Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1882, Image 1

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The Eain of Lead in AlDxandri
Effective anil Continuous ,
The British Ploet Succeed in
Silencing the Outer Porte.
But the Inner Guns Respond
Feebly to the Mammoth
The Arab Chief Retreats and
Wants to Meet the Red
Coats on Terra Pirma.
Continental Comment Severely
Adverse to the Bom
Far-Reaching Complications
Looked for in the Near
The Fronoli Generally Condemn
the Hnsto of Their Grasping
-A Variety of Other Foreign News
National frcw Association.
ALEXANDRIA , July 11. The bom
"bardrnent commenced at 7 o'clock thi
morning. The shipa Alexandria
Sultan and Superb opened fire upoi
the fortifications. The battiiVica a
, once replied and the action became
general. The shots trom the fort
fell short of the shipa. All the flee
joined in the action. After twenty
minutes' cannonade two of the forts
ceased firing. Port Pharos appears
to ba much damaged. The ship
have not suffered perceptibly. The
people have deserted the city.
The ironclads Sultan and Superb
led of ) ' . Thu Egyptian batteries were
ready and replied instantly. The
ahota from the forta at first fell con
Blderably short of the ships of the
fleet. It took a quarter of an hour ,
notwithstanding all the preparation ,
for tlio3 guns to got settled reliably
iy down to their work of destruction.
i > At 7:15 : a. in. the action' had become
general. The cannonading from the
licet aftar it had g i1 fairly under way
wua simply of most perfeci
specimens of uaval warfare
witnessed in modern times ,
The guns had been all ehottcc
trained for nearly twenty-four
hours , but when the actual order to
m * open fire was given , the crisis made
\ the gunners noticeably nervous ; but
this lasted only for a moment. Within
twenty minutes from the firet shot the
men aboard the ships steadied to their
work in such grand ntylo that every
shot did just what it waa fired to do.
So effective had been the Uritith fire
for the puat ton minutes that : is this
moment two of the Alexandria forts
ITH already completely sileneod. Fort
Pharos is much damaged. Tuo lig'U-
house ii deatroje'I.
7:25 : u. in. IS'ot.vitlistandinj ? t' o
teiriblc work already done by the
ahipi ft iho II tot , .imJ iiutwitlmritnd-
t 'I'M mivMcu tire which replied for a
luii , t m" from thu furls , but little
damage i < > any of the shipa ia visible
niH noun has been reporttd.
' . ' .
9 ; v in , The bombardment has
boon . .i.iuj on continuously for some
houri rha umoko from the cannons
has bci : < mon cluck , heavy cloud , im-
ponutri'jii goiiBr.illy by C-VDII fine
glaneea. It ia of course luipoieiblu to
form any cdtimato of damage done on
land , but that it ia very great cinnot
bo doubted , Fort Marj.i haa been
blown up. Fort Elkinn 1m been
blown up. Fire from the other forta
ia noticeably ulnckning ,
9:15 : a. m. The srnoko luu Ifted for
a moment. Thu top of Fort Pharos
can bo plainly acen. The top tower of
it hna been carried away. The fl ig of
the Geneva croM can bo seen flying
over the hospital. Now at this hour
(9:20 ( : a. in. ) not a human being can bo
acen in any of the streets. The people
who have not left the tonn havu
crowded in the cellars. Not a sign
of surrender haa yet been exhibited.
Before the opening of thobo'iKu.-
mcnt Admiral Seymour i i ! .in
order prohibiting the entrance of any
morcnntilo steamer into the Suez canal
during the continuation of the bom
liotween 9 a. m. and this hour
firing from the fort haa boon spasmodic
and entirely ineffective , No offer of
Burrender has been made and
no sign of truce has boon
ofFered , Tlio firing ia now only
occasional and from but few of the
forta. Moat of the forta appaar to
have boon silenced.
The magazine of Fort Saida and
another fort has just been blown up.
The ileot BO arranged ita fire that it
commands perfectly the railway to
Cairo. No retreat that way ia prob
able , The ironclads are so managed
thai Arabi cannot got away from
Alexandria by daylight.
LONDON , Juno 11 An Alexandria
dispatch dated G30 ; p m. , nays Khe-
diva'a yacht , Mahrouaaa , waa atruck
by a stray shot from a harbor fort
It ia eaid the Khedive's sona were on
board ,
An admiralty dispatch Bays , Fort
Alex , and all other forts on the sea
front of the peninsula are silenced ,
and an effectual atop haa been put to
the batteriea on Murabpah. The
Monarch and Penelope still engage
* * * ft
the batteries inaido the harbor. Th
bittorirs between Alexandra ntu
Hatnolh continuu working.
The lntcat news from the beleagur
cd city confirms the reports that Arab
has ordered the ovncution of nil forts
Seymour will commence atlack o
Fort Gabtio and harbor forts in th
morning. It is reported Hint n fore
will bo landed to spike the guns i
aomo of the forts.
Tlioro is a panic nt Port Said am
French citizens arc ordered to am
An official list of British losses i
the bombardment is , killed 5 , wound
ed 27. A detachment from the In
flexible succeeded in blowing up hoar
guns at Fort Mox with dynamite.
MOKE moors.
LONDON , July 11. Another bat
talion has boon ordered to Egypt im
ALKXANDHIA , July 11. Account
received from thu lloet concur as t
the accuracy of the gun practice dur
ing the bombardment. The damag
to the forts is tremendous. Severn
are heaps of ruins. The khodivo'
palace , Kas Et Tin , is burning.
National AtnocUted Press.
CONSTANTINOPLE , July 13. The re
ply of the sultan to Dullbrin is con
sidorcd significant and belief is outer
taincd England may after all hav
committed a political blunder in al
lowing Seymour to begin the war
The sultan likewise told Dufibrin tha
when ho said that Seymour was do
tcrmined to bombard Alexandria bo
cauao of the refusal of the governor o :
Alexandria to eurronder to foreign nd
iiu'rale , cities and forts ii
time of peace ho , ( the sultan ) ,
immediately telegraphed the Turkial :
minister of England , instructing him
at once to request Earl Qrativillo
to have England abstain its hostility ,
which would constitute , i grave in
fraction of the porto's rights ant
interests in Egypt. From these
utterances the sultan ia nuppoacd to
bo advised in the interest of aomo
strong anti-English European power.
PAUIS , July 11 Lessopa , ngont 61
the Suez canal company , formally pro
tested against closing the canal and
has given notice ho will hold England
responsible for all losses to the com
pauy mid also for violation of the
neutrality guaranteed the canal. Ad
miral Seymour yesterday issued an
order closing vho cinal during the
bombardment. His authority for
issuing the order ia unknown , but the
result will lead to complications.
M. Froycinct has been ollieially no
tified that the sultan will send no
troops to Egypt.
PAKIS , July 11. The announcement
mont of hostilities in Egypt has been
the principal topic of conversation to
day. The attitude taken by Victor
lff Loeaeps regarding the Suez canal
is approved by the masses. Fur BOO ;
ing Frenchmen nsfcurt that in the ncr.r
future complications will arise which
will eventually involve all the greal
ALEXANDRIA , July 11. French citi
zens have boon notified to leave on ac
count of the probable occupation ol
Fort Saida by the English this even
LONDON , July 11 , C p. m. An ad
miralty dispatch from Alexandria
states that Arabi Boy has ordered the
evacuation of all the forts.
P.AIIIS , July 11. A dispatch to Fi
garo says Tonlba Pasha yesterday
went to the palace Has Et Tin and in
formed the khcdiyo that ho must consider
sidor himself a prisoner. A cordon o
Egyptian troops aurrounded Dorviecli
Pasha's residence , setlcinir to carry of ]
Dorvisch , but without success.
It is reported hero that England has
nil along had a secret understanding
with Tuikey , and that M. Froycinct
cnows of a secret treaty.
lorto renewed his demand upon the
Snglish government to put n stop to
> ombardmont. The ambassadors at
ho conference eont the porto a note
nviting armed intervention of Turkey.
NEW YOUK , July 11. The effect of
ho war on American trade is expected
o bo beneficial , rather than other-
vifjo. The tea market , here is over-
tockcd and the closing of the Suez
anal would give an opportunity to
ork oil' the Bupoilluoua stock.
Ltnorican cotton will bo relieved from
Egyptian competition. English extort -
tort trade will suffer from thu closing
f the canal , giving an advantage to
ur exports , Bonding by Pacific rail-
ay and Pacific mull sttamerj. The
omand for American broadatufTs will
lao increase if the war ia of long
uration ,
atlonal Afsothted l'rc 9.
MO.SCOW , July 11. The funeral of
Skobeleff yesterday was an imposing
ioromonial. Reqniom muss was cole-
> rated by Archimandrite Athanaaius ,
n the presence of a distinguished an-
embluge , including Grand Dukes
Nicholas and Alexis , J'rinco Dolga-
oukow and all the generals in MOB-
ow. The czar Bent a message of con-
olonco. Ono hundred thousand poole -
) lo were in the streets. The body
ras taken to lliazn for interment.
LONDON , July 11. The Irish
rimes'bill passed the liouso of lords.
Auction O1T ,
National Associated 1'reea.
CINCINNATI , July 11 , No bidders
or Wealoyan college ; sale declared
Flight of Convicts-
; UoniI Amounted I'jtaia.
MiNNKJiroLis , Minn. , July 11 ,
'urnkey Riley was knocked down by
i prisoner in the jail last night. Ills
cey was taken from him and ten con-
icts liberated ,
The Last Address to the Irish
Hosts iu Now Yorlr.
The Finn of the Campaign
Landlords in Irolnml.
Unltod for Linud and Liberty.
National AwoclntoJ Press.
NK\V YOIIK , July 11. Michael
D.ivitt delivered his lasf. address in
America to-night. Ho says ho will
loll Parnoll when ho gets to Ireland
that ho will toll the Irish
people ho has his own opinion
of a system ot nationalization
of land proprietorship and will
agrco to differ with Parnoll on the
question and make them subsequent
for the time being to the welfare of
the land league , but still ho holds his
own opinion. It requires all the skill
and diplomacy of the Irish leaders to
moot the questions of the hour ,
and there is no time for
quarrels , The landlords' ' league
subscribed threemillion with
which to induce immigration from
England and Scotland to work land ,
but if they raised three hundred mil
lions they will bo as far from gaining
their object as before. The English
are throwing up their hats on a sup
posed split in the Land League , but ho
will bo in Ireland in a few days and
show theao gentlemen that they reck
oned without their hosts , and that the
combined forces of the Land League
will bo brought against thorn.
A Hard Dut Successful Fight Atminat
National ABBodatoJ 1'rces.
CHICAGO , July 11. Forty Apache
jucka attacked the town of Globe ,
Ariz , on the 7th , but were repulsed
jy thu citizens after a hard fight.
The Indians tried to set lire to the
louBca but without success. One
white man was wounded. The Indian
casualties are not known. They ro-
: roatod in the direction of Salt river ,
driving oil the stock of ranchers. A
i.trty of fifteen men followed and
yesterday four companies of the Third
rivalry started in purnuit.
The Iron Men.
Stitlcmal Associated Press.
CHICAGO , July 11. Work at tlio
rolling mills at .Day View was ro-
surged this morning , and about 1,500
die men commenced work. Calumet
ron Jind strol company , Chicago , not
at work 150 non-union men this morn-
ng. A largo equad of special police
wcro sworn in. The union men claim
there will bo no trouble.
The lUuttml mortgage.
EUIE , Pa. , July 11. The Mutual
Tologr.iph company has issued , . ! ' ]
million bonds bearing ox : per p u7tn
: ercst coin , and given a mortgdgo for
; hiit amount in favor of the Now York
rust company.
The Eighteenth Illinois.
< tlon l Associated 1'roee.
EAST ST. Louis , July 11. The ro
mb'iicans to-day nominated W.0. .
[ Cutlller for congress from the Eigh-
; conth district. His opponent on the
democratic ticket is lion. William
National Associated Press.
NEW YOIIK , July 11. Sailed , Wyom
ing for Liverpool , Alps for Kingston ;
arrived , Gdllm from Liverpool.
NOUILLE , July 11. Arrived , Hibor
man from Montreal.
LAHNE , July 11. Arrivsd , State of
Florida from Now York.
UAMIIUUO , July 11 Arrived , West
Philadelphia from Now York.
LONDON , July 11. Arrived , Persian
Monarch from Now York ,
HAVRE , July 11. Sailed , Denmark
rom Nuw York.
A Fatal Duel.
I'atlona ) AonOcUtod 1'ress.
MATAMORAS , Mox. , July 11. Cap
ain Alvoro and Major Cordova , oil !
era of the Second regiment , fought
v duel yesterday nt San Luis Potosi.
llvoro fell at the hrst shot. Cordova
iod after removal from the field.
'ho nature of the quarrel is unknown ,
Delaware Democrats.
atlonal Associated I'ruu ,
WILMINOTON , Del , , July 11. The
omocratic state convention was
ailed to-day to meet August 22d ,
t Dover. The republican convention
icota July 25th.
Frost Bittoii
National Associated L'reaa.
DENVER , Col. , July 11. Froat fell
i Mountain valley last night , No
am ago.
iktloral Aftooclatecl ficm ,
PHILADELPHIA , July 11. A young
nan , gentlemanly in appearance , sup-
osod to bo named William Keens ,
ccompariiud a girl to a house of
> ad character , corner of Seventh and
Votd streets , to-night. As soon ns
10 entered ho blow out his brains
ith a pistol.
Penn ylvnniu Domoarat * .
atloiml AhbOclAtwl Vtovt.
PHILADELPHIA , Juno 11. The can-
ulutu on thu ntato democratic ticket
o-nipht elo-.ted W. W. Ilonsol , of
jincaator , chairman of the atato com-
A Murcleriui ; Son.
atlonal Asuoilatuu l'iu n
GRAND RAPIDS , Mich. , July 11
ugust Hefner , aged 29 , mm living
ear Gooperavillo , kicked liu mother
n the aide of her head afow days ago ,
oin thu directs of whicti aha died on
10 Oth. The murderer has tied.
ttlonal AsKocIitvl Prcoa.
NEW ORLEANH , La. , July 11. The
monthly drawing of the Louisiana lot
tery took pl co to-day. First prize ,
$75,000 , was drawn by 85,00 ; ? , sold
In Chicago , Detroit and Hoidsvllle ,
N. C. ; second , $25,000 , , unsold ; thiid ,
$10,000 , by 00,070 , sold in this city
and Mount Vermin , Miss.
The city council has p.isswl an ordi
nance permitting the establishment of
a union depot.
NUIonul AwocUtcd Trow.
WASIIINOTON , July 11. A circular
is to bo issued by the tariff commis
sion , calling for corrcsnondenco from
all desiring to furnish information , to
bo addressed to President John L.
Hayes , West End Hotel , Long
0 ranch.
The agricultural department re-turns
show the condition ot corn low. Thu
next eighty days muat bo very advan
tageous to allow oven a medium yield.
The prospects are good for the best
yield of spring wheat over garnered.
Winter wheat averages higher than
any previous July. The condition of
rye , oats and barley ia also high ,
Natlotnl AdeocUtoU 1'rcM
WASHINGTON , July 11. The report
of the conference couimitteo on the
bank charter bill > raa a recd to.
The river and harbor bill waa taken
up. Senator Harriaon'a amendment
appropriating § 50,000 to provide for
aurvey and estimate of the coat of a
reservoir at the headwaters of the
Mississippi waa rejected.
On motion of Jones ( Fl.i. ) the ap
[ > ropriatlon for continuing the iin-
lirovomont of Ponaacola luuhor w.ia
increased from $25,000 to § 70,000.
The bill tras then reported to the
Senator Ingalls demanded a aoporato
votp on each amendment. So ordered.
Adjourned at 7:10 : p. m.
The housn spent the day on the
sundry civil appropriation bill , and
without completing at ( J o'clock , ad
journed ,
Roughs unu Italians at
Nutloiul Atsoclntoil 1'rcai.
JEILSEY CITY , N. J. , July 11. A
) loody encounter occurroJ thwaftor-
10011 between roughs and Italians
employed in place of striking freight
landlora on the Erie dccko. 'i'ho
roughs attacked the Italiuun fir t , and
he latter dofi > iided themselves with
revolvoro and knives. Four ot the at
tacking party were shot , one fatally.
The Italians driven to the watur , tried
o gut on a oloop by climbing on the
lawsor. The yrow of the sloop cut
.ho . hawser in ( two , aud the Italians
oil into the wr.tcr and were drowned.
L'ho riot was finally quelled by the
lolico. The Italians remaining wore
N itlcual AaaocUtxd I'IVM
PiiiLADKLrniA , July 11. Athlotica
7 , Atliiitica 3 ; Philadolphhw 8 , Bur-
linglons 2
NEW Yonic , July 11. Metropoli
tans 11 , Yalca 1.
READING , Pa. , July 11. Aclivca of
Reading 2 , Merrills of Camden 1 ,
NKW YOIIK , Juno 11. Brighton
Beach races wore continued to-day.
First rneo , $050 , throo-quartors of a
mile , four startera , waa won by Baron
Fevosot , Guvoraor second ; time ,
Second race , § 200 , three quarters
of a milo ; cloven starters , was won by
Bedouin , Tittlehal second. Time ,
Tlio third race , $250 , aovon furlongn ,
eight atartora , was wm ; > by Bonhour ,
Gladatono second ; time l'J2. !
The fourth raw , $200 , milu and u
half , five atartora , waa won by Joe
Minroy , Mulice second ; time 2JM. : !
The fifth race , hurdle , § 250 , milo
and a quarter , five Btarters , waa won
by Lilho Merion , King Durnmn second
end ; time 2:201 :
I'ouoNTO , Out. , July 11. Hanlon
has nlmoat inlircly lecovoicd from hia
reount illness , and offjrn to low any
five ) mon in the world within -18 houra
of each other , two miles straight
away or turn , far § 1,000 to § 2,000 a
aide on any suitable courao in the con
tinent ,
Natlo ml AtsocIatoJ I'ron.
WASHINGTON , 1) . 0 , , Juno 12 , 1 n. m.
For the uppur Miaaiaaippi valley ,
partly cloudy weather , loc'il raina ,
winds mostly northwesterly , dationary
anil lower temperature , und generally
higher pressure.
Fortho Missouri valley , fair weather ,
preceded by rum in thu southern par-
lion , norlhwesl winds , Btationury or
lower temperature , and higher prca-
Bourbon Bolters.
tftttorul A tocluUJ 1'riM
NASIIVILI.K , Tcnn. , July 11 , The
bolting wing of thu democratic ) stnto
invention anKCinblod to-day ; 200
delegates present , Gun. Frank Clieat-
ham waa permanent chairman.
A platform waa adopted sustaining
the ntato debt aettlemont by the last
legislature. Joaeph Fuaaol , of Maurice -
rico county , waa nominated for gov-
ornor. _
National Arohory Club.
N'atloual Auoiiitoil 1'row ,
OHIOAOO , July 11. The tourna-
muni of the National Archery associa
tion opened thia morning , and will
continue through Wednesday and
Thursday. Archera are prcBont from
thii clupa of Brooklyn , Newark , N ,
J. , Cincinnati , liatllo Crook , Mich. ,
Highland 1'ark , III. , Williamsport ,
Pa. , Rivcraido , III. , mid Chicago.
The ahooltug to day ia thu contoat for
the national medala , and u nurnbur of
ladiea and gentle are participating ,
Southwest Nobrnfkft Vioitoc
by a Benrdloes Cyclone.
Heavy Ralu and Hall Sovnrolj- -
juro * Crops SoToral
SpecJM ni'iutchos to Tlio Hoc.
HUIIIIKLL , Nob. , July 11. A aovoro
storm of wind and rain struck tin
place from the north at 8:15 : this
morning. A dwelling house , one am
a half miles west , waa knocked down
No damage to any great extent oxccp
in spots. Crops on II. II. Johnson's
farm , five milca southeast , were badly
cut by hail , lloports between this
point and Guido Hock on the
B. & M. indicate the damage is alight.
CHESTER , Nob. , July 11. A heavy
storm of wind and rain struck hero at
8:35 : .hia morning. The people fled
to cellars aud other plaeeaof aafety.
Hail foil between this place and Hub.
ron , county Beat of Thayer county ,
cutting cropi badly and do'ng ' much
damago. Two miles southeast ol this
place farmers report about one-third
of the corn crop down and destroyed.
Small grain laya ilat.
HASTINOS , Neb , , July 11. A terri
trio wind and hail storm visited this
city this moaning , unroofing the depot
and elevator and overturning the
achool houeo at Glcnvillo. Oropa are
badly d imaged.
Southern nnUMoxlcun HtillroadaTho
Murclmnts und tbo StrlltoraTho
Iron Monldoru. ARiOclntcd I rtn
NLW YOIIK , July 11. It in reported
that a syndicate has negotiated n loan
of § 7,000,000 to finish ami equip the
Tennessee , Virginia it Georgia mil-
Muyor Low made Iho address of
welcome at thu second day's suasion of
tin * iron mouldera' inli-r.-nuioniil union
in Brooklyn ,
John Scuilen of S. . Liuia lui/i been
appointed cenoral in magor of the
Mexican Nulionul luilrum' ' , sal.iry
§ 225,000. The line from Liredn to
Monterey will bo finished next month ,
the whole road within a , your.
A conference of merchants at the
Fifth avenue hotel laal evening iidopt-
ed resolutions aympathizing with the
striking freight handlers , and appoint
ed a committee' to confer with the
railroad representatives.
Michael Daviit conlributod § 25 to
slrikera * funds.
The" national sanitary reform and
local improvement association was or
ganized /-"it May "tp JHipopd Lakg ,
The British iiuornntionul rillo team
leave for this country by Nteamor
Alaska in August ,
For .u Appropriation.
Natlunal Aiwui.iaiud 1'ruen
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , July 11. Con
siderable consternation has been
caused at League Inbnd navy yards
over Secretary Olmndlor'a orders dia-
charging the entire list of employes ,
including mechanics , clerks and la
borers. This meana the yard ia to bo
entirely cloned unless anappropriition
for ilH support ia put in thu sundry
civil bill ,
Coal Miuorn' Strike.
Natlo al HKIII AiRichtlan.
1'llII.ADKLPHIA , July 11. TllO
Knighta of Labor are considerably
incensed at the action of the coal
exchange on sending ono hundred
mmera trom this city last evening to
take thu place of striking Knights in
thu Oluailicld region.
Nutloiml Aiuoclfttcd I'net ,
NEW YORK , July 11. The hot
weather continues. Many deaths of
children occurred and several fatal
nun atrokcs of adults. Deaths for the
twenty-four houra 17 ! ) , of which 58
weru c.umod by the hunt.
rin-llllnK Contort Dotwoon th Thin
und Kiit Mon of Exotor.
Corro-ionilcnco | of 'I'ho lieu ,
HXLTER , Neb , , July 10 , Eiotor'H
male population ucunm to bo pretty
evenly divided into two classea of
manly beauty , fat men forming ono
and their leaner brulhi on the other ,
Considerable rivalry oxiata between
tlioBu two worthy clana for physical
aiiprcmaoy , and while thu "futtioa"
look with contempt upon anything
under I'M pounds live weight , the
"Icaniea" consider quality before
juantity and feel a supreme confidence
in their own ability to carry oil' the
ionor.1. A wreatlo with the national
jiimo waa proposed au a fair means of
deciding their rolativu merits , and
list Saturday morning Fat vo. Loan
stopped into thu diamond to gain thu
right to popular favor.
Thu "fattiea" won the tow , nndoonl
thu "leuniua" to thu bat. Some very
t ll'tictlvo work waa done in this , thu
lirst inning , by thu le n braves , who
kept thu fattiea hunting leather all
over the field until ono could almost
"hear them sweat. " A good half
hour of this kind of work served both
to cool their ardor iuid heat their
blood to boiling point , and the con
viction began ulowty to ateil in on
their heated imaginations that playing
ball with their vocal organa und do-
foaling their loin opponents waa not
ono und thu aamu thing.
The luanlea weru retired at last ,
with nine runs to their credit , and the
fattioa waddled in off I ho field to try
their luck with the stick , They only
succeeded in gaining five tallies , am
from that point of the gamu to th
cloao the leanies steadily drew ana
from them. The game was called a
the end of the sixth inning , the scor
standing Lcanies ! IS , Fatties 17.
On the side of the lleahly tins
special mention should ba made of the
excellent playing of triino host Wood
ard , of thu Uoodard house , who cov
ered first IMSO in a style worthy o
"Biby" Anson himsolf. The boya do
say ho sat , down on the ball once or
twice in his ellbrta to pick it up , bu
Woodard himself claima that anj
player i liable to make a fumblo. M r.
W. B. Thompson , the genial agent ol
the B. to M. , pitched for the "fatties.1
Ho inciiluntlj * nccomplial-ud a very
pretty double play in the third in
nings. Mr. W. 11. Taylor , ono of
Exotor'a enterprising merchants , car
ried oil" the honors for thu "leanies. "
Ho was cool and comfortablu in
light suit which consisted principally
of a glad smile of confidence and a
pair of socks , the latter worn
without ohooa , rendered him very
swift ot foot in running bases.
The entire male population turned
out to eeo the contest , and judging
from the laughter and applause , were
highly entertained.
Everything Indicates line crops for
Kxotur this fall and the merchants are
laying in largo stocks in anticipation
of a rich harvest.
Everybody hero roads THE BKE and
gratefully acknowledge their obliga
tiona for thu bold al-and you have
taken in aupportof anti-monopoly and
the farmers' alliance. "TuoK. "
Blue Springs nud Wymoro
Hivala ia Business Bater-
priuee , but the Best of
A Plan for Tlintr Union nud tun
DlvUiim of Giio | County.
UnrreiiotiiU | > nco ol Thn llco.
Suldom , if over , li.n it been the for-
: uno of the writer t > visit two towns
ocnted nimilar to NVymoru und Blno
Springa , Nob. , and containing within
hemsolvcs so much that la of publio
ntercst. Inacuitain aonao both are
railroad towns , Hluu Springs dopund-
ng upon the Union Pacific , and Wy-
nero upon the Burlington & Missouri
railroad. Wymoro has grown np
rithin the preaont year with imC § el-
) ua rapidity , Aa thu two towns * , ro
Almost within calling distance of each
other , a fierce alrifo aroao at once for the
rado and palronatru of thu surround-
ng country. Thia war of competition
vns waged incosaantly , and there waa
a general fooling prevalent that one or
ho other would , in the end , go down.
gf OTlato g a nan -fj'-nn j. > tm . " \ > ootl
all concerned that in their opposition
to each other the twins are only
injuring themselves , while the bono-
tits , if any , are in favor of putaido
parties. All enmity and atrifo has
boon laid aaide , and the business men
of the two placca are working in com
mon for the union of the towns.
Wymoro haa applied for u char
ter of 11 city of the second claas ,
although it haa never been organized
as n town. It ia mid to bo the first
caie of the kind in the. alato where a
city charter haa boon applied for
before there has been any town or
ganization. Somu of thu wino men of
vicini y say it will require a special
ac.1 of the legislature. In casu the
two towns are united this would bu
avoided , as Blue Springa would bo in-
corpoatud aa a city , taking in Wy
moro , and a now name would bo given
to thu city. Tlioro ia still moro to bu
gninod in the ni/on / ] of the two placea.
G.igo county iaVTi , t bo might called
a koublo county , and if Wymoro and
Blue Springa can control voten
enough to divide the county ,
their city would bo the county iioat
of the southern half. This would , aa a
mittcr of courno , add miioh to thu im
portance of the city. The dividing
line would bo just Houth of Beatrice ,
the prommt county Boat of Gigo.
The settlement of the Otoo reserva
tion will bu an advantage to AVymoro ,
aa It will furnish thorn conaidorablo
country trado.
On the Fourth of July a union
celebration wua hold at the grove be
tween the two towna and was produc
tive of much good feeling. Each
town contributed ita aharo to the
amusement and ontortainmunt of all
present. At the close of the exercisea
three choora were given for thu union
and future prosperity of Wymoro and
Blue Springa that made the whole
grove echo and ro-oeho from ono side
to the other.
It is the sincere wish of THE BKE
that this union may take place and
limt it may bo productive of much
to the people of both towna.
A. 0. D.
Msdo from the wild llowera of the
it is the most fragrant ot perfumoa.
Manufactured by 11. B , Slavon , San
Frunciaco. For Hilo in Omaha by W.
J. Whitehouso and Konnard Broa , ,
& Co.
DIM ) .
XOHTON In thlj city , July Uth at 10 p.
in.Atio \ Norton , aeil ( If muntha ,
Funeral took pluca from the roildonco ,
North Thiitecnth utreet , ut U p , m. , July
A nappy Family.
Pullrd Iroin tlio linaut , \\\cct < \ d from thu bottle ,
htonuLha will kour and lullk will curJlu ;
lliby lull lujali ull tluuil.lit.
lloubchDUl buiupltiL'huails in autul fright.
Don t iluny , 'twin thin wi'h ' Victoria
Nl ht wa < lilil out without Custorlu ,
Wlit-ii oilh kit. lor ixuufuUluinucr.
All uiU tliclr jirajtra auJ tlcja like thuudor.
"In the Goila , or the Coining Con
llict , " for sale at Seaman's and tlio
"Antiquarian , " 11-tf
A City m a Dny Its Marvel
ous Growth and De-
A Boo Uoportor's Visit to tlio TOWM
And Ills Cordial Reception
by the People
A story la told of an ancient hun
ter and warrior who chanced , while
abroad , to moot n monster dragon.
The plucky hunter , unaccustomed to
fear , closed in combat with the ter
rible boast. Fortune favored the
liuntor , and soon the dragon lay deaden
on the ground. Taking the teeth of
the monster ho sowed thorn broadcast
over the field. No sooner waa this
done than a host o mon sprang up ,
aa it wore , out of the earth , armed
with awords , and spears , and battle
axes , and all the paraphernalia of war.
Seeing the weapons in their hands and
mowing from instinct their use , these
aona of the earth turned , oaoh man
ipon the ono nearest , and a terrific
jattlo ensued. Such in substance ia
; ho old Greek legend.
Aa wo read those old superstitions
) f the past wo amilo at their absurdity
md marvel how people over could
liavu believed such improbable atorioa
At the same time wonderful things
are happening in our own day that
are even moro wonderful than 'tho
events of bygone agca. Such at least
waa the opinion of THE BEK reporter ,
aa ho alighted early ono morning
from the cara at Springfield , Nob. ,
and waa told that nix months ago , in
ilnco of the thru ing village , there
waa nothing but n cornfield. Not
only had men , armed with the implo-
nonts of honeat toil , sprung up , but
dwelling houses , hotob , stores and
ihurohea. Like the rnon in the Greek
egend , no sooner were they in a poai-
.ion to contend thnn the battle opened ,
: ut in thia caoo it waa a good na-
-ured opirit of competition , the secret
of All Hiiccesa in business , and thu soul
met hfo of every enterprise in town.
The hiatoijr of Springfield , in brief , ia
ihia : Mr. J. D. Spearman , knowing \
, lmt tlioro was need of a town at
which the farmora could obtain necca-
aary suppliea and find a market nearer
at hand , and perceiving that the com-
( lotion of the Miaaourt Pacific rail
road would make it possible , gave a
ono half section of land for the orec-
, ion of the depot , Tlio town was laid
out , and about the first of last
lanuury building commoncod. It
vould bo impossible to toll how
rapidly the work progroaaed ; "it it ouf-
icient to see what the town ia at
) reaent. Tlio ponplo do not expect
hat it will bo a Chicago , but they do
> xpcot that it will alwayabo ono oi the
ivolioat towna of Sarpy county. Some
ire BO aanguino as to look forward to
ta being the county aoat. Surroundo/1
itlwaya n live town ia good.
preaont Springfield contains thrco ho-
, olB , while the plans nro bo ; 113 drawn
'or the fourtn. The now hotel will bo
ocated on the corner of Firat and
jtato atroot , oppoaito the depot , and
will bo10x10 on the ground and tiv'o
torioa in height. B. Magnor haa ro-
ontly built an addition to hia hotel ,
nuking it ltix-18 feet. A now build-
ng of atone and brick ia being erected
or the Sarpy county bank. The
) ank building will bo 21x00 feet and
wo atorioa high , 14 font between
oiata. The Congregational society
mvo built a cosy littlu church that IB
i model of noatnoaa and good taato.
'ho Methodiata are following after
heir example. Andrew Footo ia
reeling a grain elevator that will fur-
lish a ready grain market for the
armcra. No description would bo
dequato to give any idea of the
imoiint of busincaa done in the town.
I'ho bolter way to form an opinion
will bo to glance at the buaineai direc-
ory , given boloiv , and then take into
onaideration the fact that all the
louBca are doing a good biuinosa
ml making fair proiita. The people
ro awake to their own intereata , andre
ro ready to take advantugo of every
ircumatuncu that will bo in their
avor. The advent of a BEK reporter
vns hailed aa the anro sign that daily
mil trains would soon bo running
nd they were not long in requesting
hat THK DAILY 13UK should bo aont
a aoon aa thu mail train should start.
L prominent business man remarked ,
ipringliold ia a daily town now , and
wo must have the nowa every day.
On the ai rival of the morning train
ho reporter bid adieu to hia now found
rionda and departed , with hia note
) ook full of itema and the names of
11 the buainoBB tnon ordering THK
) AILY BKI : , hoping often to meet
vitli people as cordial and Bociablc as
lie enterprising citizsna of Springfield.
< \ > r the bonilitof those who con tern-
ilulo visiting the town , or who reside
n the vicinity , wo give the following
maineaa directory ;
j , Magnor Hotel
Jacob Facklor Hardware
S , II. Salisbury Hardware
J E. Dayis banker
TohnShoton Saloou
\ L. Snyder Boot * itSuuoa
Miller & IJohm Druga
Smith it Brown Harness Makora
Andrew Foote Grain & Coal
\V. 15. Suxson it Co. Agricultural Imp.
Lou Bean * Perkins Drugn
11. S Anglin..Physician it Surgeon
J. D. Sioarnuin..flon'l Muruhandlao
A. 0. D.
on Friday , July 1-lth , over the B. &
M , , crosiing the now bridge at Plaits-
mouth , and thence to Glonwood , Iowa ,
and return. Leave B. & M. depot at
8:15 : a. m. with five passenger coaches
and baggage car. Take your baskets
with lunch. lea Oroam and Lemonade -
ado at tho' grove , nt homo figures.
Tickets § 1.00 for adults , 50 conta for
children. On Bale at Max Moyer'a ,
Saxo Drug Store , Rico's Roataurant ,
und Edholra & Erickson's , IMt