Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1882, Image 1
p * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TWELFTH YEAR OMAHA , NEB. , TUESDAY MORNING , JULY 11 , US2. 19. F. C , FESTNER & SON , ST3ES.A.3MC Book Binders -ANP- BLANK I MANUFACTURES. Corlltli&FaimmSii OMAHA , NEB. F-u Magazines of'all ' kinds BOUND TO ORDER. Send for RgDUGED price-list of Job Print ing. J. T. FESTKER , Importer of , and Dealer in Zither Strings and Music , IIO2 Farnam St Omaha. .VM a.knowledged to be the best by al ; who have put them to a test , ADAITKD TO HIM ) OR SOFT GOAL , COKE OR WOOD. MANUrACTURKI ) BY BUCK'S STOVE CO. , SAINT LOUIS. oiu Piercey & Bradford , 80LK AGKNTS ; FOR OMAHA. amuelG , Davis ft Go , , DRY GOODS IMPORTERS , Washington Avo. and Fifth St. , ST , LOUIS , MO , A DOOMED CITY. The Fata of Alexandria Sealed With Shot and Shell , The British Fleet in Fighting Line With QUDB Trained on the City. Pacific Overtures of the Pashas Spurned by the Ad miral. The French Commander De clines to Participate in the Bombardment , And Ridicule * the Ultimatum of Admiral Seymour. Full Particulars of tlio Eve of War. National Associated Press. HEADY KOH HOSTILITIES. ALEXANDRIA , July 10 Naval ofli- cors who made roconnoisancoa saw Egyptians mounting heavy guns on the western eido of the entrance to the harbor. Admiral Seymour has prepared a proclamation , to bo pla carded nil over the city , charging the authorities with a broach of faith , de manding surrender of fortifications within twelve hours , and warning the authorities if they fail to comply with this demand fire will bo opened on the forts after the expiration of n further period of twenty-four hours. The British gunboat Condor was stationed outside the harbor to guard the entrance. Admiral Seymour wont on board the Invincible , which moved into the outer harbor beside the Mon arch Bittern , which now lies opposite Rosoliu palace. All neutral men-of-war and - - mer chant ships are now leaving the harbor jpf Constantinople. The Turkish ileot is getting ready to go to Alexandria. rilEl'AUEI ) roll ACTION. ALEXANDRIA , July 10. The Egyp Linn forts are fully equipped and manned fur action. The British guns already are shotted and trained , pre pared against a surprise Strong elec tric lights are used at night to watch the natives' movemonta. n DOOMED CITY. Notice that all friendly relations betwcons the British government and the Egyptian government have ceased , was sent by the British consul general to both the porto and Arabi. There is now no telegraph communication directly with the city , all telegraph offices having been moved two miles out of town. All ferriage is stopped. The only water communication is by small boats. Seymour bombards at sunrise to-morrow. Ho will not land a force except to spike the guns , FOLLY ENDOKSED. LONDON , July 10. Earl Qranvillo o-dftF officially jjtatnd-thofc'SojrmoUE'B ultimatum' demanding'cessation" ' of work upon the fortifications at Alex andria and the subsequent announce- nont that should defensive work con- ; ipuo ho would bombard Alexandria iftor twenty-four hours' notice , wore > oth rflicial actions taken with the ull oflicial sanction of the govern ment. Granville further said that the arming the forts by insurrectionists was against the wishes of the kheuivo and the sultin. TUB FRKNCII. ALEXANDRIA , July 10. 10 p. m. Admiral Con ad , commander of the Trench fleet , before leaving the liar- > or , telegraphed Ills government that le could see no reason yet for decisive ction by the British government , as ndicatcd in Admiral Seymour's hrcat. A council has been hold , at which which the Ulemas , Pashas and notables considered the proposal for ubmisaion of the forts , and approved f a plan whereby Arabi Boy is to vithdraw troops to the roar of Alex- ndria , after replying to the guns of lie float. It is reported that the European ousuls have united in a protest gainst bombardment. The governor f Alexandria has made I'ACiriO OVERTURES , o Admiral Seymour , but the latter cclined to listen to any terms except omploto surrender. The British var vessels Thetis , Monarch and In- inciblo are in fighting position inside ! io harbor. The rest of the fleet are i the harbor , (1ENKUAL LEW WALLAOi : , lie American minister at Constant- ! oplo , has boon asked by European m'jRiHudors to use his efforts to in- uco the sultan to enter the confer- nco. General Wallace's instructions rom Washington advise him to re- rain from mixing in questions purely European. IN CLOSE QUARTERS. ALEXANDRIA , July 10. Midnight 'he city is quiet at tnia hour , and roops are patrolling the streets to rpvent plundering. The English Inns are slowly moving both inside nd outside the harbor and are slowly rawing into the shore. They appear o bo preparing to engage the forts at lose quarters. TUB MORNING. LONDON , July 11 0 a. in. A dis- mtch from Alexandria states that all s activity on board the fleets in tlio larbor. The last of the American vessels had just passed to the outer jay. The marine bands on the Brit- ah war vessels were playing and aluted the vessels as they passed , A CANARD ST. PKTERSUURO , July 10. The utnor that SkobelefF suicided to avoid an exposure of his connection with the nihilists is thought ridicu- ous and an attempt to scare the gov- ernmenl by an an exaggeration of nihilist influences. ANOTHEII. LONDON , July 10 , In the homo of commons to-day Trovolynn do uiod the report that the government intended to use bloodhounds in track ing down Irish criminals. A Simla regiment was ordered to Odon. CKIMINAIj NEWS. National AwclitrJ I'TOW SHOT MUD. LOUISVILLE , Miss. , July 10. F. L Jones , n photographer , this morniiif became enraged at a boy unmet Thomas Jones and shot him dead. Ho was arrested and barely escaped lynch Ing. Ho line already killed four men , BLOODY REVENUE. SHREVEPOKT , Li. ' , July 10. The remains of n colored boy named Muck Taylor wore found this morning tied to n trco in the woods in Webster parish. It is said ho had boon tied and shot by McDonald and two others in roveugo for boating McDonald's ' son , TRAIN WRECKERS CAPTURED. GREENFIELD. Mo. , Juno 10. Oil- more , ono of the train wreckers who attempted to ditch n train on the Kansas City , Fort Scott & Gulf rail road , was shot and captured by the sheriff hero to-day. Throe of the gang are still nt largo. A CRANK'S CUT. TEXAS , Mich. , July 10. Frank Cobb deliberately cut the throat of his 13-year old brother with a rnznr , while at bioakfast this morning. lie is thought to bo a crank. The Bong Thumper National Associated 1'rosa. Nuw YORK , July 10 It isreportod that Sullivan , if ho succeeds in do- toating Tug Wilson in the light next Monday evening , will retire from the prize ring. Tlio Mormons. National Associated Preen. SALT LAKE CITY , July 10. Nine hundred and twenty-five Mormon im migrants from Europe , accompanied by thirty-four missionaries , arrived to day , and are now being distributed among Mormon settlements , Fatal Railroad Xooldoutn. National Associated Trees. PiTTsntmo , July 10. Sam'l Smith , a freight conductor on the Ft. Wayne railroad , living at Alliance Ohio , was fatally injured while the train was forming under the Superior street bridge. Ilia skull was crushed in. John Keycs , engineer , of the same road , was run over at the round-house at Allegheny and killed , this morning. Snloldoa. National Associated frees. DETROIT , Mich. , July 10. An un known man throw himself in front of a trait on the Canada Southern rail road to-day , and was instantly killed , lie was mangled horribly , The body of an unknown man was found In Lake St. Clair , supposed to bo that of George Stanley , who sui cidod July 1. A Prophecy Fulfilled- National Antedated Prod. ROCKINOHAM , N. 0. , July 10- Amos Nicholson , n ijpgro , announced to a cro-s'dci/tho street He-day tlial ho was going to dip in a few mo ments. Soon after lie fell dead from natural causes. The Solotn Dlimiter. National Atfsociatod 1'ress. NVuEEHNo , W. V. , July 10. Five bodies of victims of the Sciota disas ter wore found in the river hero to day. They wore not identified. Fatally Burned- National Associated Prose. POTTSTOWN , Pa. , July 10. Tlio nix- year old daughter' of Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson , while playing about fire , her clothing caught fire and aho was fatally burned. A Bit ; Butt. National Associated 1'rosa CJIATANOOQA , July 10 , A bill In ehancery was filed this morning by M. C. Reynolds , setting lip a cluim to the greater part of the Fifth'ward , find instituting proceedings against seventy-eight occupants. The prop- arty involved amounts to several hun dred thousand dollars. PitUlmrc Points. National Associated I'twtt. Pirrsituiio , July 10. Emil Dornor , "employment agent , " has received an ardor from a firm at Nuw Castle , Pa. , to engage 1,000 foreign machinists , moulders and blacksmiths. In the case of A. F. Linton and ivife against the First National bank jf Ivittanning , Pa , the court ordered that the stock ot Mrs. Linton , amount ing to § 50,000 , bo paid. Guataniula'H OHloInla. National Associated Prosa , NKW ORLEANS , La. , July 10 , Tlio Ueunier City of Dallas arrived this with R.'ionia Birrios svoning , prosi- lent of the Republic of Guatemala , ind the following suite : Dr. Fordin indo Cruzo , minister of state ; Dr. lose MontoroB , Dr. Ansel Marroya , Col. AndreFolti5CoJ. . Martin Steven- ion , Col. Maguol Enrique , Capt. Manuel E. Ortigaza , and four others. rho party wore received by the mayor Mid a delegation of citizens. They trill remain hero two daya and then 0 direct to Washington. Duelled by a Squall. National Associated from * . NEWPORT , R. I. , July 10 , Vice Oommodoro Stokes , of the yacht Olytio , his two sons and two Bailers capsized in the harbor this afternoon in a sail boat. Stokes , his sons and ono sailor were rescued by the United States training ship Minnesota. The other sailor , Frank Jlilmor , was drowned , Editor * National Associated 1'rwts. LOUIHVILLF. , Ky. , July 10. Charles H. Scars , editor of The Evening Post , and John B. Guinea , Editor of The Wpn'l , rival papers , mot on the street this afi'iriioon. Soars struck Gaines on the head with a cane. The latter drew a ptotol and fired , Bears also drew nnd hrod. o.irs was shot in the foot. Both parties surrendered to the police but wcro released , flaiiics re cently stnrlcd The World , which fail ed. The Post apoko of the failure as n want of money and brains. ( Juincs published hand bills denouncing Scars j This led to the dilliculty. SPOUTING. National Associated frrm. HASP. MM. . NEW YORK , July 10. Treys ! l , MotropoliUna 1) ) . ATLANTIC CITY , July 10. Cincin- natis 1 , Atlantic City's It. Piia\itKLpniA , July 10. Athletics C , Ynlo College 0 ; Pliiladolphias 0 Providcnco 5. WORCESTER , Mass. , July 10. Tl directors of the Worcester base ba club hold n atormy meeting to-nlgh Director Brown resigned the management mont , and Thomas Bond takes chaiy of the nine until Friday when n meet ing of stockholders will bo hold , Cooled Couvlcti National Associated Pro . CONCORD , Masa. , July 10. All i quiet at the nt.-xto prison. Thu con viola have evidently surrendered un conditionally. The broad and watu diut was broken for thu IIrat tim ainco Thursday , nnd meat , beans broada , and coffee were served to-day The lending convict has written a letter tor approving the warden's course Work at the aliops will soon bo ro Burned. Imllontlouti. Natlonnt Ataoclatoil Pros' . WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 11 , 1 n. inFer For the upper Mississippi and Mis souri valleys , f.ur weather , northwesterly orly winds , stationary or lower tern peratura and high pressure. Firo. National Artoclitod 1'ro-a , BUPI-ALO , N. Y. , July 10. Tin Falconwood house , nt drand Inland burned last nigh' . Loss , § 1(5,000. ( Voluntary latloaal Associated Vroes. ItAriNi : , Wii" . , July 10. The A 0. Fjsh carriage .lompnuy . made a vol mtury nHsignmonttoDr. J. 0. Lukes Liabilities , ? 50,000 ; assets , § 10,000 , Mounter Jjsintl Puroliavo. I'atlnuM Awoilatud I'lcen. VILWAUKP.B , July -Represonta ivic df an English laud syndicate ; ir ivod huro this moruiig and are no < got 'ting for the purclmio of100,000 croof Southern Mim.usota land for P . ' ' . * )00 ) from the Chicago , Milwaukee t.Paul railway. Tao capitalists irn ' ' 10 English sharotolders of the } t. ' 'uil atock , and the pirtics inter- ate.-i iii the recent Catuda land pro i-ci The purchase cmtemplatcs a noii' jr laud speculation and will bo onriuiimatod this week , Killed ixi n CoUlslou. 'inl Att > ocatt d I'rtsa. JCENNEH , Iii'l , , July 10. A dis wreck oc urroa on the Evans- vilk ' . Terre lln ito nilroad. A col- lisioii occurred botwetn two sections of a long frci''H train , which had pre viously lroUui in * m near Purcell Statj. . , Xwrwryto , oil * N. iVu Au- drew Mclntyro , nnd anotlior , whoso name is unknown , were crushed to loath , They wore stealing n ride. Skinning tlio SIcnnlr. National Associated Press. WASHINGTON , July 10. Ouitoau's > onoa have been stripped of ) , and ire now on the roof of tlio medical mu- icum undergoiii ) ; the bleaching pro : csa , preparatory to being placed on jxhibilion in the musoiim. HoatandSt-'lioB. National Assoclatud I'n-m. NEW YORK , July 10. The voather s remarkably opprofisivo , thormomu- : or 100 in the filnuio at U o'clock. The argo incro.iBe of mortality is caused jy the heat , especially among cliil- Iren. It is reported that the Central rail road will concede the demands of the itriking freight handlers in a few days. [ t is thought this will lead other : o give in. Tlio itrikora are still do- .eriiiincd hut onlcrly , National Axaoc'atcd 1'rcns. CHICAOO , July 10. A suit in which ho complainanls were 120 businesj inns Of Now York City , and the ospomlontB llnmlin , flalo it Co , of 3hicago , and II. B. Clallin jt Co , , of ! few Yprk , was to-day dismissed , nnd ho complainants taxed with costs. t'fio Cliicago firm was charged witli lolluaiijn with the Now York firm in irdor to defraud the remaining iroditofp. 'Tho ' Poidoiiod Rlvor. iatlnnai Amodattxl I'rt w. HKAliiNn , Pa. , Juno 10. The vholi-BMo poiBoning of fish in the jshuy.liill river by sulphur water , lumpei from an abandoned mine in schuykill county , has not only ousodtho Indignation of the people lopeniunt thereon for water supply , > ut wll bo brought to a head by u aw out. It is stated to-night , on ; oed mthority , that a wealthy and 'otiredphysician of the city will begin > y brhging suit against the Reading Jas Cimpany , whoso waste contain. nates he river for miles. Petitions vill bopresented to the next logisla- uro tint fish-ways bo placed in the ivor , On tbo War Path. latlonalVssoclatcd Press. Foin'BowiK ' , Ariz. , July 10. The [ ndiamfaro again on the warpath , : ommitjnf { dupredationa around San 3arlos reservation and MoMillard- nlle. hey killed the chief scout and Lwo in p. The following letter was receive * by < J. W. Pearson , of Olobo City ; "McllLLARDVILLK , A. T , July 8 , Thhulaco wai * attacked yesterday inoruln' by forty Indians , and the stock ra off. Frank Ross was aeri- ausly wundod. A number of cattle were iDled in flight oi the house. Wo ned a good company of rangers to koeptho devils at bay. Wo shoot thorn a'fast as they come in sight , ( Sijied ) "J. S. Simu. " 1 THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , A Startling Star Route Sensa tion Promised ill a Few Days , Two Prominent Crooks Stum bled Upon in the Search For Evidence. The Bnuk Otmrter Bill Per fected by the Conference Committee , Both Homo * Slowly Progroiftina on Appropriation Hills. Mlacollnnoous Mnttora or lutorosU CAPITAL NOTES. National AKHKlntod I'IVM. OUR FLKKT. WAHIIINOTON , July 10. Roar Ad miral Nicholson reports , under date o' Juno 2'Jd , from Malta , that the lla < ship Lancaster was en route for Alex andria , Egypt. HTAR ROUTK.H. Ivolchino was recalled and examined regarding stock , etc. , on route -10,101 , from Mineral Park to Piocho , Arizona. The adjournment of the grand jury until Wednesday has given rise to the report of complications it the method of star route prosecutions. It is well known that the names of two senators and other prominent ptoplo wuro connected with the new evi denco. OUici.tls say these names were stumbled on in the search for evidence against Brady , and the present do ay asked for is to avoid the disclosure of oenatorial complicity just now. A1UOPRNMHNT , There is a widodilluroncoof opinion as to the probable adjournment. It all depot , < U on the length of thointur- nal revenue discussion in thu senate. The oliimciw are Unit tlio session will last into August. After August 1 , the United Stales gunboats Intrepid , Minnesota , Alarm nnd Now Hampshire will bo ordered imt of PRINTINH PRKSHKH. Folgor has appointed a committee to examine the work of steam and Imnd-pluto presses in the bureau of engraving and printing to ascertain whether they reach mich a standard as ; o justify thu printing of United States notes , bonds , checks , drafts md internal revenue stamps ; also as , o thu relative economy of executing mid ork upon these various presses. AGRICULTURAL RETURNS "or July show lhat the average condi- , ior. of the cotton crop is three points > otter than at corresponding dates of 1871 ! and 1878 , but lower than any ) Uier ono of the past ton years , COHQH.KX8. titJiiiAl AlnocloUil 'teiw > , . _ t ; 'BKNATK July 10. Tlio son- ito pasaud hills for tlio erection of pub ic buildings in Brooklyn and Oxford , Miss. The conference report on the bill ixtending bank charters was laid over or printing , Senator Allison stating .he committee agreed to the bill as insflod by the senate. Thu bill granting the Arizona Southern railroad right of way through ? apago Indian reservation passed , Tlio river and luuhor appropriation > ill was taken up and discussed , Senator Harrison olfored an amend- nent appropriuting $20,000 , or as mich as is neccasary to complete the urvoysof u ship canal to connect the 'hcsapeako and Delaware bays , Adopted , Senator Harrison also offered an mondment ntriking out the appro- iriation of $300 , 000 to continue opera- ioiiH ut the headwaters of the Missis- ippi , and appropriating $00,000 to ontinuo observations and surveys or reservoir for tlio head- of the Mississippi and principal ributarios. Pendiii ) ; vote , ounato at - . if ) adjourned. IIOUKK OK RKPRKHKNTATIVaH , Mr. Orapo Rubmitlud a conference oport on thu bank charter bill. losses , Buckner and Randall opposed Ls adoption. After debate the report ran adopted 108 to 7 ! ' , Tlio suction of the sundry civil ap- ropriation bill which ( 'ivon a portion f the pension to thu initiates of the aldiern' home to thu support of the onio , was stricken out ufter debate , 'ho ' Potomac flalu amendment was doptcd by a vote of filJ to B , A resolution by Mr. While ( Ky ) for constitutional amendment , providing iat thu right of citizens to vole or en- jy other privileges ahull not be lim ed by reason of sex , was referred to 10 committee on female miU'rago. The house upent the afternoon on 10 sundry civil bill , making alow regress. Mr. Dingloy introduced a bill pro- idinu for a commission to iiujuiro into lie uhip building interests , sind thu roprioty of adopting a syHtem to en- ourugo the sumo , A communication was rocoirod from lie secretary of the interior in re- poiiBO to an inquiry regarding lands ver-cortificated to the Sioux City & it , Paul railroad , recommending that ctioiis be begun to recover thorn , Adjourned at 0CO. ; Shot Dead by Hln MUtross. atlonil Aanuclatcil Press. OinoAdo , July 10. Charles Stiles , god 28 , caller of the call board of rado , was shot dead by his mistress ladelino thin morning nt 7 o'clock at ho Palmer house. Charley , aa ho was familiarly known o the brokers and commission men , rua the moat brilliant young man t\w \ over held the pooition of caller , nd drew a naUry of $1,000. His uistreBS , Madeline Destallu , an Italian , ntored hla room at thu Palmer IIOUBO nd hhot him twice , killing him in- slantlv. She was arrested and lodgcc in the llariison street police station. Soon after his mistress entered hi room Stiles rushed into the hall in hi night garments and shouted , "mur tier , " "Oh , my God , " and fell dead Slio followed and shot the secoiu time , the ball lodging in the wall The body WAS token to the morgue where examination showed the firs bullet had entered the heart. The murderess is a beautiful brunette o 25 , and nays aho is known as Mrs. Madeline Stiloa , She has boon living six years with Oharlio , but they were not married. She said they had a violent lent quarrel which resulted in her shooting him. At the station slio was in tears and violently agitated. _ _ ChtirRo" National Aaioclatni Prcn KKHUKNA , Wis. , July 10. A special commissioner from the Indian bureau is } era investigating the charges against Indian Agent Slovens of thu Green Bay agency. Determined to Suicide- National Associated I'roas. CHIOAOO , July 10. A sensation was created yesterday by thooflb'taof Mrs. Lizzie McDonnell , of St , Louis , to drown herself in the lake. She had boon robbed of her loose cash aoou after her arrival , and becoming ties- porato , she throw herself Into the water from thu North pier but was rescued by a policeman , \Vlfo Murder , National Associated Prom. CilATTANOOOA , July 10. Honoa Green , iron worker , separated from his wife for a long time , mot her , aoizod her round the waiat and naked whothc she preferred death or lifo with him She replied that she preferred death Green cut her throat with a razor , am she will probably tlio. Mnnna. NittonM AiwocUtcd 1'rc'nn. NEW YORK , July 10. Sailed , Fen Deleaseps for Havre ; arrived , Ari 7.01HX from Liverpool , Hhivinda from Oardiir , Cnslor from Amsterdam , City of Montreal from Liverpool. Coi'ENiiAfiiiN , July 10. Arrived Thingvalta ; sailed , Huckla for Nov York. The Iron Munition. National Aiwoclatod Ptcxu. BROOKLYN , N. Y. , July 10. The national eonventioi' of the Iroi Moulder'u International union was held in the court house hero to-day Thu session is secret. College nt Auction- National tnioclatcd Prt'ra. CINCINNATI , July 10. Wrsloyai college will bo sold to-morrow fo debts amounting to 80,000. Little Rhoily Roil Hot. Untlonat Aiotoclatoil 1'roHfl. ' \VOONOUKIT : , B. I. , July 10. The Lhormometer in Blnckstono valley registora ono hundred , and some places higher. Trains are delayed by Lho spreading of rails by the intense boat. _ _ _ . Booing the Editor. Chicago Tribune. "I would liko'to septan.editor,1 said a lady.jof rather propbaso.'iMnfl ap pearariciT'aa nho opened the door o the editorial room yesterday after noon and glanced furtively into the ipnrtmont. "That is not a particularly horcu- ean task , miss , " said the horse ropor- , or , "when the fact that within the > rccincts of this room there are no USB than four gifted children ot ganius vho fulfill thu requirements embodied n your request becomes known. The L'rilmno has now on draught almost my brand of editorial thought that rou can call for" and the adherent if Iroquois smiled a bland 2lj : ( ! mile , which Boomed to reassure thu ronug ludy amaxingly. "Of courae , " ulio continued. "I lon't exactly know which editor I vant to Bee , bccauso " " ' " Raid the ad- "Oh , that'flall right , - rocalo of thu Saratoga Bculo of weights or two-year-olds. "Wo don't expect > ooplo who come around here toknow inylhing They are pretty _ much all n 11 state of vaguu uncertainty as to low they got hero , let alone knowinu vlrnt they want , or how they are go ng to find it out" and again the juartur-stretch mnilo beamed forth in II its nplenaor. "Well , " Buid the young lady , "I m going to graduate next wpck and iiammii said that perhapu if I read ny essay to nonio editor ho would mint out any little defect in it nd show how they could' bo remo- led. " i "Mamma told you that , did she ? " "Yes , sir. " "Your maternal ancestor , " said the erse reporter , "in evidently a person f grout mental fertility. She could ot by any possibility have given you more correct pointer. What ia tlio itloof your essay ? " " ' " the "Lifo'a Possibilities , was opJy. "That is certainly a comprohonaiTo ubject , " remarked tliu compiler of ho 2:110 : list , "and in the case of itvoly woman may include anything , d rom being mistress of tlio Wlntu IOUBO to hanging out rod flannel hirts on the West sido. Yon have ; ot a pretty good nerve to taoklo a ubject of BO sweeping a nature. " "Would you like to hoar my essay ) ir ? " "Well , " replied the young man , irho once began the repeat of a ecturu with thu somewhat uiartling .niiouncomont . that "Henry Ward ieocher , whoso name has been BO worthily berne for aovoral yean by me of tho. most BUCCCHjful trotting tulllona in this country , appeared be- oru a large uudienco last evening , " 'I cannot allow a Ho to pass my ruby ipa , and am , therefore , constrained o aay that I am not wildly infatuated vith thu Bchemo you mention , but till you can road this ossay. 1 um -oung , but tough. " Thu coming graduate seated herself Jongaidu of tlio horse reporter's desk. 'Shall I bogiu at thu beginning ! ' aho , akod , "I think you might better , " waa ho reply. "Schoolmatoa , " began the girl , "wo stand upon the verge of a shoreless , aoi , the " "Hold on , " said the horse reporter. "Como back and get the word again. " 1 Why , what is the matter , sirJ" asked the young lady. "That's all wrong , " was the reply. "How can any ono stand upon the verge of a shoreless sea ? If A aoa'a got a verge it isn't shoreless by quito considerable. You must rig that sentence - tonco up differently. " 1 Do you think ao ? " "Certainly I do. Yon might aa well say you were sitting in the arm chair of a chairlcsa parlor. I suppose you have been there. " The young lady blushed and said who didn't down , _ "I reckoned you's grasped the simile , " aaid St , Julicn'a friend. "Chicago girls may not bo beautiful , but they are superbly fly. Now wo'll ' : hango that line to 'Wo aland upon , ho alioro of a sea that stretches away as far aa tlio eye can follow , until Its. shimmering surface is kissed by the wrplo rim of a horizon that bonds to uoot its laughing waves as the mother ) ends over her baby boy all gentleness - ness and lovo1 now that'a n daiay sentence. " "Don yon think ao ? " asked the girl. "You bet I do. " "Perhaps , then , you would bo kind enough to suggest the outline of an es- ay for me. I hardly think the ono have written would suit you. " "Well , " aaid the horse reporter , 'yon want to say something that will atch the old men that have nice oung nous ; something that will carry ho old toughs back into thu misty with its Hood of tender rocolloc- ioiin , and make 'em fool aa if they ought to have died early. The Ship of Life racket ia a prolty good ono. " "Tho what ? " rmkott the youg lady. "Tho Ship of Life racket , " replied horse reporter ; "and seeing that you have started out on a eorl of marine ess.iy , porhapj ] it would bo the best way to have it head. You take that sentence about the shimmering sea being kissed by the horizon , for a. starter , and then you go ahead and tell how , when sombre Night has ipread its sable pall over the forest and moorland , over palace-hall and humble aot , there gleams forth in nil its pure radiance the clear , steady light of a high and noble purpose , never fading , oven when dark clouda of despair hang heavily athwart the horizon , and the lurid Ihshof the distant lightning , fol lowed by the honrso rumbling of the thunder like the muttering of a mighty giant , foretell the coming of a itorm in which thu very elements shall rage in blind fury against each other. That'a a corker , ain't it ? " "I suppose so , " was the reply. "You bet it is , pis ; only you mustn't forget to get in words like 'lurid Hash' and 'puro radiance , ' because they're what aot out the balance of tlio slush. I know , because I'vo been through college myself. " "Have you ? " said tlio girl. "Yea. I know you wouldn't aus- > ect it , bccauso I don't amoko cigar- jttos or ride a bicycle , but I'vo been -bore , all thouamo. " "Ia that all I should write that ibout the storm ? " the girl asked. - "Well , I should say not. You -want to describe tlio squall in all its dreadful - ful splendor , and toll a nicbj easy'lio'- " ibout a fltatoly ship time has como from the far-away islands of the south- jrn seas , whore the breezes are laden vith tim balmy odor of spices , and dl that kind of rubbish , you know. L'hon work up the peroration. Toll tow the good ship , almost in sight of ionic , is attacked by the tempest , live 'em a great talk about the orst- rhilo placid surface of the mighty loop being lashed into ungovernable ury by the fierce wind that seem to nugh wild , demoniac laugh in vary ; lou at the destruction they are caus- ng. And then , when everything ooks as dreary , and desolate and lopoloss as the editorial page of a Mil- niukoo paper , lug out thu light gleani ng in all its pure radiance again , .nd have the ship got safely into port. Chen say that the ship is the Ship of > ifo and the light the light of a ilother'u love , or something like that , , nd ait down. You'll ' bo euro to hit um hard if you do this. " "lo you really think ao ? " "It's dead cortain. " "Then I shall follow your advice ; , nd let mo thank you for your kind- IOBS , " Raid the girl , aa she started for ho door. "Don't forgot about the lurid glare , is , " shouted the horse reporter. "I will remember it , sir , " waa the eply , accompanied oy amnilo. _ "And the pure radiance of the Limo , " ho continued. "A ihmo with- iut a pure radiaucu is of no earthly .ccount in a graduating essay. " "I won't forgot , " and another smile ms wafted down the hallway. "And. low good-by , sir.1' "Au rovoir , " aaid the horse roport- r. "Come in again after you are mrried , and I will put you on to a ice name for your first baby. " Parties that contemplate buying fur- ituro , stoves , crockery or any thing ia 10 line of house furnishing goods will o well to ( rot prices from A. L. Fitch & o. , 12th atroet between Farnluun and. touglas , who have a good stock , both ow and second hand. EMIT.UOU the acknowledged loader f the Minnesota Floura , at French's. G , A. Lindquoat , tailor has sailed , or Europe , whore ho will lay in an logant stock of imported fall goods , lia business will be conducted during us absence by hia cutter , Mr. J. F. lolin , late of Now York , who will iiako up garment * in the best of taato , nd latest styles , hairing the finest election of sumnwr goods over > rought to Omaha , oiid will close out ho proaent stock at astonishingly low igurea in order to make room for ho now importations , which will com- nonce to arrive in a few wocka Watches in great varieties , gold , lilver and nioklo , daily arriving at A. li , llubormann'a , sign of the striking ; ewer clouk , corner 13th and Douglas itroets , 3b EMPKROR the acknowledged leader if thu Minnesota Flours , at French'i *