Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1882, Page 2, Image 2
THE DAILY J3EK- THURSDAY , JULY 13 1882 , . OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGB. DAKOTA. Tyndftll merchants buy nod tell Lnltet by ino ton , A new church 1 l > elne bnill nt Lake 1'rcoton , KinRsbury county. A new Cftthollc church will be built in AlexMuIrUdurli'g the Hummer. Architect Grove Is drawliiR plnns for a new lUptUt ohiircli nt Jamestown. \ \ ork hm beitun on the Methodist E | > copal church tdlficfl nt Dcftdwocxl , A new Presbyterian homo of worship will be built in Aberdeen this summer. The new First Methcxlht Kplscn church \Vntertown was dedicated Ju y nih. 1 ako county lias m ile il fnt stet > s towAnls holding nn agricultural fair thin fall. fall.A A church edifice h tube built t MMer , lUml nunty , by the I'resl lcti&ni ! stun early day , Uuting Ihn yfar tndinjf M y 1st , * 8 ( 0 net ( if IMII ! were | iro\cl ( tip " " 'n ' KUIXK bury county. A Ilaiiliiaciiti' has been orgnnlrc.l at Orxlway whlcli i . lie prulucil over bj Itcv. \ . M. Hunt. ChmnlicrlAln Chief : The railroad com- imiiy' * stock yards nt Mobrara liii\e li'iti torn down and they will bo itbullt at thin place. Iron IIBH been laid eight mllcn and fr.v1. Inc c iintii > need fourteen wile * niir'b of MitcMI on the hlc go , Milwaukee and St. I'nul railroad. Ltrlinorc , Orand Korki county , ha * just been laid w lo by n destructive fin * that conmitiitd $ . ' 0,000 worth of i > ropcity and ( JcttMyul two lives. Tlio Miller tiuhlto school wan opened .Tnnu , wltli twenty | > upU ! In attend- nncc. U I * th firnt public school In Hand comity , or between Huron mid I'lorre. The Indl ins of St'iidlng Hook n-cncy ; have just ret urn Hi from a successful hunt. They captured 2UOO Imlfaln In one run. The K ne win killed In thn Jdttlo Mlssou ! ouutry. the last reoort of the buffalo on ho Botith fcl Jo of the Yellowstone. When General Manner Mi-rrlll unload- cd hi * tridn of I lilcngo , Milwaukee nnd St. Paul director * on the platform at the drp it hero , last 'I huisday , hn remarked tn tliem : " I li ! * is where our Allllmnk linn in tosUrtfrooi , " ThU lliidlcatcn that that company ban not given tip it plan fur tmil'lliig that line and tlmt they have re- c ntlv l > o"n c'irisldering the subject. Tlnndrexu Kntcrprloo. WYOMINQ. T.irnmln people l > y 80 a ten for Hock Springs coal , It IB KtttlnK to bo sprin ) ; In Choycnno. OIIB ol ilio itwt'pt h.irlilnierH ban arrived n handorgan and monkey. , Win. Molfat , nf Kurt Larointc , htisjust flold out bin nincli nnd riuiK on Cbcrry Creek loSturKln k Lune for 855,103. Prof. K. S. Hillock , of Glen Cove sem inary , N. Y. , has been uiKmrail ni pilntl- pal ol the publlo schiiots of Kvaimton. The KplHO"pnllans at Uvnnston have i-Ainud n fund of S1.100 towurd liullilinp ; their now dumb , which will bo built ( it Htunt ) nnd to bo 25iJO ( feet In nl/o. Wyoming is producing cnnsiderabln coa tbmodijH. About fitly cam are loaded onch day t the Abni mlncR , fovinty.fivo U and th ntCarbon. nt Springs rty-live There Is n unnll pox i > cnro at Kcho One ( lentil wan repotted that of Mr. OuU bridge , who lenvcH u w fu utid tbieo child roll. The other caiCH are mild t > 1,0 out of danger. lirackott , who ww nppointml a from Wyoming to the West Point tuilltary academy , faded In bin examina tion , itnd the alternate , Mi. Harringtons lion received tlio appointment. The Wyoming Telegraph and Telephone company ilmlro to ort-ct n telephone line which will connect'heyennonnd Laramlc , tbui saving the expense of telrtrraplnnti between the two cities. It will cost 85,000 to build thlH lino. The Cheyenne Loader haa agnlii changed htt < ds. Messrs. J. B. Morrow , the former business manager , and J. W. Sullivan , ol New York , nrw the new proprietors , Mr. J. 0. B ilril , the former manuring editor , retires , while Mr , Clark remains on the force. Tim time Is pant when Clioyonno couli bo dubbed a troeleiw. shrubloja city. Tlio persistent ellorta ; I citizens to beautify * 4h lr bonrcH me phoning t-ond roiults In the uroin foliage which appears in all ill- rrrlt IIH , the iimnarim * line lawns nnd till play of flowering shrubs , Leader , COLORADO. Itrnl estate in Trinidad IH increasing in vahirt ruplilly. The Dem or Timed calls for the eructloi of it new miirket IIOUBO. Tim GunnlHnn dlspbty at the Denver ox lionitiiin will cost $ H)0.0. ' 1 bo brick chimney built nt Anlinns Perks wnu complo'/d laxl Tumi ly. William Harvey was nricntcd nt Puobli on Ibo Titli for 'in us-mult on a girl III years old. old.The The city ditch at Montrose has been I'll ' ohiid , iind tint town n now supplied wltl good wa'.or , Out of seventeen c\so4 before the lusl term of the illntrlct court of LUH Auliu i county nine wrro divorce cased. Charles AndcrHnn , n miner , \ vnncci dently uliot nnd killed hint Wednesday al Del Norlo while bundling a 1 ailed tuvol \vr. Uinvor ctpltallstn have ngreed ti take Duruiigo Water bends nt pur. They are to run nfteuu yunin and I ear 8 per cent In- tere t. The o rouerV juiy retuinud \erilict > i prtmidltnt d miinterln tbucaHo of ( 'harlo Kent , who shot Tom Duinutt itt ( in thu Fourth. l < rntti > n'ri lull on nsccniton on the Fourth is up iken of ns n It In Halt tli t lie landed In Cheiry check , nut three miles from Denver. Petllionu mo brlii ) . ' clind.itcd in ( Mmlfte cimiit tucrl the Onilit ) CninmUiilomTHii ( iidvr 'ill election on the quoitlou of fund1 ing tlio county debt. J , A. Wledinan , whilei'mnlo > od timber Ing a xluft nfur Ojliimvt , Chulfeu cnunty , liml bU leg rnki n by u full lug timber , be- Idm brii i ; HI Vcrely bruised. At Tin Tup on the 7th , T. J , Lenhy. formeily town inumlml , abet nnd klllu. K unk Kmeriioii of the Pacific Hotel. Tnnilile between tlicnu men has been I rt wintt for the past three yuuu , and the r. proilu | were not turprUod ut the result. . The iiniprletoni of the Denver brick * ynids lluv formally rotolvod not to accede to the d'nianiUol ihelr BtrlkliiK' tMiiplove There Iwlnx ovrr in.OOO.OfO brlckn In thr niHiket , they clttlm it to I e advantageous * Ji ' thnlr yitnU renmln Idle for unit ) time , The Ij advllln Street Cat CompAiy bun Dim liiKric-f , Aid r an K , K. NncknlN , who ho < U a ortgigH on the roml to the ani'iun ' ifS-.WX ) , tth iv fune of luboier' , tt > it < up tbtt tr vk at the southern temiluut of tbo road und can If d It auuy. MONTANA. M Ilex City revt-U In n daily paper nnd Milwaukee keg beer. Dot h the M ! ourl and Yullowetoue rlvi-rs are fullitiK rnpldly , Tbn Nortliem Purlfio railroid track U laid uithin 107 nult-Hcf Mli-oula Morn vnow fell In u.uttru Montana in Muy than dining "II tluMUiiUr inoiithu. Charily Iteid ban d | covrud n nlue.fci t win ol ouid nu r ll < > o I'D KOI tin the J ninth Bulu. Prof , Clinton IIHM voluntrered to take cburge nf MMituun' mineral t-xbllilt at thu Ueiuer txlilliilimi. It Is tliuuzlit thutNorthvniP'cIfla lai > ( h in Miitan Mll ) hereafter bo hold at S3 to $ per at-ir , V 'te lllln > l' trlwb rry pitch at lnz mau U6 ( Uumged 8MO by the front ( he Jaut week In June , ' ' ] b Duly liiuutbockeJ Chlnainui In the Untied State * i * a reorient of the Chinatown - town suhutb of Helena. The Mithorited capital nf the Mer chant * ' national bank nf Helena Is $500- (01 , and the paid In enpltal JlSO.OOO A brute named Win. Neil on , at Coul- son , attempted to outrage 0 fix year old girl , but wai fni lralod and rent to jail. Albert Griffith , at IJulte , in jumplnj ? from hU falhet's loaded watton , fell nnder A wh el and was crushed almost to death. Major Young has 5,000 Indians hi his care at lilacktont agency. They eat fif teen beeves and MO sacks of ( lour every week. Hev. It. Til , Dull , Episcopal minister at Helena , has gone eist for the nuintner and there is a pn-slhlllty thnt he will not return - turn to Montana , Glendivo Is soon to have telegraphic cnmtiiimtcalinn wiih the world , a company having been fnrmoJ ti run five mlle line from that camp to the W , U. wlroi at Dillon. It Is reported from Uenton that Major .1. W Patrick , who bro if-ht n Missouri colony up to the river this HI riiiif for the Marker district , was lotuid deul in lih cabin nt lUrker a week or two ago , A recent Helena horror was the head- lesi skeleton nf an infant , which was takrn out nf n covered Hume. Soon after its ( Hi- cover y , it hand nf excited borccs trampled the little bones Into the mmlpast recovery While the nightwatchman was climbing up nn tlio water tank nt Korsythe , une night recently , his pistol dropped on' nf Ids hit ) I nckot nnd on htt Iking the ground one of llmchambo H was discharged. The ball struck the watchman , Inflicting n wound from which he died in n few hours , In railroad cindructlon between Und. ford nrd Holrna , nbout 225 teams nn I 2.00 men nro umpliocd. nml tlio entire work nf grading between thoio point * will bo com pleted in nbout ten weeks , Aa yet , Rays tlio Iri'letien 'cut , nothing h.-vs been done betwfcn liedford and Io7"tiinn , but it H supposed that the work will bc ln soon , Henry Neat , nno of the foremost busi ness men ol Helena , died on the Ut. Ho wa < comparatively a young man , but had ncliiovcd nmrkcd HUCCC-B in mercantile pursuit" , nnd lili dcntli , wan hastened by an ovortaxlng ot his mental and physical syntem In that direction. Illit death mikoi a wldo gap in the commercial circle of the capital. A couple of weeks ngi > Hol'er I5ros . of Helena , received a telegrim from Port 3haw stutlng that a lumber raft , belonging to them , and containing al out 70,000 feet of lurnWr , had gene over tbo falls of the Missouri nnd wan an entire IOHI. 1 ho raft : mil been lloated down frnm their mills at ho mouth of the I'ri kly I'car with n view to tnrniHhiiig their lumber yard t the mouth of Bun r ! i or. Mnhitif ; n Hal HP. John Ifnys , Credit I * . O , nays that for nine n i ntln ho could not r.iisi his hand L i his bend through huiicnc H In thn nlmul Icr , but by tbo ti'd of TIIUMAH' I I.JOTIIIC Oil. ho wnx entlrdy cured. jullO-dlw AWFUL AURA. A Nownrlc Girl Who Profara Pnnta to PottlcoutB. Cincinnati Fnqulror. Fur nbout four months , unki'own nliko to hur oinployurfl , nssncmtua , and the puuplo who pntronizud tlio ronJ , a uirl of 18 yunra of ngu , nrrnyod in the yurb of n innlo , actvd in the capacity ( if iv conductor on tlui Main atroet line of etrcot cnra. Although the snuio puoplo lode upon hur cur each day , und the Argus-oyud guiirdians of the puaco wore often anionj ; the nuinbur , ctill iionu ever diacovorod hur sex. The conductors , drivers and aUblo moil who mot her freqnontly oacli day nuvor druumod but wlmt the conduc tor of No. was a genuine boy An Enquirer reporter , hearing abont the case , totind the girl at work on Ledge alley. The name she has been passing under is that of Frank Cham- bora , Vosturduy , when ( irst uapiod , aho had her coat oil' , sleeves rolled up , and , with broom in hand , wa& hard at work swooping. Upon being ap proaohud , the ainulless of her hands , hur form , and voice nllaaaurod the reporter - porter that ho had really found the poraon ho was nooking/ ' Upon being naked how Aho liked the place BIO replied thnt the work was most too hard , und that she would like to obtain noino omployinont that was onflier. Yuatorduy morning she hud cluuned five sots of Imrnuss nnd purformod various small chorus. The nowHpupor mini told her ho thought ho could obtain her a batter p witiuii , und made nn ongnuomont to moot her in the ovoning. Having inut her und told her tlmt ho know all , uho made n cli'nn bruast nnd told the fi lluwmg ntry , : "My right niiino is Anrn M. Scott , and I win born nt Hoinur , Licking county , vvhuro I hvod until I was 0 years of ago My futhor vvua in the Thirty-lint Ohioti rogimoiit of infantry , nnd died soon after coming homo from the army , and mother died nbout night years nftor futhor , Hiull ont tolivo with Mr. Willmm Woodbridgo , a retired merchant nt Nowurk , in this state , I was not what ia termed tv good girl , but the folks accused ino of wrong doing of which nt tlmt tinio I was not guilty I thought , hmvover , thut ns I hud the blumo I might us well have the Uiiiiia , .iiul I strnyud from the paths of ruotitudo and virtue. Along about lust October I got acquainted with n street faker , who wus u very hiindaouio and diislitng sort of n fol low , llo priipoaud to mo that I no- company him to this city , and , as I \vau disbiUisliud nith my homo , I con- rc-iitod. ilo puroliusod mo n suit of bujs1 oldthi's , whtoli I doiiiud , aim I lutvu nuvor unco thut tiino worn n dre s "Wo came to Cinciuiutl and stopped at tlio Amorii-un huuso , on Fifth street , botwonn Vine und Unco streets , where wo hvi-d together for about u month whim , my friend re- oi'iycd a letter that his niuilu'r was seriously ill at Ofund llavt-n , Mich , , md ho lift mi' , and I have inn or aeon linn sinco. While wo were at the American hotiao we occupied the sumo rroui , and no ono ever autpt'cttd my a x. Just thu duy bifuro bo loft I ib'nined omplojliimit at the laundry on Huu ; strcut , i p ) > i site the Aroudv , where I tended thu otllco and carried bundles. "After working in the laundry ior about thruo weekr , t then got a place with Emory U , Burton in the Arcade After walking hero nbout a week I went to work ut Louis fioofur'a priiit- ing establishment , on U.ico street , Thn solicitor for the firm wus William Oulbertson , who hud buen employed us u counter on Ilio Main atrt'ut line of atrtot cum. llu guvu mo a letter to Mr , Donliam , the bookkeeper of the compAiiy , taying I was luincBt und tnibtwiitthy , and Mr , Donhum gave mo a position aa conductor on bis lino. ' "At tint I aitud OH substitute , nnd thi'ii I obtained a regular car , All this timti no ono ever suspected my > BOX. Ono nlulit , howovur , two of thu mplojt's of the road accidentally found out I waa a girl. They have , however never eaid anything about the rnnttor. I loft the road in May , having had eomo trouble with the driver of my car. When I quit I owed the company $0 C5. The driver owed mo $15 , which I had loMiod him , and I told him to make good the deficiency in my caah account , Thich ho did. The bnlanco of the money ho haa never paid mo. " The girl whoso peculiar story is re lated above waa 18 youts old last month , and is of medium height. She haa n clear , dark akin , dark brown eyes , black hair , good features , nnd a pleasing countenance , She talks fluently , but is undoubtedly , ns she herself admits , a rather tough cua tomcr. She can chow , smoke , swear , and drink boor ns well ns any of the boys. In her possession yes terday aho had the photographs of Mr. Woodbridgo's daughter and two sons , The pictures indicate that the oiiginals belong to the lii/her walkn in life. Aura hna gene with the gamins nnd boya nbout town , and they all believe her to be n boy among boys when she is with them. Ilt r IACO nnd hands were clean yesterday , but the piece of n shirt which she had on was in a filthy condition , Shu Slid she had t.o money , and slept wherever she could find a place and u to when she could earn enough to purchnso n meal. She gays she will never ngnin wear female attire unless forced to do so. She can give no ronson for this determination , except inft tlmt nho never did like to wear dresses or oven associate with her own aox. aox.For the people who raised her she seems to have a kindly feeling , ns aho wna very anxious thut nothing of her history should bo published. Not , she said , on her own account , ns she did not care what became of her , but aha still had some regard for the feel ings of the Woodbridgo family. Her last words , she aaid , when oho loft Newark were : "Good-by , homo , the next place I land will bo in the peni tentiary. After tolling her story she bade the reporter good-by , nnd nim bly boarded n Main street car. I3y the time this article is in print she anys she will bu on her way to Chicago aboard the night mail , upon which aho says shu can ride paying faro. True to her Xrnnt. , Ton tnucn cannot bo said of the ever faithful wife nnd mother , constantly wui ( .hint ? nnd caring for her dear i ties , never neglecting a tingle duty In their bo- luilf , When they are assailed by disease , nnd thu system shou d have n thorough cleiirifing , fho stomach nnd bowels regu lated , bio d put Hi d , nnd malarial poimm exterminated , oho must know the thnt Klcctiiu Bittern are the only sure remedy. Theynrotlio best nnd purest nio.lciuo in the world nn I only coat fifty cents. Sold bv < ' . K. Onodtnan D. WELTY , ( SaocoB or to D. T. Mount ) Manufacturer and Dealer In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANCY HOUSE CLOTHING Roljos , Dusters and Turf Hoods ot ALL DESCRIPTION ! ) . Agent ( a * J&s. R. HIM & Co.'s 'The ' Best in The World. " IHTIWES - Orikriollcltoil OMAHA , NEB mo Iv Murray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa. Soml Portable Engines , FOR CUKAMEUIKS. rARU HILLS , Printing Offices , Ktc. , Spooialty , The Largest Iron Working Estnbliah inunt in the Stnto. MANOKACTUIIKUS Of Steam Engines , AND GENERAL MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Uut-Off Steam Engine , Bond ( or rirciilari m3-lm THE KENDALL PLAITIUBIACH1M ! A.3SSTJD I.RESS-PKERS' . ' OOMPANION , It | ' 1tii ro.ii I.of a o incn iu xdtn In I hut outwit 'olt or HniMt l It doui nil klnd knd ntylpi. ol | Ulllnn Iu UM No UJ ) tint dot. her own dresj-maUni ; ct > liorJ to ilt > Hltbout ono n Dice plaltln ; I ie > rrout ol laxnlcu , KDCCII It ell < Itwlt. Poi u , * or Atreut' * tcrroi addrew CONGAR & CO. , i AiUnmMl , Phloai-n KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. The Mo > t BuccBitrul Remedy ever dUcot cruil , M It li certain In Ita tfloctn and di on not blUter. 11KAI ) 1'IIOOK IIKl.OW. Alto eicolUot d r human rlenh K OM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. Waohiuk'tcmllip , Oliio. June 17 , ItWl 111 II. J. KKNDALL , & Co : tlcutHoudlng j our ad iirttrtuiiuit InTurf , Field anj Farm , ol ) our Kcnd li'n Sjiula Cure , a d lm\mK a \ lu . itud tioidy hiirxi Mhlio had bren lame ( rom | v In Icr rlttLtoon uiontb * , 1 vnt 10 jou ( or bottln t ) e | iru , whUhl lx Hi > ki reruoxxl ill UUKIU-U ) and eiilargcumnt and a larg inl'iit ' 'rom aui'llier ' bortw , ud tota hon re to-oai Mkouml a < cultt. The ono Iwttle a vorth'c uit > one biinJri-d dollar * . Ittwixitfull ) ' .r. , II. A. B. HTOL-rrr. U. I ) . Send ( or Illuitra'e t circular k-lvlng poattlx proof Priced. AH Urik.'il ! u bate It or can get U ( or you. Ur. U. J Kendall & Co , Pro prietor. . Kurwliurjrh FMt , Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS , d-w-ly $5OOO ! To TUB Of Omaha. HAS ptircliMod of the CotllM ifo Manufacturing Co. , of Provlilcncc , K I .ftxnfo wtil h > s uua-- ontocd In wntln * to b "abnoluttlt/ burglar pronf forfticrl | > l of th r'y rlx hunts cantluil'i i * anil n dst'Jili-J a tack wl'h ' the mo cf * nth tooli and ar | licences as a Imr lar ran employ , " atiillnat rai tlci Iv uniondltlohal wny. IhMhankil Irma thorough tcit nade upon lhl < mfc amlincMo ol failure to stan I It , the tunic w 11 li at liberty to purchase any other snf and tiny return this to the minulnctuicM An ] nr'hnt Iboity to unjcrt-iko thnattacx who Hill luril'h st'lifactory ' lioml to | ny nil iairo to tfositi , In else U It not cnttrcil In the stlpiitatiil tlmo. TnoCorllsiCominny a roe In wilrbj ? to clepr lt with ihli Irnnl * thoeuin ft 8\OCiO 00. iipjn thi > Ui Ing ol nn ajteo n < nt us aliovc In rnlil until to ho pnco.1 within the tnfo anil tVjo forfeited to the | rty operating In ca ( j Itlstnrcl If oponoil and hi contents lab itrartod lil-NKY W. YA1 IN Owlil . G-emus Bewarded ; on , The Story of the Sowing Maohino , A handrorue tlttlo , pamphtot , hlno and ( roll ? cart with niimcrom cn ravlnge , will bo GIVEN AWAY to i Df auult pcnoa calling tor It , at any branch or lub-otflce ol The Singer llaniiUcturlnici'om pany , 01 will bo ecnt by mall , post paid , to nv pcrwn llilo at a Ulatance from nur olflcti The Singer Manufacturing Co , , Principal Office , 34 Union Sqnnro , NEW YORK. Histhocn-currrnt ' Icstliiionyofthopub'lcand thntrc'licli.1,1 jro e-tlon th-it lluttc'lcr's ' siom ach Hitters I nmcdlln < lilcti ch e\t i rctults Bci'ilk | foltthiroiiLh and benign Hold net- fylnglKerdlsoidrr , It lng rates thcfcclile , con- quirak dntj anl hltddrr'ompialnm , and hw ten * thoc-innlcav'dico' f ho o itcierlnirroin cnfcehllnjr ill c scs Mrreitr , It U the gra id spcciflo ( or In cr and njuo. For sale by all ilrugnlata and dealers generally JI to al OKAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MAnitwT1J.e.pfott'TniDn MARX Eii ) 'lshrcm- ! cOy. Anun- taillin ; euro ( or Hcmlnal JYoaknoss , Bportd.iV > - ' rhcd , Imuot. ency , and nil D FbRETAKIHQ. o < iuonco ol AFTER TAKIHQ , biill-AhiiHo ; aa Lota ol Alemorj , UnUemr.1 Las l tude , Pain In the Kiel. , DlmiirBS ol VIMon , Pre mature Old Ago , aud nitny other DUcaeca that load tn Insanity or Conuurajitlon and a Proma turoGra\c t3"Kull particulars In our pamphlet , which wo doalrc to oiiJ ( reo t r uiall to ovcry ono tarTho Speclfl ( Medicine Is sold b ) all druggist at 81 per pnckiiKO , or Opncktjcs ( or 85 , or will bo eont ( reo by mall on reel plot the money , by addressing TIIKOKA JEDICINE CO. , llLffalo. N. Y. orealeix oc/u.e-coii NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Citrn Unarnntoud Hr. E. 0. Went -Verio anU drain treatment A upcclflolor Iljuti'rtu , DUzlncmi , Con\ul lo s , Nervous Headache , Mental Dtjmicstan , Losjol Meuiory.Spcrroitorrhcra , Impotonc } , hn olunUrj E mlBalons , 1'rcinntiire Old Auo , cauflfil l.y o\cr- exertlon , self aburv , or o\er-lndul | ; nce. which leads to misery , decay and death , Oneuox lll cure recent cascu. Ka h box contains one month's treatment , Ono dollar a box , or nix boxen ( or flvo dollars , sent by mall prcpnhl on receipt ol price. We guarantee Ix boxes to Hire any can , with each order received b } us ( or elx boxes , ac companied with flvo dollars , will ucnJ the pur chaser our written guarantee to return the money K the treatment do' not cff > ct a cure , 0. t. Goodman , ViU'f'i-i , Bole. Wholesale and reirul Agent , Oman * , Neb , Orunn by mall at ctatlanrlcd iltuU Old Sar PinipleH , BOILS , Oures Wlien Hot Spriugs Fftil UlTIUI , AtK. , May . 1881 Vfo have case * In onr own town who lived at Hot 3prlui.i , nd were dually cured with S , S. S , UURKT , IP YOU douul.come tofoaui andK WILL CUIIK YOUIt OK thutgt nothlue I I Write lei lurtlculara and cop > o ( tittle Book 'Mcea fe la tie U > iortunato Hijflerln Sa.tHMl Reward "l be paid to any cbumiit who "ill tlnd , on amljula ItX ) tonic 8 8. 8. , one p rtlrioo ( Mercury loJIdo I'olai turn or lay UlmnI subatanco. SWIIT si'Koiifia co. r/opf , Atlauti Trice ol Smill elie , 11.00 tin 11.76 iloUU ) KKNNAB1) hllO-l t , C > i-ut\ ) un mmtuiruveu"DLAOK { the bas liver uiediciun f H yon sutler ( rom Dyspepsia , uw num > ocr 'Loon H } ou arc atnict d lth Itllloutncsi , use IlUUDOCK I1LOOU niTTEIW II } ou nro prostrated with sick Headache , take nunuocK III.OOD inrrEns II jour lioncliaro disordered , rcinilate them with nonuocK nLuoi ) IIITTEUS llyour llloodl ? mpurc , puri ( > lt lth DUHUOUK 1)1.000 ) UITTEUS. IyouhaielndlKcf ( > tlonou will hndmi ntiiMoto in mniuocK HLOOU urn ius. : I M on nro troubled nlth Sprlnjt Compltlnts , er adicate them with UUP.DOCK IH.OOD UITTEUS. lt > our LUcrls torjiW , restore It to healthy action with DUItDOCK Ilt.000 K jour Lt\er Is atfcctcd , ) ou will flnd a sure re Blorotlveln BUUDOCK I1LOOD HITTERS. Kjou have any species of Humor or Pimple , ( A | | not to take UUUDOCK 111,001) IIITTEUS. It } on hao nny s } mptoms ol Ulcers or Kcroluloup Sorc , a curatUe remedy will bo ( ound In ULWDOCK 111.000 IllTTEUS For Imparting strength and vitality tothosjs- tern , nothlne can equal UUUDOCK DLOOD DITTEltS. For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the sjstcm with UUnDOCK BLOOD UITTEnS. Price , al.00 poi Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 CU FOSTER MILBURN & , , Do , , Props , BUTTALO , N. Y. Sold at wholcfalo by Isli & McMnhon and U. F Ooodmsn In S7 oml-ini Dlteaso Is all i Hott , not a cause Hi origin i within ; Its manifestations without rncc , tu euro the diBciso the CAIBK i u t bo rcmo\cil , ami in no other waycin a ci re e\ir c cllcitid WARNER'S SAFE K1DNDY AND LIVER CURE l established on Just thm principle. It nalizcflthat 95 . Per Cent. olall diseases arlzo ( rom deranged kiJnejs an ll\cr , and it stilkcaat once t the root of thu difficulty. Theclcmo ta of which It is composed act directly upon hcse great organs , both as n FOOD a d RKSTORKR , and by placil g them In a tealthy , cnndltlrn , drive dlacaso and pain from the sjetcni. For the Innumerable troub ca caused by un healthy KliinejB , LMT | and Crlnary Organs ; for the Ji tro-nlnf ( Disorderso ( Women ; ( or Malaria , an" physical derangements Kcnomlh , this great reru dx hm no equal. 1 ! ware t ( Impostors , im itations nnd concoction * mid tr be Just as good. PorDiabaoH , as for WARNER'S SAFE ijl4\.ti iT iS jiirt.T. ail dealers. H.'H.WARNER & , Hoohont-r n. Y ' Lnglish Meter ( alls to cute Ncnous Dcbllltj , VI ti ! Hxraufitlan , Emii "Ions , scinlmilVoak - rie8HC8LOST MAN HOOQ , and all the nil illicts of vnutb fill folliui and exces is. It etopa pcrina In i 1 weakening. oluutur ) loss , am' ' iril H uiioti , ) iu HR icui , Mti luoiltah'u re nit f "htw OMlprac * tlct , which are so dcstrue l\o to mind and bodj and n < ftko lifo mlserablu , olttli Kadbig to Innaul- 'yanddcuth It strengthens the Ntr\c , l'iriUii , ( incmorjf Blood , Miuclra , liigtctlxo ami Htpro ductlvo Orir nn , It rcntnroi t all the orcanit ( un5tlnn their former Ugor ftnd i Ing life cheerful and enjojnblc Price , $3 a 'lottle , or ( our times tr.o > 10. Sent bj cxprc s , secure ( rom oh ; < . nation , to an ) , on receipt o ( price. No. 0. O. U. sent , exicpi on receipt of $1 as a guara iti o Lettcri > r. qucKtln ' ansnera inust Inclose tttamp. Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pille are U i beat and cheapest dj | . > psli\ and blllloue euro In the marki t. Hold by all druggiets 1'rlrc 60 crnte. Da UIKTII'H KIUNIT HKSIBDV , NitrxnTicuu , Cures i II kind of Kidney anil bladder complalntu , gonorrhea , gleet and leucorrhla Kor i-alc J all : il a bottle. KNOLISII MEDICAL INSTIIUTE , 718OII\e St , St ' .ouls , Mo For Sale In Omaha b ) C K ( iOODMAN JaniMv youari > . ttiMHver you rul tliat your y ttr\ ncedcltnn mir. ti lH > r in tlniulatli t ki > Hop , bnurlt. d/ood , tmr ol ntrnf I You will no cured If you MM Hop Bitter * , . | w k > n < l In\r HlrlUiltry Hi It muy r n e your ni > . It hut S22J9 To Nervous Sufferers THE ( MEAT EUROPEAN REMEDY Dr. J. D. Simppoa'o Speciflo It U a norttrocur ) for SiH > ntt.tcirbi , Wrakcea ) . ImjioUncy , and all dlFu < ws n d'.m So''Abuii,3 ' MrnUl An nitty , Lrw . i'nlpii In tilt * Kn'k 01 M Iu , mid dlitattr t ut load t' - . 0 irmpt * - : * "V i * uit > i ' - ( -urb.rMr Of IW * th womlor f f . J sMi - " " -S. ? M , K-at ( ree to all. Write ( or them mj get lull per. llcuUrs. Price , Bjieclflc , f 1.00 pot pfc.l e , o * li | ek > agtM ( or ii.OO. AddrMd all orders to D. HIUSOX Ukim-lNK CO. Not 104 ked IPS Mslu fit , BuAalo , H. Y. Solit In Omaha by 0 , F. Oocduiiu , J. W , Ucll , J , U. Uh , and a'l druvl t < ievtryvbi'ic. > i -dfcw W.ll. MILLAKU. F. U. JOHNSON MILLARD & 'JOHNSON ' , > J Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , , sf 1111 FARNHAM STREET , / CONSIGNMENTS COUNTIU PRODUCE SOLICITED Agents for Peck & Bankers Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour1 OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES ' OMAHA INATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAtfL . * CO. co loots and Shoes * OMAHA , NEB. O. IF1. TEIW DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. iaTAnyoro contemplating or any other fine nlll find It to their ad' e to corns end wltlj Ui bcfoio purchaauig their l'lutoGaa. ! O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - NEB. 1213 Farnhprn St Omaha. N h J WHOLESALE On River Bank , Bet , Farnhani and Douglas Sts. , DEALERS IJS HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 Farnham Street , 6TEELE , JiiHNSOW & QO. , LE8ALE d-EOCE. AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line o [ the Best Brands of OIBARS AMD HMDIAOTD1BD TOBACCO. far BKHWODD HAILS AMD LAFIilN & RAHD POWBE'O. HSNRY LEHMANN , OF IP - H ? IE ! AND WIHDOW SHADES , EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. ' 1118 FAR AM ST. . - - OMAHA JA tlfi TBrTP'iirriifT "n . W AJxXMJ ! liiiJjJJ. . . v AM > at.'lAlL. DKALKU IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , I'DBLINDS ; , FvlOLDKiOS , LIP K , CEVIEMT AOKN ; XOR wiLWAtKBr TKMKNT OOUPANY Ne&r Union Pacific DouV . DMA PA POWER AND HAND & Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , KOII1HKUY , HAt.lADAY WiND-ftliLLS CHURCH AMU SCHOOL BILLS Cor. Fawam and 10th Streets Cmaha , Neb