Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1882, Image 3
THE BEE-OMAHA WEDNESDAY. JULY 10 , . \ OO , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware 'House a : issr 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET. OMAHA- _ - - NEB , J. Pn O" WnOLKSALE- BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DRALER s- Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. & Wholesale L u m b e r , \-t So. 1408 Faruliain Street , Oinalia , M. THE MOIilNB" STOVE 01 trT , sli 1" CO bo Btl tn pcmi mi CO an bo TV 1m sp ] fin the Manufactured kii : by Wi in They make a sptclaltr of fed COOKING STOVES , and ha\o this jcar placed In tlio market ncof the MOST ECONOMIC AND MOST ' ' SAUSKACTOUY STOVES e > cr made. to' Plain They mate botb and extension top , and guarantee ell tbi ir foods. Tbo agents for the compiu ) arc. atti PIERCY & BRADFORD , the -DEALERS IN- nov FurnaG'ds ! befi fed , vral . 3XT * H7 23 3C. S3. , pea the ti < GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , BO v the HOUSE FURNISHING Gf > DS , Etc. con unt 1211 FARFAM STREET. OMAHA NEB the tlio hip PERFECTION had , gaii IN on I ROASTING AND BAKIMC , wer nhoi is only attained by using she had divi firci Stoves and Ranges , If t . fata wi rn rail ; WIRE GAUZE OVER DOORS , IICU ! out For nalo by outI I HI LTD H ROGERS & SONS the , Ti aojn troa JuI2 mAcly wall the < A c : dose fW 11 ii " and in jft j'1" wan was ; blue 1 lied noui killc foil T < kind , behi BWOf confi .lack at ai divie undc old whei run full musl aoon fell 1 oflicc tcrio oats. rillr pleac dead inert thoi runhi man V was i or'al up ii let I throi to th confi solve had 1 brigc divla after ORCHARD ft BSAH , J. B , FRENCH & CO , , nnd i fire t 0A R P E T S I G R OGERIES McC onga FEOM THE OHIO TO THS SEJ ) The Bnttlo of PerrjByille Tin Firat Piyht in Kou- tuoky , Where BrnKK Counted on nil Victory nml round Himself Driven Three Mllorf iWrott Free Had the war t'ogiin witli the battle of Porrjsvillo as it did with Hull Hun history would have given it rtnges in stead of lines , and yet it was injo of the beat fought nnd most gallantly contested fights of the whole war , and its results wuro a hundred times greater than Fredericksburg , Clmii- collorsvillo or Cold Harbor. It was Hrngg'a drat grapnlo with tlio federal cotmii-uidors who were to work his downfall , in nftur months , nnd it was n movement on his part destined to dispel the confederate illusions that Kentucky had only to aoo thosouthorn flag to rail by thousands. THE SITUATION. It was September , 1802 , Klrby Smith had fought Gen. Morgan at Kogor'a Gap nnd defeated him , and pressed on to Kogorsvillo and mot nnd scattered the forces of Nelson , nnd had then taken n position nt Lexing ton. From this point ho gathered supplies , recruited auroral regiments , \nd made such cavnlry demonstrations is to seriously annoy Cincinnati. Itragg had pushed down and captured \lunfordsvillo \ and its garrison , nnd lad then turned from the road to Lotiiavillo and established himself nt .lardstown. Duoll'a ndvanco nt early lay drove him from his position , nnd { t was not until the 7th of October hat Bragg concentrated nt Porryvillo DJ battle. Believing that ho had J Juoll's forces ao widely separated that , 0 would have to deal with only n nin- . lo corps , his plan was to concentrate , , Hack , defeat nnd then make n jinio- ion with Kirby Smith and walk over 10 forces in that gonoral'n front. TUB A1TVCK OX Till : LKIT. , ! McCook had como up nlotvly , skir- lisliing hcnvily , and it was noon of [ 10 8th before ho nwung into position 1 the federal loft. Ono can yet .ico his line these long years after , r ho woods in which his lirat line of linniahcrs was posted liavo disap- , > arcd and given place to fields of , rn , and aomo of tlio houses , and . irim are no longer there , but the " one walls and the hills and the sluido , f ; ( . ' acs tell the ntory. It was n strong isition , to strong that before Hardeo fe : uved forward to the attack ho had a to. . uncil with his division commanders ati d warned them t lint ( ho attack must en made with a rush to bo ( successful. In ro hours after noon Harden , with rol thrco divisions , moved out in tin undid style , and the first musket W : - > d from the federal ekirnnahors in up > woods along Itoussoau's front Th led a captain in Buckner'a division. fee tli that shot all the federal batteries position opened firo. and the con- cratea broke from "common time" wh 'double-quick , " and lushed to the do ick. wh AT TUB 11RIDQE. in ieatham'u division had como down fc r ' Maxvillo ' " 1 highway , nnd as they his crals in their front , and the Tight out ; an in bitter earnest. The stone fie : la behind which the federals were of ted aland there to-day , showing cor marks of hundreds of bullets , and fed fierce was the Cro from behind con so defenses that 'ino upon line of gro fcdoratoa prouratod themselves brii il its fury should pass. From win ir positions along the banks and in timber they soon opened a iall- \ fire in return , and before the fight Innted thirty minutes they were can Urn ling ground. Many of the guns sole' thu hill above the federal position him 0 silenced by the fire of the sharp- the otors , and when it came to bo the uted along the lines that Jackson boon killed , the raw troops in hia The ono ision , many of whom had never stri ! 1 a gun before , began to flutter , .hoy gave way they would open a maa 1 g p. A dozen officers rushed toy log roll y them , nnd the confederates were < r enough to hoar a captain crying the in stentorian tones : . ' Stand firm , boys for the love of wei | dear old union don't give way ! " win the tickson'a troops rallied , oven though 0 of the regiments were in full ret - wou Bho1 t , and tlioy stood to the stone a and poured in such volleys that , confederate advance waa paralyzed , iptain of Bucknor'H division , in uibing this part of the fight , said : men \Vp saw Jackson's ' mon giving way a ca the with loud cheers wo pushed for- 1 to drive thorn. My compony spin within fifty feet of the wavering conl line , when all of a sudden it ral- lunt and gave us such a volley that haJ ly half my seventy mon were graj id or wounded , and our advance bull back in the " fron greatest disorder. . , A J'ANIO AMONG KEOUUITH. , . jrrill'a men him the strongest of a position , and two batteries ono nd thorn were so posted as to wJio p the entire front. When the odoratos were forced back by who eon's mon thpy rallied nnd moved left i oblique against Torrill. In his drajj lion were aovorul regiments never atrui ; r fire before , They waited like for t veterans for the advance , but the i tlio confudoratos broke into a this and began yelling , the raw men ever back without A c discharging their ota and the ' bulluta man < , enemy's no or atruch oinong them than tlioy head ! lack in a p.inio that carried their whil ra with them. Where tno bata - hurt a were posted is now n field of next Aa the crowd surged back Tor- wou i ofid to and fro , commanding and ling , and just beside a trco einco Ft and ohoppod down ho fell niase ally wounded. This completed divie mnic , and most of the divisions it bo ud poll-moll for tlio roar , hardly a Blitc taking his gun with him. Then his 1 icon n bravo sight. Starkwcath- nnd > rigado was in reserve. It moved vrorl i gallant style , opened ranka to whol tlio frightened rocruitu pass mgt jgh , and then Bto.ulily advanced thu c u walls and riilo pits , drove the clanl idurates out , and planted thorn- IB there to stay. McCook'a loft way DCOII fairly turned , but this ono bega ido stood in the way. A whole aloiij ion was hurled against it time time , but It clung to the walla Tl maintained uuch a fierce and rapid fede > f mutkotry that liuell aupponcd raise ook'a whole division was hotly alto god , Fcr an hour and a half this fact brigade repulsed every assaul mndo , but thru lind to fall b.icl to i ahortor line to prevent n ( lank move incut. I'HAISK VKOM AN A confederate colonel \\ho wrolo t noivapapor account of that battle snid of Starkweather's brieaai. "Wo had McCook's loft fairly bo.xton and one whole division on thu run , when n single brigade planted itself across our advanco. Such nerve and gallantly will acldum bonilnceiod again. I myself was in four of the charges against their position , and tw I thought ah ice wo niUl nwarm right over thorn , but cwch time \vu iVero driven back by tlu-ir cool and orriblo fire , leaving tlio ground cw- irod with our dead and woundod. lardeo raved andutormrd , nnd charge ftor chat-go was made , but the binej j oats could not bo dm on. When hey dually shortened the line tlioy I noved back under lire in a manner to eilcot credit on the best troops Kapo-1 eon ever commanded. " J ntOM CUEKK TO IIIU. . j llousseau occupied a ridge partly I jrownod with trees nnd p.xrtly under cultivation , crossed by two highways and on'oring shelter for hia infantry and good positions for Ins baltorioa. In lua front was OraEy crook , half hidi i den with willows and Us b.uika form- Inn splendid breastworks. Itityond were fences , walla and fields. Where 1 Anderson formed his lines of battle i twenty yoara ago the corn grows rank < and the wheat oUuids high , Where 11 llousseau pushed forward tlio brig ides 1 of Lytloaml Harrison to hold n alcirll t jf woods , the May broczo rustled the 11 fiponing oata as 1 looked down from u , ho where Sloan's spot battery was n italionod. * There were imny raw togv tnonts in Anderson's dinaion mini-1 , a - b > ) or of the companies being totally un. il Irillocl , and only three regimnnta havtl ng been in any previous engagement , p Ipgimonta were massed for tlio atin aok under artillery lirn , and an the ni itiglo sounded its notca tlio entire dia < ision moved forward. c , " rUU'PLSi : AND VKTOUY. W The two fedoialbriK.ulua wuro firmly tli ootcd , and not a musket cracked un- il the confederate liuui were within ! iatol allot. Then lus'i a was made , co ut it waa met by such \ lire that the ai ion were appalled , lli-ld to their an ork by their ollicers , ninny of them Hi red in the air , while otliei coinpanit'c hi' i aomo cases charged bajonotsatcaoh thi her In the mnoko. Some of the hit itor.m regiments , turnover , dmho ayed < ho greatest g.ill.mtry , eliaigiiiK ba uaroup to the federal position , and | tin ; hting on cither side of the walla and the noes. It wan n tonilio iijiht for lif- Ki on minutrp , and when the confedor- ulu cs retired the ground from lull to tw : aek was thickly atrawn with bodies. hat A fo\v minutoa the gray luiea ere ing Formed for another advance , Urn up no resolved not to bo halted. 1'e ithout stopping to fire tlioy swung era the alopo with yells aim cheeas. die 10 weight was overpowering , nnd the coi' lerala fell back to the main lino. pec A DKsi'iSKATii hruuouti : . To ! Iho confederates the worn puohing on ion another federal brigade hurried bo : vyn , nnd every piuco of artillery J the iichcould _ bo brought up was uoon position nnd using grape nnd cunis- nnd . Andersen also hrou ht forward rja guns , nnd for half an hour there wit Fut win cor than any ixirtiou uf the battle the Uhickaninuga , where an entire and pa was engaged. When n fourth bloc eral brigade hud boon advanced the federates In their turn had to give und. They were followed up skly until Rousseau's line rested S ore the fight oponcd. I ] RINdULAU INCIDENTH. Bllll' Vhon the Fifth Wisconsin battery kidi 10 into action ono of the guna the a vr a solid ehot , which struck a toh her full in the breast , crushing Kid i to a pulp. LI is inuskot flow to rear , whirling savagely through air , and it crushed the skull of noldier iu-d badly injured another i ehot deflected to the left after king the first man , und it then lied a lieutenant's hip , broke the of a private behind him , and ud along tlio ground and crushed head of a wounded man. A shall , 1 by Sloan's lattery , struck a atone piling about fifty pounds , and lo tlio shell failed to explode , fragments of stone killed and indcd sovnral men. A confederate 1 which fell among Jackaon'fi men htedin a htt'u ' crook at which scores nen wore filling their canteens. It 0 down in a group of ten or twelve i , and plunged into the spot where nteen liad just be-on filled , While shell did not explode , its fall shed wulor otcrGO nicjti. An ex- federate captain now living in At- ON a , who lost his arm in that battle , ONE a button cut from hia breast by a o-Bhot hia ecabbard utruck E > - , by a ot , and his cap knocked soini 1 IUH head by a piece of food I before receiving the bullet litto : h crushed hia olbow. A gun in Tin of Anderson' batteries hud uo ) ) a right el Hhivorod by a aolid shot. It had than bejii replaced the OIL coly by apiro el when another allot crushed the KE& wheel. The men were trying to back ; the gun back , when a shell by A ck it fair in the mouth and split it SAP i distance of thrco foot , None of genii mon around the gun were hurt by heat shell , but three ooldiera in line scrvi 200 foot away were Htruck down , trou nnfedornto shell nont into Siod- expe 'a the TJII brigade , exploded over H of a cjmpviy advancing , end othc o no one in that company nan Mon , four men in the contro of the company behind were mortally Su uded , on 1\ ATTAl KINO SHEUIDAN. bratil tiling to drlvo lloueseau , IJardoo led everything againat Sheridan's lion , and fur a tow minutes drove fore him. Sheridan called upon ihull for reinforcements , rallied ino across the Hpiingfield pike , after a ijuartor of an hour of hot : ho ordered an advance of his lo division , McCook'a right Hwing- it the tuino time. At aoino points : onfodcratoa stood until bayonets led , but the impetus of the mighty lulk Ooi j swept hold and wood and high- ml clear of confederates , nnd aa they n to give way the federal cheered tnili. L' the whole front. Adrti ti OVKU I-UIBONKHS , _ its waa the first battle In which A ral and confederate rogimonti lua id in Kentucky wuro placed oppo- lttru to each other. Doth realized this hoda o , wits and they fought with a bitty r HOBS which other regiments could not feel In the last advance about a doz > n mot belonging to an Ohio regiment rushed ahead so rapidly that tlioy suddenlj found themselves Btirronndod and taken prisoners. Heforo they could bo sent to the rear n company of fed eral Kentttckians advanced to rescue thoin and at the sumo moment n com pany of confederates raised in the aamo county rushed forward tn hold the mon. Omi of the confederate * , now living in Franklin , Tonn. , sajsof the struggle which took place : "Wo did not atop to fire , but rushed forward with the bayonets , In a mo ment wo were all mixed up , jabbing and prodding with bayonets , and striking oncli other with the butts of imttikotn. A federal , who had formerly - morly lived within two miles of my farm , made a push at mo , nnd his bayonet passed between my right arm and side , and went through my coat. Heforo he could withdraw it I hit htm a blow with my fiat , and when ho fell I piled on to him and hold him down , although ho bit my thumb to the bone. Wo were having it hot and heavy when our folks , foil back and left mo to bo captured , In thuna few minutes I saw the bayonet used at least twenty times , and I believe that at least thirty men were struck with muskets. " HACK THOUGH THE TOW.V. The confederates wore being pushed , but they were giving ground rather slowly , still fighting , when ime.xpoet- xlly certain bugadoa began to march nit of the light. It Is charged that 'oik lost hia head and ordered a ro rcat to a now lino. Polk laid the ilamo upon Uragg , and an effort was uado to hold llardeo responsible. No natter with which otllcer the fault ras , the confederates began falling ack , and oneo thu retreat waa begun ; ended tn a helter-skelter ruah lirough the town , and in the rapid urauit and capture of many prisoners ud a considerable quantity of war latorial by the fedorala. At night , j.iinat thu protest of the division - , the confederates were ithdrawn and the entire field left to 10 Union forces. WHAT IIU.U10 LKAHNKU. Previous to tlua light JJratrg on- iirnged the idea Hut a confederate my could easily clear Kentucky of y fodcral force and keep It clear. u promulga'ud thu doctnno among j troopa thut tlmy had only toclmigo T , u federal lines to scatter thorn , and T , i men were led to believe that tlioy T ; d only lo fire a few volloya to win u T ; ttlo. Indued , hia plan was tn whip T : j fiulornl army in about an hour an So 111 miilco u rapid mnrcli to joi. wl fill iby Smith , who \uia hold at ba nn oivhaic. 1'olkhad the name con nnD. . ant for the blue coatu , and Ilardei an .1 often boon onucrod ui for aaacrt ; that Northern inu > would utani in hue of battle. The u > aulta o rryavilloVITO a bHitvr doau in nov 1 napecta. The cunftjorato sol r r.alizcd thut ho had been do fed and defeated where he had exited itod an easy victory. Bragg ami Ik had their plans disorganized , and idea of holding Kentucky had to abandoned. La Hull Hun taught both armies ii east the fact that war meant fighi [ light meant kill , BO also did Por- i'illo furnish the western armies h a lesson written in blood , ; uro battles were lo bo fought will jro numbers were reasonably oqua fight would bo steady and furious , so it proved through the long vid ) dy years that followed. followed.M. M. QUAD. ' 'Snvoil nnd Rostoiod. " unuiYViLu : , Lid. May 25 , 1881. 1. II. WAKNEU & Co. : Sira After Bring for nine yearn from chronic icy disease and given up to die by doctors , I was saved and restored oalth by the use of your Safe noy and Liver Cure. illO.Uw Srni'iiiutD. Lununv. Ii Improvnil lor 1882. ! TIIK 1IEMT AND LY ABSOLUTELY .SAFE . HTOILOVK IN TIIK WOULD. T very housekeeper feels the want of -ithmg that will cook the daily nndavoid the oxcesaivuheat , dust , r undashoa of a coal or wood atovo. S MONITOR OIL STOVE WILL IT , bettor , quicker nnd cheaper i unyotliorinimnH , It is the ONLY STOVE made with the OIL 5EKVOIH KLBVATED at the : of the stove , u way from the heat ; vhich arrangement ABSOLUTE 'KL'Y ia secured ; as no gnu can bo irated , fully twenty per cunt more is obtained , the wiokn nro pre- id twice us long , thus Having the ork blu of conatanc trimming and the aplt IIIKO of now ones , EXAMINE r V 3 MONITOR und you will buy no r. BT Manutactiircil only liy tha itor Oil Stove OB , OloYolanflO , iiid tor deacripllvu circular or call I. Hogurs & Son , agents for No- ka HrABLIK , ( UOUI ttCIUUf , ' I'rvuldrnt. Vlco I'ftw't. W. B. Busuitt , Hoc. onjTruK ) . THE HEB3IASKA iIPAOTUM& CO ali Liucom , Hob- rANUFAOTlruKUH oir rn Plantan , nnrrowi , rarni Holler * , Hay Hakoi , Uuck t tlorntlnB Wind > c. ate jmratud to d Job /urk and innnnl ' / ( uf imrtlod KUUASKA UANUrAUrUHINQ Nv CO. , 1 LNTJ-MONOi'OJ.Y Lh'AOUE. nK incniULranip rolcv ( or the antl-iuonpol ; o. ( .oiitalnliiK Btatuinuut ol priiidiilu met al procedure and InttructlooH liow to organ. HOI rllllwMul on apiillutloa to Ut\e \ , Ni ! > , Kat Mogtkaip , ruU-ll - , LARGEST ASIATIC ELEPHANT iorc } , irci i ! or kno\\n \ \ to c\M , iml now nllli SHOWS , n fit comi'inlon for 5,0 AtmIng Tnturcs THE , us show BIGGEST In OF ALL THE Bid n , . M3W NIX15 SIIOAVS CONSOIiIIlATrn olr ° t * GREAT J Sgja OHOWIllBEPERMinEDTa , THE LARCESF ELEPHANT LIVING. THE PET OF ALL THE CHILDREN. ' THE WOHID-FAMOUS MONARCH. ' * THE MUCH-TALKED-OF HERO. v . THE STRONGEST ELEPHANT ON EARTtfX THE DICCEST ELEPHANT EVER CAPTURED. . . THE GIAHT OF HIS RACE. HE ORE AT AND ONLY HE TALL AND STATELY HE HUGE and POWERFUL HE ALL-OVERSHADOWING ho POPULAR and PLAYFUL HE GREAT BIG-HEARTED HE SWAYING LURCHING , BW OLUMIHI UBWJEWy V& mclit ivflcr by nil llio XooloKlcnl Onnluns Hid fHOBj liriloin I'rlro ' , but for by cnpltalUti nnd finally secured for thin THE LEADING corpnratlnni HcM nt a ilch nclu illy rout ilns SHOW OF THE ' u\ory feiluro WOULD nd\rrtl ud , iinil , d fnatiircs Full presents nlwoliito noM'llloH. nartlcul ir In nituionnnouncomcnU yeiontlnns , roat . AY IS OEUTAlN THE DATE TS FIXED. Inclusion Tinlni THE Tinlnilll bo run on nil d vast Itathoailsj ncrongca co orld ! with rciieomlU bo ourtinny louts uud m.unmotli sUows.j " " " DIRECTORY OF LEA3IHC "WESTESsllioraS" PJWPHU'JTOJiS AHLINQTON. J. . Q. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , risL SAHATOaA HOTEL , J. 0. STELLINlUa Mllford , Nob. MARCH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE Heb COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAH , Ctromsburc Na HALL HOU8C , A. W. HALL Loulsvlllo CITY HOTEL , OHENCY & CLIWK. ninlr , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. O. MEAD , NoHjh , Neb OO A Jf-v tat l r 4 * QREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Creonwood , Nat ( COMMERCIAL HOUSE , C. STORCY. Olcrlndn , ( own ENO'8 HOTEL , r , L. ENO , Eromcrt , * f b EXOHANOE HOTEL , O. D. HACKNEY , Aslil.itl . Kcb METROPOLITAN HO TCI. FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion , l cb. MORGAN HOUSE , C. L. QRUUD , Q u Ido Recd , Neb SUMMIT HOUSE , OWAN & DECKER , Creiton , IB. HOUSTON HOUSE , OEO. OALPH , Extra , In REYNOLDS HOUSE , C. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. \VALKER , Audubon , la , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. DURCESS , Neola , la. OITY HOTCL , DI A. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMiriaS , Cornlnc , I * . NEBRASKA HOTCL , J.IL. AVERY , Ctanton , MEROHANTO HOTEL J , W. DOULWARE. nurllngton Juritl"- COMMERCIAL HOTEL , B'lnchord ' , I * . PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Bhonnndoah , In , COMMCRO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , D yld City , Neb BAQNELL HOUSE , CHAQ. DAQNELL , College Sprlngi , IA COMMERCIAL HOUSE , > VM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKIHO HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , If , DALL HOU8C , H. H , PERRY , Ida Crovo , U COMMERCIAL HOUSE D , F.STEA'RNS , Odebolt , la WOOBU HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Oaccola , Neb. OOUOLAO HOUSE , J. Q. DUNHAM , Olurlo , Neb. DEDfORO HOUSE j. T. GREEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & SON , MaosvllloMo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb WIN3LOW HOU3E a , McOARTY , Qoward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. n. JONES , AuroarNef. OROZIER HOUSE o. rr , GROWER , Gldnoy , Neb. AVOOA EATINQ HOUSE D. W. ROCKriOLD , Avoca la CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Rod Oak FOSTER HOUSE Copt. JOHN FOSTER , Lowli a. WHITNEY HOUSE. ( . HAYMAKER , Qrltwol Mining and Milling Company. ipitii . . . . . . . . ; jA , . . . . . . . . . 31,000,000 , klUDOlrthirci , . . . . . . . . . < 25,003. OOK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLB Minea Located in BRAMBL MININGDISTRICT. . , i. I. THOMAH , I'mUIoni , Cpuiralns Wyoming , WM K. TILTON , Vice-president , Caincilns , Wyoming V. UAItWOOO , Secrtittry , Ouinuilna , Wyomlnf , A , O , LUNN , Trouurcr , Cummlne , .Wyomto I. TlioniM. r.ouls Miller W. S. liramc.1. A , 0. Danr , lUrwood , FtiucU Lcsvcm. Oco. II. i'uloo. It Jir. J. 0. Watklnn. 6ra 01T.W. < CK IIUTiti A' thirli l V/ent lot Sale ot Stock ; to" " ' " THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOOK IN THE WBST , 1410 DOUGLAS STREET. ISE , SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTERS AND PAPER HANERSft