Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1882, Image 6
THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA MONDAY , JULY 17 188' * The Daily Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Monday Morninp , July 17 , aunsoniPTioK KATES ; By Carrier , - - - - - SOecnUpcr c By Mall , - - - - - - gio.00 per Yen OClco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Nor MAYNE & GRIFFIN , l n ( fct City Clrcnl tlon. H. W. T1LTON. City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. Slierriuhn makes p Mnny cellars In the city wlifcb hav never leaked before , nto now turned Int aquarltitriB , 1'on S.U.K. A froMi tnllcli cow wit calf. L. W TUM.MH. Officer Urooks yesterday nrrestcil on of the Smith family for disturbing th peace. Store nnd dwelling for milo by Her ; innn. Tom llyan was so drunk yesterda tlint Officer Brooks took him under h ! wing. IB hound to cloco out. Lee 1'nrman was comolaincd of SB ! tirday for being drunk and resisting Olli cer ISathytc , Great bargains in nil goods at Her : innn's. May Sliennan , for being drunk nn jtsing vulgar language , was taxed cnoug to make n $10 bill lit art broken on Satui day. Joseph Itclter makes suits in the lal cit styles at 310 Broadway. Key. S. U. Lyons , f Fnn Francisct who Is visiting KPV. Mr. Welch nrdfamllj officiated at St. 1'aul'n cliurc yesterday. Fine line of menu' , boys "nnd sid Baddies at Sherman's , 124 S Main , At the Congregational church last ov < ninfr , Kev. Mr. I [ amiin gave another < : his eeriei of Bennoim on the ten commani merits. Millinery goods fiIty cents on the do ! ar at Hemiian's , The Juvoviloband gave n streetparail and some excellent music Saturday aftci noon us an advertisement for the ba gaino which didn't take place. The Milwaukee k St. Paul folks ai using the old Kansas City railway builc ing an headquarters until they can gi their new brick depot done. There wcio many Saturday afloruoc whoso nerves began to shako an the blac clouds rolled tip HO suddenly. It wi enough to warn ono of a cyclone , bi proved to bo only a dash of rain with little wind , The water works company has pu chased of John Hammer n lot on Dancro Htrcot just north of CharleH Moore's rei dencc , nnd proposes to put up there brick buuilding , two etones , for its gcnei oflice nnd headquarters. There i much doubt whether the < dlnanco creating a paid fire department Council Lluffs la of nny account. It claimed that it takes theeo-fourths of t counc'l ' to pats au ordinanca , nnd th there were lesd than that number of / derrnen present when this ordinance w passed , To-night an enjoyable enlcrtuinmc and varied programme of music and mlr is promised nt Dohany'a by Mclntyro Heath's combination. There has been dearth of amusements of late , and t coming of this company will prove linppy relief. The complaint made aualmt Mi BOVSOH by Wells Cook , to the effect th his barn and Burroundlnps constituted nuisance , occupied Judge Ayleswortl time and attention most of Saturday , T cane was taken under advisement until I lay. Concordla Lodga Knights of 1'ythi has installed anils ollicora fortlioeimil term , Jasoph Jtelter , L' . C.1I. ; Nutt , O. ; A. Auber , prelate ; F. Luchon , V. < O. Boru-hausi'ii , M. of K.j ] i. Graul , M. F. ; T. Kettler , K. of It. 1) . S. ; J. Kie . i ler , M. ntA. ; Wil iam Uubee , T. C ! . ; Xoat , Q. G.j A. Jlohor , D. D. G. 0. Complaints have been entered agah n number of fcmlniuesof soiled rcpututlt and they arc rxpccted to step into coi nnd pay their flucf , or In other words put up their licence money for the nuin The list embraccH Kitty Everett , Hir Meeker , Alllo licnton , Jesse Lo ) Korrt May Sherman and Stella Long. There was much disappointment H urdny afternoon among the base I lovers. They had set their hearts upo treat In seeing a game between tha Un Pacific nnd Council Bluffs nliiea , but muddy condition of the grounds pro vent There were a number hero from Glcnwo Omaha and other places , who were clou disappointed. It is understood that game will bo played next Thursday nf noon instead. Poatofflco Cnanaos. The following are the poatofl changes in Nebraska and Iowa dur the week ending July 8 , 1882 , fu iahod by William Van Vleok , of poatofllco department ; NK11IU8KA. Established Philipaburi' , Out county , George Gillot , P. M , ' Discontinued -Walnut Grove , Ki county. , Naino and site chanuod Dayt Boone county to Cedar Rapids. Postmasters appointed Winnc fie , Oinalm rtaorre , Cornolius O'Connor ; Yale , Valley county , 01 W , Casa. IOWA , Established"Atkins , IJonton co ty , John M , Horn , P. M. ; Irving Kosauth county , Burr 0. Minklur , 1 , ; Violo , Lou county , Albert [ burn , P. M. Discontinued Finchford , ill HaltiD | a Bade. John Hayes , Credit P. 0. , boys that nine months he could not raise hU hi to hU head through lameness in the she der , but by the use of THOU AH' ELIOT OIL he wag entirely cured , jullO-d PATCHING PATCH WORK The Aldermen Themselves Die Rusted With the Troublea of Ordinance Making. They IIopo to bo Alilo to Itemed Pnst Blnmler TeAt - At n meeting of the council , hoi Friday night , there wore only four al dcrmon present , Messrs. Newell , Shu giut , Siedontopf and Eicher , and th ordinance covering licenses of all sorter or attempting to cover them , was th chief theme of talk. CityAttorno Mayno had prepared nn ordinanc amending some of the glaring defect in it , but a discussion brought to ligh so many other faults , and so man ; questions of doubt , that the task G remedying scorned n hopeless ono. Somoof the aldermen wore in favo of making the amendments neodci right then and there , ono after atl other , BO no to got the thing fixed up Alderman Siodentopf thought It bet tcr go slow and sure. Ho nald th council had become a laughing fltocl on accojnt of its hasty and wreckles way of making ordinance ? , nnd wlioi this paiticular ordinance was nex fixed up , ho wanted it so that it wouli not have to bo changed again riih away. There was much talk about win was to blame for the mistakes. I was laid off on The Nonpareil , i being that itu printers had made n many typograpical errors in the firs publication an to render n rovisioi necessary , Then The Nonpareil hai failed to correct eomo of the inie takes marked to bo corrected and hence the second publication wa faulty. Alderman Newell objected I the clerk sending the original ordi nance to the printers , It should b kept , and a copy sent. Then whei the original was asked for in court i could bo produced , not in "takes , " a nathcrud up in the printing ollico , bu in its entirety. Alderman Shugart insisted that or d in an ccs should bo spread upon th minutes and then n copy made for th printers , and the proof compared wit ) the original. The clerk explained that The Non parcil did not have typo enough t korp the ordinarco standing a day s as to give time for this nort of prou reading. Ono of the aldermen suggested thn the council get some paper that di have typo enough. The defects and mistakes in th ordinance were then pointed out nofu as discovered , with the uncertainty o how many morn there might bo yi discovered. Mr. Written , in behalf of the 03 prcseinon , objected to the charm made in regard to common carrier ! It wan not at all in accordance wit what the agreement was by which tli carriers had paid in their money. After much talk , it was discovert that it took three-fourths of the com cil to suspend the rules or pass an o dinanco , and there were only fet present. This seemed a startler I the aldortnon , and the query nrot whether some ordinances had n < boon passed by a leas number than r < fjuirod by law. It was stated that tli fire department ordinance was tin illegally passed. There being on vote too few , and the council nc being able to do anything with th defective ordinance , on which the had spent the evening , it waa cai eluded to try to-night to got onoug of the aldermen together to fix the 01 dinanco up as it should bo. Afte making the amendments and publist ing thorn , it will take live days bofoi they are in force , and in the meat time peddlers , etc. , will luxvo it the own way and the officers can do notl ing about it. A FAST YOUNG MAN. Bo Fnat that Ho Qota Awny with Hotel 13111 unit n. Valuable Team , About two months ago a young me named Uoorgo MolJrido came to th cit ) ' , and made Ins headquarters ut tl Ogdoti house. lie had been hero year previous , and during his stay lit conducted himself apparently straigh BO that there was little suspicion c his second comingHo claimed to 1 a oiyil engineer , and hin baggage i eluded a sot of surveying instrument a tent , and other traps. IIo did n seem actively engaged in any businet and explained that ho was waiting f n promised position in the employ the Union Paciiio railway compan IIo was well dressed , Boomed to ha plenty of money , were an obundan of jewelry , noted the time of day 1 an elegant gold watch , and seemed bu prospering in all hia ways , 1 was something on the sport , was gc erous in his spondings nt the bar , a was equally free to have drill charged. The board bill kept growing ; and the young man'a r kept on shrinking. He claimed have lost considerable money on t races , but expected remittances setA A week or BO ago he was press for hia board bill , which had read : 1,0 over 80 , and gave us an excuse ! delay that ho was to do BO jr wor'c at Florence , und would rcce $100 from there Monday last. Si IX day night ho disappeared , and 1 hotel folks now look mournfully the remaining baggage as an eciui lent for their $80 bill. The next hoard of tl'o young in is from Missouri Valley , where ho i pears to have gone directly from ho On Tuesday night ho appeared Ihomaa Evans' livery atablo the and hired a team and covered bujj to go out in the country to BOO 1 uncle , who formerly lived in this ci and was engaged in business ho loung McUrido returned with t team about 1 o'clock at wight , but t not settle for ir , saying that ho want it again for a trip to Lo an. In t morning ho took the team again wi the understanding that ho would back by noon or shortly after , 1 time were on and Thursday passt and still no tidings from him. 8 picion was aroused and the owner a oflicera itartod off to fma him. Wll Middleton , the sheriff of Ilarrii county. F. L. DAVIS and Mr. Evar were in the ciiy Saturday , havin been looking in various directions i vain. They have not abandoned th hunt , howovrr , or the hope of captui ing him aiul T < cjvering the property The team thus taken consisted c bay liorsea , weighing about 1,00 nounds each each. The near ono is little the speedier of the two , an has n white spot on the forohcm The buggy has a top , its body is painl od wino color , and its running gcs black. The harness is black trimmec The young man himself is of modiut height , black curly haired , nmoot face , and rather thick lips. The hole men , as well as Mr , Evans , are vor , anxious to learn his whereabouts , an it is probable that ho will ere long b heard from. OITY IOE OKEAM PARLOR. A now stock of french Cream Confcc tioimry just received at the fashionabl ice cream , fruit and confectioner emporium nf Smith A McCuon , sue censors to Erb .t Duquette101 IJroad way. CAPTURED CONSPIRATORS Dovlllsh Plot to Wreck Trains for th Purpoao of Robbery. Corrcspondcnco of The Ilcc. LOCIAN , la , , July 15. Quito a ripple plo of excitement was created in ou town this morning by the of Deputy Sheriff Fred J. Jloburts , o Dunlap , who , together with Dctecttv Charles 0. Healy , of the 0. & N. W. and the S. 0. it P. railroads had 5i custody parties who gave their name as follows : Ira Stage , E. 0. Bald ridge , John F. Smith and 0. Wilson The prisoners were arraigned bofor George Wilson , justice of the peace on the charge of conspir cy to dilc ! and wreck a train on the 0. & N. W railroad r.nd ono on the S , C. it I railroad , on or abodt the 13th of Julj 1882 , for the purpose of robbery. Defendants were arrested last nigh about 1 o'clock a. m. , in the city o Blair , Nebraska , and convoyed to tin town this morning by the officer above namod. Defendants waived an oxaminntio and their bonds were fixed at Sl00 iach , in default of which they wor onvoyrd to quarters in our count ill. ill.Too Too much praise cannot bo given t 'epnty ' Sheriff Roberts and Detectiv loaly lor the manner in which the ave worked up the cnso and labore bring to justice the parti03 of ocp laid and horrible scheme , and i ' 10 persons arrested are the guilt nes , they will no doubt receive thoi ovrard at our August term of the dii riot court. Au-iu. ITojio ou , Hopn Ever. To matter what the ailment may be , rhei latimn , neuralgia , lamcnc'H. astluni ronchitia if other treatment have failc hope onlooat unco for THOMAS' 15 MS nnoOir , . It will seturo you iinmnlia elief. jullO-diw S OIIOUTT & CO. il esiro to call attention to a largo h f very desirable Dress Goods , whic , hey are closing at 12)1 ) and 20c. pi yard. PREPARING THE PRO GRAB 'ho ' Purees Offered for tljo Septen ber Mooting : Here , nnd the Ar rangements for the Folr. The plan for having an agriculturi 'air in connection with the fall moo tig of the Driving Park associatio iBems to bo meeting with favor , an , ho promise is given that it will b lighly succcasfiil in all respects. Th late fixed upon is September 18tli t ! 2d inclusive. Buildings are to b irocted nt once and all convenience irovidod. It is propablo that Chorr itrcot will bo voeited in order to giv uoro room for the association , th slty to take in its place a strip jut iast of that struct. Liberal promiun ara to bo offered for stock nnd ngr cultural exhibits , and arrangement are being made for holding a stoc sale of thoroughbred cattlo. There promises to bo a aplondi showing of speed also , The ussocii tion has proposed the following list i purses , the aggregate reaching near ! 810,000 : . K1KST DAY , HF.1TKMIIKU 18. No. 1-lliin , A ' milo dash , 2-yoa olds , for lowa'and Nebraska colt $200 , § 100. § 50 , fl0 ! nnd $20 , No. 2 Pace , freo-for-allS500S25i $125 , $75 and $50. HECONI ) DAY , BKI'TEMIIKK 19. No. a Trotting , a minute clas $500 , $250. $125 , $75 and $ f.O. No. 4 Trottimr , 2W : : claan , $500- $200 , $125 , $75 and $50. No. 6 llun , I ' milo , 2 in a. $500 $150 , $75 , $15 a'nd $ aO. TllIJtl ) DAY , SKl'TKM/lKU 20. No. 0 Trotting , 2:40 : class , $000 $300 , $150 , $1)0 ) and $00. No. 7 Trotting , 2:2a : class , $000 $300 , $150 , $ ! )0 ) and $ CO. No. -Hun , U miles , novolt $500-$100 to A , $150 to mile , ai $250 to finish. ' KOUllTH DAY , HKITKMBKU 21. No. 0 Trotting , 2:50 : class , $500- $250 , $125 , $75 and $50 , No. 10-Trotting , 2:38 : class , $5 -8250 , $125 , $75 and $50. No. 11 Huii , 1 * milo , ever 0 lit : dies , $000$300 , $150 , $90 and $11 FIFTH DAY , BE1TEM1IF.H 22. No. 12 Trotting , 2:27 : class. $0 -$300 , $150 , $90 and $ GO. N ° . 13 Trotting , free for all , $7 -$350 , $175 , $105 nnd $70. No. 14 Run , 1 mile , a in 5 , $ C -$300 , $150 , ? 90 and $00. 1'or ' Bunaatioiml trotters or pac < PERSONAL. Judge Heed Ima returned home. Dr. Thomas JelfroU id on the crlppl list by n bore foot. George T. Shaw , of Hock IslauJ , whc interested iu coal and coke , Suudayel the Ogdeu , Wm. 1'uUt , of Milwaukee , who kno all about will machinery , wns a nojourt here over Sunday. Major MArsell , of les Moiuoa , who v formerly in railway business here , w Sunday In thi city. W. H. Wnterbui-y , of Chicago , v among the commercial tourist * , who Sunday i\t the Ogdcn. ! ' . Ii. Davl , nf Missouri Vnlley , i Agent of the State Insurance company spent Saturday in the city. Mr. McKune has gone to Chicago in Hi ntcrcet ? of the Driving Park osiociatior of which lie is manager. A , 0. Clark , of I'httsmoulh , WM in tli city yesterday \lsiting his brother , the fj nan of The Nonpareil , and other iclallvu A. J. Caughey , who has been tcachin ichool at Ixiwis , has now net apart tw weeks for n visit to friends here , his ol lome. K.K. Hnrkncss , of Harkness , Orcutt < 3o. , has gone east with his family , con lining the pleasure of meeting friend vlth the business of buying goods , 1) . M. Smith , who was proprietor of th ilKKN homo when It burned , haiatrange o open a hotel at Defiance , A new town o he Milwaukee it St. I'aul road , Mr. and Mrs. V. X. 1'iuey have left fn ho cast , where with Mrs. Montgomcr nnd children they will upend some time o ho sepihoro with their parent" , Gen , nn James Krainey , 1'sq. , "eft last ov'cnin or the cnst lo purchase 'stock for th atloring establishment which ho expect o open teen , He will bo abient nboii hree weeks. 1'liil. M cShauc , of the hardware firm c IcSliano & Sullivan , Omaha , WHS amen hose tllsappoiiitnl on not seeing the pron : sod ball game on Saturday. Ito helterc litneeh in Tin : liix office , and waited fu try weather. Never Give Dp. If you are suffering with tlow and dt reused Bnlrits loss of appetite , gciien ebility , disordered blood , weak constitn ion , hotdncho , or any diseaBO of a biliou inturo. by all means procure n bottle o .ilcctrio Cittcrs. You will bo burpriscd t ce the rapid improvement that will follow roil will bo inspired with now llfi trciiRth and activity will returnpain ; an nisery will cease , anil henceforth you wi ojuico in the praise of Electric Kitten Sold at fifty cents n.bottle , byC. F. Gooc nan. A MAGNIFICENT TROSSEAt The Elopcant UolleotloD of Dresse for n Young Brldo. Perhaps the Ducat wedding trof suau ever made in this country ha uat been sent from John Want linker's dress department to a youn ady in Norfolk , Virginia. Thor were sixteen dresses in all , wondorfi combinations in silk , satin and lace uat such dresses as ladies rave ovc with exclamations of delight. Th wedding dress was of white satin an luchcsse lace. The gown was cc , vith square neck nnd n flowing due : train , trimmed with lace , and a duel osso lace fichu , the entire front boiii covered with lace. The silk wo slashed out at the bottom _ anc the slushes filled with lace. A ditim tlresa was made of old gold brocad and satin , princess back and pannier ; .ho front shirred on' iho bask , nn .rimmed with Spanish lacp. Tli square neck w.ia filled in with luci and the elbow alcoves are elaborate ! trimmed with lace. A garnet sat ; do Lyon dress , to wear at a receptid or dinner , bore a front of damasi embroidery , Bufant back , and pointc basque front and back , trimmed wit ecru embroidery. White nun'a veilir trimmed with Oriental lace , formed dress for afternoon or carriage wea The front was trimmed with alte nato pleatinga of lace and veilini Jabot lace encircled the neck and fc in lines down the front and back. Tl sleeves were were nlso trimmed wil aco. A morning dress was made < jronzo and figured ailk , with two doc pleated sides on the skirt ; slip Jrapcd apron front nnd full drapir ) ask , with a sash trimming of fi ; ured silk. Another dress was mac of black watered nnd plain satin me voillous , and still another was con loscd of black Spanish lace npd moil atripo. A blue cashmere dressir lack was handsomely trimmed wit swans-down. Millions O-ivon Away. Millions of Hottleiof Dr. King's No Discovery lor Consumption , Coughs ai Jolcls , have been given nwny as Tri liottlen of the 'nrg ' ? sizo. TliU cnonnoi outlay would bo 4inastrou3 to the pr [ irlutorn , were it not for the rarp mcri | )03 esel by tills wonderful medicine. Or at 0. V. Uooilman'ti Drug Store , nnd g Tri * ! Uottlo free , andj.try for youraol wir UK o ourj. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIA NOTICES. NOTICE , Special adtertlacmenta , auc Lost , Found , To Loan , For Bale , To Koi Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In tl column at the low rate of TEN CENTS I'l LINK for the Ont Insertion and FIVE CEN" PKlt LINE for each eulnoijuont Insertln Lciuo ertlsctucnta at our olllce , No , 1'forl HtrH.'t. near llrnadv\ay. Wonts. \WANTK1J A KOtil horse , for Bcntral ) ii VV poim , Mclcht about BOO. Inquire tt II. Uaj no & Co. ' , 311'carl street. JulU t A TED A flret-class barber lirmcdlate' ' W Appij to J , J , UcoJ , Coui ell Itlu's , la , JuiyUlf Eterybody In Council Bluffs WANTED Tin U , 20 cents per week , t mcrcd by carriers. OlHie , No 7 1'carl 8trc < near llroadftay. To buy 100 tons broom uoi WANTED addresa Council Illu llroom Factory , Council lIliiBa , Iowa , e.18.2.111 For Sale and Rent r Dll BALE-At a bavaln , . rest uran | a _ L ; bakery , nicely furnirliuJ , and lun > / a go 1UJIHB Mtrouajt * . AdUruK , box setentv , E eisou , lowj. Jyl&-0t' ' f Olt BALK A red Ir'th ' sitterdrg , 1 jear o k1 thoroiiKhlv jard bmkru. will sell chw Addtcn S , I1. O. b x 1042 , C. II. Iowa. Ju' ' ) 3-1 m IOH KENT. Unfurnished rooms , BU Mi L' Stro t. jell-in HALK Uca-itlful realdince lots , I FOK ; nothlug ' ' jJ y fyruOIIAN aplS-tf MlBOollftlieoUH. AUCOUKT Si BUOTUKlfe , Council I L and Omaha express. Orders left at Lost lt store. M la str et. Couno I Ululs , or J Klllot U05 Karnun > trcct , Oniiha , will rpee " ! ' prompt attcnt on " . - uec HS , Call aii-J i STU.UAllEAD-Orcat specimens ct plctu takuibrihoro'Jable golatluo broinldo prow at the HxceU'or ' ( lallery 101 Main street . ' - ' and Oculi W. U I'ATrON-J'hjslclau DH. . Is 01 Can cure any case of sore je a matter ol time , and can cura eenirally rom three w fl > l"lt. . l u nodlB d. Will straighten en oc how long dl eas . etc. , a jes. 0 | > eratu and remove Ptyttfjnnu. alteutlon tome Insert artlUclal eyes. Bpeclal mo > elng UJoworuu , P64 JIVB CENTS SAVED EVERY DOLLAR DV BUYIKO YOUR GROCERIES AT THE Boston Tea Go's ' Store , 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , TRY IT AND Make Money,1 COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Ofllco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo gho special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK receive prompt attention. A general as- Bortmcnt of Brass Goods , Belting , Ptoing , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Coal , CHAS. HENDRIE , President STREET AND All Shippers nnd Travelora will find peed accommodation and reasonable charges. SOUTH MAIN STREET , OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa , HOLLAND & MILLER , Propriotora. Rubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) J. M. PALMER , DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , SI/PITS. IOWA. The Star Bakery , HOWARD & RGBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Employ the best Bread Baker In the West ; ftlst a choice hind ( or Cakes and Flaj. Bread delivered to all parts ol the tlty. MAURT3R & ORAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Blob Cut Glass , Flno French China , Silver Ware &c. , 840 DROADWAT. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA MES , H. J , rtlLTOw , M. DM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 Brondwnv Council Blnffg. SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL. N , Anderson , - - Proprietor , 732 . Table ounp'iod with Iho best the nmrlat af. fords , ToniiS ; 3.60anit * 1 OOporueek. Trausltinl gl.OO per iUv TIIOS , OWCKU ' . n OJFI01S & PUSET , 33 A OWIBCDE ! EC S3 , Council Bluffs , la. Established , - - 1866 Dealers In Foreign and Do nestle Exch ng < and hifne securities. _ _ _ _ "INFIRMARY I T.J.OADY.MJ.J.S. . , ( Ute Vtttrlnary Surgeon L. S. A. ) The Only Veterinary Surgeon in the Oity. OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , UPPER BROADWAY. REFEIOENOES ; All of the b.8t l'by tin * lu Council Wufls ni surround > ueountry. _ "MRS , J. P. BILLUPS , PROPKIETOK OF RESTAUBANT & EATING HOUSE , 815 South M In Street , Council DIufll. New house nd newly fitted up In first du . itUe. Ue ls t all hour * . Ice cream ud Itrno. Vii"er y irwilnf. Fruit * w > d confectioneries HARKNESS , ORCUTT & GO. , Broadway Fourth Street , or , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mar-2-3m - - J. MUELL IPCHICKERINC AND WEBER PIANO , Burdette and Western Cot DVE tage Organs. Prices reason able ; terms to suit all. TJT Importer and Dealer in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE S of all kinds. Sheet Music one- third off. Agents wanted. I O Correspondence solicited , J. MUELLER , C COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. oa Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 lWC-.rJi.3D2O Bluff and fillow greets , Council Bluffs. Mirrors , Upholstery , Repairing , Etc. , Wood and Metallic Coffins. No. 436 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Blull'a , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH imil STREET. ' 1HE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but firat-class Bakoru employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. M E T O A L F BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS ; . IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved nnd Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands and a number ol Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , ever Savings Bank , COUNCIL BLUFS SHADE tyles Just Received. 11 Ponrl Utroot , Council BlnffN. C. A. BEKDK , W. KUNYAN. W. UEEDE O. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale anJ He tall Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs , Irs , J , E , letcalt'e and Iiss Belle4 Lewis Are nowdenllnpln all hltideof fancy ( -001 s , H'ch m Lnccs , nmbroldcrles , Ladles' Undcrwc * ol all descriptions. Also Handkerchiefs , lic-th In elit aid linen , hose ol oil Kinds , thread , ptns , necdlca , ttc , Yfo bojio the laalca will call KI d eon cur stock of Kcods at 030 Droauway btfore go ItJK eluo here. E. J. DAVIS , 13 PEARL STREET , Dealer In ZEPHYRS , GERMANTOWN AND FANCY YARNS of All KindsA Fall Line ol Cunvnn , Felts , Emljroldory , Kulttlue nml Stamnod Ooodn , JJtoa A ortnnntof A > nli TIP Plotnrna Z . 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOW1 And W STSIDB SQITA CLARINCA IOWA ,