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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1882)
ffc THE DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JULY i : 1882 , . PLANETARY POINTS , Stolen from Nobody Knowa Whore and Cnros Much Leee. Tiio Movements of the Hoiwonly Bodies R9 Soon Through uur Special Toloecopo. During the early part of last month the position of Mercury wixs particu Inrly favorable for observation. The clear Juno evenings gave , ono after another , unuaunl opportunities for comparing its faint red light with tar moro brilliant Venus , and for ob serving their relative change of posi tion duo to the moro rapid motion of Mercury. By the 15th of Juno it required quired n very good eye to detect the lessor light , and for the past two weeks Yomis hns been thining alone tn the north iveat , growing every nioht larger and moro beautiful than on the oToning before. Mercury is still in the northwci-t after sunset , bilovv Venus - nus , but cannot now bo nocu on ao- count of its faint light being lost in the bright twiliccht Kovf [ > * 6 ' 8 mov > ing now towards conjunction , and on the 14th of August will bo found on the other dido of the sun , lit ita ( jroat- eat distance from the earth. Mercury sots ahortlybeforo 7 o'clock on the 3) ) at of July it will net about half an hour earlier. Vonua ia nlno traveling towards conjunction , which , however , docs not occur until Docoin- bcr C , when the uiucli-tnlked-of trannit occurs. When soon beyond the aun , Venus resembles a small full moon invisible to the naked oyu on account of its brightness being lost amid the sun's r.iya. When between tlio earth and sun it appeals much larger , like n now moon , showing only a palo , slen der crescent. Whether nmall and very bright or largo and dim , the posi tion is equally unfavorable for observa tion. The planet is beat seen when , aa now , during July , it is about half way between thooo two oxtrornon , With proper care in the selection of a pace ! of observation , Venus may sometimes bo made to cast a distinct shadow when the nv on is not above horizon , and wo should think this might bo accomplished during the coming months just before the now moon. The spot chosen for observa tion , basidea having an nnobatruotml view oC Venus , should ahio bo com pletely protected from any terrestrial ourco of illumination. Then by usim ; a black lead pencil and u piocu of white paper , assisted perhaps also by a little imagination , the shadow may bo soon quite plainly. VontiB is now moving south at the ralo of nearly half a degree a day. It now sots soon after 9:30 : , and at the end of the month will sot at 9. On the 14th at 3 in the afternoon Venus will bo in conjunction with llogulua , and on the overling of the same day will bo a little over ono degreu'a distance from the star. Mara continues through July its rather uneventful course. It sots mm- about 10:20 : , and at the end of the month at 9. At that time it is very near Venus , the conjunction of the two planets being ono of the interest ing features of August. Both Venus during tUo the early decidedly moro interesting than tin evening sky. Jupiter and Saturn having passed their conjunction , arc now morning stars and make a beau tiful picture in the east just before sunrise. Saturn is about six degrees south of its companion , and rises at 1:15 : , about an hour and a half before Jupitor. Then follow the Hyades and Pleiades , the Jupiter , and then the stars of Orion , the brilliant winter constellation. Both planets sot in the afternoon , somp two hours before sun- Hot. Bothnia in conjunction with the moon in the course of the month , but not at. times favorable for observation. At the end of the month Saturn rlsou at 11:45 : and Jupiter about 1:15. : The satellites of Jupiter will present inter eating grouping on almost any morn ing of the month. On the Ud , at 3 o'clock ' , two are on ono side , two on the other , quito near the planet. On the 31st there is the same division , except that they are aa far removed aa they can bo. On the 4th , at the same hour , ono is on the west side , others on the east ; on the Gth the ar rangement is just the opposite , and on the llth and 18th all four are on the east sido. Uranus ia on evening atar during the month. On the 20th its position is very well defined by Mais , in the morning they are only six minutes of a degree apart , and are quite near each other during the entire month. On the 1st of July , Uranua sot at 11:45 : , and on the 31st about 9 o'clock. Neptune is a morning star duriug the first part of the month , and a vury 'ate ' evening atar during the latter part. On the morning of the 10th , at 1 ! o'clock , Neptune ia in conjunction with the waning moon , which adds , at that time , much to the attractiveness of the oaatorn sky. July has two full moons , the first ono early this morning and the oocond on the afternoon of the 30th , and the | now moon comes just half way bo- twocit on the 15 , This morning Sirius , the dog star , rises and sutu at nearly the BMIIO time as the sun , and during the whole month it is not far from the latter. Thus it might eoom rather more natural if we worp .to locate our much dreaded dog days tn July instead of August and September , The in tense heat of July and August used of to bo fancifully explained by saying that wo then had both the sun and Sirius in the. zenith at the same time. It sooinb rather absurd now to think that any ono could over have imagined that a single star or all the stars to ; gether could produce any noticeable effect upon the atmosphere of our re mote little earth. But the belief is scarcely more absurd than that the sun should "draw water , " or the "change of the moon afl'ect the weath of er , " both of which statements are 01 common enough among woathor-viso people of to-day. A Very Mean Tutor. If oil the stories going the rounds of the city juat now are true , Oby I'i Owen , the defaulting teller of the Third National bank , la a much great er thief than he wivi thought to be. His eieter'8 husband Ai d some yours ago , leaving an insurance pollicy behind - hind him which paid the window § 10 , 000. In order t * keep it .safely she in trusted thu largo sum to her brother to boinvested in some safe w y. Owen represented to her that ho put this autn into Third National bank aioclf , and paid the sister a dividont every timn a dividend was declared by the bank. After his oxpnsuro the Bister called nt the bink to see nftcr the principal , but no one know anything about it. It had ninor been deposited - od there. Another story ia that Owen was the ono who Innk a packngo of money containing $8 000 which had boon forwarded to llui Third National from Mount Vonnon , III. , in 1870. It passed through the hands of four men , and then mysteriously disappeared. The nun woto arrested niid tried ; but discharged. 0 en was ono of the men M nit 1 uj iiKnUe. Joliti Hayes , Credit I' . O , yn that for nine nit nth * lie could not rnlse liln linnil liln liuvl through Ininenc'H in the fihoiil- r , Imt by tlm u-ii of THOMAS' KUCTIIIC Oil , ho wan entirely cured. jullO-dhv Four Toxaa Children Ulopo. tlebnrno ( fi\ ) U' riopondcnco Galvcston The town ia all agog this morning over a double elopement that took place last night. The parties who have nulled their ho.ida into the ma trimonial nonso by alt unusual method are lloboct Podge , aged 20 , son of the Mayor of I hi * town , and Miss Lutio Nash , aged 15 , the lovely daughter of the lute mitiiitor of this par ish ; Mr. William Byrd , non of the late A. J. Byrd , of the Waco Examiner , and Misn Lethe Ettor , a charming blonde , and daughter of George Ettor , of thla place. Miss Naah was an in mate of the house of her uncle in this city , and the natural guardians of this young ludy looked not kindly upon the growing affections of the two young people , imd , miipecting that. there was nomothi'ig in the wind , forbido her to leave the huuno last evening ; but she escaped into the handn of her true lover , and wns speedily trunsfoirod tea a hack in waiting. So fur evuiythiiig wont smooth , but when the bridal party and their friends repaired to the house of Mi a Ettor , Byrd found that hin intended wan closely watched , and oveiy ntratngem wao used to steal her but without avail. At IB o'clock the lynx-eyoil Riiardiann relaxoi their vigilance , and noon the happy four , together with Miss L'llu Meredith , who wont along in thu capacity of chapnron , were seated in the luck and speeding on toward unqualified bliss. The parties aio suspected to have taken the roud to thu Indian Nation , where marriage ia made easy , regardless - less of youth , and all cfibrta to stop them are futile. All are well known and highly respected , mid everybody wishes them well. The tourists are expected baric , when their popularity will inaute them a cordial rocnption from all their friomlB. Krcd. Amos , Tyler Street , Koehoslcr , wrlti'B : "Your Si'liiNnIJt.OBSOM In wonder ful ; I never uttd iinytlilii ) ; that acted so well on thu bowel1 , nnil nt _ the same lima WHS BO free from the drastic properties of raodlclnca imullv Hold for tlio purpose. " L'lico DO tent" , trial bottles 10 cents. jullO-dlw THE BONANZA. KINO. Some Intoroatlno ; Reminiscences of Hlu Family. New Vorlc Stir. -r- " * < - . , j'Y'i . . _ i. . . . . - * & * ' ty'y * * ' . ! ? , * ' " ' " ' - . " / nrfYnae itinQ or" 0" person wai she ? " "A very plain , modest , ploasan and unassuming l.idy. Shu was vor agreeable and a capital and entertain ing conversationalist. Being a schoo traohor , and a good one at that , sin had the advantage over most all thi mon and woman with whom she cami in contact. " "About what ngo might Mrs Mackoy bo , now * " "Lot mo oeo Mrs. Maekoy mus bo about 45 years of ago ; 1 don't thinl she can bo much over that. " "And the reigning belle and heir ess of Paris , whose wealth is setting nil the poor , unfortunate , titled for tune seekers of the continent o Europe by the oarsl" "I should say about 25. Hold on put her down at 22 or 23. I don'i want her to take a special steamer iuu come over here to wool my hair. Ii won't do to make her too old , you know. " "Good " looking ? "From my standpoint of beauty , ] should place her in the category ol being a very ordinary-looking young girl , but very pleasant company. You can't tell what they have made JUT by this time , vlter such a thorough Par isian course of training and the influ ence of the bloom of youth , you know. " ( Hero the festive Jerome laughed immoderately at his little joke. ) "Did Mr Miickey over work in the mines as a common minor , as has been repeatedly stated ? " "I think not ; ho certainly never worked In the mines so far as I know or hoard. Jim Fair was the practical worker for the Bonanza Kings , Maohoy , Flood and O'Brien carried out the Boliemi's through the assist ance of Louis McLean , who was then president ot the Bank of Nevada and carried through all their big schemes , ust as Bill llalston of the Bank of Jivlifoinia did with the other follow a. The latter , however , came to giief , " "How is the Bonanza King to-day ? Does he keep aloof from his old acquaintances/ / " & "Not in the least. lUohes have nado no change in Mackoy , The shake [ of the hand is precisely the same aa of yore , " "Carry any headlights in the form diamonds ] " "I never saw him sport ono in my Ifo before or after his miraculous suc cess. Ho doesn't forgot his old frionda cither , and tlmt'o a good trick with Makcy , who is , after all , the best of ho crowd. " "The reported approaching nuptials with Prince Pierre Bonaparte do not ippi-ar to satisfy the old Forty-niners , " ' do they ? "Indeed they do not. The money the Maokoya was earned in Amen- , and the prevailing contiment is , hat it ought to bo upont here , The ' boys don't like it , and bohuon you and I , Mackoy don'i ' either ; but I UIBS the wife and daughter are the JOB B 03 in that direction. Ho ia very _ end of both of them , and lots them lave pretty much their own way , " "There ia some question raised as to whether the present Mies Mackoy is the ( laughter of the Bonanza King. I hnvo heard that Mrs , Mackoy was the widow of nn oflicer in the Mexican war , and that Miss Mackoy was the deceased veteran's daughter. The story runs that the widow and her daughter worj in very straitened cir cumstances , earning their living by ncodlowork in the city until discover ed by two comrades of her husband , ono of whom brought her to San Fran cisco as a better Hold for their labors. Is that true ? " "I have hoard something of the sort , but I cannot vouch for it. I think it can hardly bo truo. My opinion is that Mita Mackoy ia the bona fidb daughter of the Uonaza King. " Incrmllblo. F. A Scratch , druggist , Unthvcn , Ont. , write * : "I Imvo llio Rrcntest contitlcnco in your ttei not K Utx)0ii Hirmw. In ono case with which 1cm personally actinin | - cd their BUCCCI" ! wan almost Incrcillld' One lady told mo that half n bottle < 1I < 1) ) moreKood than hundred * of dollars' wort of tmiiliclne fiha hrul previously tnkcn. I'ricoSI. jullO-dl' D. M. WELTY to D. T. Mount. ) Manufacturer Anil Dealer In Saddles , Harness , Whips FANOy IlOnSE CLOTHING Robes , Dusters and M Goods Agent IoJui. . U Hill A. Co.'t " The Best in The World , " Ordcrj Solicited. OMAII < V. NEB mo ly FOR f " - PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And nil Poluts East andCOouth-East. TIIKLINKCOMPRISE3 Nearly 4,000 lulled , Solid Smooth Steel Track All connections nro made In UNION DtPOTQ t 1ms a National Reputation as being th real Through Oar Line , and Is unlversall. conceded to bu the FINEST EQUIPPED Kail road In the world ( or all classes of travel. Try It and you will find traveling A Inxurj Instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via rhls Celebrated Line fo ; Bale at all olllccsln the West , All Information about Hates o Fare , Blcoplnt Car AcocmmoJatlons , Time Tables , &c. , will be cheerfully given by appljlulm ; to T. J. POTTEn , \y. j , ' Oen AirerYt , Co'nncll Bluffs. II. V. DUKLL , Ticket jAgt. O'naha raprn-od ly 1880 , SHORT LIKE. fSSO , u tut OKLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THK EAST From Orunhamid the Woot , A tralne lonvu U. & M. Depot , Omaha ! Neb , . . . . . . . cara brtvfoeu Onuhi tmlni. urn. n'l hut ono Lotvvi < cn OMAHA tail HEW YORK. Daily Passenger Train 8 UAnTKRN AND WKOTnUH 0171X3 with W OUAKOEJ nd IN ADVAHOK 3 U OfHKK J.UJKH tntlio line le equipped with cillmaD i PIfcOi Sloctilnif Ctra , D y05 the , Kll ci'i oMttv I'litform knd Oouilor , aud ( ho caiof.ihlni ) , a OT. iOSRl'U k COHNOU , HIUr5B ll road , vl M. Jo ujih nd SJ. Loul * . TlcknU tot e > l .t M rou | > on ' " ' 'a PA WM , Uen. . . "C ( U o PMB. wiJ Ticket Ak't. , St. Jotorh , 110. A l > r JiOKUwf , Ticket Arfenf. , . 1P.U r rnliuu etrccf. \ \ . J.DAViMfOUT , Oeueral Aconl , DR. CLARKE St St. Louis , la ( till Ing all I'MIVATB. NKH- VOUS , CHllONlij nd tlicilal D'eeiou. ' S'crnia. | torihaa , Iiupotincv ( St-x. iial ) ) ) , Fomala puravui , IrriBularlacs , Dllllcnltlfs , etc. 3 < arLadlcd.suii 25 centt ( In tiu-ps ) to jn on a v\ork" entitled "OUemi - ol U'oniuti , etc. " Work n CIIIIUMU DibKinrti , ono utainp , .Ti/'Vlctiuis / ilSilfabiuo or 1'rlMito lllsrace , ecmi 2 slaimw or CKLKUIIATKU WOUHSOII Nirvoui and i-cxiul isoisoj. flaiiiultatUn jiersoimlly or liv ktur , 'HKK Coniu t Ihoold Doctor. THOUSANDS L'ltKi ) . Otlloa In quUt. irlvato , riwreclahlo ilacc. You sco no ono Lui tlio doctor , Dr. lirkuft thvoul ) iihjalctaii Inthoclt ) v.liOH r- ftHU luren or no p y , Uodlrlnm nut viry- lnru. Hour * , b A. M to 8 r. M. il\wl > Forty ysnra' trim nu provvu "OLAOr ; " f " r" the beet liver mcditii f Murray teen forks Burlington Iowa , Soml Portable Engines , FOR lv CREAMEHIfa , FARM NI1.UO , Printing Dices , inc. , .ASpooialty , The Largest Iron Working Establishment - mont in the State. JIANUFACTfRF.nS Of Steam Engines , AND QENEUAl , MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Gut-Off Steam Engine , 86nd lor rircuhm m23-lm Aficntu for the Ufa limes nd Tronoborou * .Wrtlton by h tin only Ufa atithorlzo'l by her , and v.hlch not bo n "Wood and Thunder" story , such on tint been anil nlll tin published , but a truu Llfo b > the only p IBOM M no In In puisi'islon of the facts nfalhtnlanil doiotod vilfo Truth I ) more Interesting than ncthn. Amenta should apj 1) for territory at nnio. Send 7S ct . for 0 m plo Rook. J. H. Chnnibors & Co. , KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. The Most 8uccoc > rul Remedy a\er discov ered , na It la cortnln In Its effects ftJid doca not blister. HEAD PJlOOt' BKI.OW. Also excellent far human flesh. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. tV'MhlngtcnMllc , Ohio , Juno 17 , 1US1. Va n. J. Kr.iDALt , , ft Co : uciiti Heading jour ad vertisement In Turf , FleM and Farm , ot your KcncUll'o Hpnln Cure , a'dluvlni ; \aluhlc and speedy horse wlilch htJ boon latno from tpavln for eighteen months , I sent to jou for bottle by cxprceg , which In six wcoks removed all lamcnc < and onlarKemcnt and a largo splint from another horse , and both horses are to-di ) aseound as colts. The ono bottle wr-a north tome mo ODO hundro-1 dollan. Kcapecttull ) yo-irc , If. A Bk RTOIBTT , M. D. Bond for Illustrated circular KMmr pctltlve proof. 1'ilcoSl. All Iiriu'zlsti lnvo It or can gel It for you. Dr II. J Kendall It Co * , t'ro- prlctorei , ftnoaliurgh Falls. Vt. BOLt ) BY ALL DRUGGISTS , d-w-ly CELEBRATED His the concurrent testimony ofjthn public and tboaBdlclnol ' tint Ilostottcr'a pro'cfslon Mom- veil Hitters I a mcJIdno vhlch chiOMS reaults apuudlv felt , thorough and tunlRii llcrldo rcct- Jjlni ; liver disorder. U Inv goratcs thefceblc , ton- ( jucra kidney an 1 bladder romplalnts , ami Ins- tens the convalescence of lSoco ictovcrlntf from on.r , It il the grand OBATT'S SPEOIFEO MEDICIKK TRADE MARK arGatTnjJDn R9ARK Kn llsh reni- eily. An un failing tutu for Seminal Weaknose , Spunnntor- rnoai Impotency - ency , and al BEFtiRETAKina.noquenco of AFTER TAKItlQ Self-Abuse ; on Lou of Memory , Universal Loss tude , Pain In the Daclt , Dimness of Vision , Premature mature Old Ago , and many other Diseases tha lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Frema turoQravo. /arFulI particulars In our pamuhlet , which wo desire to send froa 1 v mail to every one tS"tha SpccIO cllodlclno Is sold by all druggists t 31 per package , or 6 pack gcs for 85 , or wll bo sent free by mall on reel ptof the money , bj ( addressing TUB OKA MEDICINE CO. , Buffalo , N. V. oc7mo-iiod NERVOUS DEBILITY , Dr. r. Aspoclflcfor Hjstorla , Dliilness , Convulsions Nervoui Headache , Mental Depression , Losa o Hemorj , Sporin torrhGa , Impotency , Inv oluntary Emlsalons , Premature Old Aijo , caused by ovcr- exertlcn , self-abueo , or over-Indulgence , which loads to inSeery , decay and death. Ono box nil : uro recent casoa. Kih box contains ono month's - treatment , Ono dollar a box , or elx boxes for Jvo dolUrs , cent by mall prepaid on receipt o ; nrlcu. Wo ( 'uarantee elx boxca to euro any etna With o ch order received by uj for f > lx boxeo , ac < coini anted with flv o dollars , will goud the pur chaser cur written iftmantco to return the money If the treatment dot i not effect a euro. 0. F. Goodman , Urucvlst , Solo. Wholiulc ani ! rojiil Agent , Oiu&ba , Mrb , OrJ > r by mall at Uiwlv SYPHILIS O Catarrh. .EOZKMA , Old Sores , Pimploi , BOILS , or miy Skin Disea se Cures When Hot Springs Fail , . AVBEM , Ann. , May J. 1B81 ' , * , , > e CMO * ln 0"f own town who lived at Hot BpriugK , and Heroflnally mrsJ with 8. H. 8. UrCiUMOS & UUBHT. and \ K WILL is 11 Write for Hock -'UcgSAge 81 0 he to chein boone IPO 8.8. b , one pittlelo i of Mercury" Iodide PoiLi re luoi or uuy Slaml suUt/nce ? SWIFT spiromo co. J , II j on eufler from Dyspepsia , UM BUUDOCtv 'LOOD BIITER8. II jou arc mulcted nlth Dlllousnw , ugo nURDOCK I1LOOD BITTERS If jou are prostrated with sick Hcvlaclic , take BURDOCK 11LOOD HITTERS If } our Bon cli Are disordered , rctnilato them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If jour Blood la tnpurc , purify It-nlth BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Ifjouhavo Inillifcstlon , jou H1 ( mil an antidote In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If ou are troubled with Spring Complaints , er adicate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If ) our Llicrla torpid , restore It to healthy action with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If J our Lit or la aDcctcd , v on w 111 find A euro ro BtoratU e In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If jou have any species of Humor or Pimple , fall not to take BURDOCK I1LOOD BITTERS. If j-oii hao any symptoms of Ulccra or Scrofulous Sores , n curative remedy will bo found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS For Imparting strength and vitality tothoBjs- tern , nothing can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTKRS. For Nervous and General Debllltj- , tone up the ijatcra with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price. 01.00 oei iloUlo ; Trial Bottles 10 Cti FOSTER , MILBUEN , & Co , , Props , BUITADC.O. N , Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish It McMahon and 0. T. Onpdnian la 27 nod-mo Disease Is nn effect , not n cause IU origin Is within ; Ita manifestations without , fence , to euro the disease the CAtHEmust ba removed , and nno other wn > - can n cure cvrr le cffcLtctl. WAUITER'S SAFE K1TJNTJY AND ilVRES. CURE is established ou Jutt thia uinclplo. It nalizcsthat 95 Per Cent. ifall diseases nrlzo from deranged Itldnoj'o nn liver , and It strikes at once at the root ol the dlflkultj- . The elements ot which It is composed net directly upon thcso great organs , both as a rooo nod itEHTORKR , and , by placing them In a sealthj' , condition , drive disease and pain from thosjetcm. For the Innumerable ' troub'ea caused by un- icalthy Kldnojs. Liver and Urinary Ortraus : for ; ho dlstroaslDjt Dlsordersof Women ; for Malaria , and physical derangements generally , this great renudy hai no equal. Dew-arc nf Impoitors , 1m. ' o ld tn 6 < ust as good. ? or sale by all dealers. H. H. WARNER & CO. , " " > _ RoohoHtor N. Y- The Great Jbngiish Eomedy THACt iNover falls ta cuio ] NorvousDebllltj' , VI- tel Exhaustion , Emis sions , Seminal Weak- nc83C9LOSTMAN HOOD , and all the < vll eilccta of youthful - [ ful follies and cxces- < os. It stops perma nently all weakening. Involuntary lossts and drains upon the sjs- tern , the Inevitable re- ,4 > fg "dull of these evilprac * tlccs , which are so destructive to mind and body and make life miserable , oltcn leading to Insani ty and death. It strengthens the NinesDrain , mcmorj ( Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Repro ductive Organs , It restores to all the organic functions their former vigor and vitality , ma king life cheerful and enjojable. Price , $3 a Bottle , or four times the quantity 910. Sent bj- express , secure from observation , to any address , on receipt ot price. No. O. O. D. sent , except on receipt oj 81 aa a guarantee. Letters re questing answers roust Inclose stamp. Dr. Mtntie's Dandelion Pilla are tbsbest unit cheapest djspopsla and billions cure lu tbo market. Sold by all drugglbta. Price 10 cents. DR UI.NTIK'H Knwr RBMTDT , NBpnimcuM , Cures (11 kind of Kidney and bladder complain tc , L-oiiorrhca , gleet and leucorrhca. For sale ty all iiaiiKl3ta : 81 a bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 718 Olive St , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha , by 0. K. GOODMAN. Jan2S-lv I f jou H ni a mat. tilfiu lnciwwi..vL ! i 0 h > tliortniln or lour ilutlrt nvulii nlclil wc.rku r' Itniulintift nl um tun hrnlnnerTPM.4 Hop llittcro. w j.o u.i. Hop D. If 5 MI nm yoi'iiif nl fimi fins' Item any ti , iluuitlun or illinlii > Dun i It juiiart Mac rloil or elUKlCt olil or "oiinff , niirtrlnp Iron pusr ) > ettth or Ifcnpululi ' , Inir I on A I'Mi il'.t UIT , nlj on Hop Blttur . Whutfnr younrr , 1 linitincas nw whunevfr jon Uil naul. > fruua &oiae tlmt j c u r lyatcm fnnu of I' ! o chat u ii pret e hy Iliuoly ii lnki < HOD Hcptter : Bit to' * . rr urinar \lalnt uomaeh , ( > ur ( Vloocl. I line or cplun : , You -nlll tin ttbacciu , i > * uircotlct , Itt t muy rtive your lift * . It hn6 oivvod hun- To Nervous Sufterers THt QREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr , J , B , Simpson's Specific II le i\atlvocur , ( for f pcnoctouhc * , Scralna V'eoVnfiw , lDij > ouncy ! , an J all dlotAsce resultloz rom Sa'/.Abuiw , M Alcatil Anvlcty , Loeai Uypory , PMmlnth _ _ jUfk or Bltl > ; and dlsrwci that leid to Uongumritlcn ( uaanlty in The . . . . Modlclua Ii btlug ucid Vj i * - * fa. v. A" , with wociii M ! isi _ . : tt 3 to ill > v ilte fai ta ai nd gci lull ir , 8u 'lflc , tlM p r pick.-.EC , oi six p et. AdOrow 1I ordt < to P 61UBOK MBDICINK CO. ; So . 10J and K6 JUIa fit. Buffalo , K. V. 6oH lu Omahs bi 0. K. Ooodiain , J. W. BII , K , lib , and all dinjrglcli over ) w here. W.B. M1LLARD. V. U. JOHNSON MILLARD & 'JOHNSON ' , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET , CONSIONJMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED Agents for Peek & BaiiBliors Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flonr'1 ' OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES : OMAHA &AT10NAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. OO OMAHA , NEB. O. IE1. Window and Plate Glass. 43TAnyono contemplating building store , ban ! : , or any other fine nlll Hod It to their a J. vantage to corns end with us before purchasing their Plato Glass. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - - - - NEB. IF1. O. 1213 Farnhsrn St. . Omaha. WHOLESALE- E3T3& Pi On River Bank , Bet. Faruham and Douglas Sts. ; - DEALERS IH- Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 Farnham Street , S AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CMES AP IANUMCTUEED TOBACCO , Agents for BENWOOD NAILS AHD.AFLIH . & BAND POWDER fO. LI JOBBER OF AND if- " * WIN 1118 FARNAM ST. OMAHA . . ! W Vi t itiu caul ( Suit DM rv rf-J ' * ff-a a WHOLKSALK AND UETA1I , DEALKR IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , 8A8H , BOORS , BUNDS , W 8y Ll&'iE , CEMENT ja-STATE AOEHI FOB UILWAUKKE CEMENT COUPANY1 Near Union Pacific Denot , - - OMAHA JPOWHR AND HAND \ Y Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , HP , ilALLADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS Cor , Fanmm and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb ,