f 6 THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SATURDAY , JULY 8 1881 The Dally Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Sftturdfvy Morning- , July 8. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ! By Carrier. . . . . . 20ccnl pcr cek. ByMMl , - . . . . $10.00 per Year , Ofilco : Ho. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. 0. E. MAYNB , H n pcrClty Circulation. H. W. TlLTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. Go to llcrzmnn for bargains. Slicrraden innkcs photographs. The rmtRotng train till a afternoon Is o\cr the Chicago ! i Itock Inland. l sell store nml dwelling. Music nt Mueller' * , 2 nml 3 cents n piece , and nl o eoma free gratis. The hoteh report travel being Tery light. Sherraden la the bois photographer. Joseph Hclter makcsjmlta In the lat est styles nt 310 Uroadway. Go to Hcreman'i before buying. Fine line of mens' , boys and side I saddles at Sheitn.in' , 124 S Main. llerzmnn is bound to close out. Two pickpockets from Dcnnlson arc now lodged in jail here , awaiting n trial. 5 * The prohlhlllonlets ore to have their jubilee and ratification next Monday night , and will then talk over ways nud means for enforcing the amendment. The opera house question li to bo din- cussed by the board of trade next Monday evening. So important a matter should call forth a full attendance of members and a frank nnd free expression of opinions. At the prohibitionists meeting in IMoorp & Nlion'n ball , Monday evening , Indies as well as gentlemen nro invited to be present , and nil citizens Interested In the subject are urged to attend. On the evening of the Fourth 1'at. Lacy and Charles Nicholson had a few hot words concerning certain foot races , nnd Lacy caused the latter to bo complained of for wing nbusivo language. Yesterday Xiacy relented nnd had the case dismissed , paying the test himself. Since the spurt given to the necessity of numbering bouses , many 1m vo c mpllcd with the law , but thoru are utill more who neglect it. For the convenience of all there should bo no delay in having the number of every residence placed upon the same in n clear aud conspicuous mail' ncr. A prompt conformity with this or dinance would do much for Council BluHV. Hon. 0. II. Lltchman , of The I'MCX Statesman , Mnrblcbead , Mass. ; is to ni- ( Ires1) the people in liaylesa * park Tuesday evening , July 11 , on tha relations of labor aud cnpitnl. The speaker h ouo whom it will profit all to hear , and ho Is Touched for as n gentleman , not only of eloquence but also thoroughly capable of handling the important nti > ject announced in a manner which will render the nddrius ouo meriting n largo audience. County Olerk Street has has had BO much trouble in getting the preachers to return the necessary marriage blanks properly filled , that bo has devised a new method , which promises to obviate this trouble largely. Ho has prepared all the blanks needed upon ouo sheet , so that when a man applies for a marriage license ho receives attached to tills permit , n marriage certificate ready to filled out , n blank for the minister to fill nnd return to the clerk , nnd on the back u form to bo filled , giving the answers required by law to certain questions , as to age , parentage , residence , etc. Thtso being all on ono sheet , nnd perforated so that they can bo readily detcetod makes It very convenient , and at the same time the minister is re minded as to his duties in making returns , Heretofore the legal questions and answers have been iu book form , and often they would not bo filled out and returned , the person officiating sending to the clerk sim ply the duplicate certificate of marriage. With this now form bo cannot return ono without returning both , Other county clerks who have seen this form , express much satisfaction with it , aud their de termination to adopt It. CITY IOE OKEAM PA11LOR. . A now stock of f ranch Cream Con foe tionary just received at the fauhionabl o ice cream , fruit and confectionery emporium of Smith & McOuon , BUG cossora to Erb & Duquette , 404 Broad way. "Thoroughly" LEAVKNWOIITU , Ka. , April 10 , I860 ) . , II. II , WAHNEU it Co. : Sirs You , r Safe Kidney and Liver Cure ha la thorouKhlp cured me of inflaminatio n of the bladder. JOHN BIUNDON. _ _ july-ldlw PERSONAL. V. A. Gregg , of San Francisco , who was formerly an attorney here , is In the city shaking hands with old friends. liyrctn Uuinphray , tha clothier , of Oak land , is iu the city. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Tryou , the boss restaurateurs of Avoca , spent yesterday In Council liluffs , shopping , aud returned home last evening. ASieniilonntFaot. The cheapest medicine inuseisTnouAH' ECI.KCTHIO OIL , because so very little of It Is required to effect n cino. For croup , dvptheria , and disease * of the lungs and throat , whether used for bathing the chester or throat , for takln internally orinhallng , itia a matchless compound. july-ii&w REMEMBER. lion. C. II. Jjitchman , editor of The E or Statesman , of Jlarblo- lieaJ , Mass.'will address the ciM'zons of Council Blufla in Haylces * park on Tuesday , July 11 , nt 8 p. m. Subject - ject : , TJIK'llELAlJONH Ol'CAHTAL AND LAIiOU. Everybody should turn out and hear him , M-\ v M Fraud- 4 Tens of thousand * of dollars are squan dered yearly ujton travellui' quacks , who go from town to town prof > using to cure nil the ilia that our poor humanity In h lr to , Why will not the public learn common teufce , aud il they are suffering from dy - pepsla or liver complaint , luvett a dollar in Bwtiyo DLObsuu , void by all drupuliU and indorse i by the faculty. See tettiino- tiiala. Price 60 cents , trial bottles IU julytd&w ROSS1 ROLE , Again Arrested for a Qriovoua Assault Upon Another Step-daughter. The Qlrln Story of A Hnrtl Trnmp nnil n , Dronry Night in the Woodi. The name of Allen L , Ross has ap peared quito frequently of late in connection wHh police affairs , his family matters and his past record having been pretty thoroughly aired in the trial of a case in which ho waa charged with assault. It was claimed in that case that Ross had tampered with his two stop-daughters , ono a girl about sixteen , who ia already married , and the other a girl of only eleven years. The testimony waa BO conflicting , and the washing hung out on the legal clothoa-lincs was of HO filthy a nature , that it was deemed beat to got Ross to leave the city , and and ho promised to do so , Failing to disappear beyond the limits , ho waa arrested and placed in the calaboose , but ono flno morning last week , on being allowed to go out into the roar yard to empty some slops , ho made good his escape , which waa not re gretted by any ono , BO long aa ho kept out of the city. Yesterday , however , ho waa again arrested aud locked up , and on a tnoro serious charge than has before been laid at his door , it being that pi rape , the alleged victim being still another of the stop-daughters , and this time the oldest of the three , a young lady about 20 years of ago. Her namp is Anna Rookwood , and her story in effect is this. She has for sotno time boon at work for a far mer living near Missouri Valley , and about twenty-two miles from here. Soon after his escape from jail hero Iloss appeared there , and brought her a note from her mother , asking her to como to this city to see her , the rn- quest being quito urgent. Mrs. Ross , as afterwards appeared , did not in tend her to accompany Rosa hero , but the latter represented otherwise to the girl , nnd so urged her that she consented to do BO , and Sunday luet they started on foot for this place. When night came on they were in a plcco of woods , and at u distance from any residences. Rosa then pounced upon the girl , and accomplished n most fiendish nurpoap , If her atory in true On reaching this city nho made her story known and related the incidents of the tramp which must havp been a hard one , she saying that in places they were obliged to wade through water two feet or moro in depth , and that all of Sunday night they spent out of doors. The arrest has followed and the examination will bo had this afternoon. The girl is not over intelligent in appearance and has evidently had few advantages in the world. Slio claims that two or throe yoais ago , while liv ing with her sister , her stop-father , Ross , succeeded in accomplishing a like crime against her , and that ho skipped out as the relatives and neighbors were for lynching him. She never prosecuted him for it , however , dread ing the publicity. The record of the family throughout Booms somewhat smoky ; and it may bo possible tor Ross to dhow a different etato of affairs , but the girl's statement was sufficient for the authorities , and the stop-father of so many troubles is now safely under lock and key at the county jail. Wanted A girl for general house work. Apply , BKB oflico. C1UGH MUDDLED. The Licensing of Saloons Unaor Prohibiting Ordinance Booms a Perplexing Problem. The plan for securing a revenue from the Haloona , without granting any license , and in the face of a pro hibiting ordinance , seems to bo at tended with many complications , and aoino curious conjectures arise aa to how it will work. As at present operation it amounts to simply this It is expected that every saloon mar will stop up to the clerks oilico , plank . down $25 , and receive thereto | a 'receipt stating that the money i taken on "account of the police fund. The understanding ia that the cit. authorities will , in the event of a man P ° ying 825 , keep their eyes abut as t < what 1 p does for a month. That ii the plain English oi it , and it is sup posed to amount in effect to liconsin the saloons at § 25 a month , despiU the fact that a rigid prohibitory amendment ia passed by the sami council , which tacitly agrees to tlii mode of procedure , The j ustification sot up for its actio is that saloons will run anyway , an that the city might as well arrange t. got a revenue from the business , cape cially in its time of need. This money is paid in without an. case boinjj brought in court ; withou any showing as to what it ia for paid If this money ia paid into the polic fund and warrants drawn against f for other purposes it will not bo o. hand to meet the demand of the per son who paid it in , in case ho need to UBO it to pay n fine imposed. The whole arrangement is a films bit of municipal legislation , It th council means to license , lot then license out and above board and col lect tho'.r ' revenue as liconso. If the ; mean to prohibit lot them not only sa ; BO but apt BO , and in either event the would inspire more confidence an roapuct than by passing a prohibitio ordinance and then licensing oi ) thu sly. If they don't boliuvo in cither prohibition or licensing , lot them ab stain from passing any ordinance , and allow the saloons to run without any notice being taken for or against. The citizens oil all sides , whatever they think ill regard to the prohibi tory amendment just voted on , are justly criticising the bungling legisla tion of thj council in regard to this mutter , It was urged long before the election that the courts shall fix its licenses and issue thorn for the next three months , by the end of which time it could wisely bo decided and definitely determined what course to pursue , but they waited nnd dnllird ilong until it was too late , the nmerd- : nent was passed , the time for issuing { censes was hero , nnd the council in ts corsternnlion nnd hurry proceeded .o botch up n plan which promised no iatisfaction nnd which gives no as iuranco of being praclica' ' . 'ERMANENT ' AND PROSPER ING. Tno Boo Is In Council Blulla to Stay tina to Grow. The twilight organ of St. Jacob 0. [ organ's oil managed last evening tend nd room among its stereotyped plates or an apparently original article , giv- ng on alleged account of n private onsultation of prominent anti-Andur- on republicans , hold in this city. It laimed , among other things that a chcnio was on foot for starting a now cpublicnn paper , "Inking the sub- cription list of Tin ; iJKF.na the basis " uch an idea is about as Billy at is the onccit of St. Jacob Morgan that ho ught to bo the democratic nominee or congress. Like the idea of his otting the nomination , this idea of 'HB UKH being gobbled by any such clioniu can omnnato from and bo en- ortainod by only ono mind , nnd that mind too totally dazad to aoo that ioth ideas are equally nonsensical. There may bo another republican apor started here. As to that TUP. ! ri : known little buyond the common nlk upon the street , which has been o secret. IL cires little , for it be eves in the survival and prosperity of 10 fittest , and its views are not nt all laky about the prospects for its own ontinuod growth. The steady increase if its patronage in Council Bluffs , the ixtonsivo circulation hero , the ovi- loncos of prosperity , are known and oad of all men , and to any mind not ) utterly lost to Bonso as to fancy liat a congressman's position can bead > ad for the asking , the idea of THE SEE flying the field , or allowing any man or sot of men to got itn subscrip- ton list , Is too silly to need a contra- ictlon. THE BEE has become firmly cstab- shed in Council Bluffs , and it will eng survive those who will allow con- 011 and envy to BO drive away tholr cason as to cause them to attempt to hwart ita progress , or to net in circu- atiou statements too silly to merit the lignity of being called lies. The riends and patrons of THE BEE need tot fear. It is not n backslider , nor n innocent to bo gobbled or duped , ta stay hero is for time and eternity , nd its only poliey will bo progress nd fearlessness. Never to Xinto too Moiiil- Thomas .T. Arden. William ctieot , East lulfalo , writer : "Your Sl'inSo JJi.ossoM ms w ( rko I on mo f plcndiil , I lud no np- ictitu ; n ed to sleep badly nnd get up in he inorniniMinrcfresiled ; my breath was cry offensive nnd 1 suffered fioin severe icadacho ; since using your Sl'UI.vo ] Jt.O3- O.M nil thcHO fynnutoms 1me vanished and : feel quito well. " Trice CO cents , trial lottles 10 cents. julyld&vv Deals In Dirt. The following transfers of titles are oportod as taken from the county ocorda by J. W. Squire & Co. , ab- tractors of title , real estate and loan .gents , Council Bluffs : J. T. Baldwin to W. H. Farwoll , otfl 1 and 2 , in block 12 , and lots 8 and 9 , in block 5. $400. Iloirs of Mary Davis to Sarah Bronaman , nw | to lie } of 35 , 70 , .42. S-115. J. W. Spikor to L. D. Woodmansa , > art of nwi of ne ] of 28 , 74 , 39. $30. $30.W. W. Plumor to B. Grohl , lot 71 , in block 7 , Mynstor's add. , city. § 750. 0. Knox to T. J. Evans , 4 5 of lot i ) , and si of lot 10 , in block 0 , Jack son's adit. , city. 53,000. J. RasmusBon to P. n. Wind , lot 2 , in block 19 , Ilyutt'a add. , city. S-150. T. J. E > ans to Crystal Mill and grain company , lot 9 , and eA of 10 , in ilackson'B ' add. , city. 815,000. M. P. Brewer to J. M. Palmer , lots 7 and 8 , in 20 , Riddles' sub. city.- S550. J. Casey to W. F. Burke , st of lot 0 , in 10 , Walnut. § 700 , A. E , Clarendon to Annie Djrraugh , lot 10 , In 10 , Bay lisa' second add. , city. $2,500. . 0 , Ohristons'cn to L , Feuorhaken , lot 14 , in 4 , Crawford's add. , city. S200. True to her Trust * Ton mucli cannot bo said of the eve. faithful wife and mother , conaUntly watchtni ; and caring for her dear ones , never neglecting a nin Io duty iu their be half , ' \Yhen they nro iiKusik'd by disease , nud the system should have a thorougl olo.iubinK , the stomach and bowels regu lated , bloi/d puiifud , and ntahtrinl poisoi exterminated , the must know thu that Klcctiio lilttuni are the only sure remedy. . They nro the best niul puicbt mo itciuo Ii the world and only cost fifty cents , Sol by U. 1 < \ Goodman CRUMBS FROM COURTS. Various CUBOH Booked nna Severn of Them Adjusted. Frank J. Schmitt and John Schwab who are partners in business nt Dun lap , wore before United States Com missioner Key , on the charge of vie luting the revenue law by soiling to oacco without the proper license , They wore held in $200 bonds to awai the action of the court. Preston Green and John Jones , ttvc frisky young darkies , who had a littl difficulty between themselves , lending to the arrest of both , eauh being om plained of by the other , wore in the supreme court yesterday , They hai "made up , " and the cases wcr dropped on each paying costs. E , F. Pnrmor , chaigcd with viola ting thu common carriers' ordinance , in regard to Btanding on liro.uhvuy Ilia case went over to'until next week Arch Harvey , the youth of cole charged with usetuilt , was discharged the evidence showing that ho waa jus tilled in what ho did , Comphint was filed auaiut CliarK < Bcrghuuson by Mrs. Langton fo Boiling her husband intoxicatini drink , He pleaded guilty and wn fined $27,10 , including costs. The case brought some time eg against John Buckley for allow-in ; persons of ill-repute to hang abou his ealcon was oii yesterday dis misled on recommendation of the marshal , the late fire hnvint ; de stroyed Becklcy's property and forced him out of the buainen * . JfcOow , charged with confidcncinL' a stranger out rf § 15 on the old freight bill dodpe , waa before Judge Aylc.iworth yesterday , nnd ns no ono appeared to testify against him , he was discharged. The stranger who lost the money has apparently been satisfied in some other way than seeking - ing justice through the courts , The jury in the superior court for July han been discharged , nil the cases docketed for them being dis posed of by waiving a jury or getting a continuance. Bucklm'a Arnica Salve. The UKST SAF.VK In the .vorld for CuU Bruises , Sores , Ulcer/i / , l alt Khcuin , Ve VEr Sorei , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chll blnlna , Corns , nnd nil fkin eruptions , and positively cures piles , It Is guaranteed to ulvo sntiftfactfon or mouoy refunded. Price , 2.1 cents per box. 1'or sale by C , V. Unodmnn IOWA ITEMS. Webster City proposes to hold a grand shooting 'ournament some time thin month , Missouri Valley defeated the pro position to issue bonds for n town hall iy 59 majority. The governor and secretary of state re issuing notarial comnusaionaat the ate of 500 n day. Ono hundred citizens of Don Moinoa two been sued for their poll tax and nero to follow. A Catholic church is being built nt 'ocahontas ' Center. It is to bo fin ished September 1. There is a. case of small pox iu tbo amily of County Treasurer A. J. Betton nt Orange City. The trustees of Beloit college have ot the contract for building .1 board- ng house to cost § 2,700 , Rev. C. E. Harrington , of Concord , ST. II. , has accepted u call from the Congregational church at Dubuquo. Sioux'county needs a now jail. The resent jail is unsafe , and a guard has 0 bo maintained day and night , which s rather expensive. Efforts are being made to start a watch factory nt Clinton. Of the § 100,000 required , $12,000 had been ubscdbcd on the 29th. The Citizens' National Bank of Davenport declared a ncmi-annual iividend , payable July 1 , of 9 per ont , and carried § 10,000 to the eur- ilus account. Near Tipton recently , the G-ycar- ild daughter of John Davis fell into o. , ub of hot water and ivas si severely calded that oho died in peal agoijy wonty-four hours aftonvarua. The contract for the erection of the now Normal uchool building at Cedar Falla lias been let to a Chicago man 'or ' § 32,000 , and the building is to bo completed in August of next year. Ole lloleUdon , living near Deco- ah , sent Jiia daughter dawn in a cis , ern to clean it out , ivhnn she was ivercomo with foul nir. Her father descended to rcecue her , and imme diately succumbed to the no&ioua i'apors. When drawn out the father was dead. The girl recovered. Horsford's Aoid Fhos linto" s useful in dyspepsia. It gives the stomach tone and imparts vigor to the whole dystom. * july4d Sswlw One Day's Fishing. Ono morning when pprmg wasiu her teen * , A morn to a poet's wishing. i\ll tinted in delicate pinks and greens Miss Bessie and I went flailing. 1 in my rouph nnd easy clothe , With my face nt the eunshiiio'a mercy ; She with her hat tied down to her noae , And her nose tipped vice versa. with my rod , my reel and my hooks , And n hamper lor lunching roceKscs ; She with the l ) . > it of her comely looks , And the Heine of her golden ti esses. So uo sat down on the sunny dike , \ \ here the white pond lIllieH toiler , And 1 went a fi'liing like quniut old Ike , \uil she like Simon 1'otcr. All tbo noon I lay in the light of her eyes , And dreamily watched and waited , But the fidh were cunuiug and would not rie , And the baiter alone waa baited. And when the time of departure came Tin bag was DH flat as a flounder , A.ml Bessie had neatly hooked her A hundred-and-cightypouuder. _ Oi lensburs Journal , Condition of Shorrunu's Brother. National Associated Press. DEH MOINKS , la. , July 7. The con dition of L. J' . Sherman , brother of Senator Sherman , issliu'litly improved COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special admtiscrncnU , sue Lost , Found , To Loan , Kor Sale , To Ilent , Wants , Hoarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thl column at the low rate of TEN CUNTS TKr LINK for the first Insertion nnJ F1VI3 CENTS PKH LINK ( or caih gubsixiuciit Insertion Lea\o adv ertUcinonU at our clllco , No , 7 1'rarl Street , near llroailway. Wants. W AN1 KI ) TwenT } nllroalTiTcni TnTS' . - . cUy. Also 0 toutbkrf. : ( 'arnoj \ Hirt c-intrac't r > For iraiitparntl" ! ) HI ply to Mu nrt llrcu. , Mulu utrci't , fuincll lllulU WANTED ft orytody In Council Illuds 1 to UkoTiiR UBS , 20 cents per week , do llterod by carriers. Office , No 7 1'oarl Street near Uroadmi ) . WANTED To tmy lee tone broom corn For ) iartlculan nddrcai Council Dluff llroom F i-torv. I'ouncll Hindi. | o o 6JiR-28tl For Sulo iinu Rent "TTJll ( MAI.K A frtih iillih cow ulili ra f L 1 } W. TI LI.r.YS. ] ul\2 If Foil BALK A rul Ir th icttvrilrir , 1 } oM thoruiKhU jonl Ij.Lfii will tell iliini" Aililruai S. I' . 0 , b x 1042. C , 1) . lona. juVJ-lni POK HKNr Two front rooms , unfuriiUhed > i ry iletlriblc. li milre at Ute ollicc. Juiit'L'Mf 1,1011 KENT. UiifuriiMu.il rooms , 6S1 iloli L' _ Stro 1 _ Jo ; lw Poll HAI.i : llca-itilul residence lots , id each ; notliltif iloun , ami SJiicrirontli only ty . fcX JIAYOK VAUOUAN aplH-tt STlLUAHKM-Gnatnifi ! 0 llanl at tun tcu'snorcii ami kixclmrni ol ) < lcturci ta-cnli lhaittUba Ktlatlnv bromide prucu * ? , at thuKxciUoriallir ) 10 JUIn strict DH. W. U I'ATTON1'hj tlciitn and Oculist. Cun cure any co/m of sore cj i * . It U enl ) a matter ol tiuio , and can euro generally In from three tc live wicks u n U n vnco how long UUcasvd. Will utral litfii cr > * } i cerate and rtiuotv I'ljriirlnui * , ite , and Insert artldclaUjes. finedal attention to " - iuoul nx tadou onus. | > 5I A 'i ONE WANTING . eon ehue quility .v- 2\ . corn eewl can get It bv vtrltiuif t' < i'.T , MAV.NE OfUucllBluO * SAVED OH EVERY DOLLAR BY BUYINO YOUR GROCERIES AT TI1K Boston Tea ( Jo's ' Store , 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , TEY IT AND Make loney. . COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND uEKERAL MACHINERY Oflico and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL. BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo glvo special attention to Stamp Mills , Smolfcing Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will reecho prompt attention. A general as sortment of Brass Goods , Belting , Piuing , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Coal , OHAS. HENDRIB , President. MAIN STESET AND ELnD All Shippers mid Travelers will find peed accommodation and reasonable charges. SOUTH MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietora. Eubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets- ) J. M. PALMEJK , DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COTTNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. 1 he Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Employ the best Broid Baker In the West ; also a choice In nil for Cakes and Pics , lircad dtlh crcd to nil parts ol thu My. MADRER & ORAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Cut Qlaud , Flno French China , Silver Ware &c. , 840 BuOADWAT. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IQVVA MKS. H , J. BlLi'Oli , M. D , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , J222 Broadway CarmqllBlnG'H. SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL ti , Andenon , - - Proprietor , 732 Loucrllraaduay. Table mippl.oil with the hcnt the nnrkut af fords Terms $3.50 and 1 00 poruuck. Transient fl.COpcrdav TIIOS. utricKii n u M ITSHY OfflOEB & PUSEY Council Bluffs la , Established , - - 1866 Dcaltrt la Korclc anl Domestic Kxcl and lumo ncutitli. , INFIRMARY I UCUYJJ.J.S . , , ( Ute Vauliury Surfion 0 B A. ) The Only Veterinary Surgeon iu the City , OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , DPPBR I&OADWAY. REFERENCES : All Cf tbo b st t'liju cUn * tu tuuticil llula and Biirroui.illii country MRS7J , P. or RESTAUBANT& EATING HOUSE , SIS South iltln BtrMt , Coui ctl II ufft. Notv hO'aao and newly fltti-d up In first clu < > tle , UcaU t all hour * lo crvwa and leiuo- uido every > enlnf Fruit * id conf ectioncrki HARKKESS , OHOUTT & GO. , % * Jp Broadway , Cor , Fourtli Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , \r-2-3m ( j 3k.Ca-i GHIGKERING AND WEBER PIANO , Burdette and Western Cot tage Organs. Prices reason able ; terms to suit all. Importer and Dealer in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of all kinds. Sheet Music one- third off. Agents wanted. O Correspondence solicited , -v J. MUELLER , o COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bin and ffillow Sreets , Council Bluffs , Mirrors , Upholstery , Repairing , Etc. , Wood and Metallic Coffins. No. 43C Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Blutfa , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH IMIN STREET , THE BEST BEBAD IN THE CITY None but first-class Bakers employed. Bread , Cake , Pica , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. METCALF BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS „ . IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. AGENT A Has Per Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , /r and a number or Weil Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Oflico with W. S. flUYNE , over Savings Bank , OOUVOIL BLUFS Few Styles Just Received. 11 Pcnrl Street , Council Blnffs. C. A. BEK11E , W. UUNYAN , W. BEEBE O. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale ami Retail Dealers in FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Mrs , J , E , letcalfe and HUB Belle Lewis Are now dealing In nil kinds ol fancy goods , eiich as Lucca , Embroideries , Ladles' Undcrwea of all descriptions. Also Handkerchiefs , Loth In ellk and linen , hose of all Kinds , thread , pins , needles , etc. We bojiu tlic ladles will call and BCD our Block of goods at 630 Broadway biforo go E. J. DAVIS , 13 PEARL STREET , Dealer lo ' ZEPHYRS , CERMANTOWN AND FANCY YARNS of AH Kindg. A Full liisio of Cntivns , Felts , Embroidery , KulttiiiB nnd Stam-ioJ Gooda. Nloo Angnrtnent of A mil po I'loturca & GO \X/ IL. t\J9 < % 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOW1 And wmsiDKl&QUABE CLARINfA JrcM