Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1882, Image 1
i I MAHA DAIL TWELFTH YEAR. OMAIM , NEB. , THURSDAY MORNING , Jl'LY 13 , 1 bi > . 21 , & - SON , -AND- MAHUFACTURES. Cor lltli St OMAHA , Magazines of Eal ! kinds BOUND TO ORDER. Send for REDUCED price-list of Job Print ing. * * tf tT1 lf\ " 5 K9 P * F % . T. F E S T A E B , Importer of , and Dealer in , I Zither Strings and Music , JI02 Farnanj St O.maha aimelC.Ms&Co , -DRY GOODS Washington Ave. and Fif h St. , % ST. LOUIS , SVJO. BALL'S ' CORSETS Kvory Corset la warranted satisfactory - factory to Its wearer in every way , or the money will bo refunded by ' the person from -whom it wag bought. It only Corset pronounced by our leading phjrulelnn no Injurious to thewearer , undtmlnrMxlljy ludliii afl th < " mo t comfortable and ptrfoct lilting Com-l ever * t " ' I' SIull , I'u.tuBO I'ulJl Jcultb Prf.ervliiB , * t.GO. Mvir.AdJuitlne , 41.00 .bdomlaul ( i-ilrii licuvy ) # 8.0(1. ( Nunlnic , tl.CO letllb l > rcM > rvln > ( Boo roulll ) ! i.UU. 1'uruguo . , . , MLIrl.Hupportluit # 1.6O : > Fr > alc by leudlnu llctull Itiulrr * cierywberC4 CUICAGO COItbi : ' ! ' CO , , ChlcuL'o , 111. LAKfcFOREST UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Three co-jr cj ; opsn to boh ' AJADRMV-Cla-Blc 1 and Kngllbli Choi t H hp'tof tralnlnr lor cVlegeorbui nuts. PERKY HAljL-Hemmary for Voun ? lailca. Uns'irpOMc < l In bointy aid lical liful- n pm n | tltuUii'i , ( nil In ix'cot cl * d > autaei f > ne * J nci thorsnghnt'M ol tra'nln ; then. On Yo'r liojlnn Scptfm r 13. 1882. Apply to [ ' PRE3T. QREQORY. mice Forest , 111. RAZING HAIL British Gannon Pull on the Breaches and LBYD ! Every Obstacle , Frightful Loss of Lifa in the Ports and Streets of the City. Fire nnd Pillage Add New Terrors to the Bom bardment. Gladstone Explains and De- feuds the Declaration of "War. Alexandria Makes No Reply to the Shots of the British Float. A Party of Marines Land and Take Possession of One Foit. Bursting Soms of Its Guns and Spiking Others. A Fine of Truce Raised Over the City nnd Replied to Ijy Seymour- Description of the Harbor Defenses , the British Fleet and Egyp tian Strength. THE WAR. ilatuJ Prow. Tinman TUOOPS ALE'XANDUIA , July 12. The bom bardment was not renewed at 7:10 : a. m There are as yet no signs of the renewal of the bombardment , The ironclads have not yet entered Mio in ner harbor. The t < ca is very rough and the weather is very foggy. NOON.-Tho British Hoot has been in position and for some time n gen eral fire upon the forts has been going on. Not an Alexandrian battery is. now replying to the English firo. Tlio batteries seem to bo all perfectly silenced. 12:05 : p. M. A picked party of marines from the Invincible has just boon landed. They met with no op position. They went directly to Fort Meks and there burst tluco guns and spiked three more. 12:20 : P. sr. The marines are still on shore and are at work around Fort Meks. No signs of a land fight have yet been shown , The Invincible has the marines well covered , and should the Egyptians attack them a terrible slaughter will ensue. A. FLAG OF TllUCE. 2j . a > > A flag of. truce has just "been rflB"\i 'Dvel'Alexandria.It lias been recognized by Admiral Seymour , and a flag has been hoisted in reply. In answer to the admiral's signal a vessel under truce is approaching the admiral's ship frfcm the city. THE CANAL QUKSTION. All flags of the fleet are at half mast. All Enulish marines killed during the bombardment were buried ceremoni ously in the sea. The closing of the Suez canal ia as suming serious importance. Not a vessel lias passed for two days now. THE SULTAN'S UEQUEST. CONSTANTINOPLE , July 12. The sul tan informed "Lord Dull'erin to-day that Mueurus Pasha , Turkish ambas sador to England , reports that when ho presented the oultan's request that England stop the bombardment , Earl Granville replied that England could not now st > ip , and hat England felt compelled to continue so long as I he eastern question continued in its present unsettled ptato. The sultan's statement to Lrd Duflerin is causing suspicion that ho is securing from England ollicial statements for some ulterior purpose. OLADSTONE'H STATKMBNT. LONDON , .July 12 , In the homo cf commons , Gladutnno , replying to in quiries BO to the exact attitude Eng land is placed in towards other pow ers by Seymour's action , oflicially de nied on hohult of the government that : England hud begun the war with Egypt ; that ( ho boinbaidment of . Alexandria was undertaken solely for the protection of the British fleet within thu harbor , and to suppress the military tyranny existing in Alexan dria , and which not only was oppress ing the people and menacing the fleet , but wnich existed in defiance nf the Bultan'e wishes. Glnd- itono averred Seymour's conduct , consistent with perfect , concert be tween the powero and E .gland. TUB CITY rntEi ) . ALEXANDUIA , July 12. 0 p. in. Several largo fires are burning in va rious parts of the city , all of which ' itarted apparently simultaneously , A > lag of truce can still bo suen flying , put it is feared that Arab ! Boy's > 'ollowora mean to destroy the city by ; PAHIS , July 12. A terrible fire is raging , caused by a gas explosion , just low. Twelve houses have already eon destroyed , and twenty persons dlled have boon found under the . ruins. Scores of people have been [ ivounded. THE VLKKT AND THE WHIPPED. LONDON , July 12. The latest from Alexandria says that the gunboat sent 'rom the forts with a flag of rruco has ' oturned from Seymour's fUg ship. Hio fleet is under way , the conso- luenco of rising wind and heavy well. The queen telegraphed in- uiries as to the condition of the vouudod. t A dispatch from Berlin Bays it ia reported there that Arab ! Bey is ? n listing troops by the thousands. Tirr. DURNINO cm . ALEXANMUA , July 13 , 1 a. m. Tlio fires in the city nro increasing ii fierceness and extent. They Are tup posed to bo incendiary and not duo to the firing of the ( loot. No shot V s sent into the town to-day. If the truce fails , general cannonade will bo resumed sumed this morning. Anarchy pre vail * unions the Egyptian soldiery. The English gunboat sent to otcer tnin the meaning of the white fl.u ? has returned. The Egyptians refused to surrender. The European quarter is burned , hundreds have boon killed in the streets and two thousand were killed in the forts during the bom bardmont. The fleet has entiro'y suspended action. There is evidently no government to deal with. The city is given over to anarchy pi i luge. _ THE TOWN. WHAT UEMA1NS 01' A CAPITAL OF TUB WOULD. Chicago Ttibuno. Modern Alexandria occupies only part of the site of its predecessor , be mq chiefly built on the isthmus that connects what wns once the classic island of Pharos with the mainland , an which the old city stood. Sueces sivo alluvial deposits have widened this mole the ancient lluptastndium into n broad neck of land , the sea ward end of which is occupied by the palace of llas-ol-Toon , thonrsennl , nud several other government building * , after which , mainland ward , comes the modern town and west of this peninsula is the two harbor. " , called THE NEW ANII OLD POUTS. The former of those , being completely exposed to the north ninds and in cumbered with rocks und shoals , has long boon disused except by small nu tivo craft , though it was not till the beginning of tlio present century that thu much larger and safer western harbor nas thrown open to Christian vessels. This latter is ( situated at thu northeast end of the bay , adjoining the southern and western sidue of the city in u nearly semi-circular form , and extending froin the pilucu qf Itis- el-Teen , by the arsenal dock , to the terminus of the Cairo rail way at Cabari. THI : OLD stilr occupies the site of the ancient Pharos , on n rocky projection Btrotch- ing northeast into thu entrance of the new port , but in 1842 , after the opening of the old harbor to Chris tian shipping , its distance from thu latter and the lowncss of its light in duced Mehomot AH to build a now tower on Eunostuo ( now called Teen ) Point , ut the southwestern ex- trtmity of the peninsula , whence a 20 second revolving light of the first class , since erected by the khedtvo , flashes its friendly warning twenty miles out at sea. Nearly a milo be hind this stands : THE VJCEUEOAL PALACE , built by Mehemet Ali , to whoso ambi tion is also duo the line arsenal that forms the next principal object of in terest between the peninsula and the modern town. The development of this last has been mainly oajtwarcta , tOwardii'tlid'Tlamich tiUnrcy fltaljPrv- , which only seven , years ago lay for outside the city , but is now connected with it by fine rows of boulovard-liki houses , lot out in shops below am flats nbovo , at rents little below the average of similar buildings in Paris. In 'this direction , too , an admirable road along the Mahmoudioh canal ut tracts on Fridays nnd otlior fete days f crowds of private carriages , many of , which might figure in the Boiu or Hyde Park. Of the whole city , in- j deed , it may bo said that , although t hTILL "PIEIIALD , " 8 ao Eliot "Warburton found it a quarter * of a cPntury ago -"onu-half Europe , with its regular houses , tall und white , and stiff ; the other half Oriental , witii its mud-colored buildings and terraced roofs , varied with fat mosques and lean minarets"--the municipal im provements ofTdcI'Ml by 'ho ' khedive have in respect i lii"it..iig , paving , police , und clonnln ess uiiM-d the largo Frank quarter otipuci.iliy to n level with nioat first-class French and Eng lish towns , and placed it half a century uhead of oven thu Christian faubourg of Constantinople. THE HA.KBOR. y DESCKiniON OK THE THEATEIl 01' i WAH. The modern harbor of Alexandria , in which the trade of the port is now carried on , lies within tlio upper urvo of a bay foimod by the two pro ectint ; headlands of Ilin-ul-Tecn on .ho northeast undCipo Adjemi and Marabout Island on the southwest , ind measuring six miles in length by in avera o of two in breadth. It is aildlockod on every ride nxcept one- he southwest. The wind from this lirection is , however , the prevailing mo during eight or nine months of ho year , and from time immemorial ho "sea" thus occasioned has aeri- nisly impeded tlio loading and din- ihargaof vessels in the roidatead by itono lighters , as the custom has hitli- irto been. The importance of remo- f lying this great drawback on the con- 'enionco of his oliief port has long een ft-It by the khedive , but it was ' lot till the threatened rivalry of the uez canal had emphasized the neces- ity that ho finally decided on carry- rig out a work of such magnitude and est Accordingly , in 1870 , a con- rast was entered into with Messrs. ireenleaf it Co. , an eminent English inn , for the construction of A OltEAT IIUBAKWATEH , .11 inner harbor mole and a line of uays , which should together afford tu ho requisite shelter and uccommoda- tuat ion need by the growing trade of the at ho port , After eomo months spout in ' ho necessary preparations the work ras begun in the spring of 1871 , r'hen the khedive in porion laid the oundation stone. Since then the riginal plan has boon considerably nodified , but it will bo eufficient to f dontion its ultimate lines as now in roat part carried out. Commencing a point fifty metres uouthweat of he Kaa-ol-Teen light-houso , the outer f breakwater extends first in this latter direction for nearly ltOCX ) metres and then , curving to south nrnithwpit , runs in a straight line 2,350 mefrcs further , or in all nbovo two miles across the south of the harbor , inclosing an area of more thai 1,400 ncres of still water duq enough for vessels of tlio largest class. ' The principal entrance to the port is now , therefore , round the southwestern end of tlio breakwater , which is 1.500 metres from the ulioro. wliilo the narrow passive oF ( Has el- Teen Riumls ingress nnd ogress only to small craft nnd shore boats. As in the cano of THE OP.KAT MOLES AT POUT HMD , this outer sen wall has boon construe led , up to the water level , of huge blocks of concrete , manufactured at the mtighbotiiiR Mx quarries of muni and Thoil limo nnd deposited pell moll on the seaside , with an ninor front of rubble. The upper portion of the work , which is of solid mason ry , rises ton foot nbovo the lonvst , or si'von foot nbovo tlio hiuhvat , ea level , nnd is of uniform aurfuco idth of twenty foot. In ull , nbaut 25,000 , concrete blocks , weighing ton tuns each , nnd ltiO,000 tons of largo nnd small nibble stones have been sunk in the foundations of this grotl uork. Shorowaids , the scheme compriaoa a broad mole , stretching out 000 motrui from the mouth of the Mnninuiulinh canal nnd Mio harbor terminus of the Cairo railroid towards llis-ol-Teen , and A MJJK OK qUAYS 1,240 metro ] long , extondini ; from the same point along the Marina to close up the Admiralty Dock. Like the in ner mole , these quayc nro b.iaed upon n deep rubble foundation , \vith n superstructure of solid niatonry , and whan completed will have abutting iron jetties , alongside , which ships may load nnd discharge in nil weathers. A brnnoh railway will connect the mole nnd quays with the Alexandria & Cairo line , and thus with the whole railway system of the interior. THE BRITISH FLEET. THE EN a us u MIN-OP-WAU AT ALEX.\N- DltlA. The most important of the English vessels , with their armament that is , tluu'r fighting gun batteries nro a follows : No. of Weight Name. gum. in tons Hector . 18 ( U VnliHiit . 18 li Doff uce . IS C.j Lnrd Warden . 18 tij Iris. . 10 * Kupuloo . 10 ! l Monitnur . 17 12 \gincuurt . 17 1- Northamiiton . | llj J Heronlw . { | } | Superb . 10 18 Alexandria . ' . . .j ] ° romerntro . -j j ! jg Monarch li-flexiblo . , . . 4 80 Sixty-four pounder .v t , weigh over 100,000 pounds , und ' ar thir.y j two feet eight inches in length , nnd with n 1,700-pound projoctili driven by 370 pounds of powder , at a velocity of 1,520 feet a uecpnd ( thii is at the rate of over a milo in four seconds ) , produce an energy equal t < the effect of 27,21.'t tons of inota falling from a distance of onti fooi upon any object. The smallest o i guns will drive a bolt througl seven inches of iron ut 600 yards' dm tanco , nnd the largest will put their shot , under the fcame conditions through twenty-seven inches of iron EGYPTIAN STRENGTH. SHE C'AN KUKNISH 120,000 FH11ITINU MBN TO KM'KL INVASION , The Egyptian army , ns at presonl arguni/.jd , consists of nine regiments of infantry , two regiments of artillery , throe regiments of coastguard , three rcgimontH of cavalry , ami four regiments monts < f gondurmio. Every Eiyp ; < Lian between the ages of 19 and 40 , ind rugardleEH of religion or race , is liable to military survicu. The t > rm jf Hurvieo in the active army is three pours for the infantry , and four years for thu c-ivalry and artillery. After uaving thu active army thu soldiers dtiru to their villages , and for u poled - led of eix years aru inscribed in the irat reserve ; affor I hi ) expiration of ho six years they are inscribed in the econd reserve , which can only be ailed out in case of invasion. Thin irgunization was introduced in 1872 , o that the troopi of thu second esurvo are juet beginning to bo in- cribed , TUB INFANTIIV IIKOIJIENT8 ro composed of thruo battalions of . ight companies euch. In time ot if mace only two and sometimes four of heso eight companies uro present nth the colors. The cavalry regi ments have BI'X squadrons ouch. The rtillery rcgimonts uro composed of ix batteries of four guns each in tinio peace und eight guns in time of rur. Two of the eix batteries are lountod and f ur are foot batteries 'ho infantry are armed with Iteming- nn rifles , of which there uro about 50,000 in Egypt. The onvulry are rrnod with sabres , revolvers and tumington carbines The ury are nupplied with rifled breech- lading Krupp gmm , of which there ro about 100 in the magazines. Tlio arrison und sea comt artillery uro ' rovided with heavy Krupp and with Yuhrondroff guns of eight-inch and un-inch calibre. THE POWDKK J1ILLH f nd cartridge factory it To u rah , near 'itiro , render Euypt practically indo- endent of a foreign supply of ainmu- ' ition. The quartermaster's depart- lent and the commissariat uro in u id state of chaos , and uro the weak oints in the prg an/zation / , A firman the sultan limite the troops to 18- , 00 , At the pruiHiit moment thuro ro perhaps 12,000 or 13,000 mon with lie colorBj but tin regimental cadres commissioned and non-commis- sionod dftl nrs nro no mnintniiiod thai in five weeks thn I'llectivo Ktronu'li ' o < the nrmy could bo increased to 45(00 ( men by calling in the lint roaorvi" In cnou ol invasion thn Ucdnweon c < m tiiuontu , who futninh their own nrm nnd horscn , nnd the second reserve would otmblo 1' ypt to place in tin- field 120,000 lighting mon. THE OAMERONS AM COMING , Not Only to Tmir Son ca Butte to Their Knooc , for T rin0. Fonr Propodlttoim for ix Cnnitro > lulno Mnilo to thn luitoponilnutK. Political Horns fiom Uthor Sources. Roubltonnii. Natlmmt Avtx'UtiMl Prim. Pim.u > KipHiA , .luly 12. .Tho re- publicnn Rtato ciitnmittuo is holding a session to consider plans for harmo nizing tlio parly. The republican state central committee - mitteo met tidny in pursuance of n resolution adopted nt ILirmbur , to the nfl'oct that the committee should uao nil hononnblo means to ellVct harmony in the party. OatulklaU-n < if the regular party were inviiud lo bit present , und responduil by letter pine ing themselves in tlio hands nf the committee nnd pledging themselves to nhido by its decision , Four plans of harmonizing were suuircsted and the chairman t f thu state committee was empowered to present these four propositions to the independents wi'h the understanding that either would bo acceptable to the regulars Thu propositions nro : First Uoth tickets to bo submitted to the whole republican party at pi i mary elections. Second To hold prinurien for soli c- lion of a ticket by popular vote , to IK open to the candidature of nny repub lican , whether on either ticket or not Third -To hold n convention on the fourth Wednesday in August. Fourth To hold n now convention under the rules of the last tt'gulnr convention. POLITICAL ASSESSMENTS. Tlio Reformers Uoply to Hubboll. .National A'noclfttcd Pri H Nr.w VIIIIK , .Inly 12. Counsel of .ho Civil Service Reform association iftvo addressed a lotior in ri-plv ' " lay A. lliibbeir , chaiving Hubbell shirked a judicial investigation into us nctn , and defining the p IHIIIOII ot ho iiBflociatioi . liu sayH IJiiliboll , Juing n legislative ollicer of tlio gov ernment , any employe p'lyini ; money to him is guilty of n misdemeanor mder chap. 280 , see. 00 , laws 1878. WhetheraasL-sstnuntB are paid volun tarily or under duress is of no con sequence. In either case payments are prohibited. The letter concludes , "Wo trust this will eventually bi'como so clour to you , that you und your iommittoo will either act accord- aijly or also that you will not seek to -.Xfwlu Icoral demonstration of { .ho fact ? fj& ! & u.c 1tt * > * fc iri * + ; ii > j-- * ' . - init n iniademeanor. The JJonilly Toy Pistol- NiU LOWELL , Mass. , July 12. A ro- nuirkablo coincidence occurred in this city to-day , in the death of three boys from lockjaw induced by toy pistolfl , thu wounds being indicted July 4 h. E.icli wim wounded in thu left hand. All lost consciousness about thu B.imo time , nnd their deaths occurred within twelve honrn. John lluys , II ! yearn old , con of Anna Iluys , died thin morning ; John Bar ren , a French boy , 11 years old , died at about the riimo hour , und thisovon- ing at 'JtO : ! Fred Jarvia , 15 yearn old , died in the most intense ugony. A Topio i"or BnuIioiN. Nftllonal AfhddVcd Press. NEW YMIIK , July 12. In view jf the disturbance of foreign ex changes by the Egyptian war the fVmorican bankers association will din- . Jims at the Saratoga convention the irobablo i fl'ctatH of closing tlio Suez ipon our unnmcrcoand finance. Area- archi Boy , Turkish minister nt Wash- ngton , will contribute important in- urination on Turkish finances. Doud Hciit , | Utlnnal Awoclatod PruHU , NEW Yoitic , July 12. The thor- immetor ia up in the ninotiea again i o-day. Over fifty deaths from ex- cuaivo huut are reported. Another Viotlni. ational AbHumU-il I'ruuu. NI Po. , July 12 , Ono uiro body was found under the .ciota , supposed to be Albert Snow , E ist Liverpool. _ The Theatrical MUnium ttlnnal AbfOClatuU 1'ruea. NEW YOUK , July 12 , Hov. Goo. 0. liln , who was requested to resign the ustorato of a Chicago church on no * imnt of agnosticism , is going on the f tngu , liu will open nt Orand oponi ouso , Brooklyn , in. October , playing lamlet , Ingo , Iticholicu , and Mac- oth. Qriovioui Donthi. itlonal AenocittoU 1'rind LOWKLL , .July 12. William Camp- ell , 12 years old , was drowned in the lerrimao rwur to-day while bathing , 'ho body was recovered. Mrs. John Martin , mother of Peter lurtin , killed on the Salem & Lowell ailrojil , four weeks ugo , died to-day Nl grief. She won provioua to the no- idunt a strong , healthy woman , . Terrible Aooiaout. ! ? , 'utlonal Associated 1'fesn. Ul , LITTLE ROOK 12.--Tho Ga- , July . - - - btie's dispatch , received ut 11 o'clock > nighr , gives the following brief but orrilyino ; particular * : TKXAIIKANIA , July 12. A terrible flair occurred hero today , Ghiei'a di ew throe atory brick buildw ig was struck by light * d ( n inf , at-tl falling on taUxm , buried it , smashing overvthinu ti nt. > m . T.iirty mon nro nuppojed o bo buried in the ruins. Homo b > dit > fi hiivo nlrendy been token out , nnd a li rio ; force nro nt work aonrch- i ig fur more. Fire has broken out under thu ruins. St'ORTINO. 'Utimml AwoclfttiKl Prom 1IIK TUUK. litVKlirooi. , .luly 12. The rnco for the litvcrp > ol cup wns won by lilnnncl , Oi'gL'U's second , Toast Master third , HASP. it.u.i , . Pitti.MiKt.PtitA , July 12.Philiulel nhnti 8 , AMiIetics It ; Atl ntica ! l , Lniitnvillea 2 I'liTMiumi , July 12. AHoghcny 0 , St. Liiiiia 1 , YACHT HACK. NKW YOIIK , July 12. The schooner ynoht Montank will race against Until * hler lor thu Capo M. y clmiloiiRO cup. Tlio dale is not fixed. The courao in from Snnrty 11-mV to and around the Five Fa horn lij lit s ! p , PiriMll'IKl UAOES. 1'iTTHrtt'iio , July 12. Second dny of iho httalmn ! park trothng races : F ist ritno , 2:2 : ! > class , $ 000 , was won by Youint Fullertoi ) , Lirgresso Hocoiul , Dick Oregon third , Mercntin fourth , Etllu fifth , Ksto Taylor nixth , Feller sn-enth ; time , 2:23 : , 2:25 , 2:2-1 : ] .Second event , pacing rnco , free to nil , for $1,600 , wns won by Lucy , Miittiu Hunter second , Don Hamilton third , Charlie U fourth ; time , 2:17ft : , 2TriJ,2:22j. ; : LONd 1IHANCII HACKS. LONO ItUANcit , .luly 12. There was a'laryo uUenditncu at the first day'o miiUutnmur racing nt Mammoth pink to-diiy. The opening rnco was for n purse of $500 , milu and three furlongs , between - twoon Piurro Lorillnrd's ' Parole nnd Go ri'o Lnrillnrd'H ' yl'jtla. It was won by Pnroli ; lime , 2:2i. : ( beamil rnro , Atlitntio stakes , two year oldn , three-ijnnrlura of n mill ) , C.iz.xrrn llrat , Rouegixdo second , Due third ; time , 11U. ; ( Third rucu , Uarilan Rtnkcs , throe old , milo an three furlong , Furco first , Macb'th nrcond , Duplex third ; . * > . * 'O 1 I..I11U w.taif. Fourth race , free Imiilicnj ) swoop- stnkefl , ono and a ( junrter milen , Mo 1- itor firxt , .luck of Hearts second , Fair- count third ; time 2:10. : Fifth nice , put-no $500 , milo nnd furlong , D.ut ' K" first , Strnthspy flee- end , Itibuock third ; Itnskn was in but was disqualified for fouling ; time 1:571- : Sixth iiieo , ono and three quarter mile , neven hurdluB , Kitty Clark first , Ohio Boy second , Fraud Short third ; time 3:17. : Marino , Nillorml ApHoohtuil I'ri'ns. NKW YOUK , July 12. Sailed , Porthia for Liverpool , Franco for London , Amsterdam for Amsterdam , St. L > vw- renco for Iluvro. Arrived , France from Havre. LIVEUPOOL , July 12. Arrived , Helvetia from Now York. The Egyptian National Atnociatnu rtetu Jnly12. . An boon formed hero , and on foreign correspondence appointed. Appircntly it has soinothing to do with the England trouble with Egypt , although composed of Irishmen , Mexican Ammomoiit. National AHnncIatud 1'rOKn , K.UH.I3 PAHO , Toxns , July 12. A party of BIX Amurjcaim who recently crocscd the line to gut permits to hunt , tip stolen oittlo , make nfliJnvit that they were arrested , thrown into liltliy cells without charges buing preferred - ferred against them , whipped for the iimuHoniuiit of the jailor , nnd made to FuifFor otlior iirlignities. The atten tion ol the government will bo called to the ciiao. Fatal xlo lou > N'atlonal I'reta Awiaclatloii. NOIIUIHIOWN , Pa. , July 12. A inanity of cheiniealH in u drug store xplodod this morning by u lighted audio , Thu store wan entirely do- itroyt'd , Dr. Shipbig and Messrs. Donoiigli and Dehavon wuro terribly jurned. lown Iilvn Stock. Jatlonal AiwoeUtcil Prueo. DIH : MOINK.S , July 12. Official sta- istics on Iowa live .tttouk show a do- ireaso of 17 < i-(0 , ( ! { hogs in the state in ' . hu past year , The increase in cattle 81 , LOO Hogs avurugo ton poundn ightor weight. C.ittlo uro uleo lighter , ft1 nit of greater value. ft1d Accidentally ft1hi ,1 , AMrocmtwl 1'rciih. hi FiiAKKuUT , Ind , , July 12. Frank Jumpboll , aged 1-1 , accidentally ' NI angod hlmtolf in a trapeze and wns hoked to death. Xinilk Hob-bill nlB" NEW YOUK , July 12. The Italiun B" Liniirican bank in thnmtung BU iiiilding was robbed early this morn- VII ig by burglars who entered by means an false koyH , opened tlio safe and vnHi bstracted $0,500 , of which $5,000 HiEi rero greenb eka and tlio rest foreign Ei oin. No cluo. an Robliod in tlin Paliuor HOUHO. CiuuAdo , July 12. E , M. Kunno- Ni on , u well known hotel man , was ribbed of cash and jewelry valued at J ( 1,100 while aleuping in his room in M ho Pulmur house , llo BuapecU em- Mhi loyes of the house. lu \Visron lu Com. otlanal Aatoclatuil I'ruia. . MADIHON , Wis. , July 12. The proJV jngud cold , wet spell has seriously atarded the corn crop of WiBconain. Inlesa fronts are kept buck for two or lireo weeks beyond the usual time the iold will bo alight. Vbiiuor Predicts- ttlon&l Aiauclatvii I'rtse. MONTUEAL , July 12. Vonnor pro- ictH Saturday and Sunday sultry , 'ith Htrong huat , hot wind and thun- or Btorinn. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. The River and Harbor Appropria tion Passed by the Senate , " bo Probability of a Veto Die- counted Among High Officials. Sister Sooville'a Boquot Proves to Have Boon Loaded with Poison. Enough of a Deadly Drug to Kill a Horeo Embedded in the Lonvop. Two Loading Democrat * Tlirontnn to Perforate Ench Other. A Paragraph of Peculiar and Pecuni ary Importance to Uonclboldors. OAPITAIi NOTES. National Awoclatoil I'rcxr A rossini.K VETO. WASHINGTON , July 12. There is throwing fear tlio river and harbor iill will bo votuod by the president , Several inenibcrB of the cabinet nro < nown to bo opposed on account of : ho largo sums appropriated. EXCHANGING BONDS. WASHINGTON , July 12. Socrotiry Folger lina insuod n circular relative to rocoivini in oxchnngo 8j per cent bonds for it pur cent bonds. The change will begin August lat. Of- fora must bo by letter accompanied by bonds. The envelopes must indicate thov contain proposals for surrender of JJ per cent bonds. The date and tninuto in which the bonds coma into the _ Bocrotnry's hnuds will determine their priority. THE "OKFIUIAL" HKl'OUT of Dra. Sowora and llartigun , of the Ouituau autopsy , will bo given to the pri'BB to morrow. It is understood to differ materially from Limb's lomirt , taking strong ground on the cnnity aide of the controversy. THE 1IOUQUBT which reached Guitonu from Mrs. Scovillo the oviuiing btforo the execu tion was taken to tlio army medical niuaoum , where the suspicious white powder on tlio buils was analyzed and to-day declared to bo arsonio enough to kill a horao. lieaido the poisoned buds a sprig of deadly poisoned vine will loutul , The vine has boon sub mitted to a botanist , whoso report hat not yet been mndo. APPKOPUIAT10NH. ' _ The senate conunittpo on approprin- liom concluded considorntion ot the bill to-night , nnd will report to the aontito to-morrow. The river nnd harbor bill as passed by the senate will moot with strong opposition in the house. If passed in itc present shape , efforts will bo mndo to induce' the president to veto it , but this is not , an it ia Bploly a matter of Jrobablo , of .tho two houses , wbioh UC'c3410t'lllVoi\'OrlL ' Ca'Jt4UoStlonaMijijri\ JB not Hkoly f o bmbarrata the ro vcnuesr CONUUEriS National Aveoclatod 1'ro'n HENATK PJlOCBUniNa.S. WASHINGTON , July 11. The aonato roaumed discussion of the nvor mid harbor bill. After concurring in most of the nmcndmontn in bulk , the uill passed by n vote of 3D to 23 , seventeen republicans voting aye and sixteen nay. Adjourned nt 0:25 : p. in. HOUSE PiiooT.miiNUH. The house wont into tlio committee of the whole on the sundry civil bill. The houao npunt thoentiroday on the bill. Mr. .Blackburn moved to pay house employes an ndditional month's salary. Mr. Hobnail < uid tliora was no law to do HO , and it wua an effort Lo take this sum of the treasury without rendering an equivalent. Mr. Blackburn took ofl jnso at this thin , and donouncnd the utafomont is untrue , and nind the proposition was authorized by Jaw , Mr. Ilolnmn reiterated that Mr. liluckhurn'n statement was absolutely Mid unqualifiedly faluc , Some further remarks on the mater - or buing muiie by Mr. HI icklinrri a .v inini'tun lii'er , Mr llolmui ro- nurkcd ho would adjust , the dif- lenity u' . miino o'lit-r time , to which Hr. Blaokburn ruuhuU that lie might 10 so nt uny time nnd placo. The house , without notion on the till , adjourned at 7:30 : , A Gniudslor Who Poached. 'atlonal Assoclatoil Prum. OIIIDAGO , July 12. S. P. Clark , lias Thos. Jones , who was arrested y custom ollicors recently at Detroit , ave information which led to the f 1 aizuro here of casshnor and cloths O t aluud at 82,700 which had been nuirglcd from Canada and sold to urious merchants hero. Portions of to goods were also found nt BulLlo , Irio , Detroit , Cleveland , Ciuciu.uti. d Milwaukee , Possible Murder. 'utlonal Asi elated Press. SVHACUSE , N. Y. , July 12. Ohannjr ohnson , a boarder at the house of Ira , Swnsor , was found dead , with is neck broken , Tlio woman claims came homo intoxicated when she joked him in the loom and ho jumped ut of the window. It is supposed to uvo been a quarrel and murder by lie woman. ' Irish Fire Euxor . atlonal Atk-ctUtuil Pica * . . CiiHUdo , July 1'2 It ia reported Imt Pat Crow of torpedo notoriety , , as visited several points iu the state , , electing del t pi tea to the national ynamito convention to to held hero ext month. O'Donovan lloaa is aid to have sent instructions to select nly disciples of his school.