Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Pri lav Moraine July 14.
Wontior Kcport.
I The follow injj obcervatlnn *
the canio momint of time hi all tlie atatit
nftVVAn DKrAnuinxT , IT. 8. SioNAt-Sra.
vies , OMAHA , .July 13,18S2. ( li > .rii.tii.
Illver 12 feet 0 Inches abate bw water mark.
Ti.cro . is another Blight rise in the IS !
The steamer Wyoming will arrive i
Omaha on Sunday , bound ( or St. Louis.
"In the Coils , or the Doming Cot
lllct , " for sale nt Seaman's and the "Ai :
Ten can of cattle , 210hcnt ] , belnngin
to 8. Mayhny , of Ognllala , ( muted throng
the city Wednesday en route cant.
The Union I'noiHe ticket oflico tn I )
opcno 1 up in the Miltnrd Hotel next we ? '
will Lo in charge of lion , K. 1C. Long.
The Academy of Mwio closes on Sun
"day tilght for the season , lo reopen In ;
thott time with new fnccs nntt nttractlone
Consulting Engineer Cook is in tin
city to ho present at I ho letting of the con
tract for completing the storage rencrvolrn
Mr. A. L. Strong is putting up tin
first hydraulic pnBecnger elevator In thi
city , nt the government headquarter
building , on Tenth onrt 1'aromn oticelH.
Julius Thiele , nH inleil by the Bavar
ian band , will give n , grand open air fre <
concert on Capitol Hill on Saturday even
ing from 0 to 7 o'clock.
Mr. John D. Cowie , manager of tin
lioftton dry goods Htore , will start wee'
-Saturday for Lake Mlnuctonka fern coupli
of weeks of recreation.
A complaint hm been Clod ngaino1
ono Henry Warren , charged with assault
ing a little colored girl and otherwise dla
turblug the peace.
A capias was i-micd by Judge Ucncki
yo-tenlny for Kd Curtis , who fulled to ap
pear and nnnwer to the charge nf assault
ing Annlo Adams. 13olh colored.
The removal of the 1'axton & Galla
, Rher Block lias been comp otcd and thi
linn i < now In ono of the beat ntul mos
convenient headqiiarterH in the city.
Anicrlcui Legion of Honor committee !
picnic will meet to-day ut 7:30 : p
in. at Toft' * cigar Htore. Allarorcqueitti
to bo vrcftent , as ImilncsB of Importune
will come before you.
A woman from some of the countr
precincts who was taken to Ht , Joneph'
liospttal a few daya ngo , to undergo a uur
glcal operation for the removal of n tumor
< lied last night from Its effects.
A couple of bogiiH Hewer contractor )
swindled a joung farm laborer out of $3 !
tin Tucfldoy by hiring him to work und re
quiting the cash ns n guarantee of portna-
noncy. The victim went to work and the
confidence men departed emlling.
If the young coloml gentleman whc
is K > fond of making love in clone prox <
imlty to the li. & M. headquarters wouUl
bo n little le s | ubllo in bin amatory dem <
onstrationR , the 1) ) . & M , clcrku wnuli
have 1cm opportunities of gratifying the ! )
nqulsltlvo proclIvitiuH.
A dlxpatch wan received from Kansai
City Wednesday , Baying that tlicir clut
would vl It Onmln nnd play the U , ! ' . '
At the U. 1' . hn > o ball park , Saturday ,
July ? 2d , 'I liu Kaiman City "loy " Imvc
the reputation of being good bull playern ,
and n tlofo and exciting ; ( nmo la expeoto'l. '
" West" left UIs-
The tu inier "Key -
inarck on the ( Uli for the vouth. The
1'ilhuno nays : "With this cnft there will
go out of the river the oldoit steamboat
man ou ( ho uuper MUuouriwo mean tlm
oldest In coiitlniiance of nervloo. The
date of Caut. Jcilm T. dil'n apiniirauce ou
the upj > er lllg Muddy is anterior to the
Coulsoui' , or any of the oilier upper river
bo BOS. "
There la n spec of war In the direction
of thu fira department , as well as In the
more remote counciln of the land of tha
lotus , Hanlou 1'asha claims that Mou-
ilny night's election Is Illegal , but Hunt
I'asha's men cluiui that Hunlon I'onha'a
iniulster of finance will turn over the con'
tents of the treanury to them , The Papll-
llon Thnei in a leading editorial depre
cates forolfii Intervention.
The lIontlngH Hwls received a formal
challenge from the U , 1' . nine of Omaha ,
la t Monday , to play n gamu of hall in the
latter city. The lleds , In their present
condition , do not deem it expedient to ac
cept. They will , however , later iu the
* ummr , Wo will nay right here that
they Mill nut know their ( rue worth uulena
they tad.le uomo rther than those lnexie- (
tlenced country iiliieu. Nebrwukan.
8. A , Dellore was iiutd 8'il ftud cost *
liy Judge lieneko for afiaaultlug a woman
with a rake , wounding her on the hand
And Lead ,
No relatives appeared to claim the re-
tnalni of 8am Htevonai n , the colored man
who died at the hcspital WeJntidAy , It
it probable that lid Mends among his own
race will ralKe a nuin cvll'iclent to gve | him
a respectable burial ,
A > uau mined John Johanncu was
Arreite'l ye tcnl y on the charge of
bteailtig 621 in cosh from n Ulwrtr nt the
Jiuieltfug wurlcB. The money was found
concealed In lib elicoi nd ho wan com
mitted to { all to await an examination to-
Atibernacle lUfetiiigcomuieiiceod lut
night at "Goodman1 * Grove , " corner of
Tenth und VorcMLtieeti. It will bo an
undenominational mettlui' , for the con-
vernloii of tinner * nnd taiicttlication of be
lievers. Everybody invited. Her. Harry
May , of JIannlbfcl , Mo. , in chaigo of
M * * " ax I " . M f K I f 4
An Intoxicated Celt Tries
Push Him in a Sewer
Ditch ,
Tbo Ohinaman Belted in
Head with a Brick.
With Kmfo and Pistol the Colcet
Searches for Qoro.
A very exciting though ludicro
Bonsation occurcd on l.'HIi Btrcot o
pusito Hcllman's block about 10
m yesterday , which drew a crowd
two or three thousand to the spot.
The leadingnclqrawbro Jaa. Conga
nn Irishman who had iakott too mai
drops of "mountain dew" , and L-J J
Yung , a Chincno laundryman , who
wash houao ia on Harnoy ntroet nc
Twelfth. A ( loop ditch 1ms been di
at the entrance of the alloy along sit
of Martin Kennedy's oaloon , and tl
Chinatniin , who wan passing byBtopm
a moment to look into the mysterioi
a depths. Ho wasmiddonly atartlod I
push from behind which nonrly landi
him at the bottom of tlio pi' , but 1
Havcd himself by an ngilo Imp whit
brought him to terra lirnm < m the n ;
poaito aido. Hin assailant not salt
lied with the result of hia little jok
wont up * the alloy and got a coupl
of atones or brieka with which ho fo
lowed John around the corner towat
Farnam street , and firing ono at ii
retreating form hit him in tlio back <
the head and knocked him down.
This was too much for th
Mongolian blood and Lo I
Yung whipped out a murdoroi
looking knife , and Blood at bay for
moment and then was about to ai
sump the offensive and carve up hi
Msatlant , when Mr Tallon sprang be
twcon them at the risk of his own lif
ind separated thorn. The half "pat
ilj7.od" man who had started the ai
fray was hustled out of sight , througl
Uullmun's back way , and was soon es
: orted to juil by Oflicor Gorman
i'ung loft the scene of the oncounto
> n a d ad run , swearing vengeance ,
ind returned in a momun
vith a huge derringer , the muzzle o
vhioh waa up his nlcovo , and the but
lecidcdly conspicuous , as it rested ii
.hu palm of hia hand. On arriving a
.ho opposite of the street Irom th
mmmibled crowd , ho howled ou i
iorcu challenge to his adversary t
jomo forth , and with a volley o
ihoroughly American oaths and epi
-hots oli'jrrd tu kill him on sight. A
; here was no respunto John crossoi
; ho street and eagerly scannoi
-ho crowd for a nigh
) f the fellow ho hud no doubt madi
ip hia mind to kill , but of course dii
not oeo him. When warned that h
would bo pulled by the police if In
lid not look out , ho expreoscd a con
; empt for the police or jail , and sai <
! ip din't cure ; all ho wanted WAB tt
till hia man.
Oflicuro Jucobson and Donahoo ap
Beared on the scene linally. and Johi
torgot his dignity and took to his heels
[ nuking a bco line for homo fol
lowed by the whole crowd o
inon and boya. The oflicora were thor
in an instant after , but the heathen
with the deftness peculiar tc hia race
liid the revolver BO that all aoarcl
Failed to discover any deadly weapon
.vhilo . the proprietor of the housi
ookod utterly surprised that In
ihould bo suspected of oven knowinj
) f the existing of such n thing. Fail
ng to find the pistol or knife , the ]
opk the Ohinaman himself tc
ail , aurronndod by a genuine Omalii
itropt mob , John were an air n ,
tolid indiUorcnco which ho kept ut
ifter his arrival at the jailor's oflico ,
) n being searched nothing was fount
nit a complete assortment of was ! :
ickots ) buttons and similar article *
looosmiry to the trade.
The nymputhy of the crowd was ap-
> arontly with Lo Hi Yung , and nu
mo was hoard to find fault with hie
ightoous indignation , while it WIM
rue that Gorigan assaulted him when
n a condition that made him scarcely
csponsiblo for what ho did. All nd-
uitted that but for Mr. Tallon'i
imoly and plucky interference n
iloody murder would liavo boon com-
uittod then and thoro.
Indu from the wild flowers of the
. ia thu moat fragrant ot perfumes.
lanufAotured by II. U. Slavon , San
'ranoisco. For Halo in Omaha by W.
. Wlutuhouso and Kennato Bros , '
; Co.
The Qrout TurouKh Lino.
On and nftor Monday July 3rd ,
rains will run between Omaha , Bt.
osuph , Atchison , Leavenworth ,
[ luimia City , nnd all points in Toxaa ,
t Louia and thu east ua follows :
Leave Oinnhu at 7:10 n. m. , and
.DC p , m. daily , Omaha timo. Oloso
inncctioiiH made with all eastern ,
Juthorn and southwoKtern roads at all
f the nbovo mentioned points. Pull-
mn sloopore on night trains. For
( formation and tickets apply to J ,
ULL , Ticket Agent U. P depot.
0. II. FOOTK , Oily Ticket Agent or
. V. OuowK , City Paaaongor Agont.
The Musical Union orchestra went
'er to Council Bluira yeitorday tu
vo BOino Bflcctloim ou the occasion of the
lebratlon of the m rriuj'o of Mr. War-
ill to Alln8 JCverctt. After the cvreaiony
in be4in coimuuiuiatutl the lin ] > ] iy coupla
ve for Jupm , where Mr , Wurdell has
bt recoiveil u lucrative anpulntuient.
liey will carry with them the good wishes
a larue circle of frloiiJs.
Surprise Party.
Wednosdiiy sovornl meinbora of
10 Victoria society , anl their hua-
aids , repaired to the residence of HI ,
, Ciuleton , on Howard street , to
vo their nreaident , Mr . Oarleton , n
lurpriso , " Several other frienda of
o family emiiu also , for the samopur-
ito and ( ho result of thia gathering
10 n very pleasant party. It waa the
lattsea1 birthday , and an intimate
iund had whispered to her in the
oniing that it would bo well for her
bo "at homo" in the evening ,
iking thu hint eho prepared on elu-
nt imppor which was nerved at 10
slock to the company , after which
L 1 a ? 1 I _
. _
_ _ _ „ _
_ .
the numerous testimonial Rppropris
for the occasion which WITO receiv
by Mrs. 0 , from those present ai
from abtent frirnda wcro discuaac
At an early hour the guestn doparte
each exproMng thcinanlvos aa havii
Bp utntH-jr enjoyable evening , ai
wishing their hostess many returns
the day. Among the lady gucsl
( marriud ) , was ono who , tliittccnyun
ago was a pupil of thohoat and hoatci
Mr. Carlo to n having been princif
and Mrs. C. preceptress of the fiche
where the lady then roaidod with h
One of the Firat Fruits of tt
Wovemenfc AfjainBt Houtes
of Ill-Fame.
A Mnn'a Slinll Proof Aunlnst a 4
Cnllbro Ball
A little frncan occurred at the roc
louao on Eighteenth street , opposii
1'ort Omaha , lant night , whicli wi
within an ncu of end ing in thu dual
of ono of the parlies. The parti
ulars were not known in town until
ate hour , when the affair became tli
on cation of the evening.
Since the movement against th
touflca of ill fatno on Twelft
trcut there htui been a gut
ral resort by the inmates the
ho various "road houses , " wilie
s predicted , Inwo become moro Hub'
o disturbance.1 ! than weru liny of th
lagnios in "hell's half-.icrc. " Yestoi
ay afturnnon there wai n genor.i
xodus by the demi-moiulo for thus
CBOrts , and among othnr
who wont out waa Mh :
onnio Dickinson , who manage
lie boat "gilt cdgi"houso on Twelft ]
Lroet. Pete Ituah , a mumbur of thi
porting fraternity , was spending hi :
ftornoon at the eamo placu
t appears that ho has beet
( layng ) for the position of Mia :
) ickinaon'a solid mnn , with tel
rablo auccoaa , and that there hat
con some lover's quarrel , for whicl
o gave her a lively turning ever dur
ng the afternoon , and the misunder
.anding was then patched up.
There was also at the road house ii :
ucation a man named Ilnmlin , in-
it'ctor for the Western Horao anc
attlo Insurance compiny , win
ivas himself comfortably elevated bj
Irink. Hamlin desired to treat tlu
: rowd , and Miss Jennie declined U
kink , whereupon ho play fully slapped
icr in the fnco. Rush saw a good
ihanco to make himself more solu ]
ind drew a revolver on Ilamlin , who ,
t is claimed , had roaac inovfinciil
is if to draw hia weapon , though it in
illcgod that ho had left ii
an dor the pillow at Mies
Dickinson's houso. A sporting man
iiunod llocera , who waa present ,
iried to got llush out of the rooih , but
10 insisted on having n fair chance.
Uogors told him that ho would giire
din a fair chance if the worst came to
the worst , but an ho was standing biv
twoen them ho , Rush , could not well
jo hurt. Rush , however , pulled his
revolver , -14.calibre , and pointing it
jvor Rogers' fihauldor , fired at Ham
lin. The latter had thrown up hie
left arm in front of his face , and the
jail passed through the cuff of
lis coat , cutting a orescent shaped
lolo in it. It then struck Hamlin on
ho left side of the forehead , and pass-
up through the door , lodged in the
lountor in the bar room.
Ilamliu is oaid to bo not seriously
lurt though it was a narrow escape
torn death , and remained at the road
louse all night. Rush was induced
o return to the city without further
lomonstration against his adversary ,
.rid was playing "tho bank" at mid-
light as coolly as if nothing had hap-
loned ,
It is probnblo that the principals in
ho parly will bo arrested , but if not
ho case allows that the recent order
f the city council is calculated to ro-
toro the condition of affairs which ex
ited hero t < vulvo or fifteen years
go , when it vras feared a vigilance
ommittuo would bo nccoEaary , and
rhon the p aton of the churches wont
0 the councilmen and besought them
D rescind their orders and restore the
armor order of things.
The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex-
Bluior Roof Paint , " was patented May
4th , 1881 , and letters patent num >
er 241 , 803. Any person found or
nown to tamper with the manu-
icluro of said paint will bo punish.
1 to the full extent of law. No perm -
m has any authority whatever to soil
jceipta. HAWTHOUN & Buo. ,
Lancaster , Pa.
Search of Four Years Ends In
tbo Criminal at Last.
A man by the namo'of J , U , F.
arris was arrested at the Hudson
ivor house , on Tenth street , last
ght , on the strength of n tulo-
am received from John T Norris ,
well-known Ohio detective , aont
om Kansas City , giving a dosorip-
on of the party wanted. The charge
as that of having committed rape on
little girl four years old in Ohio
iur years ago. Norria was at once
rtitiod of the arrest by telegraph ,
id ho sent a reply which resulted
i the urreat of a second
an , who looked very much like the
iminal , but after a clone oxamina-
on it turned out that the second
ian nrrestod was thu ono wanted , und
at Harris , Hirria was accordingly
iBcliarued. It appears that quito a
iward is offered for the arrest of thu
iminal , and Norris will arrive this
orniiit' to claim the man for whom
> haa boon uuajohing for the past
ur years.
llKIHUNO/H Ituaaia Salve incetn with
jndei fill kucccan in all canes of Skin dU.
e. Try it.
Chosen FrlonilB.
All inoinbera of Eiceleior council
a. 1 , 0. 0 , F , , ate requested to at-
d a epooial mooting to bo held on
mday , July 10 , at 2 o'clock p. m. ,
arp. There is business of Import-
Co to attend to , Uy order of the
I t t Jt * I I t * T * f * A aH A *
The Colorado Press Aeaoc
tion on It9 Travels.
An Enfjlieh Railroadbr Cri
cieoa Arnericnn Cus
The Oregon Short JLlno Making
the Sen ,
The members of the Colorado Pn
Association , who loft Denver Tuced
evening for an excursion lo Chica
via the now 13. & M. Extension a
the Chicago , liurlington & Quitu
crossed the river nt Plattsmou
last evening. Tlio party occupied t' '
sloopera which wcro attached to '
outgoing express on the U , , 13. < t
at the Junction Wednesday making
train of twelve coaches , ono of t
largest that hns gene east from t
Missouri river fur some time. Tin
were in the excursion party six
nowapapor men , including Govern
Pitkin. The list of touriatn VM
follows :
O. H. Rothackor , Denver Tribun
John Atkins , Mrs. 11 Uorbowcr , Da
vor News ; II. 13. JolIYies , Mrs. U. . '
Jeffries , unattached ; E. D. Cowe
city editor of the Tribune ; E. !
Stovonn , Colorado Springs Ropubli
II. M. Rhonda , Mrs. A. Rhonda , T
Cup Banner ; R. II. Tilnoy , Mra. 1
H. Tilney , Boulder Banner ; R. J
Stovonaon , Mra. R. M. Stovonao
unattached ; F. 0. Dickonshooto , Mi
Helen Cooper , Denver Ropublica
H. 0. Killinga , Mrs. H. 0. Billim-
Denver Evening World ; P. A LPOI
ird , Mrs. Leonard , Buorio Via ;
rinicB ; H. Russell , Miss Paddocl
3t. Elmo Mountaineer ; S. W. She ]
ird , Denver Times ; James Torronc
Evening Journal ; F. W. Tompkin
I'oncha Springs Herald ; 1
It. Wood , special corroaponden
M. J. Spaulding , Dillon Entcrpnai
3. 0. llolbrook , Unattached ; AI
! loborla , Misa Whitoman , Montroi
Hessongorj E P. Slado , Mra. Tutth
Vlma Bulletin ; E. Wilder , Mias Wi
lor , Boulder News-Courier ; M. J
3ochran , Mrs. M. J. Cochran , Buen
ft'sta Herald ; A. B. Johnson , Mi. '
f. Ballard , O.iitie Rock Journal ; I
J. Clini1 , J. 0. Cline , Leadvillo Proas
D. M. Hawkins , Miss Hawkins , Fan
) Iay Flume ; G. G. Withers , 1'uubl
/hiuftain ; J. Kollar , Mrs. J Kellai
Jroat West ; II. A. French , Creole
iun ; E. J. Carver , Greo'.oy Tribune
r. A. Cheoloy , Evans Journal ; J. II
Jarkoy , MrJ H. Barkey , Grca
Vest ; J. B. Bruner , unattached
amen Hoyle , M rs. James Hoylc
Joulder News ; R. H. Whitney , Jr.
Jmvorsity Portfolio ; J. R. Ivos , Min
ag Review ; Will L Visschor , Hello
Ion. Geo. G. Darrow , honorary mom
or ; Frank Babcock.
Mr. A. V. H. Carpenter , genera
iissonger agent of the Milwaukee iS
t. Paul , eaya ho does not expect tha
! io Council Bluff * extension of hii
oad will bo open for panaenger busi
oas before September 1st , as it is thi
itontion of the company to liavo thi
aad-bed well ballasted and Iho track
i first-clasa order before altomptinj
o do a largo traffic over the now line
Vhoii the line ia open Mr. Cirpontei
lys it will bo equal in every respec
) any of the lines between Chicagi
nd Omaha.
A member of the patty who accom
aniod the Duke of Sutherland to thu
juntry and passed through Omuh :
ist seuBon has since his return toEng
ind written n book , the contents o
hich are a sketch of the journoj
irough America. The book is t
amphlet of seventy paces , written bj
leorgu P. Noelo , Superintendent ol
10 London & Northwestern , Some
f the oketchea are quito interesting.
Mr. Neolo Bays : "Somo of the ex-
resaions ueod in America in connec-
on with railway appliances aropucu-
ar. " In allowing the "peculiarity"
ludod to ho at the sumo time funi <
lies the corresponding English term
ir the Bumo moaning as follows :
"A railway station is called a depot
pronounced doop-o.
"A bank engine is called a 'helper'
'pusher. '
"Diamond crossings are called
ro s. ' Sleepersi are called 'ties. '
"An engine driver ia called an 'on-
' "
"Tho marahalling of trains is apnkon
' ' "
aa 'switohing.
"A level crossing ia called a 'cross-
g at grado.'i"
"Tho gacor of platolaycra is called
o 'track foreman. ' "
"Tho expressions 'bogio' and 'cow-
tcher' are not American , The for-
ur is called the 'truck' and the l.U-
' ' "
r tho'pilot.
"Tho extent to which puffing an-
mncemonta are made by the rail-
\ya is remarkable. The American
no table ? , in thu shr.pi ) called 'fold-
s , are to bo mot with at all ho
ls , containing exaggerated notiiicv-
nia of the advantages of ouch line ,
mo calling attention to the excel-
icios of thplr roads , sumo tu the
auty of their eeenory ; ono eapocially
rects attention to tlui liberal supply
their dining car tables , nnnounciiii ;
nt 'tho equari-at of s < iuaro moHlV
11 bo obtained on the lino. Pcrliujis
u most boaatful ia that of thu Ilun-
jal i\r Sc. Joseph line , vhioh
os ita louto ua the 'Old Roliublo !
ways on Time1" !
TuMiiorrow the up-town ticket oflico
the M msouri P.icifio will bo opened
the now Ptiiton hotel , presided
ur by Ticket Agnt Footo.
1' ] . P. llipley , general tralllo mana-
p of the U. B. it Q. railway , came
this city laat evening und had a
'ifurunco ' with Gunrrul Freight
; ont Yiaing of the Union Pacific
Mr. 0 , S , Stebbins , general ticket
Jilt of the Union Pacific , informs
meeting lines that ho haa arranged
ill the luuiaas City , St. Joe & Coun-
lilull's to redeem the coupons ,
uncil BlnUa to Omaha , of tickets
nu eastern pointa to Omaha proper
it may bo honored nn the now line
that company via Plattsmouth , but
: sn coupons should bo reported to
) Union Pacific company by the is-
ng road. Chicago Tribune ,
riiu truck of the Oregon Short line
3eing pushed forward from ( 'ranger '
at as fast as it eau bo well done ,
the material ties , rails , fish bara ,
I * 11 ! i 1 * a *
_ _ . . _ _ _ . '
bolts , spikes , etc. are taken to
front by train loads , and then the c
are forced forward with an eng
placed at the rear. On one tide
this train n chute or trough with n
era placed crosswnja ia attached ,
that men on the the train can aonc
strain of tins and rails to the front
long aa there ia any of tlioio nrtic
left on the cars. Men at the frc
take thcao and put down the tra
one length of rah nt a time , when t
train is immediately sent back ov
that rail , ready for another. St
only men will , with thia arratif
mont , put the track down
the rate of ono milo
moro per day. The road reached
point 104 miloa wcit of Granger yi
terday. This portion of the ro
is standard guago. Soda Spiin
will bo reached in August , T
company ia now out five miles on t
now route ot the Utah & Norther
which ia being changed so as to g
out of the M'inh Vulley , which ovc
Howe. Work ia { ' > " I ! ° '
along that portion of tlio road und
aradu contracts between Soi
Springs and Poc.itello , and also fro
buyoiid Sualto River at Americ ;
Falls , ivcstward. Grador.i have :
ready begun work on the Wood Riv
extension from the main line up
near Ketclnim Wo understand th
all freight for Wood River haa bo (
ordered to go via American Falls li
stead of Blackfoot , 30 that there ia
prospect that the various terminus
along the road will bo lively pine
for the next few months. Salt Lil
M'r. Francis Chandler , general pa
songor and ticket of the Miaaou
Pacific railway , arrived in this oil
yesterday , and will remain n day i
two , looking after the affiira of tl
now road.
Mr. H. 0. Townaend , general pa
songer agent of the Wabaih Railwa ;
and George W. Clayton , general tra'
olmg agent of the same road nrrivt
in the city yesterday. From thorn
ia learned that the propose
fast mail line between No
Yoik and San Francisc
haa probably turned out aa THE BE
predicted , in nothing but wind. ]
appears that the government enl
oflored ono dollar per mile for carrj
ing the mail , with no remuneratio
for the return trip , which would mak
it equal to fifty cents a milo for th
round trip , which would bo no adr
quato pay for the extra expense. I
is also doubtful if any f.iat mail wii
bo put on oven between Chicago am
New York
J. T. Wiesman , of Lincoln , la at th
T. T. O'Connor , of Ireland , is at th
> eigiton. !
A. M. Sloan , of "Neligh , id a Creiahtoi
louse guest.
J. W. Barnes , of PlattBmouth , ia at th
II. C. Bruner , of Mareugo , Iowa , ia a
ho Metropolitan.
W. H. Slovens , of Camp CanCeld , Neb.
3 at the hotel Canfield.
Frank Graves haa returned from an ex
.ended visit to the east.
William Hintets , of Helena , Montana
a at the Metropolitan ,
Rev. Diffenbaclfjr and wife , of Loui *
'ille ' , Nob. , ore at the Caufield.
E. N. dearie , A. H. Bradley and J. A.
Secter , of North 1'latte , are at the Crei h'
John H. Tmnlln and P. Kodenhaua and
on , of Nebraska City , are Creighton
louse guests.
Geo. KJgerton , W. D. Crandall and R.
ii. Din mao , of Plattsmouth , are Canfield
louse K'leats.
Leander Gerrord , of Colambus , an act-
ire aspirant for congressional honors in thu
"hi d district , ia nt the Metropolitan.
Fred Fuller , of Fullerton ; A. W. Ilia
jg , of llisina'a ; John Drake , of Crestonj
r. S. Bloclgett , of Stewart ; nro Jletrj-
lolitan guostn.
Mra. Craig and child , Beatrice ; i : If.
! hrlr , W. C. Molten , A. Cailotter nnd D ,
S. Ilttiman , of Itlnir , are guedta of mluo
oat Donovan , of the Crei hton.
Miasea .Tessio and Julia Findley , nnd W.
' , I'aliner , of Atlantic ; Clms. H. Schnltz ,
f Shelbvi D. A. Williams , of Hirlan ; J.
1. Harvey , N. * ' . Chamtierlin , T , Jones ,
'red Williams and Joa Gouts , of Creaton ,
ro Iowa's representative ) at tha Canfield
B. B. Tussey , John ? rt. Hisran an I A. B.
leeon , wife and child , of Ilastln a ; J ,
'ixon ' Avery and J , W. Love , of Fre
out ; V. 0. Klayg and John 0. ISonuer ,
1 Lincoln ; K. E. Day , of South Bend ;
, K Hr iwn , of Syracuse ; J , Hnther.
nil , of Sl'lnny and i' . W. K.ley , of Ktd
! ou 1 , ara union } ; Uii N'jbr.ukmn at the
Array Ordon * .
The following are the Itteit orioni
sued J'r.-in the department ot thu
Intto :
In compli.mco with proviaidiiH con-
lined in purauraph 2 , special ordora
o 155 , current sorier , A. G O. ,
ummusary Sergeants Rochus Schol-
vi , now at Fort Fetteriuun , Wyo , ,
' .ippohto Guatowski , now at Ohoy-
mo depot , Wyo , and Daniel liar-
ur , nun * at Fort Dougloa , Utah , are
siieved from duty in thia depart-
In compliance withiiifttructions from
adquuners military division of the
[ iasouri , doted July 8 , 1882 , Firot
ioutenant George B , Davis , Fifth
ivalry , is df tailed to inspect 1,700-
)0 ) Ibs. of flour for the Rosebud and
ino Ridge amended , which will To
slivered at Long 1'ine , Nob. , during
LO current fiscal year.
All proper expenses incurred by the
Bpector will bo borne by the Indian
lice upon presentation of vouchers
Recruit William Nuzum , enliated at
jrt Omaha , Nob. , ia assigned to
oop E , Fifth cavalry , and will bent
nt to his station on the first favor-
tlo opportunity.
Chas , Whitney haa declined a fine
'er from the Detroit * , preferring to re-
ain iu Omaha.
Don't forgot these cheap Fruit Jars
id Crockery ware at Win. Gentle-
NOTICE Advertisement lo Loan , For , ;
Lout , found , Want * Bonrdlne , Ac. , will b <
ncrtcd In thc-so column * enc < for TEN CEl
pel llnoi oic-b subseqncnl Insertion , FIVECffi
per ltn . The Cm In-crtlou norer less t
- chatt'e mo.tRage
curlly. A U Tu tin , olllco of Uri- [
Montgomery , over Omaha Nation * ! built. TOM
ONCT TO LOAN Call at l , w Oiccs of
M L. ThoeiM Kojm B Creizhton Block.
"vy'"AI B
§ 250,000 ( treat In BUmf.ot 12,500 i
upwards , tct a to 5 yean , on flrrt-clMs clly i
firm property , nuns RML Esrin ind Li
AntTrr. ISth and IViwhs 8t
ANTED MiHiIno hMi'ls. Apply nt On
w i _ shirt l'a ory. 1207 Fun.mmn-ot.
AN experience g'rl wanted. In fatnll/
two , liy ilrs. K'limrd , lOtu onil i odi
u rnnnorSncdc pro'ctred. 700-14
. - girl nt Mcrrlts Ittrtitiirn
WANTF.D-A . 70014
) ANTED -30 men 'o' ralii u 1 > v nk.
Jl-llt llth street , i
tOENT3 WANllt-A ! few energetic mi
/t uuilncMlion-rnbloiUHl p y peed , to go
worlcrs. AdJruai WM. M. UOYHlt ,
7JM6 ( ( 1' . 0. lux 10 , < 'nialuN (
Fhe hundr d laliorcn foruc
on Ch'cairo SHuiou & fat. Paul K.
Steady work nil ( even. W gei 8 > ,60 per ill
Apply nt Knjnccr'a oillc ' , loom B. K\ctft
h ock , Council U ufTs. K. O. MUKSE , re dc
ciigiiiccr. juno23-ll
Twa or II rcc mms MI tiMi > I
WANTED . H otilcc. ildnsa LII. V rl
Bee ollke. 6DO-II
) Ten teams to work onlorcn
Cut-Olf. Wares S3 50 per day
877-tf MIlHUKbLVr
I l\\ \ MES WANT. D At r.otciico Cut-0
l\l\l nine nllc ii rth rf O.i ha.V ,
81.76 per day. HITCH UM , VINCENT.
W"ANTED Situation by jouiu man In
proce y utore or to laku ciio o nor i s
pilvxto family. Qjod icfcrcine given. Addrc
t' . S. i to olllco. 707 19
rn\VO Danish girls watitn pace Inn pit n
L family. Itqulro at tlio dinudlna\laii Hot
llth sirsot. 768-13'
SOBER steady man \\Islics n permanent sit
o Ion. dnv n < uain i r irroccry dtlixiry
acniial tcJ In Hty , good hnbita and rcfercnc
Address M llco olllcc. 7BI-16t
SUIT li ON * "Hilt Uy n joui'gman ' In
ir.jato fmnlj ; u id in carp cf horn
kiid\Ml.lii | > to duaiiy Lloil oi work. Ad re n 1
203 North lith. ( l. 7 0-3
Vy ANTED-A Jltu-itlon hy a Q'.lui , t c i il
V min , uii cr tind ihu mre o hoists a
; o 8 nnd work aliout the houev Aficusa lint
Barnl. 014 IQih street 7j4. < 3
WANTKD Situation t > > n midd o nged lid
a-is Hs'ady In soms rejpuct.lilu il.cec
: u luesorHiauia'caa at solno hop Applvc 17th nnd I' , u.-lan. 741 ; 13 }
WASTRD Situation wanted by n < n luma
ot oxporlcrce , ascl-rlc In siuio tllco o
w bol-keeper hn re Ived a t-jlogiato cduci
Ion Addiu s C. V. at IKo olllco. 739 13f
WAXTl'.D Enplojjrent liya ynunjman I
grocery stort. H. MaNNWE bK ,
' 33-if llth sticet , near Farnam
WANTED A tltuation hy a youni ; man , -nil
ppsat-s Enuliih and ( Icrmun , in store 1
\HI tillo imko himself gcna.Ul > ueolul. Ad
Iresi I'.L.Z IHoollUc. 6bi-17f
| TEAMSWANlED-To ork on the o7e
gen Blurt Lino. Wncos $5.00 per day
11 ktne : , iicarFarnam.
ITtrANTED EDO privy vau.ts , sinks nd ccs
VV pool * to clean with Sanitary Vault an <
link Cleaner , the best In use. A. Evans & Co.
celdence 1EOO Doil e utroci , Omah > .
rjlOIl KENT lw > furnlshoJ ro nu a 1 mm1
C Apply 1711 ( 'lilcaif i sircct. 2t
nill REST Nicjy furr.lshcdr om. Addres
'J D. care J. I. Mchol. 7C5-tf
[ 7(011 ( U1JST Kuroibhod room with board
L1 modern Improkcnvints , a few tablu i o rden
in bo accommodated , at 1718 Ucdjo a'rett.
FTIOR KSNT Ammtl > hm o o' thico rooms
[ J Ajiply toA. Pattertoii , Juweler. 70J-16
7On Hn.N'T A good new tfs rv m io-.ta/c , or
J 1'iri Mil'nva. pply to John W. Hell nt
ru ttot * , t" ) 10th btriict. 7i3 tl
7O i ltiVT Oord furnl hod rojm.tor cr 18th
J n-d at. iary'ia > . 743-T8"
TIOIl K.VT Front lii'nlu' room for goutlo-
J nun , 1721 CawBlitet
7IO S KENT A htnd-onuly furnldtd front
J room. Inquire 1711 Ch cage tt. 7531& ] |
7(011 ( U"NT Niatly fun I rc-1 front room.
siltnbla for to gentlemen , t blocks
iuth-outu | < lmell House. No. 1107 Howard
I'wicn ' 11th aud 1 th btr.ttn. lent SlOpcr
out ) . : G tl
710U KENT Tlirea good houseIn dlnVrant
J p rt of the city. I ) , h Thonuii , ruom 9.
icighton b clt. 7.15-17
7IOH KENT Hoii'o with furniture far i-ah- .
? Inquiio ai ia < J tlouglaa otirct. juy-tl
71011TUIXT Two detlrablo fur l-hed ro m > .
I tVrner IStlianJ bt. waiy's-ve. 71i-il
I KUHNIbllU-'frantroont' ) let , nlthb aid ,
\ for Uo gentlemen or ina a .d wife , a 12
ilfnrnlattrtet , JIHJl A. IIALI. . ) , ,
" 'UK HI'VT Twn new sovrn rawnd co'tn o1 ,
K * * , wftttr , and ojry hlngt-jmpcto pplv
T. 0 lllvUvNI.H'.S tote 7IH-1I
. 'Olt HUH' UvtlnMv m Meno-nf tin r , 1119 ,
N. i. urnr of 18 li and ' . .
irj ii \eien for l > us > n et. ply to 1' I ) .
u | > , HU Ifcr am no- , 71S-U
HUN Tli ma s oiy Flo m > tti , good
cuJ'ttr tUvi r & 3 M'lbibl- r urtccry
coiiiinMon ImliKSi. FIxUiriw I r ulo. 117
IStlntr ti , un-'t
flOll ItCNT Two I l.-o y fur- I hrl routh rms
1 rrwoi able pil.-m , : OU CUM , > t tct. ali-t
POIl IlKfjT \ 7 r. rm homo nd i H'aTl
> tkbleo-i Conv nt B r ct. nrar ht. iliry'a
inuc. Kent 8SP.CO p r month. Ci iulra of
nktr Ilroihcrj , giutllco. CUvlf
J10II KKST A nlcolr furnlBheJ loom ; 1015
1 Cfalcajo fet.
_ flgaf
1011 UEN f Hoarding hm well furnish d.
1 Inquire 103 10th BtiLCt , al-o 3 rooms at thu
rncrot 12tli nnd Douglas elrcoi. luiulroou
tml in. _
TINK llOUSi : ? FOU IIKNT Sraill and largo ,
1 twn to t cho nxj caclj ; ono or two new
ia lth all modern comoUeicei. Ono of 12
Dins , suitable lor lirardlui : and room rei tlpv ,
th and Dougljuj f ii. I1KMH , Auci t ,
| ui3-it 16th and Ioul bts
UIE'T.OWEFAUM II U < JKM-t > ' | thBOftrrei
. o ( land bHi-itlfjUy healed on Cumin at ,
Jit distance wut i f Milltuy Lrldijo , and
rline , lIKjIlS' ,
J21-U /Rcrt , inth ard Dou.-lM BU.
1V/O PI ItNlSHKu uoutn rooms for rent. 0.
W. corner 19th and Uavcn | > ott. SOC-tf
1OH > iNI Four r rin > uit&ble for man
1 and wife , comer 16th > nd Izard etiect.
10U KENT Cottiiif , fix 10-mi , iiorlhwcit
coiner IAteiiiort | and < llli. 709M
10H UK.Vr T o new dnelllrgi , handy to the
btrict lar , $25per monlli. ate M , 0. Mc- J
on , No. 161 * Dou-tlmstrict. j'lO-lt
IOH KENT Furnlihed front room with board.
W)3 ) North J7th t. _ 031 U
IOU RENT FuTcUhod rootu , 17M Pou lu
Blteut. 1'JJ.if '
1011 REfjr lli < a tly fumlihel room , ' iff
South 17th ( tract , one door noith of Douz.
: 860 tl
IOU RENT. THO now clfgunt house i. ln-
iulre at I'stersoa't cotbiuc a ore , ncir If
POR llEJJT-On July l t , brick Itoro , with Of
without c ll r. Ir quire at Drug Sicre , cor.
net 10th nd Douglas t .
.10K IIKNT S fntnientjU rcoias ovtr tit
chants' Rtchang ) , N. Tl . - . irth ni Dods
nr ta. < _ < y.f
) K KUHT Nicely : urni n u oonw witn „
without bo rJ. ReManibl * prln . 2018
Foil \LE-An 18 curat gold vntch at nearly
one thirdcest. llaio f o on haul. AI | .
"H. C. " Bco odlcc. 7CI-1EBH (
f'ORSALG Aonc-h rso cxprpis waprn for
silc or tr Jo far a horio at Solomons.
70S 15
FOR HAI.B A ( Ic'lFabln "diVrt's nff nvo Tn
dejk to li t tihced Iu I'axtaa Uotil Aprlr 10 , Jacobs Ulock. 740-14t
OB BALK A jnn of lleht horneg both
. , ' ! n."ril5 S < "in nn I wtllbroko , na thftt Hdy
or child can drUo them , cither single or double.
wlllstll ncm luth or fcpirato , ful'ableforphae-
on or Inay's tadcle hoise. Addrc ti R. K U. this
office. 74i-tf
OK lx8ards7aTiirKli che p
Muttbosi'dby l to ( Aunut corncrlOth
am ! rictco sttcct Gottlieb Klrtrhncr. 728-15
OOIISALK-lOl.OOO bdik H. J. gnxe. Opera
1 ; H U.obloik. 72t-ld *
T710R SALE-Saw mill , T. Mutray. 07Mf
1710R SAM At a bu tln-nlcfly arranged
.1 ; now 10 roomtlwtl iiuIth b th ref m and
water ; Imn , lurgo lot , ilndo trem , jilca'ant and
a cc > Mblfl Iccalloi , avtiy ditlralilu house. Ad-
diti-s K. (1 llih olllcc. Ito-tf
IjiOll SAT.K I'lno bungj- and Inrncsa c ic p.
JD A. Ho j > e,1610DoJio. tu29tt
IX ItEAUTlKUIj I.OIS-W\160 ( foot e.ichln
Ian ! com ljlaco on itrctt cir lino. IJtst lolfl
In nholo nddltton on > cry caiv t rmiandatn
BreAt liargaln. llRMM'a cnt , 16lh and Doiidas
I7IOR SALK A citlnffo ol tlirte roonn north
Jj iKouf Nicholas betwiun IMh a d Iflih.
Icqul -within. . (4 ( 2-tf ) DAVID OKNTUY.
§ llAkUAix , one hrno brick liou-o , LIU ) ono
go frame house , with full 1 1 01 Cass nonlDlh
tro. t. Flue eh mco for invi tnient , rent , ( r 878
per month. CM for full particular , on
609 tl Agent , 16th vd Doiulis sts.
FOR SALE. Team. H rnefsand non. ; In-
qulro tt Doron Hcmu Kornnm St. 5b8-tl
OTKI KOIl aAIK. The Aillngton llouso
First c ass ; all furnished Tin only hotel
In town. The choapoit pronorty In the state.
Haan'l the traveling nun. Will bo told cheap on
terns to tult. Rnqulro of E Kiille , prjpilctor ,
Arllcgton , Washlngtui county , Neb. 0)3 ! ) tt
FOR SALE Horse , bu > gy and Inrne 8. Ap
ply nt Stcphcnson' * L'apxjl a\cnuo L-arn.
l.tOU SAut , ItcBtaura t tin a will tr.vclcd
2S1-H Itlh utre t , near rarnam.
FOIl BALK The POL'UL.Ul IlOfKIj , known
as the BOYS' HOiHB. This hoimo In cen
trally locaUd , has BOU h and eatt front , and IB
surrounded wthflnofhado trees ; cent Inathlrty
s ccplng rcom , has ho bon-'D. laundry , cumplo
room , &c. Hn-ia world do rcniuiilnr and a
better patronjgo ihan mi y hoiisci of t'Ui'i ) its
capacity. Prko 5,000 * or | taiticni rh d
drew , A. A. HAWDEY , Hed Cloud , nib.
" 17)01' ) BALK Qi will tro Mi fa lor Uman * . ys .
I.xrcy , an h"orov HIos of ; v * Kjjod-
ini ; n sUlton en U. ) > I. I. M. ] lfPAt' 1S
tanift li I
ClOJfAUUT , 433 Tenth ( Jtrnot , between Ffttnim
mdllHinov. Will , with the tld uf RU&rdlan
plrifp. obtain ( or auy oaflnpbnco at the pnal
mil proent , aad on certain conditions in the fa.
nro. BootiftcdehoeaViKJa lo irdor. Poift *
- '
. ' fa s * $ ys
This powder nc\or varies. A m r tl ot u
' , strength and wholesom nesi. Moro ecjno
! . . "lin the ofUnary kinds , and cannot bo
ild In competition with the multitude o ( ow
, short weight , alum or phonphato powilcra
Sold only In eana. UOVAI , HAKIMI I'owixH Co. .
fl W f Vnw VnrV
J1W [ : ci
works ,
General Uodertakers ,
HotFnriinni uud JDonclncu
Metallic , Wood and Cloth Covered
natantly on hand. Orders from the ountry
Helled , tnd pronu t'v attrndiul m i\i
" "
V. "B"6 E H L
Mauufic'urtrof the
Mio dow kll kinds rt machln at an
> riior Oth and Farnaia Stroota ,
iunnlii ; water-rxpoilenced teacher coolest
ice In lie citj- size of basin , 6bx35-depth ol
# ' ° ' ? "d 3 'cel 'riccs--casn llcket
. ,
00fl ; i > elathj jl.Oi ; BI1ie | ( ( utl | , 25ccnts
jo towos , bathing trunks and dr iwlnfroomB !
, Prop' , .
_ Jis-8m
ladguartera ofjiiB Literati ,
he Cheapest , Latest and choicest cell tlon
In the U tit.
Oaah paid for Socond-Hand Uooka
exchanged for new ,