Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
I'nb'irbod every morning , eic pt BnneU ;
he un.r Monday womlng dMly ,
On * ysar . $10.00 I Thtea Months. W. <
Bli Months o.OO I One . . U
iHK WEEKLY BEK , published e-
ty Wednesday.
On Year. . $2,00 I Three Months. , f
c. . . . 1.00 1 One s . . 5
or Ncw de lers In the United Slates ,
l t' n relntin to New * und Editorial mal
ere nhnuM be addrr m d to the EMTOB o
Tinf.r. .
tctt it ftnd UcmltUticei nhonld be ft'l
dre-vtsd to TUB OMAHA 1'tmufliiiNO COM
fANT , OMAHA. Draft * , Check * nnd Tout
.ffice Ordorit to bo toado payable to tin
tder of the Company
BEE PUBMINB 00 , , Props ,
F.i nOHETVATER. Editor.
RnpnMlonn fttntn Convention'
The republican Mectors of the ulato ol
Nehriwkii lira hereby called to send dele'
gatcn from the HC vernl counties to meet In
Btate convention nt Omaluon Wednesday ,
September 2 Ith , A. D. , 1882 , nt 7 o'clock
p. in , , for the purport * of placing In noml-
nation cat dldatei for the following named
ollccviz ( :
Governor , Heutcnant-Kovcrnor , secretary
of Hate , auditor , treasurer. nttortiov-gcn-
cral , commissioner of public lands and
Imlliltngi , superintendent of tmblic InRtruc-
tlon ,
And to transact nucn other miRincM an
may properly come tuforo the convention.
The reveral counties arc entitled to rot ) .
rei < entativr8 In the ntnto convention nfl
followp , hBcd upon the vote cant for Inane
L'owcrp , , In 1881 , for regent of tlionUto
university : Qlvlngone ( ) delegate to each
one hundred nnd tilty ( IfX ) ) voten , and one
delegate for the fraction of nevcDty-fiYO
(70) ( ) vote * or orer ; alfo i no delegate at
IBTPP for P PI nronntye-l rnunly. _
It IB rvcoriiineuiletl :
Flret. Tlmtno proxies bo ndinlttod tc
the convention , except Mich as ore held bj
per tons residing In the counties fron
which the proxies are given.
Second. That no delegate shall roproacnl
tn absent member of his dtlegation , unlesi
ho be clothed with authority from thi
county convention , or la in possession o
proxies from n-gularly elected delegate
thereof. J All EH W. DAWEB ,
Chairman ,
JOHN STKKN , Secretary.
LINCOLN , Neb. , July 0,1882.
JOHN BULL uweara ho will carry the
war into Africa.
Fx-OoNTiNOKNT Congressman Tal
O'Hawoa lias told Iho congrcnsional
comtnitteo wlmt ho knows about the
cuusiis of Nubnxbka.
SOME idea of the Ainorican travo ]
to Europe at this Bcaaon of the ybai
can ho had from the fact that ah
atcainahipa sailed on the 8th inatanl
from Now York with a list of G0 (
Baton passengers , besides a stoorogi
coinplomont. This is ( jood for a slngli
How they bang the cannon am
vwang the lyre about that "gruutosi
sea ii ht. on record" in front of th <
Egyptian forts.Vliat was that iighl
to Farrogul'a runnini ; the gauntlet o !
the forts on the Mississippi , or tlu
Dght of the union float in its cmri ! |
on Fort Sutntor , and its Hanking sup
ports I
Mil. IloHKWATKit may have forgotten
that Mr. Majors a his candidat :
for oQiigrcea two years ngo. HeimUi-
Not at all. As between Majon
and Valentino , TUB HKI : would sup
port Mujora uvory time , nnd as between
twoon Majors and Church IIovvo , wi
ahoi'ld not hesitate to give Majors tlu
MIHSODUI is entitled to $2DO,00 (
war claims , and Secretary Folgor hat
ilio draft ready , Governor Orittendon
will probably consult the pardoned
gamblers and Frank James os to the
place whore it can do the most good.
That old confederate democratic ma
jority is the stone which poor old
Missouri has to roll up the hill every
election to her everlasting trouble
and discomfort.
Oiw dispatches from Washington
announce a change of department
commanders. General Howard is to
relieve General Crook as commander
of the department of the
PJatto , and General Crook is
ordered to Arizona , whuro ho
will bo engaged in aotivo duty in sup *
pressing the hostile Apaches. General -
oral Crook is thu most successful In-
Jinn fighter in the army , and thu is
doubtless the reason why ho has been
designated to relieve General \Yilcox
in the campaign against the Apaches.
The change will cause much regret
among the citizens of Nebraska and
NYyqniiDg , nnd especially right hero in
Omaha where General Crook has inado
so many warm friends.
The retreat of Arab ! Boy And hi
army from Alexandria to the Egyptia
atrokghcld near Cairo , although doubl
less foreseen among the possibilities !
will force A halt in the British prc
Admiral Seymour bombarded Aloj
nntlria nftor a peremptory demand fo
an unconditional aurrendor , to re
tnliato for the massacre of Uritis'
for the British flR. Fnrtho
subjects , to check Iho hoslil
demonstrations of the Egypliai
army , and to enforce rospcc
than that ho haa no authority
Ho haa a von god the murder of Brit
ish subjects and the insult to his flag
and now must await and cannot pur
sue the insurgents unless the groa
powora , and especially Turkey , ehal
rtqucst England to continue the war ,
complete the conquest and either oc
oupy Egyptian territory with British
troops or reinstate the khcdivo. The
projected destruction of the Sue ?
canal by n dotatchcd force of Arab !
Boy's army ia not likely to provo n
BUCCCBS , fis long as the British war
vessels command the approaches of
the canal to UH entire length.
The sudden closing of the canal
by the British may , however , com
plicate the relations between England
and other European nations. The
SUCK canal 1ms boon rocognizcd as n
neutral waterway that is to be open at
all times to the ships of all nations ,
and when England took forcible pos
session she did so at the risk of invit
ing a general European war. The
whole civilized world will watch the
progress of events in Egypt with
great anxiety for the next few days.
Cahlo advices from the scat of war
in Efjypt announce the complete de
struction cf Alexandria by explosives
thrown into the city by the British
; hot , and the firing of buildings by
[ honnny of Arabi Bey btforo its r4-
, reat. The ancient city of Alexandria ,
'oundcd 3 U B. 0. , by Alexander the
Glrcat , wnn located twelve miles
west of one of the mouths of the
Nile. It extended a distance of fifteen
miles from the Mediterranean on the
north to Lake Mnreotia on the south.
The principal thoroughfare was 200
feet wide and ninny miles in length.
This street was lined with magnifi
cent houses , temples and public
buildings , the most noted of which
was the palace of the Ptolemye.
To give ati idea of the magnificence
of the city * it1 need only bo stated that
the Caliph Omar , on its capture A. D.
040 , boasted that ho had taken a city
containing four thousand palaces ,
4,000 baths and 400 theatres and
places of amusement. The building
o ( Cairo in iG9 ) , and the discovery of
the route via the Capo of Good Hope ,
brought about a general decline ol
commerce , and little was again hoard
of the city until the present century.
The modern Alexandria stands on
what was the island of Pharos ,
now a peninsula. The prin
cipal government buildings arc
on the peninsula. The ancient
city was situated on the muin land nd-
jacont to the modern town and the
extent of the ruins that still exist at
test its former groatnces. Formerly
Alexandria was surrounded by a
strong turrettod wall with extensive
outworks , but a portion of these walls
hud boon destroyed to make way for
public improvement ) ) . In the modern
Alexandria the stroeta , especially the
Turkish quarters , were narrow ,
irregular and filthy , and the
houses ill built. The quartoi
inhabited by Europeans was in much
butter condition. Among the prin
cipal public buildings nro the palacu of
the pasha , the naval arsenal , custom
house , bourse , two theaters and a
number ut mosques , churches , con
vents , etc. Of the ancioht city vary
little remains visible. Among the
best known relics were Oleopartra'a
Needles and Pompoy'u Pillar.
Sincn the completion of the Suez
canal Alexandria has been the center
of steam communication between
Kuropo and India , und assumed quito
an importance ,
At one time the ancient city of
Alexandria contained C00000 inhabi
tants. At the beginning of this cen
tury the number did not exceed
0,000. In 182D this had increased to
10,000 ; in 1810 to 00,000 , and at the
last census in 1871 the population is
put down at 20'JC02 , of whom nearly
54,000 were foreigners. If the ratio
of increase h&a kept up during the
last ton years Alexandria must have
contained over 300,000 before the
bombardment , of whom two-thirds at
least must have boon natives and
Arabs. It would be impossible to
conceive the Buffering of a population
that is BO suddenly driven out by
shot , shell and fire , nor can an esti
mate bo formed now as to the num
ber who perished by the bombardment -
bardmont and the missacro that
followed it. It ia certainly
u terribly destructive struggle in
which another bloody chapter haa
been added to the history ot u city
ihut has witnessed the rise and fall of
empires and boon the scene of con *
quests and triumphs of some of the
greatest military horooa of the world.
WE have purposely refrained from
inculpating Congressman Valentino in
the iufmous fraud through which the
attempt was made to secure a seat in
congress for an additional representa
from Nebraska , because wo di
not bolioyo that gentleman capable o
being & party to an act which , if ex
posed , would call for hU prompt ox
pulaion from congress. Informatioi
of the most reliable cha.rao.tcr roachei
us yesterday that Mr. Valentino him
self was the principal victim of tha
outrageous imposition'a fact that w <
hope ho will make plain in cortaii
quarters in Washington without needless
loss delay. Jfcrald.
It is too bad that Mr. Valentin' '
should bo the principal victim of tha
outrageous imposition , Valentine
who backs Dr. Schwonck as an hones
man , would of course bo horrified a
the idea of palming off a bogus state
mcnt about our census on congress
According to Valontino'a clerk , Dr
Schwonck was sent to Lincoln ox
prcssly "to induce Secretary Alexan
dcr to draw a certificate , so that il
would appear affirmatively that the
bogim census returns were taken it :
When Valentino wanta to putthrougl ;
an honest job ho always flolects Dr
Jchwonck. But why did not Vulcn
ino , who has represented Nubroskn
n congress three years , detect the
raud before ho presented those bogus
documents to congress ? Ho certainly
snow , or ought to have known , that
ho population of Nebraska in 187i
was not double the national census re-
urns of 1870. Ho had boon rehears-
ng the points of every conceivable
claim for contingent congressmen
or two years bcforo ho presented the
> ogus rotuin that Dr. Schwonck had
> rought on to Washington. Ho
hould not bo allowed to plead the
iaby act now and claim that ho was
ho victim of an outrageous impost-
ion , which , in fact , ho hud helped to
oncoct , and sought to carry through
Wo know thut the Herald ia very
nxioua to help Mr. Valentino out of
lis sad plicht. It may succeed in
ullitig the wool ever the eyes of some
omocratic members of congress by
eprcsonting Valodtino as an out-
aged victim , when ho is notoriously
ap.iblo of perpetrating any imposition
o servo his political ends. It will
iko a good deal of explaining to make
Valentino's constituents boliuvo that
o was engaged in an honest deal
hen ho know that Dr. Schwonck was
elected for the errand.
The vote at all the primaries in
loorgia show distinctly the election
f Alexander Stephana oa governor.
This ought to clean the dust off the
yea of the adminiatration and all re
publicans as to the real character of
ho independent movement in the
outhern states. It ia the hardest
hing in the world to make the north
properly understand the south. They
lover did before the war until the hot
shot that broke the flagstaff at Sum-
.or woke them. It ia just like this
now about the independent party
; lioro. The Muhona movement
and KB success was n great
misfortune to the republican
party in the country , not in its simple
'net , but in ita influences. Mahono
cd the country to believe that there
waa a largo liberal element in the
democratic party that would be strong
enough to prefect the negro vote nnd
republican elector in general at the
palls , provided that the republican
vote was cast to put them in power ,
and the administration would give it
all the federal patronage. In other
words , the Muhono movement was
merely a Bchomo by which certain
ambitious democrats would agree to
accept all the republican vote , all the
offices , federal and state , and to pay
for this the protection of'tho republi
can in hia bare right to put in his bal
lot and have it counted for a liberal
instead of a Bourbon democrat.
It was simply a confession that
the republican party could not pro
tect ita vote ia the south and had to
buy enough democrats to give him
that protection And oven with this
price , Virginia is the only state whore
the trade waa effected and there Ma
hone haa boon recently beaten. Geor
gia waa the next ntato and the admin-
istruti in relied on Stephens who re
ceived the most touching demonstra
tions of republican sympathy around
hia semi-occasional death bed ,
This time ho not only goes homo to
rest in the G overnor's chair , but ho
kills the independent movement.
There is one reflection that ought
to settle this matter forever in the
public mind. Of what service is any
independent movement in any South-
Btato that doea not carry that state for
the republican ticket in a general
election i Has it over done that , and
will it ever do sol Does oven Mahono
promise that ) 'Wait and see. All
this encouragement of so-ovlloil inde
pendence ia just trilling with the right
to voto. Of course it should bo en
couraged for iU own sake , but the
way to protect the republican majority
in the South is to protect it.
The independent movement of the
Mahone order has come to Ita ex
pected end in South Carolina. Maj ,
Ij. W. U Blair had for some time
been orgonizing an independent movement -
mont on the greenback doctrine , and
was to have been its candidate for
governor this fall.
At the coroner's inquest at Caraden ,
South Carolina , on thu 7th inst. , Dr.
A. A. Moore te tified as follows :
"I examined the dead body of Maj ,
L. W. U. Blair , and found tivo bullet
wounds. One shot passed through
the heart , fracturing the fifth rib.
Another passed through the stomach
A third passed through the lower lob
of the right lung , fracturing the eight !
rib. The fourth passed under thi
right shoulder blade , and the fiftl
ft as in the loft cido. Thesn wound ;
caused the death of M&j , Blair. "
Maj. Blair was a gallant confederate
ate soldier , and had been a domocral
until ho dared to disagree with the
Bourbons and raise the standard ol
independent political opinion ,
Mit. SrniNOEK , of Illinois , haa *
kind of chattel mortgage with the
clause of possession in it , in his Dis
trict , It matures every two years ,
and all ho has to do is to foreclose.
Is there no way of inducing him tc
quit ?
Compliments of "Tho London Tlmos"
on the Miitoilul Progress of
the United States.
I nJon Times.
If tlicro were no direct evidence
forthcoming of the realityand rapidity
of material progress in the United
Spates , it would bo found in the sin
gular abaonco of excitement nnd even
of movement in American politics. It
ia not , of course , to bo understood
that the political game fails to bo car
ried on with vigor and keenness by
the professional playors. There have
boon lately prolonged and violent
struggles in the house of representa
tives butwoun the republican majority
and thu democratic minority , and the
"llilibustcring" contests over some
contested elections show that the cloture -
uro in its most rigorous form does not
avail to prevent scandalous scones and
waste of public time when the party in
power and the opposition have not a
practical basis of agreement in the
conduct of business. But the interest
of the nation at largo in these dis
putes is evidently of the slight
est and most superficial charac
ter. It is felt , apparently ,
imong the mass of sensible and patri
otic Americans that if the politicians
must have something to do it ia just
ia well they should worry ono another
3vor elections and appointments to of-
Sco instead of dealing , from the parisian -
: isian point of viuw , with questions of
ladonul importance. No doubt , there
ire divisions of opinion and possibly
icarchings of heart in relation to ques-
ions of the latter class among
; houghtful people in the United States
is in other countries , but there is no
Icsiro to have them opened up at
present. There is , indeed , a steady ,
.hough silent , determination to keep
politics in the well-worn paths , and
.ro . can hardly bo mistaken in aaaum-
ng that the grounds of this are to bo
liscoverod in a rational apprehension
; hut changes , ovun for the butter , in
Institutions , laws , and customs may
nterrupt the How of that astoniah-
ng tide of material prosperity that
las been running ever higher and
lighor on the other side of tlio Atlan
tic for thro.i years past.
The wonderful wealth producing
power of the United States defies and
iota at naught the grave drawbacks of
i mischievous protective tariff , and.
has already obliterated , almost wholly ,
the traces of the greatest of modern
civil wars. What is especially remarkable -
able in the present development of
American energy and ancceas is its
wide and equable distribution. North
and south , cast and wesf , on the
shores of tlio Atlantic and the Pacific ,
along-tho chain of the great lakes , ' in
the valley of the Mississippi , and on
the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico , the
creation of wealth and the increase ot
population are signally exhibited. It
is quito true , as haa been shown by the
recent apportionment of population
in the houiio of reprcscntatiuos , that
some sections of thu Union have ad
vanced , relatively to the rest , in an
extraordinary and unexpected degree ,
But this does not imply "that the states
which have gained no addi
tional representatives or have
actually - lost some have been
stationary or have rcctdiid. The filet
is that the present tide of prosperity
has risen so high that it haa overflowed
all barriers , haa filled up the backwaters -
waters , and established something
liku an approach to uniform success.
The older aottlomenta , which in their
own time , and not BO long ago , were
the wonder of the world , have boon
outahono by the newer communities ,
but they have Buffered no loss oicjpt
that a largo ono , it may bu admitted
whichis ) measured by sentiment. It
is worthy of remark that the three
main sections of the union excluding
the Pacific states , which are still in
their infancy are at present almost
equal in political power , as cilculatod
iu the distribution of representation
in the canaus of 1880. The Now En-
( land stotea and the middle states
Maine , Now Hampshire , Vermont ,
Massachusetts , Rhode Island , nnd
Conntcticut , Now York , Now Jersey ,
Ptnnsylvania , Delaware and Mary ,
land have in the aggregate 102 mem-
bora in the ho'wo of representatives.
The southern stolen , substantially the
lection which acceded in order to ro-
list the breaking up of the slave
lyatom in 1801 , including Virginia ,
North and South Carolina , Georgia ,
Florida , Alabama , Kentucky , Ten-
lessee , Missouri , Arkansas , Missis-
lippi , Louisiana and Texas , have , in
, ho aggregate , 110 members. The
rostern otates proper West Vir-
; inia , Ohio , Indiana , Illinois , Iowa ,
Michigan , Wisconsin , Nebraska , Mm-
lesota , and Kansas have in the ag-
; regato 104 merabow. The firat BOO-
ion , the northern states , have neither
the southern states
; ainod nor lost ;
iavo gained fourteen members , and
vestorn states sixteen membora. It
a not impossible that early in the
icxt century the remaining Bcction of
he union the Pacifio states may
iavo attained to on equality with the
est. At present , however , this BOO-
iou has only nine members in con-
TOSS , and includes only four states
Jalifornia , Oregon , Novadi , and Col-
irado ,
The development of the western
tates or , speaking more uonorally ,
if the states of the Mississippi valley
-is the dominant fact in the hiaher
loliticiof the American union. But
ta clleota have , to a certain extent ,
icon forecasted. A more significant
toint is the statistics of the congroa-
ional representation u the evidence
if the .revival of the south. Of the
hirteen southern states not ono loses
, representative in the now appor-
ionment , and only four are station.
, ry At the close of the civil war
few would have predicted that in thi
present political rearrangement , whil
Maine , New Hampshire and Vet
mont have to submit each to a reduction
tion of their _ representation in con
press , Virginia , North Carolina , Soutl
Carolina and Georgia receive an iu
crease. It is not by any moans sur
prising that the southwestern state
should make subtantial rfains , foi
these , and especially Texas , wore , to i
great extent , unsettled at the date o
the war , and their vast natural resources
sources were certain to bo atimulatet
and opened up to external ontorprisi
on the restoration of peace , The oldoi
states of the south , however , won
supposed to bo altogether dependent
on the system of slavery for theii
prosperity and political importance.
The disasters of the confederacy were
believed alike by northerners and
pouthernors , by Americans and for
eign obaervera to have given a fatal
blow to the social center of the Reces
sion. Within the paat ten years thie
haa boon triumphantly disproved , and
the fact is placed in evidence by the
readjustment of the federal represen
tation. The Bouthcrn states huvo
prospered under n system of free la
bor , without resigning political power
into the hands of the negro frredmen ,
That the problem has been success
fully solved , in spite of difficulties
within and without , bears testimony to
the political capacity of the people ,
and affords Rood ground for hope that
in the United States the future of the
negro may bo rescued from the mis-
chiovoua interference of professional
and doma-
philanthropists self-seeking -
Bum , July 10 , 1882.
ro the Editor ol tha lice.
The arMclo in THE BEE of July 7th
HI the Sunday excursion to Oakland
iraa meant , it seems , to servo as a re
ply or header off to an article on
'Liberalism and "
Sabbath Breaking"
n The Blair Pilot of aamo date ,
vhich the author evidently know was
loming. Just how ho know it remains
A bo explained , and so to ward off
rotn libcraliats throughout the state ,
ho lightning of facta charged up in
Fho Pilot , ho qoos down in haato upon
lis "pioua'j knees into the filth of
mblic rumor of other yeara for
omothing at least as black and foul
is "liberalism , " and then hurries off
o THE DAILY EKE , BO as to got out
ivor thu state ahead of the Weekly
'ilot , and what ho brings up from the
ilth of public rumor is , as to clmrac.
cr and stench , about equal to true
ibcralistn nt heart , ua the following
acts prove :
A Chicago daily paper , in giving the
> roceodinga of thu National Liberal
Joaguc , says , "Mr. Leland , of Now
fork , read a report on the progress of
iberalism which ho has sent totho In.
ernational League in Brussels , and
nentioned as signs ( of progress ) the
ibcral tone of the secular newspaper ,
ho lapses from virtue of some minis-
.era and Sunday school aupermton-
lents , Howard Crosby's calm view of
temperance , and the growth ot so-
: iahst parties. " Hence , wore the
things raked up by THE BEE article of
July 7 true ? Then what ? They
would simply bo signs of liberalism
progressing in other years.
At the same national league of lib
erals , "ex-Rev. Chainoy ( another
tropy of progressing liberalism ) , spoke
of the noooBuity of educating the
youth to liberal viowa. To this end
ho wanted a lari o amount of liberal
literature circulated. "
Now , in view of the above utter
ances , how full of meaning the follow
ing verbatim copy of a congressional
committee's report which I have in
print :
Mr. Bicknoll , from the committee
on the revision of the laws , submitted
the following report :
The committteo on the revision of
laws , to whom waa referred the peti
tion of Robert U. Ingeraoll and othore ,
praying for the repeal of sections
1,785 , 3,878 , 3,893 , 5,389 nnd 2,491
of the revised statutes , have had the
same under consideration , nnd have
heard the petitioners at lonqth. In
the opinion of your committee , the
postoltico waa not established to carry
instruments of vice , or obsonco writ
ing , indecent pictures , or loud booktj.
Your committee recommend , there
fore , that the prayer of thu said peti
tion bo denied.
To the above I add this very signifi
cant fact. A Mr. Bennett of Now
York , an associate of R. G. Ingor-
jell , was imprisoned a few years since
For circulating vile literature. But ,
if they can't got thu law repealed ,
protecting virtue and Christianity ,
they are going to try to undermine
it , for said the Ex-Ilov. Chainoy , "the
) nly way to dispose of Christianity is
; o tear it up root and branch. This
: au't bo done directly , it must bo
lone by education of the people ; for
mco get the people on the liberal side ,
ind the laws to the contrary will bo a
lead letter. " ( For kind of education
ICQ above committee's report. )
At this same national liberal league
ho Chicago daily says , ' 'Bomo enter-
iriaing book sellers of Iowa exposed
'or ' sale a largo number of photographs
) f eminent free-thinkers and their
vorks , popularly supposed to bo sup-
iressod ; and it's a matter of surprise
imong some that the city and govern *
nent officials allowed the traflic. "
Wo leave the reader to make hia
iwn comments on all the above and
! raw his own cor.c'utions. '
Now the above facts and others the
iberalists of Blair know we have
eaaon to believe were coming to the
lublio in lost week's Pilot hence THE
JEE article to present in the moat pub
ic manner something apparently as
tad without the church as facta provo
Iberalism to bo at heart , and they
iavo succeeded admirably.
True 'liberalism" thrives best on
uoral faith. Its brain can't conceive
nything but moral filth , for the rca-
on that ita stomach won't take in any
hing but moral iilth , ita lungs won't
ireatho anything but moral tilth , ita
icart won't circulate anything but
uoral filth. It is the happiest when
t'a the foulest. It's gladdest when it
tinka the moat and any man or
huroh that dares to lift the mask
rom these moral canccr-plantcra may
ook to be smeared with their foul
Of the charges made against two of
Maira former ministers I have only
his to say ; When the author of that
rticlo gives his name , and names the
niniators iu both cases , wo shall pro
bably kuow how much there ia in h
If wholly true they are to bo r <
gardod according to the above Mi
Leland aa evidences of liberaliat
still progressing , and don't you forge
Now how well nil the obovo fact
harmonize with the "pious" profea
aiona of the first BEX articlo.
How much of the "holy incense o
heaven's breezes" ia found in th
breathings of Chainoy or Leland or ii
the petition of Ingeraoll praying t <
have the U , S. law changed for a vil
And how _ nuch "culture and practi
cal rejigion" ( claimed by the man foi
hia idt ) can possibly come fron
efforts like Itigersoll'a J And whal
queer "laito" the "good , pious pooph
ef Blair who Ikcked to the Sundaj
excursion train" must have to cnjoj
Sabbath with the followers of those
who are praying Congress to upon
wide the doora ot the postoffico thai
they may circulate vile literature foi
the purpose of "educating the youni
to viowa. "
When wo first took up the pen
nzainat Sabbath excuisiotia wo said tc
liberalism , in thought , "Stand and
unfold yourself" ( shakes ) , and it'a do
ing so beyond all expectation.
The church will sco by and by that
the "cordiality and respect extended
to spiritual guidoa" by liberahsta ia
but the charming look of the serpent ,
and that the toff nicklos and dimes
they cast into the church treasury is
intended by thu givers as husn money
every time , and the sooner the church
so ebtimatoB the "cordiality end , ro-
spcct" of liboralista bahl and BO
treats it , the bettor , evidently , for the
youth of our land.
True , there are in every community
men and women not church members
whose cordiality and respect we appreciate -
prociato as gold men and women
who have neither the look of the ser
pent about them nor the poison of the
serpent on their tongues.
They who want to spend their Sab *
baths with "dogs , vipers and mon
keys" ( as Cook , the scientific scout
tarma libcralisle ) , passing the houis in
"dancing and boor drinking , " are at
iborty , uf course , to do as they
please , as waa Satan at liberty to do
is ho pleased before ho lost his angel
laturo and his angel home.
Paator M. E. Church.
JorrosponOcnco of The boc.
JONIATA , Neb. , July 12. A storm
if considerable magnitude and vio-
once visited this region yesterday
norning at an early hour. It came
apidly from the west and northwest ,
ind was heavily charged with wind
md hail. Two windmills were des-
> royod in the village ; BO mo small
) uildings destroyed , others blown
lown , chimneys demolished , trees
vrenchod oil , and slighter damage
lono. Outside of the village 1 hear
} f nine windmills destroyed , ono
louao blown to pieces , several barns
jnroofod and blown down , and some
lamago donn to the growing crops ,
; hoogh nothing serious , save the three
hundred acres of wheat belonging to
Mi. Crane , near Hastings as fine a *
lield as there was in the county com
pletely destroyed.
held its quarterly mooting a few days
ago , and among other things done , resolved -
solved to place a full ticket in the
field for the fall campaign. And they
will probably elect it.
called for last Saturday , was permitted -
ted to go by default , generally , Hast
ings not even opening the polls.
Elsewhere voting was done ; only a
light vote was polled , and that
heavily against funding our county'a
805,000 indebtedness. YOUN ,
A.S being a certain cure for the worst forma
ot dyspepsia , indigestion , constipation ,
impurity of blood , torpid liver , disordered
kidi.ey * , etc. , and as a medicine for eradl-
catiu < every species of humor from an or-
linaiy pimple to the w nt ulcer , Bunuocic
BI.OOD Bfrrans elands unrivaled , i'rico
51.00. jullO-dlw
o T
- - - - - - - - -
As H la for oil the painful discaica of the
It cleanses the nyEtora of thoucrld poison
that causes the dreadful Buffering which
only the victims of rhoumatlim can realize
of the wont forma ofthia terrible disease
have been quickly relieved , and In abort
timO - ,
. I. UqflD cr DBY , SOLO If Illtl'CCISTS.
( so Dry can bo sent by mall. _
ViLLS , 11IGI f ARDSON < t CO. , llurllnKton.Vt
Of Omaha.
[ as purchased ol the CorlliaBafe Manufacturing
o. , of Providence , I * ' n Mfo wbl h la guar-
nteed Inritl - > - . iibtolutely iurylur
roo/or perUi ) < huur continuous
nd u'ditturlieu > i- K it1 lithe use of such
oolsand ai < ) illcancea u a burglar can employ , "
ndluapractlca ly unconditional way ,
'IliUbauk dhlnaa thorough test n ado upon
: il. nfe and In ci e of failure to atand It , the
ink w.11 b at Mb'rty to purchaio any other
it and may return this lo the manuUctuicH.
An ) party 1 < at Iborty lo undertake tlieottic <
ho ill lurnUh Bitljtuctory band to pay oil
auiiro to tbe ufe , In case It It not cnkrod In
ne stlnulatul tluie. TnoCorll i Cooipiny agree
i wiiunt ; to deposit with thl < bank the cum rf
j.000.00 , upon th aljvlnjf ol anatc9iunt
liocthi tald ium ta bo price I within the
ifo and 11 be forfeited to the p irty oixtratlni ; In
use ItU opened and lit content * rab
[ MCted HGNKY W. YA1K4 Canhlr.
Imported and Domontio.
Flu oat Solootluu in Town *
Prices to Bait Everybody.
From Haifa Dollar Down to 5o-
Bchroter & . Becht's
.4ft # # fefe V
A Snro Cnro for nil I'KDIATjlt WEAK *
T 'KSSKS Inclii'llnir I.ciicorrlKrii ) Ir-
rcnular nnd 1'aliiful .Itcnulrnullon ,
Inflnmnmtton nml tllccriillon of
tlio Womb , FlooiUnc , PKO-
tiAl'SUS UTKIU , &c.
nrPleastnt to the laslo , cfTlcndous anil ImmcJUto
In IU effect It Isnercntlic-lpln jirrgnarcy , nnd ro-
UOTCI pain during later nnd at regular pcrloc ! * .
rtnsirmsvsEiT AMirrctstmni IT ir.riLV.
t2TFon AM , WsAntrsirB of tlio ecneratlTo organ )
of cither MX , It bcecond to no remedy Hint has ever
been ticforo the public | nml for all dlsciucs of thu
KlDsmrs It Is the Ortalttt Jtcmnli/ thr World.
I'lnil Great Itcllcfln Its U c.
will cnulirato ovcry vcBtlKur llumoiu Irom Iho
Illoodat the pamo time will Rlretonu nndftmipth to
the gyitcm. As marvellous In results ta the Comjiouml.
BrDoth the Compound and Blood rurlflcr nro pn -
parcd at 13S nnd X > Western Avenue , Lynn , Man * .
Price of cither , CI. Sli bottles for < & - The Compound
Is rent by mall In the form of pills , or of lei < T.ccpon
roeelpt of price , SI per hoi for tIthcr. Mrs , rinLhora
freely answers nil letter * of Inquiry. Enclosecent
stamp. Send for pamphlet. Mention thti Paper.
. , i cur * Constipa
tion. BUlousiioraand Torpidity ot the Ur < r. So cents.
X3-Solil by oil DrDBfllstB.-iTa ( n
CJan Be Handled By a Boy.
[ he box need never bo t Aon oQ the wagon and
all thodielletl
3rain and Grass Seed Is Save
It 018181031111111 the oM etyle ricks. E ery
itandarJ wagon la told with our rack compline
Or buy the attachments and applv them to
rour old n agon box. For sale la Nebraska by
J. C. CLAHK , Lincoln.
HANMNQ & HESS , Omalix
FRED KUDU , Orand Is'and , - i ,
HAOOLKTT & GKKES , lia t'nrt. '
CllARLfB bCHEODKKR , Columbus.
SrA < < ooLK& FUNK , Uod Cloud.
C. II. CRANK & Co. , Ucd Oak , Iowa.
L. W. 11U8SKI , . , Olonwoo ! , low *
And overv llrst cla'8 dealer In tha west. \ it
: hem for dcscrlpUie circular or tenA direct
; ous.
I , MoCallum Bros. Maimf g Co. ,
Oraco , 24 Wet Like Strco' , Chicago.
now i a USE.
They furpa-s all other a for ouy rldintr. ntyle
iirt durability.
They ara for sale by all Lauding Car-
iago Duildors and Dealers throughout
ho country.
Henry Timken/
Patentee nnnlSulliJrr of Fine Carita ? a ,
Are acknowledged to bo the
lest by a-1 who have put theme
o a practical test ,
' Bradford