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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1882)
THE DAlLir BEE-OMAHA MONDAY , JULY IT , 182. IEID &c CO , , \ The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware 'House 3C3NT 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET , OMAHA - NEB. JT- WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DKALKR N- Wall Paper and. Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. . . Omaha Neh. _ ZROTIH : & JOISTS s Wholesale Lumber , So , 1408 Farnham Street , Omaha , Neb , THE MOLINE STOVE Manufactured by They mnko a specialty ot COOKING STOVES , and ha\o this year placed In the mnrke n cof the 110 at ECONOMIC AND MOST SA USKACTORY STOVES ccr made. They make both Plain and extension top , and guarantee all their gooda. The agents for tba company arc. PIEROY & BRADFORD , DEALERS IN Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters IMC * BL. 33ffa ? 3EJ X. ff3 , \ GRATES , RANGES , STOVES HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 1211 FARNAM STEEET. OMAHA NEB PERFECTION IN ROASTING AND BAKING , is only attained by using Stoves and Banges. WITH WIRE GAUZE OVER DOORS , For cnlo by MILTOH ROGERS & SONS. Jull-micly DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN IIOTJ1LH. I'ROPRJKTORS ARLINO.TON. J. C. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Nrti SARATOGA HOTEL , J. B. STELLINIUQ Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAH , Stramabure He HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loul vlllii CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & OLARrt , Olalr , Nee , COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q. MEAD , Nellgh , Net ) . QRANlfcENTRAL . SEYMOUR , Nsbraika Olty(1oL ( > MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weoplnc Wator.rU COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. 0. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Nab ) OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY , Olarlnda , low * ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Meb EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Athland , Keb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. ORUBB , Qulde Recd , Neb , SUMMIT HOUSE , BWAN & BECKER , Oreiton , la , HOUSTON HOUSE , CEO , CALPH , Exlra , la , REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la. WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , In. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl A , WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQ8 , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , JIU AVERY , Btanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL J , W. BOULWARE , Burlington Juritlorr , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , B'anchard ' , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Bhenandoah , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb BAQNELL HOUSE , CHAS. BAQNELL , College Spring * , la , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , rVM. LUTTON , Vllllsca , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Qrove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F , STEARNS , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Otceola , Neb , a DOUQLA8 HOUSE , J , 8. DUNHAM , Olarki , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T , CBEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J M. BLACK & SON , MarjivllloMo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Nib WINSLOW HOUSE a. MCCARTY , Seward , Neb , AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONES , Auroar Neb. OROZIER HOUSE O. R. CROZ'ER , Sidney , Neb , AVOOA EATING HOUSE D. W , ROCKHOLD , Avoca la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak FOSTER HOUSE Copt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewis a WHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKER , Orljwol WEEPING WATER. A Now BnQk A Devotee of Bnccluts -Other Notes. Correspondence of The lee. WKEMSO WATEK , July 14 The project Hint \ \ coping Water has long foil n desire for has now been com pleted in the wny of a atnblo banking institution. A. bank with the cuphon- cons name of Commercial bank lias just been organized with n cash capi tal of § 50,000. The ollicors are ns follows : Directors , 0. 11. 1'armolc , S. 31 , 1'rtttorson , A. 1 ? Smith , E. W. Black of Plattsmonth , 0. Schluntz , P. S. Barnes and F. M.Vclcott , of this place ; president , 1 * . S. Bnrnuc ; vice president , F. M. Wolcott ; cashier , J. iU. Robinson. The names of the directors , who nro nil well known to bo largo capitalists , nnd who own moat of the stock , is recommendation enough for the bunk. The selection of the o .shier , J. M. Ilobinson , is sanctioned by the entire community aim will doubly insure the bank n prosperous business. Our city ia strictly temperate and no saloona allowed , nevertheless occa sionally attention is sometimes at tracted to parties who have indulged in "a drop of the crater , " nnd this was the deplorable fact ono evening last week : Ono J. 0. prowled the streets with an idiotio snnlo and rav ing like a maniac to cngnto ; in a fight "with his woii'ht in wild cats and a panther thrown in. " IIo finally siun- torod up " 1" street to the city restau rant , where , In the presence of Indies nnd gentlemen , ho expressed him self in language boisterous and too disreputable to hero utter. The mar shal not being on deck , the proprietor nt once wont to the bat , nnd with a sledfjo-hammor blow from n largo fist full of bones ho came down on the hugo dissipated red proboscis of the modern gladiator of the Bacchus school , which must havn caused lijiu to see moro stars than there were in-the inilky way ; the sound of the blow was like that of a horse pulling his foot fromnmud-holo. This muscular power oonthim intotho street prostrate , silenced the vulgar reinarka and instead n dirgo-liko wail was hoard , and although profoundly ignorant of Moroan , Komplon , or other writer on conservative tactics hi ) instinctively rose nnd initiated Unit masterly manu'uvro whoioby much precious bacou was saved to the coun try.The The jewelry firm of Totter & Wob- stpr ia dissolved. Mr. 0. A. Webster will remain with us and continue the business. Ho hns employed Mr. II. Gardthausun , of St. Louis , u good workman. Mr. T. L. Potter leaves the city and ivill probably locate in Omaha. Ilis many friends regret to have him go. Ho is n practical musi- ci in and many hero fool indebted to him for instructions in vocal music. The school board have employed Josie - sio McCoy , of Nebraska City , as prin cipal ; Mies E. Farley intermediate , and Miss Ida Thorn gate , primary , both of this place. Dr. W. S. Kichcy , dentist , is at the Gibbon Houeo , inserting teeth in thu tender sirloin steak Irom Rlploy's meat market. VEIUTAH. Incredible. F. A. Scratch , druggist , Uuthven , Ont. , writes : "I have the greatest confidence ) in your liuuuocic BLOOD BITTEHS. In one case with which 1 oin personally acquaint ed their success was almost incredible. One lady told nio that half a Bottle did her more good than Imndrab'of dollars' worth of mudicino she had previously taken. " t'rice 1. § jullO-dlw The Now Wntor Gas Engine. New York Tribune , July 12. The local train from Patoraon at 1:30 : p. in. via Newark to Now York , carried yesterday the unusual number of 113 passengers , in four of the lioavy old pattern Erie railway caro. The excess was duo to curiosity to ob serve the working of the now hy drogen or water-gas locomotive on- jino , the " 0. Holland , " which on this occasion made its maiden trip as a pas- longer engine on the regular time able of the Now York , Like JSrio & Western railroad. Similar curiosity drew crowds to tno novernl points to see its departure , i'a step * , and its arrival in Jersey City. At , the latter terminus the engine was h > nored with ho privilege of running into the pas senger depot , whence "wheeled smok ers uro invariably diverted by moans of a flying switch. The smokeless 'unnol of the " 0. Holland" vomited nothing into the rafters moro often- ivo and dangerous than pure and snow-whito clouds of vapor. But its roaring brought the whole floating pop ulation of the yards and oflices around the now arrival , In passing through the tunnel the passenger had just been regaled with a gale of cool sub terranean air , drawn by the rapid mo tion through wide open doors and windows , clearing out the cigar emoko and other impurities , and substituting for the customary tunnel-choke and cinder-hail a light spray of the con densed product of hydrogen combus tion , entirely a reoablo to the senses and to the whitest shirt-fronts. The arrival was ahead of time. The oil gusgo showed a cost of § 2 52 for thu twenty-mile run , which is not much , if any , cheaper than full rate on the long and closely managed trunk lines when coal ia cheap. It is moro than double the highest consumption of the "C. Holland" during the few weeks past , when it has boon doing heavy freight work. The principle of the apparatus is the decomposition of wa ter at a high heat by mingling it with ] a small proportion of oil , without air , In iron retorts , the hydrogen eot free being inwtantly burned , and all the heat of both unionw the carbon with the water oxygen , and the hydrogen with the air oxygen being confined nnd utilized in the boiler , making utoarn. The rototra art ) four in number , They resemble half peck-measure in size , and nro But near the door of the furnace , a little above the level of the burners , which cover a floor about three by eight feet in extent. The burners are as pinholes - holes along the lengths of a close series of ono inch iron pipes covering the floor of the lire chamber and connect * od with a central gaa main , which is supplied by pipes from the retorts. Those pinholes being pitched toward each other in pairs , the gas-jots meet accordingly in pnjrs nnd mingle in combustion with jots of nir coming up through l-inch holes just under inch conjunction of ens , The number of gas juts is 518. Thu boiler , as originally designed AM ! built , was intended to improve upon tire ordinary conditions of ga - ht'iiting , but on being tried , was rojcc- ltd , and the ordinary boiler pat torn was restored , with n few modifications in thu lire-box and rmoku pipe. In April lust'he now boiler and heating ttpparntus were satisfactorily tes ed , nnJ the last of Mar the complete en gine was delivered to _ the _ Erie road After n few standing trials it was set at work on the froiaht business , until yesterday , when it ontoro-1 on its call ing ns n passenger ongino. Very little time is now consumed in tiring up ; probnbly nut inure than half thu nver- ago with ordinary locomotives , lltpid motion has boon nn nid to the lire , which formerly it tended to suppress. The dimensions of the engine nro ni follows : Weight wilh nil on board , 18 tons ; length over nil , 02 feot.uinm- eter of driving wheels , C feet ; cylin ders , 1 ? by 24 inches. Jacob Mmtznlf , t > f Lancixilrr , X , Y. , snjsyom Si'iiiNU HLOSSOM wurtaucll for trcr > thing you recommend it ; mjsolf , wife nnd children hive nil iifeod It , nnd you can't lind i > henllhlcr family in New Y.irk HUto. -Oct. 5 , 18811. UiHOdlw End of the Strike nt the Ironrinlo Works. Chicago Tribune. An arrangement wno made yester day between the C.ihnnot lion it Steel company nnd their striking workmen by which work will bj re sumed Monday. During the day the aitunlion was much us during thu past week since the arrival of the non union men Monday. Thu streets were thronged , and everybody was busy discussing the state of ufl'uirs and watching the movements of thu "bhck sheep" inside the qrounds. Just before noon eovorul of thu non union men came to the gates nnd were mot by the strikers , when a long and friendly diccueoipn wao held. At thocloso of thu meeting the non-union men declared that after dinner they would eomo out , and either join the strikers or leave the town. Alter dinner they did ns ngrccd , nnd marched quietly out of the ground nnd mingled with the croud. About 3 ] > . in. the Amalgamated association committee wciu called to gether and n secret session of nn hour nnd a half held , in the course of which n proposition of settlement was made by the company. What trnna pired in ttip mooting cannot bi learned , but it is certain that tin proposition witu accepted. Il was im possible to learn the terms of the agreement , but us was remarked by ono of the company , "It is satisfuc tury to all concerned. " The men said that the meeting was n secret ono and its proceedings couli' not , for the present at least , bo di vulgod. It is probable , however , Urn the basis of settlement is n compro misu similar to the ono at Buy View , \scono of the wildest rejoining fol lowed the announcement of the nowa and the vicinity of the gates to thu mills was black with n cheering , hand shaking crowd. Lasl night a regular jollification was held , and the company contributed towards the expanses of the evening , These of the non-union workmen who desired to louvo town were aunt to their homos at the company's expense and the only disconsolate man in town was the colored cook , who has fed the non-union men. Like Othello , his occupation was gone. Towards evening n deputation o : the strikers waited upon Mr. Good rich , president of the Uydo Park board of trustees , who was on tin scene in his capacity of chief of police and expressed their thanks to him nnd hit ) men for the considor.ato nnd gen tlemanly manner in which they had been treated by the oilicora on duty nt the mills. It is a noticeable fact that in the six weeks during which the strike has lasted there has been little or no dis order at Irondalu and but little drunk enness ; in fuct , the town has been as orderly as other portions of the village ot llydp Park. A Tribune reporter called on Gen. T. T. Terrence , of the Calumet IrenA A Stool coinj/any , last evening nt his residence , corner of Ellis uvonuo nnd Thirty-Bovonth street. To the ques tion , "Do I hoar correctly that the Calumet Iron & Steel company have made a settlement with their old men ? " the General responded : "I un derstand that Mr. Bradley and Mr. Hackney have perfected a compromise with the old men which is entirely satisfactory to both the men and the company. I know what this arrange ment is , but I would prof or that either Mr. Haoknoy or Mr. Bradley should be the ono to divulge it. I believe the settlement is to bo confidential till matters have been adjusted at Pitts- burg. The understanding is , however , that the work in thu mills will com mence Monday next. " "Aro the muii at Irondalo to abide by the decision that ia to bo made at Pittsburg ? " "Not exactly , but the compact between twoon the employes and the company depends somewhat upon that docis ion. " Bucklin'tj Arnica Salve. The UKHT SALVK in the world for Cuts liruiscH , Sores , Ulcorn , bait Itheum , Fe ver Sores , Tetter , Chnjipod Hands , Chll blalnH , Cor us , nnd all nkln cruptlonx , ant' positively cures piles. It U guaranteed to ive satlafactfon or money refunded. Price , 2ft cents per box , For tale by 0. F. Goodman IMPERISHABLE PERFUME , Murray & Lanman's FLOBIDA WATEB. MMIIUI aa-iiMMi maamm * mm * m * mf Best for TOILET. BATH and I ANDKERCHIEF. ANTI-MONOPOLY LKAODE. Iiunic tuemueruilp rolu ( or the tntl-rnonpolv uiL-uo. containing Utonunt of principle lutt- eod ot precoduie and Instruction * bow to own- c , will Uwnt on application to Cl.'ll. CUle , roy , Mi' Uml oioiUmp , mlB-l 'HE GREAT CURE ] 111 for ftU the ivvlnfu' illiww.l of Uio KIDHEYC , LIVER AND BOWELS Uuit ouurft the itrondhii "ullortnjj which only the victim * of rlieumatl/imcnmwllio. THOUSANDS OF CASEB of Iho worst forma of thin l rrililo ' have Ixxra Quickly relieved , PERFECTLY CURED. rnirn ft.injt ID > rHUTMII fcf O Dry can 1x > pent Vy mall. 'MAKHP1flAllHsON.trx .lhirllnrt ( nVi Murray Iron forks Burlington Iowa. Sornl Portubl Engines , FOR c tuc A.MI : lines FARM MILLS , Println r Offlcos The Largest Iron Working Kntublish mont in thu Btuto. MAMTACTl ItKHt 01 Steam Engines AND GENERAL MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Gut-Off Steam Engine , ( or circular. "Mm Nature's Sparkling Specific fjr nml nillouHiicia. the v iterut the fmiom holtrnr Sin , li ilnpllcilii I In 4 utntitant wl'h a ppoonful of TAIIIIISTH 'KLT/KII Ai' IUKYT , nhlilivint ! OUT ) Mhu'ilo ili'inent ol Ilio Ouumi The KtoitiHlpliy.nhUB o ( Kuropi-pro noum'o tlia' frco l I < > I l'ro\liloiici tlm limit pv tent' f n I known attirillMi * , nml I fnc nnnle troh nnd lUiiiln.- I > now phoul within the rrai' c ( u\er > - lu\alll l'i Iliacstirn world. SOLD 11V AI.Li l > i > UGIIVM 2 [ Bin AND THE Of Omaha. Has purchased of the Gorilla 8afoMonufacturlng ) Co. , of Providence , U. I , , n m\fo whl'li la k'uar- nntcod Intrltlng to li "abunlutelll l/nrylar jiroof for n period ot thirty lx hours continuous nnil n ilmturliod a'tackllhtha Una of nucli tools nnJ aiipllcanccsRHn liurk'lnr cnn employ , " andlnapractlca ly unconditional way. Thlahank il' lnsa thorough test made upon till * satu. ruulln ciso o ( fullnro to utaiid It , the bank mil hu at liberty to purchauo any othtr cof anil m.iv return this to the iiiuiiulactiirerii. Any party In at Uliorty to miJorUliu thoattocK \\ho Hill furiilsli Hithfactory hond to pay all ihmvo to the Halo , In ca o It li not cntiretl In thu Htliinlateil tlmu. TnuC'orllsiC'oinpany aKroa In urltiiiK In jlcpngltitli tills hank the mini of $5,000.00 upon th't elK'nIng ol an aKroomtnt an ahovo ill'- paid Hum to ho p'ncou within the fnfo nnd In ho ( orfoltrd to the putv opfrathi ln cnso It Is fortl'/l ) oiicnnl anil li lontuntu rah Btrnctoil liKNKY W. YATKS Cmlilr. D. WELTY , ( SncoosKor to D. X. MonntO Manufni hirer and Dealer In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANCY HORSE OLOTJIINO Eoljos , Dusters and Turf Goods of ALL DKBCUIPXIONH. Agent for Jos. U. Hill fc Co.'a CONCORD HARNESS "Tho Boat in The World , " Order * Pollcltod. OMAHA. NEB mely Genius E mr aided OR , The Story of the Sowing Maohlno , A bandaoma little , pamphlet , blue nj go\f \ | covu with nuiucrom unginlngj , will be GIVEN AWAY tot ny kuult [ wnnn calling for It , itiny brtncL ; or Biib-olllco of ThuHlnver Manufacturing Ham pany , or will bu eont bjr insll , poet fM , tc toy person living at * dlttaaco Iron ) our olhco. The Slngor Manufacturing Oo , ( Prluclual Offioo , 34 Onion Hquaro , NEW YORK . I ; J. C , ELLIOTT & CO. Plumbing , Steam & Gas Fitting iUKNId Turbine Water Motor , | 1UO Pump * , Pip * Fltfinjr und Bran Good i. Oor , 14th and Uarnuy , Omaha , Nob. WAT S Uoioa li CPHITUT Oruiiioi AT OMAHA , MONDAY , JULY 31. THE BIG SHOW THIS SEASON , AND IN r'ACT THE BIGGEST SHOW EVER SEEN , f | nr . nlmo anil bcjond ny nmiio-ment cntcrpflso on the fico of Ihoc.vth , . Cole's ' Uew Nine Sliows United. Cirrus , Monnr.eno , Theatre , Gallery oi Wnx Statuary , Bicycle College , Russian Roller Sknterp , MUSEUM , ENOYOLOPAEDU & ASSEMBLY OF NATIONS. V&QPCAH BIOciCEXPfRTS MHT.Mir JlfNIM WWCCU S 7 UH i:0 SHOWS. W nin i Juu yj fvr' ' New y rccoimtructod , rc-orcnnlrcd nnd liirrao- SIMULTANEOUS ACTS IN THE nloisly uonHolliUtol In ONE VAST ALL-l'llODUOING SAME H1NQ. EXUIHITION 14 AcU bj I.tvily Attlsld. , ' . The World'H Clminplnn Lcnpcr rrcsonllus four-fid the rtttrActlonn clVinod All HnrO'lttck Ilklori. bv n < 0 other tent show In cx > tiMico , Including A hcnl cf rcrlcrmliiK Klcpluitu thofoilonlnir ronmrkrtblo liiattircit : A JSO.OOO Troup of I rick Utnl loos. ThoLnrKOit Kloilinnt c > cr eaptnrol. An clcratcil Thentro Slnga. llinOrrAtestShnw incr orknnlr l. I'.niop.-aii lllojilo Kapcrta. ir.O Alniont riual | Star i\-rf. rmom. A I'omMo Finko Clmrinrr In the Mng. Iho I'lt'tldcnt wul Noti'il Men In Wax. "Ariel , " the Man Illrd. Unpt. Ho nriliiK , Ilio lni-nhot champion. Performing Wild Anlnia'a * Illondln , the Hop ) Wftlkcr. A Monster Mcn Korlo of Howls nnd Birds. . Ariel Il ! tdo Hlilcra. f " 0Spot-lino not KnormomSerpents. ItiKHlan Holler Fkntcrs. Ami 6,000 imvolllts , ( rcnkn and foaturts not Hiprou'iitotlvcH of otcry Kntlon. ciiumcrfttod , in king nil In nil The Greatest and Grandest Show on Earth. A ILlloon Au'tmlon nnd Jupani-ao Dftjllnht flrcworkn e\cr > ilny. The most Impaling Street I'orulo nrtrltieeo.l. . ONC TICKET - - 50 Cents. Children - - - 25 Conta. lUncrMil , CiKhloni'd , OpoiaChalrn at n nlllit ) ; ml auco. An up ta\\n ticket olllco vUll lie cpoi oil on IlinUyof thu IMi liltlnn. l.o'utlon nlvi'ii horotltor. Chuip i\enrilon : ItnU-H on nil Hn'lroada. ' ARD Mining and Milling Company. A'orklnirCapltil' Capital Hiock , iuoococ Par Value of Shares , 25CO ( . STOCK FULLYTAID UP AND KON-ASSESSABLE Vl Mines Located in BRAMBL MININGDISTRICT. . DM. j. I. THOMAS , President , Gumming Wyoming , WM. K. T1LTON , Vloa.Prefldont. Ouinmln , E N , HAHWOOD , fiocrotiry , Oummlni , Wyoming1 , A. 0. IjUNN , Tro < uier , Oumuilnif , Dr. J. I. Thonnj. Louis lllllor W. B. llramol. A. O. DUUL. V , Ilarwood. Francla Loavong. Oco. II. Kaloii. T , < mls 7.nm | i , , Dr. J. C. Watklna. moJJ Gm OKO.W. . Aililorlulwnt tot 8 Ia o ( Stilt n > ' " SHGRl LINE. _ f"Kyt 11 TUB CULT Direct LJJIG to ST. LOUIS ANDTIIEKAST Prom Oiuuhuand the Wool , A trains leave li. & M , Dojiot , Omaha ; Neb , Ho chingft o ( rrrn lutwrcn Onxtia mil 01. and lt ono hotwoon Ci'AHA lad NKW VOHII. Daily PassengerTraina ticumo AIL BAiniCUN AK1I WKSTKJ'.N OHire lh I-KB * iinN ADVAMtiKuf ( II > OTUCK MHKH Antlra Una It oquippail with utiinin'i F l 01 likening Car * , Palace lUyCoachoju'MII ir'f Btfoty I'latform and Coupler , ud the tAtfcnftf n oetlnjnouee Air-brake , * yhoo that your ticket read ) VIA nANUAi OlTt , UT. JOSBIMl < s COUNCIL IIW > MrfiK ll read , via III. Joerph and fit. Loulr. Tickets for Kin at all coupon itrtlrtif In th' Wtui J , V. HAimAJHO , 0. I AVYK3 , Uca. 8ui > t. , bt. Jor.epb , Kd A Oin Cam and Ticket Art. , St. Joseph , Uu. Alb ) JJounir ; , Ticket Aged 10. i" > ur.him ctrcot W. J.IUVKNI-OKT , ' ( fjiril Aceut , i i 1 . Sioux Uibj & THE SIOUX QITY Iluna a Molld Train 1 trough from Council Blufio to St. Pasl Without Ohanae Time. Only 17 Houra IT u 3LOCD M1LW ) TIIKblJOU'lKa / KOU'Jl mo OOUNOIL BLUFFS m n't , , uvivra and all point * In Northern Iowa , Mlnnr .ta tnt tHikoU. ThU line Id wiulppod with the Improv t1 WeetlnKboiua Automatlo Alr-Urako and UIJlc Platform Coupler tnd IluUor ! tnd for OPKKU. UAl'KTy AMU OOUlfOKX g urjaurpaaeod. Pullman Palace tiloeplng Oai run through WI1 1IOUT OIIANOK totvacn Kai niCltjf.ud Ht. Paul , via Couccll liluS * tbi * Jloui City. Tralnu Icavo t'nlcn Pacific Tranilcr at Gout , ll IlluHa , at I'M p. rn. dally on arrival of Kanon L'lty. Ht Josopli and Council JlluUd train froir the feotith. Arriving at Bloui City 11 : 6 p. in indat the New Unloa Depot at Ht. Paul at 1SW ; loon. FKIJ HOURS IH ADVAHOIi OF ANY OTfltt f n Bourn , THviutimbtr la tuklutf tbo Uloui City Koctt fou tot a Throuxh Train. Thu Bhoitoit Unit , .lie QulckiistTlmo and a Comfortable HUe la tin hrouk'h Carl Lctwoon COONCIf. ULUl'FH ANB ST. PAUL WBoBthut j our Tickets ) tutul via the "dloui itv and Poelfla UMlroiJ i H. WATTLK8 , . H. BUCHANAN Btiimrlntcnderit. Qea' Ptua. Afual P. E. ROUWrJOH , As 't Ocn'l Pajj. AJI'I. , Mluaourl Valley , Ja. W. E. DAV1B , Southwestern Agiut. Oouncl Uluffg Iowa J. P. ENGLISH , TORN / AT-L Sluth ThlrtoantU Stith w FOR CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. D8TBOIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEW YORK.BOSTON . , And all PoluU Eait andMouth-Eott. Till ! LINKCOMl'KIHKS Nearly 4,000 mllcH Solid Hruooth Steel Tracks All ccnucctlona nro nmilo III UNION DhPOTB. t hua a National Kopntatlon aa helni ; the reat Through Oar Line , grid la universally conceded to ho the FINEST EQUIPPED 1UIL read In ( ho world for nil claasea of trn > el. try It and you will flnd traveling a Inxurjr Instuid of a uUcouifort. Throuuh 'Pickets via rhls Celebrated Line foi Bale at all nlllcra In the Went. All Information about Hatoa o fue , Bleeping1 Car AcocmuioJatlons , Tltna Tables , tie. , will bo cheerfully Klvcn by appl'lnln < to T. J. POTTER , 2d Vlco-l'rou't & Qen. ManaKer.Cblcago , PERCIVAL LOWELU Don. Paencn , < [ er Act. Chlcoyo , W.J. DAVENPOIIT , Uon AKont , Conncll DluOa. .11.1' . DUELL , Ticket .Aft. morn-ed ly R. MfSDON , Gen'l ' Insurance Agent Pboonu ABHurauco Co. , of London , CushAsuctta . 5Sei,601.0 tVeutchoiuer , . Y. , Capital . 1,000,000.00 The Merchants , cf Newark , N , , , Capital . 1,276,000.0 Qlard Fire , Philadelphia , Capital. . . . 1,200,000.0 remcn'a Fund . . . . . . . . 1,239,915.0 tluh America Assurance Co . 1,600,000. Offlco , Hovil'B ' Ooara HoasB1 d. L. WILKIE , MANUFAOTUREllOF PAPER BOXES. R18 and 220 8. 14th St. kP m ' 108 fa