Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1882, Image 2
JL > JLJJ-J. JLIXOJ.1 JL-/U.X JL j WOJUJL XI J.UUV , , A TRIPLE EXECUTION , .That is , One Man Befog Hanged Three Times , The Horrible Taking Off of Thomas Egan at Sioux Falls. The Mnn'a Neck Said to Have Been Broken the First Time. The Rope tlmt Did the BnnqHiiR n Proiluotof Lincoln , This Stnto- Corrcspondrnco cf The Bee. Sioux FALLD. . , . T. , July 13 Thoniaa 1' nn wns hanged huru this morning for the inurdor of his wife , committed September 14 , 1880 , nnd for which ho was tried and convicted last December , being Kontencod to hnng on Jnnunry 13 , Ills counsel , however , got a stay of proceedings , and took the cano to the nupromu court on a motion for n now trial , which was overruled. Egnn was re- sentenced , to-day being the day But , and ho was killed by the machinery of the law in n horrible manner. The procession of dcnth consisted of a number of ofliclala and four Catholic priests , the condemned man follow ing them in charge of Sheriff Dickaon , of Canton. Egnn walked to the scaffold with an unfaltering stop , allowing no mgn of fear , and seemed entirely oblivi ous to the proceedings. The only time ho spoke after leaving the jail was to answer "No" to the ahcrill's inquiry if ho had any thing to aay. Jlis lips were constantly moving as if in prayer. At 0:30 : his arms and logs were pinioned and the black cap drawn over his head , and after the attending priest had rood the appropriate nor- vice , Sheriir Dickson sprung the trap. The body shot down through the opening , but to the horror of all be holders the rope broke , and the body struck the ground with u heavy and sickening thud. Exclamations of horror ror broke from the crowd of spectators at the aw fulsight. The attendants quickly picked him up , and , uttering fearful [ groans , ho was carried up to the platform. Two and a half minutes afterwards a now rope was adjusted about his neck and the trap was sprung , butono of the attendant B had hold of the rope , and instead of letting go , hunt ; on to it and lot the body down gradually , notwithstanding the cries of "Lut go ! " from the spectators. A second tinio ho was brought up and ulaced on the trap. This time SnurifT Dickson ordered them all to stand back , and sprang the trap fur the third time , completing the job. The drop was tivo and and a half foot. In nine minutes the physicians pronounced him dead , and in twenty- throe minutes ho was lowered into his coflin. An examination showed that his nock was broken by the first fall. The rope that brokoa three-eighths inch silk ono , was procured by Sheriff Dickson at Lincoln , Hob. , costing $9 , and was warranted to stand the re quired strain. It had just boon tested with an 180-pound sand bag , while Egnn weighed but J 75 pounds.EXTIM EXTIM , Wcathor. Nation nl Associated Press. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , July 15 , 1p.m. For the Missouri valley : Partly cloudy weather , with local rains , southerly winds , veering to colder nortwcstorly , rising preceded in the southern portion by tailing barometer. The changes in the rivers will bo slight. Parnoll niiil Davltt- .National Associated Press , "NEW YOUK , July 15. A special to 7110 Herald from London says Parnoll announces the Intention of going to the continent for the benefit of his health after the passage of the arrears bill. Before his departure ho will complete arrangements establishing an anti-eviction coimnilloo in Dublin to counteract the effect of the now coercion act. lip calculates on having seventy-eight reliable followers in the next parliament. Michael Dnvitt sailnd for Antwerp to-day on the steamship Ponnlund. M. ' Killed Ity a unmblor. National Attoclalcd I'nuo , CINCINNATI , July ID. Ym. Todd , an old man cf 1'ittsburg , was Mabbcd fatally by a faro gamb'ur ' in a Ohincea laundry this morning. Favor It Km Already. Nation * ) AmocUted i'rosr. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , July 15. A bill exempting Sherman from compul sory retirement at 04 , under the army appropriation bill , will bo introduced in the senate. Another Defaulter. National Associated 1'roM. CHICAGO , July 15. Ilobort F , Illchards , a clerk in the treasurer's oflico of the llock luland road , has mysteriously left the cily , Investiga tion of his oflico accounts reveal a de falcation , which , it ia stated , may reach $ -10,000. Ho was a well con- neotod young man , und was married only it month ago , the bride being a young lady from Now York. In a Bad Fix. National Associated Prow. SfiuHiiuito.Ohio , July ID. Gabriel Putnam , while out driving a horse and .buggy , sank in quicksand. Put- iiain'aunk up to his chin , when ho was rescued by being pried out with fence rails. Heir to an Immonto Sum. r National Associated I'rcei. BOSTON , Mass. , July 15. John Doyle , \Voodburn , Mass. , a laborer at $9 a week , has fallen heir to $100- 000 from a deceased cousin. R.o'bborjr and Murder. .VatloiislArgoclatvd Prces , ViuKsiiuua , Mi . , July 15. The house of A. Faraa was discovered to be Burning. Faras was found tied up in A sack , his wife lying dead onthofloo and partly burnt. Faros was released and stated that A party of masked moi and ono woman robbed him of $700 L'hon they killed his wife and fired the house. Rcilann.tlon of John Bright. National Aiuoci ted Press. LONDON , July 15. The resignation of John Bright haa been accepted , STATE JOTTINGS. 1'Awnee City had n $500 lira on tlia 10th. CrciKliton ha * Gl voters nntl wnnU to bo Incorporated. Central City Ims a library niwociatlon ol which It In proud. Considerable building la JSIng dona at Clorksvllle this nuintncr. Church Ifnwo In going to nut tip a $10- 000 hotel at Auburn. A Imil Btorm did considerable damage at [ [ actings on the lllh. A Goo 1 TomphiM lodge , iiG filnmfj , hud jcen organized at Crete. The Journal thinks I'lattimotith ought , o htuoa public library. The Mrnmc ! tratcrnlty , of Lincoln , nro . ( linking of building it temple , Fremont ban ] nir"hioil a road machine with to put Us ntreeta In order. A little daughter of Jamci Conlln , north of Went Point , w.ii scalded to death on the Otli. The Hamilton county farmers' club will mvii a harvest picnic near Aurora on Scp- ember 7th. II. C. Dally , a contractor , nald to bo rom Conn II lluir ! < . went out of I'awneo City SGOO ahead anil they mourn for him. I'awneo county children are progressive. A local paper tclla of ono two months old who utr.iycd Into a cornfield and wan loat 'or a time. The vacant land between Wymoro and Illuo Sprlngi li being laid of ! Into town otfl and teen the rlvnl towns will not know whore to draw tlio tllviillng lino. On the lltli , the barn of Win , Halm , on Spring creek , Johnson county , wan ntruck iy lightning mid burned with its contoritH , which wcro it valuable Htalllou nnd jack and five other hotBCH , Conductor ICoiipclljcrver , of the A. & N. division , WAR kilted at ' 1 ccuinneh on the Llth , wnllo Rwltchlii ) ; , llo fell between ionic loaded real cam , ntriking the track n tuch a manner that the wlicoln | jx jcd iver hin nock , completely covering bin ie d from his body. A child of Chrl Dureumun , 11 year olil , Ivlngjust across the line In 1'olk county , vlnlo jilnying around the mowing machine ast Ihurailay , wan accidentally caught md hud itf * foot cut off jimt above the ankle , horribly maiming it for life. Par- cntH Bhoii'd ' bo careful how thoyallowthclr children play nround ' mnchlnery. York 'ribuiio. Our exchangCH are nil making suggov limN now as to the proper thing to do fhcn you BCD a tornado coining. Dave ! rumbauxb , who wadoi the river when ho omo to town Instead of going round by he bridge , H y ho believes that If n man an get hla feet mnmroly planted in the liilckHand in the Loup , ho will stick , tor- ado or no tornado. Sherman County 'illlCB , The utar route to the west under the' new schedule , which wont into operation July Int. ia n daisy. The mail has to be carried Ir in hero to North 1'latto and ro- .urn in thrcoilayB , a distance , an truvclo 1 iy the mail cnrriud of about 180 nilloij. AH rot thcro ! R no regular carrier , the two , rjps already matlo having been nccoin- iliHhcd by two different men , neither of whimt deairoa repetition of their mall car rying experience. 1'lum Creek I'reHa. A young man by the name of Martin , Ivlng on Spriug creek mot with a sorioiw accident on the Fourth. ' Ho was loading 1 thirty-two Smith & Wo < ton revolver , loldlng the barrel with his left hand , and hat routing on hla thigh , when the pistol accidentally "went off , " and the ball hrough the left band , shattering it badly , and then through the thigh passing to tlio lower surface where the bull lodged. Tccuuisch Torchlight. OnurchoB ana Ministers. The M , K. canfcronco meets In Fremont la September. The CongrcKatlonnllsts of McCooh have organized into a soeloty. The M. 15. church nt North Plntto will soon ho ready to occupy. The Presbyterian church ? t NIobrara wns dedicated on the "it by Rev , Goo , L. Little. The UnltoJ Presbyterians at Liberty are dlecuEBlnt ; tlio pontlbllity of a church edifice nt nil early date. llov. Scott , of lloatrlcc , has moved his family to Teaumseh. lie will occupy the pulpit In the liaptlftt church. Tlio state Sunday school convention will bo hold nt Fremont Augu t 1,2 and 3. Over 200 delegates will bo present. Tlio MolhocHstH lit Loup City will mi- doubtodly b'tlltl a cliurcb at nn early date. Killer Lemon la agitntlmr. . the project. llov. lloHwell Foster , greenback cindl- late lor congress in tlio Dubiirtne ( In. ) district , used to bo a Congregational inin- Inter at Frouiont , The CongroijallonnllBts of Dorchester have an excellent offer of assistance to complete their church building , and it Is likely they will accept. Itov. . ) . H. Worloy anil wlfo were In town July -Ith vlHltlng friend * . Itov. Worley and his brother James , of 1'nl. myra , with tliolr wives start for Ban Francisco July 17. mid leave that city for Central China July 12'Jtli. Their many friends In this county anil elxowhcro hi tlio flttito wl h tliom a nloisant Journ y nnd safe return from their mliuluuary labo'n mming the Chinese. Syracuse Tlio 1'resbytcrlnm of Nlobrara ot up a strawberry festival cleared ? 35 by It. The Nlobtnrn News tolls how they did It ; "A Mr. Hunger , 0110 of the gentleiuen who ban been In tlio city for eouie time with several hundred head of cattle , cliilms that bo was very thabblly treated nt the strawberry fctt val lust 'Ihmeday evening , and U loud In liU denunciation of the nianageinout thorof. It appears that nt a rather late hour this goaieman went over to get a dish of ttrawberrles , and hamltd tliu caehler n (2 bank no'o In payment - ment for a ticket. Instead of returning the $1,75 duo Mr. Mungor , ho was given eight tickets , and iinon going to the table it was found that nil the ice creniu , cake and utrawtcrrloa bad disappeared , nnd the gentleman was $ 2 out. There were uov- oral other gentlemen swindled out of n few dollnrH , but this case represents the most barefaced robbery of the evening's transactions , " Matrimonial , 8 H. neu , 1) ) , & M. agent at D-rcliet- ter , WHS murilrd recently ttt thiit plate to Miss M. L. Marker. Nell Duncan and Miss L. M. FOBS , both of Alexandria , wcro married on the 6tb by Itev , J , Lewclllng , Mtu Hattle Dlanchard , formerly of Fro- inont , wan married recently to an Kpisco. pal clergyman at i'lno llldge Agensy , Da- kota. J. C. Gilbert and Anna Martin , of Clurkavllle , were married at Central City on the UtU by Judge McDonald. 'Shi MUIII'H the word ! Don't mention I ) , There was n wedding nt Fremont on the 14. in which Judge Murray spliced Haus Mum in to Anna Koclc , At NIobrara , July a , by llev. Goo. L. Little , of Omuhn , John W. Wood ami Mary Hello , daughter of lloii. U. F. Chamber * , KHJ , , nil of Niobrara , Miss Alice K. Dally , daughter of Hon. \ym. Dally , of 1'oru , and Alex , K. Uoudy , of I'awneo City , were married at Valley Farm , Neuiaha county , Tuesday , July Porucnul und Social. Judge I'ont returned to York on the ll'h with his family. Mm. Pout and the chil Cenek Dura , of Crete , has returnee from A trip to the old conntry. Mr * . J. Y , Woo'ls nnd BOD , of Schuyler , has gone to NOVA Scotia for the summer. M , H , Hlnmftn ha1) bcon Appointed chief of police at Fremont , vic Tom Wil son , removed , Ambtgunua McCook item in The India- nola Courier : "Mr. Dudek was ma rlef ! last week. He will open a shop in this place Boon. " drcn had been vIMting in Pennsylvania for several months , C. W. Price , who has been nlijht clerk itt the Commercial hotel in Lincoln for a year past , twk charge of the Windnor IIOUFC , at Sewnrd , July 1 Mr. Price ha > had nn experience of several years in the liotel bmineps and highly recommended , Mr. McC. rty is to bo congratulated on seuiring him. Mrs. Stunner , of S 'huyler , who ha * been visiting with her dutghtcr. Mrs , T 1 } 3rcwltt , of this city , left on Tuesday for n summer teport nn the coant of Maine to spend the heated Heamin , after which fhe will vlidt her old home and many acqtl tint- arcis in the Interior of the state. Tliat he may return to her Nebraska homo thli all with Improved health Is the earnt wish ) f her friends and The Kepublknn. [ Ulalr A surprise party of about thirty young adieu and gentlemen assembled at the residence ol A. J , Wright , ntMaplouood 'arm , Saturday evening , bringing mmic nnd refrcshmcnti with them , Mr , and Mrn. Cook and Mr. and Mrs , McKlnney uoro present , MIB , Cook presiding at the organ and Charley devoting himself exclu sively to lemonade nnd ice cream , Songs , Icclumatlons and dancing engaged the nerry party until half pa t eleven. Mr. iVhitney. who Is an excellent musician , md hii violin , and Mr. McKinney called ho quadrille * . Altogether it was n very ileasant affair , nnd will long bo reiricm- lerod by the hos and | ; irlu. [ Tccuinseh Chieftain. _ _ Tlio Iron Horso. The St. Paul & Omaha road have put on a refrigerator car. Iho foundation for the forty stall round louse at McCojk his been laid. The Arapahoe cut-off will eave about 35 nilcs of the distance between that place and Hastings , The nvorngo Umo made by the U. & M . r.ilns between Chicago and Denver is 33 rillcs and hours. An express mrsscnger in the northern > art of the state saw a pretty girl in a gar- Icn HH his train passed , and stood in the loorway to get a better view. A j ilt threw ilm our , but ho wasn't hurt , although the rain in alleged to have been running thirty niles i n hiiur. The messenger probably truck on hia head , which being soft , could ot bo hurt. The mall ( to Denver ) i * still carried upon ho old tr.iin , but wo understand in about wo weeks n mall car will be put on the ast truln nnd Iho mail transferred to it , 'his will greatly improve our mall fncili- ICH , saving two days time. The running imc of this train is about 30 miles nn hour though oho whoops it uti to forty If she ; otH behind. Orleans Sentinel , Jourunllatlc. The Crciuhton Kegulator expects to en- arge by the latter part ot the month. DIxon county in to have two now papers ono to be stalled at Ponca by Charles Ciplliucr ; nnd ono at Wakcliehl by Uoyd jeedom. And now the PCHOUS question it how nany Nebraska editors cm riisa § 50 each or himself , and another 550 for hin girl , to ; oou that cd'torlal excnruiou to the moun * alns , on the 18th. HattiiiRS Nobraakan. Schools and Schoolma'nms. The term of i ehool at Liberty was a long no , not closing till the llth. The echo > 1 oIlicerH and teachers of Fur- ms county mot at Beaver City August 23 .o nrrango for a uniformity of school books a the county. Prof. D , li. Stone has been employed as > rinulpal of the Teoumseh schools. Ho /111 ho assisted by Misses Florence and ilinnio Locke , Jennie ShenMan , Mis. 5ello C. Meyer and Mrs. A. L. SanJer- on. on.Misses Misses Mattie .Tudd nnd Mary Matte- on , formerly two of Pawnee county's fav- rite daughters , arrived at Pawnee City rom tin ir homo in Fargo , Dakota , on the Oth. They have been engaged in to ching n the Fargo Hchojl. and will spoud the summer vacation nt their homo. The school board of Plnttsmouth ballot ed seventy times for a teacher to fill the ilaco in the city schools vacated by the lecllnallon of Miss Josie McCoy of Ne- > ri'sVn City , who has accepted the position of principal of the Weeping Water schools , md finally adjourned without making the choice. The candidates were Misa Ursula Wilea and a Miss Melville of Steel City. Farm , Qftrdon nnd Orchard. A Niohrara man will make that town vecp. Ho has tw.j acres of onions. A Frontier county man sheared a six veek'rt old lamb and got two pounds of vool , A farmer in Iho neighborhood of Wv- core reports wheat averaging 35 bushels to .ho aero. .Tohmon county farmers who have cut heir wheat report it of far better quality bau for years. Most of it grades No , 1 , A alnglo head of common oats , nineteen lichen long , wax on exhibition at the store ) f Crutchor & Jones last Friday. IScaver City Time i. John Hughcti , the sheep man on Black- vood , haa linl.hed shearing. Tno clip nv- enitjed a little over 10 pounds per head , onio of the lleecea weighed 14 pounds. jiilbcrtson Sun , Laat fall Mr. Tyler received from Piano , 111. , aonio black walnuts , which ho planted , and as a result ho has now a fine grove of young trees. Walnut trees make n fine trove , nn I then In few yuara the timber hey would produce would make their cul ture most protitabK Hampton Journal. _ Mr. Samuel Hisey from Farmcra pro- .inol , reports crops looking well. He nay a 10 haa raised 117 lamba from 125 oweu , nl- hough the spring was n bad ono and he mil no experience. Wo think ho did well , ho wool and limbs are worth as much as ho old ( lock. Franklin Kcho. Wo forgot to mention the fact that H. iV. Fuy was raising his own "raw silk. " fo brought us in Home cocoona of various hades that have grown on hU mulberry rcea. Ho has a bushel or two in nil , that only neo-1 unwinding , and a little arrang- ng to make silk drodsei plenty In his fiun- Iy , York Republican. H. Sandh , an enterprising granger ot 3ola Creek precinct , biought to town jea- enlny , a Iniucli of oats that wcro just loading out , and the stalka are 5 feet , 2 nchoa long , The need Mr. Sandh Im- orted from Sweden and he estimate ! that ho yield will be over 100 bushels to the icro. J.oup City Times , Such wheat , btieh oats , such barley , such ye , such held * of luxuriant , deep grreii mlf-growu corn , ouch potatoes , such cab. > ago ; und in thort , such ciopa of grain and vegetables rf every description , were post. Ively never seen before by the very oldest nhablUnt. And also the grass of the hay moadowa correspond fully with everything elto in the macniliceut promise of Ita harv est. lirownvillo Advertiser. Nlnotjr-ulno Yuor * for Murdor. National Associated Press , MOUNT VJCIINON , III. , July 15. lliclmrd Sinkclair , who murdered John Huston in Opdko in 1880 , has joon oentencod to ninoty-nino years in the ponitontiary. Hornford'B Acid Fhotuhato i NKOESHITY , Du. 0. N , FILKS , Portland , Mo. , says ; "Of all the samples of medicine Rent mo during the past dozen years it is the only ono I hnvo over found which has become a necessity in my own household. " iullOd&wlw KIDNEY-WOPt HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURB for KIDNEY DISEASES. , Coai i l m baek or it disordered urine ] Indicate that you are * victim ? TIUEN CO . WOTIIZfllTATEl HJ XlDNEr.WOHT t p enc ( < lnis < rl t recommend 1H &n < l It trill E tffeAilr OTeroome the disease and rcetore % healthy Action to all theorcans. For complaint * peculiar and wcaknnwfi , KIDNEY-WORT U nnanr- pMedMltwill net promptly and Mfoly. Either Bex. Incontinence , retention of e } nrlno , brick dtui tor ropy dejxwltfl. nnd dull c 2 draggingpnuuallip cdUy yieldtoltaonr- ' tlvs power. < M ) X SOLDDTAttEntJOOISTg. Prleotl. It Is ( he concurrent testimony of the public and the medicinal pro'osslon that llottcttcr's ( jtom < ach Ililtcrsl a mcJIclno hlcli ch'o\ci ' rcsulU firecdlp ( clt , thorough and benign Itcdde reel- fjlnjf Incr disorder , U Im'goratcs ' thofcoblc , con- quern kidney and bladder rompialntp , nnd Ins- tent the convalescence of those iccoAcrlnjffrom enfeebling dl'ciscs JIorco\cr , It Is the grand specific for fu\cr and ajtio. For Bale by all druggists and dealers generally Jl teal GRAY'S SPECIFIC IrTIUJICINE TRADE MARK ? . 0rcatTlUDn dARK En lsh rem edy. Anun- lllnfr euro [ or Seminal Weakness , Spormator- rhca , Imnot- cncy , and all Dtecascsthat follow aa a _ . quenco of AFTER TASIFIQ. Solf-Alnno ; as Lota of Memory , Universal Lasel tudo , Fain tn the Dack , Dimness of Vision , Premature mature Old ARC , and rainy other Dlfcascg that load to Insanity or Consumption and Prema ture O ravo. jFJTFull particulars In our pamnhlot , which wo dcalro to send free I r mall to everyone. caTTho Spcclfl ( Medicine is zoM by all drug ) , ' 19 at ? 1 per package , or fl packc3 for 16 , or will bo sent free by mall on re < " Ipt'of the money , by addressing ) THE GRAY JE11ICINE CO. , Buffalo , N. Y. nr7me-r.od NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Cqro Quarnutocrl. Dr. K. 0. West 8 Ncrvo and liraTu Treatment Aspeclflcfor Hjitcili , Dizziness , Convulslona. Korfous IlcoiUcno , Mental Dcpreeslon , LOHUOI MemoryQpermatorrhow , Iinpotunay , Involuntary Emlselone , Premature Old AKO , caused by ovcr- oxortlon , golf-abuse , or over-indulgcnco. which loads to misery , decay and death. Ono box will euro recent cases. K.vh box containsonomonth's treatment. Quo dollar a box , or elx boxes for flvo dollars , sent by mall prepaid on receipt ot price. Wo guarantee six bores to euro any caso. With each order received U ; us for Biz boxes , ac- corapantod with & \ o dollars , will ocnJ the pur- chaacr our wrlttin guarantee to return the money U the treatment do' noted eta cure. C. F. Goodman , Dru < < ft , Sole , TVholcualo and rogul Agent , Ora h , Sob. OniTH by mall at KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. The Most Successful Remedy ever dlscov- rod , aa Itlacortaln In Its effects and di.cs not illster. READ PROOF UKL.OW. Also excellent or human flesh. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. Woahlngtcmllle , Ohio , June 17 , 1881. Dtt S. J. KKNDAH , 4 Co. : Oeuts Heading your ad' ertlsoment In Turf , Field and Farm , of your [ endaU'a Spavin Ciira , a d having a valuable nd speedy horao which had been lame from pavln for eighteen month * , I sent to you for rattle ty express , which In six weeks removed all lameness and enlargement and a largti splint rom another horse , and both horses are to-day aanound'aa coltd. The one bottle was worth to me Olio hundred , dollars. Respectfully cnn , tt. A. -EIOLBTT , II. D. Solid for Illustrate 1 circular giving positive proof. L'rlcol. All Druggists have It or can otltfor jou. Dr. B.J. Kendall li Co , Pro- > rletore , Enoaburgh Falls , Vt. GOLt > BY ALL DRUGQISrS. d-wly SYP'HILIS .In any stage Catarrh , ECZEMA , Old Sores , Plmplcu , BOILS , or iiny Skin Dinea rV- ! ' ' : \VJfl \ W Ourea Wlien Hot Springo UAVJKX , ARK. , May S. 1581 We have cased In onr own town wno lived at lot Spring ) , ind wore finally cured with S. 8. B , MnGAUMON A MCBKT , r YOU aoubt.come toaooua and \KWILL CUHK YOUU Oil charge nothing 11 Write foi tartlculara and cony of little Book o the Unfnrtunata HuBerln" 81.OOO Knvrara * " ' l > P w to oy hemlbt who will find , on analysis 100 rottlu 8. S. 3. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide Potw turn or any Mineral aubatance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Pro ) ) * , AtlauU Price of Small die , 11.00 Largo lice 81.76. Sold by KENNAHD DB03. ft CO d Pmifgl t limmrtll" _ PAST TIME I fn trolntr U ' Uko Uu UMcago& Northwest- ; Train ) leaxo Omaha 8.40 p. in. and 7:40 : a. in. For full informitlon call on II. I * . DUKIIL. lie- ; ct Agrnt. 14th and Farnam sU. J. 11KLIV , 1 > . Ullv > ay Depot , or at JAME8T.CLAHK. Oi-neral I011N HT1BL1K , ( BOUI BClMWr , Proaldcut. Vice 1'ron'l W. B. BiiBUin , Sec. and Troog. TEE NEBRASKA IMUFACTUEDIfi CO Lincoln , ITeb. .JIANUFAOTORKHS OF Oorn PlantorH , Hrrrowa.Fnrm Rollora HulUy Hay Ilnlcet ) . BUCKOC hiloyutlucr Wlndrallla , &c \vo are preptred tn ill Job work and mat u'ac- turliiR tor other parll , MAKUMOrUWKQ CO. Lincoln , Keb , If yon ruder from Uytpepsta , USD BUKDOCiv 'LOOD DITTER3. If you ate afnicta J with Rlllouanca ? , use BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If you ara prwtratcd with sick Hcadacho , take I1UIIDOCK DLOOD DITTEM f your Bowels are disordered , rcjulate them with DUIIUOCK f v ur Blood Is mpuro , purify It lth JJUIIDOCK BLOOD BITTEHS. f you ha 'c IndlRcstlon , you will nnd nn antidote n UUHDOCK IJLOOU IinTEllS. f you Are troubled with Spring Comphlntn , cr- adlcato them with UUHDOCK 11 LOOD lllTTEnS. ( your LUcrla torpid , restore Itto healthyactlon w Hh HUUDOCK BLOOD BITTEU3 f your Liver la affected , you will find a sure reiterative - iterative In BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTEI18. f jou have any apcclcs of Humor or Pimple , fall not to take BUKDOCK BLOOD HITTERS. f you have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curative remedy will bo found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and iltnlity tothesje- .em , nothlnir can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the 13 atcra with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. 'rice. ' ai.OO DOI ilottla ; Trial Bottlta 10 Oti FOSTER , MILBURN , & Do , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by lah & McMahon and C. F. Goodman Jo 27 oed > mo Disease la an elTcct , not a cause. Its origin Is within ; Its manifestations without. Hence , to euro the disease the CACgKniust bo reuioied , and tn no other way can a euro ever to cOccted. WARNER'S SAFEIUDNDY AND LIVER CURE la vstablUhed on Just ibis principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. of all diseases arlzo from deranged kidneys an liver , and It strikes at once at the root of the difficulty. The elements of which It Is composed act directly upon these great organs , both as a FOODnDd HCHTORKH , and , by placing them In a ocalthy , condition , drlvo disease and pain from the system. For the Innumerable troub'os caused by un healthy Kldnojs , LUer and Urinary Organs ; for the distressing Disordcrsof Women ; for Malaria , and physical derangements generally , this great rcrmdy haj no equal. litwaro of Impostors , im itations and concoctions said to bo just aa good. For Diabetes , as for W ARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CURE. tor ealo by nil dealers. H- "WARNER & CO. . mo Rochester N. Y- The Great Lnglish Eomedy Never falls to cuio Nervous Debility , Vi tal Exhaustion , Emis sions , Seminal Wcak- 008308,1,081 MAN HOOD , and all the etil effects of youth ful follies and exces ses. H stops perma nently all weakening. Im oluntary logji B and drains upon the eya- tern , the inevitable re sult of these evil prac tices , which arb so destructive to mind and body and make life miserable , often leading to Insani ty and death. It strengthens the Nones.Uraln , ( mcmor ) ( Blood , Muscles , Digestive nnd Rcpro- ductlioOrgana , It rcatorea to all the organic tunctlrna their former vigor and vitality , ma king life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , $3 a 'lottlo , or four times the quantity $10. Sent by express , secure from ohaertatlon , to any address , on receipt of price. No. 0. O. U. pent , except on receipt of $1 aa a guarantee , Letters ti- questing answers must lucloso stump. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills are thj best and cheapest dyspepsia and blllloue euro In the market. Sold by all druggists , Frico 60 cents. DB MiNTin'g KIDNKT RKURDT , NsraBTicuM , Curc'illl kind of Kidney and bladder complalnto , gonorrhea , gleet and leucorrhea. For eala oy all daugglata : jla hottic. F.NOL1SH MEDICAL INSTITUTE. 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by 0. F. GOODMAN. Jan 6-lv If you iron man of j. . , . duties molt' itliiiulant ain in Hop Bittern If jdu are j ot'np and ( iucittlou or dUMpa If > ounn mar rlcd or * tiiKK old or Ti uffi-rln frcf siosrhrnttb or IwiKuUn Inir on n txMl i ! < no * * ri-lr no Hop DltterA. Whiter you am. 1 hnjiAAUQfr ote A. * whenever jou feel nuuli ? roiu siirsi tlmt your form ot Y : u n e ) that * ueetli ck dlsr&ne mlKli o\e Ix'pnprevi'litert II.K or i without ft r tliiioly utoor take Hop Hcptitter * Oil" O , I. O In &Q ivbsclutv and Irreilbta- ble c u r e lot UruiiWennoa * a i of ujiius ; , You will be tftUaooo. \ > ' cured If you vie a&rcotlc * . Hop Bitten If yoaaretlia- Sold by dnig t.lT wi'ak end luwtHlrltcJ.try it i It mny e uv o your llfe > . It hns auved To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Or. J. B , Simpson's Specific II It a poitlvecmo | for tipermatoiihoa , Semlna Vi'ucknce ! . Impotency , and all dlecaee rceulUng from Soll-Akiutf , an McaUl Anxiety , Loaai , ; 1'alns lu the Back or Bide , and dUeuet that lead to Consumption * 3& * [ a j ? - ' ---s Insanity an , f ' /j3 $ ! , w.\ The early Specific gra re M"1 - " . ' . * fi > Medklno It IA'I ; < " H fif } , f beluj used r - , jj t /V 5iSI t wlth wonder- & 1V > r P > 5SJx 'u ' as . _ j cu.tffrga Jgrxai l pamu-bleti tanfiiev to all. Wilto for them cad cct roll par- llcukn. Price , SrtclSc , $1.00 par package , or ill pack , tgea for JS.OO. Addron all orders to D. HIMSON 11ED1CINK CO. Nos. 104 and 108 Main St. Buffalo , N. T. Bolt In Omaha by 0. F. Uaodnun , J. W. Boll , J , K. lib , and all Jniftt3cmywhere. I I > dkw W.D. MILLAKD. F. li , JOHNSON MILLARD & 'JOHNSON ' , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STEEET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED Agents for Peek & Banners Lard , and Wilhor Mills Floor' ' OMAHA , - - - NEB REFERENCES' OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOUNSON & CO. . TOOTLE MAUL & CO. cr. cr. ZBiRO wisr : &s o o Soots and OMAHA , HE8. O. IF1. G-OOIDIMI.A.IDsr , DBUGS , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. 42TAnyone contemplating building , or any other line will flndlt to their ad vantage to corns end with m before purchasing their Plato Glass. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - NEB. iff1 , o. 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha. N .h Tl -WHOLESALE On River Bank , Bet. Farnharn. and Douglas Sts. , DEALERS US Fire and Burglar Proo O CS 3EBZ 1020 FarnhanrvStreet , &CO. , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Beat Brands of GI&AES MB lAMJlGTEED TOBACCO. Agents for BENWDDD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO. HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AKl ) HKTAIL DKALEB IN R Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , nr. : : , BLINDS , MOLDIHGS , LIME , CEMENT JW8TATB AQKIU FOB UILWAUKEK CEMENT OOltPANYl Near Union Pacific Depot. - - OMAHA NB B IPOWBB AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , HK , BTIM * .r. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS Cor , Fare am and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.