , and is unable to leave his bod. Yesterday afternoon a party of doctors wont to see him from Now Richmond , Indiana. Dr. Falls says it ia only a matt or of short time before Ilobison will die. In such case Robl- son has promised the doctor that ho may make a post-mortem examination of his body. Dr , Falls expects to find the nodules in the brain , liver , spleen , kidneys , lungs , and , in fact , nearly all of the prominent organs as in the few similar cases , llobison's child is thus far in an apparently healthy condition. His father , who died some years ago , was uillictod with local cancer on the face , which , however , did not cause death , Dr. L. G. Locklidor has charge of the cuse at Greenville. Uiirivnllpil AH being a cor tain cure for the worst forma of dyspepsia , indigestion , con-stlpatlon , Impurity of blood , torpid liver , disordered kldiioyf , etc. , and aa a medicine for eradi cating < -very species of humor , from nn or- ( Unary pimple to the w > rst ulcer , liUHDOCK lir.ooi ) DlTTKItH BtandH unrivaled. Price Sl.OO. Tbo Two Largest Iron-Olads Afloat. Land in Timed The now twin-screw , doublo-turrot vessel Dandolo , belonging to the royal Italian navy , has just completed the trials of the machinery previous to joining the rquadron in the Mediter ranean. Excepting the omission of the internal tornodo dock , he resem bles the sister ship Duilio in her gen eral arrangement , but uho has consid erably surpassed her in speed. The Dandolo was built at the Royal Naval Arsenal at Spozla , under the supervi sion of Director liorghi , at whoso suggestion the whole of the bow plat ing ia worked flush , Instead of the plates overlapping as usual. The length of the vessel is 837ft. Sin , , the breadth 02 ft. ii& in , ; the mean draught at the trials with arniamcnt on board was 28 ft. 0 in. * giv ing a total displacement of 11,225 Ions. The battery is heavily armored , and is placed in the middle of the vessel ; the two turrets rise above the weather deck , and are placed diagnonally in the bat tery , so aa to enable all four guns to ho fired fore and aft , The armor of the turrets in impenetrable to all ex cept the heaviest modern artillery. Each turret contains two 100-ton Armstrong guns mndo at Klsrvick , having n bore 17 72 inches , thrawins n shot 2,018 pounds , with A maximuni of oil pounds of powder , the ordi nary chnrgo being 353 pounds. The ttirrols and guna nro moved and worked by ft complete system of hy draulic gear made at Elawick , The loading is also done by _ the same means , the rnmmoii being below the weather deck and arranged to en ter the gun when the muzzles are de pressed for the purpose. Hotweou the turrofa iu situated the maat , which really assumes the function of a look out tower , aathoro are no snila. The vessel is fitted with Forrester's steam steering gear , as well m a very powerful hand-steering gear , and has a beautiful self-acting arrangement , designed and fitted by con structors for checking and holding the tiller ; in case of the chains break ing , the tiller would lock Itself amid ships and romixin at rest till the new chain was recioVcd. The D.mdolo carries four largo stoniu launches and night other InmtR , all hung upon hinged davits winch are worked from the steam capstan , and which will hoist them right on Inard. The D.indolo ia propelled by twin rcrows worked by two independent luirs of engines , which wore contract ed to indicate a maximum power uf " , - 500 horses. Those engines , together with the pumping and blowing engines , wore cotiatruatod by Messrs. Mnuds- lay , Sons & Field , of London. Tlu > y are the first compound engines whicli were ordered for the Royal Italian Marine , though they have been awaiting the completion of the ship at Spizia since 1S70lio \ \ they wore brought out in the royal trans port Europa , E.ich sot of o'lginca is placed in a separate water-tight com partment , ono at uncli side of the vessel ; instead of buing aide by side they are situated ono in advance oi the other , the alternate space being occupied by the magazines , which are placed immediately below the turret - ret . Each p.tir of engines has one high pressure cylinder , sixty-four inches in diameter , and one low pressure , 120 inches in diameter , with n stroke of four feet. Steam of sixty- five pounds pressure is supplied by eight large oval and double-ended hoilorn , having 32 furnaces in all. Four boilers are placed forward of the engines , and the other four lift ; but oauh pair of boilers is cjutainod in n aeperate water-tight compartment. The chimneys , which uro ample in size and height , uro built of oiio-inch plate from the main deck to the Hying deck above the turrets , so as to enable them to withstand the shock produced by the discharge of theguns. A very perfect system of fans and ventilating pipes has been carried out , so that the whole of the cabins and oven the engine room are kept perfect- Kwcot mid fr sh. There is also an other arrangement for Ventilation very closely resembling in principle the furnace system of vontihtion m n mine. On the 25th of May the Dandolo proceeded to sea for her first ollicial trial , under the command of Com- mandante E. Acton , who \\as accom panied by Admirals Martin Franklin and Caimi. The run to Genoa and back was accomplished without stop ping in G hours and 28 minutes , with a moan indicated horse power of nearly 7,200 , and a maximum of 7-Ho hoisoa , and the speed obtained waa 151 knots , with a consumption of 511 tons of coal. The mam ob ject of the run was to ascot- tain the consumption of fuel on a prolonged full power run , On the 29th day of May , the vessel was taken on the measured knot Wai , when a speed of 15 55 knots was obtained with 8,050 ! iorsu power , the circle turning proved that the vcsael ansuora her helm admira bly ; and the circles were remarkable for their small diameter. On the Gth of June the final trial took place ; the vcBsol attained on the measured knot at full power practically the same apcou as before , with 8,150 indicated horse as the moan power and a maxi mum of 8,250 liorae. A trial waa then made for n considerable time with half boilers , steam being easily maintained to give > 1,420 horse powe with an average speed rather more than 111 knotti. No upoed blast waa used on any of the trials , The engines worked with perfect regularity throughout , giving a maximum num ber of revolutions of 7-1 per minute , the pitch of the fccrow being 23 feet 0 inches. At the wild of the day the engines wore worked with the com mon ] 't injection tor nearly two liourH. The VCHHO ! then returned to port. , ° ho is commissioned by Com- mam.'un'.o ' E. Acton , ' ' . " 'Snvod nud Restored. SiiKMivviLLi ; , Ind. May 25 , 1881. H. 11. WAUNKK & Co. : Sirs Afttr suffering for nine years from chronic kidney disease and given up to die by the doctors , I was saved and restored to health by the usa of your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. jullOdlw S'ruriiKN D. LUDLOW. Niuuoa of the Stivtou. DM Molnoti Special'to the Olobo-Domocrat , The Globe-Democrat of the 5th con tains an article on the names of the states , in which is given the derivation and moaning of the word "Iowa" as "Ah-hoO'OO-ba , " meaning "aloopora. " The writer has evidently little ac quaintance with Indian tribes of Iowa , of their traditions. It is settled and well understood that the state was named from the river Iowa , and that the river derived its name from the Indian tribe of that name. The In dian word was Kiowa , and eo it is printed an thu early inapt ) of the Ter ' ritory. There nro two traditions 're specting this tribo. Ono cornea from the Oniahan , who called them the " " from the fact that "Gray-snows , they wont elf from the parent tribe in the far north or Superior country during a enow-storm , and the ( mow fulling and mingling with thu sand , uavo it a gray appearance , hence the term 1'gray-snows , " or those who wont oil' in the gray snow. The Indian word was " 1'y-ho-ja , " which wan corrupted by traders to " 1'y-ho ia , " and then Anglicized to Iowa. This tradition ia somewhat mythical and questionable. Another tradition , and the proba bly correct onu , is that they came from the upper lake region. They wore originally called the I'au-hoo-choes. Nearly two hundred years ago a large body of the tribe started oil' southwestward - westward with their chief , Mau-hau- gaw. They crossed the Mississippi river , moved southward , and Buttled on the west bank of the Kiown river. They established vlllago , which they named Ne-o-ho-noo. They became prosperous , which excited the jeal ousy of the marauding Sioux on the north. They wore strong and power ful. To destroy their head , the Sioux , with their traditional deceit and treachery , sent a deputation to Mnu- hau gaw to invite him to jiin with the Sioux in a dog feast. They presented him with a pipe of peace , and smoked it with him as an earnest of their good faith. After a long consultation and earnest entreaty M.tu-hau-gavr accepted. Ho paid the penalty of hia trust by assassination , nn act ol triMCliory which waa never forgiron or forgotten. Mau-hau- gnw was succeeded na chief by Ma-lms-ka , or White Cloud , a direct descendant. lie wai n noted warrior , nnd , tradition s.iy.i , led his bravesauc- cessfully through eighteen Luttlea with the Sioux , llo was never beaten. Hut lie , too , was betrayed and assassinated. Ho was succeeded by hia son , Ma-linn- ka , from whom the county of Mahaskix derived ita name. Continuous wars had reduced the tribn largely in mini- tun-H , so that in 1824 , when the old Fox chief , lllack Hawk , in hia tri- umphnl inarch westward , c.imo upon theiii , they wore completely destroyed ns n tribe and Ik'd across the Missouri , or were scattered over the territory. And subsequently , when thu Foxoa , under Illnck Hawk , nnd Sucj were do- fcated nnd conquered by the white ? , [ hey formed n part of tlio eonfciU'rn- kiin of the remnants of the conquered tribop , in the territory of which were Foxes , Snca , 1'ottawatomiea ami ICto- w.\s. This confederated body was called Musquakie , n nniall remnant of whom still exist in Truuii county. 1 have it on the authority of a man who had much to do with the Fox and Sao Indians who waa famiihr with j their traditions , who was personally acquainted with Poweshiek , Wnpollo , Ivencanw , Keokuk , Mahaskn and other prominent chiefs , nnd who often sought out the trarlitiona of thu tribea , that the word "Kiowa" always meant "crossing over , " whether used by Fox , Sac , or Pottuwattamlos. This meaning is in consonance with later history. The Musqunkiuo 13-day use the same word in the nome significa tion. So when ttio oll'shoo' ' , uf the I'an-ho-chees crossed over the river they called the river Kiowa , or the river they crossed over. Tribes east ward called them Ki < ) wns , or the Indiana who crossed the river. So Black Hawk , when ho in his march pnterod the territory west of the Miss issippi , called it Kunva , or where he crossed over. When the earliest white people CMHO to the territory , in advance - vance of settlements , at the trading posts , when the bands of the several chiefs came in , nnd were naked where they came from , thu reply would bo , "Kiowu Cticdnqua , ' or across Skunk Rivor. Iviown meanini ; over or acrosn , and Chicnqua , Skunk or Stinking Uiver , so called from wild onions found in profusion along ita banks. Perhaps they would say "No- ko-ma-puk-a-choo koo-anu-qua-sopo- kiowu , meaning their ponies had run away across the dark river. No-ko- ma , pony-puk-a-choo run away , koo- oiui < jua , dark , inky , sopo , river , nnd kiowu , over. In whatever connection they used the word "kiowu" it signi fied going over , or the act of crossing. It had no other meaning , nnd every tribe in lown so used it. All attempts to idealize it , or grow roithoticul over it , nro nonsensical. There is no poetry in it. As every ono familiar with Indian history knows , their vocabu lary wna formed from ovnnts. Words took rise from circumstances , and one word frequently was used to express many things , or waa interpreted to gether witli aomo sign , gesture or in cident ( o vary ita signification. From Mashaskn I down to thia day Kiowa has signified crossing over , and that antedates Black Hawk's expedition across the Mississippi. It nmy bo well hero to remark that the Indiana , from thu mnith to the north , called the Dos Moines river "Kposuu-qau Sopo , ' or dark , inky , rolling river , from the black color of the water in the spring nnd fall , the result of wak ings of the burned out prairiea along its banks. Thosiimo writer also gives the deri vation of Mississippi , and concludes it moana "tho great or "whole river , " because ninny rivcra unite to lorm it. I can not agree with him. There is no question nt nil that it was named by tlu ) Indians before n white man snw it. Thu first men to discover it were Frenchmen , and they , nsvo to-day , endeavored .to render the Indian sounds into their own language , llonco wo have a dill'orent orthography of the same expression by 'different French authors and explorers of thoMisuia- sippi. The upporpart of the river was called - ed by all tribes Po-ho-tomoak , sopo , or whirling water. The Hanks used the tormsopc ; the Oliippowus , "aopo , " or in Same "kitclugreat , sopo , river ; in Chippewn , kit-elm , great , sebe , river. Following the Indian words wo find thu following ; Indian , /'nylieh , . MiH-ais-ke-kon. WoeJu. MiH-'h-quo , Medicineherbs. . Mli-sli-ko-wa-kock , 1'IeUt of luxuriant herbage , MU-kti-tak. Meadow , This last word ia derived from miss , prairie , and Shu-tak , fire , literally , moaning grass fire , an idea apparent to all conversant with burning prai ries. The meadows or broad gross lands along the river were called Mis- ke-tuk , and the Indians who occupied the adjoining lands on either sldo were called "Mis-nho-tpn , " or "Moanw Indians. " The river was called "Miu-siB-wa-keok" Hepo , or literally , Meadow river , or river of Meadows , or Grass. Now what do wo find from the French rule ? Mnrquotto (1C73) ( ) , Missiaaipy ; Claude Dablon (1 ( 71) ) , Missisaipo ; Francis LuMorciuu (1000) ( ) , Meesipi ; Ilonnepin (1080) ( ) , Meuhaspi ; D. Coxo (1089) , Moachasabe. In oich there is an evident effort to enunciate the articulate sounds of the Indian speech. I Imvo given thu 8,11110 Hound us nearly us possible in English , It is evident tlio word doea not sig nify great , for every tribe along the river and around the lakes had a dif ferent word to mean great and near ly the name among all. It is more probable m fact well established that the word means river or meadows. L. If. ' Bj-ASf1' w lUoiii inn * itj > I > 'l' " " ' ' " " ' lion and hc.irilmni. ; To the Consumers of Oaniages & Uuggies I have a csraplMn stock of all the Latsa * ; Styles of Carriages , Phaetons and Opea and Top , Consisting of The Celebrated Brews ter Sid 3 Bar , The Hamlin Side Bar , The Whitney Side Bar , and The Mullhalland Spring. The Dexter Queen. Buggy and Phaeton Also the Old Reliable tfliptic Spring Buggies and Phaetons. They are sll made ot tha beat ma'erials , and un der my own supervision. I should be pleased to have those desirous of pur chasing to caU and examine my stock , I will guar antee satisfaction and warrant all work , H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. CQUNC.ILJJ..U.F1S. JA. _ J9L. DEC. . ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLKSALK AND RETAIL PKALERS IN LiOKAf AMI , LEHIGH , BLOSSEUE& AND ALL 0 COHNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Ofllco No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and 131 event.h Avonut , Council Bluifr. P. T. iMAYNU. 0. E. MAYNE. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Best of Brooms Constantly on Hand. The Highest Market Price Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley IBIROOIM : OOIRILTI Parties Wiahing to Bell Broom Corn Will Please Send Sample. OO- ; C3OTTT3XTC3IX. Ono of the best ercond-cliuia Hotel" In tlio Wcat la tliu BROADWAY HOTEL , A. 15 1I11HWN , Proprietor. NOH. K3J and fi3J ( Ilroad ny , < ouncll Itluda , Ioiv . Table mippllcd wild thu beet the market af- fordH. O od rooms mid flrst-claei ) bedii. Terina vc > y rcodonablo. UNION AVENUE HOTEL 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs , C. Gerspacher& Son , KtllHT CI-ASS llOTKb AT HKASONAIILB IIOKH. TIIANHIKNTH ACCOM 1UIATKI ) . IIOTKI , Ken BALK , uoou UKAUONU FOH SKLMNQ , STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors , Thli laundry IIM Just boon opened for bust- noaa , and wo are now prepared to do laundry v ork of all kinds and gil iranteu aatUfactlon * A tpoclalty rondo of flnu work , such an collars , luffa , line shlrta , cto , Wo want vvoryboily to glvo us a trial. LARSON & ANDERSON. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPEIl HANGING , KALSOMININB AND GEAININQ , Shop Corner JSroadway and Scott Bt HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DKALKHS IN Confectionery , Fruits uts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season , 12 MAIN'BT , , Council BlulTd. B. L.MIIl'rtAIlT ' , A. W. BTItltKT , Vlce-1'rcH't , Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Bluff * . Organized under the laws of the State of Iowa. I'ald ilpronltal g 7D.OCO Authorized cop.lal , , . 20loOO , Interest paid on tlina deposits. Draltx Issued on tlio principal cltlirt of the United Hiatus and Kurope. fcpeilal attention niton to collection ) and coiri'sp.mJmico with prompt returns. J. 1) . Bdmumlion , E. L. Blunrart , J. T Hart. W. W. W.lluu , JV Ko-lfor , I. A. ill Itr. A. W. Street , J)7dlf EUROPEAN HOTEL , Corner South and Locust Streets. 330 ? . XiOXTEiS IWCO. , J. H. HUHST. . . tProp. Rooms , 76o , 81.OOandSl.CO Per Day An elegant IlcsUurant la connected with this homo , where meals are served at reasonable prices peon day and nijrht , mlO-u ) THE KENPALL PLAITING UOHDKI DBBSS-P.KEE8' OOMFAHIOH - . , It plaltu row 1-.3 of a D Inch to width In the coarsest felU or finest it ki It does all klmla and vtylei of i laltln ; Ia DM. No lady that doea her own uruus-rniklng c n nfforJ to do without one u nlca plaiting li imviro'it ft faihlon , If seen It Belli Itself , Foi -nculutB , Glrculurs or Anetit's terms aJdreei GONGAR & CO. , Ohlou'o DR. CLARKE St. Louis , la ctlll treat- In ) , ' all I'KIVATK , NHH- VuU.S , CI1HON.O .nd special l > tunes , K'ernia- | torilnua , InipotiiK'y ( Sox- iml liivtt.aclt > ) , Ftuiala Ditratbx , Irrcguhrl ie , Klllicvltles , tti . dlisktnd 5 centi ( In iy on a ' 'v uork" finUlcd "Dlietioi cf Won in , etc. " Work on C'mioMi DibKAhtu , ono ktsnip , jtfTVlctlmn otEulf-Bliiiio or Prliaiu ll ) c w , leuu 2 stamps for LKblllllATfU OKkKUl * "irtOUIBnd IXUll I I < CI L * . Connultation peraoiully or by letit-r , VUKK COIIHI t thu old Doctor. THOUSANDS CL'HKO. ( Utioi MI quiet. irl > ate , re. | > oiahlo place , Yin xu no oiio tu , the doctor , Dr. il rku I- the 01 Ij phytloUn Inihei-lly whawtr. la t < curru or 110 piy Medlclnct tout txry > whore. ' Hour * , $ A. M , to B r. u. d } > .vly