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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1882)
- - . . ' 1 mnr nnrrv rTe iAI3A WEDNESDAY , JULY I ? , 1tiR2 The Omaha Bee. _ PnbA hedevory morningoxoeptSunday ihi vny : MonJay liornfng dally. TIHtISDY btAIh- Oneiear.810,00 Thrcolirmtha$1 6 x Months. o,00 One . . TIIE WEEKLY DEE , pnbUslaed w. ty Wetheaday. TERMS POST 1'AIDt- Ono Ycnr , . , . .J200 } Threeilfonthe. . ti 0O $1xMcithe. . . . ] ,00 One t . : O A1IEatCAN Ncws OOIIPANT , Solo Agen t I or I'ewedoatere In the united Stator , OII11ESPONDENOE-A11 Commnnl . tatlona relating to No ' 1 170n b ern shouH boidd e the o t D1 e. 1uis1'iDS8 LETTERS-All Bnxlne. ' ' Xett rn and ] tcmlttnncon nhouldheCat ( nlONAuA. UraftnlChecki nnldroa . droa ' c 'moo' ' Onions to be made paynblo to th . rder of the Company The BEE PUBLIHINU CO , , Props Et ROSEWATER. Editor. Ropubltonn titato Convontlon The republknn rlectonroft h d o o Nebraska are hereby calla en gates from the never i conntk to n & pt tuber 2Jth A. 1),1882 , at 7 o'cloc k ne ine ( or purpose of placing in noml caethdidatc atlou cae + for the f ollnwing naulet j offce + , viz : Governor , lieutonantrgovcrnnr , oecrctnr Y of , tote , au Htur , trenn firer , nttorneygen oral , comtniMloner of public anam i bulldinge , eupetlntcndcntof pub ) ofnst lion. lion.And to trnnnact such other aonventlon s may properly come before the The several counties arc entitled to re n ; f ollows , Laced In nl ion the rote CMt for rr Than u e Towers , Jr. , fn 1581 , for regent of the tat universtty : Giving ono ( ) delegate to cac h Bred and tilt ttOJ voton , and on u delegate for th e fraction noveptyftr' 7b ) votes or over ; a1 eone delegate nt It for each or y ! a Counties , Q ConnUas Adnws 1I ° l 10deacraon fq7 7 Antelope. , , , 70 J01111A01. I I W a Boom ! 7r0 Icnrnoy ( , 730 Boom ! . . . . . . 1212 1 ° Ieith ' ilullco. . . . , all IIGox , . . , , 0:11 : 1 a Burt . . . . . . . 01 I i lcr. 2510 1 . . . 1632 1 1.btc ac 100 Cedar. . . . . . tai 2llndfeott. . 100'I Che3enne170 2llcrrlck. . , 8227 7 Clay. . . . . . . . 13'3 1U Nmice . , . . . .JO 7n n Cownx , . . , t , Niu . . . 1110 Cnmhig. . , , , 01t SNuckolls. . 1.11 Ctutcr , . . . , . , 317. ) a ttna. . . . . . 161g 1 i Chow 1 . . . III I ? o Lundy. , , . , I Phclp + ? nakota , . . . . 402 1Ikrco. . . . , 1O8 a Lawson. . . , . 371 3 Plnltu , . . , . 762 ° 4 Polk 1012 y ialge , , , . . , tu'S ' S Bea Wilow 22 IollglaM , . . , ZVI 18ltlclmnlsoa Ir4'1 I 1'llhnoru. . . . 1120 11 Salhm , . , , . 1871 13 l'ranklh , . . . . 611 Z Haqy. . , . . , tf,0 1B 1'ronller. . , , 128 2Hntnnicre , . 1301 1Lma + . . , . . . . , 112 0loward. . . . 1207 Cage. . . . . . . 1721 1'1 Sherman . , .I2 Gospcr. 210 2 Stantau , 188 Oreciey. . . 202 2 Thayer. . 1050 y Ball. . . . . . . . 1176 0 rnlluy' , , . , df1 o Ilntnllton , . . 062 7 traMhingfn I2I' . Ilarlam. . . , . . . 111'9 II tVnyno. , . , 171 : . llltchcock , , . 220 211'hrelcr , , . 98 4 Ilolt. . . . . , . . . , bib t trubster , . . 11r.17 h iloward. . , . 039 6 York. . , . . . 1030 'a Ifayes . . 1 Total , : e 1 It 1a reconunmc ; Flr8t , That no proxies be ndudtted the convention , except Ruch an are hold 1 ty persons residing In the counties fro m which the rroxlel are given , Second , ! 'hat no dolegatoahallreproac at an absent member of his delegation , nnl ea a ho be clothed with authority from t lot county convention , or fa in poslossims proxies from regularly elected delega tea thereof. JAn1s 1V , DAvI(9 ( , Chairman JohlN STExN . - - , Seccretay. . . _ . . .u . .N. . . " ° wlill good anns mid mean W11EBky are iho real acalpora of our frontier soft 10' month. THE labor aiffioultioe in the east a yp still without adjuatmont , but there is every proepoct or a mttlornont } , t favor of advanced wagoe. s , DENVE1t fe n great place for brick , They aoll at tire yards at Gvo to 81 z + . dollars per 1,000 , , and that city wi . . U80 home 90,000,000 thin 80a8011. TIIEASUIlEIt EAOAN of the Ian d league received aomo $100,000 fret tt March to Juno. That in riot bat , although the caueo rognirea muc It moro , TNe Republican eayn that " \Vasl t ington pavomonh" are "indigonous to the "nowepapor liar , " Wa euggoe t that our contemporary take the nox t paving contract for that burg. TnE bankruptcy bill goon over t ° the uoxt 8 ° 881011 of congress. Tha t moan8 that it is dead for the next tsv ° yours. Tha country neodu 8ont0 sue ) n tnoaBUre , but it will do no Inrln f ° have a gold ono , mud two yours' luau ' bation ought to bring forth a complot Inoaeuro. OSCAU } Vitus : wanted to take L1 a colored valet in bin elooping car it I Savannah , foorgia : , but thu bourbon ' Th conductor did not thlnk the 8un110svu r big enough to hold thorn both , Thor ° it fe no aoethotic8 about "a aiggor" it au the south and Oacar eau't prove it t ° thorn either , COM EDEUATE bonds and certificatea Wo are still 801110g in the scut/a / In par Texan they are worth $05 and $70. Ia as not that worth thinking about ? Dooa ores that look like if JeQ ; Davie waa far wrong when lie aaya every now and then that the boat csuao Eh not dead- only elooping. ex help Tux Kansas City Journal has aont its reporter to interview the saloon be koepora on the way proltlbitlon Ilan worked upon them under Gov. St , John. Strange t4 any , moat of tboiii with are for him and solo nquuro against und him. Several of thorn hay that the adm prcaocutitnln instituted ecoat thorn aomothing for lawyers' fees , but that flea rho free advnrtiaomelt ltah largely in It creased their business and on the solicit wliolo they are well satisfied , The cler poet aays thPt man is a strange animal , thou and particularly so when ho wants mesa whisky in the land of prohibition , cent VALENTINE AND Soil WENCI T he tolloning latter explains itself ' and vindicates the gentleman referred to who has beau bitterly attacked limo and again by that chrome defamer , E. Itoeowator ; Dr ] A1t71/ENT OF T11171NTrnlolt , VABuI1 mTON , D. U. Ilan. K K , falenllno , Rouw of Ileptes ntallrce. Sir-In roeponso t ° your poraonal inquiry it gives ma pleasure to any that otter a careful examination hq the anaietant secretary of iho interior u [ the charges of mnltansnnco in oflico made against I' . Schwenck , former reg ister of rho land office at Norfolk , Noblaekn , the department finds mid chnrgca wholly unfounded , Very ] teepactfully , U , N , TELLE1t , Soo'y. -li'cstl'oint ItgntbUcnn , We venture to assort that Secretary Taller has never road the damaging record o1 file fn iho iniorinr depart , mentngainatthnt monumental fraud Dr. 7) ) Peter Schwenck or ho anent would have signed ilia name to Hoch ° cer tificate. ' 1'ho brazenness with which Vnlontin0 has sought to impose upon the dopartmant In this Inatanco is only equates by the infamous course ho pursued in presenting a bogus coZi sue return to the congressional coin mitl0o. Every wall informed person in the Elkhorn valley known Schwonck to be a rogue without a radoatning quality. T1 ! ° proof of his rascality was an complete be fore the commissioner of the general la nd office that ho was compelled to resign the registorahip of the Norfol k la nd office In spite of the desperate oneff orts ° { Valentine to have hi re whituwashoa. The ron8oua why YAI antino sustains this land robber is be. cause Valentine himself was in the sa me bent with rho rung of tans ahArh a that hnro swindled and blackmailed hundreds of poor homesteaders in Northenstorn Nebraska. Valentino n s rogiator of Uta ale IVaat Paint land offi ce carrion on spatomnlia fraud s by playing into the hands uE this tan d ri ng until ho hima0lE had ! > , suddenly stop dawn and out of the olhico before hi s form expired far the public good V alentine's clerk of the ngriculturn conmittoo neaurl + through the Oumh ° Rrpublicna that poor Schwonck was ° victim of civil service rnlorm ; that h ° w as removed by Carl Schutz becaue ° h ° was electioneering for Grant ; Ehn l thorn loan trot the slightest. shadow o proof of dishonesty on hie pert in ill ° department that ho to now conplolul y v indicated. For the benefit u { Valentino an d the victim of cleft nervfco reform w o reprint authentic topics from the doe ummile on Pile at the department . W ith such n black record elating hi m in the Enco it is simply propoatoro un for any matt or pastor to nanert t1 a t Dr , Schwmtck is vindicated by Secr a at tnry'rellor , On the contrary the ho t orablo secretary hna put ] us foot m it a nd only can be excused on rho grout 1d dint ho has been imposed on throug Therenro hundreds of hornootoado rs who have boon viotimizatl by Ynlm l t ine , Soluvonck and their pole , and 1f they were disposed to publish tl 10 dnnmablu rotors Valentine an a Sahwonok would hardly appear in tl 1U light of defamed officials. For our part wo have not ono wor d to retract but on rho contrary we tai t o rate sooty charge and stand ready t ° make it goon in rho courts , A VOLUNTARY OONTRIIIU TION Suppose a large corporation or COflI ' ' pony should kohl n cotleultatio " among its officers eta pass a resole ' Li on that certain a amount of mono Y was necessary to its continuance i n : buehtues , and that thorn tune no otho r w ay of obtaining that motley oacep t by soliciting n pro rata cantributio tl fr om its employees. Each ennplopo ° was f ally and ofiiclnlly advised of thl e nation of the company , Ana advurtiee a of its necessity. Now them officer n ap point n counnittoo with a regular ohairmnn to call upon tltcnu emtdoy00 s nra request tlda contrtbullou , 1'h ° enplayooe were afar with tamiltoe ac customed to earn their livelihood an through their r0npautivo 1SI0.0Ca an a utterly ulcnpuoitatad to wake n an"y oth erwise , and are thurototu entirely depoldaut for their broad ana butte r upon Chair places with this company , of e abalrmmt writes a strong ttrgelt chi appeal to these employees , nra herds with all its official importauee and thority to each of these aubural Yould any honest eau say that auoh contributions wcro "v0luutnry7" last uld any just man say that all this dis ade u { the Lessee die not work a sort of aamana of the aubordin na of the company ? stil 14 Et net natural for the eon to be. and Novo that if they aid not help the lion company in its Hess , they could not use pect the company any longer to him them. And noting under this don ballot , the duress , could their notion his salted "pelwltury , " Thuro is n parity ° { rcaaou iii the caao of a vol. uutnry auutceeion of u Haan charged woof criuto ; weals a confession arson mar er suolt iulluuucee be sustained or ( rei itted in the eourtel Would it be crop c0utidurod n free voluntary contribu The to the uvidelcu Ot t110 00.70 ? 711. voluntary , what the noccenity to stela so earnestly ana forcibly. Thu Thera ks } ( now rho necessity , why give nitro such a hint if rho hint dove not in th aontoit > tng , That "voluntary Incre ribution" iaullltooh , They want year , mon ey and ! ho omplopen mustturnieh it or get loft , that is all thorn is to it , DOYLE DIES. T he report of Secretary Folgor , of the treasury department , concerning the Dogla bond plate , is of value in disposing of the uncomfortable rumors afloat concerning the number of coon , terFoit bonds of tllo denomination of $1,000 afloat on tllo market. Thorn nra $278,000 of rheas bonds uncancolled , and Upon these interest has tensed to run , and the secret eot vice officers wore tortunnio enough t o hav e captured with Doyle 207 of ] ti n bonds and all nt Lin plates , dice an d other material. The rumors that hl a plates wore furnished from t11a origi ttnle by official connivance in the d0 paritnont fa pronounced to be ur. . founded , and the investigation aatisfc , the department that this aangerou a cou nterfeiter and ell hie works have boou entirely closed up by the cap taro. The confidence of the public nee d not be disturbed any longer. THE real purpose of England i a thi nly disguised under the liocesaiti of protecting her citizens and eoizin g gc Al exandria in the interests of pubU c ardor. That purpose ie tlna control o { th e Suez canal , and the catnbllahmon t of n protoctornio over Egypt in Li ii a of the khedive. As n coati nonfat power England is inn boffin i11 her military resources by land Ilor standing army in of little tonne quonce compared to that of ally otho y of the great powers , but with th u troops of her Indian empire and ausi o f the home battalions as Aho can tan d En Egypt , alto will ho easily able t o daEont rho l'aahn , and add mlotho r co nquest to her march of empire De spite rho rise of other coutinoltn i uavich , she still holds her proud emi Ncnco ne mistress ° { the seas , end al ii ° without warning strike and etrik 0 decisively almost any nation an cart } 1 in the vary heart of its conunorcl al int erest , She ntnudo now on [ Ii ° waters whore she arena when nh 0 shattered Copanhngon with her gulls and the dnyL of Turkish aggrandize matt in Egypt are over. Suez is nec ' assary to English iuterceta and eh o takes it , Ttus English fleet boou cleared the it ducks for action , and na theta east ns to be no probability of a conproutie ° , the bombardment will ensue. En g la nd is alone , but she is right m vindicating the rights of her citizo ne in ovary quarter 0E Ulu globe , eve n though it be an excuse for diplomat y. It Appears that the United Stat oe might profit by bur uzamplo in asset t lu g by whatever tnonne are necaeaa rY th e rights of its citizens in corn sin s ections of the country. Our miniet or to Turkey roan requested to act ms a maaiator , but non intorventiot is TNT , ball has opened and the 811 ot from rho big English guns are knu c k. lu g the Egyptian forte aid gayer l moat to pintos , 'rho American n d nIiCAI ] n looking an and has warn ed Egypt not to tread on the fail of hie coat , or ho will bang away oleo. T ur- key sage it is hone of her funeral , au td in n low weeks Egypt will be scoop ad inns au English province , Eugla ud knows when to strike and is nov or af raid to ae it. IIaw many m ot , serving those guns are Irishmen ? THE amendment to rho ropresai a n bill in the Ilrtfah ] lrouao o { comma ns li miting tkna right of search to t1 to dnytiatu , which was ] undo front t ) 1c m inisterial benches , was aociaivo 1 P de feated. Thus was duo to the n b Banco of members , and therefore n of re garded as a crisis , although G1A d- etotlo sofa i1at } it would involve h is porooml position , The opinion sour na to be that it is only n shadow of ti 10 final overthrow of the prouder. An IfONItST1' 19 AhYayC the beat p0 1 Icy , au dishonesty Ee always the worst , d Dakota and the 7mlkton benin de are in proof , ' ! 'ha parties wIt ° anked" t1080 } bonds 111 the mark at [ aIa Dakota an irreparable injury , 1 t NAe 1110 great barrier to rho 0raotio n the afore of Dakota , amid now is ih ° ef objoctiol to the other half of th o territory taking shape Ae the stain 0 f Pumbhla , Ropudiatiot fa a poor car d uantieaaion to our union of states , or he JuttnE SArAOE closed yesterday th o termt of his judicial earner in ow r 0a trict. Attar als eovou ho years ray a Is down the oration as bright And pure when ho assumed it , 'rho jnage I o him l in iho full vigor uE his manhood his gray butte are na just lndica 0f his ngo. Many long years a vac fulness turd prosperity are before Lie , mul ho will return to the groins , ticee with all the mature experience of ollioial duties , tha cur's - - Sous : idea o { tllo capacity of the to furnish tltu connate for rho thr kets of the world may be gleaned act ' n the partial oatiutnte made of ( lie in iho single afore of Iiuuenn. wheat crop is put dawn at 80,263 , . rho in I buehule , caret at 175,000,000 bu pared cull rye and onto in proportion , she Lae Lees a heavy increase in IT stook and thorn are 1,086,662 ehoap e state. Thu population has uuly ased about 26,000 in the pant Special uumbur THAT HOSPITi.L FUND Dr , Mercer's visions of a tnagnifi cent temple wherein ho would preside , the chief healer of the sick Union Pacific employee , will undoubtedly remain in visionary shape. Time mie orablo pittance which the Unio n Pa cific company was to deduct from each emplogo'e wages ovary moat h will not be taken , The rolls for last month wore made out , the fitly cent 8 in ovary case being subtracted , whet the clerks were ordered to make no w ones giving each emplopo { all pay. Thu chief 'non of this head to x scheme giro n rlunlber of reasons fn r rescinding rho enter , They say th ° tnon spent too much 0f the company' a c in1 discussing it , and that i i would be cheaper for the company t ° na y the ten than to fora the work o : r to men far hours. That is who t they give an the chic { reason , 'I } l a truth nE the matter in that the oppaei tion to the hospital tax had reached n sta ge that was alarming to the genera 1 manager and his near subordinates th ey were afraid of public opinion toe much to push the collection of th Li tax , nod they quietly stopped it. Employee o { the Union Pacific ar ° to be congratulated. 1Vhel they ace d medical aid rho married ones ca n lees it at their homes , and those un ma rried will find plenty of placesopei n to thorn. A rus upon the nnmoof Itusewatar r however execrable , is always decent i n th e colmnns o { The IlvpnGlicaa , bu t it butts nigh unto death if rho Ham ° of one its pot lambs is made to wig ' glo. Sduco for the goose fa sauce to r th e gander , and rho goose hero berg s ni gh. r VALENTINE'S LECIACY , Extract from rho ltaport ot Specie dgont John A. Sibbald to too Commissioner of too 4an oral Land Ofhca , VAHIIINOTON , Oct 31,18711-Thor , ° oabeta n widespread complaint anion the poaplu against this office. It i e openly assorted hero that a ring con ' trots rho land office ; that valuabl ° tracts of public land in the mnr th ickly settled portion o { the diatri CE are "covered up , " Rua that parson ° w ishing to safer } nude fn such local : ' tics can only find or discover th ° tracts by paying somebody far a d ° ecription of rho ] and. 1 + 'our gentl ° Tliot recently applied at the register oflico for informutumrespecting vacs nt public laude , and Mr. R , ltenhard t ti me register's clerk , tools thorn to 1 V , II. Lowe , cashlcr of u small bank n a j oinintt the register's office , and San d ; " what can you do for these area ? M r. Lowe replied that ho could Gt id public laud , aublect to entry , such as th ey wanted , within eight miles of tl 10 land oflco ] while it was located at D kotu City , and after its removal to 1Ycat Poitrt up to May , 1878. The rc l ater atataB that he duchar bred h i ' m thou because he could no longer trust him in t ho office , lie was for n while in t he ! 1RI21tSUllill ] litnii'ne ; bti l'un"lsa } II nr ut strictly true , for I find the raccivo r s receipts boou boon until recently [ s Hood by hint. The receiver has he toForo signed Chum iii blank mud l oft them iii the back wham ho keeps hi s records. It is generally untlereto od hieAmong rho citizens here that Lowe to h is clerk , 1h1e was corroborated by t he Register in n conversation with mu ° on October 28th. On the followi g d ay , 20th , ho , probnblyaftor celault tiun with the receiver , wished to c s : plain to me that DIr. Dlattlioweolt , t h o owner o { rho hank in which Lowe his cashier , was the receiver's clerk-DI r L owe was Diattlluweon's clerk and in that capacity attended. to the r ° cuivur a bueinaea. I gave both oflico rs the benefit of Lids explanation , but it does not raliovo thorn from the r ° aponeibility o { employing ne a clerk a laud attorney who , while 110 was a t reading to the rocolver h buslnosa , w as p racticing before the oflico , Mr. Lo we l e u lets agent , attorney and e poaul tor and has had unrestricted access to rho records , It to notorious horn that ill rho of a Dakota City district tavornl years rig ° nlarge amount o { Innd was "covers d up" by making certain tracts on liiII re cords "state loud" and 'school land , II and whoa that district was divide d ( and this office was eHtnhliehad an a t tempt was made to keep those land s int rho eamo condition for epoculntis ° p urposes. I Gad tracts marked iii ih ° plats and tract books fu pencil hl thi n manner , old I cannot lied any autho r ty for such withdrawals which corn rr up" the lands mud prof cat chair cut rY by an ordUlnry upplicattt ! au unformed that one of the forme r re gisters of this olllco wait offered SfiO 0 per auuwu by tfnu Dakota City parila s wh o were handling these laude to sou tiuue to keep ihoeo funds torero d up , ' ' 1Vhathorhuaccepted this slid r made it possible for the ring to cou M tiuu0 its operations I do not know , bu td t retained Mr. Lowe as clerk , au d Is whet ltoeistur Schwonck was appoint ' he Gy request of rho former reglete o rotuunca hint as clerk. Mr. Low 0 of supposed to know all about tllo rho ends o { time office , amid rho regieta r self informed too that ho had per ' solally takeypartic8 applying to onto r lands to Lowe for information as t ° 25 ant tracts , An oflico may justly have a raputa hat A n for dieboloaty amid sharp gran tha , and yet it is hard to Gna toga i $ ovldunco of the fuck It is ovtdot t ' t ttlur0 will b0 110 Ihnit t0 AI ] mfG nro rascality , and no relief for tile cltlzol it this romorul must dopers adj rho dsrorn statontell of two or ee persona all wgnizantof time same ] n or lucre. 'rlio officers control the political ule ref chinory of tlto district and with this support they } taps felt sofa heretofore gnoring nounpluiuls and continuing dlehontat practices , I have pra Ae a atateutout , Exhibit "I ] , " wing rho record of this office. A sraurLL O nt cnlul of ItasOAL ut ITYI m Under date of ] ) uconlber 18th , 1870 still A out Sbbala } reports that 8th lto6iatorolnvoick , gave a private to rolinquiehmanta of timber Aub , cul ture and homestead entries Med in his oflico and that ho did not neb ch can cellations of part of tim relinquish' ed entries in his record. The agent cites that only eight out of twenty can cellations worn noted on the regie for . Agent Sibbald sums up four specific charges. lei. Using volonca a amat Patrick IIu bee ; the special , Rant found Hughes' house deserted n few hours before his arrival , Hatt ho was reliably Informed that Shwenck had paid Ilughea $400 to leave the country , 2d , In case o { Corklo vs. Eroraon , ] tie shown that A1liand paid somebody in the Norfolk land often $75 for information which enabled Lila to enter the tract in contest after th e old entry was cancelled , 3d. I t , 1a shown that Alonnnder ] tear in cab luaiml with Schwenck had land elate s which were on solo. This is prove d by Schwonok'o ' letter in Exhibit " 13 , ' 4th , Isaac tit , ] iinq paid Schwonc k $10 far the information about the ale collation of an entry , raniulr "u , " A concise Buuunnry from terrors DI 1 I fil e in the general land office whici , show the mnuuar of conducting Ut ° public business and bad roputatiott o { this atGco. First-0 , I" . Hughes , county judge of Stanton county , Neb. , elates in ht 8 le tter dated September 3 , 1876 , lhn t for eamo time past theta has bent , general dissatisfaction ne regards buei . nee , transacted at time United State a ] and oflico at Norfolk and how on u 1Vm. Dobb has employed Itto to aster . twin whether or not the records of th ° gunocsl land office correspond will , tlo records at NorFolk. Robb mad ° Ilnmcetoad entry N0.5,900 in Juno 1878 , lY. J. Crov s had n timber cu lture curry on the same land which : ] to relinquished. Judge Hughes state s that the register charged Robb $7 5 to nxtL'c tGe entry trod $10 to 4loiffj him when Crows' relinquished earn y was cancelled by the commissioner. II0 filed a receipt for the $10 date ML ay 7 , 1878 , and signed by 1V. II L owe. Lowe at the time was clerk o { th e register , Second-Abner G. 1Vright , o { W hiting , Iowa ; Dlr. Wright state a under oath that April 5 , 1878 , h o ca lled in parson at the land office a t Norfolk to got a patent on his home , stead ; that Dlr. Schwenck , the regis . ter , told him that his entry was sus . Aoudad and that ho ( Schwonck ) thought that if I would make out t t st atement , under of my id0n t1ty , and give him $ , hu wool a sand a statement and money to Ilan M r. Welch , at Washington , and h o would procure the patent far me. * * * I told lam t ° Bond o n and when the patent cams I wool nd pay him rho money , but ho laughs d at ma and said that Welch did not d 0 a credit hueaces } , 'Theo I cold hit that I was not prepared t ° pay the I : amount at present , so ho said that I could pay } rim fifty cents for ntakin [ out the statement and then when I got } tamp I could send iho money t o h im. So I paid him the fifty coots , When Rogisiar Schwonck [ nun a that his little scheme had bean e a - gases to the general land oflico h o wrote to the commissioner , forwar a , lag Nright's affidavit , and stated the t said statement fa erroneous and erns n stns from the fact that Mr. Nrr ; nht did not know who the officer of t ho land office were , end that he was r o , rlueatud to furnish aduly carrobbrat ed a ffidavit , which Ito was unable to di , whereupon a real estate , , ( out tried ! e . .b , . . . , r , , , u"r3 bhC nlr. 1Vulah to employ an attorney at NaBhington tote coo to this matter , and in order to s hield hits tram any imposition , wu took his own u0iaavit , tolling hi tit that we would explain the matter to rho department. Under the same date Schwonck , in a l etter to DIr , lVolcll , explains : "Sai d party , I do oat remember his mm o , called at this office for his patent , an d after explaining to him rho suepmtsio n of his entry 1Vnt , Lowe , roil seta (0 agent , called him to rho door of tl to isoffice and informed ] lie that he wont ted fix utattara for him for $25 , " Df r , L owe was at this time ( April 5 , 1878 ) a clerk for Register Sahsvonck , but i n this case as in others Schwonck alto ws his superior ability for making e x - plnnations. Mr. Wright under ant h states that his conversation was wit h Sciwottck } , rho register , and ] to doe n lot refer to n third party at all Schwenck assorts that 1Vright'e state lnont in erroneous and emanates Prot u th e fact that Nright did not know wh o the officers of time land oflico were Schwenck admire that Wright was it co nversation with him and it Ie ovi . dour that Wright know him to be time re gister , as ] lo states under oath whet n h e paid him 50 cants for his amdavi l a0 kindly token to ehiuld him fret n im position ) and promises to send hit n $2 1) as soon as lie returned Lento , I i ; to oleo oviaatt that Wright know tin name of the person to wltont ho premised isod to sand rho money and Schwonc k bald that affidavit tu ouiy two daps , frntn April 6111 , 1878 , to May 7t11 , 1878 , forwarding 11rightIa affidavit amid C uplaiuiug the iraueaati3n , shows that ho did not forward said affidavit to rho w contniasianar until ho found illnt ] tie athamu to rob a homestead sat , E tlur out of $25 had been oaposaa , a w Schwonck cannot shift the ro t m . apunaibility of rho + rapunaibility tmneaotiott upon r. Lowe , who was a clerk in rho land offi ce ne wall as a land attorney. This cue mars reason for removing the alllcore and breaking up the ring. ' ' 1'hlyd-F , D1 , Olason. Cti o letter Schwonck , 'Phut ] atfur roads Aa tel. lows ; Nottrotx , August 14 , 1877 , iUr.1' , AI , Oeaun ) , SsvAburg , Neb. ; DEAD Snt--Iu ; auawer to yours will E inform you may obtain the east & , 35 , , 3 , east , by buying illo tight of Dr , Bear who hiss mitered time said east " { stories , Upon inquire I think whlcb t you can buy llin right for from one $375 to $400 , a vary runaelablo Gq Er U , as it to a good piece of } and , wall watered , about six nnilue from Winer , use oining school and speculators' may lAltdB-a etlanldia opportunity for to stock raising , At time above figure , of cash , you 111Ay a0an0 t110 BA1110 by tray erring to Dr. A , Bear. For further erly reD particulars talon to R , Roiuharat at Norfolk , L'pot ugreoulont with the to flat doctor you can Qatar thorn as you do sirs-ono as a homestead , the other d a timber claim. Respectfully , 1' . SCItwENCK , Register , Nato-R , Ileiuhardt , Norfolk , was this time , August 14th , 1878 , clerk the land office , which position hp .A. . bolas , J , A , Sibbald , January T 1880 , Auurth-F , F. Rhylr , Battle Crook , , , February,1878 , ho complained that the land officers at Norfolk had nharged him excceeiro fees on home. attud entry I' ' ' . C , 2,756 , dated April 3d , 1878 , The curntnieaioaor called upon soft ] oiliest for an explanation , and Schwonck promptly responded , "Upon inquiry I find that the man is deranges in mind and that ha has bee n examined for lunacy several years ago , and in consequence is not accountable for what ho says or door , " Ito thou proceeds to say regarding theca overcharges , "I find that on or about the 25th of March , 1877 , l10 ( Ithyn ) appeared at this place for the pu rpose of making final proof of his hem estead , found that myself rho ne wly n inted register had not at- yet m1d that ho office was closed an d 110 business transacted therein , but ho want to an attorney and notary public , who made fiat Ilia proof arts twat alidnvit ( , which was presented to mu on the 3d of April , one day after I had taken possession of the chico , wheh the parties were sworn thereto , and that the oacoeairu lase were paid said attorney. " I boon examined the goners in this c,1aa in the enarnlland ollca ] rand find that Rylin a final off } dot it and proof are in hmtdwrtting ut M r. Lowe , the clunk in the land oflico at that time ( oleo attorney and notary ) and Ithpn and his tvitttessce were sworn by the receiver , D1aClonry , M arch 12th , 1877 , though rho office wa s closed and no business trnnaactod th erein during said month , according to Dlr. Schvronek , While Schwonck its not reaponaiblu for the illegal foes col lected fu this one case , ho is guilty of deliberately making n report to this 00 ice which rho records show to be Enleo. This case allows rcadinass of M r. Schwonck to invent explanations in the interest of rho rin . Fifth-Olaf Salern , N tenor , Neb complains November 28th that he inquired quired at the Norfolk office about a contain tract of land and was unable to obtain any information. Sixth-C. C. McNish , Wisnar , Nob. , February 20 , 1870 , asks rho audition of rho eaeE , l of sec , 36 , T , 25 , N It. 3 cast , This land was covered by the now well known entries of Dr. A Boar , of Norfolk , so prominent to this in vestigation , the rolntquishmonta of wh ich were in the hands of the register forsalo , Mr. DfoNEsh wishes toknow ] f a settler on the laud can ho kept from en tering it after Dr. Bear has teturttad his duplicate receipts to the land oAica , 69 Was d0110 In this CA90 , Sixth-H. II , 1Vilton , of Albion , was defrauded out of homestead' entry n , o , , sea 20 , T. 22 , lt. 7 ; W. Seventh-Francis Corklo swear m that do was defrauded out S , west j of S , 9 , T , 2 ° , It. 3 west. Jonx A. Slnattu , Special Agont. January G , 1880 , The Question of Free Canals , Buaalo Courier ( Dent , ) , The canal question ] s now rho load mgissua in our state politics. It i not a partisan question. At least n party as such would be benefited aitho b y a favorable or by an ndr'orso d0 cision of the voters. Fr this tensor p arty organizations will make no es p edal efforts to influence the popula r VOtO on this gUCB110n , which iii corn Pariaon with the votoforpublicoEiicer e is likely to bo light. All that pantie a can bo expected to ( lo is to indorse th ° a mendment in theft convoniions. I t is expected that the deuocratlc eta1 ; ° convention will declare in favor of tin ° mnondmeut and invE _ ojjlg ' R'l1StSJ S hopd tlint the republican convontfo n w ill make n similar recom mandntion , but it is an itrdie Putablo fact that in severs 1 in terior counties theta is pronounce d hostility and in others inaifforenco t 0 t he amendment , It is admitted thn t th e canals WIl } uolotlgor be capnbl 0 of supporting thcrosolves. A cane 1 criers would therefore necessarily ion low an adverse vote o { the people o th e pending amendment. 13y reject. ingfroo canals the stars of Nowl'nrk , th ere is no reason to boliavo , wool a practically renounce its commorcia 1 su premacy and its rank na the londln state of the union. No effort should b e spared to avert each a calamity , T he strength o { the opposition to the proposed abolition of tolls should no t be underestimated. It will regain popular agitation and efficient work under the auspices of commercial or ganixatione to insure the ratiGcatiol l o { the free canal amendment. * * * "Do not grasp at rho shadow end loan the aubetanca , " Kidney. Vert is nblu to convert you from a ehndOW of your former self into the su bstance o { established health. Said s ufferer from kidney trouble when asked to fry } { idnoyIVort for a tame , dy , I'll try it , but it will be my liter dose , It cured hint and unto lie to- it to all. If you have dis 1(108 ( ordurod'kidttoya don't { all to try ft , . HAS IBEEN PROVED 1'hc bUREBT CURB for m KD NEV DISEASES. i / , PTnltttDO m NOTIIESITATEI uaoKIDNEY WODTat D oncadruggLterooommendlt ( ) and lttvtn epccdlly ovamamo thodlecaeeandrestore hraltlty acnou to all the organs , Ladies Foroompolntepeounar a , , andwcaknemeeKIDNEY.SpOnTleuaxur. J . \ , paseedaaltwfllactprompnyandenfcly , It Either &i , InaenCnenco , m rctenUon of d a Bln culne tormprdcpoelteanddun D asnve aP ' "p0p0 "r oldtottoout - BOLDDYALLDIlIIOpIBTe , I'rlceel GRATEFUL-CUkI FORT PPS'S ' COCOA. best BREAKFAST , to "Dye lhorouch knnwlodge a ( the natural laN r gotcrn the operations . . of dgu llmt and uutrltloa , and 1' "iii nppllrautn of the proptrtir tlldCocos , tar. ' haMptlY hcttatls Nllh a h'rb ' ma save us ' . ! manyhcarl'Ll. Uythe udld cf BIICh 4rtlClw w . , , , Hat a c7ustltutlon us be gradaally built with up rtron enough reeb0 erry tendency t dlsraao. Iluodnda subtle nulldleraro iloating around us ready toattack wberoMer theta to a w.ak point. tYe cawpo many a f txl shalt by Sccpln out , ce Nrltottl0rd / Nlth pure blood and a prop. uourhhed frame. = Chll Senlce Gazette. Slade rlwply Nlth bolting xntcr of milk Sold onll' ll Ib end 16) , IabdN JAMES EPPS a Co , BU Holnmopathlo Cnumista , luosSsat NY London , England , PIPER HEiDSlECh CIGARS. CIIAMPACNE FLAVOR x'aIR1Z'7 l3117t ® T 7 r he beat la tbo country ; far the money , a 101' M. A. McNamara SOLE AGENT. ourteunth Street , Omaba : WOMAN CAN , HEALTH OFWO Y IPATHREW' IS THE HOPE OF WOMAIJ , THE RACC , 1I ; ? \ 1 r. JO / f 4)u p2 U , s c.r-sr ! . 'IaIA E. PINKHAM'S VTGETAALF COMPOUND. .1 Snre Cure far all FCJIALE LCGAII NIsi31 : ' , Including Leucorrhrrn , Irregular - regular and 1'nlmful 3Icnetrmntlon , Infawntntlnu nod Ulceration of the tVontl , , rlooding , PNO L.tPSUS 1TitIU , &c. p 11eaannt to the taste , ratraetous and Immedlato in ltecQcet. Ithagroat Uclpln pregnancy , and te- llcrespain during labor and at regular pentode , rntsltnls ran IT .t n rntmm E a lnttl.v , tIT'Foa au.trsMtrescrs at thogeneratlro organs of cltber sexlt l.s rccon0 to no remedy that has crcr been Estero rho public ; and for n11 disenres of th0 ] : mxtrelttethoCrratmtTrmrdpfntho/lortd. , . 1 rxlnvrr coinerLINTS nrluher : sax Ftndrrcnt ItcllcflnIta Uac. TrnLt T.1'INii11. + 1'N nLOli1 1'CItII'IEiC Rill erwllcnto rocry vcstlgo or lUtmmu trout The ] Hood , at the Anmo 11mr wIII Clrc roan and , trcnrth to thosyslem , aAIL1rrOnonaltl lOrLLa nBnlOCompOnlld. t7.ltolhthoComponndand nlcoavurmnrr arc pro. par ed nt on wd : n trcrtern Ascnuc , Lynn , IIaAA. PrlcootclthcrOL Six boltlcstor$1. ThoCnmponnd 1s rent Uy mail turbo form of pills , or of loxenccyon receipt of price , $ t I + cr hex for either. Sir. Plnhham freely answcrea111citrraut Inquiry. Eacloroscent , gtnmp. Sendforpmnphlct , NarttonlhiAlUlxr. 1 Lsata ElyxprMU's Ltrtut IRtt a cure CnnMtlpn tlanItalouenoesnndTorpldlty of rho Ihrr , : v cents. llScMby of nrngglsta."ul. (3) C W ACOf G WEI G N 10NLY 100 LBS , , vA1wTD e 4000 LBS " ; - .i--- FITS Fl I : : ] v , ' : . C an Be Handled By a Boy , The bar need sorer be taken of ! the wagon and ail the shelled ( train and Grass coed Is Save ] t coatslose than the aid stein ricks , Every sta ndard wagon 19 cold with our r1Ck complete 13 11V I OE t 1lTI9DUTITa . . . , . Or buy rho attachments acd apply them to your old wrogon box. For s11o In Nebraska by J. C , Caanx Lincoln. 1iAxxlxe& IIrY + , Omata } , Faaa I + zaaa , Grand [ ecnd ; , Iaaatxrr [ R Oxenu , Bastlue + . CIIAH6ra ECIIP.ODNSR , Columbus. ETAx00LBly @ 'USK , RCdClond , C , i ! , CnAZr..L Co , , red oak , Iowa , L. Wltussxa ,0lomrooJ , low. . And every Ilret cia'a dealer in the wet. A'k them tor descrlptleo circular or scud direct to ns. J. ) tiic0allnm Bras. Ialluf'g Co. I Once , 24 west Lake Strcet , Chlcngo , may 23.1w 75,00 TIMKEPI SPRING VEHICLES NOW IN USE. , , . S .j " - - T hey surpaenllother vehicles foreasy riding , style and durability , SPRINGS , 0-EAR 3 & BODIES For halo by H enry Timken , P atentee mtdllulldrr of line Cnrrls ] 010 e , , legate and 1010 St. Charles St , , St. Lowe. Cara. furnished , Jl rm / , te to , ' . 'r + r r ( f5 y Are aokuowledgod to be the by all who have put them a praotioal test , ADAI'TIiD TO 1 GOAL , COKE OR WOOD MANUFAGTU1tED DY CK'S STOVE OO , SAINT LOUIS. ' CP 1 Cf Or iOL ] 1 AGf\TS FOIt OMAHA , , t x t-er'7 ,1 , , A t ti' t r4 I